#one day im gonna have skill and come back to draw this
maxaroniiiii · 2 years
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just a boy and his giant bug
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magewritesstories · 6 months
obsessed w ur gilmore girls EVERYTHING, would love some more logan whenever ur feeling up to it 💖 (even tho im a jess girlie at heart)
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[ ʟᴏɢᴀɴ ʜᴜɴᴛᴢʙᴇʀɢᴇʀ ] ᴄʟᴀꜱꜱ ᴀꜱꜱɪɢɴᴇᴍᴇɴᴛ
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summary: logan is in your business economics class and he absolutly does not work in class—except when you're involved of course ;) TW: none note: i'm also a jess girlie at heart, but im definitly team logan when it comes to rory lol, also i dont know what this is but i hope you enjoy it anyway.
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♣ you're pretty much the only reason he even attends this class ♣ he just sits in the back and watches with interest as you participate in class discussions. ♣ if Finn and Colin notice how his seat keeps getting closer to yours every lecture they dont comment on it ♣ speaking of Finn and Colin—they're both little shits (affectionate) ♣ the kind of guys to ask you the most stupid questions, and when you ask them why they even took this class they just shrug and reply, "it sounded fun." ♣ like what about business ec sounded fun to you?? ♣ (in reality they just followed logan)
♣ when the blessed day finally arrives and you ask him if he wants to work on the group assignment together he's over the moon ♣ (he has selective observation skill and ignores the fact that the only reason you asked him was because him, colin and finn basically had you surrounded in terms of seats) ♣ he obviously agrees and you exchange numbers to meet up and work on the project
♣ now, lets get one thing straight, logan does not work ♣ if there is anyway this man can slack off and get a passing grade without doing anything he will do it ♣ but now its you and there's no way he's making a bad impression by makign you do all the work (he will tell colin and finn to make up some stupid excuse to not be there (they have an entire book on them))
♣ you get a consecutive one hour of working in before he suggests that the two of you go get coffee (more than you expected honstly) ♣ he lets you order, pretends to point to something very interesting outside and pays for the food ♣ he also has the most satisfied smirk on his face as you tell him you're gonna pay him back ♣ "suureeee~" ♣ he also memorizes the drink you'd ordered and shows up to the lecture ten mintues before time just to give it to you and make small talk before the professor starts droning on about whatever's on the agenda that day
♣ once the assignement is finished (you and logan did most of the work) you expect to go back to sitting next to him in class for half the lecture and him leaving once he's bored ♣ like it was before ♣ and that does happen. sort of. ♣ except now everytime he leaves, logan sends you a message that afternoon asking for the notes on the lectures (he just wants an excuse to draw you out of your dorm to the nearby coffee stand)
♣ eventually, after he's spent an entire month making up the most ridiculous excuses for meeting up with you ♣ claimed he didn't understand a paragraph once—he was talking about a paragraph of his human recources class (this boy has no clue which book belongs to which subject) ♣ anyway, after a month of ridiculoussness that kinda makes you smile he's succesfully become a part of your everyday life. one day he's bringing you coffee, another he's asking you to meet up with him in the library to study ♣ so now that that part of his plan is successfull he finally asks you out.
♣ when you just smile and say yes, rolling you eyes as you tell him 'it was about damn time' he thinks he's fallen in love with you just a little more.
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phantom-0-writer · 1 year
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*standing menacingly at the door* i made u something
anyways lol. i had a lot of school work and was really busy freaking out and stress studying for a singular test that was 4 questions and would be over in like an hour and then i proceeded to cry about it in my car for various reasons.
but yk what that means!
time for our irregular and unscheduled update of
Gotham Academy's Mentorship Program
this episode featuring a fan favorite: Duke Thomas (aka The Signal - but thats kind of irrelevant for this)
you were supposed to read that like it was from a '90s sitcom and the off screen crowd cheers rly loudly.
some house keeping updates: this scene happens in the beginning of the school year (going by the american system should be september) danny meets damian (and upsurges tim on the same day) around midterm which is around october and then the stuff with jason and damian's drawing happens around december. i kinda accidentally burned the irl timeline for anything dc first scene so now im just gonna do whatever i want.
anyways with out further ado:
table of contents
scene 04: after school activities for normal kids
Duke stood around the corner of the classroom awkwardly, wondering if he had made the right call. Sure the bats and the birds had a plethora of hands on deck any time, but most of them specialized as night time heros. Not to say that they were incompetent or anything, they were some of the most skilled and innovative people Duke had ever had the pleasure of meeting. Sure if anything happened, they could handle it, at least until Duke could slip away and show up as the Signal- Alfred and Bruce had assured him so much. But Duke couldn’t slip the guilt of busying away more of his time to after school activities when he could be patrolling or studying instead, 
But Duke had wanted to do something outside of those things, which was specifically why he had made the difficult decision to join a few clubs and after school activities. He could use a break from being surrounded by people who worked the vigilante life-style just to remember how to be a normal civilian. Let himself take a break from constantly be consumed by one case or another, one disaster or another, not being able to do enough no matter how much he tried or how much time he spent patrolling. 
Duke needed to feel grounded, like his feet were on the ground and he could press the brakes and smell the fragrance of life. Even if the fragrance was a forgotten pile of dog s-
“Alright,” The instructor for their culinary club started with a weird German accent that sounded really fake. “I am Herman. You can call me Chef or Chef Herman or just Chef. I will not bore you all with the boring introductions, and let's head right into the cooking, yes. On this paper here I made the partners for all of you to cook with for the rest of the year. If you have problem with it then quit.” 
This Herman guy seemed like quite the character, and was definitely not helping any of Duke’s previous anxieties. Many of Duke’s clubmates seem to think so too, sending their friends various looks. But no one spoke out, and instead shuffled to the front to look at the singular sheet of paper that would assign them their partners. Duke finally made it to the front and saw that he was paired with a Daniel Fenton at Station 7. 
Crossing his fingers that Daniel had at least only a half-rotten personality, Duke made his way over to station 7. The station was already prepped with an assortment of ingredients and cooking equipment. Duke had already set his stuff down claiming the seat closer to the exit (in case) when a lanky kid comes over, “Uh, your Duke Thomas?” He asks hesitantly looking back at the front counter the partner assignment sheet was. 
It took Duke an awkward second longer to realize that this kid was probably his partner. “Oh yeah I am.” He laughed apologetically, “You must be Daniel.” 
“Danny’s fine.” The boy smiled, absentmindedly brushing his messy black hair out of his face, his glacier blue looking at the equipment. Duke couldn’t help but feel like there was something off about Danny. Not in Gotham’s usual psycho-maniac-out-to-terrorizer-the-city-and-kill-innocent-people kind of off, more in a he’s not in sync with the rest of the world off. While Chef Herman explained the general structure of various types of kitchen and kitchen hierarchy that Duke was already familiar with, Duke tried to get a read on him. 
Weird did not mean threat, after all many of the Justice League- heck even the local Wayne/Batclan were pretty weird- and they (usually) didn’t mean any harm. It wouldn’t be fair of Duke to jump the horse like that. 
Deciding he should try to be friendly with him, Duke leaned over, “Is it just me or is Chef Herman’s accent totally fake?” he whispered. 
“Oh, Ancients,” Anciets? “I thought I was just going insane.” Danny sighed in relief with a small chuckle. There was a moment of silence between the two of them where no one said anything for longer than socially acceptable and Duke debated using his powers to see if he could find a clue or something. That seemed kinda invasive, though. 
When the Chef had started instructions on making today's recipe, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Danny helped Duke measure out the ingredients. “So,” Danny tried again, “What are you in for?” 
“What am I…” Duke repeated confused, 
Danny chuckled awkwardly, “Like why you joined the club.” 
Duke seriously needed to get his head in the present; this was getting embarrassing. “Oh.” He nodded in understanding, “I’ve always liked cooking,” Duke shrugged, “When I was little my parents and I would always cook together, and it was always one of my favorite things to do. And I’ve kinda always liked it, but I fell off of it for a while with school and stuff,” emphasis on the stuff “I thought joining a club could help me get back into it and get away from… everything.” That was a little more candid than Duke had planned on being with someone he had met quite literally a few minutes ago, but it felt good to have that out of his chest. The pleasant memories of his parents swimming in his mind. Mixing the dry ingredients, “Sorry that was kind of a lot.” Duke laughed genuinely this time. 
“Dude, no it’s actually so cool that you like to cook.” Danny said admiration was easy on his face, and Duke couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed. 
“What about you, then?” 
“Ugh,” He groaned jokingly, “You can’t seriously be asking for my lame ass reason after you pulled out the flashbacks.” Danny whined, letting the oven preheat like Chef told them to. 
“C’mon, it’s only fair.” Duke played along, already ahead of the other groups. 
Danny sighed, “Promise you won’t laugh.” 
“Okay, it can’t be that bad.” Duke could already feel the smile cracking on his face. 
“It is.” Danny drawlled, “So I live in the dorms right, and I got to pull some strings and room with one of my friends from back home this year. And well, let’s just say my family has a bit of a reputation for causing problems, and the kitchen definitely wasn’t an exception. One time my dad tried to make some soup for my mom because she got sick.” Duke nodded approvingly, that was a sweet gesture, “It was all fun and games until the bomb squad had to show up and long story short we had to move.” 
“You’re joking.” Duke gaped at the bizarre story, but at Danny’s solemn expression, Duke couldn’t help but be appalled, “A bomb squad over soup.”
“My parents were never really heavy on lab safety,” Danny added, as if that explained everything, “But I burn one pot of water and maybe make a few extra-crispy eggs, and suddenly its all ‘Danny you’re not allowed in the kitchen unless you start taking actual classes’ and ‘Danny that's a biohazard’.” 
