My Mind is Queerer Now
253 posts
This blog is evidence that I have a very hard time with self-restraint. Musical shenanigans happen here. Mostly JCS, Hair, and Godspell. a_trick_or_two_with_lepers on ao3 👀 She/her | 20
Last active 2 hours ago
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a-trick-or-two-with-lepers · 2 months ago
judas from jesus christ superstar
Today, Jesus is holding:
Judas from Jesus Christ Superstar
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a-trick-or-two-with-lepers · 3 months ago
A hear me out but it's the entire Godspell cast. You don't understand, they are the cutest clowns.
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a-trick-or-two-with-lepers · 3 months ago
no listen the most upsetting thing about the JCS movie is that people don't appreciate Caiaphas enough, objectively one of the hottest people in the movie but i barely see any posts about him come on i need content
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a-trick-or-two-with-lepers · 5 months ago
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claude eats the Forever Weed
based on this
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a-trick-or-two-with-lepers · 8 months ago
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my friend once requested i draw tim rice and jesus making out
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a-trick-or-two-with-lepers · 8 months ago
i fucking love jesus christ superstar
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a-trick-or-two-with-lepers · 8 months ago
worst part of being a jesus christ superstar fan is that when you mention its your favourite musical people who aren't familiar will be like 'oh haha are you a jesus fan... is jesus your blorbo' and its like no!! absolutely not!! my blorbo is very obviously Judas Iscariot ):<
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a-trick-or-two-with-lepers · 9 months ago
✨ challenge: make a poll with five of your all time favourite characters, and then tag five people to do the same, and see which character is everyone's favourite ✨
Thanks for the tag, @answermywearyquery ! This is gonna be a TOUGH one, cause I normally focus on bigger stories rather than individual characters 😰 but I'll give it a shot :D
So which pathetic baby man is your favorite?
(There are no women because all the women are my favorite, and that's too many to list).
I'll tag @solarflicker, @formerdino, @sleepysongbirdsings, @is-it-mungojerry-or-rumpelteazer, and @shamedumpster !
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a-trick-or-two-with-lepers · 9 months ago
Me when I post on ao3 for the first time all year 😃
(It's IWTV).
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a-trick-or-two-with-lepers · 10 months ago
has anyone ever made a JCS iceberg?
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a-trick-or-two-with-lepers · 11 months ago
No fr, if Jacob doesn't get an Emmy I will RIOT
*vibrating at a concerning frequency* Hi, hey, hi! Have you seen the IWTV premier? Did you like it? 👀 I've just seen it. Losing my mind.
*vibrating at a similar frequency* YES! oh my goodness gracious. I cannot believe I have to wait another week for the next episode! Louis' speech at the end? When I tell you I CRIED. And I almost never cry at these things!! I'm forcing my friend to watch season 1 with me so I can have a reason to re-watch season 1 for a third time.
But yeah, in conclusion, this show owns my entire ass and ummm yeah I don't know how I'm going to control myself until the next episode! Haha!
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a-trick-or-two-with-lepers · 11 months ago
*vibrating at a concerning frequency* Hi, hey, hi! Have you seen the IWTV premier? Did you like it? 👀 I've just seen it. Losing my mind.
*vibrating at a similar frequency* YES! oh my goodness gracious. I cannot believe I have to wait another week for the next episode! Louis' speech at the end? When I tell you I CRIED. And I almost never cry at these things!! I'm forcing my friend to watch season 1 with me so I can have a reason to re-watch season 1 for a third time.
But yeah, in conclusion, this show owns my entire ass and ummm yeah I don't know how I'm going to control myself until the next episode! Haha!
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a-trick-or-two-with-lepers · 11 months ago
over the past month i've been working on a miku cover of gethsemane! it's my first time working with anything audio-related and i'm really proud of it
original idea by a post from @oof-i-did-it-agaaiiin (thank you!)
i also want to credit Charles Alexander Hay for the MIDI file arrangement and to Robb Anagnostis for compiling that along with many other jcs music resources (check it out: http://www.dosguys.com/JCS/MIDI-index.htm)
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a-trick-or-two-with-lepers · 11 months ago
me listening to the same songs on repeat (but in different versions!):
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Catch up meme ✨️
Thanks so much for the tag @answermywearyquery ! It was such a pleasure to see your username in my notifications- I've been away from tumblr for far too long.
