#but i love anything that creates more art for this fandom
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skeletoninthemelonland · 3 hours ago
since you are an artist I’ve looked up to for quite a while (roughly around july 2023), I’ve been meaning to ask; how do we keep making/drawing things we actually like but never see get any, like, attention? as if that attention helps with our motivation to keep making those things since i/we like it, and other people like it too so even better, right?
perhaps its not the right word but I personally find that personal/stylized projects are more enjoyable for me than drawing the new trending characters from insert fandom here, because a lot more people may enjoy it but the artist may feel nothing towards that artwork because its just.. another Popular Thing to appeal to the masses. so again, how do we keep making the things we like despite the slight demotivation on the fact that it gains little to no attention?
anywho this is just word vomit at this point so I apologize for that. have a good day and best of luck with your studies :)
Oops this was in my drafts since July 2024.
I understand where you're coming from. It might be discouraging to work on a personal project under the circumstances you described.
I think it's worth asking how you view the process of creating. Are you doing art for yourself, or somebody else? Is it a hobby, or a profession? Is it just a fun thing you do sometimes, or something much more meaningful? The answers may vary, and there's never an incorrect one.
The way I found to navigate these feelings of discouragement is going along with the ride — I like this piece of media, and said media is currently trending, so let's make art of it! Once I'm done, hop off and find something else to enjoy. Doesn't have be anything great. Maybe 2 or 3 mutuals are going to stay and see what other stuff you have in store, which means a lot.
Most of the time though? People will move on and you'll be quiet again. From experience, popularity can be disorienting, stressful and overwhelming. It can boost your motivation, but after a while you start loosing the connection you once had with your art.
My best advice is accept that popularity and personal interests flunctuate, and won't always coincide to create the perfect environment. Good surprises will come when you least expect them, so don't get stuck on the idea that your art's worth is based on how much attention it gets from others. Keep doing what you love, you're unstoppable.
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teabiscs · 1 year ago
so, hypothetically, if someone were to host a ship week. would december be an okay month?
i figure if kinktober is happening, november would be a good rest month, before things pick up again in december. maybe like the 10-16? or is that too much, since like hannukah is right before that and christmas is right after.
or like pushing it to january? or maybe do it like the second week of january? starting the 7th or 14th? i'd rather keep it away from valentines day, if possible.
idk, maybe march. deffs not april too close to mayblade, unless its like the first week.
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qsmpbutwithsignlanguage · 1 year ago
Where's that post about how the QSMP is built off of love because Tiba and Tubbo played together for a grand total of five days in Purgatory Two but they will still go into each other's chats a month and a half later and everybody freaks out with excitement and it's absolutely incredible.
Five days.
And a lasting friendship.
God I love the QSMP.
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astranauticus · 1 year ago
yknow sometimes i feel like. if fandom was a kindergarten playground i've been spending the past several years just sitting in a corner of the sandbox by myself making my little sand sculptures just for myself to look at and maybe there are other kids who come by to take a peek every once in a while but mostly its just me and my shitty little sand sculptures
and now suddenly i've gotten a lot better at my sand sculptures and the playground is a lot smaller and so there are people who know that im good at making sand sculptures and specifically come by to my corner of the sandbox because they like my sand sculptures and sometimes those people are teachers who walk past and give a thumbs up and tell the other kids to come look and its so. new and cool and exciting but also its so different from anything i've experienced before and im not saying thats bad its just. a lot to get used to. im still not that good at playing with the other kids and i still hate having others be around to watch me make stuff because i've never had that before and i have no idea how to.. do.. a lot of this. but it's okay. i'll learn.
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hansoeii · 1 month ago
I forgot to post this information on here:
I have decided I will not be making new good omens products for conventions. As much as I still love the show and the characters, I just don't feel comfortable selling art at cons of it anymore, same with the sandman. I still have a lot of stock left, so it'll be available until everything's gone.
Instead, I will be focusing more on other fandoms such as Arcane, Loki, Doctor Who, Hannibal, IWTV etc. and my own OCs.
I have made this decision because in the past, a lot of people at conventions have discovered both the sandman and good omens through my work, and I no longer feel comfortable directing people to NG's work for obvious reasons.
I know a lot of people might be disappointed by this decision since good omens was quite a big part of my life and my work. But I will always be a woman first and a fan second.
My prints will stay up on INPRNT for now, since people usually only go there because they already know what they want. This might change in the future, but for now they will stay up.
I genuinely don't know if I'll be creating anything new once the finale comes out. If I do, it will only be posted with a big disclaimer.
Thank you! ❤️
My next convention will be Leipziger Buchmesse/MCC in March Booth C113. If you're there or in the area, I'd be happy to meet you!
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luckthebard · 2 months ago
I’m seeing a lot of people assuming that critique along the lines of “I don’t think this narrative is cohering and I’m increasingly convinced the story won’t stick the landing” ALSO means “I’m hate watching this and not enjoying anything”
Like nah man I’m still really enjoying the D&D parts. The combat has been fun. The above table interactions between the cast are still what I’ve always loved about the show.
If, what is in the end a pretty mild and not mean-spirited analytical exploration of what is not working on a story level makes this many people go into strawman-creating defense mode, I feel like we have a real problem within Actual Play fandom of allowing narrative, literary, or media critique to have space. People are defending what they think the story is saying but not acknowledging that the critique isn’t even about the thematic content necessarily but how well the story managed to coherently deliver those themes and if it succeeded. And tbh I’ve seen this before with how some people in the D20 fandom reacted to very reasonable story critique of NeverAfter and Burrow’s End (that the stories felt overstuffed with too many ideas and not internally coherent, among others), so I’m sure it’s not a solely a CR thing.
But it really is interesting how fandom spaces don’t seem to know how to react to structural/narrative critique of improv beyond trying to claim that improv can’t be critiqued for structure and arcs. I think we need to push back against that idea, because not allowing critique of an art form is essentially not allowing it to fully be art. And there are plenty of examples in actual play of improvised stories doing narrative and themes with more intention and success, including in CR itself, so it’s not impossible. It is not “hater” behavior to muse on why a story isn’t sticking the landing.
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my-castles-crumbling · 9 months ago
Hi, guys! Let's talk about fandom etiquette!
I know a lot of you are young and perhaps have not been part of fandom spaces since the dawn of time (circa fanfiction.net) so let's talk about some dos and don'ts with fandom, so we can keep this a happy place! Please read this and reblog to get this out to people who genuinely may not know!
📕DON'T: Write reviews of fics on Tumblr, Tiktok, or other social media. Fic writers are creating these things for FREE, and did not ask you to review. This often leads to negative discourse and can even cause fic writers to take down their fics. 📗DO: Leave kudos and ONLY POSITIVE comments. Talk about only positive things on social media. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all!
