#onions and potatos being my fave
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derp-craft · 2 years ago
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What do we thing guys? All red brick or do we like the diorite brick? I think I like breaking it up buuuut the white is pretty stark against the deepslate. Given I have NO idea what I will be doing with the background of this underground 'base' soooo. The shape has been fun to work with since I'm building it around something rather than on it's own lol.
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posttexasstressdisorder · 5 months ago
It was a delicious day, perfect temps for me to take a walk down to Oak street to drop my ballot in the armored steel box in front of City Hall, on Santa Clara, at 1:17pm, to be precise. Walked over to the next intersection, Central (my street), to Dan's.
Had not been in awhile. Everything just looked amazing as usual. I didn't get all that much, and sadly, berries were not cheap. I got a couple small things of raspberries, will have to get more at GroceOut.
The great thing about Dan's is that right near the front, they've got the bargain bin, which always has at least something to nab. For me, today, it was a bag of small red potatoes for 99 cents, and the same for a tub of cherry tomatoes.
Their greens were gorgeous, and I got a bunch of organic collards, for $2.49, which is a great price. What I've noticed here in Cali is that while they do stock collards, most stores will NOT have Mustard Greens. One of my fave things to cook is a combo of mustard greens and swiss chard. You have the sweet and the bitter and the combo goes well with just about any main dish, or add white cannelini beans to the greens and have a one-bowl meal. Make some cornbread.
So I'll be making those collards with some small white beans, which I've got on-hand dried, which is a great combo as well. Onions, garlic, if I could I'd add some Salt Pork, but with bacon being $10.99 for 12 ounces, and salt pork being unavailable, I'll opt for some good old Liquid Smoke, which I always try to keep in the cabinet.
Got another bunch of organic bananas, and a red onion as well, and everything came to just over $20, which wasn't bad. The collards, potatoes and cherry toms were the score of the visit.
Walked back up Central to the building and got back just about an hour after I left. All in all, a nice little excursion on foot. I'll probably be making the walk down to Dan's more often, now that i know they take the EBT.
I will say this: knowing I made the best informed decisions I could make, and knowing that I personally handed my ballot off to the correct authorities, I can rest a little easier about all this. No, my one single ballot may not "mean" that much, but I made my voice heard.
And to me, that's the best we can all hope for.
Fill out your ballot if you haven't already. Take it to a drop box, or a vote center (County has several!). Get it done. Do your Civic Duty.
You'll feel better for it.
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sab-teraa · 4 months ago
Aaaa. I'm sorry I meant to ask SOUTH AFRICAN FOOD RECCOS
Oh I see! We are a multicultural country, and our food reflects that too. So food like burgers, pasta etc are extremely popular and part of our usual diet. Also, we are not the most vegetarian-friendly nation, so I do not too many recs for that. But here are a few South African "delicacies":
Bunny chow (basically South African curry in a massive bread bowl with carrot salad) SO GOOD!
Durban style biryani - very different to Indian styles of biryani and is kinda more like a pulao and has lentils etc. (CAN BE VEGETARIAN)
Wors rolls with onions, a mix of peri, and all gold tomato sauce, omfg drooling!
Biltong and droëwors (my all-time favourite snack).
Rusks (must be dipped in Ceylon aka five roses tea)
Braai. - our version of a BBQ - but we DO not do stuff like hotdogs, etc. Braais are often chicken pieces, sosaties, lamb chops, wors, and steak, served with potato or baked beans salad or chakalaka. Meat is also seasoned with a bunch of local marinades and it is very common to add beer.
Braai broodtjies (basically sandwich toasted on the braai, can be vegetarian ... most common being cheese)
Potjiekos - can be a stew or curry cooked long and slow in a 3-legged pot for HOURS ... so divine.
Mosbolletjies - delicious sweet bread ahhhh with a ton of butter
Samp + beans and mutton curry (can be veg curry) - a fusion of Zulu and Indian culture - cook separately and then add all together in one pot and ahhhh so divine.
Steak with biltong cheese sauce with creamy spinach, butternut and chips.
Burgers with either biltong, mushroom or monkey gland sauce
Peri peri chicken livers or giblets
Malva pudding
Milk tart
Peppermint crisp tart
Tinroof ice cream (not a fave of mine tbh)
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aardvaark · 9 months ago
heyy was wondering about your leverage takes, do you have any favourite endlessly rewatcheable episodes?
this is ben from @transsophiedevereaux fame btw
hi!! and ooh good question, i do have some particularly rewatchable faves! it depends what im wanting to watch/think/feel at any given point, though.
if i want a funny episode, i go for the wedding job, the juror #6 job, the mile high job, the gone fishin’ job, the boys night out job & the hot potato job. i think wedding is the most comedy-heavy of season 1 at least & i love how the wedding con makes them all do the weirdest stuff. like, sophie is so wrapped up in her own emotions about romance & relationships that she tells the bride to be to "never put your faith in a man", has the most awkward convo with nate where she thinks he’s asking "where are we at" in their relationship rather than the CRIME AT HAND, and then her line of "is this about fear of the russian mob, or fear of intimacy?" is just. absolute gold. one of my fave ever sophie lines. and everyone’s reactions are priceless.
