#maraly weaver
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isavitarts · 4 months ago
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Maraly Weaver fanart
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mozart-the-meerkitten · 5 months ago
girl i feel like Artham and the wingfeather kids would absolutely love boops
okay this conjured a series of hilarious images in my mind, but by far the best was Maraly throwing boops like knives. She expected hers to be black but nah they're white ghosty ones because of how she flits in and out of the night like a ghost when she's on Shadowblade shenanigans with Gammon. xD
Kal has black paws for obvious reasons. Leeli's are white. Janner and Sara's are both orange and they match <3
Kal and Janner finally have a worthy use for their Durgan training oh boy
Artham won't stop appearing randomly, booping one of them 153 times and then vanishing. His are probably also white for that reason xD
and then Arundelle gets involved and it just becomes her and Artham chasing each other around the castle and popping out of increasingly unlikely places to smack each other with giant cat paws
No one thinks Nia is playing until she darts out of a shadow, smacks someone in the face with a black cat paw and disappears again (never forget she married Esben, prankster of Anniera)
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ghostlingpupversailles · 4 months ago
I’m not sure why it’s not SHOWING UP???
I’ll be back with updates
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mayzi33 · 4 months ago
Just wanna highlight I KNOW they can't possibly keep the series 100% accurate to the books after all if they were just recreating the same thing that wouldn't be fun. But those are just things I think could've worked if they chose to keep it.
Things I like that were added/changed.
-Leeli being more active from the beggining. I know that Leeli's caracter arc is about her finding confidence in herself and being independent in her own circustances (needing a crutch and all). But I love how they highlight that more from the start in the tv show. She's constantly trying to keep up with her brothers and prove herself to them, choosing to go to the Anklejelly Manor with them, being able to play zizby with them, using her crutch as a weapon, helping her family with her observation skills, and how she shows frustration in her role as Song Maiden (just like Janner and Tink show frustration in theirs) since she doesn't want to just stay on the sidelines and play her whistleharp and all the time and actually wants to fight. I love how they're showing more of Leeli's feisty personality rather than just her sweet side.
-Sara being introduced from the beggining. I like that instead of just revealing us that the Sara Cobbler girl that merely mentioned in the beggining of the first book is actually really releavant in the second book, they show her importance from the start. And I especially like how they show her leadership skills (which makes sense in the fork factory revolution arc) and I also love Janner's silly crush on her, highlighting how much he must blame himself for her being taken away and how much he must blame himself even more for leaving her behind. Which again, adds a nice touch to Janner's character, since we know that being eat up by guilt its his whole thing.
-I really like the way they started building up the tension beetwen Janner and Tink from the start. Janner constantly snapping at him and regretting it later, and even when he apologizes Tink doesn't seem to accept it showing that he already took whatever Janner said or did to heart. All leading up to when Tink gets overwheld and runs away from his brother in Dugtown. And once again good ol' guilt eating Janner up.
-I like how Podo seems to be even more affectionative towards the kids, especially the boys. In the books it's shown he's softer towards Leeli, which makes sense, since she's the youngest, the only girl, and they bond over the fact they both got a disability in their leg. But even though it's made clear he loves Janner and Tink just as much even though he might be a little tough in them from time to time (Janner being the eldest and Tink being a king plus the man-up ideology), I love how he's shown more affectionative towards them in the series. Headpats, words of comfort, lifts them up, first priority is to keep the kids safe. Also love the pet names he has for them. "Oskar, get these pups to safety in you-know-where." "If you drop my grand-baby I swear I'll-" "Stout heart, son."
-I also love how Nia is more active aswell. She freaking threw a STATUE on a hound dog to protect her son. She took a big ass LEAP. She never puts her head down to the fangs ONCE. And she's also shown to know how to fight a with a sword. Nia was already a badass mama in the books and these little scenes in the series make her even MORE badass.
Things from the books that weren't kept in the series and I wish they were:
-Some of Janner's outbursts. Janner's temper and sudden outbursts are one of my favorite things about his character and what I think shows the most about his eldest child struggles. Unfortunately in the series he doesn't seem to have them as much in the books (or maybe he does, I need to rewatch the series) and I especially wanted to see his outburst right in the beggining of the book where he snaps at Podo and Nia for pestering him about taking care of Tink and Leeli again. I think it's a big part of his character, and though I underatand that it was probably downplayed due to the sake of screentime and maybe even built-up for something bigger, I wish they kept at least that scene.
-The kids being caught by the fangs and thrown in jail during Dragon's Day. Again, it's something they adapted for the whole family to be caught at once later on, but the only reason why I wanted the kids' ambush and kidnapping to be kept it's simply for the sake of bonding moment tbh. The way Tink and Leeli immediatly coodle up to Janner, and how Janner tries to be the adult and checks on their wounds and consoles them. Also, the scene where once they're out of jail Podo is yelling his lungs out at them but then immediatly softens when they hug him. and later on he PRAISES THEM for terrozing the fangs LMAO literally those are the only reasons I kinda wish they kept it that way
-Podo's nightmare in the second book. I was kinda dissapointed when they didn't keep it in season 2 and also pretty much confused. I find it to be a key moment for built-up to later reveal Podo's past. I'm sure they'll still make the big reveal worth it but I hope they still throw some hints here and there to make-up for that scene cut. Once again, I think they might have done it for the sake of time limit.
