#one of my favorite things in lothaire
mermaidsirennikita · 1 year
the best villain/heroine romances are the ones where the villain takes the heroine under his wing and teaches her a thing or two and she finds herself surprisingly good at his wicked deeds
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mmigrainee · 20 hours
One of my favorite things to think about is how many things are opposite in the backstories of Gale and Lothaire
The Faithful and their Gods
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Also appreciate my sacrifice, I had to force myself to draw m****a, and all for the sake of completeness of the idea about the gods and their worshippers
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ffxivlilmeowmeow · 9 days
Get to know me -tag game
Thank you for tagging me @neriyon
Last Song: DoReMiFa Rondo - Hatsune Miku Came up in conversation with a friend last night and turned out they had no clue what I was talking about so we listened to it 😂
Favorite Color: Pink! Specifically pastel pink. My favourite colour used to be purple for a very long time though!
Currently Watching: I tend to just watch youtube instead of shows but the last proper thing I watched was "School-Live!" anime. It's a incredibly good anime I had already watched but it was new to my friend so we watched it together! I would highly recommend for the people who love cute spooky stuff 👍
Last Movie: Cats musical, the old 1998 one not the horrible CGI recent thing. It was another case of I had suggested it to my friend and we watched it together 🤣
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Sweet! I do have a big sweet tooth
Current Obsession: I have started playing a lot of Rim world. I used to play it on and off but after the Anomaly DLC I tend to play it a lot now!
Last Thing In My Search History: "knick-knack" so me and my friend last night were playing a game and I was failing to spell knick-knack so my friend told me how its spelt and I was just like ":/ that looks wrong" and googled it. That led us to the great suggested word of "gewgaw" which we then used instead because gewgaw is a very funny word to say 🤣
Tagging; I am horrible at knowing who to tag and who has already done what 😭
@arinaxiv @jmadreugimal @lothaire-xiv
You don't have to do it if you don't want to!
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cadrenebula · 2 years
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While many of my characters tend to have some connection to another, these two had been created to be each other's opposites. Both coming from the same city but opposite ends. Lance being from the rich family with some power/influence and Alex from the bottom rungs of society. The Black Knight and the White Knight. (Yes Black Knight for Alexois. He was so very close to becoming a Dragoon at one point in his life. Yes he still kills people for money but he's selective now. They're usually rather bad people. So while he does bad things, it's usually for good reasons even if it's not the best option.)
Their friendship was fairly accidental. They'd both been through some very bad traumas. But neither had the same trauma either. Alex had suffered through many varying types of abuse growing up. Lance had survived the horrific events of the Steel Vigil and the verbal abuse of his own family. (I mean if you want the details, I can tell you privately. I don't like getting into their traumas too publicly without proper warnings.)
Their friendship helped them deal with their traumas. Not in healthy ways though of course. Neither of them really knew the best way to deal with what happened to them. Neither of them really cared at that point either. But they managed to survive by sticking together.
There have been a lot of events since then that threatened to end their friendship permanently. A few times it did look like there was no way back for them. Even now they're friendship is tentative at best. But it's taken time to find the right path for them.
Lance and Alex are definitely both in a bit of a healthier place since their first break in their friendship. Especially Lance though he still holds grudges and deals with some memory loss from a head injury. Lance however has a girlfriend that also does therapy. Alex still has a lot of work to do though he's gotten better than he used to be. Alex actually makes an effort not to be as much of an ass as he used to be.
Lance now lives with the Loches most of the time. Tara and her family pretty much adopted him and his little brother. Though Lothaire is still stuck with Mommy Aurifore in Ishgard for now. So he has a loving family besides his loving girlfriend, Kyna. Bran Loche even went to Ishgard with Lothaire to be his bodyguard till they can deal with Mother. So Lance can breath a little easier that his brother won't be harmed again so easily.
Alex managed to make a life for himself. He has Sanagi (his wife), a cat, and a best friend named Arik. Also two sisters (no blood relation) and a nephew (Valentin). He actually trusts a few people outside of his immediate circle now too. Like Renaux, Elynni, and Elliot. (Okay so he trusts the Loches too. But he'll deny trusting people anyways :P) Plus he now cooks as a hobby in his free time. Still needs to work on the baking though his favorite thing to bake are Deadmen Cookies. (Think Gingerbread Men but the icing on them makes them look like they're dead.)
The two of them are just starting to mend their friendship so it's still a bit rocky. Especially since Lance has to come to terms with the fact that Alexois is an assassin. It's hard for someone with Lance's moral code to just simply look the other way.
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thevoilinauttheory · 3 years
The Great Eight
[ In lieu of the Rising event ending tomorrow - and myself, just now finishing it - I had some words I wanted to get out.
I get this type of nostalgia - it hurts, it physically hurts my chest; I feel sick to my stomach, and I just want to cry. I’ve asked others if they ever feel this way, but I’ve never gotten a yes to it.
The Rising always gives me this feeling. It’s be eight years since I first picked up XIV. Eight whole years. That’s a slap to the face, it’s been so long and it feels so short. I wish I could give people the same experiences and feeling I had for this game - the pain and happiness this nostalgia brings me. When I say this game means so much to me, it’s not an exaggeration. This game changed my life - I wish to share it a little bit with you. I touched on some of it in the past, but here I’m laying it all out. ]
[ I first started playing in 2013, when a friend recommended the game to me shortly after the game’s rerelease. They were ecstatic to have another player join them, and I owe them a lot for the experiences they gave me. My very first character was Raramlah Ramlah - she was a paladin, because that’s what I mained in WoW. I realized shortly that a tank probably wasn’t the best way to go, but also that my computer at the time couldn’t handle playing it, due to the graphics.
I gave it another shot in 2014, that’s when I made Danny Harold. He was the first character I ever got to level 50. I absolutely loved the game, when I wasn’t sitting idly for my friends to come online as I had with Raramlah; when I picked it up of my own accord. I remember I was in the hospital when I first picked it back up, when I first made him and leveled him through Gridania. But I was still going intermittedly between it and WoW. I missed the first Rising due to ignorance.
2015 comes around, and I’m in a stressful place. I just started a new job, and I’m finally able to live on my own with little issues from my disabilites. However, my apartment complex didn’t have internet, and so I’d take my laptop to Starbucks and sit there until they closed playing WoW instead. I wanted to spend what little time I had on the internet with the friends I already had grown close to.  Year 2 went on without me. But it still wasn’t all bad. Near the end of 2015, Maximiloix Voilinaut was created - and when I started up my XIV tumblr account under “ishgardianscholar”. See, I had made it to Heavensward on Danny when I found out that someone I had met through a friend was starting up a new character for the purpose of RP. I thought to myself “I want an Ishgardian character” - and rolled a new one. It was a new adventure, a clean slate, with a couple of friends I knew from WoW to join me.
Here comes 2016... and WoW had let me down. My disabilites came back full force, and I was left bed bound and reliant on partial disability from my workplace while waiting for SSDI to start kicking into effect. My roommates did little to help take care of the house we were renting, lied to me about their incomes, and forced me to use what little money I was getting to pay for everything myself. I’m short a total of 2000$ because of it. But. But. That was the best year of my fucking life. It ruined me, that year ruined my life, but it was the happiest I had ever been. Lothaire Voilinaut was first conceived and Maximiloix became my pride and joy as a character, I found the class I wanted to keep playing - I made friends, so many of them! So, so many of them! And I loved them, and I still do! I miss them terribly. If I could relive one year of my life... it would be that year. What I would give just to feel that way again - because I had never felt it since. I didn’t realize until Year 3′s Rising came around, how nostalgic just the few short times and experiences were to me. Because I was met with two things... the first song that truly captured me in Final Fantasy games (Prelude), and the first song I ever heard in the game itself (A New Hope). I cried there. Music has always hit me so hard, and I never realized just how much this game meant to me until then. This was how I knew I would stay - that XIV had my heart for good.
2017, during the release of Stormblood, I went homeless. I had wanted so badly to see my first expansion release - and only witnessed second hand “Raubahn EX”. My friends moved on without me, and I was left alone again to start playing. But I told myself already. XIV had my heart, there was no reason to go back to WoW. So I didn’t. I didn’t, and I don’t regret it. This is when I truly started playing Lothaire fully - and when I met my spouse, he became my main. I made it to Year 4, and cried just as much.
2018 - with the loss of friends, did I find new ones. It wasn’t the best time of my life, but I wouldn’t trade the memories for a thing. Year 5 came and went faster than I could blink, but that was it. I heard the music, I remembered my first Rising, I remembered all the times I had before. And I cried.
2019 started off rough. I moved across the country and had a hard time finding a place to live. I got it down, started a new job... and made it to the release of Shadowbringers. I had grown so much since I first started - and the expansion release was everything I wanted it to be, regardless of the issues that came with it (though I’ve been told that it was a far smoother release than the others). I was so excited... and I was not let down. XIV upheld its standards and presented to me a game worthy of pushing onto my friends no matter how annoyed they got with me about it (looking at you @rose-color-boy). Everything about it was a pure masterpiece, people think I’m exaggerating. But this game had done so much for me, that finally, now, I got to witness something I always wanted to. Sure, I didn’t have many friends to start the expansion with... but the story captivated me immediately. Year 6... and I cried.
2020. There wasn’t much to say about it, I was stuck inside all year and I hit a bad patch during the end of it, but... Year 7. It hit me like a truck. It gave me goosebumps, it gave me laughs, and ultimately, it gave me tears. I actually sobbed, this time. Remembering everything I gone through hurt me so badly, the nostalgia was coming in hard. But I knew, in the end, this game would always be here for me. This game had wormed its way into my heart accidentally, and yet I feel like I couldn’t live without it.
This year. Perhaps it didn’t hit me as hard - I still cried. This game means so much to me. So, so much. It hurts, it really and physically hurts how much it means to me. This game made everything in my stressful life so much easier, littered the pain with good memories. I can recall bad places I was in, and associate it with something good that happened to me in the game. 2020 - I got knee surgery... but 5.3 had just released and holy shit. My spouse got a little annoyed at me that the only thing I was listening to was the theme of that last battle (To the Edge). It helped me get through it, the pain and the misery I felt from not being able to walk. 2019 - Work was driving my depression in deep, and I didn’t want to live and continue the pain I was feeling... but I got to the end of 5.0 and only wanted more. I wanted to know what happened next. I still remember that one cutscene, how they got me attached to a minor character so quickly and ripped her away just as fast; and the first dungeon? Experiencing the Trust System, and going through this intense battle on a grand scale with the help of the friends they kept on the sidelines for so long. 2018 - My life was monotonous and I had three other people living with me in my one-bedroom apartment. One of my roommate’s ex’s was now stalking him around my apartment, and work was becoming physically taxing on my legs. But I remember how much fun I had doing maps - and the release of the Tsukuyomi fight? That whole scene there? Oh, wow, it was so bittersweet. The fight was beautiful, the music was haunting, everything about it. Not to mention the ending solo-instances and Ghymlit? The Burn? Omega? The Four Lords? As much as I disliked them (due to my computer issues), even Rabanastre was memorable. 2017 - I was homeless, forced to work a job my body couldn’t handle. I met my spouse, though. I became heavily invested with my tumblr account, doing a full re-write of it all. While I wasn’t much of a fan of the expansion itself, there were some places that really opened my eyes. Azim Steppes? So beautiful - and gotta hand Y’shtola the award for sickest burn. Then I heard my favorite piece of music, and the most nostalgic for me when it comes to SB, Skalla’s theme (Far From Home). 
