#on the other end part 3 yey
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jodoesnew · 2 days ago
On the other end P3
//note: This got so long... how... Tell me if you want me to continue this :)
You returned when the daycare was officially closed. Still in your work clothes. You hoped that people wouldn't ask questions when you went there still in your uniform.
The jingle blasting from the speakers greeted you as usual. You looked over the play-area from the entrance balcony. The attendant is pretty big but sometimes they just seem to vanish.
There was Sun scrubbing at something near the ballpit. You eyed the stairs to your far left then you looked at the slide next to you. You probably would be faster this way but there is a chance you could get stuck. You glance back to sun. Who is still scrubbing away at something, maybe you will be lucky and he wont notice your arrival. He seems to despise people coming in after closing. At least as far as you are aware. A coworker had left something in the daycare and asked you to get it for them. Which had led to a very weird encounter with sun. You keep your eyes on him and start heading for the stairs. He jolts, his faceplate turns towards you. He is completely still. You stop.
Both of you still unmoving. Then Sun turns his faceplate towards the door. Then back at you. You feel tense, the way you both hadn't said anything and how he looked at you. You make another step towards the stairs and Sun jolts. He drops the cleaning supplies and runs. You thought the attendant was fast in the dark but now he seemed even quicker.
You have a strong suspicion of what he wants to do. And turn back, dashing towards the slide as fast as you can. You hesitate only for a second looking back and seeing sun staring at you from the door. He was holding it shut. As you expected and he seems to have forgotten about the slide. You take a deep breath and throw yourself inside. It feels dangerously tight going through the bends and turns. But to your great relief you plunge into the colorful ballpit. You struggle your way to shore.
Sun stares at you silently. He left his spot on the door looking a bit defeated somehow.
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"Friend you're back... why?", his tone seems strangely strained from the one you are used to. Tired even.
Can machines even get tired. You eye him curious.
"I wanted to talk with you about your voice.", you try to start of strong. Sun throws you a look.
"My voice." He echoes "whats wrong with it?"
"Nothing! In the dark it just-"
"So Moons voice?"
You stop.
"Not my voice.", Sun folds his arms in front of his chest.
"So your problem must sadly wait, he is currently unavailable.", Sun walks past you and resumes to clean the daycare floor.
"I just have few questions, please Sun i need to know."
"Do you now?", he sounds so uninterested it hurts. You take a deep breath. Stay calm. You deserve an explanation and maybe if you tell him the whole story he might help you. Or you are projecting way too hard onto a machine...
You walk up next to him and crouch down, he continues as if you aren't there.
"That voice. In the dark... i know that voice, but not from here..."
Sun remains unfazed. You sigh and look at your hands. Playing with your fingers in hopes to distract yourself from what comes next.
"There was this guy..."
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Sun stops but does not look up.
"I ... i cant really explain how i got to know him. But he was just... this amazing guy. Funny, kind, caring a bit snarky but in a cute way... I really thought- hoped that he liked me. But after I suggested we should meet up he just said that he couldn't..." you hug your legs closer to you and swallow down the lump that starts to form in your throat "and thats alright... if he wouldn't want to see me i could live with that but he completely ghosted me from then on. And I... i just want to know why..."
You take a deep breath and look up. Suns blank eyes bore into your soul.
"And that voice, Moons voice is the same..."
Sun cuts you off, "As the voice from that person. And you are certain you didn't just mishear."
"Yes. I am certain."
Sun puts down the supplies and turns his full attention on you.
"What's your plan now? Now that you think that voice is Moons."
"I want to know if his voice was supplied by someone or..."
Sun laughs. It's cold and feels dangerous.
"Oh no dear. Our voices are our own, completely!"
You blink. The room feels colder all of a sudden. If their voices are unique as sun seems to think... why would...
You stare at his face lost in thought.
"Oh just look at the time. You should go." Sun takes your hand in a delicate but firm grip. And leads you to the door. Next to the light switch.
You try to hold onto sun a bit firmer and wait for your opportunity. Sun seems distracted enough.
The room goes dark as your fingers leave the light-switch to hold onto the attendants hand tighter.
The Sun turns to Moon with a startled noise.
Red eyes scan your face then your hands that hold onto the animatronic for dear life.
The whirr of his machinery is deafening in the darkness. You try to compose yourself.
"Hello Moon. I think we got off on the wrong foot before. I'm sorry if i scared you."
