#one book one shot book 2
snek-eyes · 11 months
So I was thinking about what it means that Aziraphale is the POV character of all the season 2 flashbacks... until I realized that's not entirely true. Because while Edinburgh is narrated by him and the Blitz scene plays after he's reminded of it, there are two scenes in the Job story that Aziraphale wasn't there for.
First is the cold open with Bildad, but that sequence pretty quickly shifts over to follow Aziraphale, and we see him coming out of the memory.
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But the second Job sequence starts more clearly as Crowley's memory:
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Zoom into Crowley, zoom into the book.
So why does Crowley get this part? Why not just stick with Aziraphale the whole time? Well, if we follow the idea that the flashbacks are setting up for the decisions these two make at the end, Crowley's part here is small but decisive: This event is one of the big reasons why Crowley is never going back to Heaven. And Aziraphale doesn't get to be there for the biggest signs of it.
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This sequence is also the last time Crowley was truly on his own. I think it's significant that whenever Aziraphale isn't there for him to taunt, Crowley is actually pretty cold, a little impatient. It doesn't feel like he's having fun tricking these people, he's just trying to get the job done.
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Then we get the first of two unique transitions. It's a sort of shifting over:
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My theory is this scene is where we start to switch over to Aziraphale's POV, but we still start out in Crowley's, because...
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...we're just as surprised as Crowley is to find the angel here. But during the scene they literally switch sides of the room, and I think along with that we get the POV shift. We as the audience end up on Aziraphale's side as he's trying to believe the best in Crowley, while not really knowing.
What makes me more sure is that this scene ends with a different unique transition, a page turn:
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I think here is where Aziraphale gets absorbed in the memory and Crowley leaves. When we get to the bit of the story where Crowley's being nice.
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captainkirkk · 6 months
When I started writing 'lessons in tea making', I set out to make it a longfic that following ATLA Book 2 and 3 in its entirety but now its been almost 5 years and I'm realising that I'm probably never going to get around to finishing this monster of a wip
HOWEVER, I do have around 15k of chapter 2 collecting dust in my google drive so.... what's everyone's opinion on authors uploading (signposted) unfinished chapters....
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zhalfirin · 7 days
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ANBU Legacy 4.2 - @anbu-legacy
Again I thank the authors for their kind permission
Full cloth binding with title hot stamped on the spine.
case materials covers - grey board (2,4) spine stiffener - cardboard covering material - coated book cloth, black hot stamped title - heat reactive foil, silver
inner book text block paper - Munken polar, 100gsm endpapers - Chiyogami paper endbands - woven (bought)
Format: ~A6 (10,5cm x 14,8cm)
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hedwig394 · 6 months
I'm Not Yours
Derek Hale x Sarah McCall
Timeline: In S2E4, when Derek is training his betas, one of them tries to kiss him.
Derek's POV -
Isaac barrels towards me with a vicious look on his face. I stare at him, unfazed. Like that can scare me. He leaps at me but I push him out of the way effortlessly. Sure, the momentum makes it difficult, but not difficult enough.
Erica jumps at me from above and I toss her to the ground. She's no better. In fact, she's worse. Isaac at least has the mind to know that he isn't the best, but Erica is full of overconfidence. It's going to get her in trouble someday.
Boyd looks at from above, and cringes as both the betas fall to the ground. I know their bones are broken, they must be. Guilt creeps up my spine, but I shove it down. If I'm to teach them how to protect themselves, then they must sustain a few injuries.
"Does anyone wanna try not being completely predictable?" I ask with a frown.
It is then that Erica jumps at me. But she doesn't try to attack. Instead, she wraps her legs around my waist and presses her lips to mine. Eyes widening in shock, I push her away immediately.
"Don't ever do that again," I say, fury churning through my body. My eyes flash red and I see fear in hers, but I don't care.
I don't want to be kissed by anyone who isn't Sarah.
"Why?" She asks, scared, "Because I'm a Beta?"
