#online bible study groups
anushaarticles · 10 months
As we know Youth is the most important resource on the earth. We see that Youth has a special importance and responsibilities mentioned in the Bible.
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cristianpaduraru · 1 year
Bible reading week 9 of 2023 Genesis Explained
Peace, this week we read Genesis then meet online 23-03-04 to share from the Scriptures and pray at the Bible study group 🌏 EN RO SP God bless you 🙏 We are fasting for Please the Romanian Bible School Broadcast done by Eforie.Church and the European Gospel Meeting – Thank you for your support reaching more with Relate4ever Resources Facebook Youtube…
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teamaroraca · 2 months
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Exploring the Literary Stars: Famous Authors from Houston City and the USA
Rounding out our list of famous authors from Houston is Attica Locke. Locke is the author of several bestselling mystery novels, including “Bluebird, Bluebird” and “Heaven, My Home.” Her gripping storytelling and complex characters have earned her numerous awards, including the Edgar Award for Best Novel.
Address: New York United States
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farrellyandco · 3 months
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spookysplatt · 5 months
Hatchetfield Tumblr omg
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✝️ graciee777 Follow
Hello world! I'm Grace, I just got this app to keep up with my friend @s-lauter and post bible verses daily for a project my study group is doing! Can't wait to learn more about you all!
✝️ gracie777 Follow
All of you are going to Hell.
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💿 s-lauter Follow
we NEED to start talking about problematic morning cup'a news is. yeah it's """just a squirrel""" but if you're willing to misgender her it's a slippery slope
🔆 debs-bian Follow
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#okay but I actually had no idea peanuts was a girl?? #I'll tell my dad lol I promise he and donna just didn't know #chronically online kinda take though steph I hate to say it
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🍃 emmahikes Follow
Tell me why my boyfriend just called himself babygirl while hyping himself up for his big presentation at work today??
#what is wrong with him <3 #I think I have to marry him now
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👾 peternotparker Follow
First day working at my local theme park! I'll update you guys with how it goes
👾 peternotparker Follow
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🚬 califor-mia Follow
my sister is playing her little guitar at 3 am in our shared room and i can't even complain because i was already awake
🚗 carsnpunks Follow
Babe I think the little ones are violins not guitars
🌺 al-pal Follow
...ukulele. Guys. It's a ukulele.
#Lex you GOT IT FOR HER how do you not know what it is
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🧑🏻‍🎤 attackonbi-tan Follow
My uncle Gary called me cringe???? He's an actual lawyer he doesn't know these words who told him to say this
🌌 leialove Follow
I mean he's got a point you do use an anime character's name on here
🧑🏻‍🎤 attackonbi-tan Follow
#ruth you can't talk you have a star wars fandom blog #plus levi is a great name fuck you #stop teaching my uncle words
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📼 missretro Follow
I miss this
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📔 dukesthoughts Follow
Babe I love you so much but that picture says 2017
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genderkoolaid · 1 month
As a teen, a friend got them interested in evangelical Christianity, which seemed to offer the promise of ­transformation. They joined a church youth group and began studying the Bible. Soon after, Markham found an online forum for a ministry that supports “those affected by unwanted homosexuality.” Markham didn’t identify as transgender at the time, but to their mentors in the conversion therapy program, Markham says, sexuality was inextricable from gender identity. “A woman being attracted to women—she was confused about her gender identity, confused about what it means to be a godly woman,” they explain. “And so what they end up doing, therapeutically, is attempting to police and reform your gender presentation.” [...] The worse Markham’s anxiety got, the more they became convinced that only God could save them. They enrolled at a small Christian college and found an outside church that offered group therapy. Other members of the group were there to overcome a variety of issues: eating disorders, alcoholism, or depression. “I was there talking about ‘gay,’” Markham recalls bitterly. The counselor, in training to become a licensed practitioner, told Markham to “write out every single same-sex ­attraction or ­gender confusion–related thought, dream, action, behavior that had ever materialized in my life per my memory, and describe the way that it hurt me, it hurt God, and hurt other people.” When they sought help from college administrators, they required Markham to attend biweekly sessions with a women’s chaplain who counseled them on “biblical womanhood” and made them read a book called God’s Little Princess.
Markham is also quoted in this article on the same topic.