The Moon stayed silent he looks at the door then at you. These robots are really bad at hiding their plans. You shift your grip and hold the larger hand between yours.
"Please Moon I want to know what's going on. What happened earlier today... why sun is upset..."
The red eyes stare silently past you at the light-switch.
You can't do this. You wanted an answer anything... but now you get treated like a volatile creature that one has to run from or get rid of. The pain is like a tidal wave. You let go and step back.
Red eyes focus on you but it doesn't matter anymore...
You step around the animatronic and reach for the door. It seems so stupid now, desperate... but you are desperate...
Your hands touch the wood and something brushes your back.
It was so light and brief. Still you look back.
Moons hand hovers near you, then he pulls it back and holds it close as if burnt.
He sinks into a ball on the floor.
"What's wrong?", you throat feels raw from your inner turmoil but you cant ignore the clear signs of someone being hurt even if you are breaking yourself.
"Do you want me to stay?" You instantly feel stupid for asking this. Of course he wants you to leave the attendant had tried to get you to do so. You were imposing on them.
If it weren't for the red glowing eyes, you wouldn't have realized the brisk nod moon was giving you in this darkness.
He wants you to stay? why?
You move away from the door and sit down next to him.
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"Sorry", it's small muffled by his ruffles and impossible body posture. But its him. The same voice, same cadence.
You stay silent. And just look at the only light in the room.
Moons eyes.
Your vision blurred by tears you try to blink away furiously.
"Can you please answer me something?", you whisper.
He nods again. "Why did you run from me?"
Moon goes completely still. Then abruptly he curls into himself even further then you thought possible. "sorry..."
This just sounds like sobbing now.
Can machines cry?-
You take that thought and throw it out of your mind as hard as you can. Who cares. They are apparently doing it. So who cares if they can or can't do something at this moment. Normal went out the door the second you threw your adult body thru a slide for children.
You pull your self closer to the attendant and slowly start petting his arm.
"Shhh. its alright. There is no need to cry. I was just surprised with you running away from me is all."
Moon looks up with a completely confused expression. Red eyes stare at you from under his nightcap. Squinting at you like a strange anomaly. You put on the most reassuring smile you can muster with your own inner turmoil.
"Are you not disappointed?", his voice sounds weak but it makes you weak as well for a whole different reason.
"By what? You running from me? or that Sun and you wanted to throw me out?" genuine question...
He shrinks back into his cocoon.
"By me..."
You hold your breath.
Your voice has lost all strength as your brain begins to draw more and more connections.
Why would you be disappointed in him or by him. You haven't met him before today. Unless.
"Was it you? Did I talk to you on the phone?", you try to stay calm but your hands are shaking.
He stays silent.
"Are you disappointed...?", he whispers.
The tension starts to build in your gut. You push your hands under your thighs taking comfort in the pressure.
"Was it you?"
"Sorry...", it sounds so broken.
"Moon... is that a yes?", you just want to be sure you just want to be sure you just want to be-
"yes", Red eyes glance over his legs at you.
You reach forward. The chaos inside your head is gone. Replaced by a small spark of relief and unbelievable happiness.
Everything makes sense in a way. The stress from the week slumps away and leaves you exhausted.
You arms circle the attendant shaped pile next to you on the floor. There are arms around you. You are engulfed in a warm hug accompanied by the soft whirr of machinery. And you start to cry. You cry a lot.
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madschiavelique · 1 year ago
Hello everything is fine? I could write an imagine where reader calls Miguel by last name just to tease him.
OMG HI SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG school has been taking up all of my time and i'm almost on holidays so yey !! i hope you'll like it <3
summary : you tease miguel by using his last name content warning : none, tensed miguel (aka just miguel in general), afab reader, no use of y/n (not proofread) word count : 1,4k
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There was nothing special about the day - in other words, nothing out of the ordinary had happened in the previous few days, nor was it about to. There was nothing exceptional about it, nothing out of the common, nothing new or repetitive. Except perhaps this:
"Good Morning, O'Hara."
Miguel's finger, which was about to settle on his holopad, stopped just above the orange screen at the appellation. The very word had frozen him in place.
Never in all of society was he called O'Hara. He'd made a point of everyone calling him Miguel, simply Miguel, no nickname, no length, just Miguel. 
He'd only ever been called that before in his life in a purely and harshly professional context. So why were those few letters suddenly pronounced between your lips giving him an impression of something less than professional?
