#only friends additional info
lurkingteapot · 1 year
when we wonder how political shows wíll get, folks tend to think along the lines of, like, are they gonna tackle freedom of the press? defamation laws? equal marriage? corruption? gender equality? and then here's only friends ep 1, and Cheuam comes in with this absolutely sick burn--
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pm 2.5? yeah, air pollution, it was really bad this year, people sued the then-PM over it.
covid? We know. We know. (killed ~35000 people in Thailand directly according to WHO stats and ruined millions of lives because of the economic dip due to the tourism slump, and fuck knows how many more severely impaired by long covid or other covid-related issues)
But radioactive cesium?? surely … oh.
have some international headlines:
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nyt - bloomberg - abc.net.au - cnn.com
and here's the whole sordid saga in Bangkok Post Headlines
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Radioactive caesium missing from power plant (2023-03-14) Missing radioactive tube sparks concern (2023-03-15) Search yields no sign of radioactive hazard tube (2023-03-16) No tube in truck, guard tells cops (2023-03-19) Steel melting plant closed, hazardous isotope detected (2023-03-20) Caesium-contaminated factory dust now safely contained (2023-03-20) Toxic dust contained at steel plant (2023-03-21) Caesium concerns remain, says Greenpeace (2023-03-21) Prayut says no risk from furnace dust (2023-03-22) Radiation 'poses no threat' to local food produce (2023-03-23) Prachin Buri people demand probe into caesium disappearance (2023-03-23) Sick kids prompt 'urgent' tube probe (2023-03-25) Locals urge action over caesium saga (2023-03-28) Lack of plan for radioactive dust worries experts (2023-04-05)
so I think if we want to speculate just how political Jojo's gonna get with this? the answer is "yes, and"
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dreamedofyou · 1 year
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hii, i saw you post on floral demons and tried to research further but found it hard to get anything thats not fandom/video game related... do you have any good sources i could look at? maybe on connecting with them, the different types of floral demons, etc- floral demons seem pretty good for what im looking for in a spirit companion, but id like to look into it more before i just jump into it. absolutely no pressure ofc, but id really appreciate it!!
Floral demons are a species I organically ran into in the astral so the only resources I have for you is the post I made. I only used that gif from Hell's Paradise because the Tensen had a similar vibe to those spirits. I only ever add any additional resources like mythology and shows/books when they are available here in the physical like in my selkies, kitsune and banshee posts.
Sorry OTL that's why I put the disclaimer at the beginning of the floral demon post that said "Unlike my previous posts, this is all based on my own UPG and not a post that’s divided into known lore surrounding the species and then my personal experience working with them."
If you're newer to spirit work and companionship, I suggest starting with dandelion and daisy demons and I think crocus demons as well, but I really lean towards dandelion and daisy demons. They're very chill and don't have as much of a negative reputation as the floral demons that garnered their negative reputation to start with. I would put clover demons under this category as well.
Cherry blossom demons are also good but I will also say that they can be a bit private so they can be a bit hard to run into. I only met some cherry blossom demons after a crocus demon friend I made introduced me to some.
Rose demons are a bit in the middle - you'll find it hard running into black rose demons organically, I have only ever met 3 (and that's because of their social status as being more delegated to body guards and such) so giving the heads up there as well!
Again like I said in my info post, I would stay completely clear of lotuses, camellias and irises until you're very experienced with interacting with floral demons and used to their energy.
And if you go to areas with a high populaion of floral demons, I would stay in public locations. Think the library (really beautiful btw) or the schools, which are open to the public for tours.
I hope this additional info can help you out, anon!
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astererer · 9 months
5, 9, 11, 28, 33, 34, 48, and 56 for Cleo and Kaz? (I love them i need more of them)
Ask meme here
under the cut for length!!
5. Can they cry on command? If so, what do they think about to make it happen?
Yes she can!! She only cries on command for two reasons:
She finds anyone that isn’t a very feminine and cute girl super unattractive from a dating standpoint, to the point that if someone she isn’t attracted to tries flirting with her she will intentionally make a scene to either make herself as unappealing as possible or make them look like they’ve done something wrong. Is this incredibly shallow and unpleasant of her? Yeah. Does she care? No. She knows exactly what she’s doing. it’s a defence mechanism for her.
On rare occasions if a customer is being particularly rude at her barista job and she can’t be bothered with being professional. If she’s tired and someone starts having a go at her for being “too slow” at making their order with like 5 alterations to it she will turn on the water works and pretend to be a new hire to make them feel bad. Does not do this with regulars for obvious reasons. Her manager doesn’t care and actively plays into it sometimes because she thinks it’s funny.
