#one is done by china
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review-anon · 5 days ago
lilo and stitch anime??? I thought u guys were referring to the tv series?? I'm so confused
//There's One TV Series and Two Animes.
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//The TV Series is the first and the one you are probably thinking of which is when Lilo and Stitch go to capture all the remaining 622 experiments that Jumba made, which came out between 2003 and 2006. Which side note no we don't have 622 episodes and not all the experiments do show up which is a massive bummer. But I remember watching this as a kid and loving it.
//The Experiments are a MAJOR influence into my general creature design thought process in general so if some of the future Void Juice Monsters look familiar that's why.
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//Then you have Stitch! The anime which came out in 2008 and 2011. This takes place in the future when Lilo is all grown up and Stitch has found some new friends in Yuna a Japanese-Hawaiian girl and one who wouldn't be out of place in Pokemon Sun and Moon, and Kijimunaa a youkai. Yep because having alien experiments isn't good enough, we also have some good old Japanese supernatural beasts as well. The plot is Stitch attacked a spiritual stone to make a wish to get stronger but for it to work he needs to do 43 good deeds which since losing Lilo has made Stitch regress a bit means he and Yuna have to make sure he gets good again.
//I haven't seen many of the episodes but I probably need to watch them at some point. I do know Stitch's English vocabulary is much better here as he actually talks in proper sentences now. I understand why since its in the future and all, but it just feels weird he's not talking gibberish all the time, and there is a episode when we see Lilo and....well...let's just say most people aren't happy how she's portrayed in this.
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//And finally you have Stitch and Ai, the most recent one as it came out in 2018 though it was a year eariler for Chinese auidences. To the surprise of literally nobody, this was a TV series designed to cater to the Chinese market as Stitch finds himself in China and befriends another young girl, named Ai who is basically Chinese Lilo. This also takes place after Leroy and Stitch but seems to be be in a seperate timeline to Stitch! Here Stitch is being hunted by two alien factions who want to use a hidden feature in him to win the war they are having with each other and its up to Stitch and Ai to keep away from them.
//Oh that hidden feature Stitch has? It's the Kaiju form I talked about and well;
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//That is...something alright.
//So yeah that's all the TV Series/Anime Stitch has Sparkles. Its a LOT.
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999-roses · 2 months ago
I dont know where you people are finding or trusting (!!) places like Chuang or Lausan but come on.
1. pieces using terminology like authoritarianism or totalitarianism should at least give you some skepticism, if not in taking them seriously, then at least in having some understanding of how those terms are positioned geopolitics, eg, western imperialist motives in smearing their enemies who have the most power and ability and organization in fighting back.
2. theyre very purposefully unclear in their exact positions or affiliations. say, their funding for operations - especially when it's not just one guy and clearly they're not asking for viewer/follower support. they may (supposedly) seek collaboration with indigenous and anti-imperialist groups and then turn around and either insinuate or openly call china imperialist. unserious. and then have the gall to say they support a revolutionary global leftism
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grandwretch · 7 months ago
modern au; nonbinary steve
dustin bullies steve into playing their favorite MMO with them. to Dustin's disgust, Steve's favorite part is collecting all the different cosmetic items and making cool fantasy outfits for his avatar. unbeknownst to the party, steve creates an alt account where he can collect the female outfits and wigs, because there's a bigger selection and they're much prettier.
as Steve interacts w people on his new account, he realizes he likes it better-- for one, people pay attention to women in a way he isn't used to. not all of it is good attention, but steve relishes in it. also, he likes that people see him as a woman. he likes that they don't even think about it. quickly he joins a guild and actually starts playing the game in earnest, just so that he has these relationships with people who view and treat him as a woman.
he meets Eddie there. Eddie is charming and flirtatious with everyone, men and women, but it's clear that Steve is his favorite. Very carefully, Steve becomes closer and closer to Eddie-- close enough that Steve is full of guilt.