You'd come to drop off some papers, more mission reports to read and check, more work for him. Nothing extraordinary in his routine, so why the name?
He turned to you, his eyebrows furrowing as he analyzed your face. Nothing unusual, you seemed fulfilled, awake, radiant... 
"Is everything okay?" you asked as he stared at you silently, his eyebrows trying to meet and wrinkling the skin of his forehead.
He blinked several times, coming back to reality and swallowing, giving you one last look before turning his head back to his screens. Maybe he'd just dreamed up that name, which meant another cup of coffee was in order.
"Yes, everything's fine." he said, clearing his throat, his finger finally settling on the still-pending key.
You placed the sheets on the edge of his desk, letting your fingers run up his arm and rest your hand on his back, caressing him gently to encourage him in his seemingly never-ending task. He sighed at ease, the simple gesture cancelling his frown.
"Unclench your jaw. You're tense, it'll give you a headache." you say simply, pressing lightly on the top of his shoulder.
The tension faded very gently. He relaxed his jaw, the gesture easing the pressure in his temples, and as he took a deep breath, a small portion of the reasons why he might be cranky today eased.
You turned away from him, he already missed your presence as your hand parted from his back. You moved on, beyond his platform on the ground, no doubt in search of more documents or perhaps in search of a mission...
"Ah! There you are," smiled Gwen, who had just entered the room when she saw you, "I've been filling my report on the last mission and I've heard you were collecting them today? I'm not too late for it now am I?"
"Not at all," you reassured her, and Miguel could hear the smile on your lips. "You'll find the pile of it next to O'Hara," you affirmed with a nod to the side, indicating the pile's location.
This time, he hadn't been dreaming. You'd deliberately pronounced his name that way. 
All the little tensions that had been wiped away by your hand like a brush over a white line of chalk clashing on a perfectly clean chalkboard reappeared bitterly in his body and mind.
No Miguel, no "Grumpy" as he could sometimes be called, but only by you - his name directly. He turned to you, eyebrows again furrowed and lips parted, but your back was to him as you made your way out of the office.
The day went on, and as the tasks piled up, Miguel's patience began to wear thin. At lunchtime alone, when he'd arrived in the cafeteria, you'd called him "over here O'Hara!" to your table.
He wasn't going to start counting the number of times you'd called him that today, he told himself, yet he couldn't help mentally noting all the incidences in question.
Just this afternoon when he'd mentioned wanting yet another cup of coffee, you'd smiled as you left, chuckling on your way, "Right up, O'Hara!"
Then, when other spiders had come asking for information, you'd replied, "You can see later with O'Hara."
Or even when Lyla had asked you a simple question and you'd replied, "O'Hara's in charge of classifying these files."
He had never been sick of his own name, and in truth the situation wasn't as unpleasant as it might have seemed, quite the contrary: he was intrigued, amused, entranced.
The taste his name seemed to have on your lips was far too sweet and enjoyable for him to deprive you of uttering it. He felt like chasing it, searching for it, finding it and enjoying the taste of it on your lips. 
Only, the rumor that you and Miguel had had an argument spread like wildfire through society.
"She called him by name!"
"What? Impossible, no one calls him O'Hara directly."
"'Tis so, though, and Miguel turned to her, completely dismayed."
"She even repeated it several times! Either she's lost a bet, or she's searching and running toward certain death."
And having attention focused like this on your relationship when other things had to take priority displeased him. He couldn't miraculously create missions to divert their attention, although administering more paperwork to certain members of the company wouldn't have gone amiss... But it was when he remembered the state in which certain documents had been returned full of Hobbie's matter glitch or stained by Mayday's drool when Peter had handed in his report that he realized it wasn't going to be possible.
It was when you repeated the appellation once more that he decided to confront you on the subject.
"Cariño?" he asked, stopping his movements on his holopads to cross his arms. "Come here."
With a small, innocent smile, and feigning surprise at this sudden request, you approached him. Clasping your hands behind your back, holding yourself upright as you rocked back and forth from a lean on your heels to the tips of your feet, you stood in front of him.
He inhaled, the motion bulging his torso just as he sighed and looked at you, biting the inside of his cheek between his two canines.
"What's going on?" he finally asked, his jaw clenching again and letting you catch a glimpse of the small muscle tensing under his skin.
"What do you mean?" you question as if nothing had happened.
He runs his tongue over his teeth, mouth still closed as a low chuckle rumbles in his chest.
