#once it's dead okay yeah sure fine but NOPE NOPE NOPE
angel-sweets666 · 4 months
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Chapter 2 The creature x fem!reader
warnings! Murder, mentions of sexual harassment, mentions of sex and a author who hasn’t actually watched the movie because it’s not streaming in Australia 😭😭
A/n CHAPTER TWO IS OUTTT (read chap one here) UGHHH, I’m sorry I’m not the best writer I feel like i rush things but I am learning, I’m going to try and release more fanfiction with more fandoms so it’s not all Lisa Frankenstein <3
It had been a few days since you and The creature had smashed Janet’s head into a sewing machine and cut off her ear to use it for his own purposes, taffy and your father were none the wiser! They think she is at a work trip. You walked downstairs in a lacy tank top, sweat pants and your hair in a messy scrunchie bun. Taffy giggled up at you “don’t tell mom but… it’s actually nice when she’s gone.. right dad?” She smiled warmly over to the other side of the table were your father was standing “uh… yeah.. it’s quiet” he said as he sipped his morning coffee and holding up the newspaper. You pulled the chair out and sat down “so uh… have we heard from her?” You questioned, acting clueless “nope! Must be realllll busy” taffy smiled innocently, not knowing the true fate of her mother. You bit your lip and nodded “mhm… yep…” you acted as normally as you possibly could; knowing you had murdered someone, or rather you were the accomplice to a murder. You used your manicured fingernails to tap on the table, making clicking noises “ah I love your nails! See it’s so nice to look after yourself” taffy giggled as she ate a strawberry “oh uh.. yeah..” you were awfully quiet…. “You okay? Your acting funny” taffy’s dark eyebrows furrow, her once bubbly smile dropping “oh I’m just.. worried about uh.. mom..” taffy’s eyes lit up “AWWWW, it’s okay I bet she’s okay..” she rubbed your back to “comfort” you.
Once the breakfast was over you rushed to go back upstairs and to your room, the sounds of your feet against the carpet made a pitter patter as you rushed up the carpet “ughhh! What do I do?!” You yelped to the creature, he grunted and his body twisted towards you, making a sickening cracking sound from his rusty and old joints “okay.. ew… anyways, are you sure they won’t find the body?” You asked frantically, he groaned and slowly nodded; making a familiar cracking noise from his neck. “Are you sure sure?” You pressed. The creature seemed annoyed with your constant worrying about being caught. He grabbed your shoulders and held you in place, looking at you with a ‘it’s fine’ look. You sighed and began to count to ten in an attempt to calm yourself down “1….2….3….4….5… oh god… 6…7….8…9…” inhale “10…. Im calm… I’m very calm… I’m very very calm…” you sighed and leaned onto the creatures chest, noticing the lack of heart beat “oh.. yeah… your dead.. you.. you don’t have a heartbeat huh..?” You looked up at him, his somewhat stiff face looked back down at you as he grumbled in an attempt to say “yes”. Your shoulders slumped as you sighed, leaning back onto his “that’s… that’s okay..” you smiled and closed your eyes, for a dead man… he was oddly comforting…
the next morning…
you opened the closet door to find him against the wall, asleep. “Hey buddy..” you smiled and woke him up “I uh… I have an idea!” You smiled to the now stirred zombie man. The creature grumbles, tilting his head to the side “well.. remember how I went to that party the other day..?” You tried to jog his foggy memory, in hopes despite his heart not working, that his brain still worked! The creature nodded again, but it was slow and stiff due to the fact he was fresh out the tomb. “And remember how that Doug guy kept grabbing me and hitting on me and ended up yk.. sexually assaulting me..?” You asked him quietly and he nodded again “I think… we might just have a hand donor!” You looked down at the creatures “nub” which was where his hand mustve been in the 1830s. The creatures face lit up the best of its ability, you slowly walked over to the pink landline phone laying on your wooden table. Dialing a couple numbers then placing your phone to your ear
“Hello doug..? I was wondering if maybe, we could go on a walk with me today or tomorrow..?”
“yeah! Of course beautiful”
you grinned to the creature as a good sign, you suddenly put on your acting skills “oh thank you Doug… what time today?” You said as you twirled the cord around “2:30? Too easy. See you then~~”
“Hey… I’m so glad you came..” you said breathily to Doug, he smiled to you. You two started walking together in the woods as he grabbed your hand, you swiftly pulled your hand away from his hand “w-what you don’t wanna hold my hand..?” He seemed surprise that you didnt want to be romantic with him at all.“I… just wanna show you something” you said as you began to speed walk ahead of him. “Hey wait up!” He yelped, you slowly bushed some old bushes away to show him the bachelors grove cemetery. “This is my uh.. this is my spot!” You smiled and giggled as you held your hand out to him to follow you into the cemetery and to be honest he looked wary “r-really? A cemetery?” He stuttered, looking up at the metal sign…but by the time he lowered his head to look back at you; you were already way ahead of him. Little did he know the creature was waiting for him with a axe in one hand and a shovel in the other. Once Doug catched up to you, you acted clueless for a while, not even listening to his ranting about you and how pretty you were, as you looked over the thorny bushes you could see a head of curly hair, the creatures head of curly hair to be exact. The dirt and leaves crunched beneath your feet as you and Doug walked closer and closer to Doug’s future grave. The deep hole you and the creature had dug for him this morning waiting for him. Doug didnt even get to finish one of his many sentences before you violently shoved him into the hole, he screamed like a little girl “w-what?! *name* who’s this?! what.. what’s he doing?! Oh god…” he began to violently scream as the undead man hacked his hands off and then just began to swing the axe at him. Repeated blows turning Doug’s body into nothing but skin tissue and blood. You smiled as you finally got the revenge for the assault you faced at the hands of that grubby little boy.. you slowly climbed into the dirt hole and grabbed one of Doug’s bloody and amputated hands and held it up to the creatures wrapped up nub he once called his wrist “it’ll work” you shrugged and smiled to him, throwing the hand into a plastic bag with a uncomfortable thud.
The blue thread weaves in and out of the creatures skin, as you sewed the hand to him. Finishing up the last stitches “how’s that feel..? Handy?” You giggled, he didnt make a noise back “right yeah.. we gotta electrocute ya don’t we?” You smiled warmly to him, he seemed to have grown to you as a great comfort in your life. You had been miserable since the death of your mother and now.. the creature filled that void in some ways, he wasn’t your mother but he certainly was something. “Let’s go get ya zapped up huh..?” You went to go play with the curls in his hair “hm?” He grumbled and leaned into your hand “hey.. you’re actually pretty cute…” you muttered only to go a pink shade “w-what? Nobody said anything.” You tried to cover up what you said as you helped him up and down the stairs to the tanning bed. The creature stumbled into the tanning bed room, and laid down into the bed. You fidgeted around with the crank again until you could turn it on and close the magenta lid. You waited almost 15 minutes for him! A ear would take 5 minutes to attach, so a hand.. a whole limb! Must take longer right..? When the 15 minutes were up, the familiar ‘ding!’ Noise rang in your own ears, you jumped in surprise and quickly rushed to the tanning bed to see if it worked. Not only did it work, but it did something else. It made him look more…. Human. His face looked more alive and he had now grown eyebrows, a feature he lacked before. “Woah..” he looked at you, equally as surprised! You pulled him up so he sat up in the tanning bed, he looked at his new hand and attempted to wiggle it, the fingers wiggled and you gasped, clapping your hand excitedly “it worked! You have a hand, can you talk now?” Instead of trying to speak like you were suggesting, the creature stood up and offered his hand to you like men did back in the 1800s when they wanted to dance with a woman “no no.. I can’t dance” you turned away and before you knew it, he grabbed you and yanked you backwards towards him. You yelped in surprise, then looked up at his smiling face.
The creature spun you around, grabbed you by your waist and hand then kept slow dancing with you in the back yard.. you blushed deeply and leaned onto his chest. He bowed you down then brought you back up and once again, kept twirling and dancing; the green grass making a slight noise with each step, it felt so romantic… the hand that was originally on your waist reached to play with the scrunchie in your hair, and the curling iron curls in your hair. “W-what are you doing..?” You looked up at him, he made a hum noise “we.. we should go inside.. it’s getting cold…” you suggested, shivering against him.. he nodded slowly and ushered you inside; holding you firmly and securely by your waist, treating you like your made of porcelain…
You took him upstairs, into your warm cozy room. “Should we find you some cozy clothes..? I’ll let you lay in bed with me…” you said sweetly to him, his face lit up “mhm..” you smiled and then walked into the closet, looking around for a pair of pyjamas that would fit him, and you successfully found some old Christmas pyjamas “here you go!” You tossed it to him then ushered him into the closet, he stumbled out in the Christmas pyjamas “awe how cute!” You squealed and hugged him, he wrapped his arms around you, then you pulled away “oh wait I gotta get into my own pyjamas…. Don’t peek” you scolded him and he smiled, the creature sitting down on your bed. You put on a lacy night gown and placed your hair in braids with ribbons on the end and to finish it off, frilly cozy socks. “Tada!” You bursted out the closet, pretending to hold a fashion show for him, he tried ti laugh but it sounded more like a wheeze… oh yea… he’s dead. You laid into bed with him. You and him spent hours talking.. or rather, you talking and him making noises due to his lack of tongue. “If I’m going to die… I don’t want to die a virgin…” you said quietly, and he chocked on his own spit “what! Did you die a virgin..?” You wiggled your eyebrows at him, “tsk…” the creature let out “your not gonna tell me..?” He shook his head “I tell you everything
he sighed
and held up one finger
a/n that’s the end of todays chapter! I would write part 3 but I’m honestly too lazy😖😖
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theseawakes · 2 years
This Is Me Trying (Doctor Strange x teen!reader)
summary: you received your report cards with bad results and you don't want your dad finding out about it.
warnings: hurt/comfort, bad grades, mint choco (?), strange is a good dad (lmk if I missed anything)
a/n: this is definitely not a self indulgent fic i projected myself onto.
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You slammed your door shut before sliding against it, bringing your knees close to your chest. Heaving out your breath, you pull your report cards to your lap after crossing your legs, looking at them with sorrow in your eyes. You're not sure why you're sad and upset when you should've seen it coming the moment your teacher looked down at you with a frown on her face.
"Your grades dropped." You blanked at your teacher's statement, processing the information.
"Oh," you breathed out after a beat.
"Almost falling, hun." A sigh escaped the lady's lips, she clasped her hands in front of her on the desk. "What's gotten into you, Y/N? You were a bright kid. Gifted even. I don't want your potential to go wasted just like that. You could go to one of the best universities –"
The rest of it was blurry. You couldn't focus on your teacher's lecture as your head felt like being in a giant ringing bell. You cautiously re-read the cards in your hand. It was littered with C's, a few B's, and a D. If you could wish for a miracle, you'd wish you could change them before your father sees it. You ran your hands through your hair roughly, dropping the papers as a result.
Being enrolled in a widely known school filled with future geniuses has its perks. Especially when you were a child of two famous surgeons. Expectations were a friend you made inside your mother's womb and they'll follow you until your dying days. Then your dad became the sorcerer supreme, and then the universe was at stake, and then you got blipped, and when you came back your mother was presumed dead. It all happened in a blitz. All of a sudden, you're living in a new era, and people are adjusting. You are adjusting. Yet you never quite remember when does adjusting felt this hard.
You were great. Oh boy, were you great. You were always at the top of your class– at least in the big 3. A good friend and student. The perfect child. Your parents didn't force you into being one, no, it just happened. Since the first time you got first place in your kindergarten and people praised you, you felt the need to keep it up. You were so ahead of the curve that it became a sphere, and now you ended up falling behind your classmates. Focusing was hard, the tests were hard, and you barely even made any friends after going back to school after the blip. Plus, you've been taking mystical arts lessons from your dad. You were too busy trying to clean your rusty wheels.
A gentle knock pushed you out of your thoughts. "Kid, you're in there?" Your father's voice broke in.
"Yeah," you answered. When did your voice become so hoarse? You didn't even notice tears rolling down your cheek, which you quickly wiped before opening your door that reveals Stephen Strange leaning on the doorway. "What's up, dad?"
Stephen furrowed his eyebrows. "Are you okay? Were you… crying? What happened?"
You mentally cursed yourself. He doesn't know about it yet. Your dad asked if you wanted him to come with you to take your report cards, but you denied it and said you'll be fine. Thankfully, he wasn't stubborn like he always was on accompanying you and said he'd go to the store instead and hadn't returned yet when you got to the sanctum.
You shook your head. "Nope, why would I be?"
The former sorcerer supreme peeked through your figure that blocked the door and saw papers on the floor. "Is that your report cards? How was it?"
Before he could go on more, you closed the door behind you. "It's, uh, nothing you should worry about." You offered him a tight smile.
"Are you sure?"
"Yep. I'm fine. So, could you please go somewhere else? I gotta do something."
"You sure you're alright?" Your father asked once again, only having you push him away from your room in response.
"Yeah, yeah, totally."
Anyone could've been fooled by your smile and words, but Stephen was your father, he knew something was wrong with you. So he opens his mouth to speak again. "No, there's something wrong, I know there is. You sure you don't wanna talk about it?"
