#one sparks joy and the other... not so much
emjayewrites · 2 days
Private Landing (Lewis Hamilton) (10/15)
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SUMMARY: In the high-speed world of Formula One, Lewis Hamilton subtly introduces a mysterious partner via Instagram after a slight mishap during an interview. Sparking media intrigue, everyone wants to know: who is the enigmatic figure that calls herself Mrs. Hamilton?
INSPO: this post
PAIRINGS: Sir Lewis Hamilton x Aurora "Rorie" Phillips-Hamilton (faceclaim is Justine Skye)
WARNINGS: drama, angst, sexual content, formula one b.s., pre-established relationship (with flashbacks). RATED M (18+)
TAGLIST: @queenshikongo3 @cocobutterqwueen @mauvecherie-writes @a-moment-captured @yeea-nah @lovebittenbyevans @alika-4466 @saintslewis @cherry2stems @liamundi @trinitoldyouso @scorpiobleue @certifiedlesbianbaddie @httpsserene @motheroffae @perfecttrashface @xoscar03 @saturnville @weetjy @pinkcatcus @lewlewlemon44 @cranberryjulce @chaoticcoffeequeen @vile-harlot @periodjosh @melanin-queen369 @destinyg237 @niahxo @purplelewlew
A/N: Please let me know if you want to be added/removed from the taglist. The headers/dividers are by @inklore
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CHAPTER 10: The Hills
The Colorado mountains loomed in the distance as Lewis's car wound its way up the private road to their secluded home. Exhaustion from the Las Vegas race and recent events weighed heavily on him, but the anticipation of seeing his family pushed it all to the back of his mind.
With only two and a half days at home before he had to leave for Abu Dhabi for the season's final race, the Hamilton family had decided to celebrate an early Thanksgiving. It was a chance to gather everyone together before the hectic end to the Formula 1 season and the upcoming holidays.
As Lewis pulled up to the house, he could already hear the muffled sounds of activity inside. A wreath hung on the front door, and the scent of pine and cinnamon greeted him as he stepped out of the car.
Before he could even reach for his bags, the front door burst open. Roscoe's excited barks filled the air as the bulldog bounded towards him, tail wagging furiously. Close behind, a blur of motion that could only be Lyric toddled out, arms outstretched.
"Dada! Dada!" Lyric called out, his face beaming with joy.
Lewis scooped up his son, pressing a kiss to his forehead. "Hey, little man! I missed you so much."
As he carried Lyric inside, with Roscoe circling his legs, Lewis took in the scene before him. The house filled with people, everyone pitching in to prepare for the early celebration.
In the kitchen, he spotted Rorie and his mother, Carmen, working side by side at the counter, flour dusting their aprons as they prepared what looked like pie crusts. His father, Anthony, and stepmother, Linda, were in the living room with Rorie's parents, arranging decorations and setting up extra chairs.
"Look who's here!" Lewis called out, unable to keep the smile from his face.
Rorie looked up, her eyes lighting up at the sight of him. She quickly wiped her hands on her apron and rushed over, enveloping both Lewis and Lyric in a tight hug.
"Welcome home," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion.
As the family gathered around, exchanging hugs and greetings, Lewis felt the tension of the past few days begin to melt away. Here, surrounded by the love of his family, he could almost forget the challenges that awaited them.
But as he caught Rorie's eye over the heads of their excited family members, he saw the shadow of worry there. They had much to discuss, decisions to make. But for now, for these precious two and a half days before he had to leave for the crucial race in Abu Dhabi, they would celebrate. They would be thankful for what they had – each other, their families, and the strength to face whatever came next.
"So," Lewis said, bouncing Lyric on his hip, "what can I do to help with this early Thanksgiving?"
The room erupted in laughter and a chorus of suggestions, and Lewis dove right in, grateful for this moment of normalcy amidst the chaos of their lives.
The family bustled around, preparing for the early Thanksgiving celebration, and Lewis found himself alone in the living room with his father, Anthony. The older man's face was etched with concern as he helped hang a string of lights.
"Son," Anthony began, his voice low, "we need to talk about what happened in Vegas."
Lewis tensed, knowing this conversation was coming. "Dad, I–"
"I saw the TMZ video," Anthony cut in, his tone stern. "That woman, Deja... she seemed pretty convinced about your history. What's that all about?"
Lewis sighed, running a hand over his face. "Honestly, Dad, I don't remember meeting her. It was All-Star weekend in 2017, I was partying a lot back then."
Anthony shook his head, disappointment evident in his eyes. "Lewis, you know better than to let situations like this escalate in public. What were you thinking, engaging with her like that?"
"I wasn't thinking," Lewis admitted. "It caught me off guard. I never expected–"
"That's the problem, isn't it?" Anthony interrupted. "You always need to expect the unexpected, especially with your profile. This could have serious consequences for you and Rorie."
Just then, Rorie entered the room. She sensed the tension immediately. "Everything okay in here?"
Lewis looked at her, guilt washing over him. "We were just discussing the Deja situation."
Rorie's face fell slightly, but she squared her shoulders. "We're in this together, Lewis. Whatever happened in the past, we'll face it as a team."
Anthony nodded approvingly at Rorie's words. "That's the right attitude. But Lewis, you need to be more careful. This woman's claims, whether true or not, could affect your reputation, your career."
"I know, Dad," Lewis said, feeling like a chastised teenager again. "We're working with our legal team to handle it."
Rorie moved to stand beside Lewis, taking his hand. "We also need to discuss the situation with Luisa," she said softly.
Anthony's eyebrows shot up. "Luisa? Your housekeeper? What's she got to do with this?"
Lewis and Rorie exchanged a look before Lewis spoke. "It turns out she's been the one leaking information to Deja and possibly the press."
"Good Lord," Anthony muttered. "It never rains but it pours, does it?"
Just then, Lyric ran into the room, breaking the tension. "Dada, play!" he demanded, tugging on Lewis's pant leg.
Lewis scooped him up, grateful for the interruption. "Sure thing, little man. Let's go see what trouble we can get into."
As Lewis left with Lyric, Rorie and Anthony shared a concerned look.
"We'll get through this," Rorie said, her voice firm. "We always do."
Anthony nodded, patting her shoulder. "That you do, my dear. That you do." He paused, his eyes softening as he looked at Rorie. "You know, you're the best thing that's ever happened to Lewis. He's grown so much since being with you."
Rorie smiled, touched by his words. "Thank you, Anthony. That means a lot."
"But," Anthony continued, his tone turning serious, "his past... it's not all pretty. Are you prepared for it all to come out? There might be things even you don't know about."
Rorie met his gaze steadily. "I know about what happened in his life before me, Anthony. We've been open with each other from the start."
Anthony raised an eyebrow. "Even what happened with Nicole?"
Rorie nodded. "Even Nicole. And his mistakes in their relationship. We worked through it in counseling a long time ago, and he even apologized to Nicole for cheating." She took a deep breath. "I've got this, Anthony. Trust me. Nothing is coming between me and my husband. Whatever Deja is saying is nothing we can't handle."
Anthony studied her for a moment, then broke into a warm smile. "You're a strong woman, Rorie. Lewis is lucky to have you."
"We're lucky to have each other," Rorie corrected gently. "And we're lucky to have such a supportive family. Now, come on. Let's get back to these decorations before my mom comes looking for us."
As the afternoon wore on, the doorbell rang, announcing the arrival of more guests. Tia, Ayesha, and Britt bustled in, arms laden with bags of food and gifts, their laughter filling the entryway.
"We're here!" Tia called out, shaking snow from her boots. "And we brought reinforcements!"
Behind them, KiKi entered more hesitantly, her smile not quite reaching her eyes. As Lewis came to greet them, there was a palpable tension between him and KiKi.
After a moment's hesitation, Lewis pulled KiKi into a hug. "We need to talk later," he whispered in her ear.
As they pulled apart, KiKi glanced at Rorie, who gave a subtle nod. "Sure," KiKi muttered, her voice unsteady.
The group dispersed, with the women heading to the kitchen to help with dinner preparations while the men, led by Lewis and Anthony, began setting up the expansive dining room table and arranging the bar area.
In the kitchen, Rorie was carefully preparing Lewis's vegan meal alongside the traditional Thanksgiving fare. The aroma of herbs and roasted vegetables mingled with the rich scent of turkey still cooking in the oven.
"So," Ayesha said, sidling up to KiKi as she chopped vegetables, "when were you going to tell us about Khalil?"
KiKi's knife paused mid-chop. "What are you talking about?"
Tia joined them, her voice gentle but firm. "We know you've been seeing him again, Ki."
Rorie turned from the stove, wiping her hands on her apron. "We're worried about you, that's all."
KiKi's shoulders slumped. "It's not what you think. He's changed, he–"
"Girl, please," Ayesha interrupted. "That man has more lines than a geometry textbook."
"What about Miles?" Britt asked softly. "He really cares about you, Ki."
KiKi's eyes darted between her friends. "Miles is... he's great, but–"
"But nothing," Rorie said, moving closer to the group. "Miles is a good man who treats you right. Khalil? He's shown you who he is time and time again."
"Miles is actually on his way here," Tia added. "He should be arriving soon."
KiKi's eyes widened. "What? Why didn't anyone tell me?"
"Because we wanted to talk to you first," Rorie explained. "KiKi, you deserve someone who values you, who's ready for the same things you are. Give Miles a real chance."
KiKi was quiet for a moment, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "I'm scared," she admitted finally. "What if I'm not good enough for him?"
The three friends enveloped KiKi in a group hug. "You are more than good enough," Rorie assured her. "Just be yourself. That's who Miles fell for in the first place."
