#one day i was writing in french
thesquidkid · 2 years
Fanfic Origin Story
I was tagged by @burntotears ❤️
What was your first fandom (reading and/or writing)?
Harry Potter and CHERUB (both in writing and reading)
What was the first story you ever wrote?
Technically the first story I ever wrote was for Foot2Rue, but it never got posted anywhere. The first thing I wrote that got posted anywhere was an orginal story loosely based on CHERUB.
What's a piece of advice you would give your younger fic writing self?
Stories don't have to be inherently romantic
What's an early fandom interaction that stuch with you (be it a nice comment, a friend you made, a fic that got a lot of fedback)?
When I was like 14 most of my irl friends dumped me from one day to the next. So I became really active on Wattpad, engaging in rp and commenting on fics to get the social interaction I wasn't really getting at school. After a few days, two other ppl started interacting with my rp too, and we rp'd together for about a year. One thing led to another, and we wrote a story togther, three years later we met up in real life. We don't talk as much nowadays, with everyone having gone their own ways, but these two ppl made me feel a lot less alone, and that's something I'll never forget
Post a sentence or two from an older fic and a sentence or two from a newer one (if you want)
I only started writing in English somewhat recently (2018 ish), so this fic is not the oldest stuff I've written (I'm also slowly continuing it 😂)
The House with Blue Shutters (Orginial Work)
Greenwood was a small village. It was very charming and everybody knew each other. This village had all the characteristics of a hamlet: there was a church, St Williams, a small market on Mondays and even Mrs Potts, an old lady who knew everything that happened in Greenwood. Evangeline Potts was a 71 year old retired teacher, who lived in a lovely house with a garden, just next to the market. She had a dog, Lucky, a brown French bulldog. You could always find Mrs Potts and her dog at the terrasse of the café, and on Mondays she would always be at the market, chatting to everybody who walked by. Lucky would often wander off between the stalls, looking for food, food that every seller would give him. Mrs Potts would always say “Lucky! Come back here! We have food at home.” and when he finally came, she would congratulate him: “That's a good boy.”
And one the most recent fics I've published, it's the best thing that I'll ever do (Roswell, New Mexico)
The television was on. Sheriff Taylor was talking. And all Isobel could focus on was the woman sitting besides her. Anatsa Mufaro. She was a journalist, and quite possibly the most interesting person Isobel had ever talked to. They started their conversation by raising their glasses to Max and the smart women in his life (who were the reason the man was alive to this day).  But then, they talked about everything and nothing all at once. They could have talked about Anatsa’s job, her report on the racial crimes in Roswell, and the new Sheriff, who was questionable at best. Or they could have talked about the alien stories around Roswell, a tourist simply asking questions to a local. They didn’t. Instead, they talked about music, travels, books, sports, movies, their favourite coffee order, and a recent art exhibition that Isobel had gone to recently, in Albuquerque, that Anatsa should totally check out. 
The main difference between my old writing style and my current style is how I space out my paragraphs 😂
Tagging @infp-obsessing-over-everything, @beautifulcheat, @tasyfa, @maeglinthebold, @gritkitty ❤️
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kevinsdsy · 3 months
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bonus (silly tweet for the muslim oomfs):
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trojans social media au – the archives (pt. 6): made oomfs one shot a canon event apparently BC LMAOOO how are we still going
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4+1 fluff with a unhappy ending fic en français qui retrace l'histoire d'un ship jusqu'à leur rupture en utilisant 'Il m'aime... un peu, beaucoup, passionnément, à la folie. Pas du tout.'
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bri-in-ur-attic · 7 months
Just some lil risqué thought I had, nothing explicit but its kinda steamy, just two idiots in love tbh (not proofread)
Imagine getting in the right mood, dimly lit candle with books surrounding you and all
P accidentally read a romantic novel and he felt the ergo in his heart churning as he imagined being in the scenario with you
Noticing he had been completely still for a long while, you peeped over next to him asking what he was reading
Placing the book down, P turns his head to face you, his face conflicted
Worried that he might've read something depressing you place a hand on his shoulder with concern
"Did you read something not pleasant?"
