#one of my fav btas scenes
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batman: the animated series || s02e09 - trial
#dcedit#btasedit#dcuedit#dcmultiverse#jokeredit#batman the animated series#the joker#harley quinn#joker x harley#dc#mine#*#one of my fav btas scenes
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I just finished watching someone's playthrough of Arkham Shadow.
BRB, gonna throw up from grief.
; _ ; AAAAAAAA. Welcome to Arkham Shadow Brain. You won't stop thinking about Batman and Two Face for a looong time.
The game is so not anything I expected, but there's so much going on! they put so much care into the dynamics between characters and the direction in the acting that it feels so unlike other games in the franchise. A vr game hardly anyone will play bc it's vr 😭😭
It's so up close and personal, by far one of my fav adaptations to date. It's funny after joker 2 and caped crusader where he was announced to be in and hyped up.
I have so many thoughts still I rewrote this several times. Ugh, it's so deliciously tragic! It means so much to see a character with a story like Harvey's receive like, the weight it deserves and be so idk multifaceted? Bruce and Harvey, are so flawed, there's so much going on with them. They're so arrogant, angry and hurt and they want to do something about the world so it never happens again.
-I had a Hc on what their relationship as traumatized and socially stunted kids would be and this is so... much of that.
-I love that Leslie shows up so much here. I know her from btas and seeing her here was so surprising but so fitting. I know she's in the comics and was one of the many supportive figures in Bruce's life so seeing her doing that with Harvey is soo ;_;
-Idk if you heard the tapes but you realize that there's more behind Harvey's accident and how he knew about it and you only find this tape with the conversation in the ship near the end of the game where you found him and have to follow him,,,, ough
-Harvey goes above and beyond believing he's doing you a favor by shooting Joe Chill (it's what he would've done to his dad). Then, you take the cowl off and he thinks you hate him for what he's done and the stuff he said about batman in the tapes among other things. He probably suspected you were batman,,, but couldn't confirm it and he wasn't going to ask.
-Harvey felt he was losing himself from way before the events of the game, but he didn't care that much about himself as a person. It was always about keeping up appearances and having everything under control. His job being more important.
-I think Harvey didn't trust Leslie about his mental health as an adult, much less Bruce. It's like, he's an adult now, hes married, he can fix this city he might as well act like it. Then, he does some dodgy shit, it blows up in his face and he now has to atone for it somehow and still doesn't go to the ppl he trusts. At least, that's how I'd explain Harvey, not Harv, bringing Joe chill into the ship that late and leaving Bruce a message.
-the rooftop scene when he drags you down is harvey saying: "I love you but I hate myself more"
-Also I sort of interpret the ending as Harvey having no hope for himself. I think he's trying to comfort Bruce by saying this isn't the end of him. Kinda like when Bruce hit him, he's hurt and freaking out but he still gives Bruce fighting words bc it's not about harveys well being but having everything under control.
There's likely many ways to see it but I lean towards the least hopeful considering how fucked up he must feel.
Anyways, I'm glad you got to see it! I'm still very much not over it lmao
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Have any tips on writing Jonathan/Scarecrow? Or things to especially avoid? I don’t write cannon a lot but want to try with him for a fic I’m writing due to a fun scene I had in mind, plus scythe fighting is really fun. But it’s a bit intimidating to tackle one of my fav’s and a strong character like him. Also thoughts on Crane being immune to fear toxin?
Hey, I can help! Here's some general knowledge and tips you might find useful!
Jonathan, depending on the origin (year one, verses say, btas) he can either be afraid of crows or empowered by them. He loves to scare birds in general though and sometimes even has a crow companion. None of these choices are right or wrong, it depends on what you want to write
He lives off others fear, and even his own fear. Sometimes he takes the toxin just of feel fear. There's even canons were he's virtually emotionless from toxin overdose
Speaking of above, I personally hate the trope of Jonathan not being immune to his own toxin. Let's be real, he tests it on himself all the time and definitely has SOME kind of immunity. It's literally his baby, he's not going down if batman injects him with it. Sorry DC, but I'm different.
He is VERY SMART, one of THE smartest rogues if not literally the smartest. He's gonna use your words against you, he's gonna analyze you deep down and tear you apart from trauma to trauma.
Even so, he's had a lot of childhood issues. He is bullied by kids and adults like.So, it's possible to get to him just by mocking him.
OH. And don't forget the fact that he himself is a bully. He's the "it happened to me, so I will make everyone suffer as I did" type. The irony is not lost on him