Lastly, I know this has been long. But I thank everyone around me for being so supportive and kind - I may not be in a good place, but know that every good thing that happens will be associated to this moment. I’ll look back on Year 8 and go “my security was compromised, and my anxiety ran high, but there were these people here who supported me on tumblr, that kept my blog running strong”. I will remember my roleplays, I will remember the music and scenery - even now, I’m getting nostalgic about Shadowbringers, and Endwalker hasn’t even come out yet! So thank you. Here’s to year number 8 - 8 whole years of XIV being in my life. It may not have been that long for many of you, some of you, this might be your first year; hell! Some of you, it’s been longer! But know that this community has helped me so much, and I can’t wait to continue being a part of it. Here’s to the eventual tears Year 9 will bring me! ]
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walkwithheroes84 · 4 years
Reading Romance
Updated June 28th, 2021
I read a lot of different types of books, but I’ve never been a romance person. After watching Bridgeton, I decided to give them a try. Here are my thoughts. 
Follow me on this journey. 
What I’ve Liked:
- They are really quick to get through. I’ve read some 350 page books in a day. 
- The plots can be crazy, which is also really fun. 
- A lot of the characters are fun and the dialogue can be witty. 
What I’ve Not Liked:
- I have an issue with a lot of the romances, as the men seem to sometimes force the women into uncomfortable situations. 
Now, let’s talk about what I’ve read:
Bridgerton: The Duke and I by Julia Quinn:  
- 2 out of 5 stars.
- I found this couple boring. 
- She raped her husband, so no. He shouldn’t have lied, but that’s not an excuse to rape.
Bridgerton: It’s in His Kiss by Julia Quinn:
- 4 out of 5 stars.
- I loved the couple. There was some problems with the male lead deciding to sleep with the female lead, so she’d have to marry him, as he is not his father’s true son. But I still liked their witty dialogue and the female lead was fun.
Bridgerton: When He Was Wicked by Julia Quinn: 
-2 out of 5 stars
- It’s one of everyone’s favorite books in the series, but I found this couple to be so boring. I feel like she would have been just as happy with her first husband and for the life of me, I don’t get why the guy was so into her. She was boring.
Bridgerton: An Offer From A Gentleman by Julia Quinn:
- 4 out of 5 stars. 
- This book had insane energy. It was silly and fun. The man lead jumps out of a window, scales down a tree, and rushes to a cold lake because the female lead got him aroused and he was like: “Um, not now.” 
- I didn’t like that  Benedict was so dumb not to see that Sophie was the girl he had met three years earlier and I HATED that he kept telling her to be his mistress, even after she told him that wasn’t what she wanted for herself. 
- Though the end in the jail was pure insanity and I was here for it.
First Comes Scandal by Julia Quinn:
- 2 out of 5 stars.
- While dialogue was witty and the couple was cute, I felt this one dragged on for way too long. I thought it could have been at least 100 pages shorter. 
Love is Blind by Lynsay Sands:
-2 out of 5 stars.
- The plot and characters were just too simple. 
The Lost Duke of Wyndham (Two Dukes of Wyndham #1) by Julia Quinn:
-4 out of 5 stars.
- I clearly have a type with couples in Julia Quinn books: they need to be fun, bicker, and have a lot of chemistry. I LOVED Jack and Grace. I loved the charm, wit, and fun of this couple.
A Hunger Like No Other (Immortals After Dark #2) by Kresley Cole
- 2 out of 5 stars
-So...while I like the idea of the world and the overall story that seems to be forming - I COULD NOT get behind the male lead basically raping the female lead throughout the book. Mostly because he hated that she is a vampire (she's actually half) and once he learns she's not a full vampire, he's just like - "My bad. Love you." And she's cool with it?! - Also, what is going on with all the erection? Because the way I read it, this man was walking around with one for 90% of the novel. I don't know, that just strikes me as very uncomfortable and slightly embarrassing..? I don't know, I'm not a man.
No Rest For The Wicked (Immortals After Dark #3) by Kresley Cole
- 3 out of 5 stars
-Kaderin is cursed or blessed with being an emotionless killing machine. Until she meets Sebastian, a vampire who hates what he is. Confused, she runs and he follows. Kaderin spends most of the novel being a bad ass bitch and Sebastian spends most of the novel discovering that he likes the way she is. 
-He decides to help her and that he wants her to achieve her dream, even if it means not getting her.
-It was a fun and fast read and I ALMOST forgive Cole for the grossness of her last novel. 
Wicked Deeds on a Winter’s Night (Immortals After Dark #4) by Kresley Cole
-3 out of 5 stars
- I liked this one more that A Hunger Like No Other. Maybe because Mari was a little bit tougher and stronger than Emma. Or maybe because  Bowen seemed to have a better understand of boundaries. 
- They were a sweet and fun couple, who didn’t really shy away from their challenges. They actually discussed issues! 
- But, I have to take away a half point, because again with the whole werewolf NEEDING to claim his mate thing. With all the erections and sex every which way. It was about much for me, especially as a new romance reader. At times, I found myself thinking: “Please calm down.”
-Another thing I enjoyed was the discussions about “monsters” being people and wanting things “normal” people want. 
-But, I have to add this, and it’s really more about the series as a whole: each book is about 350-360 pages and there is a looming evil throughout, but it’s not truly faced until the last 50 pages are so. I’d like this world - which is being set up to be very interesting - to be fleshed out more.
Dark Needs at Night’s Edge (Immortals After Dark #5) by Kresley Cole
- 3.5 stars out of 5
-  I've now read 4 of them and have had ALOT of mixed feelings about this series. - We start with the hero, Conard: a vampire who hunts his own kind. When he drains people, he takes their memories - which has made him a bit. . .unstable. Interesting (as several have said) every male character within the story (some of whom have REALLY mistreated their wives at different times) discuss how Conard is dangerous and should be "put of his misery" and yet - he treats Néomi very well. He doesn't mistreat her and honestly tries to help her - even if it means they may not be together. - A vampire bounty hunter and a ballerina ghost somehow make a very sweet, angsty, and awesome little romance. It felt free of that "fated mate" stuff from the other novels. Yes, Conard believes that Néomi is his fated mate, but she's also dead. So, there is none of that "have to half you/will stalk you/alpha man" stuff that gets a bit old in the other novels of the series. I really enjoyed the fact that the couple didn't actually sleep together until page 200ish (out of 369). Which was actually nice, because it made me believe that they were a couple who had depth and actually loved each other because of more than being "fated mates". (Not knocking the other couples in the series, but I do sometimes feel that they actually fall for each other only toward the end of their novel.) -So over all, I liked this one. My favorite so far.
Dark Desires After Dusk (Immortals After Dark #5) by Kresley Cole
-3 out of 5 stars. 
- I liked the main couple just fine - both as a couple and as individuals. 
- But, I’m reading these books one after the other - usually one or even two a day - and the formula used for each book is becoming very clear: Male lead finds his fated soul mate and either denies it or goes after her. Female lead is uninterested, but can’t help be drawn to this new guy. The fight or have misunderstandings. They have sex - it’s usual oral. They have more miscommunication. The “big bad” - whose been mention throughout the novel- appears in the last 50-or-so pages. The couple defeat the “big bad”. They get married. It’s getting a bit old - even if I like the characters.
The Viscount Who Loved Me (Bridgertons #2) by Julia Quinn
-4 out of 5 stars.
- Loved the couple and their humor. A fun and quick read. I think I read it in 3 hours?
Kiss of a Demon King (Immortals After Dark #6) by Kresley Cole
-2 out of 5 stars.
-While I liked the leads as individuals, I found their relationship to be a bit too toxic for my tastes. 
Never Seduce a Scot by Maya Banks
-3 out of 5 stars
-A light and fluffy read. Our ML was respectful and our FL was sweet. Just a cute morning read. Nothing overly special, but honestly far sweeter than a lot of the romances I’ve read in the last month and a half. I may forget it in a month, but I enjoyed it while I read it. 
Untouchable (Immortals After Dark #7) by Kresley Cole
-4 out of 5 stars
-A very interesting read. Who knew you could be creative with ice? I have to admit, I really enjoy the Wroth brothers and their ladies. These men have respect and, unlike some other MLs in this series, they seem to be more willing to let their Brides take the lead. 
Demon from the Dark (Immortals After Dark #9) by Kresley Cole
-4 out of 5 stars
-This book just worked for me. Carrow was an amazing heroine and  Malcom was a sweetheart. Add in little Ruby and you have one amazing family.
Dreams of a Dark Warrior (Immortals After Dark #10) by Kresley Cole
-4 out of 5 stars
- Regin the Radiant is doomed to relieve her tragic love affair with the berserker Aidan the Fierce. They will meet, fall in love, she will kiss him, and he will die within 24 hours. So far, they have relived this tragic fate 4 times, and this time Regin is determined to NOT let that happen. The problem? Nix gets involved and Regin is captured by The Order - a group of humans bent on killing all Lore creatures. And one of their leaders just so happens to be Declan Chase aka Aidan.
- I loved a lot about this book, such as the way all the stories are really starting to come together and blend into one another. I also loved Regin here - she doesn't break or bend and she understands that Declan isn't a woobie in need of saving (like so many of the other women in this series) - she  knows that he has been through something terrible, but she doesn't excuse his actions.  It isn't until Declan shows he's trying to change that Regin accepts him.
- A really fun read and maybe my second or third favorite in the series.
Lothaire (Immortals After Dark #11) by Kresley Cole
-4 out of 5 stars
- I have very mixed feelings on this book.
- I loved Ellie - she was intelligent, forward thinking, and strong. She planned her death, twice. She understood Lothaire would come for her and made sure her family was hidden. She decided to seduce a ages old vampire in order to save herself. She often played him like a fiddle. 
-But, Lothaire was a complete jerk for 85% of the novel. I get it, he's damaged and he's old and mentally unstable, blah blah blah. To be honest, he didn't make up for his misdeeds - even if he did promise to take Ellie's kid brother Trick-or-Treating. (That was weird, too. Don't make a villain/anti-hero a sudden sugary sweet brother-in-law.) 
-And, how could he not see that Ellie was his Bride?! He was physically and mentally attracted to her. With the other one, they didn't seem to have anything in common, expect: we like killing.