As they broke apart, KiKi managed a small smile. "Okay, okay. I'll talk to him when he gets here."
"That's our girl," Tia grinned, playfully bumping KiKi's hip.
The kitchen buzzed with renewed energy as they continued their preparations, the air filled with the warmth of friendship and the promise of new beginnings. Outside, the sound of another car pulling up signaled Miles's arrival, and a fresh wave of anticipation swept through the house.
As Miles made his way inside, greeting everyone with warm hugs and handshakes, the women put the finishing touches on the meal. Rorie and Carmen carefully transferred the golden-brown turkey to a serving platter, while Tia and Britt arranged side dishes on the expansive dining table. KiKi, with a newfound determination in her eyes, volunteered to pour the wine, stealing glances at Miles as he chatted with Lewis and Anthony.
Soon, the dining room was filled with the enticing aromas of the feast and the soft glow of candles. As everyone settled into their seats, the room resonated with laughter and the clinking of cutlery. Miles had slid into the seat next to KiKi, offering her a warm smile that she tentatively returned.
Greg raised his glass, proposing a toast to family, friends, and new beginnings. As glasses clinked and the meal began in earnest, the room filled with animated conversation and the warmth of togetherness. Lewis eventually caught KiKi's eye and nodded towards the kitchen. Excusing themselves, they stepped away from the bustling dining room.
In the relative quiet of the kitchen, Lewis turned to KiKi, his expression serious. "KiKi, I owe you an apology. I was wrong to suspect you of talking to The Sun. I'm sorry for doubting you."
KiKi's shoulders relaxed slightly. "It's okay, Lewis. I understand why you might have thought that, given everything that's been going on."
Lewis nodded, relieved. "Still, I should have known better. You've always had our backs."
KiKi took a deep breath. "Actually, there's something I need to tell you. I was... kind of involved, but not in the way you think."
Lewis's brow furrowed. "What do you mean?"
"Deja invited me out to lunch one day," KiKi explained. "When I got there, she started talking shit about Rorie. I left immediately, but... well, let's just say I handled it."
Lewis's eyes widened. "KiKi, what did you do?"
KiKi took a sip of her wine, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Let's just say the bitch knows better than to open her mouth again."
Lewis couldn't help but chuckle, shaking his head. "You're wild, you know that? But seriously, what did you do?"
KiKi just shrugged, a haunting smile playing on her lips. "Some things are better left unsaid, Lewis. Just know that I've always got your back – you and Rorie both."
Lewis studied her for a moment, then broke into a grin. "You really are a ride-or-die friend, aren't you?"
"You know it," KiKi winked. "Now, can we get back to dinner? I've got a fine ass man waiting for me out there."
As they rejoined the dinner party, Lewis couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for the fierce loyalty of their friends. Whatever challenges lay ahead, he knew they had a strong support system to lean on.
Back at the table, Rorie caught Lewis's eye, raising an eyebrow in silent question. He gave her a reassuring smile, mouthing "Later" before diving back into the lively conversation around him. For now, he was content to enjoy this moment of warmth and togetherness with their extended family, savoring every bite of the lovingly prepared meal and every moment of laughter.
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On a sunny afternoon in California, Rorie stood outside Luisa's modest home in the Valley. The streets were lined with deciduous trees, their leaves a mix of golden yellows and deep reds, a reminder that even in sunny California, autumn had arrived. With Lewis still in Abu Dhabi preparing for his final race of the season, Rorie knew he and Julian would have a conniption if they knew she was there, but she needed answers.
Rorie adjusted the basket of toys and gifts in her arms, filled with items for Luisa's daughters - Isabella, now a vivacious 7-year-old, and Catalina, a precocious 9-year-old. She thought back to all the times she'd visited this house, the laughter and warmth that had always greeted her. Luisa had been more than just a housekeeper; she'd become family over the years.
Taking a deep breath, Rorie knocked. When Luisa opened the door, surprise and fear flashed across her face.
"Por favor, Luisa," Rorie pleaded, her Spanish much improved from their years together. "Necesitamos hablar."
A small smile cracked Luisa's stern expression. "Your Spanish gets better every time," she said softly.
"I had the best teacher," Rorie replied, her voice warm with affection.
After a moment's hesitation, Luisa stepped aside, allowing Rorie to enter. The familiar scent of coffee filled the air, mingling with the aroma of something savory simmering on the stove - perhaps Luisa's famous pozole, perfect for the cooler weather. It reminded Rorie of countless afternoons spent in this kitchen, chatting and laughing as Luisa taught her to make traditional Mexican dishes.
"Where are the girls?" Rorie asked, looking around the cozy living room, noticing the fall-themed decorations.
"With their abuelita at the park," Luisa replied, her voice softer now. "Mamá is visiting for the month."
Rorie's face lit up. "Oh, I've missed your mother! Her stories always make me laugh."
Luisa's tension eased slightly. "She misses you too. She asked about you just this morning."
They settled at the small kitchen table, soft autumn light filtering through the lace curtains Rorie had helped Luisa pick out last year.
"I'm so sorry, Rorie," she began, tears welling in her eyes. "I never wanted to hurt you or your family."
"Then why, Luisa? Why did you help Deja?"
Luisa took a shaky breath. "Alexander... he promised to help Miguel. He said he had connections at the embassy." She explained about Miguel being held up in Mexico after a short visit to see his parents and border patrol agents noting him missing certain documents claiming his resident status in the U.S. "But it's not true. They're just being difficult."
Rorie was stunned. "Luisa, why didn't you come to us? We could have helped Miguel!"
Luisa broke down, sobbing. "You've done so much for us already. I couldn't ask for more."
Rorie felt a mix of hurt and frustration. "Luisa, I love you like a sister. We would have helped in a heartbeat."
"I know that now," Luisa whispered. "I was scared and desperate."
Rorie reached across the table, taking Luisa's hand. "I understand. But we can fix this. I'll talk to Julian about not pressing charges and I’ll see what I can do about helping Miguel."
Luisa looked up, hope in her eyes. "Really?"
Rorie nodded. "But we need your help with our lawsuit against Deja. Maybe you could meet with her again?"
Luisa squeezed Rorie's hand. "Anything. I'll do anything to make this right."
After their emotional conversation, Rorie and Luisa spent some time catching up on lighter topics, the familiar rhythm of their friendship slowly returning. As they chatted, the front door burst open, and Isabella and Catalina rushed in, followed by their abuelita.
"Tía Rorie!" the girls squealed, throwing themselves into Rorie's arms.
Rorie hugged them tightly. She exchanged warm greetings with Luisa's mother, promising to visit again soon for a proper catch-up.
As Rorie prepared to leave, Luisa walked her to the door. "Thank you for coming, Rorie. For listening and understanding."
Rorie squeezed her hand. "We're family, Luisa. We'll get through this together."
On the drive back to Malibu, Rorie's mind wandered to her conversation with Lewis about KiKi. KiKi's ominous words about handling Deja worried her. While she appreciated KiKi's loyalty, they needed to ensure their case against The Sun and Deja was solid and above board. They couldn't afford any complications.
Arriving home, Rorie headed straight to the office area. As she settled in, Nina knocked softly on the door frame, Lyric balanced on her hip.
"Look who's up from his nap," Nina said with a smile.
Lyric's face lit up at the sight of Rorie. "Mama!" he squealed, reaching for her.
Rorie scooped him up, peppering his face with kisses. "Hello, my sweet boy. Did you have a good nap?"
Lyric nodded enthusiastically. "Play now?"
"In a little bit, baby," Rorie promised. "Mama has some important calls first. But after that, we'll have some playtime, okay?"
Lyric considered this for a moment before nodding. "Okay, Mama."
As Nina took Lyric back, Rorie called out, "Thanks, Nina. I should be done in about an hour."
"No problem," Nina replied. "We'll be in the playroom when you're ready."
Taking a deep breath, Rorie logged into Zoom for her interviews with potential personal assistants. Yael and Penni had screened several candidates, narrowing it down to two promising options.
The first candidate, Zoe, appeared on screen. She was a Black woman in her late twenties, with box braids pulled into a neat bun and warm, intelligent eyes. "Good afternoon, Mrs. Hamilton," she began confidently. "I'm excited to discuss how I can support you and your family."
Rorie was impressed by Zoe's organization and attention to detail as they discussed the role. "How would you handle a situation where the media is pressuring for a statement on a sensitive family matter?" Rorie asked.
Zoe's response was measured and thoughtful, demonstrating a good understanding of media management.
The second candidate, Olivia, was a white woman in her early thirties with auburn hair and an air of calm competence. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Hamilton," she said. "I understand the unique challenges of your position and I'm prepared to handle them discreetly and efficiently."
As they talked, Olivia demonstrated a solid understanding of crisis management. "In my previous role, I dealt with several high-profile situations," she explained. "Discretion and quick thinking are key."
By the end of the interviews, Rorie had a lot to consider. Both candidates had their strengths, but she knew she needed someone who could navigate the complexities of her life with grace and discretion.
As she ended the calls, Rorie made notes to discuss with Yael later. They had a tough decision ahead, but having a capable assistant would be crucial in managing her increasingly complicated life.
True to her word, an hour later, Rorie found herself in the playroom with Lyric, their laughter echoing through the house as they built towers with colorful blocks, the weight of the day's events temporarily forgotten in the joy of these precious moments with her son.
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As the 2023 F1 season officially came to a close, Lewis felt the familiar mix of fatigue and relief. After wrapping up his final promotional duties with his sponsors, he was more than ready for some quality family time. And boy, was it needed. Between the bullshit with Deja and The Sun, Rorie's impromptu visit to Luisa's home, and the scrap metal of a car he drove this season, he wanted nothing more than to relax. He'd wish that his wife would've gone over her plan before visiting their housekeeper, but he was happy to know that Luisa wanted to make it up to them.