for The Feels TM, i watch the grave danger job, the san lorenzo job, the inside job & the long way down job. but especially long way down. "i want to do the right thing!" "it makes us, us" um someone is cutting onions nearby im not crying im notttt!!
for the action - so my favourite cons/heists - i watch the order 23 job or the first & second david jobs. i also love the eliot moments in order 23 & the sophie moments in first & second david.
while i love all the characters, and i think they’re all very well-made and im Rotating Them In My Mind all the time lol, parker is def my favourite. so episodes that feature her prominently or have lots of her character development are often my faves - especially the juror #6 job, the stork job, the future job & the long way down job.
i have to fly often and i really, really hate flying. ironically i watch the mile high job on planes and its somehow calming despite it being about a plane very nearly crashing lol. so i rewatch that pretty often. i love (world’s worst) flight attendant!parker & bickering married couple nate x sophie. but mainly - hardison in that ep?? fully being his genius self and tons of classic hardison comedy beats. love it.
wow i have given the most ridiculously long answer to this oops lol. thanks so much for asking :) <3 !!
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gophergal · 10 months ago
you really like cooking and seem to be pretty skilled at that. what do you like to make the most?
Hm. Well I have a few that I like making a lot and I can't pick a fave sooooo-
Beef Brisket with potatoes and carrots. I season it well and cook it with plenty of garlic and onions. I usually pressure cook it. It ends up with a HEAVENLY broth and its so fucking tender dude. Personally, I like to eat it with a side of rice, but my dad is kinda weird about meals with two carb options
Potato soup is another one I like making. My dad's recipe includes a lot of cheese, ham, and onion in it, so there's plenty of flavor. It ends up having a nice thick broth. It's incredibly rich though, so I don't get to make it often (he's diabetic). Lightly sauteing the potatoes and onion make it more flavorful
Funny story! I made three pounds of crab rangoons the day before I got my wisdom teeth extracted and being unable to eat those crispy, creamy fried wonders was like psychological torment. Long story short, I gave into the temptation and my mouth started bleeding again. Worth it
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noctsim · 2 years ago
15 questions for 15 mutuals
I was tagged by @wanderingsimsfinds thank you! (´ ∀ ` *)
Are you named after anyone? Nope. But my father was pretty proud about mom letting him pick my name!
When was the last time you cried? Last night while cutting onions, how do some people manage it without crying? ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ
Do you have kids? No.
Do you use sarcasm a lot? No, I’m so dense that I can’t even tell when people are being sarcastic. lol
What sports do you play/have you played? Sorry healthy people out there, I’m potato and suck at sports.
What’s the first thing you notice about other people? If they look like a sim! ...no, really. I never gave it much thought but I think it’s their posture.
Scary movies or happy endings? *glances at my huge horror collection* Yea, scary, yes.
Any special talents? Erm... I can wiggle my nose? lol
Where were you born? I’d rather not disclose. (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
What are your hobbies? Drawing, reading, playing videogames.
Do you have any pets? 3 cats: Morgana, Lunafreya and Leona. (not me naming them after game characters, nuh-uh).
How tall are you?  160cm.
Fave subject in school? Arts.
Dream job? Already at it, I illustrate children books!
Eye color? Brown.
I’ve been away for so long that I’m not sure who already did this so if you haven’t yet, consider yourself tagged by me if you want! ❤ 
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izvmimi · 9 months ago
omg ok!! I love wolfwood, katsuki, and nanami and my favourite snack is cream & onion potato chips !! thanks! I hope ur doing good!
i’m doing great nonnie!
omg i think for you, you’re also leaning towards faves that are a little bit hands offish/stoic that you’d be pulling along so i’m guessing your relationship fear is being with someone who would judge you for being yourself!
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yrbutchgf · 2 years ago
2 6 10 12!
2. What's your top 5 songs at the moment and why?
OOOH okay okay... i think first i'm gonna go white ferarri, been on a bit of a frank ocean kick again lately and i just love that song by him. all the background vocals make it feel so atmospheric and between that and the melancholic lyrics, it feels like being hugged very gently in a cold room. in our lifetime by texas is also up there for sure; i forget what mutual put it on my dash a few weeks ago but i've loved it since. about by another michael bc. well. i envision music videos in my head. unholy ghosts by david keenan is just generally one of my favorite songs and i'm always surprised it hasn't gotten as much play as i think it has. lastly, desert scene by uncle chris, one of my current fave long songs. makes walking home feel like a movie.
6. Describe one of your favourite people.
kinda tall, but it's easy to forget that when you're around him for some reason? he's nearly 6ft but he has 5'6" energy. really funny, great sense of style. has been working on being more earnest w himself lately.
10. Share a recipe you love.
винигрет!! it's a russian beet/root vegetable salad. learned this my sophomore year of college because my professor brought some in for a lesson on food culture. i'm gonna put it below the cut, but it includes beets, white potatoes, carrots, pickles, white onions (optional), and dill (garnish). some people also put peas in it. served cold. i've made this for other people a ton of times and i always love it. it's my go-to meal-for-friend.
