lyloneliness · 1 year
This one is old. Like... Early 2022
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Wanted to represent all different aspects of the sky at sunset, so I thought it'd be cool to personify it and place it in between a window that separate the night and the day.
The character that impersonates the sunset is 'sun coded' if that makes any sense. Like, I gave her warm colors and some shine on the outside. But on the inside she is 'night coded'. Her eyes are black as the nightsky and her iris is the moon, while her insides, visible in the cracks between her two hands, is the cosmos.
The extern side of the window is the early night sky, like, we see stars but it's still bright enough to be blue ; while the side we see behind the chara is the moment the sun starts to fall and paints the clouds with vibrant colors.
Yeah it was longer than I expected, hope you like it since I'm still quite proud of this one (๑✪ᆺ✪๑)
Posting this cause of this poll
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verakomnig · 2 months
Singulart? Abzuraten! Not recommended!
Meine Zusammenarbeit mit der Pariser Kunstgalerie „Singulart“ ist mit sofortiger Wirkung beendet! Die Gründe, die mich zu diesem Schritt bewogen haben, gehören nicht in die Öffentlichkeit, da ich mich aber meinen Kunden gegenüber verpflichtet fühle, kann ich nur dringend von einer Geschäftsbeziehung mit dieser Singulart-Galerie abraten. Dies gilt gleichermaßen auch für Künstler. Wer seriös und…
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cheekydimplesblog · 2 years
Is Kilian Paris Rolling In Love Perfume Worth Buying
Is Kilian Paris Rolling In Love Perfume Worth Buying
You people (and I mean that in the nicest way possible) have been asking me to start doing reviews on perfumes, body mists and fragrances in general AGAIN! So, here we go starting out strong with a fancy one. Kilian Paris, founded more than a decade ago this luxury brand has created more than 30 unisex fragrances inspired by elegance and extravagance of nightlife. Being a high end range of…
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Best Seller, WA 0852-0498-4159 Distributorden/Gorden-Murah-Berkualitas-Sempol.jpg,[email protected],Laba100Jt/BlnBest Seller
WA 0852-0498-4159 Distributor Gorden Cantik Berkualitas Senggreng"
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arwenadreamer · 4 months
Why the hellers are again shouting jensen confirmed destiel? do you know anything happened like that? Sorry for spoiling your mood but my dash is filled with all destiel updates and I know most of them are fake or out of context, but it makes me mad as hell.
Hi nonnie,
to be honest, your ask was the first thing I heard about that. I did not go to the Jensen Misha panel.
And honestly, once more it got confirmed for me that hellers are very loud online, but that conventions are a completely different experience. Purcon had a relly nice athmosphere! I feared it would be a "Heller Con" beforehand, but it wasn't at all! (Disclaimer: Heller does not equal destiel shipper! Ship and let ship, and we are friends.)
The original lineup for Purcon 8 was Jensen and Misha. Jared was planned for Infinity. Pur was already sold out when Jared was announced for Pur instead of Infinity. Yeah, that was messed up. All of us who had Infinity tickets and did no longer want to go, couldn't get rid of them anymore. And so many people who wanted to see Jared didn't have Pur tickets. Didn't help that they said we could use our photo ops at Pur instead of infinity, if you don't have a ticket to get in. They then released a small patch of additional tickets for Pur, but those were without seating, standing upstairs on the galery. Additional to that, they made the Jenmish panel free, but people had to pay extra for each J2 panel. That's why I feared that Jared's panel might be relatively empty except for the gallery. And that the J2 panel might not be too full either. Both fears were wrong! The J2 panel was packed, as was the Jared solo panel. The athmosphere the whole con was amazing. I met many Castiel fans who just love all of TFW, and it was nice enjoying the con with them! I heard one (ONE!) comment in passing that was sort of anti Jared ("Why are there only Jared mouse pads?" in the vendors room) and that was all. The rest was positive all around. As I've found conventions always to be. (Also, shipping questions were forbidden, which is always good.)
As for your question about Destiel being confirmed: I saw the video of that this morning. And in my opinion it is no confirmation. Jensen basically says the confession scene won't be addressed again in a possible reboot. But that's another topic. I think his answer was nice and insidefull without getting into shipping. Some of the audience cheered, but let me tell you, that was nothing compared to some of the cheering going on in there! It was 2200 people and we gave standing ovations in so many panels, the noice was defening. (Loudest maybe for Mark Shepperd, his panel was AWESOME, but that's another post.) From the video I gather the confession scene question was asked during a Jensen only panel? I sadly missed the beginning.
