#posts: para
umpensamento1p · 3 months
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pe-arls · 5 months
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𝟐𝟎𝟎𝟗 𝗆𝗒 𝗉𝗅𝖺𝖼𝖾 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝗉𝖺𝗌𝗌𝖺𝗀𝖾 [...] 📹
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0luv9 · 10 months
can't move on || mattheo riddle
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Summary: He was done fucked, a weak man on his knees for her, mad for her, in love with her and funny enough she didn't know. Him sleeping around isn't helping him though.
Beware: angst, fluff (?), minimal plot, smoking, drugs, alcohol, she/her pronouns, second person used as well, miscommunication, misunderstandings, excessive use of swear words, both reader and Mattheo assume the worst, happy ending.
Words: 4.025k
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Mattheo Riddle is in deep shit. His feelings have dug him a deep hole, a hole so deep that he could bury himself a hundred times over and still not be anywhere near the surface. He is so in love with you. And you being so fucking oblivious, mistake his advances for him being friendly. It's funny because when has he ever done something friendly? He's not even friendly to his friends, he insults them as a greeting for fucks sake. It's ridiculous how clueless you are, it was endearing at first but now it's just painful for him to watch you go on dates, that too every date with a different guy.
He thinks you've fucked them all, afterall it's him, Mattheo Riddle, he only thinks in extremes, if you've been on a date with some dude, you ofcourse had fucked him because who wouldn't do you. He resorted to the same ways, fucking his frustration out but instead of feeling satisfied, he would feel relieved for a moment and then his frustration would grow more and more, never coming close to being satisfied. He thought he could just fuck it all out, that he could just forget you, that he could just hate you. It became a routine for him, he got rougher and rougher with the girls he slept with, reaching his own high became harder and harder. It was all because of you, 'cause you couldn't see his love and make him a lover.
His reputation was worsening, his grades started slipping, he started ignoring you, becoming angry easily, snapping at anyone and everyone. Fucking girls left and right, every day was the same and he wondered why the hell he couldn't find a solution to all his problems. His smoking habits became worse, one cigarette turned into two, two turned three and now he was smoking one pack a day. His life was fucked, he could no longer think for himself, the thoughts of you with someone else corrupted his mind at all times. Everyone could see him ruining his life, he couldn't care less, he didn't give a shit about the names he was being called, most of them were true anyway.
Tonight was like every other Slytherin party night, except for the fact that he hadn't touched a drop of alcohol, all he wanted was a drunk hookup but he had slept with most of the girls in the room and he couldn't bring himself to repeat them over. He sighed, walking off to a secluded balcony, pulling out a cigarette, it was boring, life had become boring.
"Mattheo," he nearly jerked his head in the direction of your voice, it's been so long since he's heard it. All of it coming back to him, all the feelings he was trying to get rid of came right back, knocking at his heart. He's looking for the sweet smile, the one you'd always give him when you'd talk to him but all you did was frown at him, looking at him like the onlookers who gossiped about him and it fucking hurt. "Yes darling," he greeted you like nothing was wrong, before you would've smiled at his cheesy nicknames but now you grimaced at his hoarse voice and stepped back, he quickly looked away, just like that he blew off his last chance, he couldn't face it, he couldn't see you walk away from him, he physically couldn't.
"Riddle-" "Don't, don't call me that," he whispered, it was pathetic, he knows it too but that doesn't stop him, he couldn't hear you call him that. "Mattheo, I am Mattheo," he breathed out like an affirmation to himself, as though reminding himself of the person he's losing, dropping his cigarette and putting it out with his shoe. There it is, he's doing it again, acting how you'd want him to act, you disapproved of his smoking habits, you never told him to stop though, just so you know, he would stop if you only asked but you never did. You never asked anything of him, making the friendship feel one-sided, never wanting to bother him, you didn't do that with your other friends, you were openly asking them for favours albeit small, still favours, that's how friends are, looking out for eachother but no, you never expressed it, he just had to read into it. It made him feel as though he was your friend, just for the name sake, wow- he couldn't even be your friend.