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a-d-nox · 1 year
web of wyrd: lesson from the fatherly energy in your life / what inspires your growth as a person
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the number we are focusing on today is based on the SUM OF YOUR PUBLIC ENERGY NUMBER AND YOUR HIGHEST SELF NUMBER (ex: my public energy number is 9 and my highest self number is 10: 9 + 10 -> 19 (recall that numbers must be summed a second time if they total 23 (i.e. 2 + 3 -> 5) and above)).
but what does this number mean?
this number represents what inspires our character growth in this lifetime. this number can help us to balance our public energy and our highest self energy - it essentially helps to provide continuity between our character. as my alma mater says, "be who you are and be that well." and as i say, "say what you mean and mean what you say." that is to say this number can help us become more genuine in day to day life when practiced. it is also the first number in our "male generational line"; often it is symbolic of the first male energy we interact with in life which is typically our fathers - so this is the biggest lesson we learn from our father figures as well.
so let's talk about some examples:
3 - the empress
rider-waite smith's empress is a regal lady sits on red (passion) cushions in a fertile forest where strong trees and wheat crops flourish. she is at one with nature. a heart shaped stone with the glyph of venus (what she represents) is beneath her cushions - she appears at ease with the possibly uncomfortable seating conditions. she stares are the viewer (confrontational) of the card, dressed in a white (innocence) pomegranate-patterned (pomegranates -> passion, fertility, and cyclicality of life) dress. she is adorned with a crown (has 12 stars - alluding to the 12 zodiacs) and a scepter showing her strength as a matriarch.
3s are inspired to grow when they learn to be patient, sit back, and receive rather than chase after answers/objects. hobbies that inspire patiences are meditation, yoga, gardening, writing, cooking/baking, reading, learning new languages, fishing, quilting, crochet, knitting, adult coloring books, puzzles, etc. it is important that 3s stay relaxed and follow their passions (with the 12-starred crown these people tend to be passionate/inspired by astrology) while creating what they desire most (any medium of art is also good).
3s are likely to be closer with their father than to their mother. their father is likely to illustrate to them unconditional love either for them or model it around them in some other area. they also could be a creative that lets the 3 explore their passions. 3s could learn to see the world through rose-colored glasses from their fatherly figure. their father can also be very granola - they can encourage going outside to become one with nature or they may be naturalists/naturopaths.
10 - wheel of fortune
click here for the card description of the wheel of fortune found in my 2nd wyrd web post.
10s are inspired to grow when they learn to connect with spirituality (so many occult symbols are present in this card, don't be afraid to search beyond just one belief). these people need something to connect with when times are rough - they need something to believe in. belief is a powerful tool that often boosts morale in the best way possible. to better connections with spirituality try joining a bible study, following a daily devotional online, going on a nature walk, joining a yoga/meditation group, journaling, volunteering in the community, planting a tree, practicing tai chi, etc. they also need to be around constant change so that they do not feel stagnant - outdoor exercise (or in a gym facility) is probably the best hobby for these people so they can build physical strength and endurance as they do they same emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. they should also pick up a hobby that is unpredictable as they need to realize that not all things can be controlled: practice one random act of kindness a week, manage a bonsai tree, take a different route on the drive home, try any random/new hobby/activity/workshop, surprise someone with a gift, make conversation with a stranger, go to a psychic, etc.
10's fatherly figure tends to teach them that fate can lead them anywhere. their fatherly figure can teach them that if they understand something and believe, they can accomplish anything that they want to. they could also teach them that there are patterns in life - a cycle - so they should never fear what comes nexts. trust what the universe has in store for everyone.
19 - the sun
click here for the card description of the sun found in my 2nd wyrd web post.
19s are inspired to grow when they learn to embrace their inner child. inner child work is extremely important to becoming anyone's best self, but for this person it is extremely beneficial to be around children and to get to understand the people around them and their inner children as well. because the truth is we are all children in spirit. practice hobbies that allow reconnection with the inner child: shadow work, make a mess - bake / paint / play dress up and do make up, buy a cute stuffed animal, throw a themed daytime party - i.e. a fairy themed picnic, play outside - garden / forage, volunteer to read to children at your local library, have a sleepover with your friends, pick up something you used to do when you were little - hula hoop / hatch butterflies, make your favorite childhood meal, try mantras/manifestation, etc. by practicing any of these things it will help to bring in to focus what productivity means to them. it could renew clarity towards life (perhaps you have been taking life too seriously), and/or it could make them feel alive again.
19's father figures likely taught them what it means to be healthy inside and out. it might be that they are able to see that youth, sadness, health, and/or illness is all temporary. these people's father could be childish themselves (perhaps 19s grew up too fast to enjoy childhood the first time around as well) and modeled what it is to embrace the energy of the sun card. they could also model for 19s what passion is when it comes to hobbies.
that's all for today. the next number we will be looking at is the right-most number, who we are destined to be.
like what you read? leave a tip and state what post it is for! please use my "suggest a post topic." button if you want to see a specific pac/pile next! if you'd like my input on how i read a specific card or what i like to ask my deck, feel free to use the ask button for that as well.