Edited to add: YES, EVEN CONSTRUCTIVE CRITISCISM. If the author didn't ask for it, don't give it. Some may appreciate it, but others won't. At the very least, ask permission first.
📕DON'T: Post fic ideas or headcanons on AO3. AO3 is for posting actual fanfiction or fanart and nothing else. (What I mean by this is, I've seen posts on ao3 like "Just posting an idea that someone should write, here it is!" and that's not what ao3 is for). Edited to add: You can also post original works and nonfiction works based on fandom on ao3! 📗DO: Post headcanons and ideas on Tumblr, Tiktok, etc!
Edited to change: Okay, so I feel like there's some arguments over like...what qualifies as metafic versus something that shouldn't be on AO3? So from my understanding (correct me if I'm wrong), people DEFINITELY should not be posting just a title with no work attached, which I have seen a lot lately, nor should they be posting to search for someone else's fic. However, it seems like lists, and similar metafic are okay, as well as original content, and nonfiction.
📕DON'T: Repost entire fanfictions without permission or sell bound fanfiction. Again, this causes writers to take their fics down, and can actually cause issues with fandom because it can cause allegations of copyright infringement. 📗DO: Recommend fics you like to others by talking them up and posting links! Ask permission before you translate!
📕DON'T: Send hate to authors for writing a fic in a way you don't like or not updating enough. Again, authors are doing this for free and sending hate causes serious mental harm to authors because they are people! If you don't like it, don't read it! 📗DO: Send love to authors in forms that they are comfortable with!
📕DON'T: Shame others for their ships/fics/kinks. Fandom is supposed to be a supportive space! Judging people is taking away that safe space! 📗DO: Use the block button! Block or filter out things or people you don't like!
📕DON'T: Use AI to create art or fics. This is detrimental to the creators who work hard to create their work! 📗DO: Try making your own art or fics! Practice makes perfect!
These are just a few of the things that I've seen happening more lately, but keep in mind that if you don't like something, you don't have to interact with it and fanart and fanfiction creators are people who are doing this for free. Please make sure to respect the hard work people put in, or fandom can't exist!
(Feel free to discuss/add things as long as you're being respectful!)
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thehauntedetheral · 7 months ago
Can i request a yandere fashion designer please
Yandere Fashion Designer
Requests are open!
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• Yan is globally famous and one of the most expensive fashion designer.
• He has his own brand company. Whose worth is in millions.
• He is the trend setter in fashion. Period.
• Every girl's dream is to own something of his brand.
• And every model's dream is to walk for his brand.
• Yan's whole life is all about creating fashion masterpieces. Nothing else matters to him.
• His workaholic life made Yan's mother worry about him. So she forcefully set him on a blind date with her friend's daughter which happens to be you. To get some sense and enjoy his life instead of designing clothes every hour.
• Upon spending some time with you he likes you. Your attitude, your personality, the elegance with which you carry yourself and dress.
• First time in his life he didn't thought about working while meeting new people. You have changed this man's chemical equations and feelings.
• He has seen and worked with many beautiful models, supermodels but there is some spark in you that he can't just pin point.
• You becomes his inspiration, his muse for designing clothes and jewellery.
• Yan designs many beautiful and exclusive clothes, jewellery, handbags, heels just for you. And the things he makes for you exclusively are so beautiful that many people tries to convince him to make a dress for them like that too by giving sums of millions but he won't. Because this only belongs to you.
• People have their signature perfumes you have your own exclusive signature wardrobe thanks to this man.
• Yan launches a special collection of dresses, purses, jewellery, heels in your name.
• You have become his muse. Most of his fashion is inspired by you.
• Makes sure that you always attend his shows.
• Always makes sure you wear the most important dress in every show of his when attending. No model gets to wear it but you. That after the show the buzz about the dress you are wearing is more than the models representing on runway.
• Whenever asks about his inspirations in interviews he would always take your name.
• This man has badly fallen for you. Thinks you are the most perfect muse he could ever have.
• Makes exclusive dresses and jewelleries only for you. No one will have that in their wardrobe other than you.
• You are the most perfect person according to him.
• You are the most adored duo in the fashion world.
• Yan fashion designer who makes sure to always keep you busy with his brand work to keep you close to him. He doesn't want any other to have you, have his muse.
• Yan who is very jealous when it comes to you. You once wore and complimented another designer's work. The next week he makes sure to present the most beautiful fashion work of his so no one talks about that fashion designer especially you.
• He would do anything for you. This man would worship the ground you walk. All his creations, art, fashion now is nothing but a figment of you.
• He spoils you so much that all the media and magzines has given you a nickname "(Yan's brand name) Princess". Which Yan loves a lot by the way.
• If someone tries to flirt with you or tries to take you out for date he makes sure to beat them till blood spilling. Because you are his, his only no other can have you. This man is crazy possesive when it comes to you.
• Designs a personalized wedding gown and diamond ring all by himself for you in preparation of asking you to marry him.
• After all you are his muse and he is your Artist.
Requests are open!
For more yandere reading :
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notherpuppet · 7 months ago
What are the questions you hate??
Okay so I don’t really HATE anything (so far) but how bout an FAQ? There are some asks I’m kind of tired of answering lol. Such as;
• “FEED ME” For one thing, it’s not even an ask 💀 So I don’t love this energy, it’s -2 charm for me. Whilst I’m grateful that folks really like the art I share (like SUPER GRATEFUL!!) I am not particularly enchanted by a demanding aura
• “when is ____ coming out”? The answer is always “I don’t know” because I draw for FUN and I draw in my FREE TIME and that varies. So for the foreseeable future, unless I EXPLICITLY state otherwise, you can expect my next post to appear on your screen whenever I post it 🥰😘
• “what programs do you use”? I don’t have a problem AT ALL with inquiring minds, I just get this ask a lot and I’ve already answered it a few times (for the inquisitive minds, please consider checking the tag ‘answers’ on this blog to find information. I’ll tag this ‘faq’) Anyway, I use pens, paper, my iPad, Apple Pencil, and Procreate. I often use brush packs made by Shiyoon Kim and Kyle Webster. I find brush packs on the creative market as well. wanna learn Clip Studio Paint, but haven’t gotten to it.
• “advice on improving in drawing”? This is a beautiful question, and I’m happy there are people who want to improve their drawing skills! I am one of you. I frequently use “YouTube university” where I will find drawing focused channels that teach you this very thing. Andrew Loomis books on drawing are like textbooks that break down the fundamentals really effectively. Like any skill, you have to research, study, and practice. The more you do of each, the better you will get. I’m trying my best to improve and master the craft eventually. (A fool’s errand haha) anyway, have fun!
• “can I fandub this”? The answer is yes!! And I hope you have a lot of fun!!! Please credit me and no monetizing. 🥰 Also, please no posting on twitter (X) or meta (instagram, facebook), as I feel uncomfortable with the Gen AI social media platforms.
