#once i finish this i promise ill start drawing again
salesart · 3 months
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Another cosplay update: I finished my Fen'Harel eye bead embroidery! I love how it looks, even if one half will be covered up by his fur pelt 🙃 Now I just need to sew his tunic all together!
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naussensei · 1 year
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Art by Eialuna
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Scene from Beyond The Walls
The fresh air helps clear his thoughts. It cools his mind and body, and he no longer feels like breaking someone’s face.
It’s just a matter of time that Erwin comes looking for him. He always does, and he always knows where and when to find him.
It is only another moment before Erwin comes.
“Enjoying your night?”
Levi lets out a sigh in frustration. He doesn't feel like talking, not right now. He can barely put his thoughts together coherently, because none of this makes sense.
“You’ve been here for quite a while,” Erwin says, and he walks to stand beside him. “What’s wrong?”
“Everything is wrong,” Levi blurts out. Something is really wrong with himself tonight, that’s the only way he can explain it. This turmoil that hollows his chest. “This place fucking sucks.”
“It really does,” Erwin sighs, and looks up at the sky. “I ran out of things to talk about already.”
Levi’s still looking at the start when he feels Erwin’s arms against his on the railing.
“But at least it's a beautiful night.”
Levi can't help but huff an anxious laugh.
“You could try dancing for once,” Erwin says, elbowing him playfully, “you know, to blend in.”
“Absolutely not.” Levi sways, pushing Erwin gently, “I can't dance.”
“Everyone can dance, if they really want to.”
“Well, I don’t fucking want to,” Levi grumbles, louder than he intends to.
Erwin turns to him then, his eyebrows furrow. “Why are you so ill-tempered today?”
“I’m not, damn it. Just— fucking finish your business and let’s go back already.”
A grin is slowly building on Erwin’s lips, and Levi shudders, because he knows that grin. It can’t mean anything good. Not for Levi anyway.
Erwin offers Levi a hand, and with a playful smile, he says, “not until you dance at least once.”
Levi clicks his tongue in disapproval, and begins to walk away. “Fuck off, Erwin.”
“Come on, it's easy.” Erwin’s laughing as he chases him. “I’ll show you.”
“Forget it.”
In spite of Levi’s protests, Erwin tugs at his sleeve, drags him away from the railing, and Levi soon finds himself unable to resist his grip.
“I promise you it’s just practice,” Erwin says, and takes Levi’s hand to place it on his own waist. It's warm and firm and thick under Levi’s small hand, even over Erwin’s clothes, and the contact makes his heart race.
“The music marks the tempo of the steps, like this…”
Erwin takes Levi’s hand now, and spins with him around slowly, guiding Levi’s steps. One, two, three, one, two, three. He counts, and Levi follows. Levi’s feet tangle with Erwin’s, who gives much longer strides than him.
“This is stupid,” Levi groans, but he finds himself drawing closer to him with every turn. His grip tightens on Erwin’s waist, and his cheek rests on Erwin’s chest. There it is again, that smell, so particular of him. The air is still warm outside, but the heat of Erwin’s body somehow doesn't bother him. He's even craving for more of it.
It’s Erwin now who holds him by the waist, and Levi’s entire body vibrates at the touch, sending a rush of blood to his groin. He looks up, and Erwin’s watching him closely. His stomach swoops in a strange way.
“You’re doing great.” Erwin smiles, and every bit of anger leaves Levi’s body in an instant.
Erwin’s smile really is like the sun, rising in the middle of the night; exorbitant, impossible. Levi orbits around it, no matter how blinding or overwhelming it is. He draws closer, and closer still, because watching him from a safe distance is no longer enough. He needs to feel him, touch him, even if he burns with him. Anything is better than this agonizing need that’s taken control over him.
“Erwin,” he calls for him, and Erwin tilts his head down slowly, his lips are softly parted, and his breath brushes on Levi’s lips. Erwin’s scent is all over him now, there's no escaping it. It’s driving Levi into insanity.
His hands grip the collar of Erwin’s shirt, he pulls him in as he pushes on his toes, and before he can stop to think about it, his lips are closed on Erwin’s.
There’s a quiet gasp, followed by a sigh of relief, from both. And then, nothing. No sound, no words, no movement.
Levi recoils.
He looks up at Erwin, eyes wide in astonishment. At himself, at his own stupidity, at what he's done. A moment of reasoning flashes before his eyes, and he panics.
Erwin’s staring at him, eyes as wide as his, and Levi shivers as he realizes what he’s done.
“Erwin, I’m—“
Erwin closes his eyes, eyebrows knitted. He turns. Then turns again, runs a hand over his face.
When he looks at Levi again, his eyes are glassy, his nose is flaring, and it’s the scariest face Levi’s seen from him yet. Terror seizes him.
“I’m sorry,” is the only thing Erwin says, loud and clear, then he turns to head back into the ballroom without another word.
The wind carries the merriest melody from inside, where the pairings keep dancing and toasting with champagne glasses in their hands. It lingers in the air for another moment, the tapping of high heels, the loud chattering, the clinking of glasses, while Levi watches Erwin disappear into the crowd.
The door closes. Levi stands there in silence. The moon is bright up in the sky, and it’s the most beautiful night Levi’s ever seen since he first watched the stars. It’s the sweetest irony.
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yothangie · 3 months
pairings: Wooyoung x Fem reader
p. 25: por favor (written). Next >>>
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After discussing for a few minutes Seonghwa decided to go with you, you got dressed in something simple since it was just a lunch.
“are you ready” Seonghwa said
“please i need to look good for your designer” you teased.
“keep it up and we aren’t going” he warned
you let out a playful pout finished last minutes touches before heading out with Seonghwa not forgetting to pick up Hongjoong along the way.
“so how did this whole capybara thing happen” Seonghwa asks
“well the kids had to draw their favorite animal and Seola drew a capybara and she begged to go to one so we decided to go to one” Hongjoong replies
Seonghwa nods as he pulls up to the daycare.
“are you getting her or am i” Seonghwa looks at you.
“that’s your daughter” you replied
he gets out of the car with Hongjoong heading to the entrance of the daycare.
A few moments later both guys come skipping with their children who seem so happy.
“auntie did you hear” she says getting in the car
“hear what” you replied.
“daddy is taking us to cappy cafe” she says excitedly.
you giggle at her excitement adjusting yourself to face the front.
After making sure everyone is seated and buckled Seonghwa started driving to the capybara cafe.
"wooyoung are you ready" San says
"i guess" he sighs
It has been the 4th date San had set him up on, although he is a little tired of he can't seem to break it to him.
"last date i promise you, i swear you'll hit it off with this girl for sure" he reassures
"yeah but its not the same, i guess i kinda miss what i had with y/n"
san let out a groan looking wooyoung in the eye with a tiny little glare.
"she didn't like you like that, it's time to get over her and this girl is just the one, now go before you're late" San pushes him out the door.
"we're here" Seonghwa says in excitement.
the kids starting yelling rushing out of the car, getting a little attitude cause we were 'taking forever'
"Yunmi come hold my hand" Hongjoong says.
you go in to the cafe to get checked in since you needed to reserve a spot.
once yall got inside the kids were given little snacks and foods to feed the capybaras.
"look Seola he's eating off your hand" Seonghwa says
the little giggles from the girl can be heard from the other side of the room where i was with Hongjoong and Yumi.
"y/n come here" you hear Seonghwa say.
you go over to him and bend to his level as he was squatting next to Seola.
"don't look now but i think i saw Wooyoung" he whispers
taking a scan of the room trying not to be suspicious and there he was with what seems like an older woman.
"um i should go" you said
"are you sure? if you want we can go" he suggest
"no you guys stay here ill take the bus" you said.
you went ahead and left the cafe hoping Wooyoung doesnt see. We haven't seen each other since the incident and want to keep it that way.
As you were heading to the bus stop you felt a presence behind yourself, the stop wasn’t that far, you speeded your way over there.
“you left so quick” the voice said
you turned around hoping the voice didn’t belong to him, unfortunately it was.
“i’m busy” you replied
“are you sure?” Wooyoung said
"seems like you are" he said
"with some other guy and their kid"
you turned around and looked at him straight in his eyes
"who I'm with isn't your business" you said
"your right it shouldn't but I wanted to talk to you I didn't expect you to bitch at me"
“what do got want Wooyoung?” you rolled your eyes.
“to talk with you, i’ll text you sometime and we can plan something” he said before walking away.
you debating on telling him off again but it was too late.
