#one of us is walking out of the room pregnant
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motorsportbarbie13 · 22 hours ago
The Yapping Hour is Upon Us - Theo's First Race
Having a child changes Max in a way he never could have predicted.
warnings: none, this is 100% self indulgent fluff. Pairing: max verstappen x podcaster!reader word count: 3.1k words
yourusername posted
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459,029 likes liked by maxverstappen1, assistantshannon, jennythenanny, and others yourusername texas will always hold a special place in my heart. last year, we learned i was pregnant for the fourth time with what we hoped was our miracle baby. this year we get to bring that miracle baby to the track with us for the very first time. my entire heart is so full watching this all come full circle. i cannot wait to show theo how amazing his daddy is when he gets in that car. maxverstappen1 my two favorite people here this weekend. i can already tell this is going to a good race <3 user0198 i cannot handle the amount of dad max content we get. user111 max carrying Theo kangaroo style in a baby carrier??? sobbing rn >>>user0019 SERIOUSLY jennythenanny ah! so excited to be with you guys this weekend!!! >>>yourusername theo is so excited to be back with his bestie! >>>jennythenanny eeeee! cannot wait! >>>user020 why is this the cutest exchange i've ever read
“Maybe we should leave Theo here with Jenny today instead? Max says, concern settling into the corners of his eyes. 
You look over at him, eyebrow raised, from your seat on the floor of the hotel suite. In front of you, five month old Theo is on his tummy staring up at you with his signature gummy little grin. The three of you were in Texas for the US GP, which was supposed to be Theo’s first time in the paddock but apparently, your husband was having second thoughts. 
“What? Why?” You ask, confused. 
Max had checked the weather (multiple times) this morning and had declared that it wasn’t going to be too hot for Theo to be out and about. The sun was out and there was a gentle breeze whispering through the trees outside your hotel room. Max was leading the championship for the first time this season and he was starting on pole. COTA was historically a really good track for him and you were confident in his chances at winning. Plus, COTA meant a lot to you. It was right here in this very hotel that you had found out you were pregnant with the little elf that was babbling up at you right now. 
Max wrings his hands together, casting a worried glance down at his two favorite people in the world. With how dramatic Theo had come into the world so early, Max had found himself being a little extra protective over him. And you for that matter. He had refused to hear any talk about bringing Theo to the track before this weekend and after seeing all of the crowds at the track yesterday for the practice and sprint qualifying, he was having second thoughts 
“There were just so many people and I don’t want him to get lost.” 
You chuckle before reaching forward to take Theo in your arms. Standing up, you cross the room to where Max stands and hand him his son. Max instinctively reaches out, cuddling Theo to his chest. Watching Max become a dad over the last five and a half months had been one of the most rewarding things you’d ever been privileged to witness. He had slipped into the dad role so effortlessly it had surprised Max, probably due to his own childhood and difficult past with his father. You weren’t surprised though. You had known the moment that Theo was born that Max had been born to be a father. It really was that simple. 
“Baby, he can’t walk. He won’t get lost, I promise he’ll never be out of his sling for more than five minutes.”
“No one holds him other than you and Jenny?” 
You blow out a breath, unsurprised at how he’s gone into papa bear mode. You had seen it on his face yesterday during sprint qualifying. He had surveyed the paddock crowds with a deeper than usual frown on his face, making comments whenever he heard an errant cough or someone clear their throat. ‘Cesspool of germs’ was a phrase he used more than once, now that you thought you it. 
“Yes, my love. He will stay in the sling with me and Jenny no matter what. I have his ear defenders here too and we’ll keep to hospitality. But I know he’d love to see where daddy works. You know how much the sound of those engines sooth him.” 
Max pokes a finger into Theo’s chubby cheek, cooing nonsense at him as Theo giggles back. His mind flickered back to one particularly hard night right after you had brought him home from the hospital during the summer break. Theo had been a bit of a colicky baby back then and the hours between 1 and 3 am were often the worst. He would scream and cry for hours, unable to be soothed back to sleep despite all of his needs being met. This night, in particular, was difficult and you had been on hour four of trying to get him to settle. In a desperate attempt to try something, anything that might work, Max had turned on an old race, but just the ambient sounds of one of his wins from YouTube, without any commentators voices. The sounds of the engines revving had instantly calmed Theo down. 
Both you and Max had stood there in your apartment, lights dark with the exception of the glow emanating from the tv in front of you, as Theo had stared unblinkingly at the television, tears still puddled in his little neck folds, but totally quiet and enthralled. 
Max’s eyes dart over to yours and you smile, reaching out a hand to touch his elbow. “I know you’re nervous, baby but Theo will be fine. He’s going to have so much fun, and I know once you get to the paddock with him in your arms, you will too.” 
He sighs, knowing that you’re right. You usually are when it comes to matters involving Theo. “Okay, but first person to cough on him gets banned from the paddock.” 
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The Miami sprint race had been your first race all those years ago when Max had swept you off your feet that very first weekend he flew you to him so it seemed fitting that Theo’s first trip to a race was also a sprint race weekend. Max parked the sensible but giant Ford Explorer that he had insisted on driving this weekend in his designated spot before hopping out, telling you not to move. 
You giggle to yourself, amused that even after all this time, Max still insisted that you never touched a door handle while he was with you. Even on hectic days like these, you and Theo were always in the front of his mind. 
When Max opens your door, his hand immediately finds yours as he helps you out of the tall car. “Are you sure you’re ready for this?” He asks, dropping a kiss onto your forehead before moving to the back seat to get Theo from his carseat. 
“I’m so excited to be back, it feels like it’s been forever.” 