“You burned a pot of water.” Duke echoed, Danny nodded innocently, “Water doesn’t burn.”
“Well, maybe you’re just not trying hard enough.” Danny sneered, trying to crack an egg on the corner of the bowl only for all the shell to fall in the bowl and the yolk on the counter. 
“Somehow, I don’t think that’s true.” Duke said, taking the bowl from him and expertly cracking an egg single handedly. Danny looked on in awe. “You said you live in the dorms?” Duke asked easily. 
“Oh yeah, all of the non-local scholarship kids have to.” 
Before Duke could respond, a girl from the station in front of them whips her head around, “You said you’re here on a scholarship?” She asked almost oppressively. 
Danny just as taken aback as Duke felt, “Uh, yeah.” 
“Me, too. Have you heard anything about the Mentorship Program here? Apparently we all have to join.” The girl’s partner was looking between Duke and Danny confused, but returned to their cooking uninterested. 
“Oh, yeah. They make us all join.” Danny nodded. 
“I heard from some of the older kids, that no one actually gets picked for that. It’s just like a weird formality thing.” The girl spoke animatedly, “What department are you in?” 
“Applied physics and engineering design.” The oven beeps that it was ready but no one moved. 
The girl seemed to deflate that answer, “Oh, I’m doing culinary science.” And with that solid conclusionary statement, she turned around and got back to her work station. 
Danny blinked, processing what just happened and slowly turning to look at Duke for proof that just happened. But the second the both of them met each other’s eyes, they burst into a fit of silent laughter. 
Bent vunuralably over the table, trying to catch their breath, they were accosted by Chef Hermon. “The two of you are having a comedy club, not a cooking club.” Chef crossed his arms at the edge of the table. Duke was pretty sure he was trying to sold them, but the fake accent was making it hard to tell. 
Danny cleared his throat and striated up, “Sorry, Sir.” He apologized quickly. 
“Chef.” Hermon peered at them, his hat looking comically large and lopsided on his head now that Duke was getting a closer look. 
“Sorry, Chef.” Duke amended, trying to keep his cool. 
“Yes, finish cooking your cookies.” He nodded satisfied, leaving their station. 
“Okay so,” Duke tried to recount what the last thing they did was, but one look at Danny trying desperately to hold in his laugh had ruined all of Duke’s efforts as well. Barely managing to get their cookies in the oven, over Chef’s fake german accent and floppy oversized chef’s hat. 
“So scholarship for applied physics and engineering design, huh.” Duke recounted from earlier, impressed. 
“Yeah…” Danny trailed off embarrassed, “It sounds kinda snotty.” 
“Dude. That’s literally one of the hardest departments to get into, and the scholarship is no sneeze either. There’s no doubt you worked your butt off to get that.” Duke assured Danny as they sat in their stools waiting for the cookies to finish. 
“Thanks,” Danny smiled sheepishly. They sat in a much more comfortable silence now before Danny spoke again, “What grade are you in by the way?” 
“I’m in 10th. General studies for now, but I was thinking of doing medicine. You?” 
“I could totally see you as a hot-shot doctor.” Danny nodded approvingly, “11th. Technically, I’m your upperclassman then.” 
“Technically?” Duke asked.
“I mean, how old are you?” 
“15.” Duke supplied confused. 
“Me too. I skipped a grade in elementary school, so we’re actually the same age.” Danny explained, sheepishly. 
“Dude, you're actually way smart.” Duke gaped in awe. 
“Hey medicine isn’t a day walk either.” Danny nudged his arm playfully, “I’m glad the mentorship thing is just for show, though. Now that we’re upperclassmen, y’know. I would not want my hands full with some random rich kid.” 
Duke laughed, “Yeah, that definitely sounds like a lot of work.” 
Easily unfolding the conversation into various topics and interests Duke found that he didn’t mind that the cookies were burnt. Or that Danny was definitely weird. But in a good way. Duke was glad they met and would get to hang out and cook with their weird not-German Chef every week. And if Danny and Duke exchanged numbers and planned to hangout outside of club activities, then well who was going to stop them.
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candy8448 · 7 months
Photo (for the one word prompt)
Used a fic idea i had since i basically joined this fandom but never wrote so i got carried away and wrote 1580 words 0.0
This fic idea came to me when playing totk for the first time when it first came out, i took a photo of the old champions photo and put it in the gallery of my new house
Get ready for some fluff! (From me? I know, shocking!)
Send me a one word writing prompt
"And this room, i actually made with you guys in mind... i didn't have space for full beds but those mattresses are a lot comfier than a sleeping roll. Sometimes i even prefered sleeping in here than in my own bedroom," imagining that i was still with you lot, he left out. Wild turned back to the chain as he finished showing them around his new home. Twilight glanced around, noting something,
"Where is the champions photo? I thought of all things you would want to bring, it would be that?"
Wild tried to hide his upset expression, "well, Zelda kept it... and she is the one with all the real memories of them... so its okay"
He tried not to think about losing the champions photo, but he couldnt help but think it was like loosing them all over again. Still, nothing would come from burdening the chain with his emotions.
The next day, while Wild was out running errands, Legend burst into their shared room on the top floor, canvas and paints in his arms, dumping them on the table in the center of the room,
"We're painting him a new one."
"You saw how sad he looked when he didn't have the champion's photo; we are repainting him a new one"
Warriors grinned at the vet, "wow, didn't know you were soft, collector."
That earned a glare, "You never know when you could lose someone, sometimes you need something to keep their memory alive, like a song, or a picture."
A few of them nodded in agreement.
"Right, who's doing what?" Time said as they all gathered around the table.
Wind's hand shot up first, "ooh, OOH! I can draw! Let me draw it!"
Legend looked at him, "okay, you do the sketch and i do the painting, BUT im gonna check over the sketch before we're done" ever the perfectionist.
Sky nudged Four, "bet we can make a pretty good frame eh?" Four grinned back and nodded, running off to find somewhere he could start.
Roles were assigned to each member: Four and Sky would work on a frame, Wind would sketch and Legend would paint, Warriors would find Flora and ask to borrow the original photo as reference, Time would also go with him to learn more about the champions, and finally, Hyrule and Twilight, having no artistic skill and being the closest to their cook would distract Wild until the painting was finished. It was a good plan, and they began too work.
Legend and Wind sat in the top room all day, Wind was getting frustrated at how the sketch was just not looking right, Legend came to pull the pencil away,
"No you do it like this!" He said, rubbing out a piece of the drawing and sketching it on himself. Wind's eyes widened in understanding, and he grabbed the pencil again, fixing up other similar mistakes. Legend noted that the rito happened to look the best and he had to wonder if that was because it was the only race outside of hylians he had a lot of experience with. Wind noticed the same thing. He almost felt the spirit of the rito looking smug as he pridefully gloated on the others, and Wind giggled.
"It's really nice you're doing this for him, i wasn't aware that he would feel upset that i kept the photo. I thought he would come and tell me if something was upsetting him," Flora said as they sat around the table in her own house in Hateno village. Warriors and Time had told Wild that they wanted to speak to her and Wild, being unsuspecting at the two 'leaders' of the group wanting to gather information, called Zelda over with the Purah Pad. She had teleported to them with the old Sheika Slate and Warriors couldn't help but gape at the glowing blue antlers and her purple and blue eyes. Zelda then proceded to take them to her house once they told her they wanted to speak to her in private, much to the displeasure of Wild, who wanted her nearby to make sure she was safe, not that anyone could blame him.
Time smiled at her, "well, hiding one's emotions do seem to come with the hero's spirit"
She nodded uncertainly.
Wars drew the girl's attention, "Can you tell us about the champions? Our friends Sky and Four would like to make a frame and were hoping to make it something special."
Wild excitedly showed them around Tarrey town and was pulling Twilight and Hyrule along with him. When wild came running back to the house, Twilight first asked to have help with Epona, but because the house stable was already occupied, they had to go to the nearest stable. Hyrule also tagged along, hoping to use up time exploring once Wild's attention would eventually shift from horses to something else. Twilight was currently just following behind them, trying to catch up to the duo and making sure they didn't get hurt.
Wild had decided that it was a good idea to dive off the side of the town and into the water to reach the construction grounds. Twilight tried to stop him but the champion, as slippery as he is, got past him, already with his shirt off and shouting as he went down, followed by a massive splash that almost reached up to them. Twilight sighed and turned around, only to see Hyrule missing from his side. The traveler's laughter joined Wild's own as he knelt on the moving tracks platform and waved at him, Wild waving back as he swam to shore. Twilight sighed harder but smiled, at least his brother seemed in a better mood.
Sky hummed to the rythm of Four's hammer hitting metal. The skyloftian had decided to join the smithy in the forge to spend time with him. The carving in his hands would theoretically slot into what four was making, the metal to hold the canvas in place and the wood for the details. Sky used what Warriors and the old man had relayed to them from Flora to create intricate markings which he hoped represented the champions. Four hammered away, joining his humming with his own layer to the tune until he stopped hammering and looked at his work, "how does that look?" He asked, sky stood up, halfing his unfinished piece nearby and comparing the two, looking at the but where the two would slide in together, "it looks great!"
Hyrule excitedly dragged Wild to the top room by his arms. When the champion saw everyone in the room he looked confused, waiting for an answer. "We made something for you" Wind said, ushering him to the table.
Wild walked up to the table to see a canvas resting on it, one with a very familiar image. His breath hitched in his throat as he silently.
