#ooc: oops this is a novella...
peach-thekid · 10 months
[fandom literate rp ad] i'm back in my hunger games phase, don't @ me
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just when i thought it couldn't get any worse from rewatching the trilogy, i have now fallen back into the pits of panem after watching songbirds and snakes tonight… sorry in advance friends 🤡
heyo! my name is talia! i'm a 24yo female in EST timezone! former theatre kid, wannabe author, just a silly lil guy tbh. i'm looking for, you guessed it, hunger games fandom rp! this is a specific craving and i'll admit fandom rp is not my forte so i may not follow the "norm" oops. i just want to find a collaborative partner who really vibes and can be a friend to build an amazing story with in this universe! 🧡
does that sound like you so far? cool, cool, lets proceed
🏹 rp style and looking for: 🏹
daily/weekly replies, i have a lot of availability as of right now
18+ writers, character ages will have to be discussed due to the fandom canon, but just dont be creepy gdi
third person, past tense
literate to novella replies. i can go anywhere from 2 paragraphs to exceeding nitro count, depending on scene needs and inspo. quality > quantity tho!
romance is a must. m/m and m/f couples are my preference!
OCs only! canon charas can be discussed but not as mains. i also don't double and i don't do canon/oc couples, i'm sorry ya'll i know this is a deal breaker for some
obsessed with faceclaims, pinterest boards, spotify playlists, an organized and fun server, literally give me all the aesthetics and let me fangirl i am in desparate need
no SFW limits, i'm an open book and probably too desensitized
NSFW-wise, i am like 20/80 in terms of smut/plot. i am totally fine fading to black, i am fine to write it as long as it fits and serves a purpose, but i dont do erp and i don't focus on it as a necessity to a story
ghost friendly, if it isnt a vibe it isnt a vibe. if we are an amazing fit then you will be stuck with me forever but i'm just a stranger on the internet as of right now so no hard feelings
not a canon nut, so open to changing or expanding as we want. someone open to not be a stickler for every canon detail would be cool, obvi we will follow it but i'm ok to add or adjust as we decide!
OOC chatter is a requirement, i am someone who wants to be your friend. idk how some of ya'll just be writing and not being annoying OOC i cannot do it
due to preference and previous experience, i am currently only looking for femme/afab writers, i hope you understand :)
OCs before katniss era, childhood friends then one moves districts and they get reaped and reconnect
mentor/OC relationship (a younger mentor who won when they were far too young and are now mentoring their best friend from childhood after abandoning them?)
our own spin on canon with OCs implanted into the original trilogy story, like a spinoff of sorts?
capitol x district or peacemaker x district
ensemble casts are ok too im vv open!
tbh i would love to write our own hunger games and include some canon cameos and make our own arena and have a beautifully tragic story and cast, gimme all the darkness and angst and violence and tragedy and moral dilemmas and deep character bonds and impossible happy endings and fights and spectacle just - we can do it, that's all i'm sayin' 👀
i've attached my writing sample below! despite the casual OOC, i promise that if we're a good fit, our stories will be full of nothing but effort and a mild obsession/hyperfixation ✨
contact stuff 📱
if you are srs please reach out over discord. i do not check tumblr enough i'm the worst so i would love to get notifs bahaha my username is: muppetmania
i'm a lil picky (and full of anxiety) so please tell me youre from tumblr, a bit about yourself, your rp style, what interests you about this, and a writing sample ofc, that would be so gucci of you i will give you a big hug 🥰
may the odds be ever in your favor or whateva whistling sounds
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robots-n-sweet-tea · 3 months
Roleplay Rules
My Official Roleplay Rules, in case anyone is interested!
What's my writing style? --I normally stick to 3rd person semi-lit to novella depending on one too many factors lol --Due to past experiences, I can not roleplay as canon characters (hence why I stick to ocs almost 100% of the time) --OC x OC and OC x Canon friendly!
