#only after claiming a treat first LOL
sidetongue · 1 year
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she’s so cheeky 
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dirtyvulture · 26 days
Envy and Venom - Part 3
Heiress!Natasha Romanoff x CEO!Beefy!Fem!Reader
18+ only, read at your own risk
Summary: You are the notorious playboy who just inherited one of the biggest tech companies in the world. Your first move? Sleeping with the heiress of your rival company.
Word count: 4990
AN: Y'all are getting fed with this one. Have fun. :)
Click here for Part 2!
Thanks to @mostlymarvelsstuff for helping with some Russian translations lol.
DAY 34
“Do you have everything ready? Your presentation, your notes?” your dad asks.
“Yes, yes,” you tell him for what feels like the thousandth time. 
“This is where the comeback starts,” your dad says, and sometimes you wish he would just claim back his title. You were sick and tired of his coaching, even if you needed it a little bit. But if Envy Industries had gotten into this mess because of you, then you were the only person who could get them out of it. “I know I can’t be there in person–”
“I know, I know,” you dismiss. You were well aware of his vacation plans to the Maldives with his new girlfriend. Besides Envy, it was the only thing he wanted to talk about nowadays. But you still didn’t even know her name, and were certain he’d find a new one before the end of his trip.
“Tony will be there with you, right? He’ll keep you on track,” your dad continues, inching into sensitive territory now. Even though he denied it every time you confronted him, you knew he was always worried about you stepping into the CEO role because you were a woman. Hearing the doubts from the public and the competition hardly bothered you, but from your own father, it was like a punch to the face. Especially when you were not exactly proving him wrong given how things had played out since your first day.
“Who cares if Tony is there or not?” you snap, losing your patience. “He’s not the one giving the presentation. He’ll just be standing behind the curtain, stealing all the free merch, and–”
“Okay, that’s enough,” your dad cuts you off. “I want you to call me again tomorrow. We’ll run over your presentation again–”
“I’ll think about it.” You slam the handset on the receiver, a satisfying motion that could not be accomplished with modern telephonic devices. You try not to give the upcoming presentation any more thought–it was already stressing you out enough. Maybe an hour in the gym would take your mind off things. 
Your decision made, you step away from your desk to your private walk-in closet, rifling through the selection of workout clothes hanging there. All of them were custom-cut to your exact body dimensions to ensure the best fit and look. Although you were no professional athlete, you treated yourself as if you were one (and you certainly looked the part). 
But right now, you couldn’t care less what you looked like or what you were wearing as you grabbed the first set of clothes you could reach, slipping them on and grabbing your Louis Vuitton gym bag, monogrammed with your initials. You lightly jog out of your office, moving fast enough that people will think you’re in a rush and not stop you. The gym is on the tenth floor of the building, and because it’s just after lunch, most people are back at their desks. But you set your own schedule, so you’re happy to find that it isn’t too crowded and you quickly get warmed up before you start lifting.
In between sets, you check your phone, a bad habit that doesn’t exist when you’re with your training coach, but he’s not around to scold you, so you can do as you please. In the tracking app, Natasha’s red dot blinks in the Upper West Side of Manhattan, hardly three miles away from your current location in Envy Industries. 
She was hanging out at Black Widow Corporation headquarters, just where you expected her to be. She had an unsurprisingly predictable schedule, splitting her time just between work and home, which you discovered was in an apartment just a few blocks down the street from yours. You wonder if she lived on her own or with her father, who was likely paying for her housing either way. 
Natasha was not quite the self-made woman that you were. Her work was significantly more behind the scenes, which was one reason why you had never heard of her before. Alexei Shostakov was the only name you associated with Black Widow Corp. But you had done your own digging on her and her family the past few days. There was frustratingly little about Natasha and you were ready to hire a private investigator due to your lack of results. 
All you had learned was that she had graduated magna cum laude from Virginia Tech with a degree in economics, where she also held a brief internship at the university’s infamous Gamma Lab before it was shut down after the sudden death of its lead researcher. You assumed she had gone immediately to work for Black Widow Corp after her graduation; there was no other work history for her anywhere. No social media, no public interviews. This woman fascinated you more and more. 
After a final set of deadlifts, you re-rack all the weights because you’re not that much of a heathen and check your phone again. Natasha is no longer at Black Widow Corp, her red dot moving steadily through 86th Street that cut through Central Park. Your heart rate jumps, and not because of your workout. You sit down on a bench to steady yourself, watching as the red dot continues through Central Park. When she turns right on Park Avenue, you know exactly where she’s heading.
Hopefully you could intercept her first.
“Where are you going?” 
Natasha curses under her breath as she turns around to see Yelena standing in the lobby, her arms crossed over her chest like a scorned mother catching her child sneaking out of the house.
“What?” Natasha rounds on her sister, annoyed that she’s been watching her like a hawk.
“The board of directors meeting starts in seven minutes,” Yelena says, and Natasha curses under her breath because she forgot all about that.
“Dad can handle it without me,” Natasha replies, eager to get the heat off of her as soon as she can.
“They’ll be talking about CES,” Yelena reminds her, referencing the important annual show where the biggest tech companies came together in Vegas to reveal their newest inventions and products.
“You’re not going to CES,” Natasha points out, surprised her sister even knows its proper name. Since the company was going to fall on her shoulders once their father stepped down, Natasha had spent almost the entirety of her adult life learning, training, and breathing business and technology. Yelena had been able to pursue her own hopes and dreams, starting in the private security field until she had enough experience (and enough of Dad’s money) to start her own company. She was happy and thriving, something Natasha was endlessly jealous of.
Yelena had never experienced the pressure of managing billions of dollars in and out the door. She didn’t know what it was like to fight off every insecure man who couldn’t bear to do a business deal with a woman. She hadn’t spent hundreds of hours trying to learn coding languages and complicated mathematics and equations on her own. Yelena didn’t understand what Natasha had spared her from, and Natasha was afraid she would never be grateful for it.
“Yes, but you’re going to CES,” Yelena says.
“You’re not my babysitter,” Natasha snaps, turning away and marching towards the door. 
“You’re going to see her again, aren’t you?”
“What?” Natasha stops. “Who the hell are you talking about?”
“That CEO you’re in love with.”
“Excuse me?” But Natasha’s face is flaming red as she struts over to confront her sister. “I am not in love with anyone. You know that.”
“You seem to be spending an awful lot of time with that CEO.”
“No, I’m not.”
Yelena smirks. “I own a private security company, sestra. You don’t think I know my own sister’s whereabouts and who she’s with?”
Natasha’s heart sinks, but she tries not to let it show. “Why can’t you ever just mind your own fucking business?” she growls, immediately regretting the harshness of her words when she sees her sister’s face fall. But she’s too proud to take it back.
“I don’t think it’s safe if you keep seeing her,” Yelena says. “And you don’t know what it could do for the company–”
“Why do you care about the company so much all of a sudden?” Natasha counters. “Dad’s not giving it to you when he steps down.”
“I don’t want it,” Yelena replies, although she looks hurt. “But to be quite honest, I don’t like what it’s turning you into.”
“Which is what?”
“This!” Yelena waves her arms at Natasha frantically. “It’s always ‘Black Widow this, Black Widow that.’ You don’t have any hobbies anymore. You never eat dinner with the rest of the family. You don’t go out unless it’s to see that CEO–”
Natasha interrupts her with a huff. “You wouldn’t understand, Yelena,” she says, trying a different approach and maintaining complete calm. “You can just stay holed up in your one-windowed office to spy on people and let the real adults go out in the real world and handle real shit.” With that, she spins on her heel and storms out of the building. 
“Why are you into shooting all of a sudden? Have you ever even held a gun before?” Tony asks, staring at you with a dropped jaw.
You shrug. “I need some new hobbies,” you lie.
“You’re not going to shoot someone with it, are you?” he half-jokes, his chuckle quickly dying up when you don’t laugh with him.
“No, of course not,” you mumble unconvincingly.
“Okay, well, when do you need the gun by?” he asks.
“How fast does Bucky work?”
Tony shrugs. “If I call him now, he can have one to me by the end of the day.”
“Okay.” The sooner the better, because it gave you less time to back out of your plan. “That works.”
“So, are we going big-game hunting in Africa this summer?” Tony asks, giving you a sharp nudge before starting his car.
“Maybe, maybe…” But you have a different target in mind.
The gun is surprisingly heavy, oily, and unfamiliar in your palm. Bucky had gone over the four “rules” of gun handling, which shocked you that he even knew:
Treat every gun like it was loaded
Don’t point it at something you aren’t willing to shoot.
Keep your finger off the trigger until you’re ready to shoot.
Be mindful of your target and what’s around it.
He had given you a full box of ammo for “good luck” too, before jumping back into his car and driving away faster than you could read his license plate.
Currently, you sit in the darkness of your apartment, weighing the gun in your hand. Your heart is beating so hard against your ribcage you swear you can hear it. 
You check your phone. Natasha’s just parked her car in the parking garage. It should only take her a few minutes to ride the elevator up. You hadn’t even bothered to change out of your workout clothes, worried that she would arrive at your apartment before you did, but you had just barely made it on time.
Her red dot blinks in place on your screen. She’s in the elevator.
Your eyes flit to the front door, the gun feeling even heavier in your hand. 
The seconds drag on. 
You hold your breath for as long as you can between inhalations, heart pounding, ears straining for any sound of movement outside your apartment door.
Beep, beep.
A key card–yours–registers at the door lock. The handle pushes down from the outside and you snap to attention. 
Don’t miss, you tell yourself.
The door parts open, almost hesitantly, like your uninvited intruder is suddenly unsure of themselves. In the darkness, you see a figure slip through the door and close it behind her. Her body shape gives her away immediately. The thick thighs in black jeans, the curve of her hips leading up to her narrow waist, the fullness of her bosom stretching out the tight shirt she’s wearing.
When Natasha steps into the light, she freezes when she sees you sitting at the kitchen table, gun cocked in her direction.
“It’s about time you showed up,” you greet. “Building security didn’t question you when you used my key card to get in?”
“Clearly not,” Natasha says, her stance tense and wary.
“Come sit down. We should talk,” you invite, gesturing with the gun and breaking Bucky’s rule number one. Natasha stiffly walks towards you, her face an impassive shadow. You’ve never seen her genuinely scared before and it delights you that for once, you have the upper hand on her. You kick out a chair and she sits next to you. 
“Didn’t expect this, did you?” you ask. “Probably thought you could just waltz right in here and steal more of my shit?”
“Shut the fuck up.” You’re tired of listening to her excuses. You rest the gun on the table. “Is Black Widow going to CES?”
“Yes,” she says. “Like we do every year–”
“Well, there’s going to be some changes this year,” you interrupt. “Get your phone out. Call your dad. Black Widow Corp is going to be a no-show this year.”
Natasha balks. “That…That won’t be possible.”
You pick the gun back up and point it at her, breaking rule number two. “Then make it possible.”
“You won’t shoot me.”
“You don’t think this is real?” You point the gun at the table. Rule number three. You pull the trigger. Rule number four. The gun bucks in your hand, the blast reverberating around your apartment with enough power to rattle your teeth. Natasha flinches even though you hadn’t aimed anywhere near her. “No one can hear us,” you say with a chuckle. “I had the apartment soundproofed years ago to stop the neighbors from complaining.” 
She stares at the gun.
“Take your phone out now. And call your dad.” You hope you don’t have to ask again.
With shaking hands, she finally obeys, placing her phone on the table. “Put it on speakerphone,” you demand. Natasha presses a few buttons and you hear the dial-up tone.
“Privet, doch',” Alexei booms.
“English,” you hiss.
“Hi, Dad,” Natasha says, side-eyeing you uncertainly. “We, uh…We need to talk about CES.”
“Good, I just got out of the meeting with the board–”
“Black Widow can’t show up this year.”
Alexei’s surprise is palpable. “What, Natasha? What are you talking about?”
“We need to call off our appearance,” she says, her voice shaking. “Just for this year. We’ll go again next year like we normally do–”
“What’s wrong with this year?” Alexei asks.
Natasha looks at you, her eyes begging. You shake the gun to remind her you’re serious. “I…uh…I don’t think our tech is ready for the show,” she says. “You know how disastrous it can be if we unveil something that isn’t completely ready.”
“But we’ve been working on Project Transformer for months, Natasha. It’s plenty ready–”
“No. Dad, please.” She grits her teeth. “I was looking through the code last night with the engineers. There’s a bug in the programming. It’s going to take at least a few weeks to smooth out. We can’t debut right now, Dad.”
Alexei curses in Russian. “Shit. The board really liked our presentation.”
“I know.”
“I wish you would have told me earlier.”
“I know,” Natasha repeats. “But we only just discovered it this week.” 
There is more silence, punctuated by Russian grumblings from Alexei. “Okay, okay. I’ll make a few calls. Too bad we’ll be losing out on our reservation fee too.”
“It’s a small price to pay.” Natasha’s eyes dart to you again. “Sorry for all the trouble, Dad.”
“Where are you?” Alexei asks. “We missed you at the meeting.”
“I’m out.”
“Will you come to dinner tonight?”
“Good, good. Proshchay, dorogaya.”
“Bye, Dad.” Alexei hangs up first.
You slowly clap your hands. “Good girl. Was that so hard?” Your chest swells with pride at your achievement. Maybe now she would have more respect for you. You know she only saw you as a piece of meat. But you were much, much more than that.
“Fuck you,” Natasha spits.
“Oh, are we still doing that?” You put the gun down on the table, this time facing it away from her. You part your legs slightly, inviting her between them. Natasha glares at you with emerald daggered eyes. “Don’t be shy, baby,” you say, your voice deepening. “I got what I wanted today. It’s only fair you don’t leave here empty-handed too.”
Natasha shoots up and marches over to you. For a second, you think she’s going to hit you, but instead she straddles your lap and kisses you so hard you’re sure she’s bruised your lips. The ferocity is both frightening and arousing as she tears off your workout shirt and shorts. She palms at your left breast roughly, sinking her nails into your abs and dragging them down to your belly button. You groan into her mouth when she bites your bottom lip. She’s never been this aggressive with you before, but you know she’s taking out her frustration on you.
And you absolutely love it.
“Now that I’m done fucking with your company, you want me to fuck you until you can’t walk?” you whisper, shoving your bare thigh between her legs. The friction from her jeans burns your skin, but you hardly register the pain. 
“You’ll have to carry me out,” Natasha says, trailing her fingers down the vein on your bicep.
“Deal.” You kiss her again, slipping your muscular arms under her thighs and standing up with her. You carry her to your bed, leaving her to undress while you grab your strap from its drawer and slip it over your legs. When you turn back, she’s shimmying off her lacy black panties and the feral urge to keep your promise overrides all your senses. 
You pick her back up and she hooks her legs around your waist, her arms circling your neck. She presses her naked chest against yours, both of you moaning in unison when your nipples brush together. You walk with her until Natasha’s back bumps into the wall, shifting her weight off your arms to the wall. You maneuver your right hand to grab onto your strap, lining it up with Natasha’s center. 
“Are you ready for me?” you ask, rubbing the tip of your cock over her soaking entrance. Natasha’s whines at your teasing, her fingers tangling in your hair and jerking at your roots painfully. 
“Fucking ruin me,” she begs.
You slam your hips forward, burying your entire cock in her in one move. Natasha screams, tearing her nails down your back. Your big hands grip onto her waist to hold her in place as you thrust into her tight heat, your abs flexing and tensing. Natasha’s body rolls with yours, her head falling back against the wall, exposing the perfect column of her neck to you. You lean forward to decorate it with your marks, so every time she undresses for the next week, she’ll be reminded of you.
The only item of “clothing” she still wears is a thin silver necklace with a rectangular charm hanging from the chain. It bounces in the hollow of her throat every time you thrust into her.
“Y/N, oh, Y/N,” Natasha chants, music to your ears as you keep your relentless pace. Your thighs, already spent from your gym session, are absolutely on fire now, so you need her to finish quickly before you drop her. You shift the angle of your hips, bumping the top of your cock against her clit with every stroke. Natasha squirms and moans, trying to find a rhythm with you, but she’s so close she can’t match you at all. 
“Tell me when you’re gonna cum, baby,” you pant. 
“Soon,” she moans. “Go harder. Don’t stop.”
You’re afraid you’re going to break her with how hard you’re thrusting into her. But finally, her body tenses in your hands and you know she’s finished all over your cock. You’re grateful to slow your thrusts as she comes down from her high, your entire body sweaty and buzzing with adrenaline. You slip your arms under her quivering thighs and stumble back to the bed, collapsing onto it with your legs hanging off the edge, Natasha panting on top of you. 
You’re not sure who’s more exhausted, you or her. You lay there unmoving, trying to catch your breath, which Natasha does before you. She sits up, slowly pulling your cock out of her and crawling up your body to kiss you messily. Her tongue slips into your mouth, but you’re too tired to return her fervor very much. 
“What’s wrong, sweetheart? Am I too much for you?” she teases, cupping your chest and pinching your nipples. 
“No, just give me a minute,” you grumble. It was rare to meet someone with stamina like hers. And as much as you prided yourself on yours, you feel like you may have met your match with Natasha Romanoff. Your arms and chest are covered in her scratch marks, and your back still stings a little. Natasha traces the scratches gently.
“Mine,” she murmurs.
“Hmm?” you grunt, not sure if you heard her correctly.
She props herself up on your chest to look at you. “I can give you a minute,” she purrs, her voice becoming husky and seductive. Natasha slides down your body, resting her knees on the floor and tugging the harness of your strap down your legs. You can hardly lift your hips high enough off the bed to help her, embarrassed by how tired you are. Natasha grabs your calves to lift your feet up one at a time to remove the harness and throw it to the side. She rubs her hand  across your defined abdomen, stoking the fire in your belly again.
“Don’t move, baby,” she says. “I’ll take care of you.”
“Huh?” You lift your head high enough to see Natasha’s head between your legs, her mouth lowering onto you. It’s like a lightning bolt of pleasure that shoots through your core and you moan loudly in appreciation. Natasha makes eye contact with you as she slips her tongue into you, smiling as you pant and squirm. 
“Oh, God. Fuck me,” you gasp, dropping your head back on the bed. Your hands claw at the sheets as her tongue explores your walls. Natasha pushes apart your muscular thighs to make more room for her, pushing so deep into you her nose bumps against you. Your chest heaves as you struggle to breathe evenly, arching your lower back off the bed in a silent plea for more. 
Natasha eats you out like she’d been starving for a week, her tongue alternating between swirling around your throbbing clit and pushing through your clenching walls.
You finally find the strength to lift your right leg, twisting it sideways at the knee and hooking it around the back of Natasha’s head, pressing your calf against her scalp and dragging her closer. You reach down with your hand to tangle it in Natasha’s flaming red hair, pushing her down so she isn’t tempted to pull away right when you reach the edge of release. 
“Nat,” you whine. “Please, baby. You’re gonna make me cum.”
Natasha hums against you, the vibrations finally causing you to lose control. Your entire body goes limp as Natasha cleans up all the slick between your legs, then climbs back up to rest on you like you’re her personal pillow.
“Gimme a kiss,” you mumble and Natasha presses her lips to yours obediently. She tucks her head in the crook of your collarbone and you stroke her hair absently. “If I fall asleep, are you gonna leave again before I wake up?” you ask, your voice sounding small. 
“Only if you want me to,” Natasha murmurs. 
“I know I’m supposed to hate you, but I don’t know if I can,” you admit.
“Then don’t,” Natasha says. “Because I was thinking about it too, and…I think we should go public.”
“Public? Like us being…” You can’t even finish your own sentence.
“Mhmm.” Natasha nods against your chest.
“You can’t be fucking serious,” you scoff.
“No, I’m fucking you.”
“And you’re done. Right?” Your eyebrows scrunch together at the dual meaning of your words. Natasha doesn’t say anything. “At the very least, you owe me fifteen-billion-dollars before we can go public about anything,” you say, referencing the amount your company lost in the last month when Black Widow Corp pulled the rug out from under your feet.  
“Done.” Natasha searches around your bed for her phone. “What’s your bank account number?” 
“What are you doing? Seriously.” You’re a little lost now. 
“Well, our dads spent all their time fighting each other,” she says.
“Not fucking?” you joke.
“I can’t confirm that,” she says with a smirk. “But I was thinking about it. And I know Envy hasn’t been doing so well lately–”
“Because you sabotaged our contracts and stole our ideas,” you remind her.
Again, Natasha does not confirm nor deny this fact. “But what if instead of competing, we…helped each other out?”
“Like a collaboration?” you ask. Your father had specifically warned you against any kind of “collaboration” work with another company. You weren’t running a YouTube channel. You had a multibillion-dollar business. It was your responsibility to look out for the well-being of your company and your company only, damn philanthropic endeavors, personal favors, and relationships.
“We can work something out,” Natasha insists.
“Did you go through all of this just to ask me that?” you ask.
“No.” Now, Natasha looks away from you. “I mean, at first, yes. I thought you would just be a hot one-night stand. And yes, you were–” You raise an eyebrow. “–But you’re also a lot more than that.” Validation burns through your veins to hear this. “You’re smart, you know the tech, and you know how to run a business. And you’re the hottest CEO in the country and the best person who’s ever taken me to bed,” Natasha says. You think you’re going to combust at the praise. “I can’t stop thinking about you. I can’t stop thinking about us. And what we could accomplish together.”
It takes a few seconds to let her words process. “I don’t know how this could work,” you say, the logical side of you taking over for once. “We’re not regular people, Nat. The future of this country is literally in our hands. The public watches our every move and criticizes every decision we make. People like us need whole PR teams to manage their relationships.”