"No." I say, "Because I'm Not Yours." I make sure to wipe my lips, just in case her lipstick has left a mark.
Isaac groans from beside her, uninterested in what just happened. "Are we done? I got about a hundred bones that need a few hours to heal."
I bend down in front of him and break his finger, "A hundred and one."
Isaac looks at me in shock and pain, and I hiss at him. "You think I'm teaching you to fight? Huh? Look at me! I'm teaching you how to survive! So if you don't wanna die, I suggest you take this seriously."
I stalk away from them and rush to my loft after putting my jacket on. I had promised to meet Sarah there, and I don't wanna be late. I don't want to miss even a single minute I have with her. Her brother thinks that it's just him who has to do a lot just to see his girlfriend, but he's wrong.
I have to do twice as much just to catch a glimpse of Sarah.
She waits at me at the loft, her long hair flowing behind her because of the wind.
"Angel..." I say. It's one of the few nicknames I have for her, another main one being 'honey'. She turns around and looks at me. Joy fills her eyes and she rushes towards me, throwing her arms around me. She doesn't care that I smell like tar and dirt, doesn't care that the dirt is all over my clothes and face.
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I wrap my arms around her, breathing in the scent of her sweet-smelling hair. I kiss her cheek and all the emotions I've bottled down almost spill out. No, I can't let that happen. I have to stay strong for her.
She steps back and looks at me with tearful eyes. I pull her towards me and kiss her deeply, savouring the flavour and taste of her soft lips. She opens her mouth and I slip my tongue inside, exploring her mouth. She tastes like the sweet fruit at the end of countless hardships.
Sarah tastes like mine. There's not a lot I can call mine, but Sarah is mine. And I'll be damned to let anyone hurt her or take her away from me.
And the moan she gives makes me wanna carry her inside and show her just that.
But I have to keep the lust in control since I'd rather talk to her and hold her in my arms in those few stolen moments we have together than have sex with her.
I draw my head to let her catch her breath. I can go on for longer, werewolf lungs and all. But she's human. My human.
I caress her cheek gently and press a kiss to her forehead. "I've missed you, my Angel."
"I've missed you too, Sourwolf." She sniffs.
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"Come on," I say, "Let's go inside."
She slips her hand in mine and we walk inside the loft. Sarah beams at the simple arrangement of the place and looks at me. "I've missed coming here."
"I know, I'm sorry," I say ruefully. The loft has not been the same without her. After we got together officially, Sarah used to hang out at the loft frequently. At one point, she was living with me. Those were the best days of my life. Just being with her, inside her and spending time in her presence gave me more happiness than anything else.
But then Gerard Argent showed up along with his pack of Hunters. I turned Isaac and Erica, and Sarah's brother started to hate me. I don't care, Scott's a child. He'll understand the ways of the world after growing up.
But unknowingly, that caused a rift between me and Sarah. It was too unsafe for her to be with me, with hunters prowling around and an unknown beast to add to the list. I know how low Gerard can sink, he can threaten and hurt Sarah just to get to me.
I once had a thought of breaking up with her for her own safety, but she had said to me "I'll carve your heart out with a scalpel and keep it as a prized possession if you ever do that." And that had led to a passionate make-out session.
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"Derek..." Sarah's voice makes me look at her. But she isn't looking at me, she's staring at my jacket. "Why do you smell like women's perfume?"
Aah, that is Erica's fault. "Oh, it's nothing. I was going to tell you." I begin casually, but she looks anything but casual. Sarah's glaring at me like she never has before, and I gulp. "Angel, believe me, it's not what you think."
"Then what is it?" She hisses viciously, and at that moment, I can't help but admire how strong and confident she looks.
Right, back to the point.
I explain everything to her, starting from training to the point where Erica kissed me, and at the end, Sarah looks like she could commit first-degree murder. "I pushed her away immediately," I say, desperation clawing at my insides. Will she believe me?
Sarah glares at me. Then, she looks at her feet with a sigh. "Do you like her, Derek?"