12. What's your favourite season and why?
i've said this before, but i think every time a new season comes around, i end up loving it just before it ends. i don't really like summer as a weather pattern, but by the time summer's ending, i realize i'm going to miss it, for example. but i think if i had to pick, i'd go winter. as long as i get snow, at least. i like bundling up, being chilly, coming in from the cold. lovely.
ok recipe time
винигрет - ingredients: beets (whole/raw or canned/boiled, not pickled), carrots (whole), white potatoes, white onions (optional but recommended), dill pickles, fresh dill (optional but recommended, NEVER dried), white vinegar, oil (optional). may add green peas.
wash and clean your veggies. don't bother peeling.
bring a large pot of water to a boil. if you bought your beets raw/whole, boil those first, as they'll take the longest time to do so. otherwise, start with the white potatoes.
while your beets are boiling, take this time to start chopping* your dill pickles and white onions. i personally don't think you can go overboard with pickles in this salad. i've used a whole jar to make a couple tupperwares of this before. as you chop, add your ingredients to a large mixing bowl.
once your beets/potatoes finish boiling, use a set of tongs to transfer them to a large bowl of cold water/icewater. the temperature shock will make the skin of the veggie very easy to remove. this is especially satisfying for the beets lol. canned boiled beets are way more convenient time-wise but i recommend boiling the beets yourself at least once because it's just so satisfying.
in the same pot, begin boiling your potatoes/carrots. meanwhile, chop* your beets/potatoes and combine them with your pickles and onions in the mixing bowl.
do the same for the carrots.
mix everything together. at this point, you can add white vinegar and oil to taste. fair warning, have a light hand with the oil, i've learned from experience that too much oil is WAAAAY way worse than too little, and frankly this salad is delicious with none at all too.
at this point you can add some fresh dill on top for added flavor, throw in some green peas if you'd like, then cover and throw in the fridge for a few hours/overnight. serve cold.
TL;DR, boil & chop up beets, white potatoes, and carrots. chop dill pickles and white onions. combine. add white vinegar and vegetable oil to taste. add green peas, fresh dill if desired. allow to chill.
notes: you can very much just eyeball the proportions, but i will say a few things. 1) you always need less potato than you think but boiling extra potatoes is never a bad thing because potatoes are a lovely little snack. 2) the beets are always going to be the star of the show, this is a beet salad. the end result should be mostly red. 3) you can never have enough pickles in this. like, to me the two non-negotiable ingredients in this are beets and pickles. not for nothing the whole flavor profile is dill. 4) white onions are optional and so is the oil but the white vinegar absolutely is not. trust. it doesn't take much either a tablespoon will bring you so far.
if you're nervous about getting the proportions right, just google винигрет and take the image results as references.
*russians can be very particular about the way you chop things for винигрет. good knife skills are everything if you want to impress with this. the idea essentially is to cube everything (fresh dill and white onions notwithstanding). to be honest, as long as everything is relatively the same size, it'll be just as good.
can be served by itself as a hardy salad, as a side dish, or with rye toast. lovely any time of the day. couldn't tell you how long it lasts in the fridge or whether it stands up to freezing (though i imagine it would) because whenever i make it, it always gets finished too quickly to say.
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ladykissingfish · 3 years ago
What do you think, in today’s world, the Akatsuki members’ favorite foods would be? Doesn’t have to be their canonical faves either. Love your blog/all your quirky little posts! ❤️
thank you for the love for my blog, I appreciate it!
and I like your question. let’s see, um, well Hidan and Deidara I can see being typical young guys and just living off of fast food. I can see Deidara eating like 40 McDonald’s chicken nuggets in one sitting, covered in a mix of bbq and sweet and sour sauces, and still complaining about being hungry. Hidan I can see being a burger guy, the bigger and thicker, the better. And not just a burger but a burger loaded with pickles and tomatoes and onions and half a cow’s worth of cheese. Topped with a mountain of ketchup-drenched fries that Deidara (if he’s eating with Hidan) will filch half of. Oh, and soda. These two can down an entire 12 pack of Coke each or just guzzle two liter bottles.
Kakuzu and Kisame, I can see being a bit more evolved in their tastes. Kisame being half-shark probably has an appreciation for fine sea food, like salmon or mahi mahi; or I can also see him being the type to go to one of those conveyor belt sushi places and just amassing stacks of plates at his elbow. Kakuzu, well the old guy is cheap af, but on the few occasions he’s not, I can see him enjoying a nice steak, rare, maybe with sautéed onions and mashed potatoes, and some sort of cruciferous vegetable. Kisame strikes me as a water drinker and Kakuzu (again when he’s not being cheap) either a good glass of wine, or a scotch.
Sasori doesn’t eat, but if he DID, I can kinda see him having a thing for soufflés. Like wanting to make them on his own and always working on perfecting his recipes to make the fluffiest creations ever. Making a soufflé requires a lot of precise baking work and attention to detail, which I feel someone like him would be good at. Also see him as being the kind to enjoy a cold glass of milk, and *chocolate* milk if he’s being “adventurous” that day.
Konan, she has such a lovely slim figure and I imagine she eats in a way to keep herself in shape, so mostly healthy foods like salads, yogurt, lean proteins and a variety of fruits and vegetables. But when she allows herself a “cheat” day, I can see her being just as big a fast food eater as Deidara and Hidan. For some reason I picture her going to Taco Bell, ordering a nachos bell grande and like 4 chalupas, eating it all, hiding the evidence and working out twice as hard the next day, to make up for it. Also see her being like Kakuzu in that she enjoys an occasional glass of wine, maybe a hard drink every now and then.
