#versa for me. and i think she does it entirely because of the stupid smile we both get. we get teased a lot because how unchill both of us
pansyfemme · 18 days
good morning world i love being in an incredibly mutual but completely ‘too gay to function’ relationship these days
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tomionefinds · 1 month
Hi I just read Verso, its really really good and I'd like to recommend it to people. And I'm also looking for fics similar to Verso and Romantic Idealism in the sense that H and T are from the same era and T has plans to be LV but H idolises him when shes younger and doesn't suspect him to be evil until later on.
Hello💕 and ooooo I love both of those fics I’ll link them after the recs. The first one, Limerence, is definitely the vibe you’re looking for. The other two are them born in the same era and Hermione figuring out what Tom is really about ~ AprilRose
Limerence by devdevlin
E | Completed | 17k
It does not surprise him at all to know that Hermione Granger has come to think herself half in love with him. But it is not to last, and it is that night, on the night of the school's annual Hallowe'en dinner, that he knows that Hermione Granger's opinion of him is about to rapidly shift. And how could it not? Because at his feet, there is a dead body and she... She has seen it.
Please, Save Me by Winterblume
M | Completed | 314k
AU Tomione. No time travel no time turners. - 'Are you not scared of him? Tom Riddle has got a rather peculiar reputation. But I'm sure it's all stupid talk. He's Head Boy after all.' - 'What kind of a reputation' - 'Er… he's… well, he seems kinda dark.'
Gryffindor Red by foolishlywandwaving
M | WIP | 71k
"How - how dare you?" She stammers, pushing him away with both hands. Riddle backs away as though she is brandishing a hot poker, a horrible little smile on his face. Her thighs burn white hot from where his hands have been trailing up. Hermione yanks her dress down and continues, finding her voice through the fog of insanity that has clouded her judgement. "How dare you just show up to my house and threaten me, then kiss me!" "In my defence," Riddle says mildly, with a strange expression. "I only planned on the first." "That is a dreadful defence!"---Or, Tom and Hermione start their sixth year of Hogwarts entirely off on the wrong foot.
Referenced Fics-
Verso by virennia
E | WIP | 81k
Hermione met him when she was twelve. Tom Riddle, the most handsome boy in school.
Romantic Idealism by Meowmers
M | Completed | 55k
She falls in love with him when she's 12, but by the time she's 17 she wants him dead. For Tom Riddle, it’s visa versa.
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mammonshuman92 · 3 years
- It Takes Two - Pt.3
(Mammon x GN!MC)
Warnings: Angst to fluff, mentions of drunkenness and being taken advantage of, implied seggs Notes: S/N = succubus name (too lazy to come up with one and that hoe don’t matter lol) also, if it’s garbage I’m sorry lol thanks for reading!!
“Absolutely not.” Satan deadpanned, arms crossed as he scowled at his brother.
“C’mon, Satan. This is important!” He insisted, unwavering under his younger brother’s glare as they bickered back and forth in the fourth born’s doorway.
After seeing you in the kitchen and finally being able to talk to you, to simply be near you, for the first time in over a week, he was too excited to fall back asleep. Instead, he used that time to come up with the brilliant plan he was currently rushing around to execute. If Satan would just cooperate, that is.
“Look, I just need to borrow it, okay? Just for today, then I’ll give it back.”
“Do you remember what happened last time a bangle like this was used in this house?”
Mammon shuddered lightly at the memory of the punishment he and Satan had received for putting the last truth bangle on Lucifer, just for him to destroy it in a matter of seconds.
“I’ll never forget it.” He promised, expression going blank as he unwillingly reminisced. He shook his head lightly, as if clearing his thoughts and coming back to the current mission at hand, “Doesn’t matter though, I for real need to borrow it.”
“No.” The blonde demon stated once more, attempting to close the door on his brother. Mammon put his foot in the doorway and placed a hand on the door. Satan sighed, becoming quite irritated. It quickly dissipated upon seeing his brother's expression.
Naturally, they all knew what was going on. At this point, who didn’t? But to see his brother now, the shell of the man he usually is, a desperation in his eyes he’s never seen before, was a little alarming to be honest. And you, seeing the way you’d been handling everything was far more painful to watch; for all of them. Because of this knowledge, and the level of agony that can be read in one’s eyes; Satan relented.
He sighed heavily and opened the door all the way, stepping aside and motioning for his brother to come in. 
“Just so we’re clear, I’m doing this for MC.” He clarified.
It’s not as if he was lying, but he’d rather spend an entire day bonding with Lucifer than admit he misses the old Mammon.
Mammon was fidgety the entire day as he impatiently awaited for the perfect opportunity to set everything in motion, just as he’d so ingeniously planned. It would absolutely prove to you that he’s telling the truth, put all the rumors that have been circulating to rest, and get the succubus to confess to her part in all of it. All he had to do was wait until his last class of the day, Seductive Speechcraft; the only class he shared with you and the succubus both.
You had an oral assignment due today and had to pair up randomly, stand at the front of the class and seduce your partner. He hadn’t been too concerned about the project because well, he had you. It’s not like he hasn’t seduced you before, and vice versa. Not to mention that no one else would dare pick you as a partner since it was a well known fact that the two of you are together. ...Were together.
Thinking of your relationship in the past tense made his heart ache.
He was practically bouncing in his seat with how restless he’d become. You were here in this class, just a few tables behind his. He tried to casually turn back and steal a few glances of you, but every time he did, you looked away. The permanent red rings that seemed to adorn your eyes now were like a knife to the gut. 
His plan had to work. It had to. He couldn’t go on much longer, knowing the kind of pain you’re in. The pain he caused. 
She caused.
“Mammon.” The professor called, gesturing for him to come to the front. He jumped up from his seat, nearly running to the front.
This is it. It’s time to get MC back.
The room erupted in whispers, everyone turning to look at you. You sank down in your chair slightly, feeling as heat flooded your face. Embarrassment, anger, pain and probably a dozen more emotions surged through you. Asmo, who was sitting next to you, reached out and placed his hand on your arm that was resting on the table.
How does this count as proving his innocence? I should’ve known better. I’m such an idiot..
She stood from her seat slowly, turning back to look at you, a smug smile on her dumb face. You swallowed hard, the stinging in your eyes a warning of the tears that were to come. A few colorful words quietly slipped past Asmos’s lips as he gently squeezed your arm, giving you a sorrowful look.
She pranced to the front happily, Mammon’s face mirroring hers, making your stomach churn harshly.
If I lie and say I’m going to the bathroom, I wonder if I can sneak off to the HOL...
The professor nodded to them, signaling they could begin whenever they were ready. Mammon nodded, reaching into his pocket as he turned back toward the succubus. He fished out a bracelet of some kind. He gently grabbed her hand and slipped the bangle on her wrist. She giggled and looked at it in awe. You could feel the bile rising in your throat, as the hole in your chest grew, making you certain it was visible on the outside.
“I got ya this unique bangle. I hope it brings ya as much happiness as it will for me.” Her brows furrowed slightly at his words, unsure of what he was implying. She shook it off quickly, turning her heart eyes back to him.
“When I first saw ya, I thought you were insanely beautiful and I knew I had to make you mine.” He began. 
“It didn’t take long for you to win me over, using your charm and pretty words to reel me in.” He said, smiling at her. Her face was flushed as she soaked up the words that were tearing you apart.
Mammon dropped the hand that had still been holding hers from when he slipped the bracelet on, “But, that’s all it was, huh? Charm and pretty words.” Your ears perked up at the slight change in his tone.
“What?” She questioned, a look of confusion replacing her infatuated one.
“You only wanted me for what ya could get outta me. Grimm, clothes, jewelry. When I realized that, I broke it off.” 
“How is this considered seducing?” She griped, crossing her arms over her chest, lips contorting into a pout.
“Be patient, the best part is coming up.” He beamed at her.
“Where was I? Oh, right!” He began, turning his gaze on you, the class following suit. You sank a little further into your chair. 
“Fast forward a few hundred years and now MC and me are together and couldn't be happier. Like, I’ve never been so happy in my entire life. But, for some reason you hated that, huh?” She glared at him through narrowed eyes. “Yes, I did.”
She gasped, throwing a hand up to cover her mouth; shocked by her own words.
“Why?” He pressed.
“Because MC has become so popular. Like, they’re just a stupid human. What’s so great about them that they get the attention of every high ranking demon in all of the Devildom?” She blurted out, eyes filling with horror as she realized she couldn’t stop the words, the truth, from spilling out like word vomit.
Whispers could be heard once more throughout the room, eyes darting back and forth between you and them.
“Is that why ya confronted MC after school last week?” He continued.
“Yeah. I wanted to hurt their feelings, knock them down a peg. Let them know that they aren’t that special just because they have what I had first.” She gasped again, shocked by how easily she was spilling her guts.
“What is going on?!” She hissed at him as she nervously looked around the room at their fellow demons, and you, staring at her.
The corner of his mouth pulled up slightly, “Oh, did I forget to mention that that bangle makes the person wearin’ it only speak the truth? Must’a slipped my mind.” He scoffed lightly, tapping his forehead a few times.
Oh my Diavolo.. the truth bangle..
Having remembered when you and Levi borrowed it from Satan to put on Mammon because of that game of Levi’s you got stuck in, you were fairly certain you knew where this was going. A small feeling of hope blossomed in your stomach.
With eyes as big as saucers, she desperately clawed at the bangle like some feral animal caught in a trap.
“Only the person who put it on can take it off.” He informed her, another smirk on his face.
 Her head snapped up to look at Mammon, who was already staring at her. He leaned in, his words only meant for her ears.
“Time to pay for what ya did.” He whispered venomously, causing her to recoil slightly.
“Movin’ on.” He leaned up quickly, shooting you a glance before continuing. A look you’d seen many times before.
That was his ‘I have an ace up my sleeve’ look.. He’s definitely up to something. You thought to yourself.
“Let’s talk about last week at the club. Tell us what happened.” He said, walking the floor around her. The way he was talking to her was as if he were a talk show host trying to pull the latest tea out of his guest.
“I went with some friends, but decided to snoop in the VIP lounges to see if I could flirt my way into some free drinks. And I found you in one of the lounges, clearly drunk off your ass. Oh, and you were whining about that stupid human.” She rolled her eyes. The look on Mammon’s face, the bubbling anger, didn’t go unnoticed by you.
“Okay, I’m gonna have to stop you for a moment. I don’t really see how this fits into Seductive Speechcraft.” The professor chimed in.
“It’s gettin’ there, I promise.” Mammon assured him. The professor eyed him curiously, then nodded.
“Alright, so after ya found me in the VIP lounge, what happened next? Tell us everythin’.”
She shook her head wildly from side to side in protest of continuing, knowing she would be doomed if the truth got out, but the bangles magic was too strong.
“I tried talking to you, but you kept being an ass, once again, whining about the human.” She scoffed, “ Then, I sat down next to you and started flirting with you, whispering in your ear and stuff, then you jumped up. But, you got really lightheaded from the quick movement and sat down again. You were very, very intoxicated.” She explained, panting; becoming physically exhausted as she tried to fight the bracelets magic.
So far everything is just as he said. Which means the next part is..
Sweat beaded on her forehead and her face paled as the words that revealed her for what she was started to come out.
“I thought that since you were so wasted you’d give in to me, so I climbed into your lap. We started making out and it was getting pretty hot, pretty fast, but then you kept saying their name over and over and over. So I went along with it. You were so wasted you didn’t know what was going on, you were going to ruin me on that couch, thinking I was them and I wasn’t going to stop you. You were almost mine again, but before anything good happened the human and Asmodeus walked in and ruined everything.”
She clapped her hands over her mouth as tears began welling up in her eyes. Everyone in the room was staring at her wide eyed and whispering. D.D.D. 's all over the room were snapping pictures and recording video of the chaos. She was ruined.
Mammon quickly grabbed her hand and slipped the bracelet off her wrist. The succubus ran from the room red faced and in tears after outing herself as a jealousy fueled, manipulative predator.
You were shell shocked.
Everything was true. Every bit of it. He didn’t betray you, break your heart. Even completely out of it, all he thought about was you..
You’ve spent the entirety of the last seven days believing the one person you’d fully trusted with your heart, the only person you’ve ever loved so much that they just felt like home, had completely stabbed you in the back and broke your heart.
But he was taken advantage of when he was in a bad way, and he was innocent.
“So… you’re not going to do a Seductive Speechcraft presentation? Because although it was entertaining, your little show doesn’t count.” The professor interrupted the commotion, looking at Mammon expectantly.
Mammon turned to you and motioned for you to come to him. Like the love struck fool you were, you obliged; eagerly rushing to the front of the class. He reached for your hand as soon as you came to him, cradling it softly in his with misty eyes as he looked at you.
“Mammon, I-” You began but was quickly interrupted when he put his finger to your lips, shushing you.
“Hang on, MC. I got somethin’ I really need to tell ya, okay?” His expression was serious yet soft. 
“You are the most important thing to me in all the realms. I don’t care that you’re a human and I’m a demon. That don’t matter to me. I’ve never been happier in all the millenia I’ve been around.”  His bottomless blue eyes bore into yours as he fiddled with your fingers nervously. 
“I swore to ya that I’d never do anythin’ to hurt ya, and I meant it MC. I didn’t want her, and I still don’t. You’re the only thing I ever want for the rest of my life. I love ya, MC. And I’ll spend every day provin’ it to ya.”
With tears streaming down your face you threw your arms around his neck, smashing your lips to his hungrily. His arms wrapped around you tightly, holding you as close as possible as your lips moved together desperately.
“Although it was odd and took you entirely too long, I guess I’ll give it a B+. ..Ok, that’s enough, break it up. Hey! Do I need to get a hose?”
Devilgram was quickly flooded with pictures and videos of S/N’s multiple, embarrassing confessions, effectively putting to rest all the rumors that had been circulating as of late.
After being scolded heavily by the professor and even more so by Lucifer for your very public display of affection, the two of you locked yourselves in his bedroom.
“Thankfully Satan let you borrow that bangle.” You were sitting up against his headboard while his head rested in your lap facing your belly, arms wrapped around you snugly refusing to move even a centimeter.
“Mhmm.” He hummed sleepily as you carded your fingers through his hair, ever so slightly scratching his scalp with every pass. It’s the most relaxed he’s been in what feels like eternity.
“Probably made spilling your guts in front of everyone a little easier, too.” You teased lightly in regards to his tsundere tendencies.
“I wasn’t wearin’ the bangle.” He stated, matter-of-fact.
“What?” Your hand paused in his hair.
“Ya talkin’ about all the stuff I said to ya back there? Yeah, I wasn’t wearin’ the bangle. I don’t need to be forced to tell ya how much you mean to me. Not anymore.” He pulled you down onto the bed, causing an outburst of giggles from you, until he was hovering directly above you. His hand rested softly against the side of your face, his thumb tenderly stroking your cheek; his sapphire eyes overflowing with love and adoration.
“Since the first time ya smiled at me, the first time ya said my name; Hell, even from the second I saw ya, it’s only been you. I would go to the ends of time or destroy an entire realm single handed, if it means you’ll always be mine; if you’ll always love me and stay by my side. Till my heart stops, it’s yours.” 
Feather light fingertips trailed down the side of your face to your jawline. His thumb reached up to wipe away a lone tear that you let slip at his words, as he wrapped his arm underneath your body, pulling you to him until you were completely flush to his body. His lips met yours softly, lovingly; sending electricity through your veins.
The rest of the afternoon, and part of the next day, was spent making up for lost time. 
And, as for what happened to S/N, aside from being publicly humiliated with her reputation in shambles, as it should be;  let’s just say you know a certain book worm of a demon who loves curses and hexes, especially minorly inconveniencing ones, that was willing to teach you a few new things. 
Who knows? Maybe she will enjoy finding crumbs in every pair of shoes or socks she will ever wear.
- fin -
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cupofteaguk · 4 years
on the road (to you)
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summary: as a young adult, one of the strangest revelations is the discovery that peers of yours from past fragile college years are getting married. so imagine your shock and excitement upon receiving a wedding invitation. there are, however, two problems: (1) you are a poor early-20s recently employed adult just beginning to adjust to your 401k plan, and (2) the only available ride to the wedding comes in the form of Jeon Jungkook—friend of a friend, attendee to that aforementioned wedding, and your old college crush. 
pairing: jungkook x fem!reader
genre: roadtrip au, strangers to lovers au | fluff/angst 
warnings: recreational alcoholic consumption, definitely not an accurate representation of how a road trip might actually be, mentions of anxiety + insecurities, very minor book reference to: The Night Circus, equally minor movie references to: Mission Impossible and The Princess Bride because I have a problem, light makeout sessions, talks of DTR (define the relationship), some angst but this is me so there’s a happy ending. 
word count: 27k 
a/n: a birthday present for the one and only Jeon Jungkook, whom I love and respect so much and only wish the bestest of days for. Partly inspired by Taylor Swift’s song “invisible string” +  a love letter of sorts to my own old high school crush for whom my memory of him helped build Jungkook’s character. This also turned out way longer than I ever wanted it to be lol oops! 
update: i was actually able to do a writer’s audio tag on this fic!!! check it out if you want to hear about the behind the scenes process that went into writing this fic <3 
When you land a job in the months following your college graduation, you feel as if you are on top of the world. How could you not? After all, the norm that follows post-college is one of disappointment and constant hunts online to find job openings for any position that could suit your background and previous work experiences. It’s a fear that plagues lots of your friends, both those in college and out. It’s the same paranoia you had in the months leading up to graduation and the few months after graduation—in which your days were measured by the boxes you packed to move out of your tiny college apartment and into an equally tiny new apartment you currently share with an old roommate of yours, as well as the days you spent hunched over your computer and scrolling through job postings. 
You had gone through more than a handful of cover letters, resume submissions, and in person interviews before finally landing the job you currently have and have been working under for a month now. 
Throughout the course of the recent month, you’ve continued to secure certain moments that solidify the confidence that you’re finally becoming an adult. Sure, a barely functioning adult who mostly still uses the microwave to heat up your frozen Mac and Cheese—but an adult nonetheless. From learning how to pay your bills online, to realizing that grocery shopping was something you needed to make a conscious effort to do, along with going to and from your nine to five job with your coffee order in hand. 
All of those things have helped you feel like you were, perhaps, finally getting your life together. 
And then you receive the invitation in the mailbox. 
It happens when you unlock your box on a bright March morning, taking out the usual round of bills and fashion magazines until your fingers lock around an envelope bigger than the normal letter size. It’s much sturdier too. 
You don’t know what to think of the letter, until you bring the damn thing back into your apartment and rip the opening. The mere sight of the content inside makes you feel like the hand of life has just taken your figurine and moved you back a good twenty squares. 
The post in your hand reads: 
There’s a date at the bottom of the invitation. As you line the date up with your calendar, you realize that you have a week to RSVP to the event. 
You toss the envelope onto the counter in the kitchen just to glare at the cardstock, maybe to convince yourself this is a dream or at least convince yourself that it’s normal for your friend from college to be getting married even when you have yet to land a successful relationship of your own. 
You aren’t as close with Irene as you used to be, but the memory of your friendship is still at the forefront of your mind. The pair of you met during your final year of university, when you were assigned to work together for one of your many senior projects and immediately clicked. The months you spent in her apartment and vice versa pulling out all-nighters in desperate attempts to finish your project definitely earns you an invitation. At the very least, you are happy to see that Irene: bright and smart and funny, is getting married. 
Not only that, but getting married to Seokjin. He’s a year older than you and Irene, but those two met when he was still enrolled and have been inseparable ever since. You don’t know relationships that well, but you know them enough to recognize that Seokjin and Irene were what everyone called the ‘endgame’. In truth, it was only a matter of time before you were to receive one of these from them. 
But did she really have to one-up you like this? Not that it’s a competition. However, it does leave a funny feeling to see someone the same age as you display a much more put together handle on life. You groan at the thought.
“What’s got your panties in a twist?” Karly asks. 
You turn to your roommate. She’s seated at the kitchen table, books out and everywhere as she looks over at you. Karly: fellow alumni, graduated from her undergrad program early to go straight into pursuing her master’s degree. She’s a busy bee. You wave the envelope. “Irene is getting married.” 
Her eyes widen. “Ah shit, no way?” She takes the paper that you offer to her and looks over the invitation. “Damn, I knew it was only a matter of time before we started getting this stuff, but to actually see it happening…” 
You groan. “I know right!” You take the cardstock back from your friend. “It’s only been six months since we graduated, how could she be getting married already?” 
“Well, Irene did have a job lined up for her right after graduation,” Karly points out thoughtfully. She sees the look of bewilderment you give her. “What? It was on her Instagram.” 
You pout. “Of course Irene would have a job lined up like that.” You run a hand through your hair. “I mean, that’s good for her. Really good, actually…” 
Karly jerks her chin towards the envelope still in your hand. “So, are you planning to go?” 
“I don’t know, do you have plans that day?” You wave the paper. “I’m allowed a plus one.” 
Your roommate cracks a smile. “Are you asking me out? A little forward of you, we’ve been friends for so long…” 
You whine, shaking the paper and little more frantically. “Karly, this is important! I don’t want to go alone, I won’t know anyone!” 
She laughs. “Okay, okay, I’m sorry. What was the date again?” 
You provide the date to her. You approach Karly’s place at the kitchen table and watch as she opens the calendar on her laptop. Immediately, you are overwhelmed by all the deadlines she’s got under practicality every date on the screen. Yet, a “wow” is the only thing you can say at the sight. 
Karly smiles, sparing you a glance over her shoulder. “One of the joys of being a grad student slash T.A. slash research assistant.” She scrolls down into May, and narrows her eyes upon May 25th. Underneath the date is an event—color coated to bright orange and typed out in all caps. CONFERENCE WITH PROFESSOR WONG. “Oh crap, I have a conference that day.” 
“No…” You whine some more, trailing off as you grab Karly by the shoulders and begin shaking. “Karly! You’ve left me out for the bears! What am I supposed to do?” 
Karly laughs as she lets herself be manhandled in this way. “I don’t know! Go and deepen your social life or something.” 
You stop shaking her and glare instead. “Is that a joke?” 
“What do you expect me to say?” She retorts, appalled by your answer. “Then don’t go.” 
You whine again. “But this is Irene, and I’ll feel bad for not going and congratulating her!” 
“Then go!” 
“But I don’t have a plus one!” 
Karly places her hands at her temples. “Oh my god, this is like the circle of stupidity with you. Then find a plus one! Or just don’t go!” She whirls around to face you. “I will help you find a dress if you decide to go. I will also sit with you on the couch and eat popcorn with you if you decide not to go.” 
You continue to pout, knowing that you deserve that gentle attempt at a lecture but still not liking the reason why you needed such a talking to. 
“Fine,” You eventually decide to say, sliding into the seat next to Karly and leaning forward to plant your entire upper body on the table. 
Karly laughs at your defeated posture. “Well, you have the rest of the week to make your decision.” 
She has a point. That doesn’t mean you have to like it. 
For the rest of the week the decision of whether or not you should attend the wedding becomes a weight in your mind. You spend the next few days pondering it, thinking over the pros and the cons. 
As overdramatic as it is, you think about it during work, when you’re partaking in your home workout routines, and even when you’re about to fall asleep. You do want to go, you really do. It’ll be the first time you attend a wedding that didn’t involve a relative, which feels like a big deal in your adult agenda mindset. And Irene is someone you wouldn’t mind spending an evening with to catch up. 
However, you wouldn’t get to spend the evening with Irene—after all, a wedding implies that she would likely be mingling with all of her guests and you would just be another attendee forced to find other means of entertainment. That’s where the plus one comes in handy. Except you don’t have a plus one. A slight problem. 
You sigh. Work is a little slow today, as you are also experiencing the afternoon slump in which your mind drifts away more often than usual. You find yourself with a small laundry list of tasks (such as emailing companies, working on drafts for releases, and trying to set up different appointments) but without the motivation to do those things right away. Because of that, your afternoon slump takes the form of opening airline services to find information and prices about flying to Irene’s wedding. It’s in her hometown, about a five hour flight time from here to there. 
You click on the various boxes that require information, finally allowing a search. As the search goes through, your eyes take in all the prices—both the amount to get there and to get back—and your lips part slightly at the totaling numbers. 
“Five hundred dollars?” You mutter to yourself. You’re not sure how this would work with budgeting, but you’re still trying to figure out how to balance the cost of AC, the internet, and how to eat appropriate meals at least once a day. You don’t have five hundred dollars to spend on an airplane ticket. A slightly bigger problem. 
You sigh again, resting your elbow on the desk and your chin in the palm as your eyes continue to scroll through the website. 
Behind you, fingers curl around the top of your cubicle. There is a silence between the two of you: him, merely observing, and you, completely oblivious, until he clears his throat. 
You jump, having not expected to be interrupted like this. A squeak leaves the back of your throat as you whirl around to see who is visiting you. “Jimin!” You exclaim, taking in the boy now perched along the wall of your cubicle. This is before you narrow your eyes. “Asshole, you scared me!” 
If you just started working here and learned that you’d be cursing out Park Jimin for startling you, that past version of yourself might have turned red, shocked, and nervous at the thought. A month ago, Jimin was that coworker—as friendly as friendly people come by. With his pretty eyes, perfectly soft pink lips, and freshly dyed brown hair, you had been immediately taken by his charm and helpful nature. 
Then the month went by, and you realized there were no romantic intentions on either end. Jimin then became your first friend in your new job. Albeit, he’s a nosy friend who enjoys asking questions and dragging you out to nearby bars and coming over occasionally with take-out, but a friend nonetheless. 
“Sorry!” Jimin says back, then he glares at you. “What are you doing over here anyways?” 
You shake your head. “What do you mean?” 
“What do you mean what do I mean? You’ve been sighing all afternoon.” Jimin pulls out a slip of paper from behind his back. “Fifty times in the last hour, I swear to god.” 
You straighten out of your seat to get a better look at the paper, unamused to find fifty tally marks across the surface. “You’re lying, there’s no way that I sighed fifty times in an hour.” 
“Of course you wouldn’t know, you’re the one doing all the sighing!” Jimin retorts, lowering his hand with the paper. “Is something up with you? Did something happen?” His eyes flicker to the monitor screen behind you and he frowns. “What the fuck? Are you moving away already?” 
You blink. “What?” 
He jerks his chin towards the computer. “You’re looking at flight prices.” 
“Huh?” You turn around, having completely forgotten about your previous predicament in light of discovering that Jimin counts your sighs. “Oh! No…” 
Jimin raises an eyebrow. “No, you’re not looking at flight prices?” 
You slide back into your chair, a silent invitation for Jimin to step further into your cubicle. You sigh again, and he holds the paper back up. Taking a pencil out of his pocket, he makes another mark. You look over at him upon hearing the pencil scratch and scowl. “Give me that!” You grab the paper from his hand. “I’m dealing with a crisis right now, don’t count my sighs!”
“Alright! Alright!” Jimin slides behind you and leans forward to get a better look at your computer screen. “So where are you moving to this time?” 
You press your lips together. “I’m not moving away. A friend of mine from college is getting married. I’m just trying to see how expensive it would be to fly over there.” 
He whistles at the five hundred dollar price in your cart. “That’s pretty expensive.” 
“I know!” You groan, throwing yourself further back into your chair. “I wouldn’t mind going, but I don’t have a plus one. And as you can see, flying there would be a challenge on my wallet.” 
Jimin hums at that. “Well, regarding your plus one problem, I wouldn’t mind going with you.” 
You turn to look at him. “Really? You’d go across the country and endure an entire evening with your coworker and her old college classmates?” 
He shrugs. “If you’re desperate, I’ll keep my offer around.” He actually pouts this time. “Are you implying that you see me more as a coworker than a friend? After all the times we’ve hung out outside of work!” 
Your eyes widen slightly, having not thought of that. “No, no, Jimin, I mean—yes, I do see you as a friend now but we met as coworkers so I just think of you as a coworker first—!” You’re rambling. 
Jimin interrupts by patting your shoulder, the corner of his lips quirked up into a smile. “I’m just messing with you.” 
You shake your head again. “Asshole,” You grumble, returning your attention back to your computer. 
Jimin is still mid-laughter behind you. “Anyways, yeah, like I said. If you’re desperate to go, I wouldn’t mind going with you. But deciding how to get there is a different question entirely.” 
You turn to glare at your friend for a moment. “I’ll let you know.” 
He nods, before his lips part and he’s snapping his fingers. “Oh yeah! I wanted to ask you something.” 
He backs up, allowing you enough space to turn around fully and face him. “Okay, what’s up?” 
Jimin grins, lifting his leg up to nudge your chair slightly. “I’m going out tonight—you should come with.” 
You don’t even give this a second thought. Your lips turn into a downwards curl as you shake your head. “Nope.” 
Jimin looks appalled. “Why not? Didn’t you have fun the last time we went out?” 
“If ‘fun’ to you is trying to drag your drunk ass home and staying the night to make sure you wouldn’t choke on your vomit…” You grumble, trying not to shudder at the memory. It has only been a few days since that ‘fun’ time. 
“I told you that sometimes I overestimate my abilities, and I already apologized for that,” Jimin points out, although he does have the decency to look guilty for that mess. He perks up again. “But this’ll be different, I promise. I’m meeting up with some friends and we’re just gonna catch up. It’s at one of the quieter bars uptown: no loud DJ, no bright lights, no bottomless rum and coke. Promise. It’ll just be a lot of socializing.” He watches you hesitantly. Socializing has never been your strong suit. “And finger food.” 
The mention of food does make you look up towards him—your first sign of interest towards something. However, another thought weighs you down. “Are you sure you even want me to go?” You ask after a moment. “I mean, this is a catch up with friends. Wouldn’t I be intruding?” 
“Not at all!” Jimin brushes off, waving away your concern with his hand. “I told you, it’s a socializing thing. Besides, my friends are always bringing someone along. They were asking me when I’d have a friend tag along, so I thought you’d be a good selection.” He notices you still frowning. “C’mon! It’ll be fun. When I’m not vomiting over your shoes, I’m good company. And I promise I won’t be vomiting this time.” 
You stare at Jimin for a moment longer, contemplating his words. This is very true. Jimin is an ideal friend to have during social gatherings—he’s good at keeping a conversation going so you don’t have to shoulder the weight alone, he’s good at reading when you’re in a good mood and when you’re ready to go home, and he’s excellent at keeping unwanted attention away. You know this. Jimin knows that you know this. 
It takes one curl of your lips for Jimin to grin, knowing that he has convinced you. “Okay!” He says, finalizing the decision without having to hear the actual answer from you. He pats your knee. “We’ll take the subway after work, it’s just a few stops down.” 
If your mind conjures up any second thoughts, Jimin leaves before you are able to express them. 
True to Jimin’s word, the pair of you step into a subway heading westbound as soon as you’re finished with work. It’s much later in the day now, the afternoon sun has changed into a night sky with a chill spring breeze to match. The carts are filled with the evening crowd of adults, all done with another day of work and finding enjoyment for the rest of today by returning home or seeing friends. It’s a rarity that you would fall under that latter category, but the thought makes you excited nonetheless. 
“Alright, so you wanna tell me a little bit about these friends that I’m seeing tonight?” You ask, gripping the handlebar above you but leaning towards Jimin so he can hear what you’re saying over the noise of the subway speeding down the tracks. 
Jimin grins. “They’re just some friends I grew up with. We like to get together once a month to catch up and hang out, since everyone is so busy with their own lives.” 
You smile back. “That’s actually really sweet of you guys, to plan hangouts once a month.” 
He lightly flicks your forehead. “Hey, are you saying I’m normally not very sweet?” 
“Well, not right now!” You protest, hand over your forehead. “That hurt.” 
“You’re being a baby!” Jimin retorts back. 
The pair of you continue to bicker like this until your stop is announced over the intercom. Jimin halts the further insults being thrown at each other as he gestures towards the approaching station, as seen through the window of the subway. 
“This is our stop,” Jimin says to you, allowing you to step out onto the platform first. He joins behind you right after, leading the way as the subway’s three chimes signal the closing of the doors. There’s a breeze that follows, running through your hair and clothes as the subway zooms away to its next stop. The station itself is crowded, filled with groups of friends and individuals carrying on with the rest of their evening, overall looking so lively and you can feel yourself feeding off their energy. 
With a gesture pointing up the stairs that’ll take the pair of you to ground level, Jimin leads the way. You make your way through people, following Jimin’s guide until you’re both exiting the station and entering the world of your new stop. It’s another area of the city you work in, so the change in scenery isn’t too dramatic—but it’s a place more catered towards restaurants, shopping areas, and hang-out sections. The bright neon signs protrude out from the building, flashing the various products or services the specific building offered: from manicure care to corner ramen shops. 
“C’mon, let’s hurry!” Jimin calls back to you, picking his pace up slightly. He’s not running, but his long legs make it harder for you to keep up. “Everyone is already there.” 
The pair of you continue to pace down the sidewalk, past the crowds of people waiting to eat, people lingering outside of clothing stores. Finally, Jimin slows down near a restaurant. He looks over his shoulder to make sure you’re still behind him, before entering the establishment. He mentions something about knowing where their seats are, before continuing deeper into the restaurant. 
As you look around, the place does look like a restaurant slash bar—not as crazy as some of the bars Jimin takes you with the intention of actually getting drunk, but there’s still a bar here and there’s still alcohol being shared heavily. It’s the same demographic of early 20s, young adults with friends, but there are actual tables and chairs and booths set up like a restaurant. So you suppose Jimin hadn’t been lying to you about this. 
“There they are!” Jimin says to you, as you look up and follow Jimin’s finger to the table in the far corner that is completely filled with the exception of two seats. You vaguely make out the back of some heads, most belonging to boys, before your eyes land on one of the boys facing you and Jimin. He’s sitting at the far end of the table, currently laughing brightly at something one of the boys at the table has said. For all intents and purposes, the boy is cute. Extremely cute. When he laughs, his eyes and nose crinkle and his lips spread into a wild smile—and brings out the dimple on his cheek. He looks like the embodiment of all your ideal types mashed into a singular being. 
All of those things. Yet, that is not the reason why you are staring. None of those things come close to why you stop dead in your tracks, why your heart drops in your chest, why your eyes widen. Even with the shitty lighting in this restaurant, you are one hundred percent positive. “Jimin!” You manage to choke out, having enough well power to grab onto his hand seconds before he is able to make himself and yourself known to his friends. 
He whirls around, wide-eyed and curious and worried. “What? Is everything okay?” 
You shake your head. The room feels too small. “I think there’s something I should tell you—!” 
“Hey, is that Jimin? Jimin!” Your voice is very easily drowned out by the sound of another, much louder voice that seems to boom through the restaurant. 
Jimin turns back around in time to face one of the boys from the table who has gotten out of his seat. You are able to see him from over Jimin’s shoulder—a tall boy with messy unkempt hair and a boxy smile. Jimin greets him with a “Taehyung!” before the boys embrace. “Taehyungie,” Jimin continues afterwards, turning around so both are able to face you. “This is Y/N, she’s a coworker of mine.” 
Taehyung grins, a friendly gesture that makes you relax. But only slightly. “Y/N! It’s nice to meet you, I’ve heard a bit about you from Jimin. All good things, I promise.” 
“W-Well, that’s good to hear,” You manage shakily, eyes nervously darting to the boy at the end of the table, who has stopped his conversation and is now looking at you and Jimin. 
“Let me introduce you,” Jimin says, breaking your concentration as he rests a hand on your shoulder. He points right at the boy at the end of the table, who is still staring at you. His eyebrows are furrowed together. You want to bury yourself alive. “That one over there is—!” 
A lightbulb seems to go off in the boy’s head. His face breaks out into a smile as he points at you. “Hey, Y/N!” 
Jimin looks taken aback at the fact you are being recognized by someone at the table. His hand lowers as he looks over at you. 
You, however, cannot focus on Jimin. You can only focus on the boy at the end of the table, the boy currently smiling over at you with all the light in his eyes, the boy who makes the memories flash through your mind. From that, the best you can manage is a tiny smile. “Jungkook!” 
Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook. Where do you even begin with him? 
You met Jungkook during your second year of university. He had been an arts major (you were not) and yet, your paths crossed multiple times throughout the quarter as a result of sharing many general education classes together. You even were forced to pair up on a project for one of those aforementioned G.E. classes. Neither of you ran in the same social circle, but that didn’t change how sweet, funny, charming, endearing, easy-going, friendly, smart, and nice Jungkook was. It was very easy for him to make friends, very easy for him to go out of his way to say hi to you in the library or in class or in the cafeteria, and very easy for him to strike up a basic conversation with you. 
Because of that, it was very easy for you to fall for him—to develop a deep-rooted crush that went on for the rest of your university experience. You would use the term ‘friends’ very loosely when describing what your relationship with Jungkook had been. You had never hung out with him outside the context of school, never went out to eat with him, and never saw him again after graduation. Until now. 
Actually, ‘acquaintances’ would probably be a much more fitting term. 
“Hey, I haven’t seen you since graduation!” Jungkook is saying as he stands up from his chair and approaches you. As if on autopilot, you return the one armed hug he gives you. His smile, while still pleasant, holds a surprising tinge of shyness to it. 
“Woah, hold on a second,” Jimin interrupts, immediately pointing between Jungkook and you. “You guys know each other?” 
“Y/N and I went to university together!” Jungkook provides. 
Jimin looks like his eyes are about to fall out of his sockets. 
“We’ve known each other since second year,” Jungkook continues. He looks over at you. “I didn’t know you know Jimin.” 
“Uh…” You forget how to speak. You’re too busy looking at Jungkook as if you haven’t seen him for years. In a way, it feels like that. Seeing people from college outside of college after a graduation ceremony is like meeting them again for the first time—most of them develop a more independent look. Some look like their life is seconds from falling apart. Some look much happier without the institutional pressure to secure classes and grades and internships. Sadly for you, Jungkook falls under the latter category. Did he always have that twinkle of starlight in his eyes? 
“Y/N and I work together,” Jimin provides, seeming to realize that you weren’t going to answer Jungkook’s question. “She started working about a month ago.” 
“Oh, that’s cool,” Jungkook replies, still looking at you. It is then he seems to notice that the three of you are standing in the middle of the restaurant. Although you are not distracting any patrons, the workers probably don’t appreciate it. “How about we sit down? We’ll be able to catch up more!” 
Jimin seems to regain control of the situation quicker than you do, because he nods at Jungkook. “Let me introduce her to everyone, then we’ll join you.” You look over to where Jungkook had been sitting and immediately notice the previously empty two chairs right across from him—like fate, or something terrible like that. 
So you watch as Jungkook makes his way back to his seat, and Jimin starts to guide you around the table. He only drops a name. Surprisingly, he doesn’t linger, he merely takes you to the next person. It only takes you a second to figure out why. 
“You didn’t tell me you know Jungkook,” Jimin hisses in between the time it takes to travel in between people. 
“I didn’t know you knew Jungkook!” You hiss back. You smile and nod politely at the person Jimin introduces as Yoongi. “Seriously, you never mentioned him once!” 
Jimin only keeps his frustration for a moment before he’s introducing you to someone named Hoseok, a boy with a bright smile, the one who was making Jungkook laugh earlier. “Okay, fine,” He relents, the pair of you finally move to take your seats. “But what was that earlier?” 
“What was what?” 
“You were just staring at him! What, did you have a huge crush on him or something—?” Jimin accuses, but he stops. Just as the pair of you are about to sit down, Jimin parts his lips in realization. “Oh.” Then, he sends you an absolutely wicked grin. “Oh, okay.” 
Your eyes widen at him, murder in your eyes. “Jimin!” 
“So, Y/N,” Jungkook’s voice cuts through your little biting banter with Jimin. 
You whirl around to face Jungkook, eyes completely devoid of murder and voice several pitches higher. “Hi, Jungkook!” 
He smiles, such a wonderful little thing that makes your heart flutter in your chest. “Hi.” 
Jimin ducks his head to hide the fact that he wants nothing more than to burst into fits of laughter. 
“So how have you been?” Jungkook starts up. “I haven’t seen you since graduation. Since you landed a job, you seem to be doing well.” 
“I am!” You manage, only continuing to try and keep a handle on your heart and managing well enough this time. “There were a few months of just scrolling through job postings and writing cover letter after cover letter though.” 
Jungkook laughs, another beautiful gesture that makes you mirror his smile. “I definitely feel that.” 
“Well, what about you? What have you been up to?” You ask. “I think I saw on your Instagram and you were traveling around for a little?” 