He's not weak. If he can successfully use a scythe, he's fucking strong, it's just that he appears lanky and weak. It's all muscle I assure you. (Don't forget violent dancing -- see batman annual 19 for good references) He will use his looks against you in this way, don't underestimate him. (also, sorry DC -- he's built different)
As for what to avoid, well that's up to you. You don't have to make him scared of crows, or give him a bird friend. You can write him super dark and nasty, absolutely vile. Misogynistic, even. Some comics do that. (not that I agree, but I can see it being valid)
Honestly, just have fun, maybe use a handful of comics for inspiration. I'm of the mind that there is no right or wrong way to use comic characters like in the DC or Marvel verses, because SO MANY writers have written them and there's always going to be contradictions---and with that, someone will ALWAYS like what you have written. Not everyone will, but you don't need it to appeal that way, find your niche. That's how we prosper as creatives.
I hope this helps!! <333
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Howdy! Long-ish lurker, first time asker. Your posts the other day(s?) about encouraging people to put themselves out there, and also the general vibes of your shebbz shouts have inspired me to start blogging. But that's not important! What IS important is that recently I managed to introduce my friend to Superman TAS (unrelated to your blogging about it) and we've been having a blast. His thoughts pretty much boil down to: Lois being sassy towards Perry? EPIC! Livewire being sassy towards Superman? AMAZING. Lex Luthor being Lex Luthor? OFF THE CHARTS. But this is only important for context!
What's REALLY important is that a few days ago we were watching the two-part opening to Season 2 and we started noticing that in some frames Mala has rounded ears, and in others she has pointed ears. Then we noticed the same thing is going on with Jax-Ur's ears! We started paying more attention until we spotted one scene from 8:15-8:22 where Jax-Ur's ears shapeshift frame-by-frame before your very eyes and we were HOWLING with laughter and replaying it over and over
MUAHAHAHA!!! YES!!! MY EVIL PLAN (to encourage people to interact with each other and use the microblogging site for actual blogging and human connection) IS COMING TO FRUITION!!!! also good to hear other people are liking this show. it's such a fun way to wind down and have a giggle when i'm too tuckered out to draw between classes, and the fight choreography is both impressive on a technical level (the mail truck scene is a personal fav) AND just plain cool and hilarious to watch.
i take a lot of random screenshots of brilliant, funny, or weird stas & btas frames to send to my friend, but several of the pics i took of that two-parter were just "oh mala looks great here".
i admit i love mala VERY MUCH. she's serving boethiah to me. she's so CUTE and SILLY and about as jacked as they'll let a chick get in these shows. i think she should be let out of the hell dimension to blow stuff up for fun here and there as a special treat because i like her. I SUPPORT WOMEN'S WRONGS!!!!
#this post got away from me. look i just think mala has girl power and i respect her go-getter attitude#shebbz shoutz#stas#superman#mala#shebbz screenshotz#ask
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What initially made you fancy Scarebat as a pairing?
oh my, that’s such an enchanting question, as it is brain wrecking. i honestly struggle to put my thoughts into proper words. it feel like it’s too little an’ too much at the same time.
but ah, you can say, that my very first brush with them as a ship happened years an’ years back, when a kid me was sitting in front of a TV, waiting for BTAS eps to air. essentially, they are the ship that i carried with me for the majority of my life, without ever realizing it. when i was a kid, terms like shipping an’ any meaningful ways of interacting with my fav fiction, wasn't smth that i could comprehend or really be into in any grand sense. back then, i was noticeably obsessed with their shared eps, a tad more than with some others. an’ i also was obsessed with this scene. looking back at it, this reaction made a lot of sense. it’s almost like falling in love with the thing at first sight, while having zero understanding as to why.
there are many things, that make scarebat a very 1:1 ship for me. but i think what got my attention at first was the general feeling of their overall dynamic. i adore horror / mindfuckery-coded stuff, always had, an’ i adore how horror in general can be intertwined with allegories to deeper things, esp when it comes to love / obsession / connection, that you can only form / obtain while enduring smth *mutually* terrifying. i love intensity in fiction, some sort of conflict that cannot be just talked over.
bruce's an' jon's personalities play into this bit so well. almost too well, like this was crafted for oddballs like me, who crave confined, one-to-one dynamics the most. an' what i mean by this, is that they’re both fairly isolated, emotionally closed off people. one of them cannot keep most of his connections for long *bruce*, the other one is borderline incapable of doing it *jon*. but regardless of the differences behind the reasoning of them being left stranded, they are stuck in the same situation.
