Wanna Take a Chance on my Evolution?
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Because its genetic makeup is irregular, it quickly changes its form due to a variety of causes. Pokemon OC RP Blog. Selective, Multifandom friendly. Mun of Feralgalaxy and Shootiing-starr. Icon Credit: RoseKittyArt101 (Twt)
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randomeeveelutions · 4 months ago
(( Sorry about the extended time away from blog. We have officially entered holiday hell at my job and Im pretty bogged down at the moment
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randomeeveelutions · 5 months ago
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Just boop her, you know you want to. Hey, where's your wallet?
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randomeeveelutions · 5 months ago
Rind could only watch helplessly as her whole plot dissolved and collapsed like a terrible sandcastle all around her. She looked on as her perception of the dragon as an overly kind and naive tourist fell apart as she not only gave a harsh critique of Rind's plan, but revealed a weapon of mystical quality that she knew was impossible for her to stand up against.
It was obvious to the Eevee now that she had made a huge mistake. In the moment, the mask slipped, and the Evolution Pokemon looked absolutely terrified of Reyna as she finally said something.
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"I-I don't... Normally... Do it like this..." She whimpered, not unlike a child who knew they were in serious trouble and were prompted to explain themselves. "I'm just... Just a pickpocket, most days... O-Or a burglar- This is new territory f-for me- Wh- No!"
A realization comes to her mind, enough to shake off any uncertainty she had felt and bring back that cocky bravado that was worn earlier.
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"No! No! No no no no no no!!" Rind cried out. "Y-You! You think you have me all figured out!? You think wrong! Wrong wrong wrong! I do have more tricks up my sleeve! I'm plenty tricky! You'll see! See how you like one Eevee backed into a corner, Reyna!"
Rind tensed her body and took on a battle stance, ignoring the dragon's peace offering completely as her whole body became engulfed in a bright blue light. The scrawny ball of brown fur grew larger, up to the height of a medium-sized dog. Her bushy tail slimmed into something more cat-like, her ears rounded into something resembling those of a rabbit's. A pair of bows with long ribbony feelers appeared on her head and chest, and her eyes were huge baby blues.
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"Well? How's that? Better? Bet you didn't expect that! I'm plenty intimidating!!" Rind howled, still keeping up her poise for battle.
Reyna listens to Rind rant, and then act as if she was dumb, and simply simles.
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"Oh I perfectly understand. But for one, what are you gonna take off of me? If you want me to strip off my armor, that's not happening. It'd probably be too heavy for you anyway. And if I gave you Anathema-" She says as she suddenly summons a big two handed sword into her hands. "-he'd just burn you to death and your soul along with it." She continued explaining as she rested it on her plated shoulders.
"And for two, well...you're not really intimidating, nor strong enough to take it by force. Not like you were cunning enough either, your whole plan was to...what, threaten me to give you stuff? No traps, no back up, no sneak attacks? Aside from the poor performance leading me here, this just kinda sucks as a stick up." She adds.
"So! Instead of that, how about this? I'll make you something good to eat, and we can discuss what you can do for a living instead!" She finishes with cheerfully.
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randomeeveelutions · 5 months ago
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….well, she’s got the spirit!
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randomeeveelutions · 5 months ago
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Heh. That was the fun part of having this dumb rock. Getting to see other Pokemon and humans alike be completely shocked stiff when she changes shape on a whim never got old. It was her favorite trick in the book! And it took all of her self control to not practically rub it in the Tsareena's face as she went to move the table over.
Yeah, turns out moving objects as a Psychic-type was, well, easy. Relocating debris and straightening up was similarly effortless, and before they knew it the room was acceptably clean enough.
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"Yeah, I don't even know what I was worried about back there." Rind mused, ignoring a sudden pang in her empty stomach. "You looked so surprised though! Have you never seen an Eevee evolve before? It's kind of our thing."
There's an expectant flick of her split feline tail as she stares up at Reena with a smirk that's trying to not look too sassy. "But, anyways, that took some strength outta me still. Are we eating anything or...?"