Doesn’t have one specific thought, instead pulls up various bad memories so she doesn’t get too used to the same thing being used too often. Was bullied a lot in elementary school, so has a lot of options to choose from.
No. Doesn’t like crying in general because to him it shows weakness. If he ever cries it is genuine but private.
9. Do they give tough love or gentle love most often? Which do they prefer to receive?
Prefers to give and receive gentle love. She doesn’t like tough love because teasing and what others may consider playful insults among friends remind her too much of the bullying she’s experienced. Just wants to be cuddled and doted on and would like to do the same for her favourite people in turn.
Gives tough love to most people he cares for with a few exceptions and is used to receiving it in turn, but won’t turn down gentle love from the right person. Kind of craves the softness but at the same time it makes him sort of uncomfortable because he’s just not used to it. Gets kind of freaked out if anyone other than Aster, Cleo or @peachsodama ‘s Pecha are soft/gentle with him, and all three of them had to work over varying periods of time to get to where they are with him in their respective relationships.
11. If someone was impersonating them, what would friends / family ask or do to tell the difference?
Put a friendly and cute ghost type like a pumpkaboo next to her. If it’s the real Cleo she will probably have a panic attack before passing out from fright, due to having an extremely intense fear of ghost types. An impersonator would likely not react anywhere near Cleo’s level, or if they tried to it would be pretty obviously exaggerated.
Get the impersonator to play guitar. Kaz is a skilled guitarist and has his own unique playing style + alternative tuning preferences. If anyone else was just handed one of his guitars and expected to play something they would likely assume the instrument was out of tune and start messing with the strings, a dead giveaway for not being who they claim to be.
28. What do they tell people they want? What do they actually want?
Tells people she just wants to have a good time. To have an easy and uncomplicated life with nothing to worry about and plenty of time to spend partying with her friends. A cute girlfriend would also be nice.
Deep down she wants her DJ side gig to take off and be taken seriously within the world of electronic music, but kind of knows she’s dug her own hole with her internet presence as pokétwitter’s most annoying Klara stan. She wants fame and success but the risk of being tarred by her own actions makes her hesitant to fully commit beyond playing sets at friends’ parties and local shows.
Tells people he wants the band to take off and to be able to make an actual living off it. He wants the fame and attention and the travel. He wants to perform to crowds of thousands. He likes to think he would give everything he has to achieve this.
What he really wants is truly unconditional love. The sort a parent is meant to give except his never did. Doesn’t know how to ask for it anyway and finds it kind of embarrassing.
33. How do they greet someone they dislike / hate?
Actively avoids people she dislikes if she can. If avoidance is impossible she’ll blank them or make it abundantly clear she finds the other person’s presence repulsive. Pulls a face like she’s smelt something rancid and says something along the lines of “oh….. it’s you” 😒 before walking off.
With a precision aimed insult designed specifically to provoke the other person into trying to hit him. Then he has an excuse to hit back. Actively looks for fights he can start with people he hates.
34. How do they greet someone they like / love?
Hugs and kisses on the cheeks for her besties!! If she has a girlfriend they will be greeted with more kisses and getting spun around or picked up if Cleo is strong enough to lift them. Otherwise she will jump for them to catch her instead. Always very excited to see the people she likes spending time with. Will tone down on the kisses though if a friend finds that too much.
Playful insults (e.g. Romy frequently gets a “what’s up, cumslut?”) or just a casual wave of the hand with a lopsided grin. Plays it cool. Cleo gets scooped up in a hug though without any insults because she is Much More Sensitive than his other friends. Usually he wouldn’t make such an exception but she is like the little sister that he never had.
If he’s dating someone he will greet them by kissing them with tongue and maybe grabbing their ass.
48. Who would they say ‘yes’ to if invited to do something they abhorred / strongly didn’t want to do?
If she has a girlfriend she will say yes to anything she asks of her. Even if that meant going to an opera or through a haunted house or going/doing anything else she finds boring or scary. Cleo would watch paint dry if the girl she’s dating asked her to. A simp through and through.
Heidi can ask Kaz to go or do anything and he will likely say yes. He craves their validation and will put up with stuff he finds incredibly boring and tedious if it means they’ll approve.
Will also do things for Aster even if he’d probably hate it because he loves her. She doesn’t demand much and when she does invite or ask him to do/go somewhere she knows he wouldn’t like, she makes sure to make it up to him later.