bruce’s public persona can only fool someone for so long, bc as soon as they want to know him a bit closer, things get complicated. one of problems, that most bruces face is that his approach to relationships an’ intimacy, makes it seem like no person could ever be good enough for him to open up. or it feels like this would take too much time, that no one seems to be willing to waste. an’ i’m not saying that there should be clear-cut acceptance of everything or instant clicking understanding, no. what i’m saying is that knowing bruce, truly knowing him means putting an ungodly an’ enormous effort into it, an’ it’s fair that most people won’t feel like doing it. bruce's mental an' emotional barriers are high. so unless someone is ready to climb them for years, an' forgive his inability to react to thing in the way they want / he needs to, there is just no way to ever get on the other side. an' in meantime, the reward for their hard work might not be enough to sustain them. eventually, it might look like that barrier is just going on forever.
in comparison, jon's situation is different, even if it results in the same thing. but where bruce is liked just enough for people to attempt an’ get close to him, no one ever bothered to know jonathan. no one was really understanding him, or trying to. he’s neither easy nor appealing to approach. he’s not charming. he’s not kind. he might have been a fairly harmless, humble lad in his youth, but he’s not humble about his current situation as adult at all. if anything, he’s unpleasant an’ often confrontative about it. ill-fittingly arrogant even. most of the time, viewed by others either as a sore loser or irredeemable monster. jon is used to people simply assuming things about him, without even talking to him first. so depending on his mood / state of mind, he reacts to it accordingly. he's also paranoid an' his main knee-jerk reactions are often violent or a bit too extra. this would seem like a waste of time to even try to know such a person, wouldn't it? esp if he bares his teeth more often, than he tries to be polite in return.
him an' bruce are actually very similar when it comes to their distrust of others. crane might get into monologues about how the others wronged him, bc he kinda knows that most people who he tells this to would either not care at all or die at his hands. there isn't any actualy exposure happening. just him venting. bruce has alfred, so he does tell him certain things, usually when he has no idea what to do or wants a second opinion on smth. but neither of those situations is the same as actually showing off your belly so to speak.
both batman an' scarecrow don't have a very healthy outlook on trust, vulnerability and' intimacy. i mean, jon has no idea what the last one is even, an' he had only bad expirience with the first two. so his view on it is ever worse. more warped. which makes a perfect reasoning why he often literally crowbars his way into batman's brain, kicking at his mental walls, an' getting past them that way, regardless if bruce wants it or not. an’ while jonathan does it with all of his victims, it doesn’t mean that it’s personal for him. oftentimes, he’s more focused on pleasure he gets from it vs what the person actually sees in terms of learning about them. their fear might be interesting to him, they themselves are not so much. that’s until batman. until time pass, an' they exposed to each other in certain ways for like 20 times. the sheer fact that they can only be fully vulnerable, when they hallucinating an' exposed to ft, with no one around to haunt them, but each other is pretty telling.
i love how their differences coexist very neatly with their similarities an' how their respective issues *a disorder in jon's case* only add to it. esp since it's not like just anybody would work for jon. he doesn't want just anybody. an' bruce had a lot of experiences with various people, be it sexual or romantic, but he needs an anti-social wacko to be his keeper, bc no one else would wish for his everything, due to who he is, rather than what they think he are. an' jon needs someone with that insane amount of belief in him, that won't write him off as a mere creep like everyone else did.
certain things can heavily depend on specific aus, or versions of them, but overall, the way they are confined in that psychological, emotional bubble is very bewitching for me. it’s like holding one of those glass balls an’ see what happens within it once you give it a shake.
in general, scarebat is a rare kind of ship where everything works so nicely. their personalities, motivations, parallels that they have, along with differences that they use to fuel one another. man, even their designs an’ appearances *inside the costume or outside of it* collaborate amazingly into overarching story that can be told.
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(I have not read this comic) Is this true? (if so, ivy deserves someone better).
Kay, first off both of those people are Jarley shippers so take everything they say with a grain of salt and then some, cause no. that part isn't about how much Harley loves Joker and will always choose him over Ivy. Literally you can tell ops don't know what they're talking about cause her whole thing in those issues is going to kill him for years of graphic abuse but ultimately falls back with him once she’s face to face with him.
Like wow, congrats on missing the fucking point again but not surprised from people who ship her with The Fucking Joker.