-So while I adored the female lead and I liked certain scenes, the book felt off to me.
MacRieve (Immortals After Dark #13) by Kresley Cole
-3.5 out of 4 stars
-While I liked some aspects of the book, MacRieve was so horrible to Chloe. I understand he has past trauma and is in major need of therapy. (Like most of the men in this series.) But, he treats Chloe horribly and while Chloe has a bit of spunkiness, she is also just way too forgiving and nice.
-I also have to take away from  half a point because it ends on a cliffhanger that may never be resolved!
A Rogue By Any Other Name (The Rules of Scoundrels #1) by Sarah MacLean 
- 4 out of 5 stars.
-This is apparently a  Hades and Persephone retelling? I can see that. 
- I really enjoyed  Penelope, who really just wanted a nice life, but that wasn’t to be. She just had a little too much “darkness” in her and she wouldn’t be happy with anyone but Bourne. Bourne could be a jerk, but his feelings for Penelope was great. 
- The side characters who will be getting their own novels? Very excited to see them. I think this was my first Sarah MacLean and it was one I really enjoyed. 
Ghost (Boston Underworld #3) by A. Zavarelli
- 3 out of 5 stars.
- I read these out of order, so there were people in this that I want to learn more about. 
- This was my first mafia romance and, I believe, was my darkest book yet. 
-Talia and Alexei were two very damaged people, who were still damaged together. They didn’t magically become well because of their feelings for one another. They may have healed a bit, but they were still working toward betterment at the end of the novel, and I like the realism of that. 
- I read this novel in two days, and despite the darkness of the novel, I really enjoyed it. The writing style was enjoyable and I like the way characters from several different novels came into and out of the story. It’s very clear that A. Zavarelli is working on her own little universe, and I always like when authors do that. 
Filthy Rich (Five Points' Mob Collection #2) by Serena Akeroyd
- 4 out of 5 stars. 
- Again, read this in a couple of days. 
- And again, I really enjoyed that Serena Akeroyd is making her own little universe and dropping hints about future stories. 
-Inessa was an interesting character, because while sheltered and innocent, the girl was just waiting to let her inner “darker” sexuality out. I liked her a lot - she could be very innocent and sweet, but also very catty and straight forward. 
- Eoghan and Inessa, despite of the large age gap, fit one another so well. They were one another’s missing pieces and they just really fit together. 
The Sweetest Oblivion (Made #1) by Danielle Lori
-4 out of 5 stars.
-The chemistry between Elena and Nico was really great. 
-I enjoyed Elena’s POV - she was attracted to Nico, but she also hated herself a bit for it. Not just because he was supposed to marry her sister (don’t worry, sister is in love with someone else), but also because of her own past. 
- Nico was a little harder to read, because we didn’t get as much of his POV.
- Knowing that this is yet another mob series that follows several characters - who are slowly introduced in each book - makes me really excited to meet and read about more characters. 
Bound by Honor (Born in Blood Mafia Chronicles #1) by Cora Reilly
- 4 out of 5 stars.
-Aria may be too good and too pure for this world. Luca’s love for her was very sweet. Aria x Luca fan.
- Enjoyable and fast pace. 
-I enjoyed the way characters from future novels in the series appeared/made cameos throughout the novel. 
-The main couple had a bit too much miscommunication, but they were young and dumb, so I forgive it.
Bound By Duty (Born in Blood Mafia Chronicles #2) by Cora Reilly
-3.5 out of 5 stars.
-I loved Val. Especially at the start of the novel when her main problem was: “I’m over 20. This is my second marriage. I’m still a virgin. I’ll be damned if I don’t have sex.”
-Dante on the other hand - he took the “Ice King” trope a bit too far. Did he truly love Valentina or was it more about protecting his children and being fond of Val? I’m sorry to sad I didn’t feel like he loved Val as much (or even in the same way) as he loved his first wife. 
Bound by Hatred (Born in Blood Mafia Chronicles #3) by Cora Reilly
-3 out of 5 stars (maybe closer to a 2.5/2.8)
- I know that Matteo and Gianna are a lot of people’s favorites, but their bickering and Slap-Kiss dynamic got a bit old. I also found Gianna really annoying in Bound by Honor, and that didn’t change here.
Bound by Temptation (Born in Blood Mafia Chronicles #4) by Cora Reilly
- 4 out of 5 stars
- Maybe the most romantic couple? I mean, if a man is willing to start a mob war for you...come on.
Bound by Vengeance (Born in Blood Mafia Chronicles #5) by Cora Reilly
- 4 out of 5 stars.
- Maybe Growl/Ryan and Cara are a little unbalance and maybe their relationship is dark and twisted, but it works. Again, get yourself a man who is willing to start a mob war for you. 
Twisted Loyalties (The Camorra Chronicles #1) by Cora Reilly
-3 out of 5 stars. 
- Like Bound by Vengeance, Twisted Loyalties was a way of tying the two series together. But, I didn’t like this one all that much -
- Fabiano’s obsession with Leona (and it felt like an obsession) actually made me fear for her. Leona was “pure” and safe and reminded him of his sisters with her loyalty toward her mother. So, of course Fabiano would want to be with her. But, it was clear Leona wanted a different path for her life - especially at the start of the book. 
-I’m not convinced of Fabiano’s development in this book. He still felt emotionless at the end, and I’m not sure if his love for Leona was actually love or an obsession and a need to have someone like his sisters in his life. 
- Leona's innocence and naivety were fine, but she annoyed me at times. She wanted to run and I kind of wish she had made it out of Vegas. Maybe then I’d see the so-called love Fabiano had for her. 
- I have to mention the Falcone brothers. We have been hearing so much about how terrible their family is. Here we saw them from Leona and Fabiano’s POVs, and they were just as crazy as promised. Nino, no emotions? Interesting. Remo, a true psychotic. Savio, he’s a child, so his “adult” situations made me uncomfortable. Protect Adamo!
Twisted Emotions (The Camorra Chronicles, #2) by Cora Reilly
-4.5 out of 5 stars
- Nino and Kiara were really cute. Maybe the sweetest couple I’ve read by Cora Reilly. I didn’t care for his cheating, though I get why he did it. I just didn’t like it/find it was needed. And, I wanted/needed more chapters from his POV, because it felt like Nino fell in love too quickly. I want to read their next book.
-Nino is supposed to be "emotionless”, having “turned off” his emotions due to childhood trauma. (This was told to me 1000x in the novel, btw). BUT he tries so hard to be sweet and considerate of Kiara. He buys her a piano! He understands her past trauma and tries (in his own way) of being respectful and protective toward her - even standing up to Remo! He follows Kiara’s lead and it’s actually very sweet.
-Kiara is one of the strongest female leads in this series. Yes, she was scared of men - especially Remo - but that is understandable considering what she lived through. She needed to be protected and I liked that she was able to heal, but she wasn’t completely healed in the end - she still had a ways to go. And, her friendship with Adamo was the cutest thing. They were so sweet with one another! And honestly, despite his ‘I don’t like you or what you’ve done to Nino’ attitude - Remo and Kiara are headed toward brother/sister territory. 
Twisted Pride (The Camorra Chronicles, #3) by Cora Reilly
-4 out of 5 stars
-So...Remo is in major need of intense therapy. Like, years of intense therapy and I’m not 100% convinced that Serafina didn’t suffer from Stockholm Syndrome. But, as Serafina muses - she and Remo have a twisted love for one another. It’s clearly not 100% healthy, but it works for them. Serafina is allowed to be herself with him and Remo pulls back (a bit) from his destructive behaviors with her. 
-Remo...who knew he could be such a family man? Like, you could tell, when he started to fall for Serafina. He slowly started to try and be a bit of a better person. That scene where they got married? And it was just his brothers, Kiara, Fabiano, and the babies - and Remo said it was fine, because it was just the people that matter? Sweet. 
-Serafina stood up for herself and didn’t let Remo phase her (well, not as much as he wanted to) and I loved that. She was strong, self-assured, and she wanted more out of life than what the Outfit was willing to give her. 
-Speaking of the Outfit - um, why did they not believe Serafina when she stated - several times - that what they think happened with Remo wasn’t actually what happened? Why did her father and brother treat two BABIES like trash? And they tortured Adamo - a fifteen year old child!
Twisted Bonds (The Camorra Chronicles, #4) by Cora Reilly
-4 out of 5 stars
- I was disappointed to see that 60% of this novel was just Twisted Pride from Nino and Kiara’s POV.
- I feel like this one was not as well written as the past novels in the series. I saw a lot of typos and things didn’t always flow well. That said - I really do love Nino and Kiara. 
Twisted Hearts (The Camorra Chronicles #5) by Cora Reilly
-2 out of 5 stars
-So, Savio loses all his character development in this novel and Gemma deserves better. 
Devil in Winter (Wallflowers #3) by Lisa Kleypas
- 4 out of 5 stars
- I loved Evie and  Sebastian. I am reading this out of order, so while I knew  Sebastian was the villain of the last book - he was so perfect with Evie here. Is it cliche that the “bad boy” has spent his whole life waiting for the sweet and strong girl - yes. But, did I love it? Also yes.
The Secret Diaries of Miss Miranda Cheever (Bevelstoke #1) by Julia Quinn
-4 out of 5 stars
- Very sweet and fun friends to lovers romance. 
One Good Earl Deserves a Lover (The Rules of Scoundrels #2) by Sarah MacLean
- 4 out of 5 stars
-I know people had issues with Pippa, but I sort of always assummed she was on the spectrim. Cross was really fun - especially when he became so annoyed with Pippa, because she was different and just lived her life. 
To Seduce a Sinner (Legend of the Four Soldiers #2) by Elizabeth Hoyt
-2.5 out of 5 stars
-While I enjoyed the writing style, I couldn’t totally love the couple. Japer falls for Melisande, because she’s proper and “not like other girls” or something.Melisande has loved Jasper for 6+ years, but refuses to admit it - even after she marries him and it’s clear he wants a real marriage. Eh.  
-I’ll read more from the author, but I didn’t enjoy this one. 
The King's Spinster Bride (Aspect and Anchor #0.5) by Ruby Dixon
-2 out of 5 stars.
-While the world building was well done, there weren’t any issues between the couple.  He really loved her- he worked his way up to becoming First Warrior for her.  She loved him, but was nervous because she was “old”. (She’a 33 and he’s 24). There was also some worry about marriage stuff, but over all, it was just a little read that was neither terrible nor memorable. 
Neon Gods (Dark Olympus #1) by Katee Robert
-3 out of 5 stars
-While I enjoyed the main characters, the world building was poorly done. i did like a lot of the supporting characters and hope they get their own books. 
Brutal Prince (Brutal Birthright #1) by Sophie Lark
-2 out of 5 stars (DNF’ed at 40%)
-People have been telling me to read Sophie Lark since March, so I picked this up on audio book. The writing is fairly good (though there are some issues with the mafia aspects), but it was the characters that made me DNF this novel.
