#one of my friends tags this and i didn't realize it was a thing :0
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badboyportrait · 1 month ago
[Image ID: Tag from @/un-monstre that says #jestocracy]
Today I learned that the tag “laugh rule” refers to a rule where if you laugh you have to reblog something. Not me being on this site for years and years and thinking that people were making a joke about living under laugh rule the way you would live under, say, mob rule.
I’ve literally used the tag and been thinking to myself “ah yes, laugh rule. where humor is king and the memes you trade are the currency of empire”
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bellaxgiornata · 8 months ago
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A Favor from the Devil |Chapter One|
Pairing: Matt Murdock x fem!Mom!Reader Word Count: 2.2k [Series Masterlist]
Warnings/tags: 18+; Domestic abuse, depictions/mentions of sexual assault, struggles with past trauma, canon-typical violence, angst with a happy ending, friends to lovers, slow burn, eventual smut (possibly more warnings to come)
Summary: Between working cases at Nelson, Murdock, and Page and combating crime as Daredevil in Hell’s Kitchen at night, Matt had little time for much else. Until a new neighbor moves in across the hall and you attract his attention with your odd behavior. But when your quiet four year old doesn't just befriend the Devil–she unravels his biggest secret–Matt only grows closer and more protective of the both of you. Inevitably he learns the truth of your past, but that's not what surprises him most. It's a favor you ask of the Devil–a favor that initially leaves Matt conflicted.
a/n: This is a story I've had in my head for quite a few months now and have steadily been working on for a bit for myself, but now I've decided to share it. I've spent quite a bit of time outlining and fleshing out the story--more than I usually do. As always, feedback and reblogs are always appreciated!
Tag list: @kee-0-kee @dethspllz @a-half-empty-g1rl @senjoritanana
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“And that's the end,” you said. 
Closing the book in your lap, you glanced up from the brightly colored illustrations of animals on the back cover to your daughter who sat clutching Barnabas, the stuffed teddy bear that she never went to bed without. Her eyes had grown wide and hopeful as they held your gaze–a look you'd long since become familiar with. It was the same one she always gave you when she was about to stall in an attempt to avoid her inevitable bedtime. And it often worked on you, whether she realized it or not.
“Again?” Evelyn asked softly, a little hand reaching out towards the book. “Please, mama?”
“Cricket,” you replied gently, glad to hear she was stringing more words together tonight despite the excitement of this evening's move. “I've already read it five times now. I think it's time we put it away for tonight and you get to sleep.” 
Evelyn's face fell at your answer and the sight pained you. It didn’t help that you knew just how anxious she'd been the entire weekend with all the big changes you both had going on yet again. She'd spent the past week barely saying more than a single word because of it.
“The book will still be here tomorrow,” you promised her. “We can read it again then.”
“Helps me sleep,” she whispered.
The growing frown curving her lips downwards and the little crease forming between her furrowed brows tugged at your heart. Especially with how she looked so small tucked inside the too-large sleeping bag you'd recently purchased at a thrift store. It looked as if she was being swallowed up by the giant purple thing considering she didn't even take up half the length of it. 
Sighing, you felt your resolve fading the longer she stared up at you with her pleading eyes. With everything that you'd both been through over the past few months, and how you'd already felt guilty for all of the things you'd done wrong and hadn't been able to give her–which included an actual bed to sleep in once you'd gotten this apartment–you knew you wouldn't be able to resist that look. The very least you could do was read the book to her for a sixth time.
Leaning back once more against the bedroom wall behind you, you settled in for another few minutes on the uncomfortable floor. “Alright,” you relented. “I can read it just one more time for you, cricket. But then you've got to promise me something. Can you do that?”
The expression on her face changed, her small nose slightly scrunching up as her head turned to the side. “What?” she asked.
“Promise me that you'll actually go to sleep when I'm done,” you said, reaching a hand out to lightly ruffle her hair. “Because it's late and you've got your first day of preschool in the morning. Remember?”
“Oh,” she whispered, visibly sinking lower into the sleeping bag. 
You frowned. She'd been nervous for that, too.
“Hey,” you said, your hand smoothing her hair before coming to gently rest along her shoulder. “You'll have fun there, I promise. I know it can seem scary going somewhere new, but you've been doing a great job adjusting to all the new things we've been through already. And you'll make friends, Evie. It'll be alright, I promise.”
The doleful look on her face didn't waver despite your attempt to comfort her. You hoped that beginning preschool tomorrow in conjunction with yet another move didn't set her back to nonverbal responses again. Guilt burned inside of you at the thought of how much your previous situation had led her to become so timid and quiet, afraid to use her own voice. It didn't matter that everyone at Hope Haven had tried to reassure you that none of what you'd been through was your fault, that you had done everything you could when you could. That didn't stop you from still feeling wholly responsible.
You should have seen it coming. Should have done something sooner.
But that was in the past now.
“And after work I'll pick you up and bring you back home with me,” you told her, trying to lighten her mood. “We can eat tonight's leftover pizza for dinner. And maybe I can get us some ice cream on the way home. How does that sound, cricket?”
Evelyn's hands began fidgeting with the edge of her sleeping bag, rolling it up between her small fingers. Her eyes remained downcast, avoiding yours. You knew she often fidgeted when she was anxious, a habit that just seemed wrong for a four year old to have acquired.
“Is this home?” she asked. 
The ever present guilt in your stomach burned, your chest tightening at the unexpected and loaded question. You hated that she worried about things that no four year old should be worrying about, too. Another thing that was all your fault.
Expression softening, you nodded. “Yeah, Evie,” you answered, your hand dropping down to wrap around her little one that was still fidgeting with the edge of her sleeping bag. “This is home. We're staying here. Hopefully for a long, long time.”
Glancing up at you from beneath her lashes, you could see the expression on her face had yet again changed. This time she was staring up at you with a look that you absolutely hated seeing on her little face. One full of fear and uncertainty. A particular memory flashed through your mind at the sight of it and the acid in your stomach had a wave of nausea hitting you. Eyes briefly dropping down to the scar across the back of your right hand, you tried to fight back the tremble that had begun in it.
“We're safe?” Evie asked.
Attempting to swallow down the lump that had formed in the back of your throat, you nodded. You gave her hand a reassuring squeeze, though it felt like your heart was shattering in that moment. Because after all, it had also been your fault that it had taken so long to get the pair of you somewhere safe.
“Yes,” you stated, your trembling hand gripping the book in your lap tighter in an attempt to calm the quivering. “We're safe here. Don't ever worry about that, alright? That's for me to worry about. And I will always make sure you're safe. You hear me? Always .”
There was a long pause before she very slowly nodded her head just once. Your left hand patted hers tenderly, sending her what was meant to be a reassuring smile. You hoped it had been, because you'd been doing your best to appear more put together than you actually felt lately. You didn't need Evie to be worrying about anything else.
“So,” you said, trying to change the topic, “I guess we should get back to finishing our bedtime story, huh?”
Evie nodded vigorously, pushing herself more upright in her sleeping bag, her expectant eyes on you. You sent her another smile before clearing your throat and focusing back down on the book in your lap. Opening it once more with your still quivering hand, you tried to push the bad memories from your mind as you began to read in an animated voice. 
It wasn't until four pages later that you'd glanced up at Evie. She had leaned over to see the pictures in the book while you read, all traces of fear gone from her face. Instead, she looked enraptured in the story that you knew she had completely memorized by now with how often you'd read it to her. There was a ghost of a smile on her face as she cuddled Barnabas tightly to her chest. And in that moment your heart felt full of hope.
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Running a hand across your forehead, you paced your way around the mostly unfurnished apartment you'd just moved into this evening. The sparseness of the place was truthfully embarrassing. Currently all you had was Evie's sleeping bag, a blanket and lumpy pillow set aside by Evie’s bedroom door which would be your bed for the foreseeable future, and the empty boxes tossed around what would someday hopefully be a living room. For now it was just a large, empty room beside the small, empty kitchen.
As you paced around another overturned, half-broken down cardboard box, your shoulders dropped. You'd managed to pack all of Evelyn's and yours’ belongings in those boxes now lying discarded on the floor. Just six boxes fit your entire life. You certainly hadn't had much when you'd grabbed Evelyn and ran those couple of months ago. Just one garbage bag filled with mostly her clothes and things with a few of yours mixed in. Though even if you'd had time to pack more, there wouldn't have been much else to bring with you because neither of you’d ever had much to begin with. 
And now here you were struggling to afford the very little you had as it was, no matter how desperately you were trying to stretch your measly new salary. It pained you to not be able to provide properly for you and your daughter. You remembered how you’d felt that very last night you'd stayed at Hope Haven, the women's shelter that you’d be forever grateful for taking the pair of you in and helping you start your new life. 
Long after Evelyn had gone to sleep on your last night there, you'd laid awake in bed crying quietly to yourself as you stared at that damn purple sleeping bag mocking you from across the room. You’d felt like a terrible mother–for more than one reason. As tears ran down your cheeks, you’d vowed to save up to buy Evie a bed, doing whatever you needed to until you could. You'd give her that at least, even if it meant skipping meals whenever you could to save the extra cash. But honestly, you found yourself already often having to skip meals just so you could afford to keep Evie fed.
Pausing in your aimless pacing, you came to a stop beside one of the large windows in the living room. Placing a hand against the cool glass, you looked outside at the city. Your eyes inevitably found their way to the massive billboard positioned on the building across the street which hung at precisely your apartment's height. But fortunately for you the eyesore was more directly across from the apartment next door to yours, making it less noticeable and disruptive from your view. Though you had no choice but to feel grateful for the hideous thing because it had been the sole reason you'd gotten such a reduced rent in the first place. Otherwise you'd never have been able to afford a place in a relatively safe area of Hell’s Kitchen.
As you blankly stared outside at the billboard, watching the advertisements change from one to the next, you hoped things would be different here. Better. Because both you and Evie needed that. Your daughter needed a stable place to live, one she felt safe coming home to for once, and you desperately wanted to provide that for her. With every fiber of your being you hoped that this place would finally become the home you'd been struggling to create since the day she was born.
Pushing away from the glass, you rubbed at your tired eyes. It was late and you knew you should probably get some sleep yourself now that Evie had finally fallen asleep a little while ago. But the prospect of sleeping on the cold, hard floor with nothing but a singular blanket and pillow didn't sound that appealing. You certainly weren't rushing to get to sleep yourself. 
Making your way back across the apartment, you reluctantly picked up the blanket and pillow from the ground. Carrying both of them over towards the closed door of Evelyn's bedroom, you set the pillow down. With both hands you tossed the blanket out, splaying it wide across the floor. You realized it was probably ridiculous sleeping in front of her bedroom door like this, especially because there was another bedroom, but it made you feel better. Because laying here, you knew that you were between your daughter and anyone who might come through the front door–namely one person in particular. 
Not that he even knew where you were.
Beginning to lower yourself to the floor, preparing to get some rest, movement caught your attention out of the kitchen window across the room. You stopped instantly, head spinning fully towards the window as you sat half-crouched like a startled animal. Adrenaline and fear spiked through you as your eyes caught a shadow darting across the neighboring rooftop. For a moment you could have sworn the shadow had been shaped like a person, but as you scanned the rooftop now, you didn't see anything at all.
Shaking your head, you blinked hard a couple of times as you finally sunk to the floor. You had to have been seeing things because you were overtired and on edge. That's all it was. There was no reason for someone to be running along a rooftop late at night.
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do u have any tvdint fic reccs? <- has been combing through the tvdint ao3 tag several times
If you've been through the AO3 tags, then chances are you've read most of my reccs, but i'll list em anyway as well as the few i've read through on Pixiv :0
Please keep in mind that you should always read through the tags and warnings of these fics (and ANY fic) before proceeding. I tend to like darker/angsty storylines, so just be aware. Most of these reccs are SFW, but there are a couple that dip into NSFW territory.