56. If they’re scared, who do they want comfort from? Does this answer change depending on the type of fear?
Runs home crying to her parents every time. Still pretty attached to her parents and seeks them out for comfort 9 times out of 10. They kind of baby Cleo, to the exasperation of her sister. If they can’t tend to her she will go to her girlfriend (if she has one) or Kaz if he’s not busy. Otherwise she will just cuddle one of her pokemon until the fear passes.
Tries to deal with his fear on his own, and doesn’t like showing it to other people. If he can’t deal on he own, Kaz will go to Heidi, Aster or Romy but won’t outright look for comfort. Instead he will act antsier than usual and refuse to talk about whatever’s bothering him unless it’s painstakingly coaxed out. If they’re all busy he doesn’t really know where to go. Tries to distract himself by grooming his pokemon if that’s something he can do in the moment.
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no0dlru · 1 year
Does anyone who uses duolingo wanna be friends? My username is the same as it is here :) I've only got 1 irl friend on there rn lol, I'd appreciate some more mates on there :3
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schoolhater · 1 month
I met this nice girl through my college friend. She's my friend's childhood best friend and I had heard so much about her so I was really excited to finally meet her. The three of us hung out at a stupid school-sponsored event into the late hours of the night, drinking soda and eating pizza and getting to know each other. At the end of it, she entered into a raffle and ended up winning free tickets to Disneyland. We celebrated and parted ways. It was the highlight of that semester.
A few months later, Israel began dropping bombs on her family home. I watched from afar as her entire life fell apart and her family was displaced and killed. Every time I asked how she was doing, she was doing bad.
In Palestine, as in a lot of places in the world, it is shameful to ask for money. A little bit after the war began, I passed a message along to her family offering to help raise funds for their evacuation, but they declined saying that they didn't want pity from anyone. Now it seems like they're running out of options.
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My friend has already lost so much so please spare her the additional indignity of asking for help and not receiving it. I can't imagine how soul crushing it would be to do something you believe to be shameful and for your effort to go to waste.
Their goal is only $5000 and they've already raised ~$820, I don't see why we can't raise the full amount within the next week.
Verified by the fact that this is literally my IRL. DM me if u wanna see her Instagram or other contact info proving she's real. Tumblr is a rather unsafe place for Palestinians so I'd rather not publicize all her personal info but I've been pretty careful with the fundraisers I boost on this blog so I hope you can trust me here.
EDIT 08/24/24:
Thank you all so much for your support. You have no idea what it means to me after so many months of witnessing zionist attacks both online and off, to see so many people come together and commit to helping someone I care about without a single zionist comment. There’s nothing but love here.
My friend reached her goal early this morning and I even saw people encouraging others to keep donating because they realized her family would need more. I am truly moved by this incredible show of compassion from everyone.
As you can imagine, life in Gaza is becoming increasingly more expensive. My friend has raised her goal to $10000 - let’s keep this train going and get her there within a week 🙏
@timetravellingkitty @deathlonging @briarhips @mazzikah @mahoushojoe 
@rhubarbspring @schoolhater @pcktknife @transmutationisms @sawasawako 
@feluka @terroristiraqis @irhabiya @commissions4aid-international @wellwaterhysteria 
@deepspaceboytoy @post-brahminism @junglejim4322 @kibumkim @neechees 
@mangocheesecakes @kyra45-helping-others @marnota @7bitter @tortiefrancis 
@toiletpotato @fromjannah @omegaversereloaded @vague-humanoid @evillesbianvillain
@aristotels @komsomolka @neptunerings @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @heritageposts 
@ot3 @amygdalae @ankle-beez @communistchilchuck @dykesbat 
@watermotif @stuckinapril @violentrevolution @mavigator @lacecap 
@socalgal @chilewithcarnage @ghelgheli @sayruq @northgazaupdates2
@papenathys @slicedblackolives @heliopixels @nimbooz @hiveswap 
@irhabiya @feluka @anneemay @tumkaafiho @fleshdyk3 
@balaclava-trismegistus @heritageposts @ripley-stark @paandaan 
@itsfookingloosah @rooh-afza @shesnake @akajustmerry @himejoshikaeya
@rainbowsnowflake @saint-oleander @f4rfields @cassandragemini
@fitzfunnymoments @skunkes @asharestupid @jonpertwee
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2boot · 10 months
Today let’s play
Guess the show based on my sister’s description!!!
Please keep in mind my husband guessed this in one.
It has a guy like Will Farrell but it’s not Will Farrell. I think he has a moustache
It’s a comedy and I thought it was a movie but it’s a show.
My friend’s mom was watching it that one time
I think it’s about fire or speed or something
Good Luck!
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fromevertonow · 10 months
Suzanne Collins is one of the few contemporary writers who realizes the importance of names in her stories and the significance they bear. They add so many layers to the story, additional meanings that otherwise would not have existed.
