dragonmasterhiccup · 4 months
Psssst…. Grapes can create plasma… feed Toothless some and see if they increase his shot limit 😛
"Hm, that would be interesting, wouldn't it? Toothless mainly eats meat, though, mostly fish. He's had sagefruit, but otherwise, I'm not sure how he'd react to grapes. Wait...how do you know this? Have you seen other night furies?"
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h3lfaerie · 5 months
Let's yap a little <3
I've been having fun with polls lately, so I'm just gonna post another one since you guys seem to like them too. This question is FMC/Reader related.
When you read PoA, specifically in Reader POV, do you imagine yourself as you are within the Universe, do you imagine an OC, or is it more of a faceless entity. Or maybe all of the above? Or something else entirely. Do tell <3
If you feel comfortable, please do share what features you envision for the FMC when you read (i.e. complexion, eye colour, hair colour, built, such and such)
For example, if I looked at PoA as a reader, I usually see black hair, pale skin, muscular build, and my rendition of the 'molten eyes' is this burnt-gold colour.
I think it'd be really interesting to see what you guys imagine if you'd like to share. And while we're at it - if you feel like making artwork for PoA, feel free to add your own features to the FMC if you'd like to. I've had some incredibly talented artists like @eefkakis @westwindy1 and @toothless101 bless this community with some gorgeous artwork of the reader where she remains faceless, which is also amazing because it gives an opportunity for more people to envision their personal rendition of the FMC in their work.
What I'm saying is, I endorse all and any versions of the FMC: faceless, personalized, something in-between, something bat-shit crazy.
If you'd like to share, go for it 🗡️
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dragonmasterhiccup · 4 months
Hi Hiccup! Can I please give you a hug? I just wanted to let you know that you’re incredible. And adorable. You’re really an inspiration to me.
"Oh! Gosh, I-I don't know what to say! Thank you, that-that means a lot...I never thought of myself as an 'inspiration', that's very kind of you to say... Oh! Uh, yeah, sure. Toothless! Why don't you get in on this hug, bud?"
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dragonmasterhiccup · 9 hours
She grows a bit self conscious, looking away and fiddling with her hair. “I-I just… I had only ever seen humans from a far, much less ever interacted with one. I WANTED to believe they were good but…” she looks to the floor. “There was a part of me that was always terrified. I know what humans are capable of. I’ve seen it. But then I found the cove. I saw you and Toothless, the way you both put complete trust in one another. A dragon’s trust needs to be earned. I knew that if he trusted you, then I could trust you too. But I still waited. I’d always come to the cove, and when you two were here, I’d just watch. I wanted so badly to meet you, but… part of me was still afraid. Then I got trapped in the cove by those sailors, and… I knew the right time had finally come. And I know I made the right choice.”
Melodía grins. “Dancing…” she repeats. “No, we don’t dance, we just sing. Well, I suppose we swim around in the water to music, which is similar, but definitely not the same. I’ve always wanted to dance. Could you maybe show me how, one day?”
“Oh, well, merfolk are way more tolerant of the cold than humans are. That way we can migrate to other areas of the ocean for safety, or depending on the season or food source. It does eventually get too cold, though, so we just stay away from those areas. Honestly, what we have to worry more about is the pressure. The further down into the ocean you go, the more pressure there is. Merfolk can definitely go much deeper than humans, but there is a certain point where we can’t go any further. It also depends on the type of merfolk. My type typically live in the first few layers of the ocean. We call that area ‘Buuhchii’. The deeper part of the ocean is called ‘Chii’. There’s lots of other words for specific areas of the ocean, but I won’t bore you with all of those.”
“Okay, um…” she picks up the fur she’s sitting on. “What is this? How do you make it? It’s softer than anything I’ve ever felt…”
He listened intently as she explained, his green eyes never leaving hers.
He could definitely understand her being afraid of humans. After all, they were known for attacking what they didn't know.
A soft smile formed as she finished explaining. "I'm glad you were able to come to me that day."
"Uh..." He didn't dance often, he actually used to be pretty good at it, but since he lost his leg, he hadn't done it much at all. But, maybe... maybe he should. "...yeah. Yeah, I'd be happy to show you how."
That made sense. People weren't too different, depending on how drastic the temperature change was.
Eyes wide, he let out a nervous laugh. "Oh, that...well...h-how should I put this? It's... It's animal fur. There was a wolf, attacking our livestock, and my dad, being chief, took care of the problem...by killing it. He then...he skinned it, and treated it so it could become well, this." He gestured to the fur she was holding.