His eyes light up at that. “Oh yeah! I don’t know if you remember Kim Mingyu from school?” You do. “Well, he and a friend of his got into some freelancing and had to do some traveling around to work on some filming. He asked me to come along because I actually have some photography experience. So that was a thing I did for a few months.” 
You nod, smiling. “No way! That’s so cool.” 
You do relax after a few conversational exchanges with Jungkook. He’s just as relaxed and mellow, yet friendly and polite as ever, and it’s easy to make conversation with him as it always has been. Eventually, you join in on the larger conversations with the whole table—touching on topics from your university experiences to tales from your new job. A lot of your role, however, falls to listening. Jimin’s friends are rowdy, funny, and out-going. They invite you in like you have been in this group for years—and are able to provide context on older memories they are revisiting. 
Most of your evening, however, is engaging in conversation with Jungkook. Occasionally, Jimin will join in, but he does spend most of his time laughing along to something his other friends are saying. Since you and Jungkook have always been friendly with each other, long conversations aren’t out of the ordinary. You just never considered how well you and Jungkook got along, how easy it would be to transition from topic to topic. 
“I am really glad that Jimin invited you along,” Jungkook explains brightly after the pair of you are done laughing following Jungkook’s tale of another fuck-ups with Kim Mingyu. “Makes you realize how small the world is.” 
“Oh, you should have seen her moping around earlier today,” Jimin interjects, choosing now of all times to insert himself back into your conversation with Jungkook. “She was sighing all afternoon—so maybe we should thank her misery that I decided to invite her along tonight.” 
Jungkook turns to you, a sympathetic look across his face. “Did you have a bad day today?” 
You try for a laugh, waving away Jimin’s words. “Jimin’s just overreacting. Actually, I found out a friend of mine from college is getting married, so I was trying to figure out my plan…” You start, trailing off as you look at Jungkook. “Wait, you didn’t know Irene, did you?” 
“I did.” His eyes widen as his lips part in realization. “Oh my god, you were invited to Irene’s wedding too?” 
“I was!” You exclaim, unsure whether you should be excited or even more nervous at the prospect of potentially seeing Jungkook at the wedding event. “Holy shit, this makes it an even smaller world. How did you know Irene?” 
Jungkook is still mid-giggle at the pure coincidence of everything. “We both knew Mingyu! This is so crazy. Are you planning to go?” 
You shrug. Jimin chooses to interject once more. “That’s what Y/N over here was sighing all afternoon over.” 
You whine as you look at Jimin. “No need to sell me out! Listen, Jungkook.” You turn back to the boy opposite of you, who is still gazing at you. “I’m sure you understand my current predicament.” 
“You know how expensive flights can be.” 
“Of course.” 
You fold your arms over each other and rest them on the table. “So, are you planning to go to the wedding?” 
He nods. “Most likely, yeah. I actually knew that the wedding was going to be happening soon, since Mingyu told me about it as soon as Irene got the ring. I ran into the flight problem pretty quickly too, so I decided to just drive to the event.” 
Jimin whistles. “Drive across the country, huh, JK? That must be a four day trip, or something.” 
“It was coming out to be,” Jungkook acknowledges with a nod. “But it’s okay.” He’s grinning, looking excited at the prospect. “I’ve never done a cross country drive before, so it was actually kind of exciting to plan the route. There are a few places I want to stop by and visit. I’m sure it’ll be fun.” Then, Jungkook turns back to you. “If you decide that flying would be too expensive, then you’re more than welcome to come along. It’ll be nice to have some company and not spend four days by myself.” 
Entirely on instinct, you start to laugh. You think he’s joking—how could you not? This is probably one of the longest conversations you’ve ever had with Jungkook. Like you’ve mentioned before, you wouldn’t consider him a friend. Why would he seriously try to invite you on a road trip?  “Yeah, I’m not too sure—I’ve never done a cross country trip before…” 
The conversation shifts pretty quickly as soon as you reply back to Jungkook. Hoseok asks you a question that drags your attention away, simultaneously allowing you to forget about Jungkook’s request. 
The end of the dinner happens soon after, when the bill has been paid and you suspect the long line of people outside waiting for a table are waiting for your party to be done. So venmo exchanges and money debts go around until each member of the table starts standing up one by one to make their move to exit the restaurant. 
You and Jimin are one of the first to leave. Goodbyes are exchanged along with the polite ‘it was nice to meet you’ phrase thrown around. Jungkook is mid-conversation with Yoongi, but he still gives you a quick hug of parting before you and Jimin exit the restaurant. 
The pair of you only make it out a few steps before there is a familiar voice calling your name. “Hey, Y/N! Y/N, wait up!” You stop and turn around, surprised to see Jungkook dashing out of the restaurant. He rests himself for a moment before he’s straightening back up to look at you. 
You try for a smile. “Hey Jungkook, what’s up?” 
He takes in a few more deep breaths to calm himself—either from the dashing he just did or to steel himself for the next question, you don’t know. “It’s about me inviting you to drive up to Irene’s wedding—I just thought I’d let you know it was a serious invitation. Having the company would be nice, and you wouldn’t be a burden to me, seriously. Besides, it’ll be fun to spend some time together.” 
“O-Oh,” You stammer, wringing your hands together. “I’m not too sure… I still have to think about it.” 
“Of course, of course,” Jungkook dismisses good naturedly. “Just thought I’d let you know, so you know that you do have options.” 
Although the offer makes you nervous, you cannot dismiss Jungkook’s thoughtfulness. You give him a more relaxed smile. “I really appreciate that Jungkook, thank you.” 
He smiles at your smile. “No problem! Actually…” He digs around for the wallet in his pocket and produces a little card. “Here’s my business card—my cell phone number is on here so just text or call if you decide to join me. Or,” He presses his lips into a more bashful smile. “You can just text me whenever for whatever reason. I just thought I’d let you know that it was good to see you again.” 
You take the card slowly, unable to look away from Jungkook’s face. He looks so genuine and shy that it doesn’t help your own racing heart. “It was good to see you too, Jungkook…” You return, albeit a little breathlessly. 
He smiles again, dimples pressing in his cheek (and your heart). He turns to Jimin “Oh yeah, nice seeing you too Park.” 
“Hey.” Jimin hits him on the shoulder. “I’m your hyung, you should show me more respect!” 
“My bad, my bad.” Jungkook doesn’t apologize though. His gaze flickers to yours one more time, gaze looking strangely hopeful. “I’ll see you guys around.” He walks backwards a few paces before turning around and returning to the restaurant. Maybe to see his other friends. 
Either way, it doesn’t matter. You are still screaming internally regardless—as shown through your red cheeks, widened eyes, and singing heart. Jimin will certainly never let you live this moment down. 
Now, you are screaming externally. You don’t even give a thought or an explanation. You simply walk into your apartment, nosedive for the couch, and start yelling into one of the throw pillows. 
There’s a rapid movement of footsteps coming from down the hallway almost immediately, one that grows gradually louder until the owner of the steps starts speaking. “Who the fuck is out there? I’ve played softball my entire life and therefore will not hesitate to drive this bat so far up your ass—oh, Y/N.” The voice lowers significantly, as does the threat level it emits into the air. “It’s just you.” 
You lift your face from the throw pillow, and immediately brush away at the hair that falls in your face. “What the fuck!” You croak, pushing yourself into a sitting position and pointing at the bat in Karly’s hands. “What are you doing threatening me with a bat? You’ve never played a game of softball in your life!” 
“Oh, this isn’t mine. It’s Soonyoung’s.” Soonyoung is Karly’s boyfriend from high school, who used to play baseball on the high school team. How Karly has her boyfriend’s baseball bat is a mystery, but it’s something you think you are better off not asking about. She places the bat down on the carpet next to the coffee table. “But I should be asking you the questions, you bitch! You scared the shit out of me!” 
You sigh, throwing your head to rest on the back of the couch. “Sorry, sorry. Had a crazy day.” 
Karly ponders this as she moves to take a seat next to you. “You seemed fine when you texted me about you getting drinks with Jimin. Did something happen during the dinner?” 
You straighten up again and grip Karly by the arm. “Okay, don’t scream.” 
“You mean like you did?” Karly retorts dryly. 
You shake her. “I’m serious!” When Karly doesn’t say anything, you take it as a sign to continue with your story. “I saw Jungkook.” 
Karly blinks, then grabs your arm right back. “Wait, Jeon Jungkook, as in the guy you’ve been crushing on since second year?” 
“Yes!” You whine, throwing yourself onto the couch all over again. 
“The one you had to work together on a project with and nearly cried even though you guys just had to submit a paper?” 
“The one who said hi to you in the library that one time and you tried to put your elbow on the table afterwards but you missed and hit your head instead?” 
You pause, scowling. “Okay, now you’re just being mean. Are you done?” 
Karly is laughing. “Oh my god. What are the chances of you seeing him now?” 
“There’s more,” You groan out. 
“Really? Honestly that yell could have been just for seeing him again and that would have made sense—!” 
You ignore her. “He’s friends with Jimin. He’s friends with Irene, too. He was invited to her wedding.” 
“Wait, Jimin is friends with Irene or Jungkook is friends with Irene—?” 
“He won’t pay for the flight though. It’s too expensive. I can attest to that.” 
Karly holds a finger up, trying to connect the dots. “When did you look up flight prices—?” 
“So he invited me on a cross country road trip to Irene’s wedding.” 
Karly frowns. 
You sigh. “Jungkook invited me on a cross country road trip to Irene’s wedding.” 
“Oh! Oh!” Karly’s eyes widen. “Oh my god, that’s huge. Are you gonna go?” 
“I don’t know!” You whine. “Jungkook mentioned it would be a four day drive to get there. I don’t know if I can survive four days in a car with him! We’ve never been that close, what if it gets awkward?” 
Karly ponders this. “I really don’t think it’s in Jungkook’s nature to be awkward with someone—especially someone he’s had a history with.” She sees the look of disbelief you give her. “Well, even if that history was really limited. What makes you think it’ll be awkward? Was it awful seeing him tonight?” 
“No!” You cry, straightening into a sitting position so your legs drape over the side of the couch. You force yourself to calm down. “It… it was pretty good actually.” 
Karly raises an eyebrow, amusement dancing in her eyes. “Really now.” 
“Yeah…” You reply, trailing off. “We sat across from each other during the dinner and we talked most of the night, surprisingly. I guess because we were sort of acquaintances we’ve always known about each other, so it wasn’t like we didn’t know how to ask questions to each other. And Jungkook… he’s easy to talk to as he’s always been and he’s so nice and positive and he has a dimple on his cheek when he smiles…” You finish slowly, noticing your racing heart that has come up as a result of this conversation and of your memory. You realize the predicament you’re in, further emphasized by Karly’s growing grin. You groan. “Shut up.” 
Karly looks like a Cheshire cat. “I didn’t say anything.” 
You grab onto one of the throw pillows and properly hit her in the face. “You’re saying many things right now, you bitch!” 
Karly takes the pillow from you and proceeds to whack you in the shoulder. “Not outloud!” 
“So you admit it!” You accuse, pointing at her. 
Karly yells. “Just admit you still have a crush on him!” 
Your groan turns into a cry. “Don’t say it outloud! Now I have to deal with it!” 
Your roommate sighs. “Bitch, I can tell you exactly how to deal with this. You’re gonna go on this road trip with Jungkook and see if you guys vibe—you honestly will not find a better way to discover your compatibility with him. If it works out, then you get more than a plus one to the wedding. If it doesn’t work out, just skip the wedding and take the first flight back home. Cut off your friendship with Jimin while you’re at it—it’s the only way to ensure you’ll never have to run into Jungkook again.” 
You pout. “That seems a little dramatic.” 
Karly thinks for a second, then she nudges you. “Remind me again about that quote your high school English teacher used to always parade around.” 
You stare at her for a moment, because you know exactly what point she’s trying to make. Still, you decide to humor her. And yourself. “‘You’ll never know if you’ll sink, swim, or float, until you’re willing to take the plunge’.” You level Karly with another gaze. Your friend has a point. You missed any chance to hang out with Jungkook during your college years—partly because your friend groups never intersected, but mostly because of your internalized fear of fucking up. But now that you are just a little older and just a little more versed in the art of conversing and befriending—maybe Karly is right. Maybe this is your chance to see if a different set of timing could make a difference. 
So you sigh. 
“I guess I should text Jungkook, huh.” 
Karly pats you on the shoulder. “Take the plunge, my dude.” 
You do take the plunge. You take Jungkook’s business card out from the pocket of your dress and dial the number. He expresses excitement—and also relief. 
These things lead up to the current moment. Eight o’clock in the morning: you lingering in the kitchen with a cup of coffee, your suitcase by the door, and a roommate keeping you company. 
You don’t realize how nervous you are until you get a text from Jungkook. 
Jungkook (8:03am): i’m here! u can buzz me up so i can help u with your stuff :) 
You (8:03am): it’s ok jungkook it’s just a suitcase. i’ll be down in a second! 
You pocket your phone, and Karly can read the expression across your face before you realize what is going on. She straightens up. “He’s here?” 
“Yeah.” You rinse your coffee cup and make your way towards the door. “Did you want to come down with me?” 
Karly stops and gives you a look. “I thought that was already implied.” 
“Well, thanks, that’s really nice—!” 
“Someone has to give you an embarrassing goodbye.” 
“There it is.” You sigh. You don’t say anything as you and Karly exit the apartment and make your way down the hall into the elevator. It only takes a few seconds for the elevator to lower down to the ground floor, where you and Karly exit and make your way to the front of the apartment complex. 
You swear your heart beats just a little faster as soon as you see Jungkook near the front entrance of the building. He’s wearing a pair of black jackets with an oversized denim jacket and currently looking down at his phone—overall appearing so tall and pretty and otherworldly. For a brief second, you are taken by the fact that for the next four days, he’ll be yours. 
Jungkook looks up as soon as he hears the door opening and he smiles. “Hey you.” 
You smile, albeit a little lopsided and dreamy. “Hi.” 
Jungkook walks towards you immediately. “Here, let me help you with that.” He reaches a hand out and gently takes the handle of your suitcase before you can say anything. Just as he’s taking the suitcase from you, Karly emerges from the building. “Oh, sorry about that.” 
Karly waves him off. “Don’t be. I’m Y/N’s roommate—I’m just here to see her off.” 
Jungkook stares at her for a moment, then he snaps his fingers. “Wait, I remember you. You went to college with us too.” He jerks his chin towards you. “You hung out with Y/N a lot, right?” 
“Yeah, I’m Karly.” She holds out her hand for Jungkook to shake. ���And you’re right, she and I hung out a lot. We were roommates back then too.” 
Jungkook nods in understanding, before shoving his hand into his pocket. His other hand is still holding onto your suitcase. “Well, I promise to take good care of Y/N.” 
Karly smacks her teeth against the side of her mouth as she points at him. “You’re a good man, Jungkook.” She pauses for a moment, seeming to contemplate a new thought. You recognize the look immediately, and your fingers twitch as if you want to strangle her. Or at least let her know you’re throwing her a look of murderous intent. But of course, Karly doesn’t see it. And even if she had, you doubt she’d care. “But no funny business, alright.” 
You gape at her. “Karly!” 
Jungkook coughs at that. “I-It’s just a drive—y-you don’t need to worry about that.” He does, however, turn away to hide the red that dusts his cheeks. 
As soon as Jungkook’s back is facing you, you whirl around to shoot Karly with a glare. “Karly, you’re lucky I’m leaving for the next four days or I would not hesitate to figure out how to make stuffocation look like an accident!” You hiss out between teeth without taking a breath. 
Karly glares right back. “You’re really dumb, aren’t you? The fact that he recognizes me because he saw you hanging out with me on campus doesn’t strike any chords? Even though, like you said, you guys weren’t really friends?” 
You blink. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” 
Karly widens her eyes. “What the fuck do you mean? Are you dumb with all the boys or just Jungkook?” 
“What do you mean!” You snap back. 
“So, Y/N, ready to go?” 
You whirl back around to find Jungkook now standing in front of you and Karly. He must have finished packing your suitcase in the trunk of his car and is now looking over at you with a tilt in his head. 
So you force a smile. “Of course,” You say, turning to Karly. “I was just saying bye to my roommate.” 
He nods in understanding, sparing one more glance at Karly before seeming to decide against it because he looks away. He’s still a little red at Karly’s previous comment. “We should get going then.” 
“Sure.” You look over at your roommate. “See you, bitch.” 
Karly waves back, grinning wildly. You just know she has several other thoughts she’d like to share with you, but has probably deemed you embarrassed enough. Lucky for you, she keeps her mouth shut. 
Unlucky for you, without Karly to be a barrier of distraction, this leaves you alone with Jungkook. You slide into the passenger seat of his car, still not yet processing the weight of what you’ve just agreed to. You fiddle alone for a second before Jungkook is opening the driver’s side and shifting into his seat. 
There is a silence as Jungkook is starting the car, and a part of you wants to die. Or at least have the ground swallow you whole. Holy fuck, what did you just sign up for? 
Your mind somehow takes five seconds to turn into complete shambles that you almost miss Jungkook’s question. 
“Here, I’m giving you an important mission,” Jungkook says, rummaging through the various chords that lay over the center console before producing an aux cord. “Should you choose to accept.” 
He’s got on such a serious expression you momentarily forget about your anxiety. His usage of the iconic line from Mission Impossible makes you laugh—a breathy sort of noise that escapes when your mind is too full. You still take the aux cord. “Oh my god—ever heard of bluetooth?” 
He pouts. “It hasn’t even been five minutes and you’re already insulting my beautiful Celia!” 
You raise both your eyebrows. “Celia?” 
“Yeah, that’s the name of my car.” He catches the bewildered look you give him before angling himself back to face the steering wheel, where he shifts his console into drive and makes a turn onto the main street. “If you’re already weirded out by the fact I have a name for my baby, then you’re in for a very long four days, Miss. Y/N.” 
You giggle, feeling that distraction of nerves start to come off your shoulders. “Not weird at all.” You pause. “Ryan is the name of my car.” 
“Ah!” He holds one arm out in a grand gesture. “You see, not so strange after all.” He steals a glance at you, watching as you’re about to connect your phone to the aux cord. “Wait!” He says, pointing a finger at you. 
You look up at him, wide eyes. 
He’s still holding an arm up. “How’s your music taste?” 
You’re still giving him your surprised expression. “You scared me!” 
He laughs, returning his hand back to the steering wheel. “Sorry, sorry. I have to ask though—I’d rather know now than later, so I can kick you out and not feel as bad about it.” 
Your laughter seems to melt away the last of your nervous energy. “Nice to know you’re putting all your cards out now.” You look down at your phone. “Regarding my music taste… it’s whatever you want dude! I have some lo-fi on here, some pop, alternative, Broadway, anime openings… an ‘everything’ playlist. Honestly, the world is your oyster.” 
“How about we start with your ‘everything’ playlist,” Jungkook suggests. “That way I can judge you immediately.” 
“Were you always this charming, Jeon Jungkook?” You retort. “Or has graduation changed you?” 
“Oh, I’ve always been this charming—you just never noticed.” 
That comment, however, goes over your head as you focus down on your playlist. You look over, selecting the shuffle option as Taylor Swift’s soft music from her newest album fills the air. Another silence fills the car, but it’s much more peaceful and comfortable. You allow yourself to settle further into the passenger seat of Jungkook’s car. 
“So,” You start after a moment. Jungkook hums to let you know he’s paying attention. “What inspired the name Celia?” 
Jungkook brightens at the question. “She was this character from a book I read when I was younger. The Night Circus? Anyways, the book is about these two illusionists who try to one up each other with their skills of magic, but they end up falling in love. Celia is the name of one of those illusionists.” 
You grin. “Sounds like a very cute crush.” 
Jungkook grins back. 
The drive out of the city continues like this. The pair of you cover the topic of books, of music, of your favorite animes. Jungkook just has this magical power of ensuring the tension dissipates from your mind and stays gone—whether it’s through his relaxed nature or easy-going teasing or his ability to ease the conversation from one topic to the next. It feels like every conversation you and Jungkook had in college, whether vague or circling around classes, all have led up to this moment. It seems like everytime you or Jungkook run out of things to talk about pertaining to a certain topic, you would bring up memories from college and just continue from there. Everything feels natural. 
It continues to feel natural even as you and Jungkook slowly start to see the edges of the city landscape fade away. The high rises fade into shorter buildings and smaller business areas that surround the bustling city scene. You watch as those buildings and business areas become rows of houses. Residential areas in the suburbs, passing by the occasional school or corner restaurants. 
“Before we enter the wide unknown,” Jungkook starts up, breaking the quiet that has enveloped the car. “You want to pick up lunch? You hungry?” 
You haven’t even realized how much time has gone by until you look at the clock on Jungkook’s dashboard and notice that it’s past noon. You widen your eyes at the sight. “Wow, I didn’t even realize so much time had passed.” 
“Yeah, we drove through a few cities. Time flies when you’re having fun, huh?” 
“You wish,” You tease, sticking your tongue out. “So, what, do we stop at a Cheesecake factory or something?” 
Jungkook blinks. “I thought you were poor—why would we stop at the Cheesecake factory? And why is that the first restaurant that comes to your mind?” 
You wave your hands. “It was just a suggestion!” 
“Well, I’m realizing that I should probably let you know that the motel I picked for us to drive to tonight is pretty far out—Google Maps says we probably won’t get there until midnight, and that’s with us driving straight through.” 
“Midnight? Fuck, Jungkook. Will we make it to the wedding a day early or something?” 
“Ha, ha, no. I’ll go over the schedule I planned out tomorrow. Basically, I want to try and cover most of our ground on the first day so we can take the rest of the trip easy. But I thought I’d let you know now that sitting in a restaurant probably won’t be the most time responsible idea.” 
“That’s true.” You look out the window again and see the golden arches of McDonalds appear within your line of sight. “Let’s just stop at McDonalds.” 
Jungkook follows your gaze. “Alright, down. Let’s do it.” 
He exits off the freeway, following down a route that takes him almost immediately towards the McDonalds parking lot. Since this restaurant is still within the lines of the city, it’s not completely deserted. There are a few cars in the parking lot, even fewer cars in the drive-through line. Because of this, ordering the food only takes a few minutes. Both of you get chicken nuggets, sodas, and large orders of french fries. 
“You know, we’re really living like kings,” You comment as Jungkook drives out and makes his way back onto the freeway. “College graduates, both somehow able to secure a job, and still ordering chicken mcnuggets.” 
Jungkook shrugs. “I wasn’t told this is what adulthood would be like. But I’m not complaining. My 10-year-old self is singing in so much joy right now.” He says this as he’s stuffing a handful of fries into your mouth. You laugh, and hand him a napkin. 
You turn the music back on. The pair of you silently munch on your chicken nuggets, as you angle your head towards the side window once again. As Jungkook drives, the numbers of structural spaces become more scattered the longer you both continue down the freeway. 
The anime opening to Haikyuu starts playing when you turn back to Jungkook and realize that he’s trying to close the box of his chicken nuggets. You move right away, taking the cardboard from him and closing it yourself. “Let me know if you need anything, Jungkook. Think of me as your co-pilot.” 
He laughs gently. “Is that the rule of the passenger seat?” 
You shrug, putting the empty box into the McDonalds bag near your feet. “For me at least. Everytime I do one of these drives with family, the person in the passenger seat has to open the snacks, make conversation, and always stay awake with the driver. It’s just courtesy.”
Jungkook is smiling softly now, mostly to himself, but it lights the corners of his eyes that makes you momentarily unable to look away. “You wanna tell me about your family?” 
So you do. Your voice becomes softer as you continue, but Jungkook listens to every single word you say. 
True to his observation, it’s not long before the pair of you are surrounded by the wide unknown. Houses in the suburbs become farmhouses and farms. Conversations fade from your family to another comfortable silence as you continue gazing out the window. Jungkook requests your lo-fi playlist at some point, filling the car with the soft and distorted hums. It allows your mind to wander as you stare out the window. The empty stretches of land around you are filled with greenery, with mountains, cutting right through the perfect blue of the sky above you. 
By 4:00PM, your entire body is starting to feel the ache of having been seated for long hours on end. You feel the tightness in the muscles of your thigh, the bones in your knees. 
Jungkook must be feeling the same, because as soon as a sign for a rest stop comes on, he exits the freeway and pulls into a large parking lot. There’s a restroom on the side, but the area is surrounded by trees with mountains standing in the background. 
Jungkook stops the car. “We should get out for a bit to move our legs.” 
You’re already tugging on the latch that’ll open the car door. “I’m already feeling it in my knees.” You open the door and immediately extend your legs out onto the solid ground beneath you. You let out a sigh of satisfaction, and Jungkook laughs from next to you. 
He’s opening his own car door soon after, but he straightens up into a standing position pretty quickly and stretches upwards. He closes the car door behind him, watching as you eventually pull yourself together to do the same. 
You turn to face Jungkook. “I’m gonna use the restroom.” You gesture towards the building and earn a nod from Jungkook, who mentions something about doing the same thing. You meet back at the car a few minutes later. 
Jungkook gestures to the trees surrounding the parking lot. “Want to take a walk around the area? Keep the blood flowing to our legs.” 
You nod. “That sounds like a good idea.” 
“Why don’t you get started. I’ll catch up.” Jungkook watches you leave, before opening the trunk of his car and rummaging around. 
He does catch up with you, quickly enough that you hardly notice that he had sent you out first. You hear his footsteps, and the call of your name. You turn around. “Jungkook!” 
The sight before you makes you waver slightly, as bouts of shyness overtake you. Standing before you is Jungkook, with his camera in hand. The lens is pointed right at you. As soon as you’re staring straight into the camera, Jungkook grins. “Say hi!” 
You whine, whirling back around and covering your face. “Are you filming me right now?” 
“I’m a photographer at heart, what did you expect?” Jungkook teases back. “Besides, it’s really pretty around here. You think I won’t film it?” 
You snort, starting your walk around the parking lot. “Oh yeah, because there aren’t any parking lots and trees and bathroom stops at home.” 
Jungkook is quiet for a second. “That’s not what I meant.” 
You turn to stare right into the lens of his camera. “Then the mountains, right?” 
He’s quiet for another second. “Sure.” He does, however, sound a little disappointed. You do not notice this. 
The pair of you stay quiet as you make your round around the parking lot, taking in the mountains from different angles. The walk around is mostly just to rid of the sensation of your legs falling off, but it’s still a nice view to admire. As soon as you finish a complete round, you and Jungkook return back to the car. You watch as he carefully places his camera into his camera bag before you’re both back in your seats. 
Jungkook turns to you. “Ready to get going again?” He looks at the control panel behind his steering wheel. “We’ll probably have to stop for gas in a few hours. But after that, it’s straight to the hotel.” 
You settle back into the passenger seat. “I guess we already have our dinner plans then.” You’re referring to the gas station. 
Jungkook grins. “I’m down for that.” 
And so, the trip continues back on the freeway. With the lo-fi playing in the background, you watch as the sun tears through the blue sky, as the sun finally begins it’s dip to the other side. The singular color once spread across the pane of atmosphere now conjugates around the sun crawling behind the mountain—creating a diffusion of new colors. The corner of the mountain emits an explosion of oranges, pinks, and purples. 
You lift your head from the window, eyes taking in the rainbow of pastels around the now fading sun. “Wow, Jungkook, look at that sunset.” 
He snorts. “You wanna talk about things that you can’t see back in the city?” 
You pout. “But it looks so pretty, see!” You keep gesturing towards the sunset. 
Jungkook relents just enough to spare a glance in the direction. He hums. “Yeah, it’s pretty.” He looks back at the road. “Can’t really find a view like that in the city.” 
You spend a little more time admiring the sunset than Jungkook does, for obvious reasons. You’ve seen a sunset plenty of times before in the past, but the context of this whole situation makes you unable to look away from it. You’re really out here, stuck in a car with someone you have never hung out with for longer than a few minutes. But you are enjoying yourself. There's peace in that. 
So you watch until the sun dips below the mountain, momentarily leaving the sky in a navy color. 
The next time Jungkook speaks, the area around you is much darker, and the sky is nearly black. “You hungry now?” 
You lift your head from the seat, not even realizing you were drifting off. You’re thinking about Irene, wondering if you should have texted her directly congratulating her on the wedding rather than just simply sending in the RSVP. “Sure. We eat as the car eats, right?” 
Jungkook smiles, a gesture you can barely make out from the headlines. “Of course.” 
This goes on for a few more miles until the sign for a gas station comes up. A few other cars linger near the dispensers. Jungkook parks near his choice and gets out of the car. You follow behind him. He’s already sliding his credit card into the machine, and the sight makes you reach over to grab his wrist. 
“I should pay, you’ve been driving all day!” 
He shakes his head, waving you off. “We’ll take turns, okay?” He looks at you. “Buy me dinner tonight too, that sound fair?” 
You pout, leaning back as you cross your arms. “Not really, but I guess I’ll have to accept it.” 
He grins. “You are correct.” 
As soon as the gas pump alerts you of the filled tank, Jungkook returns the pump back to the machine and locks his car. Together, the two of you make your way towards the convenience store, where the bell above rings to alert the workers of your presence. Nods are exchanged as you and Jungkook tear through the aisles to find anything that could satisfy your cravings. You return back with family size bags of hot cheetos and beef jerky, while Jungkook holds his selection of roasted seaweed and Doritos. You select your drinks together before returning to the cashier. 
It’s nearing 9:00PM as you and Jungkook return back to his car, where you slide back into your seats and immediately tear into your bags of salt and sodium. 
“How are you doing?” You ask as Jungkook finishes his first bag of roasted seaweed. 
Jungkook pulls out his phone, scrolling through the final stretch needed to reach the hotel. “Yeah, about four more hours to the motel.” He looks over at you. “I’m good. The salt in this seaweed really helps. How are you doing?” 
You nod immediately. “Great. Perfect.” 
He smiles, shifting his console to drive and pulling out of the gas station. “I’m used to these weird hours. Remember how I told you I traveled around a bit with Mingyu and Wonwoo? There was this one day we only slept for an hour or something? It sucked, I think I almost passed out that day. But yeah, this is honestly not even that bad.” He turns to look at you. “I think the good company helps, too.” 
You roll your eyes, grinning. “You flatter me, Jeon.” 
Slowly, 8PM turns into 10PM. One glance at Google maps tells you that you’re still two hours from the hotel. Even though you’re not the one driving, and although you haven’t endured any physical activity that could result in this exhaustion, you still find yourself growing tired. Something about sitting under the sun, sitting in a vehicle that rocks side to side with a consistent hum—it makes your mind work slowly and therefore brings out the sleepiness quicker. 
You settle deeper into your seat. 
Jungkook giggles from next to you. “You tired already?” 
You pout slowly, eyes closed just enough. “I’m not a morning person and you made me wake up at 8!” 
“Sure, sure, of course.” 
There’s a pause. 
You ponder a question for a moment. It’s something that you would never dare ask Jungkook if you had been more awake and more alert. But you’re tired, and your defenses are lowered, and it means you are more prone to asking questions. “Hey, Jungkook? Did you have any girlfriends when we were in college?” 
Jungkook doesn’t answer immediately. “Where’s this coming from?” He asks instead. 
You shrug, making a dismissive noise as your shoulders rise up. “Curiosity.” 
A pause. “I went on a few dates, but I never had a serious relationship.” 
“No way.” You lift your head up from the seat. “But I remember seeing you hang out with the occasional girl in the quad, or at some restaurants around the school.” 
Jungkook smiles. It’s hard to read the look in his eyes. They’re focused on the road in front of him, but they seem almost hazy and faraway. “Like I said, I went on a few dates. I did really want to get into a long term relationship in college. A lot of my friends had them, that’s where my parents met, so I was really open to the idea of at least experimenting. There were a lot of girls that I thought were nice, easy-going, or just really pretty, so I tried my hand in the whole dating thing.” 
“And it didn’t work out?” You coax out gently. 
“Not really,” He continues. He steals a glance at you. “We’d go on a few dates, but none of them ever felt substantial. I think girls see me and have a certain expectation—an expectation I couldn’t meet. So I never could picture myself in a long term relationship with any of them.” 
You tilt your head towards him. “There must have been someone…” 
“Well… there was one girl.” Jungkook starts after a moment. He’s not looking at you this time. “We had a few classes together earlier—we weren’t in the same major program. I don’t even know if I’d say we were close or anything. We just had a few classes and saw each other around on occasion. But the conversations we did have during class or outside of class just felt more real. Honestly, I could have been totally wrong about her. I could have just been blinded by all these expectations I was putting on her, which is ironic. But she was the only person I could actually see myself being in a long term relationship with. Or at least try.” 
You hum, still facing towards him in your seat. “Why didn’t you try anything then? You’re a good guy, Jungkook. I’m sure she would have wanted to try with you too.” 
“I guess I was just afraid of pushing it and scaring her off. I thought it was better to stay friends with her than try to pursue something. She never gave me an indication that she felt the same.” 
“And how do you feel now?” 
There’s a pause this time. “I don’t know honestly. We remained friends up until graduation but, uh, never saw her again. I do wonder from time to time how she’s doing.” 
“You should reach out to her,” You advise softly. “Since you guys were friends before, I’m sure asking her out just to catch up won’t seem so weird.” You grin at him. “You need to make your move.” 
It is then that Jungkook turns to look at you. He looks for a little longer this time, eyes focused entirely on you. Underneath the small crescent of the moon above, you are still able to make out his facial features. His cheeks, his nose, his eyes—the latter is glimmering, like he knows something that you don’t. 
“I’m working on that,” He mumbles softly. You turn your head back towards the road. 
You wake up the next morning feeling groggy, dirty, and messy. Your head lifts up from a pillow you can only vaguely remember falling on, laying on top of a bed you only vaguely remember throwing yourself in. There’s sunlight pouring into the room, but it feels like early morning sun. There’s a crisp in the air that you can feel, that you see out of the window. Right outside is the gathering of bushes and trees, a bright blue sky.
You are in the motel. 
Slowly, you push yourself into a sitting position, until you’re resting atop the white linen of your bed. Across the room, snuggled in his own twin bed, is Jungkook. His lashes are fanning across his cheekbones, his lips are parted, and his breathing is slow and soft.
It isn’t until Jungkook shifts in bed that you realize you’ve been watching him like a creep. Hastily, you tear your gaze away and decide to focus your gaze down. You notice immediately that you are not underneath the blankets. Instead, you are lying underneath Jungkook’s jacket. 
You roll the jacket off your frame, discovering that you are still in last night’s clothes—which explains why you were feeling so groggy and discombobulated. You look across the floor of the hotel room. Your suitcase is near the foot of your bed, and your phone sits on your nightstand connected to your charger. 
Vaguely, you recall what had happened the previous night—how Jungkook drove into the hotel room nearing midnight and the exhaustion was so overpowering that you and Jungkook blindly asked for any room with two twin beds before following through and practically collapsing into your respected beds. 
You definitely did that, which explains why you were on top of the bed, why you’re still in yesterday’s clothes, and why Jungkook’s jacket was your blanket. Stealing another glance at Jungkook: underneath the blankets and in a different t-shirt—you can assume that he was able to take a shower before lying down. 
With a sigh, you push off Jungkook’s jacket and lay it down on the bed next to you. Hoping not to disturb Jungkook, you slide out of bed and lower your suitcase to the ground. After fishing out a new set of clothes, you decide to take a shower. 
The warmth from the shower is the best breath of fresh air you’ve gotten since hitting the road with Jungkook. It feels like your body is going through a battery recharge, and it’s one you take your time with. You step out of the shower, running the towel through your hair and drying yourself enough to slip on your outfit for the day. The towel is thrown around your neck as you step out of the shower, letting the steam follow you out of the bathroom. 
Jungkook is still sleeping as you step out, which is good otherwise you’d feel bad for having disturbed his sleep time. After all the driving he did yesterday, you figure he deserves a few extra hours regardless of what the schedule calls for. 
You continue running the towel through your hair as you pick up your phone. Strangely, you do not remember connecting it to a charger before knocking out, but you pick it up regardless to see the 9:00AM time across your screen. 
There’s a quiet that takes over, in which you’re sitting perched comfortably on your bed and scrolling through your phone as Jungkook continues to drift a few feet away from you. 
About thirty minutes seem to pass before Jungkook is moaning softly to himself, letting out a puff of air as he slowly opens his eyes. His arms extend above him, knocking into the headboard and making him curse softly to himself. His eyes open as he lowers his hands to inspect the damage before immediately looking over towards you. 
He blinks, a tired smile overtaking his lips as he arches his back into a stretch. “Hey,” He greets, voice rough and scratchy and making your heart clench. Damn thing. “You’re awake. You knocked out pretty quickly as soon as we got the room.” 
You laugh. “Yeah, I honestly figured that.” You pick up his jacket, as if he hadn’t been the one to lay it on you those hours ago. “Thanks for trying to help me get comfortable.” You gesture towards the nightstand. “Did you find my charger too?” 
Jungkook sits up as he continues a small round of stretches and yawns. “I did,” He says. “You were barely coherent, but made enough sense to tell me where it was in your bag. Sorry for going through it, by the way.” 
You shake your head, waving him off. “No worries. Thank you again, Jungkook.” 
The pair of you stare at each other for a few moments, before that silence is broken by Jungkook’s phone going off. You look down as Jungkook snatches his own phone off the nightstand. He scrolls through something, before placing it back. 
“So, what’s the plan for today?” You ask, bringing your fingers through your hair to comb and give you a distraction. 
“Oh! Right.” Jungkook swings his legs off the side of the bed. “We have a slower day today. The hotel I picked is only about five hours away? We’re driving through the mountains today, so there’s this place I want to visit that has a little restaurant and everything. It’ll be a cute pit stop.” 
You nod. “Awesome, okay.” You curl your fingers around the strands of now loose strands of hair. 
It takes another hour until you and Jungkook are packed up again and ready to leave. A quick stop to the lobby provides both of you with a bagel and cup of coffee each as your breakfast. All before you’re once again sliding into the passenger seat of Jungkook’s car. 
You roll your shoulders before clicking your seatbelt in. “Ready for another long day?” 
“Of course.” He digs through his center console, producing his aux cord. “Your mission,” He says dramatically, not unlike yesterday. “Should you choose to accept.” 
You laugh gently, taking the cord. “You in love with Mission Impossible or something? This is the second time in two days you’re quoting it to me.” 
And this is how your day starts off—talks of Mission Impossible films that bleed into conversations about movies. 
The day at 10 o’clock in the morning is bright and blue as Jungkook drives back onto the freeway and continues down the road. The first few hours consist of the surrounding flatland, of green grass and high mountains all around. Conversations between you and Jungkook are a little more scattered today, but there’s a new level of comfort about the situation. With both of you well rested, it invites a more relaxed atmosphere as you pass the occasional joke or story time between the pair of you. 
As the sun continues to travel higher in the sky, Jungkook’s car starts it’s approach up the mountain. The trees start enveloping the pair of you into a newer, higher world. Not only that, but whenever you and Jungkook reach a clearing, it exposes a dip of lakes, grass, and mountains. And you, always having enjoyed the views of nature, keep an open eye for every single thing. 
You see Jungkook’s choice of destination before he does, and you gasp excitedly. 
Up ahead is a cloud of pink, white, and red flowers covering an entire mountain side. There is an occasional pop of cedar trees amongst the covering of pink, white, and red, but the colors are so poignant that it captures your attention immediately. 
You point to it. “Is that where we’re going?” 
Jungkook grins. “Surprise!” He’s selected this spot before offering the invitation to let you come along, but you’re not complaining. You’ve never been to a flower farm before, despite having heard about them and seen pictures of them for most of your childhood. You continue to watch with wide eyes and bright smiles as Jungkook drives closer and closer to the destination, finally parking in the appropriate lot after paying the fee. 
You’re practically vibrating in your seat with excitement. “Jungkook, Jungkook, c’mon let’s go, let’s go!” You push on the latch and nearly tumble out onto the ground. You straighten to stand on your feet, before meeting Jungkook near the trunk of his car. Surprise, surprise, he pulls out his camera and loops the strap over his head. 
He’s grinning as he closes the trunk. “You’re a little excited, aren’t you?” 
“A little?” You echo, clapping your hands, seemingly unable to wipe the grin off your face. “Jungkook, this is a flower farm! It’s so exciting!” 
So you dart off with Jungkook following closely behind you. The parking lot is located at the top of the flower farm, so the tour around the fields is a downwards one towards the bottom. A small pathway maps out a route for you to follow as you take in the various lines of flowers and colors. One short glimpse at the brochure tells you that these are spring flowers, and that you and Jungkook are visiting during the perfect season. You and Jungkook continue through your makeshift tour in silence, taking in the flowers as well as the view that extends out far beyond your line of sight while Jungkook snaps photographs behind you. Words don’t need to be said when everything around you says it all. 
