Explore tagged Tumblr posts
mysticbloom · 8 months ago
TW: Gore, Blood, Death, Torture, Surgical Procedures, Abuse
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butterfly-headquarters · 4 months ago
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i might have accidentally pulled an all-nighter but I finished this from start to finish ehe
aideen montana or something along those lines ref link
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bitchfitch · 5 months ago
I've started playing Potion Permit, and so far it's one of my favorite games I've messed around with, but the most big brained move the devs made was giving you a dog on day 1, and then making that dog able to track NPCs and lead you directly to them no matter where they are in the town.
#im still early game but i like the play and the writing is passable#like#Theres a flatness#the characters Are distinct but theyre mostly just their jobs#with only a few who stand out and have like. something to really grab onto#Like rue? rues entire deal is little girl you can date. Nothing else behind those eyes. She has nothing better to talk to you about#than the fact her favorite color is red#Sorcelia? Sorcelia is a goth nun who loves singing and teaches one of the village children#Reynerd? sure is a guy#got nothing else to say about him. hes just a Guy™. Victor? Has ghost friends and loves bugs and cares deeply about the cemetery#he tends to. At the moment it feels like they're trying to imply there aren't actually ghosts. and hes just talking to himself/#insisting his imaginary friends are real people#and so far? The games been cool about it. Victor's a member of his community and his eccentricities are accepted and not ridiculed#all four characters ive mentioned are romance candidates. but its just as hit or miss with the regular towns folk#Opalheart is an older woman and a world renowned blacksmith who only takes jobs if they will do Good. regardless of whether or not they#pay well. She declines to make a dagger for a rich man but makes a helmet for a childs father bc the girl asked#and olive is here#anyways you can be best friends with a cat (shes just a regular cat) and i appreciate that#idk im putting it above sun haven in my ranking of life sim games#purely because there are older romance candidates.#no fat romance candidates. but sun haven doesn't have thise either.#and sdv has neither fat or old candidates Nor can you fuck a cat boy. it goes at the bottom.#gameplay wise sunhaven is at the bottom then sdv then potion permit at the top. sunhaven has the Most™ but having#a lot of crap doesn't mean its fun and it ends up making half the game feel really incomplete#idk. Sdv is a game you should've started playing a year ago. sun haven is a game that perpetually needs another year worth of updates#before id say its worth it bc the devs keep pushing content ™ updates instead of quality of life or polish so what is there is uh#Bad. plentiful. and a large portion is good#but a Lot is just bad.#its insincere and cant take itself seriously it gives you (the right dialogue option) an (the shit joke option) which is worse than just#i ram out of space. tldr. potion permit is good Now. sdv Was good. sun haven Might be great Eventually
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macodoesstuff · 1 month ago
Potion Permit brainrot from 2022
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Meet Taner :D
And that's not all from my farming sim entusiasts(me), meet Nuri!!
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elvendoodles · 1 year ago
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Naida's family is a noble and proud one. BIOs below the cut
Amsan Opalheart: A level head and wise word choices are pivotal skills to have as an ambassador for Elvendale. He's an expert negotiator who never seems to get angry.
Deandra Riverstone: Her presence demands undivided attention. She holds power over her region as a senator and boasts her former connection to the Water Turtle any chance she gets.
Naida Riverheart: Shy, sweet and clever, Naida has little interest in the political world her parents live in. Her idea of paradise is quiet days spent mixing her concoctions by the seaside.
Art/Ask Prompt Masterlist
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jade-mod · 2 years ago
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Lil bit of birthday art for @rosexknight , mostly an excuse to draw her dwarf artificer Naerri Opalheart, which I’ve been wanting to do even though she hasn’t found her way into a game yet!
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butterfly-headquarters · 9 months ago
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he's got food and first aid AND a storytime of how montana got her scars
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its brutal out here
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dark-rider-pr · 5 months ago
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Welcome to the SSO-OC-Event "Riders of Fallen Dawn"
This is a zombie apocalypse based event featuring lore and resources provided by myself, Gremlin, so that you can build your own storylines within this apocalypse through songs, fic, art, photos and any other medium! The masterlist is here for you to refer back to any posts at any point in time! Massive shout out to @corneliafogwell for assisting me in world building, @sso-montana for giving me the drive to start something and members of the International Sabine Fan Club (@cmentary-drive @janedooe and others) for proof reading and providing feedback.