Which was true. After Theo had been born, he had needed to stay in the NICU for quite a while. Max had nearly missed the race in Spain the weekend after Monaco because he had refused to leave your side. In the end, it had been Daniel that had convinced him that missing Spain would be detrimental to his championship hopes. Max trusted Daniel with his life and knew that his friend, someone who he knew had a good head on his shoulders, wouldn’t give him bad advice. He knew what missing a race would mean to everyone on the team and back at the factory. 
He had won the race with a 15 second lead. 
Your credentials hang heavy around your neck as you pull the diaper bag out of the back of the car, Theo already nestled securely in Max’s arms. It always made you chuckle, the way Max always seemed to have Theo. You swore whenever he was around, that baby never touched the floor or his crib. 
The pressure in your chest squeezes as you watch Max tote his little boy towards the paddock entrance. Both you and Max had made a conscious decision to keep Theo’s face out of your social media, with the exception of very carefully curated images that you and Max tightly controlled so this was the first time Theo would be photographed by anyone but you and Max. You knew the fans, both yours and Max’s, wanted to see Theo and you hoped that bringing him into the paddock despite him being so young was well received and a positive experience. 
“Max! Who’ve you got there?” A photographer yells the moment Max scans his badge at the paddock entrance. Several photographers are standing by the gates, waiting on the driver arrivals. Max is dressed in his team kit, of course, and you’ve got your traditional navy blue on, today in the form of a loose maxi dress that would allow you to maneuver while caring for Theo during the race. Even Theo had a Red Bull onesie on with gray shorts pulled on over his chubby little legs. 
“The best team mascot in the paddock.” Max jokes, a smile crinkling at the corner of his eyes as he pauses to show off a now giggling Theo. 
Your heart catches in your chest when you see the look of pure happiness on your husband’s face. There were few things that brought out a smile that bright on Max and the fact that him showing off your baby to the world was one of those things had your heart hammering in your chest. You watched as Max showed Theo off to several of the photographers and Red Bull staff members, seemingly forgetting all about his hesitations from earlier. Theo loved it too, the sights and smells and sounds were so much for him to take in and he was so content to be in his daddy’s arms just taking it all in. 
“Mon petit lion!” A voice rings out as the three of you walk towards Red Bull’s garage. You grin, watching as Charles fusses over Max refusing to give up custody of Theo but eventually relents. “Give me my godson, you heartless man. Keeping the poor little man away from the track for five months! Horrific!” 
“He’s a literal infant, Charles.” Max argues, a full on pout popping out of his full bottom lip. You suddenly have to quell the urge to bite it, he looks so handsome. 
“Your gorgeous wife told me how much he loves the sound of my Ferrari.” Charles argues back, bouncing Theo up and down, eliciting a peal of giggles tumbling from your baby’s lips. 
Max shoots you a glare that has ‘you’re a traitor’ written all over it. All you do is reach up on your toes to peck him on those full lips of his, completely ignoring the annoyed look he still regards you with. 
“It was the sound of my Red Bull that calmed him the first time.” 
“Keep telling yourself that, Max.” Charles chuckles before handing Theo back to you, giving you a quick peck on the cheek. “I’m so glad you two are here, the paddock ins’t the same without you.”  
“Thank you Charles.” You say, cuddling Theo into your shoulder just a little tighter. 
As the three of you continue on, your final destination being the garage so Max can check on the car, your pace is just a bit quicker than Max’s. He watches you for just a moment, the way Theo’s chubby arms wrap tightly around your neck as he takes in the buzzing activity of the paddock. His heart squeezes fiercely at the way your hips sway back and forth as you carry his baby on your hip. This was how it was always meant to be: his wife and his child at his side while he worked. He had always pictured this day in a way that always seemed like it would come sometime in the future. That was the strange thing about how life progressed. Suddenly, some day is here and you’re watching your wife cuddle your miracle baby. When Max thinks of that afternoon in London all those years ago when he made his way into the recording studio to be on some silly little podcast, he had no idea that this was where that interview would lead but here he was, every single one of the fantasies he had dared to hope for right in front of him. 
You turn back to Max, sensing that he’s fallen quite a bit behind. The look of awe on your husbands face as he watches you has your heart aching. You knew that the past few months had been hard on Max. He hated being away from you, had even tried to float the idea of retiring mid-season. You had flatly refused, saying that everyone in the factory and the garage was counting on him and eventually, he had agreed. But you knew being here was a balm to his lonely heart and you were wildly happy that Theo was finally old enough to accompany Max on this triple header. 
But looking at the way his eyes shined with unshed tears as he stands stock still in the middle of the paddock, just staring after what you know is his entire world, you feel something lock into place. Something that you’re going to have to discuss with him later tonight. 
“Come on, Maxie.” You call as you hoist Theo up higher on your hip. “You’ve got a meeting with Horner and I don’t want him yelling at me because you’re late.” 
Max seems to snap out of the trance he’s in then and chuckles. “Christian is terrified of you, liefje. He’d never yell.” 
You shrug, “I suppose you’re right.” 
Max slips his fingers into yours before giving them a squeeze. “Come on, let’s introduce the little lion to the garage.” 
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Max wins the sprint that day, just like the first sprint you watched him win all those years ago. The nostalgia you felt watching him pull up into that first parc ferme spot had something twisting deep in your stomach. It was so satisfying watching Max do what he loved while you held his little boy in your arms. 
It was a whirlwind of media after his win and then he was swept off for race debrief before qualifying for the Grand Prix the next day. By the time Theo’s bedtime rolled around, Max was still busy in engineering meetings. You sent him a quick text telling him you were taking Theo back to the hotel to put him down. Max had wanted to tell you to wait, he’d be right there, but he had known this wasn’t true. He knew that it was going to take several more hours to wrap up all his duties on the track so he reluctantly agreed. 