also, ffs, can anyone please have basic comprehension skills and realize that Harley and Ivy are both fucked up sometimes because they’ve got issues and that’s not comparable to Joker’s long ass history of graphic and disgusting abuse.
Harley and Ivy are villains, they're not a wholesome cookie cutter, White Picket Fence, super vanilla ship with no bad moments. They're both bad guys with a fuck ton of trauma that they both have to work through, and have done so at this point.
Gotham City Sirens was published between 2009 - 2011, Harley and Ivy weren't blatantly romantic at this point nor had they had anywhere near the development that they’ve had at this point.
Like don’t go into Harlivy content expecting them to be the perfect wlw rep with no flaws during their arcs from BTAS to current time cause that’s just not realistic. They’re both deeply flawed people who’ve got a fuck ton of trauma that they need to (and have) worked through.
I have talked about the BTAS issues here and this post is good at explaining them too.
Harlivy is not and has never been a purely wholesome, goody-goody ship. They’re messy, they have issues, and they have bad moments sometimes, but they both worked through their seperate trauma and came out stronger and better because at the end of the day, they care about each other.
Harlivy has messy, toxic moments sometimes, but they’re not, and have never been, abusive. There’s a difference between unhealthy moments and a ship being abusive.
That’s completely different to how Joker acts Constantly, because he does not care that his actions towards Harley are abusive, because he doesn’t give a shit about her.
He enjoys hurting her. He enjoys ruining her.
Jarley has always been intended to be written and shown as a domestically abusive relationship.
This is also the first instance where it's directly referenced that there's something more than platonic between her and Ivy, other than the reference in Batgirl Adventures.
Gotham City Sirens is also not connected to any verses.
This didn’t happen in the timeline we’re in rn with Harley Quinn (2014)/(2016)/(2021).
Comic timelines and shit are stupid and make everything more confusing and awful and I hate it sdfjdksksdkjsd
this is gonna be a long post since ops wanna just cut and paste random bits of the issues like jarley stans always do (cause jarley never has good moments that aren’t entirely surrounded by him abusing her) I’m going to show them in full context. *added a keep reading cause it is a lot
(All panels shown are from #15, #18, #19, #20, #21, #23, #24, #25)
So, Harley's entire thing at this point in the GCS comic in that she's been triggered by flashbacks of Joker's abuse and she breaks into Arkham with the intent to kill him.