Thank God for small miracles.
Lewis, Rorie, and Lyric made their way inside SoFi Stadium for the Denver Broncos vs. Los Angeles Chargers game. As part of the Broncos ownership group, they bypassed the main crowds, a discreet security detail ushering them towards a private elevator. Rorie couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement - no matter how many games they attended, the experience never got old.
The elevator doors opened to reveal a corridor of luxury suites, but theirs was special. At the end of the hall, a door marked with the Broncos logo slid open, revealing a space that was more akin to a high-end apartment than a typical stadium box.
Floor-to-ceiling windows led out to a private balcony that hung over the field, offering an unobstructed view of the action below. The players looked like action figures from this height, but the roar of the crowd was crystal clear.
"Wow," Rorie breathed, stepping out onto the balcony. The rush of being so close yet so far above the field still amazed her.
Lewis set Lyric down, the toddler immediately racing to the balcony railing, securely designed with little ones in mind.
"Mama, up!" Lyric demanded, his eyes wide with excitement at the bustling stadium below.
She chuckled, scooping up her son. "What do you think, sweetie? Pretty cool, huh?"
As they settled in, a staff member approached. "Mr. Hamilton, Mrs. Hamilton, is there anything special you'd like prepared for today's game?"
This was just one of the many perks they enjoyed - personalized service that catered to their every whim. As Lewis discussed some vegan options with the attendant, Rorie sank into one of the plush outdoor seats, Lyric clambering onto her lap.
She couldn't help but marvel at how far they'd come. From watching games on TV in Lewis's bachelor pad to owning a piece of an NFL team and enjoying this incredible view - life had certainly taken some unexpected turns. They were soon joined by other members of the ownership group, including Melody Hobson, a successful businesswoman and friend.
"Lewis, Rorie! So good to see you," Melody greeted them warmly. "And look how big Lyric's getting!"
As kickoff approached, Lewis found himself explaining the basics of American football to Lyric, who was more interested in the colorful uniforms and the massive screens around the stadium.
"See that, Lyric? Those are our guys in the orange," Lewis pointed out.
The game was a nail-biter, with both teams trading leads throughout. In between plays, Lewis chatted with fellow owners about potential team strategies and upcoming decisions. Rorie, meanwhile, was deep in conversation with Melody about balancing career and family life.
As the fourth quarter wound down, the Broncos managed to pull ahead with a last-minute touchdown. The box erupted in cheers, with Lyric joining in, more excited by the adults' reactions than the game itself.
"We won, little man!" Lewis exclaimed. "Can you say 'Go Broncos'?"
"Go Boncos!" Lyric attempted, causing Rorie to laugh.
"Close enough, baby," she said, ruffling his braids.
As the excitement settled, Melody approached them. "Great game, wasn't it? Lewis, have you given any thought to that youth program we discussed?"
Lewis nodded enthusiastically. "Absolutely. I think it's a fantastic idea. Maybe we can set up a meeting in the new year to flesh out the details?"
"Sounds perfect," Melody agreed. "Enjoy your family time. You've earned it after this season."
As they prepared to leave, Rorie spotted Ciara and Russell Wilson making their way over.
"Rorie! Lewis!" Ciara called out, embracing them both. "It's been too long."
Russell shook Lewis's hand warmly. "Congrats on a good season, man. And thanks for bringing that energy over to us."
They chatted for a few minutes, catching up on family life and recent events.
"We're heading out for pizza," Lewis mentioned. "Care to join us?"
Russell glanced at Ciara, who nodded. "We'd love to, but we've got an early flight tomorrow. Rain check?"
"Absolutely," Rorie agreed. "We'll set something up when we're back from Brazil."
After saying their goodbyes, Lewis, Rorie, and Lyric made their way to their favorite vegan pizza place in L.A. As they settled into a cozy booth, Lyric coloring contentedly, Lewis and Rorie finally had a moment to discuss their upcoming trip.
"So, Brazil," Lewis began, a smile playing on his lips. "I was thinking we could start in Rio, spend a few days there before heading to that secluded beach house in Bahia."
Rorie's eyes lit up. "That sounds perfect. Lyric will love the beach."
"Beach!" Lyric chimed in, clearly recognizing the word.
Lewis chuckled. "That's right, buddy. Lots of sand and waves for you to play in."
As their pizza arrived, they continued to plan their trip, discussing potential activities and places to visit.
"Oh, and I was thinking," Lewis added, lowering his voice slightly, "maybe we could have a few days just to ourselves? I'm sure your parents wouldn't mind watching Lyric for a bit."
Rorie raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Sir Hamilton, are you suggesting we sneak away for a romantic getaway?"
"Maybe," Lewis grinned. "After the year we've had, I think we deserve it, don't you?"
Rorie leaned in, kissing him softly. "I couldn't agree more."
"Is that right?" he whispered against her lips, being mindful of their impressionable toddler just a few feet away. "Are you going to f-u-c-k me like that one time during our honeymoon?"
Rorie’s eyes widened in recollection as they parted. "Oh, you mean with the ‘cuffs?" Her husband bit his bottom lip, nodding vigorously. "Maybe…as long as I can bring the new toy we’ve yet to use."
"You mean the–"
"Yes, exactly that and something else I bought just for you. Something with leather…"
Lewis’ mouth tilted into a mischievous grin. "I love winter break so much."
As they continued to enjoy their meal, the conversation flowed easily from travel plans to reflections on the past year and hopes for the future. The stress of the F1 season, the drama with Deja, and the challenges they'd faced seemed to melt away in the warmth of family time.
Later, as they drove home with a sleepy Lyric in the back seat, Lewis reached over and took Rorie's hand.
"Thank you," he said softly.
"For what?" Rorie asked, squeezing his hand.
"For everything. For being my rock, for giving me this beautiful family, for just... being you."
Rorie smiled, her eyes glistening slightly in the dim light. "Always, babe. We're in this together, remember?" Her eyes softened as she looked at her husband. "And speaking of being in this together... I've been thinking about what Dr. Chen said. About trying for another baby through IVF."
Lewis's breath caught slightly. "You have?"
"Yeah," Rorie said, her voice gentle. "I know it's been tough, but I think we're ready. If you are, that is."
Lewis was quiet for a moment, his thumb tracing circles on Rorie's hand. "I think I am," he said finally, his voice barely above a whisper. "Maybe... maybe we could start the process after we get back from Brazil?"
Rorie smiled, bringing his hand to her lips for a soft kiss. "I think that sounds perfect."
Lewis nodded, a mix of emotions playing across his face. "It won't be easy, but we've faced tougher challenges together."
"We have," Rorie agreed. "And just think, this time next year, we could be celebrating the holidays with a new addition to our family."
They got out of the car, carefully lifting a sleeping Lyric from his car seat. Lewis cradled Lyric close to his chest, feeling the weight of their decision.
"You know," he said softly, "no matter what happens, you and Lyric are more than enough. You're everything to me."
"And you're everything to us," she whispered back.
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A few days later, Rorie found herself in the heart of downtown Los Angeles, stepping out of a sleek black car onto the red carpet of a FWRD event. The evening air was crisp, and the city lights twinkled against the darkening sky.
Rorie smoothed down her outfit - a stunning, form-fitting black dress from the latest FWRD collection, paired with strappy heels and minimalist jewelry. Her hair was swept into an elegant bun, and her makeup was flawless, emphasizing her natural beauty.
As she made her way down the carpet, camera flashes erupted around her. Rorie smiled and posed, years of experience allowing her to navigate the media gauntlet with grace.
"Rorie! Over here!"
"Mrs. Hamilton, a moment please!"
"Rorie, who are you wearing tonight?"
She answered a few quick questions, her responses polished and warm. "I'm excited to be here supporting FWRD and their incredible new collection," she said to one reporter. "Fashion has always been a passion of mine, and FWRD continues to push boundaries in the industry."
Inside the venue, the atmosphere was electric. The space had been transformed into a chic, modern wonderland, with avant-garde installations showcasing the latest FWRD pieces. Rorie mingled with other celebrities, fashion insiders, and influencers, her natural charisma shining through in every interaction.
As she sipped on a glass of champagne, Rorie caught sight of her reflection in a nearby mirror. She looked every inch the successful, confident woman she was, but her mind couldn't help but wander to Lewis and Lyric at home, and the possibility of expanding their family. It was a balancing act, this life of glamour and domesticity, but one she navigated with increasing skill and appreciation.
The event began to wind down, and Rorie found herself reflecting on the night's significance. This was their last big event before heading off to Brazil for their family vacation. The excitement of their upcoming trip mingled with the lingering buzz of the fashion world.
Saying her goodbyes, Rorie stepped out into the cool night air. In the back of her town car, she kicked off her heels with a sigh of relief. She pulled out her phone, smiling at a text from Lewis:
Hope you had a great night. Can't wait to see you.
As the car wound its way through the LA streets, Rorie's mind drifted to their impending lawsuit, set for April of next year. It felt far away, yet ever-present in her thoughts. She made a mental note to touch base with Julian before they left for Brazil.
Arriving home, Rorie quietly made her way upstairs. She peeked into Lyric's room, her heart swelling at the sight of her peacefully sleeping son. Then, she slipped into her own bedroom, where Lewis was still awake, scrolling through his phone.
"Hey, beautiful," he said, looking up with a smile. "How was the event?"
Rorie sat on the edge of the bed, starting to remove her jewelry. "It was great. Lots of networking, and Kendall even mentioned a potential capsule collection with FWRD."