He needed to think of questions that weren't related to the deal she'd made, but it was all he could think about.
He wracked his brain, trying to come up with something different to ask. "What's your favorite color?"
Oh, gods. That probably sounded like the most ridiculous, basic question. Regardless, it had been said, so he decided to stick with it.
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“And I’m glad you’re such a kind human.” She smiles.
Melodía giggles. “True. I wouldn’t have it any other way! There’s so much I wanna see and do!”
The girl nuzzles noses lovingly with Toothless, kissing his head before giving him scritches. “Hello, Toothless!”
When she sees the lantern, she goes over to it almost instantly, like a moth drawn to a flame. She’s mesmerized once more as she watches the light flicker.
The former mermaid nods, smiling at Stoick. “Thank you sir! I hope you sleep good as well!” She bows her head a little bit in respect before giving a little wave goodbye.
She giggles as Hiccup is nudged closer, taking his hand and pulling him even closer, excitedly.
“I’d love to talk more! There’s so many questions I have. And I suppose you probably have a few questions too.” She chuckles.
"And I'll make sure you see it all!" He lowered his voice. "I just want to make sure we set some time aside to make sure you get to stay. We need to find those loopholes...I mean, what's going to happen to you if these 'conditions' aren't met?" He quickly held up a hand, his eyes concerned. "You don't have to answer right away, I don't want to cause you pain. We'll figure out a way to communicate the details without triggering the fail-safes."
Seeing her drawn to the lantern, he pulled one down from its hook, thinking she could take it with her when she went to get some sleep for the night.
While Toothless had nudged him closer to Melodía, he was further surprised to feel her pull him even closer.
They were so close now that he could see the little flecks in her golden eyes.
He blinked a few times, before clearing his throat, face deepening a few shades of pink, and he took a step back, rubbing the back of his neck. "Heh, that's, that's true! Uh, you know what, why don't we sit?"
After leading her to the wooden couch, he sat down, leaving plenty of space next to him for her to join.
"Since we both have a lot of questions, why don't we take turns? You'll ask one, then I'll ask, and so on?"
Admittedly, he loved seeing her expressions as he answered her questions, and hearing her perspective on things was refreshing.
He froze.
Wait, did he just use the word 'love'?
He knew he definitely didn't speak it. But he thought it...about Melodía.
But...it was too soon to feel that way, wasn't it? He barely knew her, really.
Sure, they spent the whole day together, and they had really connected when they first met that day in the cove, but it was far too soon to feel that deeply.
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Melodía’s eyes go wide as well. “Oh…” she then sighs. “Well… there’s good and bad humans, right? You’re a wonderful human, but others aren’t as kind. It’s the same with merfolk. Most of us keep to ourselves, in fact, many have never even seen the surface. But there are a select few… who use their siren calls for luring humans. It’s usually because they either have a bad past with humans, or they just don’t like them in general. Some do it for fun, which is sickening, if you ask me. But I would never do that. I never have and I never will.”
She smiles brightly at him. “I’ll be counting the seconds.”
As he describes the clouds, she listens intently. The girl looks into his eyes as well. They were so beautiful, she realized. Deep and green, like a forest. The former mermaid gently squeezes his hand, blushing slightly.
“That sounds absolutely wonderful, Hiccup. Thank you.”
He nodded. "It's the same way with dragons. There are good ones, and then there are those that are...for lack of a better phrase, bloodthirsty. I for one, am glad that you are a kind mermaid."
He chuckled. "We sure have a lot of plans, don't we?"
The sun was low on the horizon now, and he gestured at the door. "Uh, we should, we should probably get inside."
Opening the door, he held it for Melodía to walk through, before going in, closing the door behind him.
As they entered, Toothless perked up, making his way over to say hello.
There were a couple of lanterns burning, somewhat lighting the hut. Stoick was reading near a lantern, with a candle to help see better.
"Right on time," the Chief said. "Hiccup, don't forget, you'll be bunking with Toothless down here while she stays with us."
"Don't worry, Dad, I haven't forgotten."
Stoick closed his book and picked up his candle, standing up. "I have to be up before sunrise tomorrow, got a long day of grievance hearings ahead." He turned to Melodía. "You should get some rest as well, lass, you've had quite the day yourself." Nodding to them both, he lumbered off to his room.
