#ooohhhhh kiddos
mashpotatoequeen · 2 months
Thinking about an AU where the Mysterious Benedict Society gets de-aged. Not for forever, but for a week or two. A world where these kids get to be loved and feel loved in times they maybe never got to, and just how special that would be.
I mean, this is a world where a machine is capable of sweeping away someone's mind and leaving them a stranger in their own heads for years at a time. It's a world with duskwort, which can knock out a village with nary a handful in the campfire smoke. It's not too strange or extravagant to imagine a realm where there's some machine or mechanism that can wipe away someone's years and leave behind someone not yet grown. 
Think about it. Kate- who gets shrunk until she's five or six, who is a vibrant ball of energy and is constantly climbing onto shelves and wriggling into unexpected corners for impromptu games of hide and seek. Reynie and Sticky chase her around the backyard and aren't sure if they should be offended or not that she's fast enough to keep them out of breath and struggling to keep up. Constance looks at her- this insurmountable girl she knows folded into somebody else, someone small, and can't quite figure it out how to interact with her, how to coincide them into the same person. Kate just takes her small pudgy hand in hers and drags her around the garden to look at bugs, laughing, and Constance finds it's not so different after all.
"Kate," Rhonda says, "Please, please come down from the ceiling fan."
Kate, slowly rotating and so happy about it, laughs madly. "Never!" she cries, curling around the big wooden panel and wheezing with joy. 
A little dazed, Number Two murmurs, "How did she manage to bring the ladder to the living room? We store it in the basement!"
Moocho whistles guiltily and walks away.
(I'm thinking of Kate being young, before the burden of being left behind truly settles on her shoulders. Who looks up at Milligan and cries out, "Daddy!" with her whole tiny chest, face planting into his knees and laughing uproariously like it's the funniest thing in the world. I wonder if he cries, this man who lived outside of himself for nearly a decade; a Kate who's five or six is still a Kate he never got to hold.)
(Kate wipes away tears with her pudgy fingers, and tickles him until he laughs.)
If Sticky shrinks, he becomes a little boy who hasn't yet learned the anxieties of the stage lights. He's a little shy, maybe, and quiet. (He was the sort of kid who didn't talk at all for three years and then burst out into full sentences.)  Regardless, he smiles more easily than any iteration of the boy they've ever known. Reynie holds him on his lap and they read books together, page after page after page, and wonders how anyone could make this small version of his friend feel unwanted. Kate carries him on her shoulders and races around the backyard with him clinging to her back like a tiny koala. Constance accidentally makes him cry, too blunt and awkward and unused to holding hands smaller than her own. They still get to be friends, though, after the learning curve. She just makes sure to be more gentle.
Sticky is adorable, by the way. He's iddy biddy and he's got round little cheeks and everyone's piling SO much affection on him. "You're so cute!" Kate enthuses, and cuddles him like a stuffed animal as he flails. 
Constance, watching this, crosses her arms and turns up her nose. "I'm cute," she declares, blustering. Mr. Benedict pats her head, fond, and she grumbles but doesn't pull away.
(I'm thinking of the Washingtons, picking up this version of their kid, and it feels like being deposited into the past. It must hurt to see someone so precious, and know that he'll go through so much, and in so many ways it will be their fault. Sticky curls up between them on their bed that night, and he's little, he's so small, and they hold each other's hands over his tiny head, and they whisper promises to themselves that they're going to be better, that their own Sticky will keep growing up and growing older and he'll always, always know that he's wanted.)
Reynie stumbles into being ungrown, and he's three or maybe four. He's got BIG expressive eyes and he's lived in an orphanage his entire life. Consequently, he hasn't been out much and absolutely nobody is familiar, leading to him spending the first few hours crying and hiding before they finally manage to coax him out with the cat the Perumals had gotten him. (They bought it when they had moved out of Benedicts' and into the house next door, because Number Two is allergic.) The cat gets lugged around by its armpits for the rest of the day, almost as tall as Reynie is, and purrs like a tiny motor boat the whole time. Number Two takes two Benadryl and doesn't complain. 
Kate is pleased to find that Reynie is much more enthusiastic about being thrown into the air or being turned upside down as a toddler than he is as a teenager, and takes full advantage of it the moment they're able to coax him into letting go of Moby Dick the Great White Cat. Sticky follows Reynie around and reads him books and lets him try on his glasses, even though they're too big and fall off his nose. Constance is determined to be his favourite, and piles him with snacks and red faced hugs and plays games with him and indulges his subpar poetry. Reynie's just happy she wants to be friends. He's never really had a friend before.
(Miss Perumal gets reintroduced to her son and it's like an ache reborn in her chest. She never knew her kid this young, was never able to hold him close to her chest and have him nap on her shoulder as she walks up and down the hallway. Reynie, hardly grown and already a little lonely, takes her face in his small hands and whispers, "You picked me?" like it's almost too good to be true. 
"Yes," she whispers back, and presses a kiss to his brow, to his cheek, to his nose. "Oh, yes, lovely one. Always.")
Constance, when she gets de-aged, becomes an infant. She's tiny, only a few pounds, her cheeks still red and ruddy and hair hardly a blonde wisp on her head. Her pinkies aren't longer than a nickel, and her toes no bigger than a bean. Everyone takes turns holding her, and Milligan and the Washingtons have to teach everyone how to support her properly in their inexperienced arms. Constance Contraire, for once, is not contrary at all and sleeps through everything quite soundly. 
She wakes up, occasionally, and they all hold little contests to see who gets to feed her the bottle. Rhonda's wins one and Constance flails until she can hook her fingers around one of her braids and settles again, content. Number Two, who is always awake anyways, holds her when Constance starts wailing at night and has a miniature staring contest with her tiny younger sister, wiping away milk and cooing about homemade onesies.  Everyone tries to avoid diaper duty. Nobody gets out of it.
"I think that Constance would like to climb a tree," Kate says, eyes sparkling, terrifyingly sincere and holding a baby carrier. Milligan manages to dissuade her, barely. 
Sticky, on his turn to hold baby Constance, looks bewildered the whole time. "It's crazy how you're going to grow up and become a whole entire person," he whispers to her when nobody's looking.  Constance throws up on his shoulder. Oddly enough, it soothes him.
At some point she ends up in Reynie's arms and he spends the whole time thinking very hard about how much he loves her, how special and wonderful she is, how lucky he's been to have her as a friend. He's not sure how her big brain works, this small. Maybe she can hear him, can understand it, but if she does she gives no sign. She falls asleep more quickly on his shoulder than anyone else, though, and he's secretly pleased.
Nicholas Benedict, several years away from since he's had to worry about falling asleep upon strong emotion, finds himself quite overcome upon cradling her tiny frame in his arms for the first time. He sits down rather abruptly on the couch, tears springing to his eyes, and smiles down at her guileless eyes. "Hello, my dear," he says, soft and gentle and sure, and presses his lips to her tiny palm. 
(Constance, who is so small as to be all instincts and wonder, feels loved all the way through.)
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pascalscoffin · 4 months
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Muñequita pt. IV
Full Pedro Masterlist
Series Masterlist
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Warning: Minors Go Away I Will Kick You In The Forehead. I just don’t want kiddos here. Steve torments Javi a little cause we love that dynamic. It’s a beach day or whateva. Girl dad!Javi. Javi and Valeria being absolutely adorable. No smut or anything just fluffy family time. No physical descriptions of reader. But she uses sunscreen on her and Valeria. CHUCHOOOOOO.
Javier was at his desk, finishing up a report when Steve sat his skinny ass down on the corner of his desk. He looked up and sighed. "What are you doin’?" "Came to ask how things are goin’ with the kid." "Her name is Valeria." Javier glared at him and he chuckled as he put his hands up. "Alright, alright. Don't bite my head off. Just wanted to see how things were goin’. Connie’s been talkin’ about it since you left the house.”
Javier chewed on his lip, trying not to smile too much as he thought about you and Valeria. “They’re goin’ fine.” He cleared his throat and closed his eyes as Steve started to coo and gush at him.
