#only this time neither of them have a potential female love interest
inamindfarfaraway · 9 months
Here’s a sad thought about Princess Jasmine in Twisted: The Untold Story of a Royal Vizier, courtesy of listening to the soundtrack again and feeling the feelings about her and Ja’far: this version of the Sultan must be a really bad father.
We never see him interact with his stepdaughter. He already seems rather senile when he steals Scheherazade, and that’s sixteen years before the present day. His sanity may well have completely gone in that time. Even if it didn’t, he makes it clear in his one appearance that he considers everyone in his power to be objects defined entirely by how they can benefit him and remorselessly will torture, enslave and murder them on a whim. I doubt that he’d be sensitive or nurturing toward his child. Now, I think Scheherazade would be a great mother - but she never got to try.
The Sultan has evidently been very neglectful and distant, failing in his duties to teach the Princess how to be both a good person and a good member of royalty. Despite her being his only heir and old enough to marry and rule the kingdom, which apparently has no problem with a female sovereign, he’s let her grow up to be extremely sheltered and not at all adequately prepared for responsibility and politics. It doesn’t even occur to her that having her tiger assault a neighbouring country’s visiting prince might have consequences. The Sultan, and on his behalf the Captain of the Guard, don’t let her know important news and royal decrees: neither what a menace Aladdin is, leaving her vulnerable to him, nor the Sultan’s mass execution of the 2D Department, since for as insensitively egocentric as she is at the beginning, she’s still deeply sentimental and quick to empathize with the homeless peasant Aladdin, so I can’t believe that she wouldn’t be at least a little upset with the Sultan (or more likely Ja’far) over so many lost human lives.
More than that, her immaturity speaks to bad parenting on the most basic level. She hasn’t internalized the Sultan’s cruelty, but has learned his selfishness, entitlement, impulsiveness and poor emotional regulation. Her social skills are notably clumsy and underdeveloped (not picking up on Aladdin’s numerous red flags, “No high five”, “At least Abdul had a family who loved him!”, even cringing herself at the last one). The Sultan’s passed down absolutely zero wisdom of any kind.
Instead it’s Ja’far with whom she has a familiar father-daughter dynamic (“What’s up, are you mad at me?” “Where are you going?” “There she is!”). It’s him who shows concern when she runs away and gives the order to find her before all else, notices that she’s upset and talks her through her feelings, warns her about sexual predators, appreciates her idealism and effort. It’s him who provides the gentle but firm, healthy guidance and challenge that she needs to grow. Who sees her potential, respects and believes in her. Who loves her. However, he is ultimately in her service. Between the imbalanced power dynamic making him wary of treason (after all, the last time he had a stronger relationship than the Sultan with a woman the Sultan called his, it didn’t end well) and his other responsibilities taking away from their time together, he can’t be as influential a presence in his life as he’d like.
Maybe this why she’s initially so resentful of him. Subconsciously she does see him as a father all along, but he hurts her and lets her down sometimes. Like the Sultan, her only official parent, always has. That stings. The differences are that the Sultan hurts her much more, more consistently and without her best interests at heart… but Ja’far is the one she can lash out at and complain to and be a messy adolescent around, because firstly, he’s her subject instead of her ruler, and secondly, he’s actually involved in her life. He cares, and therefore yelling or halfheartedly trying to poison his wine will make an impact. The Sultan is untouchable. We know that she conflates the two in her head as unjust authority figures keeping her trapped and crushing her aspirations (“All the people who say I’m just dreaming, like Father and Ja’far”, one of the only times she mentions the Sultan). It’s easier to blame your problems on an employee everybody else hates than accept that your parent is a bad one.
Maybe this is the root of her discontentment as well, her yearning that she can’t articulate for something more than what the life she’s been given. The joke of “Everything and More” is that she doesn’t need anything besides what she has… but she does. She needs a competent, reliable parent. One who she can trusts loves her the person as her parent, not a servant of her bloodline, and she knows to love as such in turn.
No wonder she falls for “Orphaned at Thirty-Three” hook, line and sinker. She’s never known her mother. Her relationships with her paternal figures range from terrible to complicated. Having unconditionally loving, supportive parents and then suddenly losing them must be the worst thing she can imagine.
But in the end, the Sultan dies and her dad has to leave her. Although he found a way to live forever, it wasn’t enough to save her from the pain of being orphaned at sixteen.
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sevensoulmates · 6 months
Buddie Meta 7x04 Part 3 (of 4)
Click here for part 1, part 2 or part 4.
Onto gay scene number four.
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This is ONCE AGAIN a direct parallel to 2x01. Ya know, the gym scene where everyone was like "why is Buck puffing his chest and trying to look hotter and stronger than Eddie"? Tim Minear would have us believe it's because he was threatened by Eddie, but those of us with our third eye open all know the man was attracted to Eddie, and Eddie was attracted right back.
Even down to putting the extra weights on the lift machine, it's almost beat for beat the same Buck trying to get Eddie's attention, only this time they have six years of love and devotion under their belt. This peacocking isn't about trying to prove Buck is better than Eddie, and it's most definitely not about Tommy. Tommy isn't here, neither is he mentioned. The object of Buck's attention is purely Eddie. Buck wants Eddie to look over and notice him without a spotter and come running over to be his partner, and maybe he also wants Eddie to notice that Buck is also strong and capable and sexy. Y'all ever seen those mating rituals where the male tries to prove he's big and strong and interesting so that the female will choose him? Buck is trying to make himself appear sexier than Tommy, and in my opinion, there's no other way to read this scene than that.
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He keeps looking to see if Eddie is noticing him, and when Ravi offers to be Buck's spot he shoos him away. What's also interesting is the framing of the camera. Eddie is positioned in the background between Buck's spread legs and his open arms. I'm not a filmmaker so I don't really know 100% what that means, but I just think it's an interesting choice to have Buck purposefully putting his crotch forward for Eddie to see, and keeping Eddie constantly in view only through Buck's spread arms and legs. Idk, it's givingggmmmgaysex. But what do I know?
Also keep in mind we (and probably Buck too) don't actually know who Eddie is talking to on the phone. We're meant to assume it's Tommy, but it could be Marisol, right? The last time Eddie had this kind of giggly little phone interaction it was in 6x18 with Marisol. But the show wants us to believe it's Tommy and to connect all of Eddie's actions with Tommy to being potentially romantic.
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Buck specifically has a basketball delivered to the station instead of, you know, his home, in order for Eddie to notice that Buck is suddenly interested in basketball and invite him again to play with them on Thursday. And again, I don't blame Eddie for missing the signs here. Buck has made it clear multiple times in the past that he does not want to play basketball with the other firefighters. So why would Eddie suddenly assume he's interested now? Plus he's distracted on the phone, so he might not have even really fully processed what Buck said or the insinuation of wanting to play basketball on Thursday. Buck sits down completely rejected because his latest attempt to gain EDDIE'S ATTENTION (not Tommy's) has been foiled. But thankfully Chimney comes along and provides Buck another access point.
Even Chimney is confused as to why Buck suddenly wants to play basketball. His excuses are weak, and Chimney instantly clocks that Buck isn't really there to play basketball with him but because he's trying to get in with Eddie and Tommy. Whether or not Chimney knows that Buck's trying to do it for Eddie's attention is unknown. We know that he was partially around when Buck was blabbing to Maddie, but he may not have caught the full context.
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Again, Buck is witness to how easily Tommy and Eddie touch, even though this in particular is much more "bro-y" than anything Buck and Eddie have ever done before. It's interesting that even though the episode is trying to show that the Tommy/Eddie relationship is similar to the Buck/Eddie relationship, there are still pointed times like this where the show still frames Tommy/Eddie as very very different, platonic-only, much more "bro-like" friendship.
This time however EDDIE is the one who calls Tommy "his boy!". Now we're finally getting the reversal of Tommy in Eddie's possessive. BUT this doesn't shift Eddie out of Tommy's possessive just yet. Instead, it is a mutual claim in conjunction with the rest of the scene that follows. So now it's not just a fear that Buck has that Eddie would choose Tommy over him, it's metaphorically come true. Now Tommy is Eddie's boy, and if that's the case, where does that leave Buck?
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Eddie, as lovingly oblivious as always, is shocked to see Buck here and subtly showcases his own jealousy. It's not anywhere near on the same level, but it does show Eddie noticing that Buck never says yes to him to play basketball, but somehow Chim got him to come? It does show that Eddie is still thinking about Buck here and thinking about what Eddie wasn't able to do to convince him.
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This little exchange shows yet another little way in which Tommy is encroaching on Buck's place with Eddie. The trope of "battlefield boyfriends" aka the two of them against the world. Tommy is extremely confident that he and Eddie will be able to beat Buck and Chim, and that rubs Buck the wrong way. Because up until now it's been BuckAndEddie against everyone else, and now it's TommyAndEddie. They're each other's "men". They're the team against Buck. Now it's become something hostile.
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This is a poke at Buck because he figures out he's bisexual at the end of the episode. But it's also funny because back in the day there used to be a lot of talk around Eddie in particular having beards. Beards can be both a conscious or unconscious choice on the part of a queer person. For some people, they don't know they're using someone as a beard because they're still deep in compulsive heterosexuality. In my opinion, this description fits Eddie and Marisol best at this point in time. I'm not saying that this Chim line is about Eddie, but it does bring up the question of beards in canon and who/what might be considered a beard in the current storyline.
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Buck, honey, Eddie was paying you so much attention here. He was trying to have a fun game of basketball game here, but Buck couldn't even let himself enjoy it because he couldn't get it out of his mind that Eddie wasn't on his team, that Eddie's playing against him, with Tommy.
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Eddie says an interesting line here to Buck: "You ain't getting past me" and it's so true, Eddie. Buck is probably not ever gonna be able to move past his feelings for you, regardless of who he dates in the middle.
And then we have yet another directorial camera shot that mimics the same dynamic at the end of 7x03. Eddie is running forward, Buck is desperately following behind him, and Tommy's running behind both of them. This could be foreshadowing again how no matter how much Tommy might try, Buck will always be chasing after Eddie.
Something else interesting to me is how the Buck/Eddie body slam is similar to the Eddie/Tommy body slam. These "intricate rituals" queer men will have in order to find socially acceptable ways to touch each other. It also takes me back to earlier in the meta where I talked about men using fighting/physical violence as an excuse to touch each other, hence why wrestling is a homoerotic sport. I don't know what was going through Buck's head, but I do think he was trying in some way, to force back that physical touch with Eddie, and take it away from Tommy. And in a way, it does also feel like a punishment. Like Buck's trying to make Eddie feel bad for being this physical with Tommy. And yes, Buck was in the wrong here. He let his hurt and jealousy get the best of him here and hurt Eddie in the process.