Lewis's eyes lit up. "That's fantastic, babe. You deserve it."
As Rorie unzipped her dress, she added, "I was thinking about the lawsuit on the way home. Should we check in with Julian before we leave?"
Lewis nodded, his expression turning serious. "Good idea. We can give him a call tomorrow. But for now," he patted the bed beside him, "let's focus on us. I miss you."
Rorie tossed her dress onto the chair, a playful glint in her eye as she caught Lewis's gaze. "Oh, you miss me, huh?" she teased, stepping closer to the bed in nothing but her lingerie. The way Lewis’s eyes darkened with desire made her feel powerful, and she decided to make the most of it.
Lewis leaned back against the pillows, his grin widening as he watched her. "You know I do," he replied, his voice low and smooth, filled with anticipation.
Rorie moved slowly, deliberately, letting the moment build. She unclasped her bra and let it slip from her shoulders, tossing it aside with a mischievous smile. "Maybe I miss you too," she said, her voice soft and teasing, as she slid under the covers next to him.
Lewis's hands were on her the moment she was within reach, his touch firm yet gentle as he pulled her closer. "Is that so?" he murmured against her ear, his breath warm on her skin.
Rorie giggled softly, her fingers tracing the lines of his jaw as she straddled him. "Mmhmm," she hummed, leaning down to brush her lips against his in a feather-light kiss. She loved the way he looked at her, as if she were the only person in the world, and she intended to make him feel the same way tonight.
Their kisses deepened, growing more intense as Lewis's hands roamed over her body, tracing the lines of her curves with fervent desire. Rorie felt a familiar heat building between them, her skin tingling at every touch and caress.
Lewis flipped them over effortlessly, his strong arms easily pinning her beneath him as he continued to kiss her deeply. "I've been going crazy thinking about you all night," he whispered against her lips, his voice rough and eager.
A smile tugged at the corners of Rorie's mouth as she ran her hands down his back, feeling the muscles tense under her touch. "Then why are we still wasting time talking?"
Without hesitation, Lewis shed his own clothing before returning to hover over her, their bodies pressed together in perfect synchronization. Agonizingly slow, Lewis positioned himself between her legs and gradually entered her, eliciting a low moan from Rorie's throat. Every inch of their bodies melded together now, their movements becoming more frantic and frenzied with each passing moment.
Her nails dug into Lewis's back, leaving faint red marks as she urged him on. She couldn't get enough of him, her body craving his touch again and again. Lewis's movements became more urgent, his hips thrusting harder and faster as he neared his release. Rorie's moans grew louder, her body arching up to meet his every move. She was close too, her skin flushed and her eyes half-lidded with desire.
"Just like that, don't stop, baby," she gasped, her voice filled with need and desire. "I'm so close."
"Fuck, baby," Lewis groaned, his fingers digging into Rorie's hips as he increased his pace. He was so close now, and he could feel Rorie trembling beneath him.
With one final thrust, they both reached their climax together, their bodies shuddering and crashing against each other in waves of ecstasy. Lewis collapsed onto the bed next to Rorie, both of them panting and trying to catch their breath.
"That was..." Rorie trailed off, unable to find the words to describe how amazing it felt.
"Unbelievable," Lewis finished for her with a satisfied grin. He rolled onto his side, pulling Rorie closer to him as they lay there in a blissful haze.
Rorie nuzzled her face into Lewis's chest, feeling content and happy in this moment with him. She loved these quiet moments after they made love, when they were just together without any distractions or obligations.
Lewis kissed the top of Rorie's head before pulling away slightly to look at her. "I love you so much," he said softly.
"I love you too," Rorie replied with a smile before leaning up to kiss him again.
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They touched down in Rio de Janeiro, where the city’s vibrant energy welcomed them like an old friend. Over the next few days, they immersed themselves in the rhythm of the city, exploring iconic sights and soaking up the atmosphere. They visited the breathtaking Corcovado Mountain, where the towering Christ the Redeemer statue watched over them, and spent time wandering through the colorful steps of Escadaria Selarón. Everywhere they went, the city buzzed with life, providing the perfect backdrop for their family adventures.
Lyric was utterly fascinated by the beaches of Copacabana and Ipanema. His little legs carried him excitedly across the warm sand, chasing after seagulls and marveling at the endless expanse of ocean. Lewis and Rorie took turns running after him, their laughter mingling with the sounds of the surf and the chatter of beachgoers. It was a carefree time, a brief escape from the pressures of the lawsuit and their next phase in expanding their family.
After their time in Rio, they traveled to a secluded beach house in Bahia. Here, the true relaxation began. The private stretch of coastline became their sanctuary, a place where they could unwind and reconnect as a family. Mornings were spent building sandcastles with Lyric, who giggled as the waves knocked them down, and afternoons were for lounging under the sun, the gentle breeze carrying away their worries.
That night, after putting Lyric to bed, Rorie and Lewis found themselves alone in the serene quiet of their beach house. The soft sound of waves crashing outside mixed with the gentle rustle of the warm night breeze filtering through the open windows. Moonlight poured into the room, casting a silvery glow that bathed everything in a soft, intimate light.
Rorie stood before Lewis, her naked body still glistening from the water droplets that clung to her skin after their shared bath. The steam from the bathroom still lingered in the air, carrying with it the faint scent of lavender. Her braids, damp and curly, cascaded over her shoulders, framing her face in a way that made Lewis's breath catch in his throat. She was breathtaking, and in that moment, she was all his.
Without a word, Rorie moved closer to him, her hips swaying slightly with each step. Lewis was already seated at the edge of the bed, his eyes dark with desire, following her every movement. His hands rested on his thighs, fingers twitching with anticipation. As she straddled him, her legs on either side of his, he reached out, his hands finding their place on her hips, pulling her closer until their bodies were pressed together.
Rorie leaned in, her lips brushing against his in a soft, teasing kiss. Lewis groaned softly, his hands gliding up her back, feeling the smoothness of her skin under his fingertips. She could feel the tension in his body, the way his muscles tensed as he held himself back, savoring the moment.
She kissed him again, deeper this time, her tongue slipping past his lips in a slow, sensual dance. Lewis responded eagerly, his hands roaming over her body, exploring every curve, every inch of her that he could touch. His lips trailed down her neck, pressing kisses along her collarbone, tasting the faint saltiness of her skin.
Rorie moaned softly, her body arching into his touch, the heat between them building with each passing second. She could feel him hard beneath her, the evidence of his desire pressing against her thigh. She moved her hips slightly, teasing him, eliciting a low growl from deep within his chest.
"You're going to be the death of me," Lewis murmured against her skin, his voice thick with need.
Rorie smiled, her hands cupping his face, bringing his lips back to hers. "Then let me bring you to life," she whispered, her words a promise.
With a gentle push, she guided him to lie back on the bed, her body following his down until she was atop him, their bodies perfectly aligned. She could feel the heat of him between her legs, the ache of desire that pulsed through her, begging for release. Slowly, she lowered herself onto him, taking him in inch by inch, a soft gasp escaping her lips as he filled her completely.
"Jesus Christ, baby." Lewis's hands gripped her hips, guiding her as she began to move, a slow, deliberate rhythm that drove them both wild. "Yes, ride this dick, baby. Fuck…"
Rorie's head fell back, her long bohemian knotless braids spilling down her back as she rode him, the pleasure building with each thrust. The feel of him inside her, the way his hands caressed her body, sent shivers down her spine. "Shit, Lewis....mmhmmm..."
Their movements became more urgent, the rhythm faster, more desperate. The bed creaked beneath them, the sound mingling with their heavy breathing, the soft moans and gasps that escaped them both. Rorie leaned forward, her hands braced against his chest, her lips finding his once more as they moved together, their bodies in perfect sync.
But just as their passion reached its peak, they heard a tiny voice at the door. "Mama? Dada?"
They froze, their eyes widening in surprise. Lyric stood in the doorway, clutching his stuffed bunny, looking at them with innocent curiosity.
Rorie quickly covered herself, biting back a laugh. "Oh, sweetie, what are you doing up?"
Lyric toddled over to the bed, his eyes wide as he tried to climb up. "Bunny fell," he said simply, holding up the toy.
Lewis couldn’t help but chuckle as he rolled off the bed to put on a pair of boxers. He then scooped up their son, settling him on his hip. "Well, looks like we’ll have to continue this later," he said, giving Rorie a knowing look.
Rorie sighed, glancing at Lyric with a mix of amusement and exasperation. "My parents cannot come fast enough," she muttered, though she couldn’t help but smile at the way Lyric snuggled beside Lewis, oblivious to what he had interrupted.
Lewis grinned, pulling Lyric closer. "We’ll have our time. I’m going to put him back to bed."
As Lewis carried Lyric back to his room, Rorie slipped on a silk robe and followed them. She leaned against the doorframe, watching as Lewis gently tucked their son back into bed.
"There you go, little man," Lewis said softly, placing the bunny next to Lyric. "Bunny's all safe now. Time for sleep, okay?"
Lyric nodded sleepily, his eyes already drooping. "Night, Dada. Night, Mama," he mumbled.
Rorie stepped forward, pressing a soft kiss to Lyric's forehead. "Goodnight, baby. Sweet dreams."
They quietly left the room, leaving the door slightly ajar. In the hallway, Lewis pulled Rorie close, his arms wrapping around her waist.
"Now, where were we?" he murmured, his lips brushing against her ear.
Rorie chuckled softly, placing a hand on his chest. "Hold that thought. We should probably make sure he's actually asleep this time."
Lewis groaned playfully but nodded in agreement. They retreated to their bedroom, leaving their door open to listen for any more midnight wanderings from their son.
