#one of the cities closest to me was involved on the case
savage-rhi · 3 months
#fuck the supreme court#they ruled cities can enforce bans on homeless people sleeping outdoors in West Coast areas where shelter space is lacking#one of the cities closest to me was involved on the case#from personal experience the cops and locals there are heartless#and said people absolutely refuse to invest money into much needed shelters and programs#the only options people have are this church where if you don't do free labor and convert they kick you to the curb#or the small flimsy shelter that can barely house 20 people#i get it that people are coming to a head with the homeless crisis but this ruling is just going to make the problem worsd#by making it so people get more comfortable treating human beings on the street like animals#the city's rules effectively punish homeless people by restricting camping on public spaces and issuing penalties for violations of the rule#it keeps people trapped in a perpetual cycle cause if they cant pay the citation fees it goes on their records and then they can't get work#and you need an address for most jobs etc etc etc#I'm not surprised this is the outcome but i am extremely disappointed#especially when more than half the assholes that live in said city are 1 to 2 paychecks away from being homeless and most are elderly#or disabled in some way#im sorry for the tangent guys#but having been homeless within the last few years through external factors i couldn't control#this has me pissed on behalf of others going through it#magenta#magenta is my vent word
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steventhusiast · 4 months
STWG prompt 2/6/24
prompt: coming out
pairing/character(s): steddie, Dustin, Lucas, Mike
. . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
Eddie fucked up. Big time.
See, he's truly embraced his freak status at Hawkins High. Meaning he doesn't exactly shy away from his queerness. He doesn't confirm it, not for people he's not friends with. It's just useful. Being gay is the kind of 'freak' that makes the popular kids steer clear from him, just in case they, you know, catch the queer from him.
But with his fellow freaks? They know he's gay.
In fact, they know he has a boyfriend.
He never shares who said boyfriend is, or the fact that he used to be nicknamed The Hair, because Steve doesn't want anyone to know. He's.. private about his sexuality, to say the least. And Eddie gets it. Hawkins is in the middle of nowhere, it's not exactly gay-friendly like some parts of bigger cities. So his friends don't know who his boyfriend is.
They won't until well after Steve's come out to his own friends, which he hasn't said he's ready for yet. Eddie's letting him go at his own pace, he doesn't even bring it up to him. He doesn't want Steve to feel pressured. Steve doesn't have a Wayne there to support him through everything, after all.
Anyway, despite him being anonymous, Eddie always gives everyone an update on his boyfriend before they start the session of DnD each week. It's kind of a bit for everyone involved at this point.
And in the first session that Eddie's newest fresh sheep attend, he refuses to shy away from it. Either they'll be bigots (unlikely) or they'll be fine with it! It's a risk he's willing to take for his pride.
So he gives the update.
"How's your boyfriend, Ed?" Gareth asks with a teasing grin, and Eddie's closest friends lean toward him with giggles.
"Well, my sweetheart has had a great week. Remember that job I told you he'd applied for?"
"Assistant basketball coach for a kids team?" Jeff checks, and Eddie points at him like he's just scored a point.
"That's the one! He got the job! It's a bit of a drive but it sure as shit beats the minimum wage bullshit he was doing before. I swear, his manager actually hates his guts for no reason."
The existing Hellfire members all cheer at the news, whilst one of the new recruits, Henderson, makes an inquisitive noise and chuckles.
"That's crazy, because my friend Steve called me yesterday with super similar news! Small world, huh?" He says it so casually, looking down straight after to fiddle with his dice.
But Eddie feels like the world stops, his hands freezing in the middle of unfolding his dungeon master screen. Fuck. Henderson is one of Steve's kids.
Maybe no one has actually caught on yet. A sneaky glance to his friends reveals nothing but confused frowns on their faces.
"You guys might have known Steve, actually. Steve Harrington? Used to be a mega asshole through most of high school." Wheeler says in a way that somehow sounds simultaneously fond and like he despises Steve.
"He's great now, though! Like, totally reformed. Such a mom." Sinclair adds on.
Eddie nods passively at their words, and feels Gareth, Jeff and Paul's eyes on him. Right, he's still frozen in shock. He forces himself to relax, and finally finishes setting up the DM screen.
"Haha, what a coincidence." He manages, clearing his throat in the middle to clear up an unfortunate voice crack.
That voice crack gets all three of the kids to tilt their heads at him, and then their eyes light up like they've just won the lottery.
Shit shit shit. Hopefully they haven't put two and two together.
Somehow, he manages to make it through the session without revealing anything else, but as he draws it to a close his heart starts beating faster. He doesn't know how he didn't put it together before that these kids are Steve's kids. Steve is literally going to be late to their date night because he has to pick them up from an afterschool activitiy.
What other club meets up on a Friday but Hellfire?
He shakes his head and starts speeding through packing up his stuff. He's going through in his head ways to apologise to Steve in case the kids have figured it out, heart beating out of his chest as he zips his backpack up and leaves the room. The group of newbies run out after him, though.
"Eddie, wait up!" Henderson shouts after him, and he winces but stops.
"What's up?" He says with what he hopes is a smile but is probably a grimace.
"It's so funny how you're Steve's secret boyfriend." Henderson says with a giggle after he's checked no one else has left the drama room yet.
Wait, what? Eddie frowns at him, mouth open. Before he can question anything Sinclair nods along in agreement.
"We've been guessing for weeks now. You can't tell him we found out through you, I want to win our bet."
"If we figure out who his boyfriend is by the end of the month he's taking us to that tabletop RPG store in Indy." Wheeler adds on.
Eddie gapes at them for another second.
"Wait, Steve- he came out to you? When?" He manages, and the three boys tilt their heads at him.
"Like, since a month ago?" Sinclair guesses after a moment of thought, and Eddie lets out a quiet 'huh'.
"What, do you guys not talk about that shit?" Henderson asks, and Eddie shakes his head slowly, thinking back on if he had been told and had just forgotten.
Then it clicks. Just under a month ago, Steve had started to bring up the topic of coming out, and Eddie had gently insisted he didn't mind if Steve never came out and that he loves him anyway and he doesn't want him to feel pressured. And Steve had smiled fondly and let it go.
Had Steve been trying to tell him he came out to his kids?
He lets his head drop and takes a few deep breaths, trying to slow his heart rate. Thank fuck. He hasn't just accidentally outed his boyfriend.
"He's actually waiting for us in his car. I would say come with, but..."
"We're serious about this bet."
Eddie nods, and waves his hand in their general direction.
"Yeah, of course. Sure. You- you go win that bet. Jesus christ."
He hears them walk away and lets out an incredulous laugh to himself before he hears the drama room door swing open again, the chatter of Jeff, Gareth and Paul cutting off when they see the state he's in.
"You good, man?" Paul asks, and Eddie just lets out a sigh.
"Totally fine. Just thinking about wooing my sweetheart." He says, like they've walked into a joke he's set up.
They all groan, but continue walking toward the school's exit, and Eddie stays there, recovering from that shitshow.
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jqafterdark · 1 year
Seeing S/O in Lingerie Reaction
From a request in my main blog, this has no smut but VERY SUGGESTIVE so... yeah ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Sebastian Moran, William James Moriarty, Sherlock Holmes, and Louis James Moriarty
Tag/s: Historically inaccurate lingerie
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Sebastian Moran
The man whistled as soon as you entered his field of vision.
He looked like a kid in a candy store.
Straight up GRINNING from ear to ear.
If you're showing him a variety, he'll inspect every single one of them.
It's almost alarming how focused he looks.
Little do you know, he's thinking about how to use whatever lace or strings your outfit has to his advantage in the bedroom.
The minute you're within his reach, Sebastian pulls you to his lap to get a closer look.
He takes his time to take in your figure while his hands roam through your body.
Even as you walk away, his eyes never leave your figure.
Like you were one of his targets on missions.
He would definitely tease you, wanting you to get riled up as much as he is.
What's more annoying is he wants you to say that you want to do it before he continues.
He's torn between taking it off or just doing the deed with it still on you.
Whatever position you're in, he definitely has a good view of you.
A mirror might be involved.
"I'm back-" Sebastian abruptly stopped as your eyes met in the mirror, wide in shock.
His eyes traveled down to your new short silk nightgown and stockings, going up and down before smiling.
"You could have just said so," he chuckled, removing his coat as he walked up to you.
You quickly grabbed whatever was closest to you, in this case, a hairbrush, and pointed it at him as you kept a distance.
"Oh no, you don't! Last time, I chased the target through the city with a limp!" you muttered, keeping your distance as your eyes never left him.
"Do you have a mission tomorrow?" Sebastian innocently asked, making you pause.
"Then that settles it," he smiled, quickly hugging your waist.
"Don't worry, I'll be gentle. Wouldn't want your pretty outfit to rip, now do we?"
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William James Moriarty
When you asked him to come with you to go underwear shopping, he was shocked, to say the least.
But he quickly recovered and agreed.
You definitely have his attention now.
While his eyes kept following you while he drank his tea, his smile was different than it usually was.
It was more... devious, so to speak.
While he keeps his composure, a lot has happened in his mind.
While you were picking some things, William acted like a perfect gentleman.
Holds the clothes you picked, heartfelt compliments to boost your confidence, over all the best boyfriend you could ask for.
Almost too good to be true. And it was.
He might have thought of a few scenarios on how the two of you could get away with it in the store.
It helped that it was a pretty private dressing room, considering the store was made just for the nobles, where it was just you and him.
Even the workers were far from earshot, attending to the other customers at the front.
But he didn't continue since he saw you enjoying your little date and didn't want to ruin your good mood.
It didn't help that you would ask him for help to put some of them on, though... Or take them off.
Besides, he has the whole night planned just for the two of you, and he's making sure no one would bother you two.
You hummed happily as you swung the bags in your arms, satisfied with your purchases.
"I'm surprised you agreed to go shopping with me, Will!" you mused as you turned to William, "Didn't you have a meeting later with everyone? Wouldn't you be late?"
William gave you a smile as he grabbed your hand, "The meeting was moved since some of the professors were out sick,"
"Is that so..." you trailed off, shrugging off his response.
William quietly chuckled, remembering the surprised expressions his comrades had when he said the meeting was canceled and assigned a new mission to everyone.
The manor was now empty until morning.
"Well, whatever! I can't wait to try these at home," you beamed, looking down at your new haul.
"Indeed," William agreed, a dangerous glint in his eyes.
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Sherlock Holmes
He never saw the appeal of the lingerie until he saw it on you.
Now, lace is his favorite thing on your body.
The first time he saw you in lingerie, it was like he shut down.
He didn't say a word, but his eyes were glued to you as he reached his hand out to you.
When you walked up to him, he eyed every inch of your body, engraving the image of you in his mind.
To him, you looked ethereal.
Like beauty personified.
When he did speak, it was soft and breathless, as if you rendered him speechless.
And when you did it, the sight of you in lingerie and covered in hickeys he left is now his favorite thing.
He gets more possessive whenever he sees you in lingerie.
And surprisingly more gentle and slow, wanting to enjoy every second of it.
Now, every time you buy a new set, he likes having a private fashion show.
When you bring him to a lingerie store, he is not embarrassed at all.