At the bottom of the field is a cafe, a small brick building with an outdoor seating area facing the now upward flower display. You and Jungkook order sandwiches and soda, and take your seats outside as you wait for your number to be called. There are a fair amount of people today at the field, most of which you can see ahead roaming through the flowers ahead. 
“Have you ever been to a flower farm before?” Jungkook asks, as he glances over at you to see how bright your expression is. 
You smile as you turn to him. “No, never. But thank you for bringing me here, it’s beautiful here.” 
Jungkook smiles, looking a little smug. He looks proud of himself. “I’ve always wanted to come here, so I’m glad I was able to bring you along.” It looks like he wants to say more, but the number that rests between Jungkook’s fingers is called out, interrupting the conversation. He returns a moment later with the food. “I actually wanted to ask you something,” He says, taking the sandwich plate off the tray and placing it in front of you. 
You take the napkins that are being offered to you. “What’s up?” 
He settles down into his seat. “I didn’t get to return the question that you asked me last night.” 
It takes you a second to realize what he’s referring to. Immediately, you feel yourself turn red as you press your lips together. You were definitely drowsy last night, and hadn’t put too much consideration in the aftermath of asking Jungkook about his college relationships. You instead try for a laugh, as you wave him off. “Well, you don’t need to ask me. It’s pretty boring.” 
“Nonsense,” Jungkook brushes off, taking another bite of his sandwich. “So tell me, did you get into any relationships in college?” 
You laugh, albeit a little nervously. “No, not really. I never even went on any dates before—I guess, like you, I just couldn’t see myself in any long term relationship with anyone that seemed to like me.” 
“Well, how about crushes on your end? Did you like anyone?” 
You gaze over at Jungkook—taking in his wide curious eyes, his soft voice, his contagious laugh. The memories of him waving at you in class, of him catching up to you afterwards to continue previous conversations, of him going out of his way to say hi to you in the library. Jungkook has always been thoughtful, considerate, and soft along the edges. How could you not have crushed on him during college? 
And how could you not continue to have these lingering feelings for him afterwards? 
You think about your own advice you had given to Jungkook. You should reach out to her. Since you guys were friends before, I’m sure asking her out just to catch up won’t seem so weird. You need to make your move. Could you even follow your own advice? 
You look down before Jungkook could start asking questions about your staring. “There was this one guy,” You start, trying for an uneasy laugh. “But I don’t think he ever noticed me. Well, that’s a lie. I guess we were kind of friends? I think it’s more along the lines of me being out of his league.” 
“That’s depressing,” Jungkook notes as he finishes his sandwich. You hardly even noticed him inhaling the thing. “How could you be out of a guy’s league? You’re so smart and funny and easy to talk to—if anything, a guy would probably be out of your league.” He leans forward, bringing you close enough where you can clearly make out the mole underneath his lip. “Tell me about this punk. So I can tell you he’s not good enough for you.” 
You laugh, keeping your gaze on him. You doubt he’d be so confident had he known about ‘this punk’. “He isn’t a punk,” You remark quietly. “He’s really nice, and really sweet. I was pretty quiet in college. Definitely introverted and kept to myself and had a hard time making friends. Although I would have honestly barely considered him a friend, he just made me feel like my time was meaningful and my attention was valuable to him.” Jungkook’s eyes continue to bore into yours. “If anything, I just wish he knew how much I admire him.” 
Jungkook’s gaze is unwavering across your face, once again displaying that unreadable expression. Yet, despite that, something glimmers in his eyes and he seems to come to an understanding you yourself don’t know about. That glimmer keeps swimming across the orbs, even as he switches his gaze between your eyes. They flicker down to your lips for a second, and your heart stutters in your chest. 
Jungkook coughs, pulling away from you as he seems to hyper-focus his attention on the soda still in front of him. He looks shy as he steals another glance at you from across the table. “He might not have made you feel that important if you were too scared to tell him how you felt.” 
You look down at your sandwich and take another bite. Something about the way he’s staring holes into the side of your face tells you that he knows something that you don’t. You wonder what he’s thinking. 
Jungkook wears that thoughtful expression for the rest of the visit to the flower field, as the pair of you return back to his car and slide back in your seats. He stays quiet as you resume the trip, slowly making your way back onto the freeway and towards your second motel. 
This kind of quiet is different than the previous silences the pair of you have grown to share over the past twenty-four hours. Unlike the comfortable moments of unspoken words, this is more tense. Like he knows something that you don’t. 
You don’t know what to say, or how to break that silence. You don’t know if perhaps you said something you shouldn’t have, or said something to make him uncomfortable. All of those thoughts are not pleasant ones. 
Jungkook stays quiet for most of the drive through the mountain. The music you have selected is loud enough that seems to drown the tense atmosphere, but the questions still press themselves deeply into your mind. What is he thinking about? 
And worse of all: did he know you were talking about him? 
You and Jungkook only speak a handful of times during the trip. He asks you if you need to use the restroom, if you’re hungry, and if you could play him your favorite anime openings. The pair of you have a handful of laughs about your mutual love for Haikyuu and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, but most of the drive to the motel is ridden out in silence. 
The pair of you reach the hotel around dinnertime, definitely nowhere as exhausted as you had been the previous night, but just as eager to finally reach your destination. The tension between you and Jungkook has eased slightly, so you can only assume that perhaps he has overcome whatever was bothering him. You yourself have pushed the thought of Jungkook knowing the truth out of your mind. After all, if he had known, you assume he would have brought it up. Or at least called for an Uber to send you home. You assume you would have provided some sort of reaction for the two of you to talk about. But alas, those thoughts follow a conversation that has not happened, and will probably never happen, because you’re sure that you’ll never have to be in a situation that forces your feelings to go out of control once again—! 
“Hi,” Jungkook returns to the hotel clerk behind the desk, a girl to be about your age, who is flickering her gaze between you and Jungkook. A flicker in her eyes tells you that she already has multiple thoughts and assumptions about your relationship. “Do you have a room with two beds?” 
“Oh!” The girl blinks, momentarily looking taken aback. “Of course, let me check.” She turns her attention to the computer screen in front of her. Her eyebrows furrow together. “I’m sorry sir, we only have rooms with one bed available—either a full, queen, or king-size mattress.” 
Jungkook makes a noise in the back of his throat as he taps his credit card on the desk. Just watching from the side, you notice how he swallows, how he looks down, how his cheeks turn red. He turns to you after a moment. “D-Do you, uh, do you mind?” 
It takes you a second to realize what Jungkook is asking. He’s asking if you’d be okay with sharing a bed with him. Him: your college crush, the guy you never really lost feelings for. 
You turn red too. “U-Um…” You press your lips together and swallow. “S-Sure,” You manage, waving your hands out in front of you. “I-I don’t mind. I-If you don’t mind, of course.” 
“I-I don’t mind either.” Jungkook, however, looks like he’s about to combust. He looks a little lost again. He blinks once, twice, and seems to realize that he’s supposed to hand the woman behind the desk his card. “Uh, whichever room is the cheapest.” 
“That’ll be the room with the full-size bed.” She flickers her gaze between the two of you. “If that’s okay.” 
“O-Of course,” He stammers back, allowing the girl to take the card. He looks at you. “Do you mind staying here? I have to go to the bathroom real quick.” 
“S-Sure, go ahead.” A part of you wants to hit your head on the desk. What is happening to you? Why is the mere thought of sharing a bed with Jungkook turning you into a pile of mush? You’re a grown ass woman—! 
“So the two of you on vacation or something?” The woman behind the desk asks. She’s still in the middle of scanning Jungkook’s credit card. 
You try for a smile. “Kind of, we’re going to a friend’s wedding.” 
“I see, that sounds fun.” She smiles. “You know, I have to be honest, I was a little surprised he asked for two beds. You guys would make a cute couple.” 
At the label, you start to turn red. “O-Oh n-no, we’re not a couple at all. That’s very flattering, b-but yeah we’re not together.” 
“Oh, I know,” The girl rebuffs. Her smile looks more like a grin. She places Jungkook’s credit card on the desk, along with a receipt and a pen. “I hope the full size bed will change that.” She gives you a wink. 
You part your lips, unsure what to make of the situation. “What—!” 
“I’m back,” Jungkook says, sliding up from behind you and making you jump slightly. “What did I miss?” 
“Uh…” You wonder if your face is too red or not. It certainly feels that way. “Here!” You push him forward towards the desk. “She scanned your credit card. You just need to sign and we’ll be on our way.” 
If Jungkook notices the stiffness in your posture, he doesn’t comment as he leans forward to sign the receipt. Just over Jungkook’s shoulder is the worker, looking at you with a now shit-eating grin across her lips. Several questions ping through your mind, but you don’t get to ask any of those because Jungkook is turning around with his credit card in hand. 
“Uh, ready to get going?” 
“Sure!” You say, voice a few several pitches higher and you return to wanting the ground to swallow you whole. Jungkook leads the way out of the lobby, and you dare one last glance back towards the woman behind the counter. 
She’s waving a slip of paper in her hand. 
You turn back to Jungkook. “Hey Jungkook, give me a second. I think we forgot to grab something at the desk.” 
It sort of feels like a walk of shame to reach the worker behind the counter, who is still grinning at the sight of you and your internal struggles. She hands you the slip of paper, mouths something that makes you go red, before you’re turning back towards Jungkook. “Good luck,” She had whispered. 
Before you’re reaching Jungkook, you open the paper. At the very top is the WiFi password. 
Underneath the WiFi password, in what you can only assume is her handwriting, is one sentence. Fate said you guys only get one bed- don’t worry, I think he likes you too :-) 
“What was that about?” Jungkook asks. 
You shove the paper into your pocket. “The WiFi password,” You supply. 
The walk to the hotel room is quiet as Jungkook leads the way through the different hallways, corridors, and numbers on plaques. That tense silence is back as he guides the two of you, stopping only when he reaches the number that matches the one on the index card. He gives you a look, and inserts the card key into the slot. The door beeps, and he pushes open the door to find, true to the word of the lady behind the counter, one full-sized bed in the middle of the room. 
For the first few hours, it’s easy to ignore that full-sized elephant in the room. Jungkook takes out his laptop and you guys watch your favorite season of Haikyuu together—it’s season two—or you guys linger about on your phones. It isn’t until nighttime falls into your bones, into your minds, that you realize that you really need to address the new situation. 
“I’m gonna take a shower first, if that’s okay,” You say, already sliding off the bed to gather your belongings from your suitcase. Jungkook is humming along to the Haikyuu ending song, but he stops long enough to accept you taking the first shower. He watches you as you fish pajamas out from your suitcase. “Hey, Jungkook…” You start. “Are you sure you’re cool with this?” You gesture to the bed. “I can sleep on the floor. They give you extra bedding for a reason…” 
“What? No, of course not, I’m not letting you sleep on the floor.” He moves until his knees are pressed into the mattress. “And I’m cool with this. Promise.” He hesitates. “Are you sure you’re okay with this?” 
“Y-Yeah,” You manage, straightening into a standing position with your clothes in hand. “I don’t really move around when I’m sleeping. And I trust you, Jungkook.” You keep your gaze on each other until you break it first, turning around to step into the bathroom. 
You step out many minutes later, hair freshly washed and feeling much more relaxed than before. Jungkook has moved to the desk in the corner of the hotel room, typing away at some emails on his laptops. He does, however, whirl around upon hearing you exit the bathroom. The sight of you in your sweats, t-shirt, and damp hair makes his eyes linger. 
You merely tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. “You can go now,” You say quietly. 
Jungkook nods. “Thanks.” 
Breaking that eye contact again, you turn to the bed and lift the blankets to slide under the covers. You rest your head on the pillow, and immediately start to drift away. 
You are brought back after what only feels like a few minutes, when you hear a light switch turn off followed by the blanket next to you lifting up. You turn slightly towards the other side of the bed. “Jungkook?” You whisper. 
A stillness. “Ah shit, I’m sorry. I was trying to be sneaky.” 
“Mmm…” You mumble softly, turning your body 180 degrees in order to face him. You can vaguely make out the shadow of Jungkook’s outline. “Don’t worry. I’m a really light sleeper. Come on in.” 
There is a shift in the blankets until you feel the additional weight of Jungkook’s figure crawling in next to you. The knowledge that Jungkook is lying right next to you turns your blood hot both with anxiety and because Jungkook brings in a new wave of heat underneath the covers. For a cool spring night, it’s comforting. But also further anxiety-inducing. 
Jungkook shifts and even though the pair of you are on opposite sides of the bed, you can still feel the warmth radiating off his body. In the silence of the hotel room, you can hear Jungkook breathing. 
“Is this okay?” It’s Jungkook asking. His voice is quiet, soothing, and very close to your face. You realize that you guys are facing each other. 
Still, you have to give an answer. “Y-Yeah,” You reply softly. “Goodnight, Jungkook.” 
You turn onto your back. You try to go to sleep, you really do. But your heart is pounding, and rather than the blood filling your ears, it’s the sound of Jungkook’s breathing. 
“Y/N, you still awake?” Jungkook asks softly. 
You snort. “It’s only been a minute.” 
Jungkook smiles. “Sorry. I just… I have a question. A thought, actually.” 
“What is it?” 
“Well, okay, I don’t want to come off as arrogant or self-centered, but it’s just a question and just this thought that I have…” 
“Jungkook.” You turn back to face him. “You can ask me the question. I don’t mind.” 
“Well, alright.” Jungkook shifts. He’s a little closer now, you can make out the outline of his face. Everything looks slightly more defined now, definitely a result of your eyes adjusting to the darkness. “When you were talking about the guy you had a crush on… you know, when I asked if there was someone you were interested in while we were in college.” 
“Oh, I remember.” Your heart feels fuzzy, even though you have no idea what he’s going to ask you. 
“Okay, um. I guess I just wanted to know. Were you talking about me? 
The world seems to stop tilting on its axis—and all the consequences of that follow along. Everything around you slows to a grind: your heart stops in your chest, and all the air drains out of your lungs. You hold your breath, feeling as if your body has just been dipped underwater. Thousands of thoughts ping through your mind. You feel like that episode of Spongebob where all the file cabinets in your brain are catching aflame. You suddenly feel like you have no thoughts, but too many thoughts at the same time. 
Above all, one question rises above all the rest: how did Jungkook know? 
You’re so wrapped up in your thoughts that you don’t hear your name being called. It isn’t until you feel a hand at your shoulder do you jolt. “H-Huh?” 
“S-Sorry.” Jungkook sounds a lot more nervous now. “You weren’t responding.” 
“I… I was thinking,” You reply lamely. 
A pause. “What’s your answer?” Were you talking about me?
You swallow. Should you tell the truth? Or should you deny everything with the hopes that Jungkook will forget this conversation ever existed? 
The words spill out before you can think of a proper answer. “What if I was?” 
Jungkook is quiet for a moment. “Well…” He starts up again, inching forward towards you. Every move he makes is amplified in your ear, every squeak of the mattress and every rustle of clothing echoed in the small space that is your hotel room. “I’d be kinda frustrated, to be honest. Because when I was talking about my own crush, it might have been about you.” 
At Jungkook’s confession, the world seems to come crashing down on you as everything around tries to catch up to you. Immediately, you assume that perhaps you hadn’t heard Jungkook correctly, or maybe you’re completely misinterpreting what he’s trying to say to you. 
In a perfect world, maybe you’d say something witty and smart. Maybe you’d play along until he snapped. Maybe you’d be fluent in courting talk and understand exactly what he’s trying to say to you. 
But this isn’t a perfect world, and you are neither witty nor smart. You most certainly are not aware of flirtations. You need boys to be as straightforward as possible. Which is why you utter the most comprehensible: “What?” 
You feel a warmth at your hip—Jungkook’s hand against your skin. “Ahhhh.” Jungkook starts, not at all sounding fearful but rather casual. Still the underlying case of shyness, however, because this is still Jungkook. “I forgot you sometimes need simple things spelled out for you. Remember when you emailed our Arts History professor three times because you kept forgetting what font she wanted the assignment in?” 
You flush—Arts History was the class you and Jungkook were forced to pair up together for. Maybe you would have protested it more had you known Jungkook would turn out to be a little shit over it. “That was a one time thing! You’ve been bringing it up for as long as I’ve known you!” 
Jungkook giggles, pulling you closer so your face is against his collarbone and his chin rests on your shoulder. “Shh, okay, okay, I’m sorry.” 
Your face is burning at the feeling of your bodies so close together, your fingers pressed against his shirt and your nose against his skin. He smells like floral fabric softener. “Jungkook…?” You whisper softly, breath fanning his neck. 
Jungkook tilts his head to rest gently against your temple. He stays quiet for a moment, absorbing the moment. “If you did have a crush on me in college, it would be frustrating. Because I had a crush on you too.” 
This time it’s straightforward, just like how you’ve always wanted it. Why can’t you seem to reply? 
“I know.” 
You curl your fingers around Jungkook’s shirt. “What if…” You start slowly. “What if I said I still had those feelings?” 
Jungkook seems to think about his answer. “I’d say that I do too.” 
You swallow, nodding in a way that allows him to feel the movement. “Okay then.” 
Without a warning, Jungkook moves to curl his whole arm around your frame. This brings you even closer together. He noses your hairline. “Go to sleep,” He whispers softly. “We can talk about this tomorrow.” 
A part of you wants to say no—that holding off on confessions isn’t what happens in novels or tv shows or movies. But the larger part of you knows that you won’t be able to have a proper discussion like this when you are weak, tired, and vulnerable. Your heart stalls at his consideration, allowing yourself to be content just like this: asleep, cuddling with Jeon Jungkook as you’ve imagined since you first developed your crush. 
It’s much better than the fantasy. 
You wake up the next morning with Jungkook’s arms wrapped around you, his soft breathing against your neck and his lips dusting the skin of your neck. There’s a new kind of comfort you find being held like this, and a part of you wants to melt back into his arms. You think you can pretend to be asleep just to stay here a little longer, but the urgency you have to pee and get the day started becomes too pressing. 
Your previous assumptions of Jungkook being a heavy sleeper are confirmed as you manage to untangle yourself from him without so much as a whine from his end. By the time you finish with the bathroom, Jungkook is just beginning to push himself into a sitting position. 
You linger near the foot of the bed. “Good morning,” You greet, almost nervously. For good reason to—the memory of last night is vague but defined well enough where you aren’t sure what the next course of action should be. It’s not like your college ever offered a course about what to do when your crush admits to liking you back. 
Jungkook looks at you from across the bed. He gives you a small smile, a reassuring one. “Morning,” He says back. “How did you sleep last night?” 
You twist your hands together. “Pretty good, actually. How about you?” 
“Me too.” He adjusts his position so he can crawl over to you. He slides his legs over the side of the bed right next to you. He brings his hands towards you, palms up. Although he’s close enough to reach you, he doesn’t. Instead, he asks: “Can I?” 
You don’t say anything, you merely rest your hand in his. He tugs you towards him, stopping only when you’re standing between his legs. He still keeps his fingers curled around yours, turning your hand up to play with your fingers. 
He looks up at you, a soft smile across his lips. “Hi.” 
You smile back. “Hi.” 
He laces your fingers together, resting them between your bodies. “I guess now for the bigger question… how are you feeling?” 
You look down at your hands, deciding you like the way his larger hands cover yours. “H-How did you know I was talking about you?” You ask instead, looking over at him. 
Jungkook shifts his gaze away for a moment. “I don’t know,” He admits earnestly. “You were just looking at me back at the flower field and I had a feeling. And I really think a part of me was hoping you were talking about me.” 
Unable to help yourself, you feel the side of your mouth quirk up into a small smile. “What would you have done if I wasn’t talking about you?” 
He exhales in a laugh. “Honestly, I might have just driven out in the middle of the night and gone over a bridge or something.” 
You laugh, trying to diffuse your smile by pressing your lips but it only works so well. “I was really surprised to hear you liked me back.” 
“Of course!�� He exclaims, looking momentarily shocked that you would feel this way. “I wasn’t messing around when I said you were smart, funny, and easy to talk to. That’s what made me really like you when we first met. Whenever we talked you just felt so real and approachable—like I could just be myself around you. And even now, seeing you after graduating and realizing you’re still all of those things. It just makes me like you more.” 
You feel your heart thumping wildly in your chest. You’ve never thought of yourself in the way Jungkook is describing you—you always just assumed that you were in the background, that you’d never be enough. 
Jungkook is looking at you, his eyes big and wide and full of truth. “Is that weird?” He asks. 
You shake your head immediately. “No, no it’s not weird at all.” You shrug a shoulder, giving him a meek smile. “It’s really sweet, actually.” 
Jungkook grins at that, heaving out a breath as a sign of his lowered defenses. “I think you’re sweet too.” 
You groan at that, throwing your head back as Jungkook breaks into a series of giggles. “You’re corny.” 
“You’re not complaining,” He points out. This is true. 
You shrug. “I guess that means I’m expecting us to catch up on three years of terrible flirting.” 
The smile slides off his face. “You’re right.” He brings your joined hands closer together until your whole body is standing closer to his. “Can I ask to kiss you?” 
The four letter K word makes your heart stutter in your chest once more. Your hands are so close to his chest that you can feel his own heart beating, and the thought of Jungkook being equally nervous for this gives you enough confidence to return his question. “Why don’t you ask and find out?” 
He smiles, a bunny smile that crinkles his eyes. “Touche. Can I kiss you?” 
You smile back. “Yes…” You whisper, leaning down just enough for Jungkook to crane his neck up in order to meet each other halfway. It’s just a closed-mouth kiss, a soft weight against your lips.
It’s one that Jungkook pulls away from before you can really enjoy it, really ponder asking for more. “Sorry,” He says immediately, pointing to his mouth. “Morning breath.” 
The pair of you stare at each other for a moment, before bursting out into laughter. That tense atmosphere is gone, replaced inside with that previously casual and comfortable air—as you step away from Jungkook and let him get his morning started. Except this time, the air is filled with open lingering stares, shy smiles, and Jungkook taking your suitcase wordlessly as you exit your hotel room. 
By the time you load into your car, it’s nearing noon and the gas tank in Jungkook’s car is almost empty. The pair of you agree in another champion’s breakfast—gas station food. 
“I swear, we’re both going to have terrible breakout tomorrow during the wedding,” You point out. Despite your words, you still tear into your Nacho Cheese Doritos with the aggression of a gorilla. “I’m going to photograph horribly. Irene will be so embarrassed.” 
“You photograph horribly? Inconceivable!” He says the word just as it is said in The Princess Bride, which makes you burst into another fit of laughter. 
The afternoon pans out the same way it has for the past two days. Jungkook drives onto the freeway, you decide the music, and the conversations fade in and out. Neither of you talk about the events of the previous night or of what happened in the morning—but the way Jungkook reaches out to laces your fingers together is more than enough. 
The town Jungkook has selected to stop for the evening is a five hour drive from the wedding venue—and it’s an actual city space this time, with restaurants and grocery stores and apartments. As soon as Jungkook tells you this information, you are bursting with excitement. It’s been two days since the pair of you actually stopped and lingered in a city environment and you miss it. 
It takes another whole day of driving to reach the city destination, as the first alert you get is the increasing number of cars that have joined you on the freeway. These more busy freeways guide you into the city, where you are greeted with the first sight of buildings, sidewalks, restaurants, and parking lots in days. 
Even though most of these landmarks are simple flashes that you and Jungkook pass through on the way to the hotel he has selected, you keep your eyes glued out of the window in order to take in as much of the surrounding area as you can. You continue to watch as the immediate high rises become more sporadic and spread out, until he’s finally pulling into the hotel. The sun is just setting behind the many buildings along the horizon. Lots of other cars are parked in the parking lot. You can hear other cars, buses, and trunks driving around the background—and you feel strangely comforted by this discovery. 
“Are you okay with sharing another bed today?” Jungkook asks as he guides the pair of you into the lobby. “I may or may not have called to make a reservation earlier when you were in the bathroom.” 
You laugh, feeling giddy at the thought of Jungkook taking the initiative to continue progressing your now slow-growing relationship. “Was that all they had left?” You ask teasingly as you make your way to the counter. 
Jungkook smiles down at you. “Perhaps I didn’t ask…” 
Your lips part. “Jungkook!” 
“What?” He’s laughing now. “I think I’m gonna bow out of any excuse to cuddle with you now that you’ve given me a taste of what that’s like?” 
You’re gasping in the midst of your laughter. “You’re terrible,” You manage. 
So Jungkook checks in—true to his word, he has reserved a single full-sized bed for the room. 
“Hey, so, I was thinking,” He starts as he’s following the map provided to him by the employee with directions about getting to his appropriate room. This hotel is slightly bigger than the off-the-road ones you and Jungkook pulled into, so it takes a little longer to find the room. After a few minutes of turning the map over, you two eventually find the room. 
“What’s up?” You ask as you push open the door and roll your suitcase into the space, with Jungkook following closely behind you. 
“Come here,” Jungkook requests gently, watching as you let go of your suitcase and make your way towards him. You move into his space easily, allowing him to hold you by the waist. “Since we’ve both admitted to missing out on three years of courting, flirting, and dating—I think we should go out to an actual restaurant to have an actual date.” 
You lean back slightly and give him a slightly shocked look. “Really?” 
“Yes!” He says. “Besides, someone has to put their foot down and say that eating only McDonalds and gas station hot dogs is not the right way to go.”
You laugh at that. “True, but we were having so much fun!” 
“Nope!” He exclaims, shaking his head. “The foot is going down, we’re going to an actual restaurant for dinner. Get changed, take a shower, whatever you need to do to freshen up.” There’s a finality in his words as he finally steps away from you, the smile of sweetness still on his lips. 
The restaurant Jungkook picks after scrolling through Yelp and other lists of recommendations is a corner Italian place that apparently serves the best Linguini and clams—a dish that you really enjoy. So you put something together much more presentable than your usual round of sweatpants and baggy t-shirts—replacing the sweatpants with black jeans and giving yourself a cream colored cropped sweater. It makes Jungkook’s eyes widen all the same. He’s clad in his usual black jeans and oversized coat that is perfect for the spring breeze. 
Since the restaurant is within walking distance of the hotel, you and Jungkook agree to chill off on the driving just enough to stretch your legs and actually have a walk for once—all while celebrating the final night of the road trip. 
“I was a little worried about this at first, to be honest with you,” You admit softly to Jungkook, long after the pair of you have been seated in a corner booth and have ordered your food. You’re circling the pasta noodles around your fork, and Jungkook is watching with a touch of amusement and adoration in his eyes. 
“Not gonna lie, so was I,” Jungkook returns back with an equally meek smile. 
You gape at him. “You invited me though!” 
“I did!” Jungkook exclaims with a laugh, looking down at his own order of food. “Me inviting you was honestly a spur of the moment thing. Me catching up to you, however, was me trying to be brave.” 
“You seemed pretty brave throughout most the trip,” You point out 
Jungkook shakes his head, situating his arms in a cross motion. “Nah dude that was just all a very well thought out facade. A part of me was expecting it to go terribly so I could at least walk away knowing that I built you up in my mind and the fantasy of that was better than the reality.” He must see the look of uncertainty casting a shadow over your mind because he immediately cuts back in. “Just so you know, the reality is much better than anything I could have conjured up.” 
You lower your chin slightly, staring over at Jungkook. You bring one shoulder up into a half-hearted shrug, maybe to showcase a certain level of carelessness. “What were you conjuring up then?” 
“Oh, I don’t know if you want to go there right now,” He rebuffs, looking a little red in the cheeks. “I think we should start slow. Refer to the PG thoughts, if you will.” 
You laugh, focusing your gaze momentarily on the last of your pasta. You had sorted through the clams, since they weren’t your favorite things to eat. “Jungkook, are you admitting to me that you have thoughts above PG?” 
“Oh shit, that wasn’t my intention!” 
You giggle. “I’m messing with you, Jungkook!” 
He pouts. “Don’t do that.” He rests his hand on the table, palm up, inviting for you to take it. “I just want to spend today with you, and take it slow—I just want to hold your hand and kiss you and lay with you and just be with you in the way I couldn’t be with you in college. Is that too weird?” 
You look down, pressing your lips together, trying not to squeal and definitely not trying to throw yourself off the chair. You look back over at him and squeeze his hand. “That’s not too weird at all. That’s actually really sweet. Honestly, those are things I probably would have asked for regardless. I don’t really know the rules of dating—I never really went out that often.” 
Jungkook smiles sweetly back at you, he brings your hands up to kiss the back. “I’ll give you a few pointers then, let’s get going.” 
After the check is paid for—it ends up being a split between the two, it’s the best compromise you can come up with considering he wants to take you out but you want to pay him back for driving this far—the pair of you emerge back into the city space. Jungkook’s hand is still wrapped around yours, using that connection point to pull you close to him. 
“Now this move,” Jungkook explains, beginning to lead you both back to your hotel room. “Is when the gentleman walks the lady home, because their date went by smoothly and he wants to see her for as long as possible.” 
You laugh. “I’m enjoying this so far.” 
The pair of you continue down the sidewalk, using the time it’ll take to walk back to the hotel to walk off the food in your stomach. You resume your conversation, giggling and laughing all the same until you’re walking through the lobby of the hotel and slowly making your way to your hotel room. 
Right before you step inside, Jungkook stops you. “Normally, the front door is where the gentleman drops the lady off, and they talk about how well the date went.” 
“Oh, well, in that case, this was so nice, Jungkook,” You remark, beaming at Jungkook’s own smile. “I’m glad you convinced me to eat real food for once.” 
“You’re welcome—I had fun too.” Jungkook slides closer to you. You, completely hypnotized by his next movements, watch as he cups your face with his hand to angle you upwards. “This is the part where we have a first kiss, because the stars are lined up for this. And because I really want to.” 
You smile, curling one of your hands around the wrist near your face. “Seeing as we’ve already had our first kiss, how about a second one?” 
Jungkook smiles back, eyes lidded towards your mouth. “I guess that’ll work.” His lesson on dating, it seems, is done, as he leans in to kiss you. You suck in a breath as he covers your lips with his. It’s deeper than the first time he kissed you—which had been more of a peck with a side of morning breath. But now you’re both awake, tasting like wine, and drunk off each other. It’s a more real kiss. 
You whimper as Jungkook’s tongue runs over your bottom lip, before slipping into your mouth. It’s a sensation you can get completely lost in, until Jungkook pulls away. 
Under the hallway light, you can make out his flushed cheeks, his wet lips, his dark gaze. 
Immediately, Jungkook is pulling you to his side before he starts digging through the pockets of his jeans. “Alright, we’re going inside right now.” 
You lean into his shoulder. “I thought I was supposed to invite you inside, Jeon? What happened to giving me pointers on first dates?” 
“Screw that,” He retorts, practically shoving the hotel door open. He turns around to face you. “Now, this is our hotel room. And I want to kiss you in private.” 
Your laughter is drowned out as Jungkook tugs you by the wrist into the room. 
Under different circumstances, waking up next to each other after a first date would hit you with a wave of anxiety and maybe even a vague sense of embarrassment at letting someone you like see you in such a vulnerable position. 
Right now, however, under the morning sunlight within the covers of your shared hotel bed, you just feel happy and content. You wake up on your side, with an arm resting over Jungkook’s chest and his fingers curling around your own. There is an immediate feeling of giddiness that overtakes you, because it’s hard for you to believe that this is happening. Someone you’ve liked and continue to like actually returning your feelings? That has always been such a foreign concept to you. 
You don’t know how long you continue laying in bed until Jungkook starts shifting next to you, signalling his wake. You watch as his eyes slowly peel open, laced with grogginess but still looking unfairly attractive that there are butterflies in your stomach. 
Jungkook lets out a sigh, as he looks down at you. A tired smile takes over his expression. “Morning.” 
“Good morning,” You reply back, voice soft and a little shy. “Happy wedding day.” 
That is true. Today is Irene’s wedding—an event you and Jungkook will arrive at in nearly five hours. There’s a strange sort of knot that is beginning to twist itself in your stomach, a knowledge that something good is coming to a close but a fear in the unknown as to what this would mean regarding your relationship with Jungkook. Neither of you have laid down groundwork for your relationship—if this even is a relationship to begin with. You may be inexperienced with this kind of stuff, but you’re sure that one date and making out on a hotel bed doesn’t immediately constitute an exclusive relationship. 
If Jungkook notices the tension in your form, he doesn’t say anything. He kisses your temple and grumbles something about wanting to get the day started. He mentions something about not having to worry about getting dressed for the wedding straightaway—that he has reserved a room at the hotel some of the guests of the wedding would be staying at, which is where you will be getting ready before the event. You nod, hearing pieces of his words, but a lot of it gets lost in your own thoughts. 
Is it okay to ask questions about where you stand with Jungkook? Is it foolish of you to even bother wondering? You’ve seen movies and have had conversations with friends about guys who dismissed questions like that as ‘moving too fast’. You don’t want to scare Jungkook off, but you also need to know that you’re not wasting your time.
You remain in bed, staring up at the ceiling as you sigh and try to organize through your thoughts. You also try to break down how the past three days have been. 
However, trying to do so proves to be a difficult challenge, as Jungkook’s phone starts buzzing excessively on his side of the nightstand—it seems like he is getting a series of text messages from someone. 
You know you shouldn’t be looking or prying, but the constant binging of alerts only eats at your nerves more. You turn in the bed towards Jungkook’s side, picking up the device to search for the silence switch along the sides. The screen, however, lights up and you immediately see a name you have not seen or heard since college. 
Jennie (9:53AM): hey jungkook !! just thought I’d ask where you want to meet up before the wedding starts 
Jennie (9:53AM): since we’re each other’s plus ones, I think we should show up together but idk let me know what you think 
Jennie (9:53AM): I’m excited to see you again and catch up, it’s been so long !! :) 
You freeze, feeling your body overload with information and questions come flooding into your mind. At first, you think you reread the message wrong. You think that maybe Jennie is texting the wrong person. But after the third or fourth time, you realize that this isn’t a dream. That Jungkook already has a plus one to the wedding, and it isn’t you. 
More than that, it’s Jennie. 
Jennie is also someone you went to college with, and someone that you only heard of between the grape vines and therefore is someone that is only vaguely recognizable. But you definitely know her. Jennie had been one of Irene’s friends, president of her sorority—and labeled some of the nicest people on campus. Even just from rumors and the one time you ran into her around the school, you can see it. Jennie is nice, beautiful, friendly, and outgoing. All the things you are not. 
And now, she’s Jungkook’s plus one to the wedding. And Jungkook did not tell you. 
Your lips part as your head starts to spin. Why didn’t Jungkook tell you he already had a plus one to Irene’s wedding? Maybe he did not owe you the explanation, and maybe you should never have assumed he’d be your plus one to the wedding. 
The thought of you assuming Jungkook would be your date to the wedding fills you with a vague mortification—why did you have to go ahead and assume? 
Your mind starts to spiral as you fall into the depths of overthinking. Now you were set to attend a wedding alone, with no plus one, and surrounded by people you don’t know. All while watching Jungkook sit with Jennie, eat with Jennie, and dance with Jennie. 
Holy fuck, holy fuck, what were you going to do? You can’t go to this wedding alone. You can’t confront Jungkook about this—you’re not even supposed to be touching his phone or looking through his phone. He would definitely be upset. How could he not be? 
At once, the tears collect in your eyes. How could this be happening? Seconds ago, you had been so content and happy, excited to attend this wedding with Jungkook. Seconds ago, you had been confident about your feelings, and Jungkook’s feelings in return. From all the kisses he showered you in, the date, the talking, the confessing—how could you not feel that way? 
Had Jungkook just been pulling your leg? After all, he did have three years to talk to you, to go out with you. Why hadn’t he said something sooner? Is he here right now: talking to you and laughing with you because he hadn’t found anyone and knows that you would do anything for him? 
In the background, you can vaguely make out the shower in the bathroom turn off, signalling Jungkook’s near completion with the bathroom. At once, it feels like you’re in a car that has enforced sudden breaks and has sent you flying against the dashboard—like you can’t breathe. 
Hastily, you rest Jungkook’s phone back on the nightstand and roll back over to your side of the bed. You blink quickly, trying to rid of the tears that have collected in your eyes while also trying to calm the lump in the back of your throat. 
Just as you’re starting to get a handle back on your feelings, the bathroom door opens and you can vaguely make out Jungkook’s humming as he exits. The fact that he sounds so carefree while you’re hurting only a handful of feet away almost makes the tears come back in. But you’ve learned how to hide your emotions well. 
Jungkook’s soft laugh brings you out of your thoughts. “Still in bed?” He asks jokingly, sitting on the edge and placing a hand on your ankle. You try not to stiffen at the gesture. “You know, even though we’re getting dressed at a different hotel, we still need to get going.” 
You take in a breath. “I’m comfortable here,” You exclaim, sitting up and facing Jungkook. He’s looking as wide-eyed, easy-going, and comfortable as always. You’re not sure how long you can keep up the facade of being okay. “I was just waiting for you, that’s all.” 
You don’t wait for him to reply as you slide off the bed, grab your clothes from your suitcase, and lock yourself in the bathroom. You ignore the lump in your throat as you brush your teeth, as you get your day started. Finally, you look up at your own reflection in the mirror. Unlike previous times, when there had been a glimmer to your gaze—you don’t know you recognize the now disheartened individual before you. 
You exit the bathroom and immediately turn to pack up your suitcase once more, ignoring Jungkook in the process. The boy is on his phone, typing something—probably a text message. Maybe he’s responding to Jennie, confirming their date for tonight, as he remains completely oblivious to your feelings. 
The thought brings the tears back to your eyes. 
“Ready to go?” Jungkook asks, all smiles and soft eyes as he slides off the bed to face you. 
You don’t look at him as you shoulder your carry-on bag and straighten into a standing position. “Yeah.” You don’t mean for the tone to come out dry and unresponsive, but you’re too focused on trying to get the tears out of your throat. 
You miss the way the smile slowly slips off Jungkook’s face as he watches you move towards the door. 
Jungkook moves towards you, reaching forward to take your suitcase from you just as he’s done for the past few days. 
You, however, brush him off. “It’s okay, Jungkook.” You pull open the door and make your way down the hallway without looking back to see if he’s following closer behind you. You don’t need his help, you don’t need his pity. You don’t need him to do these things, to lead you on—especially if he was going to end up with some other girl at then end of the day. 
You stay quiet as you make your way to Jungkook’s car. Jungkook steals the occasional glance in your direction, seeming to finally realize that something is wrong. 
He, however, doesn’t say anything until you’re back on the freeway—on the five hour drive towards the wedding venue. “Everything okay?” 
You’re playing with your hair, but you stop long enough to spare him a short glance. You’re not even looking at his face, you’re looking at the chair he’s seated on. “What do you mean?” 
Jungkook clears his throat. “You’ve been really quiet since I got out of the bathroom. You…” He gestures to the center console. “You’re not even playing any music.” He tries for a smile. “I’d really like to listen to your ‘everything’ playlist.” 
“Sorry, I’m not really in a music-listening mood right now,” You whisper, realizing that you should probably cover up your ass a little better than you are currently. “S-Sorry, I think it was something at the restaurant yesterday. I’m not feeling super hot right now.” 
“Oh no, do we need to stop by a pharmacy or something? I can run in and get some stomach machine or whatever—!” 
“Jungkook, it’s fine.” 
Maybe it’s the finality of your tone, or the sharper edge in your voice, but Jungkook quiets down again. One glance in his direction shows you the furrow of his eyebrows, the set of his jawline—he looks hurt and confused. And that kills you inside. 
A small part of you wants you just lay all your cards on the table—to admit your side of the story and let him know about the texts and the hurt feeling still eating itself at your heart. 
But another part of you, the bigger part of you, doesn’t want to give Jungkook that power. You don’t want to be the one to crack first, to be the one who gets hurt first. So you refuse to say anything, settling deeper and deeper into the seat of Jungkook’s car. Contrary to your initial thoughts, he doesn’t plug in his own phone to play his own music. He simply allows the pair of you to bathe in silence. 
Without the music to distract you, without Jungkook trying to make conversation, it forces your mind to linger on the events of the early morning. Maybe Jungkook didn’t tell you because it was obvious to him that the pair of you would never have been a plus one to the wedding in general. He’s probably hurt because Jungkook can’t get his way with you. 
The realization that he doesn’t even have the consideration to warn you ahead of time that an invitation for a ride doesn’t equate to an invitation to be a plus one brings the tears back to your eyes. Did you not even deserve a warning? Why would Jungkook let you kiss him, let you fall in love with him—only to turn his back on you like this? 