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I've seen people wonder why Buck wasn't freaking out about Eddie the way he has in the past. Well, one, this isn't a life or death scenario, and two, this is the first time it's ever been Buck's fault that Eddie's hurt. I think Buck's in shock. He's probably stunned and disgusted with himself and his desire to help Eddie is being hindered by extreme guilt, hurt, shame, and a whirlwind of other emotions he probably can't process in the moment. And that leads him to just stand still and watch instead of trying to help. He likely also thinks that Eddie wouldn't accept his help at this moment either. Buck does try to be the one who takes Eddie to the hospital, and likely would've apologized along the way. It could've been a good time for them to talk, to confront and work out the issue, but Tommy (once again) swoops in to be the one to help Tommy, effectively cutting off Buck's last chance to prove himself to Eddie.
Now, Buck's lost the last thing he can provide to Eddie over Tommy: safety, having his back, and being the one person he can always trust above all else. Buck probably thinks he's broken Eddie's trust and will lose him to Tommy for sure now. That's the kind of catastrophizing I can see him leaping to at this point in time.
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Buck then does what he does best, and pulls away. Not because he doesn't care about Eddie, but because he's already accepted that he's lost Eddie.
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Buck admits that this was a backward way of punishing Eddie, and Maddie rightfully puts him in his place for that. But then again, Maddie is speaking from a place of knowing what it's like to be physically abused (not saying this is abuse but it does still inform Maddie's perspective). Buck however is acting not from a place of an abuser or actually wanting to hurt someone, but from a place of living his whole life only knowing one way of getting people's attention. And for the longest time, that method involved hurting himself. And this time when hurting himself wasn't an option, it ended up coming out as hurting Eddie. Again, I am not trying to condone or excuse Buck's actions, but I am trying to provide a reason so we're not out here writing a million think pieces and fics about how Buck is suddenly a horrible physically abusive person (we're NOT having a repeat of the way y'all treated Eddie after the streetfighting arc). He made a mistake and obviously, he's going to apologize to Eddie and sincerely understand his actions were absolutely not it in the next episode. So, just like we're giving Eddie some grace here, let's give Buck some grace too. Moving on.
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Maddie does have a point, and she's right in a lot of ways, however, she, as a (as far as we know) straight woman, is coming at this from the perspective of being "friend-jealous" which we all know is disproven for Buck less than 10 minutes later. This talk with Maddie does give Buck good advice, but at the same time, I do believe it's likely confused him further. Because now he believes that the way he was feeling was normal best friend jealousy feelings when they really were not. Her advice is solid but doesn't really push Buck to think deeper about why all of a sudden he felt like Eddie making a new friend was the end of the goddamn world. And she can't really know to push him in that direction because she's operating under the assumption that Buck is straight. But he's not. They're both missing fundamental information here and without that, Buck still cannot truly process the depth of his feelings. I think this is a large part of why when Tommy comes over and kisses him in the next scene, Buck finds it very easy to glom onto the "out of nowhere" notion that the reason he was acting this way the entire episode is because he wants Tommy. It's very well true that Buck could've been experiencing physical attraction and an infatuation/crush on Tommy, but now, with Maddie's misinformed permission, switches targets and projects all of his big bi feelings onto Tommy.
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Buck is surprised Tommy came over, the audience and Buck both expect Eddie to be standing on the other side of the door. Tommy seems like a very observant character. He picks up on Buck's queerness (and likely Eddie's) and picks up on why Buck has been acting out of character the whole episode. Buck owns up to his actions and admits that yes, Tommy and Eddie can be friends and Eddie can have more than one friend.
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We then get an acknowledgment from Tommy that actually when he spends time with Eddie and Chris, the two of them talk about Buck a lot. Eddie isn't specifically mentioned, but it's implied that Eddie has told Tommy a lot about Buck if Tommy already knows that Buck is an irreplaceable part of both their lives. It's also funny because the last time someone said this, it was Buck trying to reassure Christopher that none of his dad's girlfriends would ever replace his mom. This once again firmly places Buck in the category of an irreplaceable parent for Christopher.
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This is another callback to season 3, the last time Buck and Eddie fought over the lawsuit, and Buck "making it about himself". This is a consistent character flaw in Buck, and at least now all of the characters can recognize it for what it is. It's also a callback to the 3x09 scene "You're gonna make it about you? again?" But see the thing is, I don't really think Buck was making Tommy and Eddie's friendship about him. I think he was hit with a rush of fear of missing out on what he and Eddie could be, and because he still didn't have the words to explain what exactly that meant, it came out in the only way he could think to communicate it: through trying to get Eddie's attention like a little kid pulling a girl's pigtails. It's unhealthy, yes, but it's all Buck really knows at this point.
Tommy admits that he was also jealous, not exactly of Buck and Eddie, but of the 118 and how they've built an unbreakable family bond that only came to be right after he left. Tommy wanted to be a part of that, and oh boy, if that's something Buck can relate to. The specific black hole craving to find a family that accepts you.
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And I absolutely believe that Buck is curious about Tommy, does want to be his friend, and does think he's super cool and probably thinks he's super hot and attractive as well. But the vibe I'm getting here is that Buck is seeking out in Tommy what he craves from Eddie.
Go to part 4 for the last part I swear!!
Part 4. Part 1, Part 2.
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may the best artist win ~ eminem
word count: 1754
request?: yes!
@thatonegirlthatlikesthings “Helllloooo I’ve been all in your page recently and I absolutely love your eminem stories I was wondering if I could request one with him and reader where she’s also a singer and they’re up for the same award and they make a bet between them where whoever wins gets to do whatever to other a little smut
I love you and your writing HAPPY HOLIDAYS 🤟🏽😭😭❤️❤️”
description: in which they both get nominated for the same award and decide to make it a game between them
pairing: eminem x female!reader
warnings: swearing, smut (oral, fem receiving, a little degrading but only like one mention)
masterlist (one, two)
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Marshall had made it very clear throughout his career what his thoughts on the Grammy’s were. He vowed he would never return to the Grammy’s ceremony, even if he was nominated.
But then you were nominated for Song of the Year at the same time that he was. It was your first time being nominated for a big award show like that, so obviously you were excited. It excited you even more because Marshall was nominated for the same award and you liked the idea of potentially beating him after being nominated for the first time.
“There’s eight other nominees, honey, there’s no guarantee either of us will win,” he reminded you.
“You’re ruining the fun of my fantasy,” you teased. “I want to win my first Grammy after being nominated against my boyfriend. It would bring me so much satisfaction.”
Marshall raised an eyebrow at you. “Oh yeah? Want to place a bet on that?”
His question sparked your interest. “What kind of bet are we talking here?”
“If I win, you blow me in the car ride home.”
You were used to Marshall being very forward about anything sex wise, but it still took you by surprise sometimes. This was one of those times. For some reason, you didn’t expect his terms to the bet to be so outright sexual.
You crossed your arms and raised an eyebrow. “And what do I get if I win?”
“That’s up to you to decide.”
You took a moment to consider it. If Marshall was going dirty with his, then you wanted to go dirty with yours too. And you wanted it to be just as naughty as him wanting road head on the way home from the award show.
“Okay,” you said. “If I win, you go down on me in the bathroom at the arena.”
He seemed impressed with your decision. “Really? That one is a bit dangerous to try. Are you sure it’s what you want?”
“What, are you scared to do it because you know I’ll win?”
He took hold of your hand and gave it a shake. “You have a deal.”
The night of the Grammy’s came quicker than you expected. As usual, Marshall was wearing a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, a jacket and, of course, his signature Kangol hat. You decided to dress up a little, with a somewhat casual dress that came just to your knees. You weren’t concerned over dressing up too much since the two of you were skipping the red carpet anyways.
The worst part about shows like this was that the more important awards, like your Song of the Year, were left until the end of the show, meaning you had to sit through endless speeches and attempts at jokes from the hosts and presenters. If it weren’t for this bet, you’d probably ditch the rest of the show.
At least the performances were good.
When the presenters for Song of the Year came on stage, all thoughts of the bet left your mind and instead you were full of nerves. What if neither of your names were called? Or worse, what if they called your name and you embarrassed yourself while accepting the award? On live television, where everyone in the entire world would see it and it would live on the Internet for the rest of your life.
Noticing your nervousness, Marshall reached over and took your hand. You looked over at him and your nerves almost completely melted away.
You almost missed the announcer calling your name if it wasn’t for your song loudly playing from the speakers and everyone around you looking at you with joy and excitement. It took a minute for the news to register before the excitement set in. You stood from your seat and planted a kiss on Marshall’s lips before making your way to the stage. You were glad now you hadn’t wore a long dress and risked tripping on the way to the stage.
You accepted the award and managed to give a speech that actually sounded coherent through the combination of excitement and nerves you were feeling. You were sure the camera could pick up how much your hands were shaking, but you deserved it given the circumstances. You smiled one more time for the audience and the cameras as the music played you off the stage. You followed the presenters to the backstage area where other artists and producers were conversing. They cheered as you walked in, congratulating you on your win.
You were shocked when Marshall walked up to you, not even noticing that he had left your seats to come back stage. He immediately put a hand on the back of your head and pulled you into another, more passionate congratulatory kiss.
“Why aren’t you in your seat?” you asked, a little dumbly but you were too dazed by excitement and by the sudden kiss.
“I believe we had a bet,” he said. “One that you just won.”
From the minute the presentation for the award started, you had totally forgotten about the bet. You didn’t even have time to gloat to Marshall about you winning over him, nor did think to do so anyways.
But he was right. You did win the bet.
You politely excused yourselves and left the backstage area to find the nearest bathroom. You went in first to make sure no one else was there, and when the coast was clear you opened the door for Marshall to join you. The minute he stepped inside, his lips were on yours again. They were rough and full of lust and passion. Despite having lost the bet, it was like he was just as excited for this outcome as you were.
With your lips still pressed together, Marshall backed you towards the counter. He put his hands on your hips and hoisted you onto the counter, breaking the kiss for just a split second before attacking your lips again. His tongue pressed against your mouth and you opened to let him in. His tongue swirled around your mouth, connecting with yours a few times, before pulling away. You almost grabbed him and pulled him to come back, but stopped when he got down onto his knees in front of you.
You were very glad you wore a short dress.