-Tink being implied to have a crush on Maraly. In the second book, it's shown that among the Wingfather group Tink was the one who got the closest to the Strander Chief's daughter who kidnapped them in the first place. They're always playing together, and later on Tink says to Janner that he "really likes her". I wish they kept that because among the Wingfeather kids Tink is probably the last one to be interested in romance. Leeli is always sighing dreamily when the adults tell them love stories and clearly seems to be in love with Thron and dreams of marriage though she was in denial at first. And Janner became head over the heels for Sara after she oh-so-bravely sacrificed herself for him and dreams of going back to rescue her or at least reunite with her someday. (and lets not forget the whole "eyes that shine like jewels in the dark" thing. a poet in love is the dorkiest thing ever.) So, Tink seems to be the most grossed out by the idea of being in love. And Maraly, being a tough strander girl, probably has never thought of such thing. So I think it'd be funny to see this "I'll never fall in love love is gross" duo slowly fall for eachother. So I wish they kept that or at least showcased that more.
I'll probably make a part two of this. Probably.
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raywhite28 · 6 months ago
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I still haven't done my inktober... but! I did this!
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Hey all! So if you didn't see it yesterday there is a new Wingfeather trailer for season 2! It's pretty epic!
There's also a new season 2 poster in their shop, and since it has Peet on it I bought it immediately even though I really don't have extra money to spend this week. xD It also has what I think is the first official/finished look at Maraly?!? (the character, not my kitten) As well as the Fork Factory, Claxton Weaver and the Overseer. 👀👀
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Season 2 covers the first half of book 2 and is releasing sometime this year!
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starfeatheredits-18 · 2 years ago
Little did this man know...
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He would soon be adopting a feral child...
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0verc00ked-simp · 2 years ago
One of the only times I've truly been devastated by a man being revealed to be straight in media was Artham Wingfeather.
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tam-song-the-shade · 2 years ago
Leeli buys furry cloaks for everyone for Christmas but Janner and Maraly start wearing them everyday confusing everyone.
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heckin-music-dork · 2 years ago
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Gammon and Maraly! Yeah I'm not worried at all, I'll be just fine 😌
Tagging @kanerallels @accidental-spice @laughingphoenixleader @thatonebasicfan @bookdragon1811 @karlyanalora @kazoosandfannypacks
I'm bored, so I decided to make another tag game
The last image of a fictional character or person you have is who you find amidst a zombie apocalypse
Here's mine:
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Meryl Streep lmao 💀
Tagging: @solaxena @rachi-roo @gonerogue98-official @a-vegemite-addict-from-australia @1tsdanny @clumsyracconking @rae-main @duckymcdoorknob @veenxys @stardustkujo @thecryingbox @haikyuuublog and anyone who wants to join! <3
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mozart-the-meerkitten · 11 months ago
Okay so I've been thinking about Avatar the Last Airbender again lately and of course, the Wingfeather Saga and I wrote up a whole post about that the other day that's in my drafts but I NEED you all to hear this concept that just made me WHEEZE and start laughing out loud.
Toph in the Strander Burrows.
They have TUNNELS specifically made so that they can sneak up into people's houses and STEAL from them, can you imagine the CHAOS this child could wreak both on the unsuspecting populace of Dugtown and on the Stranders themselves by CHANGING tunnels that have been in place for a hundred years or more on a WHIM because she CAN.
Initially I thought of Maraly introducing her to them but now I'm wondering if it would be funnier if they're just NEMESISES. Like, lil Shadowblade Maraly chasing lil Blind Bandit Toph through Strander Burrows, popping back to the surface when Toph tries to lose her by CHANGING THEM or opening walls or something but Maraly knows EXACTLY where the tunnel comes out so she just goes there anyway. Toph keeps bending the metal in Maraly's knives she throws at her so Maraly starts making knives out of other materials (and like, it could be something semi-reasonable like bone, but imagine her just sending a letter to Kalmar like "hey I need some of those glowing stones from your basement to defeat my nemesis" ASKFHDGJFAL;KD).
Gammon is trying to figure out how to adopt Toph aklfjdgsfa;dksl he's hoping the girls will just work things out and end up friends (spoiler: they do, eventually, and THAT'S when they really get chaotic and Gammon regrets ever wishing they were friends).
oh my gosh they're even the same age it's meant to be
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wingfeathersagafanblog · 2 years ago
Wingfeather Saga S2 Casting Announcements!
• Billy Boyd (Pippin from The Lord of the Rings) as The Overseer
• Lesley Nicol (Mrs. Patmore from Downton Abbey) as Nurgabog
• Eva Whittaker (Mebh from Wolfwalkers) as Maraly Weaver!
