#online bible study for beginners
anushaarticles · 1 year
As we know Youth is the most important resource on the earth. We see that Youth has a special importance and responsibilities mentioned in the Bible.
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forhisgrace · 6 months
Studying the Bible Effectively: A Beginner's Guide
Studying the Bible can seem daunting at first, but with the right approach and tools, it can allow so much spiritual growth!! Whether you're new to the faith or a seasoned believer, having a structured method can improve and ease your experience. Here's a straightforward guide to help you get started on your Bible study journey!
Choosing a Translation
One of the first decisions to make when studying the Bible is choosing a translation that suits your needs and preferences. There are several translations available, each with its own approach to translation. Here are the three categories they fall into.
1. Word for Word Translation: These translations, such as the King James Version (KJV) or English Standard Version (ESV), aim to follow the original texts as closely as possible, offering a literal rendering of the words and phrases. They are great for detailed study and analysis of the text.
2. Thought for Thought Translation: These translations prioritize clarity and readability, conveying the original meaning in modern language by updating language to be mor relevant to modern readers. They are ideal for easy comprehension, especially for beginners or those looking for a straightforward understanding.
3. Paraphrased Translation: These translations capture the essence or gist of the message rather than focusing on precise wording. They are often easier to understand and are suitable for new believers or younger children. However, they are most likely to stray from the original text and can sometimes be slightly inaccurate.
When I am reading to spend time with God (such as my daily reading) I use NLT, which is a thought for thought translation and therefore easier to understand. However, during bible study it is advisable to keep a word for word translation on hand (I use the KJV translation in the YouVersion bible app alongside a physical copy of the NLT).
Establishing a Study Routine
1. Prayer: Before sitting down to read, it's essential to prepare yourself spiritually and mentally. Begin your study session with a prayer, asking God to open your mind and heart to His word and guide you in your understanding.
2. Reading the Passage: Start by reading the passage without taking notes or annotating. Try to grasp the overall message and what God is communicating to you.
3. Annotation and Reflection: Read the passage again, this time making notes of any observations, questions, or insights that come to mind. Consider who is involved, what is happening, why, when, and how. Reflect on the message God is conveying through the text.
4. Consulting Study Tools: Dive deeper into the passage by using study tools such as Bible commentaries, online resources, or cross-referencing different translations. This helps gain a broader perspective and insight into the text. They often also include historical context and reasons for writing.
5. Application: Reflect on how the passage applies to your life. Identify one or two key messages and think about how you can incorporate them into your daily life. Is the scripture challenging you to change certain behaviours, draw closer to God, or strengthen your faith? Pray for guidance on how to apply these insights. Personally, I like to make an extra effort to apply these in the upcoming week.
Studying the Bible is not just about acquiring knowledge but also about cultivating a deeper relationship with God and living out His word in our lives. By choosing the right translation, establishing a study routine, and seeking guidance through prayer and study tools, you can embark on a fulfilling journey of spiritual growth and understanding. Remember, consistency and patience are key, so keep seeking God's wisdom as you delve into His word.
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f4wn3yes · 4 days
testimony and some tips
I want to start using this platform, despite not using many, to share the goodness of God. I feel so often that mental health issues is glamorized (especially on here), and I have been struggling with that for a good while now, even though I was once close with God.
All I can say is that there is no fulfillment than the fulfillment God provides. When I can find the slivers of hope through all of the tragedy and wreckage in my life and in the world, it shows how God is omnipresent. In the darkest of days, in the back of my mind, even if I don't want to acknowledge it out of my own pride, God is there. God is there. I was held back from God by my fears because my mind was warped, and I was unable to acknowledge God's love and grace.
When I feel the sensation of joy, the feeling of hope and acceptance and bravery and courage and affection and strength wash over me, I know it is God's love and His presence washing over me.
Don't be afraid to step into God's arms for the first time, or to come back.
What does this mean?
Often times christians can use some pretty broad and metaphoric statements, but "stepping into God's arms" could be watching a guided bible study, praying (you can write them, talk, wtv, just know it doesn't have to be fancy or special. Prayer is talking to God.), watching a sermon on youtube (you can just type in "Christian sermons"), reading your bible (online or physically) and unpacking each verse and interpreting it whilst cross reference. Though, I recommend for beginners or people coming back to the Lord to watch a guided bible study.
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nybiblestudy · 2 months
Deepening Your Faith: Exploring Bible Study Programs with NYBibleStudy.com
In an age where life's demands can often overshadow spiritual growth, finding a reliable and comprehensive source for Bible study is crucial. NYBibleStudy.com stands out as a premier platform offering a range of Bible study programs designed to cater to individuals at all stages of their spiritual journey. This article delves into the features and benefits of NYBibleStudy.com, highlighting why it is an excellent choice for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of the Bible.
Comprehensive and Tailored Programs
NYBibleStudy.com offers a variety of Bible study programs that cater to different levels of biblical knowledge and spiritual maturity. Whether you are a beginner seeking to grasp the fundamentals of Christianity or an advanced learner aiming to explore intricate theological concepts, the platform provides structured and thorough programs to meet your needs. Each program is carefully designed to ensure a balanced and holistic understanding of the Bible, making the learning process both engaging and insightful.
User-Friendly and Accessible
One of the key strengths of NYBibleStudy.com is its user-friendly online platform. The website is intuitively designed, allowing users to easily navigate and access the study materials they need. The programs are available online, making it convenient for participants to study at their own pace and from any location. This accessibility is particularly beneficial for those with busy schedules, ensuring that spiritual growth can be seamlessly integrated into daily life.
Expert Guidance
NYBibleStudy.com boasts a team of experienced and knowledgeable instructors who lead the Bible study sessions. These experts bring a wealth of theological knowledge and practical insights, enriching the learning experience for participants. Their ability to connect biblical teachings with contemporary life ensures that the sessions are not only informative but also relevant and impactful. Participants can benefit from the instructors' deep understanding of the scriptures and their passion for teaching.