Extra things! --I'm usually very open to ideas, just make sure you run things by me first to make sure we're both on board with it :] --Processor no worky sometimes and it SUCKS --I usually like to integrate Transformers terms with my normal talk, so you may see a bit of that lol --Valveplug topics are absolutely on the table, again just run things by me first
OC stuff! --I have a ton of OCs to work with (see The Updated List) --The mechs do have holoforms if that's something you'd be into
More stuff! --I will not hesitate to geek out over ideas if you send me something --DMs are always open unless I close them for whatever reason --I also enjoy ooc talking and weekly check-ins (i.e. if I don't respond without giving a notice, then feel free to check in to make sure everything's alright)
I think that should be it! Please don't hesitate to reach out, I promise I won't bite. Much (lol)🌟
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wc-confessions · 2 years
It kinda boggles my mind how everyone in the fandom calls the writing misogynistic while the writers are all women-- like I get it, plenty of women are misogynistic, but my mind is still absolutely fucking boggled by how widely accepted it is in the fandom. It is like you say Erin Hunter and in the very next breath the word misogynist is there.
There are so many shitty rude stupid ass male characters (in the newest book!!! Sky!!!) and frankly the only female characters that looked overtly bad were Nightheart's two family members (who are just.... generic cats? I get they had some personality in other books but they're ultimately background characters; at least they're providing a conflict??? Which is needed??? In a story?????) and then of course Uhhh-- Berryheart yeah, Sunbeam's radicalized mother. Who gives me the vibes of a sort of female right wing extremist, of whom there are plenty and can deserve to be mocked a bit.
Squilf was actually shown to be super competent in stepping up in the wake of Bramblestar's depressive episode, who was made into a joke (yay!), and I think her butting heads with Nightheart was entertaining. She acknowledges his youth and is hard on him about it, but it's reasonable too-- of course he's given apprentice tasks, there are no apprentices. How is it fair for others warriors to get extra bedding duty? And of course he shouldn't have gone into ShadowClan territory-- he got lucky that it was Lightleap's boyfriend!! The books make you sympathize with Nightheart as his POV, but I never found Squilf to be disrespected or unreasonable, just hated by him. Maybe I am just a weirdo though! I drink respecting Squilf juice.
I would like less romance plots though. The lack of gay representation in the series is getting so damn distracting! I am too much of a lesbian to understand Frostpaw wanting to stop being a medicine cat and settle down with Splashtail who I barely even fucking know in the span of a few minutes-- Sunbeam rejecting Nightheart would've been interesting, but she's also falling for him, it seems. If Frostpaw really does quit to get with Splashtail I am going to be so disoriented, I CANNOT be reading three het POVs again. I am not strong enough. (I do think Frostpaw finding her resolve to quit after Owlnose did was interesting, though. I cannot blame her for quitting considering the stress she's under. But for the love of god PLEASE STAY)
Anyway in the end I kind of pity the writers who are forced to make up new stories and keep things fresh. Like how do they do anything without it being somehow wrong-- like oops, we wanted to pair these two characters, but it turns out they share a great grandma! At this point we need to kill everyone and start over unless fans of background character #12 get upset that they're ooc because of this one specific line they had in a novella I didn't read. And let's not forget killing a disabled cat being bad despite characters constantly getting culled for no reason. (I would REALLY like some fresh disabled blood though-- like, can we get some more cats losing eyesight and legs here??? It would make the incredibly generic background characters SO much more interesting, God. Like who the fuck is Sneezecloud?? I would respect Sneezecloud more if he was chronically ill but he is just a generic cat named Sneezecloud, OK.)
Anyway this is so badly written I don't even have a point here but this is called warriors confessions and dammit I am going to confess.
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withlovelucy-blog1 · 6 years
Built On Hope || Lucy, Cora, Natalie, Finn & Cameron
They were the only ones left.