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© a-d-nox 2023 all rights reserved
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Ok so I went to my first ever pride today and only then did it really click just how STUPID online pride discourse is
I saw like 3 fully bearded people with their tits half out. Good for them tbh they looked great
Atleast 4 queer Bible study groups were advertising, and this was a small pride parade too so it was definitely noticeable
A good chunk the people there were either on the older side of middle-aged or elderly
There were only like 3 booths that had kinky stuff, but it was all very polite, 2 of the 3 had like things that mostly covered the products so parents could make sure their kids couldn't see, it really wasn't like "oh there's penises everywhere!" You would just kinda walk up to a booth and realize that there's just a whole corner of bdsm gear. One of them was even handing out condoms which was kinda cool I guess
I saw a woman wearing an omnisexual pin and a man wearing an ally shirt with their 2 small children and they were having a great time. Nobody cared in the slightest and tbh the kids were adorable
All of which are things I have seen so many people make a fuss about, and I just. You didn't have the space to make a fuss about it irl cause there were too many people at every single booth having a great time! So, to anybody who sees this that has yet to go to a pride event but sees a lot of discourse online, it is all so so so much stupider than you could ever know. Like, I'm sure I still don't even know they half of it
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anushaarticles · 10 months
What does it mean to be The Virtuous Woman? In this article, we see the characterstics of Virtous woman explained in brief. Stay tuned for more…
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cristianpaduraru · 1 year
Jeremiah Helps us to Hope in God Week-28-of-2023
Peace friends, this week we read 8 chapters a day from the book of Jeremiah which can be listened audio here then meet to share from the Scriptures at the Bible study group 🌏 EN RO SP God bless your support for Relate4ever Resources as we are reaching new people every day at Eforie.Church https://relate4ever.com/wp-content/24-Jeremiah-Audio-KJV-Relate4ever.mp3 1:5 Before I formed you in the…
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theinfernalsanctuary · 10 months
Greetings all,
To say that research and study are the backbone of theistic Satanism is probably the biggest understatement of the century, though it can be tricky to know where to start. Most of us in this day and age will start our research online, learning the history of the practice, any active groups, how to avoid cults, and so forth, and while this is a wonderful way to start the sad truth is that it can lead to the spread of a lot of dangerous misinformation regarding practices and rituals. The uneducated leading the uneducated. This is the reason I created this page, to spread actual study and knowledge with those of you who look to walk the cinder laden path to Hell, and to hopefully help you recognize the difference between those who share information for the sake of seeming smart, and those who actually wish to educate like myself.
I have compiled a list of books, all of which are available on amazon, that are a good groundwork for those of us that are actually looking to learn. I would like to add that this list will not include the bible, though it should also be considered even if just for the story of the fall and the first sin. To attempt to distance Satan’s origins from biblical literature is truly incredibly disrespectful, it is to negate the sacrifices that he made to give you the opportunities that you have now. To give you the freewill you have now. I speak not from opinion, or from the nonsensical ramblings of teenagers, but from fact when I say that Satan and Lucifer are one being. It is in the story of the fall and should be recognized if you ever want to be successful on this path.
Admittedly, most of these books are by Reverend Cain (Rev. Cain for short) who is a demonologist and theistic Satanist who has made it his life’s goal to spread the word of Lord Satan and to attempt to right the wrongs that have been done to our community by the uneducated masses. I have great admiration for Reverend Cain and his work, and as far as I am concerned, I believe him to be one of the only writers out there who have any actual qualifications to be spreading knowledge on this subject. Between his religious background, aiming to attend seminary school in the attempt to become an exorcist, and the palpable love and energy that he brings to his writings it is no wonder that his works would be as good as they are.
