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There’s nothing quite like laying in the sun with a good book. Don’t forget your shades and sunscreen! 
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Cricket has finally returned from her two-week camp in the woods! She packed a bag of coffee, snacks, books, and a handmade tent and left for her yearly spring trip to gather medicinal plants. She had a lot of adventures while away, including almost being eaten by a coyote, treasure hunting with a family of raccoons, and a lovely tea party with an elderly brown rabbit. While she loves a good adventure, Cricket is happy to be home again with her human.
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I told Cricket that this coffee was way too big for her but she insisted...
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It’s officially spring! Cricket is eager for warmer weather and new plant life. As a healer and herbologist, the rebirth of plants each spring intrigues and fascinates her. She can’t wait to start seeing new life in the woods so that she can restock her medicinal plant supply. Until then, she has chosen to perch next to some beautiful faux flowers on the mantel.
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When the human child is at Pre-K, Cricket likes to explore the mysterious and alluring Tower of Toys!
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While exploring the tower today, she was suddenly surrounded!
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Cricket had never encountered such ferocious beasts before! “Maybe they like books?”, she wondered.
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It appears that dinosaurs do like books! Cricket tamed the wild creatures by reading them a book about dinosaurs (clever mandrake).
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Cricket’s twin is in The Beast Peddler’s @itsthebeastpeddler Etsy shop! Ok, so he isn’t really her twin but they were harvested from the same root garden and he looks so much like Cricket! She is imploring someone to adopt this newly harvested mandrake! Cricket says, “Please?”
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It’s too cold to go outside and look for plants today so Cricket decided to borrow her human’s computer! She is always excited to see new blog posts from her friends! @rootedincuteness
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“Onward noble steed!”, whispered Cricket (she always speaks in a whisper). Cricket has a fascination with this majestic house-panther and has asked that she accompany her to the woods tomorrow to search for healing plants!
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Cricket has been reading The Hobbit over her human’s shoulder and it has inspired her to go on an adventure today! We are having unusually warm weather so she has packed a bag and is traveling through the woods in search of healing plants. Safe travels Cricket!
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Sometimes you just need to snuggle with your human ❤️
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Wingardium Leviosa!
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Beautiful morning to you! May your spirits be lifted today Wingardium Leviosa-style! Cricket has decided to spend her day rereading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. She is an enormous fan, you see. Hopefully she doesn’t use that floo powder to travel anywhere dangerous...we do have a fireplace (uh oh)!
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Cricket keeps a close eye on the @itsthebeastpeddler adoption page on Etsy. It makes her happy to see her fellow familiars find loving homes. Today she noticed that this white snake is hanging out in the shop all by himself! Cricket says, “He is lonely! Someone give this snake a home!” She is now busy writing a letter to the snake so that he won’t feel quite so lonely until he finds his human companion.
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Cricket says, “Eeeeeek! It’s so chilly outside!” She was harvested this winter by The Beast Peddler so she is quite accustomed to frigid weather. The snow, however, is an entirely new experience! She enjoyed making snow angels, which looked like potato-shaped indents in the snow because her arms are so short!
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Cricket quickly grew cold and came inside to warm herself up. She borrowed her human’s headband and snugly wrapped herself in it.
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The rest of the day will be spent relaxing inside and snuggling the majestic feline creature that Cricket’s human calls “Marsali”.
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Cricket is a strong advocate for mental well-being and wants to remind everyone to take time out each day to relax. Since being adopted, Cricket has noticed that humans are often in a frenzy and don’t take enough time to enjoy being alive. Get a cup of coffee or tea, read a book, and enjoy the inner-quiet!
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A bright and beautiful Sunday morning to you! Cricket’s favorite thing to do on weekend mornings is snuggle up in a warm blanket and drink English breakfast tea!
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I briefly left Cricket alone in the bedroom while I went to get some water. While I was away, curiosity got the best of her and she discovered a long, black device with strange buttons. She is a clever little root because she managed to successfully turn on Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. Needless to say, she is transfixed!
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Cricket has arrived! She is a very shy mandrake root that was dug up from the root garden for me by @itsthebeastpeddler. She was a bit dizzy from her journey with USPS and kept falling over on the carpet for the first half-hour or so. However, Cricket whispered in my ear that the shipping box was actually quite cozy. She had packed plenty of books and a small lantern so that she could read along the way. Welcome home, Cricket!
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