As they settled back onto the bed, Rorie curled up next to Lewis, her head resting on his chest. "You know," she said, tracing patterns on his skin, "as much as I'm looking forward to some alone time with you, I'm going to miss him when my parents take him for those few days."
Lewis nodded, running his fingers through her hair. "I know what you mean. But it'll be good for us to have that time together, especially before we start the IVF process."
Rorie looked up at him, her eyes soft in the dim light. "Are you nervous about it? The IVF, I mean."
Lewis was quiet for a moment, considering. "A little," he admitted. "But mostly, I'm excited. The thought of giving Lyric a sibling, of expanding our family… it feels right."
Rorie smiled, leaning up to kiss him softly. "It does, doesn't it?"
As they lay there, talking softly about their hopes and plans, the interruption from earlier faded into just another cherished moment of parenthood. The night stretched on, filled with quiet laughter and tender touches, a perfect prelude to the adventures that awaited them in the days to come.
A few days later, Rorie's parents, Marian and Greg, arrived at the beach house. The Hamiltons welcomed them warmly, grateful for the extra hands with Lyric and the chance to catch up.
One afternoon, as they lounged on the patio enjoying the ocean breeze and some fresh fruit, Marian decided to broach the subject of recent events back home.
"So," Marian began, running a hand through Lyric’s braids, "any news about Martin? Has he tried to contact you guys again?"
Rorie nodded, her expression concerned. "He called a few times last week. Keeps saying he wants to talk to me, to explain himself. What’s happening back at home?"
Greg added, "The paparazzi situation hasn't improved much. They're still camped out near the house most days."
Rorie sighed. "I'm so sorry you're dealing with all this because of me."
"Don't you dare apologize," Marian said firmly. "We're family. We handle these things together."
Lewis reached over and squeezed Rorie's hand. "Your mom's right. And we'll figure out how to deal with Martin and the media. We're not letting them ruin our time here."
As they continued to discuss the challenges ahead, Lyric, perched on Marian's lap, happily munched on a piece of mango, oblivious to the adult concerns.
"So, sweetie," Marian cooed at her grandson, changing the subject, "what have you been up to with Mama and Dada?"
Lyric's face lit up. "Mama Dada hug!" he exclaimed, his limited vocabulary conveying the essence of what he'd seen a few nights ago. "A lot!"
Rorie and Lewis exchanged a quick, embarrassed glance. Greg raised an eyebrow, a knowing smirk playing on his lips.
"Is that so?" Greg chuckled. "Lots of hugging going on, eh?"
Rorie felt her cheeks flush. "Dad, please," she mumbled, while Lewis suddenly became very interested in his drink.
Marian laughed softly, bouncing Lyric on her knee. "Oh, leave them be, Greg. They're young and in love."
Eager to change the subject again, Lewis cleared his throat. "Actually, I've got some news. My 2025 contract with Ferrari is through. I just need to sign to make it official."
The family erupted in excited congratulations, the mood lifting instantly.
"That's fantastic news, Lewis!" Greg exclaimed, clapping him on the back. "Ferrari, huh? That's quite a change."
Marian beamed, "We're so proud of you, dear. Both of you," she added, smiling at Rorie.
"Thanks," Lewis grinned, visibly relaxed now that the news was out. "It's a big move, but I'm ready for the challenge."
Rorie squeezed his hand, her eyes shining with pride. "He's been working so hard for this. I can't wait to see him in that red suit."
"Red! Like Elmo!" Lyric chimed in, making everyone laugh.
"That's right, buddy," Lewis chuckled, ruffling his son's hair. "Daddy's going to be like Elmo."
Greg stood up, stretching. "Well, I think this calls for a celebration. How about we fire up the grill? We've got that fresh fish in the fridge, and I picked up some plantains earlier."
"Ooh, yes!" Rorie agreed enthusiastically. "And I can make that mango salsa you love, Mom."
"Perfect," Marian nodded. "Lewis, why don't you and Greg handle the grill? I know you're vegan, sweetie, but could you grill some vegetables for yourself?"
"Of course," Lewis smiled. "I saw some great-looking bell peppers and zucchini in the kitchen."
As they all moved to start preparing the impromptu celebratory dinner, Lewis scooped up Lyric. "Come on, little man. Want to help Daddy and Grandpa with the grill?"
"Yes! Help!" Lyric clapped his hands excitedly.
The patio soon buzzed with activity. Greg and Lewis stood by the grill, with Greg seasoning the fish and Lewis preparing his vegetables. Lyric "helped" by handing them utensils and watching in fascination as Greg sliced the plantains. In the kitchen, Rorie and Marian chopped fruits and vegetables for the salsa and side dishes, the rhythmic sound of their knives punctuated by laughter as they shared stories.
The afternoon stretched into evening, filled with delicious food, flowing conversation, and the warmth of family. As they sat around the table, enjoying their meal under the starry sky, the worries of paparazzi and complicated family dynamics seemed far away. For now, they were simply a family, celebrating good news and cherishing their time together.
As New Year's Eve approached, Rorie and Lewis prepared for their night out in Salvador. They said goodbye to Lyric, leaving him in the capable hands of his grandparents.
"You two have fun," Marian said, shooing them out the door. "We've got everything under control here."
"Thanks, Mom," Rorie said, giving her a quick hug. "We'll see you next year," she added with a wink.
Rorie and Lewis headed towards the city, and the excitement of the coming celebrations and the promise of new beginnings filled the air. They found themselves in the heart of the historic Pelourinho district, surrounded by music, laughter, and the infectious spirit of Bahia.
Rorie, dressed in a flowing green lace dress that caught the warm breeze, swayed to the rhythm of the samba playing in the square. Her eyes sparkled with excitement, enhanced by the few caipirinhas she'd enjoyed throughout the evening.
"Come on, babe!" she called to Lewis, grabbing his hand and pulling him closer. "Dance with me!"
Lewis, sober but caught up in the festive atmosphere, laughed as he allowed Rorie to guide him in the dance. Though he wasn't as fluid as the locals, he moved with the natural grace of an athlete.
"You're getting better at this," Rorie teased, her arms draped around his neck.
Lewis grinned, his hands on her waist. "I've got a good teacher."
As midnight approached, they made their way to the beach where thousands had gathered to watch the fireworks. The crowd was a sea of white, following the Brazilian tradition for good luck in the new year.
"Ten! Nine! Eight!" The countdown began, and Lewis pulled Rorie close.
"Seven! Six! Five!" Rorie's eyes met Lewis's, full of love and anticipation.
"Four! Three! Two! One! Feliz Ano Novo!"
The sky erupted in a dazzling display of fireworks, but Lewis and Rorie were lost in their own world as they shared a deep, passionate kiss.
"Happy New Year, love," Lewis murmured against her lips.
Rorie smiled, her forehead resting against his. "Happy New Year. Here's to new beginnings."
As the celebration continued around them, they stood there on the beach, arms wrapped around each other, watching the fireworks paint the sky. The promise of the year ahead - with all its potential joys and challenges - stretched out before them, but in that moment, they were content to simply be together, savoring the magic of a new year's beginning in this beautiful corner of the world.
"You know," Rorie said, her voice slightly slurred from the drinks, "I think this might be my favorite New Year's Eve ever."
Lewis chuckled, pressing a kiss to her temple. "Even better than the one in Aspen?"
Rorie pretended to think for a moment. "Okay, maybe it's a tie. But this one definitely has better weather."
The fireworks faded and the crowd began to disperse, and Lewis and Rorie decided to take a moonlit walk along the beach before heading back to their hotel. The warm sand beneath their feet and the sound of the waves created a perfect end to their night of celebration.
"We should properly celebrate," Rorie murmured, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "Especially since we don't have to worry about being interrupted."
Lewis grinned, understanding her meaning immediately, and his hands found their way to her ass. "I like the way you think, Mrs. Hamilton."
Rorie laughed and playfully swatted at his hand. "Not here," she whispered, glancing around to make sure no one was nearby. "You gotta wait until we’re back at the hotel."
When they finally reached the privacy of their hotel room, the door had barely clicked shut behind them before Lewis had Rorie pressed against it, his lips crashing down onto hers in a searing kiss. She responded eagerly, her hands threading through his hair, pulling him closer as their bodies pressed together.
Lewis's hands roamed over her curves, squeezing her ass as he deepened the kiss. His tongue teased hers, exploring the warmth of her mouth with a skillful rhythm that left her breathless. Rorie moaned softly against his lips, her body tingling with anticipation as her hands worked to unbutton his shirt, revealing the hard planes of his chest.
Breaking the kiss, she pushed him back just enough to give herself some space, her hands trailing down his torso, appreciating the firm muscles beneath her fingertips. "Get on the bed," she commanded softly, her voice laced with desire.
Lewis grinned, his eyes dark with lust as he obeyed, quickly shedding the rest of his clothes before lying back on the bed. Rorie followed, slowly stripping out of her own clothes, letting each piece drop to the floor in a deliberate, tantalizing manner. She could feel his eyes on her, drinking in every inch of her as she revealed herself to him.
Once she was completely naked, Rorie reached for the small duffle bag they’d packed for the trip, her fingers brushing against the new toy she’d brought along for their special night. She pulled it out—a sleek, remote-controlled clitoral vibrator. The look on Lewis’s face when he saw it made her smile with satisfaction.
Rorie crawled onto the bed, straddling Lewis's thighs as she held up the toy, her eyes locking onto his. "I thought we could finally try this new toy," she said, her voice sultry as she flicked the vibrator on, the soft hum filling the room.