Interactive and Engaging
The interactive nature of the Bible study programs on NYBibleStudy.com sets it apart. The platform encourages active participation through group discussions, Q&A sessions, and interactive activities. This collaborative approach fosters a sense of community among participants, allowing them to share their perspectives and learn from one another. By engaging with the material in a dynamic way, participants can deepen their understanding and apply biblical teachings to their lives more effectively.
Wide Range of Topics
NYBibleStudy.com covers a broad spectrum of topics, ensuring that there is something for everyone. From detailed explorations of specific books of the Bible to thematic studies on Christian living, the platform offers a diverse array of subjects. This variety allows participants to continually discover new areas of interest and deepen their knowledge across different aspects of their faith.
Free Access to Quality Resources
A standout feature of NYBibleStudy.com is its commitment to providing free access to high-quality resources. This inclusive approach ensures that anyone, regardless of their financial situation, can benefit from the wealth of knowledge and spiritual growth opportunities available. The platform offers study guides, video lectures, and other valuable materials at no cost, making it an indispensable resource for those seeking to enhance their understanding of the Bible.
NYBibleStudy.com is an exceptional resource for anyone looking to embark on or continue their journey of biblical study. With its comprehensive programs, user-friendly platform, expert-led sessions, interactive learning experiences, diverse topics, and free access to quality resources, it provides an unparalleled opportunity for spiritual growth. Whether you are new to Bible study or seeking to deepen your existing knowledge, NYBibleStudy.com offers the tools and support you need to enrich your faith and understanding of the scriptures.
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wolint · 2 months
2 Timothy 2:15
There are many Christians who don’t own a bible, they’ll rather read e-bibles or not at all. While some have decided it’s too much work to carry a bible around, preferring to use online bibles too and a minority of those who have, prefer easy, yet not necessarily good translations.
As much as it pains me to state this, the bible has been tampered with, updated, upgraded and modified to suit today’s society. Sadly, this means that there are a lot of things that are contrary to God’s original word, message and instructions to humanity.
Essentially, some bibles are now “woke”!
This is why we must study the bible diligently, intentionally and applicably.
To deepen our understanding of Scripture involves a combination of study, prayer, and practice. Studying the Bible is a rewarding and enriching experience, but we must pray for Understanding: Before beginning our Bible study, for Spiritual guidance in understanding the Scriptures.
Regularly reading the bible and making it a routine creates consistency, a key to deepening our understanding.
It’s important to consider the historical and cultural context of the passages we’re reading. Without this context, it’s easy to misinterpret the meaning and read out of context.
Do not skip! Skipping Around: While it’s fine to focus on specific books or passages, try not to skip around too much. Especially if you’re a beginner, no information is useless because understanding the Bible can help us see the bigger picture.
And there’ no point rushing through the Bible. This is a complex book, and it takes time to understand its teachings. Don’t rush through your reading. Take the time to reflect on what you’ve read and pray into it.
Don’t be one of the people who ignore the Old Testament: Some people focus solely on the New Testament, but the Old Testament is equally important. It provides the foundation for the teachings in the New Testament.
Remember, studying the Bible is a journey. Be patient with yourself, and don’t be afraid to ask questions.
This is where bible commentaries come in. Bible commentaries can provide valuable insights into the historical and cultural context of the passages you’re reading.
Look for or buy into a good, sound and bible-content bible classes, or join a Bible Study Group: Discussing the Bible with others can offer new perspectives and deepen your understanding.
When reading and studying the bible, it’s important to look for God withing the scriptures and not us. As clearly stated in Jeremiah 29:13. The more you read and study, the closer you draw to God and the more He reveals Himself to you.
The more we read and study, the less we rely solely on others’ interpretations to understand and apply the bible: While Bible commentaries and study guides can be helpful, it’s important to form our own understanding of the Bible. Pray for wisdom and discernment as you read.
And learn to memorize scripture verses as this can help us internalize the teachings of the Bible and fight spiritual battles according to Ephesians 6:10-18.
Above all, apply the teachings of the Bible in your daily life. This can make the Scriptures more meaningful to you.
Use a Study Bible: A study Bible includes notes and explanations that can help clarify difficult passages.
Seek Guidance: Don’t hesitate to ask your pastor or a trusted spiritual mentor for guidance if you’re struggling with a particular passage or concept.
Not Applying What You Learn: The Bible is meant to be a guide for life, so, don’t read for the sake of reading. As you read, think about how the teachings apply to your own life.
Where and when possible, always meditate on the scripture. meditation is a powerful way to deepen our understanding of God’s Word and apply it to our lives.
Remember the bible is not just a book but a library giving us all topics and messages that helps us live right.
PRAYER: Lord, thank you for giving me the bible and the Holy Spirit as my instructor, help me to read and study to show myself approved of you in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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The Definitive Resource for SMM Panel Packages for YouTube Monetization
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When it comes to Social Media Marketing (SMM) panel packages, "The Definitive Resource for SMM Panel Packages for YouTube Monetization" is the bible for content producers looking to maximize their earnings from YouTube. The goal of these bundles is to improve a channel's exposure, interaction, and performance on the platform as a whole. The SMM panel packages provide artists with the necessary tools to optimize their YouTube earnings by increasing important metrics like subscribers, views, likes, comments, and shares.
The material delves into the advantages of using SMM panel packages to monetize YouTube, including how they save time and money and provide complete services. In order to choose the most suitable SMM panel package, creators will find out how to define their objectives, investigate potential vendors, and weigh costs and features. Content producers may find new ways to make money and succeed on YouTube for the long haul by using the tactics and recommendations provided in this book.
With an emphasis on providing helpful information and advice, "The Definitive Resource for SMM Panel Packages for YouTube Monetization" equips content creators to confidently navigate the intricacies of YouTube monetization and successfully achieve their channel monetization goals. Whether you're an experienced creator trying to figure out how to make the most money from your videos or a complete beginner wanting to know what the heck YouTube is and how to make videos, this resource has everything you need to succeed.
Maximizing SMM Panel Packages for YouTube Monetization
Maximizing SMM panel packages for YouTube monetization is a key technique for content producers wanting to boost their channel's exposure, engagement, and money potential on the site. These comprehensive packages provide a broad variety of services geared to enhance important metrics like as subscribers, views, likes, comments, and shares, giving artists with the tools they need to optimize their earning potential.