Edit: Mar. 2, 2025.
Due to some discomfort around fandubs, I’m am not permitting folks to fandub my comics for the foreseeable future.
If you have gained permission from me in the past, please adjust and refrain from dubbing any fanart I share. Thank you for understanding 🙏
• “can I make fanfiction/fanart/cosplay based on your fanart?” FUCK YEAHHHHHH!!! I LOVE people being creative. We’re all having fun in this fandom and I think it makes life more exciting when we create! Same with fandubs, please credit and no monetizing 🥰
• “do you do commissions”? I am not accepting any right now, but that can change! Please trust that if/when I do start taking commissions, I will be letting y’all know!! And I really appreciate that you’d want to commission me 🥹♥️
• “in your comic, will ____ happen?” I’m not just gonna TELL you that lol. But clarifying what’s ALREADY happened is always a welcomed ask :)
I just want to thank everyone who tunes into this blog!! I really have a great time creating fanart, fanfiction, and comics and I’m VERY SHOCKED that what I’ve made has had the reception it has. It’s fun to be in this fandom with you all!
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zeroducks-2 · 6 months ago
What's up with batman and the erasing of queer history? Sry I try to interact with fanon as little as possible
There is no simple or short answer to this but to try and not make it a wall of text - Batman/Robin has always been a staple of the queer community, so much so that to this day there are "brudick" graffiti in big cities and lots of older gay couples have been using them as a reference for solid partnership which endures in spite of adversity.
Originally there was no indication anywhere that Bruce and Dick were in the roles of father and son, rather they were partners against crime, one the shadow of the other, and they would share everything both when it came to crime fighting and in their everyday lives. They're shown sleeping together, going on lake trips together, finishing each other's sentences and Dick being viciously jealous every time Bruce would "replace" him with any of the women he used to have flings with such as Talia or Selina.
Did DC mean for them to be read as a queer couple? No, of course not. Bob Kane and others wrote a partnership, an unbreakable bond which would allow these two men to overcome any obstacle together, and queer people read into it as queer people always do.
Someone else read into it though: Frederick Wertham, who called Batman a pederast and used Batman and Robin as an example of how the evil comics would corrupt young minds to send them on the way of perdition and sin. He wrote all of this and many more infuriating shit in his book Seduction of the Innocents, which was then the major influence in creating the Hayes Code, which is the reason why we never had queer characters in comicbooks and movies and anything really for decades (and we're still struggling today).
Wertham and the Hayes Code did not stop the queer community from loving Batman and Robin though, therefore what started happening was the more subtle shift towards Bruce and Dick having a father and son relationship rather than a partnership. You can see this clearly with Jason Todd for the first time: Bruce takes Jason in and treats him as his own son, the narrative calls them father and son, and there is no doubt in the mind of who's reading that Bruce perceives Jason as his child. It all went steadily downhill from there.
Nowadays, writers have Dick say character assassinating things like "I love you dad" to Bruce, Tim saying "we will save our dad" to Damian, and everyone in the fandom acting like this has always been the case and actually you're weird and you should be sent death threats for shipping Brudick, because "UMMM that is literally his son?!??!?!?". DC has been pushing the idea that these folks are a nuclear family for a while now, but whoever has actually read the comics knows it's not the case, and it used to be very different before.
Brudick, among queer people, used to be entirely uncontroversial. While Wertham raged about how it corrupted the minds of young men and the Hayes Code prevented queerness to be anything but vaguely hinted and coded in the text, queer folks didn't care and kept having matching Batman and Robin shirts.
Today queer people will call you a pedophile and a groomer and try to doxx you for posting Brudick art because apparently they're doing the fascists' job for them, either because they are genuinely misguided or because they think that if they're enough morally pure they will have a spot among the chosen ones, hell if I know. What I know is that they'd suck Wertham's cock and balls if he wrote Seduction of the Innocents today, and it's DC's fault too with their erasure of every found family dynamic among the batclan, and the way they've been pushing the idea of a "batfamily" instead, in which everyone has a strict role of son or brother or father, and shipping them makes you the antichrist.
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coline7373 · 2 months ago
How to comment 101
A fandom is the subculture inherent to a group of fans. It touches anything related to the field of predilection of such a group of people and is organized or created by these same people. And, like everything that comes from people, it is alive and requires exchanges to continue to exists.
People who receive no comments have often and at length express how lonely it can feel to be shouting alone in the void and how discouraging such silence can be.
I have found after asking around that readers aren’t unwilling to comment, but mainly don’t have the energy or know what to say.
Some readers have also expressed a fear of annoying the author, as they are clumsy with words, or feeling intimidated in front of an author who has such a talent with words that the reader's own words feel too embarrassing. Or not feeling that their own five word sentence is worth the bother.
Every word matters.
Every comment is worth its writing to the author.
I refer you to this post if you doubt the importance and impact of comments on fanfics.
To help those willing to comment, I have done a very modest survey of roughly 20 persons, writers and readers alike, and here is what I have come up with.
For writers:
Write in your notes, at the end of the fic, clearly what type of comment you do not want. 
Clearly stating your limits and preferences helps readers who are uncertain or not very verbose to write in a relaxed way.
If they do not have the anxiety of offending, vexing or annoying the author, they will be more comfortable and therefore more inclined to write.
If you have repeated commenters, try to reply to their comments, even with just a few words. Some people who do not receive replies to any of their comments take the lack of response to mean the author is not reading comments at all, feel discouraged and stop commenting in turn.
If you do read the comments, but don’t want to reply for whatever reason, do say so at the end of the fic, in the notes, so that readers know what to expect and not be disappointed.
For readers:
About the story: 
You can write about a particular line that you liked, the themes, parallels with canon or within the story, the characterisation, a character’s exploration, a/several character’s motivation, a/several character’s mindset/thinking/emotional reaction, a/several characters’ interaction, the plot, the action happening, the worldbuilding, emotions within the fic, subtext, pacing...
If you liked everything and are overwhelmed on how to narrow it down, you can just say exactly that. “I loved everything!”
You can also focus on pointing out just one moment, one line, one specific thing and why you liked them, specifically. What matters is not that you wrote a novel but that you communicated to the author what made you happy, what you enjoyed.
About you: 
What emotions the fic made you feel, what you think is going on in a wip or what you (think you have) figure(d) out, what you are doing in real life while reading the story, afterward, because of it, and/or how the fic impacted your life (yay! motivation to make art!), how the fic is meaningful on a personal level because x, y, z, what it made you think of, like another fic, a book, a song, a movie, what subject/fact it prompted you to discover more of…
You can write an essay, a prose, or some serious, meaningful, impactful words but you can also joke with the author as long as you stay mindful or polite. A lot of authors have said they love when people make jokes or break the fourth wall. 
