#one of my friends (the one who originally got us to talk to eachother) keeps calling him ‘my boyfriend’ everytime they refer to him and vic
pansyfemme · 18 days
good morning world i love being in an incredibly mutual but completely ‘too gay to function’ relationship these days
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ASL brothers HAIKYUU!! AU!!!!!
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Day one of Self Indulgent month for me! I love these three, i love haikyuu, i love killer whales!
(The Naval Academy is this au’s version of marines)
For those who dont know, in Haikyuu (and prob in real life too but in my experience its not as important as they make it in the anime) The "Ace" of the team is the person who primarily scores points via spiking. Theyre the Hard Hitter, basically.
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Design talk👇
Originally, i was gonna make their school mascot just "The Pirates" but i couldnt figure out a clever pun with the school name so i scrapped it in favor of an animal mascot. I figured I would have a wider range of puns that way.
I landed on Orcas as the mascot because I think they really embody a pirate way of life. Theyre strong, hang out in groups of a mix of found family and their actual family, hate the rich, and theyre fun loving! And also im a bit biased because theyre my favorite animal, but hey, i said its self indulgent month, didnt I?
Their school name is a play on the word for Killer Whale (Shachi シャチ) and the word for 'knowledge' (Chishiki 知識), i just smashed the two words together. I'm very proud of myself for coming up with that given i dont speak japanese at all.
Anyway, with their designs, I was taking inspiration from orcas to match the design themes of haikyuu. Ace's hair is bleached on the underside to look like the underside of an orca's body, I made ace and sabo's eyes look more whale-like, the clip in sabo's hair is meant to resemble to spots behind orca's eyes, and I tried to make luffy's hair look more like it's round and spiking down more than i usually do.
Ace is wearing a ''way of the ace" shirt in the first picture, Luffy is wearing a shirt that just says "VOLLEY BALL" because i think it would be funny if he wore a bunch of those Zero-context-poorly-translated-random-english-words shirts that theres a bunch of in Asia. Sabo dyes his hair like delinquents do, but it doesnt much look delinquent~y because of how soft it looks. He means to do it to make him look like a delinquent though. Sabo still has his scars in this au, but he uses his hair, arm braces, and leg braces to cover them up. LUFFY AND ACE HAVE FUNKY SOCKS BECAUSE NO ONE CAN TELL THEM (or me) THEY CANT. Sabo wears athletic socks though because he's a debbie downer. He defends himself saying “It’s practical” and Ace and luffy call him “practically a Debbie Downer.”
Luffy is very good at receiving from growing up with Sabo and Ace practicing setting and spiking with eachother and assigning Luffy as Ball Boy. So he got the libero position from that cuz sabo and ace put in a good word for him. Nepotism.
I didn't feel like coming up with designs for them, but Zoro and Bepo are also on their team (theyre in the fifth image sitting on the right of the line of students). Koala and nami are student managers, Robin is the teacher manager, and Franky is the coach. all other straw hats/luffy friends, rev army comrades, and whitebeard brethren are in the stands. Im trying to keep the ages consistent with how they are in canon.
I didnt do a very in depth research, but i couldnt find what Japanese schools have as mascot costumes. and given no one wears any costumes in haikyuu for their team, i can kind of assume they dont use them over there. But unfortunately for them, I'm American. And part of the backbone of our schooling system, is Vaguely Unsettling Mascot Costumes. My sister says my design for it looks like its from Club Penguin, and i find that delightful. [moment of silence for my billions of fallen Puffles, taken from me in The Shutdown] Anyway.
I thought I was clever coming up with the equivalent of the Marines in this au being a Naval Academy. And their mascot being Seals, famously the animal that gets the absolute Worst Of It from orcas. Get shit onnnnn
I believe thats about it, thanks for coming to my ted talk :)
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jude-duarte-wannabe · 15 days
husband material
it is finally here! as promised my loves <3
so to keep my formula one girlies satisfied and fueled, i put this together until my university work slows down for a bit which may be a little hard since this term we are covering all the theory topics of my business degree like accounting and law, i'm sorry my lovely's <3 i will try and write when i can but it's literally only week one and i've already got three assessments due next week <3
pairing; lewis hamilton x phoebe windsor [original character]
blurb; this is a list of cute things husband lewis hamilton and his wife phoebe windsor with features from their daughter sage hamilton do in my smau series that i'm working on called the billion dollar baby, this story features a original character but for your reading pleasure, i've used 'you' and 'y/n' in this little snippet <3
currently playing; my love mine all mine by mitski "cause my love is mine, all mine, i love mine, mine, mine. nothing in the world belongs to me but my love mine, all mine, all mine"
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how you two met;
you are friends with my original character broadway actress marceline 'marcy' bennett [from my story broadway bug] who is dating charles leclerc.
you've been best friends for the past fifteen years of your lives and you attended the silverstone race with her, hanging out in the ferrari garage most of the time.
you met lewis when you ran into roscoe and stopped to pat him due to you being a dog lover and having one yourself.
marcy ended up introducing you to lewis, who was absolutely floored the very first time he met you.
and i'm talking speechless, stumbling over his words and weak in the knees down bad for you [the way i want this]
when it comes to your jobs;
your relationship is secret for the longest time, you two love having a private relationship and just being in the moment with eachother so when your relationship is finally revealed to the world no thanks to paparazzi, you can finally support your husband at his races.
and when you can't make it to a race, you always send him the same text message.
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your often filmed at races in the garage jumping up and down.
he gives you a necklace with his race number on it but unknown to him you already have it tattooed on you.
your a singer and he often ends up helping you write lyrics even though your styles are completely different from eachothers.
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he promotes your company that you have on the side selling bourbon, your company being called the chamomile company.
your company is a sponsor for whatever team lewis happens to be apart of, where lewis goes, your companies sponsorship follows.
whenever you are on tour and he can make it to a show, he's often filmed in the VIP tent yelling "that's MY wife"
and you two are often the paddock favs in your matching or mostly matching outfits. [i did my best]
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this boy is so utterly and completely whipped for you.
he is completely weak in the knees for anything that you do.
he's a utter gentleman and pulls out every chair and opens every single door for you.
he carries both your heels and your bags and sometimes when he's feeling extra loving he'll just carry you.
he steals your perfume when he leaves for the race season so that he can spray it the hotel pillows to make it seem like your with him, you always have to have two bottles for this very reason.
this man will not stop gushing about you, in interviews or in conversations with other drivers, george is begging him end of season to just shut the hell up.
he is in love with your voice and will often call you at any time of the day just to hear you talk.
before you two even started dating, he was told of your love of flowers my marcy and sent them to you all the time and he kept doing it long after you got together and even after you got married.
you've just come to expect random surprise bouquets at this point, you have a whole instagram story highlight dedicated to the bouquets you've gotten.
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kisses, cuddles and all thing cute;
lewis will often wake you up with kisses along your shoulders and back.
if your standing together and his hands on your hips, it's almost always likely that his thumbs are under your shirt hem and gently rubbing your skin.
cheek kisses galore, whenever he passes you in fact.
belly kisses, even before you were pregnant, he would just lay between your legs and kiss at your belly imaging what you would look like pregnant.
whenever you've been apart for long amounts of time, whenever you see him again, your sprinting to get to him and just so eager to have his lips on yours.
random surprise kisses are a definite.
and if lewis is cuddling you from behind standing or laying in bed, he's bound to be nuzzling against your neck, placing sweet little kisses the skin.
he kisses all of your tattoos and even sometimes traces them in content silence and peace.
you will also do the same with him from time to time.
you two are always holding hands and you both find it bittersweet to let go.
if your sitting next to lewis and your tried from a long day of travel, your head is resting on his shoulder while he plays with your hair.
sudden hugs from behind from both of you are a thing, one time you surprised him at a race and when you hugged him from behind, lewis freaked out but calmed down as soon as he heard your soft whispered "i love you lew"
your a stomach sleeper and lewis will just lightly run his fingers up and down your spine while you sleep.
there is moments when your face is squished in between lewis fingers while he kisses your cheek.
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you both grew up in england and so if one if you wakes up before the other, you make eachother proper english tea.
when he cuddles you from behind while just standing around in the garage and the camera captures you wriggling in his arms.
"ugh.. bub stop moving" lewis would whine and pull you tighter in his grip to which you would protest but stop when he says "you feel too good in my arms to let go just yet" while he nuzzles against your cheek.
when you two are both on a break and this man wants to get out of bed early, you can bet you are dragging his ass back to bed "not today you don't" with a cute grumpy look on your face.
you often have to stand on your tippy toes to kiss lewis and sometimes if your in the garage, a mechanic will give you a step stool so you can kiss or even just hug him properly.
lewis is the kind of husband to always give you the first bite of his food cause he knows you want to try it but just won't admit it.
you will pull lewis in by his jacket to kiss him.
he'll blast your music in the garage.
if he comes home during a break from the race season but you had errands to run, lewis will often find notes like this.
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if lewis gets bored which can happen really easily and he texts you but doesn't get a response, the texts will often get cute aggressive, like if your in a meeting and your phone is on silent once it's over you often show your manager the texts and how peeved lewis gets over you not answering him for an extended period of time.
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and there was a moment after you moved in with him and you guys were in your honeymoon phase that you were so excited to spend the first day in your now shared home together that you woke him up by jumping on the bed, yelling "get up, get up, get up! it's a very pretty morning!" but lewis who had come home late the previous night from a sponsorship event just put his hands on your legs as you stood over him to stop you from jumping around, gazed up you with soft sleepy eyes and muttered "do you know what else sounds real pretty... sleep" and then he tugged you back down and wrapped you in a cuddle.
the animals;
roscoe is a cuddler and often intrudes on your intimate moments or romantic cuddles cause he feels left out.
you two are dog parents well before becoming real parents but even your dogs have different vibes.
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and before you met lewis you were a cat mum too, to a calico cat named boba who seemed to inherit your adhd and hyperactivity, you know this by the video's lewis will send you of her when your away on tour or just cause she was being strange per usual.
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nicknames + cute things lewis says;
lewis's nicknames for you include; mama, sweetcheeks, baby girl, little one, wifey, mrs hamilton and my personal fav bub.
your nicknames for him include; papa bear, baby boy, lew, hubby and my lifeline.
when lewis get's approached by your fans and they ask "are you-" this man won't even let them finish their sentence before he's very proudly blurting out "hell yeah i am... i'm y/n's husband"
down and dirty;
you wearing lewis's clothes is one of his biggest turn on's.
there is no quickies with lewis, this man likes to take his time.
he is in love with your legs.
panty band snaps, he loves hearing you squeal every time he does it.
the both of you are suckers for praise.
another turn on for him is when you wear his clothes for an extended period of time and then end up smelling like him.
he loves being able to eat you out, he'll drop to his knees just about anywhere.
and let's finish on a cute note with family;
lewis is very over protective when your pregnant, if your walking through the paddock or a high traffic area or anywhere basically, he's got you tucked tightly against his side and if your sitting, his hand will always be on the bump.
he dedicates his race wins to you and your daughter; sage.
roscoe is sage's own personal bodyguard, roscoe loves that little girl so much that while you were pregnant, he would lay with his head resting on your belly like he knew his future best friend was growing within.
he'll often message you during the season asking for bump updates while your pregnant with sage but it turns out that you happen to be pregnant at the same time as marcy and so lewis will often get a picture of your bumps together and because he and charles are teammates at this point, he'll chuckle and show charles the photo who just has this lovesick smile on his face.
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and i think it's safe to say that sage is a daddy's girl through and through, in fact she has lewis wrapped around her little finger even if it does scare the crap out of him the minute she shows an interest in racing.
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i hope you guys enjoyed and feedback is very much welcome, love you lovely's <3
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bubbleddisasters · 5 months
Since Y’all liked the last one, heres something somewhat similar:
TWST Characters as funny / random ass moments with my friends/family
Ace : A good friend of mine made an entire Cards against Humanity Deck including us, and we played it at like 4 am.
Also, one of my closest childhood friends of now 11 years, the way we first met was he insulted me, and then thirty minutes later I peeked at his notebook while he was drawing (our beds were next to eachother) recognized Sans from a meme, and then managed to bullshit through an entire conversation about Undertale without him suspecting I didn’t know what the hell I was talking about.
I made a joke about it a little less then a year ago, thinking he knew by now, but no. He looks at me and the conversation goes:
“Are you telling me our entire first interaction was you just fucking improvising through a discussion of a fandom you didn’t know shit about?”
“Wait you didn’t know?”
“You genuinely believed that I knew what I was talking about then for 10 years?!?”
“Surprisingly, yes.”
Deuce: I was biking with my sister, and she accidentally biked straight into a fucking lake. Also when my dad looked me dead in the eye after receiving one of my graded tests and goes
“How the fuck do you answer Maine four times on different questions and be wrong for all four times.”