This was the part of racing he hated. The late nights, the long flights to every corner of the world except to where it mattered most, the danger that lurked on the track. He hated being away from you, had always hated being away from you. Despite his reservations about you quitting your job all before you had gotten pregnant with Theo, he was glad that you had spent those few years traveling with him. It wasn’t about the fact that you ‘followed him around’ like some publications liked to taunt. It was the fact that Max was able to do what he loved while providing for his family and keep you close at the same time. 
But things had shifted when Theo had been born and his priorities had changed. Having you at the track wasn’t an option anymore, not with how little Theo was. And even now, at 5 months old, he knew that this wasn’t sustainable. The options of what to do after this season all played in his head as he got into the car late that night to head back to the hotel. He knew he had a big decision to make, one that had been many years coming. 
It’s dark by the time Max fishes the keycard to the hotel room out of his back pocket. You have a two bedroom suite booked this weekend so he’s not worried about waking Theo, although he still holds out a little hope that he might be awake. It’s been hours since Max has seen him and the only thing worse than being away from you for an extended period of time is being away from both of you. 
The door whispers open and Max spots you laying down on the couch, staring blankly at the tv in front of you. On the coffee table sits the baby monitor and a bottle of wine. 
When you hear the door snick closed, you pick your head up, blinking sleepily towards the door. “You’re home.” You whisper, sitting up so Max can join you on the couch. 
He immediately pulls you into his lap, nuzzling deep into your neck. “I’m home.” He breathes, letting your perfume settle over his senses like a warm, familiar blanket. 
“I’m so proud of you. Sprint win and P3 for tomorrow.” 
“Thank you, schatje. How was your night? How’s the baby?” 
You hum softly, your lips finding Max’s in the dark. They’re warm and inviting and everything that sets your soul on fire. You’re fairly certain that you’ll still feel this way when you’re 90 years old kissing Max late at night. “He’s good. Just finished his last bottle of the night, went down like a champ.” 
“That’s my boy. I’m sorry I missed bedtime tonight.” 
You pull away so you can look at Max’s clear blue eyes. You’re a little surprised to see a bit of sadness sitting in those baby blues you love so much. “It’s okay baby. He did just fine without you.” 
Max frowns before pulling you closer. “And that’s what breaks my heart. I don’t want him to grow up without me.” 
You chuckle, “Oh, Max. He’s not going to grow up without you. If you really want, you can do the middle of the night feeding. He’ll be up in a few hours anyway.” 
Max nods, he usually did those late night feedings anyway. He loved the way the entire world was hushed and asleep. He felt cocooned in the most calming way and those nights where it was just him and Theo were some of his favorite. 
Silence stretches out between you. Your heartbeat matches up with Max’s eventually and your eyes get a little heavy with his warmth pressed up against you. You’d missed this kind of calm presence that Max brought to your life. It was always there, of course, but sometimes it was a little further than you liked during the season. Having him here now was so soothing, making you feel like you could conquer anything that came your way. 
After a few quiet moments, Max’s deep voice finally breaks the silence. 
“I think I’m done after this season, liefje.” 
You’d had this conversation countless times over the years, so much so that the words don't even make your heart race anymore. There’s something different in Max’s voice tonight, though. He sounds tired, worked over, resigned. Like the years spent on the road are finally catching up to him and you know, deep in your chest that it’s time. 
“I know, Max.” You whisper, dropping your forehead to his before brushing a kiss against his nose. “Come home to us. Theo and I are ready to have you all to ourselves now.” 
And that's exactly what happens.
maxverstappen1 posted
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5,039,504 likes liked by yourusername, redbullracing, f1, and others maxverstappen1 this sport has been part of my life for most of my time here on earth. i started in karting not long after i started walking. motorsport brought me to the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. 7 championships. the love of my life. my child. this sport has brought me to all of the most important milestones of my life. but all good things must come to an end. i've achieved everything i set out to do all those years ago and my priorities have shifted. at the end of may, i became a father and suddenly that pull to retirement got stronger. @/username knows how many times i threatened to quit mid-season so it wasn't a surprise to her when i came to her after texas and told her it was time. after twelve seasons racing in the pinnacle of motorsport, i'm officially announcing my retirement. to my team, thank you. you have forever shaped who i am. to my wife, i love you. you are all the good things in this world and i am so lucky you chose me to be your husband. to my theo, you changed me in a way no one else has. being your dad is the most important job i've ever had. i can't wait to watch you grow into the person you're destined to become. to my fans, thank you. your devotion means the absolute world to me and i would not have made it to where i am today. thank you, from the bottom of my heart. yourusername theo and i are so so proud of you. welcome home, my love. >>>user9292 *sobbing* charlesleclerc congratulations on a lifetime of acheivments. can't wait to see what you do now, my friend!! lando congrats GOAT. excited to finally not be asked 'how does it feel to lose to max verstappen?' EVER AGAIN >>>charlesleclerc now it'll be 'how does it feel to lose to charles???' >>>lando stfu redbullracing we're not crying, you're crying!!! lewishamilton you will be missed, max. enjoy retirement with that gorgeous family of yours!
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sunshinesfreckless · 1 day ago
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Pairing: Idol!Felix x Fem!Reader
Summary: How do you confront the man who got you pregnant when you signed a piece of paper that specifically told you to stay quiet?
A/N: I had this thought while rewatching Nana… when I saw this weird creature called Takumi becoming a father, and I just thought, hell yeah, I got an idea. Sorry if it seems a bit rushed—it was just a quick short story in my notes app again.
Warnings: I don’t know, man. Mentions of condoms and sex?
She could still feel the small plastic stick in her hand. How the two plus signs stared back at her. How, despite their pale colors, they had burned themselves deep into her mind.