“Awwww somebody loves their kiiiiid.” Javier shook his head with a groan. “So the mom?” “I hate you so fucking much.” “Oh it’s definitely both. Con’s gonna lose her fuckin’ mind when she finds out. How did date night go?” He smirked and wiggled his brows. “I swear to god I’m going to commit a felony if you don’t shut up.” “Ooohhhhh it went super well.”
Javier rubbed his eyes. “Relax. We’re happy for you. Con’s been on my case all week have they gone out yet? Is he getting along with Valeria? When is he taking her out? I have to bring her something or she’s gonna ask you herself.” Javier sighed.
“The date went really good and I’m not saying anymore than that. Valeria.. she’s great. We get along good, she’s smart as hell, too. Full conversational Spanish.” He grinned and sighed softly as he looked at his desk, thinking back to Saturday morning.
He’d woken up before you, sat there for a few minutes admiring your sleeping figure as he let his hands trail over you, nothing sexual just reveling in getting to lay there with you and not have anything rushing you away from eachother. That’s when he heard knocking on the front door, rapid but soft, he figured he’d let you sleep a little more so he pulled himself out of bed, put his boxers and slacks back on, and then his undershirt before going to the door and peeking out the side window to find Valeria and Sandy waving frantically.
He’d chuckled and pulled the door open. “Goodmorning, Javier. Sorry for bringing her over so early but she was so excited to ask how your date went I held her off as long as I could. She’s been up since five.” He raised his brows as he chuckled and looked down at Valera. “It’s alright.” He knelt down and immediately Valera launched herself into his arms.
“Buenos Dias, papa.” Goodmorning, daddy She said excitedly. “Did you and mama have fun on your date?” Javier smiled and nodded. “We had a lot of fun. Did you have fun with Sandy?” He stood up, holding Valeria on his hip. It was so natural to him he couldn’t believe he was scared before. “Yeah! We watched Elmo and played outside and we made mud pies! But Sandy said we couldn’t eat them because they weren’t real pies.”
Javier chuckled softly. “That sounds like a lot of fun, and I’m glad you didn’t eat mud. Your hair is pretty.” He hummed softly and kissed her cheek as he straightened out her curls. Valera giggled and pushed her face into his neck. “Thank you. Is mama awake yet?” “Not yet, Muñequita. Let’s let her sleep a little. You can help me make her breakfast.” Valeria giggled softly. “Papa I can’t cook.”
Javier laughed. “Well then we can help eachother.” He kissed her cheek and told Sandy thank you for watching her before taking her to the kitchen. They were halfway through cooking the bacon in your freezer when Javier caught a glimpse of you, Valeria on his hip but turned away from the bacon so it wouldn’t pop on her.
He turned his head towards you and grinned widely. “Goodmorning, mamacita.” He said happily before going over and pressing a kiss to your cheek. You’d given him a sheepish little smile and tilted your head down. “How did you sleep?”
“I slept great. How did you sleep?” You’d taken Valeria when she leaned towards you, wide eyed and ready to tell you about her night with Sandy, but patient enough to wait for you and Javier to stop talking. “Better than I have in a really long time.” You and Javier had looked at eachother for a moment after that, silent but a whole conversation happening in your eyes before Valeria decided that was enough of her not getting any attention.
He’d spent the day with the two of you after that, leaving around 6 to go have dinner with his dad, admitting he’d be spending Sunday with him as part of a tradition his mother had demanded they start, every Sunday when everyone was off from work or home from school would be family day. You’d agreed and were happy to hang out later in the week.
Steve was sitting at his desk now, not far from Javier, finally relenting on his torture for the moment so Javier could breathe and actually try to get some work done without thinking about you or Valeria. Which proved more difficult than he thought it would.
At around lunch time the secretary peeked her head around a corner to tell him he had a phone call on line three. He’d crowned, halfway through his sandwich before sighing and picking it up. “Peña.” He answered around a mouthful.
“Do you always answer the phone with a mouthful of food?” Your sweet voice giggled from the other end and he set his sandwich down, swallowing the half chewed bite. “Querida. I didn’t know it was you.” You hummed. “Obviously.” You teased and he felt his cheeks get hot as he huffed. “You called during lunch I… sorry.”
“Javi- it’s fine.” You laughed softly. “I called during lunch on purpose. I didn’t want to distract you or anything.” He could hear the hustle and bustle of your workplace, a plant store he remembered you telling him Friday night. Different exotic and homeland plants as well as spices and herbs. “Well it sounds like I’m distracting you. Isn’t it lunch for you?” “Not when the stores full but I have a free second. Charlie is running the register I just wanted to call you before I forgot.”
“Forgot what?” “Well- Valeria’s been kinda obsessed with the beach lately, so we’ve had a beach day planned and.. it’s in a couple days and she asked me this morning if you could come with us, and I told her I’d ask so… so this is me asking.” He was quiet for a moment, a smile on his face as he looked down. “You don’t have to. Obviously. Um. She was just wondering. If you’re busy it’s fine.”
“No.” He said quickly causing Steve, who’d been watching since he answered the phone, smirk and raise a brow at him. “No it’s totally fine.” He gave Steve the finger as he spoke. “I’m sure I can work something out. What day?” “Thursday and Friday.” Javier hummed for a minute and started to think about the days he had off. “Yeah. I can work something out. What time are you leaving?” “Probably.. 12?” “Sounds good. I’ll be at your place at 11:30, then.” “Great.” “Great.” You were silent for a little while.
“… great.” You said again and he chuckled. “Great.” He repeated one more time and you laughed. “Okay. I’ll let you go now so you can- and a toddler just knocked over a potted tree okay I have to go. I’ll talk to you later.” Javier chuckled. “Alright. Talk to you later. Bye.” “Bye.” The line lingered a second before the both of you hung up.
“Awwww how cuuuute.” Javier glared at Steve quickly and threw a pen at him, to which he dodged. “Shut the hell up. Swap my Wednesday for your Friday.” “After you tried to assault me? That’s not very friendly, Jav.” He picked up a stapler this time and Steve held up his hands. “Alright! Alright, jeez.” Steve huffed as he watched him put it down. “You can have my Friday.”
When Thursday rolled around Javier made sure he had what he needed packed away before getting into his truck and driving to your house. He was a little nervous to spend two days with the two of you. Not that he didn’t want to, there was nothing he wanted more. He just hoped he could set his bullshit aside long enough for you and Valeria to consider him worth the effort.
He got to your house at exactly 11:30 like he promised, knocking on your door. He couldn't remember the last time he went to the beach, probably before his mom died. Matching the theme he hadn't worn a pair of shorts in that long, either. He felt naked with his knees out on display, they were oddly old and shamefully pale, but maybe these two days at the beach will fix that.
When you opened the door Valeria came flying into his legs and he was pretty sure of he hadn't grown accustomed to people tackling him, it very well could've knocked him on his ass. "Hi, papa! It's been so long!" You laughed behind her as he kneeled down to pick her up. "It's barely been a full week, Val." Valeria pouted and hugged Javier tightly. "So."
You shook your head and let him in. "I'm finishing up her bag and then we can go." "Mama always packs my stuff a hundred times." "No, I check your stuff a hundred times, which you learn to do after forgetting tihngs like blankies and binkies and bottles for six months straight." And there was that guilt again. Maybe you wouldn't have gone through that alone if he'd just tried to find you, it's not like it would've been too difficult, he worked for the government, he could've found you. He should've.
He kept Valeria occupied while you made sure you had everything, looking over towards you as he helped her buckle her sandals, swallowing thickly. This outfit was drastically different from the dress, a simple pair of faded shorts that stopped about mid-thigh, and a pink tanktop colored a shade he didn't know the name of but he knew it looked good on you, hugged in the right places and complimented your skintone perfectly.