The entire thing in these issues is showing her smarts and how she knows people's trump cards to get under their skin so she can break into Arkham.
She’s trained to identify these things in people and she's fucking good at pushing people's buttons.

this is also just one of my fav Harley covers so I wanted to show it jsdjksdks

“Trump cards. Everyone has one. Places where the armor we build around ourselves is weakest.”
She’s right. And it’s now shown that Harley’s willing to use those below the belt trump cards if she has to.
And frankly, I’d say this is worse than what she says to Ivy. And I’m not surprised she did it. She didn’t want to, she tried to get him to just open the door -

“Don’t make me do this, Aaron. There are some secrets that should stay hidden. Things you should never learn about your own life.”
but she’s also entirely fueled by rage and the desire to kill Joker. She came here for a reason and she’s not leaving until she’s done it.

“I’m going to kill you. For everything you’ve done to me. All the times you’ve made me feel useless and small. For all the times I will never forget. For all the things I can never forgive. All the memories -”
“Hello, Harley. I’ve missed you.”
“Memories. That’s all I have left. The past is gone and all I have is... memories.
I guess I too have a trump card.”

“Oh, Ivy. You know exactly what my answer is going to be. But you’re hoping you’re wrong, aren’t you?”
She’s also right about this, they already mentioned this in #18.

“How did I become the bad guy?”
“You’re the one choosing a man over her girls.”
“Are you kidding me? You would never say that to Harley, and we both know she’d dumb us in a flat second if Joker called her.”
“Hey! That’s not fair-- Actually, that’s probably true.”
“The difference is, she can’t help it. You can. And she’s working on it. You’re not working on it.”

“Too easy, Ivy. Too easy. I know your weak spots. Now I just need to push.”
This is exactly what she’s been doing since the starting point of this post. She’s still in that mindset and she knows she can’t beat her on a regular battle field. Neither of them can.

“Like I said-- You beat me in any level playing field. But I don’t fight on those fields.”
Harley’s biggest strength as a villain is her ability to completely mentally stall her opponents and learn their weak spots. She wouldn’t win against the majority of the Big Bads if she didn’t fight on a different field than they are.
so, like yeah, out of context what she says to Ivy seems awful and completely screwed up, and it is, but it’s also built up really well and it’s completely in character for her at this point in her fall during these issues.
Is what she did fucked? absolutely. It’s not painted that it’s not.
Ivy Literally Goes To Kill Her For It.
In the end of this all three of them are recaptured by Catwoman and Batman and that’s where we’re starting off at again.

“Oh, Harley.
The only human I’ve ever called a friend.
To what lengths will I go? Where are my own limits? She is the Strangler fig. And I am the tree, choking underneath.
Without me, she could never grow.
But without her, I would fall if I grew too tall.”

“Will she ever stand by herself?
Will she ever be ready?
She is in throes of madness. She sees him, her brain flooding with adrenaline, it makes her excited, nervous, then the feelings start to fade, and she needs more. And more.
She sees it as passion. She sees it as love.
But it’s not. It’s addiction. And she’s relapsing.”
Ivy is well aware of the nature of their relationship. She’s not stupid and she’s been shown already to know that it’s something that takes time. It’s not a one off break up and it’s over. That’s not how abusve relationships work.

What do I do?
I could use my pheromones to alter her brain chemistry.
I could leave her behind abandoning her to the wilds of her own mind.
I could kill her right now.
Show her how red Nature can be.
There's one other option.

It would require patience.
Even love.
Maybe I'm more human than I want to admit.