Unsure about your sense of humor? Here is an example: do not write "I hate you! How could you do this to me!” Write "How could you do this? The betrayal! die offscreen.”
Making a parody of what is going on with the characters with a few lines can be funny! Keep it positive. Not everyone has the same degree of sarcasm. But levity and good humor are always welcomed.
Small fics vs longer fics:
Emojis, keysmashing and incoherent yelling are very often correct comments for small fics or drabbles. (Unless otherwise specified.)
They are also loved in longer fics, (unless otherwise specified,) but people who have been writing a story for literal years appreciate you taking at least five minutes to say a bit more than that.
Try to go through all the “about the fic” and “about you” points above, methodically, and choose just two or three of them. Then write just one sentence per point.
If you really don't know what to say, look at other people's comments. Sometimes, you will recognise something you liked too or that you thought was really good. It can help and be the starting point of your own comment.
Long WIPs:
For long fics that you follow while they are being written, people have said they have at first a lot of enthusiasm for commenting, but find it harder and harder to know what to say as the number of chapters accumulate, and so does the number of comments they feel obligated to give in turn.
Please, keep commenting! Love keeps the writers motivated and helps creativity. It’s like shouting in the void and getting a high five back.
Even one line about something specific (a dialogue bit, a reaction, a plot maneuver) can make an author happy.
Writers are not really looking for length or details. They are looking for care. If you read something you liked, just point out what you enjoyed. That's engagement enough. 
Comments aren't really about the act of a compliment. They are about the shared joy of a fandom or a ship or a character. 
Example: “'X character diving headfirst into the sea like that is so like him!”
It’s good. It’s fun. It’s nice.
Some people have said to “save” a chapter, give a kudo and say “looking forward to reading this when I have time!” and wait until they do have time and energy to comment more at length, sometimes two or three chapters at the same time.
It let the writers know their fic is still being read. You just have to be mindful to not let months go by, otherwise, it goes back to leaving the author the impression they invested hours, weeks, months, into something no one interacts with. You can alternate strategies, lengthy comments, short comments, and commenting on several chapters saved.
If all else fails, go back to the tried and true. Choose one of the points above, choose just two or three of them and then write just one sentence per point.
If you are not a native speaker:
Google can help with the bare minimum. It's not great, but it lays the foundations. Write what you think in google translate and the translation will help guide your answer. You can always ask for help from someone else or warn the author that the fic’s language is not your native language, if you are unsure if your words come off in a tone not intended.
At the start of your comment, say “I am not a native speaker”.
Do not apologize. It’s not necessary. Just provide context. Use your words. Be clear.
The writer isn't what they write. They do not necessarily headcanon what they write, nor do they necessarily approve of it in real life. Be mindful to not approve or disprove of x, y, z going on in the fic as if they do. You do not know that.
It’s not about the length or the wording or the quality of your comments. Of course authors love that. But what they love most of all is to hold hands, jump up and down with you and squee and gush about the fandom, ship or character.
It’s about the sharing of the joy.
Do not ask for another chapter and for the author to finish a fic.
Do not threaten the author to put their fics in an AI if they do not finish the fic.
Do not say "I didn't like it" or "I liked but not that" or "It would have been better if x, y, z." If you want to talk about what you didn’t like, whether it’s part or all of the story, discuss it with willing friends. The author is not responsible for you reading something you didn’t enjoy (how it made you feel) and persevering.
Do not “offer” to correct typos, grammar, vocabulary, facts, canon facts, characterisation, ect. unless you know the author and know they are fine with it or they say so explicitly in the notes. 
Do not make demands. Do not.
Like that tumblr op said, “this is not the bespoke zone.” This is off-the rack. If the free suit is not to your liking, look for another free suit rather than demand to speak to the manager for "adjustments."
Tags are not owed to you. Ao3 is not a safe zone. Not everyone agrees on what degree of content merits each tag. Or what qualifies for a tag. So, if you found a fic that was more angsty than you expected and it broke your heart, comment on a part that was good and didn't make you sad, without saying you want a happy ending to the angst fic that was written for angst purpose. Off-the rack, remember?
"I found x,y,z to be upsetting. Would you consider tagging it?"
Vs "Your work is totally x,y,z triggery. You ought to tag it."
Vs "Hey, you do know some people find x,y,z, triggery, right?!? Because they do! So tag it!"
One of those answers is correct. The others aren't. No demands in the comments.
Your emotional well being while reading fic is your responsibility. If your expectations have been disappointed, do not say so. Talk about a point that was positive for you. If your expectations have been exceeded, do share!
Also, if you're mad, I have found that it helps to write your comment, leave it to decant, and wait a week or so to see what it looks like when you're in a different emotional mindset.
Some elements of fics can be very upsetting unexpectedly. It is not the responsibility of the writer to answer that. Nor comments are the place for it.
Once some time has passed, if you still want to talk about it, try to communicate in a way that is neither demanding nor negative. If you can't, talk about it with someone who is not the author.
My own personal opinion:
It can be so easy to focus on the fic and your own inner imaginary garden/cinema, that we sometimes forget to switch from "inner life" to "outer life" and exchange actively with people on both sides of the fence.
But it can also add so much more to the experience <3
Clear communication is always good. Even if you disagree. At least you know where you stand.
Say thank you. Fanfics are a gift. You have been given one. Say thank you. 
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foolishlovers · 2 months ago
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With 2024 coming to an end, I just wanted to give a quick shout-out to my favourite fics I (re)read this year. I have so so much appreciation for all writers creating beautiful works about our beloved angel and demon pair. Reading these sometimes funny, sometimes heartbreaking, sometimes sappy, sometimes deliciously filthy stories has been a constant source of joy. I truly can't even begin to describe how thankful I am to be part of such an incredibly creative and loving fandom. So so much gratitude for all the different versions of them, all the genders, all the tropes, all the canon fics, and all the human AUs. There are so many more amazing fics I read this year and there are so many more to explore in 2025, but the following few have made themselves a home in my heart. I promise they're worth a read! 💜 [I do fic recs all year long, check out this tag for more.]
Date by @ddagent (2.5k, T)
Every year, Aziraphale is spoiled on his birthday. This year, he decides to do the same for Crowley. There's only one problem - he's not actually sure when Crowley's birthday is.
Roller Derby Queen by @summerofspock (2.5k, M)
Crowley skates for Hell on Wheels and she's pretty good at it too. She'd be better if she weren't so distracted by the new skater on the opposing team.
Sweet Nectar of the Eldritch Gods by @brenna (3.2k, G)
Azira writes a letter to the purveyor of her favorite honeys and sweetness ensues. No offence, but who says “by the by,” by the way? It’s adorable? By the by, do you like wine? Crowley
Poor Men by @why-not-go-with-style (3.9k, G)
What To Do When Two of Your Professors Are Hopelessly in Love With Each Other: an instruction manual by Adam Young (featuring Pepper Moonchild because someone has to be the voice of reason here).