Taglist: @hi-kariii @am-polara18 @huachengsbestie01 @miniature-tragedy @yoichiislovie @i-myeoni-blogs @soso59love-blog @vic0921 @yyxy27 @alxxxnya @boredrie @idfkeddieishot @choisanswifexo @elissasimp @aaaaajonghooooo @lizz82222 @reooreo @nvdhrzn @tinyelfperson @vixensss @imasukainadifferentfont @dalsuwaha @pai-fe @atinyruki @blackb3ll @marvelfanatic4life @shininymushroom @cookiesandcreamy @sleepyw1tch @n3neni @everythingboutkpop
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boltupbitches · 10 months
One Kiss - Nick Bosa Part 5
Natalie rubbed her hands nervously down the front of her skirt, adjusting her top again and checking her hair in the mirror. She wasn’t certain why her fixation with her reflection had her holed up in the bathroom of her lawyer’s office, but here she was.
She had been ill the past two days, nauseous and weak. She chalked it up as nerves since today would be the day she would officially begin her divorce proceedings. It was nerve-wracking. She had a face full of makeup to cover up the dark eyes, but she knew the puffiness of her face was still there, no matter the cold compresses she applied to her face. ‘Probably my cholesterol or blood pressure from stress eating.’ She thought as she gently prodded her right cheek, watching the fullness of her cheek bounce back immediately.
Nick had been on edge as well. He couldn’t take off from practice in the middle of the season and instead settled with checking in on Natalie while at the facility. 
She knew he was worried about her, but she was starting to worry that her baggage was impacting his game.
Nick had come home yesterday evening in a bad mood. He didn’t call like he typically did when getting out of practice and instead came right home, breezing past Natalie to the bathroom and shutting the door loudly behind him.
She wasn’t sure what was up with him but decided that working outside on the patio was the best bet until he cooled off.
About an hour later he made his way outside and squeezed onto the outdoor sofa, pulling her into him and breathing deeply.
After a while, he spilled about how he had gotten into a disagreement with a teammate who was making remarks about him being too distracted for their upcoming game in a few days. It turned into an exchange of words and both men ended up getting sat down in their head coach's office where they were thoroughly chewed out for their conduct.
Natalie remained quiet throughout his tale, not interrupting him and waiting when he paused for him to continue. After he finished, she gently pressed a kiss to the crown of his head and said, “I’m worried about you, Nick.”
He lifted his head off her shoulder lazily and stared at her with confusion, “What do you mean? I’m fine.”
“Well,” She started to say, biting her lip and thinking for a moment how to word it. “I just worry that all of my stuff is going to hurt you and your job. You have a contract extension coming up next season. I don’t want to contribute to your distractions.”
Nick sighed and sat up, rubbing his hands over his face and staring blankly ahead at the setting sun in the distance.
Natalie quietly packed away her laptop and folder, promising herself she’d finish up her work tomorrow.  She was still bundled in her sweatshirt as she shivered at the cold sensation from the evening breeze. 
Nick had noticed and pulled her gently into him, wrapping his warm arms around her as he pulled her into his lap. He pressed a kiss to the corner of her draw, moving across her cheek with gentle pecks until he pressed his lips into hers, his lips coaxing entry as his hand snuck into her yoga pants. He pulled back and stared into her hooded eyes with his own. “You’re not a distraction to me. You keep me focused and you give me a purpose outside of my career. Don’t ever think you’re hurting my career. Let me worry about that shit.” He pressed his lips into hers once more.
Natalie pulled back and nodded softly, her body already humming the second he pressed a kiss to her jaw. His fingers dancing along her panty-line wasn’t helping the heat pulling between her legs.
It didn’t take long until they were back inside with Natalie sprawled out naked on the couch, her back arched as Nick pumped his fingers into her cunt, his tongue pressed against her clit as he teased her to completion. 
She didn’t have to wait long until she felt the tell-tale sign of her orgasm approaching, her legs raising and her back tensed as the band snapped.
Nick had wasted no time lapping it all up, making sure to keep eye contact with Natalie as he sucked his fingers clean of her essence.
She eagerly rode him the second he sat down, her legs trembled as she mounted him. She had cried loudly as her legs burned and shook with the force at which she was bouncing on him.
At some point, Nick had picked up that she was tired and slowing down. His hands held her hips firmly as he took over and bounced her on him, a smirk on his face as he heard her incoherent cries of pleasure and pleads for him to go harder.
And that was how their night went, Nick keeping her distracted from her divorce lawyer appointment, and her giving him the physical touch he so desperately craved when not in her presence. They were a mess, but they were a mess for each other.
“Well,” her lawyer, Matthew Stern, sighed loudly. “This is quite the predicament. I am impressed with the amount of work you’ve put in to gather evidence, Ms. Collins.” He stared at the financial transactions in his hands, “You say that he has been funneling this into another fund?”
Natalie nodded. “I believe so.. He has a child on the way with his mistress. I found out through social media, but I have not confronted him directly on the matter yet. I think the money is either for the child or for him to keep hidden if we divorce and he’s taken by the mother of the child for child support.”
“It’s always a possibility, and not the most shocking one, unfortunately. Much more common than you think among divorcing couples.” His face pulled into a frown. “Mr. Bosa mentioned that you had some safety concerns as well.”
“I’m sorry?” Natalie asked in shock, “I..um.. Mr. Bosa?”
“Yes, Nicholas Bosa.” He gave her a knowing look. “I spoke with your boyfriend this morning before you arrived. He mentioned covering the fee for all of this and brought up a few things he thought would be helpful. A nice man, Ms. Collins. I’m glad to know you have someone on your side in this whole ordeal who is supporting you. It won’t be easy if the husband decides to contest and drag this out in court, which seems likely.” Mr. Stern explained in a matter-of-fact tone.
Natalie nodded dumbly, her brain still processing that Nick was somehow now involved, by his own volition, in her divorce efforts. She wasn’t sure what she was feeling in that moment. Anger? Sadness? Hurt? Embarrassment? Frustration? It was a toxic cocktail of feelings that she choked down along with the bile rising in her throat. 
“Excuse me, I think I’m feeling sick,” Natalie said nervously, standing and gripping the arm of the chair she was just sitting on as she swayed forward for a moment, her head suddenly feeling light as the room started to spin slightly. 
“Ms. Collins!” Mr. Stern shot up nervously and made his way around his desk to help steady her. “Let’s sit you down.” He helped her back down and yanked a trash can over to her in case she threw up.
He quickly whipped out his cell phone and called his secretary in immediately. “Stay with her,” He instructed as he stood up, “she looks like she’s going to pass out. I’m calling an ambulance.”
Natalie was sitting there in a daze, a cold sweat breaking out as she leaned forward and heaved into the trash can, her skin clammy and pale as she shook. 
The secretary held her hair back, trying to keep Natalie steady as the woman slumped more into her seat. “Ms. Collins?” She asked nervously. 
Natalie couldn’t bring herself to answer as her eyes closed and darkness consumed her consciousness.
The steady beep was the first thing that Natalie noticed, followed by the all-familiar smell of disinfectant that let her know she was in the hospital.
She squeezed her eyes tightly before opening them, her eyes blinking as she took in the darkened room with just a sliver of light coming in through the doorway. Shifting, she flinched as she felt an uncomfortable tug on her wrist and looked down to see an IV set up in her arm.
She wasn’t dreaming. She really was in a hospital room. “What the fuck?” she called out, unsure of what the hell was going on in that moment.
“Nat?” a deep voice asked drowsily. 
Natalie turned her head to see Nick sprawled out on a pull-out recliner next to her bed, his large frame barely fitting on the furniture as he had a blanket draped over his shoulders. He must have been sleeping. 
Nick blinked a few times before quickly coming to fully and leaning up to turn the light on above them.
Both of them blinked in shock at the sudden brightness. “Fuck, sorry. My bad.” He groaned out, turning the light off again. “I don’t know how to use these switches in here. I’ll buzz for the nurse.” He mused as he reached for the call button and pressed it.
Natalie said nothing as she pressed her head back against the pillow beneath her. “The last thing I remember was seeing my lawyer at 2 pm.. What time is it?”
Nick checked his phone and said, “10:00 pm. You’ve been sleeping this whole time. I got you moved into a private suite until you’re discharged. There was no way in hell I was letting you out there to get sick or something if you had to share a room.” He said as he put his phone away.
Natalie nodded, not wanting to push back against what Nick said just a moment ago. She was just glad that the spinning sensations and nausea were finally over. “How did you find out?” She knew he wasn’t on her emergency contact form.
“Mike Stern called me as soon as the ambulance took you. Gave me the hospital name that he got from the EMT. I was just getting out of the facility when the call came through. I quickly got here. They wouldn’t let me see you at first. Thankfully, Stern’s assistant rode along in the ambulance and had your stuff. I had to use your phone to call your mom to get permission for them to talk to me.”