Obito and Itachi, they grew up in the Uchiha clan and the Uchiha never had a lot of money or resources, instead learning to stretch what they had to make delicious meals. So I think each of their favorite things to eat would be home cooked things, simple yet tasty. Maybe for Obito garlic-roasted chicken and potatoes, or possibly a marinated roast beef. For Itachi, I can see breakfast as being his thing, like big homemade breakfasts like his mother used to make: pancakes, fried potatoes, sliced tomatoes, eggs, bacon, or maybe once in a while something like an apple tart. Both of them strike me as tea drinkers, although I see Obito as drinking his tea plain/black and Itachi using a lot of honey or lemon or sugar as sweeteners.
Nagato, I think he’d really be a fan of pasta. Easy to eat, easy to digest, and so many different types. I think a vegetable lasagna would be his favorite type, noodles and ricotta and mozzarella, spinach, zucchini, carrots, peppers … and he’d ask Konan to make this for him at least once a week. He’s not a big eater in general but with this I can see him having 2 or 3 servings. Also see him as being a coffee drinker, although he’s trying to cut back because the caffeine probably isn’t very good for his heart.
and Zetsu … well, his eating habits would be hard to stick into a modern day world, right? But maybe he’d enjoy some unique cuts of (cooked) meat, stuff like roast rabbit, or herb-crusted rack of lamb, or maybe even quail or squab. Like Kisame, I see him as being solely a water drinker.
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lovemesomesurveys · 2 years ago
do you like candy corn? I do. I can’t wait until I’m able to eat normally again cause I have a bag of Funfetti candy corn waiting for me.  favorite halloween candy? My normal faves like Reese’s, KitKats, M&Ms, etc but Halloween themed, ha. And candy corn, obvs.  do you like pickled vegetables? I like pickles.  favorite fruit? least favorite fruit? Bananas are my favorite and pretty much the only one I ever eat. I don’t like oranges or tangerines at all.  what is the strangest food combination you like? I eat my scrambled eggs with ranch and Pizza Rolls with mustard. I like tater tots with mustard, too. 
what is your favorite snack? Chips and dip.  what did you have for lunch today? Nothing, yet, it’s only 12:29AM.  do you usually eat breakfast? I got in a good habit of that for most of this year until I had the breathing tube put in and could no longer eat. I can finally eat some things, one of them being Cream of Wheat, so I’ll be having that now.  favorite dipping sauce for chicken strips? Ranch usually, but it depends on the place. Like, if I go to Chick-Fil-A I get Chick-Fil-A sauce and if I go to Raising Cane’s I’ll have their dipping sauce.  do you like sweet potato fries? I do.  least favorite vegetable? Most of them to be honest. The only veggies I eat is spinach, potatoes, green onions, broccoli, green beans, and corn.  favorite vegetable? The ones I listed above.  do you like chocolate and mint together? Mmm, yes.  have you ever dipped fries in a milkshake? Yep.  favorite flavor of gum? Mint. what was your favorite food as a kid? Pizza and chicken nuggets.  favorite fast food place? Jack in the Box, Taco Bell, Chick-Fil-A, Raising Cane’s, Carl’s Jr.  favorite soda? Coke, Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, Mountain Dew, and various flavors of each.  least favorite soda? Root Beer.  do you like sweet or unsweet tea? I like to add a little sugar to mine.  how do you like your coffee? (or do you drink coffee at all?)) Hot, with either flavored creamer or cream and sugar.  do you like bubble tea? I like milk tea, but not the boba.  do you like curry? I can’t eat spicy food.  favorite type of cuisine? Italian.  favorite sandwich? Turkey or bologna with provolone or Colby Jack cheese, mayo, mustard, spinach, and sandwich oil with a pickle on the side. favorite cheese? I love a variety of cheeses.  have you ever been vegan or vegetarian? No.  
favorite breakfast cereal? All the sugary ones, basically. what do you eat when you're sick? Not much honestly, but I try to make myself have some toast and soup.  favorite thanksgiving dish? I love the main meal, which for us consists of turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing, and rolls, but honestly the appetizers are probably my favorite. We put out like a charcuterie board, chips and a few different dips, sourdough bread with a few spreads, and deviled eggs.  favorite salad dressing? Ranch and balsamic vinaigrette.  what are you currently craving? I can’t wait until I’m able to have my Wingstop again.  Snickers or Milk Way? I like both.  have you ever had chocolate covered gummy bears? Yes.  pulp or no pulp orange juice? Blech, neither.  beans or no beans in your chili? Beans.  favorite burger condiments? Ranch, mayo, mustard, BBQ sauce, olive oil, pesto, balsamic vinaigrette, black pepper... there’s likely more but yeah. I’m a total condiments/dips/sauce kinda gal.  do you like peanut butter? Yes.  what flavor of jelly/jam is your favorite? Grape.  favorite flavor of potato chips? Original, sour cream and onion, cheddar and sour cream, BBQ.  how do you like your eggs cooked? Just about every way to be honest, but I have scrambled eggs and over-easy eggs most often.  favorite kind of soup? Ramen, French onion, and broccoli and cheddar.  do you like cold pizza? I did when I was younger, but not so much anymore.  do you like sour candy? No. what food do you absolutely refuse to eat? Seafood. 