He didn’t have to push your dress up much since it was already bunched up around your thighs. You had wore a small thong just in case you had won and this was the outcome, which was proving to be a very smart decision on your part.
You gasped as you felt two of his fingers run through your folds, already dripping from the make out session alone.
“You’re already so wet,” he noted. “Just from the idea of me going down on you? You dirty slut.”
You whimpered at the degrading name.
You watched as the bottom part of his face disappeared between your thighs. He eyes were looking up at you as he licked one like stripe from your entrance to your clit. You gasped and reached down to grip his hair. Realizing he still had his hat on, you knocked it to the floor so you could really get a good grip on him.
His hands gripped your thighs, no doubt leaving marks on the sensitive skin. His tongue made quick work of licking at your clit; quick, short strokes mixed with long, slower ones every now and then just to feel you quiver against him. Everyone knew that Marshall was good with his tongue, but you knew just how good he could really be with it.
The brushing of his beard against your inner thighs and your pussy caused a whole new wave of pleasure the run through you. You wanted to watch him while he worked - he looked so concentrated as he devoured your pussy - but your head kept lulling backwards as moans tumbled from your mouth. You knew you should be more quiet since anyone could walk past and hear you, but you weren’t really in the right mind to think about that right now. All you could think about was Marshall’s wet tongue against your swollen clit, and the coil that was beginning to tighten in your stomach.
You tried to push Marshall away. As much as you were enjoying this, you wanted him to fuck you so you could cum on his dick instead. But he resisted your attempts to move away and continued his work.
“M-Marshall, I-I’m gonna...I’m so close,” you stuttered out. “I want you t-to fuck me.”
He looked up at you again and you could tell from the look in his eyes that he wasn’t about to stop any time soon. He was determined to make you cum this way, and that determination was hot enough to set you over the edge. You threw your head back again and let out a cry in pleasure as you felt your orgasm wash over you. You held Marshall’s head in place as he continued to lick over your clit, lapping up your juices.
You rested your head against the mirror behind you and tried to catch your breath. You almost whined when Marshall finally pulled away from your sensitive core, but felt yourself becoming turned on again at the sight of him. His lips were glistening and his beard had some leftovers of your juices on it. He turned on the sink next to you and wet a paper towel in order to wipe his mouth and chin clean.
“I’m surprised you didn’t take up the opportunity to bend me over and fuck me in front of the mirror,” you commented. “I thought it would’ve been really hot to do that. I wanted to feel you inside of me when I came.”
“This was your prize for winning the bet,” he said. “I wanted you to benefit from it.”
You smiled and reached for him. He stood between your legs and gave you a more gentle kiss than the ones you had gotten earlier. You could still taste yourself on his lips, which just helped to turn you on even more once again.
“Well, now that my prize for the bet is over, why don’t you take me home and use me to your relief?” you suggested, looking up at him with the most seductive look you could manage while still coming down from your high.
Marshall smirked at you. “I like the way you think.”
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a-roguish-gambit · 3 months
Sex favorable Ace Gambit time
-gambit getting into sex because of expectations of young men in the 80s. You were weird if you were a virgin. Something was wrong with you. Maybe you were gay. He knew he was bi at least so he creates the playboy persona and has sex at first to keep prying eyes off of him.
-finds he likes the sensation, likes the feeling of making someone else scream in pleasure. Gives him a sense of pride. Becoming a flirt makes him feel more confident. Being able to charm a room of men and women equally and show them a good time whether by talking or in bed? Makes him feel on top of the world.
-also he gets off by auditory stimulation and hearing the person he's sleeping with having a good time is the way he most enjoys getting that. Playboy magazines are useless garbage to him he doesn't understand the appeal.
-never got the things people were saying about legs vs boobs vs butts. About how a woman's face looks, how buff a man is. More abstract concepts appealed to him, like a girls ability to stand up to the biggest man in the room, the feeling between his fingers of how soft a man's hair was, the sound of a person's voice when they yawned and how he could just picture what it would sound like moaning his name, how their hand felt around his and how he could imagine it gripping him tightly as he cuddled them in bed.
-gambit assuming he's just bisexual for years because while he's bi romantic neither female nor male form really did anything for him so 0+0=0 logic aces have
-most of his past encounters were one night stands when he was feeling horny.
-flirts more cause he likes making people blush and getting a rise rather than wanting to slip away with them
-long term relationships were a rarity because expecting to be able to put out regularly even when he wasn't feeling sex favorable scared him a bit. He feared disappointing a potential partner. He could romance all day. But the thought of a partner taking a sex repulsion day as him thinking they were ugly or losing interest in them, or God forbid, him having a span of days where he couldn't even think about sex for whatever reason and them assuming he's cheating cause of his playboy persona he carefully crafted....terrifying. Keeping things fast and loose and not making attachments was always safer.
-found out rogue couldn't be touched and his heart lept for joy because it meant she was 100% safe. She was never gonna ask him to perform when he was feeling sex repulsed and he could flirt with her without fear of escalation with expectations. He could take things as slow as he wanted with her. She of all people could understand the concept of boundaries.
-as he gets to know her more and her need and craving for touch he realizes he wants so badly to make her feel good. Desperate even to find a way to do that. But he doesn't need to push himself on her. He of all people understands when someone's not ready. Still he hopes one day he can be that one to take care of her.
-cant understand how someone can just want to use someone without their consent. Maybe it was just his bisexuality? But for all his desire to pleasure people he's never looked at someone and wanted so badly to see them in extasy to push them into it or worse...
-only finds out about asexuality during the mid 2000s. The whole thing hits him like a truck. Things making so much sense. Why so many love songs never made sense, why others idea of love and sexuality weren't his style, why rogue was so confused on how he kept insisting he didn't mind they couldn't touch.
-his experience wasn't the norm but he wasn't broken. It's just...like his mutant powers in a way. Just different.
-doesn't know how to tell rogue. Doesn't even know if she will believe him. Maybe he will some day. He may have to write a whole essay first to fully explain it....oof that is not his style. This may take some time.
-Rogue tells him one day that he's not like any other man she's ever met, and loves him for it. He smiles a little. He's glad he's different.
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championleonsslut · 6 months
Im surprised no ones asked for a fantasy au yet- anyways, could you do King Leon falling for a mid-rank knight? Not someone new but also not someone in the high ranks either; someone he sees alot of potential in. thx!
Anon my love you have devoured recently with requests.
“I Want That One.”
Female reader :)
Leon has everything he could ever want.
A kingdom at his control, a crown on his head, more riches than he knows what to do with, and servants who loyally work for him.
Except for one thing.
A wife.
He’s had many princesses ask for his hand in the past, but none of them seemed right to him. They weren’t interesting, even if they were quite beautiful.
He didn’t just want a wife to supply heirs for him, but he also wanted a companion. Someone to challenge him, to be his best friend and lover. Of course they’d have to have children, but that could come later…
He was making his rounds about the castle, when he came across the training grounds. Lord and head knight Raihan was in the middle of a training battle, and Leon had nothing better to do than to watch.
He noticed the knight was female, which wasn’t exactly unusual. Wyndon had knights of both genders, even if the female ones were scarcer. She seemed to be doing a fine job holding Raihan back as well.
Oh and… She was pretty. Especially when her face was all stern with focus. Leon was far more invested in watching her than Raihan.
When she beat him, Leon felt pride brew up in his heart. And when she finally looked at him… His heart grew three sizes bigger.
He kept coming back to see her, and finally got a chance to talk to her at one point. He knew his feelings were more than just admiration or lust… But how was he even supposed to act on them?
So he kept seeing her, and a little bit of a friendship blossomed. He even dueled her just for fun once. He won, but neither party seemed to mind.
He came to see her again one day when the sun had set. She was on one of the many balconies, looking down upon the grounds.
“Why are you up at this hour?” She smiled at him.
He chuckled and shrugged, “Came to see you.”
He stood next to her, carefully observing as her eyes took in every inch of the gardens.
“What do you think of me?” He asked.
She smiled, “I think highly of you, my king.”
“Leon.” He corrected, “Just Leon is fine.”
She giggled, “Alright, Leon. I think highly of you. You’re a respectable man. You’re smart, kind, good with a sword, and a wonderful king.”
She bit her lip in thought, “But… Leon… Why do you ask? Why do you ask me especially?”
She turned towards him, only to find that he had moved. He instead was down on one knee, holding a small yet beautiful ring between his fingers.
“Because I’d like to marry you.”
She gasped, “Leon…”
He swallowed, “I’m in love with you. Madly, terribly, awfully in love with you. And if I can’t have you as my Queen… Then what is the use of life after all? I know I haven’t known you for very long… But I know that we were made for one another… So… Will you do me the honor of marrying me?”
Tears formed in her eyes, as a smile formed on her face.
“I will. I will marry you.”
The gorgeous ring was slipped on her finger, as he finally got to feel her lips against his for the first time.
She became his Queen through a wonderful wedding, and it proved to be the best decision of his life. But just because she had the crown, doesn’t mean she gave up the sword…
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chasingshadowsblog · 3 months
"I'm no lady, I'm a Duck!" - Female Representation in 'The Mighty Ducks' Franchise
The Mighty Ducks trilogy may not be the first movies that spring to mind when considering female representation. After all, it is a trilogy in which there are only ever two girls at a time on each line-up of the Ducks team. However, these three girls, in their equally shared screentime with the rest of the cast, come across as considered, well-established characters with a diverse range of talents and personalities, who, depite their gender, cannot be considered as simply the girls on the team, but as players on the team. In D1 they were Connie Moreau and Tammy Duncan; in D2 Connie stayed and was joined by Julie 'The Cat' Gaffney, who both survived to D3. Each of these girls brought something special not only to the Mighty Ducks team but to The Mighty Ducks movies, and each is memorable for their own individual reasons and moments.