Natalie groaned. “You spoke with my mom, Nick?”
Her head was starting to hurt and her heart rate went up a bit, making the monitor beep loudly.
Nick leaned over and rubbed his hand down her cheek, “Woah, woah. It’s ok. Your mom was nice about everything… She said she’d talk with you more about everything when she flies in next week.”
Natalie nodded and looked away, blinking back her tears. She was frustrated that more and more people were getting involved in all of this. This was one thing she wanted to handle herself. She wanted to tell her mom at a later date.
Nick noticed her silence and opened his mouth to continue talking when a knock at the door interrupted them. “Come in.” He called, his eyes still glued to Natalie’s sullen frame. He reached up and turned the lights on, wincing at the brightness now alighting the room.
“Mrs. Collins?” the doctor asked as she moved out of the doorway and allowed the nurse in behind him who moved to Natalie’s side and proceeded to take her vitals.
“That’s me.” She said flatly. Her head was killing her and at this moment, she couldn’t find it in her to fake friendliness. 
“I’m Dr. Kenneth and I’m in to speak with you about your condition. I heard you passed out today after experiencing a few days of nausea and weakness. Is that correct?” The doctor moved to her side and sat down on the stool in the corner of the room. 
“Yes. I was at an appointment. I haven’t been feeling well, but I figured it has been due to a stressful situation I’m dealing with in my personal life.”
The doctor’s eyes darted to Nick and back to her, a silent question there, asking for assurance that she was safe. 
“Oh - no, I’m ok. He’s my boyfriend.” She rushed to explain. “I’m going through a divorce currently with my estranged husband… and it’s just been a lot on me.”
Her doctor nodded along. “Have you been experiencing anything different with sleeping, eating, or your menstrual cycle?” Her eyes glinted knowing behind them.
“Um.. not really?” She was unsure, worried where this line of questioning was going. 
Nick had caught on as well and had perked up in his seat, leaning forward with his hands clasped in front of him, waiting to hear more.
“Ms. Collins, my reason for asking is because we noticed something with your blood work. You results came back that you are pregnant.” She spoke softly.
Natalie just stared at her blankly, not understanding what she was saying to her. “I’m sorry. I’m what?” 
“You’re pregnant. How far along, we aren’t certain of course, but it appears to be early on in the pregnancy. Which explains the bouts of nausea, exhaustion, hypersensitivity to sounds and light, and the extra stress.”
She stopped speaking and stared at the couple in front of her.
Natalie was clearly in shock.
Nick? He was staring at Natalie, more specifically her stomach area tucked under the blanket. There were tears in his eyes as he wordlessly reached up and wiped the corner of his eye, catching the stray tear that was streaking down his cheek.
“I’m going to go ahead and leave you two to discuss the results. Other than the pregnancy discovery, Mrs. Collins, all of your other labs came back fine. Please be careful with your stress as it can exasperate symptoms and put additional stress on your system.” 
She stood up and reached out to shake Nick’s hand, gripping his large hand tightly as she offered him a close-lip smile. “Congratulations.” She turned back to Natalie, “Please give us a call if you need anything additional. We are going to keep you tonight just for observation to make sure you’re okay and aren’t experiencing any signs of further fainting spells.”
After the doctor left with the nurse, the room was silent once more, save for the rapid heart rate and breathing of the two in the room.
“What are we going to do?” Natalie asked him, her eyes unsure as she searched Nick’s eyes. “Nick… this isn’t the right time.” Her eyes teared up. “There’s so much going on with my divorce. This isn’t a good time.”
Nick nodded and lowered his eyes, not wanting her to see his disappointment at the reminder of reality. Their situation wasn’t ideal. A 5-month affair with a married woman wasn’t on his bingo card for 2022, but here he was. A soon-to-be-father wasn’t planned either.
Yet he was conflicted. He wanted this more than anything. He wanted to marry Natalie and have children with her. He wanted to come home to a family of his own. He wanted it more than he wanted a Super Bowl ring.
For the first time in his life, his career felt so minuscule to the feelings he felt with Natalie in his arms. With her, it was tunnel vision. He thought of her every morning and every night. Whether together or apart, she was on his mind. The books he read or the tv shows he watched, he thought of sharing them with Natalie.
He didn’t realize that he too was now crying softly, openly as the tears poured down his cheeks. He felt frustrated at the circumstances that surrounded their relationship.
In a perfect world, he would have met Natalie, an unmarried woman. They would both be happy at the unexpected news of a baby. She would have met his mom already and had dinner with his dad and stepmom. She would have met Joey and his grandma.
But right now, right now was reality. And reality wasn’t so warm and inviting to the idea of this fairy tale.
Nick wiped his eyes and looked back up at Natalie, forlorn but with understanding behind the pain in his eyes. “I’ll support you, Natalie, in whatever you decide.” His words hurt to speak aloud.
Natalie was crying with him, gently reaching her hand out as an invitation for him to come closer to her. 
Nick got up and crawled in next to her, carefully tugging her against his chest, careful of her IV as he held her shaking frame. He pressed a kiss against her forehead, closing his eyes and breathing in the faint smell of her shampoo. Her face was pressed into his sternum, the fabric of his shirt damp from her tears.
They were heartbroken and unsure, but they had each other. Whatever Natalie decided, she hoped he had meant it when he said he’d be standing by her. She couldn’t stomach the idea of losing him right now - or ever.
Nick felt her breathing even out as she slipped into a much-needed rest. He continued to lay there with her, not wanting to move her. Instead, he adjusted the blanket over the two of them as he stared down at Natalie’s sleeping form.
He hoped she’d consider keeping the baby.
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Billy Hargrove x singer!reader
Living in Hawkins is probably the most boring thing possible but it has its perks.
I woke up to the screeching of my alarm at 7:30 am letting me know I have to get up to go to school, I sit up and see my cat stretching and yawning as it seems it also awoke to my alarm.
Groaning I get up and start getting ready for the day, thankful that it's a Friday for one reason it's the weekend and the other is that I go to the bars open mic nights. I've made good friends with the regulars already.
As I'm brushing my hair I hear the honking of Steve's car outside my house.
"Shit shit shit shit shit!"
Running out barefoot with only socks on, my bag over my shoulder and my sneakers in my hand I get in the backseat of his car.
"Hey nance!"  I greet Nancy
"Morning y/n!" Steve and Nancy reply in sync
"Well aren't you a lovely disaster this morning" Steve teases
"Fuck you i had to shower " I reply laughing
As we pull up to the school I managed to pull myself together and not look homeless.
Last night wasn't one of the best. My mother suffers from a handful of mental illness one of those being bipolar disorder and there are times where she can hate my guts and other times where she acts like nothing happened, she's had one of her episodes last night and screamed at me for my room being messy and threw my mirror at me making it shatter into a million pieces.
On Monday we got a new student his name was billy and he came from California. What is he doing here? I have to fucking idea. We didn't exactly have the best first interactions I guess? On his first day he's befriended Tommy and his group. Unfortunately for me I wasn't my nicest looking as the night before I had another argument with my mom which led to her kicking me out of the house so I went to school the next morning red eyes and a messy bun.
Monday morning
When I arrived on school on Monday Tommy and his group were staring at me. Im popular but not how you think. I don't have a large group of friends nor am I rich. Through all the hate I received throughout my childhood I have made a promise to never give hate no matter how much I receive. I don't have 𝑩𝒂𝒅 𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 with anyone in this school. At least not that I know of.
"Hey y/l/n you good?" I hear carol ask
I turn to look her way and see her friends and the new kid staring at me
"Uh- yeah, just hard night, you know" I replied
Carol might seem like a total bitch but she isn't once you befriend her, she's known of my home life for a while now
I take another glance at the new kid once again and we end up making eye contact for what seems like forever until I enter the actual school.
Present time
Me Nancy and Steve walked into the school and going out separate ways as we all the different classes, I head to my seat in the back of the class and start doodling in my journal watching the class fill up as the bell rings.
Keeping my eyes on my journal I see someone out of the corner of my eye take the desk next to me.
"Hey y/l/n" i hear the voice of billy say as I look up
"Hey, morning" I reply smiling
"What're you drawing?" He asked with a small smirk playing on his lips
"oh, just doodles to pass time" I reply slightly inhaling as he gets closer to see
I'm enjoying the time we spend talking until some girl next to him gets his attention by whining his name and then proceeds to ask him out.
Slightly upset that he chose to ignore me I turn my attention to the window showing the outside track by the gym.
This class period is one of the longest classes I have being 3 hours long so that gives me time to work on random things, I've been writing this song since last week labeling it "mirrorball" as mirrorball was the original name of a ball covered in shattered pieces of a mirror before getting the name "disco ball" as they were used in the 70s at discos
While finishing last minute things on the song I see billy look at my journal through the corner of my eye.