Bonus Adeuceyuu combo: Me and two of my childhood friends once linked together to grab something we saw in a river, turns out it was just a broken fishing rod.
Also another on me and the above two friends meeting: The first thing one of them did was insult me, and I genuinely have zero memory of how I met the other.
Basically, we met at a sleepaway camp as kids, and for some reason, our sleepaway camp had some wackass shit, but one of them was this game. I don’t remember the name of it, but you had to go in groups of 3-4 and tie ribbons around each staff tent/cabinside without getting caught (and keep in mind each campsite and Cabins were very spread apart) at midnight, and the first to return to the cafeteria, where the staff were waiting, and did so after tying them all, on won.
Kids age 12-17, in the middle of fuck knows where in the woods Long Island, running around in the dark unsupervised with only any light bringing items they brought themselves.
So me, and we’ll call them C and M, teamed up. It’d take too long to go into full detail, but it was a very Prologue Mines fused with Camp Vargas core adventure.
Bonus First year gang in general : Me and three friends were waiting for something I genuinely don’t remember in an abandoned dorm area and got extremely bored, and one of them could do a perfect Donald Duck impression, and another a really good goofy, and this somehow led to us having a fake reality tv show verbal bitchfight as Donald, Goofy, Mickey and Minnie for a solid hour. We all regretted not recording it.
Cater: My friend from Wales entirely forgot about the existence of timezones and called me in the middle of my history class. Her ringtone at the time was just a clip of her screaming “Bread”.
How my teacher didn’t figure out who’s phone it was is beyond me.
Trey : Made Russian Roulette Spilt Cupcakes for a large group of my friends, and one is allergic to strawberries, while another’s favorite is, so I very specifically placed the strawberry filled one on the complete other side of the table with the intention of slipping it in after she picked her two.
Some fucking how, she ended up with the Strawberry one, which I had tied with a bow (basically the ones with bows mean they contain an allergen, and the color is the allergen. Ex: Strawberry was BRIGHT FUCKING PINK.) I’m to this day not exactly sure how, but my best guess is she traded hers with whoever originally got the Strawberry one before we ate.
Luckily, I told her partner, who had been my baking partner in crime and convinced me to add in the strawberry after I said it might be a bad idea, to bring two epi pens just incase.
Riddle : I am around 5’3, and I had a friend (?) who was 6’2-3 in middle school. We had almost the blatant definition of a Floyd and Riddle Dynamic, but he’d out of the blue be extremely sweet to me (kinda like that comic in the anthology), only on days I was going through shit. When I tell you I genuinely thought I was hallucinating when he did though-
Also, I yelled at him for nailing, yes, NAILING, a flag on the ceiling reading :”el sábado es para los chicos” (Saturday is for the boys) In the fucking Spanish classroom. Since nobody was as tall as him and the janitors didn’t notice it, it was there for like a week.
Che’nya : My friend and I have an ongoing inside joke where whenever we spot the other through a window in the hallway, we text the other “behind you” or “to your__”
Leona : I brought a pillow with a silk pillow case (gift from my mom) to a sleepover once, and my friend went “You trust leaving me in the room with this?” and I genuinely responded “Its a pillow, why wouldn’t I trust you.” entirely forgetting that Silk can be pretty expensive.
I felt so bad bro.
Ruggie : My friend once dared me to get a one plate of everything during a party. I misinterpreted this and brought a mostly to full plate of each thing, including water bottles.
Turns out they meant balance one of everything on a single plate.
I did not, infact, return the seven brownies, four cupcakes, two cookies, twelevish tangerines, popcorn and god knows how many grapes, but everything else was returned or snatched by friends.
Jack: My friend was throughly convinced she knew where she was going when we got lost outside at one of the biggest malls in fucking America, and we ended up walking a good 4/6th of the perimeter before finding the target (the store, we were still fucking lost) , which we called her mom to pick us up at.
Bonus: My friend, a few dormmates and I were at Starbucks and this random woman comes up to my friend and goes “Hey, they got my order wrong, want my drink?” and I was literally trying to give him this face of “BAD IDEA”. Yea so he ignored the obvious and drank the whole fucking thing and was bouncing off the walls for the rest of the day. (This one could also work for Jamil I suppose.)
Floyd : I was once walking with a friend of mine and jokingly said Trees are giant salads.
This motherfucker breaks off a branch of the nearest tree, takes a fatass bite, drops it, and goes “I want a refund.”
Jade : Randomly got interrogated my mushroom hunters—-
(I kind you the fuck not, MUSHROOM. HUNTERS. Basically, they go out to hunt/find/ forage for rare mushrooms. Atleast thats what they told us?! I wasn’t paying much attention, I was busy petting their dog tbh)
—While camping, my friend and I had zero clue what they were talking about, so she just pointed in a random direction and they thanked us and left.
The same friend also introduced me to mica, but always called them Mermaid Scales, and we more than once walked around in the water looking for them, I was the only one that would literally stop mid-trail to pick some up though. I have a massive collection.
Also she never let me live down the fact I once trapped myself in my tent with fucking dental floss overnight just to see if I could, then couldn’t undo it in the morning, and our adult / guide / trying to keep us alive person had to cut me out with a knife.
Azul : This one very specific time as a kid I was talking to two identical twins, who were standing on each side of me, wearing the same outfits but color reversed, and nearly had an internal breakdown trying to remember which was which, so I just did verbal gymnastics around using their names.
We later literally spent two hours fighting for ours lives together and I shit you not I STILL COULDNT REMEMBER THEIR FUCKING NAMES.
Kalim : Went shopping with my badass grandma and somehow left with a Second Hand Valentino (the brand) dress for $50 and a free bracelet one of the employees gave me because ….I actually don’t know.
Also, I got trapped on a really high up indoor water slide with my sister because the water entirely stopped (we learned later the water machine tied to that ride blew up) , and where we were was like a weird slope like between two drops. We couldn’t get back up, and going down was too risky without water bcs we could go splat.
There was like a window ish on the ride, so like a smart 8 year old, I start calling for help at the top of my lungs. My sister (10) also did this. There was this guy who I guess heard us that we nicknamed Chad because he looked like the most stereotypical 2000’s beach movie love interest lifeguard and was dramatically looking around for where the voices were coming from but NEVER LOOKED UP??
Anyway, My sister got us out in the end because she found a hatch and managed to open it, and I shit you not there was a spiral staircase with a gigantic fucking sign reading “DO NOT CLIMB STAIRCASE.”
So obviously, my sister chucks me across the gap onto the staircase and then jumps over herself, and we end up spending another 40 minutes after that fiasco trying to find our parents while i’m pretty sure Chad was trying to find us.
After the 40 minutes we just assumed we were now orphans and went back to where we left our keycard and low and behold our parents had just come back from wherever they had fucked off to.
Also Chad found us and felt super bad, and bought us a smore cake?!? Someone throw him back in time to be his destined role as an extra in Teen Beach Movie. The cake was great though, but that was one hell of an 8th birthday lmao.
Jamil : My friend from India (jokily) Divorced me after my dumbass asked her if Chai was an ingredient used in Chai Tea.
Spoiler Alert : Chai IS THE TEA. Apparently, asking for Chai Tea is the equivalent of saying “Can I have some Tea Tea please.”
Yea safe to say I felt real stupid in that moment.
Epel : My sister once locked me in the bathroom so she could test her new makeup on me. She left for one second and I kid you not I snuck out of the window.
Random bonus : Me and my cousins for some reason ended up roughhousing outside after one of our older cousins weddings, and I judo flipped a whole ass 17 year old man at age 12 and I felt so powerful in that moment.
Also If you saw about the ranch in the previous post, me that gang had an anonymous cookie provider who would leave us two tins of fresh cookies every day around 12ish pm, usually behind the kitchen or outside the equipment shack.
Yes, we tried to catch them once, No, we didn’t succeed. Also nobody wanted to risk loosing cookie privileges, so we didn’t try again.
Rook: Once scared the living shit out of my online friend by texting him “I am now several miles closer to your location.” . He lives in South America, and I happened to be in Florida with a friend, so I thought i’d be funny.
Vil : I was going to a cosplay convention with a friend, and instead of bringing like a normal amount of makeup, my indecisive ass brought basically a whole suitcase worth of it.
Also won a costume competition at my boarding school for Halloween, and wasn’t even aware there was a competition until the year after, when a good half or more of my dormmates asked me to do their makeup because they’d heard I was really good at it.
Idia: Ok, so, long story, but my friend invited me and two mutual friends to see Sweeney Todd on Broadway w/ the og cast. However, I was the only one who didn’t know we were going anywhere, because he thought his mom told my dad we were going to see Sweeney Todd, while my dad thought my friend told me, but also he was suspiciously alluding to it, maybe unintentionally
So I show up in a blue hoodie with a bad pun on it, mildly ripped sweatpants, mismatched socks and bright rainbow crocs. Not very “going to watch a musical about cannibalism and Serial Killers” attire. But it gets worse.
So around the 3/4ths into the first act is when I usually get snacks at musicals or plays, since they’re usually just finished setting up and theres no line, so I’m in and out and don’t miss much.
Well, I did that as usual, and its important to know we had front row balcony seats, because…
I slipped on my friends playbill on the way to my seat, and my fucking left croc went flying down into the seats below us, and hit an older woman in the head right at Sweeney did the first oofing, and the stage lights go red for a moment in this scene.
I felt so bad, and was literally too embarrassed to go get the shoe myself, so one of my friends got it for me. Apparently the lady thought it was somewhat funny (thank fucking goodness)
Ortho : My sister and I were biking once, and found out some reason the coats we had (school merch from field day I think). had the biggest fucking hidden pockets known to man.
So the next time we went out, she for some reason decided to put our dads entire laptop in there.
Also bonus: My friend once invited me over to their house to help with their costume, and when I came over, the costume was literally a gigantic trash can. No, not the actual object, They were literally making a giant trashcan costume.
I helped but still remained mildly confused in the process.
Malleus : I had a good friend who lived next to a graveyard, and sometimes we would just go on nice walks in the graveyard.
Lilia: Another Wilderness one: We were making Pasta, and one of the guys in our group was playing with a large thing of moss, tripped, and the moss got into the fucking pasta.
One guide said “Nature Consequence, we can still eat it” while the other screamed they were going to get fired.
Also, me and a friend were singing bo-burnham on a hike, and for some reason we had this stupid ass idea of making a fake fishing rod called…..
“The Child Catcher.”
(The irony ony of us both being 14 at the time so technically we were children)
We found a good fishing rod like stick and a vine, tied a vine on, and I kid you not we carried that thing for MILES. We also made a fork with a flatly shaped stick and a rock named Reddie.
Yea living in the woods does somethin to ya I gotta say.
Bonus: One of my childhood friends had a very giant dog, and one time we had a sleepover, she was laying infront of the other side of the door when we woke , and because of the way the door was, we couldn’t get through.
So my genius solution was to climb out the window (this was on the second floor) , Cha-Cha real smoothed to the nearest other window, go through there, and lure the dog away with a treat.
It worked.
Silver: Went to this make your own dipped popsicle thing with a good friend of mine, and watched in pure horror as she got a mango popsicle dipped in dark chocolate and rolled in fruity pebbles.
Another one: I was at a Sleepover and there was this tent like thing that was meant for tiny people (aka me, not really it was for toddlers but I was small enough to fit at the time), and at some point in the middle of the night, someone tripped on the tent and it entirely collapsed on me, and not only did I sleep through it, I ended up being the last person to wake up because they all saw the tent collapsed and assumed I was already awake.
Also I was camping once and I rolled away from my tarp and somehow down a road, and my friend said when she found me there was just several butterflies and caterpillars on me. I originally didn’t know but I found a caterpillar on my head that morning and apparently it was poisonous (I was fine and I named him Bob)
Sebek: I was in an escape room with some friends, and I discovered that a key we had gotten in the very beginning worked on another lock, so I did that, and later one of my loud friends finds a key and is SPIRALING because she can’t find what it unlocks for like 30 minutes, and after several minutes I realized, unintentionally slammed my hand on a desk and screamed “OH SHIT.” with zero context.
That experience was actually my first time in a escape room with friends, and not my family or a bunch of drunk strangers in suits + my concerned mother.
Second years : My friends in the priorly mentioned group consisted of who I’ll call N, who was doing 70% of the work, we had R, who was angrily searching for the lock to the key, we had T, the birthday boi, who was randomly making jokes about the 1930s, S, who genuinely forgot he had a key item in his pocket, and A, who dramatically serenaded the paintings after misinterpreting a clue and me, who kept accidentally unlocking shit ahead of time.
Third Years: Prior to the other mentioned event, we had gone to a small improv event that ended up being just us, and the poor guy running it kept giving us scenarios and random conditions which we would absolutely make the craziest shit from.