"I'm sure, dad. A hundred percent sure." You emphasized every word in the last sentence.
"Really? You know you can tell me the truth. Was it your report cards?"
"No, dad, I'm fine! Just go, do you hear me? I don't wanna see you now! Just– just leave me alone… please." You didn't realize you had been screaming until you saw the surprised look on Stephen's face. Retreating to your room, more tears stained your eyes as you left your father frozen in his place.
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Pacing in his chamber, the sorcerer's mind traveled to exactly an hour ago when he had a little argument with you. It's no lie that he's worried about you judging by the look on his face. His parental instinct wanted to knock on your door again and make you feel better like any parent would, but he decided to give you space, no matter how worried he was.
After the death of your mother, who won child custody back then, you immediately got swooped under Stephen's wings. It wasn't hard to warm up to him since you already spent time together often before the car accident he had which led him to protect the world. You even met Christie Palmer, your father's lover back then. You went through the grief of losing your mother with him. Though through the grief he did, he no longer loved your mom as much as you do, but you don't blame him for that.
On the other side of his door, there stands you with clammy hands gripping a sheet of paper with your grades written on it. You didn't think it would be a good idea to tell Stephen about your report cards. He, like any other, probably would just be disappointed in you. But you don't like lying to your dad, especially when he's the only person you have left (aside from Wong, whom you had been getting closer to). You couldn't stay mad at him, and you had no right to say things that could hurt him. Mustering up your courage, you brought a hand to knock on the door.
Stephen opened his door right before you knocked on it. "Y/N?" he asked softly.
You pulled your hand back to your side. "Dad," was your reply. Neither of you said anything, just eyes looking fondly into one another's. "I, uh… I'm sorry for yelling at you… and lying to you," you said thoughtfully even though you were holding back tears. Pushing the papers to his hands, you continued, "you were right, it was my report cards. It turns out that I almost failed this semester." You watched Stephen read the paper in his hand, not even changing his expression in the slightest. This made you bite your lip out of habit. "But don't worry! I passed! I just… I wasn't on top of my class, far behind, actually. I know you're disappointed –"
"Who said that I was?" Stephen cuts you.
A sigh escaped your lips. "No one. I thought you would be since anyone else is." That's the truth. You could see that your teacher was disappointed in you, and the look on your classmates' faces just screams disappointment.
"Kid, you could never disappoint me," Stephen exclaimed, a small yet visible smile on his face. "Adapting to a new life isn't an easy task. I know everything seems to go so fast, believe me, I've been there. Yet you're able to survive to this day. Not everyone could, y'know."
You lowered your head, averting your gaze to the floor so that your dad won't see your tears. "I'm trying. All I want is to get my old self back. To be a bright kid again so that I could make you proud."
Stephen frowned when he heard your confession. His large, gentle arms pulled you into a side embrace. You cried silently against his chest, a hand covering your eyes whilst another was around your abdomen. To say Stephen Strange was an affectionate person was something arguable, but there's no denying that he loves his child to bits and won't stop reminding them of it.
"You'll forever make me proud, little star. Don't forget that." A kiss was planted on the crown of your head. "I'm sorry I was being persistent as well before. I should've let you tell me when you're ready."
You rolled your eyes. "You being persistent is something new?"
The sorcerer chuckled shortly. He pats your back as you wipe your tears, smiling alongside him when you break the hug. "Since you know I am persistent. Let's go to our favorite ice cream parlor." Stephen puts an arm around your shoulders and drags you along to the front door.
You narrowed your eyebrows. "Why would you need to be persistent to ask me to go eat an ice cream?"
"Because you, child, are my offspring," said your dad, opening the front door and bowing mockingly. "After you."
Playing along, you bowed back, earning a smile from the man who soon placed his arm around your shoulders again, walking with you instead of dragging you this time. "What flavor shall we get today, my child?"
"I do not possess the knowledge, dear father. What do you think we shall taste today?"
Stephen hummed. "How about mint choco?"
You snorted. "You mean the toothpaste?"
"Hey, it's good!"
"What's good about eating toothpaste?"
"Don't act like you've never eaten toothpaste before."
"Well, it's not like I did it on purpose!"
"Oh, you will."
"What do you mean I will?" Your question was met with a smirk. "Dad, what does it mean?"
"The last one who arrives at the parlor gets to eat toothpaste on purpose!" He quickly says before running through the street.
"Hey! Wait for me!" Wasting no other second, you zoom toward where your dad is headed.
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"Enjoying the toothpaste?"
Stephen turned around to see you raising your eyebrows while licking your favorite ice cream. "No thanks to you." He glared at you as you happily took the seat next to him. His nose scrunched when he took another bite of his ice cream. "This thing actually tastes like toothpaste." A sigh of defeat was exhaled by the former sorcerer supreme.
You punched the air in victory. "And the winner goes to… drumroll please," you cued your father who lazily starts to drum on the handrest. "Y/N Strange!"
Your dad ruffled your hair, causing you to protest for ruining it. Stephen couldn't help but smile at one particular memory that flashed through his head. A memory of you two sitting on the same bench, eating the same ice cream from the same parlor years ago. He realized that it has been quite some time since the last time the two of you did something like this. The last time you were just a kid, barely even a teen. When did you start growing up so fast?
"Thank you, dad." Your voice pulled him out of his thoughts. "For being proud of me, for cheering me up, especially for letting me win."
Your smug smile was being returned with a poke on your stomach. Stephen only laughed when you scooted away from him a bit. Nevertheless, you scooted back after feeling he won't tickle you entirely.
"Anything for my dearest demon child."
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I’m Gonna Tell ‘Em (Don’t you Dare)
Tim just wanted coffee. That’s really all he desired in life. Coffee. His position as Red Robin. And Wayne Industries to get its shit together for one goddamn day. In that order.
“Are you shitting me? I was a fucking crime lord you little terror, I don’t give a fuck-”
He’d done an all-nighter in the Batcave. Again. Trying to crack a cold case he was sure had something to do with Riddler's vague warning a few nights ago. And he was so close, but his eyes had started to close for just a little too long.
So tell him why he walked into an argument that seemed to be based around the topic of murder, at 7 in the morning. Between Jason and Damian. Who both tried to kill him at least once. Respectively.
“And I am the Demon Prodigy of the League of Assassins. I could kill a man before I could speak.”
Tim stands in the doorway, contemplating if his need for coffee is higher than his potential rate of getting maimed in the dining room.
“Yeah, but you were fucking sheltered inside the bases like goddamn Rapunzel in her-”
“I was not sheltered. You of all people should know of Mother’s harshness for disobedience-“
“Oh and I’m sure you were so disobedient Mr. Goody Two Shoes-“
Ultimately, the urge for coffee wins. Tim crosses the kitchen as unnoticeably as he can, skirting the edges and keeping his footsteps as light as he can manage on 10 hours of sleep in the last week.
He’s busy, okay?
“I’ll admit I wasn’t raised to go against the orders of a higher-up but that did not mean-”
“Bull. Fucking. Shit.”
“Did my propensity for sneaking animals into the house escaped your notice? I thought you were better trained-“
“So what? You save every bird with a broken wing you come across, but you’d willingly slit the throat of a human?”
“Yes, Todd. That’s exactly what I’m saying.”
The coffee pot is half full. Tim counts this as the one redeeming factor of this morning. The threat of getting stabbed is nothing in the face of sweet, sweet caffeine.
“What’s your fucking number then?”
“I can’t possibly know the exact-“
“Oh no, you don’t get to pull that shit on me-“
Tim considers pouring himself a cup, but he’s gonna drink the whole thing anyway and he’s exhausted enough to zone out during Alfred’s inevitable lecture, so he takes the whole pot and tips it back.
“I was sent out for missions when I was barely more than a toddler. You can’t expect me to remember every-“
“Ra’s had files on every fucking mission I did while brain dead and high on Lazarus rage, there’s no fucking way he didn’t have an exact-“
Tim chugs his precious coffee. The temperature is surprisingly cool enough that he doesn't immediately burn his tongue. Not that a few scorched taste buds would stop Tim from inhaling the only thing between him and unconscious. But it’s the thought that counts.
“What’s yours then, Todd?”
“Nope. Not until you tell me yours first. I’m not about to have you raise the number because I told you mine.”
“That’s preposterous. I would do no such thing.”
Tim calculates his chances of making it back out of the kitchen with a quarter pot of coffee in his hands and decides his caffeine fix is safer off with a few counters between him and his homicidal brothers.
And yah know. His physical well-being. But that’s pretty low on his ‘fucks to give list’ at the moment.
“I don’t trust a fucking word coming out of your mouth-“
“There’s an easy way to settle this if you’d just-“
“What? Shut up? Drop the argument? No fucking-“
“We can write it down separately and then show it to each other at the same time."
Tim looks up in genuine fear when both of his siblings go quiet. That’s never a good sign. Not in this house.
There’s a window to his right that he could probably smash through if it came to it.
Neither of them are looking at him though, just regarding each other with much less animosity than a few seconds ago. Tim decides he’s probably fine and goes back to his coffee.
“I will go retrieve a piece of paper and two pens.”
Damian leaves the room and Tim freezes like if he stays still enough it’ll keep Jason from noticing him. Unfortunately, now that his older brother’s attention is directed to his surroundings and not just screaming at a 12-year-old, he makes direct eye contact with Tim.
“Oh hey, Timmers. How long have you been here?”
Tim stares at him blankly. He- doesn’t know what answer Jason wants from him and he’s not willing to face his older brother’s wrath if he’d been having what he thought was a private conversation.
“Sorry about the noise. I hope we didn’t wake you up.” Jason says after it’s clear that he isn't getting answers out of Tim.
As if the manor isn’t literally soundproofed. For this exact reason.
Tim’s 17 years of social etiquette training won’t let him just not answer the open-ended comment, but god does he wish that it did.
“No, I was already up.”
Jason nods as if he was expecting that answer. Which is fair. Tim’s sure he looks just as tired as he feels. His eye bags could hold all of his emotional trauma. They’re Guchi.
“And does Alfred know you’re drinking straight from the pot?” Jason motions to the carafe Tim’s clutching like a lifeline. Because it is.
Tim opens his mouth to lie through his teeth, but is saved by Damian’s re-entry. Wow, he’s never been so glad to see his stab-happy younger brother.
True to his word, the kid’s carrying a few pieces of paper and pens. Tim could leave now. He could casually walk right past them, out of the kitchen, and back to the cave to keep working on his case, but dammit, he’s invested now.
He’s still not sure what this argument is about exactly, but he’s willing to wait a few more minutes to satiate his curiosity now that he’s tentatively sure that the argument isn’t going to evolve into physical violence.
“I’ve acquired the tools to finish this once and for all, Todd.” Damian announces, sliding half of his spoils to Jason.
“Great. We’ll write our body count down and on 3 we’ll turn ‘em around. Got it?”
“Don’t tell me what to do” Damian grumbles, but writes dutifully anyway. The kid would be funny if he didn’t back his threats up with swords.
Tim is. Still lost, but he’s always secretly wondered how many people his brothers have killed. In a morbid way. Mostly because he wants to know if the murder attempts on him were a particularly special event or just a pattern. For his mental health's sake.
“Got it?” Jason asks, holding his paper close to his chest so no one can peek. Tim doesn’t know who would, considering he’s the only one in the kitchen that’s not a part of this squabble, but Damian copies the movement and Tim finds himself inching closer, taking the last swig of his coffee.
They flip the papers around and for a moment the kitchen is quiet.
“FUCK YEAH!” Jason pumps his fist in the air with a whoop. “Ha! Take that, Demon Brat! I’m the Robin with the highest kill count!”
Tim spits out his coffee and coughs violently. It’s partially because he got some in his lungs, but also to cover the incredulous laughter bursting uncontrollably out of him. It takes him a good few seconds to get his breathing under control, but when he looks up, his brothers are staring at him.
For a moment he’s tempted. So fucking tempted. Because he hasn’t told anyone anything more than bits and pieces about his time with the League. Hell, the only reason his family even knows about his little stint playing lap dog for Ra’s, is because he choked out a vague explanation about his missing spleen when he went into sepsis.
They don’t know about the missions he was sent on. The people he sold out. And most importantly, the multiple bases he blew up because he was crazier than the Joker after Bart and Kon’s death and then the near miss with Bruce.
The bases he absolutely didn’t evacuate. With hundreds of people inside. A few actually avalanched down mountainsides, and he’d eat his Batarang if any of them survived.
The only word he’d confidently use to describe his mental state then, is feral.
He didn’t have to blow them up. He really didn’t. A good few of the bases he’d never actually seen before he snuck in to level the place, but he’d been having a shitty year so naturally, he was going to make sure Ra’s got to have one too.
Not to mention that Tim was as depressed as he’d ever been and wasn’t particularly giving a lot of fucks about if he died during his warpath. He’d already lost a spleen, what were a few more organs?
So this argument? This competition? He finds it objectively fucking hilarious.
Damian and Jason are still staring at him in bewilderment, and for a moment -just a wild moment- he thinks about telling them.
Explaining how he was just. So done. And could only think of one way out, so he systematically hacked into every base he could get his hands on. Stole as many files as he could during his time constraint. And then blew all of them sky-high.
