#one piece dads
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honeyshiddendesire · 2 days ago
Cold Carrots
Warnings: trouble/mentions of infertility, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of menstrual cycles, Law being an overprotective wacko lol FLUFF and maybe some ANGST
Summary: more dad headcanons
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🥕 So everyone in these Headcanons had a smooth run but why not make it more realistic!
🥕 So despite his devil fruit what if he struggled with weak and low sperm count. Both of you banging raw for yearssss!
🥕 When you tell him you're pregnant all he replies with is a simple "I know. You missed your period weeks ago" So much for a cutesy announcement lol
🥕 Yes Law is beyond ecstatic but because of his weak sperm he tries to remain neutral incase of the sad chance your child doesn't last in the womb.
🥕 But your unborn child has your strong will and his stubborn attitude and takes wonderfully.
🥕 Because this is the first time his sperm has actually took expect him to be super OVERPROTECTIVE!!
🥕 Honestly you should've known that he knew you were pregnant since he didn't let you out of his sight.
🥕He needs CONSTANT reassurance that you and the baby are okay. He worries double than the usual amount
🥕 Works harder but less if that makes sense lol
🥕Like the man will not pause for food breaks just to finish as much as possible so he can hurry up and get back to you
🥕BUTTTT!!! You have prenatal anxiety which causes you to forget to eat which makes him remember to eat so that you eat lol (that's a mouthful lol)
🥕 Will make you the most nutritious foods, snacks, teas and drinks all throughout the day
🥕 Since he knows the human body well, him and Zoro are massage kings. Except unlike Zoro he won't get handsy as fast lol
🥕 Does all the ultrasounds and checkups don't even tell him no or he'll throw a fit lol
🥕 Best believe he delivers his own baby lol
🥕 When the baby is delivered and he feels the weight of his little bundle of joy in his arms he finally gives a sigh of relief.
🥕 After you have the first hour of skin to skin as mother and child then Law will also do the same knowing that it's also important for father and child as well for bonding.
🥕Will totally slip the baby inside of his sweater against his bare chest and zip it up to keep the baby warm
🥕If you so much as see a tear leave his eyes then no you didn't lol
🥕 If you do mention the tears then he'll come up with some sassy response, "Oh please of course I'm crying it's a biological response when one holds their own child from the first time."
🥕 I can see his favorite picture of the baby would be when you fall asleep the first night shes born and the baby opens her eyes to stare at him.
🥕 Even though she first opened her eyes to look at Law he will deny it just so he can see your excitement in the morning when the baby looks at you and you think it's the first time
🥕 As much as he likes being right there's some things that aren't worth debating especially seeing how happy you looked when you shed some tears at her pretty eyes opening
🥕 Since his sperm was weak he wouldn't expect another kid, nor would he think it was possible so he would be one of those parents to make all the little crafts.
🥕 Paintings with the baby's hands and feet, or the ceramics of her feet that you hang on the wall or his desk all sorts of things.
🥕 Has a bunch of pictures of you and the baby but probably has more with her and Bepo lol they're just so cute lol
🥕 Bepo will take the baby for naps so you and Law can have a moment to relax and since the baby thinks Bepo is a walking blanket you both have no issues with him and your child
🥕 Law is supportive if you breastfeed or if you need formula for the baby but if you do breastfeed he will share a bunch of recipes that help with production.
🥕If you just pump and don't breastfeed then he will take over all nighttime feedings for you with no worry.
🥕Diaper changing is easy for the man, any bodily fluids will be no match for the pirate surgeon
🥕 Would totally bring the baby with him into his office so you could rest or do whatever it is you want to do
🥕 Prioritizes your mental health probably the most out of all the girl dads because he understands the chemical response that pregnancy and hormones can cause.
🥕 LOVES your changed body but if you ever feel insecure he will know all the right exercises that will help you get fit will also preventing strain on your body that just endured labor.
🥕 He's always had issues of when to call an end to his work and go to you in bed but now he doesn't mind leaving his office to cuddle you and his baby to sleep.