If I remember correctly, one of the skits was we were supposed to be a school board, and the condition was when someone said an idea, you had to say yes.
The result? a organ harvesting business thats front was a school, and everytime someone got detention, one organ of theirs was sold, and the funds went into funding the biogenetically engineered creation of Hatsune Miku and Cat Boys.
For some reason this skit also led somehow into atomic glitter and cocaine missiles, selling souls on Ebay with express shipping, using Sephora Products and Instagram to spread our propaganda, making meme complications of our crimes, and nuking the Bermuda Triangle.
Ask no questions because I have no answers.
Yea thats it for now! Enjoy!
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creaturefeaster · 1 year
jumping back to my tim and hannah ask, I meant like how does gary work with the both of them ykyk?? And how all 3 of their relationships are (friendship wise)
Ohhh I see, okay.
Gary's got a pretty complex relationship between Tim and Hannah actually. Hannah's hometown, before she and her brother moved, was rather close to the main passage to the underground Talpian Dominion. When Hannah was younger she'd often meet up with Gary, who was always being rebellious and crossing the threshold into the land above. They sort of met by chance at first, and Hannah's laidback attitude was easy for Gary to get along with, so they just kept hanging out.
Gary being the person that he is, his overall friendship with Hannah is a bit rocky, being argumentative and a little bit of a grump from time to time. Hannah knows Gary doesn't always mean to be that way, and that he tries to be a decent person, so she still stuck by him.
One day though he just stopped visiting Hannah, after the gaps between his visits had already been lengthening. They got to be pretty good friends, so Hannah was upset about this for a while. But that'd've happened a few years before she moved up closer towards Tim, so she's had time to get past it ^^;.
But where Gary actually ended up, when he finally stopped visiting, was actually up in Little Stone where Tim lives. Or, well, he traveled the land for quite a bit, found himself up there eventually, and settled down. Where he originally thought was just a somewhat secluded flat opening in the woods, close enough to society were he to need any supplies, but far enough to where nobody could ever bother him. ...But instead he accidentally settled on Tim's acreage, and didn't realise for the better half of a year.
You could probably count the amount of times he encountered Tim with your fingers and toes alone, throughout the few years he lived there, but still a very unique kind of relationship between them came to be. Gary hated Tim the second they ran into each other, but Tim just thought the guy was interesting, and never told his mother about it. Which is all whatever, but Gary being so isolated from the world, any time they did run into each other he'd always draw the encounter out a little longer than it needed to be.
Tim also just totally trusted Gary even though he was literally trespassing on their lot, and that sort of trust continued after the Fault, because the first person he thinks to go to after he finds his mother kidnapped, is Gary. Not any neighbor, but Gary. It'd be this choice that not only connects Hannah & Gary back together, but also a visit that would retroactively save Gary.
So right at the start of the Fault you basically have this weird triangle of feelings between them, for better or worse. That tends to be their theme throughout their journey.
Gary wants to dislike Tim but the guy is so nice & he's been his only living connection to the world for years, and he's tense around Hannah because of his absence, but reliant on her because he needs her help with his pet Citus, who's body she helped design and build. Hannah is having to relearn Gary, the friend she used to know, concerned for his wellbeing but hurt by his actions-- while her other friend Tim navigates his temper with ease from more recent years of exposure. And Tim is buddy buddy with them both.
But also Gary can be there for Hannah when she needs a more logical brain to talk to. No offense to Tim, he can just be a little silly and airheaded with his takes on life, but that outlook also keeps Gary from getting too uppity about things & keeps everything lighthearted amidst their complex feelings.
Here's how I look at it simply, though:
Hannah - Tim: too silly, nothing to stop them from making dumb decisions.
Hannah - Gary: no fun, all serious, they can sometimes rub eachother the wrong way & make things more difficult than they need to be.
Tim - Gary: a cycle of nothing, friendliness that's met with defensive hostility that's met with more friendliness that's met with frustration. nothing gets done.
Hannah - Tim - Gary: balanced, just the right amount of fun and smarts, with a healthy distribution of emotions. they can accomplish a lot when working together.
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this-should-do · 3 months
dude, i know that people have talked about this before but the dynamics of having all the origins in dao be in the same party would go crazyyyyyy like
number one dynamic to me tho is aeducan vs brosca, like we were nearly sibling inlaws, i hate and resent you for having everything i never could have and keeping people like me in the dirt, i may not even hate you but i do instinctively regard you as less of a person becuz you are from a lower caste than me, we are now in the same boat of facing discrimination from the new world we find ourselves in but one of us is far more used to the feeling, were the only ones who understand the anxiety and nausea of being above ground, were both dead people walking twice over to our homeland and the new one we find ourselves in
another good one is tabris vs cousland, like cousland looks like the people who abuse and terrorize the community tabris grew up in wether or not they act like other nobles, cousland is forced to see the unfairness of the country they live in even if they dont want to, they both want to kill the same man who is responsible for hurting and killing their respective families one way or another,
and then we have tabris and mahariel, two completely differing experiences as an elf in fereldan, one may not have even believed people like the other existed, maybe they fantasized the otjer existed maybe they shunned the idea becuz they thought it unfair the idealized reality of freedom the other had, and the other feels nothing but sympathy, regardless they both stick together becuz its them against everyone else in a world so hostile to them, not to mention bow mahariel would have just lost their best friend amd entire community the only people theyve ever known that arent hostile to them, theyd aant to cling to whoever is like them, keep a sense of commu ity with people they may co sider to be their people
and then you throw surana into that mix, whos been alienated from elf as an identity becuz circle mage over shadowed any new identity from them, neither city nor dalish, do they long to connect with tabris and mahariel? have they heard about the dalish having mages? theyd prob have read more about the dalish than city elves, but maybe they have memories of living in the city? maybe they dont identify with elf at all and purely think of themself as amage and would rather stick with amell, theyre the only other person who would understand the fear of the outside world, the unfamiliarity the new, the search for familiar even if it brings nothing but memories, at least they could share them together, or maybe they were from seperate mindsets about the circles? do they hate eachother, would that be enough to keep them away from eachother?
theres so many more cross relationships and how theyd interact and ive got my own specific dynamics i have as canon in my own universe since chose to believe all the origins get to survive cuz i think its fun :)
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nubimera · 2 years
Even more headcanon about Gavin and Sibling!Reader
Part 1 Part 2
A/N: It's just all the headcanons that I didn't use in the last post but this time they're mostly domestic
Warnings: Mostly GN!Reader
Mild implied Connor x Reader and Reed900
Terrible English because it's not my first language
• As I mentioned before Gavin and Reader have about a 10 year gap between them. That means the Reed house is filled with photos of Emo Teen!Gavin with toddler!Reader
• Gavin's favorite photo is a Polaroid of him and Reader napping together on the sofa when Reader was around 2 year old. He keeps it in his wallet, and the only person who has ever seen it is Tina
• Gavin used to call baby sibling "Pumpkin" The nickname has stuck, and he has no problem using it even at work
• At one point Connor also tried to use "Pumpkin" and Gavin almost punch him.
• Now Connor uses "любимая"(darling) or "жизнь моя"(my life) for Reader, and Gavin regrets every day that he didn't let him use pumpkin
• Hank however prefers "Dude" or "Asshole" for Gavin, and "Kiddo" for Reader. Plain and classic
• He kinda start getting used to it after Nines also started using Russian in their private conversations
• Connor learned to speak Russian on his third day at DPD after hearing Reader and Gavin talking to each other. Gavin was so pissed off when he found out Tincan and Pumpkin were speaking Russian to each other. Basically because it was something between sibling and mama Reed
• Although Mama Reed is an Orthodox Christian, she and Papa Reed have never pushed their children to choose which religion to practice. As a result, Gavin is an atheist, but still enjoys Orthodox celebrations (if papa Reed was of a religion other than Orthodox Christian, Gavin and Reader continue to celebrate their father's religious holidays as well)
• Gavin is a cat dad, and I think that's a proven fact. Nonetheless I think he inherited his love for cats from his mother
• Continuing to talk about Mama Reed: she is Slavic. That means no shoes in the house. Reader and Gavin still using the "no shoes" policy in their respective homes
• "So what's it like being Reader's brother?"
" Once i asked them for a glass of water while they was mad at me and they brought me a glass of ice and said "Wait"."
• Much of Reader's childhood clothing was originally Gavin's. It doesn't matter if Reader is Afab or Amab. Do the clothes fit and are they in good condition? Great, Reader is gonna use it. Even now, Reader occasionally uses Gavin's clothes. Mainly hoodies or sweatpants that Gavin wears in his teens
• Nines would like to use some of Gav's clothes as well, but unfortunately many are too small, as Gavin is shorter than him
• Nines and Reader adore eachother. They are practically bestie. Reader likes to refer to Nines as "my own Tina". I guess they bonding over both being the younger, smarter, nicer and better looking siblings in their respective families
• Also it is Reader who originally introduced Gavin and Nines. They became work partners just a few days later
"I just wanted to say i just got you a boyfriend."
• However Reed900 and Connor x Reader is pretty much the same pair in different fonts. Connor and Gavin haven't realized it yet or pretend not to notice, while Nines and Reader find it hilarious
• If you ask me they are both Sun x Moon, Loud introvert x Quiet extrovert, Taller simp husband x Shorter Reed
For me the only differences is that one is friends to lovers and the other is enemies AND friends AND lovers
• Gavin and Reader go to Target every Friday after their shift at the department. Normally to grab something for dinner and buy things they don't really need. Lately Nines decided to join too, and every time he goes there he promptly buys a new decorative pillow. Now Gavin gets nauseous every time he sees a new pillow but doesn't know how to say no to his boyfriend
• In 2042, Gavin and Nines adopt two children. Hank was initially quite uncomfortable around the kids, not being used to interacting with them anymore. Connor, on the other hand, has a baby fever since the first moment he met his nephews. He told Reader about it, who is still around their mid/late twenties and don't feel ready at the moment, so they compromised by getting a dog and a cat
• Anyway Connor cried when he found out that his nephews' favorite uncle isn't him, but it's Sixty
• In general now the relationship between Connor, Nines and Sixty vaguely resembles that between Bandit, Stripe and Radley from Bluey. You decide who is who
• I love to think Connor and Gavin have a truce around Reader and Nines, but whenever they aren't around they call each other names
• However over time they have grown fond of each other, and they look after eachother. Somehow they ended up being a family, so they might as well try to get along
• I mean, sometimes a family consists of a Russian widow, her two wild children, a grumpy dad and three androids
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aarons-main-blog · 1 year
This was originally a mini-fic that I was writing as a belated self birthday present to myself but then I made a new friend who listened to me infodump about Hyrule Warriors right as I was taking a break from working on it, so now this is a gift-fic instead! Enjoy!
As soon as Legend got back from inspecting the keep for himself, Warriors invited the chain into the strategy tent. He, Time, and strangely Wind had been inside working on a plan of attack to implement in the assault that would be taking place in two days. In the lantern-lit tent, there was a table set up with a map of the battle area hand-drawn in advance by one of the scouts. Along with this, there were various props, such as stitching pins and nails, among other things.
As soon as the group had organized after practically stumbling in, bumping into eachother as they tried to cram into the small tent, Wars began his explanation as to why the group was summoned, starting with a rundown of what needed to be done.
"We should have a minimum of one person guarding each keep," he said, adding pins to friendly-controlled keeps, "but we also need enough people on the battlefield to make sure that upon taking over more from the enemy, we aren't spread out too far and are unable to defend them," he added while using nails to mark those. Preparing for the next part, he pushed a spool of thread on the table. "We also need to make sure the the people on defense are able to be in communication with the attacking forces. Until the oppression mages are taken down, currier fairies are out of the question, leaving the only communication option being Wind's pirate charm and Wild's slate." At this, he sighed. "This brings us back to the argument we were having."
A quiet silence filled the room, broken by the sounds preparation outside the tent. Four eventually asked, "So what's the argument?"
Wind nodded dramatically. "Who has to get left behind."
Time scoffed quietly. "What he means is who gets positioned where. In order to make sure the defense is good, we need strong defenders, but in order to take over the monster camps in unstable positions, we need to have strong attackers. Some of us have skills that are good for defense, some are good offense, and some are good support, so we need to decide our positioning."
"We didn't want to assign people to areas they think they would be unhelpful, but also need to make sure that nobody is being overstretched," Wars added upon Time finishing his explanation. "The three of us have three different ideas, and as such we wanted to get feedback and vote on them."