Thought about telling them how on one particularly bad night, gone through every log of the people in those bases. How he hadn’t been ‘sick’ as he claimed the week after he managed to crawl out of his safe house.
He was just too horrified to look anyone in the eye.
It would be funny to watch his family’s expressions go through the five stages of grief and add a few more just for funsies, if they even believed him at all. But no. Tim had his secrets and he was going to take them to the grave.
He grinned at his brothers, patted Jason on the shoulder with a quiet congratulations, and strolled out of the kitchen.
Tim had cases to solve and letting his family assume he wasn’t capable of murder was better for all of them in the long run.
No matter how wrong they were.
In my defense. Writing prompts make the brain noodle go brr. You can blame @coffinbirds and @batcavescolony for these posts.
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remzarci · 9 months
In an Alternate Timeline
Raven Beak wakes up not surrounded by the wreckage of Itorash nor on ZDR...But aboard a ship.
Samus:Anyway the whole thing was a disaster...Your E.M.M.I's did not make it. ???: Do you not understand the gravity of this situation? HUH? Those Extraplanetary Multiform Mobile Identifiers were not cheap to make! Samus: AH Bill me the difference I got other stuff on my plate! ???: Why yo- Samus: That's enough of that. Raven Beak: Pardon me but, what are you doing? Samus: Heading home. Raven Beak: Besides that daughter dearest. what are you doing taking me alive? I'm pretty sure I should be dead right now. Waaaaaaaait... Samus: ...Ah boy here we go. Raven Beak: Are you trying to redeem me? Oh that is just RICH after all I've done? C'mon Honey let's not fool ourselves now. Samus: Yep Raven Beak: Okay so what? You take me back to...what a planetoid you commandeered and expect me, Raven Beak,The APEX of the Mawkin, to just Behave myself? Samus: Mmmmhmmm... Raven Beak:...You know your track record against me is pretty abyssal. I won both! Samus: And lost your suit and Aeion abilities Raven Beak: And that...Makes me a non threat? I could STILL walk over there and snap your neck. Samus: At that moment ADAM will just fly himself into the nearest Asteroid. Raven Beak: Huh...Thoha DNA at it's finest... Samus: Besides...I'm tired of Destroying everything Chozo...And besides the Elysia Tribe...You're practically the Only Chozo left. Raven Beak: ... Samus:So yeah maybe I do want to redeem you. Maybe I don't want the last Chozo be known as a short sighted Tyrant! So once I get you home I'm locking you up and...figure out everything from there... Raven Beak:...Fine. Samus:No witty comeback? Raven Beak: Nope...I'm gonna let you have this. but once we make planet fall I'm gonna be a right witty bastard! Samus:wouldn't have it any other way
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takaraphoenix · 4 months
The Dead of the Sea
Tags: polyamory (m/m/f), fluff, married life, established relationship
Main Pairing: Hades/Persephone/Percy
@polympians-event Prompt: wedding/marriage.
@hadesxpercy-events Prompt: Royalty.
This story on FFNet | This story on AO3
Summary: Percy was still adjusting to life as a god and to being married – and married to not just two gods, but the king and queen of the underworld. But he liked his life as royal consort of the underworld.
Knocking on the door disturbed his thought process. He frowned, he had so much paperwork to deal with – who thought that death came with paperwork, but no, the underworld had a very well organized filing system. The door opened and Thanatos walked in.
"I came to collect today's files, my lord."
"I told you not to call me that. I do not like it."
"You are the lord of the underworld," Thanatos spoke slowly. "You are ruler of the underworld."
"No. Nope, not it," he scrunched up his face. "Hades is the lord of the underworld. Persephone is the lady of the underworld. I am so not."
"You are… married to them. You are a lord of the underworld, a ruler of the underworld."
"I'm Percy. Just Percy. Not Lord Percy, or worse yet Lord Perseus – next minor god to call me that will actually get splashed," Percy pouted ever so slightly. "Please. I saved your life once, I really do think we are on a more personal level than bowing and lord-ing."
A small smile quirked Thanatos' lips at that. "We would be, if you were any other god. But you have become the royal consort of my bosses, and you became a death god. We're colleagues."
"Yeah, do not like that," Percy wiggled his nose. "Ple—ease."
"I will do my best, Lord Percy," Thanatos smirked and bowed ever so slightly. "Paperwork?"
"Ri—ight," Percy sighed and reached over to the files he had finished. "Thank you for going over them for me. I just… am struggling with the whole bureaucracy."
"And the spelling," Thanatos cleared his throat. "I don't mind helping you settle in. Though I'm sure your husband wouldn't mind helping you out either."
"I don't want Hades to know," Percy flushed in embarrassment. "He does not need to see my typos. Or that I am struggling with this. I just need a little guidance on how to file out all this stuff and then I will learn. I am a quick learner, so."
"You are," Thanatos offered him a genuine smile. "I'll go over these, see if you made any mistakes and we'll talk about them later, okay? Meanwhile, I am fairly sure that I saw your wife pace quite impatiently in the garden, I think our queen is bored."
That made Percy perk up some. "Okay, awesome. Talk to you tomorrow. Bye."
He could hear Thanatos chuckling even as he zoomed past the other death god. Other death god. Because that's what Percy was now. A death god. Specifically, he was responsible for the dead who had died at sea. It was the perfect role for him, considering that the only reason why he had accepted godhood was because he was stupidly, madly, deeply in love with the king and queen of the underworld and had accepted their proposal, after five years of dating, courting and sneaking in and out of the underworld palace.
It was supposed to only be sex. Mostly because Percy was well-aware of the gods' track-record with demigods and mortals. And he was fine with that. Persephone was the most beautiful woman on and below the surface of this world. Hades was so hot, with that dangerous edge as well as that aura of authority. Percy had been easily seduced by them, especially considering the circumstances – he'd moved to New Rome for college, which was such a change in his life, and everybody else was moving on with their own lives too, so he kind of grew apart with most of his friends, on account of where life was taking them and how busy it kept them. Not fully losing contact, but it became more of a monthly meeting thing where they used to see each other every week.
He'd been more involved in Olympian matters, a thing he had demanded after the Giant War, so he ran into Hades on occasion. The attraction was there, but Percy wasn't fool enough to get involved with a married god. Until Hades propositioned him with his wife.
It wasn't a one time thing though. They hooked up repeatedly. And when those hook ups became more frequent, they also started getting longer. Including breakfast in the morning, dinner before the hook up, a movie between dinner and sex. Until it wasn't just sex anymore, it had evolved into a full relationship. It took a little longer for them all to admit that though.
Their relationship was good. At one point though, Hades and Persephone wanted more. They started to court him with the intend of making him their consort. Percy resisted, as long as he could, because… he didn't think they really meant it. Flings with mortals were one thing, but marriage. They'd get over it, he though. They did not. They only grew more persistent. Until he accepted that they really did want him, loved him, wanted him at their side for eternity.
Their wedding was the event of the millennia, everyone was there – Percy's family and friends, of course, demigods from both camps, gods of the underworld, the sea and Olympus. And by becoming their consort, he became a god. Which meant he needed a realm.
Now, he was a son of Poseidon, the sea was a big part of who he was. But he was also the consort of king and queen of the underworld, so becoming a sea god seemed not very practical for his marriage. He'd asked Annabeth for help, because his best friend was the smartest person he knew. Together, they'd figured out the perfect solution for Percy. A death god, bound to the sea. Guiding the lost souls who had died at sea to the afterlife.
And that was perfect. Until he realized there was actual paperwork filed for every soul that entered or left the underworld. This was the part of the underworld that actually felt like hell. Bureaucracy.
Persephone was a goddess of spring, arguably also winter. The transition between them, really. A goddess of seasons, her companions and friends were the seasonal horae. There was a lot of busy work to be done on the surface. But summer and autumn were her time off, her vacation time, the time she got to spend in the underworld, with her husbands – used to be only one, until her and Hades had fallen in love with this cheeky, snarky, strong-willed, beautiful son of Poseidon.
And she loved spending time with them. She loved the underworld, it was as much her home as Olympus was. However, while her work was seasonal, both her husbands were death gods and death didn't take seasonal breaks. People kept dying. So while she had nothing to do, they still both had their jobs to do, which left her with more free time at her hands. And she had friends in the underworld, of course. Hecate above all else, but also Thanatos, Eris, others. So it wasn't that she didn't know what to do with herself when her lovers were busy.
There was, however, only so much time she could spend hanging out with her friends, reading books, cooking, walking the dogs. At one point, she was all caught up with her friends and had done everything there was to do, and still Hades and Percy were in their respective offices, working.
"Hello, my queen. You look… like you could use some non-furred company."
Arms wrapped around her waist and she had to smile as she leaned against her young consort. "I could. As much as I love the puppy-kisses, I find your kisses much more appealing."
Turning around in his arms, she stole a proper kiss from Percy, who was all too willing to melt into her. One of the things she loved about him. He was very compliant. Soft and gentle, as a lover, eager to let her take the lead. And she'd always liked to take charge in the bedroom. Now, she had two adoring death gods wrapped around her little fingers.
"Are you done with your work for today?" Persephone asked, her hands wandering down Percy's chest and around his waist so she could pull him closer. "Are you all mine now?"
"I am always all yours, Phone," Percy grinned as he leaned his head against her shoulder. "But yes, I'm all done with work for today. You, still busy with the dogs…?"
Both of them turned toward where Zerberus was chasing Mrs. O'Leary. One of the things that had bonded the triad was their shared love for dogs. The fact that Percy had love and appreciation for 'monsters' of the underworld – Mrs. O'Leary, his hell-hound, and Small Bob, the skeletal cat – had truly warmed Hades' heart and made him fall all the harder.
"I mean, we had walkies, and I have been throwing squeaky toys for like half an hour," Persephone tilted her head. "I do think they had enough exercise for now."
"So, you're saying we could go and bother our husband?" Percy grinned wickedly.
"He's working. The thing you were doing until just now yourself."
"Ye—eah, but I think I still have new-spouse-privileges of being allowed to bother my husband at work and stealing him away," Percy pecked Persephone's cheek. "Wanna be my accomplice?"
Persephone laughed and then whistled for their dogs. "Always, my love."
One of the best things Percy had brought into this marriage – beside himself – was his wonderful cat. Hades, though being a famous dog owner, was very much also a cat person. He liked to work with Small Bob curled together on his lap. Patting the cat was very soothing for him.
"Mreow?" Small Bob raised his head when the door creaked open. "Mew!"
The door opened farther. Hades ignored it and continued working. Someone stood to his left and someone else to his right, both pressing against him. He continued working. The underworld would not be functioning and running if he allowed his beloved wife to distract him. Someone kissed his cheek, the ocean scent tipping him off to which of his consorts it was. Persephone on his other side slowly ran a hand down Hades' chest. Oh, this was evil. Now there were two of them, and they were teaming up on him to distract him from his work.
"No," Hades frowned annoyed. "I am working. Can't you keep each other occupied?"
"Oh, we could," Percy's voice was a teasing purr. "We really can busy ourselves, with each other."
Okay, that one was fully on Hades, he had set himself up for this. Both Persephone and Percy moved away from him and instead turned toward each other, Percy resting one arm around their wife's neck, while Persephone had her arms around Percy's waist. And then they kissed. Not just a peck. They were teasing him. Baiting him. Heaving a sigh, he put his paperwork down.
"You win," Hades glared at them. "You are not a good influence for each other. Or me."
Both his loves simply laughed and attached themselves to him. Both so cheeky, beautiful, tempting and absolutely impossible to deny. Hades leaned in to kiss them both, smiling a little to himself.
~*~ The End ~*~
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midnightkens · 2 months
This sounds familiar!
“Are you seriously suggesting there are benefits to not sleeping next to me?” “You always steal my covers! I almost had forgotten what it feels like to sleep through the night, all sound and warm.”
_gk <3
Colt draws the sheets to his chest with a groan. 3 AM, and he has yet to fall asleep. His spine burns, begging for him to find a comfortable position to rest. Days like today are a grim reminder of falling from twelve stories, snapping spine, and agonizing pain. He overdid it, and now he’s going to pay the price for a few days.
And he’s not even in his own bed.
New York City is far from his favorite place. Sure, the hustle and bustle is nice, but there’s something about it that seems…Lonely. Isolated. If it weren’t a popular location for his job, Colt doubts he’d ever come here. At least not alone. He’d brought Ken along once, but the crowds and flashing lights of Times Square were overwhelming.
It might’ve gone better if either of them had remembered Ken’s noise canceling earbuds, but Ken vowed that he’d never go back. Somehow Colt doubted that, but he hasn’t pushed. Barbie might like it, though.
Two weeks down, three more to go. Colt thinks about his husband and their partner, what they’re doing. Barbie’s probably asleep by now, but Ken’s an insomniac. A smile tugs at his lips as a picture forms in his mind: Ken, wide awake and staring at the ceiling, earbuds in and begging for the crash of ocean waves to lull him to sleep. Ignoring his aching back for a moment, Colt reaches over to the nightstand and grabs his phone. It’s midnight in Los Angeles. What if Ken’s actually asleep?