Anyway, conventions are usually great, everyone knows to keep shipping to themselves and be respectful to all the guests and fellow fans. I know who to talk to about wincest and when to keep my mouth shut. So do my destiel shipping friends. We gush about our respective wonderful exeriences together. Things tend to get blown out of proportion online.
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adarkrainbow · 7 months
I have been sharing things about French fairytale movies. We have been talking about Cinderella. As such I want to speak about a movie I actually can't really speak about because I have not seen it... But I need to just talk about it because... Well, you'll get it. It is the 2017's Les Nouvelles Aventures de Cendrillon (The New Adventures of Cinderella).
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Now to understand WHERE this movie comes from, we need to return to 2015 and the release of another movie "The New Adventures of Aladin".
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This movie is a comedy, an humoristic retelling/parody of the Aladin tale - France has quite a history of One Thousand and One Nights-cinema, and already humoristic takes on similar stories had been done (Gérard Jugnot had notably played in an humoristic Ali Baba movie I saw when I was young, for example). Here the main star and the actor playing Aladin is Kev Addams, which was then a young humorist that had been on the rise for quite a few years and was an "idol of the youngs", so to speak. The gist of the movie is: two thieves are disguising themselves as Santa Clauses in modern-day Paris to steal at the Galeries Lafayette. But they are stuck with a group of children who asks them for a story - and so to get rid of them, they decide to tell them an improvised version of the story of Aladdin, which in turn parallels the real-life events surrounding the thieves.
[Note the writing of "Aladin" with one "d", to carefully avoid any Disney lawsuit.]
This movie was very, very popular in theaters. It was popular enough to actually get a sequel called "Alad'2" (a pun on how "in" sounds like "un", "one"), which also was one of the leads of the box-office in France, and brought in another French humorist, this time of the "previous generation" before Adams - Jamel Debbouze:
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But there was one problem... Both movies were absolutely torn to shreds by the critics. In newspapers, on websites, everybody agreed that these movies were actually bad, and not at all good movies nor great comedies. In fact, the reviews of the movies and the sales corresponding to it clashed so much it caused an online scandal when it came to the website AlloCiné (one of the French websites of reference when it comes to cinema), who was openly accused of faking reviews and inventing profiles to boost this movie's note - because it seemed impossible, with all the negative critics and the backlash, that the movie could obtain a mid-rating (3/5).
All of that to say, these movies were very polarizing - seen as embodying the typical bad comedies and a certain "downfall" of French cinema everybody has been talking about in the 2010s, and yet being massively mediatized and very popular among young audiences especially, and bringing in a lot of cash...
Now we reach our movie. Welcome "The New Adventures of Cinderella"! Which technically seems like a spin-off of the Aladin movies, and yet by its chronological placement seems to be a sequel "by the principle", not directly following it while still reusing its principle and referencing the previous movie (this movie was released BEFORE Alad'2)
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This movie basically does what "Les Nouvelles Aventures d'Aladin" did - it is an humoristic retelling/open parody of Cinderella, framed as an adult being forced to tell a story to children. In this case it is Julie, a young girl who finds herself alone on the day of her birthday, without anybody remembering it... Until Marco, the man she secretely loves (and the son of her boss) calls to tell her he is coming over. Filled with hope she awaits... only to discover Marco brings her his son because he needed a last-minute babysitter. Stuck with this particularly bratty child, Julie is forced to tell him a story, and fed up with everybody treating her like a servant, she decides to tell a version of Cinderella where she plays the main role - and Marco is the prince she tries to win. Other characters from her life are recast: her boss is the king, her bitchy colleagues are the wicked stepsisters, her annoying neighbor if the evil stepmother... And Snow-White with her seven dwarves pop up at some point - because just like with the "Aladin", Disney references are quite present...
The main actress (Cinderella/Julie) s Marilou Berry, who truly was noticed and became quite famous thanks to playing in "Vilaine", and after passing by a series of movies (including "Les reines du ring"), she had another focus thanks to the success of the "Joséphine" movie. The cast also gathers other actors quite used to the world of comedy, ranging from older generations of the "classics" (Josiane Balasko as the wicked stepmother, Didier Bourdon as the king) to more recent ones (Arnaud Ducret as the prince Marco, Vincent Desagnat as the prince's older brother).