You have to keep your eyes glued to the window of the passenger’s side of the car, just to make sure Jungkook won’t see the tears. You can just imagine that he’ll ask, and the conversation will steer the pair of you into an even more awkward space. 
It’s a very agonizing five hours. Not having that time to recover from the shock of those texts is becoming increasingly more difficult for you to handle. 
There are a few times that your tears overwhelm your whole system, where you have to sniff to get a handle on your body’s response to the emotions going through your body—which you’re sure Jungkook can hear. After all, there’s no music playing and there is a silence that is threatening to swallow you whole. 
Jungkook, however, does not say anything in response to your very obvious sniffle. He merely tightens his grip on the steering wheel, and keeps his mouth shut. You wonder if he’s waiting for you to talk first, to explain what’s going on with you. 
The sky is bleeding orange by the time Jungkook pulls into the new hotel, the final hotel. There is still two hours until the wedding is set to start, but every nerve in your body is screaming for you to leave and go back home. Every nerve in your body is telling you that you don’t belong here anymore. 
“Okay, I let you have your peace for the whole drive over,” Jungkook starts off, voice tight, fixing the car into park. “But I’m asking you this right now. Are you sure you’re okay? You don’t seem fine… and I’m worried about you…” He reaches across the car to land a hand on your shoulder. It’s a completely normal gesture, especially between you and Jungkook, but you cannot handle it. 
You jerk away. “I’m fine,” You snap out, actually fixing your gaze on him this time. Jungkook recoils, immediately retracting his arm from you, looking like you just burned him. You tear your gaze away from him. You’re not strong enough to see him hurt because of you. “Why do you care anyways?” 
Jungkook exhales in disbelief, turning towards the steering wheel of the car and running a hand through his hair. “What are you talking about? Is this about last night? Did I… say something to scare you off?” 
“This isn’t about what you said, this is about what you didn’t say and what you’re not telling me!” 
Jungkook looks like you just grew a second head. “What are you talking about?” 
You whirl back to face him. “Oh, so the fact that you and Miss. Jennie were already set to go to this fucking wedding together and you didn’t even think to give me a heads up and tell me?” 
Jungkook freezes like a deer in headlights. “What? How did you know about that?” 
You laugh, but it’s a hollow noise that only makes that lump come back to your throat. “Nevermind,” You bite out. This time, you don’t stop the tears from resurfacing as you give Jungkook a full look this time. His demeanor changes from frozen to pained at the sight. “I hope you guys are very happy together.” 
You don’t say another word as you fumble with the latch of the door before pushing it open with more strength than necessary. You can vaguely hear Jungkook struggling with his own seat belt, but you don’t care. You slam the car door shut and storm away. You don’t know where you’re going—maybe around the corner to scream, or to call a taxi that’ll take you to the airport. You don’t care about the wedding. You don’t think you could face the embarrassment in facing Jungkook or Jennie or Irene right now. 
“Shit, Y/N! Y/N!” Jungkook is calling for you now, his footsteps loud against the asphalt. 
Everything feels like you’re going through water, which is probably why Jungkook is able to reach you as quickly as he does. He catches you by the wrist. 
“Y/N—please, will you stop and just listen to me?” 
“No! Jungkook, let me go.” You start trying to tug your wrist, trying to pull yourself away from him. “Let me go! I’m leaving! I don’t want to see you anymore!” You’re gasping, the tears blurring your vision and making you feel powerless. 
Without a warning, Jungkook pulls you in his arms. Wrapping his arms around you, he traps you in his embrace. And you are miserable. 
“Stop it!” You gasp, trying to push him away. You’re heaving—crying and trying to escape from someone as strong as Jungkook is definitely a workout for your body. “Jungkook, leave me alone. This is all my fault.” 
He pauses. “What do you mean?” 
You stop struggling, allowing Jungkook to hold you as you pull back enough to look away from his face. You wipe at the tears on your face. “It’s my fault anyways. I said I liked you and you said you liked me too, but maybe that wasn’t enough for you. Just because we like each other doesn’t mean we’re exclusive. I should have asked up front, so I wouldn’t get hurt in the long run.” 
“You don’t need to get hurt though,” Jungkook whispers kindly, his voice overcoming the blood in your ears, as well as your own yelling. You quiet down at that, except for your own lungs contracting to catch more air. This leaves you a hiccuping mess. He waits until he knows you’re not going to say anything next. “You’re right, okay? Jennie and I were supposed to be each other’s dates.” 
You’re still trying to catch your breath. 
Jungkook rests a hand on top of your head, curling his fingers through the strands of your hair soothingly. “Are you okay?” 
You hiccup. “Why are you telling me this? I just told you that I’m hurt right now…” 
“Shhh.” Jungkook pulls back and cups your face in his hands so you can look at him. “You aren’t listening to me. I said we were supposed to be each other’s dates. We’re not anymore.” 
You blink, allowing the tears that were already filling your eyes to fall down your cheeks. Jungkook wipes them gently with his thumb. “What?” 
Jungkook’s gaze flickers between your eyes. “Jennie and I are friends, so we’d figure it would be fun to just go together and have a person to sit with, eat with, and dance with. As friends.” 
“W-What happened then?” You ask, a watery color in your voice. 
Jungkook gives you a gentle smile, the kind of gesture that tells you that you should know the answer already. “You happened, silly.” He keeps his eyes on yours. “I saw you at the party with Jimin and invited you to come with me. I assumed when I asked that we’d be each other’s plus ones. I forgot to tell Jennie though when I asked you out.” He tilts his head at you. “You saw the texts on my phone, didn’t you?”
“I-I’m sorry.” You hiccup again. “Your phone kept going off this morning and I was just trying to put it on silent. I-I didn’t mean to look through your messages…” 
“Shh, baby, you’re good, you’re okay.” Jungkook interrupts gently, wrapping his arms tighter around you and swaying the pair of you back and forth. The usage of the nickname fills you with a new feeling, a warmer feeling. It helps calm you down. 
Your breathing eventually evens out, bringing you back to reality and to the realization that you and Jungkook are hugging in the middle of a hotel parking lot. 
Jungkook loosens his grip on you, letting you step back. He watches you for a moment. “Here,” He says, digging through his pocket and pulling out his phone. “I think you should see this.” He clicks through a few of his apps, until he seems to find what he’s looking for because he hands the phone to you. You look over at him, confusion flooding through your features. Jungkook gives you a reassuring nod. “It’s okay.” 
Still hesitant, you take the phone and look at the messages across the screen. It’s the texts from this morning. 
Jennie (9:53AM): hey jungkook !! just thought I’d ask where you want to meet up before the wedding starts 
Jennie (9:53AM): since we’re each other’s plus ones, I think we should show up together but idk let me know what you think 
Jennie (9:53AM): I’m excited to see you again and catch up, it’s been so long !! :) 
Jungkook (10:20AM): hey Jennie !! oh shit i totally forgot to let u know but i actually found a plus one :( i’m soooo sorry i should have told you earlier omg i feel terrible 
Jennie (10:20AM): no worries jungkook !! who is it omg do I know them? 
Jungkook (10:20AM): it’s actually Y/N? We all went to college together… 
Jennie (10:20AM): OH!!!! wait isn’t she the one Irene was working with a lot for senior projects? 
Jennie (10:21AM): OKAY JUNGKOOK I SEE U 
Jennie (10:21AM): she’s THE Y/N right???? the one u were in love with for our entire college career?? 
Jungkook (10:22AM): …… maybe? 
Jennie (10:22AM): WOWOWOWOW good for u Jungkook !!! glad to see u finally having the balls to ask her out !! 
Jungkook (10:22AM): OKAY THAT’S ENOUGH 
Jungkook (10:23AM): I actually felt BAD for leaving you by yourself BUT NOT ANYMORE 
Jennie (10:23AM): LMAO Jungkook I’m friends with Irene’s entire bridesmaid row i’ll be fine 
Jennie (10:23AM): just go get ur dick wet!!!!!! 
Jungkook (10:23AM): istg i will leave you on read 
Jungkook (10:23AM): also that is NOT the point!!!!!! Just wanna love my new girl :( 
Jennie (10:24AM): You’re gross 
Jennie (10:24AM): but sounds good see you tonight! 
You look up from Jungkook’s phone to see him watching you carefully, gauging your reaction, pleading for you to forgive him. 
The only thought that can be translated into a coherent sentence comes out: “You were in love with me during college?” 
Jungkook exhales in a laugh, his arms finding your waist once again. “I think ‘in love with’ was a bit of a stretch back then. I think you could agree that we didn’t know each other well enough before for me to say that.” 
You’re still looking at him. “Back then…?” You echo. 
He nods. “Back then.” He brings you closer, one hand moving up to gently brush at the skin of your cheek. “But it’s different now. Now, I can say with absolute certainty that I’m in love with you.” 
Your lips part. “You’re in love with me?” The tears spring back into your eyes, but for a different reason entirely. The emotional rollercoaster you have just been on is unbelievable. 
Jungkook’s eyes widen at the sight of your tears. “Oh shit, I’m sorry! Is that too fast? I’m sorry, I should have given you a warning or something. Or more time at least. Oh no, please don’t cry…” 
You brush him off with a watery laugh, waving his concern away. “It’s okay Jungkook. This is fine, really.” You give him a smile. “I love you too. I really thought you were pulling my leg or something.” 
Jungkook gives you his own small smile. “I’m sorry. I should have brought this up sooner about us being each other’s plus ones. Just because I assume something doesn’t mean it’s an established thing.” He brings you closer, his smile turning into a grin. “You love me too, huh?” 
You giggle. You’re too strung out to come up with something witty or clever. “Yeah…” 
Jungkook is still smiling, his gaze switching between your lips and your eyes. “I’m gonna kiss you now.” 
You nod. “About time.” 
He kisses you again, softly and sweetly, tongue slipping past the seam of your lips but it’s gentle caresses that make your heart feel like it’s crawling up your throat. 
“OH MY GOD GET A ROOM!” A voice calls from the other side of the parking lot, forcing you and Jungkook to pull away. The pair of you look at each other and you start to laugh. 
Jungkook kisses your forehead, sweeping down to your ear. “How about we check into our room and get ready?” 
You giggle, nodding over at him. “That sounds good.” 
So Jungkook leads the way, wrapping an arm around your shoulder as you gather your suitcases from the car and enter the lobby. You check in easily, as Jungkook is provided a map with directions on how to reach the room. 
The pair of you don’t pull away once until Jungkook is sliding the key card into the door and pushing it open to reveal the bedroom you’ll be sharing for the night. 
Both you and Jungkook park your suitcases near the foot of the bed, as per usual. 
“Do you want to use the bathroom?” Jungkook offers. 
You nod, smiling softly. “Okay.” 
You gather the dress you’ve brought in your arms, about to enter the bathroom, before Jungkook’s voice stops you. “Hey,” He calls, approaching you and wrapping you in his arms again. He’s much more handsey this time, like he needs to make sure you’re not going to run away again, like you’re going to be okay. “You feel better now?” His thumb brushes your lips. “Your eyes are still a little red.” 
You nod. “The makeup will probably help that,” You reassure in a soft voice. 
Jungkook mirrors your movements. “Still, how about I get some ice for you so you can put something cold underneath your eyes… to stop the puffing.” 
He looks genuinely concerned and worried for your wellbeing that you can’t help but smile. Since he is insisting, you decide to just let him be. “Okay, Jungkook.” 
He smiles. “Okay! You start getting ready and I’ll get the ice, okay?” A quick kiss on your cheek before he’s bounding out of the door with the provided ice buckets. 
Your eyes linger on the door for a few minutes before you’re turning back to your suitcase. The dress you have picked is a pink flowing floor-length number—something Karly helped you pick out before leaving. It’s soft enough that it doesn’t leave crease marks along the fabric, which had made this outfit perfect for the trip. You take the dress and your bag of makeup before entering the bathroom. You’re just slipping on the dress when you hear the hotel room door open and close. 
“Okay, I got the ice!” Jungkook announces through the bathroom door. “Did you want to work on your eyes right now?” 
“Sure,” You call back. “Do you mind zipping me up first?” 
“Of course,” Jungkook returns, sounding distracting as you open the door to the bathroom. You peek your head through, noticing Jungkook opening his suitcase on the floor and sorting through it—probably for his own suit. 
He must hear the door open, because he looks up towards you. Immediately, his eyes widen as he straightens up into a standing position. “O-Oh wow…” He’s looking you over up and down, up and down, as if he needs to commit this to memory. “Y-You look great. Beautiful.” 
“Really?” You stammer back. “Thank you.” 
Jungkook keeps his eyes on you as he approaches you. “You needed me to zip you up?” 
“O-Oh right, yeah.” Hastily, you turn around, brushing the hair from your back to expose your undone zipper, and your bare back. 
You think that he purposely grazes the tips of his fingers against your skin in his process of bringing the zipper up to the top of the fabric. You’re about to turn, thank him, but his hands back at your waist do the gesture for you. “Thank you.” 
“You’re welcome. You look really pretty.” 
You pout. “You’re being too nice to me.” 
Jungkook whines, hugging you close to him. “You’re too cute.” He noses at your temple. “I just wanted to see you smile.” He pulls away after a moment. “Let’s take care of your face, yeah?” He turns around and returns with a small baggy full of ice. “Here, sit down for a second.” He leaves for a second, returning back with a towel. “Maybe… five minutes each eye. I don’t know. I’ll get ready while we’re waiting.” 
So he takes his suit out from his case and disappears into the bathroom, leaving you alone with a towel of ice pressed against your eye. The cooling sensation definitely helps with the puffiness. 
Jungkook appears from the bathroom a few minutes later—dressed in a black suit with a white button-down and a long skinny black tie. His hair has been fiddled with a little, but he still has that messy, boyish, lovable appearance that makes your heart race. 
“Did you switch the towel?” 
You nod. 
“How do you feel?” 
Slowly, you bring the towel down and rest it on your lap. You look at Jungkook. “How do I look?” 
He leans forward towards you, holding your chin gently between his fingers. “You look better. Did you need to finish getting ready?” 
“Yeah. I just need to touch up my makeup.” 
“Okay, go ahead then.” 
Jungkook takes the towel, and watches as you make your way back to the bathroom. You’re only gone for a few minutes before you’re emerging once more—eyeshadow a little darker, lashes a little closer, and lips slightly pinker, but overall still looking like the same version of the girl he fell in love with. 
The pair of you drive to the wedding venue, a cute brick building with browns, greens, and whites surrounding. Guests already swarm the outside area, some of whom you recognize from college. The sight makes you nervous. 
Jungkook sees this, and he reaches over to grab onto your hand. “You can just stick with me, okay?” He smiles. “I’ll protect you.” 
You roll your eyes, but you are thankful to have Jungkook as your source of comfort and be that person you could run back to. 
He parks and meets you at the front of his car, where you lace fingers and make your way towards the venue. You go through a small round of hellos and ‘nice to finally meet you’ conversations—most notably from Mingyu and Jennie, both of whom light up at the sight of your presence. Contrary to your previous worries, you find that you don’t really need to be so nervous. Mingyu and Jennie are friends of Jungkook’s for a reason—they radiate a relaxing nature that you can tell is what has drawn the three of them to each other. 
They ask about you, your college experience, your current experience, passing easy conversation in the ceremony space right before the start of the wedding. It’s fun to see Jungkook joking around with the friends he grew up with, and even more fun to see how easy you are allowed into that world. 
The actual wedding ceremony is a blur. You vaguely recognize the extremely attractive, excited, and watery-eyed version of Seokjin at the head of the aisle. You definitely recognize the equally as attractive, excited, and watery-eyed version of Irene, downed in white lace and looking much more beautiful than you ever remember her. Vows are exchanged, kisses are shared, there’s an applause, and pictures are taken before the guests are ushered into the main entry room—decked out with a bar and a few scattered seating areas. Jungkook whispers to you that guests are put here temporarily, as the ceremony space is being converted into a dining area. 
True to Jungkook’s promise, he lingers by your side most of the night. Although you reassure him that you are fine, you are much more emotionally stable compared to a few hours ago, and that perhaps you are okay catching up with Nayeon—another girl from college, actually someone from the first party you ever attended who defended you when you were receiving unwanted attention—but Jungkook simply tells you that he likes being around you. He likes being able to put his arm around you, likes to rest his hand at your waist, likes people knowing that he has you. 
It’s a few more minutes of conversation, of laughter, of old stories being exchanged between people you haven’t seen for years, when the guests are called back into the newly converted dining area. Instead of rows of chairs lined up, there are round tables filling the space. The long panel of doors once closed along the wall of the room have been opened—exposing a gazebo with a D.J. and a dance floor, all encircled by a string of big bright fairy lights. 
You and Jungkook are situated at the same table as most of the guests you recognize from college. You assume this is purposefully done to give you all a common ground, and it works because conversations spring easily between you all. Even when you’re not talking about your experiences from university, you’re able to transition from topic to topic. You and Jungkook occasionally talk amongst yourselves as you’re eating, but you sit together and laugh together when Irene and Seokjin emerge and listen in during the wedding toasts. 
Finally, Irene and Seokjin make their rounds through the room, stopping at the tables to cheer and laugh and exchange a few words of congratulations and conversation. Following this process, everyone at your table stands on their feet as Irene and Seokjin make their way towards you. There are bright smiles, Irene’s cheerful gasp as she takes in all the guests that have come to join her. She circles your table, hugging every guest, continuing this when she reaches you. 
Irene grins at the sight of you. “Y/N! Oh my gosh, it’s been so long!” 
“I know!” You return, pulling away from Irene. “Congratulations. This wedding is beautiful.” 
She beams, absolutely radiating in her white dress and glittering makeup. “Thank you so much for coming! But oh my god, are the rumors true, did you really show up—!” She looks over your shoulder, and grins again. “Jungkook!” She hugs Jungkook. “I should be saying congratulations to the two of you. I was surprised to get the text from Jungkook saying that you guys were coming as each other’s dates. Gave me a whole pain because I had to switch some seats around at the last minute. But anything for my favorite people.” She turns to you and holds onto your arms. “Jungkook has had a crush on you for years, so you’re really doing him a huge favor.” 
“Okay, enough,” Jungkook interrupts, scowling. But there is still that playful look in his eyes. “Did all your friends know about this? Jennie knew something was up too when I texted her.” 
Irene presses her lips together. “Mingyu might have mentioned something.” She presses her hand to Jungkook’s cheek. “Stay safe, you guys. Hope you enjoy the rest of the night.” She moves onto her next guest. 
Jungkook is groaning. “Remind me to never tell Mingyu anything ever again.” He glares at the boy from across the table. “Gonna fling some peanuts at that son of a bitch.” 
You laugh, wrapping your arms around Jungkook’s waist. “Oh, let him be. It’s Irene’s wedding. You can get him tomorrow.” 
Jungkook pouts, but he does wrap his own arm around your shoulder. “Ah, love my girl—promoting evil behavior after festive events.” He kisses your cheek as your table takes their seats once more. 
The good natured atmosphere continues as you and Jungkook down your food, remaining fully engaged in the conversations happening around the table. After another hour of this, the DJ announces the start of the married couple’s first dance. Irene and Seokjin take to the dance floor and spin around, her white dress flowing around the room like light. Underneath the glow of the fairy lights, it looks like the couple is in an entirely new world. And you are so taken by it. 
Jungkook does not turn to you until the DJ plays a slow song—a first slow song after a series of upbeat dance and pop genres. He jerks his head towards the dance floor. “You want to dance?” 
You take his hand when he offers. “Of course.” He leads you across the room, towards the gazebo, where several other couples have moved to cling to one another. Jungkook pulls you in: one hand on your waist and the other with your own hand. “This is really nice,” You start off. 
Jungkook laughs. “The wedding, or the dance?” 
You smile over at him. “Both. Being able to slow dance with you, however, is marginally better.” 
Jungkook is quiet for a little after that. He seems content just staring at your eyes, taking in the magic of this moment. “Thank you for coming with me,” He starts. “The whole road trip thing. Definitely would not have been as fun if I did all that by myself.” 
“Well, thank you for inviting me,” You return. “Even though we had that big misunderstanding. I had a lot of fun.” 
“Hey.” Jungkook angles his head a little so he can look at you in the eyes. “You know that I would never hurt you, right? You’re too important to me that I wouldn’t even think to pull some stupid shit like that again. You know that I love you too much to do that to you, right?” 
“I do know now,” You say, gazing over at him. “And I love you too.” 
You’re not usually an expressive person. But it’s worth saying those words just to see the grin that overtakes Jungkook’s face. It’s worth even more when he leans forward, kissing you openly in front of all his friends, nibbling gently at your bottom lip, running his tongue over the wound, and into your mouth. It’s worth it to have his fingers dusting sweetly over your skin, coaxing your mouth to open to allow exploration. 
It feels like worlds pass before Jungkook pulls away, giving you that breathless smile dimple and all, before he’s leaning forward to bury his face into your neck. 
“I think the drive home will be fun,” Jungkook mutters softly. 
“Hm?” You hum, eyes closed as he presses tiny kisses along your neck. 
“Most definitely,” Jungkook says, lifting himself just enough so that his lips hover over your ear lobe. “Because I plan on fucking you in every hotel bed for the rest of the trip.” 
You feel your heart race, your cheeks heat. Yes, this was definitely worth it. 
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noroi1000 · 2 years
Hello! I was wondering if I can get a romantic matchup with one of the jjk characters?
My pronouns are she/her and I’m interested in men. I’m an entp 3w2 :D I’m 5’6 and I have dark brown hair and my hair is cut in a wolfcut hairstyle. I have green-hazel eyes and very pale skin. I love soft-grunge clothes or hippie clothes. The baggy jeans and tight shirt combo is my fav, and I love using jewelry. Converse is also my fav shoe brand :]
Im very outgoing and I’m really good at sparking conversations, though I like having my time to myself as well. I love amusement parks and any fun activities of the sort. I’m nice but I can also be pretty sarcastic, and I’m also very clumsy. I’m verrry involved with everything. I do sports(track and softball) and various of clubs :) I’m book smart but I’m not street smart what so ever😭 I speak up when something bothers me and I’m not gonna let someone walk over me. My love language is acts of service and quality time.
I’m good at concealing how I’m feeling, and I don’t really talk about my emotions cause I feel like it’s irrelevant. I have to be reallyyyy close to you in order for me to open up to you(2-3+ years) I put people before me, even at the expense of myself🤭
I love running, cleaning(on good days), and hanging out with the people close to me. Listening to music is great too :) I especially like the smashing pumpkins and the strokes. I love playing video games and watching shows such as Attack On Titan, The Walking Dead, and Stranger Things :) kung fu panda 2 is the best movie and no one can change my mind. I’ve seen it a million of times and I wouldn’t have it any other way <3. I don’t like disrespectful people ESPECIALLY people who are rude to their parents without their parents doing anything 😟 irks me so much omg. Thank you and I hope your day is going great<333
I think your Jujutsu kaisen matchup is
Yuji Itadori
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Yuji is actually the most social person in the entire Jujutsu kaisen fandom.
He smiles often and makes others smile. Often times, he even forces them to spend time with him. But he only does it if that person simply refuses him. So normally, he wouldn't force someone on a bad day. Or vice versa, he will force the person to cheer someone up.
He is very kind and understanding to the rest. His behavior is funny and sometimes crazy. He likes good adventures.
Of course, he wouldn't want anything to happen to someone, so he doesn't like to overdo it.
To exaggerate We are committed to everything we can. He likes to do almost everything and no work bothers him. His energy reserves are almost infinite.
The energy is almost infinite. This "almost" makes a big difference. Because sometimes he would also like to be alone.
When he is sad, he even thinks that everything is his fault. If that were the case, he wouldn't have left the room. He would be in a bad mood all the time. He wouldn't want to smile.
But no matter what happened, when someone asks for him, he'll help. He believes that others are more important than him.
He doesn't like people who don't care. He would never underestimate something that was happening. He hates people who don't care what happens to someone. For him, it is inconceivable that someone is standing and watching someone suffer. And someone doesn't do anything about it. Disregarding everything is not for him.
He does not disregard people, he does not disregard life, he does not underestimate danger. All this is faced daily to see if something is good or bad.
Often he even spoils some of the things he takes care of. Either it knocks something over or it hits. It can even crush. It's his everyday life. He's just unlucky sometimes. Or clumsiness takes control of him.
Sometimes he says he's stupid. But he knows some things. Everyone is good at something else. But only someone has to tell him about it, and make him believe it with a smile.
• If you want to talk to him, he won't shut up. No matter what topic. He will just say what he knows or listen to what you have to say.
He thinks his mistakes are funny and he is not ashamed to make mistakes. In fact, he would need a person who could correct him if he says something wrong.
• He is submissive to you. Tell him to stop doing something, he will stop. You ask him to do something, he'll do it. He is ready for anything.
• Every fun activity is appreciated for him. He will go wherever he can have fun. And if he goes with you, he will be happier.
He just loves your smile and laugh very much.
• Are you bored? Do you have a lot of energy? It's easy, play games with him. Sport is something he is good at, even if he is not interested in it. So you can go do something with him.
• Rarely shows that he is sad. He would not like to tell everyone what bad he had experienced. It is difficult for him and he would prefer to forget it. Plus, he doesn't want to be an emotional burden on the rest.
• It does not bother him that you will open up to him gradually. He is even patient when he cares about something. He will try to give you reasons to want to be closer to him. Until you finally decide to open up to it as you like.
• House cleaning is fine. It can clean. He can clean well. It's nothing difficult for him. But that's not an ideal activity for him. You can just tell him to clean up something, he'll do it, but quickly so you have time for something else.
• He loves movies. Even animated cartoons. He doesn't care what he watches, it matters that he likes it.
• He sure likes to hold your hand ALWAYS. And also hug you often. This man is just a leech. He wants the touch of others too much.
"Let's go watch movies! Or let's go somewhere! Or let's go to the park! What do you want to do? Aw, I want to do something different than usual today. Or the same… I don't care as long as I'm with you and you're happy! "
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Okokok here this: april, reader and casey try to prank the boys. How does it go. With who does it fails/success, what was the prank, do they get caught? Do the boys get revenge, and if so, how?
Also, splinter sees it all unfolds, does he just gets himself a snack and watch, or does he tries to subtly join in without getting caught? (We all know hes got a playful side cmon)
Bonus: they try to prank vern too, maybe the boys join in to prank him? What do they do? Does he retaliate?
Okay so I admit I let my brain go nuts on this one, so it's a little long but I was cackling the entire time I was writing it.
TMNT Headcanons
Prank Wars
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In your complete and utter defence, Leo had 100% started this
And also in your defence, you did tell him not to
But he tricked you into watching a horror movie and ended up dying your hair green
This meant war
You'd even wrapped up April and Casey into it
Their problems were your problems
Which meant that April was the one who convinced Splinter not to say anything to his sons
He was perfectly happy to oblige
Casey was just there to help set things up
And you liked the way his mind worked
The objective wasn't to go unnoticed, there would be no point in doing it and having no proof
You were doing this to prove that you could
Leo had emphasized that he couldn't be distracted
That you were to obvious and clumsy to prank him without him noticing
Challenge fucking accepted
And that's how you ended up at the kitchen table eating lunch with April and Casey when the boys were coming back from meditating with Splinter
April kept having to shove food in her mouth to hide her laughter
Casey just decided to wear sunglasses
And you kept overpowering the urge to smirk
"Hey guys, good to see you. Y/n have you seen my katanas?"
With the obstruction of water in your mouth you just nodded at him, pointing to the other room
He sauntered off, none the wiser to your victorious grin
When he came back in only a moment later his expression had done a complete 180
Leo made direct eye contact with you and you held that stare like a wolf cornered in its den
"does someone want to explain why my katanas are encased in blueberry jello?"
You raised your hand like a child in class
"hate to break it to you, but it's actually berry blue you uncultured bitch"
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Ohhhh you were so undeniably dead
A whole other level of six feet under
It wasn't a surprise that April and Casey had backed out on this one
It also wasn't a surprise that Splinter had offered to stand up for you if things went sideways
Donnie even gave you a sheet of paper with a list of hiding spots before hand
All of this went completely unnoticed by Raph, the target of your latest scheme.
And that was fine, you had only one objective here-
Make it out alive
But it was amazing what 1 person could do with some extra cash and internet access
So that's what led you to your current position.
Cross legged on the bench, watching the large red terrapin get ready for his first set, that in itself wasn't unusual, you always watched him lift just in case you needed to run and grab someone if something went wrong
Raph was none the wiser to your plan
At least that's what you thought
Your book was in your lap and you were calmly scanning your pages, somewhat comprehending the words but keeping a very close eye on the turtle across from you
"Hey y/n?"
You peeked over the edge of your book to meet his eyes
And your heart sank to your stomach
"Yeah Raph?"
He smirked at you, taking a lumbering step forward
"You ever seen that episode of the Office where Jim fills Dwight's phone with nickels so when he takes 'em out Dwight punches himself in the face?"
Shit shit shit shit shit shit-
"Uh... No, can't say that I have, why do you ask?"
That damn smile got even wider and all of your muscles tensed, you were ready to bolt
"I'm giving you a fifteen second headstart. Starting right now."
You flew to your feet and sprinted out of the weight room
Your lungs were ready to burst by the time you made it to your decided hiding spot. Heavy footsteps went right underneath you and you held your breath, you wouldn't dare move.
You didn't come down until hours later when Splinter came and coaxed to you out of hiding
But deep down you knew you'd started something you couldn't finish.
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Vern Fenwick
You didn't even have to convince the guys to partake in this
You didn't even get the chance to tell them what you were planning
They were already brainstorming
None of you let a word of it slip to April, she would've shut you down faster than you could blink
A complete buzz kill
But fake blood was relatively cheap and all of Vern's flooring was tile (meaning extremely easy to clean and bleach)
Donnie had really been the mastermind behind the execution, none of you had any idea how he'd rigged the apartment plumbing
But he'd assured you it would only affect Vern's suite and no one else's so you didn't concern yourself with it further
And after the fact you had to wonder what exactly the former cameraman was planning on the date he'd been in the middle of
All you knew was that you got a very frantic call from the falcon himself yelling about blood coming out of his tap and the sink wouldn't shut off and it was everywhere and what the fuck was happening?
You all knew that Splinter thought it was hilarious, he'd never been particularly fond of Vern
But he did make his sons assist in the clean up and bleaching of the victims apartment floor
You went too and offered moral support
Vern had hit on you one too many times, so there was no way you'd feel bad about this
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As far as pranking went, you and Mikey were partners in crime
He always had great ideas and you always came up with the best ways to execute those ideas without getting caught
But when you separated those two chaos was guaranteed
You weren't entirely sure how you had been pitted against each other but you weren't entirely mad about it
You couldn't say the same for anyone else though, the others had been on edge all week.
Pranking Mikey was a challenge, he knew how you worked and vice versa
You'd been brainstorming with April for weeks now, maybe a new perspective would help
That's what the two of you told yourselves anyways
Much to your dismay, Mikey and Casey had been plotting against you as well, the traitor.
And perhaps even more unfortunate was the fact that both of your pranks somehow overlapped and backfired on the rest of the family
Because Mikey and Casey may have replaced the family tea set with a edible sugar replica that looked identical to the original
So that when you were asked to make tea for Splinter and Leo it would dissolve the second you poured the hot tea
But they didn't tell anyone else so Leo was left with an impromptu anxiety attack when he made his own tea before sitting down to meditate and it melted into sugary leaf water
And you and April had planned the 'cutting off your finger in the kitchen' with the knife, fake finger, and fake blood
Which in theory should've worked because Mikey was in the kitchen the most, that was his territory
However once you'd started your plan you couldn't stop it
so when you 'cut your finger off' and screamed for Mikey you didn't have time to yell "wait it's a prank!" before Donnie caught a glimpse of the scene and fainted
In your defence you didn't know the purple turtle could move that fast
And to Mikey's relief he was going to throw that cutting board out anyways
Splinter explicitly banned the two of you from pranking each other after that incident
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Per your own common sense you had come to the conclusion that pranking the families resident genius was a horribly stupid idea
So for once, you'd practiced some self control and refrained from any pranks involving Donnie
Now that's not to say that the turtle vowed from aiming any pranks towards you
He had morals but messing with you walked the line separating adorable from batshit crazy
And he was all for it
April advised against it severely and even Splinter seemed to think it wasn't the best idea, but that was a lesson his son had to learn on his own
On the flip side, the second Casey heard about Donnie's plan he was all for it
So when you came over for dinner they both had to hide their excited smiles as Casey passed you your spaghetti
He knew it was your favorite
Everyone else was oblivious, which looking back on it was a very bad thing
April had her suspicions that Donnie was pulling something this evening, but she couldn't put her finger on it
That wasn't until you swirled a mouthful of noodles around your fork and shoved it into your mouth, you were starving
Here lies your predicament-
You swallowed thickly and blinked like you were in pain, your hand went to your throat and you reached for your water, ending up chugging almost the entire bottle.
Your eyes met Donnie's in a serious type of concern
"Is there hot sauce in this?"
April choked on her breadstick and quickly covered her mouth
Casey hadn't picked up on it yet
"Awh yeah- how'd you figure it out so quickly?"
You erupted in a coughing fit that sent April rushing to your side before you could tumble to the floor
"You fucking assholes! Y/N has a capsaicin allergy! Casey go start the car we need to get them to the hospital!"
On the bright side you were fine after you were rushed to the ER
But you didn't speak to Donnie or Casey for two weeks following the accident
You eventually forgave them for it and they haven't targeted you since
Sorry if it got a little dark at the end, but I felt like it was more realistic. Also that has actually happened to me but it was a nut allergy (and that's how I found out I was allergic to cashews) But I feel like the ending was a good example of how pranking someone can go horribly wrong, you should always consider the possibilities before doing something that could cause harm to a person. (Unless they really really deserve it)
I really enjoyed writing this one and I hope you guys like it as much as I do! 😁🧡👍
-Mars 🌠
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tennessoui · 3 years
when is anakin going to get his revenge and kiss divorced obi-wan back
yes hello this got out of hand and the best moment would be in the hypothetical part two but here is a KUWSK directly post kiss from Anakin's pov. For context, this snippet and this snippet probablllyyyy should be read?
(2.8k, ffs @ kit)
“He was thinking about Satine,” Anakin tells himself after he drops the kids off at school and starts making the drive back home. His hands are tight on the wheel. He’s been trying to think about something else--anything else ever since it happened, but his mind refuses to let go of that moment.
He’s replayed it so many times in the last hour and a half that it doesn’t even feel like an actual memory anymore, just a combination of sensations.
The chill of the almost winter morning that made the hair on his arms stick up. The tacky feeling in his mouth because he had slept a bit later than he had wanted to and didn’t have time to brush his teeth if he wanted to make breakfast before the kids and Obi-Wan left.
The woodsy-spiced smell of Obi-Wan’s cologne, stronger than normal. They’d been standing closer together than normal too, but it had been so early and Obi-Wan’s mind had obviously been miles away.
Anakin had been saying something stupid, something that didn’t mean anything, and Obi-Wan had replied and then Obi-Wan had leaned in and kissed him, full on the mouth. His beard had felt so soft against Anakin’s skin, his lips even softer, if a bit chapped.
Had they been chapped? Now Anakin can’t remember, he’s turned this memory over in his head so often. It had been for less than a handful of seconds. A quick brush of lips, a taste of a life Anakin has dreamt about for well over a year now. And Obi-Wan had just turned and left, as if he hadn’t done anything extraordinary. As if he hadn’t just kissed Anakin on the porch for everyone to see.
Obi-Wan would never be that cruel on purpose. Perhaps to that one profesor who always tries to refute Obi-Wan’s papers, but not to Anakin.
Which means Obi-Wan hadn’t been thinking. He had been perhaps caught up in the domesticity of it all, of having someone wish him luck and see him off. And maybe Anakin has been doing something like that for the last two years, but there’s a person who did that for Obi-Wan for much longer. A person they ran into at the park just two days ago.
“He was thinking about Satine,” Anakin tells himself as he gets out of the car and unlocks the house. He tries desperately to keep the despair and jealousy out of his voice, but at least no one’s around. It’s not that he hates the woman or anything. Really, he doesn’t. He doesn’t understand her, but that’s a given.
He’d never have Obi-Wan’s heart and soul and throw it away. He’d never get tired of fighting with Obi-Wan if he was fighting to stay with the man. He’d never be able to run into him at a park and then just leave again as if seeing him stirred up nothing inside of him.
Seeing Obi-Wan always stirs things up inside of Anakin. It makes no sense that Satine, who had had Obi-Wan’s love--knew all those things about the man that Anakin did not and could not know as just his housemate--had just been satisfied with saying hello and then just as quickly goodbye.
The same cold sinking feeling that Anakin’s been trying to shake off for the last two and a half days returns, and he has to lean against the countertop in the kitchen for a second to ground himself.
They’re going to get back together. They will.
At the park, they had seemed so in their own world, as if everything else had disappeared except for them. Anakin had had to send Luke over, couldn’t stand watching that reconnection happen without at least trying to remind Obi-Wan that he has a family now, that he’s not alone anymore, that there are people who love him.
Obi-Wan had glared at him for his meddling, which hadn’t admittedly done wonders to his confidence. And when Obi-Wan had deposited Luke--Luke--on the ground to chase after Satine, when he had hugged her, Anakin knew for sure.
They were going to lose him.
Anakin had had his set of chances and had taken none of them, and now Obi-Wan’s going to re-fall in love with his ex-wife and Anakin’s going to have to be the supportive best friend who has to figure out how to tell his children that due to unforeseen and tragic circumstances, their Obi is probably going to elope to Paris and maybe send a postcard once or twice a year addressed solely to the children and Anakin will grow old and die alone and the name Obi-Wan Kenobi will be banned from his small, shadowy apartment, and all Anakin will have is a few memories of the two most important and heart wrenching kisses he’s ever been a part of in his entire life.
“He was thinking about Satine,” he tells himself. “He kissed me but it wasn’t about me. It hasn’t ever been about me.”
There’s no denying that Obi-Wan loves Anakin’s children and also no denying that his children love Obi-Wan. Anakin thinks he wouldn’t love Obi-Wan half as much if he hadn’t absolutely been charmed by the kids and vice versa. But he had been. They had been. Those few weeks when Anakin had thought about leaving a year ago had been absolutely awful because he knew he would be breaking his twins’ hearts, not just his. He’d be hurting Obi-Wan too, he had known that.
But he had had to try. Because he knew that if he didn’t try to leave then he’d have to be dragged kicking and screaming out of Obi-Wan’s life when it came time for the man to grow tired of his presence.
It had been a last ditch attempt at saving his dignity. And it hadn’t taken much argument from everyone else to get him to abandon the idea completely.
Now he can’t help but to think he should have put his foot down, gotten some distance. Because now he’s entrenched in Obi-Wan’s world, the same way Obi-Wan is entrenched in his and the twins’ world. Leaving now will feel like ripping himself in two. He’ll probably wake up in the middle of the night five years from now and wonder about the academic response to Obi-Wan’s most recent publication.
He’ll probably have read it. He’ll probably still be fielding questions from his kids’ friends’ parents about whatever happened to that handsome man that used to come in to help during Show-And-Tell Day? Do you remember who I’m talking about, Anakin?
If he had left then, the idea of leaving now wouldn’t hurt so much. But there’s a ticking clock in his head.
Obi-Wan kissed him.
But he was thinking about Satine.
He calls Padme, because that’s sort of what he does when he doesn’t know what to do. She’s never turned him away--with the rejected marriage proposal being the one glaring exception, of course.
Thankfully, she doesn’t start now, though she does sound a little stressed when she picks up.
“Hey,” he says trying to sound normal and as if he isn’t a few minutes alone with his thoughts away from crying like a baby.
“Are you--are you busy? Something sort of happened.”
“My flight is boarding,” Padme admits, but there’s a rustle on the other end of the line like she’s just sat down. “But it’s not like I’m not assigned a seat. They won’t leave without me. What happened?”
Anakin smiles in spite of himself. She’s really just such an angel of a person.
“Are the children alright?” she asks, sounding worried the longer it takes for Anakin to respond. “Ani?”
“No, yeah, the children are fine. I dropped them off at school this morning. But. Um.” He takes a deep breath. “Obi-Wankissedme.”
“I’m sorry?” Padme asks.
“Obi-Wan kissed me.”
The other end of the line is silent. “And we’re calling this a problem now?” she asks faintly. “Is he a bad kisser?”