Besides grouping them from English AO3 fics, Non-English AO3 fics, and Pixiv fics, there is no order to this list
"I'm Not Going Anywhere" by AruiI: Ronaldo gets critically injured during a hunt. Draluc does his best to keep him alive until he can get to a hospital, and is forced to realize just how scared he is to potentially lose him
Stages of Grief by WyvernQuill: Draluc decides to prove to his friends that Ronaldo doesn't care about him, and plays a prank where he seems to have permanently died. Author wrote this fic before discovering that Chapter 47 was a thing that existed, but is a lovely tragic take on the Draluc permadeath concept
Underground by MerrilyAround: Ronaldo and John return to their apartment to find Draluc and his coffin mysteriously missing. Meanwhile, a very vocal anti-vampire group are being very cryptic about what could have possibly happened to him
Don't Lie to Me by AruiI: Draluc gets sick and tries his damnedest to hide it, at the detriment of his own health. Needless to say, Ronaldo finds out, and does his best to take care of him, while having no idea what he's doing
The Invicible's Opponent by tori1116: Ronaldo ends up with a broken arm after a job, and realizes he's gonna have a lot of trouble bathing with one working arm. Draluc offers to help. This is a Chinese fic, but the story is rewritten in English in the second chapter. NSFW warning. Some absolutely killer characterization in this one, chef's kiss
I'm going back to 505 by Insane_fangurL: Ronaldo offhandedly wishes that Draluc would stay dead. Little does he know that someone who is very willing to make that happen was listening
Something Bothered. by CowboyAdvice: Draluc's cousin is getting married, and Draluc and Ronaldo are invited to the wedding. Draluc is less than thrilled for reasons he won't delve into, and the arrangements for their involvement are a little eyebrow-raising. NSFW warning
you're gonna carry that weight by notreally: Ronaldo gets kidnapped by a vampire with a grudge. He has to resist and fight tooth and nail if he wants to survive. Love this one purely cuz it showcases Ronaldo's ability to truly fight that we rarely ever get to see in canon lol
Case #94 by Moana230: A reimagining of Chapter 1 of the manga. Ronaldo is a private investigator hired by a woman to figure out where her kid keeps sneaking off to. This leads him to a decrepit castle with lots of still-active booby traps and a mysterious voice leading him around
The Inverse Relationship between a Gentleman and a Contradiction by ferret: A lovely Inverse!AU story. Draluc dwells on this strange, overly-flowery hunter who has taken a fancy to him, and realizes a lot of their sweet, innocent words don't line up with the rest of them
thinner than water (thicker than blood) by awesomecookies: A wonderful take on Hiyoshi's earlier years. A story of a kid who was thrown into adulthood too early, and didn't want to let go of that freedom that came with being young, even when it came at the detriment of neglecting his responsibilities with his little brother and sister
And I Taste Milk (Please, Please Runaway) by awesomecookies: A Coffeeshop!AU fic. Ronaldo works at a crappy coffeeshop and has begrudgingly taken a fascination with the snarky, chronically ill man who looks a little too much like a vampire for comfort and his two adorable kids. (Sidenote i think this is genuinely the first coffeeshop au i've ever read f;aoiefna)
Okay from here on out, the fics are not written in English and don't have any official translations. I shucked them through a translator, and they read mostly coherently, and these are my favorite ones that i've found
月白 by overdriveojoj: Draluc has a secret that he's never told anyone, not even John: when he dies, he can see the auras of everyone around him. He becomes infatuated with observing the differences between them, and becomes especially entranced with Ronaldo's moon-white aura
昼夜交替 by Qi_U: A collection of oneshots, ranging in tone and humor. My personal favorite is chapter 2, where Draluc decides to move away from Shinyoko and takes many trips down memory lane as he packs his things
【羅納德拉】A Thousand Years by SSilverse: A short fic Ronaldo and Draluc have a discussion about vampire and human romances, and why they typically don't work out.
his little color game by rodionychh: Draluc muses about all his favorite colors, and shockingly realizes that all of his favorites tie into Ronaldo in some way
【羅納德拉】旅行 by leci1028: Ronaldo decides that he wants to escape his current life and go on a roadtrip with Draluc and John with no real destination or ending; he and Draluc discuss the theoreticals of how it would all work out. I will be honest: this one guts me every time
I bet on losing dogs by a_ailema: After another stressful deadline crunch, Ronaldo realizes just how much Draluc means to him and how much he's improved his life. Draluc realizes the same about Ronaldo. A wonderful character study
德拉羅納短篇 by tori1116: Another collection of one shots. Highly recommend chapter 5, where Delta!Ronaldo actually succeeds in dying, and meets Canon!Draluc in the death realm. Draluc recounts just how he got there to satiate Ronaldo's curiosity and make him feel better. NSFW warning for some chapters iirc (admittedly it's been a while since I've read this one)
These last ones are on Pixiv. I don't find Pixiv's filtering system nearly as intuitive as AO3's, so most of these fics are ones i've read off of others' recommendations
退治人と吸血鬼の非公開事件 by みる: Ronaldo is visited by a mysterious lady who tells him that in 3 days, she will die. Investigating leads him and Draluc down a rabbit hole of experimentation, disease, and a strange murder mystery
ワルツはもう踊れない(ロナドラ)【5/4再版します】 by 46/shiro: After solving a strange case where a vampire killed her lover and drained his body of blood, Ronaldo realizes that he can't remember too many of the details surrounding the case. Something is up with his shooting hand, and Draluc is looking for strange accommodations that he's never requested before
深海で息をする by 土鳩: Draluc has fallen into the sea, and his ashes are scattered in the waves. Ronaldo has spent years and years trying to collect his ashes and bring him back. This story is written in a mob character's perspective
Con Fuoco by tomioka: Ronaldo confesses his feelings for Draluc, and the vampire doesn't respond. Soon after, something is awoken in Draluc that makes everything he touches burn.
悪夢を憐れむ歌 by カルノ: Ronaldo goes to the library one night and finds an odd book. On his way home after closing time, he spots Draluc in the rain being attacked by an obsessed fan, and goes to intervene. But not everything is as it seems.
Aaaanndd I think i'm gonna cut it off here for now. My brain is dead fa;oewfinae I have a lot more faves than what's on this list, but some of them are a little too my tastes to really share, some of them are a little to scandalous to share, and some of them are just "I remember liking this one but for the life of me i can't remember what it was about and i don't have the time to reread atm"
But hopefully this helped at least a little! This fandom is very small, but the fics are wonderful ^^
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freckliedan · 1 year ago
@simplydnp because you were interested in the tags on my recent rb, here is what i remember of the au i came up with in my college algebra class in 2018:
in this au phil is a math professor & has been for a couple years. he's hot about this
math is a kind of language, you know? it's not that much of a stretch.
dan and phil in this au are long distance/online best friends for YEARS, never managing to end up in the same city
one of them moving to the other has always been the plan & they've visited each other/taken trips together as often as possible so they know that living together would work well
they both know there's a mutual attraction but they never were single at the same time/never in a good place to do long distance indefinitely
it has now been a Long time since they had any conversations about it, which isn't a surprise because they're still not living in the same location
dan dropped out of university, halfway through his first semester. in this universe, he decides to go back to school for something he's actually interested in. possibly queer studies?
he gets into the school phil teaches at. EXCITING! they're going to be in the same place.
since dan's going to be a non-traditional student—phil was already teaching at dan's age—the dorms would suck. finding somewhere affordable to live also sucks
phil, of course, offers for dan to move in with him. he's got a second bedroom that's currently an office
move in day is a LONG day of travel & lugging around boxes and smaller furniture dan brought with him and they're going to get dan a mattress and bedframe tomorrow but aw hell, phil's air mattress has a leak
it's a no-brainer for them to share phil's bed for the night, they've shared smaller mattresses before on trips
"for the night"
reader, they never get dan his own bed. and they never really talk about it.
lead up to the semester. time for dan to meet with his academic advisor and build a schedule.
dan's plan is to knock out general education requirements he probably won't enjoy early on, but not to have those be the majority of his schedule.
dan doesn't realize it's PHIL'S basic math class he's been put in until he gets home (to the home they share!)
by then it feels like more trouble than it's worth to reschedule with his advisor and figure out an entirely new set of classes to take—the current ones took forever to plan in the first place
it'll be fine. honestly it'll be fun to see what phil's classes are like, & easier than struggling to pay attention with somebody else and having phil help explain things anyways—
halfway through the third week of class dan realizes he's in love with phil, it's not just attraction or a crush, it's been almost a fucking decade, oh my god
and the deadline to drop a class was last week.
phil already knows he's in love with dan. but phil has a strong commitment to ethics. there is a 0% chance he's going to do anything about it while dan's in his class
they go home to their shared home where they have a shared bed. dan almost broaches the conversation.
please can we not talk about it, asks phil. it will be easier for me if we don't talk about it until we can— it'll be easier for me if we don't talk about it yet. that'll make it more real.
roll a semester long slow burn where they're already being extremely domestic and both know they have mutual feelings. there's so much room for further tropes & exploration of existing ones here
there's room for self worth struggles surfacing on dan's part and moral anxiety/anxiety issues on phi'ls part especially with them intentionally not talking about it.
oh noo they have a bad week and dan has a breakdown & almost goes to actually buy a bed setup for himself. etc. quite honestly i didn't get this far i just like putting people in fucking predicaments
of course they fuck nasty once final grades are submitted. merry christmas
i think they go straight from best friends to engaged
dan did actually learn math well from phil but he's never taking another phil class in his life thankyou very much
this au is partially born out of me being inherently contrarian to MYSELF even. i'm generally squicked badly by teacher/student aus on account of Both My Parents Are Teachers so it was a fun exercise in figuring out one that didn't make my skin crawl. aaaand scene.
i'm never going to write this so if anybody who does write finds something they like in it. feel free to run with that just @ me if you post something. i'm freckliedan on ao3 as well
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xojennyboo · 1 year ago
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A/N: This one is a long one so I hope you all enjoy. Thank you all for reading my stuff. I appreciate it very much. Don’t forget to comment, like, and send in any requests that you might have. I’m open to anything. Enjoy!
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Working as a personal assistant for a famous celebrity can have its perks. For one, you get to travel a lot, with some of the expenses being taken care of. You also get to keep yourself busy. This can be a pro and a con.in my case it can be both. Sometimes, depending on what's going on, you have very busy days and late nights. Some of these days requires strategic planning.it can get hectic but you liked your job. You currently work for a very well-known celebrity. You work for none other than Harry styles. You're worked with Harry for about three years now. You've gotten to know him professionally and somewhat personally. You've created a great professional bond with one another which created a great work environment. At first, some people thought that you two were dating due to the back-and-forth banter and flirting. You would be lying to yourself if the thought hasn't crossed your mind. He is very attractive, has a nice sense of humor. And is very kind to everyone, even those that have done him wrong. But reality hits you like a giant truck every time you get your hopes up because you're just his assistant. Nothing more, nothing less.
Today was your first day back from the holidays. You were single yet another year, but you have gotten accustomed to being by yourself. For the holidays you decided on going track to your hometown to spend time with your family and friends. it was a much-needed trip for your mental health. You're currently back in London at the café getting some much-needed caffeine into your system. Once your order was ready, along with Harry’s, and you made your way into the office. One thing you enjoyed about London was that is reminded you of back home. it was always busy, and you didn't have to worry about purchasing a car to get around, since the office was located in central London. You walked into the building and said good morning to the receptionist before taking the elevator to the top floor. Once there, you walked your way into Harry's office, which was empty, and placed his iced coffee on his desk. Then you made your way to your office that was across his, stunned by a box that was wrapped in Christmas wrapping paper.it had a red bow on it. You closed your door, walked to your desk, placing your belongings on your chair, before looking at the cute green tag that was attached to the box.
The gift was from Harry. You hadn't been in the office since before Christmas since he insisted you take a vacation. You sat down and slowly touched the box, not wanting to unwrap it since it was wrapped so nicely. ‘What could it the?’, you thought. You took a deep breath and opened the present, nicely so you wouldn't ruin the wrapping paper. Once it was removed, you saw that he had gifted you an iPad, the latest model, an Apple Pencil, and a pair of AirPod Max. “What the actual fuck Harry", you mutter to yourself stunned at the very expensive gifts. You realize that there was a small note attached to the inside of the wrapping paper. You open it and see Harry's handwriting. ‘Y/n, for starters, no you cannot give this back to me or whine about it', you giggled to yourself knowing that it was the first thing that you would do once you see him. ‘Second, this is a small gesture for the hard work that you do for me and around the office. You don't go unnoticed. Merry Christmas. I hope your new toys will make your joy just a bit easier. Love, Harry'. You placed the note down and you couldn't help but smile. You've mentioned wanting these items way back and you were surprised that he remembered. You were still gonna give him shit for spending so much money on it.
The day flew by. You haven't heard from Harry all day and you hadn't seen him all day either. During the day you busied yourself with setting up your new iPad. You made sure that all of the important dates were in your calendar along with your scheduled to do list. This iPad definitely made things much easier. You synced everything with your phone as well that way any changes can be backed up. Once you were done you looked at your monitor screen in front of you and you saw that it was already 7pm! You abruptly got up from your desk and went out into the office to see that no one was there. You were alone. ‘Great’, you thought to yourself. You left the door opened from your office and sat back down. 8pm should be a good time to leave. One thing you enjoyed about your office was the view. Since the New Year has just started the London streets still had their Christmas decorations up. Twinkly lights adorned the trees and light posts, and you just admired the view. It was definitely a sight to see. A knock on your door scared the shit out of you and took you out of your daze. “Fucking Hell”, you look back to see Harry standing by the door frame with a satisfied smirk on his face. Your hand placed on your chest that was currently going up and down at a fast pace due to the almost heart attack that Harry gave you.
