#only one man can juke
No pressure whatsoever
Imagine being Gibbs significant other, the team doesn’t know about you and maybe you pass sports lessons as a hobby or part time job.
Gibbs gets a threat on your life so he sends the team to pick you up from your job, you just finished a lesson all hot and sweaty and dinozzo or Torres (your pick) are impressed by you but are held back by the other team member a don’t flirt with case related people and maybe over hear her saying to a student she’s in a relationship
And only when they get to NCIS and she kisses Gibbs it’s revealed
Anyway thank you so so much in advance! I absolutely adore your writing and in love with your blog!! I check it literally everyday! You’re super talented and creative!
Again no pressure or obligation to write my idea, and I’m truly sorry it came out so long, it seemed shorter in my head😅
Again, you’re amazing!
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Protective Custody
Note: Love this idea, sorry it took so long!!
You gave the metal whistle a blow, signaling the end of the warm up drill you gave your youth soccer team.
"Cassandra, Kylie! I need to see more effort from you two! Everyone, separate into 2 groups, we're working on defending and attacking, let's go!"
You waited, wiping the small perspiration from your forehead as the mid summer heat beat down on all of you. The training sesh wouldn't be too long today but it was imperative to get some work done before your semi-finals at the end of the week. You substituted your friend's position as coach for the local youth travel team last year as a favor but ended up taking over the position completely after she end up moving states. It was fun work and it kept you busy, keeping you from anxiously waiting for Jethro to come home.
Once the girls divided themselves equally, you assigned a defender, attacker and two goalies and let them pretty much take over from there, only giving occasional pointers.
"Yes, great charge Emily! That's what I like to see!"
"Don't be scared once you pass the defender, Cara! Control that ball and finish on goal!"
After a few more players cycled, you jogged over towards the middle of the play.
"Alright, you guys are doing great but I wanna see a bit more fakes. Jasmine, come here."
You took one of the balls and had Jasmine act as your defender.
"Remember, faking is a great way to mix up your defender and give you an opportunity to get around them."
You proceeded to show them one way of faking, dipping your shoulders while looking over to the left side before giving the ball a rollover and pulling the ball back in the opposite direction, successfully juking Jasmine and giving you a straight shot for a goal. The ball just made it through on the inside corner of the goal and your team gave you a round of applause as well as two well dressed people who were walking over towards you.
"Those are some nice moves, I see why you're the coach," the man dressed in a compression tee and skinny jeans complimented as they got closer.
"Thank you. Can I help you guys with something?"
The woman who was with him flashed a badge and introduced herself.
"I'm special agent Bishop and this is special agent Torres. Agent Gibbs sent us to come and grab you for protective custody."
Your heart dropped into your stomach at the sound of your boyfriend's name.
"Is everything ok? Is Jethro alright?"
"He's fine, we can explain more on the drive to NCIS."
You looked back at your team who all seem super curious to know why their coach was being questioned by federal agents.
"Alright team, practice is cut short today! But I expect everyone to be on their A game tomorrow! Practice those fakes at home!"
All the girls were old enough to either drive or carpool with the girls who did drive, so leaving them there wasn't a problem. Plus, they all seemed grateful to be able to go home considering the heat. Once you collected all of the gear and made Agent Torres carry the ball bag, you put everything in your car and joined the two of them in their own cruiser.
"So I saw some of the drills you were doing out there, you know I use to play some soccer myself in high school," Agent Torres spoke proudly, giving you a flirty smile in the rear-view mirror.
"I believe that Agent Torres. You seem to keep yourself in pretty good shape."
"Maybe after we get this situation all figured out, I could show you some of my moves. Maybe help you out as assistant coach?"
You watched Agent Bishop look over at him and give him a look which you chuckled at.
"I'll have to think about that one Agent Torres. Don't know if your boss would be able to spare you with enough time."
"Ah, I'm sure it'll be fine. Gibbs loves me."
They filled you in on the threat that had been made on you while interrogating a suspect which also included you finding out that Jethro had referred to you as a "friend" that needed to be picked up. You weren't so much hurt as you were surprised. You knew Jethro would never deny your relationship if ever asked but you didn't think he would still keep it a secret once there was a valid threat against your life.
Entering the NCIS building for the first time was a bit intimidating, especially when you were sticky with sweat and dressed in some workout shorts and loose fitting tank. Your plan had been to change and shower at home after practice, not be picked up by agents.
"I'm sure we can find you something to change into. I have an extra shirt but it's not exactly your size," Torres offered with that same flirtatious smile you found amusing. The elevator doors opened up and you followed them out.
"I appreciate the offer Agent Torres but I'm fine for now."
You all walked by the cubicles and spotted Jethro getting up from his desk to meet you. You gave him a hug, glad that the both of you were safe, at least for now, but decided to surprise everyone, including Jethro as you pulled him in for a solid kiss on the lips. You swear you could hear an audible gasp come from either Bishop or Torres.
"Uh, Gibbs. I didn't know ya'll were friends like that," Torres commented as you pulled away, giving Jethro a very pointed look.
"Yeah, I wasn't aware we were just friends either, Jethro."
He gave a small knowing smirk and pulled you in closer, placing a kiss on the side of your head.
"They don't need to know everything," he whispered in your ear.
His answer was good enough for now, but later on, you'd be sure you give him some form of pushback.
"Oh honey. I think I found my new assistant coach if it's alright with you. He's played soccer in the past and told me he'd be able to show me some moves sometime," you brought up, turning to Agent Torres who looked caught off guard.
"Ok, hey. Well Gibbs, I did offer that but that was uh clearly before I knew the two of you uh, you know were together," he stuttered, looking like he wanted to just disappear. You couldn't help but smile and saw that Agent Bishop was doing the same thing.
"Didn't you also offer to let her borrow some of your clothes Nick?" Bishop added. You felt Jethro's hand flex into your back as he stared Torres down, daring him to speak.
"I think I should probably go now."
Before your boyfriend had a chance to say anything, Torres split. You laughed and gave Bishop a fist bump before you turned back to Jethro.
"I do need a change of clothes though, sweetheart. And a shower if you have one."
He grunted in acknowledgment and turned to to his desk, grabbing his go bag.
"I'll walk you to the gym shower."
You smiled and gave Bishop a little wave goodbye before following Jethro out of the bullpen.
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yorutsuki · 8 months
「 ✦ Isekaied Reversed Pt. 2✦ 」
↳ Started with pulling some single pulls on Xiao's banner, however things hadn't gone as expected as he really did come home...literally. First impressions? Long gone.
Tags: @itztaki @wolfishartist13
{Hopefully I did that right}
“Move, and I’ll purge you where you sit, Demon.”
You froze, feeling like you recognized that voice somewhere...Of coarse!
With your chest a little lighter, you obliged instructions. Either way you wished to not be cut into a bloody spray paint bottle. But also realizing the situation, beads of sweat rolled down your face as you tried leveling your breathing.
“H-hey now, w-we can talk about this-“ You eyes drew back to the deathly weapon, the one centimeters away from your carotid artery. “-right?..haha…ha…”
You felt the blade finally press to your skin firmly, instantly shutting you up, seeing as the yaksha bare no mood for jokes.
I guess that’s what happens when you see your whole family lose their sanity before slaughtering each other-
“How did you manage to conjure me here." He demanded, his hold on his spear never faltering as he glared towards you, waiting for an answer. You, on the other hand, your words couldn't even be conjured up. Why? Because you were thinking the same thing; How did he even get here?
Mere moments passed by as the adeptus was getting impatient by the second. With a sigh, you finally spoke, "Look..I—OH MY GOSH IS THAT REX LAPIS!" You shouted, pointing towards your room's window.
With his spear faltering slightly, you took this opportunity and ran—ran like the wind, like your life depended on it and truly, it did. At least after that stunt. But hey! On the bright side, in your afterlife you could proudly gloat about how you managed to not only summon the mighty vigilante yaksha, Xiao, but as well as juke him!
You were almost free as your fingers brushed against the doorknob—you could practically feel freedom in its wake..but unfortunately, it was cut short as you felt a hand grab your wrist before quickly slamming you against the door.
You honestly would've thought that it wasn't so bad. But only If the same threatening jade spear wasn't jabbed into the wood of the door only a few centimeters from your head.
"How idiotic must one be to pull a stunt such as that!" You heard the man snap. You chuckled with nervousness, "gotcha good eh?-" "I'll give you to the count of five. How did you manage to conjure me here."
"I don't know! I don't know how you ended up here. When I heard a loud thud from behind me, you were suddenly there!"
The yaksha did not express anything, his motions still.
Is this the end of me? All I wanted to do was for Xiao to come home..BUT NOT LITERALLY!
The man sighed, "If you can conjure me here, you can send me back." Huh- "I have important matters back in my universe."
The pressure behind you disappeared as you felt a heavy weight lifting off your chest. You huffed out a sigh of relief..."Wait. Did you just say different universe?" You recapped. Surely your ears were playing tricks on you.
The yaksha stared blankly at you before nodding. You could feel a annoyed aura radiating from him. "But how did yo-" "I cannot disclose that to you, but if you'd look around the place, it looks nothing like what you've just witness, thus, you can figure it out on your own." He interrupted.
You mentally rolled your eyes. How could you forget; This guy was ruthless, blunt-depression itself; next to wanderer of coarse.
"Alright. Well then-" Xiao proceeded to ignore you as he opened your bedroom window, about to jump. "Uh, where are you going?" You questioned. The yaksha huffed, "I'm going to see if I can send myself back as it seems you haven't a clue whats happening. That will only slow me down on returning." He stated bluntly. Ouch..
Although you couldn't argue with the man about parts of his statement, you couldn't help but feel a bit sad—even a tad jealous but most importantly, irritated. He had threatened you multiple occasions, man handled you and even broke your door and now he has the audacity to make you pay for the damages? Scoff
The adeptus turned his head with a shocked expression, his brows furrowed. "How do you kno-"
"I cannot disclose that to you." You smirked, but quickly cleared your throat. "The important thing here is for you to realize that going outside in a different universe in those clothings and a large-jade—which, in this world, is a hella rare mineral, is off putting. Yea, to add on, you don't have currency-" Xiao then rolled his eyes before going to take mora from his inventory. "-and no—mora doesn't work here. So technically you'd be homeless because honestly, nobody here is willing to give crap for free." You sighed, "Trust me, this world is a lot more diabolical than what it shows from the exterior." You mumbled mockingly.
The adeptus looked down in thought for a moment before sighing and ascending down from the window sill. You mentally high fived yourself at your bad-ass arguementive speaking skills.
A moment of silenced washed over the two of you as you awkwardly stared at eachother. With each second passing, it somehow kept getting quieter.
You cleared your throat, "uhm, sir."
Xiao looked towards you with a questioning look. You only pointed to your new splintered and broken door. "You. You caused that."
The adeptus only closed his eyes as he crossed his arms. What for? Maybe in thought? You didn't know. Your main focuses were to get the door fixed and to figure out what happens next as it seemed like the adeptus had Isekaied but reversed.
How long this day was becoming...
{This isn't proof-read, so in advanced i apologize if everything is all over the place as this is my first reversed isekaied story. If theres any suggestions for the next part please write them down! I love reading the comments ^^}
> Part 1
[ Masterlist ]
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Okay so my genuine thoughts on the final scenes of Totk
So having Link go through the final ‘dungeon’ and wind up exactly where we started the game, with those rocks we ACHED to break bc it was instinct, only to get that satisfaction after EVERYTHING and to see that Zelda’s fate was foretold millennia ago. Turning into a dragon WAS her only choice. And for good reason.
Ganondorf’s fight. WOW. That was genuinely so beautifully done. He ALSO dodges how Link does. To have Ganondorf dodge something, the entire action moving in slow motion, only to then have LINK do the same the next move?? Poetic cinema people. And the champions arriving 🥹 only to then have them all fucking thrown to the side when he takes in his doubles to regain his own strength? Absolutely insane and hands down my favorite boss fight in the entirety of the Zelda series. Yeah. That’s how much I enjoyed it as a player.
Can we also just talk about how concerned everyone got and how they yelled his name when he was taken from the underground??
And THEN the final fight with Ganondorf swallowing a secret stone and becoming a dragon. It brings Zelda’s sacrifice to light. She did it out of selflessness and love. He did it out of selfishness and hatred. GOD do I love characters that juxtapose each other. Zelda is a girl who was given the responsibility of a power she never wanted while Ganondorf is a megalomaniac who sought the destruction of peace because of his own selfish desires. Seeing the difference between them in that final fight as two dragons… it was EVERYTHING.
Zelda’s dragon form was tiny compared to Ganondorf’s dragon form. She protects. He attacks.
It’s so beautiful to see how Zelda, who isn’t mentally awake, first instinct are to save Link. She quickly maneuvers so she can not only juke out Ganondorf, but also then save Link who was flung into the air in the process. Link clutching onto her dragon fur? Or whatever?? And understanding that while the sages are all still underground, he is not alone in the sky. She’s going to be by his side this entire time.