Wind began talking over Wars while he was finishing his sentence, almost tripping over his own words as he explained his strategy. "My idea was to have me, Four, Legend, and Sky on the four frontal keeps, me on one of the middle ones, and then whenever an enemy keep is taken over, I tell whoever is nearest to move up and support it, allowing the forward troops to have a closer fallback point!" In order to make his point, he grabbed the thread and began unraveling a segment. He then tied the four pins representing friendly keeps together. "It would look like this," he added, moving the pins upward one at a time. After this, he took a proud step back.
After the group was finished looking, Wars reset the pins and removed the string. As he was doing this, Time began to speak. "My strategy would be to have Hyrule, Legend, Four, and Twilight at the friendly keeps, due to their healing and support abilities. This would make it easier to take up a defensive position in the case of something going horribly wrong, as Hyrule has healing magic, Four has the second best magic abilities in the group, Twilight is a strong fighter, and Legend has enough items to probably even create a rudimentary crossbow, assuming he doesn't already have one." This statement resulted in a few chuckles, but was quickly passed over. "The keep taking methods would be to take over two keeps at a time, with one group having Wind with the pirate charm and the other having Wild. Wild's group would focus on causing chaos withing the enemy keeps from the outside before charging in to break their formations, while my group would have myself and probably Sky rush in and do much the same."
Four scoffed from the front of the group gathered at the door. Upon eight confused looks being sent at his direction, he apologized with a shake of his head, along with the statement, "Sorry, just thinking of a probably bad idea."
Warriors brushed away his comment with a shrug. "No idea is stupid if it works, despite what my Impa would say to that. Bring it up after I'm done." He tucked his scarf back behind his neck after it fell from the force of the shrug. "My plan would be to have Sky, Four, Legend, Hyrule, and myself advancing and taking keeps as a group, prioritizing speed and efficiency during battle with short downtime in-between combat as we move from place to place. This leaves Wind, Wild, Twilight, and Time working in pairs in the back lines, in order to make sure if the burden on one keep is too much, another can come assist." After moving aside the unused props, Warriors fixed his scarf again.
Time grinned. "Alright, now that we've done that, let's put it to a vote." He raised his hand. "Those in favor of my plan, raise one hand. Those in favor of Wars's plan, hands down. Those in favor of Wind's, both hands up."
After counting up the results, it was reveled to be a three way tie. This resulted in multiple groans.
Wind groaned loudly. "Well, now what?"
"We could hold a second vote?" Hyrule stated.
"Yeah? What would be different the second go round," Legend pointed out with a grin.
As the group contemplated, Four decided to make his idea known. As he walked around the table, Warriors said, "Oh, sorry, let's hear your idea!" with a genuine smile.
After looking at the map for a few seconds, then the props Warriors had used, then back to the map, the exact moment he solidified his idea was visible on his face.
"What if we were to just... all rush into the enemy keeps as a group? The soldiers are positioned here guarding to keeps already, what's the problem with them doing their job?"
At that, the whole group paused, before the unacknowledged tension in the room dropped to none.
"Yeah, that would work-"
"I hadn't even thought about that-"
"They are there for a reason-"
"Could be pretty fun, why not-"
Simply based on that agreement, the meeting was unofficially adjourned.
Not going to tag them cause they seem shy, but this is for you! Thanks for listening to my rant!
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sycamorality · 1 year
i dont even remember what ive said about eclipse, i know i've said a bunch about her - should be a few links to posts where i've talked about her. a basic tl;dr-
purposed organism turned ancient in a very unethical bio-engineering experiment, lead by limit upon a silent vigil and a few other higher circle members. nobody really knows of eclipse's origins other than those higher circle members- she was introduced to the rest as "some weird child we found on the ground left alone". she's very not okay and i love her actually. she's really fucking creature because self-modding. look at her. my favorite little bastard. they use any pronouns hehe
Tumblr media
uh five embers is a bastard please hate him he neglected and abused the iterator he was adminstrator to and does everything to keep the control, he even modded himself to have a king vulture harpoon he can shoot at will. i hate him actually
limit upon a silent vigil is uh. yeah he was somewhat the had of the experiment eclipse was involved in. violent negative reinforcement to get her to listen. he tried to force ascend her but got uno reversed because eclipse reacted quicker than he could and he got echoed. L
pearls is a pretty young kid who got echoed but stayed- relatively the same other than an echo aura and some echo scales here 'n there. they kinda vibe post-mass ascension and doesnt have any recollection of ascension, but if they go near void fluid they can see they will freak out and get the fuck away from it. they wear a carved vulture mask adorned with parts of shattered pearls. they've got a tail w some pearls on it too
seven leaves was the mechanic's kid. they were left behind after the mass ascension and doesn't know where everyone went, but stayed with the iterator they lived on, which is helpless binary, and ended up becoming close friends with them. helpless bianry's systems kept degrading and at some point ended up beyond fixing, so seven leaves, with the knowledge of bio-engineering and the like they've been taught by binary, offered to make them an organic vessel using their own genome (with lots of modifications of course, to have binary be comfortable) so binary wouldn't have to feel the pain of their own inevitable collapse. seven leaves is also very fond of the wildlife and spends forever stargazing with binary
star-streaks is um. ancient turned iterator because he didn't want to ascend like everybody else, so he offered that instead of programming an iterator that was being built, he could be transferred into it instead so he wouldn't die or have to ascend but instead help solve the problem. he also had the.... unpleasant experience of having to transfer his own brother into an iterator because the higher circles demanded it. his brother doesn't know that they were once an ancient, rather only knows they were an iterator. those memories were long erased or encrypted deep in their memory conflux. before star-streaks became an iterator too, he was one of the 'creators' of the iterator his brother is now, and the head administrator. he kinda vibes as an iterator now though
shrike is after dark's creator. they were both really close and spent a lot of time with eachother. after dark didn't quite feel like their puppet fit them and requested it modified quite a few times, which was granted by shrike. whenever shrike had a problem they usually went to after dark for comfort, and vice versa. shrike didn't want to ascend, but was forced - though narrowly avoided it and died of "natural" causes and got reincarnated into a scavenger that made its way to after dark's chamber and ended up finding their old id drone and reactivating it on themself. and also their mask at some point later
stars is uh. ancient turned slugcat. did not consent to it. their echo is basically tied to the slugcat and when they die their cycle resets to when they were transferred. theyre some fucked up mortal echo and they can spit void fluid and they hate it. theyre fucked up
three clouds was eclipse's creator. they were in the middle circles and just kinda existed on their own, very introverted. made a lil friend and then got fuckign murdered with void fluid
warped aerie is. hooo boy. they were involved in a very..... morally questionable iterator project. that's all i can say on them unless you wanna prompt me for more on them
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Hello, all. I have been reminded of the JOYS of ask blogs, and I do have 80 or so ocs lying around that the likes of you have yet to experience..... There wouldn't be visuals, I haven't got the time nor energy for that, but... As a way to introduce you to my original characters, I bring you an opportunity. You may ask anything to my ocs, anything at all. Not all will be available, but there are some I'm particularly curious as to what your impression of them is.
So, here are your options:
Story 1: Machinations. In this universe, humanity is long dead. Their shadows live on after them using the knowledge collected of their lives attached to humans, creating deathless robotic vessels for their consciousness on a scorched, crumbling earth devoid of most life. Hordes of brainless vessels with no continuum of their own travel on foot to swarm the tower of their former prince by the mesa shore. I have a whole document typed up for the lore of this story, so if you're interested, throw me an ask or a dm!
Characters available in Machinations to talk to:
Overclock: A shadow man with many secrets about the dwellings and doings of his human years. He's now a gruff and morally spineless bounty hunter, employed by an unknown individual to kill the very prince residing in the tower he stalks. He's basically against the horde to get to him first before the whole place topples down.
Noonwraith: When the rapture happened and humanity succumbed, the shadows of a mass grave became one, creating a singular, massive hivemind being called Noonwraith. Typically, they reside beneath the ocean or squished into the cracks of the Earth, but just for you, they are cooperating to speak to you. Friend of Overclock, they can remove pieces of themself to create smaller, easy-to-transport shadow beings in any shape. They're not very happy with society. Total emo. You can specify whether you'd like to speak to the hivemind or an active fragment in the world.
Seraph and Maven: Maven, a mere shadowling who's been lucky enough to escape death or persecution, and his "brother" Seraph are a package deal. Only problem is, Seraph is nothing like the world has seen before: a being of pure light in the shape of a child, who's been here since the rapture and is quite unimpressed with the fools among them. They never leave eachother's side and know EVERYBODY'S secrets, kinda just following Overclock around.
Dreamcast: The best friend of the Prince. At least, he used to be. A long time ago, he and the Prince were sent to the gallows to join the many robotic vessels. The Prince went into this new life joyously, whereas Dreamcast did not. He's resentful, horrified, and wasn't ready for the curse of immortality. He's still stuck in the tower, and not happy about it. He claims to have prophetic dreams.
Harbour: The prince himself. Figuring him out is a mystery. His motives, his life, everything. He's just a guy who doesn't see the wrong in plunging millions into immortality with no experience. One thing is for certain, he wants to keep Dreamcast around. But for what?
The Host: A robotic and definitely evil game show host residing on an island just offshore from the mesa! For sure my favorite character. He seems to have some unusual grasp on time... Nobody leaves the island unless he lets them, and yet, the bodies pile up. They all look so similar. His motivations and past are, well, unclear. The hordes sure do love him.
Player: The Host's favorite little plaything. Boy, do they have a history!
Story 2: Rendezvous. Follow the tale of a traveling punk band of Nymphs and humans alike. Drama within the band and within the area surrounding them are rich, and you might just uncover more characters to talk to as time goes on.
Chomps: Adoptive brother of Hora. He's the main character, a total stoner, and the band's drummer. He's a real tired dramaqueen that can hold a grudge, but he's got a good heart. He had a crush on the band's bass player a while ago, but that didn't go too well... He's also a Dark Nymph.
Hora: Little brother of Chomps and the official stagehand of the band. He's a shy 16 year old boy with a lot of issues and a pretty cloudy past. He was found by Chomps after fleeing his abusive parents, and now, after all this time, Chomps has full custody.
Kris: The bass player's asshole boyfriend, and the lead singer of the band. He's got some gripes with our main character. He's also the only human of the band. Good luck getting anything but complaints out of him.
Berry: The bass player and multitalented girlfriend of Kris. She's a Dark Nymph. She's got a lot of insight on the town, workings of the band, and where they've been. She's the backbone of the band and the designated driver. Responsible!
Carlotta: Hora's girlfriend, responsible for helping Hora out of his shell. She's a Light Nymph, and the piano player. Her head can become any shape she wants, usually an orb. She's mostly mute, but typing is no issue.
And, of course, some unknowns you will meet later.
Story 3: Hyde Serum Fever. An estranged scientist working for an old hospital accidentally creates something awful, a serum capable of bringing a human's worst sins to life. She drinks the serum, and at once, she is contorted, horribly twisting into an abomination! Oh, no! Rather than creating a method to confront sin, she made the sins take over. Now, as separate ego states, the monster may take over her body at any time.
Characters for Hyde Serum Fever:
Dr. Suzanne Enfield: The aforementioned scientist, an exhausted and overworked woman. She's now living with the malicious actions and physical strain of harboring a Contort, aka the monster of sin. She's terribly sick with Serum Fever, and looking for a cure. Meanwhile, her Contort stirs trouble and she's left to run the Institution. The Institution is the hospital, reformed to treat and house Contorts and their hosts.
Pride Edwards: The Contort of Suzanne, the embodiment of Pride. Due to the sheer concentration of serum that Suzanne consumed, he is hardly human. He's not only the main character, but the villain. He's a twisted abomination with no regard for anybody but himself. He peddles the serum as a drug in order to spread the Contorts. Truly a twisted, sadistic fellow. He has some interesting powers
Wrath: A Contort suffering from a condition called Inner Rot, where the physical damage done by contortion causes his insides to rot, essentially killing the human part of him and keeping him trapped as a Contort. He's got a huge temper, but a soft spot for Pride. His actions can be fiery, but all things considered, he's anything but evil.
Fritz: The embodiment of Envy, also suffering Inner Rot. They are nosy, and probably the worst enemy of Pride. Their screams and whines echo through the Institution. Often throwing tantrums and complaining about not having what other have, oddly, they refuse help, and make their own life miserable. They snoop around and know a lot of secrets, especially about Pride.
Blair: The embodiment of Lust. There's a human in there, somewhere. Living their life as a drag Queen, they cause minor problems throughout the Institution and lurk in the shadows at night... They're mostly just horny.
Fredrickson: The director and financial guardian of the entire Institution operation. They're an older man with some old fashioned ideas, and a penchant for dancing with Suzanne. They handle keeping the patients and Contorts healthy. They've seen firsthand some of Pride's doings.
Alright, and that's about it! Later on I might introduce more stories and characters. All asks and posts about this project will be put under the tag #Koro oc asks. I do hope people actually interact with this. It'll take a while to pick up the story, but for now, ask them anything.