"Did I scare you?", he says walking in and closing the door. "Yeah, you did. I thought I was by myself”, you say, looking outside again. You near him chuckle to himself and hear his footsteps walking closer to you until he was standing right next to you looking out the window. No wards were exchanged for a few minutes just the two of you enjoying the view in front of you. it was then too quiet, so you decide to break the silence. "Thank you for the gifts. You didn't", he placed his hand up silencing you causing you to furrow your eyebrows in confusing. "Did you read the note?", he asks. "Yes", you say, rolling your eyes. "Good. The gift was nothing compared to all the work that you do", he says. You stayed silent, smiling to yourself at his playful behavior. "Why are you here so late?", he asks. "I lost track of time planning your schedule and mines", you say. "Have you eaten dinner yet?", he says averting his attention from the window to focus on you. "No. Last time I ate was probably around lunch time", you say, realizing that you haven't eaten anything since 12. “Not good y/n", he scolds. He leaves your side and walks towards your desk using your computer. He takes a couple of minutes and then takes his place beside you again. "I’ve ordered us dinner. I hope sushi is okay”, he says. "Sushi sounds great but you didn't have to Harry. I was about to leave anyways", you say, focusing on him now. " Why do you always say that? ‘You didn't have to' Or ‘you don't have to’. Y/n I want to do these things for you. I know I don't have to I want to " he says looking out the window. "Why?", you ack and you see his jaw clench at the question.
"Because you're a good assistant", he says. You roll your eyes. "Bullshit", you say. His attention goes to you now. "What?" he says. "Bull. shit. A normal boss doesn't gift his assistant almost 2K worth of gifts Harry let alone have dinner in an empty office", you tell him getting slightly irritated by the mixed signals. His phone chimed and he started walking out the door. "Our dinner is here. Till he right track", he says leaving you in your thoughts. You take a deep breath and talk some sense to yourself. Maybe you're overthinking his gestures. Maybe he's just being friendly and appreciates your work and this is his way of showing you. There's no way he could catch feelings for you. After all, you're just his assistant. Nothing more. Nothing less. You calmed down a bit and sat down on one of your beanbag chairs on the floor. Harry gave you the freedom to decorate your office just how you wanted. You went with the comfy and relaxed vibe. Harry soon came in holding a big bag and two drinks in his hand. He closed the door behind him with his foot and waked towards the other beanbag chair across from you. He took out the food and you were astounded by the amount of sushi the ordered. You couldn't help but laugh at it. He opened one of the containers and started eating. "What's so funny?", he asks with his mouth full and furrowed eyebrows. "It looks like you ordered sushi for the whole office”, you giggle causing him to laugh as well. "Stop making fun and eat", he scolds again and paints towards the container in front of me with his chopsticks. "Yes daddy", you say not paying any mind to it and eating your sushi. Harry stops chewing and looks at you. "What?", you question. He clears his throat and mutters a ‘nothing' before continuing to eat.
You placed A piece of sushi in your mouth, and you couldn't help but moan in satisfaction to how good the sushi was. You are Harry shift a bit in his seat as he avoids eye contact whilst you eat in silence. You continued eating and you couldn't help but let out another round of pleasure at hour good your food was. “For the life of me y/n stop with the noises before I take you on this floor right now”, he abruptly says causing your eyes to go wide, mouth slightly open with your chopsticks midair with a piece of sushi that you were about to put in your mouth. Did he just say what you think he said. "Eat your sushi and close your mouth. I'm already tempted to put my dick in it especially after your little outburst a little while ago”. Yep, he said it. You slowly put the piece of sushi in your mouth while maintaining your eyes locked on Harry. Two can play at this game. Once you but the sushi in your mouth you let out a moan, this one with a bit more erotic. You finished your sushi and stood up to throw your trash away, Harry following. Before you could go back to your seat, Harry took a hold of your wrist to pull you towards him and smash his lips to yours. Your eyes were wide at the sudden action, but they soon closed taking in the moment. This kiss was filled with want and lust and desperation, from both sides. You could've never imagined that Harry would be kissing you in the middle of your office. His hands gripped your waist pulling your closer to his body. You could feel his hard dick against you causing a small whimper to leave your lips. Your hands were around his neck, deepening your kiss more as he bit your bottom lip.
Harry pulled away to catch his breath. He placed his forehead against yours do you both breathed heavily. "Fuck one been wanting to do that for quite some time ", he says stepping forward, causing you to step back. These movements repeated until the back of your thighs hit the edge of your desk. "Gosh you make it so hard to resist you ", he says, placing small kisses down your neck. You couldn't help but giggle. "How?", you innocently ask. "That's the thing. It's just by being you", he says planting a peck on your lips. "Do you trust me yin?", he asks you sincerely. "Of course, I do", you say, placing a hand on his check and caressing it for comfort. "Let's see where this leads us". He says. You furrow your eyebrows a bit confused. "For tonight?" you say. He smiles at you placing another kiss to your lips. He places his hands under your thighs to pick you up and sit on the desk. "For tonight. For every day”. He says as he starts rubbing small circles on your thighs. "Let's see where this goes. Me and you. I know you feel the same way", he says looking into your eyes. As much as you wanted to say yes right away, you couldn't help but listen to the voice in the track of your head telling you it was a bad idea. "What will everyone else say? That y/n, the assistant, is messing around with the boss? ", you say looking down to your lap and watching his hands rub your thighs. You liked his hands. They were big. You liked the rings adorning his fingers, and you couldn't help but think of the many times that you would imagine his hands roaming around your body. "What if we keep it between us? I mean you're with me almost every day, so that wouldn't be surprising. Were also friendly with each other so that also wouldn't be weird. But we can keep this romance between us a secret until we’re ready", he reassures you. "You would do that?”, you ask causing him to chuckle. "I mean I'm the same boss that gifted his assistant, who he has a crush on might I add, an almost 2K gift", he says making both of you to laugh.
"Okay", you say, his eyes lighting up at your answer. "Yeah?", he asks again, his smile widening more. "Yes", you reassured and that was all it took for him to attack your face with kisses. He went around your desk and removed the expensive gifts he got you off of the desk. Then, with the away of both of his arms, swiped everything off your desk. He sat down on your chair, your back still facing him. Once he was situated, he grabbed your waist and did you across your desk causing you to squeal and laugh. He spun your body around so that you were now facing him, and your legs hung off your desk. "There goes that pretty face", he says wheeling the chair closer to you so that he sat right in between your legs. His arms circled around your waist pulling you closer. He looked up at you, smiling, but then puckering his lips wanting a kiss. You kissed him, fulfilling his wishes. Without breaking the kiss, he stood up, cupping your face with both of his hands, titling your head lack enough to deepen the kiss. He licked your bother lip wanting more access to your mouth. You opened it, allowing his tongue to explore yours, a moan emitting from his mouth as you allowed him more access. Your hands were placed flat on your desk as you leaned back a bit allowing Harry's body to slightly hover yours. His lips left yours and dissed down your chin and onto your neck. Your head leaned back slightly to give him more access. His tongue explored your neck, licking, kissing, and biting at your sensitive areas. "Can I touch you?", he asks causing you to laugh. "I'm pretty sure wine skipped the part where you ask. I think it's safe to say that I give you permission for you to have me, however. You. want", you say giving him pecks after each final word. He hummed in satisfaction. "I like the round of that", he mumbles against your lips, going back to the same intensity as before.
You felt his hand reach down to the hem of your t-shirt, sliding underneath it to palm your breast causing a moan to leave your lips. He squeezed your breast a couple more times before he removed his hand completely and removed your shirt. Your blue bra on full display to Harry's eyes. "Fuck", he whispered. He reached behind your back and undid the clasp to fully remove your bra. He leaned in towards your chest and took one breast in his mouth causing a moan to leave your lips and your head to fall back in pleasure. " No princess. I want you to watch me, he says slightly biting your nipple making you flinch in pleasure and more so that you were looking at him. He continued his torture, his eyes never looking away from yours as he swirled his tongue around your sensitive nub. His other hand palmed your other breast, pinching your nipple as he bit the other. After he had enough, he licked up your chest, your neck, and attached his lips to yours. You pulled him closer to you, his body hovering again, causing you back to lay flatly on the wooden desk. He attacked your neck again, a small whimper leaving your lips indicating your need for moan. He pulled back moving down your body, his fingers attaching to the button of your jeans. He undid the button and zipper removing them completely off, taking your panties with them.
Once every item of clothing was removed from your body, Harry sat back down on the chair in front of you. He positions your legs up your feet flat on the desk. "Fucking hell. You're soaking darling. Is this all for daddy?", he says, repeating the nickname you had said earlier. Realization hits you then. He likes being called daddy. "Yes", you gasp, wanting his mouth down there. "Yes, what baby girl”, he says blowing air on your wet pussy causing you to gasp. "Yes daddy", you breathlessly say. He smirked at you before dipping his head between your legs. He placed small kisses up your thigh, biting both of them making you flinch. He kisses your lips and sucks them before kissing your swollen clit. "yeeesss", you moan finally finding some sort of relief. He wraps his arms around your thigh and pins you down as he devours you. His tongue swirled around your clit sucking here and there spreading your legs a bit further apart for more access. "Fuck daddy. That feels so good", you moan, reaching down to attach your fingers in his hair. Harry groomed against your pussy, the vibration causing your grip to tighten on his hair. His tongue dipped down into your wet hole collecting all your juices on his tongue. His tongue felt so good on your pussy. He licked up your sit and sucked on your clit again but this time you felt his fingers go inside you. The endless times that you daydreamed of him taking you like this. You held yourself up by your elbows allowing you to see every movement that he made. His fingers thrusted inside you, the clacking of his rings hitting against each other turning you on. He pulled, his fingers still thrusting, and spit on your pussy, making you more wet. He continued flicking your clit with his tongue curling his fingers upwards causing gasps to leave your lipa. "Fuck baby. Just like that", you moan, feeling your climax coming. He liked the sound of that because he fingered you at a faster pace and he was eating you out sloppily. You couldn't hold back your moans, them echoing in the office. Your back arched as you felt the bubble in your stomach about to explode. " Fuck daddy. Don't stop. Don't stop. Fuck", you felt his fingers curl where you needed to. You came all over his fingers, euphoria engulfing your body. Harry removed his fingers but continued his attack on your clit. He licked you up clean.
You were gasping heavily as he kissed up your body until he reached your lips. "Taste yourself baby girl. Taste how sweet you are", he says holding his glistening fingers towards your lips. You take ahold of his hand and wrap your lips around them, your tongue swirling around them to collect your juices from his fingers. " Fuck that mouth of yours feels so heavenly around my fingers. I wonder how it would feel around my cock "he says removing his fingers out of your mouth. "Why don't you find out daddy", you smirk pushing him off of you and removing yourself off your desk. He sat back down on the chair; you kneeled down in front of him in between his legs. You pulled down his sweatpants, taking his briefs with them.it is hard cock spring free and slapped his lower abdomen. You grabbed his warm cock into your small hands and pumped it once. Precum was leaking out of the tip. " Can you take it baby girl?", he asks, taking a hold of your chin to meet his eyes. "Yes daddy", you say placing a small kiss on the tip. You then swiped your tongue, collecting the precum, moaning in pleasure liking how he tasted. You put only the tip in your mouth, swirling your tongue around causing Harry to hiss and push his head back on the chair. You put more of him in your mouth, hallowing your mouth to create tightness around his dick. You pumped what you hadn't put in yet, sucking him off little by little. Harry moaned as you gripped his cock tightly, bobbing your head up and down. "Fuck baby girl. That feels so good. I'm pretty sure you can fit all of me in that pretty mouth of yours", he pants out. You moaned against his cock and put him all in your mouth, his tip hitting the back of your throat. You relaxed your mouth in order for you to adjust. Profanities leave his mouth to do you suck him.it is hand goes down to your head, gripping your hair. He thrusts upwards, the sudden intrusion making you go on him. You're both moaning, tears streaming down out of the corner of your eye from the actions you were performing. "That's right baby girl. Just like that. Take daddy's cock", he moans out. You feel his dick twitch inside your mouth and you deep throat his dick, allowing his cum to slip down your throat making for an easy cleanup.