For someone who was alone the majority of the last game… this was so fucking emotional and beautiful to see.
Them lowkey explaining calamity Ganon by also using dragons this game was a really nice consistency touch btw I was digging how focal dragons were to the entire game this time around.
And then the final bit. That SCENE. Rauru and Sonia channeling their power through Link, who was incredibly confused before he realized what they must be doing, and got SO determined. Turning Zelda back and even getting his own hand back in the process??? Insane to see. Zelda was so so loved by Rauru and Sonia despite only spending a short amount of time with them. And that just makes my heart hurt when we consider what actually happened.
And when Link falls unconscious, which is completely logical when you think about the fight he just went through, the altitude he was at, and channeling enough magic that it reversed the effects of an all powerful secret stone???? Yo he went through a LOT!
And he wakes up, already on the alert bc man is freefallin only to then realize that Zelda is back and she’s also falling. And she’ll hit the ground a lot sooner than he would at the rate they’re going.
Link couldn’t reach Zelda in the beginning of this entire thing. But this time? This time he not only reaches her hand, but he pulls her in close, shields her head as best as he can, and prepares them to hit the water. Once they do, he carries her out of the water. Gentle, oh so gently, laying her down and kneels over her as she begins to wake up.
And one of the first thing Zelda does as she wakes up is to take him in and looks him over to see if HE’S hurt. Just like she did in the beginning of the game. And everything click. They won. He defeated Ganondorf and she was granted the impossible by Rauru and Sonia to turn back into a human.
And Zelda IMMEDIATELY rambles on about everything. About how much has happened. How much she has to tell him.
And finally. Finally. She looks at him and smiles so fucking gently that it drives me INSANE with how much she obviously adores him, and says, “I’m home, Link. I’m home.”
Because home is right there. Right by his side. In this Hyrule that they’ve been rebuilding together. The one they lived the past half decade ish together in a house Link bought and traveled across Hyrule no matter what the issue was. In the Hyrule where she is so beloved by everyone.
Zelda is home.
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pacifymebby · 29 days
Get Your Hands off My Girl, Man
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Protective Cal intervenes when two new guys start harassing you one night at the bar.
Warnings: unwanted sexual advances which start when you are asleep. This is 99% an incredibly self indulgent theraputic little piece of writing for me.
If you don't want to read the description of events prior to the comfort bit, I'm going to put the particularly triggering bit between two dividers so you can skip.
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You hadn't really meant to fall asleep by yourself that night. In fact you'd promised Cal you'd wait up for him to take you home on the back of his bike, and that if you got really tired you'd come and find him before you fell asleep just anywhere like you used to. You had a reputation for falling asleep before the end of the night and Cal was more than used to your droopy eyed smile as the sun went down, finding you'd fallen asleep across three chairs lined up, tucked underneath his Vandals jacket.
It didn't used to be so much of an issue, back when the bar was packed out with familiar faces and friends, guys who looked intimidating but were good at heart. Well meaning guys who just wanted to unwind and have a bit of fun. Guys like Cal and Johnny who just really fucking loved motor bikes.
Cal was a pretty laidback guy and he didn't mind seeing his girl pick a snug little spot in the corner of the room to curl up and get her beauty sleep. You were never too far from him and he could relax knowing you were safe, that Johnny wouldn't let anyone bother you, that all the guys knew and respected you and Cal too much to interrupt your dreaming.
Lately however things had been a little different around Johnny's place. The picnics and the house parties had become rowdier. Busier. Guys from different towns riding in to join the 'fun'. And these guys were different. Younger, or back from Vietnam and fucked in the head. Guys bringing all sorts of drugs and weapons around. They were more violent, didn't seem to have much respect for anyone else at all. And the way some of them looked at the women. Cal had mentioned it to you a few times before because it always ground his gears seeing the way those new guys looked at the women. Looked at you.
"Like they ain't even people man, it's fucked up, looking at the chicks like they're somethin t'eat man, I don't like it..." You'd heard him tell Johnny on more than one occasion.
And Cal wasn't the only one who was bothered by the new guys and the thinly veiled threat they posed to the old guys and their girls. Benny was wary too, Johnny always seemed to have a look of trouble in his eyes when he saw the younger guys pull up outside the bar and fill in.
Some of the guys wanted to do something about it, there'd been grumblings at meetings, murmurs of laying down some new rules, enforcing some old ones. Teaching these new guys a lesson or two about how things worked in the Vandals. The things that were okay and the things which were, obviously, fucking, not.
But Johnny seemed worried about conflict. Seemed wary of the new guys. Less eager to see any of them challenge him. He wouldn't say it out loud but he was worried about starting a fight he couldn't win. So he was being careful. Trying to keep things friendly. Only stepping in when it became absolutely necessary.
Well, tonight it would be.
You hadn't meant to fall asleep there at the back of the room. You'd been fighting sleep away for hours by the time you'd settled on the sofa by the juke box. You'd slipped your shoes off and pulled your knees up to your chest, rested your head against the back of the sofa and searched the room with your tired eyes for Cal once more. He'd headed outside for a smoke a little while before, him and Benny and Johnny, all outside shooting the breeze. God knows how long they'd be out there for and you certainly didn't fancy braving the cold night air for a drag on a joint that would make you even sleepier than you were already feeling. You'd already been out for a smoke, already drank your beers. You were all worn out now and all you could do was settle down and try to stay away until Cal came back inside.
Once he saw you curled up like that, your eyelids so heavy and dozy looking he'd know you needed to go home and insist upon giving you a ride back to his so that he could tuck you into bed himself.
You only closed your eyes for a moment. Just to relieve the tired sting of them. Only closed your eyes for a moment but that had been a moment too long and you'd succumbed to sleep before the jukebox beside you had finished her song.
When you awoke you found yourself trapped at the center of a nightmare. You could feel hands on you, jostling you as someone tried to manoeuvre you out of your curled up position.
"C'mon pretty baby, parties only just begun..."
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You didn't recognise their voice and even in your half asleep state you weren't naive enough to presume this was just one of the guys trying to prank you. This was real, really happening and the moment that fact registered with you you were gripped with panic.
Without opening your eyes you froze, hoping desperately that if you just pretended not to have woken up you'd spoil their fun and they'd leave you alone. After all what could they possibly get out of you whilst you were asleep.
"Looks like someone's been on the junk..." You heard one of the snigger, their friend laughing too, a hint of delight in his voice that made your blood run cold.
"Oh boy," he cried, "she's gonna easyyy..." You heard him clap and rub his hands together before you felt hands slip beneath your knees to pull your legs away from your chest. You tried to resist a little, but only a little. Scared that if you fought back they'd realise you were awake and get ten times worse.
You knew there was nothing you could do as you felt a hand grope your breast and then another push your knees apart. The horror which gripped you was truly paralysing, your body freezing up, every muscle in you stiffening as you became rigid. There was no questioning whether you were awake now, your eyes shoot open as you starred, absolutely petrified at the grimy, practically toothless man leering down at you.
"Well would you look at that boys!" He grinned a brown, rotten smile. Your felt a cold creeping sickness tighten in your stomach, thoughts rushing through your head so fast they blurred into one.
What were they going to do to you? Why weren't you screaming? Why weren't you calling for Cal?
You wanted to desperately, but something was stopping you. That nauseous lump in your throat that had you struggling to breath let alone scream.
"C'mon baby, gimme some sugar..." He winked, his tone so laden with the threat of what he might do next, so spiteful and cruel. You knew he was enjoying scaring you half to death.
His friends jeered and laughed along, cheering him on, snatching at you, pulling your hair, their unwashed grimy faces hovering above you as they tried to get their mouths on you.
That was the only word you could conjor to mind in that moment. He was all you could think of. Desperate as you were for him to come back inside and save you.
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And just like that it was over.
You didn't really see what happened but you heard it. The sound of a bottle smashing over the back of someone's head. You heard the strange gurgle in the back of your attackers throat as his eyes rolled back and his head slumped. His whole body falling to the side as Cal shoved him aside and out the way.
"Get your fuckin hands off my girl man," he wasn't looking at you, he was glaring with all the hatred in the world at the second man. The one who had been pulling your hair and threatening to let his string of drool land between your eyes.
He let you, raising his hands above his head and backing away when he saw the threat in your mans eyes.
You couldn't move, still frozen to the sofa you'd probably never feel safe on again.
"Shit man is she yours? We're sorry Cal we didn't realise!" But his defense was weak and seeing the whites of your attackers eyes only stirred Cal's rage all the more.
His hand gripped the neck of the now broken bottle he held as he raised it above his head.
"We don't want no trouble Cal, it was a misunderstanding! Thought she was free game man! It was a misunderstanding!" The man looked real scared, shaking his head and cowering away from Cal who had frozen with the broken bottle raised and ready to strike. The gleam of sharp glass caught the light, glinting with malice.
You didn't realise the scream which had rang out moments before had been yours. That it had been the sound of your terror which had stopped Cal in his tracks. His eyes now locked on you.
"Fuck I'm sorry! We're sorry!" The third man tripped over his words, his voice real whiny with fear as Benny interrupted, charging into the scene, snatching the lecherous creep by the scruff of his shirt, fist colliding with his grimy face.
But that was all you saw before Cal rushed to you. He'd dropped that broken bottle the second he saw your petrified little face, guilt tugging on his heartstrings because he thought he was the reason you were now so scared, trembling where you sat.
"Sweet angel I am so sorry baby! Didn't mean t'scare you doll c'mere, gonna get you outa here baby don't need to be scared no more honey..." He said his tone so soft for you as he rushed to wrap his arms around you and pick you up. He wanted you out of there faster than was humanly possible but he was determined to give light speed a good go.
You threw your arms around him, burying your face into his neck as you held onto him for dear life. As he rushed you away from the chaos of the fight which Johnny and Wahoo has both joined now too, you felt like your life really did depend on Cal in that moment.
When he got you outside he placed you down gently on the seat of his bike, not ever really letting go of you as he held your waist and cupped your face in his palm.
"Let me look at you angel, did they hurt you?" He asked stroking your cheek with his thumb as he studied you for signs of harm. "I'm so sorry honey shoulda taken you home hours ago..."
Of course they had hurt you, even if there were no marks to prove it, emotionally you felt completely wrecked. Humiliated, terrified, so full of shame and guilt.
"M'okay," you tried to be brave, tried to pretend you weren't half as upset as you were but with your voice shaking the way it was and that godforsaken heartbroke look in your eyes Cal could see straight through your brave face. He shook his head and sighed.
"No you're not, course you're not baby..." He said doing his best to hold himself together too, to be calm enough to be what you needed right now instead of storming back inside and killing the bastards that hurt his baby.
You choked on another sob as you too tried to hold yourself together. Now it was just you and him outside you felt the adrenaline rush tearing through you, wrecking your nerves. You were shaking, but you didn't want to let your man down or ruin his night. You wanted to beg him to take you home but you didn't want to be dramatic.
"I'm so sorry Cal!" You said struggling to hold back your tears. You bit down on your lip so hard as you tried to fight back a sob.
Cal could see the tears in your eyes but he also knew you hated crying in front of people. He knew you'd never forgive yourself if you cried in front of his friends so before any of them could come outside and disturb you both he shook his head.
"S'alright baby," he said, "not here alright, let me take you home yeah..." He said helping you to sit properly on the back of his bike before he too straddled the seat and gripped the handles. "Gonna take you home like I shoulda done hours ago..." He'd never held that bike so tight in all his life as he revved the engine and told you to hold on tight. Of course you never wanted to let go of your man ever again.
As the two of you sped off into the early morning darkness, Cal's tires spitting gravel and dirt out behind you as he broke the speed limit, you held onto him tighter than you ever had before, your hands slipping beneath his shirt so that you could feel his chest beneath your shakey hands. You rested your cheek against his back listening to his racing heart beat almost as fast as yours. His familiar scent and the heavy dusty air soothed you a little as you shut your eyes and tried to focus on the present moment. Tried not to think about what had just happened, what might have happened to you had Cal not turned up when he did.
And when your mind began to race with too many terrible scenarios for you to handle on your own you couldn't help but shout for him to stop.
"Cal! Please stop!" You shouted fighting to be heard over the grumble of the engine. But Cal heard you loud and clear, feeling your voice and your breath skim his ear as you called out to him. Stopping the bike in a panic so that you skidded to a halt at the side of the road.
You were out in the middle of nowhere, tilled farmland to your left and right, worn out fences running along the roadside.
It was dark but for the headlight on Cal's bike lighting up the night and when he killed the engine the night was silent but for your ragged breathing. His too.
"What is it baby?" He asked you turning to look back at you with worry in his eyes. "What's the matter?"
But you could barely speak, everything hitting you, the rush of fear, the desperate urge to scream, all of it hitting you all at once leaving you on the brink of tears. Tears you couldn't hold back any longer.