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afatedcoincidence · 3 years ago
Having COVID has meant being unable to grocery shop, so we’ve been trying Hello Fresh. This is my fave meal so far.
Steak with sweet potato, pepper and onion, sprinkled with cheese and cilantro.
I’m so grateful that my taste buds still work and my appetite is finally back — the roasted sweet potato was something else.
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agent-057 · 4 years ago
What is your fave food?
"Oh man, that's hard to answer! There's so many good foods out there, and the options got even better when I came to Tokyo."
" I developed a big sweet tooth when I arrived here. The amount of sweets to chose from around here is amazing! All the delicious cakes, the sweet little candies, and don't get me started on Maria's pudding! Everyone in the guild knows what a treat that can be. Especially Azazel."
" But if I'm being honest with myself...my favorite food is probably something I won't be eating again anytime soon."
" Back home, my brother made this amazing meal whenever we decided to celebrate. A delicious stew made from venison and goat meat. He liked to throw in potatoes, garlic, onion, and carrots too. I think he also used rosemary and thyme?"
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" He also liked to roast some meat and spread melted cheese on top. It was so good, I can't even compare anything to it! There was also mead and bread, but that's pretty expected at feasts."
" Maybe it doesn't sound too fancy compared to the foods available to me now, but it's special to me! I remember almost finishing the entire pot while we drank and shared stories."
" I cherish those memories a lot. Those were great times. Especially since it was basically us looking out for each other for a good portion of our lives."
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" dang. I went and made myself homesick with all that reminiscing."
" I hope Sköll is okay. Wish I could tell him that I'm fine and relatively healthy..."
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agl03 · 5 years ago
Can you do a breakdown of everyone few episodes of season 7 like big things you think will happen
Hi Anon,
Not much has changed since I did the big breakdown when we were able to find the ‘leaked’ titles.  However, please bear in mind the only two we are 100% confident on are 1 and 13.  I’ll repost it here and add anything that might have popped into 
1. The New Deal
Aired at D23.  Cliffnotes Mack, Robo Coulson, Daisy, and Deke have to save Freddy Malick from being kill by the Chronicoms.
2. Know your Onions
Well this is one of those weird titles that makes little sense.  There is a song by The Shins  But its also a saying for being very knowledgeable about something.  So this is where we’re really going to see Robo Coulson really showing how invaluable to this.  Also might speak to the learning curve the team is facing with all the new stuff.  Also a good chance we at least get a glimpse of FItz here before he disappears for a bit.
Written By Craig Tiltey AKA the OUT OF THE BOX dude.  He’s given us great episodes like 4722 Hours, Uprising, personal fave Hot Potato Soup, Rewind, and SPACE VEGAS!
3. Alien Commies from the Future
Well the Chronicoms take over some Russians or they think they are Russian, people were pretty paranoid back then.   And I’ll put the time period they visit here anywhere between the 50′s and 80′s due to the “commies” reference.  Good chance we’ll see lots of Military here based on who is already in IMDB.   This may also be when we see Enver show up…or two…depends on where they go after saving Freddy. Also trying not to think of Killer Clowns from Outer Space here.
I throw in this could be where we could see Stoner.
Written by the Zuckermans have given us episodes Lockup, Boom, A LIfe Spent, Option Two, Code Yellow, and This Sign.  They do have a decent amount of Philinda under their belts so this could be where we see May on a mission with Robo Coulson for the first time.
4. Out of the Past
Well something from someone one the teams past is likely going to come back to haunt them here.  And it also might tie into the 1947 movie bearing the same name about a small town gas station that has his life turned upside down when figures from his past return.  So they’ll be going for someone who ‘got out” and now is being pulled back in.
This would be the first opening I see for Afterlife and those involved in it to come into play.
Written by Mark Leitner, relatively new to the writing team he did Inside Voices and Toldja.
5. A Trout in the Milk
Guys I swear my google history for this show.  Another title based on a saying.  The meaning is that although you did not see the dairy farmer do it, he most probably dipped the milk pail in the stream to water down the product. It’s not direct evidence but a very strong circumstantial case.It is attributed as follows: “Some circumstantial evidence is very strong, as when you find a trout in the milk. ‘ (Henry David Thoreau)  
So the team will have strong evidence on something but can’t be 100% on it.  This could speak to who they feel the Chronicoms are after, if there is a traitor in their midst (its an annual tradition after all), or this could be where something could be wrong with Fitz and Jemma is starting to worry more/pick up on it.
Written by Iden Baghadadchi also relatively new she’s done Rise and Shine aka Hale’s Back story and squee inducing we are invincible and Collision Course Part II.
6. Adapt or Die
Raise your hand if this SCREAMS when we are gonna see Ward/Hydra again!   Because he said that a few times when he was discussing why he followed Hydra.  I just have no idea WHAT Ward we are dealing with…preturn Ward, Hydra Head Ward, Squidward (yay I got to use it again).  