You remove his dick out of your mouth with a pop, standing up in front of him, your breasts directly in front of his face. He wraps his arms around your thighs and immediately takes one in his mouth. This time around it was more aggressively, and you loved every second of it. He released your breast with a pop and reciprocated the same actions with your other breast. "You did so well darling", he smiled up to you. Your fingers caressed his head, his eyes closing in pleasure. You straddle his hip, facing him, and kiss him deeply. You could already feel his dick getting hard beneath you. Your hands around his neck, your lips tasting one another, you began to more your hips against his, your wetness sliding on his semi hard cock. "You look so beautiful darling. I'm gonna fuck you senseless", he warned. You could only smirk at his revelation, wanting him to do exactly that. "Do it", you simply say as you reach down between you, grab a hold of his dick and position it by your entrance. "Go ahead baby. Slide down my cock for met, he says, a hiss coming out as you inserted him inside you and slid all the way down, a moon leaving both of your mouths. You position your hands on his shoulders and start moving. In this position he was so deep inside you. His hands were on your ass, moving you up and down his dick at a steady pace. "Your pussy feels so nice and tight baby. I may not last that long ". All you could do was nod. Your movements increased in speed already feeling that bubble within you forming again. Before you could continue, Harry stood up and placed you on the desk again. He grabbed your legs and spread them wide so you both could see. He thrusted inside you at a fast pace, one hand moving towards your neck, the cold rings on his fingers cooling your hot skin. By this point you're yelling his name. Both were a panting and moaning mess. His grip on your neck tightened, the adrenaline getting the best of you. "Fuck Harry em gonna cum, I'm gonna cum", you say. "Cum baby. Me too," he pants. With a few more thrusts you're both cumming on one another. All you could see were stars due to the lack of oxygen.
"Holy fuck", he breathlessly says. You managed to look at him, his bare chest dripping wet. That's not sweat you thought. "Did I do that?' you ask pointing at him. He mustered a chuckle which still sounded tired. "Yes, you did baby.it was so sexy to see too." he kisses your lips. "Sorry", you apologize against him. He pulls back. "You have nothing to apologize for. That was very sexy baby", he says. He removed himself from you, looking around for paper towels to clean each other up. Once he found them, he gave you a piece and you cleared yourself. You Leah put your clothes back on and cleared up the mess you made. "Come back to mine?", he asks you. "Yeah?", you ask back. "I want you to. We can go shower together", he cheekily says stealing a kiss from you. "Or we could finish the dinner you got to feed the whole office", you say, picking up the containers and putting them back in the bag. "That also. Then we can shower together”, he says, getting your coat ready for you. “Yes, then we can shower together", you finally gave in as he put your coat on. "Yes!", he says putting on his coat next. Once you got your belongings, along with the expensive gifts he gave you, you walked out of the office and out to the cold crisp night of London. The cool air feeling nice on your not skin after your activities upstairs. Harry opens the door for you, and you get into his car. You couldn't remove the smile from your face. This was definitely a New Year to remember.
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argonavis-hcs · 2 years ago
Hii! Can i request bestfriends to lovers headcanons with yuto, wataru and rio? ^^
» a/n: They're fit the category and i enjoyed writing this hehe. Thank you for requesting and enjoy~
» Tags: Yuuto Goryo x gn!reader ; Wataru Matoba x gn!reader ; Rio Kikyo x gn!reader
» TW: none!
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If you guys have known each other since high school, then you know what happened between Yuuto and the three current Gyro members. You were there at that point in his life and that's something that he will never forget. He thinks he's forever indebted to you, even
The two of you are basically inseparable. Especially when he's struggling with his uni assignment despite you guys studying two different majors. As long as he has his favorite drink and favorite person, he believe he can go through any hardships!
He's a dork, alright. A dork with so many things on his mind. He's the type to remember the most random thing about you or what you've mentioned but a lot of times not the important ones. Yet you're always patient with him because years of friendship with him made you accept the fact that he's a baby trapped in a big body
You were worried when he told you he wanted to start a band, because a part of you didn't want to see Yuuto repeat the history but at the same time you want to see him fly and reach the stars above. Meanwhile, you were the core motivation for him to go back on his dream. For once, he wanted to do something to make you proud of him. A simple token of gratitude for always being there for him no matter the situation.
The four addition to his band made him realize how important you are to him. Without your to support him all these time, he wouldn't be able to reach where he is right now. And your frequent absence in his life felt like a slam in his face. It's not like you're absent because of any issue between the two of you, it's just that both of your are busy chasing each other's dream to the point where these sacrifices has to be made.
It pains him to see how many time you have to reject his invitation to watch the band live, but all he could do as your best friend is to support whatever decision you make, right?
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Oooooh I want Wataru with a best friend that either has the same obsession to sweets as him or someone that's completely the opposite. Like, someone that will drag him by the back of his shirt away from a bakery LOL
Both of you promise to go hang out occasionally to catch up on each other's life no matter how busy you guys are. if Wataru is currently close to where you or vice versa, a hangout between two *cough* best friend *cough* shall be arranged immediately
You're the first person Wataru go to when it comes to checking his new song. Speaking of the lyrics, can you tell that some of the lines are made with you in his mind? No? Hmm, maybe he's not obvious enough
On bad days he'd be cooped up in his room by himself. He'd be spamming you with messages and asking you to call him when you got the time. The days might be rough but at least he got to hear his favorite sound, which is your voice
Imagine if the lyrics he'd written were becoming more and more romantic and Rio was like, "Who are you writing these for?" and then the realization hit him and he went "Ah, that's why you've been writing while being on the phone with someone."
Funny enough, not even Wataru himself realize it. He had thought that it's how best friends are, even if they don't talk everyday doesn't mean the person doesn't go through his mind everyday. Rio's words starting to weigh day by day and Wataru doesn't know what to do with the feeling in his chest. A part of him is afraid to confess because the probability of you leaving him was never 0 but a part of him also wants to take this relationship to another level
What he doesn't realize is how you always compliment the lyrics that were actually directed at you. He thought you were simply criticizing but it's your way of saying "they catch my attention the most, how do you write all of these?" Seriously both of you need to be more direct wit each other. Open your heart a little more, ok?
Aren't you curious on what he writes every time you talk about other guys that has potential to be with you romantically? I hope not. They're all secure at the deepest part of his drawer and hopefully one day he'll the one to win your heart instead.
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The king of tease istg. Oh you have difficulty in anything? Here's how it will go. 1. He'll either call you clumsy or cute, it's always one of the two. 2. He'll say: "What will you ever do without me around?" 3. He'll help you. Of course he will, what kind of best friend do you take him for? 4. He'd ended up not helping at all. He did all the work by himself instead which make you feel dumb at times because how else will you be good at those things? 5. If you say anything other than "Thank you" he'll reply with "Do you really need to be good at them when you have me around?"
Both of you might be best friends since early childhood or high school so you already know what he's like before the band came along. You noticed every little change in him but he doesn't ever want to hear it. Kind of unfair since he love to tease but doesn't want to be teased back.
Since the beginning of your friendship Rio would randomly give you something at random times. An apple at P.E class, a bag of candy on weekend, a new pair of cute sock at 3rd period of Monday, you name it. And there's always a paper attached to it with either him bullying you (affectionately) or weird drawings he did on boring classes. The other classmates genuinely thought the two of you were dating that they're surprised they learn the truth.
"You guys should date, then." If you get a dollar for every you hear it, you'd be rich by now.
Fast forward to present time, the teasing never go away it's a huge part of character at this point. But do you want to know what changed? His demeanor when you're introducing him to another one of your guy friends. In his head his existence in your life is equal to all the guys in the world combined so why would you need another guy in your life? Especially one as capable as Rio.
The things he'd do to show his stance to these guys are usually having his arm on your shoulder, carrying your bag even though you're not carrying anything other than that, leaving the group for a moment only to come back with your favorite snack and say "What? Isn't this your favorite?", and more.
One of these days he feel like saying "Remember what those people always tell you about our relationship? I think It's time to give them what they want."
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fountainsofcyprus · 2 years ago
Just a warning before I start, I'm going through a break up rn so I'm gonna post about it on this blog as a way of speaking to Aphrodite, but if it's not something you want to see, feel free to block the tag "break up vent" If that applies to you, stop reading here.
A lot of things hurt about this, but part of it is how they voiced their reasoning. About how they loved me so much but it wasn't working for them. I knew that it was coming, they'd been so dry since they left earlier this month. And it's like, I understand, but also, why did they have to be mean to me during that time? Why did they have to make me feel like I was the one not doing enough to keep the relationship alive? As if I wasn't always the one starting conversations, asking them more about their day and the things that interested them. Why couldn't they just be honest and tell me that long distance was too much? Why did they feel the need to propose a month before, announce it publicly a week before, only to break it up now? I think it's worse when I think about how they're not a bad person. I'm trying to make them look like the bad one in this so I can get over it quicker but I know it's not true. I keep wanting to talk to them, ask them why they waited, why they reacted this way, if we could still be friends, because it pains me to think that I'm probably never going to see them again, never hear their voice again. But I know it's not healthy. And what would we even say? I knew it wasn't gonna work out, we're too different, our life goals are too different. But for some reason I just refused to give up on what I knew was a lost cause. I knew it'd just make it hurt more when they would inevitably realize that too, but I still did it. Maybe I didn't want to be the bad guy who breaks the heart of someone who truly loves them. I should've listened to the red flags in the beginning. It's so weird to think that it's ended. Two years down the drain. I'm glad I have my friends, but at the same time I feel like they don't really get it. I'm back in my shell when it comes to emotional vulnerability, so that's something I'm gonna have to work on again. At least I'm not starting from 0 this time. I'm so tired but at the same time I don't want to sleep because I keep dreaming about them. Which is only slightly worse than being awake because I still keep thinking about them. At least when I'm awake I know that whatever I'm imagining has been made up by my brain.
I don't like how much I miss them. I'm trying not to think about how they might be feeling because it makes it worse. It'd be so much easier if I knew there weren't any feelings left.
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timbrrwolfe · 2 years ago
Ok I didn't really go into it with the tags of that reblog but now I'm thinking about it again so I need to rant about why Cirque du Freak's movie adaptation is so awful.
First, a thing that I was maybe a little bit wrong about at the time. John C. Reilly's casting as Crepsley. It was /ridiculous/ to me to see him cast as that character. A very serious, sometimes haunted character. And it's played by some comedy actor? Nonsense. Of course since then I've reread the series and realized that Crepsley had more comedy to him than I remembered. And obviously actors can have range beyond their popular roles and such. So I might've honestly been wrong to be upset about that casting. But it's hard to tell because of the rest of that trainwreck of a movie.
The overall tone of the movie ended up being more comedic than the series. Not that there weren't funny moments in the books, but the books really dig much more into the horror and emotion that the movie completely lacked. I have to assume this was an intentional choice to make the movie more marketable to kids en masse. But I'll save the rant for that kind of decision for another day because it's its own whole problem. The point is that a lot of the soul that was in the books was cut out for the movie. For one example, in the first book there's a scene were Darren's death has to be faked so he can go off as he becomes a vampire. And he struggles with the fact that he has to leave his friends, parents, and his sister. And then we see him struggling through being paralyzed to appear dead but still being able to hear his family's pain both upon finding his body and at the funeral, and how he has to lay there for a few days, paralyzed in his coffin, thinking about it. In the movie he's playing a Gameboy in the coffin to pass the time.
So I might've been wrong about John C. Reilly but the overall tone of the movie was abysmal and that casting was probably symptomatic of that.
And you might think that a movie adaptation, if it was going to pull from more than the first book, would just take from the first few books. It probably shouldn't, because it's already losing space to go into things, but it's not the worst thing. The worst thing, is to not just pull from the first book, but to pull from the latter half of the series with a MASSIVE spoiler of a twist. Which is what the Cirque du Freak movie did. This awful movie took a spoiler from at least halfway into the series to pad the runtime. I have to assume they knew they were only going to make one movie for the whole series because there's 0 reason to pull this otherwise. I mean, there's 0 reason to do it at all, but I can at least see the logic there, even if it's dumb. So if anybody's first exposure to the series was the movie, or someone watched the movie before they got to that point in the series, they got spoiled. And for what? A marshmallow popcorn adaptation of a much more rich experience. Not to say that Cirque du Freak is like....a literary masterpiece. But there's /so/ much more heart and soul in the books than the movie.