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Now, I have not seen the movie, so I can't confirm or infirm this... But when it was released, this piece got bashed. Really, really hard. Harder than the Aladin movie, from people simply calling it "unfunny" and "cringe" to other actively pointing it out as being offensive and sexist, if not misogynistic. Aladin's note online roughly went around a 3/5. This one hesitated between 2/5 and 1,5/5. Now, again, I can't say I agree or disagree with these reviews because I have not seen the movie - and we all know a mass-opinion can be wrong. It seems more recently kinder reviews have been opping around the Internet - pointing out that all the backlash ths movie received was exaggerated and the piece was better than what everybody descibed.
Now, if you want my two pences of thought, I do believe that maybe this has to do with the audience that went to see these movies. As I said, Kev Adams was quite the "idol of the youth" when he did the Aladin movie (I don't know if he still is), but he had a BIG fanbase among teenage girls for example, as well as a certain scope to a young audience. And precisely who kept talking about these Aladin movies and who was more interested in those Aladin movies? Children. Meanwhile this Cinderella movie lacks any star or face that a young audience could recognize - no real Kev Adams. Yes, Marilou Berry is here, but her audience is not known to be young children - and as such, I do believe that the Aladin movies were favored by having a natural "fanbase" and already formed young audience ready to dig in. Meanwhile here two of the prominent stars are actors who symbolize the humor of the 20th century and are now quite aged - Balasko and Bourdon - who will speak to adults, but probably not to children... Anyway I am really speaking out of anything here, especially since I haven't seen the movie, but I do believe that this played a part in how this movie was received in a lesser way than the Aladin ones. (Plus the Aladin movies were clearly aimed at a male audience, which coupled with Kev Adams' natural teenage girl fanbase and the big success of Disney's Aladdin among girls, made sure both genders could go see it without shame - meanwhile this movie is clearly a "girl movie" meaning the audience is already restricted a bit more... And as such much more offended - as I said the movie was accused of being a piece of misogynistic jokes (doesn't help that there are only men who wrote and directed this movie).
But again, it might also have to do with the movie just being bad, you know. After all the man behind this movie (Lionel Steketee) is not the one that made the first Aladin movie (Arthur Benzaquen) but rather the one that did its lesser-appreciated sequel... Though the same script-writer was used for both (Daive Cohen).
Now, my only question, from what I have seen (extracts and trailers and previews) is actually... What is the target audience? Maybe it will clear up when I get to see the movie but this is all framed and sold as a kid-friendly entertainment, it even being an "all-public" movie to which families are supposed to be able to bring their kids but... a lot of the jokes I have seen are typical of adult things. I mean there's a lot of sex jokes for example, which made me think originally this was an adult movie, but then it also kind of is framed and written as a kid-level comedy and... Yeah this leaves me a bit confused. Just take the movie's poster, at the top of the post... You can't tell me there isn't a big sexual innuendo in the way the prince "rides" Cinderella! And yet it is sold as a movie kids can go watch and that isn't for a more mature audience? Anyway, I do not have a lot to say, since I haven't seen the movie, but I wanted to make a "preparation" post for when I will get to see it.
(I will just add that while some of the jokes I have seen do seem really bad - like a certain joke about a character's throat which was used already in Les Visiteurs 3 and seems really out of place in a kid movie, clearly taken from the Men in Black - some actually made me laugh. Most notably there is a great slapstick moment you can glimpse in the trailer where the Lady Tremaine-like stepmother just... headbutts Cinderella for speaking to her. I did quite like this joke as it subverts the pose and subtle threat of the Disney-wickedstepmother, while also clearly dedramatizing the violence into a goofy, cartoonish way. But that's just me.)