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"Let's show these Hawks something really different." Movies like The Mighty Ducks are usually aimed at boys, and as such, the odd time a girl appears, they are the annoying older or younger sister, the bratty, sneering, cajoling, motherly, concerned, unattainable love interest girl character. Always on the margins, to be ridiculed, pined after or fought with briefly then forgotten about while the rest of the story happens. Depending on the role, they'll appear again at the end of the movie, achievement unlocked. While none of the girls in The Mighty Ducks are like this, Tammy Duncan, who could so easily have been the annoying older sister or the pretty love interest, is not portrayed in this way. Tammy is a figure-skater, recruited by Bombay, along with her younger brother Tommy, after he sees Tammy's figure-skating skills before a practice session. Bombay sees Tammy and imagines applying her skills to the hockey rink. "What do I know about hockey?" she demands angrily of her brother, after Bombay convinces her to give it a try. "More than you think," says Tommy, as he lays sprawled out on the ice after being knocked down by his sister in her anger. In the pivotal final game against the Hawks, Tammy and Tommy perform a goal-scoring trick using one of Tammy's figure-skating techniques. Tammy scores the goal. Tammy is an older sister. She is a girly-coded figure skater, compared to the traditionally boyish hockey players. She is scouted by Bombay for her talent and her potential to bring something alternative to the team. She joins in on the classroom fight, ending up in detention with everyone else. She insists that Bombay refer to them as "people" not "guys" and he complies (because she's there, too and she's proven willing to stand up for herself). Tammy is not annoying, or spoiled, or motherly, or a love interest for any of the boys. She is a part of the team and brings something unique to it. She's talented and tough, and, like Connie and Julie, her femininity is neither lost to her nor emphasised. She's a Duck.
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"I wanna play. When am I gonna get my chance?" Julie 'The Cat' Gaffney is introduced to us in D2 as having "won the state championship for Maine, three years in a row" - single-handedly, I would assume, because it only takes her one hand to save the deciding goal against Gunnar Stahl and win Team USA the final game against Iceland. Nicknamed 'The Cat' or 'Cat Lady', for her quick reflexes in the goal, Julie is side-lined in D2 for almost the entire movie in favour of Goldberg. While it can be frustrating to watch this faster and (let's say it) superior player sit on the bench in favour of Goldberg, something important happens in the middle of the movie that brings depth to Julie's character - an admirable thing to do for a newbie in a sequel, let alone a female character. Julie goes to Bombay's office and demands to know when he's going to let her play. "I left my team in Maine to show the world what I can do," she says earnestly and justifiably, in an effort to convince Bombay to give her a shot. In this scene, Julie fights for her rights as a player on Team USA. She was scouted by Hendrix as being one of the best players in the country in their age bracket. It's only in anger about Goldberg's poor performance against Iceland that Bombay first lets her on to the ice - an opportunity she ruins by taking a dig at two of the opposing players before the game starts again. She could have easily stayed quiet, she was a new face in the Ducks-heavy team, but the writers gave Julie a chance to speak up for herself. As the second goalie, she is in a different position to all of the other new players - Kenny, Dwayne, Portman and Luis can all hop off and on the ice throughout a single game and get a chance to play, Julie has to wait for Goldberg to be out of the action. She knows she's talented, she's ambitious and she's frustrated that she isn't getting the opportunity to show that talent off. It's only by the end of the final game, in the shoot-out with Gunnar Stahl, that she finally gets to do that. It's only one goal, but it's one goal that wins Team USA the game. Is it frustrating that Julie is on the bench for most of the movie? Yes. Is it justified by her winning save at the end of the movie? Somewhat. I would argue, however, that it isn't the save that fortifies Julie's role in the movie as more than a "girl character", but her certainty of her own skills and her willingness to fight for her corner.
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"I'm no lady, I'm a Duck!" Unlike Tammy and Julie, Connie has no unique or specialised skill to bring to the table. She is simply a solid, consistent hockey player, like Averman, Guy or Jesse. A fact which is just as important as Tammy's figure-skating or Julie's goal-keeping abilities. It's just as important to have these filler roles (for lack of a better term) be played by an array of genders, races and sexualities, as it is to have them up front and shining. It normalises the idea of a young woman, a person of colour, or someone from the LGBT+ community being there, being a part of something and not being special. Connie Moreau is a reliable player, who works hard and gets as much ice time as anyone else on the team. After Bombay meets the District 5 team for the first time, Connie is the first person to approach him with any kind of friendliness, she introduces herself with a smile, and proves to the audience that while none of the team shows any promise yet, she knows enough about hockey to talk stats. Connie isn't here to tick a box, she's here because she likes ice hockey. It's important to mention Connie's relationship with fellow player, Guy Germaine, in the context of this topic. A romantic relationship doesn't automatically weaken a female character, it's when the woman is defined by her relationship to a man that a romantic sub-plot becomes an issue. Fortunately, this is not the case with Guy and Connie. The two have a cute but subtle little romance arc throughout the trilogy that never over-shadows either the main plot or either of their own personalities. Like Guy, Connie maintains her autonomy as a person and a character outside of her relationship, and their relationship never gets in the way of their performances as hockey players. The romance could be deemed unnecessary but in this case it is handled so deftly that it only ever acts as a cute background detail to the wider story, it's a positive embellishment that fleshes out the setting and the story, as arcs like that should be. "Oooh, the Connie-meister! The Velvet Hammer!" Throughout the franchise Connie comes across as an open, kind and supportive individual, which is smoothly juxtaposed with her willingness to fight anyone who tries to mess with her team. She proves again and again that she will stand up for herself and her team mates no matter what, against the Hawks, against Iceland and against the Varsity Warriors. It is also worth mentioning, that in the 2021 reboot, The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers, an adult Connie Moreau (excuse me, Senator Connie Moreau) is shown briefly showing two of the girls on the Don't Bothers team the best way to tackle a player that's bigger than you. Connie represents a wonderfully colourful character. She is caring and supportive (traditionally feminine qualities) and displays her affection for her team mates by standing up to opposing players, off and on the ice. Connie may not have a flashy skill like Julie or Tammy but it is her entirely realistic and relatable personality that makes her stand out.
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It might be difficult to hear this, but The Mighty Ducks movies aren't perfect. While they should be celebrated for their equal treatment of the main cast and the naturally gender-blind writing of all of the kids, there are a few instances that, while they don't diminish the good work done, shouldn't be ignored either. Interestingly, the majority of these shortcomings occur in D3 - notably, the only script in the trilogy not written by Ducks creator, Steve Brill.
D3 is often thought of as the best of the two sequels; D2 pulls a few fast ones on the audience in terms of internal hockey logic, while D3 holds up in that regard. While this can't be argued with I do think it falls short in some areas. D3 pulls back on the hockey content and focuses more on the kids, now teenagers and freshmen in a private school. It gives less time to the Ducks and more time to Charlie (their stand-in main character now that Bombay is out of the picture), and his battle with the new coach, new school and new team image. It's easy for something like female representation to get lost underneath everything else that's going on in the movie, but when you're looking for it there's something to see - and it's not great. Connie and Julie are largely left unscathed by the plot. Julie gets a very light romantic sub-plot with Scooter, the Varsity goalie, but I would argue that so little happens between them that, like the Connie and Guy romance, it doesn't detract from Julie's character but adds a bit of fun to the overall setting. She initially ignores his attempts at conversation after their first game, and when he approaches her at the end of the movie, she looks surprised but pleased and the scene is so brief it doesn't diminish either of their characters or the ending.
D3 does, however, introduce us to Linda, a student at Eden Hall who catches Charlie's attention. And… that's it. I like Linda, but she is the opposite of what Julie, Connie and Tammy represented in the first two movies. Linda is introduced in D3 asking Charlie to sign a petition that will change the name of the school's offensive 'Warriors' moniker. When she realises that Charlie is a jock she turns away, but Charlie doesn't back off. Later on, they interact again and he manages to wear her down; she attends a hockey game and despite Charlie's behaviour during that game, begins to fall for him. After the Varsity game, Linda approaches Charlie and they kiss, after she thanks him for having the "demeaning Warriors name" replaced by a new Eden Hall version of the Ducks logo, which…Charlie had nothing to do with? Linda is a textbook "girl character". She is completely innoffensive, appears initially as a foil to the sports-loving Charlie, but in a single scene is charmed by his wiles(?) and tries better to understand him. She never interacts with another Duck, other than being present at the hearing, then appears again at the end of the movie, completely won over by him, without Charlie having done anything other than talk to her on a bench.
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A similar character appears in D2, Maria, Team Iceland's trainer (the "Iceland is nice" lady). Maria's presence is brief in the movie, much shorter than Linda's, yet she only really appears as a passing love interest for Bombay, but not really for Bombay. His interest and their date seem to happen only so that Gordon can be caught by Portman and Fulton, and to supply another reason for the kids to lose their faith in him. After this, Maria is largely left to stand in the background with the rest of Team Iceland, without anymore play in the story. Compared to the other adult woman in D2, Michelle McKay, Maria's role is clearly there to serve a purpose relating to her gender. I would argue, however, that in this instance Maria is less a victim of the male gaze as she is a victim of narrative convention.
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Outside of the main cast, there are two more women that share significant screentime with the Ducks, and both represent the negative and the positive aspects of the Ducks scripts when it comes to writing women. First there is Casey Conway, Charlie's mother and Bombay's love interest in D1. Casey disappears in D2 with a throwaway line about her marrying some random guy, and so she is no longer Bombay's love interest or present in the movie. As well as that, the kids are away from home at the Goodwill Games and so Charlie doesn't need his mother for now. Casey returns again in D3 to act as the adult influence in Charlie's life while Gordon is absent. Like Linda, there is nothing inherently wrong with Casey, but she is only present for her relationships to the men in her life - Charlie mostly, Gordon briefly. If she was meant to be the grown up voice in Charlie's head during D3, then why have Charlie ignore her advice and admonishments and why bring Bombay back to give him the speech that changes his mind?
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"CHANGE IT UP!" In D2 we have Michelle McKay, who is brought to the Goodwill Games as the team's teacher. She is a foil for Gordon during his Air Bombay phase, but is otherwise her own character. I would argue that she is more defined by her role as a teacher (with no interest in the Goodwill Games) and her relationship with the kids than she is by her interactions with Gordon. Ms. McKay listens to the kids, develops a relationship with them and confronts Gordon when they can't. She is soft-spoken and doesn't seem to be interested in sports, although she does enjoy her brief stint as Coach. She is supportive when Gordon is neglectful. And while she does act as a foil for him for a lot of the movie, once he is back to normal again, she retains her personality. Bombay kisses her on the cheek in thanks for jumping in as coach, but nothing romantic comes of this. Their relationship is entirely platonic and no one will ever convince me otherwise. Like Tammy, Connie and Julie, Michelle retains her femininity (through her traditionally feminine traits as well as her physical appearance, dress and mannerisms) without becoming defined by it. Her personality survives intact to the end of the movie; she is there for the kids and isn't won over by Gordon or the sport.