By deploying SMM panel packages intelligently, artists may accelerate their channel's development and uncover new prospects for income via YouTube's Partner Program, brand agreements, and sponsored content. These packages ease the process of boosting a channel's performance by giving creators with a one-stop solution for all their demands, saving time and effort in managing many areas of their channel's development.
Moreover, SMM panel bundles provide cost-effective alternatives for creators, enabling them to access a full variety of services at a fraction of the expense of buying specific services individually. With rigorous study and assessment of suppliers, producers may pick the perfect SMM panel package that corresponds with their aims and budget, assuring optimal return on investment.
In conclusion, optimizing SMM panel packages for YouTube monetization is a strategic method that helps content producers to maximize their channel's performance, boost their income potential, and achieve sustained development and success on the network. By employing these bundles efficiently and strategically, producers may uncover new prospects for income and push their channel to new heights of success.
Understanding YouTube Monetization and SMM Panels
Understanding YouTube monetization and Social Media Marketing (SMM) panels is vital for video producers trying to optimize their earning potential on the site. YouTube monetization refers to the practice of collecting cash from videos via numerous channels, such as adverts, subscriptions, goods sales, and more. To be eligible for revenue, artists must achieve particular standards, including achieving 4,000 watch hours and 1,000 subscribers within the preceding 12 months.
On the other hand, SMM panels are online platforms or tools that provide a variety of services geared at increasing a user's visibility and engagement on social media platforms, including YouTube. These panels offer services such as raising subscriptions, views, likes, comments, and shares, all of which lead to enhanced exposure and credibility on the site.
By intelligently integrating SMM panels, content providers may better their channel's performance and expand prospects for income. These panels provide a number of services geared to enhance key metrics necessary for YouTube profitability, including as subscribers, views, likes, comments, and general engagement. With the appropriate strategy and exploitation of SMM panels, creators may accelerate their channel's development, attract a bigger audience, and open new money streams via YouTube's Partner Program, brand sponsorships, and sponsored content options.
Overall, knowing the link between YouTube monetization and SMM panels helps content producers to optimize their earning potential, increase their channel's exposure and engagement, and achieve long-term success on the site. By carefully employing these tools and resources, artists may open new prospects for income creation and push their channel to new heights of success.
What are SMM Panel Packages?
SMM panel packages are comprehensive bundles of services given by Social Media Marketing (SMM) panel providers to boost a user's visibility and engagement on numerous social media platforms, including YouTube. These packages are meant to expedite the process of strengthening a channel's performance by giving creators with a broad variety of services targeted at raising key metrics important for success on the platform.
Typically, SMM panel packages comprise a number of services geared to suit the individual objectives and goals of content providers. These services may include, but are not limited to, raising subscribers, views, likes, comments, shares, and overall interaction on YouTube videos. By buying a package, producers may access a full range of tools and resources to boost their channel's performance and expand prospects for income.
SMM panel packages provide various advantages for content producers, including cost-effectiveness, time-saving features, and ease. Instead of buying individual services individually, producers may pick a package that bundles many services together at a lower cost, saving money while still accessing a broad variety of tools to increase their channel's performance.
Moreover, SMM panel packages ease the process of controlling numerous parts of a YouTube channel's development by giving producers with a one-stop solution for all their demands. Instead of dealing with several suppliers, producers may depend on a single package to manage various elements of their channel's development and revenue.
Overall, SMM panel packages are excellent tools for content producers aiming to enhance their YouTube channel's performance, boost their exposure and engagement, and maximize their earning potential on the network. By employing these packages correctly, creators may uncover new potential for money creation and achieve sustained development and success on YouTube.
The Benefits of SMM Panel Packages for YouTube Monetization
The advantages of Social Media Marketing (SMM) panel packages for YouTube monetization are extensive and significant, giving content producers with a strategic edge in improving their channel's performance and increasing income potential. Here are some important advantages of adopting SMM panel packages for YouTube monetization:
complete Services: SMM panel packages provide a complete variety of services targeted to enhance key metrics vital for YouTube profitability, including subscribers, views, likes, comments, shares, and overall engagement. By packaging these services together, creators may access all the tools they need to increase their channel's performance in one handy bundle.
Cost-Effectiveness: Purchasing an SMM panel bundle is generally more cost-effective than purchasing specific services individually. By combining services together, artists may save money while still accessing a broad variety of tools and resources to increase their channel's success. This cost-effectiveness helps producers to optimize their return on investment and use their money more effectively.
Time-Saving: Managing numerous areas of a YouTube channel's development may be time-consuming. SMM panel packages expedite the process by offering creators with a one-stop solution for all their demands. Instead of dealing with several suppliers, producers can depend on a single package to manage all parts of their channel's development and revenue, saving time and effort in the process.
Customization choices: SMM panel packages generally provide customization choices that enable designers to personalize the package to their individual requirements and aims. Creators may select from a number of packages with various services and features to discover the one that best matches with their ambitions. This versatility enables designers to build a bespoke approach that matches their specific needs.
Boosted exposure and Engagement: By leveraging SMM panel packages to improve important metrics like as subscribers, views, and engagement, producers may enhance their channel's exposure and attract a bigger audience. Increased exposure and interaction may lead to improved ranks in search results, more recommendations from the YouTube algorithm, and eventually, more options for monetization via advertisements, sponsorships, and other income sources.
Overall, SMM panel packages give video producers a cost-effective, time-saving, and complete option for improving their YouTube channel's performance and increasing income potential. By employing these packages properly, creators may unlock new prospects for development and success on the network.
Comprehensive Services
SMM panel packages provide a full variety of services geared to enhance key metrics important for YouTube monetization. From raising subscriptions to optimizing engagement metrics, these packages give artists with all the tools they need to optimize their earning potential on the platform.
Purchasing an SMM panel bundle is generally more cost-effective than purchasing individual services individually. By combining services together, artists may save money while still accessing a broad variety of tools and resources to increase their channel's success.