"S...sorry!" You cried, your voice a choked sob as you clutched your hand to your mouth to try and stop yourself.
But Cal was already helping you down from the bike, wrapping you up in his arms gently, his hand combing through your hair before cradling your head against his chest. He rested his chin in your parting and rocked you gently, closing his eyes as he tried to calm you. He just wanted to make your pain stop. He hoped Benny had killed that good for nothing back at the bar, if he hadn't well then Cal might just head down tomorrow and kill him himself.
"Angel, honey it's alright," he said as gently as he could, "I've got you baby, no one's gonna hurt you now, s'jus me an you my sweet girl..."
"I know..." You sniffled as you clutched him close and let him guide you both to the ground.
He sat you both down on the grassy verge at the edge of the field and shifted you up into his lap, cradling you in his arms. He held a lingering kiss to your hair and shut his eyes listening to your sobs shatter the cool quiet night.
The road was dark for miles, the two of you completely alone, but that was good. That was peaceful. It meant that you were safe to cry your heart out. Meant that no one could disturb you either. Cal shrugged his jacket off and draped it around your shoulders, kissing your head again as he stroked his hand down your arm and held you close.
"You're safe baby, I won't let no one hurt you honey..." He said it again feeling all kinds of guilt because it was too late. You were already hurt. This was the aftermath of that hurt, hurt he should have been around to prevent.
"I'm s...sorry Cal," you sniffled, "shouldn't have fallen asleep like that it was stupid of me..."
"Honey no!" His whispered exclamation so certain, he couldn't believe you were blaming yourself.
"Know y'dont like it when I fall asleep like that, should t have..." You carried on, not really listening to him, so scared he was going to be angry with you. But how could he be.
"Baby, baby... baby stop that," he hushed you dragging the pet name out slow and sweet for you until your trembling lips hushed and you looked up at him, so dependent on him. "You don't apologise for nothin baby," he said firmly, pushing his finger to your lips to make sure you kept listening to him. "Baby that was not your fault... Wasn't your fault at all...It's these new guys, theres somethin wrong with em, they're fucked up... Now they shouldn't have been anywhere near you whether you were sleepin or awake, they had no right and they know it..." He said desperate to reassure you that it wasn't your fault. And as you listened to him you felt yourself beginning to calm down, felt your trembling calm as he stroked your back gently and rocked you in his arms.
"And I shoulda been there," he said a little quieter then, "I shoulda been there to stop em..."
"You did stop em." You reminded him quietly, trying to wipe your tears from your eyes, letting him do it instead, his calloused thumbs brushing your skin so carefully.
"I know honey, but I shoulda stopped em sooner.." he said swallowing the lump that looking at your sad eyes left in his throat.
"You stopped em just in time," you said, a small smile gracing your lips as you remembered what he'd said as that bottle had come smashing down on your attackers head. You let out a small giggle, one which simultaneously confused and delighted your ol' man.
"hey," he chuckled nervously, "what was that for?"
You bit back your smile as you tried to mimic his accent.
"Get your hands of my girl, man..." You said, your eyes lighting up when you looked back at him and saw him grin a little sheepishly.
"ha," he smirked almost shyly, "yeah I guess I did say that didn't I..." He mirrored your grin when you giggled and nodded your head.
"Y'know I never been more glad to see your face..." You admitted shyly, "moment I saw you I knew I was safe, knew you wouldn't let anythin happen to me..." You said smiling, your fingers playing with one another as you grew shy.
Your adrenaline rush was beginning to wear off now and you weren't shaking anymore. You just felt hollowed out and tired and as you shied away from Cal you had to hide your yawn behind your hand.
"That's right sweet girl," he said, his smile growing when he caught the blush on your cheeks, "your ol' Cal's always gonna protect you..."
So he pulled you back in for another hug, cradling you so gentle and firm like you were the most precious thing in the world. And then as he kissed your temple, and then your cheek, he let out a sigh of relief.
"C'mon baby doll," he said softly, "let me take you home, gonna hold you all night yeah?"
"Yeah." You said with a soft smile, your voice so quiet and calm as you looked up at him with such trusting eyes. He held his hands out to help you up and when you stood they found your waist, held you in front of him so carefully.
"I love you honey," he said, his eyes checking you over once more for any injury, anything he might have missed, only letting you stand on your tip toes to skim a kiss over his lips.
"Love you too baby," you whispered, your eyes gazing up into his like he was your whole world, because really he was... Your whole world.
You stood for a moment, leaning against his chest as he held you, chin atop your head, cherishing the feeling of being held by him, so close to him. The two of you listening to the still of the night, standing so still at the side of the road as you closed your eyes and let yourself lean against him completely. Letting him take your weight as you felt all your energy drain from you. Remembering how tired you had been before you'd been so scared.
Well now you were safe and your exhaustion was overpowering, your eyes struggling to stay open.
Cal could feel you growing weary, his chuckle rousing you from the precipice of sleep.
"C'mon doll, y'better wake up, I've gotta get you home..." He said tickling your cheek with his stubble to make you giggle and wake up a little bit.
"Am awake," you promised, your eyes lighting up at the thought of being home, of Cal lying down with you and pulling the blankets over your intertwined bodies.
"Atta girl," he teased you, kissing your nose before helping you onto his bike, making you promise you'd hold on tight, one hand resting on top of your two hands linked around his waist.
As he revved the engine and the two of you went riding again through the dark his hand would return to yours at every opportunity he could spare. Patting your knuckles, stroking his thumb over your fingers, half to keep you awake, half to reassure himself that you were still there. That you were still his, safe and sound holding onto him.
He'd never known relief like it when he parked the bike up outside, and lifted you up bridal style in his arms, holding you to his chest as he carried you to the front door. He kicked it open and then kicked it closed behind you both, carrying you straight up the stairs to the bathroom where he placed you down on the edge of the bath tub, mimicking your pout when you looked up at him.
"M'sleepy..." You whined making him chuckle as he pushed your hair from your eyes and stroked his fingers over your tear stained cheeks.
"I know baby I know," he cooed, "let me wash your face an I'll take you straight to bed, I promise..." He said. He didn't want to let you fall asleep with a tear stained face and the evenings makeup running down your cheeks. It would only irritate your skin and, in the morning when you woke, serve as a reminder of the awful thing that had happened to you. No when you woke up in the morning he didn't want there to be a single trace of the nights events to haunt you.
"M'kay," you agreed, yawning and rubbing your eyes, waiting for him to damp a cloth with warm water and dab it to your cheeks. You shivered as the warm water trickled down your skin, it was so soothing, lulling you into even more of a lethargic haze. Your eyes were fluttering shut as he washed your face gently, every movement careful and tender. When he was finished he held a towel up for you to bury your face in and, when for a moment you didn't move, he worried you'd actually fallen asleep there, your face nuzzled into the fluffy towel, your head only held up by his hands.
"You gonna walk or dya need a carry?" He asked as you wrapped your arms around his waist and leant against his belly. When you nuzzled wordlessly into his t-shirt he knew your answer.
He let out a yawn of his own, scooping you up into his arms once more, kissing your cheek as you clutched at his shirt, never once opening your eyes.
And then finally he was lying you down on the bed, asking you to help him help you out of your dress. Being ever so careful not to startle you as his fingers skimmed your waist. He pulled his t-shirt off and tossed it in a pile at the foot of the bed along with your clothes. Finding you a clean shirt of his that he could pull down over your head. It fell down around you, far too big for you. Made you look so small and sweet as you lay down and reached for him.
"Hurry up baby..." You yawned making grabby hands at him.
All he'd wanted to do all evening was wrap you up in his arms, have you fall asleep with your head on his chest. Cocoon around you so that you felt safe and a snug, so that you could sleep peacefully.
And that was what he did, falling down into the bed beside you, his arms bundling you to his body, pulling the covers up over your shoulders. Kissing your cheek, your temple, each of your eyes, your nose and then, pausing. He held your cheek in the cup of his hand and looked down at you.
"Can I kiss you baby?" He asked you, something he'd never really needed to ask you before. But tonight he wanted to be sure. Needed to know he wasn't going to scare you or remind you of anything you didn't want reminded off.
You bit back a smile, opening your eyes so that you could look up at him.
"Please," you whispered, your eyes fluttering shut as he smiled and leant in.
When his lips met yours you felt a warm flutter in your chest, a sanctified feeling spreading through your body, radiating from your heart. You'd never felt so loved as you did in that moment as his lips moved against yours, his nose knocking with yours as you both tried to slip just a little closer to one another. You never wanted him to pull away, despite how sleepy you were. Despite the fact that your head was heavy in his hand. You were sure you wouldn't be able to open your eyes again now that they had closed. But you felt so dreamy and content, so peaceful and cherished. So safe. So it didn't matter. And Cal held you and kissed you, only pulling away to kiss your cheek again, to stroke your hair from your face tenderly, to kiss your forehead and watch as you drifted into a peaceful sleep.
He would have waited up and watched over you all night if his own exhaustion hadn't hit him too. And now that he knew you were safe, that you were happy and peacefully dreaming, he finally felt able to drift off too. But he held you in his arms all night, your heart's syncing to beat a gentle rhythm together.
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Hi, I just saw you poste so here I am? maybe an ethan landry x reader who is smiliar to stu (Personality wise?) you can choos reader gender. like the act 3 there it reaveld that ethan is one of the ghostface and reader is quite sad/grumpy cause they like him and know he is a killer. "Man, I really wanna date you ):, but i cant cause rules of friendship, like you wanna kill my friends.... " I am sorry if this is not very specific but do what you wanna with it :)
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warnings: like none this is just a blurb. prob bad I wrote this so quick and I don't feel like proofreading because I want to write something else. xoxo
word count: 1.6k
There's three of them and there's three of you. You stand with your friends, Tara and Sam, severally injured. Detective Bailey was standing with a gun pointed towards you with two masked killers standing next to him.
"You?" Tara scoffs.
"Yeah, of course me," Bailey shrugs. "Frankly I expected more from you after what you did to us."
"Us?" You repeat.
The person next to him begins to take off his mask, revealing a smily familiar figure beneath.
You scoff, because out of all of your friends, you genuinely didn't believe it was him. Sure, everyone joked about it, but he was... he just seemed to innocent. Ethan seemed so vanilla.
Also, you liked him, so you were a firm Ethan defender. No matter how many times you were told to trust no one; especially Ethan after Anika was murdered, you did.
You just couldn't believe it. Ethan- who you had confided in, cried to, almost made out with had pretty much, quite literally, stabbed you in the back.
"Mindy was right. It was easy to juke the roommate lottery," He spoke, so confidently, which was so unlike him.
This really hurt- in many different ways. You actually thought you knew him and understood him. You had never seen this person before.
"I mean all I had to do to meet you was room with a conceited, condensing alpha literally named Chad. Fuck, it felt good to kill him!"
He presents his mask.
"This was your grandmothers, Sam. Nancy Loomis? Really runs in your fucking family, doesn't it? Speaking of family..."
"Wait for it..."
"My name's not Ethan Landry!" He says excitedly. "Is it, dad?"
Well, isn't he just full of surprises.
"Dad?" Tara scoffs.
"Well then that just leaves..." Sam looks at the only one unmasked. "Mindy?"
Luckily, it's not.
"Hey, roomie," Quinn says. "You didn't see that one coming, did you?"
"Well, yeah, we all thought you were dead," You scoff. You turn to Tara and Sam. "That's one way to get off the suspect list. Creative, I must say."
"Yeah, you'd be amazed what a grieving father could get away with." Bailey says.
Ethan's staring you down with a hungry look in his eyes. It was all a game to him.
You can't help but actually roll your eyes in the situation. The audacity you have. This ends with all out hell breaking loose-
Quinn slices deep into your arm with her knife and Bailey starts laughing.
"You stay the fuck away from her!" Tara yells as you stumble back, beginning to look for an exit plan.
This was not how it was supposed to go.
Why couldn't it have been someone else? Anyone but him? You just felt so stupid.
"What is this?" You ask them all, specifically Ethan. "You did this as a family?"
"She should know better than anyone," Ethan shoots a dagger at Sam.
"I don't know what you believe, but I didn't commit the murders at Woodsboro!" Sam groans, sick of explaining the same thing over and over again.
"We know that. What do you think this is? You think this is based on some bullshit conspiracy theory? Bailey scoffs. He gives Sam a pitiful look. "Come on. Who do you think started those rumors in the first place?"
Quinn raises her hand and laughs, "Do you know how easy it was to turn Sam from the hero of Woodsboro into the villain? How easy it was to convince the world to believe the worst in people rather than the best?"
"It's not enough to just kill someone these days," Ethan adds, "You have to assassinate their character first. So when dad here discovers your horribly mutilated bodies, posed with Sam wearing her father's mask, he'll say some poor dumb bastard read on the internet that you're the real ghost face and took matters into their own deluded hands."