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I'm sure that female representation was the least of everyone's concern when The Mighty Ducks reboot, The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers, was announced, but it's clear that the good work done in the trilogy is being carried on here. While we haven't gotten to know these girls as well as their predecessors, Sofi, Lauren and Maya continue to represent a diverse range of personalities and talent levels, while holding their own narratives on the screen. As well as this, what Game Changers does differently - and which is representative of the eras both products were made in - is show girls playing on the rival teams. While the girls of the trilogy were wonderfully fleshed out characters, they were also the only girls. No other team in the franchise had a girl playing on it - something I've always thought was meant to reaffirm the Ducks as being the good guys and everyone else as the bad guys. In Game Changers, none of these girls ever speak, but neither do the boys - in The Mighty Ducks no one on a rival team ever speaks unless they are on the rival team. Like Connie had to do on her own thirty years ago, the addition of female players, simply in the background, normalises the idea of young women appearing in sports-oriented media (and movies in general), without making a big to-do or having to justify their place in the world.
The Mighty Ducks franchise is not without its problems when it comes to female representation but these movies deserve to be noted for their treatment of their female characters. In the few moments where they are singled out for their gender, those moments, and the characters involved, do not go unpunished. Early in D2 Portman refers to Julie condescendingly as "babe" and is immediately called out by Adam then, most notably, his future Bash Brother Fulton; during the first USA-Iceland game, Gunnar and another skater laugh at USA for sending Julie into the goal, for which she knocks them over and is disqualified for the rest of the game. These scenes are not meant for laughs, each one highlights the perpetrator as being in the wrong. Portman's behaviour causes a fight between the team and the instance during the Iceland game only reaffirms to the audience that these are the bad guys. The Mighty Ducks does not take its female characters for granted, none of them are there to tick the token girl box. The fact that there are only two on the team at a time may even be representative of the interest levels in girls' youth hockey at the time (this I can't say for sure as I wasn't alive when these movies were being released). There's a quick scene in D2, around twenty-nine minutes, that follows Connie as she skates circles around the Trinidad and Tobago players then passes the puck to Kenny, resulting in a score. During those few seconds of Connie handling the puck the camera cuts briefly to a girl in the stand cheering her on. If D1, D2 and D3 are representative of the time they were made in then I hope that Game Changers is also indicitave of the growth and current levels of interest and access for young girls in hockey. I'd also be interested to know how much The Mighty Ducks had an impact on that growth.
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davekat-sucks · 7 months
Eridan is the most heterosexual man in Homestuck.
Despite his vanity to look awesome in front of his others due to his status as a highblood and a funny if wweird looking art of him crossdressing for a calendar, Eridan is actually the straightest guy in Homestuck in general. He probably would have beat out John Egbert if it weren't for his "i am not a homosexual" line.
Eridan is said to be creepy by the cast and the fandom. If Homestuck were around today's current gen, he would rightfully be labeled as an incel. Eridan is desperate for connections, with love in particular due to his home planet putting emphasis on quadrants being an important part for his life. That if he doesn't follow it, he gets culled as punishment for remaining asexual as an asexual species. Now let me ask the fandom this, has there been a GAY incel ever?
Most would only call out incels to men who are only interested in female companionship. And who fits this bill? That's right, Eridan. Most of his important moments had always come from being around with another girl. In one of Eridan's earliest appearance via Pesterlog, he's talking with Kanaya, a WOMAN. The first relationship as kismesis is with Vriska, another WOMAN. His pale mate is also a female, whom he had a crush on for so long. Beliving that she and her are superior because of their blood color and sea dweller status. And he would be the server client for Nepeta in Blue Team, whom he tried to flirt but was rejected.
He would then try to rile Rose Lalonde to get her to be pitch with him. Eridan challenges Rose on her use of dark magic. She mirrors Eridan in a way that both have an interest in wizards and magic. Then he would proceed to try and give Jade his rifle. A rifle that would find its way to the bunny that Jake gives as one of its weapons. She also noted that he was one of the trolls that always hit on her and implies he has been doing this for some time prior to the Beta Kids starting the game. She even teases him for his failed attempt for flirting with Rose.
Sure he would have a male friend like Karkat, but it's only for shared interest about gossiping quadrants from there other friends, with Kanaya being the one he mentioned when speaking directly to her. Then we get to Sollux and people would say that shows he is gay or bisexual. The only notable moment between him and Sollux were only two duels they had. But it always come back to Feferi having to step in to stop and chastise Eridan. Sollux was also willing to KILL Eridan for good this time to stop him from getting Jack to find the trolls. Neither Sollux or Feferi thought about of how would Eridan even reach Jack in the first place without method of transportation or the fact that it would technically be Vriska herself that lead them to their deaths instead.
Eridan wins the duel by knocking down Sollux, but it's not as significant as him killing Feferi. The top potential heiress troll. An heir. A future queen. Her death would be and is taken more seriously because she is the troll that is above everyone on the meteor. Even with her ideals of equality and change, Feferi would still be one that decides what is good for the people. And that's one of Eridan's worst crimes. Not him killing lusus to feed for a bigger lusus. Not him being racist towards lowerbloods. But him killing a lady who would have to be future ruler.
His next big moment would also be him destroying the Matriorb. He would get his wish for success in genocide. Genocide being killing all hope that his kind would ever get to repopulate. We don't know if Jack would have found and destroyed it if Eridan wasn't the one to do it. But it likely he would have destroyed it or the Matriorb would be lost and forgotten after Kanaya's death. Some could say that Eridan destroying the Matriorb was a mercy kill. Since this Matriorb was also something that The Condesce needed to bring her race back. If the Matriorb had been around by the time the meteor shows up, she could have just taken the Matriorb with ease and her plans would have succeeded much earlier than expected. In a way, Eridan getting rid of the Matriorb was a good thing if it meant in the future, the bigger bad couldn't get it and forced her to find an alternative method to get it. Which means he also indirectly had been involved in another woman's plans. A woman that started and was the root for his ideals of racism. The caste system he looks up to and was molded by.
And when he is technically brought back as Erisolsprite, he does nothing with Jake despite their shared Hope aspect.
Overall, Eridan's important or great moments had been because the presence of a female with him. Even at times when it is not depicted as flirtatious, he is known because of his actions towards a woman. Directly or indirectly. His connections have been mostly been tied with a girl.
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animezinglife · 6 months
Just a little anecdotal thought:
For milder-mannered, suffer-in-silence, or less obviously "passionate" women, the whole “intense feelings” thing can go one way or another--both being extreme.
You might think a guy’s attractive, shut down completely, and avoid him like the plague because it’s too much for you to handle at that point in time (for whatever reason).
You might also find yourself acting completely out of character and realize how difficult it can be to keep that behavioral anomaly reined in.
The first one’s a miserable, self-loathing experience.
The second one’s a massive headache to deal with.
But here’s the thing: both are often indicative of something being extremely intense, which a lot of these women aren’t used to feeling at all or have trained themselves so thoroughly to let their own wants slide that it never actually occurs to them to act.
They also don’t always know how to react and will drive themselves insane either fighting it or fighting everything that feels against what they know as their nature. Neither happens with lukewarm feelings or complete lack of interest.
Speaking as a completely third party objective with no personal interest or experience in the matter, I wouldn’t be so quick to rule Lucien out of Elain’s future.
No, she’s not in love with him at this point in the story—I’m not claiming that. He’s not in love with her, either. He’s taking that step forward to meet her halfway and trying to get to know her. He wants to see if it could work since the universe tied them together anyway.
If they could love each other.
Meanwhile, poor Elain who’s had everything she knows ripped out from under her gets a mating bond slapped onto her the second she emerges from the Cauldron in an entirely new body with entirely new, extreme senses.
The bond is strong. The bond isn't lukewarm at all, and she doesn't know how to handle it. She doesn't want to have this involuntary connection forced on her, especially when it's something potentially so intimate in nature.
She's not ready to confront it, so she avoids it. It's not Lucien personally she has an issue with--while she has been cold towards him, I have no doubt she hasn't enjoyed doing so and that when she's thought about it, she realizes how polite and respectful he's been throughout this jarring realization for them both.
She doesn't know him like we do: doesn't know his past, and doesn't know of his wonderful qualities, about Jesminda, the pain he's endured, and the warmth and kindness he still possesses despite it all.
Remember too the only real examples of mating bonds she has to go off of are Feyre and Rhys. Nesta and Cassian. To some extent (whether they're mates or not), Amren and Varian.
Feyre and Rhys's tension despite having been together for awhile now is always present and always palpable. It's hard not to be hit over the head with something like that as a regular human when a couple's connection is that strong and there's that much going on between them, and Elain--an already intuitive person--now has to be faced with that in all her heightened senses glory? About how public those things automatically are?
Then there's Nesta and Cassian, which she would've observed the rocky, stressful start of versus that development and where they are now. That too would be overwhelming (and likely, to a more reserved female like Elain in such capacities, a little embarrassing).
Top that all off with the man she thought she loved was taken from her by circumstances that weren't her choice and that his rejection of her was brutal. Think about how badly that must have stung and how any sense of security she might have had left was stolen away, too.
Now the universe has decided that she and Lucien of all males are mates.
Lucien, her sister's friend. That alone must imply to her he has some good qualities Feyre values.
Lucien, who her sister spends at least five minutes per internal monologue platonically thirsting over in her commentary.
Lucien, a trained courtier with a mix of elegance and mischief. A mix of refinement and masculine roughness.
Prythian can't seem to go five seconds without commenting on his attractiveness, including the villains.
The first thing he does amidst the chaos and horror is cover her with his jacket to protect her dignity and carry her gently out of the water. Someone who she, despite knowing it's not his fault, will forever to some degree associate with that terrible day (even if he was one of the few who offered her kindness).
He's kept his distance from her per her wishes. When they are around each other, he has always been polite, reserved, cautious, and respectful. He's merely offered his hand and given her every choice in terms of taking it.
Elain is overwhelmed and still healing. It's not in her nature as it was Feyre's or Nesta's to fall into whatever sort of relationship with men or males easily.
The one time she take that leap, she was hurt badly for it by a beta bitch man she thought loved her and whom she'd planned to spend the rest of her life with.
Even if everything else is overwhelming--even if a part of her may want to get to know Lucien at least a little--it wouldn't surprise me at all if she's every bit as afraid of where that might lead if she does end up feeling something beyond the bond for him.
And she very well may sense that as well: that once she takes that step, he's going to be the type she could fall in love with.
He's a chance she's not quite ready to take.