“Fuck the PR teams,” Natasha says. “If we like each other, then why can’t we be together?”
It had been years since you had publicly been in a relationship with someone. After all, it was so much simpler to cycle through partners and not have to worry about commitment or any long-term decisions. But deep down, you were cripplingly lonely and terrified you wouldn’t be able to find someone who would settle with you. 
Because truth be told, your lifestyle was not for many. Most people couldn’t handle the pressure you were subjected to every day. The never-ending torrents of judgment. The borderline-criminal way you were stalked by reporters and paparazzi. The unreal expectations you were held to by people you’d never even met.
But out of all the people you had ever been with, Natasha Romanoff was the one with the best chance of understanding all that. She knew what she was getting herself into, because your life would be her reality the day her father passed on the company. Of course it wouldn’t hurt her to get some practice beforehand.
“I want you to be mine,” Natasha says suddenly. She reaches up to her neck, her fingers brushing the hickeys you left there, before unclipping the silver necklace. She puts it around yours, flipping the charm around so you can see that it reads “Natasha.”
“Baby…” You didn’t even care what your dad’s reaction to hearing the news would be. How would the public react? The consumers? The shareholders? At your level, it was unavoidable crossing the line between professional and personal interests. People would either cheer you on or vow to never use another Envy product again.
But Envy had been tanking ever since you took the helm. Maybe this was what you needed to bounce back…courtesy of the same woman who ruined you in the first place. The math seemed to add up–Natasha would cancel out herself, wouldn’t she?
Natasha interlaces her fingers with yours, distracting your thinking. “We could be the most powerful couple in the tech industry. In the world,” she says. “Isn’t that what you always wanted?”
“Yes,” you sigh, although that’s not really the truth. There was one thing you wanted more than power, money, and fame.
“Then don’t be afraid, sweetheart.” She squeezes your fingers. “With me, you’ll have everything you want and more.”
A rush of emotions suddenly overwhelms you–fear, annoyance, love, envy, and venom. You would kick yourself in the head if you missed out on the chance to be with Natasha, but you also weren’t entirely convinced this was the right move. 
“Y/N.” The way she says your voice is desperate and pleading, like she too can’t be without you.
“Okay.” You make up your mind in an instant. “Okay, baby. Let’s do it.”
Natasha beams, snuggling closer to you. The two of you say nothing further, and her steady breathing quickly lulls you to sleep. Natasha holds onto you even as she feels your body relax under her. She turns her head to look at the gun you left on the table, wondering what it would feel like in her hand, to hold against your head.
AN: These two are for real going to be the death of me. 😩
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pix3lplays · 5 months
@sailorstar9 who hit me with “ex-husband Aventurine trying to woo you back from Ratio” because yes
And @fire-lizard-ro because they put up with me talking about this all the time lol-
Cw! Ex-husband Aventurine, you have kids with him, I’m thinking two, you’re divorced for a reason, Aventurine is petty and wants you back, reader is with Ratio now, also neither of these men are great partners so…toxic family environments and such, sharing a bed
-Ex-husband Aventurine stuff because ugh I’m obsessed-
Does Veritas Ratio treat you much better than Aventurine did? Not really, but he was definitely preferable to your ex.
At least Veritas didn’t have a chronic gambling problem or ignores the kids or spends long nights away from home doing who KNOWS what.
At first Aventurine acts like he doesn’t care at all that you’ve finally had enough and had to divorce him. Your loss in his eyes. He’ll live without you.
But if it doesn’t bother him that much you do wonder why he goes to such lengths to show off his new partners to you. And it always seems to be someone new each month. Unsurprisingly. Makes sense that you were the only person who could put up with him long enough to marry him.
But when he finds out you’ve found a new boyfriend…and it’s VERITAS RATIO?? The jealousy is THERE, and honestly you can see it written all over Aventurine, regardless of how he acts around you.
So now you’re living at Veritas Ratio’s nice place, with your kids from your marriage to Aventurine. You like Veritas. They’re not his kids, but he takes an interest in their education and helping them be the best versions of themselves. He helps them with their homework, without just giving them the answers…yeah he’s not affectionate with your kids, they’re not his, but he doesn’t ignore them like Aventurine used to.
It’s ALWAYS awkward when Aventurine stops by to pick up or see his kids. He always brings presents, always does what he can to make it look like he’s suddenly an amazing and attentive dad, but you know he’s only doing it to try and impress and win you back.
Without shame too-he flirts with you RIGHT in front of Veritas. But Veritas has heard your stories about Aventurine. He’s not worried about you going back to him.
Veritas will just listen to the flirting, maybe step in with a little, “isn’t it about time you leave?” if Aventurine is going too far.
The tension between your ex and your boyfriend is INTENSE.
And by that I mean Aventurine feels very threatened by Veritas, and Veritas doesn’t feel threatened by Aventurine at all. It’s kind of like a one sided rivalry.
Also Aventurine absolutely does that thing where he conveniently leaves his sunglasses at your place so he has an excuse to come back, but you’ve learned to foil him by letting Veritas give him the sunglasses back at the door-just imagine how disappointed Aventurine is when it’s Veritas answering the door instead of you haha…
He calls you in the evening under the guise of “oh don’t you want to say goodnight to the kids?” but he ALWAYS tries to keep you on the phone after that. Just hang up on him. If it was up to Veritas you would just block his number but he understands that’s not practical.
Aventurine would try to use the kids to win you back but to be honest?? They don’t miss him that much. Honestly they prefer Veritas as their new ‘dad’. (Plus they’re gonna wish Veritas was actually their dad when they start getting bullied for being part Sigonian. Just sayin-)
Aventurine is jealous jealous JEALOUS he hates the thought of Veritas even touching you let alone the fact that you share a bed with that man…it drives him CRAZY. He’s not married to you he has No claim over you so he has no business being so jealous but he is anyways…
Eventually he’s not even subtle about how badly he wants you back. Just blatantly inviting you to dinner or over to wherever the heck he’s staying at the moment or to the casino to help you de-stress from all that time spent around Ratio-surely being around Ratio THAT much isn’t good for your health~
Of course you’re not falling for that. You’re not letting Aventurine back into your life more than you have to.
You really don’t want Veritas to feel like he has to get involved, but he has his pride. He can only handle Aventurine blatantly flirting with his partner for so long.
So far you’ve avoided a confrontation but Aventurine needs to start treading lightly if he doesn’t want a Codex to his face haha…
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thatdeadaquarius · 5 months
What if....
Blunt reader became a harbinger
I have NO idea how that would go but im here for the crack lol
(and to use this gif more importantly they're all so hot here lol)
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Sun: Reader (you/they/them), Blunt Language AU :D
Orbit: Headcanons-ish, crack treated srsly (yes im using ao3 tags atp)
Stars: Harbingers!
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: none known & Trigger Warnings: none known.
Please comment if I missed any. /gen
SO thought I’d update anyone missing out bc of the new year but-
I made this silly thing called Blunt Language AU, that was my 1st post for this blog/fandom actually! :D
I’ll link it here, but TLDR: it’s just our modern speech sounding “ancient” to the Teyvatians, who speak really flowery/fluffy/lots of context in comparison!
That’s all you rlly need to know to read this I think, so enjoy! :)
u fall into Genshin Impact, and Snezhnaya is where you land first type of energy lol
weird golden star falling from the sky? that sounds like a prophecy the Tsaritsa knows abt alright
so they sent Childe, one of the friendliest (if not The Friendliest) Harbinger, to see if it was a valid claim you’d finally descended,
and ofc as soon as the redhead heard you try and talk to him, he knew the claims by the small village nearby (who had taken u in from the cold weather/taken care of you) were legit
pantalone did manage to squeeze some examples of what you’d possibly sound like into his head before he left so while Childe personally has a tough time talking to you, it doesn't mean he’s not willing to try!! >:)
he mostly just kept asking questions forever until he understood what you meant, and as soon he got u were asking abt the Tsaritsa, the other Harbingers, himself, even how to get Sneznayan-made clothes lol
he was like: 👀👀👀???!!!!
it wasn't so much recruitment at first as it was “omg the exalted one wishes to learn abt us, the Tsaritsa and her Harbingers? abt me?? well would your highness like to come to our palace perchance???!!!!”
= have u ever been seduced and worshipped by a god and her country?? would you like to- ??? ← Childe actually
and with that convinces you to come straight to the Harbingers/Tsaritsa’s very home
No, you’re not just spoiled.
No, you’re not just pampered.
You are cosseted and coveted.
The Tsaritsa makes her first in person appearance to the people in decades to personally announce your return, and to get a festival going to literally parade you into the capital lol
And tbh it was kind of shocking how quickly the people of Snezhnaya are able to whip out the party supplies, within days of traveling via horses/sleds/carriage/trains all kinds of transportation, u arrived at the capital in full swing of a parade for you
The Tsaritsa herself in what looks like a genshin-ified kokoshnik, the elaborate headress draped with a veil so thin it looks like frost covering her face,
flocked on either side by her harbingers in full (kinda goth) ceremonial outfits waiting on your arrival too
needless to say you are properly smitten intimidated
and you stay nervous around them for the first few days or so,
that is before you run into the weekly, what you would call “family dinner nights”, but they call “dinner reports”…
in which Childe, the only one you’d been comfortable enough around to be a bit more genuine to, and surprisingly the only one to quickly adapt to your speech after traveling with you for days, would translate for you what tf you were saying to them vs. what everyone at the table was saying to you/around you
you would also like to propose other titles for these weekly dinner meetings you’re invited to, aka “family feud dinner night/family fight night/harbinger on harbinger hate night/fruit on fruit crimes, if you will” 💀
the Tsaritsa is just peacefully talking to you abt any and everything, bc ofc Pierro’s on her right, and ur on her left
(she and Pierro are surprisingly soft spoken, very polite, and able to say something interesting/take an interest in whatever subject you all end up on)
u don't think you've ever been more comfortable and on such equal footing around ppl sm older than you (what are older ppl to you, but to them ur literally fucking eldritch with how ancient u are, and u can tell with how they treat u like it lmao)
hard cut back to the rest of the table:
an argument that just gets louder and louder has broken out between Childe, Dottore, La Signora, and Pantalone abt who should get free time with you first/get to do smth with you first as you get over ur adjustment period here, Childe has taken his butter knife to throw and just barely missed Dottore’s eye, and it is now embedded in the back of his fancy chair (the servants placing down dinner courses just move abt w/the most bored expressions on their faces)
(u send half the table if this group gets out of hand and u just: “Please shut the fuck up, each of ur comebacks take 30 minutes and it’s killing me” 💀 bc they're the most likely to understand u too, even Pierro/Capitano/Pulcinella chuckle a little, and u think the Tsaritsa smirked under her veil)
ur honestly too scared to see what Scarmouche, Sandrone, and Arlecchino are arguing about, because they're arguing so silently further down the table. They have murder in their eyes.
Columbina and Capitano are having a peaceful collab over weapons, armor, and clothing to offer you, Pulcinella is close enough to both participate in that convo and in you, Pierro, and the Tsaritsa’s convos too
by the 2nd week you've decided to choose chaos, and get them to play board games together sometimes (they cant all make it all the time, tbh u don't know if u can handle that either) but groups of them will play at a time
u remembered early on what a dick Dottore was, and sentenced asked if he’d like to play this new board game called “Monopoly” from ur world with Childe, Pantalone, Pierro, Arlecchino, La Signora, and Scaramouche all together :)
(so what ur trying to bring khaenri’ah part 2 down on his head as punishment?? u owe scara and collei that at least)
Columbina is more than happy to help get you Harbinger-like clothes to wear since ur so interested in the style!! (yes yesss get converted, she already has a title picked out for you)
she also giggles anytime u talk abt whether u like an outfit or not, bc u just “no thank you I’d rather wear a trash bag than that shirt, but lets try another?”
meanwhile the tailors in the background u could literally edit them to one of those videos where it just zooms in on their faces with a vine boom of shock
like Pierro, ur unranked, just above the other Harbingers really, as it wouldn't do to make you the 12th Harbinger or smth
the names they gave you being, “The Playwright” or “The Renaissance” or even “Drammaturgo”
(pls anyone who speaks Italian correct if I'm wrong ToT )
ok but the first time, unsurprisingly, one of them got snappy with you, likely Scara I would think,
Scaramouche, pissy: “And what shall we do if it appears our almighty god is perhaps a descender who is entirely human? Why I dare say you’d be transgressing on privileges that were never yours to begin with!”
Every other Harbinger, the Tsaritsa herself, the servants, the frost on the walls: 😶😦😨😶‍🌫️
You, unbothered, still eating and fully expecting this moment: “I don't want to hear it from someone who has god-mommy issues. You shouldn’t have an opinion about me, ur biased.”
yeah, so obviously, they’re emotionally all attached now whether they know it or not, and this was of course the moment they realized they're god would fit in so perfectly here
(the other nations are going to have to pry you from Snezhnaya from their cold dead hands, esp since u now have legal deniability to visit bc ur technically a Harbinger, only commanded by her majesty lol)
(Scaramouche, Arlecchino, and Sandrone were fighting about who gets the room nearest to your quarters lol)
(Capitano won, somehow??)
sorry ive been slow lately guys, been just trying to work on alllll the fics these past weeks/days/however long its been??
anyway had the shift from hell last week so wish me luck with work this week if u see this 😭
hope u enjoyed this old ask/crack treated srsly post orah!! :D
Safe Travels,
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siribaes · 5 months
RIO x blackfem!reader (oc - Angel)
“After their breakup a decade ago, Rio reunites with high school sweetheart making up for lost time—”
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PARING: Exes to Lovers / Past High School Sweethearts
SUGGESTED TUNES 💿: Tu Principe by Daddy Yankee, What You Want by Ma$e & Total, Throwback by Usher & Jadakiss, Thugman by Tweet & Missy Elliott, Only U by Ashanti
CONTENTS: 18+ MDNI, SMUT, or*l (fem receiving), f*ngering, praise k*nk, slight possessive k*nk, Rio being a bedroom bully lol, some light use of Spanish, makeup s*x, cursing, etc. (UNEDITED/ NOT PROOF READ) / GIF CREDIT: @blackisblackisblack
AUTHOR’S NOTE: this was supposed to be a drabble but turned into a full-blown fic, but anyway LOL. so i did a lil AU for rio, essentially he pulled a griselda blanco moved operations to Long Beach (Rio is so west coast coded to me) but yeah, the backstory of these two is that they were childhood friends turned high school sweethearts (class of 2005 in my AU lore of these two, hints at the music choices, etc.) before they went separate ways yada yada, the oc’s face claim is danielle brooks 💖 as always enjoy y'all
Makeup sex shouldn’t be this good. Like this was too good, like ultimate dream-fantasy level type of makeup sex. It felt unreal, except this was very real. Very, very, real.
Angel never imagined that her night would've ended up like this, in the arms of her high school sweet-heart, or rather sitting on top of a very expensive, entry way console, as her high school-sweetheart-turned-ex, used his nimble hands to fondle at her luscious curves, and pillowy-soft lips to suck on the sensitive part of her neck. From how hard Rio sucked and kissed on her neck it was surely going to leave a hickey, which might've been on purpose on Rio's part.
Since they were young, Rio always had a slight possessiveness towards Angel, nothing that was too domineering or chauvinistic, but still a possessiveness that was rooted in a love and a true appreciation of her. This of course was expressed in a way that only a sixteen-year-old Rio could, buying Angel's favorite snacks for school, littering her neck with hickeys during make-out sessions, and even saving what little he had to buy a gold necklace with an angel shaped pendant. It was the subtle ways Rio showed how he felt. That in addition to the verbal ways, in true young-Rio, braggadocious fashion. Even then Angel knew, deep, deep, down, that there would be no one who could measure up, or as Rio so accurately foretold the night of their break-up, "Who else is like me, hm? Who's better than me?"
Angel of course buried that fact deep into her subconscious, well, not deep enough, because in each of her relationships since, it managed to rear its ugly head every single time. Most recently, with her ex-fiancé, Nathan. Nathan was great at first, good conversation, amazing dates, lavish gifts, he treated her like princess. But slowly, over time, Nathan stopped trying, it especially became bad after their engagement. They rarely talked, unless it was about work, or wedding plans, he neglected her, especially in the bedroom. Angel soon realized that despite Nathan's neglectfulness, she made no effort to confront him about it. She didn't care, not a single bit. In the end, Angel had to accept that her heart belonged to someone else. That Rio was the only man for her.
Which brings her too tonight, Angel's high school class's reunion. It was a big one, celebrating 20 years, and Angel thought it would be the perfect remedy to cheer her up. She could let loose, reunite with some old classmates, and celebrate with her friends she's had since then. Something that could put her mind at ease, pull her focus away from the abysmal ending to her engagement.
She was having a good time, truly, cutting up on the dance floor to a killer set of music from 04' and 05', with her besties, Clarissa, Benny, Keke, and Dre. Angel was having the time of her life, dancing to Lose My Breath by Destiny's Child, when her friends froze, their eyes all staring at the bar of the ballroom. Clarissa leaned and whispered.
"Rio's, here."
Angel's mind and heart went to full overdrive, as memories of their relationship flooded her mind. Apparently, while Angel and her friends were having the time of their lives, Rio showed up and instantly became the talk of the town. He had a few breezy conversations with old classmates, charming them of course, and when asked about what does for a living, he smoothly responded that he was an entrepreneur, that he's always been good with numbers. Which wasn't a complete lie, but it wasn't the truth either. Of course, none of their classmates were aware of Rio's true dealings, only Angel and her close circle were privy to that info.
Despite the nerves that bubbled in her stomach, Angel, knew that she had to face Rio at some point. She marched over and sat at the bar next to him. After some awkward pretense, more on Angel's part than Rio's, and shot of whiskey later, they talked. The conversation flowed and soon before they knew, it was like old times. They caught up and laughed about old memories. More and more Angel felt her heart swell in her chest, her latent feelings for Rio were bubbling to surface. But Rio surprised her, after sharing a couple dances to slow jams, a proposition slipped freely from his lips.
"Come home with me?"
From a safe distance, her friends watched the exchange, seeing the chemistry they still had after all this time, and despite some reservations, they encouraged to follow her heart, or as Keke put it, her pussy. When they were parting ways, Clarissa hugged her tight and encouraged her, whispering in her ear, "Just go with him, girl. Have some fun, we both now you deserve it after the shit you've been through."
So, here she was, whimpering and writhing underneath Rio's touch, while simultaneously admiring the backyard view. An ink-colored sky served as a gorgeous back drop, for the glowy lit infinity pool, in the distance was twinkling lights from buildings near the coastal beach. It was truly a sight to see. Angel snapped back to reality when she felt a firm hand, cradle her chin.
"Where'd you go?" Rio asked. His Coca-Cola colored eyes stared back at her. His head tipped to side, long eye lashes fluttering against the tops of cheeks as he blinked.
His gaze was heavy was lust, completely unrelenting. Its intensity caused Angel to squirm in her seated position. A warmth bloomed underneath her skin as she rubbed at the part of her neck Rio just was. It was still wet from his kisses.
"N-nowhere, baby," Angel stammered.
Slowly, Rio lips curled into a half smile.
"Good," Rio nodded his head as his gaze traveled down to Angel's chest, zeroing in on the exposed skin the peeked through her top, "now take this shit off. I wanna see them titties, Nena."
Completely under his spell, Angel quickly took of her top, leaving her in a lacy, cerulean colored bra, her mini skirt, and a pair of thoroughly soaked panties. Immediately Rio, hand's palmed at Angel's breasts, rubbing and squeezing them. A soft moan escaped her lips, as Rio's lips latched onto one of nipples.
"Yes, baby," Angel sighed, her hands cradled Rio's head close to her. His tongue alternated between soft flicks and harsh sucks at her left nipple. He released her nipple with a pop and went to the right nipple, repeating the same thing, "Fuck, baby, just like that. Shit!"
Angel could feel the wetness pool inside of her panties, as her clit began to throb. She needed Rio, real bad.
"Damn," Rio breathed out. He pulled away from Angel's chest, while his large hands rubbed at her ample thighs. His lips curled into a wicked smile as he admired his handywork. Angel's boobs glistened with sweat, as her hardened nipples stood at full attention, with spit dripping from them, "I missed them titties, girl. Fuck, I need to that pussy too. Lift up for me."
Angel obliged. Rio supported her with one hand, while with the other, slipping off her mini skirt and panties. He tossed the skirt to the floor, while he pocketed her panties. A storm swirled in his eyes, a thick haze of lust, as he admired Angel's, wet, glistening, pussy.
"I dunno if I can wait, mama," Rio rasped. He brought a finger to Angel's core, swiping at her wetness, and brought it back to his lips, sucking on it, "You taste good, mama. All this shit for me?"
Angel nodded. "Yes, it's all for you baby,"
Wordlessly, Rio plunged his fingers inside of Angel, who let out a yelp in response. He quickly fell back into old habits, fucking Angel with his fingers, just the way she liked it.
"Yeaaahhh, just like that," Rio rasped, he bent down and licked at her lips, "Be a good girl and fuck my fingers back," Angel whined loudly, following his instructions, lifting her hips slight and fucked his thick, fingers.
"Fuck! I'm close baby!"
"I gotchu, mama. Fuck, I feel you on my fingers. You gonna let me take care of you, huh? I'll give you anything you want mama, fuck, you being so good for me. Cum for me, darlin',"
And she did. Angel's eyes squeezed shut as she gushed over his fingers. A string of curses and pleases slipped from Angel's lips as Rio continued to fuck her through her orgasm. She could feel the cum slipping down her thighs.