Hell, he'd even pick out a few things for you.
You can tell his compliments are genuine with how serious his expression is.
"Sherlock?" you called out, slowly walking up to him.
His eyes were completely wide as he looked at you.
"Sherl?" you called out again, but no response as he continued to stare at you.
You bit your lip as you covered yourself, feeling self-conscious wearing nothing but a bustier with matching underwear.
"Huh?" Sherlock quickly grabbed your hands, pulling them down to your side.
"Don't hide it. You look beautiful," Sherlock breathed out, mesmerized by your outfit as his eyes slowly looked up at you.
You felt your face flush as you looked away, unable to meet his gaze.
"You're staring too much,"
"I disagree,"
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Louis James Moriarty
You almost gave the man a heart attack.
He was not expecting to see you in lace and sheer one night after a long day of house chores.
Was it an unwelcomed surprise? No. Definitely not.
That night, he was just hoping to have some downtime with you after working the whole day.
So when he saw you by your dresser half-dressed putting on stockings, it was like the man turned into stone.
Minutes later, Louis came back and saw you in your robe, relieved to see he was okay.
His face became completely red when he remembered what happened and apologized for walking in on you.
Even though you forgave Louis, he's still scolding himself for liking what he saw.
What's more, his eyes would gaze over your robe when it would slip.
Explaining why he slammed his head on the table was interesting, to say the least.
So when you told Louis it was okay for him to look, he was still shy. But you would catch him stealing glances your way.
He tries to compliment you, say anything coherent for that matter. But he just mutters something while looking at the ground.
However, the moment he got more confident, his hands would not let you go.
Suddenly, he's fluent in dirty talk and knows just what to say to get you in the mood.
And he makes sure you know just how beautiful and alluring you looked that night.
"I truly apologize..." Louis muttered, a cold towel over his head as you chuckled, tying the robe tightly around your waist.
"Don't be. I'm just surprised," you reassured as you removed the towel, making Louis meet your eyes.
You weren't sure, but you swear you saw his eyes tracing your robe down to your chest.
His face turned completely red instantly, making him turn away.
You breathed out a smile as you hugged him tightly, kissing the top of his head.
"I'm really not mad, Louis!" you giggled, swaying side-by-side.
"Besides, that was for your eyes only, you know?" you grinned, making the man freeze as steam came out of his face as you snickered.
"Please don't tease me..."
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Any unpopular opinions/headcanons about shinigamis?
Lessgooo! I’d been waiting for this for a while!
• Not fully sure there’s a proper academy for Reapers, though that’s the case in a lot of fanon hcs and even the anime.
The Dispatch setup resembles a very typical one in the corporate world, though - newer Reapers are all assigned a mentor who they train under and who asses them for their capabilities in varying fields. According to this, they join a particular department and work under its head (e.g., collections, forensics, auditing, etc.).
• There are several different branches of the Dispatch spread out over major cities in England - and the same goes for branches in other countries. Headquarters will be either at the capital or in a major city (e.g, London).
• Though Reapers are all pretty much blind as bats without their glasses, younger ones would probably have it slightly better. Slightly.
• As for whether they would retain any memories of their past lives, it depends for me.
What would be worse than having memories of who or what was dear to them wiped to prevent them from straying would be remembering it all, but knowing they will not be able to return under any circumstances.
But as I’m uncertain about how to make sense of that, I’d say that I share my mutual @grimreaperauthority ‘s headcanon about their memories of their past lives being wiped and thus remaining mostly fuzzy. I’d say that’s the case, save for the day of their death or anything particularly defining which shaped or changed their beliefs, imho.
• Relationships between colleagues aren’t forbidden, but it’s expected that one adheres to decorum and keeps their liaisons under wraps. Especially if there’s a major power imbalance involved, because you’d be cooked.
Unpopular opinions
I’ll probably have several of you trying to break down my door with pitchforks and torches in hand, but here goes.
• I don’t see Eric as Scottish, lol.
I haven’t fully watched the musical so I don’t fully get where the whole headcanon about him came into being, but it’s not just that. I tried looking his last name up, and ‘Slingby’ isn’t even a real surname - closest thing is ‘Slingsby’, which is of English origin. ‘Knox’, however, is a Scottish surname, so make what you will of that. 😉 (Yes, I unapologetically write Ronnie as a Scotsman.)
• I do not ship Sascha with Ludger.
I always saw the former as a very young student figure of sorts to him, and not just because they appear rather young to me. I’ve never seen them as a couple given their interactions in the manga, and there’s also the fact that Sascha seems to be a literal teen.
Whilst Sascha’s age hasn’t been stated in canon and they could very well be an adult for all I know, which would be highly unlikely, them as a ship just isn’t for me. Ludger as their father/brother figure, though? That’s where it’s at.
• I’m mostly indifferent to Undertaker. I don’t know why, but I never paid him any special attention. Like, he do be kinda fit, but that’s about it.
• I don’t vibe with the fanon interpretation of Ronald as a player or fuckboy - and not only because I headcanon him as on the asexual spectrum. Even in the manga, he appears to be (quite a major) flirt at most - which can also be backed up by how he disappears.
• If Othello could talk to women, he’d be like a more toned-down Ronald when he’s interacting with them, but shyer too. But he can’t, lmao - he’s forgotten how to. Takes personal space and being respectful to them seriously, though.
Bi Othello is my fav headcanon for him. I can definitely see him with a woman as well as a man. And though he’s often absorbed in his work or Dispatch shenanigans and doesn’t think about girls (or guys) all that much, he definitely likes a pretty one as much as the next man.
• I don’t see William as a prick with all the emotional range of a teaspoon and little empathy whatsoever. Is he too harsh on himself and his subordinates? Yes. Can he be an asshole at times? Also yes.
But is he a terrible person with no redeeming qualities whatsoever and a rock in his chest where a heart would otherwise beat? No.
He seems like he’d be an overthinker and feel extremely strongly towards people and ideas both, but tries to suppress this as he thinks that he needs to. Not only to remain impartial for the sake of professionalism, but also because how men in general are socialised plus his tendency to withdraw when he’s overwhelmed mean it’s difficult to confront his emotions.
• I do not see Ludger as German William, but rather someone who’s similar to him yet incredibly different in a lot of ways. William is pensive, almost overly fastidious, and coldly professional. Meanwhile, Ludger is reserved, a tad rough around the edges, and focused - but he’s surprisingly patient and better with conflict than Will.
If I have more, that’ll call for another post!
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cheriedies · 2 years
Naoki Urasawa's Monster in real life
So, I spent my holidays in Czechia and realized it would be a good opportunity to try and find the real life references and inspirations for one of my favourite anime series - Monster (haven't gotten my hands on the manga yET). After a bit of research I found that @fuckyeahjohanliebert has already done this almost a decade ago and their account has been extremely helpful. I also used the websites that I've linked at the very end of the post and you should definitely check them out as I didn't get the chance to visit every single location. It is honestly incredible how much work this person has put into their research. With that being said, here is what these places look like as of January 2023, alongside some tips I wanted to share in case you decide to visit them during your stay in Prague!
Let's start with the easiest location: Charles Bridge. It is probably the most visited place in Prague and so it can be quite crowded, especially around NYE.
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Next, we have a shot of a tram in front of what today is the Palladium, a large shopping mall. Location: Nám. Republiky 1078/1, 110 00 Petrská čtvrť, Czechia
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Okay, this one was a bit tricky because I wasn't able to find the exact reference for the Tri Zaba (Three Toads) sign. Most sources pointed me towards Hotel U Tri Pstrosu (Three Ostriches) which is right besides the Charles Bridge. However, a reddit user posted a picture from U Tri Capu hotel (Three Herons), and someone mentioned it being a possible inspiration in the replies. Therefore, I took pictures of both and upon looking at them closely I honestly cannot be certain about which of the two served as the main inspiration, maybe it was a mixture of both? Looking purely at the shape of the sign the Three Herons (Far Right) seems to be the closest. The positioning of the three ostriches on the other hand (Middle) is more similar to the way the toads are positioned. If you have any sources I've missed pls link them!
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I also found this detailing you can spot if you are walking by the Vltava River. A thing to note: I could find this specific fencing only of the side of the river that is next to the Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu, If your cross the bridge the design is completely different. Location: Petrská čtvrť, 110 00 Prague 1, Czechia
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Now onto the Red Rose Mansion. Fans figured out that the Břevnovský klášter (Brevnov Monastery) served as the main inspiration for the Red Rose Mansion. Unfortunately, the monk that is responsible for the visits was sick during my stay in Prague, and would not be coming back until after I left. You can see the exact room that was referenced for the murder scene in the websites I've linked below. I was a bit sad that I wasn't able to see it with my own eyes but I hope he has a speedy recovery. After all, this gives me a reason to visit this wonderful city again! Tip: Don't be an oblivious zoomer like me and bring cash with you to leave a small donation at the Bazilika svaté Markéty Antiochijské (Basilica of St. Margaret of Antioch). You can get a postcard with the picture of the monastery for about 10 koruna and I'm sure it helps with the maintenance of this beautiful place. Also, there is a small, cozy cafe on the territory and they have really tasty Medovnik cake!