He closed his eyes trying to contain himself, taking a hit from the burning cigarette, his hands were trembling, he was hurt, he could never be with you, you were making it clear. For the first time he got an actual sign of rejection and he just couldn't take it. "Riddle." It was still your voice, coming from his side, he slowly turned, there you were, standing next to him, looking at him with concern, giving him the slightest bit of hope, making his heart pound against his chest. He simply stared at you this time, unable to think of a response because you called him by his last name, you never did that. You didn't speak either, both staring at eachother, him with everything unsaid, sadness, anger, hope, longing, love, every fucking thing while you looked at him with worry painted all over your face. Mattheo hated to have people worry about him, noone was obligated to do so and he didn't want anyone to do it but right now, he didn't seem to mind, your attention was on him, worried about him. You finally looked away, placing your glass on the railing, alcohol with a lollipop in the glass, a typical you thing.
"alright, Mattheo," a small smile was tugging at your lips at his actions, "tell me, what's going on?" He didn't have anything to say, what would he say anyway? Upon not receiving an answer you sighed and continued, "Draco was telling me how different you've been-" he scoffed loudly interrupting you, ofcourse this is what it is, Malfoy sending you to talk to him, to scold him like everyone else, ofcourse you wouldn't come to him on your own, he was so fucking worthless in your eyes. “Don’t do that Mattheo-“ “Yeah? Why not? Coming here to scold me like everyone else, you know what, surprise surprise, it’s nothing I haven’t heard before.” He was angry, you come to talk to him after all these days and it was to tell him, that he’s bad, that he’s wrong, yes, he started it by ignoring you but you didn’t even make an effort to talk to your “friend” while he was away, it pained him to know that you didn’t even care to check up on him.
“No, I am worried Mattheo, this is not okay for you,” you moved closer, shaking your head trying to find the words, “I tried Mattheo, to catch you, to talk to you but you were always turning away, ignoring me, I couldn’t even get a proper look at you these weeks. Draco was joking about you smoking two a day, one for each girl you slept with, it was then but now, a whole pack a day? I tried to get to you, tried to see what’s been hurting you, but all I saw was your back towards me.” You paused, looking around clearly frustrated, “I thought maybe you didn’t want to talk about it, so I stopped trying but I am sorry, I can’t help myself, I care about you Mattheo and I hate to see you like this,” you looked up at him, hoping he’d understand but he only stared at you blankly, maybe you were wrong to care, he clearly didn’t want to be bothered, you sighed yet again, clearly there was no point, you could only wish for him to be better.
You mustered up all the courage you could, moving closer to the brunette who still hadn’t said a thing, “I am sorry for bothering you, I hope you win whatever battle it is that you are fighting, just know that I care and I can’t help but be worried when you are hurting, sorry if it is selfish that I want you to be better, I won’t disturb you anymore” you gave him a small smile, going up on your tiptoes planting a small kiss on his cheek, lingering for a moment, holding his hand in both of your own giving it a hard squeeze before letting go. It pained you to see that he didn’t seem to care about his own life, making you feel useless for doing the same, he was dear to you, you didn’t want to let go of him but clearly he didn’t want the same, who were you to deny him of anything? So, you let go, taking the moment in before walking away, the tears were ready to fall, you weren’t going to let him see that, you didn’t want him to see how pent up you were over him when he couldn’t even bring himself to care.
Mattheo could feel his chest burn, he could feel the sting in his heart at the sight of you walking away, his knees felt weak, you cared? You tried to reach out? Yes you did, of course you did, you weren’t the ugly person he tried to paint you as, he wanted to hate you so bad, he wanted you to be wrong, he wanted you to scold him, he wanted you to hate him just so he could move on but no, he could never move on from you, even if you spat his way he’d love you. ‘Sorry if it is selfish-’ he fucking wants you to be selfish, he wants you to be selfish about him. Only if he wasn’t busy imagining you with other guys, maybe he would’ve noticed that you smile a bit more around him, just maybe he’d see your eyes looking out for him. Maybe then he would’ve seen the look in your eyes, one similar to his, but he was a fool, he’d always be unworthy of your love, you wouldn’t love someone like him, he ruled that possibility out the very moment he fell in love with you, thereby in his mind even if you actually loved him, you didn’t because he couldn’t see it.