Honestly I've probably forgotten a lot of what the movie did wrong (I wouldn't be surprised to find it pulled more from later in the series that slipped my mind, and mismanaged it). Maybe I should rewatch it just to see how bad it is with a fully developed brain (and then reread the series as a palate cleanser)
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angstandhappiness · 2 years ago
OP's tags @imminent-danger-came #THINK OF THE TRADGEDY#Wukong seeing MK act a little bit evil in 1x09: uh hold up no stop that#When he realizes it was just MK trying to be good enough: :0
@mythicalmagical-monkeyman #THINK OF THE TRADGEDY#< prev tags#to good to leave out#Yes!#exactly#thank you for putting my tiny strains of thoughts into actual word
@imminent-danger-came #wish I could be normal about anything ever#instead I write an in-depth theory post on why I think MK was fucked up in his past life#COME ON s4 SPECIAL. PROVE ME RIGHT#GIVE ME CRUMBS#THIS WOULD SLAP SO HARD#DO IT FOR ME#this ain't even mentioning the god damn curse#Cause like bro. The curse reacting to MK (being a part of MK?) the way it does is so fucking weird#Why did MK get a flash of it in 4x03. Why#''harbinger of chaos'' WELL MAYBE HE WAS ONE. MAYBE HE WAS.#eamk theory
@imminent-danger-came #YEAH ELDRITCH HORROR MK IS SYNONYMOUS WITH MONKEY DEMON MK#Tis the same thing. MK is a Monkey Demon and nothing can change that#Some good points here teehee#I think I'm on team ''pre-stone MK was a complete force of utter chaos'' but like.#A pre-stone MK being controlled and curated as a weapon is a really fun idea#Would have great Samadhi fire Mei parallels too#''Don't use the flame Mei...be the flame!'' ''You don't use a weapon! You are a weapon!''#''What if I fail everyone? What if I...lose control?'' ''Actually no no—the chaos and destruction that we'll bring upon the world will make#Wukong's past look like nothing''#Like at the VERY least MK was someone in a past life right. Like#It would be weird if he didn't. Literally every other member of the gang does#And everyone in this show is living past the end of their myth one way or another#anyways I'm so sorry tumblr ate your post#I've lost good men in tumblr drafts
@its-leethee #ok so i had this rb window open since yesterday cause i needed to sleep on it but nope time did not calm me down#my brain soundtrack stuck on eeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEE#always wondering where did mk's power come from & what they put in the baby monkey stone and like y'all are so smart eight steps ahead of m#sealed monkey demon/eldritch horror mk alright alright i'm in 100%
@mythicalmagical-monkeyman #...#what if he's the thing that killed the pilgrims#he would have been powerful enough to#and it would help explain why Wukong was involved#and why mk would be friends with their “reincarnations”#/descendant#because parallels
@ghostenluvs #prev#OH MY GOD#ur brain#but omg that would be so angsty #THIS WHOLE THEORY IS CRAZY BUT IN LIKE AN OMG WAY#LIKE MAN I'M HAVING THOUGHTS NOW#i love these long theory posts they get hte brain thoughts going#IT KEEPS GETTING BETTER
@i-am-a-fan #Do you think that’s why Mk is only part monkey demon? Because i can two schools of thought on that#one. he’s part SWK and part something else (probably celestial if i’m honest) but that would explain why he’s able to wield the staff#it also makes sense since the staff is has been said to only be wielded by swk himself#there’s no trials or anything of being worthy like thors hammer. you either are swk or you aren’t#Or TWO. MK WAS another celestial monkey#i say WAS because he might have been defeated and the put back together as seen in the frames shown above#Mostly because i really do think MK when broken down is actually really evil#I WILL ONCE AGAIN USE THE CLONE EPISODE AS EVIDENCE#you’re telling me that every clone made of the guy#that are supposed to be perfect imitations of the creator (mind you)#all of them. turned evil?#yeah that kid is fucked up#wow i had wayyyy more to say than i thought i did#welcome to my ted talk
@void-multimuse #stuff like this makes my brain go brrr so I wanna add it to my MK portrayal
@mythicalmagical-monkeyman #saw this on twitter#but this goes with inky going#"your friends will turn on you. seeing you for the monster you will become. they will DESTROY you#harbinger of chaos.”#because if MK killed them in their past lives#why would they keep him around if he could do it again#(I know they wouldn't though)
@wilyzombie #yall i just wanted to watch a cartoon with fun animation#it’s been only 2 weeks since i first started watching monkie kid#and now im obsessed
@newcyber-demonslayer#YO#WAIT#THIS IS ACTUALLY SUCH A GREAT THEORY#probably cause I’m a sucker for eldritch beings cause it fascinates me#especially the possible design options out there
@demigod-of-the-agni #op this was a DELICIOUS READ#i will now retreat to my cave and wallow#monkerkidd#SO MANY THOUGHTS.... SO MANY.......
Eldritch Abomination MK Theory
OKAY. @the-punning-ubus
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I just want to say reading these tags are SO validating, because I have my little "MK was an eldritch abomination thing pre-hatching from stone" theory and seeing someone else come to pretty much the same conclusion feels good.
I've been meaning to write a proper theory post on this for a while, so now is as good of a time as any!
Obviously we have Wukong's "Not just anyone can wield my staff, but you did" from A Hero is Born and "The staff's just a big 'ol stick bud! It takes someone special to wield it" from 3x03, but there's also something in 1x09 Macaque:
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Macaque: "Your staff kinda gives you away dude, not just anyone can wield that thing."
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Macaque: "Ohohoh no, can't you hold the magic staff anymore? Well, you know what that means—there really isn't anything special about you. You're just a kid with a heavy stick."
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The sweet irony of "There really isn't anything special about you. You're just a kid with a heavy stick!" followed immediately by MK lifting the staff again is not lost on me.
So, from s1 it was pretty obvious that Wukong didn't "give" MK any form of power, but we knew that already with MK being a monkey demon and all. I just think it's particularly intriguing that all of this was laid out in the same episode where MK proclaims "I am the weapon!". In all honestly, he probably was/is.
One of the main questions coming out of s4 is "why was MK created?"—Monkey King's stone was used to form another, but for what purpose? To what end? What reason was MK at the center of all these stories?
Well, here's my current theory:
MK was something in a past life, and that something needed to be contained—and so, to put a stop to past life eldritch abomination MK, he was then sealed away in the stone.
I think this scene in particular raises some alarm bells:
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The stone cracks open, bursts with light, and then it closes—like something was put inside it. The scene could of course just be an aesthetic choice, or chosen to be this way for another reason we don't know yet, but it just feels so deliberate. A ball of light appearing from the stone, then another ball of light in the mystery woman's hands being revealed to hold a monkey, and then the stone reforming around the ball of light. I just can't help but feel there's something there.
Next I want to discuss the two key things that make me feel this theory has merit:
1.) MK has made a habit of breaking out of things he shouldn't be able to (the calabash in 1x05, the trigram furnace in 2x00, the scroll in 4x07, Destiny itself in 3x14) and the stone would be no exception.
2.) Every antagonist in this show has been sealed away in some form, then being released to resume their plans from before being sealed. Here's a list:
DBK was sealed under the mountain, and after being released continued his plan of world domination.
Spider Queen was metaphorically trapped in her fallen empire, and after being given the chance to rule the above world once again, immediately takes it.
The Lady Bone Demon was imprisoned in her tomb, and after being released prematurely (before learning the error of her ways), she continued her plan to destroy the world and create a new one.
Azure Lion was imprisoned in the scroll, and upon being released (by an unknown 3rd party), immediately worked to free his friends and then end the Jade Emperor's reign.
Now, I love foils, so MK breaking out of the stone he was sealed in, yet coming out an actually changed being unlike everyone else in this show, would be DELICIOUS:
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Lady Bone Demon: ”No backup and no weapon? So, you’re plan is to fist fight a child?” Sun Wukong: “We both know that’s not what you are.”
(3x11 This Imperfect World)
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Lady Bone Demon: "STOP! Have you forgotten? Destroy me and you destroy the host! Have you become so desperate to end me that you would sacrifice this blameless innocent child?" Sun Wukong: "You're giving me no choice! All the time you spent locked away, and you haven't changed a bit! I'm going to finish you, like I should have done a long time ago! I told you—you should have stayed buried."
(3x11 This Imperfect World)
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Subodhi: "I have not brought you to your master. Although this is the stone from which Sun Wukong once sprung, it appears overtime, it was used to form another. A simple creature, with no past, no family, and no name. There is a reason you were at the center of these stories—a reason you can harness the power of the Monkey King himself!"
(4x06 Show Me the Monster)
(If you want extra fodder for this, please see this parallels post :3)
So, if MK were to hatch out of the stone—where *he* was sealed away—and he actually came out of it a "blameless innocent child" with "no past, no family, and no name", it would work exceedingly well. Wukong's not above giving people second chances, but if you use that second chance to try and destroy the world, you force his hand.
(Side note: it could also be the case that the stone was used to "reset" whatever MK was in his past life, and Wukong was originally meant to destroy whatever came out of the stone—which could be the reason he stayed at Flower Fruit Mountain for hundreds of years. However, when an child came out, a new being without a past or the memories of what it was before—Wukong choose to let it go. He choose to let it live a normal life—or even ensuring it could live a normal life—and it then found it's way to Pigsy. This definitely gets into real crack theory territory, but I did want to bring it up.)
Now, none of this is even mentioning the suspiciously MK shaped figure in the mural from 3x13:
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Now, the figure in this mural is only shown when MK is also on screen, which is framing that drives me insane. Perhaps this is when they first caught MK's past life, then finally able to subdue him and seal him in the stone.
And so, if MK really was this terrible chaos driven abomination in his past life, what does that mean ✨thematically✨?
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Sun Wukong: “Point is, mistakes happen, but so long as you leave the world in better shape than you found it, then it’s all good. Right?”
(4x01 Familiar Tales)
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SWK: “ENOUGH! I’ve never let anyone dictate my destiny in the past, and I’m not about to start now. None of us are! We can’t change who we were yesterday or in a past life, or a hundred life times ago! We live with the choices we’ve made, for what matter is the choices we make RIGHT NOW! Only we decide who we are and what we do with the power we have.”
(4x07 Pitiful Creatures)
MK can't change who he was in a past life. He can't change that the roads all lead to pain. But you know what he can do? He can try. He can try and get a little bit better every day. He can try and help people. He can try and make the world better than he found it.
Maybe in a past life, MK caused just as must chaos and destruction as Wukong did in his past. Maybe he caused even more problems than he has as the Monkie Kid. But that also doesn't undo the good he's doing now.
Anyways, that's my "MK was an eldritch abomination thing pre-hatching from stone" theory. Hope you enjoyed
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w0nnielov3 · 3 years ago
enha - reacting to their idol crush/friend getting hate !!
| requested!!: By anon :0 |
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layla’s note
Im not the best when it comes to writing hate or angst stuff or writing about bullying so I tried my best with this …I’m more of a fluff gal :p but since this was requested I did my best ,, this is fully out of my imagination im sure the boys wouldn’t admit having a crush on a close Friend !! ,, anyways please enjoy :)
#pairing!!: idol!enha x idol!reader | reader is under YG ent ! | for this I made a random group name and its “starlight” | engenes are behaving bad in this ...smh thought i raised them better :(
warning!!: lowercase intended ,, mention of hate ,, maybe grammar mistakes !!
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𖥻 ⠇heeseung ♡·˚ ༘
Heeseung has never been open about his crush on the yg artist for this reason exactly …he didn’t want his own fans attacking you ,, as well as he would hate to have to stop being friends with you. Heeseung never expected you to text him at 4am telling him to open Twitter and look at the most trending hashtags; “#y/nstayawayfromheeseung” was all his attention could be focused on as he cursed to himself. Heeseung was too scared to open the tag scared of what awful things could lie in there ,, all he could really think of was apologizing to you for his fans behavior even if you told him It’s fine. Will likely waddle his way towards Jungwons’ room and vent to him about how he feels and asking him for advice as Jungwon just nods at him and gives him a hug reassuring him that the company would do something.
𖥻 ⠇jay ♡·˚ ༘
Jay found out from his manger ,, he was in the middle of practice when his manger pulled him out to the hallway for a minute. He explained to Jay about the rumors going around and how starlights manager had called and said that engenes have been harassing their idol and would like Jay would speak up. Quickly nodded made His way back into the dance room and grabbed his phone out of his bag ,, he made sure to Apologize to you for his fans behavior and let you know that he will speak to them. And that he did man went live and had a whole vent on how he raised engenes better and there should be no reason for them to bully one of his close friend. Will not shut up till engenes apologized to you ,, #disappointedfather :(
𖥻 ⠇jake ♡·˚ ༘
Jake knew he messed up when he slipped out how he's been very close with his celeb crush which everyone knew was the one and only yg’s ace y/n. He turned towards the door tryna figured out if his problems would leave if he just walked away. He faced his camera once again and tried to play it cool …keyword TRIED ,, he decided to read the comments to only realize they were flooded with a bunch of mean things about you. Jake could only frown at such mean words about such a nice person. “guys that's not nice …y/n is a very nice person to be shown such disrespect ,, please be nice and respectful.” Will bribe engenes to stop the hate from spreading …which surprisingly worked well :)
𖥻 ⠇sunghoon ♡·˚ ༘
No one was surprised when sunghoon confidently said you were his ideal type/crush ,, you guys basically grew up together and you were his girl version ,, same goals and skills. He didn't see anything wrong with his actions so when you called him asking him if he's gone insane he just shrugged it off ,, thinking you haven’t eaten and that you're extremely cranky so he will order you food and call it a day. Realizes its a problem when he opens Twitter to see engenes bashing you left and right ,, will post something on weverse telling engenes to calm down as you've bro-zoned sunghoon more than 10000x …which only made it worst because who bro-zones THE Sunghoon?? Will give up on trying to calm his fans down and instead just tells you that bashing you is how they show love :p
𖥻 ⠇sunoo ♡·˚ ༘
Sunoo was in the middle of recording ,, the boys and him had a day off and he decided to go shopping. Their manager told them to film for engenes ,, as he was in the middle of picking colognes for his members his eyes landed on a perfume/colognes. He quickly made his way toward it ,, “would y/n like this?” He asked himself as he sprayed a little on his wrist to smell it. Honestly he didn't even realize that was caught on camera and he just expected the editing team to take it out …but they didn't. Sunoo felt horrible when he saw how mean engenes were being toward you ,, so during one of his vlive’s he made sure to tell engenes that people have feelings and they need to be nicer.