"It's the perfect alibi!" Bailey chuckles. "And all the best lies are based on truth."
He points to Sam, "You're a killer. Just like your father."
"No, I'm not!" She yells back.
"Yes you are, motherfucker, you killed our brother!" Quinn screams.
"What are you talking about?"
Great. Another surprise.
So, Ethan's a killer. Quinn's not dead. And their brother was the last ghost face. Great.
"You told us your brother died in a car accident," You shoot daggers at Ethan.
"No, you sweet dumb thing. He died at Woodsboro."
He's pointing his knife up, using it to make a point.
"You're Richie's family?" Sam looks distraught.
"Yeah," Bailey nods.
There's an awkward moment of silence, interrupted by Ethan stabbing Sam in the chest and filling the room with laughter.
"She's finally starting to get it!" He exclaims.
"Have I been a perfect dad? No. Have I maybe over indulged in Richie's interests in these movies? Yeah. He even made a few of his own. There's a very special bond between a father and his first son."
"Ouch." You look over at Ethan, impulsively. "That's gotta sting."
You take another small cut to the shoulder from Quinn. You couldn't tell why she wouldn't just kill you right then and there; it would certainly get the point across.
"What?" You look offended- almost as if you weren't meaning to be offensive. You look back up at Bailey. "And just because you sucked at raising your kid doesn't mean you get to take it out on... literally children."
"Yeah, well I think we're a little past that point now," Bailey sighs.
You open up your mouth, gaining your voice back before Quinn nips at you again, causing nothing but a wince to escape your throat. She's warning you for interrupting.
"I built a tribute to my son," Bailey continues. "This is where you have to die, Sam. Because everyone dies, Sam!"
He's beginning to rile up, pointing his gun at her now.
"Everyone that had to do with the death of my son has to die." He says. "Put on the mask."
"He was a man baby." Sam smirks. "He made his girlfriend do all the killing for him."
Quinn begins to charge at her, but Tara manages to knock her away, and that's when Kirby decides to wake up and shoot Bailey to the ground. Ethan then tackles her, stabbing her harshly in the abdomen in the process.
You act swiftly, taking a nearby brick on the floor at charge at him, slamming the brick into his head and knocking him off of Kirby.
The knife is still in her stomach, you and Ethan fighting each other on the floor in the corner while everyone else does their thing. You notice Sam and Tara climbing somewhere out of the corner of your eye. You want to get to them, but this might be the last time you can ever have your hands on him again.
It's almost if he's not fighting back, though; and it's like you're not fighting hard enough. It's like you're scolding him, like a wife hitting her husband with a dish towel for not liking the food. Except it's with a brick in your hands.
And he's laughing at you while you're doing this, knows that you couldn't possibly hurt him.
"Stop what?" He smirks. "You're the one hitting me with a brick."
"Stop laughing!" You groan. "This isn't funny."
You hit him a little harder.
"Ow!" He grabs his arm. He rolls his eyes and walks back to Kirby. "Where's my knife?"
As he retrieves it, you hear a gunshot and then see Tara swinging off the balcony, being held up by Sam. Ethan has his knife now, and he's swinging at Tara.
This is your moment to act again; you charge at him once more, bringing him to the ground. Not to your surprise, he overpowers you and is now holding you tight, knife pointed at your neck to ensure that you don't move. Bailey's gun is aimed at Tara, but now switching between the both of you.
"Take care of her, Ethan," Bailey says, aggravated that this is taking so long.
He nods, dragging you into the corner of the room; and then into a separate room. You're trying to fight back, kicking and digging your nails into his skin.
You know he won't kill you. He would've already.
Once you're alone, completely alone, he loses his grips. However, he's still holding tight enough to prevent you from moving anywhere.
It's silent for a moment. Neither one of you are talking.
"If I wasn't like this..." He begins. "If I didn't do this-"
"What?" You ask. "Would I have considered being with you?"
He awkwardly blushes. What a time to blush.
"You always did read me so well."
"Clearly not well enough." You groan and roll you eyes, escaping his grasp and pushing him off of you. You're not fighting him, and he's not trying to fight you, but you are keeping your guard up in case he decides to attack.
But he won't.
"How can you expect me to answer that?" You question. "Like yeah, I would've loved to date you, but you're kind of trying to kill my friends and me. So, I don't really think the whole relationship thing would work out."
He sighs.
"I should've asked you out sooner," He says after a moment of silence.
"Yeah, you really should've." You snap back.
It's weird. This is the Ethan you knew. It's like he's back. Ghostface or not, your dynamic hasn't changed.
Your brief moment of peace was interrupted quickly though with another gunshot. This freed you of your delusion- that he was this normal guy.
Freed from his grasp, you ran back to the main room to find your friends perfectly fine. Both Quinn and Bailey basically looked dead, and Sam was in the Ghostface robes. You figured some sort of poetic justice had occurred.
But now it's three against one, and there's nothing you could do to save him.
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goodnightmemes · 11 months
❛ I can't stay home and watch daytime TV for the rest of my life. ❜
❛ The almanac says today will bring an arrival of something. ❜
❛ We need someone to call out the corners-- north, south, east and west. ❜
❛ I am sorry. My defenses are up. People here have been really rude to me. ❜
❛ He comes on to anything with tits. ❜
❛ Everything in nature steals, you know. Big animals steal from little ones. ❜
❛ Maybe you're a natural witch. Your power comes from within. ❜
❛ I had a dream about you. In my dream, you were dead. ❜
❛ Man invented God. This is older than that. ❜
❛ Do you guys worship the devil? ❜
❛ Sometimes I will want it to rain, and a pipe will burst in my room and it will just get flooded. Or I will want it just to be quiet, and I will wish for it, and I will go deaf for three days straight. ❜
❛ Nothing makes everything all better again. ❜
❛ Maybe he was just trying to save face then... because... he's going around the whole school saying that... you're the lousiest lay he's ever had. ❜
❛ Why'd you lie about me? ❜
❛ Look, I don't want to go out with you again. Okay? Please stop begging. It's pathetic. ❜
❛ She's gonna cry, and then I am gonna cry. We're all gonna cry. ❜
❛ You girls watch out for those weirdos. ❜
❛ We are the weirdos. ❜
❛ Did you tell your friends? That you're a lying sack of shit. ❜
❛ Did you ever play that game, light as a feather, stiff as a board? ❜
❛ I think she doesn't want to be white trash any more. And I told her, "You're white, honey. Just deal with it." ❜
❛ Ever since I was a little girl I said, “All I want in life is a juke box that plays nothing but Connie Francis records.' ❜
❛ It's just that I can't stop thinking about you. I don't know why, but I think I love you. ❜
❛ I don't know what's happening to me. I can't eat. I can't sleep. ❜
❛ When you open a floodgate, how do you undo it? You unleash something with a spell. There is no undoing. It must run its course. ❜
❛ You should let him suffer. ❜
❛ It's not for you to judge suffering. ❜
❛ True magic is neither black nor white. It's both because nature is both. Loving and cruel, all at the same time. The only good or bad is in the heart of the witch. ❜
❛ Whatever you send out you get back times three. ❜
❛ You want to invoke the spirit? You must be experienced to do this. It's very dangerous. ❜
❛ You know, the serpent is a very powerful being. You should respect it. ❜
❛ Listen, all I am saying is I think it's enough already. ❜
❛ I know you think we're getting what we want now, but it's going to come back to us threefold. ❜
❛ Are we actually having a theological conversation here? ❜
❛ I mean, it's fun, it's scary. I mean, who gives a shit? ❜
❛ Stop trying to win them over, because it won't work. ❜
❛ How do you know what I look like? We're talking on the phone. ❜
❛ I disagreed with them once, and they turned their backs on me. That's not friendship. ❜
❛ Sometimes it's like we're one person. Know what I mean? ❜
❛ You should have seen the look in his eyes. It was so weird. They seemed empty, like it wasn't even him. ❜
❛ You're a witch! They were right. ❜
❛ The only reason you're in love with her is because she cast a spell on you. Sad, but true. ❜
❛ You don't even exist to me! You don't even exist. You are nothing. ❜
❛ The only way you know how to treat women is by treating them like whores! ❜
❛ He's sorry? Oh, he's sorry! He's sorry! He's sorry! Sorry, my ass! ❜
❛ Don't touch me! Everything I touch turns to shit. ❜
❛ You know, in the old days if a witch betrayed her coven... they would kill her. ❜
❛ I know I don't know you very well, but I just didn't know where else to go. ❜
❛ And now, it's like everywhere I turn, they're all around me. No matter what I do, ❛ they're still there. I don't know what to do. ❜
❛ She's inside my dreams. She knows what's going on inside my head. She can read my mind. ❜
❛ I can't control it. I always end up hurting somebody. ❜
❛ You must invoke the spirit. ❜
❛ If it isn’t real then why are you still bleeding? ❜
❛ Run! Run back up to your room like the little coward that you are. ❜
❛ What's going on? Why aren't you dead? ❜
❛ He came to me. Saved me. And he wanted me to give you a message. You're in deep shit. ❜
❛ By the way, what happened to [name]? They rushed out of here without even saying good-bye. That's bad manners. ❜
❛ Relax. It's only magic. ❜
❛ Look. I know I am a little crazy. I don't mean to be. ❜
❛ It all got out of hand, and I am sorry. No more games, okay? ❜
❛ We were just wondering, do you still have any powers? Because we don't. ❜
❛ Hold your breath until I call. ❜
❛ Be careful. You don't want to end up like [name]. ❜
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topguncortez · 1 year
This may be controversial but I have to speak my mind.
I don’t understand how we as a fandom decided that Jake was more likely the womanizer and f-boy. Bradley was the one who literally sauntered into the Hard Deck wearing a Hawaiian shirt (because he HAD to be different) and aviators (INDOORS) and then proceeded to unplug the juke box and play piano to work the crowd. Jake was just chilling playing pool with his best friend while wearing his cute little uniform.
And YEA Jake teased the other aviators as they came in, but it seemed to be more good natured ribbing than any true intended insults. ROOSTER was the one who took it too far and told Jake that he was gonna get someone killed. You can see the moment Jake’s face switches from light hearted to a defensive mask. :(
If there is a fuck boy in this situation, you can’t tell me it wouldn’t be rooster. He would LIVE off of the attention of women and would use the piano to take home a different girl every night. He probably has issues letting people in because of the loss of his parents and mav, I feel like he wouldn’t be the relationship type unless he finally decided to unpack all of that in therapy (*which is a wonderful thing and I think everyone should go)
no because it’s not controversial. i 100% agree with you anon.
Bradley for sure suffers from only child syndrome and gold-star child syndrome. he’s kinda used to being able to walk into a place and all attention is on him. he’s been able to get away with a lot pulling the “my dad died while in the navy” card (can very much see mav telling him to suck it up. he’s not the only kid who’s lost a parent). i also believe that bradley has a hard time sticking in relationships long term. i think he’s very much a one night maybe a couple nights type of guy.
Jake on the other hand, i think he has some very strong southern values installed in him. Not saying this man is a saint or he hasn’t had his nights where he takes a girl home and returns her calls the next day. But i do think Jake is more of the settle down type of guy. i also think he’s got a lot of respect for all women, not just his mom and sisters, but just women in general. (bradley pretty much just respects carole and phoenix)
now, i’m glad you brought up Bradley’s comment to Jake. Jake was just tryna do some good old fashioned teasing like we saw him do when Phoenix walked in and when Bob was finally noticed. However, it was Rooster who took it too far by mentioning leading someone into an early grave. and you could see everyone’s face change, not just Jake’s. Those words had a deeper meaning than just some rivalry smack talk and Rooster knew it. Now i think, because of that Jake bringing up Goose was warranted.
My fan theory has always been that Jake, Rooster and some girl were in a love triangle, something went wrong and the girl died. And Jake hasn’t ever really dealt with it, just kinda shelved it and moved on, but Rooster hasn’t ever forgotten.
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bradshawssugarbaby · 10 months
My Best Friend's Girl - Walt "Finn" Finnegan x Reader
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a/n: not my greatest work or anything, but i finally got around to writing something for my fave 80s man. I have a serious hang up on anything 80s so don't be surprised if more of this comes up. Also a little inspired by My Best Friend's Girl by The Cars.
pairing: Walt "Finn" Finnegan x reader
warnings/content: swearing, McReynolds cheating (sorry y'all, had to make it work for the story), Finn being "mr. steal yo' girl" on him, pure cheesy fluff.
word count: 1.8k
As your friends danced away in the middle of the bar, you stood back, sipping your rum and coke, savouring every taste as you kept your eyes forwards. Your brow furrowed as Renegade by Styx blared from the juke box from somewhere at the back of Sound Machine, the bar on campus. The SouthEast Texas University baseball team had not long entered the room, trying their charms on any and every girl they saw. You weren’t falling for it though, you’d decided. You’d seen them in action, a couple of the freshmen players managing to charm your friends into dancing and drinks, but you weren’t easily fooled. You knew they were only after one thing from the women on campus, and you weren’t giving it up easily. Your standards are much higher than that, you thought to yourself. 