"Mi alma, you look so good cummin' for me," Rio praised her. He captured her lips and kissed her sweetly. His tongue swirled around in her mouth as mimicking the move with his fingers. Angel pulled away from him, mewling.
"Riooooo, fuck, slow down baby,"
Rio landed a firm smack on Angel's ass. He cradled Angel's chin bringing her eyes towards him. His eyes hardened a bit, still holding its lustful haze, now a bit possessiveness broke through. Rio crooked his fingers, slowing down his pace just a tad, but driving into Angel's pussy much harsher and deeper.
"Fuck, I say about that shit," He growled.
"Shit! Baby, I-I'm s-sorry," Angel whimpered. Her mind flickered back to them making out in the car, he only to wanted to her his name, his real one, "Christopher, 's too much,"
A look of pure satisfaction bloomed across Rio's face. Got her.
"Just one more, mama. Be a good girl for me," Rio sunk down to knees, he slowly placed small kisses at Angel's inner thighs. He worshiped the plushness of her thighs, while Angel writhed and whined. He inched closer, spreading Angel's thighs further apart. He admired how she dripped around his fingers. "Fuck, mama I want you to cum on my tongue, 'k?"
Rio kept his eyes on Angel as he licked at her entrance, swirling his tongue around his fingers, continuing on until he reached her clit. Rio pressed a soft kiss to Angel's clit.
"Christopher!" Angel shouted.
Rio worked in tandem, his long fingers plunged in and out of Angel's, while his tongue swirled around her clit, flicking at the sensitive bud. Angel's hands rubbed at the soft hair of Rio's buzzcut, while the familiar thrumming of her orgasm quickly approached.
"Christopher, fuck, I'm soooo close,"
Rio pulled back, "Say it again,"
“Christopher, Christopher, Christopherrrrr, keep fuckin’ me, I’m so close,”
Rio grinned as he returned to her pussy. He latched onto her clit, sucking so harshly, Angel for sure believe that it was going to be bruised. His fingers fucked her even faster, as she clenched around them, as Rio French-kissed her pussy. He was completely relentless, wanting to see her cum, again, again, and again. With one last, harsh suck at her clit, Angel, exploded. She screamed in pleasure as she rode out her orgasm. Rio rose up, slowly pumping his fingers, before pulling out.
"Did so good for me," He mumbled against her cheek, holding her close as Angel rode out the aftershocks.
“I love you so much, baby,” Angel whispered in his ear.
Rio captured her lips again, kissing Angel. He licked at her mouth, allowing Angel to taste herself. Rio arms snaked around Angel's torso, and with ease, managed to throw her over his shoulder. Angel giggled and kicked her feet and Rio moved to the stairs.
"Baby! What are you doing?"
"It's time for the real show to start, Nena," Rio teased, he playfully smacked her ass, "You ready for me?"
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memryse · 1 year
if mcyt isn’t fiction then
people who create dnd characters that are similar to them in personality are just playing themselves and should not be treated as having made a character
people who make any other dnd character should also be treated as just playing themselves since people refuse to even consider roleplay smps as fiction
any ocs someone puts a bit of themselves into? nope not fiction!
actors who play a character with the same first name as them aren’t really acting
and so on
maybe YOU can’t separate characters and real people and think that everything you see from a youtuber even when they’re explicitly acting is how they are in real life but we as a fandom just don’t have that issue lol. we’ve had disclaimers and indicators for when we’re talking about characters and not content creators for years because a certain smp contained a character having suicidal thoughts as a result of abuse at the hands of another character and we needed to make it absolutely crystal clear that we were referring to a fictional storyline and not real guy #1 being an abuser and real guy #2 being suicidal. these customs have either extended into other corners of mcyt fandom, or some developed their own independently like hispanic mcyt fans have used the word cubito to distinguish mc guy from real life guy from years, a term that other language speakers liked so much we’ve also started picking it up lol
we know exactly what we’re doing. i get that the line maybe does seem more blurred to an outsider looking in (i wouldn’t know given that both my first fandom at age 12 and current fandom at age 20 were mcrp lol) but it’s universally understood amongst us. i don’t have a problem separating hermitcraft!gem and empires s1!gem the wizard with a twin brother and empires s2!gem the princess and cc!gem the real life canadian woman.
idk it rubs me the wrong way that after years of trying to explain this we’re either met with people calling us racists because of three guys that the rest of us (all of us, really, because dream team fans do not claim to be minecraft fans. those are the type to actually write rpf and ship the real life racist guys) hate probably a lot more than any of you do, or they watch a few minutes of a less roleplay-heavy series/part and decide that the entire medium is invalid as a form of storytelling
it’s so annoying. i don’t think we need to be understood to have validity as a fandom we’ve been doing this for years already without that but it is so infuriating and sad how whenever there’s some kind of fandom poll thing one of three things happens
mcyt fans are banned outright and placed on the same level as something like hp
an mcyt fan runs their own and gets harassed for it
a non-mcyt fan allows us in until they get harassed so badly by whatever fandoms we go up against that they end up deleting our bracket
in what world is that normal behaviour. and that harassment always involves calling them all racist cishet white men such as misgendering both eret (real life bisexual genderqueer person) and their character (also queer), attempting to harass jimmy solidarity fans because jimmy makes mc videos so he must be a dream associate (the only time they interacted was in a tournament during which dream and georgenotfound shittalked jimmy’s best friends to his face), all the shit quackity has gotten for being a former friend of the dream team as if he wasn’t the #1 victim of their racism and xenophobia, the fact that any time c!technoblade is involved in a poll we have to beg other fandoms not to talk shit about him because the real life man died of cancer before dream’s grooming allegations came out, similarly when tfc was in one. and so on and so forth. all because people can’t separate roleplay and real life and think that the entire minecraft sphere revolves around dream just because their idea of mcyt does (not even his own smp named after him did that).
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himezoro · 2 months
HI, i’m just soo in love with the way you portray zoro so i was thinking about a request (only if u want to, ofcc)
imagine reader having feelings for zoro and be reciprocated (but reader still doesn’t know bc zoro’s not the best at expressing feelings) they’re in wano and with the way hiyori treats zoro reader thinks zoro likes hiyori so reader puts some distance between them and zoro and gets closer to law (bc i think they’re kinda similar up to some point) AND ZORO NOTICES IT.
that’s it for my request, kinda specific lol, HAVE A NICE DAY and feel free to take as much time as you need if you decide to give it a go <3
i’m so sorry for the wait, but istg I really wanted to give it a go as you said!! <3 the reader is set to be the crew’s strategist/scholar, just like in this one shot (though this request is not meant to be the following of the later!). the events I’m describing are not 100% accurate with the exact way wano happened (in terms of strategy meetings etc etc) but I felt more comfortable this way!! i didn't know if you wanted a good or bad ending, so i went for the first option to compensate with the long wait :( i hope you enjoy it <3
wc: 1.7 ish
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stolen times
Saying you only had yourself to blame and your sole eyes to cry, was an understatement.
As the crew’s strategist, you offered to split at Zou in order for everyone to attend the two issues at end: saving Sanji, and the people of Wano. Because of your valuable knowledge and abilities, you stayed alongside Law, Robin, Franky, and Zoro, while the rest of the crew left for Whole Cake island. Considering the matter at hand, everyone had to stick to their role, even if it meant pretending not to know one another.
Even if it meant pretending not to know Roronoa Zoro.
Saying you knew Roronoa Zoro was also an understatement. After all the time you spent alongside the swordsman, it felt like you understood him pretty well, without as much as a word. You understood his thrive to perfect his craft, his dedication, his patience regarding improvement, his need for meditation and peace, his oath. You knew his favorite mug to drink from, the way he likes his rice, his favorite sleeping position. You could hear the laughters he would let while talking to Luffy, see the protective hold he would have on Chopper while walking, see the flex of his strong built, the blink of his dark eye, the bite on his lower lip.
Everything from Roronoa Zoro was framed in the back of your eye. You loved, admired the swordsman. Your relationship with him was pleasant, even though it lacked the romance you so craved for. He would often stay by your side while you worked in your office claiming it was a quiet space and ask if you ate before working, sit next to you during meetings and meals, lay a hand on your waist when walking down the dock, and always, always, look your way before getting into a fight with an enemy. Other than that, nothing was truly shared between the two of you, and because of Zoro’s silence regarding his feelings, your mind never allowed itself to wander through the possibilities of his heart, while the later would try its best concealing your desires.
So pretending not to know about the way another woman was treating him and tending to his needs was torture. And none of this would have happened if you had ruled for Zoro to go to Whole Cake. Which is why you deeply cursed yourself, even though it was for a greater cause.
Time seemed long until you all reunited at Wano and start planning for the assault on Kaido. So when you did reunite with everyone, your jaw almost dropped to the floor when Brook mentioned walking in on Hiyori sleeping on top of Zoro. Pretending not to care was harder than pretending not to know, so you decided to ignore the green-haired male and stay focused on your task. Even if it meant not listening to the drums of your heart and its song.
Which led to raise confusion in Zoro’s mind. He was not explicit with words, but weren’t his gestures enough? Did you not understand him like he thought you did?
He would be lying if he said he did not mind your distant attitude. He would even go as far as saying that he felt bothered by it, especially after spending quite some time apart pretending not to know one another. He was surprised to not see your usual smile when you looked at him, and not have you saving him a spot next to your figure.
Instead, there was Trafalgar Law.
And it seemed you enjoyed his company. He could see the two of you talking intently and the way he would lower his head so he could hear you more amongst the ruckus. He could see the way his grey eyes would pierce at your features, like a hawk. Hell, he even saw how Law casually laid a hand on your arm when you got up the table to wash your hands.
Zoro clicked his tongue and threw daggers at Law with his one functioning eye, wishing his eye could kill.
When the reunion ended and everyone started leaving to their room, the swordsman could not help himself but bump into you on his way, which you could not possibly ignore. Your eyes met before you averted your gaze and started walking again, which he prevented by standing your way.
And yet, he did not let out a single word. Or at least, not a single one he wished to say.
“Enjoying the alliance I see.”
You scoffed, your pride taking advantage.
“So do you, Roronoa”, you looked down at Enma with an arched brow, “Nice sword you have here.”
“Thanks, Hiyori gave it to me.” he answered, not noticing the ice in your tone, or maybe ignoring it for how warm he felt hearing your voice, even if it lacked its usual honey.
Hearing the name you resented triggered your jealousy. You simply nodded and formed an “oh” with your lips, its shape taking his breath away. It took him a lot of strength not to plant a kiss on your pout, but before he could even argue, someone called you, interrupting his train of thought.
“(Y/N)-ya, I need your input on the number of fleets for the assault before we head out.” Law said from behind Zoro, which prevented the doctor from seeing the grim look on the swordsman’s face.
“Already on first name basis with the Doctor huh?” Zoro said, clicking his tongue in the process.
Just like you with Hiyori, you wished to say. You wanted to shake him off, ask him what the matter was if Law used your first name. You wanted him to tell you he liked you and not Hiyori, and him to throw his new sword away. You knew these were unfair feelings, and probably a little mean. If Zoro had found solace in the kindness of Hiyori and the beauty of Wano, then there was nothing for you to do, right?
With these invading thoughts in mind, you simply sighed and offered him a small, sad smile before joining Law in his quarters.
“I’ll see you in three days for the assault. Please train well, everyone is counting on you.”
Seeing you walk past him to join Law hurt him more than he wished to admit. He did not turn around to watch you walk away, swallowing whole. He waited a second before walking away as well, regrouping with Hiyori.
// the festivities after the assault //
When Kaido was defeated after much efforts, the Mugiwara and the alliance craved for a celebration. Everyone was reunited on the Sunny amongst sake, flowers, food, music and laughters.
You had your back resting on the railing, enjoying the breeze in your hair with a cup of your favorite drink in your hand, looking at the rejoice faces around you. Of course, your eyes followed the trail of Zoro, and the fact that the swordsman was still sitting with Hyori.
Sighing, you felt the presence of Law getting closer to yours. He stood beside you, his eyes looking in the same direction as yours.
“I have to admit (Y/N)-ya, you remarkably led the battlefield.”
”Because you doubted this alliance? Here I thought we were able of performing miracles.” you playfully added using his phrases, slightly shoving the Doctor in the process. Trafalgar Law felt himself smirking, not bothering to answer your gentle attack, surprisingly, simply enjoying your presence.
During the course of this alliance, you had gotten closer with the Doctor. His quietness and charisma was similar to Zoro’s, even though he was not as large as the green-haired. Law found himself enjoying talking to you, especially in this setting. He thought you were intelligent and committed to your work, dedicated to saving lives with the best plans, just like he dedicated his life as a doctor to save others. You could see how he grew accustomed to the crew’s nonchalant antics, and safe around you all. Even you were surprised that he did not betray Luffy’s trust, since you were part of the ones that doubted Luffy’s decision.
But getting closer to Law, even as amicably as your relationship with him was, did not go unnoticed, especially by the swordsman himself. Three days ago, he felt a gap between the two of you, which he was not used to. Him, who was so used to stay by your side when you stayed on the railing to lovingly keep an eye on everyone. Him, who was so used to enjoying your presence and your scent. Him, that was now staring at you and Law amidst the laughters of his friends, ignoring Hiyori beside him.
Right now, he had two options at hand. Either closing the distance, or risking losing you to another world.
“Go talk to her.” he heard Hiyori’s voice beside him speak, which cut his train of thought.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I feel like I got to know you enough to know that (Y/N)-san holds a dear place to your heart. Pardon me if I am wrong, though, but she may not be aware of your feelings.”
Zoro sighed and did not find the words to answer Hiyori. Instead, he kept his eye on you all along. You were so beautiful, glorious.
When Law left to get you another drink, Zoro took this opportunity to get up and walk to you, his presence getting more and more overpowering as he got closer to you. As he got beside you, you did not dare to move, feeling a pull.
There he stayed beside you, enjoying your presence as he should. The air blowing in your hair danced its way to his heart again, a dusty shade of pink coloring his features. On your hand, it felt hard to talk, a mix of sadness, desire, pride and guilt creeping in your heart.
The swordsman crossed his arm as he kept his built back onto the railing, finally uttering the words he wished to say, closing his one eye.
“You were missed, you better know that.”
And all he heard was your scoff and laugh at his subtle yet commanding hint.
“What’s making ya laugh, woman?” he turned to you, opening his eye, basking in your glory.
“You are, Zoro. You are clearly implying that you missed my presence, while you’re here with your girlfriend! It’s preposterous, even for you.” You said, trying to calm your laughter, clearly a defense mechanism.
“Huh?! Are you insane?! Who are you talking about?” he asked, dumbfounded with a bit of irritation.
“Hiyori, who else? I wish the two of you all the happiness in the world. But you should not imply things you either do not mean or should not mean in a relationship.”
“What relationship are you even talking about for God’s sake? Are you high? Drunk?”
“Stop lying to me! I understand you have boundaries and secrets and all, but I saw how the two of you are acting! And Brook even told me you slept together! So please, for the sake of my heart, Zoro : do not say words you should not say when you are involved with someone else.”
You let out a huge sigh at the end of your speech, trying your best to keep your composure. Zoro stared at you, quite confused at your words. But amidst them all, Zoro remembered how he understood you like no one could. And in spite of your ludicrous accusations, Zoro knew better. Regardless of him knowing better, his stubbornness got the best of him at that moment.
“You’re one to talk, with Tra-guy sticking to you. He’s been all over you, ready to steal you away from me and the crew.”
“What are you even talking about? I am not planning on leaving you and the crew, and Law is just a friend. Surely, he is not interested in stealing me away on his submarine. Don’t be preposterous.”
“Only an idiot wouldn’t want to steal you away if they could.”
Your eyes met his for a moment, and it felt obvious. Natural. Before Law could come back with the drink you wanted, you offered him a small smile, set on cutting the tension.
“So, are you dating Hiyori?”
“I thought it was clear that I’m not interested in dating her.” he replied, which made you look at him with an arched brow.
“Why are you looking at me like that? Isn’t it obvious?”
“Just as obvious as your probable feelings for me, if you want my opinion.”
Zoro sighed, blaming himself for not being able to normally express his feelings to you, worried, that someone like Law could.
“How can I make my feelings clearer then?” he genuinely asked, feeling Law coming your way.
“You could start by getting me a drink?” you suggested with a knowing smile as Law arrived in front of the two of you.
Needless to say, Zoro forcefully took the drink from the other captain’s hands to hand it to you, with a smirk on his lips.
“Ain’t nobody stealing my girl here, Tra-guy.” he muttered to his “rival”, leaving Law confused and you laughing.
From that moment on, the distance finally closed and Zoro felt exactly where he belonged: right by your side.
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rottiens · 2 months
The other day I saw that panel again about Toji sleeping around because he needs a roof over his head somehow, and I'm just gonna put this out there, that I'd easily be one of those delusional women who would try to make him fall in love with me. Hell, I'd even try to be his sugar momma/babe with my minimum wage job, lmao
this made me scream lol, sorry but same. i think i could make him change and you know what...in my little head i think it is possible. 
i think he would be reluctant at first, like a stray cat you have to tame. one that pulls back when you try to pet him but slowly gives in as you show him that you are not going to hurt him. 
the first time he sleeps over he makes it clear that it doesn't mean anything, he has a pout and a wrinkled nose, dirty shirt from the drizzle that fell earlier and a band aid you placed on his cheek. even though toji's rules are clear, sex only, you wake up in the middle of the night with his arms wrapped around you, tied around your waist like a knot that you can't get rid of. 
he smells like home, like you. like the detergent you used to wash his clothes, like the shampoo he took without your permission to wash his hair and you can't help but cling to him more in search of that warmth.
the next week he gets trapped in your house when he is putting on his tight shirt and heading out. torrential rains pelted the city, preventing him from seeing the road, so you forced him to watch your favorite show on the couch with treats you had at home and a warm blanket over his legs. 
"we're not a couple," the semi-domesticated cat reminds you with a growl. 
two months later and toji doesn't want to get out of your bed after you have sex, hugs you, snuggles you and refuses to let you out of his grip when you demand that you have to go to work. toji stays in the mornings after breakfast and accepts when you invite him to lunch on your off time.  
"we're not a couple," he reminds you as you put the face mask on him and you can't help but laugh. you have his shirt on and he's in your bathroom half naked with one of your headbands holding his hair back to let you see his face better. 
you help him shave, he rewards you by massaging your back, your feet, fucking you slow and soft in prone bone. toji claims he's not your boyfriend, but slowly the line becomes blurred the day he arrives with a box in his hands with his belongings and doesn't leave again the next day… or the other. 
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xomakara · 9 months
Our Love is Infinite
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SUMMARY | You’re in a relationship with five guys that are utterly devoted to you. PAIRINGS | NCT '00 Line/Fem!Reader GENRE | just filthy smut, unprotected sex, fluff, mentions of threesomes, fingering, anal sex, oral sex (both male and female receiving), dirty talk, pet names RATING | Mature LENGTH | 14,672 words AUTHOR’S NOTE | And this is finally finished. Geezes, took me awhile. IDK if there’s really any plot in this. It’s more sex than anything. There’s mentions of threesomes but I haven’t wrote any of those scenes in here lol. Maybe I’ll write a part 2 or something for this. Hope you like it!
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“So you and Jeno, huh?”
“Yeah, like he was really good last night.”
“I can’t believe I managed to kiss Jaemin.”
“Oh my god, you lucky bitch.”
You overheard the girls from a few tables down talk about who they've spent the night with after the NCT frat party. One girl was boasting about getting laid by Jeno. Another one claimed that she and Jaemin had kissed last night.
But you knew that wasn’t the case. Jeno and Jaemin were with you last night. You were sandwiched between the both of them, both taking turns fucking you senseless. The two gorgeous studs had given your pussy the best fucking it’s ever received.
You rolled your eyes, Yangyang sitting across from you as he laughed. “Seeing your reaction, seems like those girls are just telling made up stories.”
Haechan shook his head. “Don’t tell me…both of them were with you last night?”
Renjun let out a small laugh. “Of course they were with Y/N.”
Haechan patted you on the shoulder. “Mmm, baby. Jeno and Jaemin? At the same time? How are you feeling today?”
“I felt like I was almost torn in half.” You frowned at him, lightly squeezing his thigh.
“Awh, baby. Are you sore?” Haechan leaned over and kissed your forehead. He whispered into your ear, running his fingers along your jawline. You shivered under his touch. "Should we give you a break tonight?"
“Let's give Y/N a break tonight,” Renjun said, placing a kiss on your cheek.
Ever since you and Haechan started dating, your relationship and sex life has been very surprising. When Haechan was open to the idea of sharing you with his friends, it changed everything. No longer were you just his girlfriend, you were their girlfriends too. While you might not get to spend your whole time with Haechan anymore, you do get to enjoy each other’s company. For the most part, you guys are all exclusive to each other.
At first it started when you and Haechan caught Renjun sneaking looks at you while you weren't looking. When you asked why he kept staring, he told you that it was because he thought you were cute. As it turned out, Renjun had never dated anyone before and it took a lot for him to finally make a move. Haechan and you invited Renjun over to hang out, where you gave him your number so he could call you later.
When you got home that day, you looked at Haechan, questioning what to do next. Haechan chuckled and said he was fine with it if you wanted to date Renjun. Of course you agreed, wanting someone new to share your bed with every once in a while. Renjun seemed like a fun guy and being around the two of you makes him happy. It made you happy to know that there would be another man in your life that would treat you well.
Plus sex with the both of them is pretty awesome too. They're both quite skilled in the bedroom, leaving you satisfied more often than not. Not only did you start having threesomes with the two of them but you also have regular sex with them alone.