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georges-dufrenoy · 7 months
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Georges Dufrenoy (1870 - 1943)
Un beau Venise en vente Online chez Piguet à Genève
"Soleil couchant sur la lagune de Venise"
41 x 60 cm - Huile sur toile
1928 - Tableau exposé Galerie Druet n° 12106
Tableau provenant de la magnifique collection de Georges Couturat, grand marchand, mécène et collectionneur de la première partie du XX eme siècle
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koenvandamme · 6 months
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Some good news.. 18TH ANNUAL BLACK AND WHITE SPIDER AWARDS HONORS PHOTOGRAPHER KOEN VAN DAMME FROM BELGIUM LOS ANGELES NOVEMBER 22, 2023 - Professional photographer Koen Van Damme of Belgium was presented with the 18th Annual Black and White Spider Awards 2nd Place - Merit of Excellence in the category of Architectural at a prestigious Nomination & Winners Photoshow streamed Saturday, November 18, 2023. The live online gala was attended by industry leaders and the photography community from around the globe who logged on to watch the climax of the world’s premier event for black and white photography. 18th Annual Jury members included captains of the industry from Phillips, London; Flatland Gallery, Amsterdam; David & Goliath, Los Angeles; San Francisco Museum of Modern Art; Saatchi & Saatchi, London; Portuguese Center of Photography, Porto; Jason McCoy Gallery, New York; Hulsbosch, Sydney; Willas Contemporary, Stockholm; FCB Global, New York; ADK Creative One Inc., Tokyo; The ArtFactory Club, Vienna; Silvan Faessler Fine Art, Switzerland; Goldsmiths, University of London; Alfred Ehrhardt Foundation, Berlin; DDB Canada, Edmonton; Galleria Valeria Bella, Milan; David Clarke, London; Chiara Badinella, Art Advisory & Appraisals, Milan; Goodby Silverstein & Partners, San Francisco; Grey Group, New York; and Galerie Bugada Cargnel in Paris who honored Spider Fellows with 612 coveted title awards and 561 nominees in 33 categories. “This year we saw another outstanding set of entries sparking some really fresh ideas, and making it very hard to select winners.” Commented Marcel Wijnen, Creative Director, Hulsbosch, Sydney. “Once again the Black & White Spider Awards has delivered a range of excellent winners in both the Professional and Amateur categories. There are a number of truly amazing images - not only the winners but also those with Honorable Mention. As a judge it was a challenge to select from so many strong submissions. Added Conrad Hechter, Correspondent, Goldsmiths, University of London. “It’s an incredible achievement to be selected among the best form the 6,193 entries from 69 countries we received this year” said Basil O’Brien, the awards Creative Director. “Koen Van Damme’s “Care center”, an exceptional image entered in the Architectural category, represents black and white photography at its finest, and we’re pleased to present him with the title of Merit of Excellence.” BLACK AND WHITE SPIDER AWARDS is the leading international award honoring excellence in black and white photography. This celebrated event shines a spotlight on the best professional and amateur photographers worldwide and honors the finest images with the highest achievements in black and white photography. www.thespiderawards.com
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garadinervi · 2 years
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Vera Molnar, Aux bords 00, (ink on paper, computer drawing), 2000, Unique [© Vera Molnar]. From: Vera Molnar – dessins, Online Exhibition, Galerie Denise René, Paris / Artsy, January 13 – February 11, 2023
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skinnyasnatsuki · 5 months
Te wielkie zakupy na 40kg to by było coś..
Mogłabym kupić sobie mgiełkę, produkty do włosów, masażere, kurwa nawet pościel, jakieś śliczne rzeczy do pokoju, lalki, pluszaki itp... Te zakupy to zakupy w moim mieście takie nie online, u mnie są 3 galerie handlowe i w każdej są minimum dwa sklepy w których bym mogła coś kupić i po prostu było by idealnoe
A tu dla rozpiski:
Aktualne pieniądze na makijaż za 49kg
Jakieś na "jedzenie" itp na rzeczy do rysowania i do gier za 47kg i 45kg
Zaoszczedzone i z bierzmowania na ciuchy za 42kg
A z dnia dziecka, kieszonkowe i jakiekolwiek resztę na 40kg
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catdotjpeg · 6 months
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On a sunny but cold Sunday afternoon, hundreds of pro-Palestine activists unfurled a massive quilt on the steps of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, calling for an end to Israel’s hostilities in Gaza. The action, which began around 12:40pm today, March 24, attracted over 350 participants.  Titled “From Occupation to Liberation,” the quilt was comprised of 65 artworks by various anonymous artists, some featuring traditional Palestinian taṭrīz embroidery. Other squares referenced poet Refaat Alareer, who was killed by Israeli bombardments in Gaza, and Thomas Kilpper’s “Jenin Horse” (2003) — a 16-foot sculpture that previously stood in the West Bank city of Jenin before it was removed by Israeli forces in late October. As the quilt was spread out across the museum’s main entrance, activists encircled the display, carrying signs that read “We See Genocide,” “Let Gaza Live,” and “None Of Us Are Free Until Palestine Is Free.” Simultaneously, protesters chanted phrases such as “Free Palestine” and “Art for Liberation, Not for Colonization” while various groups put on performances in reference to Palestinian dabkeh folk dance.