Shaking his head, P leaned his body towards you, your concerned expression now confused and flustered
"It was..good actually..really good.."
The implications behind his words and body language was clear
P had just read a steamy scene from a romantic novel.
"Ah- I-I get it now..."
Unable to handle his deep gaze you look away, overwhelmed but in a good way
Recalling that the male character from the book took the initiative, P gently directs your face back to him with his index finger now grabbing your chin
Deeply gazing into your eyes, he then looks down to your lips
Taking the fact that you licked your lips as a sign, P leans his face forward with eyes lidded, you mirror his actions and hear his small inhale before your lips meet his
The kiss was very gentle, like a first kiss which indeed was for P
You having a little more experience tilt your head to enhance the kiss and you hear a soft moan from P
Placing your hand where his mechanical heart is, you feel the thumping, P despite being non-human feels and acts so much like a human-being
You pull away to catch your breath, pouting at the loss of your warmth P chases after your lips and feeling more confident grabs your face but with ease to keep you at a close proximity
Grabbing his hands, you let out a breathy laugh at his assertiveness
"i need to breathe for a moment.."
While you were kissing, P had slightly pushed you down which leaves you under him, legs draped under his
After catching your breath, you pressed your lips towards P to which he reciprocates, this time you decide to let your tongue out a little to tease P's lips
He halts and eyes widen, worried that you made him uncomfortable you push yourself away embarrassed
But before you could even move 2 inches away from him, P grips your hip in one hand and the other on the back of your head and slams his lips on yours
With how human he acts, you sometimes forget that he's a puppet, but no human has ever made you feel this way, from his gentleness to his ethereal beauty, with each motion your lips move against each other, he truly is human at heart, the fact that you're French kissing with a literal puppet doesn't bother you much at all
*chirp* "Woah! You finally did it! Y/n you have no idea how much he was pining for you! I'm so proud of you pal!"
Both you and P look at the Gemini with annoyance
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lieutenantselnia · 20 days
Sometimes you just find quotes from historical figures that make you go "yeah, they may not have been particularly the best person ... but the specific thing they point out right there, big mood"
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rainbowpufflez · 5 months
Bo got one singular note on his last post so here’s Gus and Lys’s breakup scenario he randomly wrote one day
It’s not like Augustine and Lysandre hadn’t had squabbles before. Little things tend to build up in relationships and sometimes things bother someone more than they usually would. But this was the first fight where things got heated. Where something was, different.
Augustine doesn’t remember how it started, what he must’ve said that caused Lysandre’s mood to shift. He remembers watching Lysandre’s muscles stiffen and his gaze go distant, brows furrowing down along with it. He remembers Lysandre making a snide remark, something that implied that Augustine was beneath him. And so it started.
Soon they were both yelling. While they both had issues communicating to each other what they needed, it had never gotten this bad before. They always found a way to calm themselves before exploding. However, they were past that point this time.
Words fell to the floor and meant nothing. Time seemed to stretch on for thousands of years between them. A never ending battle, where Augustine bared his horns in a defensive state and Lysandre squawking out shrilled calls in attempt of explanation.
“You don’t understand!”
Augustine remembers Lysandre choked out. When had they both started crying?
“Oh and how do I not understand?! Have I not been understanding?! Have I not loved you with all my heart and soul?!”
He replied with a harsh gesture back at himself. It felt like there was a ticking time bomb between them and it was on its last second.
Then it slipped out.
“Because I’d KILL for you Augustine. Because I’d DIE for you.”
The room went still.
Before Augustine even could process what was said, he shouted back.
“I NEVER asked you to do that.”
Lysandre took a step back, it seemed he realized what he said as his muscles stiffened again. And Augustine’s response only made it worse. He coiled into himself.
“Augustine, I-“
“Get out.”
He didn’t expect that response. He moved, still stiff. His talons were no longer ready for attack, instead they were opened palm out. A last attempt at solace.
“Augustine please I didn’t mean that—“
“I said get out.”
Augustine was still on defense. His hooves dug into the floor as he stood firm. He didn’t look at his counterpart. He just waited.