After days on end, the djinn had managed to capture most of the pack, all while eluding everyone else.  Nearly everyone Lucy cared about was missing; not only missing, but captured by a supernatural evil, and in terrible danger.  Their research had given them all a good enough idea of what the djinn was likely doing to everyone; that the creature was trapping them in their own minds, forcing them to endure their worst fears, and keeping them captive, all while feeding off of their energy.  Not only was everyone suffering emotionally, but Lucy knew her friends would be suffering physically, as well.  They had now gone days without food or water, and while the werewolves bodies would be doing the best they could to heal them, even they would likely be struggling.  The humans and witches would be even worse off, and were possibly experiencing dehydration and starvation.  The entire situation had left Lucy feeling sick; sick with worry and fear, sick with guilt that they were trapped and that they hadn’t been able to find them, sick with anger at the creature that was doing this.  Not only had the djinn put Finn through this once, but now it was taking what was left of his pack once more, and it had taken nearly all of Lucy’s pack, as well.  She knew Cora and Natalie felt the same, and poor Cameron, who had only just learned the truth about this world, had already lost her best friends to this danger.  It was horrifying and heartbreaking and terribly unfair.
Whispered conversation with Natalie the night before had brought them to what seemed to Lucy to be the only possible option.  Searching in groups, large or small, hadn’t yielded any results.  The djinn seemed able to mask tracks and scents, and was probably, if Lucy understood correctly, using dark magic to actually conceal it’s location altogether.  They had a general idea of where it might be: Duncan, Rollin, Scott, Allison, Malia, Stiles, Rory, Sandy, Trina, Daria, Katie and Riley had all disappeared from roughly the same location.  It was highly likely that the djinn had created it’s lair somewhere near, if not in, the ravine in the woods.  However, simply searching had only led to more people being captured, and the djinn seemed too fast, and too overpowering, to evade.  They probably would not be able to find everyone else without being captured.
So maybe that was the best plan.  To be captured.  
On purpose.
Lucy walked into the living room where the others were, in the apartment that had become their home base since all of this had started.  Taking a deep breath, she looked around at each of her friends before explaining the idea.
“We have a pretty good idea of where the djinn is-- here,”  She explained, pointing on the map, where many marks had been made to indicate that people had been taken from that location.  “It is probably hiding out somewhere near the ravine, or possibly in the ravine itself.  Now, we know that everyone who has been taken, has been taken whether they were in a big or small group, and if we go towards the ravine...well, we probably will be, too.  But...maybe that is what we should do.  The djinn is going to try to capture us either way.  But if we go into the woods preparing to be taken, with a plan as to what to do after we are taken, we might be able to rescue our friends.  Natalie can explain how the dream root works, but if even one of us can pull ourselves out of our hallucination, we can use the dream root to rescue each other.  Natalie thinks she can pull herself out of one.  So if Natalie does, and then uses the dream root to rescue someone else, and then both of them go on to rescue two more people, and so on...I think we can save everyone.”  Lucy took another deep breath, wrapping her arms around herself to stop her shaking.  “I know it sounds crazy.  But it also sounds like a plan the Argents would have come up with.”  A small, shaky smile briefly crossed her face.  “I won’t hold it against anyone who doesn’t want to do this plan.  I don’t think anyone will.  It is crazy and dangerous and really, really scary.  But I know this is what I want to do.  I want to save my family, my friends...my pack.  They, and you guys, mean the whole entire world to me.  I love you so much.  And I am willing to do anything to help everyone.  I have hope that we can do this.”
Once they left the apartment, Lucy kept her bag of supplies close as they made their way through the woods.  She was quiet on the walk; it was hard not to keep her mind from racing.  Not only was she thinking of everyone else who was already in danger, but she was thinking of the people who were with her now, too; the brave, strong friends of hers, who were all willing to take this risk to save the people they loved.
A sudden rush of fear swept over Lucy as they approached the ravine, and she felt her stomach flip and her eyes fill up with tears.  Despite instincts that told her to run, warn the others, or bare her fangs, she did none of that; she knew they could all feel it, too.  Instead, she forced herself to move forward, gripping her bag tighter and trying to see past her tears.  She was going to get to her friends.  And this was the only way.  Her vision blurred, first from tears, then, suddenly, everything went completely dark.
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theprodigal · 5 years
if anyone wants a short starter feel free to like this !!