He keeps his phone on vibrate. If he’s truly asleep, he won’t hear it. Worth a shot. He pulls up Ken’s contact information and hits the call button before he can overthink it.
Two rings, three, then four. Colt’s about to hang up when suddenly the ringing stops. There’s the sound of a clearing throat on the other end, and then a garbled, “Honey? You okay? It’s late, isn’t it?”
Colt winces at the sound of his husband’s voice. It almost hurts to listen to him. “Hey. Yeah, I’m okay. I just can’t sleep. You sound like shit.”
Ken chuckles. “Thanks. I love you, too. It’s all Barbie’s fault. She brought a plague back from her weekend away with Gloria.”
“Aw, she got you a souvenir. That’s sweet.”
“Fuck off.” Colt laughs, some of the earlier uneasiness beginning to settle. There’s a pang of guilt in his chest - Ken’s throat sounds raw and scratchy. He can only imagine how badly it must hurt him to talk. But Ken doesn’t seem eager to hang up.
“You okay?” Colt asks softly. “Do you guys need anything? I can - “
“Honey. Relax. We’re fine. We have DoorDash and plenty of trash TV to hold us over. Are you okay? It’s like, 3 AM there, right?”
“3:20, actually, but yeah. I’m okay. I can’t sleep either.”
“Back hurting?”
“How’d you guess?”
“Easy. You sleep like the dead except for when your back is bothering you. I’ve slept next to you for how long now? I know these things.”
Colt smirks. “How am I supposed to sleep like the dead with you next to me? You leave me with two inches of space! I have the whole bed to myself right now.”
Ken gasps, and Colt bites his lower lip to keep from laughing. He can almost picture the look on his husband’s face, jaw dropped and eyes widened indignantly. “Are you seriously suggesting there are benefits to not sleeping next to me?”
“You always steal my covers! I’d almost forgotten what it feels like to sleep through the night, all sound and warm.”
“All sound and warm? You’re a koala! You cling to me and I wake up so sweaty and gross. If I’m gonna wake up like that, I at least want to get some action.”
Colt swallows and shoves the images out of his mind. When he gets home, though… Nope! Nope. Can’t go there. “Because you steal the covers,” he says after a long pause. “So if you think about it…”
Colt almost hears the eye roll through the phone. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. My fault.” Ken’s voice drops, raspy and low, and it sends shivers down Colt’s aching spine. “You miss me, don’t you?”
“Don’t do that,” Colt urges. “Don’t tease. I can’t.”
“You just bitched about me stealing the covers! This is called payback, sweetheart.”
If Colt closes his eyes, he can see their bedroom. Ken sitting up in the darkness, Colt leaning on his elbow. It could be any other Tuesday night at home. Ken rambles away on the other end of the phone, three hours away. Colt’s eyes flutter open closed, and he knows he’s about done for.
“Hey, dollface?”
The rambling stops. Colt wonders for a moment if he’s fallen asleep. Then there’s a quiet, “Yeah?”
“I can’t wait to come home. The bed feels too empty.”
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 6 months
Once Upon a Time on the Razor Crest
Summary: Din and Ann start to feel comfortable around each other
A/N: Hello lovelies,
I hope everyone is having a marvellous weekend.
Love oo
Due to the past history of the OC there will be discussions alluding to past domestic abuse, please note that as it could be a trigger for some.
Warnings: Awkward conversations and question, banter, discussions of dogs and kids having a second sense. If I miss any warnings, please let me know.
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I looked at Din, he hadn’t said anything for a beat, I smirked as his face slowly morphed into utter disbelief. 
“Dead people? Are you crazy?”
“Hey you said he inherited his mom’s ability to see people; how am I supposed to know what that means?”
Din rubbed his eyes for a second, pushing away the irritation that somehow made him want to laugh and at the same time take you to a doctor to make sure you were okay. “Okay. Sure, I can somewhat see you not understanding what I was trying to say, but … dead people? Really?”
“Oh, I’m sorry, is that too offensive to the otherwise living?” I laughed knowing I was irritating him more.
Din shook his head as he stifled a laugh, “God, you are a pain in my ass, you know that?”
“Yeah. But a pain in your ass that you thought did a good job today” I beamed as I looked at him. 
He let out a full belly laugh, it had been a long time since he laughed this hard, not because of someone being an idiot, or because of something Grogu did, but simply because the person he was with made him feel comfortable enough to open up. “Okay, that’s it, you’re no longer allowed to say you did a good job today, and I’m never telling you ‘you did a good job’ ever again. Even if you were to save the Ranch from burning down.” He chuckled, wiping a tear. 
“Right, at least until the next time you think I do a good job,” I winked laughing along with him. 
“Nope, not even then.”
“Mmhmm, I have no doubt you’re going to be eating those words.”
“Not gonna happen.”
“Let’s make a bet.”
“Sorry, I don’t make bets when it can be avoided. I don’t like leaving my fate up to chance.
“It’s a friendly bet, no money, nothing uncomfortable. Just if you lose, you grant me one wish, and if I lose, I grant you one wish.”
“A wish? What am I, five?”
“Okay, the fact you’re not wishing anymore is just sad, but fine if not a wish, then we can promise something or grant a request.”
“Fine, I’ll grant a request.”
“Great, now if you end up saying ‘Good job, Ann’ once again, even though you declared you’d never say it again, you grant me a request, and if you don’t I’ll grant you a request.”
“Great, then grant me my request, because I’ve already one, I won’t say that phrase …” he motioned with his finger drawing a line, “ever again.”
“No, no, no. I’m not just going to concede now. Come on.”
“Well you’ll be waiting a long time, so be prepared to have it etched on your tombstone?”
“Oh that I did a good job?” I smirked, loving how easy it was to sometimes rile him up. Din simply shook his head, fighting back the laugh, “Anyway … you were saying, before we got side tracked, Grogu inherited his ability to see people from his mom.”
“Yes, the living. The living people. I feel I should emphasize this. Not dead. Living, breathing people.”
I shook my head as I looked out the window, “Okay. I get it. Living people. He can see people … wait does that mean you’re blind?” 
Din glanced over to her, was she for real, or was she doing this to purposefully irritate him, “What the f… Are you for real right now? If I was blind, should I be driving the truck right now?”
“Well, I don’t know. Forgive me for trying to understand you’re cryptic, wrapped in an enigma type conversation. I’m just trying to understand what you’re talking about.” I ran my hand over my face trying not to pull out my hair, “Okay, Din, can you please just explain what you mean?”
Din shook his head, as he swallowed the laugh that was pressing against his cheeks, he cleared his throat, he hated the fact that she kept throwing these ridiculous notions out there and it was loving every minute of it, “Grogu has an ability to sense who’s a good person and who’s not. For example,” Din motioned with his thumb over his shoulder, directing her to look back, “at the diner, I mentioned I had a bad feeling about Toro.”
“Calican, the young man who asked for your number.”
“Oh, right.”
“When Grogu met him, he refused to come out of the bathroom, locked himself in there till Calican left. He didn’t last an hour before I was asking me to tell him to leave my property. There’s something not right about that guy, so fair warning, be careful around him.”
I smirked wondering what kind of crazy intuition his wife had, “Kids and dogs.”
I stretched my arms and legs, “Kids and dogs are known to have a sixth sense about people. There was a study done on dogs, and it showed they have a keen sense of who to trust and who not to trust. Kids too. They usually can tell when someone’s a good person or not, the fact Grogu locked himself in the bathroom, speaks volumes.” I looked out the window, when I realized we were passing the ranch, “Where we heading?”
“Gotta pick something up from Boba, he’s my neighbour, the next closest rancher around. After him is Camilla’s aunt, Peli, she lives about an hour and a half from my place.”
“That’s the Boba Fett you were helping with his lost sheep?”
Silence filled the truck as we drove on, there was one question, no matter how much I wanted to push away kept forcing itself to the front of my mind, “Din, if you don’t mind me asking, what was Camilla like?” I glanced over to him to see his jaw clench, as his fingers gripped the steering wheel turning his knuckles white. 
Din looked over to Ann, he wanted to tell her she had no right to know anything about Camilla, how could she even dare to ask such a question. However, he was just talking about how Grogu was so much like her. Truthfully, he never really talked about her with anyone, well except for Grogu and Peli, on occasion, it sort of became an unspoken rule. 
On occasion, Omera was willing to listen but she didn’t make it a habit. He missed talking about her, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad letting Ann know. 
He took in a shuddering breath, “She could make any dark day better. She had this ability to always find the bright spot, it didn’t matter how bad the situation was, how difficult it could be. She knew what to say to make it a little better. She was the only one who knew just what to say or not to say to calm me down when I was being a stubborn jackass.” A small smile started to form on his lips, “She was kind. Warm, and had the best smile and laugh I ever heard or saw.”
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ckret2 · 1 year
Since your Human Bill!AU has him as a person with a uterus, does he get periods? If he does, how does he react the first time he gets one? Is it possible for him to become Agent Powers’ baby momma?
Yeah, I figure he does.
Bill has some issues that arise from shoving an alien mind into a different species's body (such as his issues with binocular vision and balance issues). But once you set those issues aside, I imagine that otherwise the body he's been stuck inside is, at the outset when he receives it, normally abled. Peek inside his body and everything is built and structured the way a college anatomy textbook says a generic human body ought to be structured, all the hormones are in average ranges, etc. He got handed a body at peak adult performance. Mainly because the axolotl was like "you're gonna suck SO bad at this, you need every advantage you can get." If Bill had been sent to earth with a gluten sensitivity or back pain or whatever, he'd be dead within a week. Like not even from the disability itself, he'd just go "this is too hard" and lie down and give up.
(Caveat that I might change my mind on this later if I think of a condition that fits him well or that I think would be interesting to explore; but for now that's where I'm at.)
And if you take The Most Average Body With A Womb In It, in early adulthood, with no underlying health conditions—yeah, it's gonna bleed once a month and it's gonna be fertile.
I imagine he reacts to it about the same way as he does the first time he gets bad gas—"ow, that hurts, is something malfunctioning" followed by "oh, blood—okay, I know what's going on, I'm familiar with this phenomenon," and now that he knows X symptoms indicate the approach of Y event, he doesn't care the next time he experiences X symptoms.
He COULD become someone's baby mama—but I'm not planning on it. It doesn't fit in well with the other ideas I'm looking to explore with this AU. I'm angling toward a slow redemption arc (or, more accurately, a learning-to-be-a-better-person arc), and I feel like having the threat/promise of a baby pushing him would undermine the impact of any decisions he makes. Like yeah sure "bad character decides to become better because now they're starting to think about a helpless baby" is a fine plot arc—but that makes it EASIER to choose personal growth. If he's only thinking about HIMSELF, can he become better?
(And, outside of that, over on an RP blog recently I just roleplayed a character going through a full-length real-time nine-month pregnancy that concluded in January. It was a really fun project to do, but now that I'm done with it I don't wanna start ANOTHER pregnancy plotline. I've had enough of that for a while.)
So biologically, it's possible; narratively, I'm not gonna do it. THE MOST I might do is play with the idea (like "lies about being pregnant to fool a threat into going easy on him" or "accidentally gets knocked up and goes 'nope not doing that' and confidently aborts it"), but when push comes to shove I STRONGLY doubt those will be ideas I'll want to explore in the AU itself. Bill's just gonna have to put on his big boy pants and practice safe sex like any other human.
(Even as much of a reckless party animal as he is, I think he'll be better at this than some of his other human-body-maintenance tasks. If you skip showering then you smell bad—this is a consequence Bill doesn't care about if he isn't planning on interacting with a human he needs to impress. If you skip safe sex then you risk unpleasant diseases and a whole new person growing inside you—this is a consequence he DOES care about. He's probably not gonna get an A+ in safe sex practices but like, he'll get at least a C+. Some sort of passing grade.)