He didn't even notice Valeria talking to him until she started patting his shoulder to grab his attention. He blinked and looked at her quickly, cheeks flushing. "Yeah?" Valeria giggled softly. "Mama is really pretty, isn't she?" Javier chuckled and looked at you as he bit down on his lip. "Yeah. She is." He sighed happily and stood up quickly when you turned around, pulling Valeria up on his hip. "All ready to go?" He asked, making his way over to you as you nodded. "Yeah. All ready."
"Great. I thought we'd take my truck, no offense to your car or anything but... I don't think it will make it to Malaquite Beach." You laughed and nodded. “Honestly you’re probably right… and it’s airing out because Valeria may have thrown up in it the other day.”
When Javier's eyes widened you laughed. "Don't worry, she just... had too much candy at school." He nodded, relieved. "Okay. Good. Sorry my seats are fabric and I love her but if she puked in my car I would probably throw up right next to her."
You laughed harder and nodded. "She usually sleeps in the car." Javier nodded and walked out to the car with the two of you. "Um, I got a carseat, too... I figured we could both have one.. uh... just in case." You looked at Javi as he opened the backdoor and helped Valeria into her seat. You expected to have to use your own carseat, or hold her until you got to the beach.
"What..?" Javier asked hesitantly before you shook your head, smiling widely before surging forward and slamming your lips into his, cupping his cheeks gently.
Javier hummed in surprise, his eyes widening as he kissed you back, wrapping his arms around your waist as Valeria giggled and scrunched her face in her car seat. “What was that for?” You felt your cheeks warm up as you shook your head.
“You just… you’re falling into being her dad so well… I just wish I would’ve found a way to tell you sooner.” You said softly. Javier shook his head and cupped your cheeks. “It’s okay. I wasn’t ready to be a dad, or a boyfriend or husband then. But I’m ready now and that’s what matters.” He said softly. You smiled and let him walk you to the passenger side. “Now I believe you promised our beautiful baby girl a day at the beach.” He opened the door and you laughed softly.
“I believe I did.” You laughed, buckling your seatbelt as Javier walked around and got inside. You looked back at Valeria and were happy to see her doublechecking her seatbelt already. “All good, Muñequita?” Valeria nodded happily. “All good, mama.” You smiled and turned forward.
The drive to the beach wasn’t too long and, luckily for you and Javier, Valeria fell asleep not long after you got in the car so there were no “are we there yet?” Or repeated requests to stop so she could potty without going in her pull up. Pull-ups weren’t something she wore very often, mostly for long car rides or before bed incase of accidents but she still hated wearing them.
You didn’t wake her up until Javier had parked his truck, sitting in the back with her as Javier pulled everything out. “You girls go play in the water I’ll get our spot set up.” Valeria was quick to unbuckle herself from her car seat before wiggling out and over your lap. “¡Vamos, mamá, el océano te está esperando!” Come on, mama, the ocean is waiting!
You laughed but helped her out of the truck. “Be careful, Muñequita! You don’t want to trip.” You got out and stopped her before she could run off. “We have to put sunscreen on, Val, we gotta keep our skin safe, remember?” Valeria groaned loudly but stood still and let you rub sunscreen all over her arms, legs, shoulders, face, and neck and any other exposed skin you could find.
Javier set up the blanket while you lathered you and Valeria in a protective layer of sunscreen before you made your way over to him. “Sunscreen.” Javier looked up from the little box he was adjusting on the corner and chuckled. “I’m not a kid, mamacita. I don’t need-” “you do need it, Javier.” You raised a brow at him pointedly. “I’m from Texas. I spent my whole life in the sun without it.” “I refuse to believe your mother didn’t put sunscreen on you as a child.”
Javier squinted at you and you squinted at him before he sighed and tugged his shirt over his head. “Fine.” You smiled triumphantly and started rubbing the sunscreen into his body while he rubbed it into his face, huffing. “It smells bad for you.” “You’re worse than your daughter about putting on this stuff.” “I don’t see why I need it.”
“Valeria tell papa why we need sunscreen.” Valeria looked up from where she was playing in the sand and giggled. “Skin cancer doesn’t discriminate, papa!” Javier bitchfaced you while you smirked. “You taught her the word discriminate?”
“Of course I did.” You shrugged, pulling your hands off him once all the sunscreen was rubbed in. “It’s important word to know.” Javier looked at you, and then Valeria, and then himself and nodded. “… yeah. It is.”
Once you were all covered in an appropriate amount of sunscreen, with an alarm set on Javier’s watch to remind you to put more on, the three of you went to play in the water. You stayed in the shallow end for a while, you and Valeria teaming up against Javier and splashing him with water- until Valeria betrayed you and started splashing you with Javier.
“How could you turn against your own country?!” You yelled, laughing as you tried to dodge their multi-directional attacks. Valeria just giggled and kept splashing you. “Papá promised ice cream!”
You gasped dramatically. “You bribed her?! Your own daughter?!” Javier laughed and shrugged. “Sorry, mamacita. But if you decide you as well would like to join my forces, you can have ice cream too.” He smirked and you squinted at him, the two of you in some kind of Mexican standoff before you hummed.
“… fine. I like ice cream.” Javier laughed and shook his head fondly. “Everyone likes ice cream.” Valeria nodded in agreement as you made your way over to the two of them, Javier pulling Valeria up on his hip.
“Wanna go deeper, Chiquita?” Valeria looked towards the deeper end and gripped onto Javier’s neck tighter before nodding quickly. “Yeah. Don’t drop me.” Javier shook his head. “I would never.” He held her with one arm before reaching down with the other one to grab your hand. You smiled at him, lacing your fingers together as you walked further out until Valeria decided it was far enough, looking around in awe.
Personally, you had always found the ocean and the idea of it absolutely horrifying, not that you wouldn’t go in because you knew there was hardly anything this close to the shore, but the idea that if you went just a little further or got swept up in a risky current- and now you’re freaking yourself out.
Your hand tightened around Javier’s and your eyes snapped towards him and Valeria, just to make sure they were in fact still there, feeling your heart ease up when you saw Javier smiling at Valeria, squeezing your hand back, while Valeria looked around her at the boats in the distance and the other families splashing around in the water.
You were lucky to have Javier back, you never really thought you’d see him again, that after Escobar he’d be thrown into some other cartel business or something like that. But thinking back on it, he hadn’t seemed happy in Colombia, sure you only had one night with him but there was a distant hollowness in his eyes beneath the charming grins and flirtatious winks. You didn’t see that anymore, not like you had that night.
It was still there, and you hated the idea of him dealing with something like that, especially on his own. “How’ve you been, Javi? Really?” You asked after the three of you had made it back to land, Valeria warming up in the sun while you and Javier sat under the umbrella. You hadn’t meant to ask, not yet anyway, but the words came spilling out.
Javier looked away from where he was watching Valeria and frowned a little. “What do you mean?” “I mean… since Colombia. Are you doing okay?” Javier shifted and sighed a little. “Um… I guess. I’m a lot better with you and Valeria in my life..” you smiled softly. “I’m glad… I’m just worried about you.”
He shook his head and reached over, grabbing your hand and lacing your fingers with his. “Don’t be. I have everything I could want right here in front of me.” He smiled and you felt your cheeks warm up as you shook your head.
“Papá, ¿puedo enterrarte en la arena?” Daddy can I bury you in the sand? Valeria asked excitedly, running over and practically bouncing on her heels. You laughed and let go of Javier’s hand, already knowing he’d say yes. Javier hummed, pretending to think about it as he tapped his chin. When Valeria threw out the puppy dog eyes though he caved immediately and stood up.
“Bien, bien, puedes enterrarme.” Fine, fine, you can bury me. He chuckled and let her tug him to whatever spot she wanted, showing him why she’d dug the hole she’d been digging. “Este fue tu plan todo el tiempo, ya veo.” This was your plan all along by I see. Valeria giggled and shrugged as she watched Javier lay down the best he could in the little hole before she started covering his bottom half.