Lewis’s breath hitched, his eyes narrowing with a mix of curiosity and arousal. "You’re full of surprises tonight," he murmured, his hands sliding up her thighs, gripping her hips as he watched her intently.
Rorie leaned down, kissing him deeply as she guided the toy between her legs, pressing it against her clit. She gasped at the sensation, the gentle vibrations sending pleasure coursing through her body. Lewis groaned against her mouth, clearly enjoying the way she was responding.
She pulled back slightly, her hands gripping his shoulders as she began to ride him, the vibrator nestled between them, heightening the sensation with each movement. Lewis’s hands moved to her breasts, his thumbs brushing over her taut nipples as he thrust up to meet her movements, each motion sending waves of pleasure through her.
The combination of the toy and the feel of Lewis inside her was intoxicating. Rorie’s head fell back, her moans growing louder as she moved faster, her body trembling with the intensity of her arousal. She could feel herself getting closer, the pleasure building to a point where it was almost too much to bear.
"Fuck, you’re amazing," Lewis groaned, his grip on her tightening as he thrust up harder, his dick hitting that perfect spot inside her over and over again. "Come for me, baby. I want to feel you come all over this dick."
"Lewis!" she gasped, her hands clutching his shoulders as the pleasure wracked her body. "Oh, God, I’m coming so hard!"
Rorie finally shattered, her body convulsing as she came, the pleasure washing over her in waves. The vibrator fell to the side as she clung to Lewis, riding out her orgasm until she was spent.
But Lewis wasn’t done. He flipped them over, pinning her beneath him as he thrust into her, his pace relentless as he chased his own release. Rorie could feel him, still rock hard inside her, and the aftershocks of her orgasm made her even more sensitive, every thrust sending sparks of pleasure through her.
She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him deeper, her nails digging into his back as he drove them both toward the edge once more. His name was a mantra on her lips, each moan urging him on.
"Fuck, yes," Lewis groaned, thrusting into her one last time before his own release took over, spilling himself deep inside her with a guttural moan. "Rorie, oh fuck…"
They stayed tangled together, their bodies slick with sweat and the remnants of their passion. Lewis pulled Rorie into his arms and held her close as they both caught their breath.
"Holy shit, woman," he murmured against her hair, pressing a kiss to her temple.
Rorie smiled, still feeling the afterglow of their lovemaking. "Worth the wait?" she teased, snuggling closer to him.
"Absolutely," Lewis replied, his voice filled with warmth and affection. "But next time, I’m not waiting until we get back to the hotel. I’m just gonna fuck you on the beach."
Rorie laughed softly, her fingers tracing lazy patterns on his chest. "You’re insatiable."
"For you, always," he said, his hand gently caressing her back as they drifted off to sleep, their hearts full and their bond stronger than ever.
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As the first day of January dawned, Deja stood before her bathroom mirror, examining the fading bruises on her body. The assault in late November had left its mark, both physically and emotionally. While the acute pain had subsided, a dull ache remained, a constant reminder of the attack.
Her fingers traced a yellowing bruise on her ribcage as her mind drifted back to that fateful night in New Orleans during the 2017 All-Star weekend. The memories were vivid, almost taunting in their clarity.
The pulsing beat of the club, the electric atmosphere of celebrity and excitement. She remembered the way Lewis had looked at her, or at least how she thought he had looked at her. His smile, the warmth of his hand on her lower back as they danced, the intoxicating mix of his cologne and the whiskey on his breath.
"You're special," she thought she heard him say, the words barely audible over the music. But had he really said it? Or was it just what she wanted to hear?
Deja shook her head, forcing herself back to the present. The attack had thrown a wrench in her plans, forcing her to cancel appearances and partnership deals to focus on healing. It had also planted a seed of paranoia. Who was responsible? The attacker had robbed her, yes, but the beating felt personal. A nagging suspicion that Rorie might be involved refused to leave her mind, though she had no proof. She picked up her phone, scrolling through recent photos of Lewis and Rorie at public events. Their happiness felt like a personal affront, fueling the bitterness that had driven her actions.
The alliance with The Sun and Alexander had seemed like the perfect revenge, a way to shatter the perfect image of the Hamilton family. But now, as she sat alone in her apartment, nursing her injuries and haunted by memories, Deja couldn't help but question her choices.
Her phone buzzed - another message from Alexander, demanding more information. She ignored it at first, the weight of her decisions pressing down on her. The revenge she had sought was leaving a bitter taste in her mouth, and the collateral damage to people like Luisa was weighing heavily on her conscience.
But pride and stubbornness kept her from backing down. She had come too far to turn back now. Steeling herself to respond to Alexander, Deja couldn't shake the feeling that she was on a path that would only lead to more pain - for everyone involved.
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xylospongium · 2 years
The not-really-old-but-also-old guy in a very big (tan) jacket spectrum has Jet Sequliak on one side and Peter Lukas on the other
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dragonsbluee · 5 months
I see your gay uncles of the straw hats Jimbrook and raise you old, gay, heartbroken, pirate captians who find a loving, romantic relationship in each other as they watch over a group of chaotic youngsters.
Because Brook and Yorki had a heartbreaking goodbye, and Brook spent 50 years mourning, but now he has a second chance. He wasn't expecting anything, but then, lo and behold! A handsome, kind, capable fish man enters stage right, and Brook is smitten. Here is someone who understands the grief of losing a captian and partner, then having to take their place to hold the crew together, but ultimately watching thier crew fall apart or suffer due to factors outside their control.
For Jimbei the last few years have been a whirlwind of chaos. He was looking forward to a new adventure full of chaos of his own making and choices. Now, enter stage left, this fantastic, enigmatic, adorable skeleton (and he's a musician!), who is a wonderful presence on a ship full of younger pirates. Jimbei never really moved on from the loss of the Sun Pirates, and hasn't had time to mourn all the friends he's lost in the past few years. But now he finds companionship and comfort in Brook. Someone who doesn't expect him to move on, let's him reminisce, but keeps him from getting stuck in his mourning. He's never thought of romance seriously before, but now he finds himself wanting.
The two meet in the middle, center stage on a ship of dreams as they forge a new one together. They still keep and work towards their individual dreams but find pieces of each other in them. Brook looks forward to the day he can introduce Laboon to Jimbei, and Jimbei has promised to translate the whale's words for Brook. Jimbei will see freedom for his people and finds motivation in every new song Brook writes and story he tells. Together, they find peace, calm, and rest. They find excitement, companionship, and a harbour in the other after years of storms.
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ubejamjar · 4 months
kawanami family // kana & tatsuo
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"I've had about enough of the Empire fucking with our family!" kana kawanami kana was nearly killed trying to stop imperial soldiers from taking her daughter. when she recovered, she swore she would dismantle the empire brick by brick. she was among the doomed rebellion's survivors and has been waiting impatiently for the day the resistance might strike again. tatsuo kawanami tatsuo served livia sas junius during dalmasca's destruction and ala mhigo's capture. in the years before joining the ala mhigan resistance, he'd passed by his conscripted daughter several times without realizing who she was. he is extremely proud when he learns the warrior of light is none other than his little star.
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hinamie · 8 days
working on a gojo-centric 2 parter rn and it kind of hit me how. different it feels when i draw him vs when i draw itfs/itfskg . drawing any of the first years is genuinely where i thrive it makes me feel so in my element. it's like i am revisiting memories in a way? like the pieces were In me already n it just becomes a matter of putting it to canvas. vs when I draw gojo I am Very conscious of the fact that i am drawing. he's easy to draw for me and I always end up rly satisfied with how my gojo pieces turn out but the process of making them ,,, it's deliberate but in a way tht feels detached almost like everything i do n every choice i make is a command entered into my code . it makes me feel so aware of every brush i use
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einsatzzz · 4 months
art time-lapse of this piece that i posted in IG b4 to try out doing reels. i really like how this turned out overall plus "yasashii suisei" (link for eng tl) really fit the vibes so im queueing this here too
#khr#khre#khr oc#oniyanagi#hibari kyoya#ninomiya kanako#oc#hibakana#einart#tags yapping abt hibakana ahead 🫡#the quote that inspired this one still lives rent-free in my brain#“my alone feels so good i'll only have you if you're sweeter than my solitude”#both of them are the type of people who likes to move on their own and dislikes being restricted#and they thrive that way without needing to look out for things like social cues/other's perceptions/the will of a “majority”#there's this certain type of independence that i rlly admire for each of these two characters#if they don't feel comfortable with a person#or if the person's company does not spark any joy#as much as their peace and quiet does#then why would they even hang out and spend/invest time with them amirite? theyre not abt that fake life#nowadays its very common for me to hear abt boomers asking ppl when they're gonna get an s/o or marriage#or just others forcing ppl to conform with the social norms and what's considered as “normal”#so these two rlly bring me a lot of comfort#on their own; if i were to depict them on separate stories#khre aside and just considering khr; idt id ship hibari with anyone; he would be my a-spec king icon idol and legend who does wtv he wants🫶#kana too mdbxndbddjbd her previous version b4 this had another oc/canon ship but i don't rlly fck with that anymore (still funny tho)#(i realized that that previous ship rlly held her back character-wise---)#(but their (potential/established) platonic relationships with other characters are so *chef kiss* tho--working hard on brainstorming that)#on the other hand i started shipping hibakana for the comedy of their dynamic lmao (it should be around b4 sou & i reached kokuyo arc)#“wouldn't it be funny if---”#its just a joke there's supposed to be an “/hj” somewhere there i didn't know they would suit e/o's characters & personality this much wtf
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goldkirk · 8 months
When did the latest 1,000 of you follow me??? good lord hi and welcome, I should maybe pay attention to my notifications and activity page more 😭
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moongothic · 10 months
Crocodile having such an explosive debut in his early 20s and such deep trust issues could also point to him having an even EARLIER start a la Shanks as an apprentice or something to an older pirate and their crew as a child/teenager — doubling down on the humiliation factor from facing off whitebeard as also a failure to “come of age” and broader sense of betrayal in watching eager encouragement fickly turn to “what did you THINK would happen”s like the kid who gets egged on by their peers into doing something dangerous and then immediately abandoned when they hurt themselves
Can't say if he did have like an early start for sure, since we really don't know anything about Crocodile's early childhood
But simply considdering how Oda typically layers backstories, I absolutely agree, I do think it's more than likely he has somekind of pre-Whitebeard trauma, be it either unrelated childhood trauma or early-pirating-life trauma (or something else)
Like the way Oda structures backstories, although we always remember like The Big Life-Changing Tragedy that happens at the end of the flashback, more often than not the flashback already begins with something horrible to indicate the character's already had a rough life
Robin was already alone, abused and rejected by most of Ohara even before the Buster Call Incident (followed by a life of running in fear for decades)
Franky had already been abandoned by his family before he lost Tom and got ran over by a train
Law had already lost his entire family before Doffy killed Rosi
Etc etc. Like not all the flashbacks are entirely like this, especially the East Blue-saga ones, but the backstories have been growing in complexity and structure, adding layers to the tragedies (like 🧅 onions 🧅) as the story has gone on
And with Kuma, his backstory doesn't end at two layers of tragedy. Like there's the early childhood tragedy of slavery, then there's the tragedy of losing his loved one in the most cruel, inhumane way possible, and we know there's at least one more gut-punch of a tragedy coming in the next two chapters to finish it all off
So with Crocodile especially I feel like... Like yes, possibly getting betrayed once in his life and having his dreams crushed by Whitebeard could break the man's psyche. But considdering just how seemingly broken his psyche might be, I do absolutely believe there's more layers here. Like his trust must've been broken more than once for him to end up the way he has.