!False (It's Funny Because It's True) by @mirjam-writes (6.4k, E)
Aziraphale drew a long breath through his nose. Crowley, of course it had to be Crowley. The new guy in the sales department, who would promise potential customers just about anything to close a deal. Arrogant, annoying – and wildly, stupidly attractive. Aziraphale hated him.  Aziraphale is a stellar software architect and a project manager, who is so done with the sales department selling unrealistically scheduled and budgeted projects. And he definitely doesn't have a crush on anyone, thank you very much.
Show me where the Nightingale sings by @sabotage-on-mercury (6.5k, G)
After settling into their new home in the South Downs there are still things to process for Aziraphale and Crowley before they can start a new chapter of their life. But winter is turning into spring. There is magic abroad in the air. And finally, the nightingale is back.
The Art of Human Nature by @ineffable-doll (6.5k, T)
Crowley is a painter who has only ever had an eye for nature. That is, until a client named Aziraphale commissions her for a painting to boost her self-confidence, and Crowley discovers that her client is as beautiful as the Earth itself. Then she goes and catches feelings, because she’s a disaster.
Lit by @fellshish (12k, T)
Crowley takes a university course on literature and surprise! The book they’re discussing is Good Omens. Uh oh.
Paradigm Shift by @hakunahistata (13k, E)
“Apologies, apologies! The time got away from me.” Aziraphale Fell entered the room brightly, a binder in one hand, tea mug in the other. Crowley’s languid sprawl went rigid as the senior accounting analyst who had been the indulgent secret in the back of his mind took the seat opposite him.   Or, Crowley Pines at the Office: An AU.
Feast by @ashfae, mostlyjustgoose (15k, E)
Crowley's spent the whole of lockdown asleep. Aziraphale has spent the whole of lockdown baking, cooking, and becoming increasingly frustrated with his solitude. Which eventually leads him to the perfect way to solve all his problems at once... Or, Aziraphale attempts to seduce Crowley with a truly excellent meal, and Crowley is amenable.
Ever-Fixed by @hkblack (19k, E)
Aziraphale Fell had a plan. Go to school, get his degree, and start his life with his beloved at his side as man and wife. Until one day Crowley disappears. Decades later he meets a man, and finds the love of his life again. Anthony J. Crowley, suave, cool, masculine, in control, unflappable, has spent decades building himself up. He refuses to let his confident facade disappear for Aziraphale, who once almost tumbled down the stairs to certain death because his nose was stuck in a book. It’s just sex, and they’ve been dating for months, this time around. There’s no need to get his knickers in a knot. But the past isn’t easy to let go of, even if you’re both avoiding it. A story about love, intimacy, and finding each other again. (Alternatively: Tender smut, but then I wrote love story flashbacks, and now it's just emotional and there's plot in my pornography)
Fireworks by @optimistic-starlight (19k, E)
He had to get himself under control. Aziraphale needed him. That prick boyfriend of his drained so much of Aziraphale's time and energy, dampened so much of the gentle, beaming happiness that Crowley had always adored about him. He needed Crowley there to support him, to do the things a best friend should be there to do. And, well, if Crowley needed him too, if he had to subsume his own pain to focus on making Aziraphale happy, that was something he could bear quietly. He could do it for his angel. Crowley groaned and dropped his head against the tiled wall of the shower. His angel. He had to stop thinking of him like that.
Maybe Next Christmas by @flamingbentleyy (21k, T)
Airports were tricky business, but waiting in airports was as close to hell as one could possibly get. Nobody knew it better than Aziraphale, whose luck had made him end up in one right on Christmas Eve of all days. Although his airport experience turned a little less hellish and a whole lot more entertaining after he ran into an old college friend in that same airport. And then again. And again…
The Small Ad by @theladydrgn, @sylwritesstuff (32k, E)
WORK WANTED: Partner For Hire. Tall, lanky ginger of arguable gender available to be your significant other to keep pesky relatives, nosy coworkers, or well-meaning friends at bay. Able to be as annoying or as polite as you like. Causing a fight over Christmas dinner with your odd, bigoted uncle/aunt/cousin will require an extra £200 up front. £50 for the first hour, negotiable otherwise. Ciao.   It isn't the sort of advertisement Aziraphale usually paid any attention to, but desperate times do indeed call for desperate measures.
Heavenly Wicked Cafe by @waitingtobebroken (33k, T)
There is a terribly rude barista that makes amazing coffee and a saint of a barista, whose coffee tastes vile. And they are in love.
Petrichor & Parchment by @katnoggin (33k, E)
“Mr. Crowley, I presume?” Aziraphale asked in lieu of an introduction, which was not forthcoming. The guy hadn’t even removed his sunglasses. Oh God, he had a tattoo on his face. Aziraphale wasn’t one to judge, but… what kind of gardener had a snake tattoo on his face? Now also available as a podfic from Literarion  [Huuuge recommendation for the podfic!!]
The Heart of the Forest by Kalimyre (33k, E)
Retired librarian Aziraphale moves into a small, isolated cottage deep in the forest with a strange history. He soon realises he's not alone in the woods; a presence watches him. But as he begins to befriend the stranger that lurks in the trees, Aziraphale comes to understand there's more to him than appearances suggest - and Aziraphale's own destiny may be tied to the mysterious creature with the golden eyes.
in your own time by @ineffabildaddy (33k, E)
Aziraphale and Crowley grew up together as next-door neighbours on Hogback Lane, classmates at the local Catholic school, and inseparable best friends. By the age of eighteen, both were hopelessly in love with the other, despite the knowledge that they were doomed to live apart, as Crowley aimed to pursue university study in London and Aziraphale committed himself to remaining in Tadfield, dedicating his life to the Church. After almost twenty years spent away from his hometown, renowned botanist Crowley decides to come and visit Tadfield again at a moment's notice; the purpose of his visit is to speak at a Careers Day for the school he and Aziraphale, now a beloved priest and a frequent helper at the school, attended. The twenty-four hours that follow will change both of their lives for ever.
Between Comfort And Chaos by anathxmadevice (45k, T)
“And how long have you two been a couple?” “Oh, I—” Aziraphale panics. “Ha, well, that’s a funny… We’re not actually—” “We’re just friends.” Crowley says, their voice clear and calm and lightly amused, either because of or in spite of Aziraphale’s flailing attempts to divert the conversation. “Ah, yes, quite.” Aziraphale says, then takes a sip of his drink just for something to do, instead of focussing on the way Crowley said just friends, and how it causes a painful throb in his chest that he has never fully got used to. His memory can only scrabble at the edge of a time where being just friends with Crowley didn’t feel like a particular form of torture. * Or, Aziraphale has been desperately in love with his best friend and housemate Crowley since they were students, but is too scared to do anything about it.