He called after you, he couldn’t see you walk away, not when he has so much to say. You turned around, he saw tears in your eyes, he felt like dying, it was him who made you cry, if he didn't hate himself before, he clearly did right then. With two wide strides he was infront of you, holding your face, wiping away your tears, "please don't walk away from me," he muttered, trying to get you to look up at him, you look up at him with stars in your eyes, taking his breath away, 'I want you so bad' he thinks to himself but it's false, no, he doesn't simply want you, he fucking needs you like the air you take away from him, when you look at him like that- hazy eyed, making him think that you love him but he knows you don't, he knows you don't love the guys you go on dates with, he knows you don't love the guys you sleep with, in his eyes you love to care but don't care to love, he'll be one of those guys, if it means you'll have him, even if it is for one night.
He was staring at you, looking for a sign, waiting for you to push him away but you just look at him with glossy eyes, making him weak, unable to contain himself he presses his lips against yours, you hiss pulling back, the bitter taste of smoke invading your senses, your reaction hurts him, he couldn't even be one of your guys, that's how worthless he is, his grip loosens, he tastes you on his lips, sweet cherry- the lollipop still sugary on your lips. Then you surprise him, fisting his collar, pulling him down, soft lips on his, like honey against his smoke. He loses it then and there, his hand comes up to hold your face, the other low on your back pulling you flush against him. It was heaven, eyes closed, moving in sync, savouring every second, he could feel his skin tingle, his body burn, it was pathetic how you could bring him to feel so much with the simplest of touches, and now you were kissing him, better than any dream or fantasy, it's real, he reminds himself, frowning as he concentrates trying to capture every single detail, of you against him.
Mattheo walks you back to the railings, not letting go of you even for a second. You pull away as the cold metal makes contact with your body, the sting seeping through the thin layer of your clothes. Still impossibly close practically breathing the same air, then the situation dawns upon you, you look up at Mattheo in horror. This is what has become of your love for him, he's using your attraction towards him to get you into bed, just like he did with other girls. There was no difference in their relationship with him and yours with him, evidently so. You loved kissing him but you hated the fact that it meant everything to you but all it was to him was a one night stand, your dignity would not allow it, even though you wanted him so badly. "I'm- I'm sorry but I can't," you quickly walk off, not looking back this was humiliation, you felt embarrassed.
One moment you were there kissing him and the next you were gone, he fucking hates this because he doesn't know what to do or what made you push him away. You gave him hope when you kissed him but shattered it when you walked away, you were confusing him. Why'd you kiss him like that if you wanted to let go? His hands reach out to pull at his hair, "Fuck" he grits out, it was frustrating not knowing what to do, knowing he has done something wrong. But for the most part, he doesn't know how you feel, you kissed him like you felt something but you walked away like it was nothing. He's over it.
He's absolutely not over it. He couldn't even stick to the plan for five seconds, images of you in his arms plagued his mind. He could only cherish that moment, he felt more alive in those few seconds than he ever did, his lips are still tingling, it's the next morning and his head is still in clouds. Mattheo for once, feels human- he feels like going to class again just so he could see you. The wound of your rejection was still fresh in his heart but so was the memory of your lips against his in his mind.
He could handle the professors' taunts, he infact muted them out and zeroed in on your face, you were avoiding him, he could see it, trying so hard just like he did the past few weeks. He saw himself in you for a moment but then you started talking to some Hufflepuff dude next to you, smiling at him so pretty, his blood started burning hot when he saw the guy touch you. You did nothing to push him away, pfft- ofcourse he wasn't Mattheo fucking Riddle that you'd push him away.