You laughed at the sight of Javier sat up on his elbows, the rest of him hidden by golden sand. “Well, ladies. Looks like we can’t go anywhere. My legs are gone.” He looked behind him and pretended to pout. “It’s a shame, too. They were my favorite legs.” Valeria giggled louder and covered her mouth before speaking. “You’re a merman, daddy!”
Javier looked behind him and sure enough Valeria had curved the sand to look like a fish-tail, sloppy scales drawn in and everything. He smiled and felt his chest swell as he looked at Valeria. “Always wondered what it would be like.” He teased before reaching out to tickle her stomach. Valeria giggled and used her hands to try and protect her stomach. “No, papa! Don’t tickle me!” She ran over to you.
“How could you run from me? Im a fish out of water over here!” Valeria giggled and shook her head. “Mama, papa is silly.” You laughed softly and nodded. “I know that’s why I like him so much.” You teased, winking at her.
Javier tilted his head and grinned before suddenly standing up and running towards the two of you. Valeria screamed and ran as you scrambled up and ran after her. “Hurry, mommy!” Once you caught up to Valeria you picked her up and ran with her before looking back at Javier and smirking before suddenly stopping and spinning around, holding Valeria at his mercy.
“No!” Valeria squealed, giggling and trying to wiggle out of your arms as Javier reached out and started tickling her. You didn’t hold her too tight and you knew if she really wanted free she could slip out of your grip so you weren’t worried about upsetting her.
Valeria continued to scream and giggle and thrash around until she finally wiggled out of your grip. “Okay, papa! No more no more!” She held her stomach and you laughed and sat next to her as Javier knelt down. “Okay, Muñequita. We’ll call a truce.” He kissed her little cheek and looked at his watch when it beeped.
“Time for more sunscreen.” You stood up and brushed the sand off your legs as Javier stood up and grabbed Valeria when she reached for him, heading back to the spot with you. After the sunscreen was on you played around some more, making sandcastles until his watch beeped again, and then you packed up and headed back to Javier’s truck with Valeria on your hip and everything else in Javier’s arms.
“I could’ve carried something, Y’know.” You looked over at him, laughing softly as he shook his head, putting everything in the bed of the truck while you buckled Valeria into her car seat. “Couldn’t make you carry our little girl and the stuff.” Javier shook his head and made his way over to you after closing the tailgate.
You turned towards him and smiled when he curled his arms around your waist. “So, I say we go get some ice cream for the drive arm. That sound good to anyone else?” Valeria gasped loudly and started squirming in her car seat. “Me! Me! I want ice cream!” You giggled and looked at Valeria and then at Javier. “I believe you have your answer.”
Javier smiled and cupped your cheeks gently before leaning to press his lips to yours, holding you there for a second before he pulled away and motioned for you to get in, closing the door behind you before going to the drivers side and climbing in.
The drive to the motel after you ate your ice cream was a little rowdier than the ride to the beach, no doubt because of the ice cream but about halfway home Valeria had started to pass out in the backseat, her little head bobbing even as she insisted she wasn’t tired and didn’t need a nap.
Eventually though, after tiring herself out by shouting observations or asking questions, you looked in the back and saw her conked out. You smiled and looked at Javier, reaching over to grab his hand. “Thank you for coming today.”
Javier looked over at you and smiled as he gave your hand a gentle squeeze. “Of course I came. Couldn’t turn down a beach day with mi niñas.” My girls. You felt your cheeks warm up as you laughed a little, shaking your head a little and looking out the window. “… I was kinda scared you’d say no. I didn’t want to smother you or anything.”
Javier frowned deeply at the road and gave your hand a light squeeze. “No bother, mamacita. I love spending time with the two of you.” He glanced at you. “… make up for lost time. Not just with her.” God your face and neck were on fire at this point. “I’m glad she ran into you that day.” Javier laughed and nodded. “Me too. Wish I hadn’t knocked her on her ass but yeah. I am too.”
When you got to the hotel Javier went to check in while you grabbed Valeria from her car seat and threw your overnight bags over your shoulder. Maybe, just maybe, Javi would let you carry these bags in since you already had them.
Of course, you should’ve known better because when he saw you cradling Valeria while adjusting your bag on your shoulder he rushed over. “I told you I would carry the stuff.” “Javi I can handle a bag.” “It’s not about what you can handle. I’m here now so you don’t have to do it all yourself.”
You tried to swallow the lump forming in your throat, taking a shaky breath. You were pretty sure he didn’t understand just how much that meant to you. Even something as small as carrying the bags so she can focus on holding Valeria. It made your heart swell and your lungs tighten. “… Okay.” You let him take the bag and then wrapped your arm around Valeria’s back.
“Alright. Our room number is 105. Figured ground floor would be easier for Val… and me because my knees are not what they used to be.” You laughed as you walked into the room with him, it was almost a direct shot from your car but you knew that was most likely his past in Colombia surfacing a little. “Oh it’s nice!” Javier nodded. “Asked him for his nicest ground floor room.” He chuckled. “I mean it’s not a dumpy place but you never know.” You smiled and kissed his cheek before laying Valeria in bed. “She’s gonna freak over that tv in the morning.”
Javier laughed and looked at the tv, nodding. “I can already hear her asking to watch Elmo.” You smiled even more and turned to look at him. “I’m so glad you’re around. God I’m such a dummy for not telling you. I know you weren’t ready but.. you deserved to know.” Javier chucked and shook his head. “Don’t worry about that anymore mamacita. Honestly. You’ve got photos and videos. I’ll watch them and it won’t be the same but at least I’ll see them.” You took a deep breath and wrapped your arms around him in a tight hug.
He smiled, rubbing your back with one hand while his arm wrapped around you tightly and pulled you closer for a tighter hug. “As much as I would love to stay like this forever we should all shower before Valeria falls asleep.” You looked over towards her and laughed when you saw her trying to stay awake. “Which better be soon.”
Javier laughed and nodded. “Alright. You niñas go on, I’ll shower next.” You smiled and pulled away, pressing a quick kiss to his lips before pulling away. “Keep her up while I get our pajamas and stuff out.” Javier nodded and plopped down on the bed with Valeria. She giggled as her itty bitty body bounced with the force, looking over at Javier.
“Papá! You have to be careful I’m little!” She giggled. Javier grinned and shook his head. “Lo siento, Muñequita.” I’m sorry, little doll. He reached out to straight her hair a bit and get it out of her face and then started tickling her neck with one hand and her armpit with the other.
Valeria squealed loudly, scrunching her neck and pinching her arm close to her body as she tried to wiggle away, giggling wildly. “No, papá! I’m ticklish!” Javier chuckled but continued to tickle her. “Really? Never woulda guessed!” “Mamá! Mamá save me!”
You’d stopped gathering clothes to watch them, smiling at the sight before running over like you were going to save her. But then Javier looked at you and smirked at eachother. “Valeria… I don’t think I can save you.” You looked at your hands and curled your fingers a little. “Whatever has taken over Papá… it’s got me now too!” You yelled before tickling her feet.
Valeria giggled louder, squealing and wiggling around for a moment before you and Javier decided to stop torturing her. “Okay, okay. It’s time to wash all this beach gunk off of us, Muñequita.” Valeria giggled and kissed Javier’s cheek quickly before reaching up for you.
Once the three of you were cleaned up you ordered a pizza and watched tv while you ate, the three of you were tucked into bed by ten, Valeria cuddled between you and Javier.
The rest of your trip was great, you spent a little time at the beach before you left the next morning, had lunch, and then Javier took you back home before he went back to the farm.
When he got there his dad, Chucho, was sitting on the front porch, rocking in his chair with a cold beer in his hand. A grin spread across his face when he saw Javier. “Steve called while you were gone. Said you were with a girl.”
Javier’s face turned red as he sat next to him. Jesus Christ he’s gonna kill Murphy, that’s it, his wife will be a widow, his children fatherless. He was a dead man. “I was gonna tell you when I got back. I didn’t want to overwhelm anyone.” He sighed.