“He’s a great kisser,” Anakin defends, shifting awkwardly on his feet, catching sight of the fridge door and quickly turning away.
“Then I don’t…?” Padme trails off uncertainly. Anakin can understand this confusion. Padme has only had to hear about how much Anakin wants Obi-Wan to kiss him for about two years now.
“I don’t think he realized he did it,” Anakin confesses. “He just did it as he was leaving. Because I said goodbye. It--I don’t think he realized who he was kissing.”
Now Padme sounds a distinct mix of skeptical and sympathetic, a tone Anakin’s only ever heard her use with him. “What makes you say that?”
“Because--because we went to the park the other day and he ran into his ex-wife and they were together for, for years so--so obviously he just--he wasn’t--it wasn’t me he was kissing. He was thinking about Satine.”
The words sound dull and practiced and lifeless.
“Oh, Anakin,” Padme says.
“And they’re probably gonna get back together, and we’re going to have to leave, and he’ll never know that I--” Anakin cuts himself off and thunks his head on the countertop with a groan.
Padme hums disbelievingly. “Anakin, I know you’ve never believed me when I say this, but that man is gone over you. And I think if he kissed you long enough for you to tell me for certain that he’s a good kisser, then he definitely knew he was kissing you.”
Anakin bites his lip and debates the pros and cons of being completely truthful. But he had called Padme for help, and she can’t provide the best advice if she doesn’t know the full story.
“That’s not the first time he’s kissed me,” Anakin finally admits, rubbing bashfully at the back of his neck.
“What?” Padme exclaims, probably much louder than appropriate for a public space. “Anakin Skywalker, explain yourself right now.”
He exhales forcefully. “Last New Year’s Eve party.”
“That was almost a year ago! And nothing else ever happened between you two? What? We always thought that once the first kiss was out of the way we’d need to beat you both with sticks to keep you off each other.”
“Well--wait, who’s we?”
Padme tsks. “Myself and Obi-Wan’s coworker.”
“You’ve been gossiping about me?” Anakin asks, torn between being flabbergasted and offended.
“That’s not important right now,” Padme says airily. “What’s important here is the fact that you apparently kissed Obi-Wan Kenobi and never told me?”
“He doesn’t remember, okay?” Anakin snaps. “He. We’d been drinking. A lot. It was after everyone left. And. I was in the kitchen and he was in the kitchen and he--”
--had pinned him to the front of the fridge and just looked at Anakin for a few seconds like he was the most precious, important thing in the entire world, and Anakin had opened his mouth to say something and Obi-Wan had--
“--kissed me,” Anakin says out loud. “And then he--”
He had pressed impossibly closer to Anakin, one hand wrapped around his hip, caressing the thin skin there while his other hand ghosted down Anakin’s hair and back as if he couldn’t decide where he wanted to touch, as his tongue mapped out Anakin’s mouth for what could have been seconds or minutes, and Anakin could have stayed there forever, but his own hands had grabbed too tightly onto Obi-Wan’s shoulders, must have jerked him forward too roughly, because he had been pushed away and--
“--threw up in the kitchen sink,” he finishes.
There’s dead silence on the other end of the line before Padme bursts out laughing. “Okay, okay,” she says once she’s calmed down. “But how do you know for sure he forgot about that? Sounds like something he might just never want to talk about if it ended up with him vomiting in the kitchen.”
“I just know,” Anakin promises. And he does. Obi-Wan had no idea about that kiss. It was a secret Anakin thought about too often, but one he had kept to himself for nearly a year, too afraid to reveal it to Obi-Wan only for the man to say he hadn’t meant to, it hadn’t meant anything, he’d been much too drunk.
Even the idea of Obi-Wan apologizing for one of the hottest kisses Anakin’s ever experienced in his life has been enough to keep Anakin silent on the matter.
But now he’s been kissed again, this time by a sober Obi-Wan, and it still--it still doesn’t mean anything.
“It didn’t mean anything to him then, or he would have remembered,” Anakin tells Padme. “And this one doesn’t mean anything either. The timing is just...it can’t be a coincidence, Padme. He’s never once thought about kissing me, about...about coming home to me like that, and now, a few days after he runs into his ex-wife he’s suddenly planting one on me as he walks out the door? I know--I know you think he...he might...he might have liked me, or...or wanted me, but. There’s no way I can hold a candle to a decades long marriage. I just. I can’t compete with that. He doesn’t want me to.”
Padme’s Anakin is cut off on her end by what sounds like a flight attendant. “Yes, I’m coming,” Padme tells the person, and there’s shuffling and then the distinct sound of the harsh beep of the ticket scanner, before Padme’s heels are clicking on the flight tunnel. “Do not rush me,” Padme tells someone. “What are you going to do, close this thing while I’m in it?”
Anakin has to hide his only sort of watery smile in his hand as he listens quietly on his end.
“Anakin?” Padme asks, and she must be on the plane because there’s a buzz of other people’s noises around her. “Anakin, I know you won’t believe me, and maybe--maybe you’re right and they’ll get back together, maybe you’re going to lose him.” Anakin’s heart hurts quite painfully at these words. “But do you remember what you did the first time you proposed to me and I said no?”
Great, yeah. Just bring up all his biggest failures in love. Sure, why start with Padme? When Anakin had been five he had tried to kiss a boy and been shoved into the mud for his efforts. That’s a fine place to begin, really. Just drag up all the old hurts. He sighs. “I went and got you a bigger ring.”
“And do you remember what you did when I told you that I couldn’t raise the children, but my parents wanted to?”
“I threatened to take them to court if they didn’t let me have them,” Anakin says. It hadn’t been his proudest moment, of course, but Padme’s parents had never really liked him. They still don’t.
Someone’s trying to talk to Padme on the other end of the line. “Yes, fine,” she snaps. “Anakin. Anakin, what I’m trying to say is I’ve never seen you give up on anything without at least trying to fight for it. And I don’t know why this should be different. You won’t be able to live with yourself if you have to watch him get back together with his ex-wife and know you never even tried to tell him he had other options.”
Anakin opens and closes his mouth, speechless. “Then what--”
“So go,” Padme cuts him off. “Go tell him he has other options! For fuck’s sake, yes, alright I’m getting off the phone. Anakin, when I land I expect to have a very detailed account of events waiting for me on my email. Goodbye.”
She hangs up. Anakin stares at the phone in his hand for a handful of seconds, thinking over what she’s said. What she’s implied.
She’s right, of course. Anakin never gives in this easily. He doesn’t fully understand why he’s so ready to capitulate now. Maybe he knows full-well he can’t compete with whatever Obi-Wan had with his ex-wife. They have history. They grew up together, became adults together. Anakin’s just this weird twenty-eight year old man with a pair of kids too old for his age who crashed at Obi-Wan’s house during the lowest moment of his life. Of maybe both of their lives.
Love can’t bloom from that. Not really. Not...not the sort of love that turns into a lifelong marriage.
But. Padme’s right. He wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he doesn’t try. If he doesn’t know for sure.
So either he could putter around the house all day waiting for Obi-Wan to text or call or come home, talking himself into and out of confessing every emotion he’s harbored for the man for the past two years, or….or he could drive to his campus and confront him in his office, put himself on the execution block and hand Obi-Wan the axe. At least it would be a quick death.
He glances at the digital clock on the oven. 9:38. The idea of waiting ten hours for a resolution makes his skin crawl.
And besides. 
Obi-Wan hadn’t packed a lunch.
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atlafan · 4 years
Burning Love - Part Three
a/n: the third and final part of this little series is here! I hope you enjoy! Feedback and reblogs are helpful! Support me here if you’re able! (not proofread)
Warnings: cocky!Harry flirting, a tiny bit of angst, fluff, and smut!
Words: 8K
Pairing: Harry x OC (kindergarten teacher Danielle Robinson)
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Having a firefighter as a boyfriend was anything but boring. Sometimes Harry was called away in the middle of the night for backup, sometimes he had to straight up sleep at the fire house if someone was on vacation, and sometimes he was cooking up a storm so the guys coming back from a fire had plenty to eat. Danielle would sometimes help cook as well. The guys really liked her turkey chili.
Danielle’s classroom knew who her boyfriend was too, and they loved it when Harry would come by for a visit. He’d bring them little coloring books, or sometimes he’d get Doodle to come for an even better surprise visit.
When they were together three months, Harry made sure no one was in the fire house so she could come to his office, and he gave her a little strip tease. She had practically been begging him to play the part of the sexy fire fighter and he was finally doing it for her. The only condition was that he got to bend her over his desk and fuck her. She even let him hit it raw, it was the greatest mutual gift in the world. Also hearing her moan out, “You’re hitting it so good, don’t stop, Harry!” over and over was pretty nice too.
Yup, things had been going pretty well for the new couple. Even though they were still in the puppy-love phase, it wasn’t all sex all the time. Harry would sometimes come over and help her late into the night as she was crafting activities for her class the next day, or he’d go to the art supply store with her because Danielle never made a list and she would often forget at least one thing she needed for class. Harry always remembered what she’d forget. Danielle was also a big help with the fire department’s fundraising efforts. She made the best hash browns anyone had ever had at the monthly pancake breakfasts. The deputy fire chief even got them a matching set of aprons. Things were going so well that she even started to let him call her Dani.
One Sunday afternoon they were walking through the grocery store together. Harry liked pushing the cart for Danielle as she mumbled to herself about what she needed for the week. She liked that he joined her because he could pick out the snacks he wanted to leave at her place, and vice versa. They were walking down the coffee aisle, Harry liked Hazelnut and Danielle liked French Vanilla.
Danielle looks over in the direction of the deep voice that said her name. Her eyes widen when she realizes it’s her ex, Oliver.
“Oh my god, it’s so good to see you!” He exclaims, throwing his arms around her. She doesn’t reciprocate. “It’s been what, three years?”
“Something like that.” She swallows, and hooks her arm around Harry’s waist. “This is my boyfriend, Harry.”
“Hi.” Oliver shakes Harry’s hand. “You shop here a lot?”
“Yeah…this is the grocery store closest to my apartment, why?”
“This is my first time as this specific store. My fiancé lives in the area, and we’re choosing to buy a house here so her son won’t have to switch elementary schools.”
“Her…her son?” Danielle wanted to smack him.
“Yeah, guess he’s like my son now too.”
“Olly? Did you find the decaf tea?” A woman long blond hair, and a slightly swollen belly comes rolling her cart down the aisle with a little boy sitting in it. “Oh…Danielle…hi.”
“Hi, Rory.”
“Miss Robinson!” The boy exclaims.
“Hello, Joey.” She tries to say with a smile. Danielle wasn’t sure how she could have been so stupid. Joey took the bus to and from school, and she had only ever spoken with his father. She also didn’t make a second glance at his mother’s name on his contact list since it was under Lorelei.
“Joey raves about you all the time.” Rory says, trying to cut some of the tension.
“Mumma, it’s Chief Harry!”
“Aw, nice of you to remember me, buddy.” Harry says. “Um, we’ve got frozen stuff in the cart, so we should probably get going, right, darling?” He says, looking at Danielle, and she feels thankful for him finding a way out of all this.
“He’s right, we should really get going.”
“Guess we’ll be seeing more of each other, huh, Dani?” Oliver says with a soft smile.
“So it would seem.” She looks at Joey. “See you tomorrow morning in class, Joey.”
Harry pushes the cart as they walk away. She was beyond mortified. They get in line and pay for their things. She had driven there, but she has Harry drive back to her place. She was quiet until they got inside her apartment to put the food away.
“He, uh, seemed a little delusional there, no?” Harry says.
“He’s always lived with his head in the sand.” She scoffs. “Rose colored glasses, you know?”
“Did you not know that-“
“No, I didn’t realize that Rory, the person he cheated on me with, had a son. I knew that she was a married woman. They got divorced because of Oliver.” She shakes her head. “Joey’s father is such a sweet man, I can’t believe I never put the pieces together.”
“How exactly did they meet?”
“The first school I worked at was a K-5 a few towns over. Rory was the principal’s secretary, she still is, I think. I brought Oliver with me to a holiday party, and they got to talking. She’s a couple of years older than he and I are. I don’t exactly know how things progressed from there, but apparently she’s pregnant with his kid, they’re engaged, and they’ve bought a house! Isn’t that just kick you in the crotch, spit on your neck fantastic?”
“Remind me to never watch Friends reruns with you again.” He chuckles.  “I can’t believe he had the nerve to hug you like that?”
“He hugged me like that because he’s still in love with me.”
“What do you mean?”
“Until I blocked him on literally every platform that I could, he would send me these messages about how he fucked up and that he’d do anything to win me back. He’s in a loveless relationship. He’s made his bed and now he has to lay in it.”
“Does Rory know it’s a loveless relationship?”
“I doubt it. If I had to guess they probably got engaged after they found out she was pregnant. It was probably her way of trapping him.” Danielle rolls her eyes. “You know what they say, once a cheater, always a cheater.”
“Well,” he comes around her to hold her from behind, kissing her cheek, “you don’t have to worry about that or pay it any more thoughts, alright?”
“Yeah.” She smiles and turns to kiss him. “I just hope I don’t start running into them all the time now.”
“We could always go to the market near my place, or we could do the online order thing.” He shrugs. “Whatever you wanna do. I just don’t want that idiot making my baby upset.” He pouts at her and she pouts back.
“I love that I get to be your baby.” She sighs as she nuzzles into his chest.
“Me too…I…I love you, Dani.” He kisses her forehead before she looks up at him.
“You do?”
“Mhm.” He smiles. “Guess there’s no perfect time to really say it, but that’s how I feel.”
“Oh, Harry, I love you too.” She kisses him, and blinks some tears away. “Like, a lot.”
“Let’s get these groceries put away, hm? Then I’ll fuck you on the counter. Would you like that, sweetheart?”
“I would, very much so.” She chuckles.
It was the last day of school, so Danielle had both of her groups in the morning. There was a small ceremony for the kindergarteners to commemorate them being able to move on to the first grade. They each got a personalized certificate with some type of achievement they earned in Miss Robinson’s class. She spent two weeks working on them. Once it was over, Danielle had to clean up her classroom for the summer.
“Happy last day of school, babe.” Harry says as he walks in, holding a small bouquet of flowers.
“I think you should ask for a separate office here with how often you come to visit.” She jokes as she takes the flowers. “Not that I’m upset, but what are these for?” She smiles.
“You made it through another year with a group of five-year-olds, thought you should have something nice for it.”
“Well, that’s very thoughtful, thank you.” She kisses his cheek. “I’m just finishing up here and then we can grab lunch.”
Harry nods as he waits for her, helping her take a few boxes out to her car. He thought she looked gorgeous today in her light blue sundress. They enjoy their lunch together before Harry has to go back to work.
“Wanna come to my place tonight?” She asks before they part ways.
“Sure.” He pecks her lips. “Want me to bring dinner?”
“No, I can cook. I’ve got stuff to make a taco salad.”
“Okay, I’ll see you later.” They kiss again and off they go.
Things had gotten quite domestic with one another, and Harry was really starting to like it. He also really liked that she was about to be off for the entire summer. Sure, Harry had bonfires, lawn mowers, grills, and other things of that nature to worry about, but his group of volunteer fire fighters would be coming on once again, so it freed up a little more time for himself. He’d be able to take a vacation with Danielle if she wanted. Or he could just take a ton of long weekends so he could spend some time with her. He wasn’t exactly sure what she did over the summer, but he figures they’ll talk about it soon.
When Harry gets to her apartment later that night, he realizes soon means tonight. Danielle was running around her apartment in a tank top and shorts boxing things up and packing.
“Hey, uh, what are you doing?” He says, startling her.
“Oh! I didn’t even hear you come in!” She gasps and clutches at her chest. “Sorry, I’m just trying to get my shit together. I always save this stuff for the last minute.”
“Are you moving?” He asks, almost frantic.
“What? No.” She chuckles. “But I do need a lot of my things with me for when I go up to Seabrook.”
“To my parents’ summer house. I told you they had one, they’re snowbirds, remember?”
“Yeah, you mentioned that…” He swallows. “Are you going for a long weekend?”
“No, I’m going for the majority of the summer. I was actually sort of hoping you’d be able to water some of my plants, but if you can’t I can ask the neighbor again.” She goes over to him and gives him a kiss. “Come on, I set dinner up in the kitchen for us.”
They both go into the kitchen and sit down with their taco salads.
“You’re sort of blindsiding me a bit, babe. I mean, you’ve known you were going to New Hampshire all this time and didn’t think to tell me?”
“I figured I’d come back on weekends.” She shrugs. “You’re going to be working all day, so I figured you wouldn’t really mind if I wasn’t around as much.” She takes a bite of her food. “I also thought maybe you could come up and visit…you know, meet my family.”
“It’s gonna be torturing not being able to come over and see you after work.” He pouts. “But of course I’d love to meet your family.”
“I know…that’s sort of why I was keeping it to myself. I’ll miss you just the same, I hope you know that. This is just really precious family time that I wait all year for.”
“I get it.” He sighs. “What weekend would you want me to come meet them?”
“I’ll have to ask my parents what weekend would work best for them. The first couple of weeks are spent catching up with their friends, and whatnot. The house is in a fifty-five and over community.”
“And you won’t mind driving back on weekends?”
“Not at all.” She shakes her head. “All of the traffic will be going the other way, and the beaches are always so crowded on the weekends. It’ll be perfect.” She smiles at him and leans in a bit. “Plus, I’ll be coming back to you with sun kissed skin. I’ll have lots of tan lines to show you.” She winks and it makes him chuckle.
“Alright, alright. I get to use more time off in the summer, so I’ll be able to take lots of long weekends. We have more of a crew because a lot of our volunteers are teachers, so they have more time to help out.”
“That’s good! I’m so happy the school year is over with. Did you see I put the flowers you got me in a vase?” She points over to the vase in her kitchen window.
“I did.” He nods, a smile growing on his lips. “M’glad you liked them.”
“I loved them.” She kisses his cheek. “You’re so sweet to me, Harry.”
“You’ve turned me into a total mush ball.” He sighs. “But I suppose that’s not a bad thing.”
“You were a mush ball the second you walked into my classroom for the first time.” She smirks.
“And you were a flustered little thing.” He smirks as her face falls. “Ah, she can dish it out, but she can’t take it.” He kisses her temple and takes their now empty plates to the sink. “When are you heading up?”
“A couple of days.” She sighs. “I hate packing so much, it’s the worst.” She groans. “I just keep telling myself I’ll be relaxing on a screened in porch soaking in the ocean breeze with a book in my hand before I know it.” She flops down onto her sofa and Harry sits next to her, rubbing her back. “At least I’ll see my niece and nephew soon too. I love getting to spend so much time with them.”
“Tell me about them, I wanna know as much about your family as I can before I meet them.”
“Really?” She sits up to look at them.
“Mhm.” He puts a pillow on his lap. “Come lay one me. I’ll play with your hair while you talk.”
“If I didn’t love you before.” She giggles, and rests her head in his lap. He starts scratching at her scalp and she sighs. “Okay, so, my dad…”
They both fell asleep on the couch that night talking. Harry told Danielle a lot about his family as well. In the wee hours of the morning, Harry carried her to the bed, and they both snuggled up while they got a few more hours of sleep.
“Danielle, it’s the middle of the night! Where are you going?!” Her brother Clark asks her in a panic. “Shit, are you crying?”
“I…I just got a call.” She sniffles as she throws her hoody on. “I have to get home.”
“Why, what’s happening.”
“H-Harry’s deputy chief called me…there was a really big fire a few hours ago, and a wall collapsed on him, and now he’s in the hospital.” Tears were streaming down her cheeks. “I have to get home to him, Clark, I need to be there when he wakes up.”
“You’re in no condition to drive, especially not for two hours. I’ll go with you. Let me just go to Isabelle.”
“You don’t have to do that, I’m fine.” She wipes her eyes. “I’ll let you know when I get there. I’ll be back in a few days, I’m sure of it.”
She rushes out of the house and gets into the car. She had the radio practically silent, and she was sucking down an iced coffee. Caffeine put her anxiety into hyper drive, but she needed to stay awake somehow. Harry wasn’t even supposed to be at that fire. He got called in as backup, but he wasn’t supposed to go inside. He went in looking for the family’s new puppy.
Once she gets to the hospital, probably looking like a mad woman in her pajama pants and oversized hoody, she checks in and asks where Harry’s being kept.
“Please, I’m his girlfriend, I need to-“
“Dani!” The deputy chief, Ralph, comes rushing towards her. “He just woke up, come with me.” He yanks her by the wrist before the nurse at the desk can say anything.
“Is he okay?”
“He will be.” Ralph nods. “Here we are, go ahead in. Take your time with him.” Ralph smiles, and Danielle returns it.
“Harry?” She says just above a whisper.
“Hey, baby.” He gives her a soft smile. “What are you doing here?”
“I hopped in my car a second after Ralph called me. I was so worried.” She sits on the edge of his hospital bed.
“I’m okay, sweetheart, just a few scrapes and bruises.”
“Harry…your arm’s in a sling.”
“Just a sprained wrist, it’ll heal up real soon.”
“How can you be so calm about this?” She asks as she curls up next to him. He throws his arm around her and sighs.
“Because if I let every little accident scare me, I wouldn’t be able to do my job properly. This is what I signed up for, babe.”
“Did you at least find the puppy?”
“I did, shielded the poor thing from the wall that collapsed on me. M’gonna have to go on light duty for a while.”
“Which means what exactly?”
“Lots of administrative work…that I can do remotely. So, I was thinking…maybe I could come up to Seabrook with you for a little longer than a weekend.”
“I’d love that! We can drive back up together. Everyone’s excited to meet you.”
“I’m excited to meet them too.”
After Harry rested up for a few days at home, with Danielle doting on him even though he told her she didn’t need to, the two drive up north together.
“Auntie Dani’s back!” Sarah exclaims as she bursts out of the porch.
“Sarah!” Isabelle yells after her. “We don’t run out of the house, no matter how excited we are to see Auntie.” She picks her daughter up. “Sorry, Dani.” Isabelle chuckles.
“No worries.” Danielle laughs. “This is my boyfriend, Harry. Harry, this is my sister-in-law Isabelle.”
“Hi.” Harry says, and Isabelle gasps when she sees his arm in a sling. “Just a sprained wrist, m’fine.” “It’s nice to meet you. This must be Sarah, yeah?”
“Hello.” The little girl smiles.
“Come on, everyone’s inside getting ready to head down to the beach.” Isabelle says.
Harry and Danielle follow inside. She takes him into the kitchen where her parents, Robert and Donna were finishing up their coffee.
“Dani!” Donna smiles. “How was the ride back up?”
“Fine, not a lot of traffic once we were out of the city.” She smiles. “This is Harry.”
“The hero that saved the puppy!” Robert says.
“I’m no hero, just did my job. It’s nice to meet you both. Thank you for inviting me to your home.” He shakes both of their hands.
“Are you kidding? We were over the moon when Dani said she’d be bringing a boyfriend with her.” Donna says. “Honey, why don’t you help Harry get settled and then meet us down at the beach?”
“Okay.” Danielle nods.
The two bring their things inside while everyone else makes their way to the beach. Danielle helps Harry put his clothes away in the dresser.
“So…are we alone right now?” Harry asks casually after putting his things away in the bathroom.
“Um, yeah. Everyone went down to set up at the beach, why?”
“Well…” He sits down on the bed and tugs her to sit on his lap, straddling her. “I haven’t been able to do much the last few days, and I’d like to make up for it.”
“Harry.” Her face flushes. “I can’t just fuck you here.”
“In the privacy of a bedroom? Here I was thinking this would be the perfect place.” He rolls his eyes.
“I just…” She bites her bottom lip. Before she can say anything when she opens her mouth again, he’s kissing her. “Fuck, okay, but we have to be quick. And no leaving marks, I don’t need to feel like a teenager at the age of twenty-seven.”
“How about no marks in any visible places?”
“Harry, I’m gonna be wearing a two piece, a lot is going to be visible.”
“Your ass?”
She whimpers softly and kisses him again. They both fall back on the bed, careful not to hurt his wrist. Danielle ended up riding his dick since he couldn’t really prop himself up with hands at the moment, but neither of them minded. It was a much-needed release for the both of them. Once they’re both cleaned up, they change into their bathing suits and go down to the beach to join her family.
“Auntie Dani, do you wanna dig a moat with me?” Ryan asks her the second she sets her things down.
“Sure! Just let me get some sunscreen on, okay?”
“You’re already looking a little red.” Clark remarks, and she glares at him. “Nice to meet you, Harry.”
“Same to you.” Harry says as he sits down in his beach chair.
Danielle peels her coverup off, and lathers up in sunscreen before grabbing a sand toy to help Ryan dig a moat. Isabelle was down by the water with Sarah.
“Harry, do you like seafood?” Donna asks him.
“I do.” He nods.
“Wonderful, I thought it would be nice to go out to eat since you’re here with us now. Celebrate having a full house and whatnot.”
“Oh, well…that sounds nice, thanks.” Harry smiles at her.
“I hope you won’t be too miserable working from inside the house…there’s no central air or anything.” Robert says.
“Oh, it’s not a problem. Heat doesn’t exactly bother me.” He smirks, and Danielle flicks some sand at him. “Oi, what was that for?!”
“No fire fighter jokes or puns.” She points a finger at him warningly. “We’re on vacation.”
“Come on, that was a good one, admit it.”
“I will do no such thing.” She looks at her parents who were chuckling at the exchange. “Don’t encourage him, it’ll only make it worse.”
“Anyways,” he side eyes her and then looks back at her parents, “I’ll probably just set up on the porch when I need to hop onto email. My deputy chief is taking on a bit more for me for the next couple of weeks.”
Harry never really saw himself being a dad someday, but as the day went on, and he watched Danielle interact with Sarah and Ryan, he suddenly understood why women would get baby fever seeing a man hold a baby. He may have only been with Danielle for five months, but fuck…he wanted to be the father of her kids. Yes, he got to spend an entire week with her and her classroom, but it’s not like he got to witness her loving on any of the kids. The way she cradled four-year-old Sarah to her chest as she napped, or splashed around in the water with Ryan, well, if he had ovaries they’d be bursting.
Seeing her help them at dinner was just as cute too. Sarah insisted that her booster chair be places next to Danielle, and Danielle ended up helping cut up Sarah’s chicken fingers. Then Harry got to witness Danielle tucking Sarah and Ryan in for the night to give Clark and Isabelle a break.
The two decide to turn in a bit early since it had been a long day. Danielle was sitting up in bed reading her romance novel. Harry was reading the same one. They had formed a little book club with another once they found out they liked the same genre of fiction.
“Dani?” He says to her.
“Hm?” She says without looking at him.
“Do you think you wanna have kids of your own one day? Or are your kindergartners enough kids for you?”
She immediately closes her book and looks at him. She was a little shocked.
“I…I always thought if I met the right person then I’d want to have kids. Like, turning that love into something physical, you know? What’s got you asking me about kids all of a sudden?”
“In all honesty…watching you with Ryan and Sarah today sort of sparked my interest. You’re so good with them in so many different ways. I…I mean I never really thought twice about having kids, but if you and I decide this is a long term thing…I’d love to be the person you have kids with.”
“Thought you didn’t like playing the what if game.” She leans in and pecks his lips.
“I don’t.”
“Okay, so, it’s not an if with us, Harry, it’s a when.”
He smiles and kisses her tenderly.
“You’re the love of my life, you know that?” He says against her lips before kissing her again.
The school year was just about to start again. Classes would begin just after Labor Day. How were Harry and Danielle spending their long weekend? Well, she was currently bouncing up and down on his dick reverse-cowgirl on her couch while he sucked a nasty bruise into her neck, rubbing her clit with one hand, and kneading one of her breasts with the other. She felt like she was drooling from how good everything felt. The two of them had both tanned nicely over the summer, and now they Danielle was fully back in her apartment, Harry was taking full advantage.
“Fuck, fuck!” She pants. Harry was thrusting up into her, pounding against her g-spot.
It was how she liked it, she didn’t care if she was sore later, and he was happy to give it to her like this. She turns her head slightly and she licks into his mouth to suck on his tongue. He replaces his tongue in her mouth with two of his fingers, which she was happy to suck on while his fingers continued to work her clit. They had been together for a while now, and sometimes when you were a little older, time didn’t make much of a difference when you were trying to check off certain boxes with the person you loved most. So, Harry just blurts out what he’s thinking.
“I think we should move in together.” He grunts, and she gasps around his fingers.
“Wh-what?” She says, whining because she’s so very close. This wasn’t the type of talk she enjoyed during sex. “Harry, please, I’m almost there, can we talk about this after?” She tugs at his hair, making him groan.
He grips her hips, helping her rock faster on him, and she goes to rub her own clit. He was fucking so hard and deep that she thought her spine was going to crack in half, but she didn’t fucking care. She wanted it. He hits it just right again, and her eyes roll into the back of her head as her back arches, her body molding into his as she rides it out. His come shoots up inside her a moment after, and he presses his lips to her temple. She tries to move off him, but he wraps his arms around her tummy to keep here there.
“Can we talk now?” He breathes, his breath hot on the shell of her ear and she whimpers. “I really think we should live together.”
“And whose place do you want to live at, hm? We’re both pack rats, Har. We both need home offices, we both-“
“Just answer the question: do you want to live together?”
“Yes.” She looks over her shoulder at him. “I do.”
“Okay, then.” He smiles and gently lifts her off of him. “Right when we started dating, I got pre-approved for a home loan.” He wraps her up in the blanket she has on the couch and carries her into the bedroom so they can both lay down before cleaning themselves up. “I put the house hunting on hold, obviously…I’d need to get pre-approved again since the three-month window they gave me lapsed, but…I can afford a pretty decent house.” He smiles fondly at Danielle. She had that after sex glow to her, and it always made him melt.
“You…you can afford a house?”
“I can.” He nods. “Been saving up for a while. I was sort of hoping…well…we could look at houses together. I could buy it, and then we could split the mortgage payments, or I could just pay the mortgage and you could take care of the utilities and other bills. Whatever makes more sense.” He shrugs. She blinks a few times and then licks her lips.
“I just…wow, I can’t believe you wanna do something so huge with me. Buying a house with someone is a pretty big deal.”
“I feel like it makes more sense to buy the house first, and then save back up for a wedding later, but that’s just me.” He gives her a smug look and her eyes widen. “I think that’s why the divorce rate is too high, not enough people live together before they get married.” A grin starts to form on her lips. “Don’t look at me like that, we’ve talked about long-term stuff before.”
“We’ve talked about hypothetical babies, not buying a house. Do you already have a realtor?”
“No, and we don’t really need one. We can just look up the houses we wanna see and contact the realtor that’s selling the home. A friend of mine did that and they said it was a way better experience.”
“I can’t believe this.” She shakes her and then giggles, throwing her arms around his neck. “You wanna be us a house! I wish I could help with the down payment, but my student loans have prevented me from putting a lot into my savings…”
“It’s no problem. You’re able to afford this place on your own, so I figured you’d be able to help with bills and stuff.”
“I definitely will be able to.” She kisses his cheek. “Let’s go take a shower and then we can start looking on realtor.”
“Eager.” He smirks as she tugs him up from the bed.
“Now’s the time to buy! All of the snowbirds who are looking to make the big plunge to warm weather full time will be looking to get rid of their houses, and with the school year starting we don’t really have to worry about competing with families. It’s perfect, Harry!”
It was, it really was.
By the beginning of October, the two were moved into a stunning home with four bedrooms, and four baths. They got just about everything on their wish list, and anything they didn’t, Harry said he could make happen. Danielle was able to pass out candy for Halloween to the kids in the neighborhood, which delighted her to no end because a few of her new and previous students stopped by. And when it came time for Thanksgiving, even though they weren’t full unpacked, Danielle was able to host a fabulous dinner for her family.
It wasn’t always perfect, they disagreed on paint colors, furniture, curtains, and rugs. They usually found some way to compromise, though. Sometimes Danielle had trouble checking her attitude at the door. There was one evening she got home a little later than usual, so Harry got dinner started. A nice gesture on his part, which she thanked him for. However, when it came time to clean up, she wouldn’t stop huffing while she loaded the dishwasher.
“Alright, what’s wrong?” He finally asks. “Why are you reorganizing everything?”
“Because you never put anything in here right.” She snaps. “Bowls and cups go on the top rack. Look at this! You put one of the little plates up here, how the fuck is that supposed to get cleaned properly?” She says as she moves the small plate to the bottom rack. “You also don’t load the silverware correctly. Did you want me to stab myself?! I’m usually the one that has to unload it.” She huffs again after throwing a pod in and turning the dishwasher on. She crosses her arms and looks at him. “I’m your girlfriend, not your mother.”
“I never said you were.” He crosses his arms as well, astonished at her tone.
“Yeah? So, did you think that your dirty socks and underwear just magically picked themselves up and put themselves into your hamper? Did you think that the bed magically gets made? Did you think that the broom and dustpan do a little fucking dance and that’s how the shmutz on the floor gets cleaned up?!”
“You’re making it seem like I don’t do anything to help out around here. I’m the one that rakes the leaves and mows the lawn, I’m the one that has to stop what I’m doing to come kill a bug every time you yelp, I’m the one that takes care of all the trash in the house-“
“Only when I say something about it overflowing. I have to tell you to do everything!”
“Look, I’m sorry I don’t load the dishwasher in the way that you’d prefer, but the dishes get clean, so-“
“No, they don’t. I either have to run it again, or I wash the stuff by hand. We’re gonna have kids someday, Harry, I don’t want them picking up on your bad habits.”
“My bad habits?!” Okay, now he was getting angry. “I have to ask you to clean your hair out of the shower drain. In fact, your hair is fucking everywhere! You never wipe off the mirror after you pop a pimple, which you know you shouldn’t be doing anyway.” He rolls his eyes. Her face falls into a deep frown. “Not so much fun when someone’s pointing out your flaws, is it?”
“Fuck off.” She turns on her heel and makes her way out of the kitchen.
“Oh, so that’s how it’s going to be. You’re going to start an argument with me, but you’re not going to finish it?” He says as he follows her out to the staircase.
“You asked me what was wrong, and I told you.” She states.
“Yeah, but you didn’t have to be such a bitch about it.” Her eyes widen with anger at that, and her nails press into her palms. She starts stomping her way upstairs. “Dani.” He sighs. “Shit, I didn’t mean to say that.” He follows her up the stairs.
“But you did.” She goes into the bedroom and almost shuts the door in his face, but he catches it, making his way in. “You men are all the same, you know that? Any time a woman calls you out on some crap, she’s a bitch.”
“You got upset over something as insignificant as loading a dishwasher. You know we’re lucky to even have one? There are people who don’t have the luxury.”
“Yeah, I know! And I’d probably be the one to always be washing the dishes.”
“If it bothered you that much, then why didn’t you say something to me before?”
“Because I didn’t want to come off as naggy! I don’t want to be one of those women that’s always telling their partner what to do and how to do it, but holy fuck, who actually raised you?! I mean, some of the things you do, I just don’t understand.” She shakes her head.
“We were obviously raised differently.” He sighs. “You know if you just told me-“
“But I don’t want to have to tell you! I don’t want to have to ask because I shouldn’t have to.”
“I’m not a mind reader, Dani!”
“I’m not asking you to be! But when the sink is full of dishes, do you think you could take care of it without me having to mention it? Do you think that when the trash is full you could just bag it up and take it and put a new bag in? I can’t tell you how many times I’ve accidentally thrown something out without a bag being in the barrel. It drives me bananas!”
“Okay, I’ll…I’ll try to be better about those things. I don’t want you to feel like you’re having to pick up after me.” He runs a hand through his hair.
“And…I’ll try to not just explode on you when something’s been bothering me.” She sits on the bed and lays back. “Ugh, I just had a long day. Kids are starting to get colds, and the meeting I had after school just wouldn’t end, I’m supposed to get my period in a couple of days so I feel bloated and gross.” Harry sits down next to her and rubs her thigh. He looks down at her with a soft smile. “Listen to me.” She sighs. “Here I am complaining about stupid things when you literally put your life at risk every time you go to work.”
“Don’t compare us, babe. You’re allowed to feel annoyed and stressed.”
“How do you always stay so calm?” She tugs him down to lay with her.
“I don’t know. It’s hard to stay upset when I have such a cute girlfriend.” He kisses her cheek and she giggles.
“I’m sorry I got so mad.”
“It’s okay, baby.” He kisses her cheek again. “We’re bound to have an argument once in a while. The most important thing is that we always make up afterwards.”  He starts kissing on her neck and she bites her bottom lip.
“Harry, I just told you that I feel bloated and gross, and-“
“So, let me make you feel not gross.” He says as he moves on top of her. “Let me love on you, darling, it’ll help you destress.” He moves her up the bed until he’s situated between her legs. He undoes her pants and drags them down her legs. “Are you wearing boxer-briefs?” He questions.
“Y-yeah? I started buying them a little while ago. They’re more comfortable, and they breathe better. Plus, no panty lines.”
“How did I not notice this?” He blinks.
“Because I usually change when I get home into something a little sexier.” She chuckles.
“Actually…” He tugs on the band and lets it snap back against her skin. “You look pretty sexy in these.”
He tugs them off of her and kisses on her tummy. He parts he legs and licks around her folds. She sighs and lets her body rest into the mattress.
“I really feel like I don’t deserve this since I was so nasty to you.” She says as she cards her finger through his hair.
“You can make it up to me by letting me fuck your mouth afterwards. Seems like you could use a break from running it, hm?” He sucks on her clit, making her groan, and she nods.
“Yeah, seems fair to me.” She gasps as he licks into her warm center, and uses his thumb on her clit. “Would you make me come a few times, though, at least?”
Her gives her a devilish smirk, which she takes as a yes while he continues to work his tongue in and out of her. He gave her four orgasms before crawling up her body and stuffing his throbbing down her throat. Feeling her nails dig into his hips as he thrusted in and out of her was everything he needed. They didn’t do stuff like this often. He didn’t want to be one of those couples where certain types of sex or positions were used as punishments. But he knew Danielle genuinely enjoyed feeling a little bit of pain, not that they’d ever talked about it. He didn’t want to embarrass her by bringing up one of her very obvious kinks. Whenever he did fuck her throat, though, she always moaned around him, and she’d end up drenched between her legs all over again, so he knew she enjoyed it. He also made sure to love on her right afterwards, praising her, telling her how good she did for him, and he’d get a glass of water for her to sip on while he cleaned her up. They had good, healthy relationship in many aspects. He loved her, he really fucking loved her, and he never wanted to be without her.
“Dani, fuck, I love you, I love you so much, shit!” He cries out as he comes down her throat. He pulls away from her carefully and she smiles up at him after swallowing. He wipes a few stray tears away from her cheek.
“I love you too.” She says, voice hoarse, but still there.
“Do you feel like taking a bath tonight? I could rub your shoulders for you.”
“I’d like that, yeah, thanks.”
A couple of months later, and it was fire safety week once again. They made it through their first holiday season together, and his thirty-third birthday. Now they had been together an entire year, owned a home together, and were looking into potentially getting a dog. Harry had told her all about the senior dogs at the shelter, and Danielle sort of liked the idea of not having to train a puppy, even if they were undeniably cute.
All of the kids in both of Danielle’s groups knew that Chief Styles was Miss Robinson’s very special friend because she had a picture of the two of them on her desk, and one of him as her desktop wallpaper. It was no surprise that some of the kids teased them a bit, and asked some personal questions, but other than that the week was going well as it usually did. When Friday rolled around, it was time for the kids to put on their performance for the fire department. It was an assembly all of the grades came to, along with the other teachers. Once the four songs, and a skit, are over, Harry goes up to give his thanks just as he did last year.
“Thank you all so much for another fantastic week. Fire safety is extremely important to learn at a young age. I know we had a lot of fun together, but remember, when you’re missing Chief Styles, don’t call 911 to talk to him. Have your parent or guardian come down to the fire house, and we can say hello there, alright?” That was usually where the assembly would end, but today things were going to go a little differently. “If I could have all of the kids back up on stage for a moment? Parents, I promise this won’t take more than a couple of minutes.”
Danielle was visibly confused because she hadn’t planned anything else with the students, and Harry hadn’t mentioned adding anything special today. So, she sat in her seat in the front row and watched. She leaned over next to one of her colleagues.
“Do you know what’s going on?” She asks.
“Just watch, Dani.” Her colleague says, and Danielle sits up straight in her seat again.
All of the kids were holding a piece of paper in their hands. It was facing blank towards the audience. Some of them were giggling as Harry and the other fire fighters placed them in certain spots. Ralph gives Harry a thumbs up, and he starts speaking into the microphone again.