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prettytragcdies · 3 years
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥  𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲  𝐬𝐭𝐲𝐥𝐞  &  𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬
Repost,  don’t  reblog.  Bold  what  applies.  Strikethrough  what  does  not.  Italicize  what  only  applies  sometimes.  Elaborate  on  any  points  you’d  like  with  a  *.
𝐭𝐲𝐩𝐞𝐬  𝐨𝐟  𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲  /  𝐡𝐨𝐰  𝐢  𝐝𝐨  𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐬
i  don’t  | i  just  do  whatever  is  on  my  dash  when  i’m  online  |  mainly  asks  |  i  do  little  short  things  mostly  | i  do  my  threads  on  discord |  long  running  threads  that  slowly  build  upon  the  muses
* I literally can’t write short threads to save my life. I’m just too wordy and would just expand on a short response to make it longer anyway. Memes are also one of the best ways to test the chemistry waters and start things with me. Well, unless you want to toss a starter my way. If that’s the case, please feel free.
𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠  𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬
wing  it  |  get  a  general  idea  ooc  and  then  run  with  it  &  plot  further  if  need  be  | long  expansive  thought  out  story  arcs
* I feel like less and less people plot these days, but I love it. It helps give me a sense of direction and more muse for the thread. I’m usually more excited to reply to the plotted threads as opposed to the ones where we just go with the flow. It also helps when you give me context with the meme. Like, even something as simple as a specific point in time you think it could take place during. That way I don’t have to sit around and come up with some silly idea that will probably wind up going absolutely nowhere anyway. Also, I’m the worst at anything non pre-established relationship, so there’s that.
𝐭𝐲𝐩𝐞  𝐨𝐟  𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐬  𝐢  𝐝𝐨  /  𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐞𝐫
one liners  only | whatever  dash  shenanigans  i’m  online  for |  para  or  multi para | literal  novels
* One liners just don’t feel creative enough to me, so I get bored with them too easily tbh. If I had it my way, the majority of my threads would be multi para to novellas. It’s just more fun for me that way, because I’m such a descriptive writer. I gravitate towards the more lengthy threads easier, and they just seem to be more feelsy for whatever reason. I don’t know. With that being said, please don’t feel like you always have to match my reply length, though.
𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐥𝐲  𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐞𝐝  𝐟𝐨𝐫  𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐬  &  𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐲  &  𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠  𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐬
i  lose  threads  all  the  time  &  don’t  usually  get  back  to  them  |  i  tend  to  lose  threads  but  please  tell  me  if  i  have  and  i’ll  reply  |  i  drop  threads  pretty  easily  | i’m  really  slow  but  i  will  get  back  to  you  |  i  reply  on  a  schedule/queue  (specify  if  you’d  like)  | i  usually  reply  within  a  week  | i  reply  every  day | i  reply  almost  instantly
* The day I reply almost instantly will be a miracle lol. Seriously, though. I do my best to reply in a timely manner and only drop threads when it feels like the scene is over and done, so to speak. Well, either that or I just can’t think of a response to save my life. I’m definitely always game to start something new, though, and I love having multiple threads with multiple partners. Please feel free to let me know if there’s anything I haven’t replied to that you think I should or still want me to, though. I don’t mind. Also, thanks to those who already put up with me replying months later to certain threads and asks oops.
𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜  𝐨𝐫  𝐬𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥  𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩𝐬
i  don’t  do  these  ships  (specify  reason  if  you  would  like)  |  i’m  not  against  them  happening  but  it  is  not  the  main  point  of  my  blog  | ships  will  have  to  be  super  slow  burn  &  discussed  a  lot  ooc,  super  chemistry  based  (specify  reason  if  you’d  like) | i  love  doing  ships,  hmu  i  probably  already  ship  it  just  ask  |  i  ship  really  quickly  | i  autoship  or  ship  within  a  few  interactions  | i  mainly  rp  for  the  cute  ship  fluff  or  smut
* I absolutely love ships, whether they be romantic or platonic. Family ships are my number one favorite of all time platonic wise, though. I mainly write mothers and daughters, so those will probably forever be my number one priority. I’m also down for all different types of ships as well. This isn’t Disneyland, so not everyone has to get along all the time. Please give me friends, enemies, frenemies, etc. Romantic relationships are the same way. I want all different types. Give me everything from childhood friends to lovers to unrequited love. You don’t necessarily have to tell me beforehand, because sometimes attraction comes by surprise. If you’re feeling the ship, go for it and we’ll see what happens. If it doesn’t work out, cool. If it does, I’ll probably start tagging you in a bunch of stuff and bugging you on Discord with things that remind me of them whoops. But yes, as much as I adore ships, mun chemistry is also just as important, if not even more so.