It was almost identical to the original image, the champions photo, but newer. Everone in the image looked perfect, careful strokes of paint marking out their individual features. Wild sniffled as he inspected the frame. Wood and metal worked into eachother. The metal sides of the frame had the words "champions ballad" indented in his hylian. The wooden sides had carvings, depicting the four regions the champions came from, it also had things which he knew the champions loved from his scattered memories. There were indentations of more things, and Wild wondered where they got this information from. The frame was detailed, he could also see where the wood and metal intertwined with one another. There were no carvings of the divine beasts, Wild noticed suddenly, no marks of duty; just six friends, together and happy.
Wild worlessly looked up at his traveling companions, and only now noticed the river of tears running down his face.
Twilight stepped forwards, offering Wild a tissue, "legend was the one who suggested we do this because we saw how sad you were about not having the original. He and Wind sketched and painted it. Wars and Time got the original image from Flora and learned about the champions for the details on the frame, which Sky and Four both made. Hyrule and I were distracting you so it could be a surprise"
Wild sniffed, happy tears overflowing him, "th-thank you guys, it really means a lot" his voice cracked, "i-um... can we take a new one? With all of us? If you dont mind" he stuttered.
Flora held the Purah Pad, looking through the lens. She called out, telling everyone to move around and making sure they were in shot, "Time, move down, yeah like Warriors, you might not be that tall but you are still out of shot" laugheter errupted out of the others, the old man deadpanned before his face returned to his smile. Flora decided to take advantage of everyone's laughing faces, "Ready?" She giggled, borrowing Purah's iconic phrase "Click-" Twilight grinned mischieviously, "-snap!" And pulled everyone in suddenly with his strong arms.
The image was put up next to the champions painting on the top floor where they all slept. Wild took a step back, smiling softly. Everyone had a mixture of shocked and laughing faces, Wild himself, in the middle with a beaming smile and a tear running down his cheek...
Ao3 (oneshot collection)
Ao3 (the fic on its own)
I have notes and headcanons featured in this fic in the end notes of both of the Ao3 versions
Hope you enjoyed! :)
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synthaphone · 8 months
long post talking about making neopets style art, but not in a way that's useful or coherent or proofread
idk why of all the things that i struggle to do, the thing i keep coming back to trying to pull off is 'imitate the neopets art style circa 2004-2007'. i'm really proud of the stuff i make in that style, but i've always got a nagging feeling about how there's like, very few applications for this very specific skill i'm building, and i could be spending this time improving at anatomy or perspective or anything else. i guess that's just the power of 'wanting to learn something really bad' combined with, critically, 'believing im really close to figuring it out'
there's something about the line weights on a lot of old pets that's really hard for me to capture, and i've gone through a bunch of different ideas of why that is- like, maybe its easier to do in flash, or its something about the way i have the pressure sensitivity set up on my pen, or maybe the official artists also carefully shaped and weighted their lines while scaling the drawing down every so often to make sure they 'feel right' on a small scale (lol), or maybe its that shit that artists who've been inking shit for a long time learn how to do intuitively that i'm just not at the level of yet.
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i'm looking at this smug bastard like. how do they decide which lines should be thick vs thin. my instinct is to go thicker on the corners of points like the ear tips, but this artist went thinner, and i think weighted the lines heavier on the undersides of shapes where the shadows are? neo artists aren't immune to stuff that frustrates me when i'm making pet art either, almost every pet has some part of their lineart that makes a weird tangent with the damn Circle. the linework on the hands straight up isn't clear at all, but i can tell what the pose is from how the shoulders are positioned and the expression of the character, so i guess that doesn't really matter at the end of the day
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im pasting the lines i'm working on next to existing pets with varying levels of detail, but it might be too early to tell if they have the right level of clarity. i'm also i'm back in photoshop because that's easier for me, but maybe i should have tried flash again- doing the art in vectors does give the finished image that hard to detect Crispness that i'm always chasing
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in order, these were drawn in photoshop in 2019, photoshop in 2022, and Flash in 2024. i was going to be like 'oh god, the Vully DOES look sharper than the centibyte, it must be Flash' but honestly i got the halloween one to look pretty close?? maybe i scaled down my photoshop images differently in 2019............ i think i've also gotten better at mimicking the lineart style, so it could also be that, but that doesn't account for why the top one looks kind of blurry in comparison. am i crazy. is it visible to anyone else.
anyway ive gone off on a tangent. for some reason this is what i'm obsessed with doing so i'm just gonna keep on trucking until something else seizes my attention instead i guess
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The Science Teacher & The Skeptic
Joel Miller x Science Teacher!Reader
Summary: "who cares about space when there's a fuckin apocalypse going on"
Word Count: 1k+
Warnings: crackfic, fem!reader, headcanons, joel 'im a contractor 🤠' miller, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: ok this is borne of out me geeking about about the film 'the beautician and the beast' to @sloanexx and she's actually the author im just ghost writing it so if you wanna p2 you're gonna have to take it with her. dont shoot the messenger im blue just for consistency HAHAHH in this Tagging: @multifandom-fangirl4 @pinksirensong @aralezinspace
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she can be a teacher at the qz
he meets her bc she teaches ellie ✌🏻
joel never went to college so he thinks she's like super cool for
knowing shit about space and stuff
but at the start he lowkey hates her bc he thinks she's a snob maybe???
i do have saur many ideas-
[post chat me] YA DONT FUCKIN SAY 😪🙄🙄🙄
-for this tho like ellie loves her and comes home like
this teacher is so cool she knows so much abt space and stuff
bestie please write it
[post chat me] oh you sweet summer child shes not going to
and joels like who the fuck is this lady
who cares about space when there's a fuckin apocalypse going on
joel is like you know what a real lesson is?
how to shoot a gun.
how to dress a wound.
not fucking stars and planets
and ellie's like k cool wtv im going to school now
he sees her drawing constellations and he's like this is fucking bullshit
im gonna talk to ur teacher bc this isn't survival
[post chat me] 🙄🙄🙄🙄
ok so he confronts her in school right
and he's like i wanna talk to the teacher who gave this homework
[post chat me] honestly hes such a karen for that ????
and they meet and he's like
this isn't survival skills there's an apocalypse going on and u have her drawing stars like a 5 year old???
and she's like u fockin wot m8????
there wouldn't be an earth if there weren't any planets!!!!
how else would we know how oxygen is formed and how the tides turn to get water!!!!
you big dodo bird
survival isn't all guns and shooting bc if that's all it was the rest of the world would be alive rn!!!!
and he's like oh fok me she fights back
omg he creamed his pants
and he runs home with his tail between he's legs
and he opens one of ellie's space books
and he's like this shit cool
joel wrong sexy teacher right
im having so much fun just telling u
im smiling at my phone like an idiot
[post chat me] well you are an idiot 🤬🤬🤬
what else is there to know
he spends the night reading the space book and the next day he asks ellie like
umm hey can u teach me more about this space shit
and she's like no old man you wanna know more you go ask my teacher
and he's like .... i don't wanna bc im embarrassed but i also rly wanna know abt how the earth goes around the sun? bc that's cool
[post chat me] this modern day man doesnt know shit about the sun that so embarazzing are you not embarazzed the american school system has failed him so hard 💀💀💀💀💀
and he goes to the school and he waits for all the kids to leave bc he's embarrassed and he's like
so... the planets. they all turn around and shit? that's how we get night and day
and she's like yuh m8
and he's like um could you tell me more...
and she's like ok how about you come meet me for an hour every week after my class on wednesday
and he fucking treats that like church
want to attend my class <3
we'd love to have you
[post chat me] there are two types of writers AHAHAHH
he lurks outside to listen and learn but
she catches him and is like um???
do u just want me to teach u bc all u had to do was ask
u didn't have to like.. sit outside the class just to learn
he uses all his tools to make the best goddamn solar system
and he shows it to her at their weekly session all proud
and she gives him a gold star sticker
places it on his jacket
ew stinky
he preserves it
bc he doesn't want it to get ripped off
when he uses it our
HAHAAH WHAT IF SHES LIKES *pinches nose* joel? is- is your washing machine broken 💔💔💔💔
he'll shoot himself right there and then
walk to a clicker and beg it to bite
if i was writing it i'd stop it at him doing up the classroom like u said
like some time after their weekly sessions he does that
and she's like
i think i like this dumb old man
you cant stop thereeeeeeeeeee
[post chat me] ok ok bonus cos she still went on 🙄🙄🙄🙄`
it's the intrigue that makes it nice
p2 where joel comes for show and tell HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
he fucking hates it and is miserable at first the whole time
but then he sees her supporting him so earnestly and then he's like oh shir i like it im gonna send these 12 year olds into the ground
make them eat dust
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dollyaaaaa ur art is so nice n clean always!! im wondering how u draw so quickly n consistently? bow much time does it take for u to draw stuff ö i love seeing ur art pop up on the tl always, its so inspiring!! have a great rest of ur day >:333
Not gonna lie, I usually avoid the ask related to my drawing time or process. I cannot count how many asks I have received on this same matter, but...
Well, I should clarify one thing: I am not uncomfortable answering these ask. I answer some if I can. I just don't know how to answer most of them. English isn't my first language so even if I want to write a tutorial it's just gonna be... "messy" I think? Also, I have this love-hate feeling when it comes to drawing fast.
As you can see I draw almost daily. To answer asks, to present my own ideas,... there are two reasons for my fast-drawing skill:
I think way too much. My trains of thought often crash onto each other and my brain is just purely chaotic, to the point I'm overloaded and stop thinking. That's not good. So before things get complicated or fade to nothingness I would draw them out. it's how I preserve my ideas, keep my sanity intact, and not shut down from thinking.