“Not a lot of people know this, or maybe they do, I don’t really know, but last year was my first year getting to host fire safety week with the lovely Miss Robinson, and over this last year she’s managed to steal my heart, giving me the great privilege of calling her my girlfriend.” The kids behind him snicker and giggle. “You said you’d all be cool, come on.” He looks over at Danielle, who still really had no idea what the fuck was going on. “Miss Robinson, could you come here for a moment?”
She nods, and gets up slowly, walking over to him. He takes one of his hands in hers.
“What are you doing?” She whispers.
“You’ll see.” He winks. “Miss Robinson has taught her kids how to spell lots of interesting words already this year. She teaches them how to sound things out, and all that good stuff. I had a chance to teach them something this week and they’ve been dying to show you.” He tugs her to the side so the whole audience will be able to see. “Alright, kids, flip your papers over to show Miss Robinson.”
She gasps when she sees it, cupping a hand over her mouth as her eyes start to well up. All of the papers spelled out: M I S S – R O B I N S O N – W I L L – Y O U – M A R R Y – M E ? She looks at Harry, who was now down on one knee, holding up a gorgeous ring in a little black, velvet box.
“It says, Miss Robinson, will you marry me?” He says to her with a beaming smile.
“I can see that.” She says, wiping some tears from her cheeks.
“Will you?”
“Yes! Oh my god, yes.” Everyone in the room cheers as Harry slips the ring on her finger. He stands up, and kisses her, not to vulgarly because there were kids around, but enough to show how happy he was that she said yes. “When did you have the time to plan all of this with them?”
“Got their parents’ emails from one of the other teachers.” He smirks. “Are you surprised?”
“I’m shocked!” She turns to her students. “You all kept such a big secret from me!” They crowd around her to hug her as she opens her arms for them.
A ton of the teachers, parents, and fire fighters all come up to the congratulate the pair. Once all of the fuss is over, and the cafeteria is cleared, Harry and Danielle go back to her classroom so she can pack up her things for the day.
“Do you like the ring?” He asks nervously.
“Are you kidding, I love it! It’s so beautiful, baby.” She pecks his lips. “I can’t wait to call my parents, I’m buzzing! Think of how cute Sarah’s going to be as a flower girl. Oh, and they’ll start calling you Uncle Harry, how sweet!”
“Gonna have to let Ryan be a groomsman, or I think he’ll try to kill me.” Harry chuckles. “He’s quite protective over his Auntie Dani.”
“And don’t you forget it.” She presses her finger to his chest. He leans in and kisses her tenderly. Normally, Danielle didn’t like getting so lovey dovey in her classroom, but she figured she had a good excuse in case anyone walked in. “I still can’t believe you planned all of that and pulled it off. Those kids usually can’t keep a secret.”
“I promised them all a ride in one of the fire trucks if they kept their mouths shut.”
“Damn, that was really smart.” She chuckles.
“I’d say so.” He smirks. “Do you feel like going out to eat tonight to celebrate? Ralph and his husband were hoping to treat us.”
“Sure.” She nods. “I’ll just need to cancel my yoga classes really quick.”
“You can still teach your classes if you want. I can just tell him we won’t be ready until later.”
“No, see, I wanna go home, and stay there for a bit.” She tugs on the suspenders that were keeping his fire pants up. “I’d like to celebrate with you privately first, Chief Styles.” She takes his hat off and puts it on her own head before catching his bottom lip between her teeth and sucking on it. He groans into the kiss, and she lets his lip snap back. He had inadvertently put her into one of her ‘Chief Styles/Miss Robinson’ moods, which he wasn’t upset about in the least. “How’s that sound?”
“Well, Miss Robinson, I’d say it sounds like you’re trying to seduce me.” He smirks, and she rolls her eyes. It was her least favorite joke.
“I can’t wait to be Danielle Robinson Styles so that you can’t make that stupid fucking joke anymore. I’m not a forty-year-old woman seducing a recent college grad!” His face softens immensely. “What?”
“Nothing.” He puts his hands on her hips and gives her a squeeze. “I just…I didn’t think you’d want to change your name, is all.”
“Harry, I’d be proud to be called Mrs. Styles. Think of how cute it’ll be after we get married and I have a new class, and then when you come in for fire safety week, I’ll be able to say my husband, Chief Styles.” She pouts at him.
“Alright, it’s time we get you home before my stiffy pops through my pants.”
She giggles as she grabs her bag, and they both rush out of her classroom, and out to the car. They held hands the while way home, not wanting to be apart from one another’s touch for even a second.
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honeybeezx · 4 years
Armor - Oberyn Martell x Reader x Ellaria Sand - Part 4
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Author’s Note: Sorry I’m getting this out so late, but It’s time for our girl Ellaria! I love her so much, but I don’t feel super confident with writing her. It might take me a while to find her voice, be patient with me guys lol. Anyways, hope you enjoy and as always, feedback is welcome!
Word Count: 4.0k
Warnings: crude language, mentions of sex
At this point, you weren’t even shooting to challenge or better yourself. You hit every target without fail, you weren’t even paying attention as you did so. Shooting helped you think, allowing you time to process your thoughts, you had a hard time doing so while being still. Well...sometimes it was hard sitting still in general.
“I always feel sorry for the unfortunate man that crosses one of your arrows.” Tyrion’s voice rang from behind you. You turned and gave a small smile before walking away a bit to retrieve said arrows.
“I’m surprised no one here has crossed them yet.” You joked, forcefully taking out the arrows from their targets and gathering them into your sling. “Was there something you needed?”
“Yes.” He replied, but still seemed hesitant to tell you.
“Tyrion?” You asked warily.
“You’re not going to like it. Oberyn is here again, but this time he brings his paramour, the Sand woman. But she insists on leaving the prince and I to our devices. However...Oberyn does not feel comfortable having her roam the palace alone. He asked if you might be able to accompany her?”
Bull fucking shit.
You were not stupid. Ellaria seemed like a capable woman who could more than defend herself. No, this was too deliberate, too planned. Ellaria wanted to get you alone. How convenient that she didn’t want to step on Oberyn and Tyrion’s toes when she was nearly attached to Oberyn at the hip the last time you saw the two of them together.
“I was paid to guard you, not the prince’s paramour.” You grumbled, but truthfully? After your talk with Oberyn, you were curious about the captivating Ellaria Sand. Equally as beautiful as her lover, and equally as passionate. If anything, you may be able to learn a bit more information about the guests from Dorne, and even more so, how to convince the prince not to kill the Lannisters.
“Fine. But next time Bronn gets babysitting duty.” You huffed. If you made it easy for Tyrion he might get suspicious.
It wasn’t as if you thought the prince’s lover was incredibly beautiful.
No, he wouldn’t guess that.
“They both asked for you specifically, but I will try to convince them next time.” Tyrion said, almost as a joke. “Tell me, why are they so taken with you? First Oberyn visits the palace only to converse with you, next Ellaria asks for you to keep her company.” Tyrion eyed you suspiciously. He was far too clever for his own good, and while it amused you most of the time, it was also extremely annoying.
“Now, are you going to tell me what really happened in that brothel?”
You punched Tyrion hard in the arm.
“Ow!!! You just punched me!! How dare you!! I ought to arrest you for treason!” Tyrion whined dramatically, but none of his words scared you.
“I didn’t sleep with either of them if that’s what you’re implying, you fucking bastard.” You spat. Tyrion often teased you, but this was a new low for him. “What I told you was true, I did as I was told.”
Tyrion was still holding his arm and wincing as he processed your words. “Oh come now, you must have done something for them to like you so much. Even I didn’t like you the first time I met you.” He teased.
“Fuck off.” You grumbled, holding back your urge to shove him. You knew Tyrion and you knew he would find out one way or another. And if he and Oberyn were going to meet today, Tyrion was sure to ask him about it. You’d rather tell him yourself than have him hear it from Oberyn. Only the gods knew what sort of version he’d give. “I gave them the girls, but they just weren’t as interested in them. They were...They were interested in me.” You tried to say as nonchalantly as you could, trying to keep your voice steady.
To say Tyrion was shocked was an understatement. “Really?” He asked, clearly amused.
This was not going to go well for you.
“And what did you say to that? A handsome prince and his beautiful woman want to fuck you, and you just said no?”
You punched him in the arm again, causing him to wince once more. “You she-devil! Will you please stop hitting me, you vile, terrifyingly strong woman!”
“Stop making jokes about this!! This is serious Tyrion!! They insulted me. I am a skilled assassin, known throughout Westeros and all they wanted to do was fuck me, thought I was another girl for purchase. And to make matters worse, I don’t think their feelings have changed on the matter.” You huffed, plopping down into the grass. You knew you would have to get back up soon, both of you couldn’t leave the Dornish waiting, but you wanted nothing more than to lie there forever and forget your troubles.
Tyrion softened and pulled you up into a sitting position to look at him as he sat across from you. “Is that why Oberyn visited you yesterday?”
You sighed but nodded. “We...have a better understanding now. They know why I was angry and they are smart enough to not press it any further, but they don’t hide their desire. I’m watching both him and Ellaria. I still don’t trust them. I think they want to use me to get to you and the rest of your family. It won’t work.” You promised confidently. Even Oberyn’s pretty words could not break you, and you planned on keeping it that way.
Tyrion looked sad and you could not, for the life of you, understand why. Surely keeping your guard was a good thing? Surely the fact that you were starting to get a hold of this little game was something he should be proud of. So why did he look so remorseful?
“We better get going. Don’t want Oberyn stabbing another Lannister while he waits for us.” Tyrion joked half-heartedly.
You eyed him suspiciously. He knew that you knew something was up with him, but he wasn’t going to relent. You decided to drop it. After all, you were keeping royalty waiting.
But before you could re-enter the palace, Tyrion grabbed your wrist. Your head snapped back to him at the sudden gesture. “Don’t let them in too much, but don’t dismiss them as an ally. They may be useful to us...and you need friends.”
This sort of sentiment didn’t suit either of you, but especially not Tyrion. You were confused by his words. “I have friends. I have Bronn, and Shae, and-“
“That’s different.” Tyrion cut off. “I hired you and we all became friends in the process. These people may want to befriend you just because they like you. I’m not telling you to bare your heart to them, I’m telling you to be open-minded.” He clarified. You weren’t used to seeing Tyrion so...serious, at least in this regard. He let go of your wrist and composed himself as if nothing happened.
You didn’t really know what to say to all of that, so you did the same and followed behind Tyrion into the palace.
“Prince Oberyn, Lady Ellaria, welcome to King’s Landing.” Tyrion smiled softly before giving a small bow.
The Dornish returned the favor. Both of them were once again adorned in the colors of their homeland. Warm tones of yellows, golds, and oranges draping loosely against their toned frames.
But when their heads came up from the small bow, both pairs of eyes settled on you.
“It is good to see you again, little hawk.” Ellaria cooed.
If her voice wasn’t so soft you might have been angry. You were not little.
“The pleasure is all mine, my lady.” You replied with ease, keeping your cool.
“As much as I would love to enjoy your company once more, I’m afraid Lord Tyrion and I have business to discuss.” Oberyn said sadly, but gave you a small smile anyways.
“Keep Lady Ellaria company. Shouldn’t be long.” Tyrion instructed, but his eyes still bore into yours. Remember what I said.
“Give me a tour?” Ellaria brought you back to the present, her mischievous eyes dancing over you. You had a feeling this was not just going to be a tour.
“Of course, Lady Ellaria.”
The Dornish woman cackled with laughter, as if to prove a point. “I am no lady. Ellaria is fine. I am not wed to Oberyn, therefore I have no royal status”
You quirked an eyebrow at her response. “Not married? But you two are so...close.” And the fact that they stayed together when they both preferred having several lovers was certainly saying something as well.
“We are wed in everything except name.” Ellaria explained. Oddly enough, it made sense. Dedicated to each other, but also able to seek pleasure with others. They could be attracted to several people, but love was another matter entirely. It went deeper than just fucking around. They were each other’s person.
You tried not to think about how easily you understood that.
“Oberyn is the love of my life. I love him, and he loves me, completely. There are no barriers with us. We take what gives us pleasure as long as it benefits both of us.” Ellaria smiled to herself. It was easy to see how much she loved him and vice versa.
What an incredible thing to know someone so completely.
“However,” she began, “Life in our homeland calls to us. Oberyn and I wish to see more of our children. We have seen enough of Westeros to last us a lifetime. We want to...settle down, to only leave Dorne on matters of business.” Ellaria explained. It seemed hard to imagine the two living a domestic life. They were so bold and free, and they possessed the power to go anywhere, do anything.
But you remembered your talk with Oberyn and about his eight daughters. So much was uncertain about the prince, but his love for his family was unquestionable. He was willing to kill Tywin Lannister, the most powerful man in all of Westeros because he believed him to be involved with his sister's murder. No one could fake that level of love and dedication. If you loved someone that much, you imagined you’d stay in one place for them too.
“Oberyn and I still love each other, very much, but we sometimes wonder if there is one another person who may join us. Someone more constant. Oberyn and I have been with each other for so long. To know someone else as well as we know each other could make things interesting.”
You really didn’t like that she was staring at you so intently.
Or maybe you did, and that was the problem.
“There are many people who I’m sure would be honored to receive the affections of Dornish royalty.” You replied easily, trying to draw the attention away from you.
“Not so many as we might have thought.” Ellaria teased before linking her arm with yours. How she had managed to do that so easily was beyond you. You looked around and were relieved to see that no one was around, but you were still on guard. Spies were everywhere in this palace. But when you thought about it, there was no way the queen could use this against you. She may tease you about it, sure, but she could not hurt Ellaria and start a war just because she didn’t like you.
So while you hated feeling your heart in your chest...this was safe.
“Don’t look so frightened.” Ellaria chided. “You are simply escorting me, yes?”
You eyed her disbelievingly. That was not all that was going on here, and you couldn't help but notice her choice of words. “I think we have different ideas on what makes a person an escort.”
Ellaria hummed and smirked. “Very different ideas.” She flirted.
You narrowed your eyes in warning and she got the hint...sort of. “I like a person in armor. Oberyn has dashing leather brown armor, but I very seldom see women with such attire, a shame really. It’s flattering in a different sort of way.”
You rolled your eyes. “My armor is not for appearances. It keeps me safe.”
“Safe and beautiful can coexist.” She smirked. “I know it was not your intention for the armor to be beautiful, but it is.” Ellaria used her other hand to trace the ornate design. There wasn’t much additional detail, just your crest, an arrow intertwined with a feather on your shoulder pieces. It was subtle enough for someone to notice at such close proximity, but otherwise, the crest was for you and no one else. You didn’t need people to know your crest, you kept it as a reminder of who you were.
“Your armor is a piece of you. I don’t pretend to understand what it is to be you, but I do understand what it is to be a woman. Not many women can say they are feared warriors or assassins, you’ve earned the stories they say about you, you’ve earned your reputation. You have every reason to wear it with pride.” Ellaria smiled at you before...seven hells was she cuddling into your arm????
You were glad Tyrion and Bronn were nowhere in sight.
But as quickly as she did it, she resumed her previous position, simply perched on your arm, as if nothing had happened.
“And it suits you because it does not hide your pretty face.”
You were sure the compliment was only meant to make you more flustered. “If you wish to catch me off guard, Ellaria, you will have to try much harder than that.” You snipped.
The striking woman chuckled and her laugh, her true laugh, was the sweetest noise in all the realms. Joy and life were in that laugh. Warmth. That was the feeling. You almost didn’t recognize it. It had been so long since you had felt anything close to it. It settled in your chest and forced you just...feel.
And you couldn’t run away from it, not with her arm locked around yours. You wondered if that had been her game all along.
“Do not tempt me, Silver Hawk. You forget that I stood before you in a brothel. I could very easily arrange for you to meet us there again.”
“No.” You replied before you could even stop yourself. Your mind reeled, trying to recover, to say anything that could give you at least some of your dignity back. “I only go where Tyrion tells me to. Otherwise, I am at his side or within reach.”
“And what if I ask Tyrion to just...have you visit a while?” She teased.
You rolled your eyes.
“Then I will acquiesce, but that doesn’t mean I have to do what you tell me.”
“Hmmm...We’ll just have to convince you then.”
You snorted. “It would be amusing to see you both try. I am paid to assist Tyrion, but even then some of his demands do not go without question. If I truly didn’t want to do something he asked of me there is not a man alive who could make me do it.”
Ellaria’s eyes darkened as she looked at you.
You didn’t know it, but she could have taken you right there on the palace floor.
“You are a fearsome thing to behold, do you know that?” Ellaria laughed. “Believe me when I say I would not do anything to push you away, not when I am enjoying your company so much. I believe my prince spoke to you of friendship, yes?”
“He did indeed.”
“That is what we both want. But at least let me compliment you. A pretty face as yours deserves at least that.” Ellaria grinned.
You sighed, but her deep brown eyes were impossible to deny.
“Only when we’re alone. I don’t need Tyrion or Bronn giving me any trouble over it.” You grumbled.
“Deal.” Ellaria agreed.
“Ellaria.” A familiar voice called from behind you. On instinct you pulled away from her, even though you were sure the Dornish prince did not mind. What you were worried about was the hand of the king that trailed behind him. You hoped he hadn’t seen you with Ellaria draped all over you.
“My prince.” Ellaria greeted, returning to her favorite place, at her lover’s side. “She is nice company when she’s not so defensive.”
“You should see her when she’s drunk.” Tyrion chipped in. “That’s the only time she seems to like me.”
Somehow you managed to glare at both of them.
“Oh stop now, just a bit of fun. The prince and I were actually just speaking fondly of you.” Tyrion had that familiar, mischievous glint in his eye that made your heart palpitate faster in your chest.
“Oh really?” You were not amused. Now the prince was the object of your glares. What did he tell Tyrion? Did he betray you? Tyrion knew the prince and his lover were enamored with you, but Oberyn didn’t know that Tyrion knew. Not to mention you told Tyrion nothing about your little threats you gave upon meeting them both. If he told Tyrion, you would never hear the end of it, and you would be even more on guard around the prince than you usually were.
“We were discussing the idea of a tournament.” Tyrion proposed. “The king is fond of...violent delights and your skill with a bow would most certainly amuse him. I made a bet against the prince here that you would beat any challenger.”
“I intend on losing.” Oberyn laughed. “That is why I did not bet a lot.”
“Still,” Tyrion smirked, “I would very much like to be in possession of more money that I have to do nothing for, so I was wondering if you could help me.”
How Tyrion thought he would be able to convince you so easily and propose this idea for his own benefit was beyond you.
“And what do I get from this?” You weren't one for showing off your skill. There was some sort of advantage to people underestimating you, you could always take them by surprise. But by now your reputation probably ruined any chance of surprising anyone. Not to mention you could change your mind if money or something of value were involved.
“The adoration of the king, the hand of the king, and the high society of Westeros.”
You snorted. “Forget it.”
“Fine! You can have the winnings too.” Tyrion huffed. “You rob me of my own winnings from my own bet. You wound me, my dear.”
“You’ll get over it.”
Both Oberyn and Ellaria laughed.
“Do you two always act like this?” Ellaria asked.
“Unfortunately her skill comes with a mouth and an attitude. She sometimes succeeds in making me question if that is worth the protection she provides.”
“If my protection wasn’t worth it, I would still be in the North right now.”
“Hmmm...yes sometimes I wish you still were.”
You gave Tyrion a playful nudge. “Don’t listen to him. He’d miss me.”
“I can tell.” Oberyn grinned. For a second you forgot all about keeping your guard up around the Dornish visitors. Tyrion always brought that out of you, the real, unguarded version of you. You supposed you could allow yourself some fun, just this once.
“This is so exciting! I’ve been dying to see the Silver Hawk in action.” Ellaria grinned something mischievous. In any other circumstance, it might have made you nervous, but the chance to actually get some shooting in was actually exciting.
Definitely didn’t have anything to do with showing off in front of Oberyn and Ellaria.
Definitely not.
“I hope to live up to your expectations, Ellaria.” You smiled, just a little.
“I’m sure you will exceed them.” She winked
Tyrion glanced between you and the Dornish. “It seems like she already has.”
If looks could kill, Tyrion would have dropped dead under the heat of your glare.
“She has been more than obligating in making us feel welcome here.” Your eyes widened at Oberyn, but you quickly concealed your shock. He hadn’t told Tyrion about your threats and less than warm welcome. But why? Why would he lose the opportunity to get back at you for insulting a prince, a prince who was an honored guest nonetheless? “You have a very loyal friend at your side, Lord Tyrion. You’re very lucky to have such friendship.”
Neither you nor Tyrion knew what to say to that. At least for a moment. Tyrion eventually had a response to everything.
“I choose my friends and allies well.”
No one could deny the double meaning in that. It was an offer to them more than it was a compliment to you.
“You do indeed.” Oberyn agreed.
Two more pieces to Tyrion’s game.
“You both are welcome to peruse the palace as you please, though I’m afraid I must steal away our Hawk. Please make yourselves welcome and do not hesitate to bother any of the servants should you need something.” Tyrion offered respectfully, ever the host to his new allies.
“Your hospitality is most appreciated, Lord Tyrion.” Both men have a small, respectful bow.
“We hope to see you soon.” Oberyn once again kissed your knuckles softly.
Tyrion had to do everything not to chuckle. That didn’t stop a stupid grin from forming on his face.
When the couple was out of earshot, you pointed a finger at Tyrion. “If I hear a single word about any of that I will be using you as target practice for the tournament.” You huffed.
Tyrion smirked. "Come now, my dear, having two incredibly attractive people want you like cats in heat is nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about."
You huffed and stormed away. If Tyrion actually did need you, you would punish him by making him wait until tomorrow for whatever it was.
Curse them. Curse them with their stupid charm, their incessant flirtations, their dumb, pretty faces, their kind words, their alluring charisma...
What the hell were they doing to you?
————————— Cersei waited patiently in her room. She had neglected a few royal duties all for this. Her nails tapped on the table, then quickly stopped when she heard the door to her chamber open.
“Well?” She asked sharply.
The blond-haired boy failed to control his nerves under the queen regent’s gaze. “The Silver Hawk has captured the interest of Prince Oberyn and his paramour Ellaria Sand. The assassin has not outwardly verbalized her affection towards the Dornish, but she was seen in the courtyard on Lady Ellaria’s arm.”
Cersei took a moment to consider this. You never showed any outward affection towards anyone except her brother, and she couldn’t do anything about that, not while her brother was being protected under Tywin. But she could do something to you. You were only under the protection of Tyrion, which meant very little to her. Her father she had to obey, her brother she did not.
“Keep track of her. They don’t call her the Silver Hawk for nothing. She has a sharp eye, make sure you stay out of sight while you spy on her. If she finds you, you run. If I find out she spotted you, you will be executed. Do I make myself clear?” Cersei asked, having no concern for the man who was her own blood, her cousin.
“Y-yes, my lady.” The boy gulped before taking his cue to leave.
The queen stirred about in her chamber, her thoughts were only composed of how best to take revenge on you.
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midnightsnyx · 4 years
Mathew Barzal - A Year In The Making
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pairing: mat barzal/reader
word count: 5.5k
warnings: fluff, angst (me writing sad stuff?? shocker), and there may be a couple swear words? also, this is not edited so i apologize in advance lol
a/n: so this isn’t the soulmate mat fic i am supposed to be writing lol but its still mat! i’ve been working on it f-o-r-e-v-e-r for @hannahmb​ so hannah, i hope you like it!
my masterlist
Mat Barzal
Summary: Y/N looks back on an entire year with Mat.
When you say that meeting Mathew Barzal swept you off your feet, you mean he literally swept you off your feet. It was cold and icy when you were walking to your favorite coffee shop. You weren’t watching where you were walking so when you ran in to him, his foot accidentally (and you question to the day whether it was truly accidental) tripped you up, he managed to catch you before you fell and when you looked at him and saw warm hazel eyes and brown hair sticking out from under his gray hat, you knew you were a goner.
. . .
You knew the reputation hockey players had. They slept around, didn’t give girls a second look after they got what they wanted and you were dead set on never giving Mathew Barzal a second thought but when you ran into him at the grocery store and he asked you to go for coffee, you agreed. 
Looking back, it was probably the dumbest and smartest decision of your life.
Coffee led to lunches which led to a movie night at his place which led you to your first hockey game. You knew absolutely nothing about hockey but what you did know, was that Mat loved to celebrate after a win. Whether it was heading to the bar with a couple of his friends or spending the night home watching a movie, he was always in the best mood after. 
After your first game, he decided that the best way to celebrate was to go for a walk and get hot chocolate with you. Despite only knowing each other for a little under a month, it felt like the two of you had been the best of friends forever. It was something that attracted you to Mat. How easily he was able to get you to open up to him and vice versa - how much he trusted you with his thoughts and feelings. 
It’s definitely how you found yourself standing under a lamppost, snow falling around you like some cheesy romance novel and Mat kissing you softly.
And thinking back, you wouldn’t have changed a single thing.
Things between you and Mat were… interesting to say the least. You weren’t a couple but you know that both of you weren’t seeing other people either. Labels were messy anyways. They caused more tension between the two of you than good. Your friends, however, had their opinions.  
“I just think it’s a little weird that he hasn’t asked you to make things official yet.” Your friend said. “I mean, you don’t know what he does on the road or during the nights you don’t spend together.”
Her words certainly hit a sore spot but you tried to brush it off. “It’s casual,” you said. “We don’t want to jump into anything.”
“If you say so.” She hummed, going back to eating her pasta. 
Her words were in the back of your mind though, no Mater how hard you tried to push them out. You and Mat had been open about not seeing other people, it was a lengthy discussion that made you feel better about not putting a label on anything. But, there’s always the possibility that he would change his mind. You didn’t know what he did on the road. Maybe your friend was right, and even though you and Mat had talked about it, perhaps it was just his way of making sure you stuck around while he was home.
Maybe you were just the pathetic girl that waited at home for him while he did whatever he wanted while on the road.
You’d swept your uneasy feelings about Mat under the rug until a Snapchat video surfaced of him on the internet. It was him with the other guys sitting at a table in a bar with some girls sitting with them. 
They were sitting with Mat and not on him is what you kept telling yourself. He didn’t look like he was interested in them but you couldn’t get rid of the awful feeling in the pit of your stomach that he would take one of them home with him.
You knew that letting your friend’s words about him would ruin things but you couldn’t help it. So you ignored him when he called you the next morning. He knew that you had early classes and wouldn’t call you after games when the time zones would be too different.
You ignored his call and then the texts he sent. He would be home the next day so you decided he could wait until then because you still weren’t sure what exactly to say to him. What would you tell him? That you didn’t believe him when he said that he only wanted to see you? That you didn’t trust him, or that you let your friends words get to you?
You still didn’t know what to say when he showed up at your apartment. He looked worried and mad and you weren’t sure which was worse.
“What’s wrong?” was the first thing he asked. There was no hello, how are you?
“Nothing.” You lied but he shook his head. 
“I know you better than that.” He said. “Something’s wrong.”
You wanted to lie to him again, tell him it was nothing, and to forget about it but you needed to know. 
“Those girls in the video.” You said, and he looked confused for a moment before his expression turned into understanding. “I know we aren’t a couple, technically,” you said quietly and watched as he slowly walked towards you. “But it bothered me.”
You waited for his reaction, watched his face warily. What you weren’t expecting was for him to take both your hands in his and squeeze them gently.
“Can I be honest with you?” He asked softly and even though you weren’t ready for his honesty, you nodded.
“I couldn’t stop thinking about you that entire night.” He chuckled and shook his head. “Tito kept asking me why I wasn’t making a move on one of them.” His head tilted a little as he studied you. “But all I could think about that night was how much I wanted you to be there with me.” 
You couldn’t hide the smile that crossed your face and you wrapped your arms around his waist and hid your face in the crook of his neck. 
“I kinda wished I was there too.” You whispered and your smile widened when he picked you up and spun you around. He was laughing when he put you down.
“Let’s go out tomorrow night. A couple of the guys and their girlfriends or wives are going to Joe’s.” He gave you a hesitant look but continued. “I want to introduce you to them.” 
Your brows furrowed. “I’ve met your teammates.” 
“I want-” he cleared his throat. “I want to introduce you as my girlfriend.” 
Your smile could have lit up the room.
You quickly learned that being exclusive wasn’t all that it was cut out to be. There was a certain pressure that came with dating a professional athlete and as time went on, you felt yourself begin to crack under that pressure. You weren’t sure if it was the media, intense fans or the fact that it was difficult to spend as much time together during the Playoffs but you started to question things with Mat.
Your mother always told you that you were an over thinker and always managed to think of the worst possible scenarios and though you would never admit it to her, she was damn right.
Your overthinking is what typically caused an fight between you and Mat. You were never one to pick fights but it just felt like every single thing that happened made you upset. Whether it was you feeling that he played video games too much when the two of you hung out or that he thought you made a big deal out of small things, the two of you were arguing all the time.
It left you spending many nights questioning whether being with him was even worth it when all it seemed to do was cause stress. You wondered if he ever thought the same things.
. . .
The loud cheering in the Barclays Centre did no good to your mood on a Monday afternoon game. You weren’t even sure why you went to the stupid game in the first place after a terrible argument between you and Mat the night prior. It might have been Tito’s many, many texts that day asking you to come because “Mat is always in a bad mood when you don’t come to games” that had you sitting in the stands sporting your Barzal jersey. You knew that you were welcomed in the Wives Lounge but sometimes you enjoyed sitting surrounded by random people you didn’t know and not having to socialize.
It definitely was a good idea at the time because yours and Mat’s fight had unfortunately been in front of some of his teammates and their other halves so you didn’t feel like getting questioned about it.
A loud bang caused you to nearly jump out of your seat and when you looked up, Tito was standing in front of you, grin on his face and waving. You had been distracting yourself on your phone so you wouldn’t look at Mat during warm-ups but you caught his eye when Tito had made you look up. You couldn’t really read the expression on his face. Part was probably irritation and the other maybe relief that you had shown up. The door slamming in his face the night before was probably still fresh in his mind.
Tito waving his hand in front of you brought you back from the memory and he had a puck in his hand, pointing it to you. You furrowed your brows at him because you already had a few pucks from games when you and Mat had first started dating because he had a habit of gifting you with a lot of Islanders things. So you caught it when he chucked it over the glass, intending to give it to the kid sitting next to you until you caught sight of some scribbles on the back. You flipped the puck over and your heart warmed when you realized it was Mat’s handwriting.
I’m sorry with a small heart was written messily on it and when you looked up and caught Mat’s eyes, you smiled and nodded and that must have been enough for him because he grinned and winked at you.
It was enough for now.
. . .
Meeting him at the locker room doors was not anything unusual but you were on edge that evening. You were pretty sure Mat had forgiven you for slamming the door in his face the night before but you were still nervous. When the guys started coming out of the locker room, dressed back in their game suits and grins on their faces, you kept your eyes trained on the doors waiting for Mat.
“He’ll be a few more minutes.” Tito said, stopping in front of you. “He’s doing an interview - game winning goal scorer and all.”
You smiled and let him ruffle your hair like you were his little sister despite the age difference between you two being minor. He always treated you like a sister from the moment you met and you liked that compared to some of Mat’s other young teammates who tried flirting with you in the beginning.
“Thanks, Tito.” You said, waving as he smiled again and walked away.
A little longer than a few more minutes, Mat walked through the doors. He was dressed in his suit again and his hair was wet from the quick shower he must have taken before coming out.
“Hey.” He said quietly, hesitating as if he had been trying to decide whether to approach you or not. When you held out your arms, he walked straight to you and wrapped his around you, lifting you off the ground slightly.
The two of you stood there for what felt like longer than it probably was before he loosened his arms and pulled away a little.
“I’m sorry.” He said, resting his forehead against yours.
“Me too,” you told him and stood on the tips of your toes so you could reach his lips. The kiss was gentle and slow and when you pulled away, you took a step back. “The fight was stupid and we both know it.”
He nodded and ran a hand through his hair. “I know. I just… I feel like sometimes we fight for no reason and it frustrates me. I hate being mad with you.”
Deciding that Barclays Centre wasn’t the right place for his conversation, you took his hand and pulled him towards the exit.
“Let’s go home and talk.” You said and he nodded, squeezing you hand gently and pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
As you both walked to his car, you idly wondered when home stopped being a place and instead became a person.
The Islanders got put out of the playoffs during the second round and although you knew Mat was upset, he shrugged and said, “there’s always next year.” You wondered if that was what got professional athletes through the losses in their careers.
The end of the hockey season meant Mat going home to B.C and it left you in an odd place. He didn’t directly ask you to come with him for the off season but the way he described his summer plans, made it seem like you were involved.
But you being you prevented you from outright asking if he wanted you to come home with him. It was a big step and you weren’t sure you could handle the rejection.
As the date he was leaving quickly approached, he asked if the two of you could talk and your stomach plummeted at his words. You agreed though and during the drive to his apartment, you mentally prepared yourself for the rejection.
He greeted you at the door with a kiss which eased some of your worries but when he started making you your favourite ice tea, you started getting worried. He was mindlessly babbling about random things until he sat on the stool next to you and when you looked at him, he was uncharacteristically serious.
“You could have told me you didn’t want to come to B.C,” he said. “I wouldn’t have been offended, I know you have friends here and probably had summer plans-”
“Mat.” You said quickly, cutting him off. “I want to come with you. To your home.”
He stopped his babbling and looked at you in shock. “Wait, really?”
“But you didn’t say.”
“Well I mean, you never asked.”
He rose his eyebrows comically high. “I didn’t think I had to.”
A smile broke out across your face and you leaned forwards so you could kiss him. He chased after you when you sat back making your grin widen. “I just didn’t want to push. We spend nearly all year together so I didn’t know if you wanted space for the summer.”
“Y/N.” He said seriously. “I want to be with you. Forever.”
And if that wasn’t the sweetest and most romantic thing a man had ever said to you, you weren’t sure what was.
Summer with Mat was, well, amazing. Days spent on the lake and nights spent under the stars ended up making that summer one of the best in your life.
Meeting his family for the first time was equally frightening as it was exciting. His father, Mike and mom Nadia were two of the kindest people you met and you quickly bonded with his sister Liana. They took you in as if you were their own and Mat frequently joked that they were stealing you from him.
You didn’t mind though. You loved spending days shopping at the mall or going to the beach with Liana. Brunch with his mom was always lovely and she always managed to tell you the funniest and most embarrassing stories about Mat. It gave you a little leverage when you needed it and on top of that, Mat was overly cute when he would pout at you jokingly poking fun of him.
Every single day, you realized you fell a little more in love with him and that realization nearly knocked you off your feet.
“Let’s go out tonight together.” He said one morning. “Just the two of us.”
Not having spent much alone time together as you would have liked, you quickly agreed. Mat didn’t tell you where he planned on taking you but he must have told Liana because she chose an outfit for you. It gave you a small idea of what he might have been planning.
She didn’t pick out a fancy dress which told you that he wasn’t bringing you to a high end restaurant which you were secretly pleased about because you never quite felt like you fit in at places like those. You much more preferred to go to a small diner so when she chose a cute romper with a pair of sandals, you had a bit of an idea of where you might be going.
“Any hints?” You asked, placing a hand over his which was resting on your thigh.
He shook his head and grinned. “It’s a surprise.”
You pretended to be bothered by it but you felt giddy inside that he was putting so much thought in to your date. It was also fun playing a guessing game, throwing ideas at him of where he was taking you even though you knew he wasn’t going to tell you. You had carefully watched his reactions to your guesses so you weren’t overly surprised when your ride ended at a park.
It was pretty late in the evening, getting close to dark so there were very few people out and around. He parked his car and reached in the backseat to grab a bag before climbing out of the car.
You knew he liked opening the door for you so you waited until he opened it before getting out as well. He took your hand and lead you to a park of the park that was empty and then dropped the bag on the ground and dug around, pulling an old blanket out.
“Picnic?” You asked, grinning from ear to ear.
“Is it okay?” He asked and you sat down when he spread the blanket out.
“It’s perfect.” You told him, watching as his face lit up. He sat down next to you and started pulling different snacks out of his bag, handing you some of your favorites.
“Mom helped pack the lunch.” He paused. “I had to stop her when she tried to cook a three course meal for us.”
You couldn’t help but laugh because it was a very Nadia thing to do.
“I love your mom.” You said. “I love your entire family.”
He smiled, looking at the ground as if he was concentrating on something. You knew the look enough that it meant he was going to say something but was either nervous and was working himself up to saying it or would decide not to say it at all.
But you wanted to know what he was thinking so you nudged him.
“What’s going on in your head?”
His cheeks were red when he lifted his head and he shrugged, smiling.
“I love you.”
Your smile was as bright as one of the stars and he met you halfway when you leaned towards him.
“I love you too.”
August was one of your least favourite months because it meant that summer was coming to an end. It also meant that off season was coming to an end and it meant that you and Mat would soon be heading back to New York. You loved it there, you really did. You missed your friends and your job but you knew you would miss B.C even more so when the day came that the two of you had to leave, you weren’t ashamed of the tears that were shed. Nadia made you promise to visit again soon and it was an easy promise to keep.
As soon as you got home, Mat was right back at training for the new season. It was a big change from spending basically every single day together to having to share him again with hockey. You loved Mat and you loved that he did what he loved but sometimes you did wish he had a normal nine to five job. He knew you felt that way some days and you could tell he sometimes felt a little bad about it but what you came to learn throughout your relationship with Mat, was that hockey nearly always came first. It was something that you struggled a lot with in the beginning of your relationship but it got a little easier as time went on.
On your best days, you would watch Mat train and feel pride in how determined and hard working he was.
On your worst days, you laid in bed at night and tried to think of your first kiss with the snow falling softly around you, warm sunny days at the lake and late nights under the stars.
Sometimes it was enough but sometimes, it wasn’t.
Wake Me Up When September Ends is the most played song on your playlist for an entire month.
You never know the biggest fight of your life is coming until it happens. It’s something that starts as the smallest of things until suddenly it hits you like a freight train and the impact is devastating.
That’s what the biggest fight of yours and Mat’s relationship was like.
You hated shouting and screaming. You hated threats to give everything up and walk away. You hated how easy it felt to do just that.
But what you hated most of all, was feeling like you were never enough. Like no Mater how hard you tried, failure was bound to happen and there was no way you could stop it.
And that was exactly what happened.
Slamming doors was your thing. It was childish and immature but it was a way of you making a point when you were angry about something so when Mat slammed a door, you knew he was past anger.
Mat rarely got angry with you. It could be counted on one hand the amount of times he even raised his voice at you but that night, the two of you yelled at each other until your voices were hoarse.
“Why can’t you understand where I’m coming from?” You snapped, watching him pace back and fourth across the living room. His hair was a mess, he had been running his hands through it and tugging enough that you thought he would tear it out.
“Because it makes no sense!” He yelled, “you knew what you signed up for when we started dating! I can’t be your typical nine to five boyfriend who comes home every night.”
“I’m not asking you to be that! I’m asking you to try and put more effort in to this relationship!” You shouted, not caring about the noise complaints you received from your neighbors a week later. “Do you know what it feels like when you feel that you’re the only one putting any effort in? What it feels like when you look at your friends relationships only to realize that yours isn’t even close to how good theirs is?”
“So you’re calling me a terrible boyfriend.” He said dryly.
“That’s not what I said and you know it. Stop putting words in my mouth, Mat.”
“I’m not putting words in your mouth if that’s what you’re saying. If you’re so unhappy, then why are you still with me, huh?”
His words stopped what you planned to say and you stared at him in shock. A small part of you wondered what the answer to his question was. Were you really that unhappy that you considered leaving?
“I…” you began but trailed off as you watched any emotion leave his face. The hurt and even anger disappeared and you didn’t realize how quiet the room was until he shook his head.
“I’ll make it easier for you.” He said, grabbing his coat and keys. “I’m done.”
You felt like you were frozen in place as you watched him leave, slamming the door behind him. Minutes passed before you slowly walked towards the front door, opening it in hopes that maybe just maybe he was standing on the other side but when you opened it, the hallway was empty. It was dead silent and when you looked at the floor, you saw Mat’s key to your apartment laying there, the little heart and smiley face you had drawn on it staring up at you as if it was mocking you.
You knelt down to pick it up and suddenly it felt like you couldn't breathe, like all the air was pulled from your lungs and your heart was cracking open.
If meeting Mat felt like breathing for the first time, then losing him felt like drowning.