Yangyang was thrown into the mix when Renjun introduced him to you and Haechan. Like everyone else, he was attracted to you right away. He and Haechan hit it off right away and Yangyang saw an opportunity to pursue you. The two started spending a lot of time together, becoming best friends quickly. Haechan and you came to trust Yangyang and eventually you invited him to join in on their threesomes with you.
You were surprised when Jeno and Jaemin showed interest in you. It made sense though. After hearing all the sexcapades between you, Haechan, Renjun and Yangyang, you weren't surprised if Jeno and Jaemin wanted in on it as well. And hey, the sex was great so far. You would be lying if you say you didn't enjoy having Jaemin's dick deep inside you or letting Jeno slide in and out of your ass. So yes, you welcomed their advances with open arms. Plus, they weren't going to be some random people trying to enter your lives. They're already your friends.
This arrangement was a win-win situation for everyone involved. Everyone gets what they want. You got more dick. Haechan got some friends and you were happy to have a group that made you happy.
"Where is Jeno and Jaemin?" Renjun looked around before spotting Jeno's car in the parking lot. "They're always here early."
Jaemin entered the restaurant first, wearing an oversize t-shirt and sweatpants. He spotted Haechan standing behind you, greeting him with a hug. "Hey, sorry guys. Someone forgot to wake us up this morning."
Jeno pointed at you, smiling brightly. "Can't blame you, Y/N. The fuck she put us through last night."
You shrugged, turning to face the boys. "It was fun."
The rest of the guys filed into the restaurant, all talking amongst themselves. Jaemin turned towards you, giving you a small smile. "Did you sleep okay last night? We didn't hurt you or anything, did we?"
"Nah, I'm fine." You answered, sticking out your tongue. "Even though I felt like I was being torn apart half way through. But don't worry, I still enjoyed myself."
Jaemin smiled, nodding his head. "Good. 'Cause we plan to do it again soon."
Everyone exchanged glances before beginning to chuckle.
"Well, get in line since I plan on having her to myself." Haechan said with a wink, his hand on your thigh. "It's been awhile since I had some one on one with my sweetheart."
Your heart sped up. It's been awhile since you slept only with Haechan ever since you got multiple boyfriends. Haechan was your everything and even though he does get possessive sometimes, you love every bit of it. His kisses, his cuddles, the way he makes you feel so special. Although you had other boyfriends, Haechan was the one you loved the most. Having multiple lovers couldn't change that. Haechan wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.
Yangyang frowned. "I want some love too. Kind of jealous right now."
"Come on, don't be jealous." Renjun said, giving Yangyang a friendly pat on the back. "Remember that Haechan and Y/N have the most intimate relationship since they've been together since the start. It's just normal for her to spend most of her nights with Haechan."
Jeno leaned over, putting a hand on Yangyang's shoulder. "Come on, bro. You know how close they are. They've been through thick and thin. If anyone knows what they're doing, it'd be Haechan and Y/N."
"Ahww, my poor Yangyang." You pressed a small kiss on his cheek. "I still love you."
"Hmm, I love you too, dumpling." Yangyang nodded, returning your peck.
After finishing their meals, everyone gathered outside in front of their cars. It seemed like no one was leaving any time soon.
"I'm heading home." You announced, hugging Yangyang goodbye. "See you guys later."
"Wait, wait, wait!" Haechan called out, catching your attention. "Why don't you come back to my place instead?"
"Ahh..." You moaned, biting your lip. You hated to refuse Haechan, especially when he asked you something like this.
Haechan bent down, whispering into your ear. "Please, baby. I miss you."
"You're such a big baby," you muttered, your arms snaking around his waist. "Hmm, why don’t I spend some time with the others for the rest of the week and then you can have me all to yourself on the weekend. Deal?”
“Sure, whatever works for you. I love you.” Haechan chuckled, shaking his head. “I know in the end, I’m your favorite.”
“I love you too, Haechannie.” You kissed him. “You’re always my number one.”
Just as Haechan was pulling away from you, you turned around to face Renjun. Renjun was leaning against his car, grinning from ear to ear.
"What's so funny?" You asked, shooting a look at Renjun.
"Nothing, just looking at my two favorite people. Always have been, always will be." Renjun held your gaze with affection. Wrapping his arms around you, he gave Haechan a nod. “Y/N deserves the world. Sure this relationship with five guys and their one girlfriend is weird but it works.”
“That’s true, it really does work.” You murmured, resting your head on Renjun’s chest. You glanced at Haechan, seeing him smiling proudly. Before you knew it, Renjun wrapped his arms around both of you. You pulled away from Renjun, gazing into Haechan’s eyes. “Thanks for bringing these guys into our lives.”
“It’s nothing, baby. I’m just glad I could bring them closer to you.” Haechan leaned in, kissing you gently. Renjun, Yangyang, Jeno and Jaemin exchanged smiles.
Yangyang then let out a small cough to get everyone's attention. “We should really decide on a schedule to split Y/N’s time.”
Jeno leaned against his car. “I think Y/N should get more time with Haechan since they’re the main couple.”
“I second that idea.” Haechan chuckled.
Jaemin folded his arms over his chest and nodded. “Agreed.”
Renjun walked closer to Haechan, wrapping his arm around his shoulders. “What do you think, Y/N?”
You tilted your head slightly. “Well…if you guys think it’s necessary, then I don’t mind either. I trust you guys with my life and vice versa. Besides, if you guys all spend time with me during the weekdays, I can spend the weekends with Haechan. That sounds fair enough.”
“So how about…” Haechan started. “Y/N has Yangyang on Mondays, Jeno on Tuesdays, Jaemin on Wednesdays, Renjun on Thursdays?”
“And leaving you Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays?” Renjun suggested, earning chuckles from the rest of the group.
“Yep, sounds good to me.” You agreed. “But I also get the option to have threesomes, foursomes, or a gangbang on any given day.”
Everyone laughed while you flashed your pearly whites at Haechan. Haechan sighed, grabbing your chin, turning your face towards him. “Don’t tempt me, baby.”
“Yeah yeah, take me now!” You shouted, falling backwards onto the hood of Renjun’s car. “I’m ready whenever you are.”
“Oh, but it will take awhile to satisfy you. Let’s give you a little break.” Renjun groaned, tugging on your arm before dragging you closer to him. He grinned, pulling away from you and sending a loud smack onto your butt. “Later, kitten.”
You shook your head, wiping off your tears from laughter. “Whatever, you can’t resist me. I’m irresistible.”
Renjun growled at you playfully, nuzzling your neck with his nose. “Haven’t you heard, kitten? Nobody can resist you.”
Haechan let out a laugh. “Since we settled on a schedule and it’s Sunday, why don’t we give Y/N a break tonight and start tomorrow?”
“Hmm, that sounds reasonable.” You mumbled, leaning your head against Renjun’s shoulder.
Renjun chuckled. “Kitten, if you didn’t listen to Haechan when he first suggested this, then we wouldn’t be in this situation. Don’t worry about it. We already have an entire family of our own. Nothing compares to that. We’ll never leave you behind. Not ever. I promise.”
“Good. Then it’s settled. Everyone here will be responsible for taking care of you every single day. So, rest well today, baby.” Haechan gave you another kiss on the lips before placing his hand on your cheek. “I love you, sweetheart.”
You grinned at Haechan, brushing a strand of his black hair behind his ear. “I love you too, baby.”
The six of you stood there for a few moments, smiling at each other before you finally pulled away. After a quick goodbye, you headed back to your apartment building, walking in front of everyone else.
"See ya guys next week." You waved as the six of you parted ways.
When you got back inside your apartment, you took a deep breath before slowly closing the door. The air seemed different somehow. Maybe it was because you knew that the next few days would probably change everything again. But you were excited for this new development, even though it had its downsides. This was definitely going to be interesting.
You glanced at the photo on your wall once more. A couple of years ago, the six of you had gone out to dinner together and took pictures. It wasn’t the most professional-looking picture in the world but none of you cared about that.
For the first time, you smiled genuinely as you gazed at the photo, imagining what the future would hold for you and your five boyfriends.
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It’s Monday and today is the day you get to spend with Yangyang. He promised you that he would give you all the time you wanted today.
"Thank you for waiting." You murmured, approaching the table. Yangyang was sitting at the opposite end, smiling brightly.
"Hey beautiful." Yangyang greeted, getting up and wrapping his arms around you. "How was your night?"
"It was alright." You admitted, resting your head against Yangyang's shoulder. "I ended up spending the night watching movies."
"Sounds boring." Yangyang teased. "Although I'm glad that you spent time alone with me."
"Mmm, thank you." You purred. "It was nice being by myself but I missed you."
Yangyang nodded. "Are you sure that you want to have me all to yourself today?"
You shrugged, lightly smacking Yangyang's lips with yours. "There's no reason not to. Why would you even ask that?"
"You're in a mood." Yangyang smirked.
"That's the understatement of the year." You sighed. "Have you decided where you wanna go today?"
"Well…" Yangyang scratched the back of his head, ruffling your long hair. "As a matter of fact, I did. Do you wanna go to the park?"
You nodded. "Of course I wanna go to the park with you!"
"Great, let's get going then." Yangyang pulled you up, holding onto your hand tightly. "Ready?"
You nodded before pulling away and heading towards the door. Once outside, you both paused for a moment. There was something magical about strolling around in the park during a beautiful summer afternoon. Yangyang, of course, noticed this immediately and couldn't help but pull you closer to him.
After walking around for a bit, you both eventually sat down on a nearby bench, enjoying the peaceful scenery around you. You rested your head on Yangyang's shoulder while he placed his head on top of yours, quietly staring at the flowers in the garden nearby. "This place is really pretty." You whispered.
"Yeah." Yangyang nodded. "Every time I come here, it reminds me of when we first met. How much things have changed since then."
You giggled, nodding in agreement. Things certainly have changed between the two of you since the two of you became lovers. It was almost like you had a whole new life ahead of you, filled with new opportunities, possibilities and people who mattered. Although your relationship with Yangyang had begun as an innocent one, you still made memories together that would last a lifetime.
"You know, I'll always be grateful to you." Yangyang stated softly. "From the very beginning, you showed me kindness. No matter what kind of person I am, I could never forget how you accepted me without hesitation. Because of you, I found the courage to believe in myself again. For a while, I forgot what it felt like to truly feel alive. Thanks for helping me find my happiness again."
"Yangyang…" You hummed, running your fingers through Yangyang's hair. "You've helped me too."
Yangyang snorted, pulling you close to him. "Yeah right, dumpling. I know Haechan has done more than everyone since he’s been there from the start. And trust me, I'm thankful to have such wonderful friends like him. What do I do that's special?"
You giggled, shaking your head. "Not everything has to be spectacular to count as special. Your actions are enough to convince me that I chose the right guy."
"Heh, good point." Yangyang grinned, hugging you tighter. "Anyway, do you have anything planned for tonight?"
"Not really." You answered truthfully.
"Why don’t we go back to your place then? We don’t need to have sex or anything. I just want to spend time together or whatever you want.” Yangyang squeezed you. “We can fall asleep in each other’s arms too, if you want.”
You couldn't help but blush at Yangyang's suggestion. Tonight was a perfect night to do some private snuggling.
"Yangyang, that sounds great." You exclaimed, jumping up. "But are you sure you want to stay over tonight?"
"Absolutely." Yangyang reassured you. "What do you say?”
You shrugged, turning towards the park entrance. "Let's go then. Let's head home. I'm kinda tired."
Yangyang followed closely behind you, continuing to whisper sweet nothings in your ear. Once inside your apartment, you both stopped in the middle of the hallway. Neither of you said a word as you walked towards your bedroom, leaving the rest of the apartment dark. Yangyang pulled off his shoes, removing his jacket before walking further into your room. "Shall we cuddle?" Yangyang asked as he pulled you towards the bed.
"Yes, please." You responded quickly, fluttering your eyelashes at him.
"Hmm, naughty girl. Come on, let's cuddle." Yangyang lifted you up, carrying you to the bed.
Once on the bed, you turned around and cuddled up next to Yangyang, facing him. Yangyang was caressing your back tenderly, smiling lovingly. "I love you so much, Y/N." Yangyang whispered in your ear. "Thank you for loving me."
"I love you too, Yangyang." You replied softly, tightening your grip around Yangyang's waist. "Now cuddle me some more."
You didn't have to tell Yangyang twice as he buried his face in your neck, whispering more sweet nothings in your ears. "Do you have any regrets about us being together?"
You shook your head. "No, not at all. In fact, I think I made the right choice."
Yangyang chuckled. "Good to hear. Now let's enjoy this little moment."
"Sounds good." You laughed, snuggling closer to Yangyang.
Soon, your lips began to touch each other. You kissed Yangyang softly, making soft sounds as you tasted him. You gently nibbled on Yangyang's lower lip, sucking lightly as you felt Yangyang lean in towards you, kissing you passionately. His hands traveled to your backside, cupping you tightly, rubbing your skin with excitement. You broke away from your embrace, gently pushing Yangyang onto his back. "Yangyang..." You breathed heavily. "Let's… do it.”
“Do what?” Yangyang questioned.
“Please… fuck me.” You whispered, slowly taking off your clothes. “If it’s okay with you.”
“Is that what you really want?” Yangyang teased, licking his lips as he stared at your body.
“Yes, please.” You whimpered, moving closer to Yangyang.
Yangyang let out a small laugh. "Alright, we'll do it." He kissed you once more before rolling you over onto your stomach. He lowered himself to your side, kissing your butt gently. "It feels so nice to be able to have you all to myself. Even if it's only on Mondays."
"I know that having to share me with four other guys sucks sometimes." You commented with a sigh. "But I'm happy that you can spend this time with me."
"You're right, baby. They mean a lot to me too. But I'm glad that we're able to be with each other now." Yangyang hugged you tight. "In fact, I'd like to make this time even better."
"Yangyang…" You moaned as Yangyang continued to rub your ass cheeks. "Please… fuck me."
Yangyang kissed your cheek, grabbing onto your thighs. "You really want me to fuck you, huh?"
"Y-yes, please… fuck me." You gasped, trying to contain your arousal.
“Sure thing, dumpling.” Yangyang responded. “Just lay back and relax.”
You moaned softly as you laid down on the bed, watching Yangyang remove his pants and underwear before climbing onto the bed. He looked so handsome, lying down naked and exposed, looking incredibly sexy. Yangyang looked up at you, a huge smile on his face. "Are you ready, my sweet dumpling?"
"Mmmm, yes." You moaned, blushing slightly as Yangyang started kissing your stomach. "I can't wait."
“Don’t worry, baby. I’m gonna make you cum so hard.” Yangyang whispered, slipping two fingers inside you. Yangyang started moving his fingers in and out of you, feeling every single inch of you. "Even though you have five boyfriends, you’re still so tight."
You could only moan at Yangyang's words, already having a strong orgasm building up. Yangyang continued his ministrations, teasing you mercilessly as he kissed your breasts, nipping your nipples playfully. He moved his mouth to your left breast, sucking on it as his fingers slid deeper inside of you. After a few minutes of pleasing you, Yangyang climbed on top of you, licking your entire body before moving down towards your core. He licked his way down to your thighs, dipping his tongue into your wet folds.
Yangyang kissed you gently, kissing your thigh and backside, causing you to moan loudly. "Oh god Yangyang, please…”
"Relax and open up for me, my sweet dumpling." Yangyang panted. "Trust me. It will be worth it."
With that, Yangyang leaned forward and placed a kiss on your clit, sending shockwaves throughout your body. You grabbed onto the sheets below you, feeling Yangyang run his tongue across your sensitive flesh. With his fingers still inside of you, Yangyang circled your clit rapidly, feeling you shake underneath him.
"Ahhh…" You gasped, gripping onto Yangyang tightly. "More, please… More."
Yangyang groaned, knowing exactly what you wanted. Moving his finger in and out of you, Yangyang continued circling your clit as he inserted another finger inside of you, massaging your g-spot and causing you to explode violently. You bucked wildly under him, squirting all over Yangyang’s face. Yangyang removed his fingers from you, licking up all of your juices. You tried to calm yourself down, breathing heavily as you laid there.
"That was incredible." Yangyang breathed. "You taste so good."
"Oh my god," you panted. "I can't believe I squirted like that."
Yangyang smirked, leaning down to kiss you gently. "As I said, it will be worth it."
Yangyang lifted himself up and looked at you, running his fingers through your messy hair. He leaned down to plant a passionate kiss on your lips, licking your tongue before returning to his normal position.
"You really came so hard." Yangyang stated, nuzzling his nose against yours.
"Ugh, don't remind me." You grumbled, covering your face with your hands. "I'm just so embarrassed that I got so wet and messy like that."
"I wouldn't call it embarrassing." Yangyang murmured, kissing your shoulder. "Your orgasms are absolutely beautiful."
"What does that even mean?" You groaned. "And why am I not surprised?"
"Come on, it's true." Yangyang laughed. "It takes quite an amazing woman to squirt all over someone’s face. So thank you for being my amazing woman, dumpling."
"Stop being silly, Yangyang." You sighed. "But thanks."
Yangyang snickered, licking his lips. "Well then, shall we continue where we left off?"
"Yes, Yangyang." You groaned. "Yes."
Yangyang reached for your hand, pulling you close to him. He grabbed onto your hips, grinding his dick into your body. You moaned, closing your eyes and relishing in the warmth of his dick pressed against your pussy.
Yangyang kissed you deeply, moaning softly as he felt your heat enveloping his dick. He could feel his penis throbbing as you moaned softly in his ear, his erection growing harder by the second. As Yangyang kissed you passionately, he gently thrust his dick inside of you, letting you take all of him in. You moaned again as Yangyang kissed you. The feeling of his dick stretching you out was almost indescribable. Every time he thrust into you, Yangyang grunted softly. Your lips met once more as Yangyang penetrated you, slamming you against the bed.
You could barely hold onto your sanity as Yangyang continued thrusting into you, feeling every single inch of him move within you. He began moaning as well, feeling every single inch of you wrapped around him. You could tell that he was enjoying every minute of this, moaning louder and louder as he continued thrusting into you. You couldn’t help but start screaming out as he increased his speed, grinding his dick against you. You clenched your fists, panting hard as he kept fucking you.
Finally, Yangyang grabbed onto your hips, thrusting faster and faster. You could feel your climax starting to build up as he fucked you relentlessly. Finally, you felt it come crashing down on you. Your entire body shook as you shuddered under him, Yangyang pounding into you as you screamed out. Your body quivered uncontrollably, crying out as waves of pleasure ran through you.
"Shit, Yangyang!" You cried out, throwing your head back as you felt your orgasm sweep over you.
He grabbed onto your arms, holding onto you as you continued coming. He thrust into you once more, gasping as he watched your face contort in ecstasy. After several moments, he withdrew his cock from you, allowing you to breathe. He placed kisses on your forehead, resting his chin against yours.
You finally calmed down, feeling him stroke your hair.
"Wow…" You sighed, staring at the ceiling. "That was… wow."
Yangyang laughed softly. "I told you it would be worth it."
"It was definitely worth it." You agreed, grinning up at Yangyang.
Yangyang pulled you close to him, nuzzling his nose against yours. "This is how we should be spending our Monday nights, dumpling."
"Yeah." You sighed. "You're right."
The two of you fell asleep in each other's arms, cuddling after such a wild session. Even though you'd taken part in sexual activities together countless times, this particular moment seemed particularly special to you.
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It was easy to fall asleep after a full day of fun and laughter. You had gotten plenty of sleep after spending all night in Yangyang's arms. You opened your eyes slightly, hearing footsteps coming towards the room. Without opening your eyes completely, you spotted Yangyang walking in, stopping at the foot of the bed.
"Good morning, dumpling." Yangyang greeted, planting a gentle kiss on your forehead.
You sat up in bed, smiling. "Morning. What time is it?"
"Around 7:30 AM." Yangyang informed you. "When I woke up this morning Haechan let himself into your apartment so he could work on something this morning in the living room. Jeno also stopped by and is making breakfast. He’s in the kitchen making coffee and food right now. I already had my breakfast since I need to head out to my morning class.”
“Oh…” You nodded, rubbing your hands across your face. “Alright, see you later.”
"Okay." Yangyang leaned forward, kissing you on the lips gently. "I love you, dumpling."
"Love you too." You smiled.
"Give Jeno and Haechan my love." Yangyang kissed you again before moving back towards the door. "Take care, okay?"
"Okay." You echoed, leaning back in bed. "Bye bye, handsome."
Before he left, you heard the door open and close. For a second, you thought that someone else might have come in but after lying still for a while, you realized that you were the only one in the room. Rolling out of bed, you walked out of your bedroom and remembered that Jeno was cooking breakfast.
Padding into the kitchen, you wrapped your arms around Jeno, face pressed into his back.
"Ah, you're awake." Jeno remarked. "How are you feeling today?"
"Wide awake now that you made me food." You smiled, hugging Jeno tightly. “You’re a lifesaver.”
Jeno chuckled. "Don't worry, it’s my job to take care of you on Tuesdays. You owe me big time for all the times I had to come to your rescue."
You shrugged. "I love you too, so it's fine."
"Aw, you're too cute." Jeno winked, patting your head affectionately. "The food should be ready soon, so why don't you go wake up your number one? It won't be too long before we're eating."
"All right." You agreed, hugging Jeno again before letting go and walking towards the living room.
When you entered the living room, you noticed Haechan curled up on the couch, with his laptop open on his lap. From the way he was leaning back, it looked like he fell asleep while working. Taking a seat beside Haechan, you glanced at his screen and saw that he was doing some research for one of his papers. You chuckled, placed his laptop on the coffee table and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Wake up, love.”