Toothless looked between Hiccup and Melodía, and he used his tail to nudge Hiccup a little closer to her.
"Toothless!" Hiccup gave a nervous laugh. "S-sorry about that! Uh, we can probably stay up for a bit, if you wanted to talk a little more?"
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dragonmasterhiccup · 2 days
She seems overjoyed when Stoick says the two of them can spend more time together. When Hiccup offers his hand, the girl smiles warmly, gently taking it before clumsily running for the door.
The former mermaid looks around the village in awe, taking in every detail of everything surrounding them. She loves the way the grass feels on her feet, she loves the carvings in the wood of the houses, she loves watching the Vikings hustle and bustle, going about their lives. She also looks at the sunset, taking a deep breath as she lets the golden light wash over her.
When he compliments her, she blushes a bit. “Oh! Thank you…” Melodía fiddles with a lock of her hair. “That means a lot to me.”
“It’s alright.” She giggles. “I would be curious too, if I were them. Luckily, all I had to do was give them the Mermish word for “Merfolk”, and they didn’t know the difference. Oh- Mermish is my language, by the way.”
"Mermish? Our language is called Norse, in case you're curious."
Remembering what Burlap had said, he added, "Just be careful, there's a lot of...stories, from Viking sailors about mermaids. If they suspected you at all, it could be dangerous. I don't think anyone here would recognize any Mermish words, but it's risky..." After all, Berkians were more focused on their dragons nowadays , but that doesn't mean their superstitions involving mermaids have gone away.
Watching the golden rays of the setting sun wash over the village, he led her back to the hut. "Maybe tomorrow night, we can go for an evening flight? Dad said I had to have you home by sundown tonight, so we can't go just yet."
He wanted to ask her more about the deal she made, but he wasn't sure how. He didn't want that mark to cause her more pain from talking about it.
Well, it was only her first day. They had nine more to figure out a solution.
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dragonmasterhiccup · 2 days
Melodía takes a breath before slowly copying Hiccup’s movements, picking up the utensils gently.
She watches carefully as Hiccup cuts into his piece of meat, so she does the same. The girl seems very pleased, a smile gracing her face. As the steam from the food wafts into the air, she watches it in fascination, before quickly catching herself.
The former mermaid looks thankfully at Hiccup, not really feeling like answering risky questions while she’s already trying to focus on eating like a regular person.
“That sounds wonderful.” She nods. Though she had no idea what a forge was, she was eager to find out.
Once she had finally managed to cut off a piece of mutton, she uses the fork to cautiously feed herself the meat. As soon as it hits her tongue, her eyes widen in both confusion and delight. It was hot. But not too hot. It was juicy, savory, and DELICIOUS. She swallows before giggling softly, using the knife and fork to quickly cut off another piece and eat it hungrily before almost immediately slicing some more, and soon the whole thing is gone within a minute or two.
Despite a few bumps, the rest of the dinner went pretty well.
While Stoick and Gobber (along with the rest of Berk) were still curious about the girl's origins, they stopped with the questions.
After dinner, Gobber ducked out, having to go check on Grump.
Hiccup went to help clean up, but Stoick stopped him, telling him to go with Melodía. "Bring her home by sundown at the latest, understand?"
Surprised, Hiccup nodded, and he offered his hand to Melodía once more.
"So, uh... should we go get some air?"
They didn't have long until sundown, so Hiccup walked with Melodía around the village, going nowhere in particular. "You did really well at dinner, did I tell you that yet? And, uh, I'm sorry they were asking so many things, I should have thought of that ahead of time..."
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dragonmasterhiccup · 2 days
When Stoick thumps the table, Melodía flinches in surprise before quickly calming herself.
”Yay! I can’t wait!”
She smiles at Hiccup thankfully, releasing the breath she was holding.
The girl nods. “Yes, that’s true. There wasn’t really anything left for me back home so… I thought I’d explore. I may not remember where I was going, but I’m glad I ended up here. Thank you all for being so nice to me.” 
"Of course!" Stoick grinned. "What kind of Chief would I be, if I didn't help someone in need?"
Gesturing to the food on the table, he quickly said, "Now, please, dig in!"
Hiccup, knowing he'll need both hands, gave Melodía's hand a gentle squeeze before letting go, picking up a fork and knife, motioning with his eyes for Melodía to do the same.
Just do what I do, he'd told her, and you'll be just fine.