Positive… positive… po—
“Miss Y/L/N,” the receptionist called.
Y/N looked up.
“The doctor is expecting you.”
Y/N grabbed her bag and jacket and stood up.
“Congratulations, Miss Y/L/N…” The doctor smiled as she handed her the document, confirming it once again. Positive. Y/N looked at the doctor, who immediately noticed the lack of enthusiasm. “We can discuss your options… in case you’re not ready to become a mother,” the doctor said cautiously. Y/N remained silent.
“Adoption… surrogacy… abo—”
Y/N shook her head.
“I… I’m not sure yet, you know?”
The doctor nodded understandingly.
“Problems with the father?”
Y/N let out a quiet sigh.
“Yeah… yeah, something like that.”
She put on her jacket and glanced over at the pregnant woman scheduling an appointment. Her belly was much bigger than Y/N’s… but then again, Y/N was only in her second month.
She quickly left the clinic, walking down the stairs. As she pushed open the door, that damned poster blinded her once again—the one she had been trying to avoid.
“Problems with the father?”
Y/N looked up. Stray Kids stared back at her. But her focus was locked on one member—the one with long, blonde hair. The one who had whispered sweet nothings into her ear while taking her in an expensive hotel room.
“Felix,” he had said, smiling. Y/N set down the cashier scanner she had been using to check out the two men’s groceries.
She turned to the man standing behind him. They were both wearing masks—except for Felix, who had pulled his down. Her gaze returned to Felix. “Can I help you? Are you looking for something?” The man behind Felix laughed, making both Y/N and Felix glance at him. “Hyunjin, knock it off,” Felix murmured before turning back to her. “No, I know where everything is, thanks. I was actually… I was actually looking for you.”
Y/N stared at him, confused. He had such delicate features…
She felt almost hypnotized by the beauty of this man.
Felix slid something across the counter toward her. She lowered her gaze to their groceries.
“Condoms are provided,” the manager said. Y/N gave him an understanding nod. “Not that I’d poke a hole in them, huh?” She laughed nervously.
The manager didn’t even flinch.
“Oooohhh… okay sensitive Topic, sorry.”
She clicked the pen with the JYP logo on it. The room she was in felt sterile. So… uncomfortable. She glanced once more at the document in front of her. The three letters NDA stood out the most.
“If I break these rules, then what?”
The manager sighed. He had already explained it to her several times. “Then it will be expensive for you, Miss.” She pressed her lips together. With slightly trembling hands—when had they started trembling?—she signed the document after checking all the necessary boxes. She slid it across the table to the lawyer sitting opposite her. The lawyer packed up the NDA, stood up wordlessly, and left. “Follow me, please,” the manager murmured.
“How often do you have to do things like this?” Y/N asked as she quickly got up, grabbing her bag.
“I don’t disclose that information.”
He opened the door to the small conference room.
Y/N winced as her sneakers squeaked against the expensive flooring.
Seoul’s most luxurious hotel. Her cheap shoes. Not a great combination.
She took a nervous breath as she stood in the elevator beside the manager. He noticed her tension. “It’s not a dentist appointment,” the manager said. “Well… this doesn’t exactly happen every day either,” Y/N mumbled, gripping her bag tighter.
“Felix is nice. Don’t worry.”
“Are you seriously giving me reassuring words right now?”
The manager stepped out of the elevator, and she followed him.
“Then why were you so mean to me in that little room?”
The manager rolled his eyes and unlocked a door.
He handed her a card.
“He’ll be here any moment. Please give me your phone.” Y/N quickly nodded and fumbled through her bag to find it. The manager placed it in a small plastic sleeve he had pulled from his pocket and gave her a thin smile before leaving, letting the door fall shut behind him. Y/N glanced around.
The curtains were drawn, the bed neatly made.
Only now did it truly sink in—what she was about to do—when someone else opened the door.
She tried to remember if there was anything in her contract about what happens when you get pregnant by the idol you spent a very passionate night with… Y/N bit her lower lip as she desperately tried to think. She looked away from her tea and out at the view in front of her. That view was the JYP building. She probably looked like one of the fangirls sitting in the café, pacing up and down, waiting for one of the idols who worked there to come outside. Y/N glanced at them. One of the girls had a Felix photocard attached to her pants. The girl looked over at her, and Y/N quickly averted her gaze, turning back to the window. She rested a hand on her stomach, trying not to think about how HE had groaned into her ear with that deep voice. How HE had nearly emptied an entire box of condoms because of her. How HE had held her close, his forehead pressed against hers, telling her how good she felt… Y/N shivered.
She often sat in this café. Every day after work. She was in the middle of her second month and looked up as the employee brought her a tea.
“The usual, right?” she asked with a friendly smile.
Y/N thanked her and took the tea.
“Do you like any of the bands?” the employee asked. Y/N waved her off. “I just like the tea here.” “Oh.” The employee laughed and walked away. Y/N let out a small yawn. Her head ached from overthinking. She buried her face in her hands, propping herself up on the table.
“Please, two iced Americanos and a lemonade.”
The café employee nodded and grabbed three cups.
“Tough practice today?” she asked as she walked over to the coffee machine.
She glanced at the three idols who always came by just before closing time, knowing the café would be empty. Chan fumbled with his wallet while Hyunjin and Felix looked at a girl sleeping at one of the tables. “Is she okay?” Felix asked. The employee followed his gaze. “Oh… she’s here a lot… drinks tea, stares out the window, thinks a lot… I suspect she’s pregnant. She always has her hand on her stomach. I let her sleep; you never know what people are going through.” Chan looked at her, too.
“And the father of the child just lets her sleep in a café?” Felix murmured, concerned.