You thought that heartbreak was something that passed eventually, that it got easier every day but it was a lie. You didn’t get over Mat quickly, in fact, it felt like every day got harder and you always told yourself you wouldn’t be that girl. The girl who gets her heart broken and can’t get over him. You wouldn’t cry yourself to sleep some nights or be afraid to turn the TV on in case it was the sports channel and you saw his face.
You scrubbed your apartment clean of him, everything he gave you and anything that reminded you of him sat in boxes on the top shelf of the spare bedroom. It didn’t help though because the memories, those were impossible to forget. They were engraved in your brain forever.
You hated him for how easily he left, how easy it was for him to walk out of your life as if he was never here.
Tito texted you a few time in the beginning, first asking what happened and then asking if you were okay or if you needed anything. You guessed he got the message when you didn’t answer because you haven’t heard from him in weeks and you weren’t sure if that made you relieved, or sad.
Falling in love was easy you realized.
Falling out of love was impossible.
A year passes swiftly. Especially when it’s both the best and worst year of your life. You hated yourself for it, but when December hits, you wondered how Mat was. You wondered if he got over you quickly or if he struggled the same way you did. You suspect it was the former.
At the end of every year, you liked to go through your things and donate what you don’t need or want. You started with your clothes and as you went through it, you noticed that you were missing several of your favourite outfits and your heart sank when you realized they were at Mat’s.
It left you with a dilemma. Leave them, or be a big girl and go ask for them back. You could go through Tito to get them back but you don’t know if he’s upset with you for ignoring him just because you broke up with Mat. He was your friend and it was unfair what you did but at the time, you were hurting.
But still, you decided to do it yourself and go get the clothes from Mat’s apartment and whatever else you might have left there. You did your best to get ready and look presentable and when you felt ready, you grabbed your keys and headed for the door. When you opened it, a hand nearly collided with your face as the person standing there was starting to knock. They jumped back and when you looked up, you found yourself staring in to the eyes of the exact person you were going to see.
“Mat.” You whispered, feeling like you needed to reach out and touch his face to make sure he was actually standing there and you weren’t hallucinating. But you didn’t because that would just make you look insane.
“Hi.” He said quietly and the two of you stood there for an unknown amount of time staring at each other.
Eventually, you found your voice.
“What are you doing here?” You asked, not harshly but confused.
He opened his mouth to say something but it was if he couldn’t get the words out. Like they were stuck in his throat.
“I’m sorry.” He finally said and you looked at him in shock.
He scratched the back of his head and looked at the floor. “What I said to you… it was unfair. I know I fucked up, and I don’t deserve a second chance but these past two months, I missed you like Hell.”
You were lost for words. You couldn’t lie and say you didn’t miss him too but were you really willing to put your heart on the line again and it got broken so easily last time? Could you even handle another heartbreak like that?
“Can we… can you give me a second chance?” He asked so timidly and quietly that you barely heard him.
You let yourself think back over the past year, remembering every single detail. All the joy, laughter, love and heartbreak. Was it worth it? Risking everything again even though you could end up broken again?
You found yourself looking at Mat again, hazel eyes warm and hopeful and it makes you think of the very first time you met. You were faced with the same decision - to let him in or let him go?
You knew you could live without him but you realized standing there, thinking about the past and what the future could be - you didn’t want to live without him.
So you stood up on the tips of your toes and pulled his lips down to meet yours and it felt like you were whole again.
“I can.”
(a couple years down the road, you’ll be saying I do in front of your friends and family with the love of your life and you’ll realize that yes, the risk was worth it.)
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kpop-s-akura · 3 years
Back to You | Chapter One
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Pairing: Lee Suho x OC
Genre: fluff, angst, romance, comedy
Warning(s): strong language, mentions of violence (nothing too bad since I suck at writing), smoking, slight sexual harassment
Word Count: 6.6k
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(Gif is not mine; credits to rightful owner)
"This is stupid and unnecessary."
"You're stupid and unnecessary!"
"Real mature, Junie."
"You just said that meeting my friends is 'stupid and unnecessary', what did you expect?"
Chaewon rolled her eyes, very well knowing that the boy had a point, but still unable shake to her nerves.
Meeting new people has never really been in the girl's forte; no matter how confident she seemed in a crowd, "properly" meeting new people turned her into an entire new shade of shy and introverted.
And the fact that these specific people were important to one of the most important people in her life, didn't make her or her anxiety fare any better.
Seojun noticed and stopped to turn to her.
"Don't be so nervous. These guys are really nice, you'll be fine."
Chaewon nodded, still unsure, but followed his lead up the staircase that led to Suho's house, one Seojun's friends she was meeting.
Seojun spoke in a soft and comforting voice, "I really think you'll like them, Chaewon-ah."
She smiled.
"You're an idiot!"
"Shut up! You're the idiot!"
"I'm not the one who messed with Yongpa High thugs and got them to chase us right now!"
It would be an understatement to say that Han Chaewon was pissed when her post-noraebong bliss with her brother was very quickly squashed afterwards when the two siblings were approached by delinquents from Yongpa High.
Though to be fair, the siblings themselves were both kind of delinquents themselves; but the girl's anger was more directed towards her twin brother, Han Seojun, rather than their chasers for her current mood.
"Just shut up and get on the damn bike!" Chaewon ordered as she did so herself as well as securing her helmet.
"Yah! I'm older than you, don't tell me what to do." But despite the elder's words, he put on his helmet and sped off alongside his sister on their motorcycles.
With Lee Seongyong right on their tail.
Chaewon led her and her brother through various roads and alleyways, knowing this part of town like the back of her hand; Seojun riding just a couple feet behind her, trusting that the younger would get them out of the mess he created for them. She always did.
It seemed like an endless cycle between the two: Chaewon getting Seojun out of trouble while causing chaos herself and leaving him to clean it up and vice versa.
They were quite the chaotic neutral duo, if you would.
And the majority of the time for them, it was fun. Even the slight life-risking aspect of it; although "life-risking" could be a bit of an exaggeration.
It was fun as long as you weren't alone, and Chaewon always managed to snag a sibling or friend (not that she had many of either) and rope them into being her partner in crime.
But as much as she enjoyed the trouble-maker lifestyle, she thinks of it's disgraces. She thinks of Seyeon.
Seyeon and how much he disapproved of her trouble-making since she was much more frequent in doing so compared to her twin counterpart.
Even when he would (un)willingly take part in his friend's mischievous shenanigans, it was something he loved about her. Something he loved about all of them.
Chaewon was aware of this, but what would he think of the current me? She would constantly ask herself questions like these; though the "he" could be any of the three boys that were constantly on her mind.
The thing is, she already knew the answer. It saddened her to think of it, but what else could she do?
She briefly looked back at her brother, wondering what that was about, before realising what he was warning: a girl was straight ahead, and she was about to hit her.
The unknown girl braced for impact while the twins jerkily swerved to each side of the obstacle.
Avoiding her, but not avoiding falling on the ground along with their bikes.
"Shit..." They cursed simultaneously.
The girl recovered from her shock and went to go apologise to them.
"Excuse me, are you two okay? What should I do?" She muttered the last part to herself. "Are either of you hurt?" Seojun irately pulled off his helmet, shaking his hair out while breathing heavily and glared at the woman who stood behind him.
Hearing a moan of pain from Chaewon, still lying on the ground, he rushed over to her and pulled off her helmet as well.
"Chae-ah, are you okay?" Seojun searched for any injuries, spotting g several messy scratches and gashes on her legs.
"I'm fine." The girl grumbled. Seojun lightly brushed over the bleeding wounds, causing her to wince and smack his hand away.
"Sorry..." He said half-heartedly. Seojun could never handle seeing someone he loved in any sort of pain or hurt in any way.
Still somewhat blinding with anger, Seojun carefully helped his twin up before angrily walking towards the worried and now scared Im Jugyeong.
"Yah!" But before the temperamental boy could chew her out, he spotted the group of motorcycles after them and quickly dropped his and Chaewon's helmets to the ground.
He took his sister's hand as they ran away, not realising that they had left Chaewon's fallen sword hair sticks on the ground.
She was struggling to keep up with him, but her adrenaline was going full force and it soon felt like there was never an injury in the first place.
She wouldn't let him carry her, knowing it would just slow them down even more.
They got to a certain point where they decided to split up, Seojun going left and Chaewon going left. A bit of a last ditch effort.
But as some of Seongyong's boys gained on her, Chaewon realized she couldn't run from them forever with her injured legs. So she stopped, putting her hands up and feigning surrender.
The boys caught up with her and grabbed at her shoulders, only for Chaewon to grab one of their wrists and flip them over her shoulder.
She turned to the other guy and back kicked his chest, causing him to take a tumble backwards and onto the ground. Chaewon started walking over to finish him off, not noticing that the first guy was up again.
He kicked her square in the back, causing her to fall onto her injured knees with a pained yelp.
She squeaked slightly when the second boy stepped on her back to push her fully onto the floor, putting more and more pressure every second.
"Not so tough now huh, princess?" One of them taunted before they both grabbed her arms and did their best to keep her under control. The boys brought her to the rest of the group where Lee Seongyong had Seojun cornered.
"Look what we found, boss."
Seojun's eyes went wide at his sister's slightly beat state as Seongyong turned to his underlings and smugly smirked at the captive girl.
"Well, well, well. I thought it was weird when the Han Twins weren't together."
"She put up a bit of a fight."
"I'd expect nothing less." The head gangster (if you could even call him that) chuckled to himself and lifted Chaewon's chin up with his index and middle finger. Seojun growled lowly as he started towards the two but was almost immediately stopped by two boys "guarding" him.
"Such a pretty thing," the slimy boy said, trailing a finger to a loose strand of hair, "perhaps you can be accepted as payment." He brushed it out of the way, only for Chaewon to savagely bite at his finger, Seongyong only just pulling away in time. Seojun chuckled at his reacted while shaking his head.
"You're a delusional bastard to think for even a second that Seojun would agree and that I would allow that." Chaewon narrowed her eyes and glared at the still slightly shaken boy. But nonetheless he went back to being smug.
He walked back over to the male twin while cracking his knuckled. "Well then I guess I'll have to find another way to get even with your brother." Chaewon gasped as Seongyong punched Seojun in the stomach, causing him to fold over.
"Oppa!" She rarely used the term "hyung" or "oppa", but when she did, it was usually blurted out on accident or during a time of distress.
"Hey, when I think about how, because of you," She screamed again when Seongyong kneed him in his stomach, bringing him to his knees. She could feel the pain of her twin almost vividly, she wanted wanted to throw up at it. "I have no money left, I just..."
He brought the boy back up by his jacket.
"Hey. You didn't come out that day intentionally to backstab us, right?" All Seojun did was scoff with a mocking smile. "Did you think we wouldn't do anything if you ignored and avoided us?" Seongyong went in to land another punch, but only ended up hitting air as his target shifted slightly over.
"Don't hit the face." Chaewon mimicked her brother's reaction from earlier in chuckling while shaking her head.
The teenage bullies just started to scoff in disbelief at the boy's brazenness.
"Yes, you avoided it. Okay, you're dead today." Just as Seongyong placed his hand on Seojun's shoulder with his other fist poised for another punch, the sound of a siren alerted the group: causing Chaewon to stop her struggling.
"Hey, the cops are here."
"Let's go quickly!"
Chaewon shook off the boys that held her hostage before straightening out her clothes.
Lee Seongyong however was hesitant before finally letting go.
"We'll meet again, Han Seojun."
As soon as the boys ran off, Chaewon ran up to her brother and practically jumped into his arms with a hug to the best of her abilities. Seojun returned the affection, whispering sweet nothings into her hair and assuring that they were okay now.
"Are you okay? Does anything seriously hurt?" Seojun smiled at the girl's concern for him and just opted for kissing her forehead.
"I'll survive. Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" Chaewon smiled back and shook her head.
"I'll survive."
Im Jugyeong, who had turned on the siren, came out of her hiding place and stared in the direction of where the group of boys ran off.
She slowly backed up with Seojun's helmet in one arm and Chaewon's hair sticks in the other hand, gasping when she distractedly bumped into said boy's solid chest with said girl beside him. The two were staring down at the bewildered girl.
She turned around and became even more intimidated by the twins' height. Although Chaewon wasn't much taller than her, Jugyeong being 5'7 and the other girl standing at a strong 5'9, her stare was enough to make her quiver.
"What's with you?" Seojun said with a blank look on his face.
"Uh, about that... Oh, there!" She pointed at a space between the twins who did nothing but turn their heads slightly at her finger in synchronisation before rolling their eyes.
"What are you doing?" Chaewon said with the same bored look on her brother.
Jugyeong bit her lip, realising she was pretty much screwed before turning to run away, almost falling on her face.
Chaewon caught her by her backpack and brought her back up, causing the girl to slam into her surprisingly also firm figure. Jugyeong slowly turned to look at her.
Chaewon tilted her head. "What do you think you're looking at?"
There was a slight silence before Seojun spoke up, "Run."
The girl seemingly snapped back into reality, running away. "Oh, oh, bye!" She ran away screaming.
"Saebom High School?" The twins pondered in unison.
"What an odd girl..." Chaewon wondered as Seojun scoffed at the interaction. She brushed her hair out of her face and ruffled it when she realized something.
"My hair sticks..."
Seojun stopped as well.
"My helmet!" They looked at the fleeing figure of the girl realizing she possessed their personal items.
"Hey!" But she was pretty much long gone.
"Aish..." He cursed.
"Want me to go get them?" Chaewon offered, ready to go sprint for her and her brother's possessions. They were both of fairly high emotional importance.
"No, you're injured. No more running for you." She rolled her eyes, but conceded.
"Let's go home; Gowoon is probably worried about us." Chaewon patted Seojun's shoulder, he looked at his sister and nodded before they started on their way back to where they left their bikes, the girl relenting in letting her brother carry her via piggyback ride.
"Gowoon-ah! We're home!" Chaewon called out into the mostly empty house.
"Hey! How was noraebong?" Gowoon was sitting at their kitchen table with her schoolwork spread out.
"Good! Until Seojun was an idiot..." Said idiot glared at her.
"When is he not an idiot?"
Chaewon laughed and placed her bag on an empty space on the table when Gowoon noticed her wounds.
"What happened to you?!" Chaewon looked down, she nearly forgot about her messed up legs.
"Consequences of Seojun's idiocy and a little bit of my own." She vaguely said before taking a seat next to her younger sister.
"Need help with anything?"
"Nah, I'm good. But you should clean those up and get some sleep."
"Eh. I'll pass." Chaewon winked with a smirk before getting up.
She's gotten into enough trouble and enough accidents that she's gained quite some knowledge about injuries and how to treat them.
"Imma patch myself up a little and then go out."
After cleaning and bandaging her plethora of scratches on both of her legs, wiping off the little makeup she had on, and changing her clothes, she grabbed her bag and made for the door.
"See you later!" She called out to the other two, though Seojun was probably asleep; that being a major reason as to how Chaewon was allowed out of the house at that moment.
Seojun trusts Chaewon to handle herself, but with everything that had happened earlier that night, his big twin brother instincts were skyrocketing; they have him either keep his counterpart in the house after a certain time, or demand he go with her.
"Be safe and don't get into too much trouble!" Gowoon cautioned.
"I make no promises on either of those things!"
Having decided to take a nice walk instead of rising her motorcycle, Chaewon entered Prince Comics; a place that she's called her safe haven since...
Anyways, the atmosphere of the comfy bookstore had helped her more than she though it would.
She'd spend most of her free days there whenever she just needed a break.
She rarely actually ever read the books, only when she was really bored but not tired enough to nap-- so she just took cat naps.
2-3 hour long cat naps.
The Ahjussi didn't mind though, he liked the company and personality of the young girl. He even put a bean bag, pillow, and blanket especially for Chaewon. He was always happy to see her enjoy it.
Like right now, Chaewon nestled her head further into the bean bag; setting aside the blanket and pillow since she had since changed into short sporty shorts, tucking her exposed and bandaged legs into the warmth of her oversized hoodie.
Lee Suho entered the area with couches and chairs that were bathed in the light yellow-orange light, taking in the place he hadn't come to in awhile.
As he was about to go search for his desired book, he noticed a small, curled-up figure to his right-- face covered by their hood.
He turned to the body, studying it for a second. His eyes roamed over the person before spotting sliver of a certain tattoo on their ankle-- a tattoo he knew all too well.
It was of a key.
"Chaewon...?" He whispered in disbelief. The girl opened her eyes at the all too familiar voice.
Though Chaewon has always been a heavy sleeper, there was one voice that always seemed to get her up and moving besides her brother's.
"Suho?" She said in a similar tone to his. He froze.
God how he missed his name coming from her lips, only she could have that effect on him.
They tried to keep their eyes from checking the other out (in a non-sexual way. sort of.), though their voices and facial expressions already gave away their shock.
It's been so long since she's seen Suho. She noticed how he seemed to get even more handsome, if that was even possible.
But there was something else. Something obvious. But at the same time, Chaewon couldn't quite put her finger on it. Or maybe she didn't want to.
Because this new thing about the boy before her wasn't something good.
She wasn't a fan. Then again, she wasn't a fan of Suho in general.
"What are you doing here?" He asked in a monotone voice while holding a cold façade, Chaewon decided to do the same.
Her expression hardened and became slightly agitated. "Well I was taking a nap before someone so rudely interrupted me." She began stretching out her limbs like a cat, getting prepared to get the hell out of there.
"This is a comic store to read, not a motel to sleep in." He scolded.
"What's it to you where I sleep?" She snipped getting up. The boy slightly blushed at the double-meaning of her words while the girl hadn't cared to notice.
Her new position had exposed her injuries, Suho's eyes notably widening at the sight before quickly going back to indifference.
"What happened to you?"
Chaewon scoffed.
"Since when do you care about me or my wellbeing?"
"Well it's kind of hard to miss all of that." He gestured to her legs. "It doesn't mean I care about you."
The girl just scoffed again and rolled her eyes for what seemed to be the billionth time that night before going to leave.
She didn't need this, not after the day she had.
But she was suddenly pulled back by her hood and stood in front of a puzzled Suho once again.
"The hell?!" She brushed his hand off her hoodie. There was a jolt of electricity when their skin met, though neither addressed it and settled for just staring (glaring) at each other.
This went on for another minute or two when the Ahjussi came back from his bathroom break and went to see if Suho had gotten his book or not.
"Yah, Lee Suho. Did you get the-" He stopped short, noticing the position of the two and their tension.
"Am I interrupting something?" Suho and Chaewon looked at the owner, stepping apart after noticing how close they had gotten. Chaewon cleared her throat before bowing to the Ahjussi, thanking him for letting her stay as always, and then scurrying out of the store.
"Is Chaewon-ie okay?" Suho couldn't bring himself to answer.
He just stood there as he replayed their interaction in his head; wondering what the hell just happened.
"Motorcycles! Motorcycles!" The friend group turned around to see two motorcycles heading right towards them, jumping away just in time.
The twins continued to clear a path for themselves, parking in the designated area for bikes.
The bustling students continued to stare and chatter amongst themselves in awe and shock.
Chaewon and Seojun took off their helmets, shaking their hair out while doing so.
She tugged and tightened her high ponytail as he brushed his fingers through his hair a couple of times.
When they got off their bikes, Jugyeong froze, recognising the two siblings from the other night.
"They're..." The memories replayed in her head as if they were on tape. "They're from out school?" The girl couldn't believe the unbelievable coincidence.
"The Han Twins are back," Sua remarked.
"Why are they here?" Sujin rhetorically asked, Taehoon echoing her. The group watched as Seojun and Chaewon started to walk to the school's entrance; the elder's arm around the younger's neck.
"The Han Twins?"
"Like how there are the Bermuda Triangle in the Atlantic and black holes in the universe," Sua began, "there are three charming students at our school, whom if you fall for once, you can never exit and get out: The chic, cold beauty God Lee Suho; the rough, wild horse God Seojun; and the dangerous, seductive Goddess Chaewon. Just like deciding between three of your favourite foods is so mind blowingly hard, they're the three ethereal beings at Saebom High School. They're the three top ones!"
Jugyeong's eyes comically widened upon hearing Chaewon's description.
Dangerous? She wanted to facepalm herself for already making an enemy out of a girl who was known to be not-so-friendly.
Meanwhile, the Han duo and Lee Suho had finally come to a stand-still at the front of the building, the two boys looking at each other intensely.
Although Chaewon was able to keep her poker face upon seeing Suho, she kept looking everywhere but him.
She didn't know if the feeling she was getting in her stomach from seeing him again were butterflies or knives.
"Forget the top three nonsense, I hate them. Though I can't really say too much for Chaewon since she can be more enigmatic than Lee Suho or her brother at times. And yet they're still the heartthrobs of Saebom boys and girls alike."
Despite the tension between the three being completely visible to anybody and everybody, the students kept chattering away, loving how this was going.
"The Han Twins returned!"
"They'll get into a fight again."
"Oo, it's already so loud!"
"I love it!"
But as Jugyeong and the group started getting nearer towards the three, she could see how they didn't really seem like friends.
"What's with them? They don't get along?" She asked, turning her head towards Sua.
"They used to be best friends, but they somehow fell apart. When they meet, the atmosphere gets so cold. It's especially weird since everybody thought that Suho and Chaewon were together during that time since they acted much closer than the other." Jugyeong was shocked, trying to process and imagine the two together.
In her mind, they fit pretty well look-wise and personality-wise.
Suho saw how Chaewon's eyes could never quite meet his own and kept his eyes on her.
Seojun took notice of this and roughly brought her closer into his side and raised an eyebrow at the boy who had since then turned his attention back to him. Chaewon's eyes traveled to the ground while Seojun turned his head and scoffed before eying his nemesis once again.
"So annoying."
Chaewon, wanting to escape from the situation, started tugging at her brother's hand that was still hanging off of her shoulder. "Let's go, Jun." Seojun kept his eyes on Suho for another second or two before complying with his sister's wishes.
The frozen exterior of Suho's heart cracked a bit as Chaewon's expressions burned and lingered in his mind, watching the siblings walk off.
The girl in question fighting the urge to look back at him.
"Hello!" The teacher greeted the class who greeted him back while walking into the room with Seojun and Chaewon in tow.
Suho slightly perked up as they went up to the front of the room, both with their heads held high and looking bored as ever.
This time it seems, Chaewon had no problem in locking gazes with Suho before looking over the class again.
"Alright, Seojun and Chaewon are back now. Good to see them, right?" The class answered back 'yes' before giving a round of applause as instructed by the teacher.
"Bravo!" Cheers kept ringing throughout the classroom, Seojun looking off to the side in faux embarrassment while Chaewon just kept a blank and cold face, intimidating some of the students into silence.
"One of you can sit next to Suho—" The twins looked at each other in alarm, though not particularly showing it.
"What now?"
They looked at the teacher.
All eyes were either on Suho, who just looked straight ahead, or the twins, one sighing before walking to where Jugyeong was sitting.
Chaewon watched him kick the leg of the desk, startling the girl.
"Yah. You go."
Jugyeong was just as bewildered as when they first met, only being able to point at herself and ask, "Me?" in a meek voice.
"This was originally my sister's spot." That alone was almost enough for Jugyeong to jump out of the seat, not wanting to test the girl's 'dangerous' reputation.
"Oh, Jugyeong has weak eyes, so she's sitting there." The teacher explained, causing Chaewon to quietly scoff and mumble to herself, "'Weak eyes' my ass..."
Though the teacher had heard her, he elected to ignore it before asking Taehoon to move.
"Taehoon. Our handsome Taehoon, can you switch spots?" The boy, of course, readily and excitedly accepted; the class laughing from his antics.
But before he could get up and walk to his newly appointed spot, he noticed that Seojun had still not moved from his place near Jugyeong's seat.
Chaewon walked up to Seojun, noticing that he was about to refute his senior and demand that she have her seat back.
But she was tired and didn't feel that it was necessary; even if it meant having to sit next to Lee Suho, it was better her than her twin.
She nudged him, getting his attention before nodding to the seat in the corner of the class, "It's fine, Jun."
The seat she motioned to was perfect for napping and not paying attention, she really knew how he was in school. But that didn't matter to Seojun if his sister had to sit next to his rival. He started mumbling about how her sitting next to said rival wasn't happening, but Chaewon was persistent in her glares, slightly pinching him and making the boy wince as he felt her sharp, ruby-red stiletto nails.
He conceded, but not before throwing a sharp and dangerous look at Suho, though the boy wasn't phased.
The twins split ways; Seojun going to his new seat in the back, Chaewon taking the one next to Suho's with Taehoon two spots behind her.
She felt Suho's gaze burn into the side of her face, but paid no mind and rested her head on the desk as her brother was doing for a nap.
Not even 5 minutes later, the sound of a door slamming open caused Chaewon to wake up, looking to the side instinctively. She didn't quite know how to feel when she didn't see Suho there, but quickly turned her attention back to the source of the sound that disturbed her sleep.
A group of boy entered the room, crowding around Seojun who still had his head on the desk.
"Yah, Han Seojun. If you and your sister returned, at least one of you should've shown your face and said hi." Chaewon suddenly stood up from her desk, the object making a horrible screeching sound that had all eyes on her. Seojun banged his fist on the desk before doing the same, exchanging looks with his sister once he felt her presence beside him.
The siblings had a stare off with the taller boy, causing the students to tense up.
This continued outside the school, Seojun and Chaewon standing a couple feet in front of the group of boys when the big one spoke.
"Hey, brother. Today's such great weather for you to die." Seojun rolled his eyes.
"Are you guys a girl group or something?" He scoffed.
"Seriously. Why are you standing like that?" Chaewon questioned, but the boys just sneered and chuckled mockingly among themselves.
"Why? Are you going to hit us? Okay, come in. Come here!" They all got into fighting stances.
"Yah, Kim Chorong!" Seojun's voice boomed, the two stepping up to the boys intimidatingly before he spoke up in a mock bravado tone.
"Your joke was a bit too much." That's what did it for all of them. Everyone started laughing, Chaewon even turning to her brother and playfully punching him before mocking his words.
"Hey, great acting for a pair of trainees." Chaewon playfully rolled her eyes at the boy while smirking.
"Ex-trainees, thank you very much." Chorong just stuck his tongue out at her to which she did the same.
"This is so childish." Seojun said, feigning irritation, "How much longer do I have to play around?"
"Yah, brother!… it's honestly fun, you know?” Chaewon started to laugh harder at the sound of their joy and the sight of seeing her brother teased further.
“Have you guys been well?” She asked.
“Woah!” Seojun suddenly exclaimed. “Kim Chorong, I think you gained more weight. Did you bulk up?” The victim of the taunting was staring at the taunter with incredulity while the rest started to crack up again. Chaewon rolled her eyes and shoved her brother’s shoulder, going to wrap her arms around the bigger boy.
“Yah! Leave him alone, Junie.” She pouted.
“Thank you, Chaewon! And for your information, I lost 10 kilograms!” Chaewon giggled at the banter as one of the boys commented that he could see the muscles.
Chorong turned to look down at the girl who was still clinging to his side.
“If your mother better?” He asked. She smiled fondly at her friend’s concern and nodded her head.
“She’s a lot better. Thanks, Chocho.” The two exchanged eye-smiles as the rest let out relieved sighs.
“What a relief. I’m sorry I couldn’t make a munsang.” Chorong said, turning back towards the other twin.
“Yah, what do you mean by munsang, you fool?” Seojun scolded. “It should be munbyeong.”
“Hey, hey, hey.”
Chaewon smiled as her brother proudly pulled her towards him, wrapping his arms around the girl and resting his head on top of her head, both smirking.
It was good to be back.
Chaewon decided to break off from the group to get food from the cafeteria, having forgotten money to go to the snack bar.
While in line, she spotted Lee Suho.
He’s so different... She couldn’t help thinking the obvious, but it felt so unsettling for her to see the boy she once thought she knew so well to be so... cold.
But under the circumstances that occured, it was understandable. And she couldn’t be a hypocrite by saying that he was the only one that changed.
Then all of a sudden—
“That girl...” Im Jugyeong had come to the lonely looking boy and gave him a red ginseng juice.
His favorite.
How did she know it was his favorite?
Why did she give it to him?
Why did I care?
Why am I asking all these questions?
“The hell?” Jugyeong walked away as Chaewon started placing food onto he tray.
Later that day while Chaewon was looking for her brother and friends, she saw Suho sitting on a bench looking at his phone with earbuds in, when the girl came up to him again.
This time, she was holding a large bag and took out one of his earbuds before whispering something to him and quickly running off.
Ah, so she’s another one of his fangirls. I should’ve known. Chaewon rolled her eyes, starting to walk again.
Only to stop again, seeing Lee Suho actually get up and seemingly follow the girl.
Chaewon couldn’t contain her curiosity and decided to quietly follow him, ending up at the rooftop.
She stayed by the door and watched their interaction. She almost felt bad for Im Jugyeong, knowing how harsh Suho could be.
It seemed to be worse this time around though since Jugyeong decided to flee from the rooftop, not even noticing her eavesdropper.
“Wahhh, you’ve really changed, Lee Suho.” Chaewon said walking out from her hiding place.
Suho turned to her and looked irritated, but also somewhat guilty and surprised. He didn’t want her to see that.
“Did you follow me or something?”
“Mm-hm.” He was quite surprised by her honesty, but he should’ve seen it coming. “I was quite curious when that girl was so brazen as to do what she did. I had to see what would happen.”
Silence stood between the two for a moment before Suho sighed and brushed past Chaewon and back into the building. She continued forward to the edge of the ledge and placed her hands on it, observing the view and breathing it in before pulling two things from her pockets.
Suho watched from the entrance as the girl took a cigarette from the box and lit it with her lighter.
“You still do that stuff?” He couldn’t help but to ask. He, Seyeon, and Seojun always hated whenever she smoked, even though it was a pretty rare occurence. But it still came to a point where they organized an intervention and her family had almost sent her to rehab. After that, he thought she was sober, or at least got better at hiding her actions, but things change he supposed.
Chaewon didn’t answer, seemingly unbothered by his still being there and instead blowing another puff of smoke.
“Does Seojun know?”
“I don’t see how that’s any of your busine-”
“I’m making it my business because I’m not going to stand here and let you ruin your life doing that shit!”
“Oh please, Lee Suho. I’ve done plenty of other stuff that’ll ruin my life, and I’m not going to start giving a fuck just because you say so.” 
Suho internally cringed at the stuff implied by her words. He knew she was reckless and liked trouble, but he didn’t know how bad it might’ve gotten over the time they’ve been apart. 
Seeing and interacting with her now made him question how close they really were back then.
“Besides, as if me dying wouldn’t make you happy.” Chaewon softly spoke, it almost sounded sorrowful; though it still held some hot resentment.
Suho felt his facial expressions go awry.
I wouldn’t be happy. I’d be devastated.
“Maybe I should do it more often. Speed up the process, put us both out of our misery, finally put a smile on that frustratingly, emotionless face of y-”
“Don’t.” He interrupted. Neither noticed how close Suho had gotten while she was talking.
“Don’t say those things.” He whispered.
Chaewon didn’t know what to do. She didn’t know what to say. And all she could hear was her heartbeat about to break out of her chest.
“Why not? It’s not like you care about me, right...?” Chaewon shakily asked with an almost mocking undertone.
He didn’t say anthing and neither did she.
After about a minute of nothing, Chaewon turned back around to face forward. She closed her eyes, trying to reel her emotions in. Bringing the cigarette back up for another hit, Suho took the death stick from between her lips and threw it onto the ground, putting it out aggressively with his shoe.
She was too shocked to even scold the boy and his actions, seeing how he had seemingly gotten even closer.
Suho stared intensely at the girl. His eyes were full of caring and warmth. Yet at the same time, they were full of cold nothingness. But Chaewon could see under that, she always could; that’s one of the things that made them so compatible. 
She just didn’t know if her senses were trust-worthy or not this time around.
They could always tell how the other actually felt. But times have changed.
They changed.
They weren’t Suho and Chaewon anymore.
They weren’t anything anymore.
It was the next day during gym.
The students were outside playing dodgeball while Chaewon had her tracksuit jacket wrapped around her waist, exposing her normal clothes, and sat on the sidelines watching her brother play.
She could feel a certain pair of eyes on her every so often as she felt herself do the same, but nobody else seemed to notice it.
“Yes! Han Seojun, out!” Chaewon laughed at the fact her brother was eliminated, especially with it being by the hands of Lee Suho and Yoo Taehoon.
As he walked off to join his sister who was now standing up, the ball from the girls’ side traveled to where the twins were, Seojun stopping it with his foot before Im Jugyeong could grab it.
“Yah. You’ve seen us before, right?” Jugyeong laughed awkwardly as the twins stared down at her.
“What are you saying?” She tried taking the ball only for Seojun to press harder on it.
“You ran off with my helmet and my sister’s hair sticks.” She looked back up at him.
“Did you not?”
Jugyeong’s eyes went to the space beside him and pointed at something, “Oh! Over there!”
“We didn’t fall for that last time either-“ Before he knew it, Seojun was shoved to the side as a ball collided with the back of Chaewon’s head who although wasn’t in any pain, was pretty pissed.
Several noises of shock and disbelief sounded from the boys’ side.
“Chae-ah!” Seojun rushed back to his sister’s side and held onto her. “Are you okay?” Before she could answer, he turned to the culrptiy and glared at him with flaming death and growled, “Aish!”
“S-S-Sor… T-t-t-the class president! It was the class president.” Ahn Hyungyu tried explaining in extreme fear.
Jugyeong stood up with the now free ball. “I’m sorry. I’ll give them both back tomorrow.”
It felt like déjà vu when the girl turned around again about to fall on her face; only this time, no one was gonna help her.
Lee Suho, who was watching the whole thing in silent anger, stalked off, but not before roughly shouldering the boy who accidentally injured Chaewon and stepped over Jugyeong’s sprawled out body.
The show was over and Seojun went to scold Hyungyu who was still apologizing profusely, but Chaewon stayed where she was, staring at the boy who was walking back into the school’s building who wanted nothing more than to ask if she was okay.
Chaewon, Seojun and the rest of their friends walked down the hallway; some girls and boys passing by whispered in awe and silently fangirled/fanboyed.
The twins walked beside each other and smirked at the attention. It was amusing to say the least.
This continued in an almost slow-motion fashion when all of a sudden—
“Wait.” Seojun dropped down to the floor and started re-tying his shoelaces. Chaewon chuckled and jokingly pushed his shoulder, making him lose his balance and making her laugh even more.
“MOVE!” The group looked forward to see Im Jugyeong running down the hallway with a face full of cake.
Although it was a weird sight, Chaewon stayed where she was and stood in front of the panicked girl.
Jugyeong came to a halt with wide eyes in front of the taller girl who had a questioning look with a perked up eyebrow.
She slightly bowed with a quiet “excuse me, sorry” before running past her and jumping onto Seojun’s back and catapulting herself forward.
“Yah!” Chaewon squatted down onto the floor beside her brother who was now sprawled on the floor. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.” He gritted looking at the direction of the runaway girl.
But it didn’t stop there; the rest of their class following Im Jugyeong, also in a panic.
Chaewon hurriedly brought Seojun back up to his feet and pushed them both to the wall for safety.
“What the hell is going on?!”
They waited for a couple of seconds to see if anymore people would go stampeding down their way, being relieved when it seemed to be over.
“Are you sure you’re okay, Jun?” Chaewon looked over his body for any injuries.
“I’m fine, Chae. Really.” She smiled at him and linked their arms to start walking.
Then Lee Suho came from the other side of the hallway, the side where they had originally come from and where everyone had gone to.
And he wasn’t alone.
Hiding underneath his jacket was Im Jugyeong, still cake-faced.
The twins had to stop and stare at the unusual scene; neither knowing how to feel at the sight before them.
🌸A/N: Yay! I can’t believe I finally published this. I’m going to start working on the second chapter as soon as possible. Also, I realize that Yeji is also 5’7, but I looked at the height of the other characters and decided that 5’9 was good. Besides that, please excuse any typos or mistakes. I hope you enjoyed!
BTW: The picture below is Chaewon’s outfit. The white dress shirt part of the uniform is unbuttoned and tied in a croptop way, showing the bralette. I tried finding a good picture of Saebom’s uniform but it was pretty hard so I just cropped Sujin’s. Sorry for it’s pretty low quality😅
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supercorpkid · 4 years
The adventures of Superboy and Superkid.
Supercorp, Kara Danvers x Daughter!Reader, Lena Luthor x Daughter!Reader
Word count: 1980.
When Conner shows up at your school you already know what to expect. Trouble. Every time Superboy shows up in your life things get simply out of control. He is there, waiting for you, with his incredibly long shoulders, a body that no teenage boy can actually build, and a smile that could melt anyone’s heart.
“Oh my God, oh my God. Conner is here.” Jamie is smiling so much next to you that you can’t help but roll your eyes.
“I can see that. He’s basically impossible to miss.” He waves at you, and you nod back walking towards him.
“Ok, listen, this time you have to help me.” You know what she’s talking about. She likes Conner. I mean, she and half of the girls in the school are basically making heart eyes at him right now.
“Yeah, I don’t know. Conner usually doesn’t show up to go on dates, he usually shows up asking for help because he did something stupid.” You answer, but you don’t think Jamie was listening to any of it.
“Cousin!” Conner says excitedly and you smile.
“Hey lab rat!” You come close enough and he pulls you in for a hug so tight is almost like he missed you. You smile again. You missed him too.
You’ve been calling each other lab rats for a while now. It’s insane to think that Conner is made from Superman’s DNA plus Lex Luthor’s. He’s somehow your cousin twice. And since you both were made in a lab, you two like to joke and call each other lab rats.
“Hey Jamie.” He says after he lets you go. They stare into each other’s eyes for a few good seconds. “Still looking pretty, I see.”
“Oh, hi Conner.” She smiles shyly. “Still looking handsome and all.”
He shrugs and smiles a little cocky. You roll your eyes at the whole interaction.
“So, what brings you to National City, lab rat?” You intervene before they start undressing themselves with their eyes.
“Oh, I just missed my cute little cousin.” He messes with your hair. You sigh.
“Cut the crap and tell me what happened.” He looks around telling you this is not the right place and you agree with your head. “Well, say goodbye now. We have to go.”
They hug, a really long hug. And Jamie is being weird and smelling his hair. They are so odd, and you have no idea why they just don’t kiss already.
“Bye, pretty.” Conner says and Jamie answers with instant heart eyes. You sigh again and pull him grabbing his t-shirt. He walks beside you and you two find an alley to make sure no one can see you both flying away to somewhere more private. You get to your training center; you take off your glasses to make sure no one’s around and he looks around too. He then comes back to you. “So, how have you been, lab rat?”
“I wanna say fine, but that would be a lie. Got shot with kryptonite the other day.”
“Really? That shit is painful right?”
“I mean, yeah. It’s horrible.” You are almost opening up more when you remember why you’re there. “So, what have you done now?”
“I might have pissed off Mister Freeze.” Conner starts and you already know so much more is coming. “He was doing some suspicious shit and I went to stop him, but it didn’t go very well. I didn’t know I could freeze. Did you know we could freeze?”
“You idiot!” You slap his chest and he doesn’t even flinch.
“I’m sure you’re right, but why this time?”
“Why would you try to stop him alone? Why didn’t you ask for Batman’s help? Or Batwoman’s, I don’t know.” You’re annoyed. Conner never thinks before acting and Mister Freeze is Batman’s villain or whatever.
“I can take him!” He crosses his arms making his chest grow even bigger.
“Then what are you doing here?” You raise an eyebrow and he smiles.
“We can take him!”
“Oh, dear Rao, I swear you’re going to be my downfall one of these days.”
“Yeah, but like, not today.” Conner smiles at you. “Come on, lab rat. We haven’t been on an adventure in a while. I promise your moms won’t hear a word about it.”
“Yeah, I don’t care about that.” You smile back at him. “Let’s do it. Let’s go to Gotham and kick some ass.”
You know you shouldn’t do something like this, and you also know it would be a lot easier to just call Supergirl and she could end this whole thing in less than a second. Come on, Mister Freeze got nothing on her. But you still want to prove your worth and you can hold your own in a fight. This could be a good opportunity, if you don’t mess it up.
“Yeah! Ok! Let’s do it. Team lab rats working together again.” Conner gets excited really fast. “Oh, let’s change into our superhero clothes.”
His superhero’s clothes consist in a black tight t-shirt with the symbol of the House of El and a pair of jeans, which is stupid. Your superhero’s clothes are, somehow, even stupider, because is Kara’s old suit minus the cape and the boots. Honestly, you look like a bad Supergirl’s cosplay.