You looked around the room once again, trying to keep tabs on where your friends were before either of them agreed to go home with one of the college boys who’d secured their attention. You weren’t about to let either girl go home with some freshman baseball player who could barely tie his own cleats. You’d recently broken up with your own baseball player prior to the start of the school year, and you couldn’t help but cringe whenever you caught a glimpse of him or his teammates and their sleazy pick up methods. Your brows knit together into a glare as you saw one of your ex’s teammates, Walt Finnegan, or Finn as everyone knew him by, was staring at you. Finn’s lips curled into a grin under his thick, blonde mustache, his shaggy hair was clearly styled to match his. You looked away, avoiding his stunning green eyes as he looked in your direction again.
As the opening bars of Two Tickets to Paradise began filling the room, you finished your drink. Looking up, you noticed that Finn was approaching you. His charming eyes and million dollar smile were on full display as he sauntered over, his shirt unbuttoned just enough to show off his tanned skin, the sleeves rolled just enough to accent his biceps, clearly in an effort to show off his commitment to the game and workout regime he’d given himself. He was never the greatest player on the team, but as their first baseman, he did a pretty decent job holding his own, and everything he lacked on the field, he made up for in charm and charisma. Even you couldn’t fully resist his charms, despite how badly you wanted to. You frowned as Finn danced his way up to you, his hips swaying in time with the music. Christ, he was a good dancer. You couldn’t deny it, Finn was good, but you refused to let him sway you tonight.
“Hey there, pretty thing, what’re you doing here by yourself? Come back to show McReynolds what he’s missin’ out on?” Finn’s voice was smooth as he spoke. He was always a fast-talker, but this time, it was like he purposefully was talking slow to make a point, like he was trying to give you no choice but to focus your attention on him.
“Please, Finn, I don’t give a rat’s ass what McReynolds does with his time now, I broke it off with him for a reason.” 
“Yeah, trust me, I heard about it. We all heard about it.”
“My condolences. Can you leave me alone now, please?”
“No, you haven’t even heard why I wanted to talk to you yet!” Finn pouted his lips slightly as he spoke. He leaned his body against the wall and grinned at you as he put his hand beside your head, framing your body between him and the corner of the room.
“I’ll bite then, why do you want to talk to me, Finn?”
“‘Cause, I think we both like watching McReynolds sweat a little. Plus, I saw you looking at me like that. Trying to look like you’re not bothered by the fact I’m here. You and I both know we had something before you met him.”
“We had nothing, Finn. Nothing.”
“Are you sure about that, sweets? Why not show me just how nothing it really was?” 
Finn’s hand snaked its way around your waist, pulling you in tightly to his body. You let out a sharp exhale of air as you felt your bare back press against his shirt, his body radiating heat against yours. You could smell his musk scented cologne, strong, yet masculine as it surrounded you. His hand on your bare waistline was enough to drive your senses wild, and as much as you wanted to hate the sensation of his skin on yours, you couldn’t bring yourself to shove him away from you. It was as if some sick, twisted part of you craved him, despite the fact that Finn was your ex’s best friend. Then again, clearly that fact didn’t bother Finn too much either.  
“Finn, we can’t do this,” You mumbled as you felt him press his nose to your neck, “McReynolds is gonna kill you.”
“I can handle myself, don’t you worry, darlin’,” Finn’s voice was like velvet, rich and smooth as he spoke, dripping with confidence and self assurance, “Besides, what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him, right?”
You frowned, biting your lip as Finn spoke before finally giving your head a shake. You tilted your head to face him, his green eyes full of lust and longing as they met with yours. You’d never noticed before today just *how* green his eyes were, but now that they were so close to you, you couldn’t notice anything else. The signature grin still painted on his face, Finn pulled you in closer to him, his breath hot on your neck as he whispered against your ear.
“I still haven’t heard a no from you yet, babydoll. Whatd’ya say?”
You felt Finn spin you around to face him, hips moving perfectly in sync with the music playing in the background. At this stage, Finn’s presence had completely disoriented your focus and no amount of concentration could tell you what song was playing, what colour the lights were on the dance floor or where your friends were at this point, all you saw, all you knew in that moment was Finn. Finn, your ex’s best friend with the million-dollar man smile and sun-kissed tanned skin. Finn, with his perfectly styled hair that he always spent at least 30 minutes on perfecting with a round brush and hair dryer every morning,  and his mustache that he sat and brushed out with a fine toothed comb, trimming anything that seemed out of place. Finn, with his stunning green eyes and overwhelming all-consuming confidence, and his ability to never be able to stop talking about anything and everything. 
“I don’t know that this is the smartest scheme you’ve ever come up with. What exactly did McReynolds do to piss you off to the point where you want to use me to get back at him?” You finally retorted back.
“Maybe letting a girl as good as you go is all he had to do to piss me off this time.”
Finn’s words lingered in the air for a moment, replaying in your mind over and over as you gave them some thought. You let out a frustrated sigh as you shook your head, arms folding across your chest as you looked at him.
“Finn, stop it.”
“Stop what? I’m being honest.”
“You’re pissed off at Mac for letting me dump him?”
Finn sighed and ran his hands over his face before shaking his head in exasperation. He shook his head before reaching his arms out, placing his hands on your shoulders with a firm, yet gentle touch, as if he was trying to get you to reason with him. 
“Listen to me for a second, ok?” He breathed out a heavy sigh before speaking again. 
“Look,” Finn’s green eyes stared at you with a newfound level of intensity as he spoke in soft, hushed tones, as if he didn’t want anyone overhearing your conversation together, “I know why you and Mac split, ok? I saw him when you did it, and he told me. I know everything - the cheating, the lying, how you walked in on him, trust me, I know all of it, babe.” 
“So…you know how I walked in on him with some other girl in your house then?”
“All of it. And honestly? I told him he was a real fuckin’ dick for it too. I may be a bit of a...casanova, but I’ve never cheated. There’s a reason I stay single. No one’s feelings get hurt if I move on, ‘cept maybe my own, but that’s besides the point.”
You frowned and sighed, shaking your head as you blinked away the lone tear developing in the corner of your eye. You looked up to see Finn in a new light, an air of vulnerability clouding over him, as if he was opening himself up to you and at the same time, you felt your own vulnerability closing in. You felt Finn’s hand on your cheek, guiding your face upwards to look at him. He gently pulled you in to him, his lips pressing to yours in a gentle, passionate kiss. Your lips lingered on his for a moment before pulling back, your eyes wide in shock as you look up at him.
“W-what the fuck was that?” You whispered, a soft, awkward laugh escaping your lips. 
“Me, showing you that I’d never treat you the way Numb-nuts over there would,” He nodded as he let out a hearty chuckle.
“Mhmm, that’s my name, baby, don’t wear it out,” He smirked as he tucked a strand of hair back behind your ear.
“You’re something else, you know that?”
“You know, I have been told that. It’s part of my charm, apparently.”
“Come on, let’s get the fuck outta here, before McReynolds smartens up or sobers up and realizes I just made a move on ya,” Finn takes your hand and grins as he leads you outside.
Under the stars, feeling the mild southern Texas breeze against your skin, you and Finn walk out together. Looking up at the sky, you take it all in, letting out a soft audible sigh as you nod your head once. 
“Finn, I never thought I’d say this about you, but you know, you’re a pretty decent guy.”
Finn shook his head, laughing as he looked over to you, his signature smile appearing again. He threw an arm around you playfully and shrugged his shoulders. 
“You know what, I feel like McReynolds might argue with you on that one.”
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writerownstory · 5 months
✨there must be magic inside your bones✨
aka the Juke Ghost Whisperer au that I’ve been working on forever😭
Here’s a not-so-lil snippet of the first chapter for Juke Jeudi! ***Disclaimer, this is unedited & I also know little to nothing about guitars😅 Tried to do some research but that only gets ya so far.
“Maybe if we just go over and nicely ask them to stop, they’ll stop,” Julie offers as she slips on some shoes.
“And when that doesn’t work I’ll nicely ask if they’d like my foot up their—“
“Maybe you should sit this one out,” Julie quickly interjects. “Go back to bed and try to block out the noise. I’ll try to reason with them and maybe not threaten them with physical violence.”
Flynn agrees with a yawn and walks back toward her bedroom and Julie slips out of their apartment and over to their next door neighbor’s. She knocks the first time like a normal person, but when the guitar doesn’t stop, she knocks much louder.
The guitar cuts out and a moment later the door swings open to reveal a boy—or a man, she guesses?—probably her age, a mop of brown hair that just barely hangs in the most beautiful green eyes Julie has ever seen, and wearing a cut off Rush t-shirt that shows off his incredibly toned arms and black jeans.
“Ernie, I’m sorry man. I promise it’s the last time—oh. You’re not Ernie,” the boy observes as he realizes who’s at his door.
“Nope, but I am your next door neighbor trying to get some sleep at 3 o’clock in the morning,” she tries to keep her tone light because while she doesn’t want to fight with her neighbor, she was rudely awakened at 3am on a weeknight.
The door opens wider and another boy in a pink sweatshirt and jeans appears, his blonde hair tucked under a backward baseball hat. “We’re so sorry for waking you,” he says, stepping in front of Luke. “Sometimes Luke just gets into playing and forgets just because he doesn’t sleep, doesn’t mean no one else does.”
She glances at the sleeveless boy—Luke, she guesses, only to find he’s already looking at her. His face turns a light shade of pink once he realizes he’s been caught, but then his eyes flick to the boy in front of him.
“It’s okay. Just please, keep it down. Or maybe play at a normal time?” Julie says, looking at the blonde boy. She considers throwing in that she’s trying to protect them from Flynn’s wrath, but maybe that’s not the way to make the best first impression.
“Of course,” he agrees. “We—”
He’s cut off by loud buzzing coming from inside the apartment behind him. The three of them immediately cover their ears against the sound, with Luke quickly turning around to reveal a third boy with darker hair, a black tank and jeans with a bass guitar strapped to his shoulders and frantically pulling different cords from the amp next to him.
“Reggie, man, cut it out!”
“I’m not doing it! I can’t get it to stop!”
The blonde boy hurries over and rips the power cord out of the wall, effectively silencing the amp.
As Julie brings her eyes back to Luke, she realizes there’s a 4th person present.
An older man stands next to the amp, dressed in jeans and a band t-shirt not unlike Luke’s. He looks like a roadie Julie’s mom used to have to help her out at her shows. “Wait, can you see me?”
She tries to avert her gaze, but it’s too late.
“You can see me!” the ghost exclaims, his face lighting up.
She inwardly groans, eyeing the three boys as they continue to argue amongst themselves. They don’t react to the roadie at all. It seems like they’ve forgotten she’s standing there, so she nods silently at the man.
It used to be more difficult to decipher the difference between ghosts and the living, but over time Julie’s become more practiced, even if she didn’t always want to.
The gift of seeing ghosts used to feel like a burden to her. Early on in her middle school career, Julie was labeled the weirdo who was always talking to someone who wasn’t there. At first, she didn’t understand what was going on and she really did feel crazy. But once she came clean to her mom about what she’d been seeing, the ever calm and collected Rose Molina sat her down on the worn couch in her garage-turned-studio with a cup of tea to soothe Julie’s nerves, and explained that Julie wasn’t crazy.
Instead, she was seeing ghosts. Just like Rose herself.
Earthbound spirits who had unfinished business with the living, her mom always told her.
“It’s our job to help them, mija,” Rose had explained. “Sometimes it’s as simple as passing along a message to their loved one. Or it might be helping someone else who is still living. We have to do what we can to help them cross over into the light where they belong.”
The explanation didn’t exactly settle Julie’s worries right away. It was still weird, especially because her life had already become more confusing ever since her best friend Carrie started hanging out with Kayla and a bunch of other girls in their class that Julie didn’t talk to.
For a long time, she resolved to ignore any random spirits that popped into her view throughout the day. Didn’t they know she was at school?? Didn’t they know she can’t be seen talking to no one again???? It was mortifying.
But as she grew older, Rose began to teach her more and more about how to handle such ghosts, especially in public. It’s easier now, but still a work in progress and hardly ever convenient.
“Thank God,” the ghost roadie sighs, the sound of his relief going unheard by the other three occupants in the room. “I used to take care of this equipment for an indie band, until I…well, you know.” Unfortunately, she does know. “I’ve been trying to tell these doofuses that the jacks need to be cleaned, that’s why the audio keeps cutting.”
“Um,” Julie speaks up from her place by the door. The three boys fall silent at the sound of her voice and turn toward her. “Have you tried cleaning the amp jacks?”
Everyone turns to the boy with the bass—Reggie—who blinks back at her.
“Of course you did, right Reg?” Luke looks at his roommate expectantly.