Hyunjin grabbed his arm. “Don’t worry about things that don’t concern you.” Felix looked at Hyunjin. As the three of them left the café, Y/N was gently woken up.
“Miss, we’re closing.”
She sat up in her chair.
“Sorry…” “It’s completely fine, please don’t stress.” Y/N gave a small smile and placed some money on the table.
How was she supposed to tell him? Did she have to tell him? Yes, no question about it. Did she want to tell him? Yes, no question about that either. She wouldn’t be able to live with herself otherwise. She carefully stepped onto the street, heading toward the building. No matter what anyone told her—she was keeping the baby. She would manage with or without this company’s help. With trembling hands, she reached for the door and opened it. Security immediately approached her. “One moment, please, I can explain– wh—” She yelped as they grabbed her arms, trying to drag her out, when someone noticed her. “Stop, stop,” said none other than the manager from that night. Y/N’s eyes widened. “I know her. Let her go. I want to know what’s going on.” The security guards hesitated but then released her. Y/N looked at the manager.
Felix stared breathlessly at the ceiling of the studio, gripping his water bottle tightly. The door opened. “AHHH, look who’s visiting us!” Seungmin called out. Felix sat up. The manager didn’t look amused. “Is there trouble?” Changbin joked, taking a sip of his water. “Felix. Come with me.” Felix went pale. The guys stopped joking. Felix adjusted his sweatpants and pulled off his beanie, placing it next to his water bottle. He looked at Hyunjin, who gave him a confused glance.
Y/N stared at the Twice poster. If she avoided the Stray Kids posters, maybe she could think about it less. Maybe it wouldn’t feel so final. The office door opened. Reflexively, she lowered her gaze to the tabletop. Felix froze in the doorway. “Is everything okay?” he asked immediately, his voice full of concern.
“I’ll leave you two alone for a moment—you have a lot to talk about.” The door closed again.
Y/N took shallow breaths. Her fingers dug into the fabric of her dress as she slowly looked up. Felix was still standing in the doorway, slightly out of breath from training. His blond hair was tied back, but a few strands had come loose, falling into his face. Despite the slight sheen of sweat on his skin, he looked perfect.
As he stepped closer, she suddenly felt so small. So stupid. Stupid because she knew her words could change his entire career. She opened her mouth—nothing came out.
“Y/N?” he asked gently. At least he remembered her name.
Her gaze wandered to his freckles. Would their child have them too? She hoped so. It had to.
Since when was he so close?
She flinched when she realized he had crouched down in front of her chair.
Right. She still had something to tell him.
“Before I start…” Her voice was rough. “I don’t want you to think I expect money or anything. I’m telling you because you should know.” Felix furrowed his brows. “Y/N, what—?”
“I’m pregnant.”
Felix turned pale.
“I’m keeping the baby.” She spoke quickly before he could react. “But whether your name is on the birth certificate is up to you. You can’t force me to have an abortion, and whether you pay child support is your decision. I just wanted you to know. I couldn’t sleep at night because—because you didn’t know.” Her gaze flickered. “I don’t want to ruin your career.” Felix blinked several times. Then he raised a hand. “Hold on.” “What?” “Stop over-explaining, sweetheart.”
He stood up, ran a hand through his hair, and took a deep breath. “Okay, shit.” Y/N clenched her hands in her lap. “So… I’ll be honest with you. I’ve never been in a situation like this before.” Felix looked at her. “Did you not save my number?” “Your what?” “My phone number. I left it for you that night.” “Oh.” Her cheeks grew hot. “No, I… I must have missed it.” Felix grabbed a piece of paper from the desk and quickly scribbled a number on it. “Save it immediately.”
Y/N took the paper with wide eyes.
Felix looked at her seriously. “Forget it. I don’t want you to have an abortion. Keep the baby. And I’ll take responsibility. Just tell me how I can help.”
She swallowed. “And if this all gets out?” Felix let out a dry laugh. “I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be the first idol with a secret pregnancy.” He crouched down in front of her again, his hands wrapping around hers. “Please forgive my lack of enthusiasm.” His thumb brushed over the back of her hand. “That was just… a surprise. I actually planned to get to know you better before raising a child together.” “What?” Felix smirked slightly. “I left you my number because I wanted to see you again. Do you know how frustrated I was when you never called?” Y/N’s face grew even hotter. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know… I didn’t know you wanted that.”His gaze dropped to her stomach. “And you’re sure it’s mine?” he asked carefully. Y/N nodded immediately. “Felix, I’m a thousand percent sure. We can do a paternity test once the baby is born.” Felix sighed. “Management will probably insist on that. Do you know how many fake paternity claims Hyunjin has already had to deal with?” Y/N couldn’t help but smile slightly. Felix squeezed her hands tighter. “We’ll figure this out, okay? You and me. We’ll make it work somehow.” She looked into his warm, freckled face—and for the first time in weeks, she didn’t feel alone anymore. Y/N swallowed. Felix’s thumb was still gently brushing over the back of her hand, as if trying to soothe her. But her heart was racing. She wasn’t sure if it was because of his closeness or the fear of what was coming next. Felix took a deep breath. “How far along are you?” “Almost three months.” He nodded slowly. “Okay. This… this is real. Holy shit. It’s been that long already?” Y/N let out a nervous laugh. “Yeah.”
Felix looked at her like he was searching for the right words. “Do you have someone supporting you? Your family?” Y/N hesitated. “My family doesn’t know.” His gaze softened. “Have you told anyone?”
“No. A piece of paper is what’s stopping me.”