He feels like he's lying to Eddie about who he is, even though he's told the truth about everything but his gender. Even worse is the realization that he doesn't ever want Eddie to think of him as man-- which is confusing, because steve isn't exactly comfortable with someone he's falling in love with thinking of him as a woman.
Things get even worse when, after Steve drunk texts Eddie after a night out with Robin, they start sexting. Its fun, casual flirtation, nothing too serious, but Strve realizes he likes the idea of sex better as his alternate self. He likes pretending to have tits, he likes imagining what it would be like to have a cunt, he likes talking about wearing lingerie and being Eddie's good girl.
He thinks he can't come clean without losing the best thing he's ever had, so Steve pushes his guilt down and pretends he's not in love.
Of course he gets caught out, eventually. Dustin and Eddie become friends in real life and Eddie isn't an idiot. Steve is mortified and distraught, but once Eddie is sure that this wasn't all a cruel prank, he's quick to assure Steve that nothing has to change-- Knowing that in real life Steve has broad shoulders and a square jaw doesn't make him any more of a "man" than his online avatar makes him a "woman". Not if that's not what Steve wants.
So Steve doesn't have to give anything up. He gets to keep his amazing, supportive boyfriend. He gets to keep his pretty clothes and avatar. He gets to keep experimenting in the bedroom, finding out what makes him happy instead of what he thinks he should be doing.
And he gets more, things Steve never even dreamed of having: He gets to start buying pretty clothes in real life, too, and they hang next to his polos like they belong. He gets to grow out his hair. He gets to slowly find out what he likes, how he wants people to think of him, how he wants to think of himself.
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soupandflowers · 9 months ago
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All China appearances so far in Hetalia Gangsta
(not in order)
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eustasskiddsprosthetic · 2 months ago
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I hope to give you more coloured pieces this year
also I should fix bobo's left eye lol
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blorbocedes · 2 years ago
nicologists of the world what would you say is Nico's best race... I'm thinking Singapore 2016 😮‍💨
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lonewolflink · 8 months ago
me, having slept ~5/6 hours a night for the last 10 days, working 16 hour days to try to finish this fuckass dissertation: brain no thinik good i can't do this i'm so tired also me: a statistical analysis of pierre-luc dubois x ovechkin's uptick in goals after finding a new stick he liked last season = ovechkin is going to score 50 goals this year and break the all time record (and PLD will hit 60/70 points as his centerman). in this essay i will also also me: ovechkin should sign a 1/2 year extension so he can hit 1000 goals, and piss off all the pittsburgh fans and xenophobic canadians haters who say he's an empty net/PP merchant
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vv-ispy · 10 months ago
also also I know everyone likes to talk about how good of an archon Venti is because he left mondstadt to do its own thing and hey look Zhongli's doing the same now with his retirement but I also like how the story shows it isn't without flaws, with so much freedom in the city it's all too easy to take control with power, Mondstadt's people may be free but they also don't have a god to actually uphold the ideal they stand for and how personal freedoms conflict, discrimination(eg. against Eula and her clan) is allowed because the people are free to do whatever they want, the fatui really wormed their way into mondstadt during the webtoon + nearly did with Davalin bc the people of mondstadt do whatever they want so Jean is overworked and the knights are ineffective(according to Diluc), and how mondstadt might have been the least free place for the common people during the Lawrences rule despite being the region governed by the archon of freedom
Zhongli at least first tested his people were ready before retiring, Venti kinda acended, organized a bunch of celebrations for his people, then left them to have fun with their newfound freedom only interveining when things get really bad