As Hiccup started cutting into the piece of mutton on his plate, Gobber turned towards Melodía.
"Why don't you tell us a bit about your tribe? What sort of customs and traditions do you have?"
Hiccup cleared his throat. "Uh, why don't we give her a little time before she gets interrogated? There'll be plenty of time for questions later, Gobber."
Gobber sighed. "Alright, but, bring her by the forge tomorrow. I'm curious about if she knows of different weapons than what we have."
Hiccup then turned to the former mermaid, lips tugged in a smile. "What do you say? Should we add the forge to the list of things you'll see tomorrow?"
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dragonmasterhiccup · 2 days
As Hiccup smiles at her, Melodía visibly relaxed, giving a little smile back.
“Yes please! I would love to see more!” She says excitedly. 
“They’re talking about me?” The girl inquires with a grin. “What are they saying?”
As Hiccup blushes from Gobber’s comment, Melodía giggles softly, blushing a little as well.
However, when Stoick asks her where she’s from, she visibly stiffens, holding Hiccup’s hand a little tighter.
“I uh…” she scrambles. “I’m sorry, I think I hit my head in the wreck. I really can’t remember where we were going. As for my tribe…we’re called the Baovveche. You probably haven’t heard of us, we live very far from here.” The former mermaid glances at Hiccup, hoping she did a good job.
Stoick thumped his fist on the table. "Then it's settled! Hiccup, you'll spend tomorrow escorting the last around the village. You can have the day off from the forge."
Gobber chuckled, muttering into his mug of ale. "Yeah, that'll really give the tribe something to talk about..."
Hiccup blinked, but nodded. "Uh, y-yeah. That sounds like fun."
As Stoick thought back, trying to see if the tribe sounded familiar, Hiccup gave a tiny nod, squeezing Melodía's hand. He thought she handled that really well.
"Hmm...no, I don't think I have heard of that." Stoick leaned forward, elbow resting on the table. "Should we send word that you're here? There must be someone worried about you."
Hiccup shook his head. "No, she uh, she has no one there." Glancing at Melodía, he continued. "She told me today actually, that when she got on that ship, she was looking for a new start."
Gobber and Stoick exchanged a look, before turning back to the newcomer.
Stoick, eyebrows raised, asked, "Is that true?"
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dragonmasterhiccup · 3 days
When Hiccup mentions that she may not see her collection ever again, she saddens a little before perking up again. 
“Well… if I do stay human, I won’t mind losing my treasures. Now that I’m on land, I can collect a bunch of new ones!” She smiles.
Melodía looks at the fire pit curiously, before giggling at Toothless dragging the sticks. She grabs a few sticks of her own, throwing them in the pit to help. The girl walks around the area a little, both for practice and to look for sticks. She gathers quite a few, tossing them in the fire, saving one for herself to examine as she sits on the stump. 
As soon as the fire lights, Melodía’s breath hitches as she almost falls off the stump. She slowly stands, walking towards the fire before sitting right in front of the pit.
”It… it looks alive…” she says, her voice barely above a whisper. The flames reflect in her eyes as they dance, as she’s absolutely mesmerized. Gently, she holds her hands towards the fire, feeling the warmth radiating off of it. She lets out a slow, shaky breath before pulling her hands close to her chest, as if trying to keep herself from touching it. A few stray sparks float their way towards her, to which she gently reaches out and tries to touch them, the little particles swirling around her fingers gracefully. She looks back at the fire again, listening to the way it crackles and pops.
“This is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” The former mermaid whispers.
"You're sure we can't retrieve it?" He wanted to try, maybe even use one of his old inventions to find them for her, if she ended up staying.
As Melodía drew closer to the fire, Hiccup followed. "Uh, y-you might not want to get too close..."
He stopped, though, almost as mesmerized by her as she was with the flames in front of her.
After a few moments, he sat down next to her. As they watched the fire roaring in front of them, he glanced over at her. Her golden eyes sparkled in the firelight.
"...do you miss it? I mean, I know it's only been a day, but... do you? Miss being in the water?"
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dragonmasterhiccup · 4 days
She seems fascinated as he explains, smiling and nodding.
“Human culture is fun. You’re so fancy. Using tools to eat, wearing pretty colored stuff.” The girl giggles, holding her skirt and examining it a bit.
“Wait, cook? You mean… you mean like with fire?” Her golden eyes light up. “I’ve always wanted to see fire.” She whispers before gently taking his hands. “Can you show me? Please?”