November Prompt List
Novemeber Prompt Month Masterlist
Info List:
Character Sheet, role information and map version 1
Procreate safe character sheet
Community logo design and information
Aideen's Curse: the virus (written) (art by @sso-montana)
You can also search up ( or submit) on AO3 for the collection "Riders of Fallen Dawn: an SSO OC event"
Riders of Fallen Dawn by Gremlin_of_Space (me)
Calling Me, Guiding Me, Monsters Far Beneath by CorneliaFogwell (@corneliafogwell)
At Dead of Night (@starstable-eve)
Bitten (@starstable-eve)
Inside (@starstable-eve)
A Semblance of Normality (@bellassoblr)
Eve's RoFD Collection (@starstable-eve)
Wings, hearts, some things are meant to be torn apart (@sso-montana)
How long will it last? (@alinasteelcrest)
Blair (@paigeswiftsea)
Rowan and Alex collide. Literally. (@bellassoblr)
Najma's Dilemma (@saleemb)
Character List:
Florence (@stable-gremlin @dark-rider-pr)
Evelyn Davidson (@starstable-eve)
Rachel Harrow (@starstable-eve)
Lexa Woods (@starstable-eve)
Montana Opalheart (@sso-montana)
Chrys Doe (@janedooe)
Blaire Williams (@paigeswiftsea)
Cornelia Fogwell (@corneliafogwell)
Cora Youngstone (@coravonblyssen)
Alina, Shoji and Dog (@alinasteelcrest)
Carolina (@carolina-nightjar)
Leila (@iskell)
Bella and Rowan(@bellassoblr)
Najma (@saleemb)
Gerda, Ares and Sunrise Glory (@askefrueee3)
Seto and Cosmos (@bellassoblr)
Claire (@dumbhorsegameblog)
Lydia (@dumbhorsegameblog)
Beatrix, Onyx and Pearl (@dumbhorsegameblog)
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mysterysoulrider · 2 years ago
Ssoblr's ingame servers - Masterpost
Hii! I got lots of replies to my question as to which server everyone is on so I decided to create a post where it'll be very easy to see who are on the server that you're on.
If you want to be removed, added or have anything changed -> shoot me a message (alts (that you use) are welcome too!)
ps. make sure to click on my account to see the updated post as reblogs only show the post as it was at that certain moment.
Australia / New Zealand Fire Star - Cassandra Shadownight (@jorvegian-nights) - Lily Wolfstorm (jorvikpresident) - Toby Mistbrooke (@jorvikcity)
Magnolia Jungle - Sofie Dreamcloud (@sofiedreamcloudd)
Sunbeam Palace - Luciana Nightweb (@hikolu) - Zelda Snowward (zzeldasnowward)
Denmark Licorice Heaven - Vivian Toadhome (jorvikcity)
Finland Carrot Cove - Alexis Lowpeak (@horsegamerants)
France Blueberry Mountain - Lana Windriver (@graphi-horse-time)
Frozen Field - Athena Rockstorm (athena-of-jorvik)
Germany Autumn Star - Michelle Skydaughter (@lilakennedy)
Rainbow Galaxy - Montana Opalheart (@sso-montana)
Hungary Coconut Mountain - Dusty Beachbeach (@ouh-three)
Netherlands Dandelion Hill - Corinne Eaglebridge (@corinne-eaglebridge-sso)
Misty Mountain - Felicia Sapphiresong (@feliciasapphiresong) - Hayden Pinegoat (zzeldasnowward) - Liv Mysteryhome (mysterysoulrider)
Penguin Pond - Alice Friendside (@sso-alice)
Strawberry Meadow - Cadence Moonborn (@cryptid-deity)
North America Cherry Island - Adelaide Oldburg (@adelaideoldburg) - Susanne Proudleaf (@mufiy-valcuse)
Freezing Crater - Allison Nightstar (@sso-noodlelord) - Elsa Seadawn (@twracehorse) - Kit Farwild (jorvikcity) - Sasha Swifthurricane (sasha-swifthurricane)