If not Ward someone has to adjust to the new situation and fast in order to survive.  This could speak to someone being captured, gone under cover, or something out of left Field.  Knowing who the writer is…could me buckle up for some Fitzsimmons feels people.
If it is heavy Fitzsimmons, this could be the where we learn more about “we had time” and possibly the Secret Child Theory gets some legs.  Adapt or Die could also speak to Fitzsimmons having to drastically change their lives in order to survive and move forward saving the others and the world.  
Written by DJ Doyle…and a favorite with Fitzsimmons fans as he has given us some of the most iconic Fitzsimmons moments.  Past credits include The Things We Bury, Melinda, Purpose in the Machine, Many Heads on Tale, The Team,  Deals with Our Devils, INESCAPABLE!!!!!Also worth pointing out the sixth episode of each season has a history of being big FItzsimmons Episodes.
7. The Totally Excellent Adventures of Mack and the D
OMG are we getting a Bill and Ted esque Mack and Deke Team up. EEEEEEEEE!!!!!  I do believe this is where we are going to get “The closest thing to a Musical Episode the show will ever do” and Deke in the Red Leather pants Chloe talked about.  
Bring on the 80′s/90′s nostalgia folks.  I don’t even care what is happening this one is gonna be awesome.  Also considering the writer we need to be on the lookout for a FItznapping….this is the dude who has written most of them.
Written by Brent Fletcher who has done some major major episodes.  The Dirty Half Dozen, Closure, Broken Promises, Farewell Cruel World (IE thank goodness we are FINALLY out of the Framework), FUN & GAMES, Space Vegas, and New Life.  
8. After Before
I wanna lean flashback here and this could be another option where we get some answers from Jemma as to what happened during “we had time” and the fallout from that.  It could also speak to a comparison or a change in someone, a play on a “Before and After” King of Reveal.  Once again the writers lean towards something happening on the FItzsimmons front as they are the other resident Married couple with Jed/Mo on the writing team.
Also worth noting this is the first episode that Enver is in IMDB in so they’ll need to go back in time to meet up with him and I think they’ll find him at a point well after Agent Carter had ended.  Meaning there could be some critical early days of Shield backstory here as well.
Written by James and Sharla Oliver they’ve done Paradise Lost, The Patriot, The Honeymoon.
9. As I have Always Been
Episode LIL Directed…YAY!  
Clark said this was one of his favorites of the season.
Lil directing means Jemma will be light in both it and 8.
This screams something to do with Enoch to me (like i hear him saying it when i read it), its pretty much what he said to Fitz before he gassed him.  In the trailer we see Enoch seemingly getting left behind as the the Zephyr Jumps away, stranding him in time.  It also means if we lose sight of him for a bit we might need to be concerned about him getting co opted by the evil Chronicoms and used against the team.  It should also be said that Enoch was on the planet for centuries, it could be only a matter of time before they come across his past self.
I feel this could also speak to Robo Coulson doing some soul searching about who he is now and coming to terms with the whole LMD thing.
Written by Drew Greenberg, another one of the long time heavy hitters.  Dirty Half Dozen, Who you Really Are, Absolution, Wake Up, All the Comforts of Home, and Leap.
10. Stolen
Well this screams someone getting kidnapped and/or having their memories messed with.  It could also speak to an item stolen or stolen time.  This is the point where we really could see Fitz coming back into the mix more.  This is also the point in the Season where everything typically starts to go to poop and the team suffers a major loss.
Targets for kidnapping for me are Robo Coulson as he’s what Shield has been using to keep ahead of the Chronicoms.  Fitz because well it’s Fitz and he’s in hiding for a reason.  Enoch to be used against the team.  
Also worth noting this is the last episode that Enver is listed in IMDB for.
Written by Mark Leitner who is completely new to the writing team.  However vet George Kitson (yes the one they named Kitson after) did the screenplay.
11. Brand New Day
So I think that just like in Season 6, Episode 10′s Stolen is going to be a real kick in the teeth to the team.  In Leap they lost Davis, Piper shot her had, Sarge’s true self really got released, Izel escaped with the “monoliths”, and Mack and Elena were kidnapped.  Out of the Ashes was the team picking themselves back up and starting to fight back.  
Brand New Day also represents new beginnings and a fresh start.  So after suffering a major loss in 10, they are gong to pick themselves up, regroup, and fight back.  But this all but confirms someone is getting kidnapped in 10 for me….looking at Robo Coulson and Fitz still.  
Written by Christopher Fryer he’s another new writer but based on IMDB has been on the production team for a bit.
12.  The End is at Hand
Yeah that is not ominous at all.  And just like The Sign this season hold onto your hats because its going to be a major run up to the end.  I’m fully expecting a two hour series finale event.  
The Chronicoms and if a new baddie is in the mix will have their plan in full motion (I fell like the we need to save this point in history kind of thing will be abandoned in favor of something bigger and scarier), the team will be scattered, some could be prisoners, and my stress level will be through the roof.  
Expect it to end on an insane note just as The Sign did (with May being killed).