When he pours the water into the cup, she eyes it cautiously before gingerly picking it up. She mimics the way Hiccup had held it before, gently raising the edge to her lips. She slowly tilts it so that the water inside flows towards her mouth, before she carefully opens it, letting a little trickle in. Melodía puts the cup down, still holding the water in her cheeks before swallowing. The girl shudders a bit with a cough.
“That’s SO weird… I like it.”
"I'm actually really interested in mermaid culture. What else do you do, that's different from what you've noticed here? I mean, what kind of foods do you like to eat, what do you do for fun, anything like that?"
He nodded, laughing lightly. "Sure, I can show you fire. Once we finish up here, though, if that's alright?"
Seeing her reaction to drinking water for the first time, he couldn't help but smile and shake his head. "Not bad for your first try! Do you want more, then?"
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dragonmasterhiccup · 4 days
Melodía nods enthusiastically.
“Yes yes yes! I’m ready!” She bounces on her toes in anticipation.
"Alright, come with me."
Leading her into the kitchen, he pulled out a chair for her at the table, before taking out a bowl, plate, cup, fork, knife, and spoon and setting them all on the table before her.
"Now, don't worry too much about this, if you just watch and follow what I do tonight, you should be fine, but it's good to know a bit beforehand."
Pulling up a chair next to her, he went over each one and what they were used for, making sure to give her time to absorb and ask questions.
"...did I go too fast? I can go over it again if you'd like..."
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dragonmasterhiccup · 4 days
When he catches her and they both topple over, she looks up at him, blinking before bursting into a little giggle fit. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you fall, too!”
She blushes a bit as he gathers up her hair, smiling thankfully. Her smile only grows when he tells her what a good job she’s doing.
“Thank you…”
As Stoick comes in with the clothes, she looks at the basket curiously, gently taking it from him. She pulls out the dress inside, gasping softly. 
“For me…? I… I don’t know what to say, thank you!” The girl studies the garment with wonder. 
Melodía gives Hiccup a small wave goodbye as he leaves, before looking at the dress again. She lays it out on the floor, before seeing that there’s more inside. There’s some pants to go under the dress, as well as a pair of undergarments. She looks at the underwear curiously, putting it on her head, each of her eyes peeking out of a leg hole. She then giggles to herself. 
“I don’t think this is right…” 
She eventually figures out how they’re supposed to go on, and moves onto the pants. The former mermaid studies them in wonder. 
“Leg covers?” 
She tilts her head curiously before putting a leg in each hole and pulling them through. She then moves onto the dress. It takes her a moment to figure it out, but she eventually gets it on, discarding the sail on the floor. 
“Head hole… arm hole… arm hole!” 
She gives it one final tug over herself, and it slides perfectly into place. The girl then hoists herself off the ground shakily, looking herself over before nodding in approval.
When Hiccup comes back, she lights up, smiling at him with a wave. 
“Hiccup, look! Did I do it right?”
Melodía grins excitedly, spinning around in the dress before catching herself. 
“That sounds wonderful, I’m excited to meet him!” She nods.
The former mermaid looks at him in confusion. 
“I… don’t know what those are. All I use for eating is my hands.” She holds out her hands to him, as if to demonstrate. 
(Here’s the dress!)
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Laughing along with her, he said, "It's alright, it's, it's an occupational hazard, isn't it?"
As he came back into the room, he stopped in his tracks, almost having to do a double take.
"Wow, you...yeah, you did it perfectly!"
Her happiness was almost contagious, because he couldn't help but smile back at her.
"...I think it's time for your next lesson in being human, if you're up for it?"
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dragonmasterhiccup · 4 days
Melodía nods enthusiastically. “Yeah, I’m ready! One question though… what are stairs… and what’s a room?”
After Hiccup helps her up the stairs (though she does almost tumble a few times) she looks around the room in awe. She stumbles over to his bed, wrapping the fur on it around herself and giggling, kicking her feet happily. “So this is where you sleep? It’s cozy.” Her golden eyes roam the walls, looking at all of the plans and drawings he had hanging up. “Did you make those? They’re beautiful…” The girl then eyes his desk, where some of his tools and inventions are splayed out. She seems to take interest to them immediately. “What are those?”
Before helping her up the stairs, he dashed to his room to tidy things up a little. He spread a fresh fur blanket on the wooden bed, and straightened up some of the tools he had before going back downstairs.