The original trilogy:
Katniss: named after a plant of which you can eat the roots. Her father taught her where to find it and told her that “as long as you can find yourself, you’ll survive” (quote may be a little bit off, but it’s from one of the early chapters in THG). Additionally, the leaves are in the shape of an arrowhead, referencing her skills with the bow which her father also taught her how to use.
Peeta: literally bread lmao. But bread is one of the basic nutritions humans need, a little bit goes a long way to keep you alive. Peeta’s presence in Katniss’s life also kept her alive, literally and figuratively—the burned bread he threw her in the flashback and their complicated relationship.
Primrose: a plant with medicinal purposes, even more significant in light of her work as a medic in Mockingjay.
Gale: literally means “strong wind” and considering that in every encounter with Katniss he’s caused some reaction, he pulls her into directions she maybe initially doesn’t want to go in. Additionally, his name also represents his determination and steadfastness in his beliefs.
Lucy Gray: named after William Wordsworth’s poem “Lucy Gray” which is about the titular character of the poem who got lost during a blizzard. She literally got lost in snow. Rachel Zegler sang this poem in two parts on the original soundtrack of the movie. When Snow asked who the girl in the song is, Lucy answers that she’s a mystery, just like her.
Snow: aside from the obvious snow references, I think his name is most significant in relation to Lucy and the poem. The only one who knows what caused her disappearance is Snow. He is the reason that Lucy is gone. But her traces in the snow are still visible. He will always remember her because the memory of Lucy has manifested itself in every part of his life.
Coriolanus: named after the Roman general (and also the titular character of Shakespeare’s play), Coriolanus wanted to attack Rome and become its ruler. He was scorned and celebrated by the people, only to be later exiled from the city by them. In TBOSAS, Coriolanus is the star pupil at the Capitol’s academy but sent into exile to the districts after he won the Games with Lucy through cheating.
Volumnia: Coriolanus mother who played a part in his ascent to power. In TBOSAS, she almost serves like a mentor to Coriolanus, teaching him how to think in terms of power.
(Edit) Sejanus: a roman soldier who was betrayed by the roman emperor Tiberius, just like the future president betrayed him.
(Edit) Plinth: got this info from here, but it was too good not to include here. A plinth is a base for a statue or vase to stand on. After Sejanus’s death, all of the Plinth fortune was given to Snow for being such a good to friend him. It was this money that skyrocketed the Snow family from poverty to filthy rich. The Plinth money was the foundation upon which Snow built his power.
There are so many other names that have historical (mostly Roman and Greek) connotations—Plutarch, Seneca, Cinna—but also regular names like Trinket and Beetee bear meanings that represent the character beautifully.
Names are important. For any lover of literature or (aspiring) writers, please look closely at them. They can shape your story into something unique.
Feel free to correct me if I’ve said something wrong. I know there are many names missing, but I can only add so many examples ✊🏻😔
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pomefioredove · 26 days
Hello! I was wondering if you could do the Dormleaders' reactions to Yuu who, given that they're from another world, is immune to any and all magic spells.
Example: Riddle's 'Off With Your Head' doesn't make a collar on their neck, 'King's Roar' doesn't affect them at all, 'It's A Deal' doesn't take anything from Yuu and acts like any ordinary contract, etc.
However, this means any healing spells has no effect, forcing Yuu to heal on their own.
Thank you for reading this!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ magic immune reader
type of post: headcanons characters: riddle, leona, azul, kalim, vil, idia, malleus additional info: romantic or platonic, reader is gender neutral, reader is yuu
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out of all the dorm leaders, Riddle would be the most annoyed
...not that 'Off With Your Head' would've done much, anyway
you have no magic to take away
but... it's the meaning!
it's symbolic!
even a plain old collar would be punishment enough
but he can't even do that!
hopefully, you're not the type to misbehave, so he won't have to worry about it
if you are...