Written by Jeff Bell.  As doom and gloom and generally no fun he can be in interviews he has given us some amazing/huge episodes and his last one shouldn’t be any exception.  It may be worth nothing he has a knack for putting Fitz/Fitzsimmons in danger.  Previous credits include 084, Ragtag, What They Become, SOS 1, Maveth, Good Samaritan, World’s End, Real Deal, and Collision Course Part 1.  
Pause for screaming with @eclecticmuses because this THIS is what we wanted from that first tease!
It’s the PERFECT title for a final episode and all cards are going to be on the table here.  I feel like not only will the team be fighting to save the world as usual but every single one of them is going to have a more personal stake in the game.   
They are literally going to be fighting for THEIR futures as well.   Perhaps even their Past, Presents, and Futures depending on horrible plan they are trying to stop.
There is only one I am willing to theorize on right now because I don’t know what character arcs are coming and how things could change over the season for a lot of the characters.  FItzsimmons. They are going to be fighting for their future, their family, their happily ever after.  Come on Secret Kid Theory!
This is going to be action packed, major fight scenes, emotional as all get out as 7 seasons come to a close.  Their will be wins, their will be losses.  Mack is going to give an epic speech before he falls (sorry still don’t think he makes it) and Daisy will rally the team after he does.
Piper is back!
Written by Jed who has had his hand in every episode and penned some of the biggest ones.  
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brendamariesmith · 4 years ago
What TO Stock for An APOCALYPSE, PART THREE (Updated)
Right up there next to water, a top-priority post-apocalypse need will be FOOD.
  5.      THE FOOD you will need:
  Since most of us will be short on water, dried beans and other foods that require a lot of water for cooking may not work out too well. Dry beans also need a lot of cooking time, meaning more firewood or other fuel. Canned goods are a practical way to go (and most come with some liquid inside), though it would be hard to stock enough to last years. Plus, canned goods can get mighty unappetizing over time, and will eventually spoil.
  To survive well without getting malnourished, you’ll need protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and a little fat – the basic food groups, though meat and dairy aren’t essential. Unless you have your own well-guarded farm or hunting preserve, you can’t count on being able to eat meat. And if you’re growing your own food, in most cases you will get much more protein per acre by growing beans instead of animals. But chickens and milk goats can be very useful and will take up less space than other critters (though you’ll need to learn animal husbandry between now and the end of the modern world).
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 Whole proteins are made up of eight essential amino acids. Most beans and nuts have seven of those acids, while most grains have only one. To get whole protein from beans or nuts, you need a companion grain to eat with them to make the protein complete. Think beans and rice, beans with tortillas, beans with cornbread, hummus with chips, peanut butter sandwiches (made with pancakes or biscuits cooked over an open fire).
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  Soybeans have the full eight essential amino acids, but they take a lot of time and water to cook. My personal experience with them (which is extensive) is that they aren’t digestible unless they’ve been pressure-cooked for at least an hour, and pressure cookers can be dangerous and hard to come by. Soybean skins tend to plug up the vent holes. If the cooker isn’t removed from the fire immediately and the skin isn’t removed from the vent, the cooker could explode. People can get burned by the buildup of steam inside the cooker.
 Soybeans are a pain, BUT, if you need whole protein, they will provide it. The flavor is not the best, the texture can be off-putting, but they’re not bad in tortillas with salsa and fresh veggies. Once the beans are cooked, you can make decent patties out of them if you have anything to flavor them with. Some women, like me for instance, can’t eat soybeans when they’re pregnant, and soy allergies are serious issues for many. If you have a lot of water, you can make soybeans into soy milk and tofu. There’s also tempeh, the making of which is an artform.
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   You can make milk out of lots of things these days: almonds, oats, rice, hemp (my fave). I don’t have a clue how to make these things, but I’m sure you can figure it out—if you get to googling while the internet still works.
In my novel, prepper Grandma Bea stocks barrels and bags of many kinds of beans, flours, oatmeal, rice, sugar, cooking oil, peanut butter, sugar, salt and pepper. She has cases of canned goods—mostly soup, chili, and stew—and cases of powdered milk and eggs.
If you want to get serious about providing for long-term survival (or if you just want to live more sustainably), you will need to do more than stockpile food. You need to set yourself up with ways to grow it. Think garden beds full of rich soil, compost piles, bee hives for honey and pollination, fruit trees and vines, and ways to scare off the birds. And you need to stockpile seeds that suit your soil, drainage, and growing season, along with plenty of organic fertilizer and the tools and equipment to help it all grow. You’ll need to get creative about where and how to grow this food: in your suburban yard, inside in front of your windows, in pots and buckets and barrels, on rooftops and ledges, along fences, etc., etc.
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     My main character, Bea, has fresh tomatoes, peppers, squash, greens, purple hull peas, and herbs growing in pots and in her garden. She has a second garden full of root veggies, and she has a bee hive installed in an exterior wall. A few neighbors have chickens. One family has some rabbits. When the neighbors finally get organized, Bea has plans for urban farming that involve building gardens and compost piles in yards and vacant lots, and later plowing up front yards for cornfields, and the neighborhood park to try growing winter wheat and other grains in the scorching Texas heat.