Loving You Slow by @tawnyontumblr (46k, E)
Crowley just wants to dance, but he's not prepared to sell his soul (and other things) at Mayfair's Hellfire Club to do it. Tending bar at The Bookshop in Soho is just the escape he needs, providing Crowley can convince the club’s owner he really belongs on the stage. Unfortunately Aziraphale Eastgate is not quite the generous guardian angel Crowley has been led to believe. Welcome to The Bookshop, where it always pays to look under the covers.
A Billion Points of Light by akitsuko (50k, E)
The firefighter lifts the visor on their helmet, and Crowley may not be able to see very well, but those are the most beautiful eyes he’s ever seen in his life. Crowley has never been one for the whole 'love at first sight' business, but he may need to reassess after Aziraphale - a gorgeous firefighter - saves his life.
More Than by @naromoreau (55k, E)
Crowley would like to spend another year without marrying, especially when thrust-forced to pick a husband. She refuses to cave in on a matter of principles. She refuses to cave in specifically on a matter of not wanting to be married to Lucien Morningstar. But she might need a hand to break free from such a burden. And who knows? She might even find something else along the way.
Lavender Apiary Of Your Honey Eyes by @snek-of-eden (66k, E)
The first thing Aziraphale registered was fiery red hair matted with sweat. The second thing was the man’s face, sharp and intelligent and a little guarded, sunlight dappling a spray of freckles. Upon seeing this, two contradictory thoughts crossed his mind: ‘Gosh, he’s pretty’, and ‘I don’t believe I’ve ever heard a man use that many expletives in the space of a minute’. “Oh,” he said, swallowing hard. “Hello, then.” __________ When Aziraphale inherits a small, cosy cottage in the countryside, he finds unexpected company in a gardener he didn't even know he had. Crowley is sweet, and strange, and about as foul-mouthed as you can get. Before he knows it, he's falling pretty goddamn hard for a man whose friendship he's terrified of risking. Ah, the foils of love.
Old Vines by @sevdrag (189k, E)
A.Z. Fell, one of the most respected names in wine and food blogging, has been sent on assignment with his assistant Warlock Dowling to spend six months in California Wine Country. Under direction (by his boss, Gabriel) to use this experience to double his blog followers and write a novel, Aziraphale is both excited and anxious about the opportunity. Anthony J. Crowley is the owner and viticulturalist of Ecdyses, a winery that unexpectedly fell into his lap eleven years ago when he hit rock bottom. He may be in debt, yeah, but he’s paying off his loans — and despite pressure from his lenders and their team of inspectors, Crowley has found a kind of contentment tending his little corner of terroir and producing extraordinary wine. Crowley’s old vines are the heart of his vineyard, and he’s never let anyone in. Crowley finds Aziraphale intriguing; Aziraphale finds Crowley enthralling. Turns out a famous wine expert and an experienced viticulturalist can still learn things from each other. The summer of 2019 unfolds. [Big recommendation for the podfic here too!!]
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hitoshitoshi · 7 months ago
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Welcome to my library!
Here you'll find books of all different kinds. Please feel free to leave me any requests! I am very much down to write 99.9% of anything. I'm currently hyperfixating on Love and Deepspace, so most if not all will be about Love and Deepspace at the moment, along with JJK.
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♡ - NSFW ⟡ - SFW
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Love and Deepspace
⟡ - Aegritudo Summary: When a cardiac surgeon can't diagnose his own feelings, he turns to the ultimate source of reliable information: Google. What could possibly go wrong?
⟡ - Hair Washing Summary: You take care of Zayne and he allows it for once in his life.
♡ - How to Give Zayne a Blowjob! Summary: You give Zayne the best blowjob of his life.
♡ - Thighs Summary: Needy and Pathetic Raf short
⟡ - Rafayel at the Aquarium Summary: Jealous raf!
⟡ - Rafayel Gets A Cat...? Part 1 Summary: MC gets turned into a cat, Rafayel has to suck it up.
⟡ - The Fish That Bind Summary: How art captures a soul | How art betrayed Rafayel for the first time.
♡ - Rafayel Loves Musty Pussies! Summary: We all know that Rafayel, our beloved lemurian has a scent kinkーbut to what extent? The answer is yes. Rafayel's scent kink extends beyond perfume.
♡ - Alpha Rafayel Summary: The things Alpha Rafayel would do for you and to you.
♡ - Kitten Hybrid!MC pt. 1 Summary:How Luke and Kieran messes around with Sylus with how Kitten!Hybrid MC dresses
⟡ - Trouble in Paradise
Summary: What can possibly go wrong with a secret or two?
⟡ - Now, Now, Kitten. Don't Bite. Summary: Sylus gets jealous of Luke and Kieran's new toy for Kitten Hybrid!MC
♡ - Big Bad Bully X Crybaby Summary: It's not Sylus' fault that he's so big and you cry at the smallest things.
⟡ - The Incident That Somehow Made Sylus' Childhood Exponentially Worse (or Sylus' Biggest Failure and Regret) Summary: Why Sylus created his silly little mechanical crow, Mephisto. The who, what, where, when, why's and how's. A look into Sylus' Childhood.
♡ - Xavier's Favorite Thing To Do! Summary: Xavier's favorite thing to do is eating pussies. ♡ - Somnophilia Summary: How Xavier makes you (fem mc) feel good.
♡ - How Xavier Would Eat You Out Summary: How Xavier eats pussies in detail.
♡ - Telekinesis Summary:Caleb bullies you for hours with his cock .Or Caleb puts his Telekinesis Evol to use.
⟡ - Teacher!Caleb Headcanons Summary: Caleb as an elementary teacher.
♡ - Photo Summary: How Caleb fills the void when you're not there with him.
♡ - I Love You More Than You Know Summary: Big bro Caleb's a big meanie in bed and he uses his evol on his cute little sister! ♡ - Caleb Was Not Naturally Born A Sex God Summary: A headcanon.
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♡ - Lads men are bad at sex
♡ - Least to most potent cum
♡ - Caleb's Cock Colors [CCC]
⟡ - Make your MC picrew (c) E_coms
⟡ - Soft 6th LI
♡ - Where would they cum? A Note for the LADS Fandom Icks
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its-a-me-mango · 2 months ago
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Alllright, final thing to close off today, and what better than with a great big THANK YOU to everyone for sticking with me for a whole year! Regardless of if you’ve been around since I first joined or if you only just followed me today, thank you so much for your support of me and my work. Knowing there are so many fantastic and wonderful individuals who all enjoy what I make is just indescribable, I get to wake up and enjoy creating things I love for the series I love so dearly all while so many amazing people enjoy what I make too. I really can’t put into words how thankful I am for everyone who follows me but genuinely from the bottom of my heart, thank you, thank you all for an amazing year and here’s hoping for many more to come!