🥕Follows all the rules of when and what to introduce your baby. Will only pick the best fruits and vegetables to offer to her
🥕 Will panic like you've never seen before when months pass and shes not eating any food for him. He tries everything, even going against his own wishes of adding a sprinkle of sugar to some carrots that he made
🥕 Totally wants to give up and wait another year until shes ready but one morning walks into the kitchen to see you feeding your daughter carrots.
🥕 "Don't worry Law it just takes some trail and error." You tell him and he gasps in shock. "How! How did you?" Law will ask as he watches your daughter smile and babble away. You laugh and explain that she only likes her veggies cold, no matter the sugar he adds to them it still doesn't compare to the yummy taste of it being chilled. "Guess she's like me. I lovvvve cold carrots." You laugh and Law will smile as he looks at the both of you. Yeah she was definitely like you.
🥕 Will sneak a picture of you feeding the baby for the first time that she actually enjoys it, her smile wide and toothless, skin orange with mashed carrots smeared all over, chunky fingers wiggling in happiness.
🥕 It was moments like these that he didn't mind one bit not being King of the Pirates
🥕 Teaches your daughter to read early on and is excited to see how smart she is.
🥕 First word is totally Bepo lol dont fight me on this
🥕Next word is 'captain' for sure lol can totally see her looking at Law and being like "Captain!" Law's face would pale as you and the crew burst out laughing. "Dammit." He'll sigh as he runs a hand along his face as you pat his back
🥕 Will try to play it cool when she finally shouts a happy 'daddy' upon seeing him after he leaves for a few days. You and Bepo would deny that you constantly said it all day for days lol
🥕 You will catch him in his office having conversations with her but its just random babbles mixed in with a few words that she's learned lol "Baba dada bado dobadee daddy" Law would push up his reading glasses with a head nod and write in his note pad as if he's taking down notes like a therapist. "Then what happened dear." He'll say back and it would take everything in your power not to burst out laughing as you hear her continue on.
🥕 Will try and help with her hair and outfit choices but he has no fashion sense when it comes to his princess. Her hair will look like a rats net but he makes up for it with cute accessories that he buys her.
🥕 Will leave the outfits to you but takes control of the training
🥕 Without a doubt buys her play doctor sets after he gave her a real set and discovered the horror of all her dolls being pried open as if she was preforming heart surgery.
🥕 Plays doctor with her as much as possible "Daddy tweezers!" "Yes doctor. Tweezers!" "Scalpel!" "Scalpel doctor!" Her gasp as she performs her surgery makes you hold in a giggle. "Gauze! Gauze stat! We have a torn artery!" Law wants to jump for joy at her naming correct organs and tools but takes his role as a doctor seriously even if it is playtime. "I'll page the other doctors right away."
🥕 Gets her a lab coat lol
🥕 Your daughter takes to all thinks medicine and Law just eats it up lol
🥕 Since they live on the submarine your daughter also turns out to love marine life which Law fuels her passion of course by getting her as many books as he can. He thinks she'll be a vet but he doesn't worry as long as she's happy and flourishing.
🥕 Your daughter gets his brains, your strong willed attitude and Law's stubborn spunk which makes for a whirlwind as she gets older.
🥕 When your daughter gets her period he will literally put a hand to your shoulder and say , "Don't worry I got this."
🥕 Will have no issue with the menstrual cycle/ puberty discussion UNTIL he mentions how often it happens
🥕 You'll walk back in hearing lots of crying and see Law in a panic lol "I know it sucks baby but the cool thing is~ daddy will buy you all the chocolate, ice cream and steak you want!"
🥕 Every bathroom on the Polar Tang is stocked lol even gives his little girl an emergency kit in a cute discreet bag
🥕 Will teach your daughter to use a sword but its not her thing unfortunately
🥕 As his daughter studies all her books she will snack on cold carrots and other raw vegetables and still it makes Law smile remembering his little baby.
🥕 When his daughter is around 13 you announce that you 're pregnant with another and Law practically faints. It was a miracle to have his daughter with his weak sperm but now years later you give him another miracle?! Yeah expect him to pass out.
🥕 Your daughter totally gets jealous hearing that she'll have to share her father. Then enters the MOODY TEEN PHASE.
🥕 Despite her moody attitude to your pregnancy Law tries his hardest to always be there for the both of you.