Rules: answer the following questions and tag 9 people you want to get to know better and/or catch up with!
Favorite color: I like a nice maroon, and almost any shade of brown
Last album: I listened to Hadestown, finally! I liked it a lot, especially "Why We Build The Wall." Amazing songwriting.
Last movie: Well, you'll never believe this... Jesus Christ Superstar (1973). Yes yes peep the profile pic. Going on one full year of hyperfixation now 😀 I was showing it to a friend though, I promise!
Currently reading: I don't read books for fun anymore 😭 just reading a lot for my creative writing class, and in terms of fanfic, that can be answered by the next question...
Currently craving: (Don't say Louis don't say Lestat don't say Armand) uhhhh sleep!
Coffee or tea: loooove making coffee, hate drinking it! And tea, eh, I don't drink it a lot. I'm more of a water gal
I'm tagging: @colemckenzies , @pinball-glizzy , @phonexmelody , @formerdino , @nintendo64alexg , @delishen , @raskti , @is-it-mungojerry-or-rumpelteazer , @shamedumpster
As to why I've been MIA for a bit- I'm in college now, and life is busy! My hyperfixations have been flip flopping around a lot with all this new stimulus, and they're hard to put too much focus on. But just know I'm still here! And I still love this community 🥰
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Jesus Christ Superstar: Ultimate Edition
this easter It Is Time. using my years of fixation and research i present to you The Best Version of every song from jesus christ superstar, plus commentary. obviously subjective opinion so do feel free to discourse in the tags bc as you may have picked up i enjoy talking about the relative merits of jcs productions. also i might not even stand by this in a week bc i find it hard to keep multiple versions in my head at the same time for comparison and there are so so many versions.
please note that acting, vocal quality, music direction, and where available staging have all been taken into account. split into two acts bc of link restrictions.
heaven on their minds - 2012 broadway revival
obviously in terms of pure vocals carl anderson is unbeatable forever, but the staging of the 2012 broadway revival pips it for me. josh young's voice is still gorgeous and the judas/jesus/mary throuple is everything. i love versions where hotm is sung directly To jesus, and i love that in this version jesus actually listen and takes judas' concerns on board. the love and respect between all three of them is palpable and even though it is a serious disagreement, part of that disagreement comes from the fact that they care about each other so much. that's tragedy baby!
special mention to henrike tönnes on the 2022 rob carroll version, i specifically like the Ending of the song for that one. also the sarcastic clap along w the disciples that judas does in the 2013 hungary version.
what's the buzz/ strange thing mystifying - 2018 tv event
annoyingly this isn't on youtube but tbh the staging is nothing mindblowing. i think what's the buzz is a great song for showcasing the usp of each version and in this one i think being able to hear the real crowd actually cheering for jesus (john legend) really adds to the narrative. i also absolutely love brandon victor dixon and as i have said before he would be one of my favourite judases if judas were straight. sara bareilles does a great 'offended' face when he bitches about her lmao.
honourable mention to the 2012 uk arena tour for again showing off the conceit of 'modern day activists' really well in this song, not forgetting of course WOTS THE BUZZ #buzz tweet
then we are decided - 2013 hungary
(starts at about 9:49) obviously not a huge amount of competition for this one, i wish more versions included it bc it's a great song :( anyway i loveee the staging choice to have everyone else freeze-framed on stage with the priests walking among them, and i freaking love this caiaphas. literally inserting it into what's the buzz also works nicely
i do miss kurt yaghjian from the 1973 film tho, forever obsessed with his voice and facial expressions. extra shout out to the striving artists version for simply existing.
everything's alright - 2006 austria
something about the musical direction in 90% of versions of this song goes right through me, like there is always some weird instrument that makes me Cringe. but this version is Nice :) really enjoy how Pissed this judas is. and i love the way the long notes last into the next section of the song. i will say i prefer the alt melody for 'people who are hungry' but you can't have everything
this is a really nice one on the all-female cast recording as well, obviously it's already the most female-heavy song of the show but shoshana bean's judas is particularly good here i think. also of course carl anderson with tears in his eyes grasping ted neely's hands while the music swells is ingrained on my brain for all time.
this jesus must die - 1994 studio cast
this album as a whole is probably my Least Favourite JCS Ever, but i will admit that this song fucks. the haunting eeriness at the beginning. the way it kicks into a funky little syncopated rhythm. the disembodied hosannas. unexpected delight.