Getting her up the stairs was a bit of a challenge, the steps were on the steeper side.
He kept her closer to the wall, the area on the other side was wide open, so Toothless stood on the lower floor, ready to catch them in the event they both tumbled down.
"So, I know you can't say the specific conditions of the deal you made, but...is there a time limit of some sort?" He needed to know how long they had, and see if there's other ways they can work around that silencing thing.
Glancing at the papers, he nodded. "I did, yeah...I've been working on a lot of different things, actually..."
"Oh!" Making his way over to his desk, he sat in the chair, turning it so he could face her. "These are my projects. I'm working on perfecting my flight suit, so I can stay aloft in case I get separated from Toothless in the air. It's almost done, it just needs a few tweaks."
He held up a cone shaped object. "This is my spyglass, it's great for seeing things clearly that are far away."
He went on to show her a few other things he'd made, before realizing.
"Oh, uh...my dad, he'll be back any minute, we--we shouldn't be in here by ourselves, it's not...well, let's just say it's easy to misinterpret. Why don't we get you back downstairs?"
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dragonmasterhiccup · 4 days
She gasps excitedly, gently squeezing him. “I would absolutely love that, Hiccup. It would be so magical.” The girl sighs happily, once again resting her chin on his shoulder. 
The former mermaid looks down at the village, taking in every detail, leaning over slightly to get a better look. “Look at all the little people!” She giggles. “They’re like a ton of little minnows down there!” As Melodía studies the people, she tilts her head curiously. “You know how I said you’re a good walker? Well, some of these humans aren’t as good at walking as you are.” She chuckles. “Like, see that one down there? With the funny helmet with curly horns?” She points to a tiny Snotlout, who’s making his way through the village. “He walks like if a starfish tried to walk on two of its arms.” She giggles. “He’s silly. Aw, look at that one!” She points to Fishlegs, who was currently taking a stroll with Meatlug. “He walks like a hermit crab, scuttling along.”
As they descend, she holds onto him tightly, giggling as her long hair whips an auburn trail behind her. Once they land, she looks at his hut, utterly confused as to what it could possibly be. It was like a boat, but… different. 
She smiles, taking his hand and attempting to slide off of Toothless’ back, but she immediately stumbles, losing her balance and landing face first into Hiccup’s chest.
"Yeah, I guess they do look a little like minnows, huh?" Her perspective was unique, and fun to listen to.
He laughed as she compared Snotlout to a starfish. "Don't let him hear you say that! Though I may not be able to keep myself from thinking that anytime I see him!"
Seeing her confusion, he said, "Oh! I suppose you wouldn't have huts where you're from. Uh, this is where I live, where I sleep at night, that's one way to put it, I guess?"
"Oh!" He wrapped his arms around her as she fell into him. "Are you alright? Here, let's get you inside, and have you sit somewhere comfortably..."
Supporting her as they walked, he helped her get inside, Toothless trailing behind, and led her to a wooden couch with furs spread across it.
"Is this better?"
It was then that Stoick came out of the other room, surprised to see his son brought someone home.
"What's the meaning of this?"
Hiccup straightened up immediately, turning to face his father. "Dad! Hi! Uh, this is Melodía, she was shipwrecked in last night's storm, and washed up on our shores, Toothless and I found her in the cove. She's a little shaken, but otherwise is uninjured. Melodía, this is my dad, Chief Stoick the Vast."
As Hiccup spoke, Stoick looked between his son and the young girl. She seemed to be Hiccup's age, and he saw how she looked at him. A small smile formed, hidden under his mustache.
"Well, son, since there was damage from that storm, I'm afraid our usual huts for guests are full at this time...but, I don't see why she can't stay here, if she doesn't mind, that is?"
Hiccup was surprised, to say the least. "Wait, really?"
"Of course! She can take your room upstairs, son. You and Toothless can bunk down here. A lady needs some privacy, you know."
"W-well, yes, I'm aware of that..."
"Why don't you get her settled in, I'll come back with something suitable for her to wear, hm? I hope you enjoy your time in Berk, Melodía."
Chuckling, the chief left, and Hiccup was dumbfounded.
"Well, that was... unexpected. Are--are you okay with that? With staying here?" He ran a hand through his hair, a little uneasy but also a little relieved.
She didn't know anyone else here, and at least she'd be out of danger, but still...
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