Which alone gives Crocodad a bit more plausibility in my mind, because being rejected by the person you loved and trusted the most would most certainly break your heart (even if it was understandable why). And that really would make for a fine Final Nail on the Coffin for Crocodile's ability to have faith in others
But to really get that broken trust to be an on-going theme in his life that just happens again and again.... yeah it needs to start earlier
Personally, I think some kind of early childhood trauma would make the most sense, at least to me, not just because it could help Crocodile get started "on the wrong foot", but also because Rough Childhoods is just. A General Theme in One Piece lmao. Of course, it wouldn't be The Key Life-Changing Tragedy (I think Dragon would be that), just a "bad start"
#Moon posting#OP Meta#OP Spoilers#Sir Crocodile#Crocodad#Honestly this is kind of why I ended up becoming fond of the ''Croc is 1/4th merman'' idea#'Cause it really would like. Lay the basic groundwork for what's to come without it being like. IDK too much?#IDK I wrote a whole separate post about that not gonna go over the whole thing again#Other and one more plausible option was that he was just a really queer kid from the start and was bullied to hell and back for it#Dude just wanted to play pirates with the boys and kiss girls and everyone thought he was weird for it because he was a ''girl''#And somehow being called that stung but for reasons he couldn't understand (if Crocodad Real then he didn't Figure It Out until 27)#((Crocodile just seems bisexual as hell to me leave me be))#((I'm entitled to my unfounded bullshit headcanons until Oda gives us canon))#Alternatively if Crocodile WAS Xebec's kid then knowing his dad got ditched by Whitebeard and co would definitely leave An Impression#Especially if he ended up stranded and alone after God Valley#(...Unless... Whitebeard adopted him??? Which would be a very Whitebeard-y thing to do???????????)#((IDK I'm not into the Xebec theory)) ((It's plausible but it just doesn't spark joy for me))#((IDK I would prefer if he just kind of had a ''chill'' childhood kind of like the ASL bros had)) ((Just far lonelier))#((Especially since loneliness is such a key factor in so many characters and why they are the way they are))#((It's just that everyone else was able to find companionship somewhere eventually (be it thru Luffy or otherwise) but Croc didn't))#There's so many options and ideas on what could've happened we could stay here all day#Regardless of what it is- I'm sure Something Happened. Just gotta wait for Oda to tell us what#Asks
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vehemourn · 4 months
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you're everything to me
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thiriumhound · 3 months
I was looking thru your blog recently and I just wanna let you know every time you’ve tagged something with “no one’s gonna understand this but connor by systemic dreams” or like “the urge to tag gennadiy petrov” just know I am there in spirit also having Feelings about it lol. Ty for encouraging to read the story, it was a treat to learn abt characters like sergeant matthews and petrov and just experience the wild ride :D
THIS ASK BRINGS ME SUCH JOY THANK YOU HOLY SHIT YES 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I AM SOOO SO SO GLAD AWLAIGHDFH i'm so glad yet another has enjoyed the story THANKS to ME??? and that someone likes my barely restrained connor(by systemic dreams) posting it infected my brain so strongly how can i ever interact with dbh again without thinking of that masterpiece.
anyway words i'm very good at them just know this ask overjoys me thank you thAnk you, matthews and petrov someone talked about them i will scream and throw up out of joy. YOU DONT EVEN GET ITTTTT us 🤝 insane about one specific fanfic ppl don't even know about please why can't we all be talking about this forever oh my god
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benbamboozled · 2 years
“Shipping Batcest is harmful for real-life adopted families”
First of all, no, no it’s not. “Fictional people fans think should kiss” could not be more abstracted from real life. Get some fuckin perspective, mate.
Second of all, let’s be real here. You just don’t like it. It’s okay to just not like things, or to even be squicked by them. You don’t have to make up reasons why it’s actually bAaAaAaD. You can just go “it squicks me. Next!”
Thirdly, if your issue really is “I believe the very concept to be disrespectful to adopted families” there’s an easy fix for this.
The obvious solution?
Make them all blood related.
Boom. No more issues with “adopted vs. blood related family” anymore!
You’re welcome.
#clearly the only currently ethical Batcest ship is BruDami *nods sagely*#i don’t *need* people to ship Batcest.#it’s totally okay to NOT ship things!#i would just prefer it if people dropped the morality façade and were just open with the fact that they don’t like that people like things.#‘I think the way you play with your paper dolls on your own time is harmful in some vague way with literally no supportive evidence’#fucking LISTEN TO YOURSELVES.#you could be sparking joy for others!#this also conveniently ignores that canon is CONSTANTLY bouncing around#what the batkids think of each other/how Bruce categorized them in his life.#like the entire EXISTENCE of Damian is based on the idea that a blood son is ‘more real’—#AND THAT IS CANON ITSELF.#so…do you renounce all Batcanon? cut ties to it entirely? if not—why not?#oh…so it turns out that it’s only ‘terrible and bad and disrespectful’ and blah blah if it’s done—#—​within a sphere wherein you believe yourself to have some amount of power!#you can’t ‘fiction = reality’ fandom while finding a million and one excuses for why ‘fiction != reality’ for motherfuckin CANON.#CANON—which has SO MUCH MORE reach and impact than goddamn…the niche hobby space that is fandom!#i will probably delete this because I try not to get this salty on main…#…unless it’s about Jim Starlin lol.#BUT THIS KINDA SHIT GETS MY BACK UP?#don’t pretend like having a squick is some moral stance with actual meaning besides ‘it ew to me.’
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playbarbies · 12 days
gonna move my hatchetfield muses over here methinks
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lieutenantselnia · 2 months
Internet archive I love you❤️❤️❤️
#my 14 year old self is crying tears of joy rn#I was able to recover videos of a yt channel that I used to follow as a teen but was closed by the owner from one day to the other#for *years* I thought I'd never see them again (aside very few scattered reuploads)#granted my interests changed and I was occupied with other things#but every once in a while I was wishing I could just watch at least my nr 1 favourite video of them just one more time#but NOW I found out that someone salvaged basically the entire channel and just - put the videos up for downloading?!#it feels so unreal because after all this time I can just watch them again? as often as I want?! and they're mine to keep forever?!! ahhhh#I'm getting unreasonably emotional over this but that channel genuinely meant a lot to me at the time#I still remember that I was on the school bus home when I discovered it was gone#and I swear if I hadn't been in a public setting I'd legit have cried over it. it certainly ruined an otherwise really nice day for me#granted my 14y/o self probably had a bit of a dumb sense of humour (harmless. but dumb. what do you expect from a 14y/o?)#(hence I'm also hesitant to mention the channel name bc I'm not sure if I'm ready to potentially embarrass myself)#but I still feel an odd fondness looking back because I know how much those videos meant to her <3#especially my one favourite video which 1. was the sole reason I discovered one of my favourite tv shows ever#and 2. was probably the spark that really ignited my initial interest in animation and digital arts#bc for the first time I consciously realised that you can actually do cool and fun stuff even as just one single person#and that you don't need an entire animation team to just - express yourself creatively and bring your ideas to life#like I'm not even joking when I say if it wasn't for that channel I might have ended up in an entirely different education/career path#anyway I'm happy. but I'll stop now. oh gods I'm abusing the tags again instead of just writing all that *into* the actual post#internet archive#personal#selnia talks
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riftwalker-limbro · 2 years
The bubbles had accompanied them for the longest time. They only noticed the sound when it was gone.
They only knew the bliss they had been in when they were suddenly kneeling on a cold floor, trying to move limbs that felt like a stranger's, heavy as stone.