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pjo-gaysofgreeks · 9 months
I wrote this silly little thing for a graded final and I figured I’d share…
Allied Authordom: Rowling vs. Riordan
By Serena Martinez
Allyship does not demand perfection, but rather desire to grow. We are all unlearning internalized -phobias and -isms which have been normalized in society. The key to true allyship is recognizing you have the capacity to cause harm, do the work to be better, and consciously avoid hurting someone that way again.
Given the upcoming television adaptations of both J.K. Rowling and Rick Riordan’s popular series, I am going to use them as a case study example. The hoards of Millennials and Gen Zers that grew up with either or both series are now young adults with the ability to think critically and set their own moral principles. I am not sure I know someone in my age range who hasn’t at least watched a Harry Potter movie and most of my friends are eagerly following the new release of the Percy Jackson Series (December 20th!!!). As much as I wish people would turn towards new POC authors who are trailblazing their own paths of authordom, I know many are still tied to the nostalgia of the past.
When first published, neither series included diversity up to today’s standards. Both trios were completely composed of white cisgender people: a male protagonist, a male best friend and sidekick, and a female friend and potential love interest. Although Riordan intentionally made Percy neurodivergent to depict the experiences of his real life son and Rowling crafted the entire series to support species equality, the core representation remained the same. That doesn’t even include Rowling’s problematic stereotyping of the werewolves and goblins who were based on people with HIV/AIDS and Jewish communities respectively. Riordan and Rowling’s subsequent elaboration (or lack thereof) on their respective universes showcases the difference between them as authors and allies.
Rowling has essentially never budged from her original position on representation in her series. To her, making Hermione Black in the theatrical adaptation of the series and retroactively admitting Dumbledore is gay was enough to show she is a proper liberal ally. Many would deem this too little too late, especially given the stereotypes used to describe people of color in the series like Kingsley Shacklebolt and Cho Chang. Rowling showcases prime examples of tokenization without ever addressing such simplistic character depth over two decades after the series’ publication.
Then, of course, there is the significant harm caused by Rowling’s unapologetic transphobia. She has only doubled down since her first transphobic tweet in 2020 by publishing a book about a cisgender man dressing as a woman to murder people (emboldening the false and harmful narrative of the trans predator), donating to anti-trans companies and legislatures, and claiming that continued support of the Harry Potter Universe is proof that people are in support of her transphobia views.
I think Rowling could have come out of this unscathed had she admitted her books were a product of her time and apologized for her wrongdoing to the trans community. Instead, she has only chosen to dig her heels into hatred. Suffice it to say Rowling is the bad example of allyship amongst these two authors.
Riordan, on the other hand, heard readers’ criticism of his predominantly white and straight series and returned with a sequel including complex characters not defined by their racial, gendered, and sexual diversity. Riordan’s central characters in subsequent series were Latini, Creole, Chinese, Native American, Muslim, bisexual, and genderfluid. His newest book that follows a gay couple from the original Percy Jackson universe is co-authored with a queer writer because Riordan did not want to attempt to portray an experience so distinct from his own. When Leah Jeffries who plays Annabeth Chase in the new TV series experienced racism from fans online, Riordan published a statement calling out the behavior. Since interviews have started he has continued to ensure she is supported. Rick Riordan is certainly imperfect but has continued to use his privileged platform to uplift voices rather than misrepresent or silence them.
While Rowling uses Twitter to corral an army of transphobes that dox anyone who looks gender non conforming in their profile picture, Riordan uses his platforms to vocally confront hatred. The same year Rowling mocked gender inclusive language for people who menstruate, Riordan was staunchly calling out transphobes criticizing genderfluidity in his series.
It is not enough to just magically make characters different identities because doing so erases the complexity of each experience and makes representation a farce.
Onto the question everyone has been waiting for: what does this mean for the T.V. series?
This is not just about allyship. This is about how Rowling continues to harm trans communities during a time where they are already experiencing heightened levels of violence.
Do NOT watch the HBO Harry Potter series or anything where Rowling gets streams and thus money! Illegally stream it. Watch the old movies on DVDs you already own. But every view pads her wallet and her ego, emboldening her to fund and support transphobia globally.
Reread the Percy Jackson series in preparation for the much awaited television show. Delve into Harry Potter fanfiction which doesn’t line the pockets of the Author Who Shall Not Be Named. Try new series from queer authors of color who deserve to be platformed far more than Rowling ever did.
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acefaun · 1 year
Hello my lovely lady. 💓 I was wondering if you could write a, Lindir x female elf reader story? Lindir appears in the hobbit movies. Please ✨🥺
Lindir~ Purposeful
Synopsis: Lindir is surprised to find you, his long-time crush, traveling with a company of dwarves. He’s fearful for your life, so what can he say that will get you to stay by his side?
🍃Masterlist🍃 Female Elf MC!
A/n: To start, I was looking up videos on YouTube to get more familiar with Lindir and the first commercial I got was “Lindor, made to melt you” and I wheezed over it for the longest hour of my life. 💀 I was destined to be a Lindir simp; the YouTube gods have foretold thus. 
–Word Count: 1,760–
The clean air of day was a welcome thing in Rivendell, it was always such a peaceful place and its magic was enough to soothe even mental ailments. Well… it was mostly always peaceful, if you consider that a company of dwarves—even if small—was a rare sight. 
To make this company even stranger, Lindir was most interested in the fact that a familiar elf-maiden was traveling with a bunch of rowdy dwarves, an unassuming hobbit, and a gray wizard—but this elf-maiden wasn’t just any elf of Middle Earth… You were an elf that he had once held affections for… and oddly, upon being in your vicinity again, his feelings seemed to blossom strongly. How was it you managed to hold his heart for so long?
He wasn’t originally going to disturb you while you took your rest in Rivendell before heading out into the wilds of the world… but per Lord Elrond’s orders, Lindir was the one to make sure the guests were comfortable—that included you. And where else should he have found you besides on a balcony, looking over the beauty that was your home land? 
You had clearly heard him approach you, so it didn’t startle you when he suddenly commented, “You’re not with your companions.”
You lifted an eyebrow. “Should I be?” You were sure that even Lindir would understand that you just wanted to relish being home while you had the chance. 
After a half-second of hesitating, Lindir asked, “What is a maiden doing with… this lot?” He picked his words slowly and carefully, not meaning to offend you if you just so happened to prefer the company of dwarves to your own kind. 
“Gandalf is a dear friend, and I agreed to join this company on his behest,” you answered as if it were a noble mission, and not some game of death that had the potential of a dragon killing you all at once. “And… if I’m being honest, I traveled with them because Gandalf said we’d be passing through Rivendell.” You paused again, quietly adding, “I haven’t been home in a while…”
“You haven’t,” Lindir agreed, though he looked almost neglected as he quietly asked, “Is that truly the only reason you came?”
In truth, you had craved to visit Rivendell specifically for the chance to see Lindir again, but now that he was in front of you, you didn’t know how to make words. You could only shyly utter, “It’s one of my reasons…” 
Even after all the time you spent away from Rivendell, things never changed between the two of you; you were always dancing around one another, neither saying what you really meant. 
Lindir tested, “You're truly following them to face a dragon?” That was the harsh reality you faced; and you could tell Lindir was worried about you. 
Things fell into a tense silence as you stared whimsically at the waterfalls. Instead of answering his question, you tried to brush it off and say, “I'm helping them return to their home.”
Lindir sighed as he observed you. He always thought you were so selfless and put others before yourself; but you also had a great heart-wrenching habit of putting others before him… Based on your response he asked, “But will you return home?” 
It was unlikely, though you couldn't give him an answer and the silence persisted until you finally offered, “Let's take a walk.”
Thankfully, he didn't disagree. He'd never tell you no. But taking a walk with Lindir, all you could do was reminisce about your past together rather than focusing on a bleak future that you may or may not have. 
Still, you couldn't avoid the topic for long. By the way he fidgeted with his hands, you could tell Lindir was nervous—or maybe not nervous; he seemed genuinely scared, and you were unsure how to comfort him or assure him you'd be alright.
But you never had time to try before Lindir spoke, “You're a strong maiden… and I should have the utmost faith in your abilities. I only…” He trailed off, though he expected you would understand what he was trying to get at. 
“Again?” You asked quietly. It felt like déjà vu all over. This conversation had happened before… It occurred the first time you had left Rivendell for a life of adventure. But now that you've experienced the world for yourself, you knew what you had to tell him. “You have a purpose with Lord Elrond… Mine is not such a lavish pursuit. I wish to help those I can help so long as it's in my power to do so. That means…” You continued slowly, “venturing outside of Rivendell.”
It was a suitable response, even he could admit that, but it wasn't what he wanted to hear. “But what power do you have against a dragon?” It was his turn to make a point as he still tried to convince you, “I'm sure if you stayed we could find something-”
“Mellon nin(my friend),” you interrupted softly. “I am to my sword and bow as you are to your literature and voice.”
Lindir seemed particularly upset, though you knew the details of your journey this time were much more imminently dangerous. But his complaints caught you off guard. “But why for dwarves? Of all the reasons you could have to wield a weapon…” He sighed warily as if just mentioning Thorin’s company caused him a headache. “And I can only imagine if they're as… rambunctious as they were at the meal with Lord Elrond…” He trailed off unsure of what kind of insult he could have to throw their way without equally insulting you. “I fail to see why you would go so far.”
“Honestly… They're not as bad as you think. They're a merry bunch, really—even if we have our differences.” You paused, gauging Lindir’s seemingly mournful expression. Was he that upset over the company you joined? “Lindir, I know you think little of dwarves, but there's more to them than meets the eye. Sure, they can be rude and brutish and stubborn… and many other things—you probably have a list longer than the distance across Middle Earth—but my point is that-”
“Meleth nin(my love),” he interrupted you with red cheeks. It made you come to a pause as well as you processed his words. “Let us stop this foolish dance,” he sternly demanded; his rigid body language telling you he was taking this conversation very seriously, and he would not continue to dance this never ending dance with you. “We both know it is not the dwarves that make me wish for you to change your mind. Your aspiration to help them is a noble one.” He paused, trying to come up with the right words to say under your seemingly heavy gaze. But, for the first time in his long life, words weren't coming easily to him. Sighing, he relented, finally asking, “Is it selfish that I want you to stay… for me?”
Your heart skipped as your wide eyes stayed trained on his face for any hidden meaning, anything that could give you a hint as to how to reply. “Lindir…” He called you his love… You were just as speechless as he seemed to have been. “Lindir…”
Glancing away from you, he was feeling awkward at how you only seemed to be able to utter his name. Perhaps he had misread something of your relationship. “Sorry,” he sincerely apologized. “I'm asking too much of you, mellon nin(my friend)…” He admitted to himself, glancing away, avoiding the cold heartache of rejection. “I should return to my duties…”
“Wait,” you called, making him stop to at least regard you. “Did… Did you mean it?”