Mattheo was practically burning holes into you skull as he took a seat in the very back. Only if he wasn't so overtaken by jealousy he'd see that your smile didn't reach your eyes as you laughed at the Puff's joke, that your reactions were simply polite, a mere distraction from the pinching of your heart. You didn't want to be one of the girls he slept with, didn't want to be discarded after being used.
He couldn't even be one of your guys, he fucking wanted it to be him so bad just to have your for a night, just so you could see him in a different light, just so you'd know that he loved you. He'd gladly be discarded by you.
Mattheo has been searching for you, for about an hour now, you were minx- rushing out of the class before he could catch upto you. You were no where to be seen, he was actually getting worried. He was just about to enter the dungeons when he saw Pansy near the entrance. She'd know your whereabouts, she was a close friend of yours. She'd help him too, because she was his friend as well, right? Or had he destroyed every relationship he had the past few weeks. "Pans, a moment please" "oh hey Mattheo," she greeted him with a smile, that's a good sign, "umm- do you know where-" there he was, polite stuttering fucktard, "oh I know where she is," He didn't even tell her who he was looking for, confusion taking over his features, "I saw you looking at her in class, you like her don't you?" Was he that obvious? If so, why couldn't she see it? "Yeah," he finally admitted it to someone else, it was out there now, he felt some weight lift off of his shoulders, there was no denying to it, he loved her and he doesn't care if he gets laughed at for it but then his heart stops at her next words. "She's on a date with some Hufflepuff, in Hogsmeade," her voice was sympathetic, hurt was painted all over his face.
They were standing there in awkward silence for a couple of minutes before she broke it, heading towards the entrance, "You know you should tell her," she gave him a small smile, she patted his back ready to slip into the entrance, he stopped her "Why? Did she say something about me?" His voice was full of hope, hoping that maybe she had confessed to her friend just like he did right then but to add onto his sorrow, Pansy shook her head, he let his head hang low, moving his hand over his face, scoffing bitterly at the situation he was in, "but you should still tell her, at least you'll be satisfied knowing that you did something about it than do nothing." She shrugged walking in, leaving him there to think about her words.
She is right. He has to know, to know how you feel, he has to talk to you, has to let you know how he feels because in his heart, there's hope that you may like him back because you kissed him like you did. Mattheo wants to confirm that it wasn't his delusions that rendered your lips to move against his in adoration, something more than just physical. He has to hold you again in his arms-
He didn't even have to walk far away to find you, walking alone in the empty corridor but you turn around as you see him. Mattheo won't let you do that this time, he's onto you within seconds grabbing your wrist and pulling you back. "What-" "Please don't ignore me-" "I am not!" You sound defensive, taking your hand back, folding them as you look at him as though he is some lowlife human, there's a similar hurt in your eyes, one he knows a bit too well. "Yes you are, please don't try to deny it," he says slowly and carefully, he doesn't want you to walk away, "what do you want Mattheo?" You are annoyed, you stretch out his name showing your impatience. He takes his sweet time though, taking your hands in his, they feel cold, snatching away the warmthness of the action, "Why did you walk away? Yesterday?" "Why? Is there some rule against it-""no no ofcourse not-" both of you interrupting each other, you were frustrated, what was he trying to do? Did his ego take such a huge hit that you didn't want to sleep with him, like those girls he used and discarded? "Tell me why is it that you care? It's not a huge deal to you, you can have anyone else to sleep with you, it shouldn't matter that one girl decided to walk away when you have tens and hundreds lining up-" "WHAT?" He was looking at as though you were saying something ridiculous, "I cared about our relationship enough not to ruin it but you had to be there, trying to use me like you use the other girls and then discard me-" "STOP!" He holds your face in his hands, intense gaze setting you ablaze, "I fucking care, don’t think otherwise, I care because it's you, you could never be them-"
"wow- am I so worthless and unattractive in your eyes that you don't even-" "Wait, it should be me saying all of this, about you and the guys you on dates with, the guys you take to bed-" "What guys-" you both were now screaming at eachother, it was overwhelming, having to be vulnerable and admit your feelings and not understand what the person in front of you is saying. "I have not once slept with the guys I went on dates with, I'm in love with you for fucks sake but I got tired of waiting for you to love me," What.
