#only as Eric though
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star-realities · 1 year ago
and if I make a Little Mermaid DR??? Who's gonna stop me???
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egophiliac · 11 months ago
Serious question.
Do you think we’ll see the parents/family of each of the guys???
Like, We’ve been TEASED with Ace’s brother, that I’m starting to think it’s just a reference to that Alice in Wonderland park character in Japan and nothing else….
Jack’s family, Ruggie’s grandma, Falena, Maleficia, Ms.Rosehearts, Just now Vil’s dad is in the picture which I am really happy but now I’m wondering about his mom, and so Deuce’s mom.
I mean, some HAVE a silhouette!! It could mean they do have a design in the making/ready to show. They could’ve shown us Falena in the Tamashina (hope I said that correctly) event, but didn’t (prolly to make Leona not so σ(▼□▼メ) and it’s understandable)
Anyhow, any idea/headcannon about this? Who do you want to see first?
I'm wondering if everyone might eventually get a travel event? like they've now introduced with Vil's that it doesn't have to be specifically hometowns, so that opens things up a lot! (especially if they have to figure out how to do three separate Coral Sea visits) (how would that even work otherwise)
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but yeah, I hope everyone gets a chance! there's a lot of backstory characters I would LOVE to meet. :D :D :D though I do think some of them don't really suit the more light-hearted tone of the events (pretty sure you're right about that being why Falena wasn't in Tamashina-Mina, that would've just been. too much for Leona.) so like...we're probably not ever going to meet the Rosehearts. or Maleficia (although I maintain that this would be THE funniest possible way to introduce her outside of the main story, and actually I would love this a lot, can we please Twst) (I need to see her to put Malleus in a froofy little outfit and tell him what a handsome boy he is). but they've sprung surprises like Kifaji on us, and honestly anyone who shows up and tells embarrassing stories about characters' childhoods is good in my book!
characters off the top of my head who I most want to meet: literally any of the Zigvolts, Azul's mom, Ace's brother, Che'nya's grandfather (<- I think he would be a good one for Riddle) (please just any non-terrible adult in his life), any member of Rook's family because I need to see how they managed to produce him, and...really just whoever they can come up with for Silver.
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georgeharrisonsmiling · 9 months ago
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While my guitar gently weeps.
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help-im-a-gay-fish · 1 year ago
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Before an after.
How do you create one of the worse sequels I have ever seen? Welp, Love Never Dies is probably the perfect example. I could rant for hours about that.
I think my relationship with it is the purest form of a love-hate relationship, as it's so bad it's almost funny. If anyone wants to know, shoot me an ask, and I will explain whyyyyyyy
*takes breath*
Anyway, I drew Nightmare in the Red Death Outfit from the Masquerade scene, and ohhhhhh, I love ittttt. Yet another outfit that the movie didn't do justice, seeing it on stage was fantastic!! And it's actually a reference to another book called "The Masquerade of the Red Death" and it is essentially a huge FU to everyone at the party.
I'm gonna say it againnn anyone who's a fan of the movie should listen to the 25th anniversary sound track, my poor gf has had to listen to me rambling about it lol.
Original cross jakei95
Original Dream and Nightmare by jokublog
Crossover is by me
And @zu-is-here you asked me to tag you, here you go!
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pink0paques · 2 months ago
sex pest daniel molloy and stone top armand
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kreigman · 5 months ago
i think eric liked dylan more than dylan liked eric
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eighthwholove · 11 months ago
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When she saw him, she knew he was her destiny!
FOX Promo for Doctor Who, The Movie (1996)
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hide-your-bugs-away · 1 month ago
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Made this connection the other day, but why did it take me four entire years to realize that Eric was wearing The Green Shirt during Price to Play: August 12th, 1968 (with guest star Eric Burdon)??
The lack of a collar, the short row of buttons, the slightly darker complex of the shirt... This whole time, I was always bemoaning the fact that we never got to see Alan in photograph next to Eric in some of his more iconic "EB & The Animals" outfits... and it's been staring at me all this time. They are aesthetic complements always (and undeniable complements in many other ways as well)... now's a good time for a Dr Pepper.
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#now if only eric had worn those wooden love beads on alan's show.....#gOSH i'm still finding so many things to sob over in 'price to play': august 12th 1968 (with guest star eric burdon)#sometimes i remember the way they did 'what'd i say' together and i instantly launch myself past the stratosphere#alan was acting soooooo silly throughout that whole episode you can tell he really. Really. REALLY LIKES ERIC. REALLY.#didn't add this little revelation to my essay because it's the type of realization that only i go feral over.. incidental outfit complements#i still might add it though..... helps give the black-and-white nature of the episode a pop of color#gOSH that means all of the (with guest star eric burdon) artwork i did contains a glaring error#i did indeed color his shirt a hue of green but not like this exact shirt.... not to mention i gave him a COLLAR#you see that 'music echo' photo really threw me off because it *looks* like eric has a slightly popped collar#but NO. THERE'S NO COLLAR AT ALL. GGGGGHGHGH H GHG#also why you have it unbuttoned around alan like that eric 🤨#connie please draw alan wearing some of eric's necklaces some day 👀 oh you know i will connie 👀#can't wait to see this episode again with tealight....... this time rented out the british film institute for two hours.............#this will definitely be a highlight..... the way they sounded when they performed together..... gOSH GOLLY GOSH#alan settling back and deferring to eric.... one of the few if not only people he allows to do so.... OKAY. OKAY. DR PEPPER.#the animals#eric burdon#alan price#animusings#things i said today#60s rock#british invasion#yes it's been four years since i learned about (with guest star eric burdon) shout out to the animal OGs on discord#they were the first folks that let me infodump about the animals since i discovered them in 2020... and showed me That Image#life-changing alan price and eric burdon circa 1968#aleric
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what-thisiscrazzzy · 2 years ago
This is random but thinking about Veronica Wasboiski from Boy Meets World. You were more than a random alias for a school newspaper
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moonyslesbian · 10 months ago
erhmmmm. anyone else watched ep 5 of iwtv and came out wrong or is it just me?