Quickly not sparing him a glance I close my journal just in time as the bell rings and being the first one out of the class
"Y/n!" I hear billy yell
Turning around I reply "hey?"
"Sorry about earlier uh yeah " he says scratching his neck
"Oh cause you know, Emma"
"Oh that! Yeah don't worry about it" I fake smile
It's awkward silence for about 5 seconds
"Um sorry I'm gonna head to class" I say walking away before he can respond
Time skip
As I make my way inside my house I hear the phone start ringing, rushing to it I answered
"Hey y/n" I hear on the other side of the phone that it's Eddie
"Oh hey Ed's! Are you ready for tonight?" I ask him because he is the keys during my set
"Yep, so do you want me to pick you up?"
"Yeah that would be great see you then!"
Changing into my outfit for tonight it's a flowy purple dress with ruffles and bell sleeves pretty much giving a hippie fairy is what I hoping for
Me and Eddie arrive to the bar a bit before I go on to set up and try to get there before it gets busy
After setting up I begin seeing people start to pour in as the sun sets, unfortunately I still have a quick sound check before.
Making my way to the bathroom I see billy sitting at the bar with Emma with his tongue practically down her throat
Part two https://www.tumblr.com/mystargirl-interlude/721670506571513856/%F0%9D%91%AD%F0%9D%91%B6%F0%9D%91%B9-%F0%9D%91%AD%F0%9D%91%B9%F0%9D%91%AC%F0%9D%91%AC-bh
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bisquuet · 3 months
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hi! still alive! AN UPDATE: LONG READ :D no new devlin content since im focusing on my oc comic :( ( speaking of comics. remember that other comic i posted here like once and never talked about it again?? yeah.. ) - lets talk about that. will i ever go back to that comic? -yes, when? i don't know.. i realized i went into the comic very.. unprepared.. or less prepared than i thought i was. so it got me second guessing things and getting confused..!! i have a VAGUE idea of how I want it to go, or atleast i DID, now im not so sure.. I think i need to sit down, splurge out my thoughts and ideas and go from there,, now i technically have a WHOLE post that is done that was supposed to be dropped shortly after the first one. but i thought to myself, oh ill just work on the next update and once im halfway THEN ill drop the second one! i never got halfway. i ended up just sketching more up ahead and adjusting and ''fixing'' things in the second update. making me loose track of time and getting behind, not only i had school to deal with too! so i just have a LOT of storyboarding of pages...that im slighlty afraid of looking at cuz i know that ill want to fix it but ill be unmotivated to actually fix it.. (bad rawr!!) eventually i have to get to it..!! >< ANOTHER major factor of the delay was my confidence, i wasn't satisifed and even frustrated at times when something didnt come out as good as it did in my head. i REALLY like the first update pages! especially devlins scene! but i think i got too ahead of myself and put WAY too much onto my plate, raising expections, of others and myself, mostly myself.... and I was trying to copy to a manga style, rather than convert my style normally into a manga setting, if that makes any sense. so i wasnt.... 'comfortable' drawing.. i dont know how else to describe it! but ever since then and even before, ive been getting less confident with my art and my style, feeling like its ugly or its getting worse. forcing myself to keep drawing, straining myself trying to make something that looks good to me. i have lots of fun and joy drawing for others, the reason i draw is BECUZ i just want to share what i make! as shallow as it sounds i like creating content for others to enjoy! it makes me happy and proud of what i draw! so. when i make something i dont like, i cant bring myself to show it cuz I dont like it.. others may, but that wouldnt change how i would feel about it. i felt that way deeply with the second update, which is why i kept tweaking it,,, and so I just let myself get caught up with other things.. feeling upset and guilty that I kinda just.. abandonded the comic..! saying that ill pracitce and oh ill do that , i Need to do this and this and this when i havent even done ANYTHING! i think, and i genuinely mean this, i think ive only recently started to ACTUALLY do things.! like development for my OC comic, writing for it, making content and sharing about them to whoever would lend an ear! so in a way the seewar comic walked so that my OC comic could run, hopefully.. so, unfortunately ill be focsuing more of my attention on my OC comic, and i honestly can't promise anything. the only thing i CAN say is that i will share the second update that i finished long ago.., no matter how much internal rawr doesnt want to, i feel like thats the first step to overcoming this fear and dread ive associate with the comic, which is something i DONT want. ill be scheudling to drop this weekend since ill be away.. i dont know when ill actively start working on the seewar comic again becuz i genuinely want to finish it and share it, i just have to not be too ambitious and plan out whats necessary. anyways.. now that school is out im finally paying all of my debts and owed art.. its rough but it has to be done. thanks if you have read all of this,, i greatly appreacite the support, from friends and followers, fossils, (thats what my fans are called wink wink) love yall fr <3
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kitsu-katsu · 6 months
I'm gonna make this post as condenaed and abridged brainrot to explain why Victor Frankenstein is my boy from 200 yr old media prompted by a tag question from @samathekittycat in a post I reblogged because that highjacking would've been too much
So. Basically every adaptation ever is way off, Victor in the og novel is a guy from a rich family, yes, but one that has it's own fucked up occurrences that shape him even though he says his life is the peak of idyllic and that can lead to really good character analysis
He becomes an alchemy fanatic at 13, completely obsesses over it, even harder when his father claims the whole subject to be trash and he's in general somewhat fascinated by natural occurrences as well, so he gets it into his head that he wants to change the world by attaining the alchemist dream of basically defeating death, and this is all exacerbated when he's about to be sent away to study in Ingolstadt at 17 and just days before his mother dies of an illness his cousin-sister-future wife (it's complicated, it's a whole mess with hiw mother's involvement too) contracted first, so his trip is delayed a bit, but he never really processes his grief and is not that interested in actual science at first until a professor he meets there validates the alchemists ambition and he starts to hyperfixate on science so bad he's surpassed his professors in 2 years, and with all this baggage, at 19, he decides he's going to decode the secrets of death basically, because as he sees it at this point, if applied enough in the right direction with a scientific method any mediocre man could change society
So he builds his creatire after 2 years of isolating himself completely to do it, so he finishes it at like 21, and the thing is, the guy basically did all of this in a hyperfocused state he started at 19 and influenced by All That Baggage and grief he has Not Processed, so he wasn't really thinking about the consequences of anything. So his creature opens its eyes and suddenly the weight and terror of everything falls upon him along with a good mix of uncanny valley, and he just. Collapses. He sleeps a bit, his creature's still there, and he's so scared he runs away from his dorm room and by chance meets with his bff who was back in Geneva with the rest of his family he hasn't talked to in 2 whole years, his creature sneaks out while this is happening, and when going back, Victor is so mentally collapsed and strained and also scared he mighr be called crazy that he's just glad that the creature's gone and enters a fragile state where he's just completely physically sick and done for for a Big While, he can't take care of himself anymore and can't even look at anything relatingnto science anymore
When he's getting better, he has to go back to Geneva because his brother died. Whoah-oh, it was the Creature. He confronts it eventually and it asks for a bride and promises to go away with her, this is a Whole Conflict, because Victor can't reveal what he knows or he'll be labelled insane, he also doesn't wanna finish the bride because she'll also be her own person and what if she doesn't wanna run away with og Creature as his bride? While all of this is happening, one family servant is being accused of the murder and trialed, Victor is squealing in a corner
Basically, he's very autistic, he's seen a hysteric, his creation of the Creature can be analyzed from so many different angles, from teenage pregnancy and postpartum depression, trans experiences (both transmasc and transfemme! I've seen excellent analysis from both perspectives, though I have a personal bias towards the transmasc reading), the process of artist in general (like, that point when you start drawing something and you start zooming into every detail for hours and once you zoom out again you realize you don't like how it came out at all even though you put so much time into it), his illnesses and disabilities both mental and physical are really interestingly depicted as well, overall, he's a very meaty character who was FAR from making everything right, in fact, he did a lot wrong, but he's also a victim of his circumstances, a teen/young adult in the whole duration of the thing, and is suffering tons of pressure from everywhere while losing his purpose and selse of self to his opposition to his own creation. They are the definition of "they can make eachother worse" and Victor loses everything. He's a tragedy. A tragedy that a lot of people wanna ignore and just say he's plain evil because the Creature must be plain good and they feel smart if they say the typical "Small brain: Frankenstein was the monster vs Big brain: Frankenstein was the scientist, not the monster vs Galaxy brain: Frankenstein was the monster all along" and they completely skip out on all the depth this character has
I went super aurface level in a lot of parts here, but I hope it's somewhat understandable
I recommend reading the novel though! It's Good
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vivid-badsquad · 9 months
if i cant draw them.