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voidselfshipp · 27 days
Emotional over Martin and Jon.
Poly! Jon×me×Martin headcanons.
>only mutuals allowed to reblog.
Jon being the black cat,and me the scary dog.
Jon going to Grab his tea alone and the cashier asks "Where's the missus?"
Jon coming from behind whilst I make breakfast,nuzzling my neck and speaking with such a raspy,pretty voice. "Good mornin' ". Hes cozy like a cat because the sunlight is warming up his clothes.
Jon feeling his heart swell when I sass him back,and harder than his original quip.
Jon getting possesive/jealous and hugging my arm and almost hissing at whoever is talking to me.
Jon being able to show off his academia knowledge, his ego growing as he sees the heart eyes im making as I praise his smarts and how handsome he looks whilst giving this impromptu lecture.
S1! Jon with his short hair,frustrated but absolutely flustered when I mess with his hair. We aint even together but oh..he loves it.
S2! Jon when his paranoia spikes but he knows he can trust me. He falls asleep on me when he gets little rest,hes calm in my presence.
Post! Eyepocalypse Jon who turns to be a teacher. Delighted to see his students flabbergasted when I come over to hand him lunch. How did the grumpy teach got such a cute,sweet partner?
On that note,imagine his sudent's surprise when martin comes over. He has 2 partners now?
On that note pt2. When I come by dressed all punk,his classes just derail. Uptight,academia,classic Jonathan and his punk spouse. Yeah,the srudents are not letting this one go. "hOW ARE YOU TWO TOGETHER???"
If anyone asks how he pulled me,he just shrugs and go "I wish I knew".
Avatar! Jon who ignores any and all information the eye gives him when it pertains to some surprise me and Martin want to give him.
Post! Eyepocalypse Jon,who needs a lot of rest as he gets used to being human again. He falls asleep a lot, and its always in odd spots. I always drape blankets and prop him up on pillows. Or move him to the bed if its a very uncomfy spot.
Jon who uses my clothes to work/his uni job. He wears oversized hoodies with big,eyecatching prints. Some I made myself,others I bought. The hoodies are all manner of colors, but he likes the yellow,green and black ones since those are my fave colors.
It always brings attention to him but he doesnt mind,he loves that it smells like me and it keeps him grounded.
Jon using my hoodies and everyone can already tell hes going to be less grumpy. (His students take full advantage of It)
Avatar! Jon who is worried Martin and I Will see him as a monster. We dont, we love him so,so,so much!.
Avatar Jon who feels guilty for having to feed statements to the eye. But me (n martin) reassure Him that we understand. Hes between a rock and a hard place.
Eyepocalypse era! Where we travel through the ruined world, together, we still love eachother thoroughly and we Will see this through.
Post eyepocalypse! Where Jon,martin and I spend a solid week just sleeping it all off. Cuddled in our bed,all snuggled up.
S1! Martin who is happy to have another friend (me). Mid season he realizes he might feel a lot more than he thought.
S2! Martin who begs me to help him get through to Jon in his paranoia.
S4! Martin who no matter how hard he tries,he could never isolate himself from me. He loves me so,so much.
Martin who lends me his jackets and hoodies,that opens Doors for me,takes care of me.
Martin who slowly learns to be cared for back.
Hours spent showing off our poetry and writing to eachother. Finally,he has somebody to share this with.
Him and i roping the whole of the archives into a tea making competition. In the end,its a draw. (Though Tim certainly preffers my cups of tea).
Martin and I who goof off in our breaks,telling silly stories with silly voices.
Martin who Will not hesitate to deck a bitch to defend my honor.
Martin who Will lie Straight to Elias' face when I decided to just take the day off. "Oh,theyre a bit sick" n just saying it right to that Mans face without even an eye twitch to give him away.
Martin who Will just scoop me up and away when I need a break no matter how hard I try to fight him on it.
Martin who Will one up my stubborness. This Man is winning this argument.
Martin who is quite good at home renovation being my perfect twin for my DYI Ass.
Martin and I spending the whole afternoon making a matching punk vest for him. He wears It almost every day.
Martin loving my tiny ass poodle (Anita!!) And spoiling her so,so much. This is his daughter now!!!
Martin, who gets fed up with jons attitude (before we all got together) and takes a page out of my book and arms the courage to just begin talking back. He can be sassy too,just watch.
Poly headcannons:
So heres the thing: Jon and I Cook, Martin washes the dishes, I put away the dishes and I do the groceries. We all Keep the house as clean as we are able.
Martin who knows his way around a car and often time fixes it (I help! I was [sort of] raised by a mechanic!!! And im a great conversationalist)
The three of us watching football when Argentina plays. They abide by my superstitions and they even have Argentina Jerseys!!.
On that note: they pick up my culture quite quickly. Drinking mate,some of the snacks I like, going absolutely crazy for dulce de leche,and they pick up so. Much. Slang.
They begin saying hi with a kiss on the cheek as Argentines often do,bit of a culture clash for those that dont know but hey, theyll learn.
Us picking up Jons culture too: traditions, festivities,superstitions, food stuffs,even humor and inside jokes.
Martin has two non-white partners,and hes learning A LOT. (I at least hc martin as white). He keeps a Journal with everything he knows.
Us celebrating Argentina's independence day,and other things like honoring the soldiers Fallen on the Malvinas war, the 50 Years of democracy from the last dictatorship. Its nice to have people to share this with when im so far away from my home.
Martin and Jon have become quite fond of Argentina's slang and creativity with insults. (Its fun to watch them speak Argentine spanish with their accent)
On a wild change of topic: Jon and I helping Martin dye his white strands of hair bcs of the whole lonely thing.
Jon and I advertising Martin's poetry books (n being the beta readers of course. He involves us a lot on his desicion making)
Martin who gets surprised in his little Office space in our home. We bring him tea and make sure he doesnt burnt out.
Martin asking me to make the cover art and to Jon to be his second editor and synopsis writer. Hes quite eloquent.
Overall,we love eachother so much,wether on our individual bonds or the Bond of the three as a whole. We're inseparable. Forever and always!.
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pawsthec · 3 years
Imagine a prisoner who has been kept in the dungeon for about a week making friends with the daughters to the point that they go against their mother's wishes to kill her and instead keep her as a companion.
Like, Daniel is upset over the others not wanting to talk to her so she moped around the dungeon crying slightly before standing infront of the maidens cell.
Daniela: *softly crying*
Maiden: miss? Are you alright?
Daniela: *slightly spooked* who said that!?
Maiden: sorry I didn't mean to startle you, I'm in here
Daniela: *turns to find the Maiden sat in the floor while looking at her genuinely concerned* you're mothers prisoner, aren't you?
Maiden: yeah, I honestly don't mind it in here. It's quiet. I see why you would come down here to mope
Daniela: I was not moping! I was just a little upset
Maiden: *laughs at the small outburst*
Daniela: *confused but also starting to laugh* sorry, my temper gets the better of me sometimes. What's your name?
Maiden: (maidens name), you must be Daniela, the youngest
Daniela: yeah, everyone keeps shoving that in my face
Maiden: hey, from being an older sibling myself, we love our younger siblings to the moon and back but we find you goys annoying sometimes. They'll come around, just give them time.
Daniela: thanks
Alcina: Daniela!
Daniela: heh, got to go
So, they begin a routine of Daniela coming down and sitting outside of her cell having conversations with her whenever her sisters send her away. This carries on for about a week but then Cassandra comes across the Maiden after Daniela leaves one day.
Cassnadra: *angrily swinging her sythe to let out some friustration*
Maiden: wouldn't a sword be better for that?
Cassandra: *spooked, she turns around to find the Maiden sat in the same spot that she was in when Daniela first spoke to her* excuse me?
Maiden: I didn't mean to offend, it was a simple question. Wouldn't a sword be better for that?
Cassandra: I guess you're right, I just prefer using a sythe
Maiden: we all have our preferences, I personally prefer daggers. They're lightweight and easy to hide
Cassandra: you know you're weapons do you?
Maiden: my father was a blacksmith and taught me everything he knew, I miss him
Cassandra: dead?
Maiden: missing, presumed dead
Cassandra: that's strange
Maiden: what is, Lady cassandra?
Cassandra: my anger, is gone. Your good... *flys off in her swarm*
Cassnadra would go down there whenever she was upset or andry and a few days later the Maiden met Bela. She had gone down there after not finding her siblings anywhere and had gotten bored with tormenting maids and instead wanted to torment the prisoner.
Bela: oh little Maiden, where are you?
Maiden: in here
Bela: eh? *confusion over the fact that she jsut told her
Maiden: I said I am in here, you must be lady Bela
Bela: yes, I am. Who the hell are you? You can't be the maiden
Maiden: I hate to dissapoint you, but I am
Bela: okay... You are far too calm
Maiden: what would screaming do? Get me killed quicker, more painfully? Yeah, I'll pass.
Bela: hm, you're strange
Maiden: I'm aware, why are you down here?
Bela: I was bored so I was going to torment you, but there's no point now. I'm not really interested if you're not going to scream
Maiden: hm, you wanna talk instead. I heard I'm a good listener. Well, that's because I disassociate for most of the conversation but people don't know that
Bela: *contemplating it* well, seeing as everyone else is busy. It won't do any harm...
Maiden: *just sits and listens as Bela talks about the issues with a smile and comforting humming noises*
Bela: thanks for listening, maybe Dani and Cass should come and talk with you. Bye.
That's the moment she realises that they hadn't told eachother they were talking to her. She was gonna die the second they found out about eachother.
The Maiden's theory was almost right. Originally the lady was just going to kill her but after hearing the Maiden speaking with and listening to her daughters she decides to jsut go down there and see what she could do with her issues.
Alcina: *stands outside her cell menicingly*
Maiden: *stares back without fear* are you going to kill me now?
Alcina: as much as I would simply love to chain you up and drain you, I don't think my daughters would ever forgive me...
Maiden: you know, don't you?
Alcina: I do, I would really love to know your motive. Avoiding death, gaining information perhaps?
Maiden: how would I be gathering information? I was simply listening to your daughters complain about anything. As I said with Bela, I disassociate as soon as anyone starts venting anyway.
Alcina: *hums in Upper class* of course, would you kind listening to me rattle off. I rarely speak to anyone so I have quite a bit I need to say
Maiden: if that is what you need, then I am willing to listen
Alcina: *thinking, pulls out key to cell and unlocks the door before entering and closing the door behind herself*
Maiden: my lady?
Alcina: stand up
The Maiden does so and Alcina sits down where she was before pulling on the maidens dress and making her sit in her lap. She brings her legs up so that the Maiden is sat on her knees and is pulled against her chest. She simply hugs her to her chest as she rattles off obout her mental issues and everything putting strain on her.
Soon, the daughters start appearing outside of the cell one by one. They glance at eachother before swarming into the cell and crowding around the two women while grasping onto them and crying softly with their mother. The maiden just accepts her faint and starts softly humming while unknowingly claiming the Dimitrescu's enough to fall asleep around her.
That's how a random Maiden became the family therapist no one deserved but everyone needed.
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mizunetzu · 4 years
Kuroo x reader - Kuroo’s Pocky Scheme!
⚠️ Warnings - Kuroo being a desperate simp, none!!
Pronouns - male, he/him
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Kuroo stared at the doorknob to the schools kitchen-y room. It was such a desperate, bottom-of-the-barrel move, but he was literally just that. A desperate simp.
He sighed and pushed open the door, more forcefully than he intended. A small, blonde girl jumped and whipped her petite form around.
Kuroo raised his arms in defense. “I come in peace, Yachi-san.”
The girl, Yachi, visibly relaxed. She let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. “O-oh...you’re...sorry, I don’t remember your name, but you’re Nekoma’s captain right? Oh god, what if you told me your name and I forgot gosh I am so-“
“No-no! It’s fine, I dont think we’ve ever talked.” Kuroo nudged the door shut, and dropped his voice into a whisper. “Ok, hear me out. I gotta huge-and-kinda-stupid favor to ask.”
“M-m-me?! Wh-wh-whaddya need from me?!”
“Well-calm down, I don’t ‘need’ much from you, no offense.” Kuroo leaned against the door. “Uh-first lemme explain-and promise not to make a big deal outta this, okay?”
Yachi nodded. Kuroo looked around the room, seeing only Yachi and a big watermelon inside.
“So. I may or may not have a tiny...crush, on (Y/n).”
Yachi blinked. “Wait, who’s (Y/...(Y/n)..? (L/n) (Y/n)?! Oh my-!”
“That’s besides the point!” Kuroo flushed, waving his hands up to hush Yachi. He felt so pathetic. He felt like a desperate schoolgirl, coming up with ideas on how to get his crush to notice him with his school girl friends.