-First: you have Aida’s family (she’s 20 and her brothers are all older (I think?) and they all decide to crash the party of a family they hate. Why? They are grown people! Aida causes a fire in the house and steals a pocket watch. And...the two families decide they should get married. Again, why...? Just pay for the damage. Since one of the sons was injured: agree to something for that. 
-Second: Aida is 20. She’s also VERY immature. She plays tricks on Callum. (She actually eats a strawberry before kissing him - he’s very allegic to them). She curses and talks about how she’s a “tomboy” and how she hates the family she marries into. She’s a fairly horrible, immature, and bratty young womn. I just couldn’t root for her.
-Third: Callum is 30. He’s 30 and acts like a horny teenager. I listen to the male narrtator discuss sex and p*s*y over and over again. While Aida is verbally and physically harmful toward Callum, Callum is physically and emotionally abusive toward Aida. 
-Fourth: Two toxic, immature people do not a rootable couple make. I couldn’t stand these two people and was annoyed the whole time I listened to the audio. 
-Fifth: I think I would like to read more from the auhor,but this novel REALLY wasn’t for me. 
Bad Guy by Ruby Dixon
-1 out of 5 stars
-This should have been half its size. There was noreal development between characters. Eh.
The Bully (Kingmakers #3) by Sophie Lark
- 4 out of 5 stars
-I read this one first, because so many people said it was the best of the series. I hadn’t like Brutal Prince at all, but I loved this one. 
-Seeing the development of Dean and Cat was fun. Was Dean actually really childish for a 20+ (I’m guessing he’s 20-21), but I got it. 
-Cat was great. I understand a lot of people found her “boring” in book 2, but it’s very clear that she was just waiting for someone or something to let her out of her shell. 
-I’m really looking forward to book 4, as that was set up nicely. 
Stolen Heir (Brutal Birthright #2) by Sophie Lark
-3 out of 5 stars
-While I liked Nessa a lot - I wasn’t totally sold on the romance.
Deviant King (Royal Elite #1) by Rina Kent
-3 out of 5 stars.
-While I find Aiden toxic, I cannot deny the chemistry between Aiden and Elsa. I don’t like that she gave in to him so quickly - especially as he had made her life horrible for the last three years - but I can forgive it, as this is a “bully” romance. 
-The mystery is interesting, as are the hints of future stories with other characters. 
-And, where are the adults!?
Steel Princess (Royal Elite #2) by Rina Kent
-3 out of 5 stars
-Now that Aiden has a POV, we can see that he is connected to Elsa’s past. I like that aspect, as well as Aiden trying to win Elsa over.
-And her dead dad is alive?!
-Also, I love Knox.
Twisted Kingdom (Royal Elite #3) by Rina Kent
-2 out of 5 stars.
-While I enjoyed the way the mystery was wrapped up, I’m not totally in love with it. It closed what happenedto both Aiden and Elsa, but it left a few doors opened and really doesn’t paint their fathers in the best lights. 
Black Knight (Royal Elite #4) by Rina Kent
-3 out of 5 stars.
-Getting into Kim’s head (and seeing the emotional and mental abuse she suffered at the hands of her mother) made me so sad. 
- What was worse is that she was basically abandoned for EIGHT years and bullied by said ex-friends during that time because of a misunderstanding. Yes, they were eleven, but why couldn’t Xander have confronted his dad or Kim’s dad or someone during that time? Why did he have to be horrible to her at every turn? And let others do the same? And, why was he still hanging out with Kir -? I understand that he was looking out for Kim and Kir and that he still loved her (and that this is geared more toward readers in their late teens/early 20s), but - come on!
-Kim forgave Xander way too easily (a trend in this series), and I was a bit uncomfortable with the fact that right after the big secret was out, Xander decided that he wasn’t “holding back” anymore and that he would be with Kim. Like - shouldn’t you go to therapy? 
-I liked the characters and some of their interactions (and those building hints for the rest of the series), but I ended the book truly believing all these characters need massive amounts of therapy. 
Vicious Prince (Royal Elite #5) by Rina Kent
-2 out of 5 stars.
-Gone is the carefree Ronan of past stories. Here is the “fake smile” Ronan that has carefully been hidden for the last ten years.
-Teal’s master plan of revenge is what drives her, but only for about 20% of the novel. What was interesting was what we were told: she likes men at least 15 years older than her and she enjoys (or believes she would enjoy) some very kinky stuff. 
-(Side note: I’m sorry, but - the 17/18 year olds have access to the records of their parents’ sex club? Where are the adults? Yes, it’s explained that the club only takes members who are 18+, but no.)
-Despite protests that he hates her, Ronan falls for Teal, like 20% into the book? And after having sex once - she loves him back? I know this is a series LIGHT on character development, but...what? Yesterday I could barely stand you and today I want us to be together for ever? 
-And, we get another childhood tramua story, which played out WAY too fast and was wrapped up WAY to easily. 
-I liked Ronan during the other books and Teal could have been really complex, but we got what we got.
18 notes · View notes
jonathanvik · 3 years
Starlight Dream - Chapter 1
The slop squelched onto Seina's plate. Pieces of her dinner splashed onto her plain blue dress, staining it. Not that the server cared, glaring at her to keep moving. The workers only had two twenty-minute breaks in their thirteen-hour day. The servers tolerated no dillydallying, especially from rambunctious young girls like her.
Seina kept her head down and kept moving, else she draw more attention to herself. She'd have to spend some time before bed cleaning it. By rule, the higher-ups allowed the workers only one outfit.
Her parents waved her over, and Seina joined them. Before the darkness, her father had worked at an insurance firm as a salaryman. Years of hard labor and ill nutrition had left him gaunt and bony, losing most of his hair during the process. Despite this, he kept a positive attitude. Her father never stopped smiling, always saying there was a silver lining behind anything. Seina wasn't sure what silver lining existed to a life with a 78-hour workweek of menial labor, and being fed food even dogs would be reluctant to eat. Still, she appreciated the encouragement.
"Oh dear, did you receive a stain, Seina?" Seina's mother said as she approached the grimy rusty table her family sat around. While somewhat plain, the matronly woman wore a face people instinctively trusted. "I'll ask around to see if I can get an extra detergent ration. Can't have the taskmasters seeing my daughter walk around in soiled clothes." Like her father, her mother was also always smiling. It made Seina feel guilty for being miserable most days.
Not that they really had days anymore. Thick smoke covered the sky, making even the sunniest days hazy and ugly. The masters' power had ensured the sun would never shine again.
Seina gave the nearest taskmaster a nervous sideways glance. Pointed teeth glistened from under his lips, marking him as the monster he was. She gave him a respectful nod, not showing an ounce of disrespect. She'd seen people staked for less. Their boss enjoyed twisting people into grotesque art pieces to mock their human workers. For the majority of Seina's ten-year existence, vampires had dominated the world.
Somehow, Seina got her stomach to agree with the slop they'd served her. Her parents weren't as picky, happily sipping away at their meal. After another tentative bite, an interruption caught her attention, making her blood turn cold. A high-ranking vampire had entered their eating area, a black silk cape flowing behind him. They were never a good sign.
"Attention. The Dark Lord is looking for volunteers for tonight's entertainment, and you're the lucky bunch, 2-B!" The man gave them a cruel smile. "Come this way. I'd advise not to keep Master Lothaire waiting."
Fear rooted Seina's feet in place, knowing the likely fate which awaited them. She'd seen it often enough. Master Lothaire loved making them watch his entertainments. Her father put a comforting hand on her shoulder, wearing a bright smile.
"Don't worry dear. Most groups come back alive afterward. They can't afford to kill entire scores of us. They'll pick a few and leave the rest alone."
Her mother nodded in agreement, also wearing a wide, encouraging smile. "He's right, Seina. I better take care of that stain. Have to look our best for the vampire lord! How's my hair look?"
"Just smashing honey!" Her father replied. "You'll knock them dead!"
Her mother blushed. "Stop it!"
While not as optimistic, Seina got her feet moving. She joined the others in her workgroup towards Master Lothaire's favorite colosseum, allowing the head vampire to shackle her.
"What a dreary place!" Colten said, examining the strange new world he'd found himself in. He flew high into the smoky area, examining everything with interest. What a terrible place to find himself. The people looked shabby, dressed in rags. Their living conditions seemed little better. Most buildings were either dilapidated or empty. The fear behind the human's eyes broke his tiny heart. Something terrible had happened here.
As he scanned his surroundings, something caught his eye. Were those people in chains? Dark creatures were guiding their captives towards one of the few well-maintained buildings in the city. It was a massive dome-like building and, unlike most structures, had bright flashing lights. From the captive's expressions, most believed they were going to die. It shocked him to see children among them.
Colten screamed in frustration. What could he do? His power was limited, drained from his trip, and he was only a tiny fairy. Dark energy spilled from the people's captors. They were powerful creatures of pure darkness. The evil intensified when he looked towards the shining dome. He sensed great malice there.
"Darn it!" He looked towards the scared people again and made a decision. Moments later, he flew towards the colosseum, praying he could do something.
People packed the stadium. They bumped and jostled Seina as she attempted to walk through them. Master Lothaire must have called everyone in the Osaka district to attend his games. The vampire elite were jeering and having fun, watching the helpless, terrified humans with amusement. One grabbed a random passerby, and Seina looked away, not wishing to see what happened next. She'd heard and seen enough to know the rest.
The entire building was a testament to the master of humanity's power. Statues of people wearing expressions of agonizing pain decorated the walls. Rumors said they were actual people, turned to stone through a vampire's power during their death throes and maybe even still suffering. The details on them gave some unsettling credence to this theory.
Soon they reached a large circular room with countless bleachers, each occupied by a vampire eager for tonight's festivities. Master Lothaire himself sat on a throne of ivory, looking down upon his domain from the balcony. The vampire lord was handsome beyond words, taking Seina's breath away, despite knowing his true monstrous nature. The proof hung around his neck. He wore a necklace of skulls, each of a world leader he'd killed after taking their country for his own. In the throne beside him sat Lilha, his queen. She also shared her husband's inhuman beauty, only her eyes betrayed her lack of humanity, and Seina shivered when they shared a glance. She was only a toy Lilha would enjoy before throwing away.
"Welcome, friends!" Master Lothaire said. Despite not raising his voice, Seina could hear him despite the distance. "Tonight marks the fifth anniversary of my conquest of the world. In honor of that victory, I've provided entertainment and games for all to enjoy. Eat, drink, and be merry! For this kingdom will last a thousand years and beyond!" The vampire crowd broke into uproarious cheering and applause.
Seina's legs shook. This was worse than she'd first suspected. The odds of survival seemed almost impossible. She calmed down somewhat when her father put a comforting hand on her shoulder.
"Don't worry, we'll get through this." Her father said, wearing a warm smile.
"Our first entertainment will be a favorite of mine, a battle to the death!" Master Lothaire said, continuing. "Against your favorite and mine, Dreven the Unkillable!"