It's my practice. I grew up knowing practice makes perfect, so I kinda draw to train my muscle memory. A kind of habit as an artist. I remember coming across an interview with BL artist Hotoku and I saw their comment on how to get through a "slump":
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and it was at that moment I realized there's nothing more important than to draw when you are an artist. A "slump" (or artblock, etc...) is a disaster for all art creators, so I choose to prevent and get out of it simply by drawing more.
I remember I doubted Hotoku's answer for some time, but now I understand them perfectly. I, too, love and think about drawing all the time, almost that I don't want to do anything else besides drawing. It's complicated to describe, but I think I gaslighted myself successfully into a drawing maniac.
After all, all that I'm capable of is drawing. If it's not for my artworks, I'd be nothing. I can not satisfy my parents, my coworkers, my senpais, or even myself, so at least seeing some strangers on the internet appreciate my drawing warms me up inside I think, ehe~
As for how long it takes me to draw, it depends. Some simple sketches to answer asks took from a few minutes to maybe some good hours. The asks keep coming and I'm delighted to it, but the most I can do is answer 5 - 6 of them a day, usually, I could only do 3 - 4 or least, so I have to admit and apologize because I can not answer everything sent to my ask box. I do the most I can. The asks are a huge part of my creative inspiration and mental comfort, so I always give them my best. Thanks for sending me these asks everyone~
I called off my work today and shut down all the notifications from my boss, so maybe I'll rest more. But I would get back to draw as soon as I can.
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Being Thor's best friend + Týr's Fiance part 2
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Reader: female | Thor x sister-in-law Reader (Platonic)| Týr x reader (romantic eventually)
Notes: you guys liked the last one so heres the second part!, Freyr also comes in! So cool! Also týr heavy, not much thor this time! Sorry
Warnings: bitchy moms bitchy moms oh so bitch moms
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If you fully honest
You didnt remember what happened when you woke up the next day in bed with you sketch book and a few pages spewed on the bed with yourself and a pencil
You felt a large hand, an unfamiliar large hand fall on your shoulder as you stay fake sleeping, a blanket being brought further up your body as your hair was swipped back for comfort and that was all.
You hadnt even been changed out your outfit of last night.
You sat up
"I did not wish to wake you." Týr spoke, Y/n's sketch book in his hand, setting it on the desk.
"Oh...thank you." Y/n spoke softly.
"You are tired still. I would be as well." Týr chuckled, "we had quiet the night."
Y/n was silent looking around, "You take your work very seriously."
Y/n nodded, oh, drilling another project she supposed, picking up one of the left over sketches some quick, other's well consumed on time.
"Ah....I was having trouble with the beard..." Y/n responded looking over the sketch, "I uh. Was never too good at draw braids."
"I had heard of your work prior, I am certainly impressed."
Y/n nodded, "thank you. Its an ever-growing skill."
Y/n looked at the other pages casually, he watching her intently.
"Uh...yes?" Y/n asked nervously.
"Oh. Breakfast?"
"Uh. Sure..." Y/n responded.
He had brought you breakfast in bed
Thats awfully nice
"Do you enjoy it?"
"Yes. Its good." Y/n spoke, "did you make it?"
He made it indeed.
Still you feel akward eating lunch with this man.
Its a rough start, the trying to get to know you part
He figures, once he starts getting you to talk, you wont be able to stop
Its true in a way, you enjoyed talking about your pass time, and he enjoyed listening.
But besides that you didnt open up much.
"You and Thor are good friends."
"Since we were kids."
"It's nice then. To return after your long journey to friends."
Y/n looked down into her bowl, "I was on a journey. Is that what they told?"
"You're own mother-"
"She's just as bad as your father." Y/n complained, "Both compulsive liars."
"Misery is good company they say."
That caused her to chuckle, he wasnt wrong.
He likes your smile, and you enjoy his witty humor.
You could atleast be friends it seemed like, he's kind, and carring. Good sense of humor.
Also he wasnt like your mother so big plus
Deep deep deep down, you know that you could of become friends with Týr on your own if you werent forced to marry him.
You guys kinda are forced to spend the day together
You both do try and see the postive, but the postive would you not having to wear a dress, so you didnt and came out looking like a bad ass bitch.
So you spend your day together, mostly walking, and sitting, and talking.
Until kids run up to you
"You bested Thor!" One cheered, "me and my sister are gonna be Valkyires! We wanna be like you!"
"Yeah you were so cool!"
"The first male Valkyire?" Y/n asked.
"Yeah!" They cheered, "The Valkyire twins!"
Y/n chuckled, "Well. I am no Valkyire. But. I know a few. And Im sure one day you'll both best the best."
"Come on! Lets go tell mom!"
And they ran off together with happy goodbyes.
Cute. Kids are cute, sometimes
"You're good with them."
"Kids?" Y/n asked, "truth me told I still think Im one myself"
He likes that your comfortable
And you both contuine your talking
It doesn't last long, a charge of kids come at you
"Can boys really be Valkyires!?"
"I wanna be a Valkyire!"
"Me too!"
"Lets battle!"
"Yeah! Come on! If we beat you! We're sure to be Valkyires!"
Oh what have you done
Týr's laughing as a group of kids gang up on you
You have no choice but the crumble
They've resorted to tickling you now
But you wont let them win and chase them causing them to laugh and run.
He thinks it's really an eye opener to see how you are
Plus he thinks its really cute you with kids
Though he doesn't feel like its his place to ask your opinion on kids
Luckily you go through most of the walk without intruption
His talks of peace and all, really intrest you, he knows peace can brought on even without war.
You wish nothing but to agree with him, but you know how cruel people can be, he knows but still sees the postivey in them all.
You suppose no one wants to see there parents in that light, even the worst of them.
Changing the subject he ask what you'd like to do.
Your tempted to say drinking contest.
But end up saying drawing.
He'll admit he's not the best artist, but would love to contuine to spend the time with you
He's expecting a table, just drawing whatever you remember.
Not well. The adventure that comes with it
Climbing on the sea side cliffs, a dangerous but exilerating adventure.
Sure your both shuffling along but soon your jump from one cliff to another and he's worried you'll fall.
He soon learns this isnt your first rodeo, nor second. It's like you were born into this.
"Here we are," y/n spoke, hoping down onto the pebbly beach, "our subject matter and dinner."
Its a two in onw for sure, catching fish and drawing, intresting idea but for sure something he wouldnt mind doing again.
So you both sit together throughout the sunset and until the night takes over.
It wasnt so bad spending time with one another
You best be sure ya'll spendt the night on that beach.
The next morning you woke up on the beach, warm, and happily swaddled in large arms.
Tempted to go back to bed and temptation wins
You simply roll over and go back to sleep.
You wake up later in a bed.
How much later on you don't know, but you wake up alone and covered in thick blankets.
Sitting up you get out off bed, you're chlothes have been changed.
Your hair braided back for comfort
"You're up."
She came over with a pot in hand, setting it on the bedside.
"Týr explained to me you were cold to the touch, he was afraid of any sickness." She explained, "thats what happens when you spend your night on a beach shoeless. Do you feel ill?"
"Oh. Uh. No. Im fine." Y/n told, "thank you."
She nodded, "drink this. For security."
Freya poured Y/n a cup, she thankful and took it.
"How are you two getting along?"
"We're fine....I still dont think of him as..."
"A partner?"
Y/n nodded, "Suppose I am selfish-"
"Its arranged. It's normal to feel such a way. With your conditions especially."
You were quiet as you drank your tea. So Freya knew about what happened to you...
She talks to you a bit more about Týr mostly, and you answer the best you could
Your little "date" with him yesterday didnt go bad after all
"He cares very much about you already. He finds you liberating."
"Whats that suppose to mean?"
"You dont find too many Aesir with hearts tainted that still hold true to there holder."
With that she leaves you, and Thor is walking in.
"I heard a colds the one kick your arse."
"Oh please." Y/n complained, "Come for another ass beatin then?"
"Can't I check on ny friend?"
Y/n shook her head playfully, drinking her tea looking out the nearby window.
"Its good to have you back."
Y/n looked his way, "its nice to be back. Within reason. Cant stand to look at your father or my mothers face for two fuckin seconds."
He laughs at that, and so do you
Its the truth in full honesty.
You cant balme him. Its fucking funny
Yet its all cut short when your mother walks in.
You manage to shoo thor away, as she closes the door behind him.
She received silence, "Have you slept with him child?"
Y/n sipped her tea.
"Have you fucked thor."
"How the fuck am i suppose to sleep with Thor?" Y/n argued, "He's my friend-"
"What does your husband think about this-"
"He likes my fun." Y/n growled, "and he's not my husband."
"He will be within days time."
"He will be within days time."
"Dont you dare mock me. What are you? Five?"
"Oh please a five year old has more balls and intergerity than you'll ever have." Y/n argued.
She scoffed and rolled her eyes, leaving Y/n to her own devices.
Gladly you were by yourself, with your sketch book on the bed side.
You grab it and look through it looking through yesterday sketches.
The pebble beach was the peice of the day, and some pages included small things you found along the way, a small crab, some seaweed, the fire you two had made
And you had even tried sketching Týr a few times, small portraits
Final you decide to get out of bed and get dressed.
You make your way around, finding Týr talking with Sif.
"I'll leave you to it then."
"Sif hey."
"Y/n." She smiled with a quick bow of the head in acknowledgement, "I'll leave you to be."
Y/n watched her leave, "I am glad you are feeling better.
She looked up at Týr and smiled small, "just cold feet it all. You two talking bout smart people stuff?"
"Uh. A book." He responded.
"Which one?"y/n asked trying to make conversation, "Im assuming there is no war in it?"