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feeblefortuity · 10 months ago
// babygirl cringe compilation
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cerealbishh · 1 year ago
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barret is the donald duck of the group:
he is a family man
he is hot-tempered
he is constantly the butt of the joke
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dragonmasterhiccup · 6 months ago
Melodía smiles brightly, clapping her hands with glee. She then pulls out something from behind her back. She had taken the wildflowers that Hiccup had given her, and woven them into a little flower crown. She holds it out to him, smiling.
"See? I knew you'd be excited!"
Seeing the flower crown she made, his eyes widened in surprise. "Wow...you made this?" Gingerly picking it, he was afraid it would come apart, but it held together really well. "It's beautiful..."
Looking back at her, the crown in his hands he asked her, "May I?" Indicating that he wanted to place it on her, if she'd allow it.
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touchbased · 7 months ago
muse: alaric von declaremont. vampire, so super fucking old. petty, vindictive, bored, charismatic, fun, the overall worst. open to: m/f/nb based.
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"so are you saying you aren't going to invite me in?" never has a concept been so foreign to alaric, especially because he thinks he can see the desire in their eyes. sees it in the way their fingers grip the door, like they're just dying to pull it aside and let him in. and yet still they resist. such petty, human reservations. if he were mortal, he's sure he'd push his way past them, but he physically can't anymore. so he waits. "because that'd be an awful shame." / @softkillins
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redflannelsheets · 7 months ago
#a mystery grab-bag of thoughts:#sometimes i just want to send you dumb memes out of nowhere and hope that the randomness and absurdity will make you laugh#when i do my daily crossword puzzles i wish we were sitting across from each other racing to see who finishes first#(but working together on the really difficult ones because god knows I’ll never get a Sunday NYT by myself)#i think of you often but especially when it’s raining#I’ve taken to making a pie every week—nothing fancy just something in a graham cracker crust that sets in the fridge#(so far i have one ol’ faithful recipe and I’ve had a couple of failures but they were still tasty)#my phone sometimes suggests a selection of pictures of you and it used to make my heart stop a little bit#but now i just look at your face and smile and think about how lovely it was to see you every day; I’ll cherish that#i never thought you were a ‘media bully’ but if I could return the favor I’d urge you to watch amc’s interview with the vampire#it’s so GOOD and so GAY and i have a small crush on Eric bogosian that goes in the same category as my crush on Greg Davies#and it’s quite funny in places like a dry humor that leans surreal/absurd#i dunno i think you’d appreciate it even though you’re not a horror person#i wish i could hold your hand and kiss your fingers and probably nibble on them a bit#(what can i say? I’m a cat)#i made some new glitter bottles this week and they look so pretty in the sun#today my Spanish lesson was about telling time#i have no problem remembering ¿a qué hora? but get tripped up on the format of answering#(son las (hora) y (minutos) and son (minutos) para las (hora) and i could get around it by only ever answering on the half hour)#I’m not like *confident* about my Spanish but I’m picking up more than what’s in English captions when i watch stuff which is neat#i do wonder if it’s sad or weird to still feel you here with me in my heart#but i think when someone is precious to you time and distance can’t really touch that love#anyway I’m going to go do my dishes instead of blithering here all night lol#sending you care and love and sunshine and flowers my darling dearest#💜#🌻
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deathsmallcaps · 2 years ago
So, I was just looking for a Snow White gif set, and I came across quite a few posts expressing displeasure about Rachel Zegler’s flippant attitude to the original Disney film. And while I agree she was being a bit glib, you have to remember, it’s all about playing it up for the camera. Maybe her manager told her to push a love-to-hate-it angle. Who knows. Disney is still trying to work that little bit of feminism that is truly marketable but is ‘safe’ in their standards.
But what irritates me is that those posts immediately delve into the history and animation of the work in the film. As an artist, I totally respect the work and success Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was in 1937. It’s a beautiful piece, to be sure.
And Snow White was kind of modern for the movie’s supposed setting and time period! She has a bob! It’s easily demonstrated and acknowledged by the audience how hard she works, in both the castle and the cottage! She’s a upper class woman who manages to stay chaste despite living with, horror among horrors, seven unmarried men!
But, come on. She was relatively safe, barely pushing the envelope, in 1937. Women were in factories, wearing pants, and were still actively fighting for their rights at the time. All while weathering the Great Depression!
Films like Mirror Mirror and Snow White and the Huntsman have already done more-feminine-modern takes on the tale. But Zegler isn’t wrong. If the original film’s story, no changes, came out today, it would be disappointing to a lot of feminists. So if you’ve watched the other live action Disney princess films, I’d say don’t knock the Snow White one just yet. It might actually offer something new but nice to more modern feminist audiences.
Just please don’t forget that something can be wonderful in one way and meh in another. The original film was an artistic masterpiece, but wasn’t the be-all end-all of feminism in the 30s. Check out this film, for example.
And hey, this is the webbed site of anxiety. You’ve all probably said things you regret, whether you ‘deserve’ to regret it or not. Don’t forget actors can make mistakes too. They’re human.
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