#loz totk spoilers
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lastoneout · 2 years ago
totk's real genre: slapstick comedy (x)
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How am I supposed to cope with the fact that it is HEAVILY IMPLIED if not practically canon that Link and Zelda lived together post botw
Link can still sleep in the bed.
The table is set for two 🥹
Zelda had to have a separate room built for ‘privacy’ and Link’s hair tie and is found there. Why would she need privacy if she lived alone? Plus having to hide his new champions tunic in the throne room??? Can’t hide it in the house if they both live there
Zelda even states that Link hasn’t left her side since they were reunited 🥹 kill me I’m so fucking emotional about this
It’s referred to as ‘Zelda’s house’ but in Japanese I believe in her diary she just calls it ‘the house’ (again, I’m not positive but localizations have applied ownership where the Japanese version lacks it)
Symin says “oh! You’re back in town, link!” And then “if you’re here alone then Princess Zelda must still be missing” which implies Link does still live there and that he’s literally always with Zelda (which we been knew)
Remember that while the side quest for the house was optional, it would have been torn down if Link didn’t buy it. It’s still there. So it’s safe to assume that canonically, Link did the majority if not all the side quests in botw.
Like fuck this I’m so fucking upset Link spent years by Zelda’s side, is referred to as an ADULT, and now they’re separated AGAIN. I’m. Im fucking emotional. This is everything I wanted from the sequel which is a pretty clear indication that zelink are together like what the fuck Nintendo. What the fuck.
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vento-di-fata · 2 years ago
Yona: This is my darling husband, Sidon
Sidon: :3
Yona: and this is mine and Sidon's dearest boyfriend, Link
Link: :D
Yona: ^w^
Sidon has two hands for a reason
And he would be appalled at the blatant disrespect people are showing Yona
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fangirlingpuggle · 2 years ago
Dumb idea with TOTK and sidlink/Sidlinkona where Poly relationships are super common with the Zora and Link doesn’t realise that Sidon already proposed to him and they’ve technically been engaged since around BOTW, and Yona is Sidon’s fiancée but Link is Sidon’s intended.
Everyone in the Zora domain think Link already knows this, they don’t realise he doesn’t have all his memoires back still. Zelda knows but she thought Link must know after all how can he get engaged and not know… plus she’d seen him and Sidon interact.
Yona is super excited meeting Link and ok may have fallen a bit for him just from all the letters Sidon sent her and everything he’s said since she arrived, she realty wanted to send letters to him before but wasn’t sure if that was proper protocol or not.
Link has zero fucking idea what’s going on, it’s only at the wedding that he actually realises what’s happening.
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animepopheart · 1 year ago
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★ 【ALZi米 // X】 「 向阳草 · ヒダマリ草 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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leaperfr0g · 28 days ago
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Febuwhump Day 28, Recovery
Master list (Click for better quality)
[My appreciation to the Febuwhump team and others below!vv]
Side Note,
More light hearted than others but still darker in theme since it shows the aftermath of TotK. I still stand by my opinion that Link should be an amputee!
HOLY SHIT I DID IT!!!! I DIDN'T THINK I'D ACTUALLY BE ABLE TO MAKE IT THROUGH ALL 28 DAYS BUT I DID!! SO FREAKING PROUD OF MYSELF RN!!! I'm so happy with how much my style has improved over these 28 days, I've learned alot about my style and I feel like I've improved in parts of art I have otherwise been lacking in or struggling. Thanks for sticking with me this past month you all are the best!! Thank you to the whole @febuwhump team for making this challenge possible, you all are incredible! And thanks to all the ones who liked and reblogged my art, and to the crazy one who decided to follow me! I definitely don't deserve it lol, my art ain't that good so thanks for atleast seeing something in me!
Welp I'm going to crash in bed now because GOD am I tired of art rn, gonna take a few days break and come back for the BotW anniversary! Thanks again!
- LeaperFr0g
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demiboydemon · 2 years ago
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Everyone is so horny for Ganondorf and while I personally am not into him, I respect you bastards so much
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exploring-in-space · 2 years ago
Has this been done yet?
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cinnaminstar · 2 years ago
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All my thoughts have been replaced with Zelda, so please take this art I made
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lithi · 2 years ago
I am. In love
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Sometimes it’s fun to remember that Link is lowkey a cocky little shit whenever it comes to the Yiga Clan.
He shows a Yiga Blademaster the Purah Pad to do the examination. They mark the spots where the little frog statues are.
He can stroll in WITH the master sword.
Sheikah tech, ancient blade known to be wielded by Link, one hand not gloved, his blonde hair stickin out, a Zonai Battery Pack attached to his hip… I CANNOT with him.
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winged-fool · 2 years ago
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First Nintendo is like oh Sidon has a fiance then they make the most romantic scene I've ever seen between Sidon and Link. They really need to stop confusing us
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fangirlingpuggle · 2 years ago
Dumb Sidlinkona idea, where Yona and Sidon knew each other when they were young and both had puppy love/hero crushes on Link back then.
Sidon:When i’m older i’m gonna marry him
Yona:No way I’m going to marry him
Muzu:You two are marrying each other not him
*Both Yona and Sidon burst out crying*
Then Link comes back and suddenly Yona is getting letters from Sidon that are basically Sidon writing about how amazing Link is. Yona’s response ‘Oh game on motherfucker’ and visits Sidon’s domain and starts hanging out with Link.
It’s a game of tug of war with both Zora royalty trying to get time with Link... it’s only when people start talking officially about their marriage that they finally declare a truce and decide to both marry him.
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spacestarberry · 2 years ago
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"when all of this is over, will you come to wake me up?"
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leaperfr0g · 1 month ago
TotK spoilers⚠️⚠️
Quick opinion, I really think that Nintendo shouldn't have given Link his arm back at the end of TotK.
I think it should have remained gone with Rauru's arm being sacrificed to bring Zelda back, with the arm gone it would help to convey the end of a long journey. It would mean he would have to put down a sword and hero life, he could finally rest and just enjoy life without needing to worry about saving Hyrule again.
Aonuma said in an interveiw that TotK is going to be the last game for that Zelda era, there was so much story left over that he wanted to try and do so that is why we had TotK! There will be no DLC packs or future games in the BotW/TotK era, and honestly I'm glad about. I do wish we could have more but the more we add the harder it would be to make fresh stories, and to have new unique abilities. We should let them rest and allow their stories to be unique and special to themselves and focus on future Zelda games with there own new stories and items/abilities.
Thanks for coming to my Ted talk Ig, I stand by my opinion that Link should be an amputee and I'm happy with the BotW/TotK games how they are. I really don't want them to turn into content/money makers to the point where they aren't good anymore.
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thefatedmeeting · 2 years ago
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absolute birth of the forever changed unchanging form
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