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The Rose Garden at the Mansion actually has no roses! It is actually a Cherry Garden, and can be visited at the Orangerie right behind the Monastery (tip: as far as I know it is only open on weekends and closes at 8pm). During this time of year it is obviously not blossoming however it was nice to visit nonetheless and walking in between the tall shrubs made me feel like I was Nina :p
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As a bonus I wanted to add this picture of a hanging Sigmund Freud that absolutely startled me on my first day in Prague. Many fans have speculated that the character of Franz Bonaparta was inspired by him, given their similar looks and involvement with Psychology
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I hope this was enjoyable and I hope you visit these amazing places if you ever happen to be in Prague! Once again, I'd like to highlight how grateful I am for the research fans have done and as mentioned above here are some of the websites I used:
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to-thelakes · 5 months
Luke planning a romantic getaway for him and reader so they can have a nice relaxing weekend/week where he can do nothing but pamper reader like they deserve. (He plans it with the help of Penelope, Emily and JJ ofcourse)
okay, i have been thinking about this for a little while and the thought of this is so fucking cute to me, luke would absolutely do this and would literally bend heaven and earth to make it happen. here's some thoughts (no nsfw, just fluffy thoughts, below the cut);
okay, like the original idea of a romantic getaway would probably be some like offhand comment made while you're working a case, like you mumble something 'god i need a vacation' or something and luke knows that he does too and wants to take you on one
at first, he doesn't think he's gonna be able to make it happen, at least not on his own, he doesn't know where to take you, what to do, any of it, he is a little stuck
everyone is staying late one night and garcia (bc she is nosy and we love her for it) spots luke looking at places that you and him could go stay
SHE BLOWS UP HIS PLANS SO BADLY and you obviously hear her asking what he is looking at and become suspicious
so his first attempt at a relaxing weekend away that was meant to be a surprise turns into both of you planning a little retreat for a long weekend in like upstate new york
it was a cute cottage in nature, away from people, it's nice, calming and you don't really have to worry about stumbling onto a case
but during the weekend you are stressed and mid-way through the getaway, you get a call for a case in new york city
so the relaxing and romancing quickly comes to an end, luke is frustrated but understands (it is both of your jobs after all)
BUT the second time that he plans a trip, he knows what to do, rather than trying to hide it from garcia, he ropes her in to help
garcia asks probing questions, looks at your search history (and she has also known you for years) and reluctantly helps luke with planning something
emily and jj quickly end up getting involved, he needs to ask emily for the time off anyway but when he is asking her about it, jj overhears and asks what he's planning, jj then begins to give ideas
and it quickly devolves into the women basically planning the week for both of you (tara included because ofc she overhears emily, jj and garcia discussing and wants in)
emily had approved the time off, she suggests places to go, luke kind of just sits there and approves any ideas or disproves anything that he knows that you would hate and he is obviously excited, he's also glad for the help
his vacation committee decided on you guys going to california and visiting the vineyards because you always talked about going to italy
however with the job, europe was a little too far away (and expensive on short notice) so the californian vineyards at the closest that they've got
emily has some friends in california that help them find a good place
garcia also has family there so reminds luke that if anything goes wrong, her siblings can help them, though she also reminds luke that she's only being so nice for you not him in typical garcia fashion
honestly, luke is just glad the surprise doesn't get ruined
and when you wake up on a monday, expecting to go to work but instead, luke presents you with the plane tickets, you are ecstatic
it is the first time you've been truly relaxed in WEEKS
the team did their best to make sure that you avoided any familiar haunts in california since both you and luke wanted a relaxing week and they only texted you if it's an emergency or if they just wanted to check in to make sure everything was going okay
and the week the two of you have away is amazing, you indulge in food (and each other) and for the first time in months, you feel truly relaxed
luke was always able to make you feel relaxed but this is another level
and when you come back from the trip (luke confesses that the team knew on the plane ride back home), you have a glow to you that they all point out and they giggle and you thank them all for helping plan such an amazing week, you just feel so grateful for them
luke (despite his lack of actual planning) also gets plenty of praise but you showed most of that to him while on the getaway ;)
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eco-lite · 1 year
Some mostly out of context funny/sweet/heartbreaking moments from Una McCormack’s Enigma Tales:
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[Text ID: “Renel took the other chair and the two guls, both big men, perched awkwardly together on the sofa. Garak had asked for the sofa’s dimensions to be just slightly too small to comfortably seat two adult males. His cruel streak always found expression somehow.” End ID]
Garak forcing stuffy military men to squeeze onto a tiny sofa together. Utterly diabolical.
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[Text ID: “My real pride is, of course, my garden. I have worked hard here. Parmak helps, although he has a tendency to kill plants on touch—worrying in a doctor (previous sentences underlined in red by me). He can’t do too much damage. The plants are hardy, the flowers have their own agenda, and not even Parmak can kill dry stone monuments.” End ID]
I love that in The Crimson Shadow, it’s implied that Kelas takes care of Garak’s garden while he’s away, yet here we learn that he’s actually terrible at it. First of all hilarious. Second of all, very sweet that Garak trusts him to keep trying.
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[Text ID: “’There might be another route to Garak,’ Alden said slowly, at last. ‘Ambassador, what do you know about Kelas Parmak?’
‘He is the castellan’s close friend,’ said T’Rena. ‘Probably one of his closest advisors—not officially, but certainly they are often together.’
‘Are they lovers?’ said Pulaski.
‘I don’t know,’ said T’Rena. ‘I do know that Parmak was interrogated by the Obsidian Order in his youth, and that Garak may have been involved.’
‘Damn,’ muttered Alden, ‘this place is twisted.’” End ID]
Pulaski just assuming that Garak and Kelas are lovers. A perfectly valid assumption--it’s the same assumption I make myself. Also, Peter Alden pointing out how it is frankly fucked up that they should be lovers considering the circumstances of their past encounter. He’s not wrong... Kelas is just a forgiving angel of a man.
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[Text ID: “She picked up the parcel she had brought with her. ‘Hey,’ she said. ‘I’ve got to go now. I hope it’s been good to see me. But I brought you a present. Well, it’s not really from me. Several of your friends got together and found this, and when they heard I was coming they asked me to bring it with me. I hope there’s no injunction on importing livestock. I think I got away with it.’
He was hardly going to unwrap the gift, so she pulled at the paper, revealing the small brown bear inside. She reached for Bashir’s hand again, lifting it and pressing it against the toy, in case the touch stirred some memory. She pressed it against his cheek too, so he could catch the scent. Smell and memory were closely intertwined; smells took you back to places more than anything else. Then she put the bear upon the windowsill, half looking out at the city, half looking back at Bashir. She smiled at it; this little guy had been loved, she saw, and someone had done some stitching that would make a surgeon proud. She reached out and rubbed its ears.
‘He’s an old soldier, isn’t he?’ she said. ‘He’s been through some wars. We’ve all been through some wars.’ She stopped and kissed her lost friend gently on the brow. ‘Come back, Julian,’ she said. ‘We miss you.’” End ID]
Pulaski bringing Kukalaka to comfort the comatose Julian are you kIDDING ME? This scene is so bittersweet.
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[Text ID: “’My father would say, all the time, how much I was wanted. How much he wanted me.’
(Next paragraph highlighted red by me) Well, he had wanted something, Garak thought. Telek’s father had not wanted the child he got. And that hurt, as Garak had cause to know; yes, that hurt very badly.” End ID]
Hahahahaaa ouchie.
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[Text ID: “Garak realized that he was still holding the phaser. He slipped it back into his pocket, for he would no doubt need it again one day, and then he rested his head against the cool of the window. My poor Julian, he thought. He let himself tremble for a while, allowing his body to process the shock. He might have allowed himself some tears then, too, in the dark while nobody could see, for all that had been lost, for all that he had done; for everyone that he had harmed.
Everyone that he had been unable to save.” End ID]
Despite everything, Garak is a very compassionate person. He very kindly talked down Telek, who was about to kill him, and was sensitive and remorseful that Telek’s Bajoran genetics had been eradicated as a child, at the insistance of Telek’s Cardassian father. And then immediately after that assassination attempt--a moment in which you’re surely allowed to think selfishly--he instead thinks of “My poor Julian,” another man whose father did not want him as he was. And that’s not even acknowledging all the other shit Garak is going through here. It’s a lot.
Love to end on a sad note. But seriously, everybody go read this book! These are just a few great moments among many. Lots of angst, lots of tenderness.
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suvidrache · 1 year
Can I request headcanons or a scenario (either one is fine) for cuddling with Nero? He's been through so much, he deserves some comfort 💙
Cuddles With Nero
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 606 / Read it on AO3 | Offline Version
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Nero had been busy all day with a mission. You were worried about him. You didn't want him to get hurt, but you also knew that it was his job. If he didn't help his uncle clean the city of demons, then they would take over and harm people. They've done it before, they'd do it again. Nero wouldn't let you join him on his missions. He didn't want you to get hurt. However, the closest you could get to going on one was waiting in the van. It still worried him. It was a middle ground, though. You got to join in if you wanted, but you weren't getting involved in the fighting. He made sure to keep the fighting far from the van so there wouldn't be a chance that you would get hit. There could still be a chance, but he kept his mind set on the fight. He didn't want to get distracted by what could happen. Getting distracted could leave him injured or worse, dead, then there would be no one to save you then. Unless Dante was here to help him take down the demons. Unfortunately, Nero was alone. He wouldn't let his thoughts worry him. He had to keep you and the rest of the city safe from harm. Finally, Nero finished the fight. There were no more demons, and the city was safe, for now. He sat in the van as the driver drove him to a restaurant and dropped him off. He headed in, ate some salad and pasta, paid, and headed to the Devil May Cry business. Walking into the Devil May Cry place, it looked almost like any other business. A desk with a wall of various guns and knives behind it. A bar to the right with a bookshelf filled top to bottom with books. Between both the desk and bar were stairs that led to Dante's bedroom and several other spare bedrooms. One of which was Nero's. Underneath the stairs were speakers that sometimes blared music when parties were thrown. It wasn't often, but it did happen from time to time.
You had been sitting downstairs reading a magazine, waiting for Nero to come home. It was a usual routine for you. However, it was getting late and sometimes he could be gone for days at a time. He would always text you before he got home or call you, however, this time he didn't. You did hear the door open and slam shut, probably Dante coming home. So, you stayed in bed. Nero made his way upstairs, ready to go to sleep, after he took a shower. He walked into the room that you shared with him. He saw that you might be asleep and was quiet as he got himself ready for bed and to sleep. He laid down next to you and quietly wished you goodnight. You turned over and wrapped your arms around him. You pulled him close to you.
"You're still awake?"
"Yes, I always wait to sleep later when you're away, in case you come home. I can see you or help you if you need it."
He smiled, "Thank you Y/N. I love you."
"I love you too. What happened to your phone, by the way?"
"It got broken. I didn't want to bother you since it was so late in the night."
"You wouldn't have bothered me." You said as you continued to cuddle with Nero.
Next time, he would be sure to call or text you. If his phone ever got broken, he had no problem using a payphone to contact you.
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© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
Tag List: @sunmoongoddess / To Join My Tag List Apply Here!
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collegeoflore · 6 months
OC meme!
tagged by @aliasknives!! thank you love :3
tagging @menzoberranzans @elminsters @tadpole-apocalypse @undead-potatoes and anyone else who wants to do it :3c
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Full name: xarrai. just xarrai lol. they’ve never once used their last name and so that gave me an excuse to never make one up for them :)
Gender: sure. whatever. (transfem flavor)
Sexuality: bi/pan/who cares
Pronouns: any
Family: they don’t remember if they ever met their father or not, and while their mother and at least two half siblings live in neverwinter, they don’t speak at all
Birthplace: the outer city, somewhere between wyrm’s crossing and the basilisk gate
Job: bard, courtesan, information broker, pickpocket, con artist, professional drunkard, etc etc etc. post-game, they add adventurer and (reluctantly) bard college instructor. (jury is still out on if the xarrastarion harper ending is canon in which case they add harper to the list even more reluctantly LOL)
Phobias: loss of autonomy, The Church Of Bane As A Whole lol
Guilty pleasures: if you asked, xarrai would tell you they’re a true hedonist and would never feel guilty for any pleasure. but if you dig deep enough into the trunk they had stashed at the elfsong you will find a collection of some of the worst romance novels in faerun buried under fancy dresses and thigh high boots that they would VEHEMENTLY deny is theirs. they don’t Like these books but they are obsessed with them the way people hate watch reality television LMAO
Hobbies: reading, leather working, writing (mostly music or poetry), stick n poke tattoos, drunkenly making out with strangers at the blushing mermaid, petty theft. obvs they sing and play their lyre but that’s part of their day job so i’m not sure if it counts under hobbies? lmao
Alignment: chaotic neutral, leaning a littleeee chaotic good by the end of act 3. a little.
Sins: most of them if we’re being fully honest. lmao
Virtues: self-control, vigilance, freedom (is that a virtue? whatever.)