It went silent, she confused and raised an eyebrow, "you good?"
"I apologize for lying to you." He started.
"I was rather asking how to woo you. You seem great friends with Thor, I suppose me and Sif are much more alike in that aspect of partner ship."
Y/n laughed it a cute sentiment: "very thoughtful of you. You want...an opinion? I would consider myself an expert."
"Very much I would."
"be yourself." Y/n smiled softly up at him, " but dont be afraid to ak me the hard questions. I can take em."
He chuckled, a smooth lightheared sound, "then may I ask: would we have been lovers on a diffrent path? One that is not arranged."
Y/n hummed, "i suppose blunt honesty is how I woo you?"
"Most certainly," he smiled, his fingeds coming up to tilt her chin up.
Despite his large form he was soft, and careful, and his touch could make anyone melt.
"I don't know." Y/n answered finally, "Truth be told Im surpised we even get along on the path we're currently on."
"And why do you say that?"
"I did beat your brothers ass at the accounment dinner."
Týr chuckled once more, "I believe that is what started our friendship."
You could only smile at him.
Then realized what the fuck was happening: your sharing your feelings, your open, your melting at a simple chin lift.
Your....developing a crush kinda sort off...
Oh fuck no
So you pull away, telling him you should...go...and well do something
You dont exactly know what your doing but your running away basically
To do what? To hide from your feelings
Top ten places to hide is the wheat farms especially when there ready to be harvested and its all tall.
Soon enough who you thought was Freya comes along with a baby dragon.
"Looks like we have a guest. Y/n? Right?"
"Im Freyr. Freyas brother."
"Oh. Nice to meet you."
He took a seat without a care, commented on the sky and got to chatting right away, the baby dragon coming into your lap to play
"Ready for the big day?"
"Eh. No one ever is."
"I dont want to marry him." Y/n complained, "not now."
"Well then dont." Freyr spoke, "its that easy isnt it?"
"Unfortunately not." Y/n responded.
"Well why not?" He asked, she shrugged.
"Just. Isnt..."
"But you do wanna marry him?"
"Well. No."
"You said not now."
"I can see why Freya is the one that does all the talking,"
"Ooo, ouch." He hissed, "Someone got a little defensive."
"Is there a point? To your madness?"
"Theres always a point to madness is there not? Madness is what makes the world move forward."
"You are confusing."
"Thanks." He smiled settling down in the wheat, his body relaxed with the sun casting down on him, "lay back would you? Your blocking the sun."
Y/n sighed and scooted over allowing the sun to hit him, she just stared at him.
"You gonna ask me a question? Or ya gonna sit there and stare? I know Im beautiful."
Y/n sighed, "what happens if I do love him? I do marry him? My mother wins..."
"Ah yes. I hate her just as much as you do."
"You do?"
"Mhm. My sister and her got into it. While back." Freyr explained, "she hurt her is all I can say. Nasty blow out really."
"So I let her win?"
"From what I know of her she likes control, your out here. Sitting in a feild with another man. And a dragon." Freyr explained turning on his side, "has Týr expressed anything he likes about you to you? I know he has to Freya. Its yap yap yap since the moment he saw you. Yap Y/n Yap Y/n. Did you know Y/n draws? Yap yap yap. Just like that."
Y/n chuckled, the baby dragon gumming on her hand: "I suppose he does like that Im me...without my mother."
"Hm." Freyr hummed, "your mothers miserable anyways. Fuck it, do what you want. What makes you happy."
Y/n hummed in thought, "cheese sounds like it, it would make me happy right now."
Freyr looked at her, "that does sound good."
And thats how you became friends with Freyer, eating cheese outside the meed hall.
Your laughing with him, talking about things: life
Hes talking about his home realm, the beauty of it even inviting you to come
"Hey maybe you'll come on Honeymoon"
"Oh please."
You guys talk until night has long ago fallen.
So late that you hand over the dragon to him because it fell asleep when you part diffrent ways.
You return back to your room being quiet as possible, your sure everyones asleep at this hour.
Týr had fallen asleep with a book in your shared bed
You were quick to change into your bedware, quietly at that too, doesnt help you tripped over your own shoes
You grabbed the book from the bed and marked it for him putting it off to the side as he had many times for her.
Then carefully climbed over him, to find yourself a spot beside him before falling asleep.
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starythewriter · 10 months
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kinkmas day 9
TW:this is for mature and all readers over the age of 18 ONLY
if you are a minor get off my page.
A/N: hope yall enjoy!! ive got many more stories on the way.
you and oliver were gonna go on a date today, but first you had to do some business with natasha, thanos was back, you found him near a jungle, your witch skills were coming in handy, natasha set up some drones with bombs, missiles and some surprises, shrotly after you started a spell, you summoned purple magic chains and casted them to tie down thanos, he yelled snapping his fingers, everyone got blasted away. natasha threw some drones, she got onto one of the trees and into a starship that was gignatic she shot missiles with a net shocking thanos, before you could cast a stun spell he reversed time.
now he threw an energy wave, which hit natasha, she dropped and fainted, you quickly flew over to the ship to heal her, wanda, came along "im here now lets go" she said as she threw fire balls are thanos.
after a couple minutes wanda was coughing up blood, thanos had a grasp. but natasha was back now, she launched a missile with 25 other smaller missiles, he got pushed back, you threw boulders at him, soon he spawned robots that started to shoot at the drones, starships, "help!!" screamed wanda. "here hold on" you said, trying to get her onto the starship, but wanda was crying, coughing up blood, you were speechless and scared, "ahhh" you yelled as you got hit with a laser.the both of you fell down, but natasha used her titanium sword which was able to repel the affects of thanos, releasing wanda from his grasp, shortly after wanda picked up air, and she lauched a tornando at him, sending him a couple feet back.
you were hurt, but slowly recovering, you released 2 clones to fight for you while you were recovering, a green starship pulled up shooting at thanos it was oliver, he shot a green arrow at his skull, thanos yellwed as he fell, he quickly sent another shock wave, you performed a new spell taking controll of his mind.
wanda threw firre balls, he quickly snapped back and sent a magical red chain holding onto everyone but oliver, oliver shot him again and sent a rocket releasing everyone from the chains, soon another starship bigger then all of the ones there combined, it dropped a gigantic missile, you all moved away.
thanos was close to giving in, wanda kept throwing fire balls along with throwing a tower over him, but thanos released a eletric shockwave that kept disrupted you spell, you threw new spells to freeze thanos's, arms, you and wanda threw together a spell now thanos was coughing up blood, oliver threw new bombs causing thanos to fall. before, oliver could give a fishing blow.
but thanos snapped his away out of things.
you all thanked eachother, everybody dispersed, but you and oliver stayed together, you used a spell to teleport with him to his home. it was beautiful. "Y/N you are beyond beautiful so handsome" you smirked, he gave you a soft kiss, while you rubbed your hands up and down his abs. "love these, they are rock hard" you said kissing his abs.
"ride me" he whispered into your ear, you shivered, you quickly undressed as he did, you got ontop of him and started grinding. "fuck, your already gonna make me come" you smirked, going faster. "do some sexy witch stuff darling" you lit some candles afar from the room, you moaned as oliver grabbed you harder. you started to draw symbols across his abs. "fuck, your so beyond sexy" you held you tighter, you felt his dick pulsing.
"Y/N, fuck… you have me pulsing, you make me feel so much bliss…. I cannot put it into words"
"thank you oliver." "someones dick is pulsing" you said with a smirk. he moaned being at your mercy. you loved this power you had over oliver, "fuck… your fingers feel so good on my skin and your insides are just… bliss" you moaned louder as oliver praised you. "should I claim you" "yes fuck yes" you smiled, slowlt drawing symbols he felt a slight but pleasurable pain. "there you go your all mine oliver" you smirked he gave you a kiss as he came undone, you kissed back. "that was so good Y/N" you slowly got up to remove yourself but oliver said "no please stay on" you smiled and gave him a kiss, you continued to give eachother small little kisses.
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aforrestofstuff · 2 years
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Chapter 173 Expert Review: The "Hey, my boyfriend saw you across the bar and we really dig your vibe" Edition
The cover makes me so uncomfortable it's like I'm at a party and said something weird just as the music went quiet and everyone heard and they're all looking at me and everyone hates me and I'm so anxious and
Welcome to the Chapter 173 Expert Review! I have completely lost count of how many of these I've done. If you're coming here for a well-thought-out meta-commentary on the hit series franchise anime manga One Punch Man, then look elsewhere because I put a grand total of ten minutes of thought into this post that took me 45 minutes to write.
I hope you're all well. If you're new here from Twitter then yes, I'm really always like this and I apologize. I don't know how to segway to the actual commentary, so um......... here we gooooooo.....
I don't know what I was expecting. Could I have predicted that Murata would yassify Bofoi? Probably. Do I ever want to come to terms with the fact that he did? No.
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Shut up I'm not saying anything. I'm not saying anything. I'm not. He looks like he's wearing those really oversized dentures at Party City. His head looks more like an egg than Saitama's. Why does he still look kinda.... no I'm not gonna say it. I'm not. I'M NOT. GET OUT OF MY HEAAADD RAAAAAAEERERARAAAAWW
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How many enemies has Saitama made just by existing already. Is this number three? Sonic, God, and now Bofoi? Oh, well, I guess Saitama did fuck up his robots but that was self-defense 100% and it WILL hold up in the court of law.
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Oh, okay. Now we have a better idea of the timeline since Saitama became a hero.... only two months???? Dude, I've had packages lost in the mail for longer than that.