Managing several parts of a YouTube channel may be time-consuming. SMM panel packages expedite the process by offering creators with a one-stop solution for all their demands. Instead of dealing with several suppliers, producers may depend on a single package to manage various elements of their channel's development and revenue.
How to Choose the Right SMM Panel Package
Identify Your Goals
Before picking an SMM panel bundle, designers should clearly describe their aims and objectives. Whether it's raising subscriptions, boosting views, or strengthening engagement metrics, understanding what you want to accomplish can help you pick the perfect plan for your requirements.
Research Providers
Not all SMM panel suppliers are made equal. Creators should investigate suppliers extensively, read reviews, and examine their track record of offering excellent services. It's crucial to find a reliable service that conforms with YouTube's standards and requirements.
Evaluate Pricing and Features
When comparing SMM panel packages, designers should evaluate elements like as cost, functionality, and included services. Look for packages that give the greatest value for your budget and deliver the precise services you need to reach your objectives.
In conclusion, SMM panel packages provide a complete and effective option for video producers aiming to enhance their YouTube income potential. By employing these packages to boost exposure, engagement, and overall performance on the platform, creators may uncover new potential for income creation and achieve sustainable development and success. With thorough study, smart preparation, and a dedication to creating great material, producers may leverage the power of SMM panel packages to push their YouTube channel to new heights of success.
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kaerene · 2 years
Top Seed Banks Shipping to the US
Because of the widespread use of marijuana, governments around the world are considering legalizing its cultivation. The reason for this is that more and more studies are favoring Cannabis's medicinal and health benefits. This is why many home growers and entrepreneurs see it as the best opportunity to prepare for seed planting and cultivation.
This is why we've compiled a list of some of the most trustworthy and legitimate seed banks known for offering a wide range of cannabis seeds.
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Ranking for Best Seed Bank with USA Shipping in 2022-23:
ILGM – Best marijuana seed bank for beginners [Highly Recommended] 
Crop King Seeds – The best bank for Fast Version Seeds
Let's start with....
1 - ILGM (I Love Growing Marijuana Online)
Robert Bergman, a marijuana enthusiast, founded the I Love Growing Marijuana seed bank (ILGM) in 2012. He began ILGM as a blog site ten years ago, and it has grown into a platform with an unrivaled reputation for providing free online growing resources and a high-quality selection of seeds.
ILGM is based in Amsterdam and is well-known for selling high-quality seeds obtained from reputable licensed vendors. I Love Growing Marijuana seed bank is not just any seed bank that offers regular cannabis strains; the cannabis seeds come from reputable industrial-sized plantations where they have been bred to more premium-grade cannabis strains. As a result, even those with no prior experience can achieve excellent results. ILGM also assists its customers by providing guidance and expert planting resources to ensure that their seeds are successfully planted.
Main Features of ILGM 
ILGM is a one-stop shop that offers a large selection of high-quality feminized and auto-flowering seeds, as well as grow kits and nutrient mixes backed by a germination guarantee.
ILoveGrowingMarijuana stocks all of the necessary fertilizers, nutrient boosters, and plant protectors for a healthy cannabis plantation. These products are sold separately by ILGM and are also included in growing kits at a discounted price. These products aid in the prevention of bugs, mold, and bacteria in your plants.
ILoveGrowingMarijuana ships worldwide and offers free delivery to all 50 states in the United States. The majority of US customers receive their orders within 4 to 6 days of placing their order. It always offers covert shipping, so no one knows your package contains cannabis seed.
The ILGM website has a section dedicated to seeds and growth kits for beginners. There are even step-by-step grow guides and an active community forum where you can share your experiences and tips with other growers. These kits include everything you need to get started, including growing guides and access to an active community forum where you can share and exchange information. The most well-known grow kits are the medicinal marijuana kits Gold Leaf and White Widow.
ILoveGrowingMarijuana guarantees germination to their customers. If they do not see sprouting after following the recommended growing guidelines, they can request a seed replacement by contacting the ILGM's support team.
Pros and Cons of ILGM
100% germination guarantee
Free seeds are available.
Grow Bible for Free
Delivery Guarantee
10% Bitcoin Savings
Limited Strain Variety
Seeds that are expensive
Delivery fees are exorbitant.
Is it legal?
There is no doubt about the legitimacy of ILGM, as it was one of the first seed banks. They don't have a large selection of strains, but they do have high-quality marijuana seeds. They also offer beginners guidance in the form of guides and grow kits. ILGM is the only seed bank that guarantees 100% germination, so there is no need to be concerned about your spending. If the seeds do not sprout or grow, you can get your money back.
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2 - Crop King Seeds - Best for Autoflowering Marijuana Seeds:
Crop King Seeds was founded in 2005 and is headquartered in Vancouver, Canada. The seed bank is well-known for offering a large selection of high-quality cannabis seeds, THC strains, new-age hybrid strains, and beginner strains. They began retailing in 2012 and have since opened over 100 retail stores worldwide.
Crop King Seeds is well-known for providing high-quality marijuana seeds with superior genetics due to their pioneer status. Furthermore, they are the first to advocate CBN and CBD testing for marijuana strains. The seed bank formed alliances with some reputable breeders all over the world. They have greatly improved over the years and have gained popularity for their product quality, stealth, and toll-free shipping.
Features of Crop King Seeds  
Crop King has built a reputation in the market for consistently producing high-quality seeds. Crop King Seeds experts handpick, test, and approve products for quality before handing them over to customers in order to provide high-quality products. The germination rate is excellent, so even if you are a novice, you can expect a good yield.
Crop King Seeds has over 500 strains of high-quality medicinal and recreational cannabis seeds available. They sell seeds to almost all of their customers. They sell feminized, auto-flower feminized, regular, dwarf auto-flower feminized, medical CBD seeds, and mix-and-match packs on their website. Even if you are a beginner and are unfamiliar with the growing process, you can still be successful by using their seeds and methods.
Crop King Seeds accepts payment via Bitcoin, Moneygram, PayPal, Visa, and Mastercard for the convenience of their customers. If you live in Canada, you can only pay with cash, E-transfer, or money order.