𖥻 ⠇Jungwon ♡·˚ ༘
You and Jungwon have been invited to be on knowing brothers ,, despite already knowing each other you both agreed this could better your friendship. You guys were currently scribbling on the board ,, you were in the middle of drawing a random character from one of your favorite animes before your attention was stolen by heechul as be pointing out what Jungwon had wrote on the board ,, “they're very pretty :p” was written with an arrow next to it pointing towards you. You were shocked at what Jungwon had written but whispered a small thank you as you kept doodling. Once the cameras stopped rolling your manager came up to you and showed you his phone to be faced with engenes bashing you for your lack of reaction to Jungwons message and also because he wrote it to begin with. You could hear someone running towards you and you were met with a bowing Jungwon who was apologizing on engenes behavior before he ran back to where he came from. Was Dry towards engenes for a week on weverse for their horrible behavior ,, #disappointedfatherpt2
𖥻 ⠇niki ♡·˚ ༘
Everyone knew you and niki for being a playful mc duo ,, you guys were very close as you guys shared a lot in common especially a love for dancing. During a vlive with sunoo engenes asked niki who was his ideal type/crush to which your name slipped out his mouth as he smiled at the camera before looking back down at the tablet in front of him. A lot of people were very nice and respectful to nikis choice but of course there was that other half who couldn’t let the kid get a break. When niki started reading a bunch of harsh and rude comments made about you he shook his head and lifted his head to look at the camera again “bad ,, please be respectful towards y/n :( ,, or I will not hesitate-“ he cut himself off with a small smirk and looked back down at the tablet …will probably never tell engenes what he meant but hey at least he got them to stop :D
© w0nnielov3
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unluckilyimnot · 3 years ago
Toxic relationship pt.2 || Tokyo Revengers
Characters: Mikey, Baji, Draken, Rindou
Type: angst, broken English
Warnings: spoiler Tenjiku and after.
Words count: 1,775
Kokonoi, Izana, Chifuyu || Part.3 m.list
@imjustanuser YES I can do it now slslsl i couldn't tag you before I'm so sorry, but here it is. I didn't did it sooner bc I just got 0 ideas but there it is !
English is not my first language so I'm sorry if there're any mistakes
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Mikey is proud, and doesn't necessarily admit when he's wrong, even with his girlfriend. And you're fine with it, it's a part of him and you live with it even if you don't appreciate it that much. Because you choose to be with him. 
Dating him was never easy, he's complicated and asks for a lot of attention and reassurance. Things that you gladly gave him, because that's what a lover does. In return, he loves you with all his heart, or what is left from it. 
You never leave him with all the things he went through but you also see how much he changed along with it. The Mikey you knew was long forgotten, replaced by a cold and empty heart. This cause you two to spend less and less time together, not that you really want to be with him. You love him to death, don't get it wrong, but you don't want to be use as a thing to pass his anger on. You're willing to spend time with him when he's in the right mindset or feeling bad, but not just a thing that he can hurt because he is himself. 
You thought that he kinda needed you, to make him feel better, for comfort and the love that you give him every time he lets you. You couldn't realize how dumb you were. Mikey becomes cold and you'll soon reach your limits. 
"Mikey, for real now ?! That's the dumbest thing to do, please think about it ! I-" 
"I don't care about your opinion," he cuts you blankly, not even looking at you. He always listens, because he knows you have good advice. So why would he be like this today? That was it, you reached the end. "Fuck yourself, Manjiro" you said hardly, probably trying to hurt him as much as he's hurting you. "What do you think you're doing with calling me by my name ? Assuring dominance ? You're nothing without me y/n, nothing." 
You didn't answer, still shocked by his words. That was really what he was thinking all the time ? You can't believe that the Mikey you fell for has become like this. This wasn't him anymore. With all the anger boiling in your stomach and the pride left, you looked him dead in the eyes and said "I'll show you you're wrong. We're done, good luck crying yourself to sleep alone" before leaving the room. 
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You were a close friend of Baji before you two started dating, and you were kinda his comfort when he went through his break-up. That's this period that makes you end up together. From the start, it wasn't a really healthy relationship. He seeks out for you because you know him well, and you couldn't help but bring him what he needed. 
One night, Baji was falling asleep on your chest, one hand rubbing his back, drawing patterns while the other was lost in his long, still a bit wet, hair. You knew he likes it, that she used to do the same thing. It feels wrong, but at the same time you couldn't help but hold him close. You're deeply in love, you know. "You give me the same comfort as her," he says, his mind probably blurry with tiredness. After a short silence, you sigh a little "I know," Before leaving his hair alone, your heart aching. You agree with it, you were the one who kissed him and confessed your feelings first. But knowing that he kinda agrees because you felt the same as her hurts.  
But in the end he is with you, right ? Then why do you keep worrying about him leaving. If you gave him the same that she could give him, why were you like this? Call it instinct or whatever, but in your head something was wrong. He was distant, zoning out and when you asked him, he just pushed it away. 
You noticed everything, any changes in his attitude. Maybe you were a bit obsessed too, overprotective but you couldn't help but be scared to lose him. How much time he spends on his phone when he usually forgets it anywhere. Something was happening behind your back and you were as hurt as mad. 
"I talked to my ex," he just said that you already wanted him to shut up. You don't want to hear this. "Shut up.." You whisper under your breath. "She still loves me and, you know.." You chuckle at his words and look him dead in the eyes, anger shining in it. "And you still love her too, yeah I know," you harshly say before getting up and picking up your things. 
"Go back to her, I don't care. I knew you never loved me." You could tell that he was feeling bad about it, his look on the ground was filled with guilt but you couldn't care less. He chooses this. He chooses her and he has to assume it. You were hoping for him to feel really bad, but you knew deep down that he'll forget you as soon as you came. 
"I hope we-" "Don't tell me that you want us to still be friend Baji, don't you dare do that," you glance back at him, this time with tears in your eyes. "I hate you." 
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You knew Inui and Koko for some time now, so when Inui opened his store with one of his friends, you obviously came to see him. You never get to know his new friends because he doesn't want you involved in gang stuff again. Then it was your first meeting with Draken. And it was literally love at the first sight. 
But who could blame you ? A tall, blond man, with a sweet smile who's looking at you kindly. It was like this never happened to you and you just weren't capable of making a simple sentence as long as he was looking at you. Inui realized immediately, he's not dumb, and invites you to come often. You were the happiest, spending time with both of them was amazing. Draken was the sweetest, always kind and patient with you. You tried to interest yourself in his job and passion as your relationship grows. 
And, naturally, you confessed your love to him. To your surprise he agreed, and said he loved you too. It's an understatement to say that you were happy. This felt like heaven, he was just perfect. The man that you've been waiting for all your life. Not ashamed to be with you, show that you're his, to take care of you like a princess. Everything was so fine, doing so well. It was like a dream coming true. But every dream has an end, eventually.  
One night, Draken drank a bit too much with Inui and was kinda drunk, getting to bed without even looking at you. "You're okay ? You drank a lot, do you need anything?" You ask, wanting to help if needed. Touching his arm slowly, he moves from your touch, shivering. You were taken aback, did you do something wrong ? 
"I hate that you feel like her," he whispers while covering his face, "it feels so wrong. Why are you so much like her ? I feel like I'm with her but cheating on her at the same time. I-" 
You stopped listening to his rambling, your mind becoming blurry. Turning all your emotions down, your confusion and hurt expression turns to a stoic one. Of course you knew about Emma, but you really wished he would get over it with you.
"I never actually loves you," was the last whispers that got to your ears. Seems like you were expecting too much ; and that you were in his bed just because you were like her. "I'm leaving you for tonight then, sleep well Ken," you said before leaving the bed and going out, sleep long forgotten. 
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You were so happy with him. The day he asked you out was like a dream, you were so deeply in love with what you knew of him. You never thought that he could be interested in someone like you, finding yourself boring and loud for nothing. But he was looking away from you with a little less annoyed face than usual, almost smiling, and you could have hug him right away. 
Rindou never was a big fan of pda or into showing off his relationship, which you understand and respect. You two never really talk or stay with each other at school but outside he was a bit more open to you. Letting you hold his hand or kiss his cheek. But the fact is, he never really took the first step, you were always the one initiating things or date. You grow quickly tired of it and feel insecure. 
"Rindou... did I do something wrong ?" You asked him one time while you were out late at night with him. "What do you mean ?" He questioned back, making you rethink everything. Maybe you were asking for too much. Your relationship just started after all. Shaking your head, you looked at him sitting next to you. He was holding his leg, his gaze lost in the view beside him like something was on his mind. "Nothing," you said with a little smile. You were overthinking. 
But as the time passes by, nothing really changes. Worst, he seems detached in all the things you could initiate and you felt like you were messing up everything. Weren't you like he expected it ? Good enough ? Where did you mess up that bad for him to act like this. All those thoughts were killing you inside so you decided to talk it out, for real this time. 
"All of this was a bet." Rindou says with a straight face. And you wish you had never talked. "I lost and they knew you loved me, so I had to ask you out and stay with you for one or two months. That's it, I never felt anything for you." He added, not even a single sign of remorse in his voice. He didn't care, he never did. You felt so dumb, you were the joke here. Taking everything too seriously, overthinking it when he just was never in love. Something broke in you that day, but you didn't even cry in front of him. "Right," you answered after a moment, "too good to be true..." 
You couldn't just cry in front of him, your ego didn't allow it. Not after being joked on like this, you couldn't show too much. But you knew you'd cry yourself to sleep tonight. 
"Don't talk to me again, please," says Rindou before leaving you like he didn't break you.
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I hope you liked it ♡
Also !! People who like all my posts in a row you're like super cute ? I love you guys, like I see that you like my work and I feel more confident about it sllsls
Thank you so much to all the person that leaves comment and reblog too, I looooove to see how you feel about what I do
I love you all ♡
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finduilasclln · 3 years ago
I was tagged by @littlespoonevan to share my five favorite fics that I have written. Thanks so much! This was for fic writer appreciation day, which was yesterday, but I was already asleep when I was tagged so this is a day late. :)
I tag @festival-of-pudding, @thekristen999 @stellarm and anyone who wants to do it that hasn't been tagged yet. Share your works, lovelies!
I found love where it wasn’t supposed to be (Right in front of me) || Buddie (911) || 13272 words ||
It’s such a long time coming and still it takes Buck by surprise. It takes him by surprise even though he is the one that leans in and finally kisses Eddie. His second surprise is that Eddie doesn’t push him away, doesn’t even look at him with confusion. Or worse, rage. No, Eddie kisses him back like Buck is a tall drink of water and Eddie is severely dehydrated. Buck knows the feeling.
Five times Buck is Eddie’s co-parent + One time he is Eddie’s everything || Buddie (911) || 7639 words ||
Kind of exactly what it says on the tin?
A mix of this Tumblr prompt: Buddie platonic co-parenting to very slow burn to something more fic....? I think it’s an interesting dynamic for them to both be accepting platonic co-parents.... which they realized together through talking about it and then very slowly edge into other things without the pining/unrequited love concept... like they discuss things together and then they’re like “well yeah I guess we could try going one step further” bc they know no matter what they will always be friends
- and me yelling at @stellarm that I needed fic where Eddie wants Buck to be Christopher's legal guardian before they're even together.
Love Don't Die || Sterek (Teen Wolf) || 33549 words ||
Derek is nine years old when he discovers the gift that he's been given. A gift that he didn't necessarily ask for. Derek can touch dead things and bring them back to life. But not without consequences and conditions, many of which are heartbreaking.
Many years later, his path crosses that of his childhood sweetheart, Stiles, in very unfortunate circumstances. But now, Derek's gift gives him the power to save Stiles. And damned be the consequences.
(Pushing Daisies AU)
487 || Sterek (Teen Wolf) || 52840 words ||
Two years after graduating from the Police Academy, Stiles decides to transfer to the Beacon Hills Police Department, where his father is Chief. But when he gets assigned his new partner, Stiles isn't so sure if the transfer was a good idea. Derek 'Officer Grumpy Cat' Hale isn't exactly his first choice of partner. Then again, Stiles really isn't Derek's first choice either.