🥕 His usual office buddy now holes herself up in her room but Law will knock on her door with a plate of her favorite veggies "Hey princess. I brought you a snack and a new book I thought you'd like it." As stubborn as she is she can't say no to her father she loves him too much
🥕 Those stubborn guards around her heart will crumble when she holds her little brother for the first time.
🥕 As much as Law and you want to hold the baby you have to pry it from her hands lol that's her baby now
🥕 (sidenote if your teens aren't compassionate for their family members then I feel sad for y'all 😭 cause my teenage nieces and nephews are the sweetest ppl you'll ever meet)
🥕 Your daughter will be caught holding her brother every chance she gets. Feeding him and dressing him up but will totally pass the baby off to her dad when it's time for a diaper change
🥕 Law now has two office buddy's lol
🥕 Totally gets her brother to like cold Carrots too and as she feeds her baby brother with a 13 year age difference, Law can't help but snap a photo to add to his collection
🥕 Law didn't think he'd have a son 13 years after his daughter but he definitely didn't think that same son would go and marry one of Kid's daughters
🥕 Totally gets backed into an alliance with Luffy and Eustass but what can you do?
When you have little carrot cuties as adorable as his how can you say no to anything that involves them?
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backwzzds · 1 year ago
zoro would be one those fathers that most people assume would be terrible, but unsurprisingly, he’s very good with kids, as told canonically.
he’ll only have one daughter. he can’t handle anymore brats.
when your daughter was born, he’d bought up possibly naming her after his late childhood best friend. you knew how much she meant to him, so it was no problem making sure your daughter carried on her name, and hopefully her future dream. roronoa kuina.
lots of people assume zoro’s a strict dad, but most days, he’s pretty chilled back.
he came off as not having any interest in learning how to do kuina’s type 3-4 hair, but when you secretly caught him watching a youtube video as he practiced on one of your wig mannequins you knew he wanted to learn from the start
when kuina’s a toddler, you teach him how to do simple styles on her hair. to detangle from the bottom, always make sure her hair was moisturized, and just learn the small things about her. like how she was tenderheaded—something she inevitably inherited from you.
he’ll take her to get braids from the african aunties whenever you’re busy or stuck at work. kuina, already knowing the routine would sit on the chair and zoro’s big body would be squeezed between two parents talking on the phone for nearly nine hours straight, occasionally heading out to grab some food for himself and kuina. the things he would do for that girl.
kuina would be in the big chair swinging her little feet as she watched youtube video’s on her daddy’s phone. she’d always smile at the fact that you were his lock screen and she was his home screen—a picture of him coddling with her to sleep when she was just a baby. lord knows how much them two love they sleep!
he’d be so overprotective, he would teach kuina her parents’ full name, address, emergency phone numbers, and everything in between by the time she’s 6. no stranger would ever had a chance to mess with the daughter of roronoa zoro.
despite his off putting (and quite rude) personality, he’d be the best one to give advice. only to you and his little kuina though. most wouldnt even consider it advice, but baby kuina always loved it when her daddy told her what he thinks she should do in a troubling situation.
“papa what do you think i should do?” the little girl frowns. “i really think i hurt the girl’s feelings. but i didn’t mean to!”
zoro pops his one good eye open from its closed resting position as he sat on the couch with his arms folded. “are you sorry?”
kuina gives him solemn eyes and nods her head. “really sorry.”
with a quick whit, zoro answers straight, “apologize. don’t make the situation about you. she’s the one you hurt, make sure she realizes that you know that.”
kuina allows her father’s words to sink in her brain in order to fully process everything he’d said. when a bright idea comes to her head, she wraps her arms around her father and places a wet kiss on his cheek, yelling, “thank you papa!” before skipping off to make amends with her friend.
would sueprise teachers and parents when he shows up to some PTA’s alone. you were caught up at work, so zoro took up parental volunteering opportunities on his own. of course, he only did these things for you and kuina, so he didn’t care that the single parents were eye goggling him with lust. not when kuina bragged to all her friends about how cool her dad was.
zoro tries to create an emotion-based home. he doesn’t want kuina growing up in a cold home like you and him did, so he always made it his best to publicly express his emotions or whatever he was feeling at home. he made sure kuina saw him love on you in order to see and know that her parents always loved each other—not just for show—and made sure that she knew it was okay to express her own emotions because she was a lot like him, more than he’d have liked.
when he catches kuina stiffile in her cry about him having to miss a chunk of her school play due to a very heinous and reaosnable excuse (traffic was a bitch), he pulls her off to the side and allows her space to express how she feels.