Felix squeezed her hands tighter. “Then I’m glad you told me now.” She let out a dry laugh. “I thought you’d either scream or run away.” Felix scoffed. “Do you really think I’m that kind of guy?” “I don’t know. I… I barely know you.” His lips curved into a crooked smile. “We can change that.” He let go of her hands only to grab a chair and sit right in front of her. Resting his elbows on his knees, he looked like he was trying to process everything. “Alright. You want to keep it. I want to take responsibility. So that means we’re… partners in crime now or something?” Y/N couldn’t help but smile. “I guess so.” Felix grinned briefly, but then his expression grew serious again. “If you want, I can help you tell your family.” Y/N stared down at her hands. She shook her head. “That won’t be easy.” Felix leaned in closer. “We’ll do it together, okay?” She looked up at him. “Why are you so… calm?” Felix chuckled softly. “Because I reminded myself that you don’t have to go through this alone. And neither do I.”
He leaned back. “Listen. I know my life is complicated. And now, because of me, yours is even more complicated. But I’m not running away. We’ll figure this out. And no matter what you need—I’m here.”
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lostinlovingrevery · 16 hours ago
Logan idea: him being married and starting a family with his wife 😍
OMG UGH The way I'm so in love with that man
I actually have two fics related to this in my drafts! One is reading finding out she's pregnant, the other is just a peak into family life with reader and logan. it's gonna be teeth rotting fluff. I hope you'll enjoy them <3
implications of sex below the cut, also pregnancy mentions!
Marriage with Logan:
I mean not to be cheesy but...
it's bliss
you all saw him in origins with kayla (gag)
that man is a total lover boy
hes on his knees for you
he will do anything for you
He didn't think he'd get to do something like this. to experience the whole joy of getting engaged, planning a wedding, getting married
just finding his other half....He considers himself the luckiest man in the world
He takes on the role of a hubby proudly
He'll laugh and pretend the wifey and hubby mugs you got him were cliche but he uses the hubby mug every single day proudly and ignores any comments regarding it
He'll proudly introduce you as his wife (or hubby, or partner, whichever term you prefer!)
everyone sees how so in love you both are
holding hands, your arms around each other
he'll admire the ring he put on your finger all the time.
"this is a nice look for you baby"
if you going through with having a wedding wedding, logan is going to be so damn nervous
he fights all sorts of bad guys. standing in front of family and friends, being vulnerable? thats a different kind of fight
but he finds when he sees you, all prettied up walking down that aisle
well, maybe this isn't so bad
but if you end up having a something small and simple, hes just as happy
either way, he's grinning ear to ear by your side. no ones seen the wolverine happier than when he married you
theres a comfort that settles between you both after marriage. a trust that the other is going to be there. you don't have to worry about a thing with him.
If you're getting or already have your own place, your engagement/marriage kicks off nesting in him. Hes' gotta make sure that his baby is taken care of...
Speaking of babies...
Starting a family!
Oh boy
or girl?
However the conception happens, planned or accident
logan will be thrilled (after he gets over the nerves)
he'll be so supportive to you. he may take a moment and go vomit out in the bins outside but he's happy, truly
hes so supportive
i mean i talked about pregnancy headcanons before but imma go into it again
he hates seeing his love in pain, suffering, etc etc. will hold your hand the entire way.
Hold your hair back during those morning sickness events uggh
will make you tea, slice apples, whatever the hell helps you
will rub your back, feet, shoulders. whatever
he thinks your mood swings are adorable (he won't say that to your face though. he knows you'll just tear him apart)
very handsy. can't help it. you looked good pregnant w his kid
every doctor appointment. hes there.
hes strong for you, god knows you're doing the heavy lifting but he's definitely going to be anxious. worried about every little groan and huff you let out. worried about labor. your safety. the babys safety.
hes so happy to be here but he's also terrified of losing it
yes, if you wake him up at 2 in the morning, he'll go get you those weird things you're craving. he'll do it happily. no you're not bothering him.
loves when you get a burst of hormones and become feral over him. he literally wants to bang you all the time but you're pregnant and not in the mood usually
you give him small kisses at first that end up getting intense and becoming more bc you're both just so happy and your hormones is making everything so intense and he's the only thing you want and need
When you're big, big, like 8-9 months. He's all over you. You could bite his head off over his clingyness but the most he's gonna do is sit across the room with his tail between his legs
his instinct screams to stay close and to protect. he's not going anywhere
designing the babies room together
bad bad wolverine is holding up lil jammies with sheep on it. "This is cute" he mumbles.
you can't even bring yourself to tease him over it because he's so damn cute like this. also hes' right. those are cute jammies. put em in the cart
Logan really doesn't care about the babys sex. he's just happy to even.. have all of this. and with you.
he'd be a great boy or girl dad honestly.
they're both gonna have him wrapped around their finger
you buy a plush wolverine animal for the babys crib and logan gets emotional over it
"yknow sweetheart these things are pretty mean in real life." he says as he holds back tears. "don't know if we should..."
he's gonna go into slight shock when they baby comes. like. woah, this is happening? really? actually happening?
Of course when you start reacting to your contractions, hubby mode is going to kick in. He's all over you, talking you through everything as you go the hospital
hes scared, terrified, but hes not gonna worry about himself when you need him more than ever
WILL cry when he meets yalls baby for the first time.
Going to feel like he'd been waiting his whole life to meet them.
He's going to be an amazing dad. hes got all sorts of life experience to share with them
your kid(s) will adore their dad (and you!)
they may have their teenage phase where everyone annoys them
but Logan having memories of how his family/parents were broken apart. he doesn't want that to happen
no ones a perfect person/partner/parent. logan tries pretty damn hard
movie nights
waking up to the kids running into yalls bed
him literally trying to steal ONE private moment with you, but your child is in a "i only want this parent phase!" for one of you and won't leave you alone.
your kid(s) gagging whenever you kiss or get affectionate. it happens often.