Organizers of the protest told Hyperallergic that the artwork was modeled after the historic NAMES Project AIDS Memorial Quilt. Prints of the quilt are also available for purchase online. All proceeds will go to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), the humanitarian relief organization that aids Palestinian refugees in Gaza and elsewhere, recently targeted by Israel and the US. The action came barely a week after the release of a group open letter signed by 158 Met workers urging the institution’s Director and Chief Executive Officer Max Hollein to issue a statement in support of a ceasefire and address Israel’s destruction of Palestine. No arrests were made, despite heavy police presence ahead of the protest. Patrons were still able to enter and exit the museum, some approached by protesters who handed out mock Met brochures. 
Urging people to “Dump the Fine Art of Imperialism,” the brochures called out the museum’s role in upholding colonialist power structures. They cited The Met’s physical location on Indigenous Lenape land, as well as its ties to Israeli violence via trustees and donors including Michael Steinhardt, Ronald S. Lauder, and Ted Pick. There were a few confrontations between the demonstrators and passersby, some escalating to shouting matches. Other bystanders welcomed the protest, some even joining in. Flor Sarna, a tourist from New Mexico, told Hyperallergic she was “pleasantly surprised“ by the action. Jacki Steiger, a museum visitor on a business trip from Los Angeles, said they were “overwhelmed,” but “glad to see so many people out” in support of Palestinians. 
“Everyone has a responsibility to speak up and to do what they can to spread information about the genocide in Gaza,” said actor Rowan Blanchard, who participated in the action, pointing out the significant platform that the museum holds, especially as the annual Met Gala approaches. The Met declined to comment on the protest. The protesters’ original plan to march toward the Neue Galerie and Guggenheim Museum up Fifth Avenue was scrapped in the interest of safety. The group dispersed peacefully around 2:30pm. 
-- "Activists Unfurl Massive Quilt for Gaza on Met Museum Steps" by Maya Pontone and Rhea Nayyar for Hyperallergic, 24 Mar 2024
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mitfloya · 7 months
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𝐎𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 𝐚𝐢𝐧'𝐭 𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 . . . ᝰ.ᐟ
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‧˚꒰ ☆ ꒱༘⋆ 𝑭𝒆𝒍𝒔𝒉𝒂 . she/her ; 9teen . 𝑹𝒂𝒇𝒂𝒚𝒆𝒍'𝒔 𝒉𝒐𝒕 𝒈𝒊𝒓𝒍𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅 . mostly sfw + spoiler alert blog! mutltifandom blog. 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔 and 𝒓𝒆𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒔 are highly appreciated .ᐟ please don't spam like .ᐟ
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𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬: — HIATUS (apologies, I was sick throughout these few months with no breaks and currently busy with uni, once again, I am deeply sorry), open for taking any requests, planning for an oncoming big project for LaDS fanfic on AO3, making angsty fics and bots.
𝐈𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐱: OPEN .ᐟ (If I'm not online for awhile that means I'm either extremely busy or sick, send asks or requests are always welcomed ୧⍤⃝💐)
𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭: OPEN .ᐟ
𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬: NOT OPEN YET .ᐟ 𝐊𝐎-𝐅𝐈: -
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❥ 〰 𝗮𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗯𝗹𝗼𝗴. . .
This blog is not spoiler free, some of my works might contain spoilers but I will make sure to put a warning, and if I do forgot go ahead and remind me politely.
Most works revolves around fandoms, yandere-theme, and original characters (OCs) and headcanons.
The blog will be mostly dedicated to fanfiction that are self centered / self-indulgent, meaning for female readers in the "x reader" category.
Both writing and accepting nsfw requests are off limits to me. However, I can and will create fanfiction with potential suggestive content.
My blog will not only consist of writing, but also include personal opinions, rants, things I enjoy, vents, and reblogs of content that I like.