“you can cry. it’s okay to cry, marimo.” zoro kneels down to kuina’s height as she hangs her head low, too embarrassed to look up and reveal her tears. the one bond they had, was him calling her marimo because if you looked at the both of them—they were damn near identical twins. you were convinced your genes didn’t even fucking try to make it to the egg on time. only he could call her that though. that was their thing.
zoro gives her a genuine apology. he hated seeing his pretty princess cry, but he knew she had to do it. “i’m sorry. i got here as quick as i could, hm? i’d never miss anything about you on purpose.”
at the sound of her father’s soft voice, kuina looks up and wipes away some of her tears. “you promise papa?” her voice is sultry as you wipe at your back, heart warming at the beautiful wholesome interaction between the two.
behind zoro’s back were a mini bouquet of flowers and candy. “course i do kid. c’mere, i’m gonna make it up to you.”
lord knows zoro wasn’t the best father. he didn’t even think he was a good father—this was all new to him. but sometimes, he’d liked to believe that what he was doing in the present was enough to give kuina the future he never got to have.
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alexa-yukiyu · 1 year ago
Can you create a story about Mihawk's son who gets injured or kidnapped ?
More Mihawk please 🙏
( sorry for the grammar or spelling mistakes am not good at English )
A/N: Again, I don't know. if this is good, but you guys are popping off with Midnight Lessons so maybe this is up to your tastes? Thank you for the request Anon! Feel free to drop by my ask box to requests or simply to say hi!
Also don't worry English is also not my first language!
Dividers by @/saradika
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Papa to the rescue ( Mihawk x male!reader)
Sniffles and stifled sobs could be heard in a cold, dark cell of a ship sailing somewhere on the East Blue.
“Shut up, you damn brat!” Growls Don Krieg.
Glaring at the child, he walks toward the cell, a smirk suddenly replacing his sneer.
“Do you know why you are here, you little twerp?
He sniffles, shaking his head
“Oh my my, aren’t we scared? A shame your papa can’t come and save you; what a disappointment.”
Krieg laughs mockingly and looks toward the small child.
“It’s because of him that you are here, brat so that I can finally have revenge on that bastard! It will be perfect for breaking down your stubborn, cocky father. I bet having to see his little boy die will make the bastard come around, kneeling in front of me and begging for mercy. Or he’s too much of a coward. Either way, win-win for me.”
“Papa wouldn’t do that.”
“Oh no, you misunderstand. Your papa won’t see you die. He’ll see you in agony, a slow, excruciating death by starvation or a beating, a torture that will make you beg for death. All by my hands, too.”
“He wouldn’t bow down to you! “
Krieg grips the small boy by the collar and picks him up to his eye level. His dark scowl is met by the red face of the boy, tears filling his eyes.
“He will, little brat.” His voice is low, threatening.
“Or you die.”
“He won’t! Because he will slash you! You can’t beat papa.”
Krieg’s grip tightens at the mention of Mihawk, his sneer returning in full force.
He growls out a sharp response as a fire of rage sparked in his eyes, his hands tightening around the kid’s neck.
“I will! And he will beg me for mercy before you die in front of him!”
He said, dropping Reader to the ground.
It all happened in an instant; Reader’s mind could barely keep up with what happened in the next few minutes.
He remembered that screams started coming from upstairs. He remembered Kreig turning towards the dungeon entrance, equally confused about the sudden chaos that had erupted from upstairs.
The next thing that happened Reader could remember clearly, as the familiar silhouette of their father came down the stairs into the dungeon.
“Papa!” They cheer as he closes in to the cell Reader was in and towards Don Krieg, who stands in front of it
Krieg made quick work of the cell lock, running inside and grabbing the kid, putting them in a chokehold, and holding a gun to his neck.