Haechan slowly turned his head towards you, blinking rapidly before his eyes focused. “Ugh… sorry… sleepiness.”
“Don’t apologize. I bet you worked hard to finish your paper in time. I’m proud of you.” You smiled, leaning forward to give Haechan a kiss on the lips.
Haechan returned your kiss, his hand coming to caress your arms. He whispered, “I wish it was Friday and the weekend already. I want to hold you again, hug you tightly.”
“Me too.” You sighed. “But today is Jeno’s day.”
“Hey, you two!” Jeno popped his head into the living room, pulling you both out of your thoughts. “Breakfast is ready! Come and eat.”
“Okay, let’s eat.” Haechan stood up and went to the kitchen, joining Jeno in preparing your meal.
“Thanks again for cooking.” You whispered, placing a soft kiss on Jeno’s cheek.
Jeno chuckled, returning the gesture. “Anytime, princess. That’s what I’m here for.”
You walked to the kitchen, followed closely by Haechan. After washing your hands, you grabbed a bowl and spoon and went to sit down at the dining table. The three of you ate breakfast before cleaning the dishes and putting them away.
As you finished tidying up the kitchen, Jeno called out from the living room, asking you to join him. You followed Jeno back to the living room, sitting down on the sofa while Haechan took a seat on the floor in front of the couch.
"So, did you sleep well last night?" Jeno asked.
"Yep, very well. Had a lot of fun talking with Yangyang." You told Jeno. "We just talked and cuddled.”
“I know you had sex with him too, baby.” Haechan muttered, eyes twinkling with mischief. “You're always craving for a dick in you.”
“Maybe I’m just waiting for the weekend for you to fuck me.” You said to Haechan teasingly. “But yes, the sex was good.”
“As long as you were satisfied, babe.” Haechan burst out laughing. "But can you patiently wait for the weekend for me to fuck your brains out?"
"I'll try my hardest, love. Not a guarantee though. But until then, today is Jeno's day." You leaned forward to give him a kiss. "You know I always love you Haechan."
"And I always love you too, my love." Haechan said tenderly.
You returned Haechan's smile before looking at Jeno, who had been quietly observing the scene between you and Haechan with a smile on his face. "Speaking of which, I forgot to ask you. Do you have any plans today?"
Jeno paused, giving you an apologetic look before shaking his head. "Sorry princess, nothing interesting happening today."
"That's fine. Just hang around the house with me. Or maybe go shopping with me?" You suggested, giving Jeno a pleading look. "If you get bored, we could watch movies or play games."
Jeno bit his lip. "Y/N, you can't possibly be bored if you're with me."
"Of course not." You scoffed. "I would never be bored with you."
"Mmm, if you insist…" Jeno smirked, giving you a light kiss. "We can spend our day in bed if you want."
"Look at you two flirting in front of me." Haechan chuckled. "Just stay in bed with him for the whole day. Don't bother going out anywhere."
Jeno kissed you passionately, tugging on your shirt before running his fingers through your hair. "Should we?”
"Yes." You moaned, wrapping your arms around Jeno's shoulders. "Just stay in bed and don't stop kissing me. It's only Tuesday. Haechan, forget class and stay in bed with me too.”
“I wish I could, baby.” Haechan chuckled, getting up off the floor. “Today is Jeno's day. So I will take my leave first. I love you and I’ll see you this weekend.”
With that, Haechan left the living room, leaving you alone with Jeno. He stared deeply into your eyes before giving you another deep kiss. As he pulled away, he murmured, “Ready to spend the rest of the day in bed with me?”
"Mhm." You agreed, resting your head on his chest.
Jeno wrapped his arms around you, running his hands through your hair and caressing your scalp softly. After staying like that for a while, he whispered, “Do you remember when we first met, babe? When you accidentally walked into the lecture hall and tripped over me because I was laying down there?”
“Yes.” You mumbled, closing your eyes as you recalled the events of that fateful day. “You scared the shit out of me.”
“I didn’t mean to scare you.” Jeno continued. “I was trying to take a nap before my lecture. And you came walking in. My heart almost skipped a beat when I saw you walking towards me. All I could think about was wanting you, making you mine. I wanted to take you home at that moment but then I found out that you and Haechan were dating."
"You were jealous." You giggled. "That’s cute. I thought you hated me at first."
“At first I hated you. I was angry because I lost out on a chance to make you mine." Jeno admitted. "But after I found out how much Haechan loved you, I calmed down. I knew that you would choose him instead of me."
“But you're here now, Jeno." You smiled. "Haechan might still be my number one, but don't think that you're not special to me. You all are special to me. I'm lucky to have you all in my life."
“You’re right. We are all special to you." Jeno sighed, running his hand through your hair. "And we do care about you. I should be glad that Haechan is so open about sharing you with other men. At least he has good taste in choosing people to share you with. Even though you and I weren't together yet, you shared your body with me without hesitation. I was surprised at first, but later on, I got used to it. Whenever I see Haechan fuck you, I feel happy. To see him make you moan and scream. He's very passionate when he fucks you, especially when he's holding you in his arms afterwards. He hugs you tight and strokes your hair. It makes me melt every time. Seeing him like that reminds me of how much he loves you. I wanted to be like that for you."
You gazed at Jeno intently, marveling at how sweet he was being. There was such sincerity in his voice and eyes that you couldn't help but become emotional. "How could anyone not fall in love with you?"
Jeno closed his eyes, smiling as he ran his thumb along your jawline. "It’s hard to describe. But whenever I’m with you, everything seems brighter and more beautiful. Everything is perfect. No matter how bad my day is, you manage to make me forget everything else. I hope that we can stay this way forever. This perfect world where nothing ever goes wrong."
He tightened his embrace around you before whispering, "I love you."
You closed your eyes, knowing that this was a moment worth remembering. And that this was a moment worth repeating. This moment where everything seemed so right, so perfect. You opened your eyes, gazing at Jeno lovingly.
"I love you too." You whispered. "Now come make my Tuesdays as wonderful as possible."
Jeno smiled brightly, leading you out of the living room and heading straight to your bedroom. He tilted your head up and softly pressed his lips onto yours, brushing your teeth gently before deepening the kiss. His tongue teased yours playfully, swirling around and inside your mouth before finally entering.
You felt your stomach tense as Jeno continued to explore your mouth with his tongue. Moaning loudly, you pulled back, throwing your arms around Jeno's neck. You lifted your leg up, wrapping it around Jeno's waist as he stood up, pulling you along with him.
"Shit, you're so hot and sexy." Jeno groaned, lifting you up in his arms. "My legs are so tired."
“They need to rest anyway.” You laughed breathlessly, leaning against Jeno as he carried you to the bed. “Now, lay me down.”
Jeno laid you down gently, pressing a series of kisses on your skin as he started undressing you. You looked at him lustfully as he slowly peeled off each piece of clothing. Every single inch of your body was exposed, sending waves of excitement through your system. His face glowed with desire as he lowered himself, staring at your naked body with admiration. His eyes moved over your torso, tracing every curve and crevice of your skin before moving downwards to your breasts.
Your nipples hardened under his gaze as he stared at them, causing you to shiver. Unable to resist, you reached for Jeno's hair, stroking it seductively as he continued to look at your breasts. He licked his lips hungrily before reaching for your nipple, pinching it lightly. Your body arched upwards instinctively, trying to seek more stimulation. A satisfied growl escaped from Jeno's throat as he continued to pinch and twist your nipples. You whimpered with pleasure, arching your back even further.
Jeno glanced at you briefly before lowering his head, sucking your breast roughly. His teeth dug into your flesh, eliciting another shriek from you. With that, Jeno switched his focus to your other breast, nibbling on your erect nipple again as he increased the pace of his movements. Your entire body was throbbing with desire by now, your clit already wet and swollen.
Moaning louder, you spread your legs wider, giving Jeno more access to your pussy. “More…”
Jeno complied immediately, taking his time to lick your clit and tease your g-spot with his tongue. You felt yourself nearing orgasm already, letting out soft cries as you tried to suppress your moans.
His teasing made you cry out again as your body convulsed uncontrollably, shooting a river of juices all over the place. You fell limply onto the bed, panting heavily as you listened to Jeno moaning.
“Fuck. I can’t believe I squirted again.” You panted.
Jeno grinned, crawling on top of you. He pushed his cock against your entrance, stretching your muscles slightly as he thrust forward. You groaned, feeling the head of his cock pushing past your inner walls. His shaft slowly slid in and out of you, stretching you even further.
“God, you’re so tight and hot.” Jeno groaned, running his hands up and down your sides. “It feels so good having you wrapped around me like this.”
You nodded in agreement, gripping Jeno’s hips tightly. “Don’t stop fucking me.”
Jeno smirked, tightening his grip on your hips. “Oh no, I’m just getting started.” He grunted as he slammed his hips forwards, making you squeak with surprise. He began pounding your pussy vigorously, his eyes locked on yours as he gave you all of his attention. The sight of him looking at you intensely caused your heart to race faster than ever before.
Each stroke became harder and faster as he picked up speed. His rough breathing echoed in your ears, mixed with the sound of his cock sliding in and out of you. Every inch of your body was drenched with sweat by now, your entire body trembling violently.
A low groan escaped from Jeno's lips as he pumped you harder and faster. Each thrust sent a jolt of pleasure through your body, causing you to bite your lip and hold back any noise you may have made. You could feel his shaft twitch inside you every time he plunged into you, sending ripples of pure ecstasy throughout your entire body.
Jeno released a string of curses as he slammed his hips into yours repeatedly, his pace becoming erratic as he grew closer to climax.
“Fuck, princess.” Jeno gritted his teeth, pumping your pussy furiously. “Are you close?”
“Yeeeesssss.” You cried out, wrapping your arms around his neck and grinding your hips into him.
The sensation was intense as Jeno continued pounding your pussy relentlessly. Sweat dripped down his forehead, creating little rivers down his cheek as he continued to stare at you hungrily. You could tell that he was nearing his peak as well.
“I’m gonna cum.” Jeno groaned, shaking his head wildly as he continued to pump your pussy.
“Cum inside me!” You yelled, slamming your hips backwards. “Fill me up!”
Jeno's entire body trembled, as if his entire body was going through some sort of spasm. His face contorted into an expression of utter pleasure, which caused your heart to skip a beat. He bit his lower lip before suddenly slamming his hips forward once again, making you gasp as his balls exploded.
Hot white liquid splashed onto your skin, filling you up with every single drop of his seed. Your insides turned molten hot as Jeno kept pumping your pussy, spilling every last drop of his load inside you. You were left gasping for air, completely drained as Jeno collapsed next to you, collapsing in exhaustion.
After a few moments of catching your breath, you glanced down at Jeno's naked body. Every part of his body was flushed red with perspiration, glistening from the numerous streams of sweat that had accumulated on him. His breathing was heavy as he lay beside you, completely spent.
You leaned in towards Jeno, planting a gentle kiss on his lips before burying your face into his neck. He groaned softly, closing his eyes as you held him closely. His arms encircled your waist protectively, causing you to smile fondly.
“That was amazing.” You whispered, resting your chin on his chest.
Jeno didn't reply, only snuggling closer to you. Both of you remained silent, lost in thought. Eventually, you drifted off to sleep, feeling content as you cuddled against Jeno's side.
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Wednesday rolled around and you laid in Jaemin’s arms on the bed, resting comfortably in his embrace. The two of you had spent most of the day watching TV shows and chatting. At one point during the day, Jaemin and you got carried away while playing Uno, making each other laugh hysterically when neither of you could see the cards you were drawing anymore due to your laughter.
The entire time you stayed in Jaemin’s arms with him softly stroking your back. There was something about the way he did that made you feel so loved and cherished, like nothing would ever change between you two.
Jaemin rubbed your shoulder as you talked about your days. “What happened with Yangyang on Monday and Jeno yesterday?”
“Yangyang and I just hung out, took a walk around the park and just cuddled in bed that night.” You answered, looking up at him. “And yesterday, Jeno made me breakfast and then we just stayed in bed all day.”
“Did your days end with sex?” Jaemin raised an eyebrow, a teasing smile on his lips.
"Why?" You asked, arms wrapping his neck. "Is my Jaemin jealous?"
Jaemin laughed, burying his face into your hair. “No, my little bunny. No jealousy here.”
He nuzzled against you affectionately before lifting his head again, gazing into your eyes. “We’ll always have some great days together. Right?”
You sighed happily, raising an eyebrow. “I suppose… But there will also be those bad days, won’t there?”
Jaemin placed his index finger on your chin, tilting it upwards until you looked at him. He smirked. “Well I hope those bad days don't include me."
"They probably won't…" You nodded, turning towards him, allowing your arms to wrap around his shoulders. "Who's to say that I won't have bad days with the other guys?"
"If you do, just come talk to me about it. I promise I'll make sure you're okay and things get better for you. You know how much I care about you, my sweet bunny."
You smiled at him, snuggling closer to him. “Thank you, baby.”
"Anything for you, honey." Jaemin grinned, holding you tighter against him.
For a moment you both were quiet, content with where you were at and what you were doing. Then suddenly you sat up straight, giggling. You leaned up, pecking his lips. “Oh, what do you say we go out tonight? There’s this new restaurant that I want to try.”
Jaemin glanced at the clock on the wall, grinning happily as he laid down. “I’ll get ready quickly. What should I wear?”
You giggled as you watched Jaemin scramble to get dressed. Once he was finished, he leaned over, kissing you passionately. “See you soon, bunny.”
As soon as he closed the door behind him, you turned to look at the mirror on the wall. Your reflection appeared distorted as you gazed at yourself intently. You couldn’t help but grin widely, remembering how good it felt when Jaemin had touched you earlier today. It was funny how things had changed between you and Jaemin since the first time you met him. Then, you were nothing more than a random student that walked in on him masturbating in the bathroom during a frat party you attended with Haechan.
Of course, back then, you hadn’t known anything about Jaemin, and you would have never guessed that he would turn out to be such a great friend. Now, you were practically inseparable with him. You were pretty sure that Haechan and your other boyfriends wouldn’t mind if you brought Jaemin into the relationship. He was a close friend of everyone, particularly Jeno, so it was just a matter of time before he became your boyfriend as well.
That thought made you giggle once more. In fact, you had already made the move on Jaemin a few times, surprising him when you broke the news to him that he had been ‘accepted’ into your harem. However, Jaemin didn’t take it too badly. To be honest, Jaemin seemed kind of excited about being accepted into your harem. Maybe it was because it meant you cared enough about him to let him join. Whatever the reason was, you were happy. Everything was perfect right now, and you knew you would only continue to improve. And even though there might be days when you didn’t feel very confident, there would always be someone who would help you feel strong.
Pulling on your clothes and checking to make sure you had everything, you met up with Jaemin in the living room. The two of you greeted each other cheerfully before heading downstairs together.
While waiting for dinner to arrive, you and Jaemin sat across from each other, talking about random stuff. You were about to bring up Jeno when the waiter arrived with their meals. You silently thanked the waiter as he placed the plates on the table before leaving. After collecting our utensils, the two of you started eating.
“So, about Jeno.” Jaemin said after a while, spearing a piece of meat on his fork. “Did he fuck you good last night? Was my baby satisfied?”
You let out a quiet moan as you chewed, pretending to ignore his question. “He did fuck me really well, though. Very much so.”
Jaemin smiled, leaning forward slightly. “Tell me everything. How many times did he penetrate you? Did you take his load in your mouth or your pussy? Or both?”
Taking a deep breath, you cleared your throat, knowing that you shouldn’t be getting excited by these questions. Still, you couldn’t stop thinking about what happened last night and how good Jeno made you feel. You tried your best not to show it, continuing to talk to Jaemin as if you didn’t hear him.
Jaemin glanced at you again, raising an eyebrow. “Y/N? Are you okay?”
Sighing softly, you shook your head, hiding your face behind your menu. “Yes, Jaemin. I’m fine. Just thinking about… something else.”
“Yeah, right.” Jaemin chuckled. “That ‘something else’ is obviously about what you and Jeno got up to last night. Why are you still blushing? It's okay to like it. I just want to know─”
“Jaemin, baby,” you looked at him. “How about I show you after dinner when we get home?”
Jaemin leaned back, chuckling. “You are so naughty. So insatiable, little bunny.”
The two of you finished dinner and headed back to the apartment, the sound of your footsteps echoing down the hallway. The lights were dimmed as you opened the front door and stepped inside. Jaemin followed you inside, locking the door behind him. As you shut the door, he began to undress, letting his shirt fall to the ground.
You blushed slightly, taking off your jacket and putting it aside. In a moment, your dress came off as well, revealing your lacy bra and thong underneath. While the silence hung in the air, you grabbed a throw pillow and laid it flat on the couch. You patted the seat next to you, Jaemin coming to sit. Smiling sweetly, you stroked his chin. “Are you okay with me having sex with Jeno?”
“Yeah, of course I’m okay with that.” Jaemin replied. “Besides, I’ve seen plenty of you and Haechan naked and fucking, remember?”
“Mmm…” You licked your lips slowly, biting your lower lip.
Jaemin smirked. “Oh my, this should be interesting.”
"It won't be long until we're all having sex together." You grinned mischievously. "Then everyone will be having lots of sex."
"Won't that be wonderful?" Jaemin chuckled.
“And my Jaemin can finally have some happy family days.” You giggled.
Jaemin rolled his eyes. “My own family?”
"Jaemin." You scolded, trying to pull away from him. "We’re all adults.”
“Well, in that case…” Jaemin smirked. “Let’s start a new family. With little bunnies running around.”
Laughing, you moved your hands to run down his sides, caressing his abs gently. You pushed his boxers down slightly, admiring the smooth skin on his torso. Gently nibbling on his earlobe, you lightly trailed kisses along his jawline.
"Behave, little bunny." Jaemin warned.
"Ooooh, I'm being bad." You giggled. "Tsk tsk."
Before you could move any further, Jaemin picked you up and set you down on top of him, locking his arms around your waist.
"Jaemin!" You exclaimed, struggling to get away.
"Now behave, little bunny." Jaemin chuckled, his lips capturing yours. His tongue teased yours playfully, causing both of you to moan softly. As he pulled away, you began kissing his neck.
"God damn it, you tease." Jaemin groaned, pulling you tighter against him.
As he began tracing his fingers down your spine, his hands rested above your ass, your breasts pressing into his chest. Leaning forward, he pressed his mouth against your collarbone, nipping and sucking on your skin. As you moaned loudly, a wicked smirk crossed his face.
Reaching behind you, he gently slid the straps of your bra down, exposing your breasts.
"Y/N." Jaemin groaned, licking his lips. "These are very beautiful."
A low growl escaped your throat as Jaemin ran his tongue along your breast. Grabbing them, he began to massage them gently. Using his thumbs, he circled your nipples before lightly flicking them with his tongue. They hardened instantly, eliciting a loud moan from you.
“Good girl.” Jaemin murmured, gazing down at you lovingly. “I like hearing you moan like that.”
As he began to suck on your nipple, his hand went to the small of your back, sliding down to your waist. Leaning down, he kissed you passionately, sending shivers through your body. For a moment, the only thing you heard was soft moans and grunts escaping your lips as Jaemin sucked on your breast.
Suddenly, he pulled away, his lips trailing down your stomach to your navel. He sucked on it gently, swirling his tongue around the edges. Another moan escaped your lips as you grabbed onto his shoulders tightly, desperate to hold on.
Suddenly, he stopped and stood up. Standing behind you, he wrapped his arms around your waist, placing his hands on your ass. He squeezed them firmly, pushing his hips forward slightly.
Your heart raced as you leaned back into him, feeling him push against your backdoor. Looking back, you could see him giving you a devilish smile. He gently pressed against you again, causing you to wince slightly as the head of his cock entered you.
"It's alright, my little bunny." Jaemin reassured you, stroking your cheek softly. "Just relax. It'll be fine."
"Jaemin, you're so big." You whimpered. "I don't know if─"
Jaemin placed a finger on your lips, silencing you. Taking a deep breath, he continued pushing forward, entering you completely. You moaned loudly, biting your lip as the pressure on your anus increased.
Jaemin bit his lip hard, panting heavily. "God, you feel amazing. Can you feel my dick filling you up?"
"Mmmm…" You nodded, smiling. "It feels so good."
His fingers left your cheek, trailing down your neck. Slowly moving upward, they cupped your breast, gently squeezing them as his other hand gently pinched your nipple. You moaned loudly, pressing your hips into his groin.
Panting loudly, Jaemin lifted his hips slightly. "Does my little bunny like that?"
"Ahh… yes." You groaned. "Please, keep going."
"Like that?" Jaemin whispered in your ear.
Shivering slightly, you nodded, leaning your head against his shoulder.
Gazing at you lovingly, he started thrusting harder, your moans filling the room. With every thrust, he would kiss you, gently holding onto your ass. At one point, he suddenly tightened his grip, bringing you to your knees as he kept thrusting in and out of you. A high-pitched moan escaped your throat as he continued pumping into you, you bucking your hips forward in response.
"Jaemin…" You whimpered. "I need you to cum inside me. Please."
“What do you want, little bunny?” Jaemin whispered seductively in your ear. “Do you want to feel me come inside you? Do you want to feel me fill you up with my seed?”
“Yes, Jaemin! Please! Cum inside me!” You screamed.
Jaemin let out a low moan, the veins in his neck standing out as he pumped his hips faster. Keeping one hand on your hip, he used the other to stroke your clit, bringing you to climax in no time. Feeling him tense, you knew he was about to release his sperm inside you.
"I'm going to cum inside you." Jaemin whispered. "All over your ass. Fill you up with my seed."