...expect to spend a lot of your week trimming the hedges around Heartslabyul as punishment
Leona doesn't even know until his overblot
until after his overblot
everyone keeps going on about how lucky you are
(personally, he doesn't see what's so great about being magic-repellent, but sure)
he's... glad you're okay
not that he'd ever admit that...
just don't let it get to your head, alright?
being immune to magic means both bad and good spells
and he's not going to be sanding you again anytime soon
Azul is PISSSSSED lmao
all that work he's put into his latest business venture
and for what??
you're not even BOUND by his contracts!
he has a hard time saying goodbye to Ramshackle...
what a nice cafe it would have made...
but, still
there's got to be some way he can use this to his advantage
he's an adaptable man
and he's always looking for a new assistant
Kalim is only a little disappointed
first, you can't even cast a spell
now you can't have any cast on you?
you're missing out on all his great party tricks!!!
but... oh, well
he thinks of it as an adventure, or a fun challenge
magicless parties sound kinda cool, right?
and Jamil says it's probably for the better, and Kalim trusts his judgment
(...for now, at least, cough cough)
not counting the... VDC incident, Vil doesn't care
unlike your annoying friends, he has no reason to curse you
and he can certainly think of many magicless punishments should you ever misbehave
so, no
not really something that crosses his mind
even when you're unwell (because, of course, he's the first to tend to you), he prefers using natural remedies before magical ones
to him, it's just another piece of the strange puzzle that is you
honestly what is Idia going to do
open the gates of hell on you?
even boring spells would be too much effort for a guy like him
he does find you kinda interesting, though
I mean, being immune to magic in this place is a total buff!
imagine a group of NPCs firing magic at you, and you're like, wham! whew! zoooom!
...in his own words, anyway
(it's not actually that cool)
where do I even start?
he's so reliant using magic that he can almost sense there's something different about you right away
one on hand, it's a good thing
he worries about you, you know? the students at this school can get... unruly
on the other hand, knowing that you won't respond to magical healing is... worrying
he tries not to think about it so much
his overblot is a different story, though
if he can't put you to sleep, what can he do? trap you at NRC with him forever?
actually... I take it back, he'd totally do that
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Additional comment from the submitter: ❝my friend who owns a cat says you can’t be a cat owner without getting scratched or bitten by the cat at least once. I don’t think she’s a “bad owner” just because her cat sometimes playfully bites and scratches her, obviously she’s never abused the cat (I strongly believe she loves and has never mistreated her pets), she does give him some discipline but still gets scratched and bitten from time to time (not all the time). So I think it’s just in cats’ nature (cats being cats)? But I’d love to hear other owners’ experiences since I obviously am not a cat expert.❞
This poll was submitted to us and we simply posted it so people could vote and discuss their opinions on the matter. If you’d like for us to ask the internet a question for you, feel free to drop the poll of your choice in our inbox and we’ll post them anonymously (for more info, please check our pinned post).
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haveagarbageday · 21 days
Nobody got you the way I do \\ Lando Norris
summary: When Lando finds out what your friends truly think about him, he starts to wonder why you haven't left him yet.
additional info: This is a blurb, really. Title comes from OneRepublic's song Nobody.
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Some of your friends often wondered why you were sticking around. “It must be tiring,” they said several times when Lando’s struggles with his mental health came up in a conversation. They were reading the posts, saw the interviews, checked the social media buzz around him, so they always knew when there was a reason to bring it up and convince you to break up with him. It was almost a sport for them at this point, which was quite annoying since they were supposed to be on your side.
But you never cared about these comments, you loved him way too much, even on his darker days. He was under a lot of pressure on and off the track, and thanks to his more emotional personality, it was only natural that he wasn’t always in a cheery mood, and there were times when he truly doubted himself. Now that his car was fast and he had pretty good results on every race weekend, he began to overthink everything, terrified that he would make a mistake on the track that could take it all away.
Following the Italian grand prix, your friends were back on their bullshit after seeing the photos McLaren posted, the ones that showed neither Lando nor Oscar were in good spirits despite being on the podium behind Charles. “Gosh, he’s such a sore loser,” one of them noted, a girl you didn’t even remember from before. She was probably a friend of a friend and that’s how she became a part of your group chat. All you knew was that she was usually quiet and decided to stay away from your nights out, so you completely forgot that she existed.
Tired of the pointless fight with them, you put down your phone went to bed, hoping Lando would soon finish his Quadrant meeting and join you before you fell asleep. But he didn’t. You drifted off to sleep without him, and only woke up in the middle of the night when he sat down, causing the bed to shift under his weight. You turned your head to look at him, and you saw him sit there with his back against the headboard, phone in hand as he read something, which made it obvious that he couldn’t sleep again.
“You okay?” you asked him quietly.
Lando glanced down at you with a surprised look. “Yeah, sure,” he replied a little too quickly.
It was a lie, you knew that, but you didn’t say anything, only let out a sigh and closed your eyes again. He reached out to bury his hand into your hair, his thumb absentmindedly stroking your cheek as if he was trying to help you relax and go back to sleep. It almost began to work when he suddenly let out a groan and you heard the clicking sound coming from the phone as he locked the screen.
“When everyone, including your friends, keep telling you to leave me… why do you stay?”