Chucho raised a brow and hummed. “She must be good for you. Never heard of you being one to not overwhelm someone.” He smirked as Javier bitchfaced him and rubbed his face. “It’s not… just her.” He sighed heavily and shifted, glancing at Chucho. “I…”
Javier scratched his chin and looked down. “I… got her pregnant…” Chucho blinked rapidly. “Mijo… I think it’s a bit early-“ “No- Pop… I got her pregnant a few years ago in Colombia… I’m a dad…” Chucho put his beer down and squinted at him before reaching onto the windowsill and throwing the beer cap at him.
“¡¿QUÉ?! ¿Has tenido un hijo todo este tiempo y nunca me lo dijiste? ¡¿Qué es lo que te pasa?! ¡Tu madre se revuelve en su tumba! Por qué-” WHAT?! You have had a child this entire time and never told me?! What is the matter with you?! Your mother is turning in her grave! Why-! he grabbed the next closest thing to him and got ready to throw it at him but Javier threw his hands up to block it.
“¡No lo sabía, papá! ¡Lo juro! ¡Me enteré hace dos semanas!” I didn’t know, dad! I swear! I just found out two weeks ago! Javier looked at Chucho and noticed he still didn’t seem satisfied so he sighed and started to tell him about how you met in Colombia, and then how you ran into eachother at the department store.
“She had to come back to America after and she didn’t have a way of contacting me.” Javier rubbed his face with a heavy sigh. Chucho sighed and got up, moving to sit next to him on the steps. “I’m not mad, mijo… how old is the kid?”
Javier smiled softly as he thought about Valeria, taking a deep breath. “She’s five… she’s great pops. Adorable, she’s bilingual too and she’s so good.” He chuckled and rubbed his hands on his thighs. “… I wish I could’ve been her dad sooner.” He sighed and leaned back against the railing. “But…”
“You weren’t ready then. You had other things to do.” Chucho finished. Javier nodded and glanced at him. “But I’m ready now… I just.. I hope I can be good enough. For both of them… I don’t want my shit to come up and screw everything up, Y’know?”
Chucho nodded in understanding and reached out, laying his hand on Javier’s shoulder. “You’re better than when you first got back, son, and if this girl is as great as you made her seem just now… she’ll be there for you.” He said softly. “Just don’t hold it in anymore. When you need to talk. Talk for Christ’s sake.”
Javier sighed and nodded. “You’re right.” He rubbed his face and sighed heavily. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about her when I found out I just.. I was wrapping my head around it. It still feels… surreal.” He said softly. Chucho nodded. “No hard feelings, son. I just want you to be happy. I do wanna meet these two girls. Can’t let me go on without knowing my nieta.” Granddaughter He shook his head.
Javier chuckled and nodded. “I’ll talk to her and we’ll work something out. Promise.” Chucho nodded and slapped his shoulder before standing up. “Now get up there’s another hole in the fence, I did half the work, I just need you to finish it.” Javier groaned and nodded before he stood up. “Alright I’ll go finish it.”
“Good boy. I’ll start dinner we can eat when you’re done.” Javier nodded and headed around to the back, straight for the hole in the side of the fence, Chucho had done the horizontal boards and all that was left was a paint job and the vertical boards.
While he was fixing the fence he thought about you and Valeria, Valeria running around inside the fence while you brought them out some lemonade or something. Like his own mother did for so long for him and his dad on hot days. He wouldn’t mind living on the farm with you, teaching Valeria how to care for the animals.
He’d talk to you tomorrow about meeting his dad and if you were okay with it you’d arrange something for a few days ahead to give all of you the time to prepare. Chucho would want to plan something special for dinner and he didn’t want to rush things along too much and freak you out.
Sorry this took so long! I hope you enjoyed I’ll try not to take so long with the next updates!
@wonwoosthetic @stonerlaur4 @amyispxnk @ilovejoel-andjavi
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princeminnow · 2 years
hihi minnow!!! leaves an banana for ask game? :O
~ @bumbling-kiddo
hi bee!! bzz bzzz 🐝 💕
🍃describe your dream little outfit
i think i have a few!! i alredy have overalls but i want some with cute patches all over, also i want a pajama top n bottom that match but arent too hot or tight around the parts a my body that bend yknow? like thos family matching chrismas pj sets
also big me isnt into “girl” clothes but little i kinda want a tennis skirt with pockets under a big comfy sweater o///o it sounds cute n fun! even for a boy!
🍌nap time or play time?
ooohhhhh i wanna say nap time but also mb its cuz i do that small more? im one a those kids that never could play pretend very good without a playmate n i get bored.. my toys r usually for talkin to and stimming usually i think
but i do luv play time! just don end up doin it a lot ^^’
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Casino Winnings
I’m going through the Wayback Machine and bringing over some fics that I wrote when I was imaginingwwesuperstars!! Well, at least what they have archived…and has been edited since the original post…I hope you enjoy!!
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(gif by @totaldivasepisodes​)
“Where are you…” Dean sang to himself as he wandered down the corridors.
He had been at the casinos for the last few hours and told you that he’d meet you at Smackdown tonight. He’s been doing pretty well and he wanted to show you the money he won because he planned to spend some of it on you.
Dean turned the corner, playing with the chips in his hand, doing a double take when he saw you down the hall talking with Becky and Naomi.
“Finally found you…” He continued to sing to himself as he walked over to you. “It only took me 30 minutes…”
“Hey Dean.” Naomi said, noticing him first.
“What’s up?” Dean asked her.
You looked over to him, doing a double take when you realized what was on his head.
“What is on your head?” You asked, smiling at him.
“Well, this, Y/N, is a giant foam cowboy hat.” He pointed to the hat on his head. “I have one of these babies on because I have been doing pretty well in the casino.” He showed you the chips in his hand. There were 100 and 500 dollar chips in his hand.
“Holy shit.” You, Naomi and Becky said in unison.
“I know, right?” Dean replied with a proud smirk on his face.
“You got all of these playing poker?” You asked him.
“I might’ve squeezed in a little blackjack…you see these ones right here?” He pointed to 2 of the 500 dollar chips. “I beat Baron Corbin for that. So if you find me mysteriously beaten up somewhere, it was him and this was why.” He smiled.
“Only you could be happy to be beaten up for beating someone at poker.” You kissed him on the cheek and returned his smile.
“I was thinking I could take you out to dinner. A real dinner. The one I should’ve taken you for on our first date.” Dean’s voice got lower as he got closer to you, grabbing your hand.
Becky and Naomi exchanged a glance and quietly ‘awww’ed to each other before watching the scene unfold before them.
“I liked our first date, though. I had a lot of fun that night.” You replied to him in the same volume.
“I did too. But I wanted to treat you out to something better than that cheap diner food but other things got in the way…” Dean looked down at his hand holding yours. “I still do.”
“You know, you could’ve taken me to McDonald’s and I still would’ve been happy. But I’m not gonna turn down free food and time with you. So yeah, let’s do it.”
Dean shook his head and smiled at you. He loved that you didn’t care about money or need fancy things. But since he had some extra money this time around, why not do your first date all over again…2 years later?
“Good. I’ll see you later then.” Dean replied, leaning in to kiss you. You returned the kiss and smiled at him as you parted. “Ladies.” Dean acknowledged and nodded at Naomi and Becky.
They smiled and waved good bye to him. Dean looked back at you and winked.
“Good luck in your match tonight, kiddo.” Dean said, slapping your butt.
You watched as Dean walked away, completely caught off guard when he smacked your butt. You couldn’t help but smile at him when he turned to look back at you.
“Ooohhhhh!” Naomi and Becky teased.
“Shut up.” You said to them, you smile still on your face as you blushed.
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palaugranetes · 4 years
Dembz: Can you guys believe them😂
Iñaki: Who?
Dembz:"[29/09, 14:35]JC: asjdalfdj
[29/09, 14:35]Jordi: What the hell is that?? Are you okay?
[29/09, 14:35]JC: I'm fine, it's just a keysmash
[29/09, 14:35]Jordi: A what now?
