#the wingfeather saga tv show
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wings-dings-and-iggyfings · 9 months ago
Meanwhile I'm back to taking screenshots of Peet since youtube's better for that than the Angel Studios site and oh my gosh he cannot stop SMILING while he talks to Leeli and it is SO SWEET, he looks so happy to be interacting with the kiddos finally I'm dead ;-;
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he just smiles at her through their whole interaction help
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mozart-the-meerkitten · 7 months ago
scrolling through an old word document and I came across the squeeblin screenshots I forgot I took
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why does it look LIKE THAT?! why does it have a human face?! why does it only look half animated?! why is it almost see through? it looks like it belongs in the Blackwood not Glipwood Forest!
Even before it opens its mouth it looks WEIRD
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the HECK is this Wingfeather people? who forgot to finish animating the squeeblin?! I am CONCERNED for its health and wellbeing. I know you were in a rush but this thing is nightmare fuel please fix it
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mayzi33 · 1 year ago
Hey guys so I finally watched The Wingfeather Saga series and....
*my baby audio starts playing*
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Janner crying over Sara being taken and thinking it's his fault
Peet having a panic attack everytime something clearly reminds him of Esben
Peet accidently scaring the kids away
Podo's pale and bloody body
Nia singing My Love Has Gone Across The Sea
Janner pulling Leeli and Tink close so they cry on him
*pats head* "Stout heart, son."
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heckin-music-dork · 2 years ago
!!!!! They've started production for The Wingfeather Saga season two!!
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mozart-the-meerkitten · 2 years ago
real-life fazzle dove spotted
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Beau only has two modes
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kanerallels · 1 year ago
My hubris has struck again (I am attempting a Wingfeather Saga ficlet for the writing challenge I'm participating in next month)
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cyclonestudios-alt · 8 months ago
I knew Nugget's death was coming, and as much as I prepared myself for it (at the time I wasn't sure what episode it would come up in) I was..... not prepared. And now I'm sad. WHY DID HE HAVE TO DIEEEEE😭😭😭😭😭😭
at least I have my emotional support Nugget plushie. but still. :((
Also did anyone else notice that Hulwen was the one who carried Nugget to his 'grave'?? that was a very interesting detail, and if I'm correct that it's Hulwen, then..... boy do we have a lot coming up.
I have much more to say but I'm currently going through the 5 stages of grief so I'll make a post later
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wings-dings-and-iggyfings · 2 years ago
me trying to find the motivation to get through a day like:
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mozart-the-meerkitten · 2 years ago
Link to the article! https://www.awn.com/news/exclusive-angel-studios-reveals-wingfeather-saga-season-2-cast
tweet from Andrew to back it up!
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also I met him once he’s a really nice guy HE SIGNED MY LOTR BOOK AND COMPLIMENTED IT
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carrots-bear · 3 months ago
Hey there I'm in a long car ride and have been thinking about this, so here's some art I've done in this very specific art book that I have for fun.
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Sunny from the book series Wings if Fire.
So, in the bio/description/whatever it is at the top of my blog, I say that I'm into other fandoms and stuff; here's a few of them
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Leeli and Nugget(rip) Wingfeather from the book series The Wingfeather Saga
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Lynn from the book series Keeper of the Lost Cities
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Ocs that I made with my friend ( @hzl86 ) from the book series Warriors (warrior cats), two of which are actually cats but I was going through a wolf phase, so yeah. Black wolf -- Shadowrunner, other wolf -- Thunderstrike, mother-cat -- Halfmoon reincarnation or whatever warriors have going on, kit on the far left -- Hollyflower, kit in the middle -- Cloverpatch, kit on the top middle -- Shadowkit (I forgot his name😖), far left kit -- Nightkit (I forgot her name too, but maybe it was Nightsky?)
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After that long character list, these are some more ocs (except for the large one) from the TV show Volron Legendary Defender. I made them with the aforementioned frien. This is a wip drawing right now, and idk if I'll ever end up finishing it. Can't remember the red one's name, or the one on his back, but Kosmo is a cannon character from the show
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Finally, myself drawn as a wolf in the style of the film Wolfwalkers. Not the most accurate but it's cool
Thank you for your time *bows and walks away*
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skynapple · 8 days ago
Get To Know Me
Tagged by: @mephisto-reporting <3 (and @arches-of-moonlight-and-sky hi this is @tanalorrs-heartthrob on main)
Last song: "Slytherin Common Room" theme from Hogwarts Legacy, even if you've never played the game it is just the most ethereal piano and string orchestra mood song its just pure brilliance and has some cool melodic overlays and intriguing minor notes Idk it makes my brain go brrrrrr
Last Movie: Little Women (2019)
Last book: North! Or Be Eaten (Wingfeather Saga Book 2) a lighthearted YA fantasy that suddenly got really dark and took some plot twists... I just like the audio books for the fun accents
Last TV Show: I don't really watch TV the last thing I remember was finishing Ahsoka the Series
Sweet, Savory or Spicy: Sweet
Relationship: Single lol I'm good
Last thing I googled: "to practice mediocrity is to practice consistency" I was trying to find where that quote was from but couldn't find it with that exact wording
Looking forward to: Spring rain and cherry blossoms and flower blooms
Current obsession: LADS, Among Us Morning Lobby recaps
Tagging: @xavierbunbun, @cutiecore, @zvmesis, @abigailspinach
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ghosts-and-blue-sweaters · 11 months ago
WHO IS THIS PEET BLOKE? Why does he wear so many socks? Why does he have talons? What mysterious trauma led to him hiding in the woods? Inquiring minds want to know! (He adopts children at the drop of a hat and has a Mysterious Past TM (I think??) so clearly he is a fun character.)