“So you finally show yourself, you bastard! Better start kneeling, or you can say goodbye to the brat,” he cackles.
Reader is quick to dig their tiny teeth into Don Krieg’s hand, taking advantage as he winces and slightly lessens his hold to raise his head to headbutt him, quickly running to his dad the moment Don Krieg let go of him to hold their bleeding nose.
His head snaps back as the young man headbutts him; Krieg grunts in pain. A burst of blood spurts down from his nose
He scoffs,
“Damn brat!”
“You’re not going anywhere!” he growls, pointing his gun towards the child and taking the shot.
The next few seconds, although hard to keep up with, Reader was quick to understand what had just happened as his father now stood in front of him, Yoru unsheathed and a sliced bullet landing on each side of Reader.
“Reader. Wait upstairs,” his words curt, but one could hear the aggravation in his tone.
Reader nods, running upstairs to wait for his dad; he does not have to wait long, however, as Mihawk joins him no more than a minute later.
He gently picks him up and jumps onto his small raft.
“Are you hurt?”
The child looks up at him, his eyes watering.
“I’m okay ’cause Papa is here,” he says, hugging him tightly.
“Good,” he says as he puts a hand around the child and smiles.
“I’ll make sure it stays that way,” setting his course back to Karai Barai Island.
“How did you find me?”
“Do not worry about that.”
They smile, a slight idea as to who aided his father in finding him.
“Im glad you found me, Papa; I was scared,”
It’s okay, son,” he says, rubbing his head.
“Let us get you to bed.”
Reader nods, watching dazed as the splashing waves soon turn into flowing grass and soon into the familiar floors as they arrive at their headquarters, soon arriving at their own room as Mihawk gently lays Reader down on the bed.
“Can you stay with me tonight, Papa?”
“I will only stay for a short while; there are things I must attend to.” He responds, sitting down on a chair next to his son
Reader smiles, staring at his father as he slowly lulls himself to sleep after a long and terrifying day.
Despite his words, Mihawk could be seen sitting down next to his son all night; of course, no member of Crossguild would ever comment on this, and neither would they ever comment on the soft look he had on his face as he stared at his son, finally home safe
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What do you guys think? Was it as good as Midnight Lessons or kinda, eh? Please let me know so I know what I can improve on next time! Do we like child! reader more than the romantic pieces? Who's next?
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cryingpariah · 5 months ago
Felt so strongly about that Dragon/Yassop post that I went out and found a One Piece Dad tier ranking to properly express my thoughts
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chloesimaginationthings · 4 months ago
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Ballora from FNAF sister location is quirky at night
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brancasyard · 1 year ago
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No one wants Luffy 😭😭
No wonder he’s terrified of being alone
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percivore · 1 year ago
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Our favorite one piece doctors 💕
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abrilk · 1 year ago
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Matching outfits 🐉🙈
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noraschweeps · 7 months ago
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sanji's already dead for this
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deecotan · 8 months ago
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classic dad joke
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suntails · 7 days ago
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kbondoxxxxav · 1 year ago
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they’re neighbors au
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backwzzds · 2 years ago
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ princess & the frog, trafalgar law
law would do anything to make his little princess happy
thinking about baby daddy!law who’s spending the day at home with his precious girl while you went out with your girls for the night. law constantly worked as a medical student while you stayed home with baby lea, but this time you convinced him to take the day off so you can finally go out.
the hot summer july sun practically shoved its heat inside the house as the AC did nearly nothing to keep the atmosphere chilled. law remained shirtless for the morning as baby lea only sat in a cute shirt, diaper freshly changed.
the little girl rested her head of unruly curls on her father’s tatted chest as she sucked on her sippy cup full of porridge (you were caribbean, there was no way your baby wasn’t gonna grow up eating porridge for breakfast) and watching her favorite movie, the princess and the frog. occasionally, she’d used her small tiny finger to trace over the dark skin of law’s ink.
even he sat with his eyes fully invested in the disney movie, and he couldn’t help but think about you and him as parallels to the beautiful story. it was interesting the way your lives played out. you two’ve known each other since teenagers, been through undergrad together and now here you were, engaged and the mother of his child.
it’s a bit…uncanny to say that lea was completely planned—far from it—but you both where only 20 and 22 when she was born, so it was safe to say that she practically lived through college with you both and your group of friends you were proud to call family.
lea sat babbling strings of incoherent phrases, the only words being audible was dada and daddy as she watched her favorite movie. it wasn’t until she caught law’s attention by calling out for him louder with a smile on her face as she turned to look up at him.