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green-loser-lover · 11 months
more meth snake au (read w caution this could hurt maybe)
we left off with ace having ideas!! basically he was like "if snake likes booze that much what if i find somefin stronga" (his speech is fun to write sorry). ace is a guy who knows a guy whos cousins dogs friends hair salonists grocer sells drugs and he buys(eh..) a bit of meth
i think ace would pull snake aside and basically lie through his teeth like "just one time wont kill yah buddy" "sures i done this before. lookit me! i turned out fine" "juust one time" and snake cant rrly say no so yeah down the hatch it goes (idk what kinda meth it would be yet, its up to interpretation) and well one time turns into two snd two to three three to four four to BEGGING for more meth
basically ace is using meth to control snake.. and it works very well lol. no one else in the gang knows for awhile (he def planned on doing the same to them) even when snake starts getting aggressive (to the gang and to victims), or when he stars scratching like crazy, even when he kinda just stops talking to them (excluding ace obvs) -GRUBBER is the first to realize!! AFTER snake starts convulsing on the floor bc ace gave him a bit to much "pbbbht" "pff whaddya mean? snakes fine he dont need no hospital" newsflash yes he did and after a lot of convincing they took him and the doctors called them heros bc snake almost died! shock all around everyone's a lil emotionally scarred
anyway snakes fine hes out thehospital and hes okay! the end :)
jk, hes back to begging ace for more meth. but surely ace learned by now? nope, he gives snake more and its back to the hospital. NOW he knows better? again no he plans to give snake more meth when he gets out but now the gang knows and theyre all scared hes gonna die so ace decides he'll just stop (this is bad, very bad. ace is.. yk the rest)
snakes back again!! he wants more meth and ace is like "no" so snake freaks and practically tears the shack apart looking for the meth (that ace hid), when he doesnt find it he almost nearly beats ace up but the guys hold him back and THAT!!! THAT VERY MOMENT is where ace finally realizes what hes done was really shitty. so now what? how does he fix it? lock snake in a room bc they cant afford rehab. im so dead ass and im sorry
they just leave him in a room that locks from the outside only and feed him every so often (not too often bc he doesnt want food just meth) and this lasts for a month at most. like they have a whole system and everything so he doesnt escape, ONE PERSON stays near his room always like they can still do their things but they cant leave the shack when its their turn
back to "this lasts for a month at most" yeah it failed eventually because for a while snake is just so out of it he just sort of sat there and asked for stuff (mostly meth) for a bit, but as his clarity comes back more and more he starts scheming (uh oh thats how we got here) so he waits till its arturo's turn to watch him then he pull an ace
basically he lies to arturo and tricks letting him out and giving him meth "imss gonna burnss it all, destroy it ssso we can putss thiss behind uss pal" (oh yeah arturo knows where ace hides it bc he watched ace do it once, so yeah whomp whomp)
anyway snake obvs inst gonna burn it all but arturo is convinced and helps him and snake leaves
JFUEHFUHFKUWE i didnt realizehow much i wrote until now (AND THERES MORE) so ill make another post!! mostly so ur pretty orbs dont hurt
uhhh bye
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homicidal-slvt · 1 year
"Rainy Days"
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4
OCs x F!Reader
You are a young woman who also happens to be a witch- ending up with you in a college of mythical beings... {This story is gonna be silly chaos and will be aimed at my fellow bisexuals.}
Warnings: None.
Days drag on and yet go by quickly at the same time, it makes for a whirlwind of complicated emotions. You haven't encountered Sev again and if you're being honest- you're afraid to.
What is he? What are their intentions?
Perhaps you're being a bit paranoid or overly cautious but hey- better a live chicken than a dead duck, right?
Lost in your thoughts you bump into someone...
"Oh shit! Sorry."
Wait- their build seems familiar- Shit.
"Hey, it's no biggie! Clearly we're destined to meet in the worst ways possible."
Still just as chipper as he turns to face you, those baby blues twinkling in the flickering lights of the hall. Naturally you took a step back and cleared your throat.
"Uh, yeah..."
"Dude, I'm real sorry bout' scaring you when we first met. I didn't mean to- honest! I just get so used to doin' my ghostly stuff that I forget it is a bit weird for others."
He seems to be completely sincere in his apology, he truly didn't mean any harm. Something about him reminds you of an over excited puppy, too much pent up energy resulting in disaster.
"It's fine."
"Nah, nah. I should learn to be more careful- it was totally my bad. By the way- names, Cassian."
Despite his clearly outgoing nature he also seems a bit awkward, he starts to hold out his hand for a handshake then pauses and second guesses himself- simply tucking his hand back into his pants pocket... Maybe he's worried that he'll unintentionally make you uncomfortable? Who knows.
You simply offer him a slight smile in an attempt to be a bit more friendly, the guy doesn't seem all that bad at least.
He drags out the word quite a bit while shuffling his feet, baby blues now directed over towards the window. Thick stormy gray clouds are gathering in the sky above, the weather certainly isn't looking too great.
"Looks like it might rain. Do you have an umbrella?"
Fuck... That's what you forgot to grab. Of course.
Surely enough within a couple minutes there's a down pour of rain, there's no way you're going to be able to walk outside and to the other building in that.
"Would ya like to share my umbrella then, so you can get back to your room dry? Least I can do since our rocky first meeting."
You hesitate slightly but you really don't want to be a drenched rat today- so you give a small nod.
"Yeah... Thanks."
"Not a problem, dude! Let's go!"
He pops open his big ass umbrella the second you two get out the door, he ensures that you are well shielded from the rain as you both walk. He tries his best not to get too much in your personal space- which sorta sacrifices part of his right side getting him wet. You sigh and move closer in to get him to hold it over both of you.
"Don't get wet because of me."
He gets visibly awkward again and unsure of himself, offering a goofy little smile in your direction and a nod.
"Yeah, just didn't wanna... Yeah, okay."
Once you two finally reach the building you glance down at your wet shoes- but hey. At least the rest of you is dry. Your phone buzzes in your pocket with a text from your aunt, you bid a polite goodbye to, Cassian.
After heading upstairs and reaching your room, you pull out your phone to check the text, door clicking shut behind you.
'Do you want to have coffee with me this weekend?'
{Please be nice to Cassian. He's doing his best I swear. LMAO}
{@sofasoap @anna-banana27 @scar-crossedlvrs }
{More Content}
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rose-of-the-grave · 9 months
Pairing: Lily x James
Modern AU
Merry (early) Christmas everybody!!! Here's the final part of The Pact. I finished this earlier than expected so here's an early Christmas present!!! I hope you enjoy! I'm the author (please don't repost) <3
Masterlist Series Masterlist Part 4 Read on Ao3
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Warnings: kissing, miscommunication, meddling friends, new years
Word Count: 2,923
Description: When the group needs to leave early it seems as if James won't be able to clear up their misunderstanding but maybe with some help they will finally have an actual conversation.
Taglist: @sylveryfire
“Get up Prongs!”
James felt someone jump on him. It was Sirius. No surprise there. It was an old habit of his from their time as roommates and even before that when Sirius came to live with him and his family.
“Can’t get up with you on top of me.” He grumbled.
Sirius rolled over to lay next to him on the bed.
“Get up! We’re leaving in a few hours.”
“What? I thought we weren’t leaving until tomorrow?”
From across the room, Remus responded from where he leaned against the doorframe, sipping some warm beverage. “There was an emergency with Neville. Alice needs to get home. Her husband took him to the hospital but she really wants to be there with him as soon as possible.”
If he wasn’t fully awake already, now he was. He sat up and looked over at his things. He hadn’t brought much. He could be ready to go in a few minutes. Maybe, just maybe, James could get away with sleeping for another half hour. The rest of their group would need to pack and make breakfast. That could easily take an hour given Marlene’s proclivity for sleeping like the dead. He had heard enough stories of her sleeping through fire alarms and people yelling at her to wake up to know that she wouldn’t be up any time soon.
“Oh no. I know that look. You are not sleeping in!” Sirius warned.
“Nope. No buts. Everybody is up and eating breakfast, you’re the last one up for once.”
“Even Marlene?”
“Yeah, she couldn’t sleep so she was one of the first to be ready when Alice got the call.”
“Ugh. Okay, fine. I’ll get up.” He pulled the blankets off and stood up. Walking towards the bathroom, he rubbed his face in an attempt to dislodge the fog of sleep from his gaze.
He brushed his teeth and changed into some actual clothes, preparing for yet another long car ride. James just knew that this one was going to be even more uncomfortable than the first. At least with that one they mostly could ignore each other. It’s not like anyone was paying attention to them.
But after last night he was steeling himself for Lily pretending he didn’t even exist. He wasn’t even sure how this would work considering they were supposed to be dating for a few more days before breaking things off. Maybe this would work. If they thought they were having problems it would make their eventual breakup seem more reasonable and might limit their questions.
At least for a moment he had felt like maybe this didn’t have to be just for show, maybe she would give him a second chance. Now they wouldn’t be able to talk until they all got home and even then he doubted she would talk to him.
James had liked Lily since the moment they met in the bookshop. He had stopped by to talk to Remus about something only to find a gorgeous woman with long, red hair standing behind the front desk. His hair had been wet from running through the rain without an umbrella or raincoat, the droplets running down his face and neck. But he didn’t feel cold. The heat of her gaze was enough. He’d said that very thing to her, causing her to laugh and call him cheesy.
“That may be so but you still laughed.”
“Because you look ridiculous. You’re not even wearing a coat and your shirt is soaked.” she shook her head fondly. “Go on, stand by the fireplace or you’ll catch a cold.”
He did, but he still couldn’t tear his gaze away from her.
“Hey, what’s your name?”
She turned to look over at him from where she stood behind the computer and said, “Lily.”
“That’s a beautiful name.”
She arched an eyebrow at him.
“What?” He asked.
“I don’t think I’ve heard anyone say that without immediately following it with a ‘so is that your favorite flower or something?’.”
“Oh shoot, I was just about to ask that!” He said, a grin on his face.
“No. But I was going to ask if you have plans tonight.”
She smiled.
“As it so happens I do.”
“Yeah, it’s with this new customer who wears glasses, doesn’t ask stupid questions, and has a proclivity for running in the rain with no jacket apparently.”
He smiled in relief, “Wonder who that could be.”
They looked at each other and started laughing.
“So what time should I pick you up?”
“Well I get off work at six so how about then?”
“Works for me!” He headed towards the desk and then continued past it. When he was at the door he said, “I’ll see you at six.”
James opened the door and walked back out into the rain. He had almost reached the end of the block when he heard a bell ring and Lily called out, “Wait! You never told me your name!”
He turned to look at her. “It’s James!”
“See you later James!”
“You too Lily!”
They smiled at each other and waved before she returned to her desk and he walked around the corner. It wasn’t until then that he remembered why he had even been there. He was supposed to give Remus the tickets to the show he wanted to take Sirius to. James figured he could just stop by their place and leave them on his desk.
That night they had gone out to eat and afterwards he had leaned in for a kiss. It had started off soft and slow before increasing in its intensity. After a minute or two she pulled away with a smile.
“Thanks for tonight James.”
“Can I see you tomorrow?” He asked.
It was only later that she had decided that maybe it would be better for them to be friends. Lily was busy with graduate school and her job whereas James also had his own job. That didn’t stop him from flirting with her, nor did it stop her from flirting back. In the end they had only gone on one date and it had been magical.
A month or so later she met Snape and all of a sudden they weren’t talking. He had thought that all had been in the past and that she could see that he wasn’t that person but he respected her decision to distance herself. What hurt most was that she had decided to date someone else when she had said it would be too difficult to date him.
James understood that it was a bit easier because they were both in the same program and had the same classes but even still. It was hard watching them together.
Then they broke up and she still wasn’t talking to him.
When she first came up to him in that restaurant and asked him to be her fake boyfriend he thought that this could be his chance to convince her that he wasn’t the same guy he was when he was in school. He had changed for the better.
He stuffed his clothes into his bag and slung it over his shoulder. Looking around he spotted Lily’s stuff. She was probably waiting for him to vacate the room before packing.
Walking downstairs he was surprised to see everyone calmly eating breakfast. Someone had made pancakes. He dropped his bag by the bottom of the stairs and walked over to the table.
Lily’s eyes shot to his before she pushed away from the table and brushed past him on her way upstairs.
Ignoring his friends’ puzzled looks, he stacked some pancakes on a plate and poured syrup over them. He sat down and dug in, the pancakes were absolutely delicious.
“So what was that about?” Marlene asked.
“You didn’t even acknowledge each other. Did something happen last night? I could have sworn she slept down here. What did you do?”
“Nothing! I was just snoring and it was hard for her to sleep, that’s all.”
“And this morning?”
“She just wanted to get packed.” He shrugged. If Lily wanted to tell her friend what happened then she could come clean about everything if she wanted. It wasn’t his place.
His friends still looked a bit suspicious but they were quickly distracted when Alice came out of one of the other rooms, phone in hand.
“Oh good. You’re up James.”
“Yeah. How’s Neville?”
“Frank says he drank some cleaning chemicals out of a water bottle he was cleaning. He has no idea how much he drank so he took him to the emergency room just to be safe.”
“It’ll be okay,” Remus comforted, “We can leave as soon as Lily gets done packing. If she hurries we can get you to the hospital before dinner time.”
She smiled sadly. Her eyes are red and puffy from crying. It must be difficult to know her son is in trouble and not be able to do anything.
Lily came down the stairs, carrying her suitcase.
“I’m ready to go.”
“Great, I’ll go start the car and scrape the snow off of the windows.” Sirius said, getting up and walking outside while still pulling on a coat.
James hurried to finish his food and stood up, throwing the paper plate in the trash.
They all moved towards the door, carrying what little they still hadn’t put in the car. James grabbed his bag, put on his coat and shoes before walking outside. The cold air bit at his face. Rushing towards the car, he hopped in.
Remus took shotgun, Lily and Alice sat in the seats behind him and Sirius, which left James, Marlene, and Dorcas to try and fit all together in the very back.
Pulling out of the driveway, James hoped that the roads would all be cleared enough for driving or else this was going to be a very long trip. Thankfully they made good time, only stopping once to grab some lunch.
The sky was getting darker by the time they got off of the freeway and it was almost completely dark by the time they reached the hospital. Alice hopped out and grabbed her things, thanking them for a fun trip before rushing into the hospital to find her husband.
He hoped everything went well.
After dropping Alice off, they drove to Marlene’s apartment where Dorcas had left her car. They both got out of the car and then Sirius finally reached Lily’s.