Bar doors opened in the fighter's pit, revealing a shirtless vampire. Unlike most of his kind, this vampire had a powerfully built body, seeming more alive than his undead kin. He played to the crowd, who gave him cheers and tossed him decayed flowers.
_Wow, Dreven the Unkillable. I feel sorry for anyone who's going to face him. He's never lost a fight, ever. _Wasn't his win count eight thousand to zero or something?
"And his opponent will be a volunteer from worker group 2-B!" Master Lothaire said, surprising Seina out of her pondering.
_This is so bad! _That meant someone she'd know for most of her life would soon die. It was too horrible to even consider. The girls in her division openingly wept, almost terrified beyond reason. Uncle Kenji offered brave words, but they fell on deaf ears.
"No need to rush." A vampire dressed like a cheesy announcer, complete with a tacky polka-dot bow tie, said. "But if you don't volunteer soon, there will be consequences."
The captive humans remained silent, too frightened to do anything. The vampire announcer's annoyance grew by the moment.
"Still no response? Oh well." The announcer shrugged. "I'll make it easier for you. The fighter will come from chapter D. That simplifies things. You better choose quickly, or you will all die in one minute."
D? That was Seina's division. No, please no. Anything but that. Usually, divisions had five people, but 2-B was missing two. One died of exhaustion last week, and the other suffered a terrible mining accident.
It was too horrible to consider. Would this mean that... Seina yelped in surprise as someone pushed her forward, howling in pain as she landed face-first on the fighter's pit floor. She spat after getting some dirt into her mouth.
"Well, well! Looks like we have a volunteer!" The announcer said. The crowd burst into laughter.
"What? No!" Seina's eyes widened in horror. What had just happened? Who pushed her? She looked up to see her father with a hand extended outward.
"Dad?" Seina said, too stunned for words.
"Sorry honey, but it was either you or us!" Her father replied.
"Don't worry, Seina. We'll always remember you!" Her mother added.
"We'll be sorry to see you go. But don't worry, we'll have a new daughter in your honor!" Her father continued.
Her mother gave an emphatic nod. "Yes, Seina is a beautiful name. I'm sure she'll love it!"
Seina just stared, unable to believe what just happened. The crowd broke into more laughter and cheers, and the vampire king gave a nod of approval.
"Silly child," Lothaire said. "Haven't you listened to my teachings? In this world, it's kill or be killed. Love is only a weakness. Your parents were right to sacrifice you."
"Yep, sorry dear, but he's right!" Her father said, nodding in agreement. "You should have known."
"Hopefully, the new Seina will be smarter." Her mother added.
"Bring out the weapons. This should be entertaining." Lothaire said.
"What?" The shock of her parents' betrayal still hadn't left her. Seina had trouble adjusting to the concept that they expected her to fight for life. "But I'm only a ten-year-old girl!"
Dreven smirked and shrugged. "Them's the breaks, kid." From the audience's expression, they would enjoy seeing her torn limb from limb. The humans, except her parents, looked away, not wishing to watch Seina's gruesome fate.
A vampire pulled a wide variety of weapons into the fighter's pit. They ranged from swords to guns. None looked light enough for a ten-year-old to wield. Seina broke into tears, beyond terrified, unable to even stand straight. She didn't want to die. How could this happen?
With an exaggerated swagger, Dreven walked over to the weapon rack and withdrew a sword larger than Seina's entire body. With his vampiric strength, it seemed like a toy in his hands.
Since fighting back was pointless, Seina closed her eyes, preparing for the end. She prayed it wouldn't be too painful.
"Please don't cry! Be strong!" A kind voice said, wiping the tears from her eyes.
Seina blinked through watery eyes, looking towards the kind stranger who comforted her in her final moments. She gasped in shock when she got a good look at them.
"You should be ashamed of yourselves, you jerks! You're the worst of the worst!" The strange creature said, berating the vampire horde.
Her rescuer was the purest white she'd ever seen. His head was bulbous, larger than his torso. The face somewhat resembled a cat, but with longer ears. Puffs of fur popped out from his enormous ears. Somehow, tiny wings supported the creature's weight, allowing him to fly around. He was also the cutest thing Seina had ever seen.
"What are you?" Seina asked in amazement, wondering if she was dreaming, or if the recent events had shattered her sanity.
"My name's Colten. And I refuse to allow this farce to continue any further!" The cat creature puffed out his chest.
"And what are you supposed to be?" Dreven said, pointing his enormous sword at the intruder.
"Um, just a fairy here to help." Despite his obvious fear, Colten refused to back down.
"A creature of good?" Lothaire snorted in derision. "How ridiculous. Another fool rushing to their death."
"He's right! You'll only get yourself killed!" Seina refused to allow someone else to die for her sake.
"No way!" Colten shook his enormous head only to scream in pain a few seconds later as Dreven struck him with the blunt edge of his enormous sword.
"Colten!" Seina rushed to her fallen friend's side. Thankfully, he only seemed bruised and not dead. A wing looked damaged, though. It seemed unlikely he could fly anytime soon.
"How adorable. Wanting to die together, I see." Dreven turned towards the announcer. "Hey, is it alright if the fairy joins the girl's side?"
The announcer gave a thumbs up. "Sounds like a plan!"
"Looks like we're in this together." Colten gave Seina a weak smile as she cradled him in her arms.
"Yeah." Tears dropped onto Colten's little head as Seina broke down.
She'd just made a friend, and he was now dying for her sake. Seina hugged him, holding him tight and began sobbing. The vampire crowd broke into mocking laughter, enjoying seeing this helpless girl suffer. Seina didn't care or even notice, focusing on her new friend instead. She supposed at least she wouldn't die alone. Seina held one of the fairy's legs as they waited for the end. Somehow, despite everything, some happiness bloomed in her heart. Seina was glad she'd met someone as wonderful as Colten.
"You're lucky, little girl. Two on one is much fairer odds." The vampire warrior broke into uproarious laughter. "Start the round already. I'm ready for some carnage!"
_This is it. _Seina cried out in pain and surprise as bright light blinded her, almost dropping Colten. The light faded, leaving a very confused Seina.
"What was that?"
"No way!" Colten said.
"What is it?" Colten's expression surprised Seina. Was that hope on his tiny face?
"Look down!" Colten pointed towards a strange object that hadn't been there before. Seina grabbed it without even thinking, turning it around in her hand. It was a pink-colored diamond-encrusted brooch.
"It's so pretty." Seina had seen nothing so beautiful in her life. It made the splendor the vampire lord surrounded himself with seem dull in comparison.
"You're a magical girl, Seina? I don't believe it! I'd thought only a special few could become one!" Colten was ranting, speaking at speeds almost impossible to understand. "This is amazing, spectacular!"
"What? Magical girl? What are you talking about?"
The tiny fairy's expression turned smug. "It means we can wipe the floor with these vampire creeps!"
Dreven snorted in derision. "Really?"
"I'm not following." Seina was beyond lost. How could a brooch allow her to fight? Blind the vampire to death?
"Hold you brooch up into the air and yell, Change Change, Magical Love Dress Up!"
"Okay." While certain it would make her appear ridiculous, she'd try anything at this point.
Seina stood up and gave Dreven a determined glare. She sent another one towards the vampire king himself. If this gave her power, she'd put an end to this nightmare herself. "Change Change, Magical Love Dress Up!"
Bright light engulfed Seina, and her entire body glowed a transparent blue. In a flash, everything about her body changed. Her short black hair extended into two long, luxurious braids. The bland rags she wore transformed into a pink frilly dress with a short skirt. The elaborate new costume gave Seina the vague impression of the long-dead lotus flower she'd seen in old books. A large yellow bow was across her chest, and her brooch stood in its center.
Colten laughed. "I knew it! You are a magical girl!"
"Huh?" Seina blinked and looked down at herself, both amazed and baffled.
"That's the terrible power that will destroy us all?" Dreven broke into mocking laughter, and the other vampires joined him. Lothaire chuckled, sipping at his wine. His wife only looked confused.
"That was disappointing. I was hoping for something more exciting!" Seina's mom pipped it.
"How am I meant to fight with this?" Seina gestured to herself. Except for her new pretty outfit, she didn't feel any different. How could a simple dress protect her from bloodthirsty monsters?
"What do you mean? You can totally floor him now!" Colten argued back with far more confidence than she felt. "Hold out your hand and focus. You can summon your special weapon that way."
_A special weapon! That might change this situation around! _Seina did as instructed, and a long staff appeared in her hand. Attached to its end, was a bubble blower?
Dreven snorted. "That's your great weapon?"
"Yeah! What the heck!" This magical girl deal was a rip-off!
"Well, with that mighty weapon, I better switch to something more dangerous." Dreven threw aside his sword and withdrew a pistol from the weapon rack. "Start the fight already. I'm curious what this magical girl can do."
"Don't worry, you got this," Colten said with the utmost confidence.
"What are you talking about! I have a bubble blower, and he's got a freaking gun! This isn't even remotely fair!"
"Alright. The battle will begin..." Before the announcer could finish his pronouncement, the sound of the gunshot echoed through the stadium, and Seina toppled over.
"What?" Colten said in shocked outrage. "You can't do that!"
"I'm a vampire. I don't fight fair," Dreven replied, and the crowd broke into mocking laughter. They berated the magical girl who believed anyone could defeat the ruthless, unstoppable vampires.
"Seems the fight's over with, folks! The winner is Dreven!" The announcer said, not caring about the vampire warrior breaking the rules.
"Um, actually I'm fine!" Seina stood up, shaking the dust from her dress. "It just startled me."
Much to her amazement, the bullet hadn't even scratched her skin despite striking her right in the forehead. It amused her to see the vampires shocked at her survival. Maybe victory wasn't impossible after all?
Dreven, however, didn't seem that impressed. "You survived, so what? A vampire can survive much worse." He threw away his gun and took back his sword. Without waiting for the announcer to begin the fight, he charged forward with blinding speed, sword raised to sever his opponent's head.
The colosseum's roof exploded as Dreven crashed through it, exposing the building to the chilly night air. Vampires screamed in fear and surprise as pieces of the roof collapsed on top of them. Seina stared at her extended arm in amazement.
"Wow." Seina couldn't believe her strength. She could have sworn she'd only tapped the vampire.
"Um, Seina. Your bubble blower is meant for casting spells, not a blunt weapon." Colten said. "But that works too I guess."
"Oops." Seina blushed with embarrassment.
"She won." Lilha, the vampire queen, said in the dead shocked silence.
"She has some power, I suppose." Lothaire didn't seem too impressed despite Seina's astounding display of strength.
A strange thought popped into her head. "Does this mean I win? The announcer didn't actually start the fight."
"I guess so. Congratulations!" Colten patted her on the leg.