He fucked up.
"Fuck, fuck-" his knees hit the ground as he covers his face with his hands, he's ruined all his chances by being an assuming dickhead. Heavens goodness- "FUCK!" He groans into his palms, not being able to digest what you had just said, he feels ecstatic that you love him but he hates that he's ruined his chances with you, "Mattheo-" "Fuck, I am so sorry, I've been a fool, a fucking idiot-" he pulls you down, grabbing your hands, crying because he doesn't know any other way to express it. He has lost his chance all because he let jealousy get the best of him, took illogical steps to overcome it. "I love you, I fucking am in love with you," he grips your hands tight, shaking them as he speaks, unable to control his very physical reaction, "Mattheo what-" "I thought that I could fuck it all out, fuck all the feelings away but no you were always on my mind, not just you but you with someone else, happy. I thought maybe I could resort to your ways, thought maybe I could sleep around then I'd get rid of my feelings, afterall you seemed happy doing it but you never- FUCK! I am so fucking sorry, I love you-" you kiss him, he sure was an idiot to think that you could just flip a switch and "unlove" him, what kind of love would that be? You hated to admit it, you loved him even when he was sleeping with so many girls, you loved him before he did that, a few weeks were nothing to make you hate him.
It was brief kiss, enough to silence him, tears were still running down his face- he was a heartbroken man on his knees afterall- they were only a sign of his regret, then he was at it again, apologising, "stop Mattheo, you are foolish if you think that I'll love one moment and not love you the next-" "but you don't deserve it, not after what I did-" "let me decide that. Do you love me?" Your ask is serious, so he answers you with utmost sincerity, his words soft, full of truth "I love you, more than I think I can handle," he looks down, you don't let him as you wrap your hands around his neck, pulling him close, "Learn to handle it then, I am not going anywhere." For the first time in his life, does Mattheo experience pure bliss, you are a sin against his lips, he pulls you closer like a prayer because if there's a god above, he'd pray for you to be his.
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chaewcake · 1 month
ㅤఌㅤ𝑖𝗍   𝗐𖹭𝗎𝗅𝖽   𝖻𝖾   𝗌꯭𝗍𝗋꯭𝖺𝗇꯭𝗀꯭𝖾   𝗂𝖿   𝚤   𝖽𝗂𝖽𝗇'𝗍   𝖿𝖺𝗅𝗅   𝗂𝗇   𝗅𖹭𝗏𝖾   𝗐꯭𝗂𝗍꯭𝗁   𝗒𖹭𝗎  
ⴘ𝗈𝗎   ⽔  𝖺𝗋𝖾  𝖺  𝗉𝗂𝖾𝖼𝖾  𝗈𝖿  𝗆𝖾,  𝗂  𝗐𝖺𝗇𝗍  𝗍𝗈  𝗅𝗂𝗏𝖾  𝗂𝗇  𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿  𝗮𝗿𝗺𝘀  𝖿𝗈𝗋𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋  
ꕮ   𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗇  𝗂  𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽  𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾  𝗉𝗈𝖾𝗆𝗌,  𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋  𝖿𝖺𝖼𝖾  𝖺𝗅𝗐𝖺𝗒𝗌  𝖼𝗈𝗆𝖾𝗌  𝗍𝗈  𝗆𝗒  𝗍𝗁𝗈𝗎𝗀𝗁𝗍𝗌  
ꮽ   .  and   at   that   moment   i   knew   it   was   you,   the   love   of   my   life   
🦢◞  𝒊𝗍'𝗌  𝖺𝖻𖹭𝗎𝗍  𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀  𝖺  𝗅𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍  𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁𝗈𝗎𝗍  𝗵꯭𝗮𝘃꯭𝗶𝗻꯭𝗴  𝗍𝗈  𝗍𝗎𝗋𝗇  𝗈𝖿𝖿  𝘀꯭𝗼꯭𝗺꯭𝗲꯭𝗼꯭𝗻꯭𝗲 𝖾𝗅𝗌𝖾'𝗌  𝗅𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍. 