i  do  not  do  smut  at  all |  i’m  very  selective  about  it |  i  only  do  it  on  a  separate  (blog/discord/specify  here)  |  i  mainly  only  do  asks  relating  to  nsfw  headcanons  on  sundays  |  i  write  it  a  medium  amount  |  i  write  it  all  the  time  and  love  to  |  i  am  comfortable with foreplay and fade-to-blacks but nothing further
* I literally do not know how to smut without it being legit the most embarrassing thing in the entire world. I’ve tried a few times, and I feel like it’s pretty clear I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing. My apologies to those who have had to read and reply to it. With that being said, feel free to make my muses uncomfortable by asking suggestive development questions, though.
𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞  𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬
mornings  8-10  |  midday  11-1 | afternoon  2-5 |  evenings  6-8  |  night  9-12 |  ungodly hours of the day 1-onwards
* I never have a consistent schedule, because some days I’m more active and busier than others. I’m usually on here for at least a few hours during the late morning and early afternoon, and I might check in like once during work, but I’m usually too focused to stop. I’m usually back for a few hours to unwind when I get home, so yeah... It definitely varies, but I’m always logged in on the mobile app.
𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐲  𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐞
super  slow  and  sporadic,  like  once  a  month  or  so  |  slow  and  sporadic  week  long  gaps  between  activity  |  bi-weeklyish  activity  | weekly  activity | daily  activity |  i’m  online  nearly  all  the  time
* I normally post at least once a day, whether it be a reply, meme, gifset, etc. If I’m not on an actual computer, you can probably catch me on the mobile app. Discord would be the best way, though. I’m online somehow pretty much all the time, but how much I post on here usually depends on how active my dash is.
i  don’t  do  starter  calls  |  i  want  to  do  starter  calls  but  often  don’t  have  time |  i  do  selective  calls  | i  don’t  do  calls,  but  always  feel  free  to  ask  me  for  one!  | i  do  starter  calls  rarely  /  regularly /  often
* I don’t do starter calls, because they stress me out. I never have any good ideas or any ideas I feel like the other person would actually be excited to respond to. I’m also never sure how long of a starter they want, either. The majority of mine would be multi para, and I don’t want to write all that only to get a single para response in return. With that being said, if you have something specific in mind or we’ve plotted something out, I’m not opposed to making a starter, because I know it’s not fair to always ask the other person to do it for us. I used to make various open starters, but legit no one ever replied to them, so I no longer attempt those anymore.
i  don’t  do  aus  |  my  blog  is  an  au  but  outside  of  that  i  don’t  do  them  | i  sometimes  do  them  but  only  with  a  lot  of  plotting | i  have  a  couple  of  aus  already  feel  free  to  request  them  |  i  have  aus  coming  out  of  my  ears  please  interact  with  them |  i  love  making  aus  hmu  to  plot  if  you  think  of  one  | there  are  some  aus  i  won’t  do
* To this day, I still don’t fully understand how to do an AU. Someone please come and explain it to me, because then I feel like I could write a whole lot more. In the meantime, feel free to let me know any and all you have in mind for our muses. Maybe that will help me learn, too. As for the ones I won’t do, it’s pretty much just the ones that would involve icky scenarios that hopefully no one attempts anyway. ...if that makes sense.
i  don’t  do  crossovers  |  i’m  selective  with  crossovers  |  i love crossovers
* I’m not the best at figuring out how to work the whole crossover thing either, but if you have an idea for our muses, please don’t hesitate to run it by me. Maybe that will also help me to learn quicker, because I’m sure I’d love them if I understood better. So yeah, come at me with all your ideas. No matter the type and the angstier the better, please and thank you very much.