Introvert / Extrovert
Organized / Disorganized
Close-minded / Open-minded
Calm / Anxious / Restless
Disagreeable / Agreeable / In between
Cautious / Reckless / In between
Patient / Impatient / In between
Outspoken / Reserved / In between
Leader / Follower / Flexible
Empathetic / Unempathetic / In between
Optimist / Pessimist / Realist
Traditional / Modern / In between
Hard-working / Lazy
this section was such a challenge for xar they r very much an Everything All At Once guy lol. take these answers with a grain of salt ig
OTP: astarion, unfortunately for everyone involved
Acceptable Ships: gale (but it never really works out for them,) technically they romance halsin in game as well but it’s not really romantic. tbh u could make an argument for them with most of the companions and it wouldn’t be That outlandish
OT3: i mean like astarion/xarrai/halsin is vaguely canon but they’re never Serious with halsin, though perhaps they get a little more romantically involved with him post-game? realistically i think xar just keeps a rotating cast of other partners coming in and out of their life until the end of time and i rly dont see astarion ever having an issue with it. they would get bored without hearts to break tbh. its enrichment.
Brotp: karlachhhh forever and ever. after she dies, they’re probably closest with gale (sorry gale lol)
Notp: it’s not technically a notp but i am obsessed with how badly xarrai wants jaheira and how she turns them down every time. ur never gonna get that milf honey but u can keep trying
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archoniluthradanar · 1 year
A Day on the Boardwalk with the Volturi Masters
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The fourth place winner for the Summer Fun with the Volturi Masters, story poll results.
You are outside in the garden, enjoying the warmth of the day. The inside of the castle can be chilly since vampires don't notice temperature, hot or cold, and wearing sweaters inside is common for you. The fireplace in your room provides enough heat, when you're actually there. You look at your bare arms, wondering what they will look like in the sun once you're a vampire. Would you sparkle as prettily as you'd seen the Volturi sparkle? It seemed absurd that vampires would sparkle in any case. No TV or movie vampire did that. But these were genuine creatures of the night, only they weren't relegated to existing in the dark. Your entire belief system about beings that shouldn't even exist was thrown out the proverbial window when you had been saved by the Volturi masters. You were so happy they did exist, and that they'd granted you permission to stay with them.
The masters had been busy today with a few trials that involved errant newborns and their indiscreet sires. After judgement had been passed and punishment meted out, Aro was free to come outside to greet you and see how you were doing. You scoot over once you realize he intends to sit next to you on the bench. He generally does things without prelude, assuming everyone knows what he wants without his needing to say anything. The Guard usually do, but you're human and a newcomer.
"Good morning, Aro. Court all finished?" you ask, a smile on your face. The lead Volturi master is so utterly gorgeous, just being around him makes you smile. But your gratitude for everything he has done for you surpasses the appeal of his appearance. When you tell the masters you love them, you mean it wholeheartedly.
"Yes, the guilty have been punished, so I thought I would check on you."
"Aro, do you really have to determine if they're innocent or guilty, or do you make that decision ahead of time?"
"My dear, if they were innocent, they would not be standing before us. Do you understand?"
You pat his hand closest to you and nod. "I do. And you must do your job well, or the planet would have been in chaos long ago."
He's pleased you understand their importance in the vampire community, and bends over to kiss your cheek. "Now that we are free for a few days, have you anything you wish to do? It has been interesting seeing the human world through your eyes. Name it, anything you wish to do."
"Well...there is one thing. It means leaving Italy again."
"Where to this time?" he asks you, curious.
"There's this boardwalk I have always wanted to visit on the East Coast of America, and never had the chance. It's in Ocean City, Maryland."
"The ocean again?"
"I love the ocean, Aro. And it's fun, if you enjoy people watching, eating, walking, and oh yes, they have rides and games too."
"But, dear one, we have done these things already."
"It's not the same, Aro. We can't swim since it's so crowded, and therefore there'd be no privacy for us. This is more people oriented, and I thought you all might enjoy the prospect of mingling with my kind for a change, as long as you feed before we leave. We could stay one night at a beachfront hotel and just relax. You do know the concept of relaxation."
Aro nods and places cool fingers under your chin. He leans in and kisses your warm lips in his usual familiar manner. You sometimes wonder if Sulpicia knows about his ways and doesn't care. You'd hate to have her despise you for the liberties her mate takes for himself. "Very well, my dear. Make the necessary preparations, and let me know when we should be ready."
"Thank you, Aro. It'll be fun." You rise from the bench and look down at him. "You're making it possible for me to do the things I missed out on when I left America." You lean down and hug him, then run off. "Thank you again!" you shout as you leave the garden.
Later that day, you seek out Aro, who is in the library with Marcus and Caius.
Excited to be traveling again, you give the masters the details of this short trip. "We have a room booked at the Grand Hotel, direct ocean view with king and queen beds, and a kitchenette, which is important only to me. It's right on the beach too. There's a game room, and several pool tables and darts in the bar. They have an indoor and an outdoor swimming pool. And our room has a balcony for those of us who don't need sleep. You can sit outside and watch the ocean and the night sky. Its the best I could find on short notice, and since money is no object, I was able to reserve one of their remaining best rooms."
"It sounds lovely, my dear," Marcus says, noticing the pink rise in your cheeks. Your enthusiasm is bubbling over and it can at times be catching.
The next day, the coven awaits Heidi's arrival, their walking meals already approaching the throne room. You are always ordered to stay in your room during these times, for your safety. While the Volturi feed, you're looking up information on the boardwalk. Aro already made sure the jet was ready to go. It will land in Baltimore where you have a car waiting. Then in less than 3 hours, you should be in the city by the sea.
Without realizing, you've fallen asleep on the bed, your cell phone in your hand. You wake when you feel someone kissing your neck. Opening your eyes, you see Marcus bending over you. "Wake up, little human. We're getting ready to leave."
"Is everyone done eating?" you murmur with a yawn.
Marcus smiles when you ask. Feeding off humans is something that's so normal for them and should be just as grotesque to humans, yet you ask as if they had just eaten pizza and not human blood.
Taking his hand, you get up off the bed and throw a few things into an overnight bag. You freshen up in the bathroom, then change into blue jeans and a red button up sleeveless shirt. Your long hair is pulled up into a ponytail and your favourite hoops are in your ears. You turn to Marcus, smiling, and slipping on your sunglasses, ask, "Does everyone have their contacts and sunglasses, Marcus?"
"Yes, dear one, so if you are ready..." He takes your bag and extends his free arm for you to take, and you both leave your room.
The flight is uneventful, and before long you're landed in the state of Maryland. The car is waiting, as expected, and you drive everyone to Ocean City in record time. The hotel is not quite ready for your check in, so you ask the masters if walking the boardwalk would be doable now. They agree and walk with you, dressed as casually as they had chosen, in black jeans and pullovers. They surround you in their usual formation, Aro in front, with Marcus and Caius on either side of you, protecting you even when there is no need.
The masters look around as they move gracefully along the boardwalk, finding the place a chaotic one of noise, light, voices over voices, and the smell human of blood mingling with sweat, suntan oil, and fried foods. You just see humanity at its most casual.
"Oh, isn't it wonderful," you say, dancing around the masters. "Listen to the ocean waves washing ashore, hear the seagulls flying overheard. And look at all the half-naked humans. All that bared skin, the blood coursing underneath it, just waiting to be savored like fine wine. A mass of foolish humans deserving to be bitten...and you can't do a thing about it." You laugh in an exaggerated tone, similar to the villains in old cartoons.
Caius grumbles low in his chest. "Why are you doing this," he asks you. "You're an evil little girl."
"I'm just getting back at you for all the teasing. And I'm not a little girl." You stand in front of Caius, your legs parted, your hands on your hips, glaring at him. The next thing you know, he's coming after you, his teeth bared.
You run and hide behind Marcus, who is tolerant of your behavior, finding himself amused. Using his body as a shield, you round him several times while Caius pretends to attack. God knows if he wanted to really hurt you, he could. Your shrieks fill the air, until Caius catches you and wraps his arms around your entire body, making it impossible for you to move. You feel his icy breath wash over your neck, his teeth gnashing in a threatening manner, but you just giggle until you're breathless.
Aro has kept his patience, but finally huffs at you both. "Children! Stop this nonsense," he says, emphasizing the word 'children'.
You stop struggling in Caius' arms, and tug your clothing back into place when he releases you.
Caius glares at Aro. "Brother, do not call me a child. We were just...playing." He turns to you, smirking.
You look up and point. "A T-shirt shop! Oh, we have to go in there and look for the perfect t-shirts to take home as souvenirs." The masters follow you into the store, their eyes perusing the wares hanging everywhere.
You look over the shirts with ocean theme images on them, something that would help you remember this short visit. "Oh no, look at these." You point out a wall displaying various supernatural logos, some vampiric in design.
The masters scan the shirts, finding them amusing. You show Aro one that says 'I'm a vampire. Don't let this human costume fool you'.
"I think I prefer this one," he says, showing you. It reads 'If I say "First of All", run away because I have prepared charts, data, research, and will destroy you'.
"Well, that's not very nice, Aro."
"Exactly, my dear."
"I have the perfect one." Caius shows you his choice which says, 'Once a King, always a King. But once a Knight is never enough!'
"Hmmm?" you suppress a smile.
"You do understand the play on words," Caius queries, one hand sliding up your arm, giving you goosebumps.
"Yes, Caius, I get it. Now behave, before Aro gives us another dressing down." You look for Marcus, who is looking over the display. "Find anything you like, Marcus?"
He picks out one that says 'Wear Black, Drink Blood', then looks down at you, his brows raised.
"Well, it's to the point. And very Volturi. I love it." He puts an arm around you, asking you if you've found one to your liking. You point to a blue one that says 'Ocean City, Maryland. Summer paradise.' with an ocean, two palm trees and the sun imaged on it. It was typical tourist kitsch and you grab it.
Aro pays for all the t-shirts and you get to carry the bag. When you leave the store, you see a stand that sells buckets of fries. You've heard of this stand and run over to get a medium size bucket. You return to the masters, eating the hot fries one at a time. And as usual, Aro makes a face.
"Child, your health."
"Aro, it's one small medium-sized bucket, and besides, eventually I'll be changed and then it won't matter. I'll be in perfect health. Forever." You feel a hand tug playfully on your ponytail. but when you turn around, no one is there. "Caius," you mutter.
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As you continue down the boardwalk, you find a gaming room loaded with all kinds of machines and a large sign that says "Prizes!" hanging overhead.
You challenge the masters to play the bowling game, asking them to give any tickets they win to you. You don't do too badly, but vampire skills win the day, and your hands are soon full of tickets. You sort them out and stuff them in your pockets. then challenge them to air hockey. Caius is always up to a challenge that feels like a battle, and offers to play with you once he understands how. Aro and Marcus watch with curiosity and are soon cheering you on. Of course Caius wins but he does give you all his tickets. After a while you add up them up and redeem them for another stuffed animal.
"What is this, my dear?" Aro asks, turning the toy over in his hands.
"You claim to have read more books than any human in the world, and you don't know Winnie the Pooh?"
He gives you back the bear and states imperiously, "We don't read children's stories, dear one."