“Anyways,” Kuroo shakily ran a hand through his untamable hair. “I’m...uh, I’m kind of desperate, and I feel like I’m gonna explode if I don’t...kiss him soon.” That last part came out in a mumble. He shook his head.
Kuroo snapped a finger at Yachi. “That’s where you come in.”
Yachi nodded dumbly. She really had no incentive to helping out this...tall, scary man. But, if she recalled correctly, (Y/n) was close friends with him-so he should be perfectly safe, right?
“I need you,” Kuroo fished a red box of Pocky out of his Nekoma jacket. “To go up to (Y/n), and ask if you can kiss him. He’ll probably say no, but if you ask him and say you’ll do it Pocky-game style, he’ll say yes. He never rejects food.”
Yachi deadpanned. Then, she erupted into vast shades of red. “W-wait-! But I don’t like him! Why do I have to kiss him-!”
“No! Let me finish!” Kuroo was losing his cool. His desperate simp was really showing, huh. “Once he says yes, tell him to keep his eyes closed because you’re embarrassed or something, and while his eyes are closed-you and me will switch places and I’ll eat the Pocky in your place! I get my kiss, and I’ll owe you absolutely anything!”
Yachi sputtered. What if it went wrong? What if he didn’t switch in time and her poor first kiss was taken by this boy she wasn’t that interested in? He’d think she was interested in him and she’d have to marry him and have to live in a cave hiding for the rest of her life-!
“I’ll do it.” A mature, level headed voice suddenly pipped up. Kuroo and Yachi both flinched in suprise. The door softly pushed open.
“But if I may, I do have a few suggestions.” Kiyoko scratched at her collar, walking in and inspecting the two.
“Yeah-me too.” Yaku follower in after Kiyoko, sending a mocking lifted gaze over to Kuroo. Kuroo looked away in embarrassment. “Like, I don’t know, be more quiet so everyone-including (L/n)-kun, doesn’t hear about your stupid Pocky plan.”
Kuroo usually would’ve opened his mouth to retort, but Yaku could easily warn (Y/n) of his plan, and it would immediately fall into shambles. He probably wouldn’t get his kiss then. Kuroo, regretfully, kept his mouth shut.
“Anyways,” Kiyoko cut in, breaking the heated glare Yaku and Kuroo gave eachother. “I can ask him in Hitoka-chan’s place. But, I do have a few concerns.”
Kiyoko held her finger up. “One-how do we know he’s going to say yes in the first place? Even with the Pocky-“
“No, no. (Y/n) never refuses anything to do with food. I even got him to forcefully drag Kenma out of his room by offering to cook him dinner last year. He and Kenma had bruises all over. A kiss is nothing to him.”
Kiyoko hummed, seemingly accepting Kuroo’s answer. She held up her second finger. “Second, how will we-well I, ask him without seeming suspicious? If I ask him alone, and we do it alone, that won’t give Kuroo-san the opportunity to slip in and switch with me.”
“But if she asks him and all if us are, y’know, there, he’ll think somethings up or we’re tryna make fun of him.” Yaku finished her thought. Kiyoko nodded.
Kuroo blinked. He didn’t think this far. “Uh...”
“W-well, what if Shimizu-senpai asked (L/n)-kun while he was talking to uhm...Kuroo-senpai, and he tags along because he wants to just...be there...and Shimizu-senpai takes him to a room where me and...sorry, I-I don’t really know your name but-“ Yachi pointed at Yaku. “To a room with me and him in it?”
Yaku blinked. “Wait, wouldn’t it be suspicious If Shimizu took him into a room just to find us sitting there?”
“W-well...Wouldn’t it be more suspicious and awkward for Kuroo-senpai to be there alone with them? We can just, sit there and pretend to talk with Kuroo-senpai until (L/n)-kun closes his eyes.”
“Holy shit, that’s a great idea...” Kuroo rubbed his head in disbelief. If he had gone through with his original plan, he would’ve failed so hard. “Well then-what are we waiting for? Lets go-“
“I have one more thing.” Kiyoko turned to Yachi.
“Hitoka-chan, if what Kuroo-san is saying is true, we should have no problem asking him to do the Pocky game with me, but realistically, it would make more sense if you ask him.”
Yachi’s eyes widened. Kiyoko continued. “I’m a year above him, and since much upperclassman girls don’t...idolize and fawn over underclassman like the ones in his grade or first-years do, it would feel a bit weird if I asked him.”
“You, on the other hand,” Kiyoko grabbed the box of Pocky from Kuroo’s hands and placed them gently on Yachi’s. “Are perfect for this, since girls like you seem to gravitate towards (L/n)-kun. The ‘shy-girl-who-wants-to-kiss-her-crush’ type. And we’ll reenforce it with the Pocky according to Kuroo-san.”
Yachi was quiet for a second, then she opened her mouth. “O-okay...I guess I’m doing it then...”
“Wheey!” Kuroo clapped his hands. “You guys are so nice, helping me with my boy problems.”
Yaku jabbed a finger at Kuroos face. “Yeah, you owe us big time Mr. Docosahexaenoic face.”
“You aren’t even doing anything, though.”
“(Y-Y/-!” Yachi was standing behind (Y/n). Her mumbles of “(Y/-!” were practically inaudible as the sticks inside the Pocky box rattled around in her shaking fingers. Kuroo side eyed Yachi, nudging his head to (Y/n)-who was talking to him so obliviously-egging her to go on.
“(L/n)-kun!” Yachi tensed and downcast her whole head, suddenly finding immense interest in the small rip in her shoes. (Y/n) turned around, facing away from Kuroo.
“Yes? Yachi-san? Did you need—is that Pocky? Can I have some?”
Yachi almost threw the box straight into the air. (Y/n) had his eyes fixated hungrily on the Pocky box, pointing at it gently with his hand. Yachi cleared her throat nervously. She felt her heart hammering in her chest.
“I-I-please don’t take this in a weird way but-c-can I k-k-kiss you-?!”
Yachi bowed down in a sharp 90 degree angle, making (Y/n) step back awkwardly. He looked at Kuroo, who gave him an innocent shrug, and looked back at Yachi.
“Uh-I’m sorry, Yachi-san, I don’t really-“
“We can do it Pocky game style! A-and I’ll let you have all of the Pocky afterwards! Please! Please! Please!”
(Y/n) eyes flickered back and forth from the box of Pocky up to Yachi’s sweaty, bowing hair. He really wanted that Pocky too. It was just a kiss, he never really cared about sentimental things like “first kisses” and whatnot. Plus, he’d get a whole box of Pocky afterwards.
“Okay then.”
“Really?!” Yachi raised her head, and (Y/n) nodded.
“You better keep your end of the deal and give me the Pocky afterwards, though.”
“I promise I will-!” Yachi stiffly bowed again, before trotting off with (Y/n) trailing behind her. “W-we can do this in the managers bed rooms!”
“Ok...” They walked in awkward silence. After a few seconds of contemplating, (Y/n) turned around.
“Tetsu, why are you coming?”
Kuroo shrugged. “Am I not allowed to come? I want some Pocky too.”
(Y/n) pursed his lips. “I mean I give you like, two, but don’t you think you’ll make Yachi-san uncomf-“
“It’s fine! I-I don’t care if he comes!” Yachi said a bit too quickly. (Y/n) eyed her suspiciously. Both Kuroo and Yachi broke into a cold sweat.
“...okay...let’s keep going, then.”
Yachi and Kuroo let out a breath they didn’t know they were holding.
Yaku held up a peace sign while Kiyoko waved. (Y/n) raised an eyebrow, waving back.
“I thought we were doing this in private?”
Yachi tensed. “W-well this is private enough for me...”
(Y/n) softly plucked the box of Pocky away from Yachi, walking away from them to sit down and open the box. Yachi and Kuroo shared a knowing, determined glance while Yaku and Kiyoko pretended to immerse themselves in conversation.
(Y/n) fished out a Pocky stick, and sat cross-legged on the bed mats. He waved it around, eventually settling to pointing it towards Yachi. “Sit down, so we can do this.”
“Yes!” Yachi dropped down abruptly, sitting in front of (Y/n). Kuroo walked over as nonchalant as possible and plopped down near Yachi. (Y/n) looked at him skeptically.
“Whaaaat. I just wanna see my good friend (Y/n) have his first kiss.”
“Pervert. Just say you wanna kiss Yachi-san and leave, you creep. Or do you wanna kiss from me instead?”
(Y/n) soft clad smile turned into a teasing smirk, making Kuroo break into another cold sweat. His heart started picking up speed once (Y/n) placed a Pocky stick, chocolate side first, between his lips. They looked so soft.
“C-close your eyes please, (Y/n)-kun.”
(Y/n) hummed from the stick in his mouth. “Eh? But they’re already...closed?”
“I-I meant keep them closed! ...this is...this is embarrassing so-!”
“Gotcha, Yachi-san. Don’t worry, I won’t bite.” (Y/n’s) gentle smile reappeared as he smiled with the biscuit in his mouth. “Now, bite on to the Pocky already.”
Yachi turned over to Kuroo. Kuroo, as slowly as he could, shuffled his way into Yachi’s previous spot, in time while Yachi backed away. Yachi could see the way Kuroo’s hands shook as he placed himself down in-front of (Y/n), who was waiting ever-so-patiently with his fingers tracing the Pocky box.
“Yachi-san?” (Y/n’s) confused voice came out a bit muffled. Yachi squeaked out a quick “G-give me a second-!”, and (Y/n) couldn’t help but tell how far her voice sounded, even if it was just sightly father. Eh, he was probably just imagining things.
Kuroo was sweating buckets. He never thought his plan would work so smoothly. Hell, he didn’t think he’d actually be going through with it in the first place.
“God, hurry it up Kuuuua...” Yaku trailed off into a cough. “-Yachi-san. Hurry up ‘Yachi-san’, and stop staring at (L/n)-kun like that.”
Kuroo glared at Yaku, almost responding with a “shut the fuck up!”, before letting his mouth clamp shut frustratedly. He looked at Yachi for assistance. Yachi got the memo, and responded with a “I-I’m trying-! I’m just so nervous...!”
“Awwe...don’t be nervous, Yachi-san! Just think of it like we’re eating Pocky and our lips just so happen to touch.” (Y/n) smiled, and licked his lips the best he could. The chocolate part of his end was starting to melt, and the stick was getting soft in his mouth.
“The Pocky is melting...”
“I-I-I’m on it! Sorry, I’m doing it now..!” Yachi frantically motioned at (Y/n) to Kuroo. Kuroo nervously gestered back, as if to say “I’m fuckin’ trying..!”
Kuroo gulped, trying to swallow the lump in his throat, and closed his lips around the Pocky stick. This was really happening. He was going to kiss his long time crush. He was going to kiss (Y/n). Oh god, he’s awfully close. He’s closer than he’s ever been. Why won’t his heart just shut up and calm down?
Before he knew it, (Y/n) was nibbling at his end of the biscuit. The distance was becoming shorter. He wasn’t ready. He wasn’t ready. He wasn’t ready. He thought he was fully prepared to come into this all suave and nonchalant, but now that it was happening all of his preparedness flew out the window. He starting eating at his end of the stick aswell.
Both (Y/n) and Kuroo stopped eating once there was less than a inch of the stick separating them. (Y/n) briefly felt ‘Yachi’s’ nose brush against his, and Kuroo could feel the barely noticeable breaths of air from his nose.
The room was silent. Either that, or the vociferous thumping of his heart rate picking up speed drowned out Yaku and Shimizu’s voices.
And now that he was closer, he could see just how nervous (Y/n) was. His eyelids were fluttering, his brows were slightly pulled down, his nose was scrunched up just a tad, and his fingers were nervously tracing the packaging of the Pocky box. Even if it was cute, Kuroo couldn’t help but feel a bit bad.
But a plan was a plan. And he’d been waiting for years.
Kuroo broke down the last remaining barrier from his lips to (Y/n’s), letting the small Pocky nub lay on his tongue as he connected their lips together. He heard a small “yaay.” From who he assumed was Shimizu, and an obnoxious “Get it, ‘Yachi-san’!”, followed by a wolf whistle from Yaku.
He felt (Y/n) push closer, tentatively and unintentionally grabbing hold of Kuroo’s hand in the process. Kuroo intertwined his fingers with (Y/n’s), and that touch alone probably gave him away, but he couldn’t care less. (Y/n) could coil away in disgust right now, and he wouldn’t care. He got his kiss. A kiss that tasted like Pocky and (Y/n). A kiss he’s been waiting for for forever. His, and (Y/n’s), first.
Kuroo was the first to pull away. Half lidded and breathless, he sat back on his ass with a sigh. (Y/n) started to open his eyes, when Yachi’s scrambled to cover them.