“He didn’t,” the ghost answers for Reggie, clearly annoyed. “And please tell him to stop carrying it out in the rain. They’re sensitive to temperature and humidity, any musician knows that.”
“Uh… well… no,” Reggie answers finally for the other boys, looking sheepish. Julie feels kind of bad for him, but this isn’t a conversation she wants to be awake for at 3am.
“You know what else I’ve heard is good for amps? Not having them out in the rain,” she says quickly, smiling nervously at the way all the boys look at her like they’re the ones who’ve seen a ghost. She’s never been a good liar, but how do you mention oddly specific things without any explanation?
Reggie tries to speak up first, but can’t seem to put a full sentence together. “How do you—how did she…?”
“Just a random thought,” Julie offers as she steps away from the door. “But if you could just keep the guitar playing to during the day, that would be great. Thanks, have a good night!” She hurries back down the hallway, not willing to embarrass herself in front of the cute strangers any longer.
The ghost appears next to her and Flynn’s front door. “You have no idea how ridiculous their conversations are,” he tells her.
Julie huffs a laugh as she unlocks the door. “Do you see a light? If that’s all you were waiting for, you can cross over.”
“Oh I’m going, I just wanted to say thank you. I thought I was going to have to shock that boy to get his attention.”
She frowns, glancing over her shoulder at him. “That is not—”
“Hey, wait!”
Julie freezes as Luke comes out into the hallway. “I-I didn’t catch your name.”
“That’s because I don’t need to sign a name to my embarrassment,” she says, giving him a weak smile as she pushes her door open. “Thanks anyway.”
“Well I-I’m Luke,” he says quickly as she tries to walk inside. “And I’d love to buy you a coffee. You know, as an apology for waking you up.” His hand flies to the back of his neck as he offers her a sheepish smile. “…and keeping you up.”
Julie raises a playful eyebrow at him. “Smooth talker, huh?”
“When I want to be,” he shrugs, a bit of smugness flashing in his expression. “I’m also a great coffee drinker.”
She shakes her head at him, unable to keep the smile from growing on her face. She can’t pretend Luke isn’t incredibly cute, with a disarming smile and his bright, green eyes that look gorgeous even in the terribly lit hallway. “I’d like that.”
His smile is contagious, provoking a small one of her own. “But I have to ask, how did you know about Reggie trying to fix his amp in the rain?”
“Maybe I’ll tell you sometime,” she says over her shoulder before she finally walks into her apartment. She can see the confusion in Luke’s expression, but she only feels a little bad because she’s hoping they both forget the little details of this night.
“Over coffee. On Friday?”
“You’ve got a date, Luke.”
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bleedingichorhearts · 5 months
Hey, I figured I would pop in to say your stories are amazing! Thank you so much for sharing them! I particularly enjoy your one shots! I hope you have a great day!
but if I may pose a question, when the lady wakes up from her ordeal in ‘biter’ how furious will she be. Winter coats are expensive and now there is a big mouth shaped hole in it! Not to mention blood. She will probably be preoccupied with her new wolf ‘neighbour’ hanging around though!
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𝕭𝖎𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕸𝖆𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖊: 𝕷𝖞𝖈𝖚𝖘
𝕬𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗: Hello there, lil’ Anon! I shall put two of your questions together, and your interest in my story’s and my oneshots are greatly appreciated. I hope you find a very lucky $20-$50 or a penny at the end of a rainbow for your day today, or through out the years.
𝕿𝖆𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖉: @kit-williams, @egrets-not-regrets, @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan , @sleepyfan-blog.
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Starting with your plot ideas, I write/type almost subconsciously, I write/type as I go. Of course, I have some bullet points down in order to not to forget some details that I think are crucial in the story or have the small idea of the plot ready for me when I started it or get back to it, but, originally. I really don’t have the whole story plot down, but I make it as I go. Probably not a good way to do that, but I suppose it’s just how I write? Perhaps I have a secret mental plot that my silly brain won’t let me see?
Anyways, to your expensive winter coat question.
His little wolf would be quite furious with Lycus if she’s wasn’t wondering why this big Viking man was staring down at her like he just caught his ultimate prize and with the fact that he was an Space Marine she wanted to scold out to of all the humane creatures possible on this world.
Though, she swallows as she fiddles with the snow coat still on her body, her fingers still threading through the open tear on it, taking flakes of her own blood off of it. Her head, looking away from Lycus. Unable to make eye contact with seemingly piecing, ice blue eyes.
Oh, but if only Space Marines didn’t pay enough attention to detail, he wouldn’t be able to hunt, bring that animal to a local Blood Angel and bring back the newly crafted coat to his little wolf. A chuff of a gothic apology being purred at his little wolf. (that she doesn’t understand, but by the tone of his rumbling words, it seems like an apology.)
Also, she will be preoccupied alright. Preoccupied on trying to get the Space Wolf that bit her off her property, but man can that Marine be so stubborn.
He sleeping outside? Eh, no worries he’s sleeping on top of the roof. (Somehow.) Try and mislead him out of the property? Can’t, he has every single rock, every stick pinned down through out the property. Try and juke him out in public? He knows where you live, and your scent. He’s not that worried.
He hums then, every time his little wolf would try and mislead him, a certain smile rising beneath his helmet. He likes these little “games” of yours…
Bastard knows what he’s doing.
𝕬𝖈𝖐𝖓𝖔𝖜𝖑𝖊𝖉𝖌𝖊: This little… plot? Rough draft? May or may not in the next chapter for his story. So don’t expect this to be the real thing.
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rurousha · 2 years
Glass into Sand - a 1989 Dreamling plot bunny
Hob is sitting at the White Horse bar in 1989. Break up music is, as we know, playing on the juke box. Hob laments being stood up. The sympathetic bartender pours him another drink. The camera zooms in on the glass in Hob's hand.
But instead of showing Dream in his cage, the glass shatters. All the glass in the entire tavern shatters. Windows, framed pictures, bottles in people's hands, glasses on people's lips, cabinets, the juke box, they all shatter in a single second.
Then there is noise - screams of shock and pain. The shards of glass are small - tiny slivers - and the burst was short lived. Most people were protected by their clothing. But there is blood on people's hands, arms, and faces. One man is shaking because there is glass in his eyes. The bartender doesn't know where to step in his search for a phone.
Hob barely feels shards in his palm. Because his stranger is there. He's collapsed, naked, on the floor in front of Hob. He's curled up in the fetal position, facing away from Hob, but it is definitely him.
Hob nearly lunges for him. "My friend. Are you alright?" Hob touches his shoulder. He's so thin. Was he always this thin?
His stranger, eyes screwed shut, only groans quietly, like he can't quite figure out how to open his mouth.
Hob quickly pulls his jacket off and tries to tie it sideways around his stranger's bony hips to afford him some sense of modesty. The ground is completely covered in glass, and Hob scrapes his knuckles up. He's worried about damage to his friend's exposed skin, but all the glass that touches him seems to just dissolve into the lightest of sand. Hob will have to wonder about that later.
People don't seem to hardly notice them except to move around them in their hurry to get out of the destroyed tavern.
"My friend," Hob asks, "are you awake? Can you stand?"
"Hob?" rasps the quietest of voices. Hob has never been so relieved to hear it. "Did I make it?"
"Oh god. Yes love, yes, you're here. Come on, let's get you up."
Hob helps him to stand and half supports, half carries him out the back door. Glass crunches underneath Hob's shoes the whole way but turns into a trail of near-white sand beneath his friend's bare feet.
Hob spends the next days or maybe weeks helping Dream recover. He brings him tea, clothes, food. He's desperately curious, but Dream barely says more than a few words the entire time. But any glass he touches turns to sand and disappears. Eventually Dream regains enough strength to return to the Dreaming.
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reareaotaku · 7 months
Study w/ Me
Summary: You are not ready for the big math test, but thankfully Rodney comes to your rescue Pairings: Rodney [Fruit Bat] x Fem! Reader Tw: Fluff, Anti-Graph Math, Slight Jealousy
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You clicked your pen, watching the clock. You were more than ready for this class to end. Though, your concentration on the time is cut when the teacher's voice echos through the room.
"And don't forget about the test on Friday."
Your eyes widen. A test? You didn't remember him ever mentioning a test- Well, maybe it had to do with your lack of attention to class.
"This test is worth 25 percent of your grade. That could really make or break some of your grades."
The frown on your face deepened and you weren't the only one. With a quick glance around the classroom, you could see Juke and Melvin stressing out too.
You felt a tap on your shoulder and looked behind you to see Rodney.
"You prepared for the test?"
You nearly sweat drop at the question. A big, fake smile overtakes your face as you quickly nod, not knowing what to say. His brow raises as he gives you a look not believing you. He clicks his tongue, before tilting his head, his ears slightly twitching.
"Well, I don't know if I'm prepared..." He is prepared, but he knew your ego and pride wouldn't allow you to admit you needed help, "So, maybe you can come to my place and help me study."
Rodney needing help with work? Yeah right. You knew something was up, since he was top of the class, but you weren't about to say no to hanging out with him.
"Yeah... That'd be good-"
"Rodney- Psst- Rodney."
You both look towards the voice; It was Melvin and he looked stressed. If there was one thing you had in common with Melvin, it's that you both suck at tests. You looked back at Rodney, who was still looking at Melvin. You frowned, selfishly hoping that Melvin didn't ask Rodney for help, because you didn't want to share the boy's attention.
"Sorry, Melvin, but Y/n and I already made plans-"
"I can join! I don't mind-"
Rodney frowns, his eye nearly twitching as he contains himself, "Why don't you ask Poppy?"
Melvin frowns, his ears flopping slightly, before he points towards where Poppy was. It seems Juke had already gotten to her.
"Hmm," Rodney taps his chin, "Well, I sure hope you figure something out."
Melvin's eyes widen as his jaw nearly hits the floor. Though, before Melvin could protest, the bell rang and Rodney was quick to get up and lean over your shoulder.
"I'll meet you after school and we can walk together."
The final bell rings and you are thrilled to finally be out of school. Though, the thought of the big test rings in the back of your mind. As you begin to walk out the main doors, your stopped by the man of the hour; Rodney. You nearly sigh in relief when seeing him, because you remember that he had agreed to help you.
The walk was awkward, at least to you it was. Rodney saw it as anything but. He couldn't believe he had invited you to his house. Was his room clean? Oh god, what if it was dirty? No, he shook his head, it couldn't be dirty- It's never been dirty... But what if it was now?
He looked over to you, wondering if he could tell what you were thinking to ease his mind. He frowned when he saw a neutral look on your face, making it impossible to know what was going on in your mind. His eyes glazed you up and down, not stopping the smile that suddenly overtook his frown. He couldn't help but think you were so pretty.
God, you wanted to facepalm. How were you going to pass this test? Yeah, Rodney was smart, but could he help you pass the class. God, sometimes you felt like you were hopeless in the academic achievement. You wished you could take his brain and use it for the test instead of using your own.
Rodney's eyes lit up when he finally saw his house. The walk to his home seemed to take forever this time. Maybe it was because he was with you or maybe it was because he accidentally took a wrong turn. Who's to say it wasn't both?
You smiled when seeing the large grey house. You were tired of walking, feeling as if you had been going forever, so you were more than happy to finally take a seat.
Rodney pushes open the front door, you close behind. You both remove your shoes, before you graze the house. You had realized you had never been to Rodney's house before. You hummed, amazed at the gothic look of everything; It was just so like Rodney. Though you froze when you felt your back hit something. You quickly turned around to see a tall woman. She had to be Rodney's mother.
"Oh, I'm sorry dear," She laughs, her hand going to her chest. Her voice was smooth like silk and a laugh that felt like clouds. "Rodney, who's your friend?"
Rodney suddenly appears behind you, leaning to the side, "Oh, this is Y/n. Y/n, this is my mom."
"Y/n?" She gasp, her voice going into a higher pitch when saying your name. She crouches, taking your hand and shaking it, "Rodney has told me so much about you. Why, you're all he ever talks abo-"
"Okay mom. We need to go study," Rodney grabs your hand and quickly pulls you towards his room. He sighs, before closing the door. "Sorry about that," He says, his face being a light red. His ears were also a little flushed and you stood awkwardly, not knowing what to say.
Did he really talk about you? You wondered what he said about you. You took a seat next to his desk, as he threw his backpack next to his bed. You messed with your fingers, avoiding eye contact.
Rodney pulls out his math book before heading towards you. "So, what do you think we should start with?"
You gulped, finally making eye contact with him. Your face darkened, as you rubbed the back of your neck, "Uh... Well, um..." You fiddle with your bag, pulling out your math book. You flip through the pages, "Graphs? Sin, Cos, and Tan? God, I hate graphs."
He hums, fiddling through the book before finding some examples, "Okay. What is it that doesn't make sense?" He looks at you, his eyes scrunched, watching as you fiddle with your hair; Something he's noticed you do when you get anxious. He grabs your hand, causing you to look up at him, "It's okay. I'll do my best to help you understand, you know? I'm not going to judge you."