With that, he let go of your waist, placing his hands on your shoulders and driving himself deeper into you. One final thrust sent him shooting inside you, both of you screaming as he filled you. His moans filled the room as he let out several short bursts of cum inside you.
"Fuck." Jaemin gasped. "That was amazing."
"Me too." You moaned, burying your face into the pillow. "I love you, Jaemin."
"I love you too, Y/N." He mumbled quietly, his lips brushing against your hair. "Thank you for allowing me to be with you tonight. You've made my dream come true. I know that Wednesday nights with you is something that I'll always treasure."
The two of you stayed silent for a while, soaking in the blissful feelings that lingered between the two of you. In no time, you were lying there, cuddling with him as you both drifted off to sleep. You didn't notice the bright light shining through the window.
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Thursday arrived and you were at Renjun’s and Haechan’s place watching movies. Haechan told you that he was staying late at work but Renjun would be home.
You loved spending time with Renjun. Renjun was obviously great in bed but that wasn’t why he was your number two. If Haechan was ever busy, Renjun would always be there to comfort, keep you company and if your libido was acting up, he'd be more than willing to help relieve that pressure.
As you sat beside Renjun, he took your hand in his, gently stroking your palm. You looked at him lovingly, smiling softly.
"I missed you, Y/N." He smiled. "Today has been boring without you."
"Hmmm… Renjun." You purred, wrapping your arm around his shoulder. "If you want to keep me entertained, maybe you could fuck me later."
"Fuck." He mumbled, grinning sheepishly.
You giggled, moving closer to him. Kissing his cheek, you crawled across the couch to straddle him. Resting your head on his shoulder, you sighed contently. After watching a few movies, Renjun pulled you close to him, resting his chin on your head. The movie had ended and the rest of the night would consist of cuddling.
“You’re going to spend all night hugging me, aren’t you?” You asked.
“Yup.” He smiled, stroking your thigh. “After today, I wanted to make sure you knew how much I appreciate you.”
Smiling softly, you traced circles on his chest. “I appreciate you too.”
After a while, you shifted positions, rolling onto your side to face him. Nuzzling his neck, you softly kissed him on the lips.
"Renjun…" You said softly.
He looked at you with sleepy eyes. "Hmm?"
“Can I ask you something?”
His gaze softened. "Anything."
“How do you really feel about sharing me with Haechan and the others?”
"It makes me happy to share you with the guys." He replied simply.
"Why?" You asked.
"Because I like seeing you happy." He said, his voice sounding genuine. "Seeing you happy makes me happy. And it also feels good knowing that you have other guys who will care for you when I can't. Just like how in the beginning, I took care of you when Haechan couldn’t.”
A wide grin spread across your face. “You mean it? You actually like sharing me with them?”
"Of course." He replied confidently. "I never once thought otherwise. They treat you right and they are fun to hang out with. I trust them. I’m kind of happy that Haechan was so open sharing you with me, much less the others. I mean, most people might not like the idea of their significant other sleeping with someone else. But they never tried to force you into anything or become overly possessive. They are all respectful of each other’s relationship to you. I don’t know what we would do without our little harem. I love you too much to allow you to suffer alone. Sharing you with the guys allows us to continue having a relationship with each other while taking care of you at the same time. I like the idea of a bigger family, especially since the five of us are like brothers anyway."
Staring at him lovingly, you felt your heart melting at the sincerity in his voice. Suddenly, you felt his lips pressing against yours. Your heart skipped a beat as you returned his kiss. Lifting your hand, you grabbed the back of his head, pulling him even closer to you. You brought your other hand to cup his cheek, gently caressing his jawline. After a while, Renjun broke the kiss, resting his forehead against yours.
"I love you, Y/N." He whispered, cupping your cheek tenderly. "I love you so much. More than I ever thought possible."
"And I love you, Renjun." You said softly, nipping his lower lip.
Wrapping his arms around you, he slowly pulled you on top of him, letting his hands slide down your sides. Once he reached your hips, he gripped them tightly, urging you to grind yourself against him. Bringing your mouth back to his, he kissed you passionately, his tongue finding its way past your lips. For a moment, you felt overwhelmed by passion. Your entire body throbbed with desire, making you feel weak in the knees. Grinding yourself against him, you began moaning as his kisses grew rougher.
Pulling away from you, he smirked before sitting up. You followed suit, sitting on his lap, facing him. Leaning forward, he kissed you on the neck, causing goosebumps to form all over your body. Continuing his onslaught on your neck, he trailed kisses along your collarbone, causing you to squirm. Tugging at your shirt, he lifted it over your head. Next, he tugged off your bra, causing your breasts to bounce free. He moaned as he lightly pinched your nipples. Gently biting your breast, he sucked one nipple into his mouth while rubbing the other one with his thumb.
You moved your hands down his chest, running them over his abs, tracing small circles over his belly button. Kneading his skin gently, you felt him moan loudly as you slid your hands under his pants. Moving down his legs, you ran your fingers along his inner thighs. Moving down further, you wrapped your fingers around his length, teasing the tip of his cock. As you circled the base of his shaft, you could feel him shudder. Glancing up, you saw a look of lust on his face. Returning his stare, you licked your lips, drawing his attention to them.
"Oh god, Y/N." He groaned. "Are you really gonna do this? Right now?"
Looking up at him, you gave him a shy smile.
"Yeah.” You replied, slowly sliding your fingers around his cock, causing him to jump. “Do you really want me to stop?"
“No.” He grunted, grabbing your wrist. “I want you to suck me off. Right here. Right now.”
You gave him an innocent smile, kneeling down in front of him. Placing his cock in between your lips, you gently took the head of his cock into your mouth.
Letting out a sigh, he closed his eyes. Slowly sucking on his shaft, you took his length deep into your mouth, feeling it hit the back of your throat. Taking your time, you ran your tongue along the underside of his cock. Using your hands to hold his ass, you forced his cock deeper into your mouth, using your hand to squeeze his balls, causing him to cry out in pleasure.
Moaning loudly, you tightened your grip on his shaft as you went faster, circling the base of his cock with your tongue. Pressing your teeth harder on his shaft, you slowly increased the speed of your sucking. Soon enough, he started moaning louder, thrusting his hips upwards, encouraging you to go faster. You could feel his cum building up, pulsating at the tip of his cock. Taking him deeper into your mouth, you closed your lips around his shaft, allowing the first drop of cum to drip into your mouth. Sucking gently, you slowly took more of his cock into your mouth until you swallowed his whole load.
Dropping your head, you let his cum roll down your chin, dripping off your chin onto your breasts. Closing your eyes, you felt a sense of satisfaction wash over you as you heard Renjun let out a satisfied moan. His hand came to rest on the back of your head, massaging your scalp as you continued sucking his cock. Eventually, you pulled away, resting your head on his thighs.
He looked down at you with adoring eyes. Looking up at him, you made eye contact, locking your gaze with his. Gazing into his eyes, you noticed the gleam in his eyes, causing your stomach to flutter with excitement. His eyes seemed filled with longing, mixed with desire.
"Y/N..." He breathed. "What are you doing to me?"
Smiling, you rose to your feet. Running your fingers through his hair, you tilted his head upwards.
"I'm just doing what I love." You murmured, leaning in to kiss him.
"Well, if you keep doing things like that, I won't be able to stop myself from fucking you." He said, giving you another peck on the lips. Pulling away from him, you quickly took off your shirt and skirt, leaving you completely naked in front of him. Inching closer to him, you felt his breath on your skin. Feeling him moving behind you, you waited anxiously for him to finally touch you. With one quick motion, he flipped you onto your stomach, positioning himself behind you.
Slowly lowering his body onto you, he kissed the back of your neck, gently caressing your shoulders. Once he was positioned properly, he leaned forward, kissing your shoulders and back, causing goosebumps to appear all over your body. Leaning forwards, he began licking your shoulder, working his way towards your neck. As he kissed you, his left hand came to rest between your legs, rubbing you through your panties. While his hand played with your pussy, his tongue traced patterns on your back, sending shivers throughout your body.
Kissing you passionately, he let out a growl, placing his weight on top of you. Kissing your ear, he whispered in your ear.
"Y/N… I need you so bad."
You turned around, meeting his gaze. Sliding your arms around his neck, you ran your fingers through his hair. Wrapping your legs around his waist, you brought him close to you. Taking your face in his hands, he pressed his lips against yours, opening your mouth to his tongue. For a moment, you allowed him to explore your mouth with his tongue, feeling your arousal intensify as he teased you with his tongue. Biting your bottom lip, he broke the kiss.
"Hurry up and fuck me, Renjun." You whispered seductively.
Bending down, he buried his face between your legs, moaning at the taste of you. Leaving wet trails on your thigh, he ran his tongue up your slit, gliding up and down your lips, tasting every inch of you. Sticking out his tongue, he swirled it around your clit, eliciting a gasp from you.
Breathing heavily, you could feel your body heating up, sending tingles all over your body. Getting up onto your elbows, you watched him lick your pussy with such intensity. Panting, he brought his mouth closer to your clit, slipping a finger inside you, swirling his finger around your hole, making sure you were well lubricated. Once he was confident that your pussy was sufficiently wet, he stood up, positioning himself above you.
Pushing your hips upwards, you wanted to feel his cock penetrate you. Rolling his eyes, he grabbed your waist and moved you underneath him, aligning his cockhead with your entrance. A few short thrusts later, you could feel his cock enter you. Groaning loudly, he pushed forward, burying himself fully inside you. Letting out a loud moan, he pressed his hips into you, making you feel his cock swell even more. Tightening your muscles around him, he bit down on your shoulder, increasing the pressure of his thrusts. Feeling his cock swell again, you wrapped your arms around his neck, grinding yourself into him. Gasping, he thrust once more, making you cry out in pleasure. This time, instead of biting down on your shoulder, he placed his lips against your ear.
"Tell me how good it feels." He said in a ragged whisper.
Feeling his cock throbbing inside you, you opened your mouth, looking straight into his eyes.
"So fucking good…" You managed to say, biting down on your lip as you let out a moan.
"Oh god…" He groaned, slamming his hips into you again and again.
Each thrust caused you to cry out in pleasure. Sensing your orgasm approaching, he picked up his pace, driving his cock deeper into you with each thrust. Unable to contain yourself any longer, you cried out, coming hard around his cock.
As soon as you came, he threw his head back, releasing his seed inside you. Reaching down, he took one of your hands in his, bringing it to his mouth, kissing it softly. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you held him tight as he finished filling you with his cum. Keeping his cock buried inside you, he lowered his head and gave you soft kisses on your cheek and neck. Eventually, he got off of you, lying next to you. Gently stroking your hair, he looked into your eyes, letting out a sigh.
"Wow, Y/N." He said, smiling sheepishly. "That was incredible."
Wrapping your arm around his waist, you brought his head towards you, planting a kiss on his forehead.
"Yeah, it was." You said with a giggle. "But don't worry, we'll definitely do that again."
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You woke up the next morning to find Renjun's spot empty. Sitting up, you rubbed your eyes, looked at the clock and noticed that it was about 8am. He probably had morning classes and didn't want to bother you. You got up out of bed and made your way to Haechan's room to see if he was there.
You found him lying in bed still, so you slipped in bed next to him. As soon as you lay down, he wrapped his arms around you and snuggled into you. Resting your head on his shoulder, you smiled at him.
"Good morning." You said.
"Good morning, sunshine." He replied, pulling you closer to him. "How was your night with Renjun?"
Leaning up, you kissed him on the cheek. "It was amazing. But now I just want to spend time with you."
Chuckling, he shook his head. "Silly girl. You've been spending all your time with the others. Don't you miss me anymore?"
You giggled, wrapping your arms around his neck. "As much as I love them all, I miss being with you the most."
Pulling you closer, he leaned down and planted a gentle kiss on your lips. After breaking apart, he brushed his lips across your nose, before pressing a kiss on your lips.
"You know you're always welcome in my room." He said, bringing his lips to your ear. "Especially when you look like that."
Shivering, you smiled, placing your head on his chest. "You always know how to make me blush."
A few minutes passed by in silence as you cuddled with Haechan. The last thing you heard before falling asleep was Haechan whispering 'I love you' in your ear. It was such an innocent, yet romantic gesture. A part of you wanted to hear more words of love from him but another part of you couldn't wait to fall asleep in his embrace.
After waking up from your nap, Haechan was still sleeping soundly. Feeling slightly hungry, you got up and headed to the kitchen for some breakfast. As you grabbed some orange juice from the fridge, you felt someone come up behind you. Turning around, you saw a sleepy Haechan leaning against the door frame, rubbing his eyes. He looked incredibly cute in his pajamas, making you smile.
Walking over to the counter, you poured yourself a glass of juice, taking a sip as you turned back around. Before you knew what happened, Haechan came up behind you and gave you a light kiss on the lips. Your body immediately tingled as you leaned back against him. You pulled away after a minute or two, grinning at him.
"Mm… Haechan, why don't we get dressed and go grab lunch together? There's a really nice little cafe near campus I think we'll both enjoy." You suggested.
Grinning, Haechan nodded. "Sounds good. Let me shower."
"Why don't I join you?" You asked.
He groaned, closing his eyes. "Baby, you're so damn tempting…"
You laughed and grabbed his hand, leading him towards the bathroom.
After showering, you and Haechan went to have lunch at a small, but adorable café. It wasn't very crowded today since it was early afternoon and not many people were out.
When they placed their order, Haechan decided to take charge and lead you outside. The weather was perfect, clear skies and only a slight breeze blowing. Grabbing each other's hands, you and Haechan started strolling through the university grounds, chatting away. He was telling you about one of his math classes, while you told him about one of your writing classes. Every once in awhile, you'd stop to smell flowers or examine trees. In fact, you even took the time to sit down on a bench and look up at the sky. Haechan watched you intently as you did this, watching you smile as you stared at the clouds.
As Haechan spoke, your mind began to wander to different memories of him. From your first date, to your anniversary, and every moment in between. In those memories, he would always be smiling. And as you thought of these moments, you felt yourself getting teary eyed. Wanting to avoid any embarrassment, you quickly wiped your eyes and turned to face Haechan. Taking your hand, he smiled at you gently, making you return his smile.
Pulling your arm close to you, he leaned down and softly kissed your forehead. "There's no need to hide your emotions, love. Cry if you need to."
Feeling overwhelmed by his kind words, you let out a soft cry and buried your face into his shoulder. Haechan rubbed your back gently, giving you comfort until you stopped crying. Pulling away, he held you in his arms for a moment before speaking.
"Are you okay?"
Nodding your head, you smiled at him. "Yeah. I'm sorry, I guess I just got caught up in memories of you."
Smiling widely, he pulled you close to him again. "Well that makes me feel good."
Feeling safe in his arms, you rested your head on his chest, looking up at the blue sky. Listening to the sounds of birds chirping and squirrels playing, you could feel Haechan's heart beating steadily. It was as though the feeling you got from listening to his heartbeat was stronger than the warmth coming from the sun. You tilted your head upwards, looking at him. His cheeks were slightly pink, likely due to his emotions. Lifting your hand, you gently touched his face.
"What are you thinking about?" You whispered.
Giving you a slight smirk, he answered, "You. Of course."
Laughing lightly, you replied, "Is that all?"
Haechan shook his head, holding your gaze. "I'm thinking of all the times we've spent together. All the good times, bad times and everything in between. I've been thinking about the way you brighten my day. The happiness I feel whenever I look at you. That rush of adrenaline that comes from seeing you in my arms. The love that grows deeper every day."
Pausing for a second, he added, "And you make me want to do crazy things."
Closing your eyes, you swallowed hard, knowing what he meant. When you opened your eyes again, you saw Haechan staring deeply into yours. Your breath hitched as you became completely mesmerized by his dark brown eyes. Slowly raising your hand, you slowly traced your fingers along his jawline, moving up to trace his chin and then moving down to touch his lips. Taking a deep breath, you closed the distance between you, meeting his lips in a tender kiss. Looking at each other lovingly, you pressed your bodies together, molding yourselves to each other. With your lips parted, your tongue gently caressed his lips, eliciting a moan from Haechan.
"We should wait until we get home, baby." He whispered against your mouth.
Taking a step back, you sighed sadly. "Yes, but it's going to be hard."
Haechan chuckled and squeezed your hand. "Don't worry. We can hold each other all night long."
Snapping out of your daze, you pulled away and grinned at him. "Promise?"
Hearing your tone, Haechan's expression changed slightly. The affectionate look on his face was replaced with a soft, caring smile. "Of course, Love."
Smiling, you placed your hands on either side of his face, bringing his lips to yours once again. "You're my number one Haechan. Yes, I love the other guys too but I'm always going to love you the most."
Bringing your arms around his neck, you pulled him in close. The rest of the day passed by quickly as you talked about how the rest of your week went, laughed about your stories from college, and shared countless kisses and hugs.
Later that night, you and Haechan laid in his bed talking. He was cuddling with you as you wrapped your legs around his waist. Glancing over at him, you could tell he was struggling with something. So you waited patiently for him to bring it up.
Finally, Haechan spoke up. "Sigh...baby, I've been meaning to ask you something. About us. Us, you know..."
Nervously twirling your fingers, you looked up at him. "Yes?"
Staring into your eyes, he smiled. "How do you feel about all of us living together? You, me, Renjun, Yangyang, Jeno and Jaemin?"
Taken aback, you remained silent for a moment before answering. "Do you really mean that? Like all six of us? For real?"
He nodded, smiling happily. "Absolutely. I want to share my life with all of you."
Laughing, you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer to you. "Okay! Well, we'll talk to the other guys tomorrow and figure out a solution."
Smiling, Haechan hugged you tightly. "I love you, Haechan. More than anything."
Smiling back, you kissed him softly on the lips. "I love you too, baby."
Running your hands through his hair, you tugged on it slightly. Leaning down, you brought your lips to his, planting a passionate kiss on his. He returned the kiss eagerly, pulling you close to him. In response, you rolled onto your back, bringing Haechan on top of you. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you smiled as you gazed up at him. He grinned back, running his fingers through your hair.
Reaching down, he undid the buttons on your shirt, peeling them off of you. Laying you down on the bed, he removed his own shirt, tossing it aside. Moving his attention to your pants, he unbuttoned them, sliding them off of you. Next, he slid your panties down, revealing your smooth pussy. He took a deep breath as he reached out to you, touching your wet folds. Moving his hand in small circles, he began fingering you roughly. You moaned loudly, bucking your hips upwards. Unable to control himself, Haechan thrust two fingers inside of you.
"I find it so hot that the others have access to your body." He breathed. "Just imagining them all enjoying you, makes me want to fuck you harder."
"What do you want to do to me when we all move in together? Do you want to fuck me in front of everyone?" You whispered, looking up at him with desire in your eyes.
A wicked grin formed on his face. "If you allow it, I definitely will."
"What if I want everyone to fuck me while you watch? Would you like that, Haechan?" You smirked, wiggling under him.
Smirking, he said, "I would. As long as I could see you being taken by another man, the more I would want to fuck you myself."
Wrapping your legs around his waist, you ran your nails down his back. "Wouldn't you want to fuck me while they fucked me too?"
Kissing you passionately, he responded, "Oh yes. All night long. Over and over again."
Rolling over onto his back, Haechan reached out to you, grabbing your hand. Pulling you next to him, he pulled you into his arms, kissing you deeply. Gazing into your eyes, he whispered, "Do you know how badly I want to fill you up with our cum? To taste all of us mixed together? To make love to you until neither of us can move anymore? I want to experience it all with you, baby."
Leaning in, you placed your lips to his ear, nibbling on it gently. "I want that too, baby."
In response, Haechan gently stroked your hair, his eyes filled with adoration. Kissing your cheek, he whispered, "But until then, let's enjoy us. Right now, I want to explore your body. Slowly taking you to heights you've never imagined possible."
Chuckling, you lifted your hips, positioning his cock near your entrance. Leaning forward, you captured his lips in a passionate kiss, slowly licking his bottom lip. Releasing his lips, you glanced up at him seductively. Gazing back at you, Haechan wrapped his arms around your waist, lifting you onto his throbbing erection. Taking you in his arms, he lowered you down onto him. Feeling the warm, tightness of your pussy surrounding his dick, he let out a moan of pleasure. Slowly moving his hips, you felt him push deeper inside of you. Both of you gasped loudly as he penetrated you fully. Raising his head, he gazed deeply into your eyes, letting out an appreciative sigh.
"God, I missed this." He murmured, kissing you gently.
Looking into his eyes, you moved your lips towards his ear, softly nibbling on it. "I missed you too, Haechan."
Wanting to hear him say it again, you ran your nails down his back. "Baby, I love you so much."
Moving his hips faster, Haechan lifted you higher and pushed you down harder. "Love you too, Baby." He moaned.
Shaking his head, he murmured, "You drive me crazy."
With his hips still moving rapidly, he pulled your hips into his, intensifying your penetration. Your juices glistened across his shaft as he pulled out slightly and plunged back inside of you. You rode him feverishly, moaning softly. Bringing his hands up to your ass, he firmly grabbed it, spreading you wider apart. Holding you there, he drove himself even further inside of you.
Holding you tighter, Haechan growled low in his throat, grinding into you even harder. Your juices dripped down your thighs, leaving behind a trail of your sweet nectar. Groaning, Haechan rocked his hips forwards, causing your hips to bounce violently. Your clit rubbed against his pubic bone, sending a surge of pleasure throughout your body.
"Fuck, baby. I'm gonna cum soon." He groaned. As you continued riding him, his breathing grew ragged.