 In my novel, Bea has a root cellar full of root veggies: russet and sweet potatoes, carrots, garlic, and onions. Beets don’t grow so well in Texas as far as I know (meaning, I don’t actually know). Turnips are, well, turnips, but they last a long time in cool, dry storage. Parsnips, rutabagas, and Jerusalem artichokes are other good root veggies to grow and store.
Root cellars are awesome if you can keep them from filling with ground water. Being under the earth tends to keep the temperatures nice for storage of food with a long shelf-life, like root veggies and—for a lesser length of time—compact cabbages, pumpkins, and winter squash (butternut, acorn, etc.)
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Though impractical when water is scarce, home canning is also a good way to store food. Many foods can be dried, which only requires water for cleaning before and after drying. Of course, you’ll need water to reconstitute most dried foods before you eat them, with dried fruit and jerky being the primary exception to this, and field corn, which can be ground into cornmeal.
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On top of growing and preserving food, you also need to know how to preserve seed, since there will be no seed catalogues, no seed companies. The Seed Savers Exchange is one of many good resources for this: https://www.seedsavers.org/how-to-save-seeds.
Remember that you will also need biodiversity (more than one kind of seed for each veggie) to give you better odds that some types will survive a blight, fungus, or insect attack. And you need to protect your pollinators: bees, wasps, butterflies, etc. Know your bugs and learn to distinguish the helpful ones from the harmful ones. Crickets can be eaten (sorry, but you may need to know this someday).
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  I could go on about food forever (I already have, lol), but going further would be beyond the scope of this blog. My advice is to get busy studying up.
If all else fails, you can follow the example of Mad Max in ROAD WARRIOR and chow down on yummy dog food.
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   We may find ourselves eating this poor guy out of our backyard someday:
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 To see how my unlikely apocalyptic hero, seventy-year-old Bea Crenshaw, shepherds her grandkids and neighbors through the aftermath of a solar pulse, check out IF DARKNESS TAKES US on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Darkness-Takes-Brenda-Marie-Smith-ebook/dp/B07WK9BQHN or order it from your favorite indie bookstore:
The sequel, IF THE LIGHT SHOULD COME, will be out June 2021 from SFK Press.
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actingwithportals · 4 years ago
top 5 fave foods
1: onigiri/poke/sushi (I am putting these all together because they are very similar)
2: curry! preferably spicy red curry with chicken and potatoes and carrots and peppers and onions (and rice of course)
3: strawberry shortcake. it’s my favorite cake,,,,
4: blueberries. just like, in general.
5: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm comfort pasta (that being alfredo with penne and lots of garlic)
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farawaysouls · 5 years ago
This quarantine has made me do things which are out of my league like cooking, dusting and other household works. Out of which COOKING has been the favourite lockdown-interest to-do. So,here are some of my experiences along with my family depicted into photographs :-
1) Namkeen also called as Nimky :-
Locked in house and food cooked by Mom is what everyone wishes for and lived for. Namkeen made by Mom filled with spices and Love. It takes only few minutes to finish it all in a single go.
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2) Maggie Manchurian :-
Basic Maggie is too main stream now. Let's try to collide these two tasteful dishes Manchurian and Maggi into each other. then BOOM! here we go this hybrid dish get's discovered.
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3) Dumplings :-
Whatever you call them Dumplings or Momo it doesn't matter. All it matters is it's not just a dish but an emotion.
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4)Aloo Biryani :-
This dish needs little more patience than the rest to make. Raita & Biryani go hand in hand. I along with my Brother has successfully finished cooking this and tbh it was mouthwatering tasty!!
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5) Pizza :-
This is a onion tomato flavoued pizza with wheat flour base. Yes, not maida, it is not good for health though. Nevertheless, a simple pizza but taste wise better.
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6) Doughnuts :-
DOUGHNUTS are LOVE!! These are choclate doughnuts 🍩. A first attempt made by me and my Brother ended up with only these three perfect shaped ones. Though they taste quite good.
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7) Choclate-Cake:-
This choclate cake was being made by me on Mother's Day! It was fluffy and yummy 😋.
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8) Pasta :-
These pasta are made from Suuji. Hence, you can call it as macroni. This pasta has an interesting story. I badly wanted to eat pasta the other day. But we didn't had at home. So we made them at home. It wasn't machine made. It was made by me n family. It consumed a lot of our time and patience. However, the taste paid off.
9) L to R : Sipcy Boiled Potatoes, Unripe Banana Bajji, Crispy Spicy Macroni :-
Spicy boiled potato is nothing but coating boiled Potatoes with Pickles (receipie by Dad), unripe Banana baji was made in Besan by me and the last one is crispy Macroni. Here, all you do is deeply fry the Macroni pieces after boiling them.
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10) Clockwise : Cupcakes, Choclate Cake, Chocos, another Choclate Cake with whipped cream:-
Choclate in all shades are my favorite. May it be Chocos or cakes, I can pull off easily. I Love Baking more than cooking.. hence, cakes are my fave part of the kitchen.
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11) L to R : Basic Kulcha with Brinjal fry and Drumsticks curry, Macroni with dal roti and fry:-
First kulcha was made by Bro without oil. All the curries are made by my Grandmother and Aunt. So, the taste of the curries over-shined all my dishes. :)
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Thanyouu for patiently reading till the end 🌸 XOXO
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