"Hmmm. Well, maybe we should get to the hotel. Our room may be ready by now." And it is. Once in your upper level suite, you look around, smiling when you see the large balcony. You go out and look over the entire boardwalk, the beach and the ocean beyond. "It's perfect," you whisper.
The masters are not impressed, feeling there is no grandeur, but if it makes you happy, they are happy.
"I'm hungry. Can we go downstairs and get something to eat, and maybe get a drink and play pool?"
In the bar, you find one pool table not in use and claim it. You persuade Marcus to play against you first. With a mai tai in your hand, you choose your pool stick and wait for Marcus to do likewise. He watches you break, and in no time he understands the concept of the game. You love pool and have not done too poorly, but Marcus easily beats you three out of three. You put your sticks away, but before he walks away, you stand on tiptoe and kiss him. He watches you silently while you go pick up your drink.
After several games of darts, in which both Aro and Caius defeat you, you finish your drink and say, "If my ego was in constant need of boosting, I'd be very depressed by now." But you realize, you don't need to think about your ego. You have the best companions in the world.
You fetch a supper from a local eatery and then return to the room. The masters go sit outside on the balcony while you eat, then you join them. You stand behind Marcus, your hands on his shoulders. The sun is now setting, and the crowds have thinned considerably. You inhale deeply of the salt-sea air, so different from the air in Volterra.
You feel Marcus rest his cold hand on yours, drawing you down. He seems to enjoy the warmth of your skin. The sweet scent of warm cinnamon milk, with a dollop of whipped creme, fills your nose. His soft hair tickles your cheek.
When you ready for bed, tired from your full day, he is the one who tucks you in. You ask him to lie with you awhile, whereupon you both talk about the day, and you even dare ask a couple of questions about being a vampire. As you fade off to sleep, you feel Marcus kiss you, gently at first, then with a bit more passion. You determine you need to speak to him about things, things...and then you're out.
The next morning, you feel hands shaking you. It's Caius. "Wake up, little human. Time to get ready to go."
"No, please, just three more hours." Then hands start to tickle you, making you shriek, "No fair! You're not ticklish. Stop! ARO!"
"Brother, she is awake. My dear, get ready please. Caius, take her things downstairs and we will be down in a moment."
No matter how much fun the masters seem to have when you travel, they also seem just as eager to go home.
Aro looks at you, then takes your hand in his and begins to read your most recent memories. After a couple seconds, you suddenly pull your hand from his.
"I'm not finished," Aro says, a frown on his face.
"Oh yes, you are," you retort. "I think I deserve some privacy where...uhem, my thoughts are my own, Aro."
He nods once, but then he gives you a smile of understanding. "I'll wait until you've had the chance to discuss the issue with our brother."
As if you plan to let him read you then. You huff quietly, and leave the room, Aro right behind you.
You meet up with patiently waiting Marcus and Caius, then leave the hotel lobby together.
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"Let's ride the tram back to the parking lot," you suggest.
"Tram? What is a tram?" Aro asked.
You point at the conga line of open cars being pulled by a lead car. "That is the tram."
"Why take the tram, my dear?"
"Because I'm tired, Aro. And it would allow me one last look at everything before we go home. Hello, it's your little human here. You could run the length of the boardwalk in the time it takes to say 'run the length of the boardwalk'. I can't."
Aro bends to whisper in your ear. "All the more reason to change as soon as possible."
His whisper tickles. "I know," you say simply.
"She must be tired to offer no argument to that proposition, brother. Let's take the tram," Marcus says.
Everyone climbs onto the next tram, and rides it the length of the boardwalk to the parking lot. You take one more look around at the ocean, the shops, rides, then watch the masters while they do the same. You feel a hand take your own and look up at Marcus. He leans over to kiss your temple, then looks straight ahead. You lower your head and smile. You have a feeling Volterra will become your permanent home sooner than you thought. But for now, you're enjoying showing the Volturi masters a world they don't know as they prepare you for a world you never knew existed.
A/N : The vampire-themed t-shirts are real. Found them at an online shop.
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1rsoldiersince2012 · 1 year
Bound by Law (Matt Murdock x Reader)
Words: 4137 (chapter 30)
You and Matt met in the courtroom. Now, you may think that Matt was a knight in shining armour and defended you in the name of all United States laws, but that was not the case. Matt was totally destroying your client, and you wanted to tear him into pieces right then and right there, because with Murdock as your rival, your head is on the firm's plate with each case. Did Matt care? No, he only cared about bringing justice, he was a human-machine, driven by the need to bring righteousness no matter the cost. Or was he just that? What happens when you get involved in Fisk's business and Daredevil's lies against your will?
UPDATES: pls forgive me for not updating regularly :///
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30. I Don't Want to be a Part of This
Quickly running to the window, you watch four clouds of smoke and fire cover the city in complete darkness, which is disturbed by sirens and red and blue lights. "What?" You whisper to yourself, and it finally dawns on you - this is where Mrs Cardenas lives; this is where Foggy and Karen might still be. Immediately calling Foggy, you are met with the voice of the answering machine. "Shit, where is it?" You search for Cardenas's personal information sheet where her address was written, or at least was supposed to be written by Karen. "Ah, screw it!" You drop the pile of papers on Karen's desk and run out through the door, remembering just in time to lock the place for the night.
If it weren't for the emergency, cops probably would've already pulled you for speeding in the busy street. Pulling in front of one of the burning buildings, you get out and frantically look around for familiar faces. A cop appears in front of you and gently pushes you away from the scene, "Miss, you can't be here."
"What? My friends might be there." 
"We have saved everyone from that building," He looks around, "are you sure they were in this building and not the others?"
"I-" you curse yourself in your head, "I don't know, I-" 
"Miss, you can wait in your car for any news, I'll be sure to tell you about your friends only if you describe them to me." The man in his 40s says, clearly automatically, just as he was trained in the academy, and leaves you standing alone. You slip away almost immediately and leave the scene in hopes of finding them at the closest building to this. 
Just as you pull up to the next building, Foggy, Karen and Mrs Cardenas emerge from the crowd, stopping just in time before you crash into them. "Fuck, Foggy, is that you? Get in!" You open your doors and get out quickly to help them put Mrs Cardenas in the backseat.
"Wait, the ambulance said to stay here for another." Karen stops the process in the middle.
"Forget about it, it's quicker by car, just get in." You urge them before traffic blocks the main roads as many Hell's Kitchen's residents decide to go look at the newest 'attraction' of the city. "Is she hurt a lot? Are you hurt?" You ask Foggy just as he puts his seatbelt on and press on the gas.
"I don't know, it happened so fast." Foggy shakes his head slowly, afraid that the vision might get blurry again.
"Mrs Cardenas got a bigger blow than us." Karen replies from the backseat. You drive past an abandoned building with at least three police cars parked next to each other, officers involved in a heated conversation. Something feels odd as the building was untouched by the explosions.
"Okay, just a couple more minutes and we'll be there." You reassure the passengers, especially the lady in the back, holding her head with both hands.
"Don't you move! Don't you freakin' move! Interlock your fingers behind your head and get on your knees. On your knees! Do it! Do it now! Don't you move." One officer shouts, holding his gun tightly in his hands.
"I'll put a bullet in you! Last chance, asshole! I will not hesitate to put you down! On your knees, do it!" His colleague shouts too, briefly glancing at the passenger side, "Keep your eyes on him."
"All right." The driver takes slow steps towards frozen Matt. "Nice and slow." Matt kneels slowly, mind racing faster than before to create an escape plan.  "You got him?"
"Yeah, yeah."
"Cuff the son of a bitch." He watches as Matt gets handcuffed and pushed back on the ground. "What about this asshole?" He points to Vladimir.
"Take care of him like we were told. No witnesses." 
Matt smashes his head into the cop's head and knocks him away, quickly putting the other one on the ground too and asks still knocked down Vladimir,  "How bad are you hurt?" Grabbing a gun nearby, Vladimir says something in Russian and Matt kicks him in the face, immediately fleeing the scene.
In the car, speeding above the limit, Wesley talks on the phone with Blake, talking in a clealy pissed off tone, "Yes. Yes, it is. I'll let him know." He ends the call and takes off his glasses, "Vladimir is in the wind."
"How?" Fisk shakes his head to himself, angry about the failure of his perfect plan.
"Our friend in the black mask, he was beating on him, but stopped Officer Corbin and his boys from finishing him off." 
"Then he wasn't trying to kill Vladimir."
"Based on what we know, probably trying to get him to talk about you. Blake was clumsy, letting the mask get his phone." Wesley sighs heavily,  "I had just texted him the addresses for the sweep."
"We'll deal with Blake later. We need to contain this."
"Vladimir and the mask won't make it out of the area. The sweep will pick them up." 
"Gao put her trust in me." Fisk rasps, shadows appearing and disappearing on his face through the window mix with his disappointment. "She gave me her help. She's going to be disappointed the situation hasn't concluded... as neatly as promised." 
"What are you gonna tell her?"
"The truth. Lying to that woman is impossible."
"She'll want to know what our next move is." Wesley doesn't let Fisk out of his eyes.
"Letting the police do their jobs. That's what I pay them for, isn't it?"
***  "Come on, pick up, pick up." You pace in the corridor outside the ward where Mrs Cardenas rests. Another call to the voicemail. "God, why are you such a jerk, Murdock?" You drop your phone on the little gray sofa next to the wall and sit next to it. A moment, filled with nurses shouting at the end of the corridor, passes by and you kick off your heels, touching the cold hospital tiles with your feet. The cold seeps into your bones but it's much welcomed and calms the ache for a while. Foggy emerges from the ward, already bandaged and throughly checked by the doctors.
"You're okay?" You ask, intently looking at him for any evident discomfort.
"Yeah, I'm super." Foggy smiles and takes a seat next to you. "Still no answer?"
"No." You cut briefly, annoyed by Matt's behaviour, despite him being so chatty and almost clingy the whole day. 
"I should swing by his flat-" Foggy shuts up mid-sentence when you give him a glare. "I should go home and rest."
"Yes, you should." You look at your hands, nervously turning the ring on your finger. "How are they?"
"Karen's good, the nurses already checked her. Mrs Cardenas... She's hurt but I think they gave her lots of painkillers."
You don't know what else to say. Everything that happened was so unexpected and almost shocking that it left you speechless again.
"I better get going, Karen should go too." He stands up and looks down at you again. "You going?"
"Yeah, yeah, I will. Just need to collect my thoughts." You smile until Foggy steps into the ward and your mask falls.
Desperate for something you try to reach Matt one more time but when he doesn't answer, you dial Wesley, the man who was responsible for what happened just hours ago, yet that was so far from your knowledge that you didn't think twice about calling him.
He picks up after the 4th beep, a bit surprised and distracted, "Hello?"
"James, it's me." Your voice sounds weird even to yourself now.
"Is everything alright?" He asks, turning away from Fisk.
"I'm in the hospital right now."
"Are you hurt? What happened?" Wesley asks, worry evident in his voice. 
"No, I'm okay. Just..." You curse yourself for your next words, but say them anyway, "could you come here?"
"I'll be there soon." Wesley hangs up and turns to look at Fisk, who now has been calmly staring at the sight outside the window of his office that they just returned to.