(Police AU)
Perfect Paradise (Staring back at me) || Stony (The Avengers) || 14100 words ||
Tony doesn’t actually notice it at first, and even if he had, he isn’t exactly known for caring what other people think about him. And the first time it does actually catch his attention, Tony is mildly amused.
Honorable mention for :
hoping that they all could see (that we belong together) || McDanno (Hawaii Five-0) || 11946 words ||
Over the years, Steve’s told himself it’s not going to be like this forever. He isn’t going to pine and want what he can’t have indefinitely. He’ll get over Danny. He’ll fall in love with someone else.
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devondespresso · 2 years ago
thanks for the tag love! doing mine in a reblog because theres no way im remembering all these tropes lol
Age Gap: -2
i feel like this tag just tells you what the author thinks age gap means like sometimes its 5 years and sometimes its 30. not for me if it feels like theres a power imbalance in romantic relationships. i don't think anyone actually tags age gap for friendships
Codependency: 10
im a platonic stobin bitch babeyyy of course a codependency tag is a green flag. fandoms definition of it is more just mutually very clingy as opposed to actual irl or unbalanced codependency
obsession/possessive/jeleous: 0
it can be done well or done really wrong. im all for a good "that's MY funky fella" when related to trauma (again stobin) but a lot of romantic possessiveness has the potential to go really disrespectful to the partner? like they can have friends either calm down or get run over please (its only really that bad if the story pretends this is cute or romantic and not severe dick behavior)
opposites (grumpy/sunshine etc): -1
doesn't really direct my focus but i am wary of making characters one personality trait to fit the aesthetic
Enemies to lovers: 0
eh. depends on the author and can be really good (characters expanding their worldview and growing) or really bad (why are you attracted to them? after everything they did? please just date x side character instead they're actually nice to you)
sex to feelings: nah
i can't handle nsfw anymore so im not reading this but it makes sense to me
fake dating/relationship: -1
honestly didn't expect my own answer but i just can't remember being invested in most fake dating aus (the exception being ones that had a fake relationship between steddie where steve is eddies albi after s4 abd explores the consequences of word getting out)
friends to lovers: 3
super cute but you get tired of hearing "i don't want to mess up our friendship over some feelings" over and over
Found Family: 10 (a million if i could)
im literally writing an au where steve gets adopted by dustins mom. this shit keeps me alive
hurt/comfort: 10
break the bitch and get them some self care and that's what i call storytelling. my default state of mind. im just now realizing all my writing is hurt/comfort
love triangle: -7
ew. the exception is season 2 stranger things stancy vs jancy (AND ONLY S2!! they didn't need it in s1 or s4 at all) because its interesting to explore how nancys trauma crumbles her closest relationship and how she can't say anything interesting she's drunk in a bathroom. really wish that was portrayed as a new thing that stemmed from being unable to shake association with barb and steve and problems with how they both dealt with trauma instead of just. she actually had a crush on Jonathan and he didn't ask her out fast enough. thanks i love a character emotionally cheating for a year before the interesting drama acts on that for her. (but hey thats what fic is for) (also post s1 stoncy fic slays)
open/poly: 0
haven't dipped my toes into that. stoncy is cool tho and love that its the solution to love triangles
mistaken/hidden identity: 3
the logistics can't be too stupid but otherwise love these
monsterfucking: no nsfw. monsterkissing? 0
again no nsfw. kissing vampires is cool but that's also like vanilla mf isn't it. usually don't run into sfw monsterkissing outside that
pregnancy: no.
severe squick. its deeply disturbing to me (not like seeing pregnant people in general just it being a plot in fic. surrogacy and wholesome building a family is fine as long as its kinda a background detail) (just from personal fear, being ace, and inability to handle smut and stuff)
second chance: -3
not impossible to do well but i often find myself asking why they broke up or why it suddenly works now
slow burn: 0
contrivances irritate me but also plenty of good ones where they just take their time falling in love
soulmate aus: 3
i just think they're neat. if platonic stobin aren't also somehow platonic soulmates i edit the worldbuilding in my head and im on my merry way
idk who tf has already been tagged so uhhhhh @stobinesque @spoookysix @wuffgang-ameowdeus-moozart @loser-jpg @nymime and anyone else who wants to join 💕
Trope rating game
I'm so late but I love these! tagged by @zerokrox-blog ❤️❤️❤️
rules: How much do these tropes affect your decision to click on a fic? -10 -> very dissuaded 
0 - don’t care either way 
+10 -> very enticed 
nope -> if it’s a hard no and you’d never click on a fic with that tag or or you even have the tag blocked or you’d insta click out of the fic if it wasn’t tagged.  Bonus points for explaining the rating and whether it’s conditional.
Age gap: 0
Definity depends. I don't seek it out but anything like 10 years or less doesn't freak me out too bad.
Codependency: 10
I love it so much it's ~embarrassing~ But I think thats the funny thing with what I write and what I like in fic in general, it's almost all stuff I'd hate in real life?? What does that say about me?
Obsession/Possessiveness, jealousy: 10
See above!
Opposites (grumpy/sunshine etc): 2
I don't seek it out persay but its almost always cute as hell.
Enemies to lovers, Enemies with benefits: -2
I'm such a true love/fluff addict, I usually dont got the patience. But I have seen sooo many good fics with that trope though, I respect the writers.
Friends with benefits: -2
Just say you love each other already jesus christ 😭😭 (Did I mention I have no patience??)
Sex to feelings: -1
See above
Fake dating/relationship: -1
Same ish with friends and benefits! I'm such a baby gee wiz.
Friends to lovers: +2
It's cute!
Found Family: 10
Love it soooo much. Adore, adore, adore, adore!
Hurt/Comfort: +5
The guarantee of comfort, always gets me going.
Love Triangle: -10
Make em all fuck or get out of my face honestly.
Poly, open relationships: 0
Eh, I like reading the occasional like closed poly relationships or threeway but open ones just dont get me. Maybe because of bad experiences?
Mistaken/hidden identity: 3
I like them....the stupidier it is the better and no i do not know why!
Monsterfucking: +10
Yeahhhhhhhhh, I'm a fan. Definite fan. Mega fan.
Pregnancy: 5
Omegaverse or not, I like it. Which again. actual pregnancy is one of my top 5 fears. Whats up with that?
Second Chance: 0
Eh, don't look for it don't mind it. Im such a little bitch with angst it's not even funny.
Slowburn: 0
Can take or leave.
Soulmates: +5
It's cute!
Tagging with no pressure! @spectrum-spectre @letscrank @devondespresso @jjoesjonas @pearynice @heavenlycrashes @henderdads @hammity-hammer @homosexual-having-tea
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crsinclair · 2 years ago
so here's the scoop
Actually before that, I wanna say that I've participated in the Erasermic Omegaverses Zine this year, can't remember if I yelled about that on here? I was a fic writer for that - if you like Erasermic and like ABO, here's the link to the collection on Ao3! Mind the tags on the individual fics, please! ANYWAY. I've had. A fucking. Time. Kinda a rant and also an explanation for why I've been absent and also why I linked my kofi at the bottom of this. A lot of shit happened!🙃 This summer, my Papa passed away. I loved him. I really did. He was funny, kind, and he took shit from absolutely no one. If it hadn't been him I would have said I wasn't going to go help out and I was just going to go to the funeral. But it was him, so I told my friends that I was going back to the city, and I was going to help settle everything, pack his things, etc, because I loved him. I should have stayed home. First of all, my family treated me like free labor and like shit while I was there to help out. Second of all, I got into a car accident on the way to the funeral and the guy who hit me tried to intimidate me into not calling the police before driving off - and yes, I was injured. Third, my family "expressed concern" over my injury and then proceeded to have me write the obituary, decorate the funeral room alone, and asked me to be a pallbearer while injured. I could go into so much more detail but I'll spare you the horror of My Family™️. I'm honestly surprised I made it home without collapsing. AND ON THAT NOTE: A week later, I did collapse. Dramatically, and with flair. I was recovering from both whiplash, grief, and having to spend time with My Family™️ and over at my friend's grandmother's house when suddenly I didn't feel well. I stood up to splash some water on my face, got into the restroom, realized, "Hm, this is more serious than Not Feeling Well, I should tell someone Right Fucking Now," wobbled back into the other room, told the grandmother that something was wrong, and then proceeded to collapse to the ground and have a heart attack. After that, my heart rate would not calm the fuck down and I had wild heart palpitations for the next seven hours! Yes, I went to the hospital. I have been to the hospital twice more after that, had several more doctor appointments, have had several tests done (including a Tilt Table test, which 0/10, do not recommend), and there's plenty more that I could talk about (like the Tilt Table test, though I might just make a TikTok account for just to rant about that akdhfa it's both not funny and FUNNY), but what it all boils down to is this: I have a very, very severe case POTS all of a sudden and my doctor is still trying to figure out what the hell caused it. Currently I'm trying for disability benefits because I legitimately cannot work - my sleep schedule is fucked, my energy levels are all over the place, I can't stand for long at all without fainting and I can't sit for varying length of time without the same. I hate to even do this, but I'm a broke bitch who has medical bills for tests and operations (god I have one in just a few days and I am NOT looking forward to it) that I can't pay for because I don't have insurance, so: Here's my kofi page if you'd like to buy me a coffee or help me not stress about the multiple doctors visits I have every month!
I do have, like, actual things I want to talk about other than "Oh this is what I've been up to - BEING SICK" - like the cute EMic fics I have in the works, the Cheeky Brat fic I've been working on and haven't been talking about on here because it's 🤭 e x p l i c i t (teehee) and even my DnD shit that is mostly entirely self indulgent but I don't care I'm going to shove it in your faces anyway.
Anyways, that's what I've been up to. I've posted about a good portion of this on Twitter, so I know some of you guys know about this, but I wanted to give Tumblr a heads up that I am bed ridden and Doing My Best.😫
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bananablam · 4 years ago
On Target
A Nightwing Fanfic
Sequel to Waiting On You
Read the next part, Midnight Secrets here
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Pairing: Dick Grayson x Reader kind of, but it's from his POV and he's out of town, thinking about you.
Content warning: graphic language-our boys are being themselves
TW: NONE! Except...maybe sharing feelings, a tiny bit of angst? (I'm trying to be so careful about these but I think this one is very safe.)
Note: Thank you so much to everyone who read my last fic! This chapter is from Dick's POV. Mostly him interacting with Tim and Jason (which I adore), but lots of mentions of you, dear reader, so I will categorize it as a pairing in the tags and I promise you're IN the next chapter. Lots of backstory in this one but it's important to future chapters. I promise it lays framework for a ton of fluff, smut and ACTION.
Summary: After leaving your house, Dick and his brothers are on the way to South America to catch up with an old nemesis. Trying his best to focus on the mission, Dick realizes he can't get you out of his head.
Word count: approx. 1,600
/ / / / /
Dick Grayson.
It's just a name, he thought, staring out the window of the Batplane. Underneath a star-strewn sky, the shadowy tropical landscape slid by, shimmering slightly under the jet's cloaking system.
Bruce had always told him that his mask and his identity were one thing. "Protect it," he'd said once, "and no one can use it against you."
Bruce was great at protecting things, keeping them under wraps, Dick thought. But he had never talked about what might happen when he wanted to open up to someone. This urge to let someone in-someone besides his team, his family and his friends-was new. Brand new.
But then, so were you. Dick felt his heart quicken a little at the thought of you. He hated how caged he had to be with you, but if he was going to protect you, that was how it had to be. At least for now.
"Hey, you awake or what, dude? We're almost there." Jason hopped over the back of seat next to Dick, landing with a thud.  A Nintendo switch dangled from one hand, while the other punched Dick in the shoulder. The Legend of Zelda theme chimed from the console. "What's up with you, man?" Jason chirped. "You've been mopey this whole trip."
"I'm not mopey," Dick shot back, sounding a little meaner than he meant to. He scowled. The truth was, he was moping. Jason was right-and that pissed him off even more. Normally he would be 100% focused on one thing only-the mission, not worrying about anything he'd left behind in Jump City. The only difference was that the thing he'd left behind this time was you-and there wasn't a single thing on earth that could replace you.
He couldn't help it. He missed you.
What was happening to him? He didn't think he had smiled once since he'd seen you. His scowl deepened. Normally, Dick wouldn't even consider how often he did or didn't smile but since leaving your side, he couldn't help but notice-he was definitely missing you and it was affecting not only his mood, but his concentration.
He slouched in his seat. Great, he thought. I'm going after one of Jump City's most wanted criminals, and I choose now to start going crazy. Just perfect.
Jason shrugged and kicked his feet up. "Oookay, whatever." He could definitely tell when something was bothering his older brother but he was not going to push it. Bruce hadn't exactly trained them in emotional intelligence-even if he could tell that something was wrong, he'd have exactly 0% of an idea of how to fix it. Even if Dick wanted to open up about it, it would take time-a lot more time than they had before this mission started.