You raised your head from the pillow and gave him a questioning look, but he refused to elaborate. Knowing your family meant he knew they weren’t so happy that you chose to date him, while some F1 fans also enjoyed bullying him online by writing comments about how you looked too nice and normal to date someone like him. But your friends? You had never mentioned those conversations.
After some time he looked at you, and even in the dimly lit room you could see the sadness in his eyes. “I didn’t mean to snoop around, but when I checked the settings of that app on your phone, a notification popped up from your group chat and I read the preview. How long has this been going on? How long have they been trying to convince you to break up with me?”
A small smile appeared on your lips to assure him everything was okay, but he seemed even more troubled than before, so you decided to sit on top of him and lean down to give him a gentle kiss on the lips. “They can talk as much as they want, but I won't leave you, all right?” you said as your fingers traced his cheek. “I love you, this is all that matters to me.”
He gulped as he watched you, struggling to keep his composure, but when you kissed the corner of his mouth, he let out a relieved sigh. “I love you too. I don't want you to ever leave me,” he mumbled as he wrapped his arms around your waist, and leaned forward to bury his face into your chest.
“Lan?” He looked up at you with a questioning hum. “You would have to do something colossally stupid thing to make me leave,” you told him with a laugh.
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yandereunsolved · 2 months
Hello yan, bae its me who gave the isekai reader.
What if instead of isekai reader who is in a panicky state just matched The Cannibal's vibe, matching energy since riders and dragons at the least had some semblance.
Intimidating menace dragon with an equally intimidating, despite being short,menace rider.
Reader: Khan, fetch *pointing at the knight who pissed them off*
Cannibal who responds to the nickname: *roars before chasing the poor guy*
Aegon: you have a dragon that belongs to the house targayen give them back to us
Reader: boy make me
Aegon: I am no boy! I'm the king! And you shall bow before me
Reader: you're a bitch I was trying to be nice
Thank you for the idea. I definitely love it. The Cannibal and reader being feral together is so much fun.
Here's my addition—
All of the Targaryens would immediately see reader as a threat. They would also be interested.
'Who is this man!?' kinda vibe.
Some would become obsessed with them because of the power they hold. Others would see them as a beacon of safety and hope.
The Cannibal loves Helaena because you like her. She's so sweet to you. She shows you all of her bugs and info dumps to you. The Cannibal is just sitting around the both of you. The fierce beast is ready to burn anyone who dares interrupt your time with her.
He also loves Dreamfyre. She's one of few dragons he can stand.
You giving her basic human decency causes her to obsess over you.
Helaena: "What do you want from me?"
Reader "Wot :?"
Helaena: "You're so cold with everyone else. Everyone fears your anger. You're so nice to me."
Reader: "That's because I enjoy spending time with you! I just want to hear your thoughts and have a friend."
Helaena: nose bleeds. "R-Really?" passes out.
Aegon II is jealous. Only because he's attracted to you, but you aren't attracted to him. He's needed a new plaything and you'd be perfect for it! You're so dom. It makes him salivate like a starved dragon.
Aegon II: "Darling—"
Reader: "No."
Every attempt by you is rebuffed. Even Cannibal has distaste for him.
He does what he does best. He threatens you and uses his power to make you bend the knee.
You have one dragon.
He rules seven kingdom and has many more.
Nyra is attracted to your fierceness. She recognizes it in herself. You feel like an escape for her. So naturally she becomes infatuated. She is a queen.
She tries her best to acquaint herself with you. She knows making friends with Cannibal is the biggest test.
Does Cannibal like her? Does he not?
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emilybeemartin · 1 year
Just to tie in my two themes this month----
Additional notes, because poll options apparently limit their characters:
Frodo finds great peace in watching the tides rise and fall throughout each day. He attends all the ranger programs on birds and seashells and fills pages with sketches and poetry.
Sam meticulously selects postcards in the gift shop for each of his friends and spends a whole morning writing and addressing them. He also buys Junior Ranger hats for his kids and a variety of Appalachian jams for Rosie.
Park rangers launch a Missing Person search for Aragorn when they realize his car's been parked at Avalanche Creek for three days. The search runs for almost a week before he comes strolling out the opposite side of the park, supporting one of the SAR techs who twisted an ankle during the search.
Legolas is first drawn to Olympic for the towering, mossy temperate rainforests, but the ground goes out from under him when he steps onto Second Beach for the first time. He spends an entire day watching the light and tides shift on the sea stacks, and he leaves feeling both full and hollow, like a bell that's just been rung.