"You may go, I'll call you." Fisk says not turning his face to look at Wesley, instead curiously watching his concerned reflection in the window.
"Goodnight, sir." Wesley mutters and quickly leaves the office, taking big steps towards his car and driving to the hospital.
You don't know how much time has passed with you sitting there barefoot outside Mrs Cardenas ward and debating on your next move. Matt's phone was still unreachable and Foggy took Karen home. In the corner of your eye you notice a figure quickly walking down the corridor and nearing you in a stoic manner. "I almost didn't find you," Wesley begins just as he reaches you and immediately sits down on your left, "the nurses at the reception didn't know you." He finishes, obviously a bit confused.
"I wasn't registered." Finally lifting your head up from the white tiles, you look at the man beside you. "I told you that I'm alright. Physically."
Wesley looks at you with knitted eyebrows, trying to grasp the meaning of this meeting. "What happened then? Someone else got hurt? Your... Friend?"
"Yeah. Yeah. They let them go home with just minimal injuries." He tries to make sense of your behavior and before he can formulate another question in his head, you finally snap, "but there's a woman in this ward, lying there in great pain which could only be numbed with shit ton of medicine and she is our client. She's-" you take a deep breath, trying to suppress the involuntary sob from coming, "she's a sweet old lady whom I fucking declined at first, like the idiot that I am and that one day that she spent in darkness of her apartment because they have no electricity and not knowing when she was going to get kicked out, that one day until she came back to us again-" you stand up and walk in front of Wesley, still barefoot,"it cost her this." You point to the ward door.
Wesley knows what you're talking about, maybe not the smallest details, but the whole picture was starting to come together now. Eyes following your every movement, he felt like he was a witness of something - either an incoming breakdown or a legal enlightenment. "I'm sorry but I don't think I'm following." He lies a little, just to satisfy himself with all the details.
"That lady came to us because her landlord and some guys were kicking them out of their homes. They refused to move out or take the money and then suddenly all four buildings are destroyed in one night? No, this is no coincidence." Anger takes over your body, a sudden rage fills up your veins and you finally stop pacing. "There's someone behind it. I just feel it."
"Who?" Wesley asks innocently, trying to not give out his knowledge.
"I don't know yet, but I will find them and I will -" You ball a tight fist, more and more sure of your decision.
"You will what?" He asks in what someone might call an 'intimidating' tone, but you don't hear it that way.
"I'll destroy them. They're gonna be so fucked legally that even prison will look like heaven." Wesley notices your almost bloodshot eyes and thinks over his further actions. You take a seat next to him again and rub your forehead with the tips of your fingers. "Do you know how many people are here in the hospital? All from those buildings? Hundreds, James, hundreds of elderly people, and that flat was the only thing they had in their lives."
He closes his eyes for a moment and then slowly hugs your shoulders, not feeling any sympathy towards those old people who were just waiting to die, but feeling conflicted about you.
"They said that there were no survivors from one building." You finish and find him staring ahead of himself in thought.
"I am so sorry that this happened but there's nothing I could do, I'm afraid."
"I know. I just... Needed to talk to someone who would understand me." You sniff loudly a couple of times and slowly put on your heels again. 
"Sore feet?" Wesley asks after a moment, noticing how your skin got goosebumps when he slightly massaged your shoulders.
"Yeah." You laugh a bit, "I should get going it's pretty late."
"Can I drive you home?" He offers because that was the least he could do to make you feel better now.
"Yes. Of course." You stand up together with him, his hand never leaving your shoulders. "I was gonna ask you that but since you offered it yourself..."
"Come on, you look like you need a good night's sleep. Don't worry about anything else tonight." James pulls you closer to him, gently rubbing your upper arm, just over the scar that the bullet left. Just before getting into the elevator, he kisses your temple and slowly pulls away his eyes from you.
Vladimir wakes up from his involuntary nap, groaning and rolling on the dusty floor of an abandoned building and notices Matt hancuffing the cop to the pole. "You've been busy."
"The building's surrounded. Ten officers, four dogs. More coming." Matt drops the cop's gun on the ground and picks up a metal pipe.
"How do you know this?"
"Lucky guess." Matt smiles briefly before merging with the shadows again.
"What did you do to me?" Vladimir panics, remembering the sharp pain in his side.
"Road flare. Cauterized the wound."
"You burned me?" Vladimir spits out along with a couple of russian swear words.
"Yeah, I had to stop the bleeding. Bullet's still inside you. Wouldn't move around, if I were you."
"You expect me to say thank you?"
"If I didn't need you alive, we wouldn't be having this conversation." Matt states, as if he was going to let him bleed out any way.
Vladimir slightly giggles but  the action makes him cough in pain. "So you just stand there and let me die, huh? But you couldn't kill me yourself. Is that where you draw the line?"
If he could, Matt was sure that he would be rolling his eyes now. "Tell me what I want to know about Fisk." He squats in front of Vladimir.
Yet Vladimir doesn't want to drop the subject of  killing so easy, "You think you're different from me? From him? But you'll get there. Sooner or later we all do, men like us."
"A man like Fisk just took out your entire operation. And he may not own all the cops, but he owns enough that you won't make it into a prison cell. Right now, I'm your only shot at getting out of this building alive."
"His lapdog came to us first. He told us his employer had taken note. He complimented us on our business. Invited us to be part of something bigger to expand if we entered into an agreement." Vladimir coughs again, feeling only disgust towards Wesley and Fisk.
"What did Fisk offer?"
"Police looking other way, aid from politicians and access to Chinese and their heroin."
Matt is taken by surpise now, "He's working with the Chinese?"
Vladimir scoffs again, but this time loudly, "You really don't know anything, do you? Just snapping at scraps falling from table."
"I want names. Everything you know about them and how they connect to Fisk." Matt says in a softer tone, hoping that this will somehow help, or at least provide a sort of calmness to himself.
"There's only one name that matters. The man that can tie it all together." 
"Who?" Matt feels like this is the moment that can change the situation for the better.
"Have you heard of the name Leslie Shumway?" Vladimir ridiccules Matt, yet he doesn't understand the reference.
"No, he work for Fisk?"
Vladimir chuckles, "American schools Almost as bad as Russian." 
"Come on." Matt urges him to go straight to the point, he can't let this go to waste now.
"Leslie Shumway was an accountant to your Al Capone. He handled it for all of us."
"Who is he? Where do I find him?" Matt desperately pushes for the  desired answer. Yet Vladimir starts getting delusional from the blood loss.
"We were going to rule this city my brother and I."
"Vladimir, the name!" 
"His name... His name is... His name is..." Vladimir closes his eyes and falls silent.
"Thank you, again, for the ride." You say, leaning on the threshold of your door, Wesley standing in the chilly corridor only wearing a jacket. On a better day than this, you'd ask him why was he so fancy dressed up at this late hour.
"Yeah, it's no problem. I just want you to feel better." Wesley smiles awkwardly, slightly messing with the car keys in his pocket. Things did not go as planned and he needed to return to Fisk as soon as possible.
"I'm sorry I dragged you out at this hour. But... I just needed a strong shoulder to lean on." You stretch your hand and put on his shoulder, then let it slide down the hem of his suit and eventually fall back by your side.
"Hey, it's okay. Well, you better get to bed now, y/n." He wants to kiss you goodnight but you  pull out a cigarette from your pocket and put it in your mouth.
"Yeah, one last smoke. Goodnight, James."
He lingers in the corridor a second more before you light up the cigarette and then turns on his heel to leave. "Night."
Just as he disappears down the stairs, you take your purse from the table and lock the doors, keeping the distance between yourself and Wesley who might not left the building yet. Silently creeping after him in the darkness of the building, you finally see him drive away urgently and exit, running towards the slowly passing cab. You just had to try Matt's apartment for the sake of good night's sleep.
"Sir, I think we may have a little problem coming our way." Wesley returns to Fisk and notices him sitting before the TV screen, deep in thought. "Everything alright, Sir?" He caught Fisk's SUV  a couple of blocks away and ditched his own car in a random parking lot.
"Vladimir is holed up with the mask. Blake and Hoffman have assumed HNT on scene, secured the perimeter, waiting for the go-ahead to take the building. We should get this behind us."
Wesley's phone rings and with a little update, he sighs once more. "There's a complication. A reporter from the Bulletin."
"Turn his head." Fisk cuts, looking outside the window again.
"It's Ben Urich." 
Now it's Fisk's turn to sigh, "The Union Allied article."
"If he picks up on anything doesn't smell right it could be a problem."
"Problems are just opportunities that haven't presented themselves. You reach out to all of our contacts in the media. I want everyone in Hell's Kitchen to see what's about to happen." Fisk meets with Wesley's small grin, but then remembers the first thing he said when he got into the car. "What problem were you talking about, James?"
It was so rare that he got called by his first name, yet so strange now, especially in a situation like this, when Fisk usually tends to be as serious as possible. Wesley hesitates a bit. He must report everything to his boss, you including, yet this talk in the hospital with you felt more private and vulnerable than the night that he spent together with you. "Uh..." Wesley begins a bit awkwardly, "When I spoke with y/n, she... Promised to take down the person who is behind Tully." 
Fisk slighly raises his left eyebrow, unsure of how the news made him feel, yet he says nothing upon sensing that Wesley had more to say.
"She feels that the explosions were no accident and that someone with more power is involved. If she pushes Tully enough, he might break. And then there are residents of the buildings in the hospital, who would agree on filling lawsuits on Tully for breaking the contract. And if she starts digging deeper, she might catch onto us." Wesley reports dutifully, not putting you in villain's place, but secretly praising you and your dedication to work.
"She's smart." Fisk's expression is unreadable, "yet so stupid." 
Near the warehouse, Wesley hands Fisk a walkie-talkie. Matt tries to find a way out of the building, sensing that they don't have much time left until police gets inside. 
Suddenly, something cracks in the cop's pocket and a voice that he hated the most reaches him and Vladimir. "I'd like to speak to the man in the mask, please. Hello." Fisk says, looking at Wesley. Matt struggles but in the end, finds the cop's walkie. "Are you there? Can you hear me?" Fisk repeats.
"Who is this?" Matt answers, feeling overstimulated by the hatred that he has for Fisk.
"I think you know. You've been asking about me. I thought it was time we spoke."
"Say your name." Matt rasps, making his voice as unrecognisable as possible.
"You first." Fisk riddicules, but is met with a deafening silence, "That's what I thought. You and I have a lot in common."
"We're nothing alike." Matt spits, voice filled with poison.
"That's what you'll tell yourself."
"You're feeding off this city like a cancer."
"I want to save this city, like you, only on a scale that matters."
"Now tell that to the people you've hurt."
Fisk smiles menacingly, "Young man, life is not a fairy tale. Not everyone deserves a happy ending." But his own thoughts slip back to Vanessa.
"I'm gonna find you and I'm gonna make you pay for what you've done."
"No, you are not. Not that I don't admire what you're trying to do, to change the world with nothing but desire and your own two hands, secure in the knowledge that you're doing the right thing, the only thing. That's something that I do understand. But we both can't have what we want. So your part in this drama, by necessity, comes to an end."