He tried to go back to playing Switch. Normally he would let it go but worrying about Dick irritated him. It could seriously screw up their mission if they weren't on the same page and he was not looking forward to Bruce's reaction if that happened. 
Bruce never used traditional hour-long lectures, he just shook his head and put them through hours of training and simulations. Jason winced, remembering how sore he'd been after the last time. "Look, whatever it is, just get it together before we land. We've only got one shot to pull this off."
Dick mumbled a moody agreement. He knew full well what was at stake. One false move and they might lose their lead on her.
He had purposely kept the details of this mission between himself, his bat-siblings and his original team...minus one person. If Beast Boy knew the entire story, he would either go overboard, blinded by emotion, or try to reason for her, trying to justify what she'd done. And they couldn't afford either reaction.
After years of cold trails, fake tips and false leads, they finally had a concrete path to her. Terra had resurfaced, terrorizing cities all over South America, using her powers to terrify local citizens while she and her goons robbed banks and businesses.
That was just the beginning; she'd only fallen onto the league's radar in the past year, when her name had come up in connection with a series of break-ins at South American government installations, each one specializing in DNA studies.
It didn't take a genius to know that Terra had to be stopped, soon. A criminal plus stolen government property could only equal bad news.
It was only because Beast Boy was one of his very best friends that word hadn't gotten around to him. Dick gritted his teeth, remembering how awkward he'd felt asking Bruce for the favor of classifying the intel from all but the core members of the League.
It had been unpleasant but until she was caught, he couldn't risk Beast Boy finding out that Terra was once again their latest target. Letting his best friend know that his ex was stealing everything South of the Gulf of Mexico just didn't seem like a great idea.
Dick ran a hand through his hair, huffing another sigh as some minor turbulence jostled the plane. He understood all too well why Beast Boy couldn't think straight when it came to Terra. It had been years since her utter betrayal but Beast Boy...he simply hadn't recovered. Terra meant to Beast Boy what you meant to Dick, and  the way he felt about you, he wasn't 100% sure that he wouldn't react the same way if you ever betrayed him.
All he could do was hope that you wouldn't.
Tim appeared from the cockpit, chugging the last of a tripleshot coffee energy drink. "Alright boys, get your asses in gear. We're here, and we had quite a smooth flight if I say so myself," he said, grinning proudly. Jason snorted. "Yeah right, we know what autopilot is," he joked, ducking as Tim chucked the empty can at him.
Dick felt a little better, watching his brothers. He was glad he'd had the fortitude to let Tim fly this mission. Bruce had personally taught each of them to fly, Dick included. But with his mind boomeranging off of you, Beast Boy and Terra, he didn't trust himself in a pilot's seat right now. Once they were on the ground, he knew he'd be able to focus. Besides, Tim could use the practice.
Tim pulled his mask on. "Before we left, Bruce went through all the financial records for each guard employed at this facility and cross checked them with all of their account balances and spending habits. I had a chance to look at the data too and the numbers do not match up-they are all definitely being paid off. Terra must be padding their pockets to make sure they look the other way while she cleans them out. The question is, cleans them out of what?"
Dick nodded. "That's what we're here to find out."
Getting up from his seat, Jason tucked his Switch into his bag.  He grabbed a couple of extra birdarangs, tucking them into the empty slots of his utility belt. "Bruce accessed their bank statements? I know he's smart and all but doesn't bypassing bank security take like, genius level hacker skills?"
"Yeah," Tim echoed slowly. "Genius level hacker skills."
Everyone looked at Dick.
He smirked. "Okay, I helped. But hey-Bruce is the one who taught me how to get around those firewalls. He was just giving me a refresher course."
Then he grew serious. "Alright, everyone listen up. Latest intel tells us this is where Terra and her crew are hitting tonight. This is not an assault mission. This is snatch-and-grab recon, only. We get in, find Terra, find out what she's been up to and who she's been working for," Who she's been working for this time, he thought drily, remembering Slade.
"We'll wrap her buddies up nice and pretty for the local authorities but Terra's our primary target. She leaves with us. Tim, I want any and all resources on this facility that we don't already have-I need schematics, financials, visitors logs, security codes, inventory, everything. Upload it to the cave's database. Jason, I want the guards immobilized and all security footage and logs from tonight erased or set up to be erased before we're even gone. No one knows we were here."
Tim and Jason exchanged glances. "Annnd...where exactly will you be?" Jason prodded.
Dick turned his earpiece on, checking the connection. "I've got something else to handle."
"You mean you're going after Terra," Tim said pointedly.
Dick didn't answer. No way was he letting anyone else take her down. He owed it to Beast Boy.
This was personal.
"Ready?" He asked. His brothers nodded. After they deployed, the Batplane would land itself, staying hidden until they were ready. "You all have your assignments. 10 minutes from drop point to entry, 20 minutes to converge at my location. We're in, we're out, we're gone. Everyone's com systems online?"
Jason tapped his earpiece. "Ladies and Gentleman, Captain Tim has turned off the fasten seatbelt sign, feel free to roam about the cabin," he said in his best pilot's voice. "Welcome to the creepy-ass jungle, it's about 1 am local time because apparently, we only do shit like this in the middle of the fucking night. Enjoy your evening capturing supervillains, and thank you for flying Bat Airlines."
Tim rolled his eyes. "I can hear both you dorks just fine, unfortunately. Let's do this."
Dick slammed his palm on the deploy button. The Batplane's ramp opened slowly, ushering the jungle's humid night air into the cabin. The team stood silently, feeling the exhilaration and anticipation that came just before a mission. If any of them had been feeling uncertainty, it was gone now. They were good at this. They were born for this.
One by one, they leapt silently from the jet, dropping through the jungle canopy below.
To be continued...
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phoebe-delia · 3 years ago
Drarry Tag Game!
Thank you to an extremely talented and gracious human who happens to be my friend, @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm, for the tag!
✨  Drarry Tag Game! ✨ Answer any questions you’d like and ignore the rest!
When did you get into Drarry and why?: Long story short, I was a very lonely freshman in college and needed an escape and started reading HP fanfic as a joke/escape. I started with Dramione and found my way to Drarry and that was it.
Which Drarry fic hooked you?: I genuinely can't remember. I wish I could. I didn't have an AO3 account back then, and I used an incognito window, so I can't check my history. I only had a notes page on my laptop with the fics I enjoyed most but I have 0 memory of which one hooked me.
Top three four favorite Drarry fics: Pretty much everyone knows that my favorite fic is "Right Hand Red" by @lqtraintracks because I refuse to shut up about it like it a Healthy Amount. Two others I consider in my top are: "Operation: SMWLNTETHSP" by @xx-thedarklord-xx and "Fallaway" by @nerdherderette, which I really need to reread soon, tbh, because it's so fucking amazing. Also, Beautiful Madness/Jump Then Fall (Into Me) by @phd-mama because I love both and she wrote me the sequel for Owlpost because she's the greatest.
Why can’t you quit them? I feel like I owe a lot to them, interestingly. They, and fandom, have been there for me during my lowest moments, and one of the reasons I got into fic writing was to give back, in a way? I wanted to contribute to this thing that had provided me so much comfort and joy.
But more than that, they just represent a lot of hope for me. Watching them navigate life and work through their shit and discover what it means to be good—in every sense of the word—is so compelling and relatable for me. I love reading about them getting it together after the war because it teaches me that my best is enough, that I am enough. But also, if an orphan and a (forced/coerced/child) ex-Neo Nazi with PTSD and trauma can be happy, then maybe so can I.
Would you rather be friends with Harry or Draco?: I think Harry. I truly love Draco, but I am a very softhearted/nerdy Hufflepuff, and I don't think I could handle some of Draco's snark and insults, even if it's a joke. I can handle light teasing, of course, but I've learned I don't have patience for "friends" who consistently hurt my feelings and don't do anything to fix it after I approach them to talk about it, and frankly, I think Draco would put his guards up if confronted like that. I'm not saying that makes Draco an inherently bad person or friend, but it means he and I wouldn't necessarily be a good match. I think Harry, while oblivious, would be generally better about being kind.
Who breaks your heart more often?  Harry, my absolute darling. He's been through so much. I love when he's happy with Draco.
Ideal career for Harry? For Draco? Journalist!Draco has my entire heart and soul, as does lawyer!Draco. (Thus far I've only written him as a journalist, but lawyer!Draco is gonna happen one day, too.) But also I love him as a writer in general.
As for Harry, something I love to read and write is where he starts out as an Auror and then realizes he hates it and leaves. I think I wrote my favorite career for him at the end of "this is me trying," but you'll have to read to find out ;)
Also, I like him as a Cursebreaker or Unspeakable. But also as a craftsman. OH I love him as DADA professor so much. (OMG dragon tamer is so hot too). And, as Joy said in his post, AAAB, but auror partners can be fun sometimes.
Mostly, I want Harry's career to be happiness. That's his job. Being happy.
Harry and Draco are being sent to a desert island for a week with plenty of food and water. Each are allowed to bring three additional items (no wands). What do they bring?
Draco: hair potion, healing potion, and a deck of cards (so he can either play with Harry or play Solitaire to entertain himself if he gets mad at Harry lol)
Harry: Knife (or weapon of some sort. he'd want to protect himself and Draco if needed), and phone + headphones (even if he can't call/text anyone he'd be able to listen to downloaded music. Draco would 100% steal it, though, but he wouldn't know that phones die if they're not charged for a while so he listens to it for hours and it dies and Harry is so annoyed.)
Favorite non-Drarry HP character? Luna Lovegood (see: I am a softhearted/nerdy Hufflepuff). I ADORE her. She and I would be best friends. I'd go with her on all her adventures.
If you had to pick one, enemies to lovers or (enemies to) friends to lovers? It sorta depends on my mood, but I'd say I generally like past enemies to lovers. I love post-war fics where they don't really know what they are to each other but they can't stop watching and staring and their friends think they're both crazy but they can't help it.
Would you rather read a fic that made you laugh or one that made you cry? Laugh, I'd say. I mostly read short, fluffy fics, though sometimes I like the catharsis of hurt/comfort or a little angst with a happy ending. And I don't love fics where the main humor is a lot of embarrassment. But if there's a lot of funny banter or sarcasm, I love it.
Three Five songs that scream Drarry to you (feel free to include the Drarry-est lyrics!): Oh, this blog was fuckin born for this question. I know I've talked about some of these before, so if you want more in-depth analysis of these and more songs, see here, but I will do it again muahaha. (Also I'm sorry I couldn't just do 3 songs I am Very Passionate about this lol. The songs are not in order, and I have more...but these are the ones that SCREAM Drarry to me the most. I stg I'm gonna write songfics for the first two songs one day.)
1. "Dark Side" by Kelly Clarkson. ("Everybody’s got a dark side/Do you love me?/Can you love mine?/Nobody’s a picture perfect/But we’re worth it/You know that we’re worth it/Will you love me?/Even with my dark side?")
2. "The Thrill of First Love" from the musical Falsettos. (ALL OF THE LYRICS!!!!!! Seriously GO listen to this song. You don’t need the musical’s plot context. But I’ll give you this: “We ask for passion at all times/We stand for passion and drink this toast/Still it’s awfully trying/And we’re not denying/That of all the lesser passions/We like fighting most.”)
3. "The Way I Loved You" by Taylor Swift ("But I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain/And it’s 2:00 a.m. and I’m cursing your name/So in love that you act insane/And that’s the way I loved you/Breakin’ down and coming undone/It’s a roller coaster kinda rush/And I never knew I could feel that much/And that’s the way I loved you" Read the fic I wrote for the song here!)
4. "Call It What You Want" by Taylor Swift ("My castle crumbled overnight/I brought a knife to a gunfight/They took the crown, but it’s alright/All the liars are calling me one/Nobody’s heard from me for months/I’m doing better than I ever was, 'cause/My baby’s fit like a daydream/Walking with his head down/I’m the one he’s walking to So call it what you want, yeah, call it what you want to." See the fic I wrote for the song here!!)
5. "peace" by Taylor Swift (I never had the courage of my convictions/As long as danger is near/And it’s just around the corner, darling/'Cause it lives in me/No, I could never give you peace/But I’m a fire, and I’ll keep your brittle heart warm/If your cascade ocean wave blues come/All these people think love’s for show/But I would die for you in secret/The devil’s in the details, but you got a friend in me/Would it be enough if I could never give you peace?" Read the fic I wrote for this song here!)
Tagging: @written-in-ash, @romeoandmesittinginatree, @silver-de-vonne, @rockingrobin69, @m0srael, @geesenoises, @bubble-gumhead, @ronbinary and anyone else who hasn't been tagged yet and wants to play!
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