#to be fair zhongli's only left his people for a couple of years so who knows maybe if he left them for long enough#despite honing his nation on honesty and contracts things would delve into chaos too#or a capitalistic mess and we all know what it's like to live in one of those#now if liyue didn't have plot-armour-due-to-chinese-region-in-a-chinese-game............#my thoughts on liyue are 'god i wish its story was actually about the common folk common folk#but what i know of the chinese government is the communist party represents the common folk#so in reality it's more like common-folk-party-does-so-good-for-the-common-folk see????'#i really like liyue and its environment too!#wish they explored its flaws too and didn't present it as perfect due to china-chinese-media-relationship!#all of liyue's plots are like 'it's the time of the common folk i want to tell stories about the common people'#'(but also hold on to tradition and respect the traditions which are represented by the adepti)'#can we pls have some actual flaws like the rigidity of contracts and lack of change and rule of tradition#instead of 'contracts are good and honest and also change as the times change for the good of the people'#like yes zhongli at least tested his people before implementing that big change of stepping down#but also if the game didn't have to put china in a positive light tbh idk if he would have done that#as it might be more interesting to explore his archonhood ideal in both its good and its bad#and may have focused more on liyue's difficulting in changing and adapting to the modern tiemes#if venti is the god of freedom and is too free at times then zhongli the god of contracts is too stagnant at times#i have. complicated feelings about liyue due to my complicated feelings about being raised chinese#so mondstadt my fav for representing and giving people freedom#genshin talk
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m4ruk4ts · 1 year ago
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one of the few things these two have in common is the love for football (and messi, obviously) so i thought it would be a good idea to draw them playing it :3
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elms-art-gallery · 8 months ago
Looking through what fandoms you did art for is fascinating. Are you donating your brain to medical science?
thanks. my brain will actually be stored in a computer to endlessly generate more art for more fandoms both niche and popular until the heat death of the universe.
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starthornisscratching · 8 months ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Hetalia: Axis Powers Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: China (Hetalia), America (Hetalia) Additional Tags: AmeChu Week 2024, The Legend Of Sleepyhollow References, Crack Treated Seriously, Attempt at Humor, SO RUSHED AGAIN I'M SO SORRY, but the week is done now! I made it! Series: Part 7 of AmeChu Week 2024 Summary:
America's head rolls off his shoulders. China's in shock.
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teenagefeeling · 6 months ago
okay i wanna post a quiz too, map quizzes are fun. warning that i do not recommend doing this one on your phone, but everyone with access to a real computer go take this quiz about USA tourist destinations
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bibleofficial · 4 months ago
if trump actually does put tariffs on fuckin everything that could be very good for america in the long run tbf
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thetimelordbatgirl · 1 year ago
Generally did not know there was a channel called D*ve C*meron Shady, but god damn to youtubers somehow managing to watch her enough to notice her either being shady, lying or just annoying others around her.
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moonwoodhollow · 7 months ago
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ceiling-karasu · 9 months ago
Poll: For the next AU
Since the Wolf Unit hunts enemy scouts with deadly accuracy, I think I might want to work on the disguises and how the scouts protect their identities. Obviously, fur dye with Juldarami with the stripes, and trimming the extra fur tufts that grow in during the winter as in the first AU. But the question is, why would he have stripes?
From what I have researched, red squirrels are determined by a lighter lower half and a darker top half, with a phenotype of darker patches on the head and top, but I don't see a phenotype for multiple stripe looking patches.
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I HAVE, however, found lots of sources for several species of Striped Squirrel's found in Asia.
Swinhoe's Striped Squirrel (left) and the Three Striped Ground Squirrel (middle), for instance, look very similar to Juldarami.
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He can also be a bit more brash, and I feel like he has a different sounding voice, than the other squirrels.
I saw in a YouTube video once that darami means both squirrel and chipmunk in Korean. But if they said 'red squirrel,' then they would also need to say 'brown hedgehog,' or something like that, and by that point the mouthfeel is off.
Juldarami is supposedly archaic slang for chipmunk, which is in turn slang for striped, so it is one big circle there that leads back into striped squirrel. Plus, he is too large, and the 'stripes' are in the wrong area and colors for a chipmunk.
Feel free to add anything!
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