"It's gonna take a lot more than a voice on a radio to stop me." Matt inhales loudly, irritating Fisk. Vladimir silently groans next to him.
"It's not me you need to worry about. It's the city you just blew the hell out of."
Matt chuckles lowly, "You... You think anyone's gonna believe that?" 
"You're running around in a mask, holing up with a known felon in the wake of a series of bombings. There's that police officer you're holding hostage, so yes. Actually, I do. But it doesn't have to be this way. The Russian... is he alive?" 
"I'm still here, you fat shit!" Vladimir shouts loud enough for Fisk and Wesley to hear.
"Does that answer your question?" Matt asks, thinking over his further actions.
"It's a one-time offer. You kill the Russian, and we'll call the night a push. You know what he's done to women, to children. To the people of this city that you claim to care about. But do you know how much he enjoyed it?" Fisk knew that he was getting under the devil's skin, how much he could get just by mentioning those innocent people that were hurt by russians.
"You just confirmed how important he is. That must worry you, what he might tell me."
Fisk smiles at Wesley, "Which means he hasn't told you anything yet. You're a child playing at being a hero."
Matt fell into Fisk's trap and he has to get out of it quickly, "No, no, I'm not trying to be a hero. I'm just a guy that got fed up with men like you and I decided to do something about it."
"That's what makes you dangerous. It's not the mask. It's not the skills. It's your ideology. The lone man who thinks he can make a difference. I'm glad we could talk. I respect your conviction even if it runs counter with with my own."
"Yeah, keep telling yourself you've won. It'll make what I'm gonna do to you so much more satisfying."
"Your part ends tonight." Fisk cuts.
"And if that's true, others will take my place. They'll see what I was trying to do and they'll make sure-"
Fisk interrupts, sick of the pointless arguing, "No, they won't. The city will burn you in effigy. Your name, your very existence will be met with abhorrence and disgust." He nods to Wesley, who orders the attack on the warehouse.
Outside of his apartment building, waiting for a taxi, you light up another cigarette and grab your phone to dial Matt again. This time a rough voice finally picks up.
"Hello? Seriously?" You scoff loudly and almost drop your cigarette when your fingers start shaking, "I'm picking you up tomorrow. 8:30 sharp. Your ass better be outside when I come, Murdock." You say almost angrily and Matt takes an audible breath, mixed with a hidden pain in his lower back and guilt lying on his heart.
"Okay." is all he manages to say before you end call and wish you could just bang your head against the wall out of frustration. Was he already home? Then why didn't he answer when you knocked probably a hundred times until your knuckles felt numb? Was he with another woman?
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crownmemes · 1 year
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Elementary Sentences, Vol. 1
(Sentences from Elementary (2012-2019). Adjust phrasing where needed)
"Please don't get comfortable, we won't be here long."
"Consider every wretched hive of depravity and murder in this city my place of business."
"In case you hadn't noticed, I don't have meaningful connections."
"You can connect to people. It just frightens you."
"Why must you continue to act like you've never seen a dead body before?"
"I just think it's sad that you can't be honest with the man that, as far as I can tell, is the closest thing you have to a friend."
"You can't unlearn something you already know."
"Do you close yourself off to people and deny yourself things that might bring you pleasure because it's some sort of penance?"
"For future reference, when I say that I agree with you, it means I'm not listening."
"You're going to stay up all night again, aren't you?"
"I'd trade my dad for a Tic Tac."
"You tricked me. That doesn't happen very often."
"Are you here to kill me? Because I have to admit, I find the possibility very exciting."
"My advice? Don't dwell on that man's petty deceptions."
"I mean, how often do you meet a sexy doctor?"
"My favourite kind of patient is unconscious on a table with a tube down his throat."
"I must say, you seem strangely reluctant to follow a promising lead."
"If you are ready to talk about it, I'd very much like to know, but I'm not going to ask you about it anymore."
"The musculature of your legs and your shoulders suggests a certain elasticity that I find quite tantalising."
"I must warn you, a relationship between us could never go beyond the physical. No offence to you, of course. It's just not my way."
"Boredom is far more dangerous to my health than any fever."
"You make an effort to appear conventional, but I know that you share my love of all things bizarre."
"The only promise a puzzle makes is an answer. Liking the answer doesn't factor in."
"Sometimes you have to talk about things that make you feel uncomfortable."
"I'm smarter than everyone I meet. I know it's bad form to say that, but, in my case, it's a fact."
"Who the hell are you? Because you're obviously not the person I thought you were before."
"You haven't got to look out for me. I'll look out for you."
"Nothing makes a smart man stupid like a thirst for vengeance."
"I know that we're not the best of friends or anything, but do you honestly think that I might kill a man?"
"May I give you my professional opinion?"
"You have to look out for family, even when they disappoint you."
"I know that it's hard, but one of these days you've got to get over yourself."
"What happens when people figure out that we came in here and cut up a body in the middle of the night?!"
"I wish your word meant something more to me."
"Sometimes new eyes on a case can be just as useful as new information."
"There are ways to hurt you that do not involve hurting you."
"I will never allow any harm to come to you. Not ever."
"I've already told you that you're beautiful, and I can see the way that you're looking at me. Why would we need to leave this apartment to enjoy each other's company?"
"Is this what you want, or what you think you owe?"
"It makes the world quite dull, no? Looking at a man and knowing all his secrets."
"You look at people and see puzzles. I see games."
"What's the point in living with a former surgeon if you can't stitch the occasional bullet hole?"
"I apologise for the subterfuge, but it seemed the most expedient way to get you here."
"You're broken into pieces right now. I can put you back together and, once you're whole, I'll show you a different way to love."
"We both made the same mistake. Falling in love. We were both stupid."
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pokeglitchden · 1 year
So in relation to last night.
I am fine. �aver is fine. Somehow all of this has worked itself out in the end, but I feel I must still explain some of what transpired. I cannot relate everything here, but, on that note, while the experience was a harrowing one, combing back through the footage, I believe there is now definitive proof that �aver DID NOT release that 3TrainerPoke$ into Celedon City and was framed for the crime.
Not only that. I also have proof that I believe points to Team Enigma, and particularly their current admin, Grant Emmerson, as the perpetrator of the crime.
Allow me to explain. Last we knew these were the facts behind the 3TP case:
The 3TP released into Celedon City was registered to a trainer. It was given an Everstone to prevent stabilization so that it could create as much chaos as possible.
The trainer the 3TP was registered to appeared to be �aver, researcher who I know personally had no access to such a pokemon, nor did he have a way to release the Pokemon in Kanto, by virtue of being in Hoenn, staying with me, at the time of its release.
Team Enigma denied any involvement in this event, in spite of the conspicuous location of their HQ being only a single route away from Celedon City.
Team Enigma has been heavily involved in attempting to maintain that Glitch City is to blame for the attack, in spite of there being little evidence of a motive, and no evidence of wrongdoing by anyone they claimed to be involved.
Now. That is what we DID know. But here is what we have learned in the past 24 hours:
Team Enigma has been mobilizing units of Grunts across the region of Kanto. These units are being instructed to kidnap people, and also to steal pokemon, as can be seen here.
[An image is attached of a still from one of Grant's uploaded videos featuring an Onix with a very visible collar and nickname tag that reads "Rocky"]
[A related picture is attached of a Missing Pokemon sign from Johto searching for an Onix named Rocky]
[Another photo is attached of �aver caught from the security camera being very clearly detained by Team Enigma]
Team Enigma has also in their most recent video upload proved that they are using an anomaly to transmute matter. This includes transmutation of an item into a different Item, AND of a Pokemon to a different Pokemon.
Team Enigma HAS a motive to do this. They have been trying for ages to prove that Glitch Pokemon are a danger to society. The backlash from this event has done nothing but give them exactly what they want.
To this day �aver's pokemon, Lullaby, has not been found in spite of it being a very conspicuous and very well trained pokemon.
What I propose has happened here is simple. Team Enigma's plan from the start was to kidnap a trainer from Glitch City and blame them for a Glitch Pokemon related disaster. He used a matter transmutation anomaly that we now know he is capable of performing to change �aver's kidnapped Pokemon, Lullaby, from an ▶ A into a 3TrainerPoke$. Which explains why there was no flag marked on his Pokedex, and why the system did not mark him as having caught one. He then released the pokemon into Celedon City and allowed it to rampage, and then allowed �aver and Glitch City to take the fall for the attack.
This is not a perfect account of this event. There may be gaps. But this is the closest we have come to having a full picture of what has taken place. Team Enigma's side of the story is that a completely harmless trainer who is in charge of taking care of newly hatched starters and has never raised a pokemon past that of a second level Gym leader, somehow managed to catch one of the most dangerous Pokemon in the region, circumventing all systems that might have flagged him for doing so, and somehow also managed to covertly place that Pokemon in Celedon City while he was TWO REGION'S WORTH OF DISTANCE AWAY in LILYCOVE CITY.
I think we have a decent picture of what's going on here. You're being lied to. And I'm going to make this as public as I can so that we can stop blaming an innocent man for a crime he didn't commit. And turning our backs on a much greater threat that is growing right underneath us.
If you can, please reblog this. I want to ensure as many eyes see this as possible.
Thanks for your time
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tinyinvadr · 4 months
Guys I was in the zone tonight and I wrote this I’m so happy!
Chapter 6
Kochamara grabbed me before I could make any move to escape. Under any other circumstances, I would have been wildly flailing around in fear for my life, but I was too fed up to be afraid. My mind was overcome with hopelessness and frustration.
“What do you even want from me? I’m useless.”
“Yes, you are. But you could be so much more! Everyone around you is in your way, holding you back, trying to keep you from getting what’s rightfully yours. I understand how you feel, kid. I’ve been through it all. But you know what you do? Fight back! Take what’s yours and leave the ones who doubted you in the dust! Now tell me… are you really about to let the Psychonauts tell you what you can and can’t do just because they’re taller than you?”
I paused. What even was this argument?
“I… it’s a lot more complicated than that. And anyway… they’re right about me.”
“Come on, where’s that fighting spirit? A good soldier never backs down! If you join me, all the power you’ve ever wanted will be yours!“
I glared at him. “Look, I might be depressed beyond belief right now, but I still have the common sense to not listen to you. You’re kidnapping children, stealing their brains, and using them to build weapons of mass destruction. There’s nothing you can say to make that sound justified.”
It was hard to read his expression with the superhero mask covering his face, but I could tell he was angered by my back talk. Mainly due to the fact that his grip on me was tightening like he was about to crush me. To my relief, he had enough restraint to stop before breaking my last astral layer.
“Well, it’s a good thing I had a backup plan in case you decided not to cooperate! Hope you like being used as a supercharged mental battery, kid!”
He flew up to the top of the broadcast tower, where there was already a mechanism in place for a tiny person to be hooked up to it.
Right. Ford said the entire staff knew about me, so of course that included Coach. He planned ahead for me.
After placing me in the machine, Kochamara sent out another broadcast. But as they traveled up the tower, the waves of mental energy shot through my head, amplifying them to a stronger intensity while also causing me extreme pain.