"mom and dad are really gross"
Im gonna add adoption in here too
he's gonna be really nervous because he doesn't want to scare whoever you adopt with his mutation, and just his general self. hes big and scary.
but you meet the child you two are meant to raise and he's in love
he adores the kid just as if it was his biological because to him it doesn't matter
thats you and hims child and he's going to do his damn best to take care of you and any child you may raise together
I just love him and I want me and him to build a lil life together on a farm or a cabin and have little ones that look like him running around and just *sobs*
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apomaro-mellow · 22 hours ago
Govt gets kas!eddie fin
Part 8
"They're coming?! What the hell does that mean, Sinclair?!", Robin shrieked.
"The babies! Okay?!" Lucas went to Steve's side, dropping his weapons and pulling up the thick hoodie, revealing his stomach.
Robin felt rocks drop in hers when she saw how big it was. The it rolled when she saw it move. "What the-", she gagged a little and put her hand against a tree. "I can't do this. I can't do this."
"Robin, you gotta help me! You're a girl!"
"This!", she jabbed her finger towards Steve's stomach. "Has nothing to do with womanhood!"
Steve regained lucidity for just a moment, coming back into himself and gasping. "Please. Robin please. They're Eddie's. Mine and Eddie's. Please, Robin, I don't know what to do."
His eyes were glistening and any nausea Robin felted was replaced by loyalty. "Let's get out of here first", she said.
She and Lucas both helped Steve to his feet and hobbled more than walked back to the portal El had opened. Steve was heavy on a normal day but now that he was pregnant?
'How is he pregnant?!!!!', Robin's brain wailed while she tried to get Steve to safety.
Steve's car was right there and Robin helped Steve into the backseat while Lucas got behind the wheel. They had both completely forgotten about the others until the walkie crackled to life and Mike could be heard on the other end.
"Lucas?! Robin?! What happened!?"
"Something's wrong with Eddie, he went berserk and took off!", Dustin screamed.
Robin met Lucas' eyes through the rearview mirror. Then Steve let out a scream and they both got their heads in the game. Lucas grabbed the walkie-talkie and sped down the road, one hand on the wheel.
"No time to explain! He's probably following us. We're going to Steve's!"
"Did something happen to Steve?!", Dustin screeched. "Why is El smiling?!?"
Lucas slammed his foot on the pedal the moment the Harrington house was in sight, parking haphazardly in the driveway. Moments later, they heard a strange wail and a portal opened up in the front yard. Eddie bounded through it, blood still dripping from his mouth.
Without a word, he scooped Steve from the backseat and brought him inside, placing him into his nest. Lucas and Robin were still panicking, scrambling around and grabbing birthing supplies. But all Eddie did was rumble softly and Steve's fears were put to rest. He was still in pain, but he knew Eddie wouldn't let anything happen to their pups.
"Oh god this is gonna be a mess", Robin said, snapping Steve back to reality.
"Eddie, take me upstairs. To the guest room." He didn't know how the babies would be coming out, but soon the house would be full of people and he'd prefer it if every single one of them didn't see his junk. Eddie obeyed without question, carrying him up the stairs.
Robin followed, holding Steve's hand the moment he was put onto the bed.
"You sure you wanna be here? It's gonna be gross", Steve warned her.
"Well, don't women usually have their moms around for support? And your mom's not here so..."
Steve laughed through the pain and Robin helped him strip down while Eddie washed Vecna's blood off. He would greet his offspring with a clean mouth and hands. Once cleaned, he put a hand to Steve's stomach.
"They're ready. Are you?"
"As I'll ever be", Steve breathed out.
Downstairs screaming could be heard as the others arrived. Dustin was the first to try and bound up the stairs but Lucas grabbed him in time.
"You don't wanna go up there, man."
While Lucas was bombarded with questions and he gave the best explanation he could, Steve pushed three new lives out of him. When it was all said and done, Steve was drenched in sweat and the room was covered in black goo. And there were three blobs of blackness cradled in Eddie's arms. They looked spiny, almost like seas urchins, but Steve could tell they were soft. He'd know if there'd been something that sharp in him.
"Oh Eddie...", he sighed. "They're..."
Their little spines touched at Eddie and each other, exploring the world already. Eddie cooed and laid down next to Steve, letting him touch. They were wet and a little slimy but utterly perfect to Steve.
"Hello", he whispered, completely in awe.
Robin crept out to give them some privacy and to clean herself off a bit. While she was gone, the new parents continued to speak to their babes when something strange happened. One began to move oddly, shifting and turning, its color changing as it did. And right before their eyes, their pup changed from appearing like a sea urchin to a normal human baby. Well, almost normal.
The other two followed suit, flexing their toes and fingers, getting used to the new form before giving their lungs a test run and crying. One had the beginnings of a tail, like Eddie. The second baby had tiny wings on their back, useless for now but would probably take them to the skies when they grew. And the third had the most human appearance if it weren't for the start of teeth already that promised to be fangs and claws.
Steve chuckled. "Not looking forward to breastfeeding you."
Eddie kissed his forehead. "They know not to bite their mother."
They adjusted so that they could try just that. Steve didn't think it would work but he was able to get one latched on while Eddie held the other two. They'd need names. And beds. And diapers. And shit did they still live in a good school district? Eddie pushed those thoughts away with another kiss, this time to his lips.
"Did I make good on that promise?", he asked, looking more like himself before he died than ever.
Steve grinned. "I don't know...Three is hardly a litter. You might need to knock me up again~", he winked.
Eddie beamed and kissed him again, careful of the infants in his arms. "That can be arranged."
There was a knock so hesitant at the door, Steve could have cried.
"You ready to face the wolves?"
Eddie looked at him, eyes full of love. "Better the wolves than the government."