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then ill explain them. (GET READY FOR A SEMI-SIZED, NO TYPING QUIRK POST UNDER THE CUT BECAUSE I LOVE THEM. im pullin out the proper grammar n all man.)
Kohane's family go on holiday(/vacation) one year to a seaside town. In the town, a fairly famous painter and his family live, the Shinonomes. There's Akito, who is normally found with another young boy and a young girl (all around Kohane's age) (Touya and An, if you couldn't guess) while the older child of the two found herself mainly by the shore, painting until dusk. Ena.
Kohane, one night, decides to sneak out of the house when she sees the moon shining down upon the sea in such a way that she had to take pictures of it to show her dad when she got back. So, taking her camera and and bundling up (it's cold. of course she's not just gonna go out in her pyjamas like in the movies, she's not gonna go and get a cold just for a few photos!) she left, shutting the door of her parent's holiday home behind her to venture out to a cliff by the building. That was always a good thing about where her parents' had bought the place, it was so close to a cliff side that they didn't have to go far to take breathtaking pictures of the sunrise or sunset.
However, the moon wasn't the only thing that caught her attention. There was a figure laying upon the shore, an odd shape where it's legs' should be flapping in front of it. The silhouette was familiar to Kohane. Long, wavy hair, two buns either side (she could only assume. why would anybody only put one bun up in their hair??) and an easel not too far from it. Was that... No. It couldn't be, right? It couldn't be Ena...
During her time away from her real home, Kohane had gotten to know Akito and his friends', and the four of them had created a small group together. With this, Kohane had also got to know Akito's sister better. The two had a lot in common, and would find themselves drifting towards eachother when Akito wasn't around. They frolicked across the edge of the sea. Or, well... Kohane did. Ena never stepped foot into the water, constantly making excuses about how cold it was or that she needed to finish a sketch so badly that she couldn't just leave it for a few minutes. It all made sense to Kohane now.
She found herslef wandering down the stony path that lead to the actual beach, walking across the sand barefooted, holding her sandals in one hand with her camera secured around her neck, calling out to the brunette. It was almost like magic the way Ena's legs rebuilt themselves so that she was bipedal again, standing up and rushing to Kohane with a look of terror on her face. She warned Kohane of her misfortune, about how if she told anybody in the small town about her, that she would be shunned for life. Kohane stuck to that promise, vowing never to tell a sould about what she saw.
It seemed the two only got closer from that day forward. Kohane started hanging out with Akito much less, now focusing on Ena more than anything. A lot of her cameras storage seemed to be taken up by the brunette, not that she cared. Candids of the girl painting by the shore into the twilight and blurry photos in return of Kohane herself filled the camera. A picture or two of Ena could be found deep in the storage of her in the water, hair splayed around her as if she were an angel.
The day that they first kissed was a surprise to nobody. The sun was going down and the beach was deserted apart from the two girls. They were laying against the sand, Ena picking up a shell once in a while and throwing it across to be swept away by the tide. Kohane rolled onto her side, admiring the older girl. The way her hair formed a dark ring around her head, her chestnut eyes shimmering in the moonlight. Her cheeks flushed with the thought of her lips on Ena's, heart pounding and brain turned to mush. Ena noticed the girl's trouble. Of course she did. She was good at picking up on that kind of stuff.
To the surprise of nobody in the town, Ena had fallen head over heels for the blonde girl, constantly doodling her in her sketchbook, only to be flustered and rub the drawings out.
(ILL FINISH THIS LATER I PROMISE IVE WRITTEN SO MUCH MY BRAIN JUICES. ILL PUT A SUMMARY 4 THE REST OF IT THO. basically they kiss and they are really really gay until Kohane has to go back home boom done i just need to... write all of that. eventually.)
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arcaneheadcannons · 2 years
(little blurb I thought of as I was doodling.. bit self indulgent but that's ok cause aren’t we all guilty of that)
Pairing: Viktor X Reader Proofread: mehh..  Word Count: 624 Warnings: None 
Your head rested against your arms as you stared down at your doodle, pencil scritching against the paper as your art came to life. You had finished the papers Jayce had asked you to copy a while ago.. And there was no one in the lab to talk to at the moment. Jayce was off in another council meeting and Viktor was getting another round of coffee, so it was just you, your thoughts and a doodled piece of paper to keep you entertained.
 You eventually sat up straight as you admired your new finished doodle, giggling to yourself. The sound of the door being pushed open suddenly startled you, tensing, you quickly covered up your doodle paper with Jayce’s council papers “Mrs. (L/N), I was informed that Jayce requires the papers you copied” Viktors voice echoes throughout the room as he makes his way over to the hex core “Oh uhh sure” strange.. You figured he'd need it for tomorrow since he asked you to copy them tonight. 
You stood and gathered the papers in your hands, bouncing the bottom of the stack against the table to make sure they looked straight and organized. You left in a little bit of a rush, the wind that trailed behind you caused your doodled paper to slip off the desk and float to the ground. Viktor's eyes followed the paper, he made a little sound of distress to himself as his eyes widened “uh- Mrs. (L/N) you dro-” too late, you were already out the door. 
Viktor sighed as he got up with a little grimace, making his way over to the paper.. sometimes (Y/N) could be a smidge careless. As he picked up the paper he paused, this wasn't a paper from the stack… it was a doodle of him. He couldn’t help but chuckle lightly, he had no idea you could draw. While still looking at the paper he made his way over to the wall, he proceeded to pin it up a cork billboard, your piece embedded between equations and diagrams, a little out of place but that’s ok. 
You came back to the lab about 10 minutes later- why did everything have to be so far!?. You sighed with relief as you grabbed your things and hoisted your jacket over your shoulder “alright then.. I'm calling it for tonight, I advise you to call it for tonight too" Viktor turned in his seat with an amused look.. odd “of course, once I finish this paper here.. But tell me Mrs. (L/N)” you innocently hummed in question as you looked over to him “are my eye bags that prominent?” oh how the blood instantly drained from your face as he pointed to your doodle.. that was now on the billboard “I- Um I promise there is no ill intent behind it! I just..” you panicked, but there was no point in trying to cover it up, Jayce couldn't draw for shit and Viktor wasn't even there in the making of your piece. You let out a defeated sigh as your hands fell limp at your sides “i just.. got board is all” 
Viktor’s amused smile never faltered as he stared up at the piece again “Well.. I think you should doodle more often, might bring some life to the lab” you were first surprised then timid, but you felt a smile and faint blush creep up onto your face, a huff of a laugh escaping through your nose “well then.. maybe I will, goodnight Viktor” Viktor eventually turned back to his work, an audible goodnight bided to you in return.. shame, you missed the blush creeping onto his own cheeks. 
(Bonus: The doodle that started this blurb)
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st1ckart1zt · 1 year
TW. Spoilers, blood, horror
Skip if you want to wait and watch the episode and not being spoiled.
Ok, so Murder Drones ep.4 is going to come on April 7. Which is pretty great.
The creator given us pics about what the episode will be about.
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The episode will be about camping and we saw group of campers, the cabin and Uzi in the lake.
At first i didn't think much about it but as i looked more into these leaks i figured that this will be based on horror movie..... CABIN FEVER
In this video posted 7 days ago it has the title Cabin Fever
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For those who haven't watched that movie i will tell you.
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Summary: While staying at a remote cabin for a week-long vacation, a group of five college friends succumb to an infectious, flesh-eating disease.
PLOT: A forest-dwelling hermit named Henry discovers his dog has died from a mysterious illness and is sprayed by its infected bl00d. Five young friends, Paul, Karen, Bert, Jeff and Marcy have rented a cabin in the same woods for a week-long vacation. The group stops for supplies at Priddy's General Store. Dennis, the intellectually-disabled son of the store manager, unexpectedly bites Paul's hand.
Bert ventures into the woods with a BB rifle to shoot squirrels. Bert encounters and accidentally shoots Henry, mistaken for a squirrel. He panics when he realizes Henry is infected with a disease and flees. He says nothing about the incident to his friends.
Later that evening, while the group hang out around a campfire, a stranger who calls himself Grim and his Belgian Malinois dog, Dr. Mambo, gatecrash their evening.
Later that night, Henry comes to the cabin in search of help. Bert slams the door in his face and the desperate man tries to steal the group's vehicle. A conflict ensues between Henry and the five friends, during which they accidentally cripple their car and set fire to him. He runs off into the woods, presumably to his death.
The next day, Jeff and Bert head out in search of help. They encounter a farmer who offers to help them, but hastily leave when they discover that Henry is her cousin. Meanwhile, Deputy Winston arrives at the cabin to investigate reports of the previous night's commotion. Paul explains things without mentioning Henry's presumed death. Winston promises to send a tow truck before departing.