I kinda thought he'd been a hero for at least six months. I guess what Garou said about coming back to fuck up the heroes after six months at the beginning of his arc was only a sort of red herring to make it seem like he'd be the world-ending Shibabooby prophecy, but in relation to how long Saitama's been a hero, turns out my guy only fucked shit up for like, what? One month?
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Was this just obvious to everyone else except me. I really should've never learned how to read dawg.
THANK YOU Amai Mask for being the "Please explain the plot so readers with the comprehension skills of fourth graders can know what's going on" character in this because I swear to fucking god I had no clue what anyone was talking about.
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Also, Ninja Leader makes an appearance as Blast's totally super platonic partner. Supposedly they were "searching for a mysterious cube" together. People these days make up such weird euphemisms for skipping work to fuck each other in a ditch, I swear. 🙄🙄🙄
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A couple of things:
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Is Blast wearing the Ninja Leader's glasses in the present? Oh, so they really were super platonic, huh.
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You mean to tell me bro aged THIS MUCH in two years? 700 days ago he was late-twenties rager at Planet Fitness and now he's a 57-year-old salt and pepper daddy at the gay bar?
I guess it could have something to do with his powers, manipulating space-time and all that. Blast teleports through something that is basically a copy-and-pasted black hole, which could explain why time flows differently for him, but doesn't time slow down near a black hole? So he should be aging slower if anything.
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So, did God age him? Is this even the same Blast that came in contact with God? Something something uuuhh time travel something something...
I don't fucking know. This could also just be a case of "Murata doesn't know how to draw people that look their age" although he's been getting better about that, at least... Just seems ODD to me that Blast has aged like an avocado in a manga where characters only seem to look younger as time goes by.
Very noble that he's fighting God alone with the Interdimensional Justice League and their Pocket Dimension Pool Table to protect everyone else. Something still feels fishy about this, though........ especially since he's a deadbeat ass dad in the webcomic. I don't trust a GODDAMN thing this boy has to say. I DONT CARE IF HE'S HOT!! And I think that is so brave of me.
Forrest has a theory and everyone's gotta hear about it a million times until he's proven otherwise.
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Y'all already heard me say how God has one-sided beef with Saitama because Saitama broke the limiter God had placed on him, and I suppose that alone is still a decent reason for God to be pulled to Earth, but I still think God's full body (and power) is imprisoned in the dimensional seal Blast was screaming about as Saitama was fighting Monster Garou V2.
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And Saitama's habit of fucking shit up as collateral for saving the world is further eroding God's jail cell, so he's unknowingly helping his enemy get closer to him. This fucking goober.
It makes sense because the massive body in the seal looks like a fully-formed person, whereas whenever we see God free, he's always a sort of unfinished skeletal figure. He's incomplete.
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Is this another one of those things where it seems painfully obvious to everyone else except me. Y'all are free to hop in my inbox and call me a dumbass if you want.
Final thoughts because this review is already too goddamn long and I wanted to shitpost a bit more but I guess I can do that on other posts because I'm TIRED.
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All in all, we really needed a good expo-debrief chapter to put everything in perspective because the Monster Association arc was a load of reveals with not a lot of resolutions. I think the ending was still very anticlimactic because, although we were introduced to a lot of shit like God and Blast and whatnot, none of that was really tied up in a satisfying way, nor left on an interesting cliffhanger. Just more and more questions. Even Garou's arc hasn't ended really, and all the development he and Saitama had gone through was forgotten (for NOW, because of Genos' core, but I digress) so it almost feels like... not much really happened at all. Nothing really ended, it was just a collection of more plot threads beginning.
I wish ONE waited a bit longer to really delve into God and Blast because I think the Monster Association arc could've been a lot more comprehensive and well-paced if it had just been (mostly) contained to what was happening between the heroes and monsters. But I can appreciate how comprehensive the plot is now after the fallout, just... the road to get here was rocky. I lost all the tires on my jeep.
I'm excited for Psychic Sisters.
In conclusion: if you were at the Whole Foods down the street and took a blue bike tied to the railing then you're a fucking bitch GIVE IT BACK!! THAT'S MY FUCKING BIKE!!
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p.s. -- I'm still waiting for the Zombiedad and Child Emperor Get Milkshakes Together omake. Murata, pls. Also give my bike back.
Thanks for reading. Please, I need my bike.
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angelsandarsenic · 5 months
An ever after high oc?? In this economy??
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Guys im having so much trouble with outfits. I have a ton I could show but idk if they're good/eah enough
It is so hard to find Scottish female voices I was about to bite the bullet and make it Kelly macdonald  anywayyyyy there's a short version of their story under the cut i'm not gonna write out a whole long thing so pardon the straightforwardness
Voice claims: Lachlan—Jamie Fraser, outlander  Saoirse—Laoghaire McKenzie—outlander
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This story goes…a little differently. 
After the events of Brave, Clan Dunbroch continued to prosper, now in closer link than ever with the other clans. Princess Merida ascended to the throne, but she never did take a lover or have children. Hamish, Hubert and Harris, all grown up, went on to find their own partners and lead their own lives. Their eldest children—Shaun of Macguffin, Ailsa and Alec Macintosh, and Lachlan of Dingwall—are now all eligible for the Dunbroch throne
Now let’s turn back time a little bit.
The ancient kingdom is crumbling. The first prince has gone on a rampage and Isla has just watched her husband turn into a massive bear. 
She flees. 
It takes her two days to find the witch’s cottage. By then the spell had been set in stone, and the witch can tell the woman is with child. She’s not heartless, she wants to help, but all magic comes with a price. So she does the only other thing she knows how and shepherds them through the magic circle to the realm of the faeries, where no one will ever find them. 
Lachlan is certain he can win the competition for the throne. He wants it. His grandfather definitely wants it. He’s strong, skilled and fast and not afraid to knock his cousins out of the way, however close they may have been as children. Besides, he’s the Queen’s favorite—how could he lose?
The four clans have all gathered for three weeks of festivities and friendly competition before the actual games. After one too many ruthless victories, Lachlan gets in a fight with his cousins. After being scolded by his father for his behavior as well, the young prince has had enough and takes off into the woods to cool down. 
He brings back a girl.
An odd girl, to be sure; her thick braids make two strange piles on her head and she won’t ever tell him where she’s from, but there are no kingdoms or settlements around here, so a girl lost in the forest needs help! She introduces herself as Saoirse before the Queen and quickly gets welcomed to stay. 
Lachlan likes her at first. She’s fiery and mischievous and actually manages to beat him in combat. It’s just a sparring match, he tells himself, it doesn’t actually matter. Except it does matter. Because Saoirse is getting way too close to the Queen and she’s too good at everything for her- her existence to be natural. Lachlan's cousins loved her, meanwhile Lachlan himself was only growing more irritable and distant. Was she replacing him? What was more, there were rumors that the Queen wanted to let Saoirse, an outsider, compete for the throne! Too bad no one believed Lachlan when he tried to tell them. They all think he’s simply jealous. 
And then one night there’s a bear in the castle.
Understandably, Lachlan panics and draws his sword. He’s heard the stories. What happened to his father, his brothers and the late Queen Elinor. Heard about the demon bear Mor’du. If he doesn’t slay the beast then-
But just before Lachlan calls for help, the bear disappears and a wide eyed Saoirse is standing in its place. Her hair fell loose down her shoulders, revealing furry ears atop her head. 
“W-wait! It’s not- Lachlan listen-“
He had won. He had proof, right there under her hair! If he brought her before the Queen and lords, they’d probably kill her, but so what?
In a desperate flight for life, Saoirse ran through the palace as a bear to escape. The clans awoke with much clamor and the hunt was on, but the beast had disappeared into the night. 
The very next morning, the clans set out again, splitting into groups to canvas the forest more thoroughly. Lachlan set off on his own--he knew just where to go. 
He didn’t find the bear at the stone circle like before. He did find a wisp. A will-o-the wisp! Here to lead him to his fate, undoubtedly. 
Lachlan followed the little spirits eagerly, ignoring the way the trees grew thick and dark, and stone jutted further from the ground. At first, he thought the stone archway was a cave. Inside lay the bear, curled up by a pile of rubble, asleep.
“Wake up.” Lachlan kicked it. He had more honor than to kill a sleeping enemy. 
She transformed back as she startled awake. That was fine, a human was easier to drag back anyway. She was clutching a bow, a sword lay on the stone steps behind her. 
“Did you steal these from the castle?!”
“No, I made them you brute!”
Lachlan scoffed. “You made them?” 
“Yes. Did you think your weapons just popped out of thin air, your highness?”
“I- w- no. But you’re a beast, what the devil do you need weapons for?”
“I'm a human,” she hissed. It was then that Lachlan noticed. Stairs?? And were those carvings? 
“Is this the ancient kingdom? Do you live here?”
“No. I just…come here sometimes.”
The look on her face made him think she might snap at him, but she kept herself in check. Instead, she said, “becoming the kingdom hero won’t make you loved, you know.”
“What? I’m loved, what are you talking about?”
She raised an eyebrow. “Really? Because you don’t act like it. Are we sure I’m the monster here?”
The girl huffed. “Well, I hope you figure yourself out soon, before it’s too late. You’re really lucky you know. You have so many people who care about you. Four whole clans at your fingertips.” Her own fingers traced a withered carving on cracked stone. She muttered something about “mum told me not to come back here” and stood. Lachlan readied his weapon again, not realizing he had ever lowered it. She didn’t attack him. She simply hefted another massive rock over to her spot from the other side of the cave and laid back down. “Do it then. Go on, I’m ready.”
Saoirse actually managed to look annoyed. “You’re planning to kill me right? For ‘attacking your castle’?” Her voice ridiculed him, yet she seemed completely serious. “Go on then.”
