theprodigal · 5 years
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                                      𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐚 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲. 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝𝐧’𝐭 ?
featuring canon & original muses from league / dragon age / fallout / the witcher / mass effect.                                                                  loved by mint.
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theprodigal · 5 years
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theprodigal · 5 years
considering a multimuse for ocs/overwatch/fallout/other characters that arent necessarily popular enough to warrant a dedicated blog... hmmmm
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theprodigal · 5 years
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                                          ❝ … worried about my qualifications? ❞                                                          — miranda lawson.
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theprodigal · 5 years
The flicker of a smile comes as quickly as it goes. It’s the first offer from Lawson for something personal, and while it’s only a verbal promise, Shepard will take what she can get. 
  “It’s hard, seeing colonists… suffer. I only wish I could’ve done more for them.” 
  That part is straightforward; they did what they could, fought like hell and pulled through to help those that did survive. She knows now, what exactly they’re dealing with and at least that makes fighting the damn collectors a little easier.  Her hands continue to wring together but stop when Miranda finally mentions the elephant in the room. Her gaze peers upward to the other woman, staying silent for just a little too long. 
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  “Yeah,” Shepard exhales; this isn’t ideal, but circumstance won’t have it any other way. “We are… were… together. Never really got the chance to say that dying and waking up with the enemy wasn’t my choice.” 
     “Nobody could have done more,” Miranda says with the intent of reassurance, yet she finds there is nothing else she could say that isn’t mere platitudes, something that Shepard could hear from anyone in the ship, not just her. But it’s true, she supposes, though it isn’t necessarily that nobody else could have done more, it was that nobody else would’ve done more. Fear is not exactly something Miranda is well-acquainted with; fighting the Collectors on Horizon came something pretty damn close.
     To layer love troubles on top of all of that? Miranda imagines what something like that might be like. Unimaginably lonely, she supposes. Horribly lonely.
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     “Cerberus isn’t your enemy,” Miranda reminds her. It isn’t what Alice needs to hear right now, and most certainly not what she wants to hear. (Could Miranda say the things that were wanted? She doesn’t imagine that to be the case.) “I’m not saying that Williams has no right to be suspicious of our motives, given Cerberus’s previous dealings. I am saying simply that it is hardly your fault that you were given little chance to explain yourself.” 
     If she were more empathetic, or perhaps less of a pessimist, she might’ve thrown in a friendly, “But maybe she’ll come back around, y’know.” There is none.
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theprodigal · 5 years
@theconviict liked for a (super late, oops) starter!
     Of all the places for Miranda to visit while on the Citadel, Purgatory was the one that she’d decided to put off last. For various reasonings, ranging anywhere from ‘I’d really rather not deal with attempting to extort information from someone while an Asari shakes her ass at me about a yard away,’ to ‘the entire place just smells like piss, except now there are cops.’ But there’s a number of contacts who’d really only frequent the damn place, and Miranda isn’t one to give up any information that may help her with her father for the sake of things like ‘pride’.
     An unfortunate thing, that Cerberus had decided to go full terrorist. They could use Miranda’s contacts—the ones that respond to Miranda, not to Cerberus. Is what she’d find herself thinking, if one of her ‘useful’ contacts hadn’t decided to flake on her. ‘Tis an unfortunate thing, with the Reaper War and all, but Miranda still can’t help but to be the slightest bit frustrated. She'd been on the ground floor of Purgatory politely declining drinks from an overeager Alliance officer, and the upbeat electro house music has had her on edge for about an hour now.
     Bored eyes scan over Purgatory just one more time before she decides to dip herself—if she has to suffer another minute of “Oh, but miss, you must want some kind of drink? What about the Akantha?” then she might actually go insane. It’s at that moment that she realizes another figure in the club that she... hadn’t recognized until then. With the hair, the less on-edge posture, and actual clothes for once, Miranda isn’t surprised. Against her better judgement (for she should really get going), Miranda approaches.