Lily got out, grabbed her bag, and said goodbye to both Sirius and Remus, not even looking in James’ direction. He watched her walk away as Sirius continued to James’ place.
“Well, I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”
“Yeah, see you!”
“Bye James.”
“So, what happened?”
“What?” Lily asked.
“With you and James, silly.” Marlene responded. “You two were all over each other and then right before we left yesterday you totally gave him the cold shoulder.” “Did not!”
“Did so!”
Lily sighed and took a sip of her wine. Maybe going over to Marlene’s tonight was a bad idea.
“So are you two still together?”
Lily realized that she should probably come clean. She hated lying to her best friend. If she told her now then maybe she would at least be able to tell her what really happened.
“Truth is, we were never together.”
Ashamed, Lily looked away for a moment.
“Yeah, that night in the restaurant I asked him if he would be my fake boyfriend so you would stop trying to help me find someone.”
“Oh honey. You could have just told me to stop.”
“I did. I guess I figured if I pretended to date James and then we broke up then you would forget about it. We were going to break up a few days after the trip.”
“Then what happened?”
“I got a bit drunk and kissed him. He pushed me off and I went to sleep on the couch downstairs. And the worst part is, earlier I was talking about giving him a second chance. We could actually try dating. And then he just rejected me!”
“Oh my god. Lily, you idiot.”
Lily looked up at her friend, “What?”
Marlene was staring at her in disbelief. “He didn’t reject you, you dumbass! He didn’t want you to do anything while drunk that you would later regret and hate him for.”
“Fuck!” She looked at her friend. “I’m an idiot.”
“Yeah, no shit.”
“How am I going to apologize? He must think I hate him. There’s no way he’ll listen to me now.”
“Weren’t you both supposed to go to Remus and Sirius’ place for Christmas tomorrow?”
“He’ll probably be there so why don’t you go and apologize then.”
“That’s actually a great idea!”
“You don’t need to seem so surprised.”
‘Oh, stop!”
Marlene smiled at her friend. Little did Lily know that this was all going according to her plan.
Lily pulled up to the house and felt relieved when she saw James’ car. Hopefully he’d give her the chance to apologize for her behavior.
She walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. When there was no answer, she tried the door handle. It was unlocked.
Inside there were a lot of people, some she knew, others she didn’t. She spotted Remus and made her way over to him.
“Hey Lily, you came!”
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world.” She smiled. The music was so loud she could feel her eardrums vibrating. “Hey, have you seen James?”
“No. You guys didn’t come together?”
She shook her head. He looked at her questioningly but said nothing.
Scanning the crowd for him, her gaze finally landed on Sirius. Maybe he would know where James was.
He didn’t.
Growing restless, she decided to look in some of the rooms. Eventually she reached the small library that Remus had cultivated. There was a book of his that she had been meaning to borrow but hadn’t gotten around to it. She walked along one of the bookshelves and, not seeing it, went around to the other side of the shelf only to walk straight into someone.
“I’m so sorry!”
The person turned around to face her.
“James.” She breathed.
“Hi.” She smiled awkwardly.
“Hey.” He brought one of his hands up to scratch the back of his neck.
Neither of them could meet the other’s gaze for more than a few seconds.
“About before…” James started before pausing.
She looked at him questioningly.
“At the cabin?” She prompted.
“I know.”
He finally looked up into her eyes. She smiled softly.
“I should have explained.” He said.
“And I shouldn’t have left so abruptly.”
“Do you think that maybe we could try it again? Now that you’re not drunk?”
“Yeah, I think I could manage that.”
He leaned down slowly. Losing patience she reached up and pulled him in for a kiss. A very long awaited kiss.
Lily pulled away.
“And for the record I was not drunk!”
He swept her up in yet another kiss. It didn’t matter anymore because here they were. Finally on the same page.
The kiss was unfortunately cut short by several people clapping.
Pulling away, they turned to look at their friends.
“I told you!” Marlene crowed.
“What?” Lily asked.
“Remember when I said that Alice and I were going to set you up with someone? We actually already had somebody in mind.”
“Wait, really?”
“Yeah. James.” Alice said.
Lily looked over at James before turning back to her friends.
“Oh and Sirius and Remus were in on it too.” Marlene said.
“It was clear that you like Lily.” Remus shrugged.
“And we all thought that Lily might be willing to give you a chance if she had the opportunity to see you in a different light. I mean she really liked you before she and Snape started dating. We all thought that maybe a blind date would help you both find your way back to when you went on that date.” Marlene explained. “And then the two of you said that you were dating so we just didn’t question it too much because it was what we had hoped would happen.”
Sirius continued Marlene’s thought, “Until that morning at the cabin. We were all so distracted by Alice needing to get home that we kind of forgot about it but then you confessed to Marlene that you weren’t actually dating James and we all sort of decided to get you both to this party so you would be forced to work it out.”
“Wow.” James exclaimed. “So we both basically walked straight into your plan without knowing it.”
“Yeah, pretty much.” Marlene shrugged.
Lily and James looked at each other and sighed. Their friends were meddlesome but they loved them.
“Come on, let’s go back out to the party.” Marlene urged.
“We’ll be there in a second!” James called.
Marlene winked at Lily before walking out of the library, arm in arm with Alice. Sirius and Remus left right behind them.
“Oh, and James?” Sirius said.
“There’s a guest room right next door.” He grinned.
James picked up one of the pillows from a reading chair and threw it at his best friend.
He turned back to Lily.
“So…where were we?” Lily asked suggestively.
“Right about here.” He said, leaning down to kiss her neck, just below her ear.
They still had things to figure out but they were going to be okay.
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mlobsters · 11 months
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supernatural s11e12 don't you forget about me (w. nancy won)
hookman redux? oh no it's just what's her face with the good hair and a sword. i don't remember jody's other girl *at all*. she also does not look remotely like a teenager. i know it's hard with casting young people. anyway, very cute to see jody so happy and proud.
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why is there so much weird food content in this episode, please 😭 sam and dean are so bored at home, they should be cooking more. we know they can do it! (dean, you know how happy you could make sam with something simple like this, roast chicken and mashed potatoes and green beans is dead easy and tasty and nutritious!)
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JODY This is according to the - HEY! [JODY looks at ALEX, who has tried to sneak her wine glass away.] Put it back! [ALEX puts the wine glass back.] JODY … neighborhood crime blogs that Claire has been reading. CLAIRE They're eye-witness accounts. SAM Well, we've hunted on less.
jody's face had me cackling. sam no longer the favorite son 😒
okay so. kathryn newton who plays claire is 19 and supposed to be... 19! and she looks 19. (have i mentioned how much i love her hair?) and katherine ramdeen who plays alex is 25-6 and is supposed to be... 18. sitting next to each other and bickering, it's kind of stark. also kind of funny that they mention barely recognizing her twice. not the only one. was thinking she was recast maybe, but nope
ALEX Claire did catch a werewolf. Oh right! Turned out to be a German shepherd with rabies. JODY And before that was the vampire. Councilwoman into erotic cosplay. I didn't know what cosplay was before that. Super embarrassing for the whole force. DEAN Wow. You've been busy.
i feel bad for claire but this is pretty great
CLAIRE Real life? Okay. Yeah, sure. Let's get real. You and Henry set on a weekend yet? ALEX What? CLAIRE When you sneaking off to Jody's cabin to screw yourself silly? DEAN Ohhh. Here we go.
getting her revenge, as is the sibling way.
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honestly, i'm eating this up. sam and dean could use some normal loving family dysfunction for once
JODY Hey, if we can't talk about it we shouldn't be doing it, right? Right? [SAM stutters.] DEAN What?
jody looking to the boys for backup and they're completely falling down on the job 😔 this is also weirdly topical because i've been prepping my 10 year old with information about puberty and basics of sex ed lol
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JODY And don't expect the guy, as much as I love Henry, to always show up packing. (To SAM and DEAN) Am I right? [SAM looks down at his plate and takes another bite to avoid answering. Dean stares at her blankly.] DEAN What? JODY Seriously?
useless! :p
i am reveling (obviously) in the domestic awkward bullshit.
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JODY And but even there, I feel like I should be teaching her about boyfriends, and relationships, you know, stuff a mom would teach her. DEAN Sammy and I could've benefited from a little of that.
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it's fine, i'm fine. hey maybe jody can straighten dean out and get him to talk to sam about amara. they help with the kids, she can help the bigger kids :p
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CLAIRE Maybe it's time I just head out on my own. And be a full-fledged hunter. SAM Claire. I absolutely understand the need to hunt. Believe me. I do. But the monsters are always going to be there. On and on. Forever. But a chance at a family? At a home? School? That won't be.
probably rationing the use but i think this could have done with the mushy music. feeling for claire and sam.
also that's a huge bedroom
dean trying to be stern and lecture claire and give alex's boyfriend the stink eye, silly :p
ALEX You should know… I've done some really bad things. Hurt people. I should've told you before. HENRY Everybody's done stuff they're ashamed of. I mean, there was this one kid we all tortured in middle school, I-I can't even think about it. Alex! Hey. I don't care. Whatever it is you did, I don't. Okay?
very "this is the skin of a killer, bella"
jesus bad guy is beating the shit out of jody. very effective in how they shot/edited it
LOL aaand the boyfriend is a vampire, of course. didn't see the, i tried to help you out from a bad man but you took me back to your vampire nest and got turned, story. but made sure to vanquish any sympathy we might have had for the dude after saying he turned a high school kid into a vampire just to ruin her life as revenge
good old sibling bonding over killin vampires, a classic
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adorable and always good to have more data that sam doesn't just eat salad :P
hey it's music reminding me of princess bride, i wonder if it's the same music as last time that reminded me of princess bride. that was a while ago (8x06 and 8x14 [which i included a clip of the music, dean setting up his room in the bunker with family pictures etc]). after comparing, the beginning is sorta similar but then it sort of mashes up into something else
DEAN You gonna be alright now that you're outnumbered again? JODY Ah, as long as everyone wears a condom, we'll be fine. DEAN I want that bumper sticker.
true that. told my 10 year old that it's important to know about sex and how babies get made because we don't want any surprise babies running around and the look he gave me: 😵‍💫
i think a lot of it is jody/kim rhodes but the katherine/kathryns also did great making the whole family dynamic with sam and dean work - and the writing! like hey you all can still do a good monster of the week and have really nice, touching and funny moments with the side characters - two episodes in a row! and i didn't even get disgruntled over amara drama once this episode woot woot
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thequietmanno1 · 9 months
Thelreads, MHA 286, Replies Part 1
1) “Things are about to get spicy, on Chapter 286: The one withing us
Oh, is this about how AfO is here, inside what used to be Shigaraki?”- Within Shigaraki, Izuku – it’s a regular family reunion between the living, the dead, and the asshole who’s just here to rub it all in their faces.
2) “Even AfO is not taking this shit, he knows Bakugo is fine, coughing blood when stabbed on the lungs is something all healthy boys his age do.
Now, are you going to activate his quirk and blow him up to damage Midoriya even more? Please?”- If he could have, he would have, but fortunately, Tomura’s fighting from the inside at the same time AFO’s hijacking control of his charcoal corpse to strike out at the heroes, so that means AFO can’t be as effective in killing the heroes as he wants to be- at least, not until the control gets a little stronger….
(MHA ch 248)
3) “Ah, so Todoroki will get a dash skill as well? Fucking hell everyone now has a dash, the balancing team needs to get their shit together”- Frankly, I’m more impressed by Shoto’s balance of everybody on just one foot. Even if he’s carrying one half-dead adult and one nearly-dead Pomeranian, that is some impressive skill to be able to keep himself aflost without any stabilising thrust. Boy’s got mad balancing skills.
4) “Oh this is definitely not Shigaraki talking, that’s for sure. Time for an evil speech?”-  AFO doesn’t need to speak long to stab straight to the emotional heart of the matter…
5) “Nope, no evil speech, just trying to drive the knife deeper, but what he’s not counting on is that Midoriya is about to flip his fucking shit and he’ll make the potato face that All Might gave him look like a classical sculpture.”- Actually, that is what he’s counting on. AFO’s goal is to bring Izuku in close to finally get a hand on him to steal OFA with, and he figures that if Izuku’s anything like All Might, all it’ll take is hurting and more importantly, insulting his allies to make him flip his shit out and forget about the “bad touch” powers….and he was bang on the money.
6) “Oh this is definitely not a good sign.”- AFO pressed the Kachan button. Tomura really wishes he hadn’t done that… 7) “OH JESUS FUCK
WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU FUCKING RIPPED HIS TENTACLES WITH YOUR TEETH JESUS”- Midoria: Your throat and my teeth have an urgent appointment, bitch!
8) “CHRIST THIS VESSEL IS REALLY FALLING APART AND MIDORIYA IS ABOUT TO MAKE SURE NOT A SINGLE CELL REMAINS TO TELL THE TALE”- Tomura’s gone through a small army of assembled heroes, been burned, battered and pushed to the brink of death, and he’s never once panicked or thought he was in danger of losing. But this?. Seeing Izuku’s sheer wrath aimed square at him? That’s the first time he’s actually gone “Uh-oh” ever since he awakened, faced with a force more primal and destructive than even himself.