[29/09, 14:35]JC: It's just a laugh bro.
[29/09, 14:35]Jordi: How is that a laugh? How do you do that? What?
[29/09, 14:35]Ansu: Just press any letter dude.
[29/09, 14:35]Jordi: D
[29/09, 14:35]Neto: T
[29/09, 14:35]Geri: Multiple letters you dumbasses.
[29/09, 14:35]Jordi: I knew that...
[29/09, 14:35]Geri: Clearly. Of course you did.
[29/09, 14:35]Jordi: So now that Luis is gone it's my turn?!
[29/09, 14:35]Geri: Do dumb shit. Ask dumb questions and this is what you get."
Iñaki: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Riqui: 😅😂😂😂😂 I think Geri found a new target.
Carlitos: Makes you wonder how the adults gc is like now
Dembz: Without Luis? Probably boring.
Riqui: Probably.😂😂
Carlitos: I need to find my way into that thing somehow.
Riqui: Holy shit yes! 😳 How could we forget him!?
Francisco: 👀👀👀
Ansu: Would he do it??
Riqui: @Carlitos, you are an old fella.. you hang out with him a lot.. Go for it!
Ansu: 😂 Old fella
JC: You really want to go there child?
Ansu: No one was talking to you. Stay in your lane.
Frenkie: Why isn't he here?
Riqui: Who?
Frenkie: Sergi
Riqui: He is an adult. No adults here.
Dembz: And Clem?
Riqui: Missed it by 🤏🏻 much
Frenkie: Some friends in Ajax are telling me that Sergiño is gonna be announced soon!
Frenkie: We should add him @Riqui
Riqui: Him yes. He passes the age limit by a mile.
Dembz: Such an ageist.
Riqui: Shut it. This is 1996 and under group.
Ansu: Back to Sergi.. Who is gonna talk to him and when?
Pedri: I guess papa Carlitos 😋
Carlitos: I'll see what I can do
1 OCTOBER 2020
JC: And once again, the baby cannot be MOTM 😂
Ansu: 😒😒😒😒
Ansu: Total BS.. It's ridiculous
JC: You were fantastic once again mon ami!
Dembz: 30 more days kiddo😜
Pedri: 🙄
Frenkie: Again fantastic work boys!
Ronald: Clem being sent off was total BS!
Dembz: But you got to play.
Ronald: STILL!
Francisco: They literally were trying to break Leo!
Ansu: Welcome to La Liga where every team's mission is to try and break Leo.
JC: As IF it's only La Liga.
Pedri: true that 👉🏼
Iñaki: We almost got in trouble with the ref because of it 😂😂
Riqui: Arnau is right and he should have said it louder.
Francisco: The weather was horrible! Did you guys see how the corner flag pole ended up😂😂😂
Riqui: more crooked than Bartomeu
Carlitos: 🙊🙊🙊
Riqui: AM I WRONG?!
Carlitos: Not one bit my guy.
Riqui: They are counting the votes and the signs are great!
Carlitos: Finally. Cannot believe he made it this long. What were the socis thinking?!
Riqui: They weren't thinking.
Carlitos: 🤷🏻‍♂️
Iñaki: We are in for a wild ride.
2 OCTOBER 2020
Riqui added Sergiño
Riqui: You guys wanted him. You guys got him. Welcome dude!
JC: Looking good @Frenkie on the banner! Look at you!
JC: Welcome to this mess @Sergiño
Frenkie:"JC: Looking good @Frenkie on the banner! Look at you!" 💙❤
Riqui: We need new Marketing execs... "#TheBiggerPicture" No shit!
Ronald: Is there anything you are happy with bro?!
Riqui: At this current state.. not really.
Carlitos: Leo staying.
Riqui: At this current state.. Other than Leo staying.. Not Really.
Carlitos: 😉😉
Pedri: The relief I felt..
Francisco: Me too
Iñaki: Pretty much all of us.
Sergiño: Hey guys!! Thank you for having me!
Sergiño: 💙❤💙❤💙❤💙❤
Carlitos: You are going to love it here! Good vibes mixed with chaotic clusterfuck.
Pedri: Welcome to the team and the group bro!
Francisco: And we keep growing! Welcome @Sergiño!
Dembz: 🤙🏿🤙🏿🤙🏿🤙🏿@Sergiño
Riqui: So how has your day been so far?
Sergiño: Amazing. I just saw Lionel Messi training with my own eyes! Idk if this is real or not.
Pedri: I know that feeling dude
Francisco: It really is something else!
Sergiño: I am still in shock.
Riqui: Yes Leo does have that effect on newcomers.
Carlitos: Newcomers? Dafuq you mean newcomers .. I am still surprised by him and I have been here since before @Ansu could walk.
Ansu: This is really getting old!
Ansu: And welcome to the team and this hellhole @Sergiño!!❣
Iñaki: Welcome bro!! @Sergiño! 💙❤
Sergiño: Thank you guys! I cannot wait to get started!!🤗❤💙🤗❤💙🤗❤💙
3 OCTOBER 2020
Carlitos: So I talked to Sergi
Ansu: AND?
Riqui: What did he say??
Carlitos: I mean I totally played dumb obv
Riqui: As opposed to your regular self?
Carlitos: Do you want to know or do you want to be a douche?
Riqui: Carry on.
JC: What was the verdict?
Carlitos: Oh snap Luca is crying. I'll tell you guys later.
JC: He was kidding you because you are kid.
Ansu: 🖕🏿
Dembz: Language!
Ansu: 🖕🏿
Pedri: @Carlitos Please hurry
Sergiño: Um.. what is @Carlitos talking about?
Pedri: Our plan to infiltrate the other gc..
Sergiño: We are in that gc why would we infiltrate it?
Iñaki: No not the main gc. The adults gc.
Sergiño: ??
Riqui: the "Adults" gc
Sergiño: Putting it between "" is not gonna make me understand more😅😅
Frenkie: The veterans gc.
Sergiño: Ooohhhhh got it got it..
Riqui: 👍🏻
Ansu: We just need Carles to come back at some point and tell us.
Iñaki: So it's gonna take some time then... 🤦🏼‍♂️
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stirdrawsandreblaws · 6 years
every time I start a song performed by miku in project diva, kiddo starts yelling and pointing at the screen "OOOHHHHH ITS MIKU!!!! OH!!!! MIKU!!!!! LOOK IT MIKUUUU!!!!" and its the cutest thing ive ever seen
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every1studio · 7 years
a new beginning // MXM
hello all! this is a BRAND NEW scenario blog (I’ve moved from @wanna1studio). To start off this blog; I’ll be writing a piece with MXM. AM OPEN FOR REQUESTS AS WELL
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genre: fluff + friendly rivalry between MXM
ficstyle: bulletpoints / oneshot 
summary: with all your hard work and perseverance, you started working at Cafe Hallyu Doin’ where many celebrities come by. although you respected the celebs, you weren’t too big of a fan to ask get a chance to talk to every celeb that comes by. but one day you notice them starting to go out of their way to talk to you... 
note: I still have my old account open to finish “JBJ SHAREHOUSE” series and I want to keep some of my works up so that people can still read them. But I’ll be taking requests on this blog (:
“congrats, y/n!!! I wish I got accepted to work at Cafe Hallyu Doin’...” 
your friends congratulated you for getting accepted
Cafe Hallyu Doin’ is an exclusive cafe made for celebs/rich people so they can comfortably get coffee and hang out with other celebs/rich peope
its above a celebrity salon so many of them get coffee or something to eat from the cafe before/after their appointments
you thought you only got accepted because you weren’t too big on fawning over celebrities
(you were in it for the pay; THE PAY WAS TOO GOOD TO NOT APPLY)
FLASHBACK (to the interview)
“so y/n, who’s your celebrity crush?”