Now, I do have a few special dedications to a few certain individuals, if I didn’t get the chance to include you PLEASE don’t think that I don’t value you in any way! There were so many cool and talented people that I wanted to thank but I simply didn’t have time to do so! You are all so important to me and it does kill me a little that I can’t thank everyone, but I am just one guy at the end of the day so again please don’t take it personally, I am still so thankful for everyone and I want you to know this. <3
So, in no order in particular
@lizaluvsthis @shygirl4991 @b-r-i-n-g-x - I’m putting you all together as one because I always see you guys working as a group so it feels wrong to split you guys up lol. You were all some of the first people I ever saw in the SMG4 fandom and your contributions inspired me so much to make my own stuff too! Everything you guys make always has so much heart and soul put into it, Brewing Romance, Split into 3’s, Gay Ogres, they’re all some of the first projects I remember seeing and for that I wanna thank you guys for motivating me to make and create my own things within this fandom! Even if you guys aren’t as active now or have moved on from those projects, I still hold them dear to me so keep making and creating because you guys are all so amazing at it! <3
@mothsbakery - Moth my beloved friend, I don’t know where to start, when I first got into SMG4, I was so worried about sharing it with my friends because I was worried it would somehow get turned against me in some way (blame that damn trauma lol), so having you take a passing interest in it was such a major relief to me. I’m so glad I’ve been able to sit down with you and watch the few episodes that we have because they’ve been so much fun! I’m so glad that we’re friends even after all these years. I know I’m not always the best at keeping in touch but I do genuinely appreciate your friendship and all that we’ve done together. Please keep making and creating and enjoying what you love, seeing you come to my DM’s with your newest musical piece is always such a joy to listen to and it’s been so wonderful to watch you improve over the years! Keep being amazing Moth, I’ll chat to you soon I promise! <3
@strange0-0storm - STOOOORM!!! (POINTING AT YOU POINTING AT YOU) FREAK!!!!/J I’m kidding lol, Storm I am so glad I’ve gotten the chance to talk with you, even if it's brief, you are so fun to talk to that I can’t wait to get the chance to chat with you again about OC’s or just anything really! Your work is always so yummy, whether it's SMG4, Gravity Falls, Popee The Performer, and more, your art is always just so full of character and it just makes me wanna keep doing what I’m doing and it helps me not worry about branching out at some point to something else. No matter what I will always come back to your work because it's so amazing and it’s even better knowing it’s made but such an equally amazing person, stay awesome Storm! (also RhythmDoctor 4 life they should kiss and make out more JHBBSGHBSGH) <3
@bluesbox - Blue! Dude you are so freaking cool I cannot put it into words, not only is your work fantastic and such a joy to interact with, but you’re also so dedicated to characters lore and interactions that I can’t help but wanna be just like that! I’ll never forget when you first dropped the TSB lore presentation that shit was SO WILD, knowing there's someone who's so invested in other peoples OC’s (including my own!) to such an extent is honestly so amazing, and it really pushes me to invest more time into my own work! Knowing there’s someone out there who genuinely takes so much interest in it is so uplifting, so thank you for always wanting to know more about what I make as well as everyone else, we need more amazing people like you Blue, keep being you! (also PS, the way you give Mango glasses is probably my favourite thing someone has given him, it makes me so happy to see every time, don’t tell anyone shhhhh) <3
@libbytwq - LIBBY, LIBBY OMG I don’t think I’ve ever met another SMG4 fan who just gets the same sense of humor as me so well, I love being terminally on Tumblr and having someone else who is also terminally on Tumblr, it’s so refreshing lmao! Lore not only are you an amazing person to talk to, you are also so insanely talented to match, all of your work has so much charm and passion put into it that I can just sense it with every piece, I always want to know more with your characters like I NEED the full SMGL:E lore or else I will explode and die, that’s how good you are at getting people invested in your work! You’re so great at creating interesting and engaging characters/stories that it motivates me so much with my own work. You have so much love for what you do it’s so wonderful to see, please keep creating forever and always because your work is such an absolute joy to see. I love getting the chance to chat with you so much and I can’t wait to chat with you again, thank you for being such an amazing friend Libby! <3
@hamlos - Hamlos, your work is truly incredible. I really can’t express it enough, it’s so dynamic and flexible in such a beautiful way, everything you make is just so amazing and that's just talking about your art itself, the characters you have are so interesting I always want to know more about them, especially Cardiac I seriously love him so much and having him paired with Mango is so wonderful, they really go together so well! I’ve never had anyone go so crazy (positive) over my characters before and It’s so amazing to see, every time you come to me with your amazing work it’s always such a nice thing to see! I know I am not always the best at responding but I do always see and read everything you send me and it always leaves me with a big smile on my face. Even if you’re not super into SMG4 right now, thank you for all that you’ve done and all that you’ve made for me, HeartBeet will always have a special place in my heart and I hope it does for you too, they are gay after all lol. <3
@neo91502 @hexsie @aquaproductions - Grouping you all together even though you all couldn’t be more unique and individual, every single one of you is so special and amazing to talk to, I legit get so excited any time one of you joins a VC with me because all of you are so fun to hang out with for so many reasons! Neo omg you are honestly such a nice person to chat to and be around, you’re always so fun to hang out with and you’ve convinced me to sit down one day and listen to Epic the Musical because every time you go crazy over the word Epic, I can’t help but find it so cute lol. Nova your obsession with Hex3 is so sweet and I’m genuinely glad you’re having so much fun with it, seeing you go on rambling about your OC’s will always be such a joy to see and you know what yes one day I will draw Hex3 just for you, gimme a second though (dies first /j). And Aqua, I had no idea how much of a sweetheart you were to talk to, you are honestly so cool and I’m so glad to have you in my DM’s sending me amazing fanart that you know I’ll like, thank you so much for being so awesome and I’m giving you platonic smooches right back at ya so watch out!!! All of you are again so amazing and I can’t wait to keep chatting with all of you! <3
MY BELOVED WHO SHAN’T BE NAMED BUT I KNOW YOU’RE READING THIS!!! - Hai babe, listen, I can’t believe the whole time you’ve been dating me I’ve been an SMG4 fan, that must be so embarrassing to you lol /j but thank you so much forever and always for sticking with me. You are truly the light of my life, I treasure every moment we spend together and I am waiting for the future to come so that I can spend it with you forever and always. Thank you for not only indulging in my interests with me, but for enjoying me for who I am, everytime you call me cute for getting giddy over SMG4 it honestly makes my heart flutter and it reminds me of why I love you so much, I wouldn’t be who I am without you and I hope you can say the same thing for me. I cannot wait to get the chance to see you again in person, I need to kiss you sloppy style soooooo bad it's making me bark and growl grrr grrr bARK BARK BARK anyway I love you so much and I always will. (I will forever kiss you for getting me Smug I can’t believe you got him, he’s like a fucked up and evil son to me) <3