Crop King Seeds ships its products worldwide; however, additional fees may apply depending on the region and customs duties. Crop King Seeds is well-known not only for its high quality but also for its timely delivery; even in the event of a government seizure or strict customs regulations, the package is reshipped and delivered. Crop King packaging is used for Canadian customers, and stealth packaging is used for international deliveries. Express, insured, and guaranteed delivery costs between $20 and $40.
The seed bank ensures an 80% germination guarantee to its customers. So even after following the germination guidelines mentioned on their website, if you haven't been successful, they will send you new seeds.  
Crop King Seeds Advantages and disadvantages
Up to 500 medicinal and recreational cannabis strains
Germination guarantee of 80%
Seeds for the quick version
Customer service is available 24/7.
Free shipping on orders of $200 or more
The seeds are extremely expensive.
There are no free seeds.
Promotions are limited.
Are Crop King Seeds Trustworthy?
Crop King Seeds is well-known for selling high-quality marijuana seeds. They have the best fast version strain quality. Furthermore, they offer 80% guaranteed germination, so if customers are unsuccessful, they can get their money back or reorder free strain delivery.
Crop King Seeds is a renowned seed bank that has created its own niche in the market. They have been known for providing top-notch quality cannabis seeds, and their customer service is also great. Their germination rate is very high, which makes them even more reliable and trustworthy. Furthermore, they offer free shipping on orders over $200 as well as an 80% germination guarantee making them one of the best seed banks out there. If you are interested in buying marijuana seeds, then Crop King Seeds should be your first choice.
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campusjust · 2 years
Pinyin helper
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to send charcoal in snowy weather (idiom) fig. I live in Montreal and a book of that nature is impossible to find. to support with the hand to help sb up to support oneself by holding onto something to help. Additionally, it has exceptionally good audio to listen to each word and thus understand and learn the pronunciation, not only the meaning. The app will easily translate any phrase or sentence you desire to be translated. The problem is that she doesn’t know of any, or where to get them. Pinyin Helper captivates instantly with its sleek design, speed and intuitiveness. Something equivalent to reading a regular Chinese book so that I can get practice pronouncing both simple and complicated words. She suggested that I buy a book, any book (as long as it’s not filled with technical terms or something), that is written completely in pinyin so that I can practice reading it for pronunciation purposes. To use it, simply copy passages from the web into the text box, and they will be annotated with hàny pnyn or zhùyn pronunciation symbols. I’ve just started to learn Mandarin (I’ve completed my first 3 hrs of lessons!) and was lucky enough to find a Native speaking Chinese tutor to help me learn the language. This is a simple tool designed to help students of Mandarin Chinese learn the thousands of characters (hànzì) of the Chinese writing system. The pronunciation comes in the form of hanyu pinyin. Native speakers of English will decode pinyin spellings to fairly close approximations of Mandarin except in the case of certain speech sounds that are not ordinarily produced by most native speakers of English: j / t /, q /t/, x / /, z / ts /, c /ts/, zh / /, ch //, h / x / and r / / exhibit the greatest discrepancies.
With respect to Python development, P圜harm definitely stands out with features like remote debugging, code quality checks, and integrations with third-party software like Docker and Kubernetes. It makes any sentence come alive, allowing you to listen again and again so that you can catch both the real flow and pronunciation at once What’s new in version 1.3.7 Updated on Version 1.3. This is the text of the e-mail I received: How can the app help you You search the pronunciation by character, and vice versa. P圜harm has tons of advantages when compared to text editors in terms of supported functionality. Pinyin Helper, with its clean layout and clear speech function, can help you learn Chinese. I haven’t been a beginner for several years now, so I don’t know much about this kind of thing. Summarized the main knowledge points in Pinyin learning, carried out inspections to fill in the vacancies, and strengthened the mastery, A good helper for elementary school students to learn Chinese pinyin Remove the complexity and keep it simple, grasp the key points, and improve the efficiency of Pinyin learning. If more than nine Chinese characters are represented by the same pinyin string, use PageDown and PageUp to scroll through the list. Read more About Us, Use BST on your site, and view our Online Bible Sitemap.I recently received an e-mail asking me to make a textbook recommendation. Type each pinyin syllable or word (without tone numbers) then select the wanted Chinese character from the displayed list of suggestions by typing the digit shown by that character. Pinyin Helper captivates instantly with its sleek design, speed and intuitiveness. Search over 200 topical verses to meet your need, or sign up for our daily bible to receive a verse by email to start your day. Our most popular content, Bible verses by topic, provides Biblical encouragement and wisdom for all of lives situations and events. Our library of resources also includes Bible reading plans, Parallel Bible, and many other additional Christian resources including dictionaries and encyclopedias.įor a more in-depth study of Scripture, our website offers Greek and Hebrew Interlinear for the New and Old Testament, lexicons for original Greek and Hebrew reading of Scripture, as well as popular Church history books. Our rich online library includes well known and trusted commentaries including the popular Matthew Henry Commentary, concordances like Strong's Exhaustive Concordance and Naves Topical Concordance, Bible dictionaries, Biblical encyclopedias and historical Christian and church books including Fox's Book of Martyrs. Search verses using the translation and version you like with over 29 to choose from including King James (KJV), New International (NIV), New American Standard (NASB), The Message, New Living (NLT), Holman Christian Standard (HCSB), English Standard (ESV), and many more versions of the Holy Bible.
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anushaarticles · 1 year
Children's Ministry or Sunday School is proved to be very important for the spiritual growth. We see 4 important reasons explained in this article.
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barryb64 · 2 years
How Do You Like YOUR Bible Study?
I do know there are a multitude of ways to accomplish this. Thought I'd share with my followers on the Christianity Explained blog site. I'd love to get your input.
Photo by Oladimeji Ajegbile on Pexels.com I just did a livestream centering on the question of “How do you like your Bible Study?” I do know there are a multitude of ways to accomplish this. Thought I’d share with my followers on the Christianity Explained blog site. I’d love to get your input. (more…)
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traumacatholic · 3 years
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I’ve compiled a collection of resources for anyone that’s interested in Catholicism, I have tried as best as I can to ensure that all resources linked are free. When it comes to books, I would recommend checking in with your local library or local Catholic Church. I’ve tried to cover main aspects that people interested in Catholicism are likely to want to check out, whilst also hopefully not being overwhelming.