"No!" I exclaim, aghast. "Honey, she's my beta, and she's also underage. I don't like her. I don't like anyone but you."
She doesn't look at me. "It's fine, Derek. If you don't like me anymore. I get it. It's been a hard couple of months. And I understand if you wanna be with me. Maybe a werewolf will be better for you."
"Sarah," I ball my hand into a fist. "Look at me."
She doesn't budge, and I gently lift her chin up. Her warm, chocolate eyes meet my werewolf red. She looks a bit frightened, and I wrap my arm around her, pulling her hard against me.
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"Look at me, Angel." I growl, "You're the only one I like, the only one I want. So don't even think for a second that I'll look at anyone else the way I look at you."
"I'm sorry," She says and my eyes go back to the usual green. "It's been so hard recently, so I thought that you'd give up and...." She looks at me worriedly, "Start looking for someone else."
"Sarah," I say calmly, "It's been very hard, yes. But I'm not giving up on you. On us. It's you for me, Angel."
Sarah gives me a shaky smile, and I continue, "And as for Erica, I pushed her away immediately and warned her to not do that again. You know why?"
She looks at me expectantly and I kiss her softly. "Because I'm not hers, Angel. I'm yours."
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nonconstories · 3 months
Someone pissed me off a couple of days ago
So! Below are several links to programs and foundations that promote adult literacy! Hundreds of millions of adults world wide were failed by their education system and now must fend for themselves while trying to read contracts and hospital bills and infographics from the CDC. But they don't have to be alone, and it is never too late to learn!
ProLiteracy: A network of educators, researchers, and advocates which provides research reports, learning materials, and other support to adult education programs. They assist with connecting volunteers to local programs and provide guidance and support to community leaders trying to use their programs' findings to advocate for social and political change.
Adult Literacy League: An adult education program in Central Florida, which aims to provide students with one on one attention to foster growth and confidence. It also offers English Second Language courses and job skills training, and each new student receives a comprehensive assessment to determine the best plan for them.
Saint Vincent and Sarah Fisher Center's Foundational Skills Program: A 100% free adult education program aimed at adults reading below a fifth grade level. It operates year round and is either in person or remote, and they now have a GED testing center that is open to students and the public alike.
Washtenaw Literacy: A free network of trained tutors for adults in Washtenaw County, Michigan.
Adult Learning Program (Las Vegas/Clark County): Free education classes to those lacking a high school diploma, those seeking to learn ESL, and adults who read below an eighth grade level. Also assists in students' search for gainful employment. Nevada got so fucked by COVID and the education/literacy numbers in the South West are grim. Please help these guys.
Hawaii Literacy: In addition to helping adult residents of Hawaii Island learn to read and write AND bridging the education gap in Hawaii's underserved children, they offer computer literacy classes, ESL classes, and a bookmobile. 1 in 6 Hawaiian adults struggle to read and write.
#Not Stories#mutual aid#adult literacy#'uuhhhggg its soooo disappointing when i meet a girl who's like 'yeah omg i luv 2 read'#'and then she only reads booktok trash and grocery store thrillers and manga'#'like come on thats such a turn off :/'#'like aren't you bored??? what about reading The Foundation and War & Peace and Grapes of Wrath where's THAT girl haha'#nobody gives a shit what sort of high school reading list gets your dick stiff! NOBODY!#I'm too busy dealing with the fact that most public education systems hate students of color and anyone with a learning disability#from the very bottom of my very dyslexic heart go fuck yourself#'this chick only read 8 books in twelve months lmfao thats so pathetic'#'i read eight books a MONTH some people really give up after high school'#do you think my great grandfather or his father got to fucking finish high school????#or were they busy getting fucking shot at in germany in two different fucking wars????#thank every god you wanna name that my lunatic mother stopped abusing me long enough to put me through FIVE YEARS OF TUTORING#to get ME literate because that's what it fucking took#I watched more than one kid from my underserved semi rural district drop out at 17 or 16 or 15#because their parents needed a third paycheck or they were gonna lose the goddamn house#10% of my majority black school district graduated FUNCTIONALLY ILLITERATE and not an ounce of it was those kids' fault#our racist ass school district failed them and the district did NOT protect my white ass when I was diagnosed dyslexic#the adult literacy crisis is not about you getting a girlfriend who can discuss Ayn Rand with you#the adult literacy crisis is about us being exploited and neglected and made easier to control and manipulate#reading is FUCKING HARD and learning to read after the age of six is SO MUCH HARDER#so from the VERY very bottom of my VERY very dyslexic heart#FUCK. YOU.