You click your tongue, "Honestly?"
"Of course." He nods and you let out a deep sigh.
"None of it. Anytime I see a graph, I lose my mind. Like I'll get it for a while, but then it's like I forget it when I have a test."
"Well, I guess we'll have to start from the beginning then, huh?"
Rodney had not thought this through. You had already cried twice and he didn't know what to do. This was seeming hopeless. He shuts his book, causing you to look back at him, your mascara streaming down your face. "How about we take a break. Are you hungry?"
"Uh, no... I'm fine."
"Okay. I'll be right back."
You watch as he leaves, lightly closing the door and you facepalm. You pull on your face, groaning, before lightly knocking your head into the desk. He probably thought you were an idiot. You should never had agreed to this, because he probably hates you.
Rodney heads down the hall towards the kitchen. He wanted to facepalm for his own stupidity. He took a deep breath, before shaking his head and running his long fingers through his hair.
He pushes open the kitchen door, his eyes shinning when seeing a stack of green apples, his favorite. He reaches for one, before frowning. He thought back to your sadden expression and messed up makeup. He would grab you one, too, because you needed a little boost.
He turns to leave when he's met with his mother. He smiles awkwardly, "Uh, hey?"
"So, Rodney, you and your little friend, hm?"
Rodney's face errupts in a blush and his ear poke up. He quickly shakes his head, "No- no, it's not like that."
"Oh? That's a shame."
Rodney rubs his arm, before looking at the floor, counting the many titles, "Yeah. We're just friends."
"If you say so, dear."
He sighs, heading out of the kitchen, his mood now a little bummed. You were 'just friends' but of course he didn't want to be just friends. He would have loved to be so much more, but you just weren't.
Your brought out of your spiral when an apple- a green one- is put in front of you. You look a little confused, before looking up at him.
"I know you said you're fine, but you should eat something. It'll be good for you."
You took the apple, taking a big bite. You sigh, slouching slightly, "Do you think I'm stupid?"
Rodney chokes on his apple, before shaking his head and looking at you, "No! No, of course not! I could never think you're stupid- I don't think anyone's stupid-Well..." He shakes his head, "No, of course not. Why would you think that?"
"Because I'm not getting it. I feel like I'm wasting your time."
"No, you're not wasting my time." He pats his book, "You could never waste my time. Any time I spend with you is time well spent."
A smile slowly overcame your face and you blushed, "Really?"
"Of course." He fiddles with his book, flipping the pages, before looking away from you, "Besides, Juke is much, much, Much more of a pain."
You laugh, "Yeah. When he get frustrated, he gets violent... Though, he's always kind of violent."
Rodney laughs. He had a nice laugh; You liked it a lot and it always made your mood a little brighter. But, everything he did made you happy and giddy, like there were a million butterflies in your stomach.
"Yeah, he does, doesn't he?"
"Yeah, but he has his moments."
Rodney frowned. Did you like Juke? Oh god, he sure hoped not.
"I feel bad for Poppy."
Rodney's brought out of his jealousy, "What?"
"Yeah, because he likes her. Anytime a guy hits on her, he always hits them. Have you seen Melvin," You chuckle, "Man I'd hate to be them."
"Yeah... Me too." He smiles, watching you closely. God, he wished he could just say it; I like you, Y/n. But he just couldn't... At least not yet.
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demdozeguys · 2 months
Strap in for a long one, because it's time for:
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ramblings under the cut:
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okay look I know I said I'd be ranking all of these but putting a fighting game up against six linear-progression single-player adventure type games feels a bit unfair.
as for whether I liked it: yeah it's alright. it's street fighter, it's fun. only time will tell how much my brother and I will get out of it, but I'm already feeling like I don't like it quite as much as 5. how much of that is due to 4 not having Urien is anyone's guess.
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I'm gonna be honest I didn't fuck with this game nearly as much as I thought I would.
maybe it's because I'm new to the genre. maybe it's because I've been spoiled by autosave. or maybe it's just because I can't aim to save my life. but losing upwards of 20 minutes of progress every time some creature I failed to hit or juke tagged me one too many times got frustrating pretty fast.
I didn't hate my time with Crow Country. the environments are gorgeous, the story kept me intrigued, and filling out my mental list of "oh shit I can go here now"s was still satisfying. if this is your thing don't let me dissuade you, I just wasn't built for it.
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Kamiko is decent fun, but there's not really a whole lot to say about it. It's a short and sweet zelda-esque game where the meat of the playtime comes from trying to go through it as fast as possible, and as you'll see later I happen to enjoy going fast. enjoyable, but not super meaty. if you like routing and time management give it a shot.
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Alright, this is where we get into the Good Shit.
Pony Island is a game in which you play a game called Pony Island made by The Devil From The Bible. every few minutes there's some new weird meta setpiece to keep you on your toes, plus the code puzzles and pony sections between are solid fun on their own. it's a great time. and if you're interested, there's a pretty solid reward for getting 100%.
if I had to dock points, it didn't seem to have much in the way of replayability, but that's not a huge dealbreaker. I really need to get my hands on Inscryption now.....
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I'm not normally big on horror but Spooky's kept me coming back. despite going into it already knowing what all the specimens did, they managed to keep me on the edge of my seat because you never know when they're going to show up. combine the legitimate building terror with an offbeat and self-aware sense of humor and you have a damn fun package.
it's worth noting that as of writing this, I've only completed the main story. the DLC campaigns probably won't affect the final ranking? but I have a feeling they'll make me appreciate the game more.
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Pepper Grinder is fucking awesome.
The level design is great, the soundtrack rips, and just moving around with the core gimmick of "what if you could drill and then jump out" is so good. I just really wish there was more of it.
I was able to get all the major in-level collectibles and reach the end in under 3 hours. the bulk of my playtime came from the time trials, which do manage to hit a sweet spot of encouraging you to push yourself without requiring CBT perfection. demolishing the gold medal on the final boss took me well over an hour's worth of attempts and may have been one of the most viscerally satisfying challenges I've ever completed in a game.
Pepper Grinder is really, really cool. But if it had another world's worth of levels it would be even cooler.
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Man. I fucking love Chicory.
The vibes are immacculate. The story made me really feel for these gay little animals. The soundtrack is delightful (Lena Raine, everybody!). The exploration is rewarding. The painting mechanics made me actively want to go back to areas I'd already been to and recolor them better than I did originally, which is like. not something most games do. You can even draw penises everywhere if you want. There's something for everybody.
I'm having a hard time putting down exactly what made me fall head over heels for this game as much as I did - especially when I wasn't expecting to going into it. Maybe it was just in the right place at the right time. No matter how it cheated the system, Chicory is easily the best game I picked up.
And that's that. this was my first time doing something like this (especially on tumblr) so it felt kinda weird but idk lmk if I planted any seeds in your brain
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thedeathdeelers · 2 years
definitely not (super loosely) based on personal experience 2 weeks ago but like. juke randomly sitting next to each other on the plane >
it’s luke’s millionth flight and the boys are on their way to another city for yet another gig (sunset curve doing well they flying) but it’s only julie’s like 5th (or 100th time- irrational fears are irrational for a reason) time or soemthing. so understandably she’s nervous as hell. especially about the turbulence (and yes ray she knows it’s totally normal and is aware that it’s just like a car driving over potholes or an uneven street but it still freaks her out blame the anxiety)
julie’s kind of found a way to help her through the anxiety though: talk to literally anyone within her direct vicinity to distract herself from the bumpy flight. and usually it’s a friendly old man, or a woman in her mid-50s; and julie’s been pretty lucky with how friendly everyone is and how willing they are to help, and will be forever thankful to them
but the problem is, this time ‘round her neighbour is a super cute guy who’s kinda making her just as nervous as the accelerating plane that’s about to take off and julie’s starting to rethink her strategy..
maybe she can just do this herself-
the plane lurches slightly to the left as it leaves solid ground, the gusts of wind outside making it hard for the pilot to keep it as steady as julie would like.
she grips the seat armrests, tries to keep her eyes on the outside world through her tiny window, but her heart won’t slow down and she feels like she’s about to throw up-
“hey so um,” julie whips her head to the side, cringing slightly when she sees the guy sat next to her had his eyes already closed. “do you- do you mind if i just talk to you whenever there’s a bit of turbulence or uh-” julie swallows against the rising panic as the plane continues to shake from side to side the longer they fly through the clouds. “it’s just i- i-panic-when-there’s-turbulence-and-talking-can-sometimes-help-me-stay-distracted-but-it’s-fine-if-you-want-to-sleep-i’m-so-sorry-to-bother-you-maybe-just-ignore-everything-i-just-said.” julie rushes through that sentence in one breath, her heart ready to beat out of her chest as her eyes flick back to stare out the window.
she doesn’t dare to look back at her neighbour, too embarrassed and too panicked to even consider the situation she’s currently in.
okay julie, deep breath. this is totally normal, it’s totally fine. look at all the people sitting around you half asleep, completely relaxed. it’s fine, it’ll be alri-
the plane dips down and back up, making julie’s palms sweat and any thoughts of reassurance fly out her mind.
she closes her eyes shut, only to immediately snap them wide open again, gaze back to being glued to the clouds still surrounding them.
she doesn’t know what to do anymore, eyes scanning any hope of seeing the grassy fields below or maybe even a hint of an outline of land — anything she can focus on that isn’t a white haze.
and just as another considerable bout of turbulence hits, julie feels a warm hand coming to rest over hers, accompanied a second later by a low, gentle voice.
“hey, you’re good. i’m- i’m luke. what’s your name?”
julie turns her head at the voice, eyes tracing up from his hand resting on hers, all the way up to his worried gaze.
she can’t help but stare for a second, mind momentarily distracted by his hazel eyes.
“uh- i’m-” julie stops when her voice falters for a second, then clears her throat and tries again. “i’m julie. i’m really sorry for the way i uh- introduced myself earlier.” julie tries for a sheepish smile, but feels it turning into a grimace when she feels another substantial dip beneath her. she reflexively turns her head to stare out the window again, only to stop mid-way when she hears her neighbour — luke — speak up again.
“nah, that’s fine, no need to apologise. i get it. my buddy reggie used to be terrified of flying.”
“used to?”
“yeah we uh,” it’s only when he pulls his hand away to self-consciously rub at the back of his head does julie realise he had still been holding her hand. “we kinda fly a lot now that we’re getting a decent amount of gigs. we’re a band, sunset curve?”
julie thinks the name sounds familiar, but she can’t really trust her brain to function properly at the moment. she smiles at luke apologetically, shaking her head once.
“let me guess though,” julie let’s her eyes roam down the rest of luke’s top half, eyes lingering only for a second on his ridiculously exposed arms before landing on his calloused fingers. she’s about to look back up when she notices little smudges of ink colouring the tips of his forefinger and thumb.
ah, there it is.
“you….play guitar? and maybe hmm..write some of the songs?”
luke’s eyes light up at her words, the easy grin popping up on his face blinding her for a second.
jeez he was cute.
“how’d you guess?” julie smiles at his excitement, watching him as he sits up a little straighter.
“let’s just say…a fellow musician’s hunch?” julie shrugs. “something about you reminds me of someone.”
“you a musician? what d’you play?”
julie smiles sadly at him. “i used to sing and play the piano. now i kind of just,” julie‘a gaze shifts from his to the seat in front of her. “listen to music.”
she can practically feel his curiosity flowing out of him next to her, but is pleasantly surprised at his restraint.
“what kinda music you listen to?”
julie turns to answer, but freezes when another bad shake forces her to close her eyes.
she takes in a deep breath — in, out, in, out.
“i kind of listen to a bit of everything,” luke says, as if they hadn’t been interrupted. “but i try to focus more on whatever genre i’m trying to channel in my songs whenever i’m working on a new album.”
she feels him rest his warm hand over hers again, gently squeezing.
“this okay?” he asks quietly.
julie nods, eyes slowly easing open again.
“but yeah i like to think i’m pretty open-minded when it comes to all genres of music, although reggie kinda tests that when he slips in his country songs in my journal. like i get it? but maybe it’s just not for me? right now? i can see how i can get inspired by country in the future maybe for an album way way way down the line, but like. not now. but alex, our drummer, recently started getting into kpop and some of the arrangements i’m really digging so i’m thinking maybe testing that out…” he continues talking about experimenting with music, and all julie can do is smile at his attempt at distracting her. the least she can do is partake in this conversation.