Mammoth is only Gimli's first stop on a cavern tour, followed by Jewel and Wind Caves and Carlsbad Caverns. Wind Cave is his favorite for the unusual formations. He makes an obnoxious tween boy cry in Carlsbad for breaking off a speleothem.
Boromir is on a tour of military parks. He asks so many questions to the intern working the info station at Fort Sumter the kid has to go find the park historian. His favorite site is Vicksburg because that place was buckwild, though he silently judges one of the reenactors for his clumsy handling of a black powder rifle.
Merry also makes stops in Jurassic and Dinosaur National Monuments. He watches every park video, takes selfies in front of all the fossil exhibits, and earns his Junior Ranger badge at each one. He buys a keychain for Pippin.
Pippin actually gets four citations, mostly for trying to stick his hands in mud pots. He doesn't mean anything by it---he's just so delighted and curious about the bizarre landscape. He winds up with several thermal burns and dumps a king's ransom in the donation box on his last day.
Gandalf gets dinged by rangers for not paying the $5 fee for Trunk Bay, but he acts senile until they eventually decide to drop it. He gets postcards from everyone and responds to none of them.
Faramir and Eowyn are traveling together and do many of the same hikes and rides, but they do have some different preferences off-trail. Eowyn drags Faramir to a rodeo and the Million Dollar Cowboy Bar in Jackson Hole, and he goads her into Ranger Shelton Johnson's living history programs on the Buffalo Soldiers in Yosemite.
Eomer is bike-packing on his sport cruiser motorcycle. He goes to Roosevelt south unit for the wild horse herds but ends up spending half a day watching a prairie dog town. He takes 400 photos of them, mostly blurry, and texts them to Eowyn.
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aira-cc · 1 year
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💜Small CC Requests💜
Hello!! Long time no see everyone ☆ I came back from hiatus to share these. The past two weeks have been very hectic. I didn't have time to look at my social media accounts, only had time to play the game. I had a lot of fun playing the new update and I hope everyone is having fun too. I would like to thank everyone who gave me their support and love during this silent duration. I also apologize to those whose questions and messages I have not been able to answer. I will reply them all very soon. Later I want/plan to visit all my simmer friend's blogs and show them my support ♡ \(●⁰◡⁰●\)  but first, let's see what these small goodies are.  
There are 5 items:
♡ Functional Rice Cooker | 8 Swatches | 1.4k Polys
♡ Functional Bookcase | 12 Swatches | 180 Polys
♡ Heart Curtain Right Side | 12 Swatches | 2.6k Polys
♡ Heart Curtain Long Right Side | 12 Swatches | 3.6k Polys
♡ Coffee Machine Deco | 10 Swatches | 490 Polys
Additional Info:
Tagged swatches
Custom thumbnails
Custom specular maps
What you should know
✧ For rice cooker to be functional, first, download the functional rice cooker file from this post then download konansock rice cooker mod here. Put them directly into your mods folder. You can use this functional rice cooker and deco rice cooker from my Vanilla Kitchen set in the game at the same time. I'd like to thank @konansock for letting me use the rice cooker mod🌷
✧ I removed the car decor on the shelf in Woodenland set and now it functions as a bookcase.
✧ The length of the right version of the heart curtain is slightly different from the left version. No matter how hard I tried to fix it, it didn't work. You can adjust it by pressing the alt key while in build mode so that it is on the same level. The long version does not have such a problem.
You can quickly access these items by searching “aira” in the game. If you run into any issues please let me know. Also, I have good things planned for May, hope I can get them done in time. Until then!!👋
♡ Download on Patreon(Free)  
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libraryraccoon · 7 months
The Demon Of Cancellations : The Demon Of Radio
P1 -> P2 -> P3 (here)
TW : English isn't my first language, bad english.
Gender of the Reader : Male/GN
Pronouns used : He/They
Info : It's the last part of "The Demon Of Cancellations", short.
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Alastor decided to go meet the Demon Of Cancellations a little before Charlie and Vaggie.
Why ? For cancelling his own contract he made with 7B(- of course !
-An error have been made. Please try again.
He wanted to know if a demon like them can or not break a contract made by a very powerful, more powerful than him, demon.
I mean, they can canceled the contract Husk made with him, an overlord, so there no reason that they can’t cancel his contract.. Right ?
The Demon Of Cancellations was a good demon, Alastor decided.
They were nice and had a pretty good style, if he is honest. They even made tea for his coming ! An Earl Gray in addition !
How did they know that Alastor was going to come ? Well, he asked them the question.
“Honestly ? That was pretty obvious. I canceled the contract you made with Husk, it was only logic that you will come for talking about it.” Answer the demon. “Or that you will come for cancelling your own contract.”