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benevolentgodloki · 7 years
Roleplaying Profile Meme: PLEASE REPOST, DO NOT REBLOG!  Feel free to add to any of your answers!  The purpose is to tell your partners about the way you write!  For the multiple choice ones, BOLD all that apply and, if you want, italicize if it’s a conditional answer!
– B A S I C S –
NAME : Pirate ARE YOU OVER 18?   Yes / No IS YOUR MUSE?   Yes* / No
* {what the heck is it with me and muses that are over 1000 years old I swear.}
ARE YOU SELECTIVE ABOUT WHO YOU WRITE WITH ON THIS BLOG? No (anyone) / Semi (most people) / Yes / Highly / Private (mutuals only) ARE YOU SELECTIVE ABOUT WHO YOU FOLLOW ON THIS BLOG? No (anyone) / Semi / Yes / Highly
{It may have been noticed that when I first started out I had my blog as ‘highly selective’, which isn’t particularly helpful for starting out ;D So for now I’m ‘selective’ and will very likely try to calm down soon with how much I take on as I’ve not even touched my ‘main’ blog since I started on this loser, oops. }
IF YOUR MUSE IS CANON, HOW MUCH TO YOU ADHERE TO CANON? Not at all / A little / Some / Mostly / Strictly / (OC)  
{I try to keep Loki ‘canon’, but, well, for me, roleplay is about playing with what you’ve got and having fun. It’s fantasy. If you want to have Loki in a situation that would otherwise be totally OOC then it’s my job as a writer to find a way for that to be believable. If I wanted to write Loki just for me and keep him strictly to one ideology, then what would be the point in me sharing him? You wanna ship him? Cool, we’ll see how that works out. You want him taking over the world? Sweet, I’ll find a reason. You want him fluffy or angsty or redemptive? I can work something out. I’m a sandbox, I’m not trying to write the next Marvel movie here}
WHAT POST LENGTHS DO YOU WRITE? One Liners / Single-Para / Multi-Para / Novella
{If memes require it I’ll do one-liners or novellas if doing drabbles etc. They’re circumstantial. I’m not against one-liners, it depends on what’s happening in a thread, but I also don’t want to clog up people’s dashes except for brief crack!}
{I do write some instant roleplays with Will (araedi) on Discord but generally I find these highly stressful because I have this thing where I have to immediately respond to messages (thanks anxiety, you’re great) so I literally only play with Will and a side-order of rare chat instances - or in Cards Against Humanity!}
WHAT LEVEL OF PLOTS DO YOU WRITE? Unplotted / Open Ended Plots / Semi-Plotted / Fully Plotted Epics HOW QUICKLY DO YOU USUALLY RESPOND TO THREADS? Very Slow (more than a month) / Slow (3-4 Weeks) / Average (1-2 Weeks) / Fast (Less Than One Week) / Very Fast (Less Than Three Days)
{When I get back on track with my main blog, unfortunately my posting speed is likely to deteriorate drastically. At the moment I’m taking only a few days because my health’s keeping me from doing much but enjoying Loki and I’m buzzed enough about him to even post on work nights. In anticipation of me being a slow bean, I started this blog off with this very warning in my rules. I do have a thread tracker, however, so if you’re wondering where your reply is and it’s been anything up to a week, please ask in case I’m a dumb and I lost it <3}
WHAT TYPES OF THEMES DO YOU LIKE? (feel free to add!) Fluff / Angst / Smut / Action / Tragedy / Domestic / Family / Conversational / Hurt-Comfort WHAT GENRES DO YOU LIKE? (feel free to add!) High Fantasy / Supernatural / Science Fiction / Historical / Horror / Comedy / Romantic / Drama / Action / Adventure / Espionage / Everything
{I unbolded horror but it’s dependent. Written horror isn’t like visual horror, which is something I don’t do well with. I’m a total wimp. But I can do some pretty dark nasties with fiction. I’ll try most things}