“i listen to a bit of everything too,” she says, turning to smile at him. “my mom raised me on the classics, but always made sure i gave every genre a fair shot. she was a big, big fan of music.” julie pauses for a second, then continues. “she was my main inspiration when it came to writing and performing music. she was my driving force, you know?”
julie sees the moment the curiosity in luke’s eyes turns into sympathy as understanding finally dawns on him.
he smiles and nods at her, gently nudging her to go on.
and for the rest of the flight, julie finds herself opening up about her music and her struggles and her mom for the first time to what should technically be a complete stranger. some turbulence still hit during the flight, making her stop to quickly stare out the window, but luke was always there, squeezing her hand in support and finding something to say to get her to turn back to him.
at one point nearing the last stretch of their journey, julie chances a peak outside her window, only to be pleasantly surprised to see the sun shining uninterrupted through clear blue skies, with never-ending fields of green down below.
she smiles at the view, even laughs quietly at herself.
the clouds were finally clearing up.
and for the first time since julie started flying and speaking to strangers on planes, she may or may not have saved her new emotional support passenger’s number. and followed him on instagram.
and giggled a little when he messaged her the second they walked away from each other at the airport.
yeah, maybe flying might come a little easier to her from now on.
and maybe, just maybe, music will, too.
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writercole · 2 years
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Words: 1611 Warnings: Very angsty. Breakup. Credits: Based on the song ‘exile’ by Taylor Swift. @princessmisery666 for the beta. A/N: I actually took a lot of delight in writing this one. So suffer. Lol. I'm just glad Stacey didn't murder me when she finished beta'ing.
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The rare California rain storm repelled all but the most loyal patrons of The Hard Deck. The juke box was playing classic rock softly in the background, mingling with the soft clink of glasses and occasional burst of laughter. A handful of older veterans were sitting at the bar, swapping stories between gossip sessions about the young hot shots shooting pool in the back corner.
The cocky one, Hangman, strutted around the pool table, dominating the game he was playing with one of the other pilots. The smirk on his face grew with each shot he sank.
“Jesus, Bagman, give someone else a chance to play,” Phoenix called from the hightop table.
Hangman only chuckled, the eight ball rolling into the side pocket gently before he set the cue stick on the table and faced his colleagues. “There's only one problem, Phoenix,” he drawled, “I’m just too good to be true.”
The door creaked open and all eyes turned to the person walking in. Hangman’s breathing stopped when he saw his ex-girlfriend walking in mid-laugh. His feet started to take him across the room before a man stepped in behind her and rested his hand on her back.
Bile rose in his throat and he turned away, draining his beer as he stared out of the rain-spattered window, his eyes unfocused and his thoughts deep in the past.
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One Year Earlier
It had been another night where she didn’t know where he was or when he’d show up. They hadn’t officially moved in together, but Jake Seresin spent almost every night there, only staying at his place when they fought, which had been more and more frequently in the past month.
She was sitting at the kitchen island when the door opened and shut, heavy footfalls bringing her boyfriend into view. She took in the slight flush on his cheeks and the glassy look in his eyes, determining that he’d been out drinking. Again.
“You didn’t answer my texts,” she stated quietly, turning the mug of tea in her hands. It had gone ice cold while she waited, the idea of taking a sip making her stomach turn.
Jake opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water before facing her. “Was on silent,” he grumbled.
“And you didn’t check it before you left work? Or before you left the bar?”
“I didn’t go to the bar,” Jake objected while avoiding her eyes.
“Jake, I can smell the alcohol on you. Your cheeks are flushed. Your eyes are glassy,” she pointed out. “If you didn’t go to the bar, where did you drink?”
Jake sighed and hung his head, leaning his hands on the counter.
“Why did you lie?”
“I don’t know,” he whispered.
“I can’t do this anymore, Jake,” she sighed, her voice cracking. “The fights, the drinking every night, now the lying. I know the man I fell in love with is still in there, somewhere, but this guy isn’t him. It isn’t you. And something has to give or I have to stop pretending he’s going to come back.”
Jake felt his heart shatter in his chest. He looked up and saw the tears spilling over her lashes and longed to reach out and dry them. But his head ignored his heart and his mouth blurted out words that, had he been sober, he never would have considered.
“You can’t do this anymore?” he scoffed. “You have to quit? No. I’ll make this simple. I’m done. We’re done.” He swiped his keys from the counter and stormed out of the apartment, slamming the door behind him. 
The reality of the situation hit him all at once, his chest squeezing his lungs as if his rib cage had shrunk three sizes. He sank against the wall opposite the door and fought a losing battle with the sobs wracking his broad frame.
He wanted to go back inside and beg for forgiveness, promise that he’d change, that he’d open up, that he’d put her first. But his pride forced him to stay still, staring at the door and praying to anyone who would listen, every god he didn’t believe in, to just let her walk out, let her chase after him.
The problem with deities is that mortal suffering is their entertainment. The door remained closed.
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She laughed as she and her boyfriend ran through the rain and he rushed ahead to pull the door open. She stepped in ahead of him, still chuckling at the raindrops clinging to his button down and mustache. The door shut and his arm slipped around her waist, guiding her towards the bar in the center of the room.
“Finish telling me the story about your dad and Mav,” she requested.
“Well, according to my mom, I wanted to be a cowboy for Halloween. And I made everyone else dress up, too,” Bradley explained. “But no one else could be a cowboy. Or a sheriff. Or a horse - they tried to do that. So, uh, I made all of them dress as old west prostitutes. I was two, I didn’t know what that was but I liked the costumes in the shop.”
“That sounds amazing,” she laughed, “I wish I could have seen that.”
“I have pictures,” he told her with a lop-sided grin.
“Pictures of what, Bradshaw?” the brunette behind the bar asked with a wide smile.
“Your boyfriend dressed like an old west whore,” he answered. “Penny, you remember -”
“I do,” Penny interrupted. “And you two should know that he’s here.”
She glanced at Bradley, and he gave a tight smile before they both scanned the bar.
Quickly, she found Jake, eyes locking as his fingers wrapped tightly around the neck of a beer bottle, his stare boring into her. The angered expression on his face a clear indication he would gladly come to blows with Bradley, probably without much cause.
“I can’t stay here,” she whispered, not taking her eyes off of the man glowering in the corner.
“Okay. Wait for me outside, sweetheart. I’m just going to go talk to Phoenix.” Bradley kissed her head and headed towards the tables, leaving her to say goodbye to Penny before hurrying out of the side door.
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Jake’s grip on the beer bottle was so strong that his knuckles were turning white. The last thing he expected was for her to show up on Bradshaw’s arm.
He didn’t understand why he felt so defensive. He was the one who walked away, even if it was reluctant. Neither of them reached out aside from the happy birthday text he’d received from her. He’d ignored it.
“I need some air,” he growled when he saw Bradshaw plant a kiss on the top of her head. He slammed the beer bottle down on the table and stalked away, straight out of the front door onto the porch.
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She was leaning against the wall in the shadows when she heard a door open. Looking to the side, she spied Jake a few feet away, leaning on the railing with his head down. She remained still, hoping that he’d go back inside and not see her.
He turned around and looked directly at her, crossing his arms over his chest and swallowing hard. Neither of them spoke for a long moment, the only sounds being the distant rumble of thunder and the spattering of rain drops on the roof.
Jake broke the silence. “Bradshaw? Really?” he spat.
“I don’t see how that’s any of your concern. Not anymore,” she retorted, trying to match the tone he’d used. He was the one who left. He ran, he didn’t try to work on it, he walked away.
“Are you going to quit on him, too?”
“You know that isn’t what happened, Jake,” she sighed.
“You packed up everything, all of the memories and love we shared, and in what, five minutes, I was out in the hallway.” He’d stepped forward, closing the distance between them, hating that she didn’t feel like home anymore. 
“Jake, don’t you dare act like I didn’t try and help you,” she growled through gritted teeth. “I tried for months and all you did was push me away. I talked, I cried, I begged for you to let me in, let me help. You didn’t want to fix us. The way you looked at me tonight, like you finally wanted to fight for me, just insulted me. I’m not your problem anymore. Don’t pretend like you’re offended that I’m here with someone else.”
Jake’s arms dropped to his sides and his mouth fell open, gaping at the pain in her eyes, the venom on her tongue. She was right. She had given him thousands of chances and tried so hard but he pushed her out.
He’d ignored the warnings. And she had exiled him. 
“Don’t give me that look,” she sighed, her voice cracking.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled. “I’m sorry I didn’t fight for us. I’m sorry I pushed you out. I’m just really sorry.”
“Sweetheart, you ready?” Bradley called from behind Jake, eyeing the pair of them curiously.
“Take care Jake,” she whispered as she walked past.
He grabbed her wrist gently and stopped her, kissing her cheek. “I will beat the mustache off of his face if he hurts you,” he told her.
“I know.” she gave him a small smile and turned away, slotting herself in Bradley’s arms.
Jake watched as Bradshaw helped her into his Bronco and ran around, jumping into the driver’s seat and shaking the water out of his hair, making her giggle before he drove away, leaving Jake staring at the taillights and dreaming of what could have been.
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innytoes · 6 months
From the subconscious that brought you the Quiet AU, it's time for Inny's Brain Comes Up With Another 100k fic she's never going to write while she's dreaming.
Okay so it's the Post Apocalypse. The apocalypse happened a few years ago, there was a horrible plague that makes you bleed from your eyes and maybe some other things, a lot of humanity was wiped out, chaos, destruction, blabla.
We start with Our Heroes travelling on foot. Luke is telling them this area seems familiar, and Alex and Reggie realise they're near where Bobby's family had a cabin. They decide to veer off because Alex remembers where Bobby hid the emergency key. Not that they haven't done their fare share of breaking and entering, but it would be nice to, you know, not have to.
Also maybe they want to see if Bobby is there. Because even though they split with a lot of bad blood between them over some stolen songs, the apocalypse makes you miss old friends.
Julie and Willie are like: um excuse me that is not a cabin that is a Log Mansion. It's three fucking stories. (It also had the exact layout as my grandmother's old house, because this is my brain, which is funny because my grandmother's house was very much not a log cabin).
And then SHOCK AND GASP Bobby comes out. He has the Trevor Wilson Beard and Man Bun and is just... staring like he's seen three ghosts... and two random people he doesn't know, I guess.
There is a big sappy reunion and a big talk and apology and blabla of course they can stay. There's more cabins around the place and they've made themselves a little farming community. They trade with the other little the towns in the area, but they haven't heard much from the bigger city in the while.
"Um yeah, maybe... maybe don't go to the city," Luke says. Reggie is very pale. Willie mutters about how there was plenty of stuff that could still be looted (as long as you don't mind all the dead bodies is left unsaid).
They settle in at Bobby's house and become part of the community, finding jobs. Willie does indeed go with some of the more brave individuals to the city to search for supplies. The whole community has like one working truck because gas is hard to find these days.
Some traveling trader comes by and he's basically on a giant sled on wheels pulled by huskies and predictably Reggie loses his mind and gets to play with the doggies.
There comes a night when Reggie can't sleep, so he's the only one awake to hear the car. Two cars. A group of four with two cars is bound to mean trouble, so he wakes everyone up because there's a high chance there's raiders.
The people are breaking in and Reggie goes downstairs to greet/distract them, playing the clueless guy, welcoming them and being like 'oh hey are you lost do you need help? We're looking for a bartender if you need a job' and basically being in the way and these four people are just so confused because they broke into his house and he's so cheerful about it.
One of them was injured and Reggie more seriously offers the first aid kit and just when they were about to be like 'fuck it let's just murder him and raid the place', where comes Julie and Luke with the shot guns. Meanwhile Alex, Willie, and Bobby were checking out their cars and alerting the neighbours about trouble and OH SHIT ONE OF THEM IS BLEEDING FROM THE EYES HE'S INFECTED.
Cue fuzzy chaotic time jump because I woke up with a dry mouth lol.
For some reason Bobby disappeared from the dream after this so maybe poor Bobbers got shot in the show down with the raiders. Or got hit by the car of the other three fleeing, leaving behind their infected friend.
The gang stays in Bobby's house, though, and slowly, Juke and Willex drift together. When they were travelling, they usually all slept together, but now...
Reggie, who is still grieving Bobby, and maybe blaming himself because he wasn't good enough at distracting the raiders, sees the other two couples drift together and decides to stay out of their way. He can't sleep anyway, since he was the only one awake to catch the raiders in the first place.
So he starts sleeping less, and less, spending less time with his friends because he wanted them to have time together... Pining because he's secretly a little in love with all of them, but they clearly don't want him.
Until he was suuuper stoked because he found a puppy. It was so cute, and he wants to show his friends, and they're so freaked out because Reggie, there is no puppy...
Turns out Reggie was hallucinating from lack of sleep, and he's so confused because he's CLEARLY HOLDING A PUPPY WHAT DO YOU MEAN and then the whole thing kind of comes out and not only is Reggie heartbroken when the hallucination shatters and vanishes, but he also confesses how he's in love them with but they clearly chose their partners and not him.
And both Juke and Willex are like: we've missed you, doofus, we love you, we didn't want to make you chose between us, we were scared you were mad at us for both flirting with you.
And they all live as happily ever after as you can in the post-apocalypse.
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