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     “Christ,” Miranda says with a somewhat disbelieving gaze, “You're not dead.” She’d lost access to the dossiers of her former squadmates following her defection from Cerberus. And if Cerberus had tabs on Jack, she’s surprised that she’s even here at all. “You—Erm. Look different.” A lot different. Decidedly nice? Miranda plays with her own gloved hands. “My apologies, still hung up on the I’m actually seeing you in person right now thing.”
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theprodigal · 5 years
@theprodigal, Taken from here. 
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The coolness of green eyes greet the raven haired woman with expression akin to counterence of an Achaemenid statue; more beatific than Shepard would like. There’s memory of be a staff Sergeant who’d rain hell upon her if she ever spoke like Miranda did. Miranda, however, was pure intelligence and counterintelligence and adapting to her element and a squadmate in visual range, though not within earshot. “You don’t take frank criticism well.” Another fact, just like the one earlier stated, her voice low and neutral, “I know exactly what your objectives are.”
“Fact is, I want to see you pick up defenses. I’m the one wearing the armor with the state of the art ports.” There’s a careful look at the pistol, the weariness in the other woman’s posture. A quiet consideration crosses her face before she offers a hand. “Could I see it?” No, she doesn’t see the other woman as weaker, but as something of an apology. Criticism on the field is hard; it should be done during the briefing if at all possible.
Husks and the health of her crew, whom she was protecting despite her sensibilities, did not allow the luxury for later. 
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     “I don’t take bad criticism well,” Miranda corrects with a frown, her tone filled with perhaps an undue amount of defensiveness. “I’m picking up as much as I can with a bloody f—” she cuts herself off before the frustration bubbles up in an unflattering way. Being grilled by the woman who is, for all intents her and purposes, her superior (“That’s the way it is,” the Illusive Man would say with a somber smile, the sort that Miranda would clench her fists at the sight, “It’s Shepard, after all.”) in the middle of a battlefield, aching just about from all over. The silence spend in thought calms her. Just a little bit.
      She extends the pistol towards Shepard, and digs a palm into her thigh as she does. “Jammed,” she explains, “I have another, should it come down to it, but it’s always preferable that my entire collection is in perfect condition.” She talks in an obvious way, as though Miranda’s allowed the luxury of will. 
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theprodigal · 5 years
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Favorite Mass Effect Relationships: Miranda and Oriana Lawson
...Would it really be so bad for her to know she has a sister who loves her?
I guess not.
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theprodigal · 5 years
hey kings queens and other assorted beings i NOW have an 18+ discord server set during mass effect 3 if yall want to hop in and play along! if you’re curious about which characters are taken feel free to im me, otherwise there’s a taken character list in the server itself!
heres a link!
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theprodigal · 5 years
small miranda doodle under the cut 
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theprodigal · 5 years
✖ from Shep
send me ✖ for a kiss from miranda!16. multiple kisses.
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     “You—” It’s unexpected. It’s unthinkable. Shepard, Alice, has done what few others could, and though Miranda knew it was the entire purpose of the Lazarus, that her dedication amounted to this exact moment… It felt surreal. Seeing the Reaper Larvae go down with a pitiful wail of mechanics and tearing foundation, and though Miranda was certain she was bleeding from about a thousand different places, it seemed light in comparison to what had taken place. What Miranda had a hand in helping with. “You did it,” she says to Alice with a somewhat disbelieving smile, “You bloody did it.”
     Of course it would always end like this, Miranda supposes. She just hadn’t expected to be able to live to see it go down. For the betterment of humanity, she’d told herself before they rushed through the Omega-4 relay; her own life would be worth the thousands they’ve said. But somehow. Some fucking how.
     She’s not sure if her next move is motivated by adrenaline or the wave of sheer adoration she feels in the moment—its certainly not dampened by the bloodstains on their armour, nor the Collector guts that spatter her boots. Nearly tripping over herself in an attempt to drop her pistol and to get to Shepard at the same time, her hands reach for Shepard’s face. Before she allows herself any amount of time to think about her surroundings in a rational manner, Miranda’s lips are on Alice’s and somewhere in the back of her mind she registers what she’s doing—it doesn’t matter. It feels right.