"I'm not finished yet!" Dreven tossed people out of his path as he stomped back towards the fighting pit. The vampire warrior was soaking wet and pieces of seaweed latched to his body. Had Seina knocked him to the ocean? That was miles away.
"Oh, you're back. Ready for another butt-kicking?" Colten said. Seina nodded, not sure why the vampire had returned after she'd beaten him with little difficulty.
Dreven broke into a disturbingly wide smile. His grin stretched out unnaturally, cackling while doing so. "Foolish girl. You think you can beat me?"
The vampire warrior extended a hand and drove it into his chest. Much to Seina's horror and shock, he withdrew something red and beating. Had Dreven just torn out his own heart? Clenching his fist, he crushed it. Gore and blood oozed down his hand. Dreven's grin extended as the hole he'd torn into his chest vanished like it never existed.
"I'm not like other vampires. Destroying my heart can't kill me. Nothing can! As long as a single atom of my body exists, I can't die!"
"Okay, but was that really necessary?" Seina's stomach felt queasy, horrified by the display. He could have just told her.
The vampires in the crowd broke into mocking, jeering laughter. They sent praises towards their champion and insults towards his magical girl opponent. Lothaire gave them a tilt of his head in respect.
"Hold on!" An irritating realization struck Seina. "Why are you fighting in a colosseum if you literally can't die? That doesn't seem fair at all!"
"We've vampires, kiddo. We don't play fair." Dreven said in a purr.
"No, you're just being a jerk," Colten replied.
"So, shall we begin our game again?" Dreven withdrew a nasty-looking rusty spiked mace from the weapon's rack.
Seina, however, was unimpressed. Already, she'd grown tired of the vampire's nonsense. An idea popped into her head, and her lips curled into a small smile. Yes, that would solve her problem nicely.
"Ha! You'll find Seina not so easy to beat!" Colten said. "Use your magical bubble blower to finish this fool!"
"I can't agree more." Seina walked up to her opponent, who watched her in bemusement. She gripped her staff tight, adjusted her aim, and swung with all her strength. Dreven screamed in pain and terror as the magical girl launched his body high into the air, flying the hole in the ceiling. Seina watched as the vampire flew higher into the sky, bursting a hole through the smoke cover and disappearing into the starry night sky.
"There, he won't cause anyone any more trouble!" Seina said, proud of herself. "If he can heal himself forever, fine. But that doesn't matter if he's stuck floating in space!" It amazed her that the plan worked. Just how powerful was she now? The entire audience broke into another stunned silence.
"Seina, that isn't what I mean at all," Colten said.
"I meant for you to use your magical powers to obliterate him."
"I can do that?" Seina blushed with embarrassment.
"Yes, you're a magical girl. It's in the name." Colten sighed, then shrugged. "Well I guess a victory's a victory." A clap interrupted their conversation.
"Very amusing," Lothaire said, standing from his throne. "It appears you have some power."
"Lord Lothaire, are you going to face this child?" The vampire lord's wife asked. "Surely it's beneath you. Let me handle her. I'd love to punish a misbehaving child."
"No, this girl represents something that I can't allow to stand. The pathetic scum down there must learn that no such thing remains." Lothaire gestured to the humans, watching the scene. Seina saw what the vampire lord meant. They stared at Seina with awe, their eyes sparkling with an emotion she'd rarely seen in her short life. It created a strange bubbling feeling in her stomach.
"It looks like we're fighting the big boss guy now," Colten said. "Good, that saves time."
"Understand this, child," Lothaire said. "Dreven was the weakest of our number. A vampire of lesser capabilities. I won't be such an easy opponent."
Seina gulped and her hand trembled, not doubting the vampire king's pronouncement for a moment. When humanity fought against him, no weapon could stop him. Even a barrage of nuclear weapons had proven useless. Rumors whispered that his vampiric power made him invincible.
"Smart girl. You understand the trouble you're in. You won't even lay a hand on my husband." Lilha said. "You will die, not even realizing it until it is too late."
Lord Lothaire stared down at his opponent. His expression was unreadable, but his confidence was undeniable.
"Did you know, no weapon has ever even touched Lord Lothaire?" Lilha said, continuing her boast. "They can't. He has utter mastery of eternity."
Colten, however, seemed unperturbed. "So what? Seina will kick his pointy teeth in."
"Understand this, little fairy," Lilha said, her tone superior. "My husband's power allows him to control time. Any timeline he doesn't care for, he discards like trash."
"Time control?" Alarm had crept into Colten's face. Seina's hand trembled, realizing how much trouble they were in. What a fool she'd been thinking anyone could defeat the masters.
"He sifts through the possibilities until the one he desires comes into fruition." Lilha extended a hand, gesturing to everything around her. "Nothing ever happens unless Lord Lothaire wills it!"
Seina put her hands into her face. With some difficulty, she fought back tears, refusing to cry again in front of these monsters. So much for hope. Fate had a twisted sense of humor.
"That's not good." While Colten's confidence had faded somewhat, he continued putting up a brave face.
The entire crowd of vampires broke into applause, and Lilha soaked in their admiration. Lothaire continued to stay where he stood, impassive.
"Give us a good show, magical girl. It should be quite entertaining. Wouldn't you agree, my husband?"
Lothaire continued to stay where he stood, unresponsive. Seina blinked in confusion. Why was he just standing there, motionless? Why wasn't he bragging and jeering, as usual?
"Husband?" Lilha asked in concern.
Lothaire's body jerked uncontrollably, foam gathering around his mouth. He stumbled forward, each step clumsy and awkward. With a strangled gurgle, the vampire king toppled forwards, landing in the fighter's pit. His body jerked several more times before stopping to a halt. Dead.
"No, has he overused his power?" Lilha's voice barely rose above a whisper. Her eyes were wide in horror and disbelief.
Siena blinked. "Eh?”
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pacificwanderer · 5 years
Hi there! I was wondering if you have any book recs, perhaps with a reylo vibe? I really need things to occupy my mind this summer.
Hey Nonnie!
I’ve got a Star Wars books list going and if you’re looking for canon Star Wars books with a Reylo vibe, then definitely pick up Lost Stars by Claudia Gray. The two main heros are on opposite sides of the galactic civil war and it’s romantic af. One of my favorite canon novels, for sure (YA Romance).
Generally speaking, my tastes run towards paranormal romance/fairytales, but if you’re into Russian folklore, definitely consider the Winternight Trilogy by Katherine Arden (starts with the Bear and the Nightingale). I’ve only read the first one, but it was wonderful (adult historical fiction/fantasy). A young woman with special abilities captures the attention of an ancient frost demon, among others, and it’s beautifully written.
If you’re looking for something a little more smutty, then Sarah J. Mass’ A Court of Thorns and Roses series is great, especially book two (I kind of had to slog through the first book a little, but it picks up and the second is GREAT). There’s a really great enemies to lovers type/soulmates story here, plus some secondary characters/relationships that I really enjoyed (I’d call this New Adult fiction). Additionally, her YA series Throne of Glass is also pretty fun and eventually has an enemiesish to lovers romance, and then another one with a grumpy tol and a sassy smol and I JUST LOVE this couple to death.
If you are looking for something SUPER FUCKING SMUTTY, Kresley Cole’s Immortals After Dark series (is massive) and has some really great enemies to lovers entries, though I’m specifically thinking of Lothaire (it’s pretty dark, so make sure to read a summary to make sure it’d be an enjoyable experience for you). Enemies to lovers in every sense of the word.
I also loved Holly Black’s Folk of the Air series, starting with The Cruel Prince. Also GREAT enemies to lovers, slowburn. Love love love love. Everyone’s an asshole and I love them all.
Also really enjoyed the Wrath and the Dawn by Renée Ahdieh (it’s amazing, though I wish the second book was stronger), which is a retelling of Scheherazade which is my JAM.
I’ve also had Naomi Novik’s Spinning Silver recommended to me, though I haven’t read it yet. I’ve also got Illona Andrews that everyone has recommended to me, but I haven’t been in a reading mood lately, so I haven’t gotten to it. I’ve also had Land of the Beautiful Dead on my kindle since forever (also thematically really dark, so be careful before you read it), but it’s SUPER FUCKING LONG and I just haven’t been in a reading mood lately.
That’s a pretty good start haha. If anyone has anything else they’d like to recommend, throw it in the comments/reblogs.
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tagged by: @morethanprinceofcats
rules: tag 9 people you want to get to know better
top three ships: I don’t usually think of ships in terms of “aw these two are cute together, I want them to be happy” as opposed to liking a given pairing’s dynamic and the specific conflict that comes out of it. that being said, it’s difficult to come up with any particular pairing I *love* off the top of my head.
but, the types of relationships I like are pretty predictable tbh.
there’s death & the maiden in all its forms. I like the emphasis of tying death and mortality to love, lust, wanting, etc.
villain & protagonist or any sort of fraught romance that is like “I hate you, but I love you, and this will inevitably end with one of us dead.” the inherent tragedy and internal conflict is great. (imo the best version of this isn’t “enemies to lovers” it’s “enemies *and* lovers”)
I’m also very interested in chivalric devotion? dynamics that are like queen and the bodyguard, the king and the knight type stuff. with traces of forbidden romance underlying themes of honor, duty, possibly even faith depending on the cultural setting.
lipstick or chapstick: always lipstick. last time I even owned chapstick was... back in elementary school tbh? anyway red lipstick used to be my go to, but it looks a bit too dramatic for everyday wear with my current hair color so I’ve switched to corals and like glittery pinks.
last song: Gloomy Sunday, the Sarah Brightman cover. I’m honestly surprised that’s the last thing I listened to because aside from that it’s almost exclusively been movie/video game soundtracks
last movie: Ravenous, it’s an old favorite.
reading: This is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El Mohtar and Mark Gladstone (also Lothaire by Kresley Cole lol)
tagging: @and-i-write-sins @maka-llama @boxghost @victorianho @ceravyni @i-make-no-promises @ohno-zombees @themarchinghare @hellalugosi
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forthegothicheroine · 6 years
My Top 10 Romance Novels
Goodreads says that it’s “romance week”, and who am I to argue?  I’ll be presenting my top 10 romance novels, but first I should explain my tastes: I like my romances pulpy and melodramatic.  I like my heroes dark and sneaky, but not so evil I want to throw them out of a plane.  My ideal romance novel period is in between old school and new school, where the plots are still over the top but the characters are more human.  I’m forever searching for a true gothic bodice ripper, and some day I will find one.
The big rule for this list: nothing that would be shelved as anything other than romance.  No Pride and Prejudice, no Outlander, no Kushiel’s Dart.  Just stuff that is bought and sold as romance.
So here we go!
1. The Windflower by Laura London.  This is the ultimate pirate romance, with espionage and dark backstories and danger-tinged bickering and a pet pig.  I love the characters, and the hero is just right there on the line of darkness where I still believe someone could live happily ever after with him.  There is attempted (but not completed) rape in this book, if that’s a dealbreaker for you, but I found the whole thing to be great fun.