Smart and that go straight to the point. They were very professional for a demon that is in hell for only a few months.
“How do you know I passed a contract ?” ask Alastor curiously.
Husk didn’t seems to have tell them that Alastor passed a contract with 8°è_, so that mean they found it alone.
-An error have been made. Please try again later.
“Well, it was obvious. After all, how a demon that just arrived in hell can make all this noise, all these murders, if he hadn’t made a contract with someone really strong and high ?” ask the young demon.
And they were right.
It was impressive to see a young demon understand that before they meet him, when none of the old demons understood it without him saying it.
Interesting, indeed.
“Well, can you cancel it ?” ask Alastor, giving the money to the demon in front of him.
"Of course." said the demon with a laugh, the Alastor’ contract with 9V+\ appearing before disappearing when they touch it, cancelling it.
-An error have been made. Please don’t try again.
Alastor could feel his soul being free again, after all that years, and all his power being finally back.
“With 0]^# ? Oh Lucifer, I will have problems, don’t I ?” said The Demon Of Cancellations.
-An error have been made. Please never try again.
“Don’t worry. If something happens, I will protect you. After all, I can’t let my new entertainment dying !” said Alastor amused.
Y/N think he made a friend. Alastor.
He was his first friend in hell.
It feels... Good.
They should do that more often, taking the tea together.
When Vaggie and Charlie enter in the office, they was surprised to see The Demon Of Cancellations and Alastor talking like two olds friends with tea.
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1) Funny- the request needs to be humorous, memes usually the most popular but dnd in jokes and other shitpostery is welcome. i abide by the MBMBAM NO BUMMERS rule - there are plenty of sad/deep/beautiful calligraphers out there who’d be happy to work with yall, but this isn’t that sort of channel
2) Length - aim for no more than 75 characters a request, my cue cards are only so big so I can only fit so much on each one and still not look like garbage. There is a little leeway but if you send me smth with like 120 characters it aint getting written
3) Amount of Requests - I am trying to be fair but i am one person running almost the ENTIRE thing, logistics, tech, etc, I have twitch mods and a roommate for retrieving things and that's it. In order to be fair, please restrict yourselves to 3 requests per person to let everyone have a shot, if you send in more i will ctrl-f your username and pick my favourites
4) Content - I will not do anything I consider under the umbrella of general assholery - this includes racial slurs, edgelord bullshit, exclusionist jackassery etc. Please be kind to each other. Please let me know if I’ve taken a request that is some incredibly obscure piece of assholery, someone once tried to slip a really obscure antisemetic piece of slang by me once
5) Repeats - I keyword tag EVERY SINGLE piece i’ve ever done on this blog, if you think I might have written smth already but aren’t sure, the /search/[keyword] is your friend, check if i’ve done your request before
the proper inbox is theshitpostcalligrapher.tumblr.com/ask , not a dm or submission to the blog. I’ll close submissions too so people don’t get the boxes confused. DM me for any actual clarifications, kind words, etc so they don’t get swallowed up by the behemoth of my askbox for months, but I will probably NOT see my tumblr dms until the event is OVER. If you need to flag me down RIGHT AWAY you're GOING to have to go over to twitch chat ask there.
the BEST CHANCE of getting it written live today is to send in your requests with 3 different asks within the first hour or so of the stream going live. after the first hour, it's not gonna matter if it's in one or three asks cuz I'll be scheduling them out in advance and everything that follows the rules above will get written eventually
If you want to jump the ENTIRE queue and get your card done immediately, there are ways to donate on the twitch stream to get your request done with an ink of your choice. You can still submit 3 free requests in addition to what you pay for.
I’ll be streaming the entire time the askbox is open on twitch @ miathecalligrapher, trying to get as many of these done today as possible live. Once 10PM EST hits, the askbox will close but if you get your request into the askbox by then, it will be done eventually as I always have 4 cards up per day.
Here’s the link to my twitch, we’ll start a little after 2 o’clock EST.
Here is a direct donation link to my streamlabs, it works like a ko-fi but I’ve got it set to give me alerts on my twitch so I can see and thank you straightaway for supporting my takeout order
If you would like to receive the card you buy/request for, physically in the mail, here is the shop link:
feel free to dm me first to discuss discounting if you'd like multiple of your cards in a bundle
if you subscribe to my channel on a regular basis, I'll keep your cards back and send them out periodically regardless
there'll be 2 donation goals - one as a forty dollar threshold for ordering food, and the other one will be set at $160 since that's ABOUT the equivalent of living wage for the amount of time I'll be streaming.
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