HAHA HELLO!!! I received two asks (including this one) about the dear Sockman within minutes of each other, so that was fun XD Glad to see that my obsession with Peet has become Noticeable!
Okayokay, so, Peet is this lovely man:
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He’s eating SOUP LOOK AT HIM!!!
His real name is Artham, but for an undisclosed reason he goes by Peet. He wears socks in order to cover up/hide his hands, which don’t… really look like human hands.
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You can see that they resemble something a lot more creature-y, and he doesn’t like to show them off. The socks are a good way to hide them—everyone just thinks he’s weird for wearing them over his hands, and they don’t suspect a reason for it.
As to the reason he has talons… if I answered, that would give away many many spoilers, so I will refrain unless you tell me otherwise 😅 Same with his trauma!
YES HE LOVES KIDS!!! He has a special fondness for Janner, Tink, and Leeli, the main characters of The Wingfeather Saga. He’s super protective of them and just… so sweet 🥺 Later in the book series (the tv show is pretty new and there’s only one season so far) he ends up befriending even more children, and it’s the SWEETEST THING AAAAAAAAAAAAH
Mysterious indeed! You don’t really find out exactly who he is/what happened to him until the end of the third book, so he definitely kept me on my toes! He’s an awesome character, and I think—for the most part—he was written really, really well :) There’s a reason he’s now my second favorite character, after all.
Ajsgajsgajfsjagsjsgs this ask was delightful and made me laugh, thank you so so much for sending it!!
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truths33k3r4 · 10 months ago
List five things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last ten people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your followers, mutuals, and all the wonderful people on here! :D
(PS: Have a good day!!!)
Uh ok.. * searches brain files frantically *
Me and my family randomly quoting through a whole movie in the middle of a drive or task~ ( Seriously, this happens ALL the time- And I LOVE IT. Even during filming, if one of the crew says a line like " I found a speeider!!" then me and my sisters and cousins will go " .. Even the smallest bite from Arachnus Deathicus will instantly paralyze- OW- GET IT OFF!! OW IT BIT ME!!" And continue from there XD ( The scene I'm quoting here is from Megamind! )
Watching movies and tv shows with my family~ ( We all enjoy many ranges of films and series together, (including, but not limited to), Scorpion, Psych, the Wingfeather Saga, Avatar the Last Airbender, Gilmore Girls, How to Train Your Dragon, Home Alone 3, and many many more. :)
Having the experience of a stray cat having kittens in my home~ Seriously, I would recommend this to anyone who has kids. You learn so much on what to do during the birth, as well as you learn the weight of responsibility. Plus- ADORABLE LITTLE KITTENS RUNNING AROUND FOR MONTHS!! 10/10 stars.
Having my Mum read to me and my sisters. :) ~ Since I was homeschooled my whole life, this was a normal occurrence every day. However, once me and my sisters graduated, we all began to truly miss it, so whenever my Mum is reading something we all like, ( like the Chronicles of Narnia ), we'll all pile into the room and listen like we're kids again. <3
Writing!~ I never imagined I would write a whole fanfic of TMNT. Heck- I never imagined I would finish the whole first BOOK on said fanfic. But here I am now, currently working on Chapter One of Book Two of " the Strength in Weakness." And it just blows my mind that so many people have enjoyed reading it <3
Thanks for the ask, @burritello3000!! :)
~ Melissa
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rubyonyxred · 9 months ago
You're on!
Ahsoka Tano - The Clone Wars
Padme Amidala - Star Wars
Arwen - LOTR
Dixie McCall - Emergency!
Laura Holt - Remington Steele
Alyss - Ranger's Apprentice
(Have to look at other franchises or this list would be entirely RA Ladies)
Heather - Httyd: Race to the Edge
Leeli - Wingfeather
Uhura - Star Trek: TOS
Shiori - Six Crimson Cranes
Liona Carvatti - The Sinking City
That's actually 11, so a bonus for good measure! And many more besides!
Name ten female characters you like, you get zapped if it's jsut a male character you call a babygirl or other feminine nicknames because I can't see people calling Lestat coquette again
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kanerallels · 1 year ago
OH MY STARS HAZEL!!! Did you see the trailer for The Wingfeather Saga season two?? I’m SO excited!!
(I got a little bit too happy during the Artham scene, even if it lasted for like two seconds lol)
I JUST WATCHED IT AND I AM LITERALLY LOSING MY MIND WITH EXCITEMENT NOW!!!!!!!!!! This season is gonna be incredible, even though I KNOW it's gonna end on a cliffhanger since they're splitting book two into two parts (or at least so I'm told). But we still get my boy the Florid Sword! And Maraly!!! And the Fork Factory!!!!!!
(dude that is VALID I freaked out a little too. I'm so freaking excited to see how they show the journey he went through in book two in the tv show!!)
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sunflower-chai · 4 months ago
wait I just reread your bio and my irl reads the wingfeather saga! I don’t know much about it but she really likes it
oh cool! yeah i feel fake having it in my bio bc i’ve only read the first of the 4 books and i haven’t seen the tv show, but i really like it so far! it’s a middle grade fantasy series by andrew peterson who is also a Christian singer/songwriter, so there are a lot of Christian themes in the story which i love. and there’s a big focus on sibling/family relationships with a really intriguing mystery and intricate worldbuilding. hoping to get back into the series soon! i bought the second book when i was in new york and i may pick it up after i finish my current read.
(shoutout to @ghosts-and-blue-sweaters and @kanerallels who posted about this series and got me interested :P)
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