Dr. Mambo returns to the cabin without Grim and seemingly infected. He threatens Paul and Bert, before Marcy scares him off with the rifle.
While Paul and Karen make out, they discover that Karen is infected with the flesh-eating virus and her leg has started to decay. Fearful of contagion, the others lock her in the shed. Paul leaves on foot to find help, but the only people he encounters chase him away, mistaking him for a peeping Tom.
The following morning, the group's attempt to evacuate is botched when Karen vomits blood all over the interior of the car. Bert drives back to the general store alone and Jeff abandons everybody and flees to a remote shack. Marcy and Paul lament their poor chances of surviving and have $3x, believing they won't live long enough to regret it. They later discover marks on Marcy's back that reveals she, too, is sick.
At the general store, Dennis bites Bert's hand just as he did with Paul. His father, Tommy, lashes out at Bert for exposing his son to the virus, and he and his friends chase Bert down in order to contain the disease. While once again searching for help, Paul encounters the severely-burnt Henry in the lake. Surprisingly, he is still alive and he attacks Paul, only for Paul to fend him off and finally k!ll him.
Marcy draws a bath and shaves her legs, causing the infected flesh to gruesomely peel from her body. She stumbles outside in distress and is mauled to death by Dr. Mambo.
Paul returns to the boat shed where Karen begs him to k!ll her. His gun is empty and since he's unable to finish the job of splitting her face with a shovel, Paul sets the shed on fire and watches in horror as Karen is completely burned alive. Bert makes it back to the cabin, but he is followed and shot dead by Tommy. Paul recovers Bert's rifle and guns down Tommy and his two accomplices. Paul escapes in Tommy's truck, but crashes it into a tree and explodes. Covered in bl00d, Paul stumbles upon a small campfire party attended by Deputy Winston. Winston receives a radio call from the sheriff ordering her to shoot Paul on sight. However, Paul convinces Winston to let him go instead.
The next morning, Jeff returns to the cabin. He finds the corpses of his friends and Tommy’s accomplices, and rejoices in having survived the ordeal himself, until he sees signs of the infection on his hand. He is then shot and k!lled by Deputy Winston with a sniper rifle. Paul succumbs to infection and drops dead in the woods where Dennis discovers his corpse. Back at the cabin, as the authorities and a hazmat crew clean up the scene, it’s revealed that Jeff’s corpse landed near the lake, which is now infected with his bl00d.
If I'm correct then the episode will be based on Cabin Fever horror movie because it makes sense from all the leaks that the creator given us so far. Which means that maybe Uzi or one of her classmates will get infected by some disease that they got from the lake.
Anyway tell me your thoughts about it please.
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clareguilty · 2 years
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"You've never told me your real name," the prince said aloud at the exact moment the realization came to him.
It caught the attention of his bride-to-be, who had been gazing out at the royal gardens and secretly plotting what she would like to change once she became queen. She always had a fondness for hydrangeas, and they seemed so much friendlier and more inviting than the stoically pruned rosebushes that lined every row.
His words sank in a half second too late -- after she had already replied with a baffled "What?"
"Your name, Darling. You've never told me it. Don't you think that is something important for a husband to know?"
And indeed it hadn't come up in the near two weeks since they two found love at first sight. It had felt a little ridiculous, feeling so reluctant to be parted from a stranger after just three nights, but every day that passed since he found her again only deepened the fondness and understanding that had first bloomed in these very same gardens.
He laughed derisively, "I can hardly call you 'Cinder-Ella' when you help rule this kingdom at my side."
His beloved turned once more to the gardens, if only to hide the tears welling in her eyes and avoid the earnest expression of the Prince. She looked every bit the queen she had accepted to be when he begged for her hand in marriage, straight back, raised chin, elegant and strong. At first, he had worried about marrying a woman who had been reduced to a scullery maid for most of her life, but the monsters who took her name had never managed to beat the grace and strength from her, and with every passing day a little more of her beauty and wit revealed itself. She would be just fine in the cutthroat arena of the royal court.
"My love," he tried again, "We are picking out bedding for our marital suite -- don't you think I should have something to call you by?"
"And what's wrong with Cinderella?" She asked, sharp and defensive. "That is all I have been for many years, and I do not feel very much like the girl I was before." She knew she could never go back to that innocent and smiling child with a beautiful name bestowed on her by a woman she never had the chance to know. If anything, her true name had died along with her mother, and she felt she had no claim to it anymore.
The prince held no fury for his love, but his blood boiled at the thought of those wretched women who had enslaved her and hidden her away. He fought to keep the anger out of his voice, as he didn't want to upset her further.
"Cinderella isn't a name, it's a humiliating mockery that your wicked family used to hurt you." He groaned in frustration. "I can't believe you want to invite them to the wedding!"
She stopped him with a glare that he both feared and adored. "You promised you would be kind to them."
"I will! I will. I just... They're absolutely insufferable! I can't believe they think that you will just forgive them for everything now that you're engaged to a prince! And now they practically worship the ground you walk on with the hopes of groveling their way into my court." He only paused a moment before starting right back in again. "They were horrible to you! And I hate that they called you something so cruel for so long -- that you slept among the mice and the ashes. What kind of father lets-"
At those words, she interrupted low and fast before he could finish, "Do not dare speak ill of my father. He is trapped by that woman just as I was."
The prince sat in shock. How could she make excuses for the man? "He sat by for years while you were treated like dirt! His cowardice made a slave of his only daughter. How can I have respect for a man like that? Do not tell me that he calls you Cinderella too?"
The question was like the twist of a knife, and she recoiled as the prince forced her to face a truth she had tried to avoid for years.
He immediately felt regret for the tears that spilled over her cheeks and first reached for her before drawing back as she flinched away from his outstretched hand. "I'm sorry, my love," he whispered. He did not know what to offer her in apology and stumbled over his words. "I will never speak of them again if you would like."
She took his hand from his lap and unfurled his white-knuckled fist to lace her fingers with his own. "They're all I have," she struggled to keep her voice steady. "As terrible as they are, I can't just leave them behind."
He squeezed her calloused palm. "You'll be able to one day -- if you want. Father adores you, and Mother has been begging to help you pick out your gown. You will have more friends than you know what to do with in the palace."
"Don't remind me of the gown," she groaned. "I don't think I can look at a slipper anymore without feeling ill."
"I'll make her promise not to mention it," the prince stifled a chuckle. "You can walk down the aisle barefoot for all I care."
She finally gave him the smile he was so desperate to see, deciding to check with the current queen before she had all of the rose bushes ripped up. It would be important to honor the family that had accepted her as one of their own.
"Maybe one day I'll be able to forget about them." She smirked, "But I still have to rub it in that I'm the one getting a royal wedding."
The prince laughed so loudly it reverberated off of the stone walls of the garden. "Perhaps we should give them front row seats after all! If only so that I can see their horrified faces as I kiss my barefoot bride at the altar."
They fell silent for a long moment, each seeking the other's touch for comfort.
"Was this our first fight?" She asked quietly. "Have we already resorted to bickering?"
"It can be if you like," he grinned, "or you can save it for a real shouting match when it comes time to pick table settings for the banquet."
She rolled her eyes and nudged an elbow into his side. "I couldn't give a damn about table settings."
"You'll change your mind when you see the option Mother wants," he teased. She felt him shift as he was struck with yet another thought and turned to watch as he carefully selected his words.
"What if... You chose a new name? One that you've decided for yourself?" He wasn't sure if it was the right suggestion, but he relaxed when she pursed her lips in thought and seemed to genuinely consider it.
"What if I choose something absolutely atrocious just so you would never call me it?"
He kissed her knuckles. "I would adore any name you chose simply because it belonged to you, and it would be printed on the invitations tomorrow so everyone in the kingdom could know what to call my bride."
"Even if I stayed Cinderella?"
"Even if you stayed Cinderella."
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kittybonbon123 · 1 year
Welcome home redemption au
You know that felling when your life falls apart and once it seems like your life is being put back together into pieces it falls apart all over again? Well that how Wally’s life was. they thought that they were doing something good. Something that helped everyone and kept them safe from the truth…..
Büt thåt wáś æ łįę.
Wally just wanted to go to sleep and sleep through her curse maybe get this right, maybe actually maybe do something,but nope here he was 2:00 am holding up a dead mutilated sally over his shoulder running through the woods in his partly torn night gown. Holding back tears until she was in the middle of a large circular grassland field. Placing sally down in the middle of the large field, Wally finally started to sob as they started to draw around sally with a piece of chalk.