͟𝒊  𝖿𝗂𝗇𝖺𝗅𝗅𝗒  𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗅𝗂𝗓𝖾𝖽  𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍  𝗂  𝗐𝖺𝗌𝗇'𝗍  𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠  𝖿𝗈𝗋  𝗆𝗎𝖼𝗁,  𝗂  𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝗃𝗎𝗌𝗍  𝖺𝗌𝗄𝗂𝗇𝗀  𝗍𝗁𝖾  𝗐𝗋𝗈𝗇𝗀  𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗌𝗈𝗇.
✰۫  𑊐   𝒍𝗈𝗏𝗂𝗇𝗀  𝗒𝗈𝗎  𝗐𝖺𝗌  𝗍𝗁𝖾  𝗆𝗈𝗌𝗍  𝒃꯭𝒆𝒂꯭𝒖𝒕꯭𝒊𝒇꯭𝒖𝒍  𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗀  𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍  𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋  𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗉𝖾𝗇𝖾𝖽  𝗍𝗈  𝗆𝖾 
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nyannyannyanx3 · 18 days
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proship / profiction thingies I made!
okay to use without permission <3
thanks for 5 reblogz, 50 likez, and 5 followerz (^_^) sorry that the coloring is a bit lazy..
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cute-emo-boi · 10 months
Rb if u have a 'disgusting attraction™' :3
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booasaur · 6 months
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Remember during the 2016 elections, we were so scared of what Trump might do? How afraid we were for Roe but were told by so many people, pro-choice people even, that it was such settled law and it would be such a flashpoint, they'd never touch it. Don't overreact, you sound hysterical, this fearmongering is ruining your credibility. Hell, maybe worry for gay marriage, but abortion? No chance.
We watched Kavanaugh and ACB confirmed with increasing trepidation and STILL there was so much shock when the Dobbs leak happened.
Remember that feeling of knowing what was going to happen, because of your experience and knowledge, and nobody believing you till it was too late? And the very people who smugly shut you up pivoting and continuing to act like the authority, that, ah, yes, now was the time to worry?
This guy above represents the mainstream Western narrative since Israel killed the World Central Kitchen aid workers.
Somehow, after everything we've already seen, Israel was still getting the benefit of the doubt. After killing hundreds of aid workers already, mostly Palestinian, after killing more than 15,000 children, after killing multiple people waving white flags. After literally a scenario where a Red Crescent ambulance arranged safe passage with the IDF--just as this WCKitchen convoy had--to rescue a 6 year old child and ending up bombed.
Why didn't the world listen before? Israel didn't suddenly change, only perceptions have. They're the same now as they were three days ago, as they have been for the last months, years, decades. This wasn't an escalation, it was an inevitability.
Chef José Andrés, who runs the WCKitchen, and recently a vocal critic of Israel, was actually strongly defending them earlier. I saw someone call that Western naivety, but... is it simply being too naive, too trusting, when your good faith is only extended to one side? Isn't that just bias? Now Pelosi is signing a letter to stop weapon transfers to Russia when she was accusing protesters of being paid by Russia? Now, Western governments are saying this is too much?
I'll take any help we can get in stopping this onslaught, but these recent shifts came too late to save so many, including the WCKitchen workers. What changed for so many people now? We can't ignore why THIS was so many people's red line when tens of thousands of Palestinians weren't. Not only would it be an injustice to them but until this bias is interrogated how are we going to stop this or from repeating if the same wrong ass people are making the same decisions with the same worldview?
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shakingparadigm · 2 months
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big brother ivan... save me big brother ivan.....