He stayed frozen, exceedingly quiet for a few moments before he acknowledged, “Every word.”
You faltered, uttering quietly, “Meleth(love)…” You searched his gaze for truth and he desperately searched yours in return. Seeing the longing in your gaze, he embraced you in his arms as quickly as you were to wrap your arms around his shoulders, pulling him closer to you. “Le melin(I love you)...” 
His arms tightened around you, not wanting to even think about you leaving his embrace. Despite your soft declaration of your feelings, he timidly asked, “Will you stay with me?” Pausing he rephrased, “Actually…” He met your gaze, and you found him staring at you with tenacity deep in his eyes. “It’s less of a question… (Name), I want you to stay with me.”
“Let me be your purpose,” he interrupted you. “I know you are a strong maiden and you would wish to use this strength in the defense of others, but I cannot let you go again… not when I don’t know if you’ll return to me. I will speak to Thorin myself about relinquishing your service to the company. Just… say you'll allow me.” 
“Lindir,” you called once again for his attention, the elf too determined with his plans to recognize that you already had your answer. “Let me talk to Thorin with you. I owe an explanation to them.” 
His heart soared as he took this as an agreement, a promise that you weren't going to leave him, that you were going to stay with him; it was a sign that you loved him as much as he loved you. “Very well, meleth nin(my love).”
And he was all too eager to break the news to your company… except for the fact that the dwarves had already seemed to have left. He should have been relieved that they had gone on without you… but this presented a different issue that needed addressing. 
Now… If only they knew what the odd smirks between Gandalf and Lord Elrond were about…
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vacantgodling · 2 months
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#27: Duchess Primrose Aegos
Conniving isn’t the word that you would use to describe yourself; pragmatic, perhaps. Conniving sounds like you have some ill will in wanting to secure the future of yourself and your child—when your partner died suddenly and you needed money, what better to do than to marry? You may not love your partner, but they don’t love you either; perhaps neither of you need to. With all of the pomp and circumstance and unpopularity of their arrival into power, perhaps it is better to not get too attached, in case the murmurs of a coup are more founded than just rumors. What matters is your security and you will do anything to secure it. Oh, and perhaps that of your child too.
“primrose” means first rose. “aegos” is a historical name that derives from the fallen city of argos. its believed that those with that name are direct descendants of the former ruling family there; though much of that history aside from what is known of king mitica were lost to time. primrose hasn’t made any pilgrimage to eros to confirm the records of this or not, because should they not be it could cost her status.
67, cis female (she/her), romance & sex: no; she doesn’t actually have much interest in others romantically or sexually. every union is more of a means to an end for her, but if given the opportunity she’d rather be on her own. preference: someone who leaves her alone and has money
a woman of regal stature, standing tall and proud at 6’0” with long, birdlike limbs. her hair is a deep purple, so deep that it is almost black, and is always styled in an updo of some kind, never touching her neck. she looks startlingly like her daughter, illiana, near mirror images of one another, except for their eyes—hers being a warm, golden honey color. her skin is dark and beautiful like the night sky.
as the current DUCHESS OF LATHSBURY, primrose is the 2nd wife of the current reigning duke aran of lathsbury, who is standing in as acting reagent following the death of his elder brother, king luther. this is also her second marriage; originally primrose was from the city wish of palanthia, and married a wealthy man there who always traveled and was never in the house (good for her, for she could focus all of her attentions on illiana), and he died abroad without ever meeting their daugther. this was a “happy” coincidence for her around the time that duke aran’s wife, general duchess muinena passed, and after pulling several strings, she was able to orchestrate her marriage to aran. she doesn’t think much of him, as she didn’t think much of her first husband, and prefers to keep herself aloof and distant. rumors of a potential power grab or coup have been swirling throughout nobility circles and government chambers in lathsbury lately, and she would like to avoid any potential fallout for the sake of herself and illiana. she has virtually no interest in her stepson kiba either, only that he do what is necessary when the time comes (aka, take the crown).
primrose is a pragmatic woman, though not wholly unkind. she simply has her goals and the teachings that her mother taught her, and is insistent that she passes this on to illiana. while not a warrior in her own right (she has never touched a sword), the cutthroat ideals of eros are still embedded deeply into her mind and actions; her first concern is always her own financial security. still, she can be understanding and generous, especially for those who she is close to. she’s not affectionate but she isn’t entirely cold and callous, and shows love in the form of giving advice (even if it can be slightly overbearing and a tad emotionally distant). 
3 fun facts about them: she is a very talented piano player, but she has not practiced since she was a younger woman. sometimes she thinks she ought to see about ordering a new piano for the palace as it doesn’t have one, but she always ends up being pulled away into other matters. as her only wish in life is for illiana to be successfully married, very similar to ms. bennet from pride and prejudice she actually spends quite a lot of time consulting OOMI’s (or oracles of the god of love MIRANKA) to seek illiana’s fortune in love. she can be somewhat superstitious, and always brings home love potions and remedies and teas that are supposed to help illiana secure a mate—which is all very ironic, considering that primrose doesn’t feel much love and is low empathy herself. her favorite flowers are daffodils and always has to have a vase of them in any room she frequently occupies.
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reiverreturns · 10 months
I’m only starting to get into f1 can you explain the offseason f1 vs fia drama I wanna understand it
I certainly can m'love!
So a little bit of background context before I get into the meat. This whole drama centres around three main players. The first of these is Susie Wolff, an ex-DTM and F1 development driver, former CEO of Formula E, and now MD of the all-female series F1 Academy reporting directly into Stefano Domenicali. She also happens to be married to Toto Wolff (our second player), Team Principal of Mercedes AMG. Our third player is Mohammed Ben Sulayem, current FIA president who has been plagued with accusations of fostering sexism as of late as well as being an outright misogynist, stating that he thought women were stupider than men on a personal website prior to his election. He is also well known for not being popular in the ranks of F1, who see him as a powerplayer and someone who continually overreaches to influence the sport to an unreasonable degree.
SO. This all starts with swirling media rumours that earlier this season there was an incident in a TP meeting where Toto accidentally shared confidential insider information that triggered a complaint from one or more of the other team principals. The implication here was that Susie told Toto the insider info because she's his wife and apparently doesn't give a shit about professional integrity. Anyway the FIA confirmed this in a statement yesterday and said their Compliance Department is actively looking into the matter as a potential conflict of interest. Neither Toto, Susie, Merc, F1, or anyone else had been notified of this investigation and learned with all the rest of us through the press release that this was an ongoing investigation. Susie Wolff sends the most dignified and classy fuck you of all time via instagram and I fall in love with her a little more
Still, it's fair to investigate a complaint, right? Well here's the thing - this evening every single F1 team (bar Merc obvs) have released a statement saying they did not complain to the FIA about a potential conflict of interest. And if no one complained, the FIA have basically been caught with their pants down. They have either 1. taken grossly inappropriate action based on one shitty media report, 2. have lied about their reasons for investigating the Wolffs and Susie in particular, or 3. given the entire F1 paddock reason to lie about this which seems very unrealistic. F1 teams will happily throw one another under the bus for a dime there would have to be something immense happening to make them unite like this.
It's hard not to see this mess as a classic Ben Sulayem overreach and extremely sexist gamble to try and oust Susie Wolff from her senior position in the organisation. It's also hard not to see the teams' action tonight as a coordinated attempt to put pressure on the FIA and for Ben Sulayem to resign. Either way, someone's lied on an extremely public stage, put people's careers at risk, and the fallout is going to go on well into the new year.
Oh, and the FIA end of season awards show is on Friday. You know, the one some members of the Merc team got fined for not attending a few years ago when Hamilton got screwed out of an eighth world title. Lol. That should be a barrel of laughs.
Anyway that's what you missed on Glee I hope it helps/made some sense?!
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darkstarofchaos · 9 months
Unpopular Opinions: EarthSpark Wishlist Edition.
Was going to give some thoughts on S1 a while back but never got around to it, so eh. Let's look ahead to S2 with some things I'd like to see and some I wouldn't.
Ironically, the one character I wanted to see but didn't think would fit the show seems like he's actually going to appear. I've already written up an extensive Prowl wishlist, but to summarize: socially awkward and seemingly cold or rude, but nice once you get to know him; either not a cop or an ex-cop; disability optional but strongly encouraged. Also, if he's going to have low empathy or a strongly numbers-based approach to the world, don't villainize him for it.
Aside from Prowl, the only characters I have strong feelings about are ones I don't want to see. Basically all of them are MTMTE/LL characters, but the only ones I'm going to call out specifically are the DJD: I feel like they would need to be a season-long threat to be properly utilized, and since we've already had one major "hunt down Decepticons" plotline, I'm not interested in seeing another.
Not a deal-breaker, but I'd rather not see any more gender-swapping. I don't mind Ravage or Nova Storm and I warmed up to Frenzy, but Skywarp just doesn't feel like the same character. By which I mean I wouldn't be able to write her the same way I write him, because the way I write him would be a female stereotype applied to her. And I couldn't do her relationship with Starscream the same way either (same goes for her relationship with Thundercracker if he shows up). So as far as fanfic goes, she's literally a different character who I'd need to approach completely differently, and I just. If you need a bigger female cast and you can bring in characters like Hardtop and Skullcrusher, you can give little-seen female characters some time in the sun. Do that instead.
So first off, kudos to EarthSpark for finally producing a Megatron & Optimus dynamic where they actually feel like friends, but that's all I see them as, tbh. In fact, there's only one pairing I have any interest in so far, and that's MegaStar. And with that being said, I would like to see some development between them in the next season. But not Megatron trying to make things right with Starscream: Starscream deserves to have his desire for distance respected. Instead, put them in a situation where they're forced to cooperate and let them start to work things out from there. Maybe some apologies that neither is required to accept (we don't actually know what Starscream might have to apologize for in this universe, but I'm sure there's something).
As far as potential future pairings, I guess I wouldn't hate TaraProwl. On one hand, I would prefer as few IDW influences as possible, but on the other hand, the monsterfucker in me wants someone to pair Tarantulas with. But if they're going to interact, I need Prowl to not be a jerk and I'd love it if they didn't already know each other.
Other Random Desires:
Minimal IDW influences.
Normally I wouldn't think about this in a Transformers show, but after the Mother's Day episode: no more holiday episodes please (I will make an exception for an Independence Day episode that highlights recreational explosives as a horrible way to celebrate. Seems perfect for this show).