“daddy!,” law looked down at her with a small grin as he let out a hum, a sign she learned to understand that he was all hers. “cookie,” lea gave a near toothless grin as she shoved her cookie into her father’s mouth. what law didn’t realize was that the cookie was damn near soft from being soaked in her drool for a few minutes.
usually, if it were anyone else, law would have spit the cookie out and been furious that he just ate a drool filled snack from a sticky fingered kid. but his baby girl was so cute, he had no choice but to eat the cookie whole, and with the biggest grin on his face. lea giggled at his expression before exclaiming, “cookie!”
law looks over at the mini packet of sweets that he mindlessly allowed his princess to devour, and couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight of all the crumbs the bed was littered in. lea crawled up to his face and placed a wet kiss on his lips before shoving another soggy cookie in his mouth. “cookie!”
it was ironic, really. you were more of the softer one when it came to letting your baby girl eat up sugary things with moderation, and law being the doctor always advised against you spoiling her sweet tooth (the one she actually inherited from him but fails to admit it). but he figured that he loved seeing baby lea happy, and if that meant feeding into her sugar crash that was bound to happen later on, he was gonna do it.
with a smug grin, he placed a kiss on lea’s light brown skin and hugged her small body tight to his own. “yeah, mommy’s gonna kill me when she finds out just how much sugar i let you eat today.”
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alexa-yukiyu · 1 year ago
Teasing Distractions (Mihawk x male!child!reader)
A/N: To both the anon that requested the other scenario ( surprise! You get both injured and kidnapped scenario) and to all of you who are going ham over Mihawk x child! reader. I genuinely really like how this one turned out, Reader is a little bit older in this one, probably 8 ish
Dividers by @/saradika
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“What happened.” Mihawks questions
Reader flinches as his dad dabs the cuts with alcohol.
“I, umm, went for a walk?”
He simply glances up at him, his piercing yellow eyes narrowing at him.
“You’re a terrible liar.”
“What really happened and don’t leave out any details.”
Reader huffs, knowing it was hopeless to think his father would buy such an excuse
“Are you going to tell me?”
He said as his eyebrow raised.
It was clear that he was no longer in the mood for lies and excuses.
“I went to fight the Humandrills…”
“And?” he said, leveling his gaze with the boy
“…They beat me up.”
He raises an eyebrow.
“The humandrills beat you up?” he chuckled, with a genuine look of amusement on his face.
“Dad!” he whines
“What did you think they would do? Give you flowers?”
He groans
“What was your game plan? What were you hoping to prove by approaching them?”
“I wanted to get stronger, like you!”
“And did you become stronger?” He asked as amusedly.
He pouts.
He lets out a low chuckle.
“No… You definitely did not become stronger.”
“Come with me,” he said, standing up and exiting the room.
“B-but what about-
He looked down at his cuts, noticing that they had all been cleaned and the deeper ones had been bandaged; he had effectively distracted him from the pain to the point he had not even realized he had continued tending to his wounds at all.
He grins, knowing that was why he had suddenly started teasing him.
He stands up, running after his father.
“Where are we going?”
“You said you wanted to become stronger, yes? We’re going to train.”
“You’re going to train me?!”
“Yes. After this, you won’t have to worry about the human drills anymore. You will have a real chance at beating them if you ever challenge them again.”
“Yes! Can I use Yoru?” He exclaims, running after him.
“Absolutely not,”
“Awe, why not!”
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This one is quite short, but I like it; not too much wordage, just straight teasing dad moments!
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jei-rifni · 9 months ago
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Picnic hike
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chinelacanta · 1 year ago
i like to think that ever since they met it was mutually ON SIGHT bullying <3
they’re both losers (said with love)
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