Frost Valley - Brooke Tidegarden (@lisasprideflag) - Evangeline Eveninglove (@evangelineeveninglove) - Zelda Bowsmith (@jorvikzelda)
Maple Star - Carolina Strawberrystream (@strawberrystreamfields)
Night Sprinkles - Appolinariya Cometsky (@a-cometsky) - Avery Cuteman (@yasminewestbank) - Cadence Sparrowburg (@cadencesparrowburg) - Capri Mouseflower (@foryouthegays bf) - Emma Wolfheart (@emma-wolfheart) - Eva Masterbear (@valedale-rose) - Evelyn Northbank (@algirdasgiedraitis) - Grace Topazlion (@telemutt) - Lily Dolphinbook (@dumbhorsegameblog) - Lucy Flowerhill (@mistfallenjoyer) - Marie Silentfall (@foggy-milk) - Maya Sweetpoulos (mayasweetpoulos) - Sasha Shadowforce (sasha-swifthurricane) - Sam Papabear (mysterysoulrider) - Siri Greenhaven (@sirigreenhaven) - Susan Southhome (@socksonvideo) - Vera Lavagale (@zzeldasnowward) - Viktoria Ravenstorm (@foryouthegays) - Willow Crazytree (@can-of-pringles) - Zoey Pineheart (@everwindfields)
Poppy Moon - Esther Darkdragon (@esther-darkdragon) - Svea Darkdragon (@svea-darkdragon)
Stormy Pear - Blake Silvercrest (@starstablegeek) - Hannah Ponytree (@dinosaurvalley)
Poland Cookie Kingdom - Aurora Wisefall (@aurorahasanexistentialcrisis)
Sunbeam Meadow - Lana Shadowhouse (@najmiska)
Sweden Air star - Bella Highgirl (@bellassoblr)
Avocado Island - Jiao Catgirl (@djungelskogbear) - Kit Orangecat (mysterysoulrider) - Yasmine Westbank (yasminewestbank) - Zelda Axewatcher (jorvikzelda) - Zelda Snowcat (zzeldasnowward)
Marshmallow Clouds - Felicia Wolfpaw (feliciawolfpaw)
United Kingdom Candy Cove - Charlie Rainford (@charlierainfordsso)
Coconut Island - Clarisse Darkfire (barricade-moonriser) - Dakota Gloomsmith (barricade-moonriser) - Dalka Lightningwalker (barricade-moonriser)
Cupcake Valley - Daniella Bunnywood (@ro-sso) - Esther Northberg (@northberg)
Snowflake Island - Brooklyn Eveningsky (@brookevesky)
West Europe Spring Star - Adelaide Froglake (@froggistain)
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nyxraex · 2 months ago
Saga 'Opalheart' 2025 - edition.
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Gotta admit, this has to be the most colorful thing I've ever made.
(Also happens to be the most effort I've put into a drawing since like middle school even when said 'drawing' is like 60% text.)
(Also 'DK's' was meant to say 'DR's', which is short for 'Dark Rider's', but I'm too lazy to change it.)
Below is what I used as reference for her earrings (that can just barely be seen...):
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{ Screenshot is from Life Makeover; more specifically my Avi. }
If anyone is interested in this half-baked, ever-changing, nigh permanent WIP amalgamation of real-life and fiction I call my OC, then, here you go.
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hydrangeyes · 1 year ago
Playing Potion permit for a few days straight and while I LOVE it, I also have alot of.... thoughts.
Like I love love love this game, genuinely sat down blink and it's been a month non stop.
So with that said...
Let's just narrow it to romanceable:
- look, I was so happy I could romance Victor (I loved him first and soooo glad I got this legit after the update).
- I like matheo purely out of spite and wanting to give him a frustrated kiss on the lips.
- WHY CAN'T I ROMANCE THE TWINS? specifically Collin???? Like hello????