The pain they were in was pervasive, dull and sharp at the same time, but it was suddenly pierced by another sensation, much sharper and invasive - on their left thigh, and their right shoulder, they became aware of a searing pain, suddenly blazing-hot, as something pierced their skin.
The fresh pain helped them focus a little more on what was going on around them, however, and sounds and voices trickled in. Rough-sounding grunting in a language that sounded vaguely familiar but unintellegible, and the clicking of several metal parts coming down onto stone, together, in a rhythm.
They focused, and their vision flickered back online: someone swaggering away from them, the ends of his mechanical legs the only visible things, clawed like a raptor's feet, as he bragged about how "you're my prize now".
"No!" he commanded suddenly, and they heard the rattle of several guns being jerked back in surprise, as he continued muttering, too soft for them to hear now.
They lifted their head. A decently-sized squad of Grineer stood in front of them, the bird-legged one disappearing around the corner behind the squad.
A reservoir within them that had been empty before, that they hadn't known existed before, filled with power as their ears filled with a voice that inspired trust and brought back half-remembered scenes of battle. Awareness of danger flooded their senses as the memories - didn't quite come back fully, but touched the surface of where they were buried. Half-forgotten instincts reared up within them.
"I can't lose another Tenno," the voice in their ears said, "I'm surging your Warframe's power systems."
The reservoir overflowed, and suddenly, they were up from where they had been crouching on the floor, light exploding from their chest outwards, snuffing out the life in the Grineer who had remained in the building with them.
Their senses were back, they were standing up on their feet, and the feeling of danger was screaming at them in the back of their mind. They had to get out of there.
Another Grineer rounded the corner and saw the fallen soldiers. The new one registered as a target to them, somehow, and before he could shout for help, they had activated - something, and it pulled on the reservoir, and suddenly they were holding a shard of light, and it had just sliced through the soldier.
This, they could work with: memorizing the pattern of activation-movement-action, registering that it was as close to automatic as- as- they couldn't remember.
Their vision was still woozy, even though the pain had faded fast. The world didn't quite feel real. The voice guided them to weapons, saying to "arm yourself", and guided them onwards. It promised safety, extraction from this dangerous place. They were holding a sword, no longer made of light but cold dark steel, and then a handgun. They felt familiar, and Grineer fell before them like flies as they made their way through the camp. Their limbs were no longer made of stone as they clambered across the terrain fluidly, nearly flying across chasms.
"You made it," the voice in their ears said, "there's the extraction ship!"
A Liset - where did that name come from? - was suddenly in the sky above them, and briefly, hope roared within them, and they reached out a hand.
Then the Liset was pierced by a torpedo, and below it, they saw the bird-legged one again, holding a rocket launcher.
They saw red.
The next moments are more of a haze than the rest, but when they came to again, they were still standing, and running again, away from the burning-fresh wreckage. Urgency itched in their head, and they ran through the tunnel, dispatching any soldier they encountered. At the end of the tunnel, the terrain opened up again, and there was-
Another Liset, much dustier than the other one, with lights they could see flickering, fighting to stay on, through the cracked glass. This one was held down with chains, a crude Grineer measure to keep it from flight. They cut through the restraints easily with the shard of light, as the voice in their ears instructed them to. Then, another new voice rang out, this one more familiar than the other one, and bringing with it feelings and memories again, more of battle, but also of home.
Ordis said - because that's his name, their ship Cephalon's name was- is Ordis - said his engines needed to cycle first before they could leave, so they easily defended the Liset against the Grineer trying to mount an attack to keep the ship and - Warframe? Tenno? - there, while he warmed up the systems. When their roar had reached deafening levels, Ordis shouted "Operator!", and a hatch on the Liset's underside opened. More muscle memory than anything else, they jumped up, twisting, allowing the magnets to take hold of their body, and felt the ship groan as it shook off the final particles of dust and chain, Ordis hastily turning it upwards and launching it into orbit.
With the immediate danger gone, the world again dipped into a haze. Their vision was edged with static, and the pain in their thigh and shoulder returned, throbbing dully now. There were devices attached to their greyish skin there, piercing through the steel. Tentatively giving them a tug lanced more pain through their mind, so they let them be.
Ordis had started chattering away, talking to the Lotus - that was the name of the other voice, they recalled now - the sound of their voices comforting though the meaning of the words wasn't coming through entirely, up until Ordis' voice glitched out. It was sudden and harsh, and shocked them into paying attention. Quickly, he seemed to regain control over himself, but - that wasn't familiar. Something was still wrong. The danger wasn't gone, not entirely.
Ordis pointed out several components that were missing from the Orbiter, sounding annoyed about it, and then - "Why did the Operator abandon me?"
He sounded so forlorn, and briefly, they got angry at this Operator character. Before it clicked in their head. That was them - he'd called them that - they were the Operator - they had abandoned him.
But… they just found him?
No, that isn't quite right - he'd felt familiar from the moment they'd found him, as had the voice of the Lotus.
Why couldn't they remember?
They spotted the missing Arsenal segment sitting against a corner of the Orbiter, and quickly picked it up and inserted it, prompting another round of intensified glitches from Ordis. They felt bad, though they had no idea what had even happened, and they wanted to help. This segment had been easy enough - the Lotus pointed out a location where they could recover the next, and a few blinks later, they were back on Earth.
Making their way across the uneven terrain, they could suddenly hear another voice, speaking in time with the throbbing of the devices stuck within their skin. This one was - no, it wasn't new. It was the bird-legged one from before - the one who had planted the devices on them. His name was… Vor? And he promised something ominous, though they weren't able to entirely parse his words through the haze that clouded their world.
In the Orbiter again, installing the segment, the Lotus saying this one would help to analyze the Ascaris devices on them. Ordis continuing to struggle with his glitches, now sounding more like he's fighting with himself. The Operator was growing concerned for him, but there was no time - another mission was already lined up for them again. They didn't question it, didn't question the lack of tiredness in their limbs, didn't question how neither the Lotus nor Ordis seemed concerned about working several missions without a break. It felt deceptively normal already, and time blurred, the haze in their mind increasing with every hour.
A Corpus arms dealer named Darvo was freed from a Grineer prison facility. Vor's voice grew louder, and this time, his voice was accompanied not only by throbbing in the devices within their skin, but in their skull also. The Mods segment was restored, and Ordis glitched out some more, adding more worries to the Operator's mental maelstrom. Darvo had information, as they'd hoped. The Foundry segment was recovered from a derelict colony. Vor's disgusting whispers invading their mind were accompanied with lancing pain that forces them to still for a few moments, to recover. They limped until the throbbing faded from their leg, unable to favor it for long in the middle of battle.
The countermeasure required more things they need to go out and get. Darvo mentioned the cold of their next target location, but they couldn't feel any of it. Vor's interruption almost brought them to their knees this time, and this time, he followed them back into the Orbiter - Ordis could tell, even - and they only just managed to get Ordis to build the countermeasure in time before they passed out from the building pain. Wrenching the devices out of their skin with the countermeasure, they saw the holes closing themselves, as if their skin was made of liquid, but when they touched the areas afterwards, their armor was hard and impenetrable once more.
They thought they were free, but then - below their skin, something roiled and rumbled, and the pain was back almost worse than before. Lotus directed them to the next mission, and it was all they could do to stumble towards navigation. Vor's angry shouting was now out of rhythm with the throbbing, accompanied by an angry undercurrent of pain. When they finally faced him again, the rage that had built inside of them at the hassle he had put them through was enough to burn through the haze. Their sight was clear, their aim true, and when they dealt him the final blow, the Ascaris remnants under their skin - disintegrated. They were free from the pain.
They barely managed to make it back onto the Orbiter, before they fell to their knees and blacked out, Ordis shouting worriedly in their ears, in a move that they note feels awfully familiar.
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a-reality-dream · 10 months
Congrats on everyones spotify wrapped i'm a miserable yt premium bitch😞
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ikemenomegas · 1 year
the myy oc is simultaneously the one to make obnoxious little squeeing noises whenever megumi does literally anything and make tsumiki bring along disposable cameras on vacation because it's the only way to get her to admit what she's *actually* looking at, and the one to literally puke in the bushes or hide against a wall when Satoru does something that gives them secondhand embarrassment
literally the can't take it but can dish it out guardian XD
#like they're good at making sure not to hurt satoru's feelings lol because sometimes he does incredibly cringey things on purpose#and sometimes he just does things and they accidentally don't turn out well haha#megumi just grits his teeth and bears it#i wish i had more time in which to flesh out tsumiki's character and relationship with this oc tbh#i think they're dynamic would be so objectively bizarre#bc tsumiki is a people pleaser who's secretly resentful/dissatisfied#(like people forget she's also an abandoned child. whose mom ran off with effing toji of all people. she absolutely has mommy issues)#vs the myy oc who is attempting to be a recovering people pleaser and is also secretly kind of disappointed in the world lol#so it's the two of them giving each other stepford smiles while also legitimately trying to bond#this is myy oc's opportunity to attempt doing normal people activities and trying to find out of any of them are actually fun XD#with tsumiki who is also trying to find out if any normal people activities are actually fun#and tsumiki probably realizing she has depression one day rip because none of these activities bring her even a spark of joy or curiosity#she's just anxious the whole time because she's silently calculating how much money the outing is costing#even when she knows she won't be paying#and myy oc is anxious because they have no idea if this is the “type of thing girls this age are supposed to do”#the irony is if myy.oc actually took tsumiki to do something a little degenerate/delinquent like take her to a shooting range#she'd have a ball alkjsaf#ooh a rage room and then piano lessons and maybe one of those trampoline/gymnastics places#tsumiki's ideal day she didn't know she needed#io.myy#jjk#fushiguro tsumiki#from the margins
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