“I don’t really have time to have crushes with celebrities.. don’t get me wrong they are all very good looking, but looking at good looking people aren’t going to pay for my rent or college tuition.”
after saying that all the interviewers started to nod and scribble something down
“please be on the lookout for a call to let you know if you got the job”
you finished up your avocado-smoked salmon toast 
“okay guys I gotta go to work now.. I’m closing tonight so I’ll see you guys in class tomorrow”
you heard your friends say
“crazy kiddos, you know I won’t do it”
walked out of the restaurant and you heard your friends saying how it was a waste and all but they wouldn’t make you do anything you didn’t wanted
before you walked into the building, you took out to wear your STAFF ID CARD lanyard
the only way you could get into the cafe was through the salon
and the only way to get into the salon is with an ID card, appointment card, or you’re a literal celeb
“oh it’s you! so it seems like you got the job, congrats!” you saw the salon’s receptionists; twins; boy and girl
you saw them when you came in for your interview last week
“thank you...I’m surprised you see a lot of people everyday, how do you even remember me?” you blushed
they both giggled
“it’s because we don’t see a lot of new faces; we usually get our regulars and you’re incredibly cute, who wouldn’t remember you? I’m Jun and this is my sister, Jane”
you were flustered; “um.. nice to meet you both of you.. I’ll be heading up then” 
you bowed slightly and rushed up to the cafe
you bumped into someone and looked up to say sorry as quickly as you could without being rude
“I’m so sorry, I’m going to be late on my first day. I’m sorry”
it was the first day at work and you didn’t want to be late by even one second
“hey you dropped your-” 
you were already gone
the person picks up your cell phone 
“ya we should give it back to them” the person next to the person that you bumped said
the one that picked up your phone smiled, “I don’t think they knows us, should we photobomb their phone?”
the other guy smacks him in the head, “THAT’D BE RUDE.. wait who do we know who to give it to, we barely saw their face?”
they clicked your phone to see if your lockscreen would give them a clue
you had a picture of you and your long-haired Scottish-fold cat 
the guys fight over your phone as they also make their way up to the cafe
up in the cafe, you didn’t need lots of help since you worked at many cafes before
all you needed to do was learn how to make their specialty items and specific etiquette to dealing with customers at the cafe
“you’ll do good. from what I see, you’re respective and polite. you have many skills, I’m glad to have you on the team” the owner sticks his hand out to shake yours
you took it with two hands, “thank you for speaking highly of me, I won’t let you down”
“I need to bake some cakes so if you need anything, I’ll be in the back. Wonho (the owner’s son) will be coming in soon as well so don’t worry”
you nodded and helped out the customers at the front
they seemed to be huffing and puffing 
(were they that thirsty to rush here for drinks?)
“hello, how may we help yo-”
“(huff) you bumped (huff) into me earlier (huff)” one says as he leans over the counter
(oh no... you can’t get a complaint! you just got this job!) you started to get worry but you didn’t lose your composure
“I am so sorry, sir. is ther-”
but the guy next to the guy who you bumped into interrupted you
“you (huff huff) dropped your phone (huff)” he hands your phone
you were relieved it wasn’t anything like he wanted to sue you for touching him
“oh thank you so much” you reach for your phone with two hands but he jerks it back
“but I’ll only give it back if you give me your number”
you saw someone come up from behind them and grab them by the ears
“I’m so sorry if they caused you any problem, I’ll go deal with these kids asap” 
“YEAH MANGER HYUNG!” Youngmin cries in unison
the manager lets go of their ears, “does she even know who you guys are? please introduce yourselves before kiddos”
“Brand New, hello, we are MXM”
you clapped in response to them
“so uh... miss y/n.. if I were drink what would it be?” Donghyun smiles
but he flinches when the manager threatens to pull them away
“hmm.. Donghyun if you were a drink then you’d be an iced cold-press Vietnamese coffee” 
“what about me?” Youngmin scoots Donghyun over
“Youngmin.. mmm.... you’d be a light caramel frappe with an espresso drizzle..”
“ooohhhhh we’re so sophisticated” Donghyun says
honestly you just went off by their hair color and outfits that they wore
they paid for their drinks and waited for you to make them
instead of waiting like how normal people would for coffee, they acted like little kids
“okay but like what are you doing now?”
“how does that machine work?”
“can you add more condense milk to mine?”
“ya kids can y/n please do her job in peace?” the manager looked really stressed so you made an iced americano for him (on the house bc the man was getting grey hair from stress when he didn’t even look that old)
when the boys got their drinks, they used your phone to take a selfie
“let’s take a selfie to commemorate your first day on the job!” Youngmin says as he stretches his arm out
you looked back at the owner and he gave you an okay sign
“y/n!! we’ll be back tomorrow! it’s only just the beginning! I’ll make sure I’ll win your heart!” Donghyun waves
“ya not if I win it first” Youngmin nudges Donghyun
you bowed as they left bickering
“whoa, I’m surprised y/n stayed professional the whole time, huh dad?”
“so who do you like more y/n ah?”
you turned to look at the owner and his son both have their heads in their hands 
it seemed like they viewed the whole spectacle as if it was a drama
“you know Dad? if I was y/n, I’d chose Youngmin”
the dad looks at him, “what? I’d chose Donghyun!”
oi vey
you never answered them 
(so this happened) you posted the pic in the group chat and you were bombarded with questions in all caps
every since that one day, those boys have been visiting the cafe every single day to the point where they consider you as their friend
they even made you change your lockscreen to the one that they took with you the first day you guys met
but really... who would you choose?
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esseastri · 7 years
Megan Reads Oathbringer (part 9)
Happy New Year, y’all.
“Heavy Fuel” by Dire Straits is a punk!Dalinar song, sorry, I don’t make the rules.
Part 9 encompasses pages 666-753 (previous parts)
Pray for the mountain internet, please, that it lets me do this liveblog without dropping tumblr every five minutes.
okay, but Elhokar is drawing a map and I’m suddenly vaguely desperate for Elhokar/Eshonai map buddies.
I s2g every time someone calls him “the bridgeman” I just hiss protectively. HE HAS A NAME
oh snap his baby’s name is Gavinor. that’s... listen bud, your dad doesn’t deserve to have anyone named after him, sorry.
“Storming lighteyes, Veil thought as she watched [the food distribution].” YEAH HON, THAT GOES FOR YOU TOO, NORMALLY.
Okay, no, not quite--Shallan would probably not go so far as to send her servants to get food that could be given to the poor instead of rich people, but like... the principle stands. Shallan does not recognize her own privilege half the time, and I guess?? that “Veil” noticing it... might? be a step in the right direction? But... probably not until she fuses her multiple identities back into one person.
And that doesn’t seem like it’s happening any time soon.
aw yis. storytime.
Aight, can Hoid see through Lightweaving, or can he just recognize Shallan by like... her stance and the way she moves or? HOW COOL IS HE, IS WHAT I’M ASKING HERE.
“You look like you could use the opportunity to buy me something to eat.” HOID, PLS.
“I’m not stupid enough to get mixed up in religion again.” Again. Hoid, wth does that mean.
but dear god, Hoid as a Herald would be hilarious.
“The sum total of stupid people is somewhere around the population of the planet. Plus one.” “Plus one?” “Sadeas counts twice.” GOD BLESS, WIT.
wait, so he wasn’t lying about the promise? About “always being there when needed” but not always knowing where or why? hm. Interesting concept. That I kind of love and wish I’d thought of first.
“Who came with you?” “Kaladin, Adolin, Elhokar, some of our servants.” I thiiiink the other bridgemen would take offense at that, but sure. Whatever.
I’m...intensely amused that chapter 69 is titled “Free Meal, No Strings.” Because I’m eleven and crude as fuck.
Idk, Kaladin, they have a point: the world is ending, so you might as well party. You can be miserable and afraid, or you can be partying and afraid. I’d go with the second.