“D-don’t look..! Please! I-I’m-uh, I’m still...embarrassed..!” Yachi looked back at Kuroo, who seemed to have come back to his senses, and shuffled back into the spot he was in originally. Yachi crawled over back in front of (Y/n), and removed her hands gently. She placed them in her lap, looking down with a blush no one in that room could tell was genuine or real good acting.
(Y/n) opened his eyes softly. His smile returned to his swollen lips, and he leaned his head on his palm. “That wasn’t so scary, right?”
(Y/n) clasped his hands together. “Congrats, you can officially say you stole (L/n) (Y/n’s) first kiss! Now you got something to brag about, huh, Yachi-san?” (Y/n) chuckled, still feeling the warmth of ‘Yachi’s’ lips pressed against his.
Yaku scoffed quietly. “Yeah, aha. ‘Yachi’ stole your first kiss.” He earned a flick to the forehead by Kiyoko.
Yachi stood up abruptly. “I-I’m gonna go! Uh-..brag...to my...f-friends.”
“Don’t go spreading rumors about me though.” (Y/n) looked up at Yachi, who squeaked out a “Yessir!” In reply. Kiyoko stood up aswell.
“I’m going to go with Hitoka-chan. See you three.” Kiyoko walked over to Yachi, seemingly ushering her out the door discreetly and shooting Yaku a look. Yaku stood up aswell.
“Well I don’t wanna be in here with you two. Pretty Boy and Docosahexaenoic Face. I’m gonna go see what Kai or Shibayama-kun is doing.”
Yaku shoved his hands in his pockets and walked out of the room, leaving Kuroo and (Y/n) sitting there alone.
Kuroo laid down on the floor next to (Y/n), resting his arms on the back of his neck like a cushion. (Y/n) sat there placidly, smiling at his reward that was the Pocky box.
(Y/n) fished a stick out, and munched on it happily. Kuroo looked at (Y/n), and closed his eyes with a smirk.
“So, how’d it feel having your first kiss with a cute girl?“
(Y/n) hummed, and took another bite of his snack.
“You’re not a bad kisser, Tetsu.”
Kuroo choked on his words. (Y/n) crunched on another Pocky stick. Kuroo sputtered and shot back up, staring at (Y/n) with wide, embarrassed eyes.
“To be honest you would’ve gotten away with it if it weren’t for, hm, 3 things.”
(Y/n) held up a single Pocky stick. “Number one. When our hands touched. It was pretty obvious your hand was too big to be Yachi-san’s, so that was a bit suspicious.”
Kuroo opened his mouth to say something. (Y/n) pulled out another Pocky stick.
“Two. When we broke the kiss, I heard you grunt. You would have literally no reason to do that unless you, per se, break a kiss and need to breathe in. And your voice, again, is too deep to be Yachi-san’s.”
Kuroo couldn’t do anything but helplessly stare at him, as he pulled out a third Pocky stick.
“Three.” (Y/n) set all three biscuits into Kuroo’s lap, to which he absentmindedly picked up. “You don’t really think I couldn’t see you? My eyes were open right up until we started eating the Pocky, Tetsurou. I was squinting...and you all were acting suspicious, so how could I not? Not to mention how weird it was for you to be sitting so conveniently close to me and Yachi-san.”
“If anything, if you weren’t planning something and you actually just wanted to watch, you would’ve sat near Yaku-kun once you saw him.”
Kuroo averted his eyes and broke a Pocky stick with his teeth, chewing on it to fill his mouth and prevent him from saying something stupid.
“And, even if none of those things happened,” (Y/n) pulled out another stick, this time twirling it around in his fingers. “I heard you discussing your ‘plan’ earlier in the kitchen. You really need to work on your volume, like Yaku-kun said.”
(Y/n) stood up, stretching his arms with a small groan. All Kuroo could do was stare up at him dumbly. He almost had a perfect scheme. Almost.
(Y/n) turned his head around, his back still facing Kuroo. “Next time you wanna kiss, buy me dinner and we can suck spaghetti noodles until it meets in the middle. Y’know, like in that one movie.”
(Y/n) waved around his Pocky box in farewell. “I’m gonna go see what Kenma and Hinata-kun are doing. Later, Tetsu.”
(Y/n) timpered off, shutting the door behind him. Kuroo stared at the door blankly.
“(Y/n), you sneaky bastard.”
Happy new year!!
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loousir · 3 years
[Elf] Royal Secrets
Secret Elf King x Royal Second Hand Reader
Warnings: Smoochin, tavern talks, time skips, uhh
You ran and hand through your hair with a sigh, sitting down on the bar chair with a soft 'plop'. The bartender looked to you with a fond and familiar smile. "Rough day again (Y/n)?" He asked while pulling out a glass from one of the cabinets. "I sometimes think my days will get better but I guess not. He is not fun to deal with... Especially when he's in a bad mood." The bartender smiled again and set a drink down in front of you.
"Well, just relax for tonight. You don't have any tasks for tomorrow do you?" You took a sip of the drink and smiled softly before that disappeared. "No, I don't. But I've got an important meeting day after tomorrow so I have to spend some time finalizing documents and getting ready for it."
"And by some time you mean the whole day? I get that..." A voice two seats over spoke, making both you and the bartender look to him. "Sorry, I couldn't help but overhear your conversation. I'm Lynn." You smiled and introduced yourself as well which lead to the bartender walking off and making drinks for a group that had came in.
You and Lynn hit it off instantly. Both of you talked about various things related to your, work, if you will and you never thought you could fall for someone upon first meeting but...
'I just might have...'
"Lynn, I have a question." He hummed as he took a sip from his own drink. "How often do you come here? I've noticed you a few times before but I've never actually heard you talk to anyone." Lynn smiles softly and sets his cup down. "I try to come as often as I have time. And I've not talked to anyone cause their conversations haven't quite caught my attention like yours." You smiled and looked down to your hands that were intertwined around the small cup that you have.
You sighed and glanced at the clock that hung on the wall behind the bar. "Damn, I have to get going." You looked over to Lynn who had looked up to the clock as well.
'Woah, he's an elf? No wonder he's so beautiful.'
You though as you stared at him. He looked back to you and tilted his head slightly. "Are you ok (Y/n)?" His question had pulled you from your thoughts, making you blush and chuckle. "Yes, sorry. Is there a possibility I could see you again?" Lynn nods. "I'll be available to come pretty often but after this month I won't be able to for a little. It's when things bet busy for me unfortunately." He said with a sad tone and a soft sigh. You smiled and shook your head, slipping off of the chair and walking over to him.
He watched you walk over and grab his hand. You gently kissed his knuckles, keeping eye contact which made him blush slightly. "Til next do we meet Lynn. I look forward to it." You said gently letting his hand linger for a moment before letting him take it back. Lynn smiled and said a soft goodbye as he gently held the hand you kissed as you walked out of the bar.
'What an interesting character...'
--- •
The month that Lynn was available seemed to have passed in a flash. The two of you grew much, much closer than I'm sure either of you would've thought. Admittedly, neither of you had met outside of the tavern but, neither minded. This was a place both of you knew and could enjoy. You had been thinking about Lynn frequently. He was talking about something that had happened at his job which made you think.
'What just is his job? Maybe it's similar to mine with the way he talks about things.'
You thought to yourself, zoning out from what Lynn was saying. A soft hand grabbing your own, instantly snapping you from your thoughts. You looked down to his hand, gently grabbing yours. You smiled and held his hand in yours. "Sorry, I was lost in my own head again." You looked over to him to see he wasn't as smiley as you which made your smile fade. "Are you ok Lynn?" He holds on to your hand tighter and pulls it up to his lips, pressing them gently against the back of your hand.
"This may be the last day we get to see eachother for a while." The look you saw in his eyes made you want to cry. He looked so heart broken that he couldn't come see you anymore. "You two can use the spare room upstairs if you need a private place to talk." The bartender said. You looked over to them and nodded. "Thank you," You looked back to Lynn. "Would you like to?" You asked him. He nodded and both of you slipped off the chairs and you lead him to the room.
You flicked on the light and let him step into the room before closing the door behind him. Right as you turned back to him, he connected his lips to yours to which you instantly responded. You gently pressed yourself against him and held onto his hips as his slim fingers caressed your face and hair as if he would never be able to feel them again.
"Lynn," You spoke his name the second the both of you pulled away, both of you panting softly. His bright blue eyes gazed deeply into yours. "I want you to keep coming here, even if I'm not. I'll do what I can to come as often as possible. I wish we could meet at other places but..." Lynn looks away and hesitates heavily on what he was about to say. "It's ok..." You said with a small smile as he looks back to you.
"I'll keep coming. Just don't forget about me."
Lynn smiles as tears well up in his eyes before he collapses into you, hugging you tightly. You hugged him back just as tight. "You're very emotional all of a sudden. Did you have too much to drink?" You joked making him give a few small giggles. He pulled away and wiped his face before looking up to you, smiling. "It's been a very, very long time since I've felt this way and since I've had someone like you in my life." Lynn spoke softly as you navigated both of you over to the bed.
You sat Lynn down first before joining him and wrapping an arm around his waist. "(Y/n)?" You hummed and looked at the reflection of the two of you in the full-body mirror mounted on the wall. Your eyes seemed to have meet and you smiled, making Lynn blush and glance away. "I think we look really good together. Maybe one day we should make it official." Lynn looks up to you with a surprised yet slightly sad and scared look.
"That's up to you though." You said looking down to him with a smile. He didn't say anything but kissed you again, pushing you down on the bed and hovering over top of you. He rested his head on your shoulder and you gently kissed his pointed ears, making him shiver.
That eventually turned into a small makeout session but Lynn pulled away first, having you trail behind slightly not wanting to stop. You glanced at the clock above the door and sighed heavily.
"It seems it's our time to part huh?" You said looking to him as he got off of you. He nodded, which lead you to gently neaten his hair. Lynn leaned into your touch for a moment before taking you hand and kissing it gently, much like you did him when you first met. You smiled and held his hand as you lead him from the room, turning off the light before walking him out to the front doors of the tavern.
Both of you walked down the stone path out to the stables. Lynn always rode a horse to the tavern, which you have also become close with. You leaned in and kissed his lips softly. When both of you pulled away he waved you off and watched as you walked away.
'Til we meet again my dear.'
• --- •
You kept coming back to the tavern, keeping your nightly routine of checking Lynn's seat only to find it empty. You were only slightly disappointed, knowing that he would show up eventually. Your bartender friend smiled and placed a drink down in front of you. "I'm sure you two will meet again soon." He mumbled out before disappearing into the kitchen. You couldn't help but let your gaze linger a moment on the kitchen door, as if his words heald more meaning than you knew.
You spent most of the time thinking about an upcoming meeting you had with the King of the neighboring nation Elfendale. Your "job" is the second hand to the King of your own nation and he had tasked you with speaking to the other King in order to conduct an official alliance and go over some trade stuff. This tavern was on the border to both nations. Half of it was in yours and half was in the other.
The original arrangements were made by you and your neighboring counterpart on how the place would pay taxes and all those fun business things. Before you knew it, your time to leave had come.
'I sure hope this all goes well...'
The day finally arrived that you were to go to meet the King of Elfendale. You rode your horse into the town, catching the gazes of many. You had only two guards with you as the three of you rode up to the castle gates. The guards stopped you and asked to state your business. "(Y/n) (L/n), second hand to King Hervé. I'm here on official business." One guard looked to a list before nodding to the other to let the three of you in. Two other guards came and escorted you to put your horse in the royal stables while the other guided your guards to rest while you went in by yourself.
A certain horse in the stables seemed awfully excited to see you, this also caught the guards attention. "Have you met Whinefred before?" You were confused before shaking your head, playing it off. He nodded and put your horse into a stable before leading you up to the large front doors of the castle.
A man in a robe holding a scroll welcomed you in and walked you to the throne room.
"Attention please!" His voice called out to the room. You hadn't looked up from your satchel as you were looking to make sure if all the documents were there. "We welcome (Y/n) (L/n) to our humble castle. He is here for King Hervé since he was unavailable." You smiled and looked up with your eyes closed. 'He's not unavailable, just lazy.' You thought to yourself.
You finally opened your eyes to see an extraordinary familiar face. You contained the shocked expression on your face as the robed man kept talking and leading you towards the other. "-meet, King Faelynn." You looked over to the robed man and asked him with a hushed tone. "Does he have a twin?" The man shook his head. You looked up to Faelynn, shocked. Faelynn seemed quite content in this moment, happy even.
Faelynn stepped down from his throne and walked over to you. "Let's go discuss these in private." He said, motioning to the satchel who's strap you were clutching onto for dear life. You couldn't say anything but simply nodded.