"You have one chance to answer this."
I know, if she agrees, she'll be doing it for revenge. For him.
"She put us behind bars."
But maybe if I get away from this place, if I give her something else to think about. Maybe she can break the cycle. But it has to be her choice.
"I'm going to kill her. Come with me."
So yeah, it’s definitely not a just “Harley hurts her and runs off with Joker and it’s just a plain ol’ her choosing him over everyone and that’s that.”
Jarley shippers love to just reduce all her scenes and arcs down to their “epic love” and shit, but that’s taking away literally everything about her and reducing it down to the 3 panels that they’re “cute” in. Her arc in this part is fucking heartbreaking to read.
And Ivy damn well knows what’s going on with her. She’s smart and she’s the one that’s been there throughout all of this. She found her in the park after he shot her out of a rocket.
And she knows it’ll take time for Harley to get over and through his manipulation, that’s just how it works with abusive relationships.
But she’s also not forgiving at first, she’s mad and rightfully so, until she sees the sate of Harley’s cell and realizes how bad her addiction is at that time.
A lot of the unhealthy moments on Harley’s side when it comes to them are directly caused from the effects of being in an abusive relationship with Joker. Because she’s always in this area of her journey in those moments. She’s never fully over him or emancipated.
And that’s realistic. It’s hard sometimes to be friends with someone who’s in abusive relationships like theirs, having to watch them return to that person time and time again and it’s frustrating after a while.
I know from personal experience, it’s really hard to watch someone you care about go back or forgive someone that continues to hurt them.
But abuse victims desperately need a support system outside of their abuser. It’s a crucial part of being able to escape, because when they do try to get out they need someone there or they’ll literally have no where to go but back into their abuser’s arms.
It’s heartbreaking and it’s really rough for everyone effected, but that’s just how it is most of the time. Especially in their case, as they’re not just regular folk dealing with this.
If she doesn’t have Ivy, Harley has no one else to go to but Joker, on more than just an emotional level.
She’s lost her job. Her income. Her home. Her livelihood. Her everything.
Most of the time she has no other choice but to return to a life of crime after she’s released from Arkham because she can’t get a job, she’s a notorious criminal and she’s got a lot of issues that don’t just disappear with a bit of therapy.
She has no other choice but to return to Joker because the other alternative is the streets. At least she knows what to expect with him.
And that’s not even getting into the manipulation, gaslighting and degrading abuse that he drills into her constantly.
He’s made her believe she’s not anything without him. That she’s not smart or useful or anything.
And that’s why it’s so damn important for her to have a support system and why he’s so damn against Ivy.
Because Ivy is the good voice on her shoulder telling her he’s wrong and that she doesn’t deserve that.
And on Ivy’s side, she’s aware she gets very near cutting off all parts of her humanity.
She’s a plant goddess, she’s insanely powerful and she feels everything through the green. Frankly, she’s not even on the same playing field as these villains. She’s significanty more powerful than Harley and Joker.
Her connection to Harley is what keeps her humanity in tack, because despite everything, she does care about her. She was the first person she let in, the first person Ivy called a friend.
The person that was able to get through to her in #14/#15 when she was losing herself. The one that was able to get through to her that the dude was manipulating her.

“Ivy, I know you think you love this guy... but you’re just gonna end up strapped to his rocket!”
She had to knock her out for the dude to trust her / not attack them anymore. But Harley got through to her by mentioning how they first met in the park when she saved her after Joker shot her off in a rocket.

And Ivy is understandable turned off towards humans considering her origin and trauma around that.
She’s got a lot of trust issues.
But both of them work through their seperate traumas over the years because their affection for each other is stronger than the issues their trauma has given them.
and also, sometimes, they just have shit writers. that’s an issue overall in comic fandoms. Some writers just fucking suck at getting any of the characters right, let alone LGBT characters, who’re notoriously treated like garbage by DC.
#sorry if it came off a bit aggressive anon i don't mind ya asking <3#ops just annoy me SDJSKSK#tw abuse#tw clown boy#long post#♦️ asks ♦️#harley quinn#harleen quinzel#poison ivy#pamela isley#harlivy#gotham city sirens#me? rambling in detail about Harley? yup yup
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Here’s my “Mad Love” scene | storyboard thumbnails. Now working on the official one atm. W/ BTAS Animated Series Joker bc he’s my fav. 😇
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