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markantonys · 11 months
WOT season 3 episode 1 title is "to race the shadow" (source)
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tomatoland · 11 months
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ForceBook in these looks 😍
bonus because more-is-more when it comes to them
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morelikeravenbore · 6 days
rarararr I've almost hit a tumblr milestone what should I do to celebrateeee
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ziracona · 2 years
I’m going to be thinking about this
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One panel of comic for the next 8 years of my life
#Batman#Two-Face#batman gotham adventures#TwoBats#kind of???? Batman/Bruce loves him so much I can’t get over the innate tragedy and love of this relationship like you know what???#you know what’s ungodly good and fucked up???? that tragedy permeates every inch of Bruce and Harvey’s relationship more deeply than any#other element possibly could but one and the one thread thicker in the relationship’s entire being is love#it’s a tragedy it’s tragic but it is never /quite/ as fucked up and tragic and it is deeply deeply kind and sweet and full of love and the#kind of hope that only exists at all because of it. the way Bruce in BtAS immediately starts reading books on the disorder before he even#sees him again? the letting himself almsot get shot to get through? Telltale finishing his bloody fight in the ruined front hall of his own#home by telling him ‘I still believe in Harvey Dent’. ?? The way movie The Long Halloween Bats doesn’t even know Harvey /super/ well by most#human standards but Bruce has literally no friends and never had except Alfred and Gordon so to him this is one of his closest friends and#that’s not a joke it’s real? when he spends the entire last third of part 2 desperately trying to help and telling everyone Harvey’s his#friend and needs help?? it’s real. when he tells Gilda ‘he was my friend and I failed him’? when he compromises his code in a massive way#for the first time and let’s someone get away with murders so Harvey can retain the one little piece of anything he still has which is#having protected the perosn he loves? it’s real. he means it. that’s his best friend.#they’re so *makes incomprehensible upset hand gestures*
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Hey all! So if you didn't see it yesterday there is a new Wingfeather trailer for season 2! It's pretty epic!
There's also a new season 2 poster in their shop, and since it has Peet on it I bought it immediately even though I really don't have extra money to spend this week. xD It also has what I think is the first official/finished look at Maraly?!? (the character, not my kitten) As well as the Fork Factory, Claxton Weaver and the Overseer. 👀👀
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Season 2 covers the first half of book 2 and is releasing sometime this year!