@ominus-potato @theartistisme43 @coralalala64 - Grouping you all together even though I have different things to say about all of you, but regardless, all of you are such amazingly talented people that I’d love to get to chat with you all properly one day, even if I’ve talked with you guys a bit it’s not enough! I’d love to get to know you guys better at some point lol. Ominus your work is just so good I can’t help but feel happy anytime I see it. I promise one day we will meet at a convention, I’m so mad I missed you once I won’t let it happen again! Cantro, your work is incredible!!! Every time I see it I’m so amazed with what you’ve made that it just gets me excited to see what else you can create, I am manifesting with all my strength that if you do ever decide to apply as a SMG4 machinima artist, that you get it because god damn you deserve it! And Coral, THE CREATURE CREATOR!!! I love your lil creatures so much, and OMG you have to teach me how to do such amazing pencil work, your work always inspires me so much and I’m so glad I’ve gotten the chance to chat with you a lil, your gif collection is truly frightening but in the best way possible. Again all of you are so amazing so please keep doing what you’re best at! <3
@tiredsmashbros - Tomm, Mr Tiredsmashbros, holy shit where do I even start with you. First of all, I would probably not be thanking half the people in this piece if not for you, I know how scary setting up a server was for you but I will forever be so thankful that you did. Finally getting the chance to chat with not only you, but so many amazing people in the SMG4 fandom has been an absolute joy and I am forever thankful for you for creating such an open and accepting space, you and Radiant are seriously so awesome for all the work you’ve put into that place. It’s from your server that i’ve learnt how wonderful and generous you are as a person, I really cannot think of anyone kinder than you Tomm, the way you always have an essay planned for every piece of fanart you get, from just your overall positive attitude, I am so glad I’ve finally gotten the chance to meet you after just being a fan of your work for so long. Your work has been such an inspiration to me and you’ve always been someone I wanted to chat with and the fact that I am now is!!! Crazy!!! I can’t believe you were scared of me at one point lol. Anyway thank you Tomm for being such a fantastic friend overall, I need to know TSB’s lore right now, can you whisper it to me I promise I’ll keep it a secret, regardless stay awesome dude, you deserve nothing but joy and happiness forever and always. Qwah Tuh (also Burgerfruit beloved, they should get weirder /j) <3
@doodledev1l - Doodle!!!!! Okay I know this sounds weird but genuinely finding another British SMG4 fan has been so refreshing, not only that but you’re super fun to talk to and be around so it’s even better! Getting the chance to hang out and chat with you is always so fun, I love getting to hear what you’re working on for uni and I always hope that it goes well for you, I know how stressful it can be lol. Regardless, I know you’ll do amazing because I’ve seen how dedicated and talented you are when it comes to your work, again I hope the rest of uni goes well for you because you deserve it, we gotta end your bad luck streak somehow lol. Thank you for being such an amazing person to chat and hang out with, keep up the amazing work dude, I’ll get you a tescos meal deal one day I promise. <3
PHEW, THAT’S EVERYONE, again thank you all so much for sticking by my side for a year! Doesn’t matter what time you showed up, I will always be thankful to know all of you, keep being awesome I love you all. I die now
Mango <3
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thaltro · 3 months ago
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(Interesting assumption I’ve been seeing about ink)
I haven’t posted his night watch character sheet yet but in the brief descriptions I’ve had about him it does point to him not being a present parent. While that’s partially true as he doesn’t consider himself a father, he is active in each child’s life and supports them. I keep him pretty close to cannon in personality, and I don’t think ink would be a neglectful father.
I haven’t revealed too much but keep in mind in nightwatch all ship children are not made out of love or compassion, instead are punishments from creators onto characters. They are a tool to create conformity as it adds a risk to the characters behaviours, and less time can be spent exploring themselves so they can’t stray away from their pre determined path. Not to mention the creation of them is incredibly painful.
Gradient, pj, and pallette where not inks faults- ink just was involved in some way and was punished with dream and error. Error took PJ and Gradient and wanted them for himself, Dream felt horrible and swore to take responsibility for Pal. Ink is in all the kids lives as an art teacher, mentor, and financial supporter - just not as a recognized parent.
It seems like ink being a evil neglectful dad is a trope in the fandom and that’s ok, but in nightwatch he does try his best. He cares for creations and anything from the creators, he would not hurt them or hate them. He does see them as a punishment more then children, but he sees most people as tools of the creators. his dissociation from reality makes him not mentally healthy enough to be a dad. (I mean so is dream but he does it anyway gahahh)
It’s odd how black and white the fandom tends to see characters - this is not me targeting it at anyone I’m not mad just, most characters are nuanced people and categorizing complex guys like ink into “bad dad” or “good dad” makes him kinda boring.
In conclusion ink brings the bread home and the paint. He is present just complex
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eddieblrs · 6 months ago
bucktommy-centric positivity projects master list
With the new season upon us there's new waves of negativity and discourse going around so instead of engaging on those here's a list of ongoing and upcoming bucktommy centric positivity projects:
@kinley-cafe: spread positivity by ordering a drink and sweet treat for yourself or a friend, or fill out the volunteer form to help buck and tommy run the cafe smoothly. [ongoing]
@dailykinley: daily dose of bucktommy graphic content, please give them a like and don't forget to reblog! [ongoing]
@allthingsbucktommy: keep up with everything new and old of our favourite firefighter-pilot duo! [ongoing]
@bucktommyfanart: keep track of all the amazing art created by the fandom. [ongoing]
@bucktommyfanfic: never miss a new bucktommy fic ever again! remember to leave kudos and comments for the writers. [ongoing]
@bucktommywinterfest: share joy and positivity by creating fanart and fanfiction all through winter! [upcoming: october 27 to march 29]
@bucktommypositivityweek: did you enjoy the first round? well, gear up for one more week of spreading positivity with seven new fun prompts! [ongoing: september 15 to september 21]
@911charactershipweeks: take part in this bucktommy ship week with even more fun prompts! [upcoming: september 22 to 28]
@bucktommyweek: celebrate the three-part season premiere with this three-part event. [upcoming: september 25 to october 9]
@bucktommykinkweek: if spicy content is more your speed and were already planning for kinktober look no further and take part of the first bucktommy kink week. [upcoming: october 13 to october 19]
honorary mentions:
@tommykinardweek: celebrate our favourite firefighter pilot with this very special tommy-centric event! [upcoming: november 18 to november 24]
@buddietommy-week: this event has ended but revisit all the amazing content created for it on their page and leave kudos and comments for the authors! [ended]
if i missed anything or you're planning a new fun event please let me know to add you to the list! and remember to spread love instead of getting caught up in the negativity 💕
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