#one direction screencaps
vriskan8or · 3 months
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let her go
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alicenpai · 10 months
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i love...wanpee...........🍊🍶🧡💚
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thankstothe · 7 months
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every-kakashi · 7 months
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saint maud (2019)
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radrobotz · 8 months
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in my heart i know they are t4t
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kira-light0 · 9 months
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Fifth redraw: Frank and Margaret
Prev. Next.
(Reference under the cut)
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popuruu · 1 year
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rewatching 1015 and they did Yamato so much justice man....... I cant get enough of him I love the guy
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psygull · 3 months
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The Rover (2014)
"You must really love that car, darling. What a thing to get worked up about in this day and age."
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deerlisteners · 1 year
thinking abt how felix derides the blind loyalty & chivalry of dedue & ingrid but his loyalty is so integral to his character that if he defects from the faerghan army he becomes basically aimless and gets generally worse endings…. how he admits that he’s become exactly what he couldn’t bear to see in dimitri…………….. & thinking abt how he refuses to entertain the idea of the dead having any bearing on reality to dimitri & ingrid but then when dimitri dies in non-AM routes felix is always thinking abt him (“could i have saved him? could i have stopped him?” + wanting to avenge him etc.)…….. & thinking abt how he acts all standoffish & like he doesn’t care but he painstakingly adapts his fighting style to complement those of his friends to keep them safe…….. what CAN’T he do
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blue-ravens · 2 years
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markantonys · 3 months
however insufferable i am about gawyn now, i will only become 100x more so once we have show content for him. this is a promise, this is a warning, this is a threat.
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louisestuffs · 1 year
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like if you save or @captiveprnce.
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zukkaoru · 3 months
i think the “this doesn’t even rhyme” part of that post was a joke because the lyrics were. questionable and like it was a sarcastic way of saying “there’s nothing good about this.” that’s how i took it at least idk. no hate i just know i may be one of the people that put it on your dash and wanted to explain that
i'm gonna be honest that wasn't in reference to just one singular post bc i saw the same complaint after the last album came out and multiple posts about different lyrics today. so while that may be the case for that specific post, it was more just a complaint about that critique in general + using that as a specific example bc i genuinely have never seen people criticize any other artist for using slant rhymes. and also idk,, there are plenty of other artists out there who are terrible people and whose lyrics suck and i don't see half as much ridicule and critique for them as i do taylor swift so it gets kind of irritating sometimes lol especially when it's the same critique (i.e. imperfect rhymes) over and over again
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Great(?) minds think alike
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nerice · 8 months
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