@estrellami-1 @gloomysoup @bxnghy @gutterflower77 @v3lv3tf0x
@tinyplanet95 @thedragonsaunt @stripey82 @ajeff855 @bumblebeecuttlefishes
@ellietheasexylibrarian @gregre369 @geekymagicalpotato @live-laugh-love-dietrich @mugloversonly
@reverseteehee @stedestielfrattficlover
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miriammctroi · 4 hours ago
My favourite fairytale but make it Starchaser
It's called Die Sechs Schwäne = The six swans. Basically, there was a couple with 6 sons and the wife was pregnant. the sons caused a fire and instead of getting water, they were playing around. The father got angry and cursed them. They turned into swans. The wife died of grief. Years later, the daughter was grown and learned about her missing brothers. She set out to find them. They can only turn human once every 6 years and tell her how to break their curse: She has to remain completely silent while making six shirts out of stinging nettle. Then there's a whole love story with a prince and his awful mother.
Imagine: Regulus grows up an only child, only to find out that he used to have an older brother: Sirius. His mother cursed him to be a dog and he has been haunting the woods ever since.
Regulus sets out to find him and break his curse. To do this he has to be completely silent and not utter a single word or cry while sewing a shirt, trousers and a jacket out of stinging nettle.
He takes to the woods, to a field of nettle, and gets to work. The dog stays with him as his companion.
After a year or two, a handsome prince comes by and sees him taking a bath in a lake. He instantly falls in love. He is compelled by his beauty and intrigued by his mystery.
He watches the curious work with the nettles and although he doesn't understand what is going on, he sees that it is important to him and helps (hurting himself the entire time, which makes Regulus laugh soundlessly.)
Eventually, he wants to take Regulus home with him. He introduces him to his mother, the Queen, as his new groom.
The Queen doesn't want her son to marry a commoner, especially not a mute. She gives Regulus a chest of jewellery and coins and sends him away. Then, she claims Regulus stole it from her. James finds him again in the woods and asks about the jewels. Reg returns the chest and convinces him that he didn't steal them. James wants to take him home again. They also take the nettles and the dog this time.
James makes Regulus live in the palace. They are betrothed.
the Queen continues to make his life hell: She notices that he is very fond of dogs, so she has one killed right in front of him. She has all the nettle in the entire kingdom burned, but Regulus finds more in a church garden/cemetery (where the Queen's word doesn't hold power) and traverses the church grounds at night to collect the plants.
One day, James gets sick and the Queen says Regulus has poisoned him. He is locked in the dungeons. He manages to escape with Sirius's help, sneaks up to James's room and gives him self-made medicine to heal him. He does this for three nights. Then he is found when giving him the medicine and the Queen again accuses him of poisoning the prince - but James is well enough to see that Regulus healed him and didn't poison him.
They get married.
(In the fairytale the new princess then has a child. Let's skip an explanation for now and say, regulus and James have a baby)
Regulus loves his baby more than anything, and James loves them both. One night, while Regulus and the baby are alone and asleep, the Queen steals the child from its crib and gives it to a servant to kill it. She spreads blood over Regulus's hands and body.
Regulus is accused of killing the child. James doesn't know what to believe in his grief. The Dog tries to somehow convey to him that the Queen is at fault, but James doesn't understand. Regulus is incarcerated in the dungeons again to be burned at the stake for witchcraft - because of the dead baby, the nettles, the sewing, and walking around the church grounds at night.
While he is taken to the stake, he keeps working on the clothing. he is almost finished. As the pyre is ignited, Sirius appears. Regulus throws the clothing at him. The curse is broken, he turns into a man once again
(In the fairytale she couldn't finish one of the sleeves, so now one of her brothers has a permanent swan wing)
Sirius, who had witnessed what happened to the baby, accuses the queen of killing it and framing Regulus. James jumps to the pyre, frees his husband and rescues him.
The servant joins the crowd, holding a baby - it is Regulus's child, which he had refused to murder but hidden away, intending to return it to James once Regulus was dead.
With the evidence of Regulus's innocence and the testimony to the Queen's guilt in front of him, James takes her crown and sends her to the dungeons.
Regulus is finally able to speak again and James hears his husband's voice for the first time. He can finally say "I love you."
They all live happily ever after.
(Maybe this would be better with Wolfstar because the thought of making Euphemia an evil queen hurts me)
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strwbmei · 1 year ago
Even though Star Rail has released a bunch of new characters, my favorite is still 100% Silver Wolf.
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tinyhorror · 11 months ago
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when you're in a self-indulgent drawing competition and your opponent is me
insta | twitter | inprnt | redbubble
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rubyreadd · 6 months ago
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The two-inch in-seam... Nigel Mansell you awaken an indescribable need in me
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eldritchenthusiast · 1 year ago
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Might be abnormal about him. Not sure though
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goofenschmertz · 1 year ago
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catominor · 5 months ago
if they brought cicero back no one would be able to stop me
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mave-riq · 2 years ago
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nobodysdestiny · 6 months ago
Without lube or protection, I'm rawdogging that thing
Monster fuckers are so creative cuz it’s like you’ll look at a monster and go “how the fuck would one go about fucking that?” And then a monster fucker will slither from the shadows and give a demonstration of human ingenuity
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autopsiedsage · 26 days ago
im like This close to saying fuck it and making a self ship blog. JUST BECAUSE OF VENTURE BROS
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sickmitts-sasha · 7 months ago
the way sasha often sits with his hands between his knees is so babygirl it's making me feral like yes baby hunch those shoulders and make yourself smaller, smile even and see what happens i dare you
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canonickero · 7 months ago
Guys I bought 120 stickers with his face on it would anybody like one
He’s just a polite little guy
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