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pe-arls · 3 months
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甘くて甘い 🍎 ♡ 🐈‍⬛ red Apple
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chaewcake · 1 month
random bios
𝒍  ─  𝗅𖹭𝗏𝖾,  𝗒꯭𝗈꯭𝗎   𝖺𝗋𝖾   𝗍𝗁𝖾   𝖻꯭𝖾꯭𝗌𝗍   𝗉𝖺𝗋𝗍   ✿𝒇   𝗅𝗂𝖿𝖾ㅤมวแ   
✿ 𝅼 𝓨𝗈𝗎  𝗌𝖺𝗂𝖽  𝗒𝗈𝗎  𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾𝖽  𝗆𝖾,  𝖻𝗎𝗍  𝗐𝗁𝗒  𝗁𝖺𝗏𝖾  𝗂  𝗇𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋  𝖿𝖾𝗅𝗍  𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍  𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾 ?
[   ☕  ]   𝒊   𝗅𝗈𝗏ᧉ   𝗁ᧉ⍺𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀   𝗒𝗈𝗎   𝗌𝗂𝗇𝗀,   𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋   𝗏𝗈𝗂𝖼ᧉ   𝗆⍺𝗄ᧉ𝗌   𝗆ᧉ   𝗁⍺𝗉𝗉𝗒  
.. 𝑖   𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾   𝑦𝑜𝑢   𝗌𝗈   𝗆𝗎𝖼𝗁   𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍   𝗌𝗈𝗆𝖾𝗍𝗂𝗆𝖾𝗌   𝗂 '𝗆   𝗈𝗎𝗍   𝗈𝖿   𝖻𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗍𝗁.
─ㅤゑㅤ𝖺𝗇𝖽  𝗂𝗍  𝖺𝗅𝗅  𝗌꯭𝗍𝖺꯭𝗋𝗍꯭𝖾꯭𝖽  𝗍𝗈  𝗆𝖺𝗄𝖾  𝗌𝖾𝗇𝗌𝖾,  𝗂𝗍  𝗐𝖺𝗌  𝗃𝗎𝗌𝗍  𝘆𝗼𝘂  𝖺𝗇𝖽  𝗺𝗲 .
ꕮ   ̼   ⴘ𝗈𝗎   𝖼𝖺𝗆𝖾   𝖺𝗇𝖽   𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗇𝗀𝖾𝖽   𝗆𝗒   𝗅𝗂𝖿𝖾,   𝖺𝗇𝖽   𝗐𝗁𝖺𝗍   𝗐𝖺𝗌   𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤   𝖻𝖾𝖼𝖺𝗆𝖾   𝖻𝗋𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍𝖾𝗋   𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗒   𝖽𝖺𝗒  
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alone-and-in-love-30 · 6 months
Me encantaría pasar una noche durmiendo junto a ti y sentir tus brazos abrazándome durante toda la noche.
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yourteght · 5 months
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» TIPOS DE BEIJO — capa teste
⟅26.04.2024 — eu fiz essa capa (ou o plot dessa capa) com base a um headcanon que criei de cabeça, confesso que não ia ser deles a capa mas faz tanto tempo que não edito com eles que fiz e é isso. Eu fiquei bem feliz em ter criado essa capa, ela ficou bem lindinha (acho que pequei em algumas coisas como os desenhos mas ok, eu to doente de novo e esse é o menor dos meus problemas) e apesar de que iria ser uma KuroKen de novo, eu gostei de ter sido uma tdbk (sem bullying, por favor) pq os pngs ficaram ótimos para a minha montagem. A capa não ficou exatamente do jeito que eu gostaria que ficasse, fico triste com isso mas eu passei tanto tempo nela que ela ta ótima, já deu o que tinha que dar. é isso, bjs
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chepib3 · 7 days
dick n bruce during the spyral arc
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rui-drawsbox · 4 months
Day 7: BIRTHDAY🎉🎉🎉 @minthe-drawings
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gggoofiestgoober · 1 year
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hermes's backstory but it's an episode of La Rosa de Guadalupe
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