IS HE EMERGING FROM SHIGARAKI’S BODY LIKE A COCOON?”- And as always, AFO’s greatest skill is his ability to incite the anger of his opponents, pushing their buttons precisely so to manipulate them to his tune without effort, allowing him to puppet Izuku into reach as easily as he’s puppeteering Tomura’s body
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I’M STARTING TO FEAR LIKE SHIGARAKI WAS PRETTY MUCH JUST A COCOON FOR HIM TO GET A STRONGER BODY”- It’s half symbolic….for now. But given how their vestiges/souls appear to be merging within Tomura’s body, it may well be that AFO could indeed be “reborn” within the chrysalis that is Tomura. All the advantages of youth and experience rolled into one. 11) “Oh what the fuck I thought that was Hawks there on the right for a moment Also, unfortunately that’s no more than to calm them down, because there’s no way to stop that thing. Those heroes don’t stand a chance, there’s no stopping it”- And he’s not even the real superweapon the villains have, but the prototype! @thelreads
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constantcompanion · 1 year
Committing my once-a-fandom crime of attempting fanfic.
The summary for next week’s episode mentions Buck developing some new abilities as a result of being struck by lightning. I’m sure it will be something like doing math (or, based on the preview, card playing), but wouldn’t be more fun if he developed some form of ESP? Or Eddie Sensory Perception?
Also, this is @darriness 's fault.
On AO3.
I Bet You Think About Me
It’s his first day back at the firehouse, and Buck is feeling fine. Great, even. Well, physically, anyway. If things in his brain are feeling, well, louder, that’s something he can deal with. He figures as he continues dealing mentally with everything that’s happened, that will get better too.
But walking back into work after those weeks away brings a sense of relief and calm he hasn’t felt in a while. This is where he is supposed to be, these are the people who he’s supposed to be with.
The calm is shattered quickly.
Buck opens the door to his locker, putting away his things, Eddie’s familiar voice behind him calling out, “welcome back!”
Buck turns and grins. “It’s good to be back.” He turns back to his locker.
*well, the time away hasn’t done any harm to that backside.*
Buck jumps, hits his head on the top of his locker, and yelps. What did Eddie say?
“You okay, there, Buck?”
“Yeah, um, I thought I heard you say something.”
“Nope. Just waiting for you so we can head upstairs.”
Buck pulls his shirt over his head to change into his uniform shirt, pausing for a second to catch his breath. No, Eddie didn’t say anything like that. He must have been imagining things.
*I’d like to trace that tattoo with my tongue.*
Buck chokes on his own saliva, hurriedly pulling his uniform shirt on, feeling his cheeks heat up. This is not happening.
“You sure you’re okay? You’re looking a little flushed.”
“Yeah. …I’m fine.”
The two men head up the stairs, Buck leading the way.
*yep, still looking good.*
Buck stumbles on the step. Okay, not again. He did not hear that, nope. Maybe being dead really did hurt his brain.
Eddie catches him by the arm. “Excited to be back, huh?  You’re practically tripping over yourself.”
“Yeah, that’s it. Totally. Just missed this place.”
Not so surprisingly, the pair are greeted at the top of the stairs with a loud “SURPRISE”. A large cake waits on the table, and Hen runs forward, arms outstretched to give Buck a big, long hug, followed by hugs and back slaps from the rest of the team.
Chim chuckles. “Welcome back, kid. Missed making fun of you.”
*oh I’ve missed that beautiful smile*
Buck closes his eyes. No, this can’t be happening.
Hen laughs. “Aw, look how touched he is! We’re so glad to have you back!”
Buck glances at Eddie, who is smiling fondly at the scene unfolding. What is going on? It’s clearly Eddie’s voice he’s hearing. But Eddie has never said things like this to him, and no one else seems to hear it. This is messed up.
Buck tries to act normal, hugging Bobby, joking around with Ravi, asking questions about thing he might have missed. But in the background his mind keeps turning over the things he’s been hearing. Or not hearing. And he watches Eddie and wonders. Is he imagining things he wants to hear Eddie say? Or could he be hearing Eddie’s thoughts? No, that’s not possible.
The alarm goes off, and the team heads out to their first call of the shift.
As the day goes on, and they respond to emergencies, things seem to be normal. The scenes are loud, and Buck is too occupied to notice much other than what he is focused on doing, and he calms down. None of that earlier happened, he’ll just put it behind him.
They return to the firehouse after their last call, each member of the team tired and ready to be done. Buck begins to pull off his turn-outs.
*apparently I do have a thing for a man in uniform.*
Buck’s face turns red.
*I wonder how far that blush goes.*
Buck leans his forehead against the wall, desperately trying to cool down.
Eddie looks a bit concerned. “I know I’ve asked this already, but you still doing okay? It’s been a long shift.”
“Yeah. Uh, yeah.”  Buck pauses, deciding whether to test his hypothesis. “What would you say if I decided to kiss you right now?”
“I would say you’ve been reading my mind.”
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the-tiktok-rogue · 8 months
If Tim had told jay about the tape
Jay was calling Jessica once again, she was pretty much the only reason he was still doing this…he had this gnawing feeling that her disappearing was his fault somehow…he just couldn’t shake it ever since that night at the hotel.
He got out of his car and Tim was there standing next to some trucks in the dimly lit light of a lamp
“you couldn’t have just called me? you gotta get under a street light and make it all dramatic?”
“sorry I just got off work i’ve been working all day.”
“What took you so long? it took you weeks to go see your doctor?”
Tim sighed and pulled out the a tape from his jean pocket.
“Another tape?, where did you find that?”
“it was in my jacket pocket when we woke up in that shack in rosswood, i’ve watched it it’s about jessica.”
“it has some kind of clue where to find her?”
“kind of. you’ll see what I mean when you watch it.”
“okay, i’ll take a look at this tale then, nice to have a new lead at least.”
“when you watch that tape we need to go to rosswood as well.”
“what? WHY?! why would I do that, nothing good ever happens there!”
“It’s important it’s about jessica”
“Alex said the same thing about Amy.”
“do you trust me or not?”
Tim continued “This doesn’t just affect you anymore this affects both of us, and if we don’t work together one of us could wind up dead.”
“yeah sure fine. I’ll watch the tape and then we can go to rosswood or whatever”
entry 63 ends
entry 64 starts with text
This is the tape Tim gave me, it’s pretty revealing.
the same general footage of 76 happens but it ends with Jays text
I can’t tell what happened to Jessica at the end, it looks like footage from earlier on the tape cuts in over her and she’s gone?
Tim and I are going to Rosswood,
we’ll find out what happened to her.
entry 65 starts with Jay and Tim walking to the hoody hut, since they know Alex is alive they skip the lumber house, this time they do actually find the hoody hut though
“it’s over here” Tim said to Jay
“is there anything inside?” Jay asked
“there’s this baby doll thing” Tim held up a baby doll with operator symbols drawn into its eyes.
“it kind of looks like the baby from one of the totheark videos.” Jay mentioned
“do you think this is where that hooded person films?” Tim asked
“maybe.” Jay replied,
they turned around, Jay swinging the camera and found on the wooded wall more writing in the same style as the writing that lead jay to the maintenance tunnel.
‘ He told the truth’ one part of the writing said.
the other part ‘Go to the tunnel. Find Jessica. Find the ark’ the rest of the writing said.
Jay hovered his camera over it.
“It’s gotta be talking about what was on the tape.” Jay mentioned
“Where Alex pointed the gun at Jessica?”
Tim asked
“yeah. come on let’s head over there now.”
they left the hoody hut and saw the hooded person in the distance, Jay and Tim chased and followed him all the way to the tunnel, they saw him run through, but by the time they got there Hoody was gone.
“he ran through here so this must be where Jessica went.” Jay spoke
“Jay I don’t think you should get your hopes up, even if she’s out there there’s no guarantee Jessica’s alive” Tim snarkily replied and continued “plus I really need to catch my breath chasing that guy”.
the camera cut out and then turned back on after Tim had caught his breath, they then started to walk through the tunnel
“Do you remember what was on the other side of this tunnel?” Tim asked
“no i’ve only been over there once, I was chasing you.”
Tim cut him off “I don’t remember that though”
“neither do I” Jay paused.
“do you remember anything on that tape?.”
Tim thought for a second “I just remember waking up in the woods with a mask on and walking down the road, I took it off and dropped it on the ground, then I walked all the way home.”
“so you never saw jessica?” Jay asked
“nope, didn’t even see the camera recording.”
they continued to walk until the camera flickered and where Jay was had shifted.
“what the…where’s the tunnel-“
Jay swivveled the camera around.
he was in front of the antique store he’d went to earlier that year…he looked ahead and saw someone walking out of there…zooming his camera in as he looked through the view finder he saw a familiar face.
it was Jessica? and she was going to the clinic, Jay hadn’t thought of how to approach this so he just ran up to her with his camera.
“hey uh are you Jessica Locke?” Jay asked bluntly
“uh yeah…wait are you Jay? Jay from the hotel?” Jessica asked
Jay grinned, she remembered
“yeah it’s me! I was worried about you since you disappeared that night.” Jay explained
“Yeah all I remember is passing out and waking up the next day in the woods.” she mentioned
“how did you end up here…erm…if you don’t mind me asking that is?” Jay asked awkwardly
“A guy with sideburns found me on his way down the road coughing, he helped me up and called an ambulance, next thing I know I was being taken to hospital, he visited me and recommended I come here. i’ve been going here ever since that night.”
“but you’re doing okay right? nothing bads ever happened?”
“I still get memory loss and coughing and still have no idea what all that had happened was but yeah…you never did explain to me what was going on, and why you film everything” she pointed to the camera.
“oh, sorry. look just search marble hornets up on youtube and watch all the videos that come up and you’ll understand what I mean…also here’s my number in case you wanna keep in touch” he quickly gave him his number.
“thanks Jay, i’ll text you when I can alright?” Jess said happily as she walked into the clinic
“alright” Jay felt a lot better, finally some ACTUAL answers, he called Tim after but there was no response, so he quickly drove over to rosswood park again.
Tim wasn’t there.
Jay drove to the next place he could think of, the hospital, he searched and found Tim passed out in the “he is a liar” room.
he rustled Tim awake and he opened his eyes like coming out of a trance
“Tim are you okay? I have something amazing I have to tell you.”
“how did I get here?”
“we were at the tunnel and then we got shifted around remember?”
“I remember being at the tunnel, then I was here…” Tim recollected in a stir.
before they had time to process any of this they heard footsteps, Jay pulled Tim up and they hid, the hooded person walked by, he went into the liar room and took the silver pole, then dashed off.
they slowly followed until they heard a clunk and Alex being dragged away, Jay and Tim followed watching Hoody tie alex to the chair and walk off.
they walked into the little abandoned house and Tim immediately picked up the gun and pulled it on Alex.
Alex woke up.
“Tim. and Jay. i’ll kill you both if I have too”
Tim spoke first “I only want to know one thing before I kill you. why did you start trying to kill us in the first place?” Tim asked, with venom in his voice.”
“To stop the disease from spreading any further. I had to rid you all to save the masses.”
Jay interrupted “and your first solution was murder-“
“I did what I had to. Jay. and you kept getting involved, getting people dragged into this, Like jessica, if I hadn’t killed her she could infect even more people!”
Jay snickered to himself with a smirk..
“actually Alex.”
Tim said slowly “Jay don’t.”
“She’s alive. you failed. I just bumped into her today, your plan to kill people didn’t work.”
“Jay don’t TELL HIM THAT”
“we’re going to kill him anyway what does it matter.”
Hoody walked back in.
Tim pointed the gun at him “and who the hell are you. you sneak into my house you steal my damn pills, and you record my friend for years while stalking him!” he pointed to jay while saying that last part.
Hoody took off his mask and revealed himself as Brian
“it’s me Tim. Your old friend.”
Tim’s hand shook “w-why, why did you do all this?!”
Brian spoke “I had to get you all here to bring the reign of Alex Kralie to an end, and look, our fifth guest is about to arrive, any minute now.”
they all turned around and watched Jessica arrive.
“Jay? Jay i’m here!”
“I watched the youtube channel, I know what’s going on, I got sent this location from an anonymous text, and something about how Tim started all this.”
Brian spoke again “yes, Tim was patient zero im afraid, but unlike Alex he has a much better solution.” Brian gave them all orange pill bottles “Pills, helps block the operator out.” then Hoody pointed to Alex “Tim you started this. End this now.”
Tim walked over to Alex as Jessica spoke “wait Tim are you sure there isn’t another way.”
“no he’s right. it ends here.” Tim pulled the trigger and shot Alex in the head, he fell to the ground immediately
as soon as this happened the operator appeared and they all ran. the next thing they knew they were in the parking lot of rosswood park, Jay Jessica and Tim had made it out but they looked over and Brian’s body was coughing up blood, he coughed up his last bit of blood before immediately dying.
the entry ended there.
Jay later uploaded a conclusion video detailing that him tim and jessica were going their seperate ways and Jay was moving out of state, he thanked the audience for their help.
Jay was calling Jessica once again, she was pretty much the only reason he was still doing this…he had this gnawing feeling that her disappearing was his fault somehow…he just couldn’t shake it ever since that night at the hotel.