FOR THE MINORS: You can enter my blog, however only 16+ are allowed to read any works that contains suggestive content and yandere themes, but I suggest any underage to not read those works at all. I understand the curiosity, but your mental state and brain age might not be able to handle it, please leave and stop reading if you ever get distraught.
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❥ 〰 𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗹𝗮𝗶𝗺𝗲𝗿(𝘀):
Constructive criticism is always welcome, but know the limits and to differentiate between constructive criticism and unnecessary hatred. I will take strong measures, including hard-blocking, I kindly request that you do the same.
I, as a writer, do not take any responsibilty of what my readers choose to read. Readers take full responsibilty of what they choose to read.
The content featured on my blog may delve dark and unsettling themes, including harmful elements. It is important to note that I do not endorse or condone any of the content I write about. I strive to provide a realistic portrayal of these themes without romanticizing or glorifying them in any way.
I strongly discourage any desire or fascination with the darker aspects discussed. Reader discretion is strongly advised.
If you come across anyone displaying similar behaviors, report and/or block that person. Do not hesitate to take measures to protect yourself and others from any harmful behavior.
CLOSING: I expected for all of us to build a positive internet environment, have healthy boundaries and respect one another, I wish you all well, and thank you from the deepest part of my heart <3
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▶• ılıılıılılııılıılı : not my job by Flo
Property of @mitfloya
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enigmalestari · 9 months
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galerieprints · 2 years
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W E S T E N B E R G The legendary and acclaimed music photographer Kevin Westenberg is on GALERIE | PRINTS with a selection of beautiful works and an online interview. #kevinwestenberg #kevinwestenbergphotography #music #musicphotography #thomyorke #spititualized #rem #michaelstipe #pjharvey #theprodigy #bjork www.galerieprints.com https://www.instagram.com/p/CqMF8kLsb3_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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arterrorist · 1 year
I’ve finaly found the first version of this Colourbox „Breakdown” e.p. It was, allegedly, removed soon after the release and replaced with the second one, making this a rare bird. I’ve spotted it in a travelling record shop visiting my town today🙀
It was the first time I’ve seen it in my country (online or in the wild). And it was cheap at that 🥰
With this gem I can officialy close my Colourbox collection. As an avid 4AD fanatic, I’m happy to have them all as, sort of, mini art galery, too. The covers were designed by Envelope23 - 4AD art departament run by Vaughan Oliver.
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stargir1z · 2 years
clinamen by celese boursier-mougenot 
“clinamen 2013 MDF floor, PVC liner, water pump, heating device, porcelain bowls, water. Paula Cooper Gallery, New York, and Galerie Xippas, Paris. Céleste Boursier-Mougenot is a French artist and composer who creates large-scale acoustic installations and environments which draw upon laws of nature and the rhythms of everyday life to produce new forms of art and music. In clinamen white porcelain bowls float on the surface of an intensely blue pool. Circulating gently, swept along by submarine currents, floating crockery acts as a percussive instrument, creating a resonant, chiming acoustic soundscape marked by complexity, hidden patterns and chance compositions.” - ngv melbourne
‘clinamen’ derives from the term lucretius gave to the unpredictable movement of atoms in epicurean atomism. 
“By contrast, in atomism, just such a model of heterogeneity, and of passage or becoming in the heterogeneous, is furnished by the famed declination of the atom. The clinamen, as the minimum angle, has meaning only between a straight line and a curve, the curve and its tangent, and constitutes the original curvature of the movement of the atom. The clinamen is the smallest angle by which an atom deviates from a straight path. It is a passage to the limit, an exhaustion, a paradoxical “exhaustive” model. The same applies to Archimedean geometry, in which the straight line, defined as “the shortest path between two points,” is just a way of defining the length of a curve in a predifferential calculus.” - deleuze and guattari’s nomadology, pg 18
this forms an interesting visual model of how content circulates online - ie. tumblr labs’ graphs of reblogs. it also makes me think of plasma, the fourth state of matter, which my handsome stem friend just taught me is when the atoms are moving so fast, the actual electrons in the atoms become detached from the nuclei and start to predominantly form into charged ions... the high level of ions in plasma make it a very strong electromagnetic force, as in lightning. plasma also creates a lot of radiation, which i should probably learn more about the process of because the wikipage is confusing. most of space, including stars, is made of plasma that is constantly changing its chemical composition due to the extreme heat.. so deleuzian 
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