- but like, also: Moira, Dev, Nova (I said what I said), Rinehart, Lucke, Yorn (god please legit first bestie I made I love him so much), hell Opalheart (anothe I said what I said), Derek or Dean! Freakin' Dan also! (Edit: I just found out that Dan and Dev are the same person- split personality? Huh????)
Just. Why is Rue an option???? I legit thought she was AT MOST 12. 😮‍💨
Anyway, idk maybe It's because I just started actually romancing but it feels so.... last minute thought of? Like the actual dating part? Just odd the heart bar is completely maxed if you've only been on 1 date.
I wanna focus on this because if I focus on other aspects, I'll just get sad and go play stardew to clear my head.
Cause I am HEATED about how the resources are just... so small and the stamina bar being what it is.
Someone needs to make a mod to have these folks romanceable plsssssssss (I'm not at the point where I wanna make them myself tbh 🙃)
I was so ready to romance Osman till I found out he's already married 😮‍💨 another bestie I made, and I like that he worries about our well-being
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opalgemshop · 2 years ago
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When crystals meet opals, magic happens! These Rose Cut Crystal and Aurora Opal hearts are pure enchantment. ✨💜 #CrystalGems #OpalHearts
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butterfly-headquarters · 2 months ago
Would you fall in love with me again If you knew all I've done? The things I cannot change Would you love me all the same?
AU's in order below the cut
Main story
Dark Rider!Montana
Viking!Justin & Druid!Montana
Role-swap AU
Druid!Justin & Vala!Montana
Dark Core AU
Main Story
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dawnstorm-warriorcat-oc · 1 year ago
Adoptables Available
Crowblaze- Black Tom with a trail of white fur on his head to his nose. Green eyes. Kinda rude and acts like everyone is in his way or is just his problem. 2 seasons.
Opalheart- White she cat with two blue/ grey spots by her eyes. Large blue blind eyes. Born blind but that doesn't stop her from hunting when she can. Was destined for the path of the healer. She's nice and not bitter.
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Each, $15. Together, $30.
Paypal.me/tstormidawn (friends and family option MUST be chosen. I will send back payment if the other payment option is chosen.)
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butterfly-headquarters · 7 days ago
to this day idk if opalheart is corny as fuck or actually pretty decent for sso last names
i'm so jealous of the people who could speak english when they made their sso account, like what do you mean your name has an actual meaning and mine is just random words i liked as a ten year old
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elvendoodles · 2 years ago
Do you have an archive of all your Elves OCs?
Not a complete one! And not everyone has been drawn/posted. A girl's really gotta get back on that toyhou.se game! But will a list of color-coded character names do for now?
Green = Designed and Posted | Yellow = Redesigning/Remastering | Orange = Designed and Not Posted | Red = Not Designed
Elf Characters:
Solstice - Helia - Kyrie Heavensight - Oriana Morningstar
Nox Fourthorne
Mercury Crystalglow - Venus Selene
Doran Darkroot
Katran - Anwer - Celosia - Eloi Dawnlight
Paxon - Luna - Giny Brooksong - Caspian Riversong
Sisota Meadowshade - Baqir Leafwriter - Aicha - Jeshan Leafshade - Melody Leafwhistler
Suffio Firesear - Jira Sparkdancer - Etash Firedancer - Unity - Erin Firedancer
Deandra Riverstone - Amsan Opalheart
Estella Windwhistler - Cumulo Rayrider
Rayar Hypercane - Berlio Copperbranch
Cinder Phoenixflame - Nimbus Stratosfaire - Ightan Stratos(faire) - Geneviève Darkfaire
Gutala Mountainchime
Halfrida Titanwill
Hemnandan Guider
Anast Frozenwave
Niratap Derecho
Lucien Atan
Human Characters:
[Unnamed Human Friend]
Victor - Ursa - Kirk - Bridgette - Bella Jones
Phoebe - Chris - Nathan Jones
Trash Mammal
Dragon Characters:
Apollo - Prism - Butterfly - Onir
Misc. Races Characters:
Daesie Nimblehoof
Clyde S'Dale
Rosemary Bogrokh
Astrum - Helios
Peter - Susan - Edmund - Lucy
Big Boy - Cubby - Budder
Mother Earth
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