If you have any questions about anything, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me and I will try my best to help. And likewise I’d also recommend doing searches on some of these websites and Youtube channels linked - because they likely go into a lot more depth on all kinds of topics.
You are more than welcome to share this compilation of resources elsewhere. I only ask that if you’ve benefitted from this resource or appreciate the work put in, that you please keep me in your prayers. I’m not responsible for any of the resources linked here, I have only compiled ones that I think would be useful for those considering the faith.
Bible resources:
Bible Gateway [Online Bible Resource]
Bible [iOS App] / Bible [Android App]
The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) [Podcast]
Bible Translations Guide [Article]
What Were the Criteria for Determining Which Books Belong in the Bible? [Video, with transcript]
Did the Early Christians Subscribe to Sola Scriptura? [Article]
Bible Study Tools You Can Start Using Right Now [Video]
How Do You Pray with the Bible? [Video]
How to Read and Understand the Whole Bible
Agape Bible Study [Free Online Bible Studies]
The Power of Prayer [Video]
Tips for Staying Focused in Prayer [Video]
How You Can Start Praying Regularly (feat. Danielle Bean) [Video]
The Essentials: Basic Catholic Prayers [Article]
7 Catholic Prayers to Memorize (Besides The Our Father, Hail Mary & Glory Be) [Video]
Prayer 101: How to Start Talking to God [Article]
Laudate [iOS app] / Laudate [Android App]
How to Pray the Rosary [Article]
Daily Prayer for Beginners [Article]
Tips for Praying [Video
Understanding the Mass:
iBreviary [iOS App] / iBreviary [Android App]
How the Mass Finds Its Roots in the Bible [Video]
Online Sunday Mass videos with Ascension Presents [Videos]
Complete Catholic Mass For Beginners - Step by Holy Step (Novus Ordo) [Video]
Explaining the Faith - The Mass Explained [Video]
The Mass: Structure and Meaning [Article]
A Walk Through the Mass: A Step-by-Step Explanation [PDF]
The Ultimate Simple Guide to Catholic Mass [Article]
The Lamb's Supper : The Mass as Heaven on Earth by Scott Hahn [Book, multiple formats]
The Eucharist throughout history: A timeline [Article]
The Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church
Introduction to the Seven Sacraments [Article]
How To Explain The 7 Sacraments Without Boring Your Children [Article]
The Seven Sacraments [Video] 
Sacraments of the Catholic Church [article] 
Sacraments and Sacramentals [Article]
The Seven Sacraments Instituted by Jesus Christ [Article] 
Are The Catholic 7 Sacraments Biblical | The Catholic Talk Show [Video]
The Seven Sacraments [Article] 
The Seven Sacraments [Article]
Experience the power of the Sacraments [Video]
How to become Catholic:
Becoming a Catholic [Article]
How to Become a Catholic [Article]
How Does Someone Become Catholic? [Video]
Why Be Catholic and Not Just Christian? [Video]
How to become Catholic in 5 Steps [Video]
How to Become Catholic - Where to Start [Video]
Seven tips for new Catholics, from one convert to another [Article]
How to Join the Catholic Church / Insight into RCIA [Article]
Thinking of Becoming a Catholic? [Article]
Rome Sweet Home: Our Journey to Catholicism by Scott and Kimberley Hahn [Book, multiple formats]
Catholicism: A Journey to the Heart of the Faith by Bishop Robert Barron [Book, multiple formats]
10 Great Books for Catholic Converts [Article]
A Comprehensive Book Guide For The Beginning Catholic Apologist [Article]
TOP 20 MOST CATHOLIC Books to Read!!! [video]
Books Suggestions for Anyone New to Catholicism [video]
Best Catholic Books! (Best Catholic books for learning your faith) [Video]
Verbum [iOS App]  / Verbum [Android App]
My Catholic Life! Series [Books, multiple formats]
The Confessions of Saint Augustine [Book, article format]
“Story of a Soul” – by Saint Thérèse of Lisieux [Book, article format]
Miscellaneous Resources
Get These Apps! My Top 5 Catholic Apps For Your Phone | Preview Included [video]
TOP Catholic phone apps! Magnificat, Laudate, Vatican, Hallow etc. [Video]
10 Free places to learn about the Catholic faith [article]
Catholic [website]
The Teachings of the Early Church [PDF]
Aletia [Website]
Catholicism: Faith, Resources, & Practices [Website]
Isolated but not alone: resources for Catholics [Article]
Now, there is certainly a lot more to Catholicism than what I’ve linked here. But this should hopefully serve as a good introductory guide. God bless you on your journey!
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guiltywisdom · 3 years
hey! I was wondering if you had any reading recommendations for someone who’s new to Orthodoxy? thank you 💛
The Bible? I’m joking, kind of; some people have said that reading the Bible is what made them an atheist, weirdly enough I credit an atheist reading the Bible with renewing my faith but I digress. I think it really depends on how new you are to religion, Christianity or Orthodoxy but here are some of my favorites, most if not all exist in physical form but links provided to eBooks/online when I can find them!
A forewarning, my definition of “beginner” might be a bit broad so I’ll BOLD the ones I think are very easy and the rest are...probably not for beginners but I still would recommend to everyone.  
The Orthodox Way by Kallistos Ware (this one is praised a lot on Orthodox Reddit for bringing beginners into the fold; it’s a great starting point)
Introducing Eastern Orthodox Theology by Andrew Louth
Orthodox Prayer Book (just good to know prayers!)
The Orthodox Study Bible (a book not written fully by Orthodox, more written for people trying to get into Orthodoxy. Not bolded because it IS the Bible; it’s got lots of little notes and essays but it’s only really good for beginners, I grew past it pretty fast, so it has to go here!)