“Alright.” Lysandre eventually responded when he realized that it was futile to work it out now. “I’ll leave.”
There was a small shuffle, a collection of things. A bag, his keys, his coat. No words were spoken between the two as he made his way to the door.
As Lysandre reached the door he turned to face Augustine one last time. “Gus… I… I love—“
And so that was that. Lysandre’s brows furrowed down again at his words, not able to hide a bitter, hateful look. He gave a firm nod then swung open the door and left.
Augustine was left in silence in the middle of the room, holding himself in an attempt to not break down. But instead of mustering up any last remaining tears, or truly processing what Lysandre had said, he just felt a wave of exhaustion overcome him.
He found himself falling back on the couch, gripping at a throw pillow with a gaudy checkered design. A design Lysandre hated but he loved.
His energy drained, he found his eyes closing. And with the last remaining energy he wondered.
Had he always been that way?
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gentlehue · 1 month
i miss u april cynthia idk how she did all that .... idk how many of u know this but when i started jgracie i was lit supposed to be studying for the most important exams of my life so far 😭 and i DID id wake up at like 5-8am every day n have breakfast then study for like 7-10 hours straight then once i was done id clock into tumblr.com and write obscenely long headcanons and post them ???? id post twice a day on most of the days too so after i was done w studying id write 2 things in one sitting n post one while i was eating a slightly late lunch and the other right as i was ab to go to sleep ?? and then once the exams ACTUALLY started i ws like ohhh im gonna go on semi hiatus dont expect anything from me till june 😊 except i was still posting ALL the time just not super long things 😭 any day i didnt have an exam id clock into tumblr..... and as soon as exams finished I LOST ALL MOTIVATION TO WRITE???? i envy april cynthia so bad
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emikomusubi · 2 years
People might watch opm and think woah genos is a bit intense haha. But dont worry! Watching special episode 1 will reveal that he is much worse
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lulu2992 · 1 year
Hey ! First thanks for this blog, it's full of really great posts :) And second, I saw you gave advices to fanfics writers for John and Jacob but I didn't see anything about Joseph, I believe I'm not the only one to think The Father is the hardest to write ! Any tips, advices or anything else ? Thanks a lot and continue this wonderful work !
Hi! And thank you :D
I suppose you’ve played the game and already know Joseph’s story, but as I did in my previous posts, I’m going to give you (and anyone reading this who might not be familiar with the Far Cry 5 universe) a few links and resources:
The Book of Joseph: an official but rare book that seems mostly canonical. Its real-life author is unknown, but it’s written from the Father’s point of view and provides details about his life before Hope County. Contrary to popular belief, though, this is not Eden’s Gate’s sacred book; that’s The Word of Joseph and we can’t read it (except one page; see below).
Joseph’s sermons: the “first” one, “Soul Search”, the one about “the elite”, and “The Truth”. The latter is him reading the only page from The Word of Joseph we can find in the game. There’s also this one for Jacob’s Armory, and this, supposed to be broadcasted in the Heralds’ bunkers when the Collapse has arrived.
His only radio call.
The message he left for John at Seed Ranch.
His lines during the final fight against him.
His Arcade lines: Part 1 & Part 2.
His scars and tattoos.
I wrote a summary of what other characters say about him (masterpost here), but the cultists and Resistance/civilians’ comments can be listened to here and here. And chances are they’re not relevant anymore, but you can listen to his deleted lines here and read even more here.