     Until it doesn’t, and the mortification of it all sets in.     Oops.
     “Sorry,” she gasps, but smiles as she does, “That was—that was inappropriate of me.” But her hands don’t move away, instead she thumbs the surface of Alice’s cheeks. Twice more her lips meet Shepard’s skin, her eyebrow, the corner of her mouth. “There, I believe that’s expression enough of just how damned grateful I am for your being here. I can apologize again for my. Forwardness when we leave.”  
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theprodigal · 5 years
✖ (insert eye emoji)
kiss meme - 29. “Accidental” Kiss
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   “I get what you’re trying to do, Miranda, but -” 
Shepard’s sigh is heavy; exhaustion runs deep, and since that day on Horizon, fighting the Collectors up close and personal has put extra pressure on the crew. Every shot has to count, and getting flanked proves dangerous. 
   “I don’t… I don’t need a psych eval from Chambers, and I don’t need one from you either.” 
Stress has been piling up with every passing mission - success or failure. The closer they get to passing through the Omega-4 relay, the more Shepard has felt inexplicably taut with anxieties and worries. It comes out as a stern response, hinted with anger. The Commander rises with the intention to leave Miranda’s office to return to her cabin for the night cycle, hoping to crack into her recently acquired requisition of single barrel bourbon.
However, Miranda is quick to reach out, a hand on the arm with only the intention to slow her down, take it back a step and recount. They are Commander and Executive Officer and a disagreement off-duty can often lead to problems in the field.
    “Shepard.” Not a question, but a statement.
Alice half-turns. They stand but an inch apart in height, and a few more in distance - but closer than what feels comfortable - and what feels right. 
    “Lawson,” A last-name basis punctuates the space between them. Her stare is held firm from one set of blue eyes to another. “I’ll be… fine.”
Impulse is not something in Shepard’s repertoire. Rifles and grenades and strategy are what she employs in the battlefield but impulse?
Hardly in character. 
And yet.
Miranda’s just a little too close with her hand still on Alice’s arm, and the sound of the ship just barely drowns out her pounding heart. Her stare quickly breaks, flicking downward to Miranda’s lips.
She’s saying something, but it doesn’t register. The fixation becomes much more alluring, and Shepard draws in, finally letting impulse take control in the form of a kiss - not hard, but not gentle, either with lips pressed together with some kind of wordless response beneath their mouths. A hum, maybe.
Only, reality seems to hit harder when Shepard realizes what she’s done, stepping back with a gasping breath and a hard heart beat. 
“I… should go.”
True to her word, she turns on her heel, leaving Miranda’s office without another word, or another glance.
Impulse, be damned. 
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theprodigal · 5 years
@bloodiedbiotic liked for a starter!
     The news of the Earth attack scares Miranda far more than any correspondence from The Illusive Man possibly could. It wasn’t so much an inevitability coming to fruition, she figures. Instead, Miranda’s first thoughts are of Shepard. Is that inherently selfish? To want to see the result of Miranda’s tireless work, two years of her life survive. She’d asked contact after contact for news of Shepard until something had finally come up. Shepard is the culmination of Miranda’s greatest achievement and the pinnacle of hope for humanity. To see her killed by Reapers would feel... wrong.
     But Blair isn’t just that, Miranda reminds herself. She’s a friend as well.
     And what a friend Miranda would be if she didn’t invite Blair to see her on the Citadel just once? “Shepard,” Miranda says with a warm smile, “It’s... good to see you.”
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theprodigal · 5 years
send me ✖ for a random kiss.
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theprodigal · 5 years
oh i had no clue that miranda had an actual official age.... SHE RLLY IS A MILF......
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theprodigal · 5 years
generic love song that probably doesn’t actually fit miranda at all: exists
my goofy looking ass: wow...... this is so miranda
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theprodigal · 5 years
i also don’t know if its nonstandard or anything but anyone’s free to take responses to the memes you send in and reply to them—i actually try to word all of them in a way so that they CAN be responded to haha
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