"Fuck, Haechan. Cum inside of me." You whispered hoarsely, pushing yourself down harder on him. Feeling his balls tightening, Haechan thrust forward, giving you all of his warm, sticky cum. Moaning loudly, you tightened your grip around his shoulders as you came, bathing Haechan's shaft in your fluids. Shuddering with pleasure, you collapse on top of him, feeling him pulse inside of you. Finally catching your breath, you kiss him deeply, savoring the taste of him in your mouth. After laying in his arms for several minutes, he pulls you close to him. Smiling at you, he pulls you into a hug, burying his face in your hair.
"I'm so happy right now." He whispered. "So incredibly, unbelievably happy."
Leaning in, you lightly kissed his forehead. "Me too, Baby. Me too."
Continuing to lie in each other's arms, you stared at the ceiling, both lost in thought. Before long, you fell asleep, cuddled closely to Haechan.
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The next morning, you and Haechan met the others at a coffee shop nearby campus. While Haechan bought everyone drinks, you sat down at a table to talk.
Once everyone arrived, you cleared your throat, getting everyone's attention. "So Haechan and I discussed it last night and decided that, well, that this is probably the best option. To live together."
All of them looked surprised and confused, except for Haechan. He smirked and crossed his arms, clearly enjoying himself. Smirking right back, you continued, "Now, we obviously need to find a place that will fit all six of us."
Everyone looked around, discussing possible options. It didn't take long before someone suggested moving to one of the group houses. This sparked a debate between everyone. Some liked the idea, others weren't so sure. Finally, after hours of arguing, everyone settled on renting a house together.
While they worked on the details, you ordered more coffee for everyone. Staring off into space, you couldn't help but imagine the future; living with the boys in your own place. You could see yourself cooking dinner for them every night, sitting on the couch watching TV, walking to class together. You pictured how easy it would be to fall asleep next to Haechan every night, waking up in the morning to cuddle.
It made you excited just thinking about it. As much as you loved the closeness you felt with Haechan, having all of them under one roof would be an amazing experience. Plus, having them around you at all times would ensure you never lacked for male companionship. If you wanted to try some sex toys out, you could easily show it to Jeno and Jaemin. Or you could come to Yangyang when you wanted some advice on writing. You could go shopping with Renjun and Haechan or have fun making puns with Jeno. It seemed like the possibilities were endless.
You glanced over at Haechan who was sitting across from you. Smiling at him, you gently stroked his cheek with your thumb.
Glancing at you, he asked, "Can I say something?"
Chuckling, you motioned for him to continue. "Go ahead."
After taking another sip of his drink, he stood up and walked towards you. He leaned down, placing a gentle kiss on your lips. "Thank you for doing this. I love you more than anything."
Smiling, you leaned in to give him a small peck on the lips. After pulling away, you said, "I love you too, Baby. And don't forget about how much I love all of you."
Pulling you close, Haechan smiled as he looked at all of the guys. "Thank you all for coming today. This means a lot to both of us. Thank you."
Jaemin cleared his throat, giving you a smile. “If I may add…the past few weeks as your boyfriend has been amazing. I know we’ve all been friends for years. Thanks for allowing me to be one of your boyfriends, Y/N. I might have joined the relationship later compared to the others but I’ve never felt more loved than now. I will give you the world since you deserve it.”
Jeno let out a smile. “I second his feelings. Thank you Y/N for also letting me be your boyfriend. Jaemin and I are the newer ones involved in this relationship but seeing as how everyone seems to accept us easily, I’m glad I came across this opportunity. I promise to always treat you well.”
Yangyang nodded. “Y/N deserves the world. I hope she’ll live happily forever after. Also thanks for giving me the chance to be your boyfriend. I haven’t been feeling so well lately but I think you brighten up my days. You’re always there to cheer me up and comfort me when I need it.”
Renjun rubbed your shoulders gently. “I agree with the rest of them. Thank you Y/N for taking me in. I promise to always protect you, love you, and make you happy. As much as possible, I’ll try to fit you into my busy schedule because you mean the world to me.”
Haechan grabbed your hands, kissing each one of them individually. “Thanks for taking me in as your boyfriend. From the very beginning, you were nothing but nice and understanding towards me. Heck, you didn’t even have to agree to this idea that I put out there. But it meant a lot to me knowing that you would let me into your heart despite my faults. I promise to never disappoint you. I love you so much, Y/N.”
You were touched by their words. Hearing the love in their voices, you could feel yourself blushing. Turning to the others, you gave them all big hugs. After taking a deep breath, you said. "I love you all so much. Now let's get started with finding our new home!"
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wannabespacesmuggler · 11 months
D.D. | Shane's Girl
Part Two | Masterlist | Buy me a coffee | Check out the playlist
Summary: Daryl Dixon knows he shouldn’t be thinking about you when he’s alone at night in his tent. Hell, he shouldn’t even be looking at you throughout the day. You’re not his. You’re Shane’s girl. But Daryl doesn’t like the way Shane treats you. And he certainly doesn’t like how you’re forced to play ‘loving girlfriend’ to a man with eyes for another woman at the camp.
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader
Warnings: Merle Dixon being Merle Dixon, Shane Walsh isn’t great either tbh
Word Count: 1K
Author’s Note: So it's been a hot second (writer's block is a bitch), but I really love this idea and apparently a lot of you guys do too! Thanks for all the love on the first part, all the comments and reblogs have meant the world to me. I really cannot believe how well the first part of this fic was received lol. Let me know what you guys think of this one, if you want to be added to the taglist, or just want to ask me a question.
Extras: Playlist
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Daryl is, if anything, a man of his word. He agreed that he’d stay the hell away from Shane’s girl, so that’s exactly what he did. It wasn’t difficult; he is almost always on a hunting trip to keep the ragtag group of survivors fed and when he isn’t, Daryl can be found in his tent taking care of his crossbow and bolts. And since Merle hasn’t spoken a word to you since the little incident in camp, your path just hasn’t crossed his.
That is until his crossbow bolts go missing one morning. 
Daryl rips his tent apart in an attempt to find his missing arrows. A steady stream of expletives escape his mouth as he shuffles through Merle’s belongings, hoping that his older brother just so happened to take his bolts and stash them with his possessions -- it certainly wouldn’t be the first time that Merle took something of his and claimed it as his own. 
After about thirty minutes, Daryl lets out a frustrated sigh. If his bolts aren’t in here, that means someone in camp took them and that could lead to some issues. After the incident with you and Merle, Daryl hasn’t just kept his distance from you -- Daryl has isolated himself further from everyone at the makeshift camp. 
He’s not an idiot and he picked up on everyone’s apprehension in respect to the Dixon brothers since the first few days in camp. That seems to have only gotten worse after Merle’s decision to make a scene in the middle of camp. It doesn’t seem to bother the older Dixon brother; however, Daryl cannot stand how many eyes seem to focus on him whenever he makes an appearance in camp nowadays. Because of this, Daryl has made his trips to camp scarce -- only making his way there to drop off more provisions and supplies. He keeps his head down, he doesn’t speak to anyone, and he doesn’t cause problems.
However, Daryl does take the time to observe the camp and its occupants whenever he’s there. He takes mental notes of who casts him concerned looks. Lori and Carol will stop scrubbing laundry and round up their children every time they see him make his way to the RV. He notices Dale’s eyes narrow every time he enters the RV and how he races to check all of their supplies as soon as he’s stepped foot out of the vehicle. As opposed to popular belief, Daryl has never taken anything from the RV; however, he has left his fair share of scavenged nuts and berries and a handful of animal carcasses in order to keep the camp fed. He’s painfully aware of Shane glaring at him from atop Dale’s RV. He tries to ignore it, but he can’t help the way that it makes his skin crawl. And, against his better judgment, he finds himself keeping tabs on you. It wasn’t a conscious decision at first, but, as time has passed, he’s found his curiosity towards you shifting into what Daryl can only describe as protectiveness.
And that’s how Daryl finds himself awkwardly walking up to you as you scrub laundry against a washboard. You don’t seem to notice his presence as he approaches. He shifts on feet before clearing his throat, in an attempt to grab your attention. Your head shoots up and your eyes widen as they spot him standing in front of you. Daryl is prepared to turn heel and run in the other direction based on your reaction until a smile spreads across your face. You push your hair out of your eyes and drop the laundry in your hands into the basin in front of you before speaking. 
“Hey, Daryl. What’s up?”
“Ya know if Shane’s around?”
You move your head to look left, then right. Your eyes scan the camp before they land back on Daryl. You shrug your shoulders.
“Don’t know. I’m not his keeper.” 
Daryl releases a breath through his nose at your words. It’s the closest anyone in camp has come to making Daryl Dixon laugh as far as you know and it fills you with pride. You wipe your hands on your jeans and stand up from your position over the basin.
“I may not be Shane, but I might be able to help you.”
“Somebody took my crossbow bolts. Couldn’t find ‘em this mornin’.”
You immediately turn and start walking toward the RV. Shane had told you he was busy this morning with ‘inventory’ this morning. He already took your knife and pistol this morning, so you wouldn’t be surprised if you also found Daryl’s arrows. You explain this to Daryl as he walks behind you. If Merle was here, he’d be laughing at the younger Dixon brother. 
‘I leave you alone and you’re already following ‘er around like a lost puppy dog, little brother?’  
Daryl tries to shake off Merle’s voice echoing in his mind. He watches as you enter the RV and waits as he hears you rustling through the supplies. A few moments later you emerge with a handful of crossbow bolts. 
“I take it these are yours?”
Daryl nods and mumbles a quick thank you as he takes the arrows from you. He quickly counts them, ensuring that he’s gotten all of his property back.
“Do you make them yourself?”
He nods his head again, eyes still focused on the bolts in his hands.
“Could you show me sometime?”
Daryl looks up at you, his head cocked to the side slightly. He’s a little dumbfounded. He wasn’t expecting you to take an interest in his craftsmanship. Hell, he wasn’t expecting you to continue speaking to him after you found his arrows. Thrown off by your actions, Daryl simply says that first thing that crosses his mind as you look at him with an expectant expression.
Taglist: @darylsl0ver @minervadashwood @hotgirlsshareaccounts @taterbbbug @dreamtofus @youcantstandit @ajlovesdilfs @prettywhenibleed @luvsvnlqt-things @evie-beanie @strnqer @marina-isabella @lissanovak @elissanatok @1tsk1tty @moejoeflow @ceoofdisappointment @jewellthebooknerd
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this post is inspired by @beta-adjacent’s post about bite marks. i got really emotional thinking about friends exchanging bites and wanted to say more about it lol
bonding bite facts
bite scars, like all other scars, vary in visibility and permanence from person to person. in historical practice, various substances (clay, ash, or ink, most commonly) were applied to a fresh bite to improve visibility and permanence. modern practice uses ‘bite powder’ or ‘bite ink’ for those who want a more permanent, easily detectable scar. this is the most common scarification practice, present in most cultures globally.
bites can be exchanged in various locations on the body. claiming or mating bites tend to be found at the scent glands on the neck, but can be left anywhere on the body. marking other locations are considered nontraditional—it would be akin to wearing a wedding ring on a finger other than the left ring finger (in cultures where that is the traditional location).
healthy bonding bites do not typically affect a person’s inherent scent. a person may release more detectable ‘happy pheromones’ after exchanging bites with a loved one, but these tend to fade after a few weeks. conversely, a person may release more detectable ‘distressed pheromones’ after receiving a bite under duress, and these tend to linger much longer.
biting someone who accepts under duress is no different from biting someone who has clearly rejected it. in the US, forcing a bite is considered felony assault and battery
mating bites may be administered in a variety of settings. a traditional practice between omegas and their alpha or beta mates is to exchange bites during their first heat after the pair has agreed to mate. some cultures practice ‘claiming ceremonies,’ where the mated pair exchanges bites in front of their families and friends, community leaders, and/or religious leaders.
bite types
mating or claiming bites - most commonly located on or around the scent glands at the nape. historically, alphas were not marked when mating with betas or omegas, but in current society bites tend to be exchanged between mates of any sex rather than used as a tool for alphas to stake a claim on someone of a so-called ‘lower sex.’
pack or bonding bites - most commonly located on or around the scent glands at the wrist. in some more traditional or long-established packs, either the pack alpha or chief omega administers pack bites to new members. popular culture treats this practice as old-fashioned, with some young people referring to it as a ‘boomer bite.’ in younger or more progressive packs, any member may extend the bite to an unmarked pack mate.
camaraderie bites, also called ‘bestie bites’ - may be located anywhere on the body. a more recent practice, only from the last 60 years or so, stemming from the free love movement and sexual revolution of the 1960s and 70s. these bites are exchanged between close friends, but are not typically an expectation. to share a camaraderie bite with a friend is a mark of profound intimacy. in many young adult novels, a life changing experience shared between friends is punctuated by the exchange of camaraderie bites. some groups have expressed displeasure with this trend, as they feel it cheapens the significance of the camaraderie bite.
bite perks
mated pairs report increased happiness in their relationship, though causality between the bite’s presence and relationship satisfaction is unclear.
bite-bonded packs demonstrate a similar phenomenon with similarly unclear causality
friends who exchange camaraderie bites tend to report a stronger sense of connection, satisfaction, and contentment in all of their friendships, not just the bite-bonded one.
individuals in healthy bite-bonded relationships of any type report a stronger sense of self and belonging, which is associated with positive health outcomes, job satisfaction, and overall happiness
bite-bonded married couples and unmarried couples with registered mating bites receive the same social and legal privileges
global acceptance for same sex (i.e. a-a and o-o) mates is increasing rapidly, with legal recognition for these mating arrangements in over 85% of countries
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2smolbeans · 7 months
Yandere Asmodeus x Cupid Mc
A/N: This was unedited and scrambled. I might add on to this in the future- but for now this is just some brain rot lol. If anyone wants to add on or use this idea for themselves, feel free! Just give me credit ^^
Cupid! Mc who would spend centuries doing their duties as a cupid, walking amongst the human world and influcing the feeling of love amongst people.
Cupid! Mc, who was the cupid of Eros, often pondered if demons could ever fall in love. Love is a natural feeling, whether it be platonic, romantic, or familial - so could the worst of the worst feel something genuine like that?
Cupid! Mc was curious when they heard about the exchange program for angels, demons, and humans to get along. Maybe they would get to meet new creatures alike!
Cupid! Mc, who decided to apply to the program out of pure wonder if a creature who was neither angelic, demonic, or human could join the Royal Academy of Diavolo.
Cupid! Mc who often found themselves the main attraction of the school. Somehow, always finding a group of demons staring at them with malicious intent.
Cupid! Mc who somehow found themselves befriending a group of incubi and sucubi. It was eye-opening meeting a bunch of beings who were the polar opposite of you. Regardless, they helped you around while they bombarded you with questions.
Cupid! Mc, after staying in devildom for years, would eventually be introduced to the king of lust himself, Asmodeus. With the personification of love being in hell, of course, the personification of lust would come along.
Asmodeus! Who would rush at you with exciment, stating how he's it's been a while since he's encountered a cupid and asked how your goddess the "Bitchy jealous Aphrodite" was doing.
Asmodeus! Who would always stick by your side, claiming how a dove like you should be careful in hell. Generously offering to be your tour guide while he showered you with companionship.
Asmodeus! As the king of lust, was surprisingly modest with you. To your surprise, he was in no rush to get in between your pants but rather trying his hardest to keep his reputation with you on a good note.
Asmodeus! Who you soon got to know as a close friend was a selfish individual. Casually sleeping with those left and right while breaking hearts along the way simply because he was bored.
Cupid! Mc, who doesn't expect much from the avatar of lust just simply accepts him for who he is. They don't understand why lust is so tempting for someone.. Regardless, they simply turn the other way and continue to treat Asmodeus as a friend.
Cupid! Mc, who begins to find themselves closer with Asmodeus. No longer seeing them just as the avatar of lust - but a trustworthy friend they could gossip with and someone to go to advice.
Asmodeus! Who is conflicted about how he feels about Mc begins to question them and their relationship. After all, someone always wants something..
"Why are you still here with me? I'm not trying to be pretentious or anything, but..I'm..Well y'know? Isn't that enough to drive you away?"
"No..Not really. I mean I know what you are, and I know what you've done. You can't help it! It's just who you are"
"W-Well, yeah..I guess. But you're okay with that?"
"Ruining people's lives, preying on innocent people. No. Of course not! But, you've been good to me, and I think that's the best you've done. Why? Aren't you usually like 'Oh! Well they deserved it!' Or 'Meh, sucks to be them'?"
"I mean yeah! They were asking for it. It's not like I directly ruined their lives. They came to me first! But you..Aren't you disgusted of me?"
"No, actually not at all. I get it. We're similar actually. Constantly chasing a high that only someone can give us..Yeah?"
"Yeah..You..You get me"
Asmodeus! Who gained a new perspective about you eversince that conversation begins to feel..Anxious about you. He's never felt this way, and he hates it. He's never felt so insecure about his relationship with someone.
Asmodeus! Who begins to scratch at his skin whenever he sees you talk amongst other demons. Jealousy..He's never felt it before with others.. Why was it with you?
Asmodeus! Who wants to get rid of this awful feeling, sleeps around with whoever he can find. Trying to distract himself from you plauging his mind. But no matter what, it never helped..
Asmodeus! Who slowly loses his mind whenever you speak your mind. When was the last time someone spoke to him without wanting something? If you were to leave, would he ever have that again?
Asmodeus! Who slowly reveals his ugly flaws around you. He's slowly falling at the seems with his alienated feelings towards you..
Asmodeus! Who finally snaps under the pressure of his internal struggle decides to do something about it. His solution? Keeping you locked up until he figures out what you are to him and what he wants with you.
Asmodeus! Who sweetly smiled at you, wrapping his arms around your waist while cooing those words that seemed to mush inside your head.
Asmodeus! Who had successfully lulled you inside his room keeps you locked up in a nice set of chains.
Asmodeus! Who reveals himself to be a desperate and emotionally starved demon, whines for your attention and affection. Threatening to clip off your wings whenever you ignore him, blaming you for bewitching him to fall in love with you. That's what it was, right?!
Asmodeus! Who after pulling you into a kiss realises what you are to him. You're more than just a typical hookup or 'partner'. You were someone he genuinely loved. Which was embarrassing him to admit since he always believed:
"Love and lust cannot mix. Literally, I'm not capable of it. No matter how much someone treats me good, unfortunately for them, I won't fall in love. Hell, I don't think I've ever had an actual butterflies in my stomach crush for anyone!"
Asmodeus! Even though obessed and greedy for your attention- it is pathetically starved for your approval. He won't push any moves on you, but he'll constantly shower you with kisses, self care, and gifts just to see you contempt!
(Annd that's all I have. I'm too sick to write anything else. But I have a lot of thoughts about these two! So I'll add more in the future)
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Pls pls pls write astarion fic where instead of him trying to bite tav in the first night its actually her trying to bite him and they both find out the other one is a vampire! Some innuendo maybe and flirting hihi
bite bite fall in love lol
Warnings: blood wine
taglist: @ghostinvenus
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"When you said you wanted to know me more," Completely unphased, "I didn't expect this close, dear." One might say he is enjoying him. Maybe he is? You are unsure and frankly not focused on how the smile on his face is clearly mocking you. The hunger demands you feed, driving you to seek out blood.
That sanguine hunger then drew you to his tent this night, the moon high with dazzling stars littering across the sky.
And in this fancy tent, a dagger is once more at your throat cutting enough to draw a thin line of blood.
"Please, Astarion, kill me." The look of disbelief is clear on his face, "I don't want to hurt you." He sees you, the beast enslaved to the hunger: a vampire.
"Oh, don't be so dramatic!" He sits back while still towering and saddling your lap, "You wanted a nimble, correct?"
You nod, your claws embedded into the cloth of his bedroll, your eyes closed as your body screams to latch onto his neck to rip it open!
"Allow me then to grant us a solution, hm?" The sound of the bottle opening then the sweet, sweet smell of blood follows. "Ah ah, you get this once you tell me who your master is."
You don't realize you moved to sit up until sharp metal touches your chest. "Master?" Trying to speak but your jaw hurts terribly to do so.
"Yes, the one who turned you." There's an impatience in his tone. "Your sire."
You tell him the exact name and location you think your sire is from.
"Go on, don't spill it." A reward for being forthcoming. Moving off of you as you cung down the drink without at least savoring it. His eyes take in this feral spawn in his tent.
The blood wine is drunk from desperately and after it is all gone, your lips are red with blood, and you crave more.
"No, no," Grabbing you quickly as he saw your eyes turn completely red and your mouth salivating with a stronger. "Control yourself."
You twist and claw but are still too weak to put up a real fight, he holds you against him as you both growl then plead or threaten him to feed, to kill the others.
When morning comes and exhaust finally claims you, he is there sitting beside you, "Astarion?" Why are you in his tent? Why do you taste blood on your lips? "Oh, Gods above, did I hurt you?" When you try to move, you feel sluggish, and you clench your stomach.
"No, you didn't hurt me. You did however try to bite me without permission. Which is very rude, darling." You look ready to cry, "Seriously? Do you feel bad?"
"Of course! You trusted me in this camp and I tried to bite you!" The hunger lurks, and you stand when he stands. "Astarion?"
The laughter is horrible and worse are his words, "Just my luck! A caring vampire. Wow, now that's a treat." He glanced away as he said that last part. The silence hints at something more, the evidence in your mouth as you realize you drank the blood of an animal rather than a person.
A difference you know by force by your master.
You stare with concern then speak, "Are you… Vampire too?"
"A spawn," Disgust in his voice, "So drinking my blood won't free you." The way his lips frown and eyebrows knitted together.
"Free me?"