The Far Cry 5 lore is all over the place if you want to take all the content they’ve ever released into account, but there’s also:
The song “Now He’s Our Father” (choir version here and reinterpretation here)
The two live-action trailers, The Sermon & The Baptism
The novel Far Cry: Absolution (not legally available for free)
The short film Inside Eden’s Gate (and, as a bonus, the long version of one of the scenes)
The comic Far Cry: Rite of Passage #3 (not legally available for free)
The game has an official sequel, Far Cry New Dawn... but it’s not really canon to me because of the retcons. And I have to talk about it because it exists, but there’s also the Far Cry 6 DLC, Collapse. It takes place in Joseph’s mind, and you would think that would make it the most reliable source of information regarding his psyche, but it was developed by a new team and there are many discrepancies between it and Far Cry 5, so I would personally advise against using it as a reference... Finally, this isn’t only true for Joseph, but take everything you see on the Far Cry Wiki with a grain of salt, especially unsourced information that makes you go, “oh, I didn’t know that”; that’s very suspicious :’)
In the Far Cry 5: Official Collector’s Edition Guide by Prima Games, the game’s Lead Writer, Drew Holmes, said the following about Joseph:
What we really focused on was creating an enemy that truly believed in his mission—that only he could protect humanity during the end of days. We wanted to create a villain who had pure intentions but who was so consumed by his own madness that he could not see his own evil. He views himself as Noah—but everyone else sees him as a madman. (...) Joseph Seed is a villain we haven’t seen before in Far Cry. Yes, he’s magnetic and crazy...but there’s also an honesty to him that makes him compelling. He believes he has purpose. He’s not crazy for crazy’s sake—he has a very clear message that he’s trying to impart on the Player—and hopefully makes you stop and think whether or not he’s actually right.
He talked about him in other interviews, such as this one.
Joseph was co-created and has always been played by the same actor (except once), Greg Bryk, whose opinion on the character is always worth reading/listening to. Here’s a selection of videos, some of them also featuring Drew Holmes and Dan Hay (Executive Producer/Creative Director/Writer):
Cult of Personality (UbiBlog)
Meet Greg Bryk Joseph Seed Actor
Interview - Greg Bryk and Drew Holmes (Gaming Trend)
Greg Bryk (Joseph "The Father" Seed in Far Cry 5) - Game On Expo 2018
FORGED ep10 - W/ Guest Greg Bryk
SacAnime Summer 2018 Greg Bryk Far Cry 5 Panel
Joseph Seed "The Father" aka Greg Bryk talks FAR CRY 5 & FAR CRY NEW DAWN
How Far Cry’s Iconic Villains Were Created (IGN Inside Stories)
Fans also asked him questions on Instagram and I compiled his answers here (and here). In the latest live stream, he said Far Cry 5 had been “an amazing chapter in [his] life” but that Joseph’s story was “finished”, implying he didn’t feel like playing him anymore...
Finally, it’s not really informative, just fun, but there’s this.
Now, my analysis and interpretation! Despite the fact Joseph is an antagonist in Far Cry 5, I wouldn’t really call him “evil” or describe him as a villain because he’s (weirdly) well-intentioned. His followers undeniably do awful things for him and his siblings, but even though he’s a cult leader, he’s neither hypocritical nor a liar, and his primary goal isn’t to take advantage of people. Joseph heard a Voice he believes is God’s and It entrusted him with a mission. Although who that Voice belongs to is up to interpretation, it’s clear to me It’s not a figment of his imagination; It’s real, and It’s powerful. Joseph has unwavering faith in It and will obey It, whatever It asks him to do, even the worst, because he’s extremely devoted and convinced he’s only doing what’s right. He genuinely believes the Collapse is coming and that he’s the prophet chosen to save as many “souls” as he can (at least 3,000) from it to march them to Eden’s Gate, which is why he started his Project.
I said he was well-intentioned but, as the saying goes, “the road to hell is paved with good intentions”, and I think Joseph embodies this proverb perfectly. The fact he’s convinced his actions are righteous is precisely what makes him dangerous and almost unstoppable. He won’t let anything or anyone prevent him from fulfilling his destiny and get in the way of his divine purpose, even if it means people have to die. To Joseph, this is “God’s will” and those non-believers will perish when the Collapse comes anyway... The people his Family saves might fight or not want to join them now, but he thinks that in the end, when they finally understand he was right, they will be grateful. As the Father, he feels he knows what’s best for his Children.
I believe the Voice showed him several versions of the future and that Joseph isn’t sure which one(s) will come to pass. He may know his siblings are likely to die and not see the New Eden, but he hopes they will live because he truly loves them. As for the Deputy, they’re the person destined to trigger the Collapse, so they’re special to him and he doesn’t want his followers to kill them. That said, he also hopes he can make them join his Family so everyone can be safe in “The Garden” the Voice promised.