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glitchcipher · 5 months
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*tosses like birdseed*
Have some Caveline prompts children cause I ain’t gonna use em for a while
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Featuring: Cmdr. Sophie Shepard, Lt. James Vega, EDI, Urdnot Wrex, and Dr. Mordin Solus With: Urdnot Bakara And a Special Guest Appearance by: Kalros, Mother of All Thresher Maws I MADE A MISTAKE! I made a mistake... big picture made of little pictures- too many variables. Can't hide behind statistics... can't ignore new data- my responsibility. Need to go- running out of time. Not your work, not your cure- not your decision. Had to be me- someone else might have gotten it wrong... Mass Effect 3: Legendary Edition (2021)
#mira makes gifs ✨#sophie shepard#james vega#EDI#urdnot wrex#mordin solus#mass effect#mass effect 3#me3#mass effect legendary edition#dailygaming#i'm gonna continue the rambles in the part 2 gifset but one of the things i adore about tuchanka is the scenic shots#there are literally so many gorgeous ones that about half of part two is scenic shots because holy fuck tuchanka is beautiful#the kalros reaper ones especially? like those are so cool i had to include at LEAST a few of them bc that fight is awesome#and when the cure disperses?? literally the prettiest scene in the game#EDI and james have really cute dialogue together too!! i adored their moments towards the end of the mission#although i did say i was gonna give thoughts on mordin in sur'kesh and i think it boils down to him being an okay?? character in my book#like mordin definitely isn't one of my favorites but i will respect that he's definitely a very complex character and he's interesting imo#especially in terms of how he's written and his motivations/how he sort of grows and evolves over both ME2 and ME3#like the quote i subquoted the post with is the one you get when you try to stall him from going up into the tower#(so it's not from soph's canon- but i love the scene so i used it anyways)#and one of the things i really like is that you can see the switch from mordin in ME2 who argues that what he did was RIGHT#versus mordin in ME3 who is starting to see what was wrong in the context of all the new information he has#and for me- seeing a character who can grow to recognize that they're flawed and made mistakes- i can respect the HELL outta that#even if mordin isn't my favorite character in the trilogy i'm gonna give him massive props for his character growth arc#because it's always interesting to see someone grow and recognize their mistakes and find a way to be a better person#to own their mistakes and fix the shit that they fucked up#i don't think i'd ever choose the option to not cure the genophage but mordin will always get props from me for his character arc tbh#i'll stop rambling now! have a good day wherever you are <3
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If you're looking for buddie recs read Tethers by whileyouresleeping. It's one of the best buddie fics i've ever read.
Oh my gosh thank you so much for sending me a fic rec! I've marked it for later and will definitely check it out 💞
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what the tags to my posts have taught me is that the wurthering heights stans are eating devouring enjoying while im locked in Moby Dick Jail with the ahab starbuck emotionally draining yuri that lives only in my mind-
#me staring at the direction that they decided to take starbuck's character#LOOK WHAT THEY DID TO MY BOY#also sometimes i get annoyed about the way that pip and ahab's interactions were adapted#like if anyone could have dragged ahab's ass back from the edge. ranked. 1. pip and 2. MAYBE starbuck had a small chance but like#not really#pip and starbuck are like....... two examples of how ahab's damage couldve been averted#pip and ahab are SUCH an important relationship that got kinda lost#bc it shows that ahab COULDVE walked back his ego for human connection. he and pip wind up kinda getting each other in a weird way#pip in moby dick is like. if apollo was the ocean pip would be cassandra. do you understand.#pip and ahab know how each other tick in the book.#they were like each other's One Chances bc ahab couldve left his ego and done the one damn thing which would've REALLY saved#the one goddamn person who he's come to genuinely care about#and pip gave ahab the chance to have someone sort of get how actually scared ahab is of the ocean and how that fear was the biggest#damn insult a dude like that could have. bc if you read the book and how ahab was treated directly after losing his leg.#it wasnt JUST moby dick it was the way his ship treated him. you understand why he's Like That.#the ocean AND the whaling crew fucked them both over.#uhhh meanwhile starbuck Thought that he could walk ahab's ego back from the edge!#but in reality the way that starbuck was ahab's One Chance at not killing everyone on that ship is if starbuck had shot his ass in the cabi#limbus company#IM GLAD THE WURTHERING HEIGHTS FANS ARE HAVING FUN THOUGH IM GL
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velvetjune · 7 months
completely unsurprising that Sam Lake loves Twin Peaks: The Return and how it involved Cooper
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thefrogofrainbows · 2 months
Y’all I know I haven’t done anything on here I’m sorry just incredibly busy I see y’all @ ing me on all the fun posts and I wanna respond but I’m just incredibly busy rn. I’ll do em later I prommy. In other news I DID MY FIRST SOLO FLIGHT A FEW DAYS AGO!!!!! I! FLEW! A! PLANE! ALL! BY! MYSELF!!!!!! AND I DIDNT DIE!!!! I’ve solo’d a bunch since then but it’s still magical. It’s actually wild being up in an aircraft and you’re the one in control 100%
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