(but dear god, the Kadolin is real)
Also, Adolin being stupidly happy about getting a new wardrobe is giving me life, I LOVE THIS RIDICULOUS FASHION BOY
HEHEHEH Adolin is going to bring Skar and Drehy pastries from the lighteyes party, that’S SO CUTE I LOVE THIS
“What?” “What what?” “You’re going drinking with bridgemen?” “Sure. Skar, Drehy, and I go way back.” “We spent some time keeping His Highness from falling into chasms.” I’M LIVING MY CROPS ARE FLOURISHING MY SKIN IS CLEAR THIS IS ALL I EVER WANTED THIS IS THE BEST THING THAT’S EVER HAPPENED TO ME I LOVE THIS I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS.
“He felt good lots of days. Trouble was, on the bad days, that was hard to remember. At those times, for some reason, he felt like he had always been in darkness, and always would be. Why was it so hard to remember? Did he have to keep slipping back down? Why couldn’t he stay up here in the sunlight, where everyone else lived?”
The Megan-and-Kaladin-Think-the-Same-Exact-Way-and-It’s-Both-Comforting-and-Terrifying Trend continues. 
Sometimes people ask me why he’s my favorite and I just. Have literally never related more strongly to another person ever, real life or fictional. It’s wild.
I love that the phrase “and you’re lighteyed today” is a normal thing now. That it changes and he can just. change it. and they’ve all accepted it. I love it.
bless these two nerds
“Adolin Kholin was simply a good person. Powder-blue clothing and all. You couldn’t hate a man like him; storms, you kind of had to like him.”
YOU REALLY REALLY DO. He’s infectious, this sunlight boy. And I adore him.
oh no
“Should have just gone to the party” YES YES YOU SHOULD HAVE. I’M WORRY.
also, why did the illusion wear off????? Shallan, what you do?
“The stew didn’t smell anywhere near as good as Rock’s.” HEHEH Nothing does, I’m sure.
I loooooove that Kaladin gets to tell the truth about Amaram now. Drag him, my boy.
the over-friendly wall guards are makin me nervous
I’m sure there are some good men here, and a lot of good soldiers, but... who are they and where did they come from and why are they all lighteyes and.... I have sooo many questions.
......I don’t remember if the squires’ eyes turn light when they’ve been flying with Kaladin.
I don’t think they do, but I don’t remember, and now I’m thinking...maybe the highmarshal is. some kind of Radiant whose squires are all...lighteyes?
AAHH!!!!??? AAAHH!!???? A LADY SHARDBEARER!!!!!?? A LADY!!!!
Okay. That was a pretty dang good speech.
But who is shhheeee
Is she a radiant or is that an Honorblade???
Mmmmmm, Kaladin also thinks she’s a Radiant, but WHICH KIND? If she’s got a bunch of squires, it could be Windrunner, but... dangit, I just... really want to meet a Stoneward.
“In every way, she was the perfect Alethi wife--and her unhappiness crushed his soul.” IT SHOULD. SHE DESERVES BETTER.
I’m reaaaally glad that Evi recognized the Thrill as a bad thing. A monster crouching in her husband’s body.
“...the Thrill was your reward.” Reward? Dalinar, listen to your wife. Please. That is not a reward.
Dalinar, look at you go. You did try this before, the talking thing. You are talking to this angry kiddo, and you’re bad at it, but you’re trying. This isn’t very punk!Dalinar of you. I like it. I can see the bits of presentday!Dalinar poking through the Thrill-encrusted shell of punk!Dalinar. I like it.
This is such interesting character movement, gaahh.
Evi still deserves better though. “Because of a good woman’s tears” ugh the fridge doors are slowly swinging shut, aren’t they?
I mean, I’m not surprised, because it’s Sadeas and he’s Sadeas and of course he’s a fucking traitor, but
Shallan needs to stop getting killed, please. This is really gross.
Kaladin “Good at Making Friends” Stormblessed being all sheepish at making friends easily when it took so much effort to make friends with Bridge Four, like... listen, buddy. YOU are excellent at making friends and these guys were all ready to be friends with you. The Bridge was not ready and you had to wear them down with your charm, and you did, and doesn’t that make it all the more precious that you are friends with them?
Also, I miss them. Are my boys okay, Brandon? How are they doing?
omg, Adolin, pls. Yellow?
The Wall Guards making fun of Adolin’s new wardrobe is DELIGHTFUL.
Hi, I love Kaladin, I am not sure you know this about me.
“Yes, his suit was a little bright--but if they would merely spend five minutes talking to him, they’d see he wasn’t so bad.”
You’ve come. So. Far.
I’m so proud of him, oh my god.  
mmmm this food shipment stuff is so weeeiiirrd. where is it coming from? why is it going?? uuugghhhhh
Part of me is like, “I love that they call Azure ‘sir’ and use male pronouns because there is no gender on the battlefield! Everyone gets treated equal!” and most of me is like “fuck this, she’s a fucking lady in command and she deserves to be known.”
also, wtf, she had them attack a monastery? Okay, I get it, you want to control the Soulcaster, but like.... you didn’t just go in there a kill a buncha monks for it, did you?
but which one.
We have the Skybreaker one.......so whose is this?
Unless it’s not.
confused. and worried.
Tell me things, Brandon!
OH. But then she wouldn’t need the Soulcaster...if she had an Honorblade for Soulcasting... so she went and got the Soulcaster to...keep up appearances? Hm.
....is it awkward that Stormlight Archive has, so far, been the story of several people slowly becoming atheist (Jasnah, Dalinar) or agnostic (Kaladin) as their lives fall to pieces around them and they slowly rebuild?
Kaladin is a Good, guys.
The best.
I feel so bad for Elhokar.
Buddy just needs some hugs, okay.
Okay, I know logically that Roshar is Bad At Horses, but somehow it never occurred to me that they wouldn’t have archers trained on horseback. Mounted archer is just... such a very Alethi thing, especially non-Shattered Plains Alethi. I didn’t realize, but of course they wouldn’t have that. Horses are too rare.
aight, I didn’t really think Sadeas had betrayed them THIS early on, but STILL, I was so hoping...
Still, rockslide ambush is... a pretty solid strategy for dealing with a Shardbearer.
Sucks for his elites tho. They did not deserve that. That’s shitty.
“They must know the punishment for broken oaths.” Huh. Even back then...
“for none shall remain to weep.” #YIKES, my dude. y i k e s.
punk!Dalinar needs to take a chill pill.
And maybe get some sleep.
Listen, if the Thrill is telling you not to sleep, yOU SHOULD PROBABLY SLEEP.
also, any time you are actually LISTENING to SADEAS? You should probably rethink your life and your choices.
Just saying.
So... presentday!Dalinar had a conversation with Taravangian, about sacrificing the few to save the many. That’s...sort of what Taravangian’s entire plan for world domination salvation rests on. But now here...at the Rift. This is 100% Sadeas’ argument: sacrifice the ten thousand commoners living in the Rift to make an example of their highlords to stop any rebellion further down the timeline that might result in more soldiers’ deaths. Which gives ...a really fascinating insight into just how incredibly far Dalinar has come. past!Dalinar is literally employing the exact plan that Taravangian is trying to do on a worldwide scale, and so he knows it. He understands the consequences that Taravangian can’t know and can’t anticipate and refuses to consider. And present!Dalinar learned from this, and knows what end these means lead to and...refuses. To do it again.
It’s SUCH an interesting character progression. And it’s absolutely fascinating to see it laid out in this order--to see the good, honorable man we know and love first and to see this...monster that he was and see exactly how very much he’s grown... It doesn’t excuse this bad period, the good he’s doing now, but maybe it explains it a little bit. Dalinar is getting a redemption arc and we didn’t even realize that he needed one until he’s almost done with it.
And that’s some badass non-linear storytelling for you.
Also past!Dalinar can get fucked by a cactus, holy shit, what an unbelievable fuck.
nooooo wonder Kadash leaves and becomes an ardent.
hoooooly shit.
“We’ve gone too far.” YA FUCKING THINK??
Meanwhile, Sadeas: “Nonsense!”
Fuck Sadeas, uuugghhhh I’m so glad he’s dead. UUGGHHH
Fun facts, y’all, the refrigerator is now on fire.
hoooollly fucking shiiiiiiit
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