* {I’ll answer both these in one asterisk. My one trigger I don’t need anyone to tag because it’s very specific and unlikely to come up. If something of that ilk happens in our thread I’ll IM you to explain and it will entirely not be your fault so never worry :P I’m generally fine with most themes to write so if you’re looking for someone to try something out who’d normally say no, you can always ask.}
– S H I P P I N G –
WHAT TYPES OF RELATIONSHIPS ARE YOU OPEN TO? Romantic / Platonic / Familial / Physical / Sexual WHAT TYPES OF PRE-ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIPS ARE YOU OPEN TO? Romantic / Platonic / Familial / Physical / Sexual
{So for Loki this one’s a bit more unusual. I’m up for varied things but some stuff requires first meetings etc. Romance will take chemistry and time (if at all, that dumb frost giant heart). Family can be pre-established if you’re playing a muse from the movies who is one of his family. I may consider AUs/OCs with other pre-established family members but plotting is key for that too. Some ships I lean more toward and may be more easily persuaded to just assume sexual things have already occurred or at the least flirting. It’s entirely muse and situation dependent basically.}
DO YOU HAVE OTPS? No / Chemistry only / Yes DO YOU HAVE NOTPS? No* / Yes / I don’t know
* { I don’t really but it’s possible? I’ve not got any on blacklist. I wouldn’t say I’m raring to go for Thorki (I don’t intend at this time to do so with my bestie Thor) but if you’re a Thor out there who’s just at their wit’s end unable to find semi-incestuous love, well, I won’t necessarily rule it out. I’ve even considered Helki because hot damn. I’m supposed to be talking about NOTPs where was I? Tbh I’m not a fan of Stucky. Each to their own. If I see too much of it on my dash I get a bit ‘ewww’ but hey if you love that, then you go love that! And that doesn’t affect Loki anyway. Basically if something feels good fictionally for me and him, I’m up for trying it)
WHAT IS YOUR MUSE’S SEXUAL ORIENTATION? - Heterosexual / Heteroflexible / Bisexual / Homoflexible / Homosexual / Pansexual / Demisexual / Sapiosexual / Asexual / Attracted to masculinity / Attracted to femininity / Attracted to androgyny
WHAT IS YOUR MUSE’S ROMANTIC ORIENTATION? - Heteroromantic / Heteroflexible / Biromantic / Homoflexible / Homoromantic / Panromantic / Demiromantic / Sapioromantic / Aromantic / Polyamorous
HOW EARLY IN A RELATIONSHIP DO YOU SHIP ROMANTICALLY? Autoship / During Plotting / After A Couple IC Interactions / Several IC Interactions / Slow Burn /Depends on partner & muse
No / Selectively / Yes
ARE YOU OPEN TO PROBLEMATIC SHIPS? (canon history, age difference, complicated, etc.) No / Selectively / Yes
Tagged by: @heartfractured Tagging: Anyone following me who wants to do this. I know that sounds lazy but half of you have already probably been tagged XD
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flava-proelium · 8 years
Opinion meme - @ivory-paragon via @daybreakpath
my opinion on;
character in general:  Okay s ngl like I have been here three years and I was just for a few moths last year like “who the fuck is Rufus?” because I realized I was a idiot.how they play them: Okay so holy shit like warm but serious plus like I did multi-para before and now like 95% of my threads are Novella because you started writing with me and for some reason like before I could not do long replies and now I am just: oops fucking sorry I’m just heRE.
the mun: jIM i’m sorry lmao jfc that nickname tho just; why the fuck thank you for dealing with my and my 90′s bitchy ass self lmao we were laughing at the nickname, not at you because why the fuck. We should do more than share hcs ooc jfc
do i;
follow them: Yep.rp with them: Yep.want to rp with them: Yep.ship their character with mine: Well i mean this would not be the first time a Rufus would have asked my Elena.
what is my;
overall opinion: yis go follow cause I am a shit.
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty.
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