How exciting is that?! Thanks to Starfeather Edits for sharing the video clip!
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mayzi33 · 11 months ago
TWS gang, please, hear me out.
So, I still got wingfeathers in the brain (I'm starting to think I may never get rid of it...) and one of my favorite fairytales has always been Beauty And The Beast.
Since exams week has been draining me, why not come up with another thing to daydream about?
I present you... The-Wingfeather-Saga-Beauty-And- The-Beast AU!
The Jewels And The Beast for short.
Or Jewels and The Cloven.
Or Jewels and The Birdman.
You'll see.... Just bear with me.
I'm debating in whetever Esben or Artham should be the "beast". In one hand, it would make sense for it to be Esben since he's all bear-like but I would also like it to be Artham since we have more information about him and what he's like. But either way, the "Beauty" is none other than our favorite jewels, Janner, Kalmar and Leeli.
Here's the idea: so, the kids still live with Podo and Nia in Glipwood. However, in the Glipwood forest, there's an abandoned castle. (Bonus points if Artham is the "beast" cause then it could be Peet's castle only bigger and creepier) Podo goes on a trip for whatever reason, and ends up being taken by the oh-so-horrible beast of Glipwood. Danny, the horse, comes back to the Igiby cottage where Nia and the kids get nerve struck when they find the horse without its rider. Nia leaves to get help to find Podo leaving the kids alone, and one thing leads to another, they decided to go to the forest by themselves to rescue their grandpa because main characters moment. There, they meet the "beast", and bargain to stay as prisioners in Podo's place. Podo obviously tries to fight, but ends up having to flee, leaving the kids as captives in the castle.
The "talking objects" are the Glipwooders, plus a few other characters from other regions. We got Oskar, who's a book, (are you surprised) and basically takes the role of Cogsworth. We also got Addie and Joe, Maraly, Sara, Thron, Rudric and others. (No, I haven't thought of what objects they would all be, sorry. You can suggest in the comments tho!) As the story goes by, it focuses mainly on the kids bonding with either beast! Esben or beast! Artham, and teaching about kindness and stuff. The "rose" would be a set of three actual jewels, that may or may not represent the kids themselves. Meanwhile Gnag, will be the one to take the role as Gaston. Unlike in TWS, Gnag will pretend to be the good guy and the whole town loves him, (like Gaston and the villagers) so when Nia and Podo announce that the kids have been captured by a beast, he will try to play the hero and claiming he will "rescue them". However, what Nia Podo and the Glipwooders don't know, is that Gnag is the one who helped to turn Esben or Artham into a beast in the first place, along with the Stone Keepers (who take the role of the Enchantress). Gnag knows that Janner, Tink and Leeli are the Jewels Of Anniera, and has only been waiting for the right moment to strike, to capture them and begin his plan on taking over Skree, the Hollows, and the lost Shining Isle, which everyone believes to only be a legend.
Anyways that's all I got for now.
Maybe I'll write a small fic or something on that in the future...
Thank you for reading my rambling!
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ao3feed-tolkien · 2 years ago
The War of the worlds
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/qIMdEH7
by Ellie_the_Throne_Warden
When the great villains of each world come back, and unite in power to have dominion over all of the worlds, the heroes must unite as well.
Words: 152, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Wars of the worlds
Fandoms: The Wingfeather Saga - Andrew Peterson, The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien, Chronicles of Narnia - C. S. Lewis, Gravity Falls
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Janner Wingfeather, Kalmar Wingfeather, Leeli Wingfeather, Artham Wingfeather, Nia Wingfeather, Sara Cobbler, Maraly Weaver, Dipper Pines, Mabel Pines, Stan Pines, Ford Pines, Fiddleford H. McGucket, Waddles (Gravity Falls), Aragorn | Estel, Legolas Greenleaf, Gimli (Son of Glóin), Boromir (Son of Denethor II), Peter Pevensie, Susan Pevensie, Edmund Pevensie, Lucy Pevensie, Oskar N. Reteep, Pacifica Northwest, Wendy Corduroy, Jesus "Soos" Alzamirano Ramirez, Gandalf | Mithrandir, Pippin Took, Merry Brandybuck, Sam Gamgee, Bilbo Baggins, Frodo Baggins, Gammon Felda, Hulwen (The Wingfeather Saga), Aryzuth (The Wingfeather Saga), Tricket (The Wingfeather Saga)
Relationships: Janner Wingfeather/ Sara Cobbler, Artham Wingfeather/ Arundelle Wingfeather, Aragorn | Estel/Arwen Undómiel
Additional Tags: Crossover, Multiple Crossovers
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/qIMdEH7
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april-musings · 5 years ago
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The Wingfeather Saga +Text posts part 2
Part 1 part 3
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wingfeathersagafanblog · 9 months ago
The cast for Season 2 is such a great one! I am loving Eva Whittaker as Maraly; she has SUCH a perfect voice for that role. And what's that? Evil Pippin?? Yes.
Glad i was able to take a study break! That livestream was great!
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