2. For My Lady’s Heart by Laura Kinsale.  Princess Melanthe is probably my favorite romance novel heroine, in that she’s completely unexpected.  She’s the one who’s morally grey, not out of malice but simply because she’s ruthlessly trying to survive courts full of assassins, and is doing a delicate balance of protecting those she loves and staying alive.  (Melanthe could win the Game of Thrones.)  I’m a sucker for ‘knight and lady’ dynamics, too, and the hero was inspired by the Green Knight!
3. Strathgallant by Laura Black.  This is the closest thing I’ve found to a gothic bodice ripper, and also the closest thing I’ve found to a literary version of a reverse harem anime or otome game.  Perdita is about to come into a great fortune if she abides by the condition of marrying one of her foster cousins, whom she hasn’t seen since they were all children- but one of them wants her and that fortune a little too much and is prepared to kill off the competition!  It even has an ending that (possibly) implies a triad!
4. Skye O’Malley by Bertrice Small.  If any item on this list is going to make people judge me, it’s this one.  Bertrice Small is the queen of the guilty pleasure, and Skye O’Malley is not your typical romance.  It’s a picaresque about a very stubborn, very lustful woman in the Elizabethan era who marries/sleeps/gets abducted/goes pirating across Europe and the Middle East, loses her memory, goes through husbands like kindling, and tells us that Robert Dudley has the longest genitalia she’s ever seen.  Nothing else in the world is like this book.  It may not be to your taste, but it must be respected.
5. Lothaire by Kresley Cole.  Now this is some dark stuff, warning you now, full of dubious consent.  A vampire lord has captured a woman for an evil goddess to possess, and she decides the only way to save her own life is to seduce her captor.  You may be shaking your head over me right now, but Cole totally drew me in with her hero-villain and self-proclaimed hillbilly heroine, and I need to read the rest of her Immortals After Dark series now.
6. The High Sheriff of Huntingdon by Anne Stuart.  I just love the audacity of this novella- Anne Stuart apparently liked Alan Rickman’s Sheriff of Nottingham, so she wrote a romance story about him.  It’s great!  He’s villainous and terrible, and his unwilling bride never lets him forget that he’s terrible, and though the end kind of implies she’s going to be a Lady Godiva figure who gets him to be less terrible, the important thing to me was that she was happy.  And I was certainly very happy.
7. Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypas.  Yeah, I like villainous heroes.  This one isn’t actually so bad- he’s a rake who committed one scandal too many for society, which makes him a good target for a girl seeking a marriage of convenience. It’s often held up as one of the best regency romances, and for good reason; the protagonists defrosting towards each other is super sweet and sexy. 
8. Lord of Danger by Anne Stuart.  If Anne Stuart based The High Sheriff of Huntingdon on the Sheriff of Nottingham, I wouldn’t be surprised if this one was based on some version of Rasputin.  The hero is a court wizard, relied upon but also feared and disdained, and the heroine ends up married to him after being summoned to the court of her abusive brother.  He may be spooky, but he’s the only one she can really trust- and the same is true the other way.
9. The Silver Devil by Teresa Denys.  Forget what I said about Lothaire, THIS is as dark a hero as I’ll go for.  He’s a Renaissance Italian nobleman, and unlike Princess Melanthe, there’s no excuse for the ruthless cruelty he displays.  So why do I like this?  I feel for the heroine, trapped as a preyed upon concubine, I find the “hero” unfortunately attractive, and it contains the best grovel scene I’ve ever read.  Plus it works as a straightforward historical political thriller, as well.
10. Knights of the Round Table: Gawain and Knights of the Round Table: Lancelot by Gwen Rowley.  What can I say, I gotta support my boys.  I’m cheating by including both of these in one entry, but I just want to say I really love how well Gwen Rowley plays with Arthurian legends, making loveable characters out of these classic archetypes.  I was especially surprised by how much I liked the Lancelot entry- I’m already in love with Gawain, so it took more to win me over for Lance and Elaine.  The last book for me to read in the trilogy is Geraint, who I thought was a dillweed in the Tennyson poem, so I can’t wait to see how she pulls it off!
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astroflux-ffxiv · 5 years
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Long time, no post but I thought I’d share one of my favorite Reshade test pics of my Garlean, Donaula Lothaire (eir Casca in Garlemald). I had a lot of fun getting this pic and I am happy as hell with it. I’d love to eventually learn to add things to my photos to give her her third eye. But for now i am content filling my hard drive with screenshots. :)
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mermaidsirennikita · 9 months
reading Thea Harrison's Dragon Bound and
a) the first true contemporary urban fantasy PNR that has REEEEEALLY gotten me to sit up and listen since IAD
b) have realized that I have a weird thing for the "big scary monster man provides food for his less scary captive and watches her eat" thing, and I didn't actually get that it was a thing until now
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shakeiron43-blog · 5 years
Best in Show: Red Berries (2018)
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Cranberries, strawberries, raspberries, red currants, pomegranates, goji berries, lingonberries, rose hips, loganberries, and boysenberries. These are some of the most often employed red berry notes in contemporary perfumery that add a sweet, tangy, even zesty nuance to a fragrance.
Nowadays it seems that this family of fruity notes show up in just about every genre whether its raspberry paired with leather in Tom Ford's bestseller Tuscan Leather or strawberry paired with ambergris in Slumberhouse's Sadanne. This week, Fragrantica's international editors discuss some of their favorite fragrances with red berry notes. We invite you to weigh in as we know this is a vast group of fragrances with many favorites both old and new.
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By: Marlen Elliot Harrison, co-editor of Fragrantica in English
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Think "men's cologne" and red berries might not be the first aroma to come to mind. However, over the last three decades as perfumers have become more and more adventurous we've seen a range of fruity nuances make ther way into the genre. For example, Jil Sander's 1989 Feeling Man put raspberry front and center while Tommy Hilfilger's first men's fragrance, 1995's Tommy, featured a prominent cranberry note.
Polo Red, developed by perfumer Olivier Gillotin in 2013, is first and foremost a red berry fragrance - tangy, juicy, and sweet. Whereas original Polo was a smoky pine forest and Polo Blue was the fresh aquatic, Polo Red takes the old theme of a "tangy red" masculine that we saw in Annick Menardo's 1995 masterpiece Givenchy Xeryus Rouge, replayed in scents such as 2008's Paco Rabanne Ultrared Men minus the spice/woods but with the addition of praline and citrus, and lightens it up with a touch of saffron, and a very understated amber-coffee-wood base accord.
This was an immediate love for me, someone who loves all things juicy and tangy. My problem with Polo Red has always been that, like many other modern Ralph Lauren fragrances, the performance leaves much to be desired. Still, linger it does albeit quietly with an almost musky trail for hours. As I typically do with initial launches, I longed for a scent that would be bolder, richer, and with more prominent gourmand nuances (where's the coffee?). A giant 4.2 oz bottle, procured for a mere $25 USD on an auction site, rarely gets used but when it does I marvel at how much I enjoy it...for the 2 hours that I can actually smell it.
Honorable Mentions: Princesse Marina De Bourbon Rouge Royal, Tommy Hilfiger Tommy, Versace Versus Donna, Diesel Fuel for Life Homme, O Boticário Barolo, Guerlain Aqua Allegoria Grosellina, Ralph Lauren Ralph Wild, Hanae Mori, Antonio Banderas Her Secret
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GUCCI Eau de Parfum II Gucci
By: Elena Vosnaki, editor of Fragrantica in Greek
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Berries, in all their guises, have entered the realm of "serious" perfumery after they got a boost from the flavours industry and the body products craze for fruity smells during the late 1990s. L'Artisan Parfumeur may have been the pioneer, as far back as 1978, offering a blackberry & musk combo that highlights the natural fruity aspects of the particular type of mud used, but it took years for berries to become the norm for a typically youthful, upbeat, sweetish, happy scent. 
Gucci Eau de Parfum II is all of those things, minus the sweet. The composition on paper looks like a middle-of-the-road berries & musk affair, but the distinct advantage lies in balancing the tartness with the sweetness in that blackberry and blackcurrant chord on top. Therefore it provides a welcome freshness, but none of the less desirable traits we associate with man-made essences reserved for yogurts. Without being a natural smelling scent, it surrounds the wearer with an imperceptible aura which dries down to austere cedar, without being heavy at all.
Although its predecessor, Eau de Parfum I, a heavier oriental with select fans, was abruptly discontinued, this one still circulates and proves to be one of the most likeable berry fruit fragrances that even men can borrow. It's great for office wear, for casual wear, for everyday, for when you don't want to be too bothered by your scent, but want to be surrounded by a stealth mantle of clean tartness. Very pretty.
Honorable Mentions:  Blackberry & Bay Jo Malone London, Mure et Musc L'Artisan Parfumeur, Tuscan Leather Tom Ford, La Petite Robe Noire Couture Guerlain, Insolence Guerlain
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GUCCI Guilty Black Pour Femme
By: Rouu Abd El-Latif, editor of Fragrantica in Arabic
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Being on the edge of leaving floral-fruity compositions behind, Gucci Guilty Black was just on time. I remember I liked Gucci Guilty when it first came out; it was inviting and less floral comparing with other releases that year but I didn’t think a flanker would merge more surprises and be more compelling than the original. After a flirty scented blotter had my attention I decided to try it on my skin; they doused my arm generously and I immediately felt the berry effect at the opening, ideally lined with sweet peppery undertones. It was explosive and enthusiastic, bouncing extensive sweet chords, absolutely it’s less floral and slightly lacks the powdery effect of the original; Gucci Black is absolutely all about berries. It’s fleshy, sweet and smoky; while I was expecting something bolder and darker it was tamed with a beautiful and nice berry sillage on my skin! It’s not wild or stained with a dark heavy tint of bold sexiness as expected but it has the right amount of fruitiness to be considered as a mature scent. The red berry, raspberry and vanilla trio reminds me of some remarkable fragrances while it develops; while lilac remains indicating to keep the entire development from being monotonous.
Personally, I love the earthiness of patchouli in a scent's drydown; here it merges beautifully on an amber/musky base while that fruity opining gets more sour and dry; over time it seems more oriental than it actually is. Black is a modern floriental fragrance that might be not very original but it manages to showcase a lot of “berry” sides every moment; every other note is on a supporting role while berries lead the show without a girly/sweet sticky effect that always scares me when berry or red fruits are listed in a composition. It’s absolutely sour, very smoky, moderately sweet and juicy with a sharp masculine twist at the same time. Nothing black about Guilty Black; it’s rather more of glossy red on me!