The first book on my list will forever and always be Rev Cain’s ‘The Infernal Gospel’, Not only is it greatly informative about things like the five Infernal Tenets, but it contains scriptures, information about celebrations and holidays, and so so much more. This should be your first book, if you choose to do your due diligence and study. It can be found here: https://a.co/d/0uFGGVw
The second book on this list, and ideally the second you should consider reading is Rev. Cain’s ‘The Satanic Philosopher’. This book is a deep dive into the five infernal tenets and how they can be applied to life and your practice. It also contains some insight from Reverend Cain detailing his personal experiences. It can be found here: https://a.co/d/8De8HZB
The third book on my list is surprisingly not by Reverend Cain, it is ‘The Lesser Key of Solomon’. The specific copy I will be linking is the one released by Aleister Crowley and S. L. MacGregor Mathers, though they are not the original authors. ‘The Lesser Key of Solomon’ is a grimoire on demonology that was anonymously compiled in the 17th century though the information inside is believed to be a couple centuries older. This one is a difficult read, it is translated from its original text and written as it would have been written then so you can imagine the strain that it has on the modern reader. For this reason I do think that this one, while it should be attempted, can be considered optional, especially when there are easier reads with the same information readily available. If you dare to attempt it, it can be found here: https://a.co/d/bKyv9Gm
The fourth book on this list is actually the “easier read” that I mentioned before, this is Rev. Cain’s ‘Goetia Devils’. The most important information in the ‘Lesser Key of Solomon’ is specifically the ‘Ars Goetia’, a compilation of 72 devils and their abilities, this information is invaluable to any Satanist who wishes to maintain their favor and status among the hierarchy of the Goetia. Reverend Cain takes his iteration one step further, as he also compiles summoning elements for each devil, giving the Satanist a great idea of what they can use for offerings and rituals. It can be found here: https://a.co/d/gLAKZgr
The fifth and final book on this list is another optional one but I thought I would include it for those like me who sometimes struggle to find their words in prayer. Rev. Cain’s ‘The Goetia Hymns’ is a book of prayers and hymns that a Satanist can use to give praise, ask for specific blessings, and otherwise commune with the denizens of Hell. It can be found here: https://a.co/d/8aoB3fF
I hope that this list is useful to all of you who are struggling for information, thankfully, most if not all of these books are available in digital formats for those of you who have to hide yourselves for safety reasons. I am fortunate enough to have been able to distance myself from those who would wish to do me harm over my religious beliefs, and while I hope the same for you I understand that that may not always be the case. I’d also like to look into setting up an outreach program for those of you who want to be able to get these books and continue your study but truly cannot afford to.
May Lord Satan’s light guide you even in the darkest of times.
Ave Satanas!
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beardedmrbean · 7 months
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In one photo, a burned body appears to project anguish. In another, a woman lies naked from the waist down, her underwear hanging from her leg. In interviews, first responders haltingly describe finding naked female corpses tied to beds and survivors recount witnessing a gang rape at the music festival.
All of this is part of a mounting body of evidence of the gender-based crimes carried out by Hamas terrorists on Oct. 7.
Over the last several weeks, NBC News has reviewed five interrogations of captured Hamas fighters, an Arabic-language document that instructed Hamas how to pronounce “Take off your pants” in Hebrew, six images of naked or partially naked deceased female bodies, seven eyewitness accounts of sexual violence including both rape and mutilation, 11 testimonies of first responders, and two accounts from workers in morgues who handled the bodies of women after they were recovered from the massacre.
In light of what is happening to non-Muslim women in the Islamic State, where a single captive Yazidi or Christian woman often becomes the sex slave of an entire ISIS platoon, the absence of war-related rapes among IDF soldiers is a source of frustration for Palestinians and their supporters.
Two years ago, a young Israeli student at Hebrew University attempted to address this issue in her thesis. The student’s conclusion was that IDF soldiers don’t rape because they are racists. “It is impossible to rape someone who is not human,” she wrote. This young woman’s perverted determination was that “just as Serbians formed their identity by publicly gang-banging Bosnian women, Jewish men define their unique identity as non-rapists … rape and non-rape are two sides of the same coin.”
Female Arab Muslim: Keep it real, Jews don’t rape us, Arab men do.
Confusing the issue, some take the opposite approach. In a lecture to students at Oranim College a month ago, Israeli Arab teacher Naila Awad, who runs the organization “Women Against Violence,” claimed that Israeli soldiers are sexually abusing Palestinian women.
When asked where she had gotten this information, Awad insisted, without referring to any specific documentation, that “there are many studies that prove that IDF soldiers are sexually abusing and raping Palestinian women in the West Bank.” In unprecedented disciplinary action, Awad was suspended following a loud student outcry.
Awad responded with a weird reference to the Bible. “During war,” she said, “[Jewish] men can take women,” implying that Jews are actually encouraged to rape the women of the enemy. This same argument surfaced about two weeks ago in “Days of Palestine,” an online Palestine publication claiming to specialize in providing first-hand news.
The website regurgitated a 2012 article entitled “Israeli rabbi: Israeli soldiers can rape Palestinian women” by radical Israeli blogger Yossi Gurvitz, who himself had dug up some religious discussion that took place nine years earlier (so much for “first-hand news”).
Days of Palestine then claimed that “Israeli Rabbi Col. Eyal Qarim of the Israeli Military Rabbinate had permitted Israeli Jewish soldiers to rape Palestinian women.”