Still torn on whether or not I want to see Nightshade become aware of transphobia, but I'm thinking not. Won't say no to having more trans/nonbinary characters, though (I will make an exception to the no gender-swapping thing if the swapped character is explicitly trans).
More disabled characters! If not Prowl, then someone (was kinda disappointed that Twitch's optic got repaired by the Magic, not gonna lie).
Okay, that's all for now. Might revisit this when we get a trailer for S2.
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God asteroid city is such a beautiful movie on its own but it’s even more meaningful if you’re familiar with Wes Anderson’s other work it really feels like this culmination of ideas and motifs from his earlier works, its a shame it came out in the midst of Barbenheimer
Anderson’s works are often centered in or particularly interested in eccentric personalities and this feels like one of his first attempts to de-abstract and tie it to a specific history. The story of Asteroid City is framed as a play written by an older gay man in the 1950s, with his director also heavily suggested to be queer and the cast close knit through this world, that the world of stage theater is understood and respected as a refuge for queer artists even if not all members themselves are queer.
But the play itself is distinctly about heterosexual characters, a man mourning the death of his wife, two teenagers falling in love at a summer extracurricular program, an affair between a widower and a high profile actress too busy to have a typical domestic relationship with her daughter (that is both directly addressed but not demonized, that despite it the daughter is still ok and no weirder for it than anyone else)
There’s even a sex scene between minor characters of a cowboy and school teacher, arguably the pillars of American heterosexual bachelor and bacholette caricatures.
There’s also notably a head female scientist and black military commander, neither of which is commented upon as unusual for the time period or whom seem particularly mistreated by anyone else.
And, as is rare for Wes Anderson, all the relationships more or less end happily. At least in the run WE see, which is markedly distinct from the original script as Jones walks off stage, misses a scene, and is implied to have also later fallen asleep on stage, causing the director to improvise and cut additional scenes and dialogues and conclude all the side stories peacefully,
And then Tom Hank’s (the father in law of Auggie) tells him that even though he’s never personally liked him that he’s still going to accept and love him as family because that’s what his daughter did and he loved her enough to trust her judgement but more directly, because the personal hang ups he has over Auggie just aren’t as important to him as his relationship with his son-in-law and his grandchildren, that it really isn’t worth the drama to not just suck it up and love his son-in-law flaws and all. This in parallel with their decision to bury part of his daughter’s ashes in a Tupperware container at the insistence of his young granddaughters in Asteroid City before they leave forever — remarking again that it isn’t something he ever wanted for his daughter, isn’t something he’s happy about doing, but he loves his granddaughters and wants to do whatever he can to help the passing of their mother easier for them.
And with Jones playing Auggie every night he gets to perform and express and explore the grief he feels for the death of the play’s writer and his gay lover in a way that is not only socially acceptable (he’s an actor playing a man sad his wife died! Whose gonna question that?) but is also potentially financially viable and career supportive. But it’s not just about him, even if Auggie’s grief is central to the play, because the other actors and stagehands and director knew the writer too and presumable thought well of him, and so now they get to dedicate their time to not only promoting his creative work but in replicating a fictionalized environment he envisioned to support and facilitate a story of grief. They are working on de constructing and facilitating and performance grief in parallel to their own feelings on the writer’s death
And the alien doesn’t just represent death in that it comes and goes at random, taking and giving at random — but that it is something that the 1950s US GOVERNMENT has quarantine off all discussion of, that does not officially recognize and even denies the existence of, and threatens to shoot those who leave their quarantine.
And it’s that experience, of going through something so profound and unexpected, while being a random amalgamation of people with no prior relationships, and then corralled off by the US government and forbidden to leave or communicate with anyone on the outside
While in the background the US government also tests nuclear bombs in proximity to the quarantine, that at the time nobody believes is dangerous, but will surely cause cancer and health problems for all present decades down the road…
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waeirfaahl · 10 months
About reproduction system of Aku's species
Another small addition to my analysis of Aku. Although, I earlier discussed about this aspect, I still have something to say. Let's talk about reproduction system of Aku's species.
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Yep, he already is confused like "Excuse me?! What?!". What we know from the show, Aku is absolutely asexual and genderless creature, neither male nor female. He has no bones, no inner organs, no skin, no DNA, no genitals, hence no sexual reproduce and no hybridization with other species, especially mortals. Plus, his acid-like blood is deadly poisonous and starts to devour a living organism to death, if it happens to be inside of this organism. However, "Birth of Evil" dilogy pretty clearly states that his species (in this case, his ancestor) reproduces, using fragmentation or budding. So, Aku was born from this tiny almost dead fragment. Hence Aku's potential cubs will be born either from his separated parts or they will be inside of his body some time (yes, some animals, who uses fragmentation, can bare their offspring in own body for some time) and only after this they will separate as his parts and will be born.
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Hmmm, interesting... here the fragment acts like really dead thing. I mean, it just floats in the space, it doesn't move, it doesn't try to return to the ancestor and to merge with it again or to escape from the alien gods. It just floats as if it is totally dead. Can it be an explanation to why this thing started to corrupt Earth? Like, it is dead, and it is in the absolutely new place, so all know what happens, when invasive species arrive.
However, Aku was born only after Jack's father shot the poisoned arrow into the fragment. I.e. the poison of the arrow really gave the life in this case. So, even in this case he is born in unusual way. Maybe, if the fragment was alive, it would birth the demon itself and without the poisoned arrow exactly after falling on Earth, i.e. before humankind started to exist.
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I.e. it lost all ties with ancestor (who was killed already) and was itself dead, so it couldn't even birth the new creature, so it instinctively made these spikes after devouring animals or humans, i.e. antennas for getting information about this worlds and dead siblings, which became defensive mechanism.
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Yeah, it is pretty painful to realize that you are an accident, which was never intended to exist...
And although it is absolutely impossible for Aku to have offspring with some mortal, there's still a plausible way of how he could do this. Let's ignore for a second the fact that Aku is absolutely asexual and lonely creature, who needs no one. I mean, he rules for eons and is absolutely not interested in making family at all (they can become rivals and threat for him for fight for ruling Earth, or they can become his vulnerable spot and hence they can be in danger from side of Aku's enemies, not to mention the psychological trauma Aku got during his first interaction with Jack's father — like, Emperor created him, but was cruel and then rejected him, so Aku can act the same way toward his cubs or even try to kill them, what also can be a part for inner conflict and inner fear to harm them etc). Not to mention that he hates and despises all mortals and especially humans. Hence he'll never fall in love with a human. Even if it is Jack, who is more a rivial/enemy and half-brother at the same time for Aku...
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Although, if to choose the less evil, I'll choose Ikra. I mean, that is exactly Aku's real human form, not the one he tried to do in 9 episode of 4 season.
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I guess, this shot confirms, who is boss in this couple. But no matter. I already mentioned this guy, Achu from "Duck Dodgers" show, as the only character I can confidently see as a cub of Aku (child?demonling?).
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He has feline traits, hence his second parent has to be a feline. Obviously anthropomorph (and I made arts with this, but not there), but let it look like this for this post at least.
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Yup, Achu has mother's eyes in this case... Because Aku's natural colors are only black, white, green and red. And, yes, I see exactly a black leopard.
So, how is it possible, if Aku is deadly poisonous and absolutely asexual creature, whose species reproduce with fragmentation? Well, I won't mention fully and in details the way I imagined and used in my headcanon, 'cause I'm writing now the final story for my trilogy, so no spoilers ('cause in the story it's not only just a detail, certain elements affect on the story), but I'll mention the concept itself with biological focus — Aku could megre his blood (separated part) with blood of his mate and after some magical acts there will be born this hybrid. And, as I mentioned earlier, Aku could care his offspring in special place of his body for some time (and the offspring feeds from his inner energy), until it will be strong enough to be separated from his body and become one independent young organism. Please, don't confuse it with pregnancy. It is exactly the way of fragmentation or budding some animals and plants use. I.e. asexual reproducing. Aku, sorry for this picture. You just swallowed Jack, but this comic page perfectly fits to the topic and joke about Tartakovsky's fetishes.
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devilsrecreation · 3 months
Been playing around with the idea of Atlas having a love interest and I’ve narrowed it down to three potential candidates:
So for my OG hc way before MAW season 2, I’ve been thinking that Randall and Atlas would eventually catch feelings for one another as they grow into better monsters in the human realm, kinda like Simba and Nala in a way. Now that Season 2 happened and I’ve changed it, I still think it’d be interesting to see Randall start to reform and accept the fact that his childhood friend had changed for the better. Maybe he’d start to realize that he kinda likes this new Atlas…more than he’d really like to admit. After some encouragement/a heart to heart with Sam, he starts to think maybe he loves Atlas as more than a best friend. Only downside is that it kinda contradicts with my hc that Randall is bisexual and Atlas is neither male nor female, but eh-
This one I’ve really been playing around with and hear me out: Chet. I can imagine them having an enemies-lovers trope, where they hated each other’s guts in college but they start to warm up to each other the more time they spend together. They’ve probably kissed once in MU during a spin the bottle/7 minutes in Heaven game and vowed not to speak of it with anyone. Until years later, no one except the monsters playing the game knew about it (although Chet probably paid them not to tell). They’d meet again when Atlas comes back from the human realm and they’d get to make amends and hang out more often. Chet definitely likes the new Atlas, seeing as how terrifying and violent the old one was. Atlas was a bit wary of Chet at first since he seemed to not have changed, but once they learned his part in putting Johnny in prison, they have a newfound respect for ol’ Crab Cakes. They’d soon realize that he isn’t so bad, plus their loyalty is what they’ve always had in common so that’s nice :)
It’d also be funny to see Randall’s reaction. I feel like he’d be cool with Atlas having a crush on someone (as long as it’s not Sullivan lol) but then it’s like
Randall: Just spit it out. Rip the bandage off
Atlas: It’s Chet
Randall: Bitch, put the bandage back on right now-
And if those two don’t work out, then Atlas is gonna be aroace and Roger is gonna be their QPP cuz arospec supremacy jdhfhf
Despite what they’ve been through with his dad, they’d absolutely LOVE Roger to bits and become super close with one another. They’d definitely sing “Love is an open door” except without the marriage part lol.
Atlas: Can I say something crazy?
Roger: Sure!
Atlas: You wanna be my QPP?
Roger: Can I say something even crazier? YES!
(Idk if Roger would know what a QPP even is but he’d probably be on board once learning about it :3)
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