Faelynn lead you to another large door and the guard who stood next to it, opened it for the both of you. Once the two of you were inside and the doors had closed, Faelynn crashed his lips against yours to which you instantly responded. Your hands found their way to his hips, pulling him closer to you.
"I think I've got some explaining to do." Faelynn said right as you pulled away. You nodded, still shocked. You moved yourself away from him and set the satchel down on the grand table behind both of you. He lead you over to a pair of chairs and had you sit before sitting next to you.
"To start, I'm sorry I didn't say anything. That's been one of the few places I can go and just be myself. I've never liked getting treated like a King but I inherited the throne from my father when I was pretty young so that may have been a reason why."
Faelynn held onto your hand and traced his thumb over your knuckles. "I never thought I would fall in love with someone, let alone someone I had just met in a tavern." He said with a soft chuckle, making you smile. You watched his eyes as he continued to speak. "I had seen you few times prior to that and I guess just listening to you I became, infatuated, and as we had started to chat I realized that I had fallen for you."
You smiled and pulled his hand closer to you, carefully removing the glove that framed his slim fingers nicely. You set the glove on the table and you gently kissed his hand, making him blush. "Faelynn." You spoke his full name out loud, making him get goosebumps. "Its odd saying your full name after calling you Lynn for so long." You said with a small chuckle. Faelynn intertwined his fingers with yours.
"Do you remember how you said we should make it official one day?" Faelynn asked, looking up to your eyes. You watched as he smiled more and kept your eyes looking to his. You felt something rather warm slip onto one of your fingers. "As an official alliance between Elfendale and Chroles. Soon to be King, (Y/n) (L/n), would you be mine?" You stared at the silver band that had been placed onto your finger.
Neither spoke for a moment but you looked up to him and pulled him into a kiss. Faelynn kissed back and interlocked your fingers again. Tears welled in your eyes as the two of you pulled away. "As both a personal benefit and an official alliance, I will be yours." Faelynn giggled and pecked your lips again.
"Let's get these papers figured out so we can start planning our wedding."
---- 2433 Not very proof read, may re-write and separate into parts
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zu-is-here · 3 years
Zuuuuuuu!!! Hi!!!!!! How have you been?!?! Omg you did the meme!!! Love how Dream is the blanket hog lol.
I've never seen this version of the lay out before actually, did you make the template yourself?
Love how they are in contact with eachother, makes it so much better aw
How's your weekend been?
How's work going?
Also how's your eye doing? Are you doing any better
Still can't get over my commission ah! Keep going back to look at it
Hii Gayfish!! <3 Awwwsome, thank you! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)☆ YES I just found this among my drafts and decided to take a break finishing it heh, their relationship is def worth it ;3
Ah nono— I credited the original post with the template under the "read more" line (ówò) I found this one really sweet and easy to use! *^*
Thank uuu (〃ω〃) No boundaries for them anymore <3
The weekend's been busy yet grrreat! \(//∇//)\ I finally took part in that epoxy painting workshop (which I got for my birthday), it was magical ˚✧₊⁎ In a few days I can pick up the dried works and show you ♪ (Well, you can guess the colors I chose ;)
Aaand I just got back from my friend's birthday ٩( ᐛ )و♪ We had so much fun in the quest room! Have you ever been in one? It was based on Among Us, there was one imposter, and instead of killing, they were supposed to secretly switch the button while we were solving tasks. I caught them doing this in the second room (it was the birthday guy themselves heh) but decided to let them win and just looked at them every time we're alone like: :)
Work's been good as well! The other day I went to sign documents on new salary, it was raining heavily on my way but worth it xp And my eye is almost like new, thank you! <3 Only after such major incidents you begin to appreciate the details╰(*´︶`*)╯
Awww I'm really glad to hear you enjoy it! (*´꒳`*)
What about you? ♡ How's your weekend been?? How's it going with the work & drawing? *^*
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Oh it's alright! (ówò) Please don't force yourself if you feel sleepy now (it is really late :')) Have a nice rest (úwù)☆
It's actually really easy! *^* The only thing is the hardener (which is mixed with the resin), it's toxic & flammable and it's better not work with it at home x)
The mixture is poured into cups and mixed with pigments (paints), then you just pour them onto wooden coasters and that's where the fun begins! ☆
You can 1) tilt it and mix the colors; 2) paint by hand with a stick; 3) blow it with a hair dryer XD Each option is beautiful & interesting in its own way (ㅅ´ ˘ `)♡
Purple is one of the four, bingo! (๑>◡<๑)★
WAIT you've been in an art club?? *0*
Ah right, escape rooms is the right name! It is worth trying *w* Ohhh I can tell you sometime about the horror escape room I've found myself in... x)
Hmm! Trapped? ☆ Sounds really similar, gotta look into this one *^*
No more indeed ;') A snow?! \(//∇//)\ YAY seems like that xp
Awww Gayfish! (ówò) That's amazing!! Did you like it there? Don't hesitate to trust your intuition ☆ I'm so happy for you, hopefully it'll turn out the best way for you ♡ Bonus for the free food xd
I feel you, I know how frightening and tiring it may be in such a large volume, but it can turn out to be even cooler, useful and interesting for you!╰(*´︶`*)╯Don't rush to choose and take your time, you know you can always change your mind (úwù)
Actually, I believe you can talk to @kotikaleo about this since she's a fulltime artist who's studying it professionally now! *^*
A dorm!! (*゚∀゚*) Roommates, parties, college life... ♪ Ohh I wish I was in your shoes to experience this ♡ The beginning of your adult life! ☆ Best of luck to you <3
And that's the main thing! (*´꒳`*) Nobody knows what will happen in a year or two, the only things that matter is what you do and love to do now ♡
Tbh I wasn't even ready going to work with news since my real specialization is a photojournalist (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) But the vacancies were quite different so I had to quickly adapt :D
Omg I shouldn't have written so long to delay you— I'm so glad you had such a productive day, please take your time with drawing and sleep well first!╰(*´︶`*)╯
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strawberrylabs · 2 years
Hi! I was wondering if I could get a match up from bnha no one underage please since I’m 22 years old 😅 I’m just not comfortable with it
I’d prefer a male matchup please
Pronouns: she/they
A romantic match up please
Zodiac sign: Aquarius
Personality type: INTP
I’ve been told I’m come of as very intimidating to people who don’t know me and also I’m very introverted. I have a little bit of a tattoo obsession and have quiet a few also some piercings. I get told I look like cruella deville cause my hair is half black and half white 😅. I like the horror genre in anything and also like listening to true crime stories. I’m not the softest person I’m assuming since a lot of my friends say I’m just someone who’s never really cared about a broken bone or if something scary is happening. Example: one time I got my toenail ripped off and didn’t even notice for like five minutes then just casually removed it and put a band on. 😅 I also love rats and snakes ❤️ and have a dog (a bassist hound named Lou) two cats, (a Maine coon named Koa and a one eyed black cat named Remi), and a rabbit named patches.
Just a little bit about my fur babies since they’re very important to me
Lou: scared of everything. But mainly of men and I have no idea why 🤷‍♀️. He the first dog I ever had.
Koa: super shy but secretly really likes affection and food. Meows back when I say good morning or ask how his day was. 😭 he’s so cuteeee
Remi: A crackhead. He’s got one eye and breathing problems but that doesn’t slow him down 😃. Treat addict. Like literally always gets in the cabinet where I keep the animal treats.
Patches: very quiet. Stares a lot. He’s still cute and fluffy though ❤️
(Also I’m working towards owning my own tattoo shop ¨̮ and can you maybe include how a lot of people I’m close to call my middle name Evangeline. I’ve always liked it cause I got it for a really sweet reason)
Could you maybe include my pets. you don’t have to! You also can choose to ignore this if you want. I’m sorry for adding so much!
Thank you even if you don’t do this! 💕
Have a wonderful day/night!
Hello! I am so so sorry for the late reply! I really hope this lives up to the wait!
your pets sound adorable! and good luck with opening the tattoo shop!
I had a hard time deciding with this one- If you're unhappy with who you were matched with feel free to request headcannons for a different character.
Hope you enjoy<3
Also the character may be a little OOC, as I haven't watched or read BNHA in a longgg time
Warnings!!: May be spoilers to the BNHA lore, slight gore (only minor) and mentions of needles(tattoos)
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I match you with...
Tomura (Tenko) Shigaraki!
You and Tomura were probably friends when you were younger but lost contact a little before the incident.
Years later, you live in a two story apartment in the city, the bottom floor is your tattoo parlor and the top is your home!
Your and Tomura run into eachother again when you're looking for your cat Remi who managed to get out the window while you weren't looking.
Despite his new appearance, you recognised him instantly.
Unfourtunetly he cannot say the same.
His memory is.. foggy. He recognises you, but he doesn't know why. Why does his heart hurt at the sight of you?
He tells himself he doesn't need to know why, he just needs it to stop.
So he gets Toga to spy on you with the intention of eventually using the information he gets to kill you.
Or that was the original plan
Toga goes to your tattoo shop one day saying she wants a tattoo!
Which is true- she does want a taattoo!
In Toga's mind it's a win win, she gets a tattoo of a knife on her wrist, and she gets information on you!
However she ends up liking you a lot more than she anticipates.
"Ok so what would you like to get?"
"A knife! With blood on it~!"
"Ok sure! Sit down and I'll ask you a few questions and then we can get started."
It starts off well, you two talk a lot, surprisingly hitting it off right away.
That is until your animals decide to come down because you apparently forgot to close your door
although you're convinced they know how to open it yourself
Remi goes ballistic, jumping around the place, bouncing himself off of Toga's lap- It's a wonder you didn't mess up the tattoo
You turn off the machine and apologise to Toga as you round up your pets.
Toga loves them.
"OMG they're so fluffy!"
After that incident Toga tends to stop by more often to see you and your pets.
She may or may not forget her mission for Tomura- which leads to him confronting her while she was with you.
He walks into the shop, ignoring the closed sign (he disintigrated the lock smh)
he hears you and Toga laughing and goes upstairs, furious with Toga.
"Awww, Evangeline listen! Koa is mewoing with me!"
This makes Tomura stop in his tracks. Evangeline?
Why is that name so familar?
He walks in the room with a sense of urgency, no longer angry at Toga.
"Uh oh! Shigaraki I swear I was doing my job but-"
"Tenko? It's nice to see you again!"
Toga and Tomura are silent.
That one name uttered from your lips brings back Tomura's memories of you.
Needless to say Toga is very confused.
After some explanations from all of you, you kinda all just sit there and process for a moment.
"Wait.. You were going to kill me?!"
This leads to Tomura and Toga reluctantly explaining their.. ahem.. professions.
Surprisingly, you're chill with it. Toga still comes over often to hang out with your animals you, and sometimes manages to bring a reluctant Tomura with her.
Over the course of a few months, you become acquainted with the entire league, and even gave a few of them some Tattoos.
During that time, you and Tomura rekindled the flame that was once lost, although this time, it burned much brighter.
One day Toga wasn't able to visit, and it was just you and Tomura,
Normally you would find a way to fill the silence but today was.. different.
So, to nulify the awkwardness, you decide to make some tea/coffee/hot chocolate.
Only Remi decides to jump in front of you and causes you to trip. smh.
You fall down the stairs. Oops.
But you're ok! You didn't really hit anything to hard and you braced yourself pretty well.
That doesn't stop Tomura from freaking out though
"Holy shit! Are you alive?"
Tomura rushes to you in an instant, checking over you, while being careful not to touch you with all 5 fingers.
While he's fussing over you, all you can do is stare at him. All you can think about it how he was as a child. How much you adored him- and still do.
So you decide- Fuck it. Now or never as they say, right?
"I had the biggest crush on you when we were kids, and now I am in love with you."
He broke for a second. He thinks you hit your head or something.
"You must be stupid after hitting your head... there's no way you'd feel the same."
Man is so insecure please
"I didn't hit my head Tenko. Please, believe me."
After a few hours of conversation, you come to the conclusion you both like eachother, but you can't tell anyone else.
He can't risk your safety. Being in contact with the league is already dangerous enough.
From there its a slow but steady start.
You eventually both warm up to eachother more and more, regaining that trust from all those years ago.
Tomura gets so worried whenever you injure yourself and brush it off like it's nothing- how are you still alive?
Having said that if anyone makes a comment about your unnatural ability to suppress pain, they will lose a finger or two. Maybe even an entire limb.
He 100% insists on matching tattoos
He's a little bitch while getting it though
Eventually you invest in getting him those gloves woth only 1 or 2 fingers covered so you can hold hands<3
The more comfortable he gets, the more he realises he's very touch starved.
It eventually escelates to him staying over at night and just- cuddling.
You make him feel... stable. Safe.
And that's something he hasn't felt in a long time.
He just hopes he can do the same for you<3
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I hope you enjoyed<3
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