“You look great! Very Supergirl-ish.” He holds his thumbs up with a smile.
“Shut up.”
“Seriously, the skirt is nice.”
“Seriously, shut up.” You punch him in the arm and he laughs. “Come on, Superboy, lead the way.”
Conner flies away and you follow him to Gotham. When you land there, you already know everything that’s been going on in his life since the last time you saw him and vice-versa. He leads you to the front of an ice castle and you breathe the new air. Gotham’s air sucks. Actually, Gotham sucks entirely.
“That’s his evil lair.” He points and you scoff.
“Fortress of Solitude rip-off.” You say and he looks at you confused.
“Haven’t been.” He shrugs, making you smile apologetic. You can’t believe Superman hasn’t taken him there yet. The whole experience is almost like a rite of passage. “Anyways, what do we do? Just burst in there and like, kick his ass?”
“Why am I not surprised that you don’t have a plan?” You ask, making him laugh and you have to think of a plan on the spot. “Ok, you already pissed him off so, yeah, you burst in there and distract him while I sneak in and try to figure out his plan and a way to ruin it.”
“See, that’s why we make such a great team.” He looks way too excited to do this. He studies your face for a while. “Are you scared?”
“No! I just have this terrified look on my face because we’re going to have so much fun!” You say ironically and he nods excitedly. He is like a puppy.
“Come on! It is kind of fun.” He pokes your arm and you roll your eyes.
“What is wrong with you? Is this because you were created in a lab?” You make fun of him and he laughs unbothered.
“Ok, where’s the girl that destroyed an entire mountain?” Now is his turn to make fun of you.
“I shouldn’t have told you about that.”
“Well, you did. Now you’re going to march in there and find out his plans and crush him into pieces for freezing your favorite cousin.” You just look at him blankly until he sighs and adds. “After Jamie.”
“Ok. Let’s do it! Let’s kick his ass and show my momma that I’m all about that superhero’s life.”
“Ok, ok. Slightly different motive. Still works. Let’s do it!” You two highfive and then he flies into the ice castle. You can see him breaking everything and you wait a little to go inside. When you do, you see Conner in a pretty heated argument turning into a fight with Mister Freeze, distracting him enough. It doesn’t take you long to find his evil plan. You might not know exactly what the machine does, but you know for sure it’s not a house heater. One shot with the heat vision and the whole thing explodes.
You fly away from the explosion and go to where the fight is happening to help Conner. He is inside a large block of ice. You can’t believe he got frozen twice. Such a loser. You shot the block of ice with your heat vision just in time, because soon Mister Freeze notices your presence.
“This isn’t your fight, Supergirl.” He says to you.
“Well, I’m not Supergirl, so…” You fly towards him with a close fist and hit him right in the face throwing him backwards.
Superboy finally completely unfreezes himself and joins you. While Mister Freeze is distracted with Conner, you pick up his own gun and shoot him. Soon he’s the one stuck in a very large block of ice.
“Yeah!” Conner celebrates throwing his fist in the air. “The lab rats do it again!”
You two laugh and hug. Then you realize you’re still in a super villain’s lair and that you two probably look really pathetic right now, so you stop the whole celebration part.
“Well, Superboy, hope to see you a lot more and, at the same time, a lot less.” You say with a playful laugh and he smiles at you.
“See you around, cousin.”
You fly back to National City with a proud smile on your face. You kicked some serious butt today and it wasn’t even that hard. Granted this super villain is kind of a mess, but you did it. Well, you and Superboy, anyways.
You’re back home with time to spare for dinner. Your moms are in the kitchen when you walk in and they both turn to you as soon as you step in.
“Hey kid! We’re making dinner, come help us.” Kara says with a smile and you sit on the other side of the counter. She realizes you’re not going to help. “Or you can just sit and watch.”
“Sure. I’m great at that.” You smile picking a baby carrot that Lena is currently putting in the salad. She looks at you and smiles.
“How was your day, babygirl?” Lena asks and you look at your backpack on the floor next to you. The super suit tucked in there and you smile lightly.
“Eh.” You pick another carrot from the plate. “It was fine. Yours?”
“So, nothing exciting happened today?” Kara asks. She has her back turned to you so you can’t see her face. You swallow.
“Um. Not particularly. Did something exciting happen to you?”
“Actually, yes.” Kara turns to you and looks right at your lying face. “Apparently, Supergirl was spotted in Gotham today.”
“Oh, you went to Gotham?” Lena asks looking at Kara.
“I did not. But she was there, y’know. Old suit in all its glory. Minus the cape.”
��Yeah, what is the cape for anyway? Capes don’t seem very useful. And it can get caught in an airplane propeller and like…” Kara and Lena just raise their eyebrows at you and you shut up.
“She also looked a lot younger.” Kara keeps going and you hold your breath. You got caught. No more running from it.
“Conner needed help.”
“Ah. Of course.” Lena laughs.
“Oh yes, Superboy was there too, did I forget to mention?” She says elbowing Lena and they just smile at each other like they know a secret you don’t. “So, did he have your back?”
“More like I had his.” You say with a cocky smile.
“Lucky him.” Kara winks at you and turns on her heels back to do whatever she was doing before. Lena is still cutting the vegetables and you stand there for a full minute waiting for them to ground you or yell at you, but they just go on with the dinner.
“That’s it? No lecture about going to Gotham and bursting into some super villain’s lair and destroying his evil plans?” You ask confused and Kara turns her face to look at you.
“No. Why? Did you do it wrong?”
“Great. Oh, next time, maybe use your own suit.” Kara says and you furrow your brows.
“I don’t have a suit.”
“Well, then I guess we have to work on that.” Kara smiles again and you’re shocked. Did you really fly all the way to Gotham city to help Superboy and your momma just rewarded you with a super suit? I mean you’re not complaining, but is that really what just happened?
I used Superboy origin story from the Titans show. Thought it made sense :)
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shrimpngritcakes · 4 years
Buddie prompt #3: 9-1-1 & Lone Star crossover idea
I’m putting this idea here for someone to claim if they wish. It was originally posted on Ao3 (now with additions), but deleted it due to ToS. If anyone wants this prompt, please comment below so I can delete it after you copy it to prevent similar stories.
His breaking point was a kiss.
One he knew he wasn't supposed to see. With anyone else he would feel like a voyeur, but all he could feel was a dark emptiness opening in his chest.
With Eddie’s truck being in the shop for a tie rod that had broken while at work, sending Eddie into a storm of cursing in Spanish, Ana had picked him up for their latest date.
And dropped him off.
If was a horrible fluke that Buck had stood up to look out the window at just the wrong moment. He should have been in the spare bedroom asleep after a grueling 24 surrounded by all the things he had brought with him when he moved in all those weeks ago.
Buck makes his excuses to leave while Eddie is completely confused and trying to get him to talk. Eddie tries to call Buck but he doesn't pick up.
Buck goes to see Bobby and Athena. It all spills out, including not feeling wanted by his parents. Bobby thinks Eddie is being an idiot but keeps this to himself. He suggests a leave of absence for mental health. Bobby receives permission from his superior to place Buck on open ended leave after giving him a brief explanation of the situation. Ending with him saying to Bobby, “That poor boy. If I ever meet that boy's parents…”
Bobby answers, “Get in line, but there may not be anything left after Athena gets them first.”
TK is surprised to find a sleeping Buck in his Jeep in the parking lot of the 126. An off duty Carlos takes him back to his place where he crashes on the couch. Buck has a nightmare and Carlos talks him down.
Owen calls Bobby saying he has his boy and they'll take care of them. He has a plan and discusses it with Bobby. The whole absence makes the heart grow fonder concept.
“Is it mutual?”
“I’m not 100% sure, but…”
“You can't tell Eddie. Even if he begs for answers for his son, you need to stand strong. It needs to be him asking for himself. If this goes wrong… We'll take Buck in here. He'll have a home with the 126. It will take a while, but we'll help put him back together as best we can until he's back on his feet. He won't be alone.”
Bobby wipes at his face, “Thank you."
“Let's hope this works.”
Eddie is worried and confused why Buck never came home. His phone is going straight to voicemail. Now he isn't there for his shift. Another man comes in and introduced as Buck's temporary replacement. Eddie asks Bobby where Buck is, but he won't give him a straight answer. Eddie is shocked as Bobby's tone is harsh and he glaring at him. Bobby later apologized and explains that Buck requested that only he and Maddie know where he is. Eddie tries to dig, but Bobby just shakes his head with a, “I'm sorry, Eddie. I can't tell you.”
Eddie asks Maddie, but she just slams the door in his face. Chim doesn’t know as she's refusing to tell them where Buck is. Chim delivers her handwritten apology the next day to Eddie. It states Buck needs space from everything, but mostly leaves out the part about Eddie (only one or two things that hint, but it goes over Eddie's head).
Athena almost breaks down and calls Eddie a fool before storming away to her police cruiser. She doesn't know where he is because Bobby refuses to tell her (which she finds annoying yet commendable), but she was there for the why when Buck broke down. She'll apologize after Buck and Eddie return. Hopefully together.
Filler with Buck and the 126 and Carlos. Judd takes him out on a horse like he did Capt. Strand. Fill a pothole on how Grace and him are so accepting of TK's sexuality despite being religious.
A Facetime therapy session where Copeland assures him its okay to get away for a while.
Eddie doesn't quite realize yet that he's slowly losing it, but the others can tell.
Paul and Buck have a conversation.
Christopher asking where Buck is because it's movie night. Eddie doesn't have an answer.
Eddie rages in the station gym trying to understand. He almost gets it, but he thinks Buck is jealous of Eddie, not Ana. Cue Hen groaning under her breath, "You almost got it, Eddie. Come on. Keep thinking."
TK, Carlos, and Paul take Buck out to a club. TK talks absentmindedly to the bartender, even showing him/her a picture of Eddie from Insta. Word spreads about the "new guy," Buck. Others keep the “creeps" away from Buck. Buck loosens up a little while there.
Buck Facetimes Christopher on Carla's phone, only for Eddie to walk in just as Buck is hanging up. He sees Buck's panicked/sad face right before he hangs up. He tries to call back, but doesn't get an answer. Carla huffs and shakes her head. "Figure it out yourself, hun. I can't give you this answer. You need to find it for yourself." Cue Eddie even more confused. This is all just about Buck's parents and jealous over Ana... Isn't it?
Roller derby to cheer on Marjan with the bartender flirting with Buck, who is all kinds of flustered. Carlos, TK, and the others tease him mercilessly.
A massive fire where Buck offers his help. Paul gives Buck as sidehug in gratitude.
Eddie almost punching the mechanic because his truck still isn't done.
Marjan takes Buck out to do something crazy because she's Firefox. (Buck is still starstruck). Maybe skydiving or they race each other at wall climbing? Cue competitive banter.
Owen keeping Bobby updated on Buck.
Buck eventually asks for a transfer. Owen asks if this is what he really wants. Buck just shrugs and asks helplessly what other option he has.
(Optional: Bucks gets up quietly at night for a glass of water and stumbles onto Carlos and TK having sex/making out in the kitchen. Buck either flees in embarrassment or is stunned into watching with Carlos and TK aware that he's there. All parties awkward and/or embarrassed the next morning until TK bursts into giggles and laughter.)
Eddie's relationship with Ana is rapidly deteriorating. Christopher has a full on tantrum. Eddie has to koala hug him on the floor, after Ana brings him back home from a not very good date as Eddie's thoughts were on Buck. Ana tries to help calm him down but Chris screams at her about Buck not being around as much as soon as she started dating his dad. “I hate you! I hate you!” He yells her to get out. Ana still tries to talk. Carla snaps at her to leave. She still tries.
Eddie is spiraling. Flashback of that kiss he really wasn’t ready for, but Ana had asked. It dawns on him that that was the night Buck disappeared. Why would Buck leave because of that? Chris is repeatedly asking her to leave, but she's not listening. She's not listening to his son. He finally snaps and demands that she leaves. She storms out. Relationship dead in the water.
Carla can only watch as Eddie breaks from it all.
The original plan has failed, so it’s time for the final attempt. A blatant hammer strike to Eddie's head to knock some sense into him.
Bobby calls Eddie into his office. He shows Eddie transfer papers from Buck along with a list of Buck's possessions to be boxed and shipped. Eddie is speechless. Thoughts of Christopher and losing Buck. He's losing Buck.
He shows Eddie an email he received and Eddie slowly scrolls through, It's full of captioned pictures. Such as:
-Buck staring off into the distance on a horse.
-Buck curled on a couch looking lost.
-Buck looking drool-worthy in club clothes. The caption: “Holy sh@t! If I wasn't already happily taken…”
-Showing Buck blushing as someone talks in his ear.
-Smiling yet not reaching his eyes while dancing.
-Sitting with his head buried in his hands on the engine’s bumper.
-Helping man a hose at a large blaze captioned with “Yes, we had permission for him to be there.” Followed by a picture of someone (Paul, but Eddie can’t see his face as he’s looking at the ground and hidden by his helmet) sidehugging a sweaty dusty still geared up Buck around the neck with a hand resting on his head.
A video. It's Buck spilling everything curled up in someone's arms (maybe Carlos or Grace). “Why am I always alone! What about me?” Mentions of Abby and Ali. His failed dates. Everyone pairing up. Losing part of his sister to Chim after finally having her back in his life after so many years apart. “And Eddie! Eddie… Why does love hurt so much?” mentioning Chris. Etc.
Eddie is shaking. It finally clicks why Buck left.
One more video. It's Capt. Strand and the 126 facing the camera. He knows where Buck is now - Austin, Texas.
“Buck doesn't know we're putting all this together. He’s asleep. We may or may not have knocked him out with sleeping pills.”
They all lay it out for Eddie. Eddie feels all kinds of stupid and blind. “Now, you have a choice here, Edmundo Diaz…”
“Why… Oh my god. This entire time… ”
“Do you love him, Eddie? As more than a friend? Or am I signing these papers?”
A few seconds after Eddie runs out of the room, a sigh comes from the speaker phone. “I'll get things set up.”
“Thank you, Owen. For everything.”
“You're welcome.”
The whole firehouse going up in a cheer after Eddie floors out of the parking lot in his thankfully finally fixed truck. Hen is shaking Chim or vice versa.
Carla agrees over the phone to keep Christopher after Eddie blurts everything out to her, ending with a “Go get him, Eddie.”
“Did everyone see this but me?” Carla is laughing as she hangs up.
Buck sees Owen call TK over and whispering in his ear. Tk has an interesting reaction before running out of the room with his phone already to his ear.
Flashbacks as Eddie is scrolling through his pictures on his phone while on an airplane. How he missed it. How he didn't understand himself. His fall had been so slow he hadn't even realized it until it was almost, or maybe is, too late. His seatmate makes a comment on his happy “family," and it’s a kick to Eddie's already flayed emotions.
Judd is there to pick him up at the airport, which surprised him.
He's dropped off at a club. Judd makes a snarky comment after handing Eddie a hotel room key card through the window. Eddie rolls his eyes as Judd drives off laughing. The bouncer, having seen the Diaz blazoned on the back of his LAFD shirt, waves Eddie inside, skipping the line. The whispering starts as soon as he enters. Word had spread and they had been hoping for Buck. “Is that…”
“I think so.”
He's shocked as the crowd starts to part for him. The music lowers in volume. People are staring and he's embarrassed, etc., but he sees Buck, who TK has made sure looks phenomenal. Taking a deep breath, he squares his shoulders and walks forward.
Buck is dancing between Carlos and TK. He feels Carlos start smacking TK on the back before they pull away from him. They’re both grinning so wide he suspects their faces are hurting. TK is not so quietly squealing in excitement.
A hand covers his eyes from behind. He immediately recognizes the body wash smell. “Eddie…”
Mini conversation/argument, neither realizing the club has gone dead silent, with Eddie yelling “Because I love you, you idiot!”
The entire club loses it with TK whooping, jumping with a fist punch, and laughing.
End there with a kiss, at the hotel room which may or may not get steamy, or Buck telling Christopher he's home with Chris tackling him to the ground.
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wsgeon · 3 years
hey everyone! ummm this is peyton (also the mun of lee hyeon) taking a second shot at a second character — i have a lot of muse for this one, so i swear he’ll be around for a while… 🥵 this is ryu geon, yes his name rhymes with hyeon’s & no i do not care ♥️ he’s the lead guitarist/vocalist of meta and also the son of a former nobody rockstar, but i’ll get into all that below! like this post if you’d like for me to come into your ims to plot, click the read more for more info on geon, and/or click here to be taken to his pages: CAREER, DOSSIER, PINTEREST.
born in autumn ‘97 to a “budding rockstar” (translation: “no yeah i swear our band’s really starting to take off, we sold twenty-three tickets to our last show!”) & a woman with commitment issues ♥️ geon’s dad always told him that his mom left because she had some dire matters that needed to be taken care of and SWORE that she cried the last time she held her dear baby boy, but all of his dad’s bandmates say that she was just some groupie and had to be persuaded into carrying her child to term… who can say for sure?
naturally, there are no pictures of this mystery woman. there was one (1) of her holding infant geon, but then he found out that that was actually a sound tech who worked for his dad’s band… and he just never corrected geon’s assumptions LOLLLL
anyway! he was always really close to his dad, considering they were a two-person family. he has a set of grandparents, an aunt and a couple cousins but they were never involved with geon’s life because his dad is the #blacksheep of the family. geon and his dad against the world, am i right?
uhhh geon was also kind of a black sheep growing up, but he didn’t really notice? he was a happy kid, very energetic and enthusiastic. a lot of adults in the area looked down on him & his dad, but he was SOOOO blind to it because his dad’s a god in his eyes and HE’S always been nice to everyone, so why would they not like him??? because his clothes smelled a little like dad’s cigarette smoke??? big deal
wasn’t troublesome (beyond talking too much), but a lot of people still expected bad things from him :/ “his father’s a dirtbag, i’ll be surprised if that boy doesn’t end up in jail by 20”, “he won’t amount to anything without a proper role model in his life”, “his dad is teaching him how to slack off”, “he won’t contribute anything to society”, etc. he kindaaa picked up on this as he got older but pretended not to because it was more rewarding to play dumb and keep being a good kid(tm) to prove them wrong
was basically a mini version of his dad. same style, similar features, birthmarks in the same places, same “live today, die tomorrow” approach in life, same affinity for singing & playing rock music. ummm he loved his dad a lot. a lot. a lot. wanted to make him proud SO BAD, started his first band when he was 15 and they sucked so bad but his dad was their biggest fan… you know how it is. a lot of people misunderstood him, but he was a very good guy and such a great parent
TW DEATH unfortunately he passed away just shy of geon’s 18th birthday and your boy still hasn’t forgiven the world for taking his dad when he was in the middle of his angsty teen phase — had he known that their time together was dwindling, he would’ve been so so so much better to him END TW
his dad’s band actually rocketed into the charts after he passed & suddenly they were getting loads of publicity, lots of “what a shame that he went under-appreciated” which pissed geon off SOOOO bad because why couldn’t they have had that energy when he was still alive? he’s still mad about it five/six years later
this is getting kinda long, so uhhh tl;dr, he ended up staying with the drummer of his dad’s band until he was old enough to live alone/READY to live alone, but he changed quite a bit. was really going through it, quit his band, stopped putting effort into school. barely graduated. went from being a social butterfly spending every weekend at a gig or with friends to spending all of his time on a pc or in front of a tv, playing console games. the internet comforted him when nobody else would/could and then he met the future members of meta <33333333 #newbeginnings
present day geon is still struggling, has to go to counseling bi-weekly but he’s coming back out of his shell! he wants to fall in love with life again, just wants to tread carefully... outgoing & will talk to absolutely anyone, but he still spends most of his time alone. hard to reach by text, so if you wanna talk to him, you better call/facetime LMAO. talks a mile a minute, especially if you get him going abt something he really likes. laughs a lot, smiles a lot, more habitual than actual signs of happiness but yk. ummm he has a really loud voice, mostly controlled nowadays but he still gets carried away sometimes. an absolute menace during long drives/flights, sorry meta.
funny but only when he’s in large groups. feeds off of other peoples’ energy, really good at reading a room and breaking the ice/making everyone comfortable, but if you meet him 1-on-1, none of his jokes land quite the same.
i envision him as being the kind of guy who carries himself in such a way that you’d assume he’s really popular/out of reach/maybe even full of himself, but he’s... not like that... at all... in fact, he’s kinda irritating when you get to know him. the personification of a flood followed by a drought and vice versa, always either too much or not enough. gets used/ghosted/dropped/dumped/whatever a lot because he’s soooo fun in the moment (if he isn’t in his feelings), but draining long-term.
really emotionally intelligent, in touch with his feelings in a way that a lot of people never thought he would be (probably thanks to counseling tbh). he’s very very rarely the type of person who will make you wonder what your place in his life is — he’s communicative, kind, honest. ummm he thinks that intimacy between friends needs to be more common, so he’s really affectionate with the people in his life. type of guy to tell you he loves you every chance he gets (calling you when he’s drunk, sounding like a clingy ex type beat) & greet you/depart with a hug. losing his dad kinda fucked him up in the way that he won’t leave/hang up until his friends say “i love you” back, gets kinda (re: very) upset if he’s denied that and/or a hug.
has been playing the guitar “longer than he’s been walking” (not really, but he swears it’s true).
uhhh he really likes nail art, but he’s kinda hesitant in what he tries? mainly sticks to black polish (or other plain colors), but sometimes he’ll get little designs added in as well. mainly does it himself because he still doesn’t feel comfortable in salons... if his work looks bad, leave him alone <3 he’s trying
inspired by people like kurt cobain, nicky wire, yungblud, billie joe armstrong & damiano david in the fact that he’s not against wearing dresses or skirts on stage. doesn’t do it ALL the time, but often enough that it doesn’t go unnoticed. some people say that he does it for attention because he doesn’t dress like that elsewhere and tbh they’re probably kinda right
interested in history (only SOME... dinosaurs, ancient civilizations, specialized areas like the history of circuses/clowns/skateboarding/punk, stuff like that yk), stand-up comedy & documentaries. could spend a whole day watching documentaries and would say he had fun, has a lot of useless knowledge that nobody gives a fuck about and is kinda dumb when it comes to things that matter
when it comes to music, he prefers playing really fast and heavy rock or punk over anything else, but he actually listens to a lot more soft indie on his own time... he’s too tense these days to be listening to anything else RIPPP
the vibe: homemade tie-dye, ripped slipknot t-shirts, frosted tips, neon crocs with alien & peace-sign charms, chipped black nail polish, calloused hands, cheesy pick-up lines used NOT to land a date but to pull a smile, driving until he’s lost, stupid socks paired with pressed suits, dramatic poetry in an iphone note, etc. 
people he met through online support groups about coping with grief
uhhh an on & off relationship that’s been going for who-knows-how-long. the reason for this is up for discussion, but i imagine that he hasn’t given up yet because the constant highs and lows are a good source of inspo 🤪 artists must suffer for their art!
opposite side of the coin — someone he’s interested in, but he’s NOT disloyal so it’s a pattern of persistent courting when he’s single vs intense friend-zoning when he’s not and they’re getting tired of trying to figure out what he wants from them
someone else who likes nail art & can convince him that NOBODY cares if he goes to a salon
someone (probably female but doesn’t really matter tbh) who feels like his feminism is entirely performative… maybe they attack him directly for it or maybe they just REALLY don’t like him and they’re super vague about it idk. either way, please tell him that activism is much more than recommending one female artist a year and saying “clothes have no gender 🤪” so he can be praised for the bare minimum (his heart is in the right place but his skull is empty)
someone super introverted who comes out of their shell with geon! uhhh maybe they think that he’s the one doing them a favor, but in reality spending time with them has been doing wonders for his mental health
other people who like to skate. let’s congregate at the local skatepark and scare the middle schoolers away
someone who inspires him musically, for whatever reason. lots of late nights in studios, idly strumming his guitar and writing lyrics that definitely aren’t about how their eyes look in these dim lights… umm maybe he thinks he has a crush on them but really doesn’t and ends up hurting them eventually, maybe he really DOES have a crush but will (probably) never do anything abt it or maybe it’s entirely platonic and he just admires them a ridiculous amount
someone who likes to make music as a hobby, prob won’t publish/release any of it but it’s fun to imagine. spontaneous meetings with geon in the middle of the night, recording songs together and keeping the WORST takes for the laughs. there’s probably a diss-track of them going in on each other floating around somewhere even though geon can’t rap for shit
night owls who keep him company on the phone, even if they can’t be there physically. them talking really quietly vs geon shouting at them while he plays games LMAO
gaming buddies. come over, maybe you can carry geon through his game of the week or you can both fail but have fun while you’re at it… or you can scream while he fends off that hoard of zombies behind you
i’m typing this at the last minute (literally) so i’m gonna stop here, but i will get a proper plots page put up asap with a wider variety of connections!!! but as always, please do let me know if you have any other ideas. i’m always happy to plot and write with you all 🌚
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Mandoctober Day 4: Nevarro
A/N: Just to be perfectly clear, for the sake of the plot, this doesn’t follow a certain part of canon. I’m not gonna say which just for spoilers sake. I did start writing something else for this prompt but then I came up with this instead one morning and decided it was better cause I hashed out the entire plot (whereas for the other one I hadn’t and I was kind of just writing on the spot). Anyway, so I hope this is some sort of drabble and enjoy! 
This is for @leo-moon​ ‘s Mandoctober!
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Din didn’t think it would get to a point where it was safe enough to go back to the place where he found the child. But with all the leftover credits he had gotten, he knew he had to give them to the foundlings of the covert. The foundlings are the future. This thought echoed around in his mind whilst flying through hyperspace. You were fast asleep with the child in your lap, sunken into the co-pilot seat beside him. 
He had come across you shortly after the child, it had been a long time since then and as time passed, a lot had changed. Din’s gaze fluttered over to your form, so small and yet your presence filled the room with an unknown warmth. A warmth the Mandalorian hadn’t felt for a long time. At least...from what little he remembered, not in this way. 
It was strange, and yet not entirely unwelcome. 
Abruptly, the Razor Crest left hyperspace, a small jolt rippling through its metal body as it approached the rocky planet. A pang of regret shot through the bounty hunter that it woke both you and the child out of your peaceful slumber, although he was secretly glad he didn’t have to rouse you himself. Just the thought of your eyes, still filled with hazy bliss, meeting his as you woke only to give him a smile in response. It filled his head with a foolish idea of what heaven felt like. You gave him what many others hadn’t. 
Although he knew that had to end sooner or later, the craggy plains were growing nearer. Even though this caused Din to grow more cautious he couldn’t help sneaking a glance towards you as you stretched, the soft curve of your spine lifting away from the seat as you yawned. Sleep left you, with this you grew more aware of the green bundle in your lap. Smiling down at his big eyes as he cooed up at you, achieving some form of reassurance. 
The Mandalorian couldn’t help feeling jealous at the sight. Whether it was the attention you gave the child or vice versa, he couldn’t tell. All he knew was that he wanted to be a part of it. Distraction snapped into his very being as the Crest hit the atmosphere, a reprimand. A gasp left you as you wrapped your arms tight around the child, pulling him into you. The warmth returned briefly at the sight but when Din saw you glaring at him, it dwindled down to embers. 
“Is everything okay?” It was the first words spoken in hours, but the sound of your voice calms his nerves. 
“Yeah, just- wasn’t paying attention.” Din couldn’t help telling you the truth, he knew you somehow pulled the truth out of him, peeling away at lies and deception as if it were fruit. 
“I know that. I’m just wondering if you got any sleep whilst we were in hyperspace?” there you go again, always caring for him when he least expects it. Suddenly the embers had sprung back to life. 
“Not now, we’re almost there.” Briefly changing the subject had become Din’s only form of escape when it came to these moments. Moments shared in the quiet of the ship where you would mumble, something you did to avoid waking the child he thought, and he would whisper loud enough to be heard. You wouldn’t be close to each other in a physical sense but the closeness in the words you exchanged started to fill the gaps between the two of you. Everytime, at the last minute, he would pull away with an excuse, something about fixing anything on the ship whilst he had the time. 
It hurt to shy away from you, made him feel like a coward, but he knew this was the only way to protect you. Protect you from getting close in a whole other kind of way. Something that neither of you could walk away from unscathed. 
This time he made sure to pay attention as he landed the ship, he didn’t want to make a fool of himself twice in one day. He especially didn’t want to see your harsh gaze directed at him once again. 
Walking into town was the easy part since it was mostly desolate now. The odd bounty hunter would travel through every now and then, knowing it was abandoned. Little did they know. Underneath all the rock hid the covert, where most of the Mandalorians hid although the place above was empty, they couldn’t risk it. 
Venturing deep into the cave, he noticed how you grew tense as the darkness overtook your sight. He couldn’t help reaching out for you, giving you the comfort of touch, carrying a simple message along with it. I’m here.
A shiver raced down his spine when you responded, leaning into his grasp. The leather of his glove wrapping further around your arm as more footsteps were left in the dust. Light began to creep around the edges of the cave, Din felt your muscles relax but you didn’t escape his hold. With the helmet’s help he could see, but having some sort of contact with you gave him comfort. 
Sound filtered through the mouth of the tunnel, no longer a cave as it gave way to a room. Every odd word of a conversation, laughter, hushed tones, they all shared the same kind of noise. A modulator. 
That’s what made you feel like you stuck out like a sore thumb, the obvious absence of a helmet and armor. Sure, the kid was the same but he is a foundling. It was like the complete opposite of when Mando enters a room, all eyes were on you. Or at least visors. Even the other foundlings were staring. It was unnerving to say the least.
Din’s touch prompted you forwards.
He led you into another room, one filled with tools, weapons and pools of scalding hot things. An armory. This must be the place where Din got his armor, part of his arsenal and of course, the whistling birds. A shadow of a figure entered through another exit, causing you to shy behind Din, the child burrowing into your arms. 
“Armorer.” The Mandalorian acknowledged with a nod. 
“It’s good to see you and the child doing well.” You tried not to flinch at how she deliberately ignored you. Grateful that they even let you in here, sure that you would keep their secret, a secret. “What do you need?” gaze flickering over her golden helm, you stifled some form of jealousy. 
“Nothing. We came here to give to the foundlings.” the sincerity in his voice couldn’t help making you blush, he may not openly show it sometimes but he had a soft spot for children. Din took out a large pouch filled with credits, holding it out to her. Taking it from him gently, she assessed how much was in it. 
“You’ve done well. This will benefit the foundlings greatly.” Her voice rang through her modulator, you could tell why she was seen as a leader of sorts. 
“The foundlings are the future.” 
“This is the way.”
“This is the way.”
You bite your tongue, the words dancing there. They weren’t your words to say. No matter how much you believed in them. Before anything other words could be shared, a new voice spoke.
“Haven’t seen you in a while, Mando.” Other than the uninvited Mandalorian approaching from behind you both, you found it quite strange for him to address another Mandalorian with that nickname. Did they call each other Mando? Or was it just a joke? 
The dark blue of his armor had a soft shine under the lights, but the way he held himself in front of Din showed anything but a soft temperament. 
“Been busy.” is all he says in return. 
“So busy, you had to hire a babysitter?” he jabbed back, causing tension to skyrocket between the two. Din suddenly whips around, somehow offended by the term. Although it was kind of true, you were an over glorified babysitter if anything, even if payment hadn’t been part of the deal for a while now. You stayed with the both of them because you wanted to. It was an unspoken agreement. 
“Don’t you dare call her that.” He seethed through the modulator, a threat held in the palm of his hand as he pointed into the blue Mando’s chest plate. “She’s not a babysitter.” he relaxed as the statement filled the air, causing more questions to fly through your mind before the child himself tugged on your shirt. Looking down at him, you saw the concern riddled through his wrinkly forehead. Shushing him gently, you smiled. 
“Apologies, Mando. I didn’t know you had taken a Riduur whilst you were gone.” Not knowing the meaning behind the word, you had no idea what kind of insult it was but Din stilled beside you. Either it was infinitely worse or he had never even thought of it. 
“We were only here to give to the foundlings...so unless there was anything else you needed from me. We’ll be going now.” Wrapping an arm around you, Din guided you forwards, glancing behind, watching as the blue guy and the armorer stared after you. 
“I don’t understand what just happened.” 
You hadn’t said anything the whole time it took to get back into hyperspace, already on the way to the next place, when the dam finally burst. Din knew he couldn’t keep the secrets of his language away from you forever. This was bound to happen. 
“What don’t you understand?” It was stupid to even attempt playing dumb. 
“The word that Mandalorian called me, if it was so bad in comparison to ‘babysitter’, I don’t understand why you didn’t say anything.” 
“...It wasn’t an insult. That’s why I didn’t say anything. Didn’t want the situation to escalate. Not in front of you...not in front of the kid.” Although it was the truth, Din hoped you would leave it at that, that you wouldn’t-
“So what does it mean?”
“He thought...since you weren’t a babysitter that perhaps...you were my wife.”
It went deadly quiet for just a moment
“Oh.” You let out a breath, he hadn’t even realised you had been holding it. 
“Wait so why was he being such a dick about it then?” 
Din wanted to chuckle at your choice of words. The child had been put down for a nap, leaving you free to curse as much as you wanted. He couldn’t help holding back, of all the questions you could’ve asked about whatever relationship the two of you had, you chose to wonder why Paz Vizsla was the way he was around Din Djarin. 
“Because he’s a dick, that’s why.” Flicking a few switches, almost absent mindedly, something to focus on before his next words. “He probably thought that since you aren’t one of us it was fair game for him to pick on me through you.” once again, it went quiet. Although for a completely different reason that he was unaware of, something that had been milling about in your mind all day. 
“I know I’m not one of you...but it still hurts.” At even the mention of you being hurt, his helmet whipped around, watching as you shrinked into yourself. Yet the words continued to flood out, it was like being quiet for so long had bottled up all of these emotions. 
“I know I travel with you and the kid, that he’s a foundling so it’s not the same, he’s your son. That you treat me equally and I’m so kriffing grateful for that Mando but it will never be the same. I’ll never be a part of your life like that, so openly and wholly, I don’t know much of your culture but I can’t help wanting to be involved...I wish I was.” 
Eyelids scrunched together, refusing to meet his gaze, all you could focus on was the pain in your palms as your nails dug into them. 
That was until you felt leather wrap under them. Opening them in shock, you watched as he kneeled before you, delicately taking your fingers in his. Skimming his thumbs over them, you had never witnessed him be so gentle with you. Sure, he was gentle with the kid but this was so different. 
“Please don’t put yourself down like that cyar’ika.” So quiet yet the meaning behind his words rang through your heart. “You mean so much to me and to the kid, it doesn’t matter what the others say. You are a part of this clan, my clan...my family. I just hope- that for you, that’s enough.” 
Tears fill your eyes, a bright smile overtaking your features as you launch yourself into his arms. A giggle bubbling up in you as his arms hang in the air, shocked. “It’s more than enough, Din.” you sigh into his neck. At this, he wraps his arms around you, returning the hug, the warmth from before returning in full force. 
“Thank you.” Nuzzling into him, resting your palms on his chest plate, bitter cold of the beskar being replaced rapidly by the warmth you shared. You wanted to say the words right then and there. But you knew it wasn’t the time. For now, this was enough. 
You had been sorting through supplies before falling asleep in the hull, the words shared before granting you a peace you had never known. Din found you there, rearranging the items around you carefully before lifting you. With your head resting against his chest, he didn’t miss the way you embraced the way he held you, even in your sleep. 
Placing you in your cot, he made sure you weren’t in any way uncomfortable, securing a blanket around your form. After that, he couldn’t help admiring your features, how relaxed you were as you slept. This time there was nothing to be distracted from. Nothing to keep the words at bay. 
“Ni kar’tayli gar darasuum, cyar’ika.”
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svnflowervol666 · 5 years
hi hi i went to dinner at my uncles house and i got to hold my cousins newborn baby along with my other cousins two year old twins and i can only imagine Harry coming with me and chatting with my uncle and then looking over and seeing me holding a baby and his heart explodes (or vice versa in which you see Harry play with the kids) maybe expand???? idek sorry if it’s stupid
Word Count: 1k
Author’s Note: This is not stupid AT ALL because I think about scenarios like these all of the time! Dad!Harry is my favorite Harry and that will never change. I’ve spent the past several days trying to think of a way to write this out for you, but I really think your story speaks for itself! This is more of a drabble/ramble post than it is an actual piece of writing, in my opinion, but I hope you all find it just as wholesome! PLEASE, for the love of God continue sending me asks about dad!Harry because dad!Harry is my sun, moon and stars. 
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It’s no secret that Harry absolutely adores babies. It’s been extremely well documented throughout the years that if there is a baby in sight, Harry will find a way to get his hands on them. This means when he finds out someone in your family has their own chunky little bub, he’s going to pull all of the strings he can to get you to bring him to any function in which the little beeb will be present.
He is a baby magnet, so not only does he gravitate towards babies, but the babies are attracted to him. They love him because he always gives them his full attention and lets them chew on his fingers and he sneaks them sweets when no one is looking, unlike most of the other people they come across.  People will often forget Harry is even there because he’ll coop himself up in whatever room the babies are in and be their free babysitter for the entire afternoon. It’s the fact that they haven’t heard their child make a peep in the last half of an hour that they run in to check on them and find Harry sprawled out on the floor with them making animated gestures with their toys that they remember he even tagged along with you that day.
On days when Harry joins you on your family get-togethers and the babies he was promised are not a part of the group or when he simply can’t make it that day, he's genuinely bummed about it. Of course, he still puts a smile on his face and chats it up with the adults in your family, but deep down, he knows he was mostly looking forward to his one-on-one time with his favorite bubs. You pick up on his mood shifts eventually but opt to not give him too much grief about it. 
The babies also miss him too! Their baby brains associate Harry with you, so as soon as they hear your voice break through the threshold of the front door or they see you in the mudroom taking off your coat, they’re toddling towards you and shouting Harry’s name as best as they can. It sounds more like, “-Arry!” than Harry, but it’s still just as adorable if not more. It makes both you and Harry feel like he’s already a part of the family
At first, you’d think Harry only hung around the babies and toddlers in your family because he felt awkward being around people like your parents or grandparents and didn’t want to fuck up, but you’d soon realize that was far from the reason why. As your relationship progresses and you catch onto Harry’s urges and desires, you realize that he’s simply drawn to them. He loves how warm they are and how innocent they are and what they can represent, two halves of two people that are tied together forever by something they both created out of love. All he’s ever wanted was a family of his own and the perfect person to have one with, and he’s certain that you’re the one that can provide him with what he’s wanted his entire life. And being surrounded by your family is the closest he can get to that, for now.
I think it would turn into a mutual understanding that you both want to raise a family together and that you’re just waiting until things settle down between the two of you before you start. Maybe Harry’s still got a few more tours to go before he’s free for the next year or so and your position at your job is a bit too demanding at the moment to start trying right this instant, but that all changed on a day when you’d least expected it.
It’s some one-off gathering, maybe a birthday party or an anniversary celebration. Harry’s in the living room propped up on the couch and he’s taking the piss with your uncle about the football game that’s on the television and you’re in the kitchen talking to your cousin about how her youngest is finally growing out of their size 2 diapers. It had been less than 20 minutes since Harry had left the little ones, and like clockwork, one of them came barreling in towards Harry and plopped directly onto his lap. Harry makes a show out of it, pretending like their tiny body knocked the wind out of him before he scoops them up and secures them down for a proper cuddle. No one knows what it is about Harry that makes babies become suddenly so well-behaved whenever they’re around him, but they always act like heavenly angels whenever he’s near. 
They mellow out fairly quickly no thanks to Harry’s soothing hand rubbing circles on their back and his thigh gently bouncing them up and down and Harry thinks nothing of it. His movements are but reflexes; they come as naturally to him as breathing. He continues his conversation about sports as if the baby hadn’t even entered the space and interrupted him mid-sentence. It’s your cousin that catches the sight of Harry, your uncle, and the baby, to which she ceases all conversation to point out to you the tender exchange playing out in the other room.
Harry’s subconscious realizes he can’t hear your voice in the background, so he peaks his head around the sofa to see if you’d left the kitchen. But you haven’t. You were watching him lull the baby to sleep with the softest look in your eyes. A look that tells more than words can say. He notices the newborn that you’d taken in your arms, and how you’re cradling them in a way he’d always pictured you holding his son or daughter (or whoever they turn out to be). 
You exchange soft, knowing smiles with each other; the two of you each holding onto the sweet creatures Harry swears he wants ten of. Your hearts grow tenfold at that moment, and you both know for certain that that means there’s enough room to love a baby just as much as you love each other.
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