It's a good thing she had been paying attention otherwise the sudden shift in form would've shocked her. Well, shocked her more than it already did. Eyes went wide in response as Reena took a step back. How in the world? If memory served her correctly most eevee's needed a stone for their evolutions but this one was more unique. It required something else entirely, but they had done it so casually!
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"How did you...? Ah?" She's left here scratching her forehead trying to make sense of what she's just seen. Reena blinks, Rind's words bringing her back to reality, before nodding her head. "R-Right! Of course!"
Perhaps she can question her once they get this table moving done because there are a lot of things she wants to know. Nubby hands press against said table and slowly start to move it in the position she wants. It takes a few minutes but eventually the pair are successful. Just in the sunny spot like she wanted!
"Thank you. See? That wasn't so hard, was it?"
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randomeeveelutions · 5 months ago
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randomeeveelutions · 5 months ago
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Oh, wow, okay! It wasn't every day Rind found she had no idea how to respond to a certain situation. Both she and the cat- Danny, he was called- had concluded they were lost, and he proceeded to sing a tune seemingly unprompted? The confusion on her face was impossible to miss, was she supposed to sing along? Was this a culture thing?
Still, despite her obvious bewilderment, a smile still found itself on her face. Well, there were worse ways to be greeted, she knew that all too well now.
That smile tried to flee when she was prompted to give her name as well, though she held it for politeness sake. It turned out that, while in her world it wasn't too unusual to name your cub after the peel of a fruit, here it earned you a few stares and chuckles. This guy seemed plenty good natured though, maybe they wouldn't notice, or care?
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"Sure! Sure! My name's... Er. Rind." She said with a teensy look of shame. "I wouldn't mind going together for now. I'm kinda new here, but you're a local right? It shouldn't be too hard to figure out where we are."
Dutifully, she followed behind the feline. But not without noticing the particular way he said "Nice to meet you!" At her. Huh. That's how she likes to say it, too.
"Nice to meecha, too!"
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"That so? Ah, too bad."
He wasn't going to let himself get too down. Since he planned on going back home, it's not like there was urgency in where he needed to go. This was a cat that enjoyed dancing down the sidewalks, he'd make it home. It'd just take a much longer period of time, but with the sun in the sky, even if it transitioned to the moon, he'd be just fine.
Instead, he chose to break out in song. One that would be familiar to anyone who watched movies.
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"🎵 There's no use in grumbling When raindrops Come tumbling Remember you're the one Who can fill the world with sunshine🎵"
In spite of its high pitch, he was able to hit the notes perfectly, adding just a little bit of dancing to the song. On his face, is soon a grin.
"If we're both kinda lost, it's always better to be lost together, rather than being on our own. My name's Danny, what's yours?"
He began to walk, expecting to be followed. If what she said was true, they may have just found the train station after all. For some reason, the feline was in even more a musical mood than usual. Maybe if he was lucky, she'd sing a duet with him.
"Happy to meetcha!"
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randomeeveelutions · 5 months ago
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randomeeveelutions · 5 months ago
What a stand-up guy! Rind's chipper little grin tightened as they floated to her level, repairing the damage done to them in battle with minimal effort. That was an uncommon ability for Pokemon to possess - Even Rind could do something similar with the correct evolutions - So it hardly alarmed her.
It was oddly cute, seeing such a proud and noble battler such as this one act so... Awkwardly? It seemed like they didn't expect to attract an audience by battling in public like that. The audacity made the Eevee chuckle.
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"Well, I was watching the show!" She chirped. "It's not everyday you get to watch a good old Sky Battle, now is it? Practically everything on this route saw it, I'm pretty sure they were all quite impressed with your power!"
It must've been difficult to believe anything else was alive in the area. All hints of birdsong or the rustling of tall grass had fallen painfully silent for the time being, the swish of an occasional breeze the only thing keeping the world from falling completely quiet.
"So, what kind of Pokemon are you, anyway?" The Eevee inquired, eyes shining with innocent curiosity as she leaned in for a better look. "I'm willing to hazard a guess you aren't from Kalos, right?"
@randomeeveelutions, continued from here.
Ah, so it speaks. They're hardly surprised. Plenty of sapient species they've encountered don't look too far off from this creature.