“The good people of Lungfishopolis will be pleased to hear that the former monster known as Stompy has not only been captured, but has also decided to atone for his previous crimes! This selfless citizen volunteered himself to power Kochamara Tower, allowing our broadcasts to reach everyone faster than ever before and keep our city safe from threats like Goggalor! Unfortunately, the tower was not built to run on a biological battery, so the boy will surely die. But his noble sacrifice will not be forgotten! StompysayskillGoggaloratallcosts.”
I could feel the energy slowly draining from my body. Even though I couldn’t actually be killed in the mental world, this was still a humiliating way to go out. Captured as a result of my own insecurities, used to spread propaganda and lies, and indirectly hurting the closest thing I ever had to a friend.
I just wanted it to end. I wanted out. I wasn’t supposed to be involved in any of this, and I wasn’t sure it was possible for me to ever go back to the life I had before Whispering Rock. I could’ve had a chance at life, and I threw everything away for my selfish, childish dreams. There was nothing left.
As I felt myself fading further, memories began to flash in my head. Memories of when I first arrived at camp.
I was so naïve then. I was scared out of my mind, but at the same time, filled with boundless optimism. Mostly because I was fully under the impression that I was getting away with my plan to sneak in undetected.
It felt like I was already a Psychonaut. I was on a super secret mission to go undercover at this camp and learn to use my powers. I had them all fooled.
The counselors saw my potential and trained me every single day. It was a long and bumpy road, but I could feel myself getting stronger. Every punch, every blast, every new technique that I mastered made me feel like I was truly going somewhere.
And the way they looked at me whenever I overcame a challenge… Sasha, Milla, even Coach Oleander, they looked like they were so proud of me. Like they saw a real Psychonaut in me.
Was any of it real?
Then, a sudden vision hit me. A memory that I didn’t think was important.
It was my first summer at camp, and I’d just finished Milla’s course for the first time.
“Congratulations, Flint! You’ve just earned your levitation merit badge! Now, let’s dance!”
“Oh, uh… I’ve never done that before.”
She frowned for a split second, then took my hands.
“It’s easy, darling! Just follow the beat, okay? You’ll do fine!”
I followed her lead at first, and then, as I got into the rhythm, she let go, and soon, I was dancing on my own.
It never seemed important. Borrowers don’t have time to dance and throw parties. Just survive.
But I had fun.
Another memory hit as I could feel myself regaining strength. I wasn’t sure what was happening, but I went with it. It was helping.
I remembered finishing up my daily training session with Sasha. I made major improvements that day, so he offered to get me ice cream.
“I’ve never had that. Also, I wanna stay invisible.”
He chuckled softly as a park bench and an ice cream stand suddenly appeared.
“One of the perks of the mental world. Of course, it’s not quite the same as real ice cream, but I think you’ll appreciate it nonetheless.”
I took an ice cream cone and sat down on the bench next to him. Even in the mind, it felt unreal that I was able to have any sort of sweets. They were unnecessary to borrowers as they had no nutritional value. Ice cream is also difficult to borrow since it melts.
I took a small, hesitant bite, and immediately felt a cold rush zap through my brain.
“Ah! What was that?”
“That would be brain freeze. Give it a second, it should pass.”
Sure enough, after the initial shock of how cold the ice cream was, I had no problem eating the rest of it.
It was light, and sweet, and not very filling. But I liked it.
More energy returned to me, and I finally understood what the memories meant.
From the moment I learned that the counselors knew I was a borrower, I had myself convinced that they didn’t care about me. I thought they were only training me because I was persistent and they felt guilty kicking me out.
But those memories proved that wasn’t true. They weren’t just training me. They were trying to make me happy. They just wanted to let me be a kid for once.
I couldn’t let Oleander tear them away from me.
My aggression built up, overpowering Kochamara’s broadcast, and I released it one huge blast, blowing up the tower.
I shut my eyes as I plummeted towards the ground. This hit would knock me back into the physical world, but I didn’t mind. I stopped Kochamara. Even if it was just one little step in the grand scheme of things, I did something. That was enough.
I braced for impact, but instead, I landed on something soft. I opened my eyes to see that Raz caught me.
“Whew! That was close! Wow… you just saved me a whole battle! I owe you one.”
“Heh… Don’t worry about it. C’mon, let’s get outta here and save your girlfriend.”
“Hey, hold on-”
By that point, we were already on our way out so he couldn’t argue further.
We were back in the air bubble beneath the lake, and it was then that it hit me: we were stuck.
While the monster was chasing us before, it pushed the bubble along with it, leaving the bathysphere submerged in water. With Raz’s curse, we couldn’t get back to it.
Suddenly, a mysterious voice spoke to us.
“Tiny child, you have freed me. Thank you.”
I turned back to look at the monster. Surely it didn’t just talk.
“Ah- Yes, that was me talking just now. Thank you, both of you. I know that I’ve done horrible things, but now, I no longer have to answer to the voices that once controlled me. I am indebted to you. However you wish to be repaid, consider it done.”
I was at a loss for words. Apparently the giant mutant fish could talk. Shouldn’t have been that surprising, and yet, I wasn’t sure how to respond.
Raz noticed this, and decided to speak up.
“Could you show us where you brought Lili?”
“By the drowned spirit of Oblongata, it is done!”
Then, to my horror, the monster latched its lure onto Raz’s head, lifting us up and shoving us into its mouth like it did with Lili.
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thefirstknife · 2 years
I was hoping u could help clarify something for me, bc i feel like i'm missing or misunderstanding something?? So in one of the cabal missions where u gotta kill their champion, Zavala says something along the lines of how Guardians don't answer to him, or bow down to him, or however he put it.
But... isn't that exactly what the vanguard does? They're practically a military, he even uses the title of commander. So we DO answer to him, he's our commander, we have to follow his orders. IIRC, the Forsaken dlc was technically The Young Wolf going rogue, Zavala expressly forbade it? If we were meant to be free to make our own decisions, then Zavala shouldn't have been able to forbid it right? Just advise against it?
I dunno i might be misunderstanding everything, but Zavala saying we don't bow down to him while leading an entire military feels BIZARRE, especially when some see leaving the vanguard as just straight up abandoning humanity
It's hard to say honestly. There's definitely a command structure involved, but there's also a fair amount of freedom for Guardians to act as they please as long as they're not endangering the City. I think that's the crucial difference.
In Forsaken, our involvement brought with it the very real danger of aggravating both the Eliksni and the Reef Awoken into a conflict with us. That was primarily the reason why Zavala was against it and why he had the authority to forbid it. Our actions could've caused a war and war would've caused danger to the City. In that case, Zavala is definitely someone who has the authority to forbid certain actions.
There's also the for example the Praxic Order which is the closest the Vanguard has to a some sort of policing force but that's quite literally only reserved for the most dangerous cases of Guardians going rogue. Guardians who get corrupted for example and are a danger to other Guardians, Ghosts and civilians. Praxic Order has a Ghost-restraining tech and can put dangerous Guardians in prison, basically.
So the common thread seems to be whether a Guardian's action can cause major conflict or death. If it can, then Zavala is definitely an authority that can enact rules, but if not then Guardians are truly free to do as they please.
This is also interesting with the Great Hunt in which Guardians using Ahamkara wishes were a major danger, but since it was so widespread and impossible to control (mostly because wishes could be made accidentally as well), the Vanguard could not physically stop all Guardians. They just cannot exert control over such a large and powerful population, which is actually very chilling when you think about it. So the Vanguard's solution was to kill Ahamkara instead. Which is quite fucked up to be honest!
Basically, there's some control when the situation is really dangerous, but there is also a lot of freedom for Guardians and they don't have to obey him at all or be part of the Vanguard. A lot of Guardians don't really do much for the Vanguard, at least not consistently and are still considered normal Guardians. All depends on how much their actions can cause real tangible harm.
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cuppajj · 2 years
I do have a lot of quastions about the mech pilot au but these are the ones I'm most curious about:
- how do titans work - do cityspeakers work double time or is something else involved?
- in that vein, what is the Lost Light like? assuming it's part of the mech pilot au similar to your sentient ll au
- do you have any crumbs of mech pilot au mythos/historical records/urban legends to share? I do love me some in-universe lore tidbits
I wrote a little about titans in the greater lore post, so for convenience I'll put what I had here before answering:
Titans are directly spawned from Primus, and the only case of a fully sentient mecha. Curiously though, they can create artificial human bodies to masquerade as an ordinary mech pilot. Some are the size of entire cities, though others are only the size of massive starships. Long ago, the city titans served as as vessels tasked to form colonies on other planets, while the starship titans were talked to chart the edges of the known universe. However, some have remained on Cybertron, and their artificial human consciousnesses walk among ordinary society. Their speakers are real humans who attain cybernetic attachments to help them last longer with their titan, but they are still mortal and die after thousands of years.
On that note:
Speakers are normal humans who receive cybernetic enhancements that extend their lifespan, so they can serve their respective titan the same way they do in the normal universe. They're still mortal however, and are rotated once every ~10,000 years. Being a speaker is a lifelong commitment, and much of their time is devoted to being with their respective titan. It's kinda similar to going to live in a monastery, what with the potential isolation and commitment, but speakers still get more free time than that.
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okay so I’m kinda in contention with if I actually want LL to be sentient here, my brain really wants them to be canonically sentient in the main au (esp because the events of MTMTE don’t really happen here) but at the same time, I don’t want to go inserting sentient LL into everything since they’re technically an au in themself! I know mech pilot is my own au but still 😂 that being said I def wrote some parts of the lore post with LL in mind so maybe, anyway: Sentient!LL would be a titan who spends most of their time using their artificial human form (titans don’t turn into humans, they’re more like puppets they control remotely with their own consciousness). Pyxis, their first and only speaker, died eons ago, and they haven’t had another since. Light would be friends with the staff at the academy/organization that trains mech pilots and sends them on missions, especially the uppers (Ultra Magnus in particular). He also hangs out with Rodimus, though their dynamic isn’t the same as it is in the normal SLLAU. Light is still parental in nature to him, but they’re more of an aunt/uncle or family friend figure who isn’t always there but brightens everyone’s day when they are. LL the titan is the same size as their normal counterpart I’d say, which in human proportions is a lot bigger. They were likely meant to serve as an arkship, but they might’ve been a little late to the party.
Still working on the lore bits but for some small bits I’ve been thinking about: humans (cybertronians) have colonies on other planets outside the main set of planets, and there are ancient ruins scattered throughout the galaxy rumored to be built by the knights of cybertron (Rodimus is interested in this). I said these to you in dms but just to reiterate here for everyone else: The best of the best pilots have been to Unicron (The primes and their closest allies), and they’re actually tracking his movement, and there’s a routine visit to it to keep the tracker up to date. The guiding hand was like the first five pilots (with rung in possession of the first forged from Primus’s core), while the 13 were the first 13 to traverse the stars. This could change though so nothing guaranteed!
The quintessons might’ve been Quintus Prime’s fault, splitting from everyone and deciding to do funky life making magic on a desolate planet isn’t going to end well if you mess up
The organization that hires and trains mech pilots is an offshoot of a special organization that has been guarding the planet since before the era of Optimus. Postwar, most of this org consists of Autobots with Optimus himself at the helm.
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