Honorable Mentions: Aqua Allegoria Flora Rosa Guerlain, Insolence Guerlain, Tuscan Leather Tom Ford, Dior Addict Christian Dior, Parisienne Yves Saint Laurent
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Aquolina Pink Sugar Simply Pink
By: John Biebel co-editor of Fragrantica in English
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Italy’s Aquolina has made itself a household name with the release of Pink Sugar in 2004. It was a sweet, fruity perfume for younger women that clicked with the public and became a runaway success. Some found it to be far too sweet to work as a “serious” perfume, but then came Simply Pink in 2013, which reframed what a sweet, pink-inspired perfume could be. The shift in notes made a dramatic difference. Most of the pure “sugar” notes were pulled back, leaving raspberry, strawberry and almond as the full-bodied center of the fragrance. It’s a delightful exploration of red berries in their juiciest form, fresh and slightly bruised, with just a bit of the fresh juice appearing on the surface. Bergamot and green leaves add just enough bright freshness to give the opening spritzes a big blast. It’s hard to match the exuberance of Simply Pink’s opening.
It’s nine years between 2004-13, and you can feel how Pink Sugar’s audience has grown up. The cotton candy accord of the former has been replaced by white flowers and jasmine. The central accords of Simply Pink are where the perfume gets its most serious. It calms down substantially and becomes more floral, sweeter in a denser, darker path (with notes like licorice root and praline accord.) Some intriguing nuances drift in and out - a satisfyingly bitter citrus appears and disappears, a subtle vanilla skates in the background and a steady stream of red berries, now more sweet like jam cooking, bubbles away with some steam escaping. 
The varying temperatures of this scent are intriguing. It is both cool on top (raspberry has an icy, bracing quality,) and dark on the bottom, where jasmine, licorice, sugary praline and strawberry stew away. This stage of the fragrance lasts a respectable number of hours, somewhat linear, but retaining projection. It feels like a wholly natural evolution to see Simply Pink pick up the reigns from where Pink Sugar started its journey. Red berries was a great place to put the focus of this perfume that is “growing up” since berries are on that edge of sweetness and animalic roughness of the forest. This perfume uses them to a delightful end by balancing serious florals and light-hearted sweets to create something that nearly any wearer would find compels them to smile.
Honorable Mentions: Penhaligon's Lothair, Gucci Guilty Absolute Pour Femme, Burberry Touch for Women, Jimmy Choo Blossom, Hanae Mori No 1
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Bvlgari Omnia Coral
By: Bella van der Weerd, editor of Fragrantica in Dutch and co-editor of Fragrantica in English
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For years, I avoided any perfume with a mention of red berries, after having my nose recoil in horror numerous times smelling sweet, girly, “happy” fragrances like Aquolina and various Victoria’s Secret editions. I was convinced the whole group was the exact opposite of my taste in perfume. It was Bvlgari’s Omnia Coral that made me give berry perfumes another chance, and the main reason for this was that it lacks the syrupy sweetness of the bulk in berry laden perfumes.   At first spritz, Omnia Coral is very fresh, the bergamot standing out, and it has a fizzy quality that I love to start the day with. The freshness has an almost tart feeling to it, in which I recognize the pomegranate and what I guess is the note of Goji berries – the fruit of the shrub Wolfberry, which is an unusual ingredient in fragrance. In the heart, a floral aspect comes through, and I smell mostly the water lily and musk. This stage has a slightly aquatic character, with a bit of a bite to it (I sometimes think of Truth by Calvin Klein at this point), but floral aspects, including a delicate hibiscus nuance, slowly become more and more important. The perfume stays light, never is there a trace of the darker pomegranate we know from for instance Euphoria.   Omnia Coral dries down to a warmer, slightly spicy and very woody impression; I get a blend of woodsy notes together with airy sweet musk. Breezy, warm summer days at the shore with some salt in the air is what I’m left with, and I’m loving it."
Honorable Mention: Live in Colors - THOU
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Which red berries fragrances do you feel deserve the title "best in show"? Tell us in a comment below!
Source: https://www.fragrantica.com/news/Best-in-Show-Red-Berries-2018--11318.html
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mimireadsromance · 6 years
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Spent St. Patty's Day with my favorite Irishman. 🍀 Declan Chase aka Aidan the Fierce. I listened to this book for the first time (#fatedmatespod), but have read it countless times. Listening to the series is giving me a whole new appreciation for the IAD world. Dreams of a Dark Warrior is my favorite book in the Immortals After Dark series, written by @kresleycole . Yep, I said it. My FAVORITE! Regin the Radiant has (IMHO) stolen every scene she's been in up to this point in the series. She's flippant and snarky, with the most outrageous sense of humor that makes me laugh out loud! She's also fiercely loyal. Her suffering in this story provided more insight to her strength and resiliency, and my heart broke for her when she cried in Chase's arms. I LOVE HER more than any other character in the series! Her hero, Aidan? He had his good and bad points. I appreciated that he trained a young Regin for battle, but always felt as though he still didn't see her as an equal. His many reincarnations over the years were "meh". As Declan, he's definitely not on the "right side" of things; nonetheless, his character is fantastic. Like Regin, he's loyal and invested in his cause. Given his past, I see him fighting against the immmortals as being completely reasonable. Why wouldn't he torture and murder the Immortals he'd been trained to think wanted to destroy humanity? Also, who wouldn't want to destroy the beings responsible for wiping out your ENTIRE family?! He's a tortured hero with major issues, but he sets them aside so that he can be what Regin needs! More importantly, he sees Regin and appreciates her strengths. It was so rewarding to see them accept one another, flaws and all. I loved that Regin fell in love with the man, and not the Aidan reincarnation. With a terrific cast of secondary characters (Natalya, Thad, Brandyr, Lothaire) and lots of action, this book kept me captivated from one chapter to the next. #bookstagrammers #readromance #bookstoread #mimirecommends #mimireadsromance2019 #IAD #immortalsafterdarkseries #fatedmates #kresleycole #readersofinstagram #reader #books #fatedmatespodcast https://www.instagram.com/p/BvIKW1UgzCU/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=tbbm7y4i3tze
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mermaidsirennikita · 4 months
I'd love it if Kindle had the option to change character names in romance novels. In paranormal, it drives me insane that a hero's name is often ridiculously spelled. I mean, I'd swap Ehneeighmagh for just Enigma in a heartbeat. Not to mention many ppl pass on reading a romance when the MCs have the same name as their kids. I understand some authors may not allow such a feature enabled for their stories, but I bet many will not care.
I’m going to be real honest with y’all.
If you are so distracted by the character name that you need to change it, the book isn’t grabbing your enough.
One of my favorite books of all time is Lothaire, starring the character Lothaire, and I think that name is…… I won’t go into it for fear of offending the Lothaires of the world, but suffice to say, I thought it was very goofy.
The book won me over because it’s good. And I think the same can be said for allll the people who read and bought Black Dagger Brotherhood books despite the characters being named things like RAHVONGE (not a BDB name, but it could be).
As for people passing on books because the characters have their kids’ names, that’s a personal call that not everyone will make, and it’s never been a game changer before? So I don’t know why it would be one now.
As a writer? I choose character names for a reason. I bet a lot of them will care. And I bet a lot of them simply won’t want y’all to have the ability to change rather important details about their work whenever you want, which is absolutely valid and important.
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mermaidsirennikita · 6 months
How do you feel about third act breakups? And do you have any favorites books with them to recommend?
When done well, I love 'em. Personally, I don't read a romance because I want to read about people just falling in love and fuckin' around without any conflict. I want to read about people having to fight for their love. Sometimes, that means splitting for a minute.
I think the reason why people don't love third act breakups right now, if I'm being super blunt, is that a lot of people have a very limited reading range wherein they only read a narrow selection of books. And a lot of those books? Don't do it well. I do think it's more challenging for low stakes books, which a lot of contemporary romcoms inherently are, to pull off the third-act breakup. Doesn't mean it's impossible! But it can be difficult, because I think that we often identify more with the characters in those settings and can go "... really?"
I also think that there are authors who do them just to do them, and you do need a good REASON for the characters to break up. I don't think it always needs to be because of the internal failings of the characters. I think it can be for external reasons, too. But I personally find a good third-act breakup super satisfying, because I love the angst and I love the reunion.
Some books that have done third-act breakups I love:
Give Me More by Sara Cate. This is MMF, so it's really one party breaking up with the other two while they stay together. And I felt like this made sense, because the one who did the breaking up knew he had a lot of work to do. The other two didn't want him to leave, but he NEEDED to, and I feel like...if they hadn't broken up, it would've felt kind of ludicrous for them to just move on. I also like the third act breakup in Praise. Tbh, Sara Cate can be hit or miss for me and I do think that some third act breakups she'd done are meh, but those really worked for me.
New Camelot by Sierra Simone. Another MMF, and this breakup is one where the throuple get together at the end of book 1, breaks up at the end of book 2, and really spends a lot of time with one part of the trio very separate. And again, I think this was necessary. These three had such an angsty relationship, and the party that splits off was SO full of self-loathing and resentment, and it truly served the overarching plot of the story. If he had not left, it would've been like... okay, so he has ZERO sense of will, ZERO independence, and a SUPERHUMAN level of tolerance for some really negative emotions. Also, it was consistent with his history.
The Duke Gets Even by Joanna Shupe. I loooove this one. She was being consistent with her emotional issues she'd had since the start of the book; he wasn't being a doormat. It worked for both of them, and it worked for the plot. The Bride Goes Rogue also has an excellent third act breakup, because it's like--if she had not dumped his ass, she would've had zero self respect. He needed to be dumped.
Kiss an Angel by Susan Elizabeth Phillips has one of my favorite variations, which is "she just fucks off and doesn't tell him where she's going and he freaks the fuck out". And again, HE NEEDED TO BE DUMPED. IT WAS A THING THAT NEEDED TO HAPPEN. HE FUCKED UP.
Priest by Sierra Simone. A lot of people hate this third act breakup. I ask "literally how the fuck do you expect a book about a truly devout Catholic priest who struggles with his spirituality and his place in life and the Church falling in love with a woman and breaking his vows to NOT have a third act breakup", it made sense to me that she needed something that she wasn't getting from him and he frankly needed a minute to figure himself out.
Lothaire by Kresley Cole. One of the greatest TABs of all time. She literally almost kills him and then he spends several weeks bitching and moaning all by himself and smelling her panties and trying to kiss other women and not even being able to stomach it because SHE HAS RUINED HIM.
Hyacinth by S.M. LaViolette. I loved this one, because it made sense that Hyacinth, a neurodivergent character whose abuse has convinced her that she's incapable of love, would struggle to communicate her intentions to her hero, and he would get mad at that, and she wouldn't be able to deal and would fuck off. And then it means he can go find her again and grovel and learn how to make her comfortable by talking to people who love her!
The Earl Takes All by Lorraine Heath. Literally necessary to the plot that they break up for a minute! And the angst is DELICIOUS.
Mafia Madman by Mila Finelli. He needed to be broken up with, she needed to be away from him to affirm that she actually wanted to be with him. Also? Another one where he gets to sit there and be MISERABLE for a min.
A LOT of my favorite books have TABs, and I think that they can be deeply necessary to ensure that the book isn't just... boring.
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