The obvious question that should follow is, why then, despite this permission, are Israeli soldiers not raping anyone? Like the deranged Hebrew U. “scholar,” detractors would probably answer that Palestinian women disgust the racist Israeli soldiers. Bizarre as it is, in this argument Palestinians are actually taking offense at their women being undesirable to the enemy.
Either way, Israel is damned if it does, and damned if it doesn’t.
Following Gurvitz’s insidious allegations, a senior Military Rabbinate official issued a short response, which was promptly ignored by those perpetuating the notion that non-rape is rape. “Basic human morality,” he said, to state the obvious, “as well as Torah, Halacha and army policy prohibit rape and denounce this vile phenomenon.”
Awad’s biblical reference deals with the rules of war concerning captive women (Deuteronomy 21:10-11). One does not have to be particularly bright to ascertain that the full passage, in complete contrast to the violence and degradation involved in rape, commands Israeli soldiers to show restraint and treat captive women with utter respect. _______________
Please tell your fuehrer to send more qualified people to put lies in my inbox, sending unarmed people in for a battle of wits is just embarrassing.
Israeli student, doing her best to make the IDF look bad determines that the only reason for the lack of rape is because they don't see them as human instead of the records getting hidden, followed by a Israeli Arab instructor making claims of widespread rape with zero documentation and only vague accusations.
Found a couple cases, from 2016 documenting a rape by a IDF soldier who in turn was punished, as for current issues the worst I can find from a source that isn't obviously biased is.
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They're doing soldier stuff, doing a victory dance and showboating isn't allowed in the NFL and it's apparently not allowed in war either.
No call for racism and no doubt they will be reprimanded, but no credible evidence of mass rape of palestenians, just vague accusations.
Cope and seethe faux nazi, I can see you crying with pent up rage while you're typing out your asks to me just begging and praying to your lord Khomeini to give you the courage to keep typing the words out.
The difference between the two of us here is that if I saw actual credible evidence, from a credible source, that the IDF was doing that, I would publish it on here.
Without hesitation.
Again, tell your fuhrer to send in armed opponents if he want's a battle of wits, this is just sad.
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This is you right?
Actually no they probably don't trust you with a safety razor for shaving your head, there'll be some stubble as a result since you only can use the clippers with the child guard on it.
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Key Importance of Reading and Making It a Habit for All Ages
Did you know that a book by a professional author Houston serves as the basis for the majority of well-known TV series and films? So why not immerse yourself in reading and partake in the original form of entertainment? Above all, you can use your Markham Public Library card to access it for free.
Address: United States
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traumacatholic · 6 months
any help on reading the Bible? I struggle a lot with it & feel super unmotivated while reading.
Something you might find helpful is participating in a Bible study group, or if you can't join one then using Bible study resources online. I know Fr Mike Schmitz has done a Bible in a Year video series, you can always use that or something similar. Sometimes the reason we struggle to engage with something is because we're struggling to fully process what we're reading. Having someone else provide helpful insights, and talking about things can make the Bible more accessible and therefore easier to engage with.
Some people find it helpful to have a structured routine and approach to Bible studying. Be it taking a quiet moment in the morning or night, and really just trying to focus on God. Maybe they will light some incense, maybe they will play hymns quietly in the background. You might find doing something like this can create a habit which can carry you through even during periods where you're unmotivated. It can become a time that you associate with feeling peaceful and calm, and so you can look forward to it.
We are always going to have periods in our life where engaging with something can be very difficult. Motivation is very much something that's fleeting, and while it's helpful and nice to have it. It's about trying to develop the discipline to do something even when we aren't particularly feeling like doing so. And as much as we might feel like we're not getting anything out of the Bible during those periods, we are still connecting with the word of God and that's always going to be beneficial even if it doesn't feel that way in the moment.
You might also be trying to read it for either too long (past your attention span) or not giving yourself a goal time. You might find telling yourself 'I'm going to read the Bible for 15 to 30 minutes' makes it much easier to engage with the Bible because it feels less daunting. You could also really break it up and do 5 minutes here and there throughout the day.
Pray before reading the Bible. Pray to be able to engage with it, to be able to concentrate on it. Be open and honest with God about your difficulties in concentrating. And then push yourself to engage with it and to concentrate on it.
If it's still a huge struggle, then I'd say switch to the Daily Readings: https://bible.usccb.org/daily-bible-reading. They're shorter, and you will be reading along with the Church. You might find engaging with these for a bit encourages you to pick up the Bible to read a bit more around the daily readings.
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