“*sniff* I’m so- so sorry- sally.. *sob* *hic* don’t worry about anything…. *sniff* I’ll- *hic* *sob* *sob* I’ll f-fix everything… I promise..”
As he was finishing drawing the clock/leaf like glyph on the grass, he give one final look toward Sally’s body getting down on both knees. “Don’t worry Sally *sniff* ill get this right.” Hands trembling he sliced his already Healy scarred right hand open enough to draw blood. Dripping the blood on Sally’s forehead and chanting the three words.
“Reverśé,rëvìve âñd førget..”
In a bright flash of blinding blue/white and red light the giant satanic glyph began to shot a beam upward to the sky as Sally’s body began to rise. Wally could do nothing but watch as his former friend body was lifted at lest 14 ft into the air.
“Everything will be ok sally I promise.”
But suddenly an large collage of colors came raining down from the sky surrounding Wally in its light. Wally looked up to see about ten people on staffs.
“Wally darling stop this right now!! You have taken this to far!”
“W- wha-what is this?! Why is this happening?! Please please don’t tell me it’s them…!”
For a moment the beam of light was visible to suddenly disappear and bursting into blinding bright lights and exploding. Wally who had reacted to late was caught in the blast letting out a blood curdling scream as it slowly started to fade out.
It had only had been a few seconds before the other neighbors had came running to the sound still in there pj’s.
“What on earth is going on he-!”
Before Eddie could finish his sentence the sight of the complete calamity of the once great and mighty grassland had most of the grass burned to a crisp and the once soft to the touch trees felt like hot iron. The smell of ash and sulfur had Eddie cutting off his sentence.
“Wha- what of earth?!? What happened hear?! Where’s wally!?”
Frank yelled. Looking around at the charred wreckage of the forest.
“We’re trying to save you…”
Said a female voice. A pale tall woman with long maroon with lime green eyes stepped forward to face the neighbors.
Behind her were at least four girls and five boys.
For the 2d girl she had black curly hair with red eye and tan brown skin holding a golden scythe.
For the 3th and 4th both of them had blonde curly hair and light blue eyes with dark brown skin, they seemed to be twins.
The three boys had red hair and different colored streaks and gold eyes with light tan skin.
Another had dark green hair and dark pink eyes with light brown skin.
the last one had dark blue hair with dark purple eyes with black replacing the outer white of the eyeballs.
“Who are you?” Julie asked.
“I think it better if we explained this at howdy’s shop”
(srry if this feels rushed.)
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therealpontius · 2 years
This was my first ever fanfiction in total it has 18 parts, ill only be posting the next parts ❤️
Plot: the boys invite you to a bbq on your day off
(Total read on wattpad 2.84k)
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You grew up living in Miami Florida when a boy named Stephen Gilchrist Glover... and his family moved to your street. Stephen and his big sister cindy soon became your friends and his family got along well with yours making you all quite close.
Unfortunately when Stephen turned twelve they had to move back to England his place of birth, your family kept contact through letters and you would talk to Stephen through them.
When you turned 25 you hear that stephen or as he went by steve-o had started living with his sister in Albuquerque, New Mexico so you moved into a small apartment near by to be reunited with your buddys.
Any comments at all are very appreciated and help me continue writing! :)
~yawnnn~ you stretch your arms and arch your back as you slowly sit up at 11pam on a Friday "thank fuck its Friday" you drag your body out of bed and head to the kitchen to make yourself breakfast. *ping* your phone loudly alerts a message waking you up and making you jump a little, you swiftly look over at your phone to see that johnny had messaged you.
"hey y/n I know you don't usually come down on Fridays but we are having a BBQ because its so warm..." you become aware of how warm it was, confused on how you didn't notice before "... hope you can come round!" You smile lightly at the thought that they were thinking of you. You eat your cereal and message him agreeing to come round "of course i would love to! Expect me in 2 hours"
You almost instantly scramble upstairs and look for a nice yet weather appropriate outfit "nope, nope, ew no!" You frantically look through my clothes as if it was a meet up with the queen herself "thats not too bad" you held up a black tank top and a pair of blue ripped jeans. You squint left and right, turn it around, lay it on your bed *sigh* "I guess it will have to do."  After a stressful 40 minutes of makeup and hair you were ready and looking cute as fuck.
You arrive at Johnny's house and see all the boys cars parked outside and prepare yourself for whats behind the doors. *click clack click clack* your heels make your arrival known before your anywhere near the door.
"Y/n! How you doing dude!" You were welcomed by Steve-o giving you a bear hug, this would've been nice if he didn't stink . "Sup!" You hear bam shout from the kitchen as Hes cracking open a can of beer, ryan smiles and waves whilst sitting next to bam. "Everyones out back im not sure if they know you are here yet, the BBQ is almost ready" Steve-o said, leading you out to the back of the garden where you see Johnny, Preston, Wee man, Chris, Ehren, Dave, Jeff and Spike. "Y/n!" They all collectively shout smiling at you, you got a bit flustered as youve never saw so many people so exited to see you. You wave at them red faced and can tell Johnny noticed how embarrassed you were "im almost finished the BBQ so decide what you want, okay?" Chris shouts over to you but not looking over, he was too scared to look away incase he burnt the burgers. " they're is a seat next to me if your looking for one" johnny pats the empty seat next to him and you slowly squirm my way thought the boys to get next to him, "so y/n what was you plans for today?" Wee man asks drawing the attention to you once again " i was probably just going to stay in bed and watch movies" He nods in agreement and mutters " fair, fair" Johnny passes you his beer that he drank a little out of " here you have this im not wanting it right now" you hold the bottle and wait for him to laugh or for it to explode but he was dead serious " you promise there isnt piss in here?" The whole place goes silent, even chris turned around to look at you, all you could hear was the faint laughing of bam and ryan from inside and the sizzling of the patties. All toughether they all laughed and you took a deep breath assuming this meant you were being stupid. Eventually johnny catches his breath and stares right at you " you just dont trust me huh" he snickered and lay his head back on the chair he was sitting on, something about that was so attractive, the way he said it, the way he lay his head back and the way his neck is lying out.... you caught yourself staring and your pretty sure Dave did too... oops?
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Okay, so. Um. you remember how I said I had a crush on Ratchet? well. I. went and made an oc for this whole business. I haven't finished drawing her yet but ill post a progress picture sometime soon and I came up with a whole thing for her. Here's an explanation of the story:
Doctor Doctor: This is in here as a joke because both characters are field medics and im a CRINGE NERD who thought it would be funny to start off a playlist that ends in one characters DEATH with a PUN >:E 
Theme of Laura: It’s just sort of the vibe I want for them. Awesome but a little wistful and nostalgic.
The Dark Side of Indoor Track Meets: Fossil “going too far” and upgrading herself but never letting herself heal, always pushing her body farther, desperate to do everything she can to minimize casualties and keep the wounded alive. The “if theres complications pull the plug out” part could be about the thing she and Ratchet were working on on Cybertron or it could be about something else, idk.
Touch-Tone Telephone: Fossil gets excited about things and makes it everyones problem!!!! She info dumps and gets lost in her ideas and rushes ahead with them (She tests everything on herself) Her enthusiasm is charming. It borders on mania. 
The Data Stream: A little bit more of Fossil mania! Science is filled with so much passion and delight she can’t help getting a little bit wild about it. It has less to do with the song’s words and more to do with its vibe.
The Wonder: The project she and Ratchet worked on. It was a huge machine to put large amounts of Autobots in stasis so they could stay alive/not get worse while medics worked on the more dire cases. The two of them became close while working on it. This combined with all the work she had to do in the field trying to rescue/keep alive injured Autobots got her frustrated with her limitations and she started thinking of herself as expendable (every shot she takes is a shot they don’t have to)
Drago or the Dragons: The project started to fail and it was going to destroy the entire field hospital. Panicked, Fossil and Ratchet attempted to salvage it but things just kept getting worse and worse. A Decpticon bioweapon started to ravage the wounded and they were stretched too thin. 
Arch to Achtilles: Ratchet and Fossil had to evacuate the field hospital before the project exploded but the crowded ships made the bioweapon spread faster and almost all of the injured/sick Autobots started dying/going into critical condition from the infection. 
The Final Countdown: Fossil desperately tried to activate the project, which would keep injured Autobots in mass stasis so that they could be revived and rescued later, but the Decepticons found the hospital. She finally got the project activated and got about 3/4 of the Autobots into stasis and they were stabilized, then tried to cover Ratchet’s evacuation. She got severely injured, but Ratchet fully evacuated the hospital and she dragged herself to a ship that jettisoned off into space. She may have yelled some vague love confession at him or something. They were shouting over comms about the plan and he lost contact after she promised to meet him in space. 