Pearl of Great Price by Sergei Hackel (NOT the book by the LDS church, this is a different one)
The Writings of Mother Maria Skobtsova
Everyday Saints and Other Stories by Archimandrite Tikhon
On Acquisition of the Holy Spirit by St. Seraphim of Sarov
The Philokalia (very difficult but foundational)
The Longer Catechism of The Orthodox, Catholic, Eastern Church
The Art of Salvation by Elder Ephraim
The Triads by Gregory Palamas (We learned a little about Palamas today in catechism, he’s a very important thinker)
The Spiritual World Of Isaac The Syrian (I very much adore the writings of St. Isaac of Syria so if you can, check him out). 
I wish I had some “modern” books, with theology I tend to look towards the Church Father’s first meaning I end up reading a lot of theology written by monks in the 1300s. 
Honestly if anyone else has some recommendations for anon or me I’d love to hear them!
Also sorry for the late reply. When I started typing this it was asked seven hours ago but then I had to stop to cook dinner, then eat and etc. so it has been a all day thing apparently. I hope that helps!
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nybiblestudy · 4 months
Unlocking the Bible: The Benefits of Bible Education Platforms
In an era where digital technology is transforming education, Bible education platforms have emerged as powerful tools for those seeking to deepen their understanding of Scripture. These platforms offer a range of resources and interactive features that cater to both beginners and advanced students of the Bible. Whether you’re looking to enhance your personal study or participate in a structured learning environment, Bible education platforms provide a valuable resource for spiritual growth.
The Digital Transformation of Bible Study
The transition from traditional, paper-based Bible study to digital platforms has made biblical education more accessible than ever. Digital platforms break down geographical barriers, allowing users from around the world to access quality biblical education at any time. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for individuals with busy schedules, providing the convenience to study at their own pace.
Core Features of Bible Education Platforms
1. Comprehensive Online Courses
Bible education platforms offer a wide array of online courses that cover various aspects of biblical studies. These courses are designed to provide a structured learning experience, often including:
Video Lectures: Expert theologians and educators present lectures on biblical topics, bringing clarity and depth to the material.
Reading Assignments: Curated readings from biblical texts and scholarly articles complement the lectures and deepen understanding.
Quizzes and Assessments: Periodic quizzes and assessments help reinforce learning and gauge comprehension.
2. Interactive Study Tools
Modern Bible education platforms integrate interactive tools that enhance the study experience:
Digital Concordances and Commentaries: Quickly look up verses and access detailed commentaries that provide context and interpretation.
Cross-Referencing Tools: Easily compare related scriptures and explore thematic connections within the Bible.
Original Language Resources: Tools that allow users to study the Bible in its original languages, such as Hebrew and Greek, offering deeper insights into the text.
3. Community and Discussion Forums
Learning in community can greatly enrich the Bible study experience. Many platforms include:
Discussion Forums: Engage with fellow learners, share insights, and ask questions.
Live Study Sessions: Participate in live, interactive study sessions led by knowledgeable instructors.
Peer Support: Connect with others on a similar spiritual journey, providing encouragement and diverse perspectives.
4. Personalized Learning Paths
Recognizing that each individual's journey is unique, Bible education platforms often offer personalized learning paths. These paths can be tailored based on:
Interests: Focus on specific topics such as biblical history, theology, or practical application.
Skill Level: Whether you are a novice or an advanced student, personalized paths ensure the material is appropriate for your level of understanding.
The Benefits of Using Bible Education Platforms
1. Flexibility and Convenience
Study at your own pace, anytime and anywhere. This is particularly advantageous for those juggling multiple responsibilities, allowing for a personalized study schedule.
2. Access to Expert Knowledge
Learn from experienced theologians and biblical scholars who provide authoritative insights and interpretations. This expert guidance can deepen your understanding and answer complex questions.
3. Comprehensive and Diverse Resources
Access a wide range of resources all in one place. From ancient manuscripts to contemporary commentaries, these platforms compile materials that would be difficult to gather independently.
4. Enhanced Engagement
Multimedia content such as videos, interactive quizzes, and discussion forums make learning more engaging and dynamic compared to traditional methods.
Selecting the Right Platform
With numerous Bible education platforms available, choosing the right one can be overwhelming. Here are some factors to consider:
Content Quality: Ensure the platform offers well-reviewed and reputable content created by knowledgeable scholars.
User Experience: A user-friendly interface can greatly enhance your learning experience, making navigation intuitive and study enjoyable.
Community Features: Look for platforms that foster a sense of community through forums and live sessions.
Cost: Evaluate whether the platform’s offerings justify any subscription fees or if a free option meets your needs.
Bible education platforms are revolutionizing how individuals engage with Scripture, making biblical study more accessible, interactive, and comprehensive. Whether you’re embarking on your spiritual journey or seeking to deepen your existing knowledge, these platforms offer invaluable tools to support your growth. Embrace the digital transformation and unlock the full potential of your Bible study with a quality Bible education platform.
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wolint · 2 months
2 Timothy 2:15
There are many Christians who don’t own a bible, they’ll rather read e-bibles or not at all. While some have decided it’s too much work to carry a bible around, preferring to use online bibles too and a minority of those who have, prefer easy, yet not necessarily good translations.
As much as it pains me to state this, the bible has been tampered with, updated, upgraded and modified to suit today’s society. Sadly, this means that there are a lot of things that are contrary to God’s original word, message and instructions to humanity.
Essentially, some bibles are now “woke”!
This is why we must study the bible diligently, intentionally and applicably.
To deepen our understanding of Scripture involves a combination of study, prayer, and practice. Studying the Bible is a rewarding and enriching experience, but we must pray for Understanding: Before beginning our Bible study, for Spiritual guidance in understanding the Scriptures.
Regularly reading the bible and making it a routine creates consistency, a key to deepening our understanding.
It’s important to consider the historical and cultural context of the passages we’re reading. Without this context, it’s easy to misinterpret the meaning and read out of context.
Do not skip! Skipping Around: While it’s fine to focus on specific books or passages, try not to skip around too much. Especially if you’re a beginner, no information is useless because understanding the Bible can help us see the bigger picture.
And there’ no point rushing through the Bible. This is a complex book, and it takes time to understand its teachings. Don’t rush through your reading. Take the time to reflect on what you’ve read and pray into it.