The blade-wielder would nod along in agreement for the time being, half-focused on the remains of their cloak's scorched ribbon. After lifting it slightly to get a better look, the charred end of the "fabric" would start to... lengthen? In mere moments, the ribbon completely regrew, while any other visible damage to their form simply faded away.
Despite the pain that was inflicted earlier, all physical evidence of their prior fight had been entirely shrugged off.
Swordsman's gaze would again fall upon the animal standing before them, followed by... awkward silence.
It is rather... odd for them, when other beings react to their presence with anything aside from negativity. In some ways, such experiences are refreshing. Something that breaks the monotony of their usual existence. Something new. Yet... the Dark Matter hardly knows what to do around individuals who behave in this manner.
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"...Why are you... Waiting? Here?"
Does. Does the other want something, or? ...They're not a people person.
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randomeeveelutions · 5 months ago
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twoscoopscreamery on ig
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randomeeveelutions · 5 months ago
It was a real lovely afternoon. Picturesque, really, what with all the families and couples and packs of friends going about their days outside and relishing the rich sunshine. Everyone was so distracted with each other, it made swiping a thing or two from them a cakewalk.
Rind had already successfully pinched plenty of bites for herself in the hours previous. So far, a half drained bottle of water, a full bag of chips and half of a sandwich vanished from three different picnickers and gone right into her belly. It felt good knowing that she could basically get away with it scott free, so this would be her last one before she called it quits for the day. Maybe they had dessert...?
She sneaked over to her new target, eagerly eyeing the treats they had brought. Bingo! The Absol might be trouble, but who was Rind to turn down a challenge?
It was so close, Rind could practically taste the tiny victory to come... Only to freeze when she attracted the attention of her target, a dumbstruck look of worry on her pathetic little face. Maybe she could just cute her way out of this- Wait.
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"I'm sorry, did you say Latias?" The Eevee squeaked, completely skipping over the fact she had just been caught attempting to steal from her. An alleged legendary. Instantly, she tried to play nice.
"Umm! Um, Um-! Listen, I wouldn't have even tried to if I wasn't so darn hungry!" She fibbed, averting direct eye contact. "It's hard when you're so small and unemployable!"
@randomeeveelutions liked for a starter
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"I wouldn't touch that if I were you, little one."
Look at her. Heidi was spending her time in the middle of a relaxing day watching her daughter and several of her Pokémon playing on their own and having fun. She was planning on just using the time to relax and pet her Absol friend to spend time away from thinking about the war to come...
And yet an Eevee seemed to have gotten a little too closer to her stuff that was set aside. It took her a second to get the beat on her, but after her time living with the kleptomaniac that's Zinnia, she could sense something like this from a mile away.
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"Wouldn't be nice to steal from a Latias, would it?" She was curious what she was doing trying to go through her bag. Must have been the sweets Nergal gave her. "If you're hungry, I think I have extras to give you, you know. Just ask~"
Though, granted, it's not like she would really attack Rind for taking anything. She'd definitely make note, though.
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randomeeveelutions · 5 months ago
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Jolteon and rotom 🔌📺⚡
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randomeeveelutions · 5 months ago
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Replies happening soon!! Some eventfulness at work had me too burnt out last week sadly, but I'm here now and I have glasses that I can see out of now!
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randomeeveelutions · 5 months ago
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randomeeveelutions · 5 months ago
                                    moodboard meme
send me one of the following symbols and i’ll make a moodboard for my character.
✿ for a general moodboard about my muse
💛 for a moodboard about our muses’ relationship
❤  for a moodboard about a romantic relationship of my muse 
💗 for a moodboard about another significant relationship in my muse’s life
💕  for a moodboard on my muse’s view on romantic and/or sexual relationships 
👗 for a moodboard about my muse’s fashion style
👶 for a moodboard about my muse’s childhood
🏠  for a moodboard about my muse’s home aesthetics
🍕 for a moodboard about my muse’s favorite foods
👮 for a moodboard about my muse’s occupation
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randomeeveelutions · 5 months ago
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Time to bring out Eevee and the funky dogs in the original Pokemon yellow style
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randomeeveelutions · 5 months ago
Point out a flaw of my muse and see their reaction!
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