2012 uk arena tour is unfortunately disqualified for having possibly the Most antisemitic portrayal of the priests, which is a shame because it's probably my favourite casting. one of my favourite annas portrayals, but in general all of them are distinct and fully embodied which does make that version very fun to watch. i also really enjoy the 2019 castaway productions version for this song, the way they play instruments while they sing like a lil band, and caiaphas' eye make-up is sick. 1973 film is obviously also iconic with the little scaffolding tippy taps, and the way kurt yaghjian sings 'a trick-or-two with lepers'. i love this song sorry.
hosanna - 2017 striving artists
i kind of don't have justification for this one LOL i just like it. i know there are versions that are sung better and really the staging is quite important for this song but idk i just find this version really calming. i don't know if it's the music direction? i don't know enough about music tbh
admittedly this is another one that works really well for the 2018 tv event, but doesn't quite win for me as the crowd don't cheer in all the right places and john legend doesn't react at all to the 'would you DIE for me?' line which is crucial. for good reaction to that line the 2000 film where it elevates the bitchy gay tension in the love triangle really nails it.
simon zealotes - 2011 austria
EASYYY WIN FOR ME this is actually the song that made me want to pick a best version for each one because this version IS so much better than any other one for me. the guitar!!!!!! rob's energy!! the music design for this one really fucks so severely and then there's just rob jumping around hyping up the crowd (there is a film version from 2008 on youtube, but i wanted to capture the music for this one). iconic.
big love also to hungary 2013 for having a simon who's in a wheelchair, particularly notable when it's really the highest energy role in the show. i do enjoy.
poor jerusalem - 2022 rob carroll
i cannot find any information about this album other than what's on spotify but i do enjoy the slight alt melodies in this version and i like his voice.
not a lot to go into for this song really. i like the ben forster version a lot as well, and the 1996 london cast version. 'close your eyes' is a better lyric than 'live a lie'. moving on.
pilate's dream - 2022 all-female cast
may be biased bc I LOVE ORFEH but i just think this version is so gorgeous. i love the little vocal drifts without going too overboard and distracting from the song. the music composition is especially pleasing as well.
there's a lot of honourable mentions i could give here bc i think pilate has so much potential for power and gravitas, but 1973 film, 2012 uk arena tour, 2013 hungary, and east end theatrical ensemble. are also big favs. in terms of staging i love the fact that 2019 castaway productions has jesus himself on stage playing the backing piano like he actually is haunting pilate.
the temple - 1992 australia
australia 1992 habitually has some of the most interesting and creative music direction and this is one of the songs where it particularly pays off. love the whistles. i also like that the second 'get out' is spoken, not screamed. the second half is appropriately creepy with the sustained 'chriiiist'. pretty boring staging but at least the costumes are fun.
i don't know how to love him - east end theatrical ensemble
possibly controversial choice but ugh i love this version i even love how low the sound quality is. like listening to a vinyl. i think her voice is so gorgeous and i love her accent. deeply soothing to listen to. i feel like im in the 70s rn.
i'm also a huge fan of the 1996 london cast recording, joanna ampil has such a sweet voice and the way she emotes so that you can really Hear it works well for this song. special shout out to 2012 uk arena tour which i don't think is a particularly amazing version but we get the absolute gunshow from mel c at the end so we love it.
damned for all time/blood money - 1973 film
CARL!! I feel like 1973 film and 1996 london album are at a disadvantage in this bc they're what i grew up with so i kind of take them for granted but this is undeniably iconic. no one can commit to the tortured soul but belief he's doing the right thing like him. the way he can scream but it still sounds Good. i prefer versions that have annas suggest 'a fee' rather than caiaphas just repeating himself so that's here too. the weird keening way he sings 'on thursday night'. annas dropping the coins just as he reaches for them. UGH so good. a lot less brassy than other versions as well.
this is another song that kinda fucks in every version, but the original 1970 album and the 2018 tv event are particularly good i think. also that one bit in 2012 uk arena tour where annas is like '...... get up off the floor.'
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A fee, nothing more.
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