Don’t be one of the people who ignore the Old Testament: Some people focus solely on the New Testament, but the Old Testament is equally important. It provides the foundation for the teachings in the New Testament.
Remember, studying the Bible is a journey. Be patient with yourself, and don’t be afraid to ask questions.
This is where bible commentaries come in. Bible commentaries can provide valuable insights into the historical and cultural context of the passages you’re reading.
Look for or buy into a good, sound and bible-content bible classes, or join a Bible Study Group: Discussing the Bible with others can offer new perspectives and deepen your understanding.
When reading and studying the bible, it’s important to look for God withing the scriptures and not us. As clearly stated in Jeremiah 29:13. The more you read and study, the closer you draw to God and the more He reveals Himself to you.
The more we read and study, the less we rely solely on others’ interpretations to understand and apply the bible: While Bible commentaries and study guides can be helpful, it’s important to form our own understanding of the Bible. Pray for wisdom and discernment as you read.
And learn to memorize scripture verses as this can help us internalize the teachings of the Bible and fight spiritual battles according to Ephesians 6:10-18.
Above all, apply the teachings of the Bible in your daily life. This can make the Scriptures more meaningful to you.
Use a Study Bible: A study Bible includes notes and explanations that can help clarify difficult passages.
Seek Guidance: Don’t hesitate to ask your pastor or a trusted spiritual mentor for guidance if you’re struggling with a particular passage or concept.
Not Applying What You Learn: The Bible is meant to be a guide for life, so, don’t read for the sake of reading. As you read, think about how the teachings apply to your own life.
Where and when possible, always meditate on the scripture. meditation is a powerful way to deepen our understanding of God’s Word and apply it to our lives.
Remember the bible is not just a book but a library giving us all topics and messages that helps us live right.
PRAYER: Lord, thank you for giving me the bible and the Holy Spirit as my instructor, help me to read and study to show myself approved of you in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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thelovelymrsc · 3 years
Hi! I honestly am not sure of my relationship with God yet because of past trauma, but I am very open and wanting to find Him again. So I would love to know, how you recommend for "beginners" to do bible study as I want to partake in that to reintroduce myself.
Hello lovely 💗
This is the most beautiful message! The angels in heaven are rejoicing with me! I’m so proud of you for taking this step.
For a beginner, I’d recommend any of the gospels! Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John. Start with a chapter a day (Bible chapters are usually quite short!). This will show you the life of Jesus and the meaning behind Christianity.
I’d recommend reading any of the following Bible versions: NIV, ESV, NLT or CSB!
I think reading the Bible itself with no extras is important. If you need help deciphering it or want more information, I recommend the Enduring Word Commentary online or The Bible Project YouTube videos!
Hope this helps💗✝️May God bless your journey.
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messyobservationist · 2 years
When you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy (but only if you want to)! Then, send to the last ten people in your notifications (anonymously if you want). You never know who might benefit from spreading positivity ♡
Hello! Thank you for the ask ᵕ̈
1. Bible study! It’s been really healing and therapeutic for me, and it’s nice to just be able to rest and take as much time as I need away from screens, reading and journaling and meditating on things that are heavy on my mind (I bought new highlighters and everything so I really get to get in there) 📖 🕊🎚
2. Akatsuki no Yona (by Mizuho Kusanagi) and The 12 Kingdoms (by Fuyumi Ono)!!! Akatsuki no Yona has had me in a chokehold since 7th gradeee🏹🌺🐉🏯❤️‍🔥 (Tae-jun my baby boi😭♥️), and I just got into The 12 Kingdoms recently and am obsessed ⚔️🌊🌄🗺👑 (Rakushun my rat baby boi🐀♥️😭)
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3. Cacti! 🌵 I keep buying more 🌵 it’s a problem…🌵 every🌵 time🌵 I see a new🌵 one I just🌵have to🌵 adopt🌵 I have 8🌵 now sitting on my 🌵desk
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^Pokey Man, Larcy, Hernando/Jorge,  Little One, Larry, Killer, and Creature! Bill Bobby (she/her) didn’t make it into the pictures tho 💔
4. Pickles and ice cream😩 baby. dill. pickles🥒. and chocolate🍫. nut🥜. coated. vanilla. ice cream🍦 I have no excuse… my mom picked it all up at the grocery store and said she was super embarrassed since apparently “pickles and ice cream” means you’re pregnant and hormonally carnivorous??? Is this true or is this just her own Si-dominant symbolic reasoning? Y’all be my judge and execute me for my war crimes
5. My pig. Pig baby. I love him so much. This is Wilbur-boo-appa-chopper Gun (don’t mind that last part, it wasn’t my choice💀). This name is the product of indecision, asking sisters for help, and worst of all, asking online minecraft friends for a name (and not being able to say no because noodle spine). Formally known as Wilbur-boo-appa-copper Gun, this menace shared a likeness with our unfriendly neighborhood Star Wars Rebels droid Chopper! Every day I look at his mean fluff face I wish I had named him Arthur (those who get it, get it). He learned to nip people whenever he has to go to pee so that we’ll take him back to his cage, he’s overly “well endowed” (if ya know what I mean) so he needs help to poop often, he’s super picky about his food but what he’s willing to eat changes drastically every few days so you just have to try everything, hates physical touch unless he initiates it (aspie mood fr tho), invokes terror into our dogs, invokes terror into us, loudly rearranges his entire cage setup, slams the ceramic food and veggie bowls into and on top of each other and underneath the hay trough, pulls all of the hay out of his trough to beg for more, flips over his hidey, chews on everything other than his chews, and I wouldn’t change him for the world♥️ he was left at our dog groomer’s so since we’ve had pigs before (1 herd of 3 and 1 herd of 2) I thought it would be best to take him on before some small child’s mother brought him home because people think guineapigs are a “beginners pet.” Don’t worry—we plan on getting him a friend as soon as we can afford to—but in the meantime I’m just glad to have a pig in the house again! Wilbur has my heart ♥️♥️♥️
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^Courtesy of aforementioned online Minecraft friends
Hope some of the things that make me happy could make you a little happy just now too! ♥️☺️ time to go spread the loveeee
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