Helicopters: Fossil was trapped in space for thousands of years, worrying about Ratchet and the survivors and rewiring and upgrading herself over and over for maximum efficiency (blocked pain receptors, extra optics, sensors, stronger armor, repeating guns with auto-aiming on her shoulders so she could fire at Decepticons while leaning over injured Autobots and doing first aid)
Africa: They’ve reunited after thousands of years! Fossil is still thinking about the field hospital disaster and is thrilled to see Ratchet alive but so much has happened since then that he barely remembers her. 
Captiva: Fossil and Ratchet are going on missions together. Fossil loves the high stakes, she’s doing more fighting and more science and she’s under less stress. She’s studying Earth life and doing research and working on various projects and helping recover Energon and things are doing great! She and Ratchet are rekindling their friendship now.
Murexa: More cool missions! Lots of action and her being trigger happy
Jenny: This is an absolutely WILD tone shift but this is her rekindling her friendship with Ratchet except now she’s crushing HARD and she doesn’t exactly know what to do about it except pine. Maybe theres a Big Moment of Tension on a mission. 
Maps: Slow-down moment in the middle of a firefight! Ratchet realizes that he has romantic feelings for Fossil. I need to set up things from his perspective more but I made this in like three days so I haven't been thinking about it for all that long
Social Climb: The Autobots are celebrating a big victory and oh?? whats this?? Fossil asks Ratchet to dance and there’s Romantic Tension????? Ooooooooo 
Everybody Wants to Rule The World: They’re relaxing and doing science together
Intro to the Radio Room: Fossil has shifted gears from feeling responsible for a bunch of injured Autobots to feeling responsible for just a few. She trusts Optimus but after seeing her teammates get hurt, thinks assassinating Megatron is the most efficient way to end the war and protect everyone. she’s trying to convince Optimus to let her do that. Because Optimus is Optimus he decides it isn’t worth the risk so she and Arcee set up a plan to get her onto the Decepticon Warship to try and assassinate Megatron secretly.
Kryptonite: The other Autobots try to stop her and she fights them carefully and makes Prolonged Desperate Eye Contact with Ratchet before she gets onto the warship.
Making Your Way Home: She gets severely injured attempting to kill Megatron. He almost slices her in half and she hurt him too with her repeating gun and broke one of his arms but she’s bleeding out in the hallway. Bulkhead and Bumblebee drag her through a ground bridge and Ratchet starts trying to save her. 
Slow Waves: Fossil is on the brink of death. Ratchet is operating on her and she reaches up to touch his face gently. They stare into each others eyes for a minute and he sets her hand aside as he decides to do a Synth-En transfusion to save her life.
Mandus: She survives and they kiss or something idk how romance works
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xdivinewalkerx · 9 months
Back From The Dead
Hello everyone. I know I've been dead for a very long time and I might go dead again, but now it's the holidays and I'm gonna try to post more often. For now I've been doing some updates on things.
Update 1:Oc Upgrades
So I've been thinking of designs of my OC's human, humanoid and true forms, which I have been working on and I never did do drawings or anything yet of them. But I have been doing designs for them on griffins destiny and the first one I had upgraded was Erebus, which his name has been upgraded to, because of some issues going on in my discord server. So with our further heart I give you Erebus's new upgrade ^^
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Fafnir is a Night Light Fury, but he is the god of the sun. He was once wild and free until humans had captured him for studies and experiments to find out where he came from and how did he get to the lands. After when Toothless had passed one of his children were chosen to become the next Alpha of the Hidden World. Years have passed and many of the Night Lights were mysteriously going extinct, Ruffrunner had worry about the dragons in the hidden world and his species starting to disappear without a trace. So before the search began two night lights were born in the hidden world only to be watched by their mother, Ventys who's mate had died from protecting everyone while running from the hunters and humans. Ruffrunner promised that he will help keep her young ones safe as the years go by they grew as for their size, which both of the boys grew to the size of an ancient night fury. Ruffrunner didn't know why they grew to such a large size, but he thinks that it must be a gift. Few days go past as Ruffrunner became ill and couldn't help the fellow dragons of the hidden world as Ventys's son Ferin had to help keep charge of things for the Alpha, but he was worried for his brother Fafnir. When Fafnir was on his mission, he was shot down by hunters then was taken by the humans. When he was about to studied on then a war started between the hunters and trainers who had rescued him. After he was rescued, the trainers started to try to get his trust after a few months until one trainer had gotten his trust with the name of Elin. Fafnir had many adventures with Elin and they still do Adventures together to help dragons and take Fafnir back to his family.
Fafnir 's Saddle:
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I am still working on his light fury patterns as for my other OCS I am working on one at a time ^^
Update 2:
The second update will be my profile. My username will be changed soon and so will my pfp.
Update 3:
The story that I was gonna do has been cancelled as many ideas have been made and I have been very busy. A new story will be revealed as soon as I have finished with ideas, title and backgrounds.
Update 4:
I will be drawing some of my ocs as their true forms, but it will take a while because of details.
Update 5:
I will make my ocs on gacha life 2 soon when I have enough time.
That is all and I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday! ^^
Important! Please read!:Please don't steal any of my ocs or they're looks and details. If any of the ocs showed from this profile please tell me. If any gifts or using any of my ocs for stories or crossovers please tag me or tell me if using them for stories or crossovers Ty! ^^
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writingmysanity · 2 years
Prompt: "Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day that has no mistakes in it yet?"
Pairing: Eskel x reader
Word count: 628
A/N: Again, soft... fluff. Eskel learning how to be soft. As always, unbeta'd so all mistakes are my own... for now.
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Whimpers echo against the aging wood of the Inn you've settled in as the sun lowers, and the world fades into darkness. You've normally always found solace in the night. The whispers of the wind rustling the leaves, insects screaming from their branches.
Tonight, you whine. You can hear none of that behind the walls of the room you’re holed up in as Eskel stitches up your wound. Head resting on the mattress, in your arms, you bite back the sounds as best you can. You've sewed up worse on him, and he never seemed to complain. He sighs, laying a warm hand on your back when he pauses, voice soft as he calls your attention.
“Kit,” you look up warily, scared of the judgment you may see in his golden eyes. You never should have been there. He told you to stay back. But the rumble that escapes his chest is soothing, not angry. He rubs his hand up and down your back slowly, gently. He isn't sure exactly how to soothe you, this is all so new to him still, but he listens to your heartbeat- smiling when it slows, happy he did something right.
“I'm sorry, Eskel,” you whisper. He just nods, his hand pausing.
“I know,” he responds moving to brush some hair out of your face, the moment feeling much softer and intimate than he's used to, but he loves the light in your eyes when you look up at him. The movement makes you smile, relaxing under his hand.
“It won't happen again,” this makes him snort.
“Yes it will,” he chuckles as he finishes up the stitching before wrapping bandages around your thigh. You pout. He hasn't known you long, but he knows you're stubborn, and once you've put your mind to something, there isn't much he can do to stop you.
“Come now, Kit,” he starts, tugging the blanket up over you making you feel much younger than you are. He pauses, softening, his brilliant eyes melting into liquid gold in the candlelight. “It's time to rest, and tomorrow is a new day,” he promises, making you laugh slightly, the effects of the poppy he gave you making you sleepy, and a tad loopy.
“Isn't it wonderful?” you sing as he is about to step away, giving you some space. He pauses, waiting to see if you will continue on your own. You don't, you just stare at him through lidded eyes.
“What's that?” you just smile up at him.
“That tomorrow is a new day,” you begin, repeating his own words back at him. “A day with no mistakes in it, yet.” at this, he laughs.
“Yet. you’re quite diligent in that area, it seems.” you mean to pout, but you can't help but smile, because he doesnt seem to be upset about it.
“Someone has to keep me on your toes.” you shrug. He nods slightly.
“I thought that was Lambert or even the monsters- but I have to say, you give them a run for their money.” this makes you beam up at him, the darkness of your eyes shining like starlight in the low flicker of the candle’s light.
“Keep on like that, Witcher, and ill become convinced you actually like me,” you tease, eyes fluttering on their own accord, the medicine drawing them closed.
“Ah, and we can't be having that, can we?” he teases back as you fall, the last of his words, he is sure, were unheard. Relaxing, he sighs, a reluctant smile on his lips as he moves to find his place by the fire to relax. Sparing another glance at your sleeping form he doesn’t bother to hide the fondness there, now that you are asleep.
“Goodnight, Witch,” he whispers.
Tag list: @errruvande @thesleepy1 @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie @queenxxxsupreme @screechingdreamercollectorsblog @open--till--midnight @one-eyed-captain-kinky
@seidenbros @cosmos-coma
If you would like to be added to the tag list, please send me a message or ask or something.
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