"You know: drink a vampire lord's blood and then you are free. In theory."
When more confusion is written on your face, as you ask more questions; it becomes clear to Astarion how new you are. A freshly gifted vampire with no guidance…
"I only was told I am immortal and to behave."
Sheltered, a sheltered vampire who wasn't taught at least how to control their hunger.
One that is quite a beast than himself, fascinating, and one he can see having an advantage to have on his side.
"Let's help each other, hm? You clearly need to feed soon and I can hunt." His tone expresses a false worry, "I feed us and you keep the others from staking us." Else Wyll– despite being a friend to you, Astarion doesn't trust him. A monster hunter who just so happened to deal with only the infernal is still a monster hunter.
“You protect me and I protect you.” He nods at those words, “Okay.” Trusting him, after all, he spared your life.
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kukuandkookie · 3 months
People keep claiming Chinese BL manhua really only have stories featuring toxic male leads, so I offered to give recommendations with green flags... Someone finally said yes, so here's what I typed up in response!:
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I Ship My Rival x Me:
One of my personal favourites!
Based on the hilarious novel, commonly known as I Ship My Adversary x Me and also has an audio drama adaptation on MaoEr FM. Basically a story about two actors who are seen as complete rivals by everyone except the actors themselves, which annoys the main character (Wei Yanzi) enough that when he discovers there are actual fans who ship them instead of pit them against one another, he’s so excited he sort of starts shipping them too (in like, an abstract, theoretical manner lmao). This of course causes shenanigans as he actually gets to know the person who people ship him with/pit him against, Gu Yiliang.
Gu Yiliang is a true sweetheart and the greenest of green flags. He’s a complete puppy and I love him. And this means, naturally, the only misunderstandings in this story are of the hilarious kind (you’ll know what I mean if you read it lol). 😂
This one actually used to be available officially in English on the Bilibili manhua’s international app before it got shut down, but it recently got picked up by Seven Seas, the company behind a lot of official English translations of danmei (Chinese BL)!
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Touch Your World:
A literally colour-blind boy (as in, he cannot see colour at all and only sees things in black and white) discovers someone who he can see colour on. This person is a designer who has suffered past betrayal and trauma that has caused him to shut himself up and grow much more on edge, but this chance meeting draws both parties out of their shells.
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Pixiu’s Eatery, No Way Out:
Not a green flag top in the traditional sense, but here we meet the mythical Pixiu: an ancient Chinese mythical creature who now runs a restaurant. While he’s a penny-pincher with a temper and he doesn’t get along with his love interest at first (a ghost named Wen Xi who he finds suspicious due to Wen Xi’s ties to a past rival of his named Taotie), Pixiu and Wen Xi eventually grow, quite naturally—and hilariously!—into a found family.
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The Wife Is First:
Based on a novel of pretty much the same name (and is written by the same author as the popular manhua and donghua, No Doubt in Us (a heterosexual body-swap romance, which also has a subtle gay side ship)). Here we meet Jing Shao just as he’s about to lose everything: once a royal and a powerful general, he has been betrayed by all those around him…except the husband he has never treated well.
As such, when we first meet him, we actually witness his—and his husband’s—deaths. But then he awakens and finds himself back in time to the night right after he was forced to wed this husband of his, and Jing Shao vows to treat him well from now on because he stuck with him through thick and thin despite everything.
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Don’t Say You Love Me:
A high school romance with a supernatural twist: Lin Yutong was confessed to by his best friend, Qin Weiyun, at their graduation party. When he drunkenly freaked out and ran away, Qin Weiyun was hit by a car during the chase…
Devastated by his loss, Lin Yutong quickly wakes up to find himself back at the start of his high school journey, right before he meets Qin Weiyun… And this time, he wants to keep Qin Weiyun safe.
But his overly familiar attitude at first gets the wary Qin Weiyun a tad suspicious, because he’s actually quite an aloof person.
The author and artist of this one is also behind another popular manhua titled Your Dream Is Delicious, which is about a demon named Yi Kui who discovers he enjoys eating the nightmares of Lin You. This eventually leads to them—you guessed it—falling in love.
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It’s Not That I Want to Wear Women’s Clothing:
Our main character is hired to crossdress to help this CEO get over his gynophobia (fear of touching women) without him knowing. Naturally, this leads to an awkward romantic journey of both identities of our main character getting close to this CEO…who at first glance seems like the typical cold and aloof CEO type, except he’s actually quite a sweetheart.
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Salt Friend:
A slice-of-life high school story about the “school bully” named Tong Yang who’s actually a crybaby and the aloof person named Xiao Zhen who discovers him crying. While the two don’t seem like they’d get along at first glance, this quickly becomes a friends-to-lovers story that navigates family drama alongside the romance.
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How’d I Get a Heroine’s Script?:
A transmigration story with a twist. Chao Yi is wheelchair-bound but finds himself eventually as a young lord in what is basically a palace drama (court politics, intrigue, family drama, all that good stuff). His System, Qin Que, tasks him with wooing the difficult 7th prince, Gu Yunheng, who smiles on the surface but is quite cold in actuality.
Despite the two getting off on the wrong foot—mostly because Gu Yunheng is really hard to get close to—they soon end up as unlikely allies…especially since there’s a lot of secrets, such as regarding the death of the body Chao Yi’s occupying, the scheming princes, and even Gu Yunheng himself.
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See You My King:
Zhang Li, a student interested in what is basically ancient Egypt, goes on an expedition to the ruined civilization and nearly loses his life. Except at the same time, he discovers an ancient tomb with a statue that actually comes to life and saves him…
And this statue even follows him home. This statue is sweet and loving despite its inability to speak, and Zhang Li grows attached to it (or him)… But then the statue falls apart and Zhang Li is devastated.
In wishing for a miracle to bring them back together, the statue’s stone heart sends Zhang Li back in time…to when this ancient civilization is still present. And that’s how he discovers his stone statue is the “tyrant king” of this region, and as cruel as he seems at first glance, both this king and Zhang Li eventually grow close and unfold the different sides to one another that makes them inseparable in the face of all kinds of threats.
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Trapping the Foxy Doctor:
A doctor and a psychiatrist meet…except it doesn’t seem like a perfect love story at first glance. Not because the doctor is traditionally foxy (seductive and/or cunning), but because he’s so silly and on-the-nose that he initially kind of rubs the psychiatrist the wrong way. Except, of course, with the kind of sunny sincerity displayed by our doctor Zhi Banyi, you can’t resist him for long…
And the psychiatrist, Lin Li, is himself quite a polite soul despite his complex upbringing. As such, the two end up together through a series of cases where they have to collaborate and help clients, with a lot of shenanigans sprinkled in between (including the fact Lin Li has a side-job live-streaming as a woman—and “she” just so happens to be Zhi Banyi’s favourite streamer lol).
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Pirouette Into My Heart aka Salad Days:
You know the “he was a skater boy and she did ballet” kind of set-up? Well here we have a boxer and a ballet dancer…and hey, “can I make it any more obvious”?
This one is basically a feel-good story of the century. It’s childhood friends to lovers, and it’s soft and cuddly and encouraging, as we follow the main character, Jiang Shen, in achieving his ballet dreams. And on every step of the way, he’s accompanied by the boxer Bai Jinyi, who’s also chasing his own dreams.
The draw of this one is that while there’s obviously conflict to drive the plot along, it’s ultimately a comforting story, so you get all warm and squishy inside reading it. Bai Jinyi and Jiang Shen are very supportive of one another, as is everyone around them.
There’s even extras at the very end that swap the classes of the two main characters, which makes for a similarly compelling AU. 🤭
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Beryl and Sapphire:
Not always BL but often is. What do I mean by that? Well it’s a story that can switch to any universe even as the characters stay the same, and some worlds are just one-off gags while some are whole story arcs. The original manhua features stick figures, so if you really want to experience this one, I’d recommend the donghua. The first season also cleverly shows the main characters as actors in the OP, which explains all the world-switching pretty easily haha.
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Don’t Pick Up Boyfriends from the Trash Bin:
Unfortunately I’m not sure the manhua for this one is still ongoing, but the original novel (all about transmigration and hopping multiple worlds) 100% features a green flag top.
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The Guy Inside Me:
I know the title sounds sexual lol but it’s actually a joke about how it’s a body-swap story. 😆
The original Chinese title is “This Question Is Too Difficult”) and of course, the author also wrote Fake Slackers, which has two very smart students act like terrible ones due to not wanting trouble.
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Falling to Where I Belong:
The thing about this one is that the top is 100% a total green flag... It's the main character that's more of a red flag, in the sense he at first only asks the top out to humiliate him due to a misunderstanding.
But it's still a heartfelt story filled with regret and growth, and I did really like the portrayal of Cheng Feichi. Personally I think the manhua humanizes him a bit more than the novel since we didn't really get his POV in the novel that often, but I did hope for even more emotion in the ending... Still, it was a satisfying read, and while I would like to comfort the main character, Zhen Yeming, over his regrets, I really want to just give all the good things to Cheng Feichi, who definitely deserves it after everything he went through.
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More Than Brothers:
For the "non-freaks" out there, they're not actual brothers, don’t worry; not adopted brothers either. Just a guy who saw his younger friend as his bro…until this friend disappeared from his life and apparently got into a bad crowd… Except in reality he is being harassed and is struggling to leave his abusive family.
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The Protagonist Just Wants to Fall in Love:
Kind of a classic in the transmigration genre, except now we get multiple worlds in multiple arcs. Our protagonists are Systems on their final mission, aiming to become human by the end of it, and their task is to guide their protagonists away from the path of "darkening" (essentially corruption).
And each and every one of these systems do so by getting their protagonist to fall in love with them lol.
Unsurprisingly, my favourite arc so far—in the manhua at least!—is the historical one between the advisor and the emperor, but the third—and currently ongoing as the time of me writing this—world between two university students who started getting close during military training and by playing games is also quite cute.
And okay, man I could really keep going, especially with the manhua that are based on novels, but this post is already really long asjakfl. It was, in fact, so fucking long YouTube wouldn't even let me post it at first until I cut it down AMFKGSJDFGS.
But I still want to at least give a shout out to some of the manhua with pretty healthy, green flag tops/gongs!:
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Like Han Yuan, despite the characters not getting along at first and Yu Han being rather aloof to the spoiled Luo Linyuan, is still quite sweet at its core. Lovely Allergen is as well, even with their "brotherly" relationship being the forefront of the conflict between Song Yu and Yue Zishi.
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Another kind I wanted to bring up is the ones where their worlds or stories are dark, but the characters aren't necessarily. Like The Film Emperor, He Insisted on Being My Patron has a very green flag gong (he's such a puppy!), but he and the main character are up against the reddest of red flags of a villain LMDFKGSJFD.
It's also not a manhua I think people who want green flag leads would necessarily enjoy, given that beyond being "darker," it also goes into the territory of fan service-y and "problematic" nsfw content, but again, the male lead is really quite sweet to the main character despite the shitty situation they're in.
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And I thought of Bu Chonghua from Tunhai aka Swallowing the Seas (another one based on a novel), since the main character there, Wu Yu, comes to see Bu Chonghua as so good and just that he pushes him away because he feels like he can't dirty such a man with his own darkness, both in his past and personality. It's a trope I really enjoy.
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I'll briefly mention some ⚠️ spoilers ⚠️but the reason I wanted to highlight it is because: the latest chapter of the manhua has Bu Chonghua overhear Wu Yu saying he likes Bu Chonghua, and this is after Wu Yu disappeared and Bu Chonghua is worried he skipped town for good. He follows Wu Yu, all while wondering if the like Wu Yu holds for him is the same as his liking of Wu Yu, and when Wu Yu is about to be gravely injured in an underground fighting ring, Bu Chonghua steps in to save him... The chapter ends with Wu Yu holding him back pleading with him to stop because it's not worth dirtying his hands with such a man as his opponent, and that's such a delicious flavour of angst because like...Wu Yu thinks it's fine for he himself to fight against such a person, but he doesn't want Bu Chonghua to. ;-;
Oops. I didn't mean for this to become a deeper ramble of Tunhai KMSGFKGHSJ. It's just interesting to me since Tunhai and its prequel, Poyun aka Breaking Through the Clouds, may not have what the people who prefer green flag tops want in terms of content, but its tops are technically not that much of a red flag either.
Which also get us to the kind of stories where plot can also sort of outweigh whether a top/gong is a green flag or not. Like No Arguing With Mr. Mo has two characters who struggle greatly in their relationship, with the question of "are they in love?" being an overarching issue for them, meaning it's not exactly healthy, and prevents them from being fully either green or red flags.
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I also didn't bring up a lot of historical/xianxia manhua, which I'm sure some people may disagree with... Like the leads in Tianbao Fuyao Lu are arguably quite good, and while I haven't read Dinghai Fusheng Lu yet, I assume it's in a similar boat as something set in the same world.
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And then there's the ones that develop into green flags... Like Mo Ran starts off awful, yes, but he does become much better later on!! But I don't think that's what those people after green flags want to hear lol. Plus I'd argue Erha is best experienced in novel (or audio drama) form over the manhua anyway—the manhua feels more like something made for established fans in my opinion.
Regardless, I hope this shows that with so many listed above, many manhua actually feature male leads who really do care for their love interests in a healthy, respectful way, whether they're 100% green flags or they develop into green flags or they're not even complete green flags. ^^
Edit: Oh I forgot to link my full list of danmei/baihe manhua recs HMSKFJSKS. I currently don’t have any summaries, tags, or content warnings in this list though, but there’s quite the range of stories!:
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sleeplesssmoll · 25 days
May I request some suitcase family headcannons summer addition?
ill start
1. vertin is definitely rocking a button up pineapple shirt and those long a** dad shorts (Because she's our androgynous king 👑) with a straw hat to top it off
2 if they go to the beach instead of a lake in the suitcase there will be girls thinking vertin is a guy and trying to flirt with her
Confession: I don't like the beach so I didn't think about this at first, but now the brain is WORKING! Also, I love your ideas! You have me thinking about an entire scenario. Although, my mind focuses on Vertin the most lol so these probably won't be that interesting. This is more like a drabble than single HCs. The team heads to the beach because of a mission but they turn it into a vacation. Also, instead of a pineapple shirt, Vertin got this as a gift from the kids:
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Suits and Ducks
Vertin tried to go to the beach with her suit. Desert Flannel and Blonney argued with her for a while saying how hot it'd be and so on. Vertin reminds them she crossed a desert in a suit and survived a shipwreck in her signature suit. She'll be perfectly fine going to the beach in her suit. It was the kids who actually managed to get her to change. Sotheby and the others gifted a silly shirt with little yellow ducks on it. They knew she wouldn't wear a bathing suit but they wanted her to join them! Since it was a gift from her crew, Vertin treasures it and proudly wears it in public at the beach. Outfit complete with bermuda shorts and a boater hat with a ribbon around it. Desert Flannel and Blonney tease her at first but they prefer this casual outfit instead of the stiff suit. Vertin looks like a dork but she's a cute and happy dork so they're secretly happy too. However, they're not the only ones to think that. Instead of deterring attention, Vertin catches the eye of a few beach goers since the shirt is a conversation starter. You know how it goes after that, our charismatic Timekeeper has a way of pulling people in once she starts talking to them. Also, she's pretty. Even if she's being silly, people seem to like Vertin's face. However, they give up on her once they see her crew, which happens to be full of beautiful people (Sonetto, Blonney, Desert Flannel, Druvis, Bun Bun, etc). The bar is high lol.
Eye of the Storm, Center of Attention
Sonetto was shy about wearing a bathing suit since she isn't used to showing so much skin. Desert and Blonney helped her find a modest one-piece and cover up that she felt comfortable in. She turned quite a few heads at the beach. She doesn't like being the center of attention, but she didn't mind the familiar weight of Storm gray eyes on her back while she splashed around with Regulus and the others. She made eye contact with Vertin on the shore. Vertin immediately tilted her hat over her eyes and turned her attention back to the bucket of seashells she and Eagle collected together. Later, the crew painted these shells together and decorated the gardens in the Wilderness with them.
Inner tubes and Ice Cream
Regulus is the captain of a giant floating inner tube. However, the others swarmed her “ship” and stole it. The pirate captain was thrown into the sea! When she went to complain to Vertin, she couldn't find her best friend. Her first thought was the one time Vertin mentioned she's not a great swimmer. Did the ocean claim her when she wasn't looking!? Then again, she survived being thrown into the sea while wearing a suit of all things–
Vertin spawned behind her with popsicles and ice cream. On one hand, Regulus was relieved but on the other, Vertin went to the store without her! The betrayal. They usually buy goodies together so the pirate can show her all the good snacks! Regulus forgave her when she realized Vertin bought frozen treats for all of them, including her. Vertin didn't want to interrupt her fun so she and Lilya went together instead. Lilya wanted to buy more alcohol anyway.
Regulus enjoyed her “rock n roll rocky road”, moved that Vertin remembered her favorite flavor. However their friendship nearly ended when she watched Vertin BITE into her Creamsicle (orange and cream pop). Vertin doesn’t feel pain or sensitivity so she always eats them like that…
Sonetto attempted to eat her blue-raspberry popsicle the same way after watching Vertin and immediately regretted it.
Bunny Bunny’s BBQ smelled so good, other beach goers brought some of their ingredients over and offered to work together, kinda like a potluck where everyone brings something and the food is shared.
Night Fishing
Vertin doesn’t sleep at night because she naps during the day. She decided to try her hand at night fishing on the pier. She slipped out quietly so as not to wake her tuckered out teammates. Sonetto noticed she was gone because she hears everything that goes on in the Suitcase. She freaked out like usual until she found Vertin peacefully fishing on the pier. She sat with Vertin, using the Timekeeper's jacket as a blanket since she was still in her nightgown. Vertin tried to shoo her back inside since was clearly exhausted but she refused to budge. She ended up falling back asleep against Vertin's shoulder. However, Sonetto wondered if she dreamed the whole thing since she woke up in her bed the next morning. She didn't, Vertin carried her back the same way she does for the others. If Vertin is around, she sleeps like a log but if Vertin isn't around, she sleeps more lightly.
Vertin didn't catch much, but Satsuki prepared a Japanese style breakfast with it for her the next day. That breakfast ended up being “sampled” by so many other crew members that Vertin ended up nibbling on leftover BBQ to compensate.
She didn't let anyone touch her tea though. She'll share everything else but Satsuki's tea.
Of course, this beach trip wasn't really a holiday. They were supposed to be investigating sightings of a sea monster. They almost forgot about it until Druvis and Lilya mentioned it in passing. Apparently the sea monster interrupted them while they were flying together on Lilya's broom over the water.
They managed to scare it off, but they need to take care of it since it's still a danger to others. The Timekeeper sets out with her crew to fight the beast.
The Kraken Calamari (Pavia's idea) they made hit different. Vertin made sure to save a portion for Madam Z and Tooth Fairy to try.
When it was time to go home, Vertin decided it'd be nice to have a beach section in the Wilderness for the Summer. While she can't control the weather in her Suitcase, she can reshape the land. The others loved this idea. The Wilderness had other plans and it snowed on the first day of adding the beach. Imagine all these arcanists in summer clothes freezing outside (well, except the SPDM soldiers). They came inside and enjoyed hot chocolate instead lol.
They expected Vertin to get sunburn like some of the other arcanists, but she was fine. The Foundation's temperature training teaches them how to protect themselves from the elements with arcanum, which is why she crossed the desert and stuff without issue. Sonetto can do it too (she's really good at it), but she used sunscreen as a precaution.
Ms. Moissan made the children wear it too and used Sonetto as an example.
This means it was the young adults who suffered the most sunburn. Jessica was not happy about it. She didn't get sunburn, but Blonney did so she couldn't hug as much as she wanted.
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loving-august · 1 year
๑𓈒 ' . 𑇛 BAKUGOU'S BF DUTY !
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— college au, modern au, a bit suggestive, profanities (bc of him lol), pet names, female reader
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— being bakugou's girlfriend has its own pros and cons, just like the old saying goes: 'it's a blessings in disguise'. You really couldn't of its really true because he is katsuki bakugou. the moment you accepted his feelings you knew what you were getting into.
— first of all, you just bagged the smart, handsome, and a wifebeater body man in campus. yeah fuck rizz you both want passion 🤨
— bakugou will definitely wait for you until your class ends. hw eill be checking up his phone from time to time until you came out from your school orclassroom then grabs your bag and carry it on his shoulder as if its nothing. he would listen to your stories on how things happened in your day and adds some shìtty remarks here and there. AND! he loves listening when shit is about to go down.
— after exams, he would treat you to some fastfood chain or literally anywhere to make your stomach leaps in happiness. he loves the way you smile as you tasted the food onto your mouth. this man will spoil you rotten to your favourite foods to eat. go argue with the wall i dare you 🤢
— he will make an album on his phone all for you! he can't possibly blame you tho, he's that smitten for you even though he would not admit it. his ego is higher than the eiffel tower duh 🌝
— expect a sudden kiss from him! this man wont survive if he wont get any kisses from you. man needs to gassed up with your kiss or else he would be treating everyone a lil bit more harsh so goodluck to kirishima tho bless him. with just one kiss and way baam yes ma'am he's all giddy hehe.
— physical contact! he loves sneaking his hands on you waist, claiming you literally to anyone. and he loves it when you link your arms around his arm or hold onto him. it gives him reassurance that you're his and only his alone.
— expect a make out with him. he's hungry and you won't deny how he makes you feel good while kissing you. and also he loves it when you're beneath him btw
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© 2022 loving-august. All Rights Reserved. Do not repost. Do not plagiarize. Do not share on other platforms. Will get slapped if u do.
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