I think Joseph hasn’t really moved on from the loss of his wife and is still, in some way, in love with her. That doesn’t mean he could never love someone else, but in the game, he’s not quite there yet. That may seem paradoxical, and he’s still convinced he did the right thing, but I also believe his daughter’s death was a tragedy to him because evidence suggests he loved her more than he loved himself. Joseph is a man of strong convictions… and contradictions.
He’s usually calm and collected but can still feel and express extreme emotions in some cases. When he speaks, it’s like he’s naturally solemn and charismatic, which is probably why so many people follow him. Again, the fact he doesn’t lie to them and sincerely believes in his message is probably the reason others started to believe in him in return.
Because of what he went through in his life, it appears Joseph is always desperately trying to build a family and surround himself with loved ones. Sadly, he also seems doomed to always lose them, one way or another… His commitment to the Voice is absolute, and serving God is what keeps him going. In the end, he’s certain everything he’s endured and sacrificed will be worth it. Unfortunately, while he always aims to do “what’s right”, the tragedy of Joseph is that he usually ends up inadvertently making things worse, for him or the people he loves. His faith is his reason for living, but it’s also, too often, the main reason for his suffering.
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seadem-on · 3 months
I cooked my own meal for tomorrow (zucchini omelette) and done the laundry as well and it is amazing how taking care of myself makes me feel better
I have a future now
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chaoticly-shy-dragon · 2 months
The two creatures in my ears are arguing: in the end neither wins.
Should I write a 5+1 fic where Edwin and Charles swap surnames and nobody comments on it (and one time someone did) or the angsty fic where Charles is dragged to Hell alongside Edwin in episode 6 sans the notebook or his bag?
Highlights of both are:
• reversal to form of death due to distress
• inter- and codependency galore - Edwin will try to use magic from memory to different levels of success, Charles will fistfight a doll (or a thousand): neither can think straight (in more way than one) without the other safely tucked away by their side
• old married couple on acid (yes even in hell)
• Niko and Crystal will feature as deus ex machinas on earth that will never reach hell - in different ways for the two fics tho
• Charles being just as good of a detective as Edwin - also being two cm shorter than him
• their dance parties aka the intro. I will figure out a way for Edwin to dance like that. I will
• the idea that haunts me: part of Edwin's disdain for the Cat King's shtick is that he was more than once caught in Lust - the only times he was glad the babydoll demon caught him when he did - touch aversion due to even more trauma - I like traumatizing my characters
• Charles and Edwin regularly go on walks and trips around the country - festivals, events, landmarks - I definitely have to look up so many British things
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jade-len · 8 months
i love listening to animal crossing music while i'm studying or doing work. it makes me feel like a silly little npc doing their silly little tasks in this silly little world and thus takes away 80% of my misery
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tj-crochets · 6 months
Hey y'all! I am in the mood for some new (to me) music. Do you have any recommendations for songs that make you want to dance? No limits on genre or language, but if you're sending me a link to a specific music video please give me a heads up if it has flashing lights (if possible). Thanks!
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takhayyul · 7 months
wait hiii :) takhayyul is a beautiful word! i’m super curious, what other languages can u speak?
hiii <3 i can speak english french urdu and punjabi fluently. very limited knowledge in korean and german
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bromcommie · 7 months
the way I would kill for an M-rated howling commandos oneshot. she could’ve saved the mcu and this is 100% the hill I will die on
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vroombeams · 19 days
Omg your writing is so msndjzksnxkajsnd, i LOVE how you write oscarmark!!!
Also wanted to ask if English is your first language bc i have an ongoing count abt it and somehow almost every of my favourite authors aren't native in English and i find this stat extremely funny😭😭😭 (absolutely understand if you won't answer bc this may sound strange)
anon this made me laugh so bad last night when i first saw it 😭 it caught me so off guard i was not expecting such a question!!
first of all thank you so much for coming thru to the inbox to say something kind 💕 second of all yes, english is indeed my first language!!!! i'm actually deeply curious now what the ratio is of non-native to native english speaking authors on your fave lis
this startled such a laugh out of me thank you lmao
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