He got out of his car and Tim was there standing next to some trucks in the dimly lit light of a lamp
“you couldn’t have just called me? you gotta get under a street light and make it all dramatic?”
“sorry I just got off work i’ve been working all day.”
“What took you so long? it took you weeks to go see your doctor?”
Tim sighed and pulled out the a tape from his jean pocket.
“Another tape?, where did you find that?”
“it was in my jacket pocket when we woke up in that shack in rosswood, i’ve watched it it’s about jessica.”
“it has some kind of clue where to find her?”
“kind of. you’ll see what I mean when you watch it.”
“okay, i’ll take a look at this tale then, nice to have a new lead at least.”
“when you watch that tape we need to go to rosswood as well.”
“what? WHY?! why would I do that, nothing good ever happens there!”
“It’s important it’s about jessica”
“Alex said the same thing about Amy.”
“do you trust me or not?”
Tim continued “This doesn’t just affect you anymore this affects both of us, and if we don’t work together one of us could wind up dead.”
“yeah sure fine. I’ll watch the tape and then we can go to rosswood or whatever”
entry 63 ends
entry 64 starts with text
This is the tape Tim gave me, it’s pretty revealing.
the same general footage of 76 happens but it ends with Jays text
I can’t tell what happened to Jessica at the end, it looks like footage from earlier on the tape cuts in over her and she’s gone?
Tim and I are going to Rosswood,
we’ll find out what happened to her.
entry 65 starts with Jay and Tim walking to the hoody hut, since they know Alex is alive they skip the lumber house, this time they do actually find the hoody hut though
“it’s over here” Tim said to Jay
“is there anything inside?” Jay asked
“there’s this baby doll thing” Tim held up a baby doll with operator symbols drawn into its eyes.
“it kind of looks like the baby from one of the totheark videos.” Jay mentioned
“do you think this is where that hooded person films?” Tim asked
“maybe.” Jay replied,
they turned around, Jay swinging the camera and found on the wooded wall more writing in the same style as the writing that lead jay to the maintenance tunnel.
‘ He told the truth’ one part of the writing said.
the other part ‘Go to the tunnel. Find Jessica. Find the ark’ the rest of the writing said.
Jay hovered his camera over it.
“It’s gotta be talking about what was on the tape.” Jay mentioned
“Where Alex pointed the gun at Jessica?”
Tim asked
“yeah. come on let’s head over there now.”
they left the hoody hut and saw the hooded person in the distance, Jay and Tim chased and followed him all the way to the tunnel, they saw him run through, but by the time they got there Hoody was gone.
“he ran through here so this must be where Jessica went.” Jay spoke
“Jay I don’t think you should get your hopes up, even if she’s out there there’s no guarantee Jessica’s alive” Tim snarkily replied and continued “plus I really need to catch my breath chasing that guy”.
the camera cut out and then turned back on after Tim had caught his breath, they then started to walk through the tunnel
“Do you remember what was on the other side of this tunnel?” Tim asked
“no i’ve only been over there once, I was chasing you.”
Tim cut him off “I don’t remember that though”
“neither do I” Jay paused.
“do you remember anything on that tape?.”
Tim thought for a second “I just remember waking up in the woods with a mask on and walking down the road, I took it off and dropped it on the ground, then I walked all the way home.”
“so you never saw jessica?” Jay asked
“nope, didn’t even see the camera recording.”
they continued to walk until the camera flickered and where Jay was had shifted.
“what the…where’s the tunnel-“
Jay swivveled the camera around.
he was in front of the antique store he’d went to earlier that year…he looked ahead and saw someone walking out of there…zooming his camera in as he looked through the view finder he saw a familiar face.
it was Jessica? and she was going to the clinic, Jay hadn’t thought of how to approach this so he just ran up to her with his camera.
“hey uh are you Jessica Locke?” Jay asked bluntly
“uh yeah…wait are you Jay? Jay from the hotel?” Jessica asked
Jay grinned, she remembered
“yeah it’s me! I was worried about you since you disappeared that night.” Jay explained
“Yeah all I remember is passing out and waking up the next day in the woods.” she mentioned
“how did you end up here…erm…if you don’t mind me asking that is?” Jay asked awkwardly
“A guy with sideburns found me on his way down the road coughing, he helped me up and called an ambulance, next thing I know I was being taken to hospital, he visited me and recommended I come here. i’ve been going here ever since that night.”
“but you’re doing okay right? nothing bads ever happened?”
“I still get memory loss and coughing and still have no idea what all that had happened was but yeah…you never did explain to me what was going on, and why you film everything” she pointed to the camera.
“oh, sorry. look just search marble hornets up on youtube and watch all the videos that come up and you’ll understand what I mean…also here’s my number in case you wanna keep in touch” he quickly gave him his number.
“thanks Jay, i’ll text you when I can alright?” Jess said happily as she walked into the clinic
“alright” Jay felt a lot better, finally some ACTUAL answers, he called Tim after but there was no response, so he quickly drove over to rosswood park again.
Tim wasn’t there.
Jay drove to the next place he could think of, the hospital, he searched and found Tim passed out in the “he is a liar” room.
he rustled Tim awake and he opened his eyes like coming out of a trance
“Tim are you okay? I have something amazing I have to tell you.”
“how did I get here?”
“we were at the tunnel and then we got shifted around remember?”
“I remember being at the tunnel, then I was here…” Tim recollected in a stir.
before they had time to process any of this they heard footsteps, Jay pulled Tim up and they hid, the hooded person walked by, he went into the liar room and took the silver pole, then dashed off.
they slowly followed until they heard a clunk and Alex being dragged away, Jay and Tim followed watching Hoody tie alex to the chair and walk off.
they walked into the little abandoned house and Tim immediately picked up the gun and pulled it on Alex.
Alex woke up.
“Tim. and Jay. i’ll kill you both if I have too”
Tim spoke first “I only want to know one thing before I kill you. why did you start trying to kill us in the first place?” Tim asked, with venom in his voice.”
“To stop the disease from spreading any further. I had to rid you all to save the masses.”
Jay interrupted “and your first solution was murder-“
“I did what I had to. Jay. and you kept getting involved, getting people dragged into this, Like jessica, if I hadn’t killed her she could infect even more people!”
Jay snickered to himself with a smirk..
“actually Alex.”
Tim said slowly “Jay don’t.”
“She’s alive. you failed. I just bumped into her today, your plan to kill people didn’t work.”
“Jay don’t TELL HIM THAT”
“we’re going to kill him anyway what does it matter.”
Hoody walked back in.
Tim pointed the gun at him “and who the hell are you. you sneak into my house you steal my damn pills, and you record my friend for years while stalking him!” he pointed to jay while saying that last part.
Hoody took off his mask and revealed himself as Brian
“it’s me Tim. Your old friend.”
Tim’s hand shook “w-why, why did you do all this?!”
Brian spoke “I had to get you all here to bring the reign of Alex Kralie to an end, and look, our fifth guest is about to arrive, any minute now.”
they all turned around and watched Jessica arrive.
“Jay? Jay i’m here!”
“I watched the youtube channel, I know what’s going on, I got sent this location from an anonymous text, and something about how Tim started all this.”
Brian spoke again “yes, Tim was patient zero im afraid, but unlike Alex he has a much better solution.” Brian gave them all orange pill bottles “Pills, helps block the operator out.” then Hoody pointed to Alex “Tim you started this. End this now.”
Tim walked over to Alex as Jessica spoke “wait Tim are you sure there isn’t another way.”
“no he’s right. it ends here.” Tim pulled the trigger and shot Alex in the head, he fell to the ground immediately
as soon as this happened the operator appeared and they all ran. the next thing they knew they were in the parking lot of rosswood park, Jay Jessica and Tim had made it out but they looked over and Brian’s body was coughing up blood, he coughed up his last bit of blood before immediately dying.
the entry ended there.
Jay later uploaded a conclusion video detailing that him tim and jessica were going their seperate ways and Jay was moving out of state, he thanked the audience for their help.
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euclydya · 1 year
@white-boy-bracket hai. This is the thing we spent all fuckin day writing. Not posting to A03 bc A03 scares us [lighthearted]
Anyways chapters 1 & 2 under the cut of Harry's POV from whatever the fuck is going on, vaguely set after he got Revived™:
YOU – … What the fuck.
ANCIENT REPTILIAN BRAIN – Welcome back to self awareness, fucko! How'd you sleep? Like shit, I bet?
YOU – Yeah, whatever just happened didn't feel good. Am I dead finally?
ANCIENT REPTILIAN BRAIN – I'm afraid not, Harry boy. Though you *did* die, recently. Happened rather quickly, too. But that's neither here nor there.
ANCIENT REPTILIAN BRAIN – What's important is that The Infernal Engine is once again up and running. And once it's up and running, *oh boy*, is it unstoppable! You are nigh impossible to defeat, Harry, and you are going to make it *everybody else's problem.*
YOU – What if I… Wanted it all to stop though? What if I'm tired?
ANCIENT REPTILIAN BRAIN – Too bad! You had your chance when you actually died the first time, but some higher power still wants you around. Probably for the best. I bet whatever's going to happen next will be really...
… Funny.
YOU – … Okay. Sure. Can I go back to sleep, though? I'd like to pretend none of this is happening right now.
ANCIENT REPTILIAN BRAIN – Nope! You're gonna open your eyes and participate in this death match again whether you'd like to or not!
YOU – Wait, *death match*??
YOU – Hey.
YOU – *Hey.*
YOU – Hey!! I don't want to do this!! Please let me sleep!! What the fuck!!!
Wake up.
VOLITION – Oh, no. Oh this fucking *sucks*, guys.
PERCEPTION [Trivial: Failure] – The hell do you mean. Is he not asleep?
HALF LIGHT – Nah. We're dead. This is hell. This is hell we're in. Awesome! Love that for us.
VOLITION – Can you like actually shut your mouth for 5 seconds for once in your goddamn life. Please. I am *begging*,
ELECTROCHEMISTRY – Heyy. Hey guys. Uh. He's like, waking up. Like, right now. Like. Right this second? What uh. Should we do. Help.
Open your eyes.
-1 health.
Everything is bright and your head hurts and it sucks here. Wherever *here* is, anyway.
Close your eyes and go back to sleep. It's fine. This is all a dream, probably.
Get up and look around the area.
Die for realsies.
VOLITION [Challenging: Success] – What? Fuck you you're not dying. Bitch. You're awake now, go… I don't know. Look around and see what's what here.
YOU – "What if I don't wanna :("
VOLITION – That isn't my problem shut up. Go. Go, go, go. Right now. Right. Fucking now.
YOU – "🥺"
VOLITION – Don't you "🥺" me, oh my God!!
Close your eyes and go back to sleep. It's fine. This is all a dream, probably.
Get up and look around the area.
Die for realsies.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY – Hey actually now that he's up and awake, we can… Go find *substances*. Anddd… Similar Things. Perhaps. Maybe. Just an idea. So he doesn't, uh… Actually for realsies die. :)
VOLITION – ... Y'know what. Sure. Fuck it all.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY – Okay cool so while we're getting that sorted, uh, have y'all three seen Anyone Else up here. Like, *any* of the other Skills. Hello.
HALF LIGHT – What if, and hear me out… What if they are Dead, For Realsies, No Joke. Huh. What then.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY – What if maybe you chilled the fuck out, bud? What then? Hmm?
HALF LIGHT – Canadian-ass.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY – What on God is a Canadian.
ENCYCLOPEDIA [Easy: Failure] – Some person from Canada. Probably.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY – … Wait. We still have to… Oh God we still have to *Do Shit*. Hey. Guys, where are we, actually?
PERCEPTION [Trivial: success] – Cabin.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY – Ok besides that though.
PERCEPTION [Trivial: failure] – I dunno. I don't control the legs.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY – You are so useless actually. Love that for you, to be honest.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY – Anyways can somebody please make him walk, I dunno what I'm doin' here. God bless. <3
VOLITION – Yeah, okay. Lemme… Try that. Uh…
Perish immediately.
Cry and shit yourself and scream.
Walk out of the cabin.
VOLITION [Challenging: Success] - I'm not letting you do that.
Perish immediately.
Cry and shit yourself and scream.
Walk out of the cabin.
VOLITION – Okay cool.
PERCEPTION – Oh!! I see now! We are in An Arena. Which probably means that we're—
HALF LIGHT – —Going to die!
PERCEPTION – We are going to die! 😃👍
VOLITION – How about we don't die though.
NEW TASK: Try not to die (again?)
VOLITION – Okay so, he's in… An arena. And probably in a death match of some sort. Cool. Noted. And we'll probably die but not *yet*, dammit, so let's at least try to stay alive for a bit longer. Do we have his gun still, or…?
Check pockets for your gun.
Your pockets are empty. No weapons to be found.
VOLITION – Fuuuuuucking hell. Again? Seriously?
PERCEPTION [Trivial: success] – There's knives in that body over there though! :)
VOLITION – Wonderful! And totally not at all a coincidence! A knife will have to do for now.
+1 weapon [knife] added to inventory.
VOLITION – Okay I think he's ready to not get killed. Yeehaw.
NEW TASK: Win the fuckin white boy bracket 👌
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