Lachlan actually dropped his weapon then. “What is wrong with you?” What was so important about the stone then that she wanted it close? “Don’t you- I mean okay, I understand being suicidal, but don’t you have someone who would miss you?”
Lachlan’s heart fell. He dropped down beside her. Surely she couldn’t be serious. “Where do you live?”
A mournful frown pushed her bottom lip out like she was about to cry. “Right here. I was supposed to live here. Ages ago. But it- it got destroyed.” As if an afterthought, she added, “I was never going to hurt you, you know.”
Lachlan finally took a look at the carvings she had rolled over to lean against. The four brothers, he could recognize easily enough. He had heard the story more than enough times for a lifetime from his father and aunt. There were people with them. The king, he assumed, was one, standing in the middle with the crown. The others were three women—the fourth brother didn’t have one, but he held a little boy in front of him. All of the brothers had a family, Lachlan realized. Even the eldest, though he didn’t seem to have a child yet. 
“We never learned about them,” the prince murmured.
“No, you wouldn’t have. They all died.”
“But- but this is all ancient.” She must be crazy. “You can’t live here.”
“Time moves a lot slower in the realm of the faeries.”
Now Lachlan looked at Saoirse like she was in fact crazy. Then it clicked. “The circle…”
Well, that's...kind of sad... “You’re another victim of the witch,” he surmised. He hadn’t thought they could turn into humans again but maybe she had gotten a different spell?
Saoirse snorted. “No, the witch is married to my mum now. She’s lovely, really. I’m-“
“A victim of Mor’du then? Did he kill your family?” 
Saoirse cut him off with a roll of her eyes. “Mor’du was my family ya gommy nyaff.”
All in all, they returned to the castle. Lachlan apologized and made up with his family. Saoirse, with some trials of trust, was welcomed back as well. Eventually, Lachlan does take the throne. Except there were never any competitive games. Or rather, the lead up was the competition, in a sense. The Queen wanted to test the heirs' genuine traits and familial bonds. With the ability to admit he was wrong and put family above himself, Lachlan passed with flying colors.
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alinktoana · 3 months
local elderly girl sells stickers at a japanese food festival
not gonna lie, the entire experience is very emotional to me and it's been a month but moon channel's vid essay about cool japan, and the release of smt5 vengeance (lol) inspired me
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tldr: i made some stickers, got real existential about it, will keep making more c: if youd like to check them out, here's a link
ive always wanted to draw, i used to say i was gonna become a painter or a fashion designer when i grew up. none of that happened, but i did go to film school. my final project was a script for an animated short highly inspired by nbc hannibal, majora's mask (i know, it was 2016, it makes sense to me lol) and a huge loss in my life from which i havent fully recovered, 10 years later.
the point is, ive always been art adjacent but i never really drew, until i got inspired by_hannibal itself_, noel fielding, kylux (LOL) and a roommate who was who was really inspired by art youtubers like frannerd and drew around the house, so i picked up a pencil and started drawing hannigram fanart bc i was so insanely in love with that show lol i remember who i was before i drew. i spent my days reading and watching tv, bc i love stories and stuff, but i was a consumer. and once i got a job after college i felt so incredibly isolated and directionless. do i have a direction now, as i work as a """"designer""" for a company that sells a mental health app? no. but like demifiend was force fed a magatama and got demon powers (LMAO BEAR WITH ME I JUST BOUGHT SMT3 HD REMASTER), i caught the art demon (like steven zapata says). and i caught it bad. i spend my day to day rushing through my work and chores and everything so i can have enough time to draw in the evening, to do whatever, and sometimes the need is so immense i cant do anything bc im not good enough, my skills are fading, im worthless, what's the meaning of all this? so i took a chance and showed my work at an arts alley on a japanese food festival i was helping organize. mind you, i was juggling that with my 9/5, promoting the event, finishing drawings from years ago. and when i got there, nobody got it. people looked at the stickers and didnt recognize the characters, and went on to buy the stickers my friends had that were more current. it was all japanese fanart. we were there with the single purpose of baiting weebs like us lol
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ive always dealt with clients, im used to this. but im used to business to business, bc sigh i am a corporate girly. and im a beginner in the demon arts of arting. i felt so ashamed people were preferring other people, that i had the audacity to think i was worth anything. but i stood there, standing still with my brain boucing off my skull wanting to leave but also enjoying the experience and hoping someone, anyone would get it. and some people did. to my surprise, jack frost was my best selling sticker, lol. jack frost, from the smt franchise, a franchise im so new to but i love so dearly. im 100% a poser, ive never finished a megaten game. but… it just speaks to me. and thats where my cool japan feelings come from bc, like i said, i was selling at a japanese food festival. people my age, from the country i come from, were exposed to dragon ball and cardcaptor sakura from birth. and learning about history and the atrocities of the japanese empire is just. who can you trust. but ive aways resonated with one thing from japan, and it's the way they portray sadness in their works. it's become a ritual since last year that i will listen to smtv's ost when im on my period bc it literally brings me back to life. no one but i know how many times ive drawn goro majima and taiga saejima bc their mere existance and their sorrow resonates with me so immensily and i dont wanna see them being sad, nor do i wanna see me being sad. it's. it's really difficult to be to admit that im from brazil, bc our country sells happiness as an export but for many, many years the most popular genre is butthurt country music, and it makes sense, you know? people dont wanna admit they're sad. and i can only imagine what it's like for regular japanese people, bc we (i) get to see their big exports of bittersweetness… i dont know, maybe other people get to see that from brazil too, i dont know. the arts in brazil, or specially where i live, it's just isnt in the cards for us. but ill keep trying, you know. and i know fanart is a hack. but im trying. despite everything and everyone wanting us (me) to work for mining/metal/oil companies, make the most money, have the least health, drink all the alcohol (but call an uber), consume, reproduce and die, i. i just wanna draw tiny people, you know. it's. not that big a deal. all this to say that yes im gonna keep drawing and making stickers and, who knows, you know. these are stickers that i wont ever find near me, or that im too broke to get them from artists/official stores, so if youre like me, here's some pdfs in case you wanna print them and stick them wherever c: ty if you got this far, this is a big ramble… but it's been years in the making and despite everything im happy about it c:
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shrimplymoray · 1 year
HEHEHE TENA im coming in with another bimbovirus scenario request <3 Eri and Cody celebrating her birthday together in the lab, she’s blowing a small cake and making a sweet wish with him!! thank uuuu <3 (happy birthday to me)
I had wild ideas for this since u asked, but I think I found the perfect one AKA the one I drew for you. By the way, why don't I share that drawing?
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Birthday surprise - BimboVirus (and BEN)
It was coming the day, Cody knew it, and that made him nervous. What day? His stupid assistant's birthday. Eri was not the brightest person, by far, but she was still one of the closest person he had, though not by his choice, per say.
Cody had thought of multiple things he could do for her. Maybe actually teaching something, but that was gonna probably cause the 5th lab fire this week, and the fire extinguisher was running low already. He also could try preparing something for her, but his skills on the kitchen were not as good as one would expect. He was running low on ideas each minute that passed, until he remembered the person that was most likely able to help, much to his displeasure.
"So... You came here to ask me for help, huh? What will I get in return?" BEN asked, with his arms crossed and a grin on his face.
"Listen here I am not asking for help, I am asking for advice, fucknuts. You are one of the only person who know her good, since you track her phone. What do you think would be a good birthday gift?" Cody was red from embarrassment of just having to ask BEN of all people.
"She is a bimbo, dude. Anyone with more than two braincells can think of a pink dress to give her. Unless..." The elf boy went closer to Cody, nudging him with his elbow "you like her, dontya big guy? I can help plan a party for her if I can have a piece of cake too."
"WHAT NO I DON'T. YEAH SHE IS CUTE AND KINDA ABOVE AVERAGE STANDARDS ON APPEARANCE AND IS ENTERTAINING AND... oh shit I really like her..." Cody had to hide his face in his hands " fine you get a piece of cake, just help me with this shit."
Eri had gone back to the manor after going out with Nina, Clockwork and Zero to a birthday shopping spree. Though none of the girls shared the same aesthetic, they managed to have fun shopping each time, which always brightened the bimbo girl. She even bought this super adorbs frilly dress that she thought would look good with the lab coat Sir Cody got her.
Talking about it, she needed to get to the lab, she IS Sir Cody's super adorbs assistant, and he probably was having to handle all that brain consuming paper work. It's her birthday, but she needed to work. And maybe Eri really just wanted to be near Cody, but who could say?
When the girl reached the Lab, though, she heard another voice inside. Was Sir Cody doing an experiment on Toby again? No, the voice was different. Sounded like... BEN?
Cody opened the door to find Eri, which lead him on a spiral of thoughts before he mustered. "Finally you're here. I've been waiting for you to show for... Work. All day. I need you to come with your eyes closed. Don't ask questions."
"Oh okay Sir Cody! Did you... Prepare a surprise for little ol' me? Oh sir Cody..." The girl continued to blabber happily with her eyes closed, while Cody carefully guided her to a spot in the lab. He hoped she wouldn't burn everything accidentally this time.
He had to motion for Ben to put stuff at the right place quietly while he guided her to a beautiful cake that Cody bought.
"Can I open my eyes now?"
"Yeah just don't-"
Eri opened her eyes and let an excited happy scream of the lab being totally decorated in pink and with the beautiful pink cake. Omg did sir Cody do all of this for her? Oh and Ben is there too, what is he doing in here?
"... Overreact." Cody sighed "Me and BEN put this little party to you. For your birthday and stuff... And, uh..."
"Oh sir Cody I loved loved it!! Everything looks amazing! Oh i could give you a kiss from how happy I am!!"
Cody almost choked with what she said, and stood his hands up "not necessary."
"Hey, where is my payment for the help, 'Sir Codyyy~'?" BEN mocked, with a shit eating grin. Oh how Cody hated him right now.
"Ugh, fine, I'll cut the cake, let me just do something real quick." Cody, as quickly as he could, gave a kiss to Eri's cheek and but his mask up to hide his blush.
Eri... She was on the clouds and felt as if she was gonna faint from how much blood run to her face. He just... She...
"Dude you are going to kill her this way..."
"Shut the fuck up and get your cake"
"Can I blow the candles first?"
"Oh, uh, sure."
Eri held a deep breath before quickly yelling "I want sir Cody to kiss my cheek again!!" And blowing the candles.
"Oops, I guess now Sir Cody will have to kiss my cheek again..."
"... You have to wish in your head for it to come true, Eri."
Happy bday Eri, love uu/p and hope we will share more BimboVirus content with each other!!!
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sleepy-truper · 1 year
"Sorry I'm a bit awkward (◞‸◟ㆀ) but like I need to ask you something"
"Before that tho I just need to say I was scrolling through the köing tag and found you and like GOD DAMN your art is edible!!!! Like you draw köing so pretty!??!!?(koing + cat is just adorable) And so I wonder if I could ask like, how did you learn to draw? Maybe where, when, even why(I hope it doesn't come off as offensive Im just curious ^^') and if you don't mind like advice or yk a tips and tricks type of stuff. Idk man like the thing that I love the most is probably the line weight like it's so good?? There's a lot of other stuff but I ain't gonna ramble (this person spent too much time watching art videos instead of actually drawing) Alr thats about it!
Uh idk how to end this off so like if you respond to this then ty ^^ it's fine too if you don't!!"
(im scared to mess it up, it's my first submission and I don't know how to reply SOS)
When I read it my face was all like 🥺 it's so sweet! I'm so happy you like my artwork so much. 😊 (finally logged on my phone and can use emojis, how fun is this?)
As for your question when, how and why I started ro draw, I begun my hobby when I was very little, carefully drawing Disney Princesses from my crayon box :)! I've been drawing for about 14 years (as long as I can remember) and why, I guess it soothes me? The idea of being creative and making my fantasies come true on the paper/screen is so great.
My advice for you (as requested) is to keep going no matter what! Practice is the only way you can improve, be it with or without tutorials. The way I see it, you can't go back in art. Once you develop a skill and you keep on polishing it, you'll achieve what you've always dreamed of.
Small tips and tricks from me? Put on a fun playlist, find a brush that suits you best and try drawing on one layer, slowly erasing unnecessary, messy lines and adding smoother ones. Keep playing with values by adding shadows and texture (random lines on clothing, for example) and in general, have fun!❤️
Once again thank you for such kind words, it made my day sweetheart🥺
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kin-the-muffin · 2 years
for those who are unaware:
more of my screaming under the cut
ok so we’re starting right where we left off and OMIGOSH THE HUG I CANT HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
gus helping w the dishes is so sweet!! and amity omigosh this girl. not to mention camila is just taking it so coolly?? what am i saying, shes probably freaking out inside
is it just me or does it seem like luz is in shock? shes acting like everything’s fine, and not the way she acted in reaching out either, more like shes numb or something 🥺
hunter, bb, why would they hate you cuz youre a clone of caleb? that doesnt make you him. plus i dont actually think that caleb was ever a witch hunter in the first place. also, youre not helping luz. ily <3
why luz gotta blame herself, she couldn’t have ever known something like this would happen. and im not sure how time travel works in the owl house but id be willing to bet that even if she hadnt helped philip, he would have found someone else willing to be monster bait instead of her and lilith
‘we’ll tell them, when we’re ready’ girl that aint ever gonna happen. the way things go when ppl say stuff like that is that the thing gets pushed off until the characters cant help but slam right into it, no countermeasures to soften the blow. i am very worried about how this is gonna affect willow and amity.
ik there were some people who were worried that the gang wasnt gonna be ok with vee so im glad that they like her :)
well, glad to know that the philip-goo is, in fact, alive. screw that
gus nerding-out with all of the stuff in the basement XD (also camila why is there so much random stuff in your basement? 👀)
hunters little smile at gus :>
amity and willow protecting vee from the alarm clock, i cant- *wheeze*
willow looks so cute with her hair down i swear
gus, i love you so much for that, the rainbow and everything
their drawings of their families are so cuuuuuuuute (and amity not drawing karen HA)
(our first real look at caleb???)
idk what they were doing but the portal kinda worked for a second, before it, yknow, combusted
what even is that blob, i dont even wanna try to guess whats in it (THEY ALL LOOK SO PROUD OF THEMSELVES, MY BABIES)
amity’s look of wonder at the rain, my beloved <3<3
im so happy they got to have some fun after all the trauma, they really needed it
do i even need to say anything about luz and amity in the rain
luz’s drawing skills have gotten so much better!!! (dat trauma tho. the depression that she cant have everything she wants in one world. in the human realm, she has her mom and vee but in the demon realm, she can do magic and has her best friends (and gf) and eda and king)
looks like her palisman has yet to arrive :(
darnit shes back at school (i wonder how she figured that all out)
thank you for coming to my ted talk, now back to your regularly-scheduled reblogs
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virtuoso-spybot · 11 months
Its early in the morning, and Pascal has sat himself down in the middle of a field, doodling in his sketchbook as he did his best to ignore the pain in his chest. He was waiting for someone, someone who said they'd wanted to learn how to draw. Of course, Pascal just couldn't ignore him- He had the most innocent, most excited expression when Pascal said yes, and for the past few days they've been meeting up every sunrise.
"I'M HERE! I'M HERE!" A familiar accented voice called out, and in the distance Pascal could see a sniperbot running towards him as fast as his legs would take him.
"SAMMY!" Pascal shouted back, opening up his arms for a hug. "ITS GOOD TO SEE YOU."
He reached under Sammy's hat to give him a little pat on the head, which always seemed to get the other bot's engine revving in a comforting purr. The two of them sat down in the grass next to each other, opening up their sketchbooks as Sammy tilted his head at Pascal.
"ITS PRONOUNCED 'HOODIE' AND..." Pascal hesitated, knowing damn well he absolutely isn't gonna tell Sammy what really happened, he's too innocent for that.
Immediately Sammy got giddy, and flapped his hands a few times to get rid of any excess energy before starting to draw, rocking back and forth and humming to himself while doing so. Pascal waited, staring up at the sky as the stars began to fade away and the sun rose, painting the sky in vivid shades of pink and orange.
"DONE!" Sammy shouted, and he excitedly showed off his notebook to Pascal. It was a drawing of a bird laying down on its back, with its eyes closed and Zs coming out of its mouth. "YESTERDAY I SAW A BIRDIE, AND IT WAS ASLEEP ON THE GROUND INSTEAD OF SLEEPING IN A TREE? I TRIED TO POKE IT AWAKE, BUT I GUESS IT JUST GOT REEAALLY TIRED."
Pascal paused. He didn't think he'd have to be the one to give Sammy this type of talk, but alas. He sighed and closed his own notebook, looking the fellow bot right in the eyes.
"HUH? OF COURSE!" Sammy said as he closed his own notebook, sitting criss crossed facing Pascal.
"I BET I COULD WAKE THEM UP! I CAN YELL REALLY LOUD!" The sniperbot said excitedly.
The two of them sat in silence for a few moments, Sammy taking his time to process this information. He nervously fidgeted with his hands as he looked down at the grass, realizing what happened to that birdie he saw.
"...WHEN DO THEY WAKE UP?" He asked, his tone still hopeful. Pascal again hesitated, he wasn't expecting this conversation to be as difficult as it was. He let out a mechanical sigh before responding:
Sammy again paused, looking upset at this information. "O-OH..." He muttered, playing with his hands as he began to look nervous. "IS... IS THAT GONNA HAPPEN TO YOU?"
Pascal was shocked at the question, and after a long while of thinking, he decided that honestly was the best route to take here. "YES. YES IT IS AND IM SORRY."
Sammy goes completely silent, absolutely horrified by Pascal's confession. He grabbed onto Pascal's hand and held it tight, like he wanted to hang on to his friend and never let go. "WHY??" Sammy asked. "WHY ARE YOU...?"
"WELL..." Pascal closed his eyes to try and find the words to put it as gently as possible. "I-I'VE BEEN VERY SICK TO PUT IT LIGHTLY. MY BODY DOESN'T WORK LIKE IT SHOULD, AND I DON'T THINK ANY MECHANIC, ENGINEER OR TECHNICIAN COULD FIX ME-"
Pascal's heart shattered into a million pieces right then and there, seeing the heartbreak in the sniperbot's eyes. "I KNOW, BUDDY..." He said as he shuffled closer to Sammy, putting his arms around him in a tight hug. He thought about how to comfort the bot for a while, before coming up with an idea.
"Y-YEAH... WHY?"
"YEAH... YEAH! IT DOES!" Sammy exclaimed as he looked up at the sky, at all the clouds that can be seen across the firey orange and pink sunset. "I'LL BE SURE TO WAVE AT YOU IF YOU GO UP THERE!"
It took Pascal everything to stop himself from becoming a sobbing mess right then and there, holding Sammy just a little tighter. "TH... THANKS, BUD." He said, hugging him in silence for just a few more moments.
"YEAH! YEAH I DO!" Sammy replied as he excitedly opened up his notebook again.
And draw they did.
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