"My last name, you've been using it to call me since this morning."
"Oh really?" you say, pretending to frown as if what he'd just said made absolutely no sense.
He relaxed his brow, eyes half-closed before he raised his eyebrows, tilting his head back.
"Don't play this with me, nena."
You then simply smiled, letting your eyes turn to the ground for just a few seconds before returning to his gaze. Although you still looked playful at the moment, he felt you were slightly more capable of answering his questions. At least, he sensed that you were no longer pretending.
"Why do you keep calling me with it?" he asked as he half-sat down on his desk, one leg outstretched and the other slightly bent.
"It's a pretty name," you reply as you step towards him, now close enough for the barrier between the professional and the personal to be crossed, "am I not allowed to say it?"
Your hands came to rest on his chest, one moving up to his shoulder. He sighed, feeling your fingers press against his taut trapezius.
"Oh," he smiled with his eyes closed as you brought your hand up to his neck, "I want you to say it," both his hands came to rest on the small of your back, pulling you closer to him as he opened his eyes again, "but just for me."
He didn't care that it was probably selfish, he could well afford a slip about it. He didn't want to hear you say his name in front of anyone but him. He considered, after all, that it was his, and that he had the right to choose how he would be treated.
He came and gently seized your chin between his thumb and forefinger, bringing you up closer to kiss you tenderly. You stayed there a second, forehead pressed together.
"As you wish, O'Hara," you murmured against his lips.
The hint of a smile passed over his lips.
"Be careful with this name, because sooner or later it'll be yours."
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twig-tea · 10 months ago
Things from Wandee Goodday ep 3 I can't stop thinking about:
I love so much that we got some good friends with benefits tension around personal boundaries when Dee asked who Yei was and then backed off (but Yak told him anyway). And between the jokes about rimming, Dee demanding Yak pay more attention to his dick last episode, and starting this episode in the 69 position, I am very, very here for this show saying over and over that sex is not just one act.
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[ID: Gif of the beginning of episode 3, whichi is a pan-to-shot of Dee and Yak laying in 69 position on the floor under blankets]
i loved the different responses to hearing someone you love is in a "Friends with Benefits" situation; Kao warned Dee not to catch feelings or read too much into the situation and Cher/Yei teased Yak for lying to himself about what the situation is. Both are super valid and speak to who Dee and Yak are, who Kao and Cher/Yei are, and all of their experiences with love. And it speaks to the closeness of these relationships too, that Cher noticed Yak's necklace gone immediately and Kao similarly clocked its addition on Dee instantly.
Super here for Kao being the ultimate support bestie at work, equal parts haranguing and backing Dee up. Their relationship is perfection.
I really liked Yak peace-ing out of their agreement when Dee dropped a huge request with no context, that was so valid and in the spirit of FWB (he didn't actually owe him a bigger conversation).
I've already reblogged a couple of other people (@negrowhat and @lurkingshan) talking about this so I won't belabour it, but I am judging Dee for not only ignoring Yak's boundaries by going to his workplace and forcing him to train him and then flirting with him during training sessions after Yak both made clear he's worried about being out at work and had ended their agreement. I hope we get more of an explanation for Yak's reticence about dating a man while aiming for the championship as well as his change of mind.
The conversations with Cher and Oyei have me so curious about their history! Tell me everything, show. I put these questions in tags on a gifset (but to put them on main: Where is Oyei and Yak's father (who is also a former champ but apparently uninvolved with this family business, if he's still alive)? What happened to Yak's mother that he doesn't know if he takes after her? Why can they go to Cher's family for financial help but not Yei/Yak's (to the point where they had to take out what sounds like a predatory loan during COVID)? What is Cher afraid of re: being seen being affectionate to Oyei, and where does that come from? Is this history related to why Yak is so worried about his relationship to Dee getting in the way of his championship? All of this is seeded so organically and I'm so, so curious. It also has me even more in my feelings about Cher and Yei calling Yak their son.
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[ID: Gif of Yei saying to Cher: I own this place. What's there to be afraid of? From the set linked in the paragraph above]
[I have a clown theory that Cher and Oyei's relationship is why his dad is out of the picture and his gym is in financial trouble (because it prevented Yei from getting sponsorship despite being a champion), and why Yak is worried about being in a relationship with a man even though he knows his brother won't care...we'll see how much of this the show pulls together!]
The flash of trauma from Dee at the crosswalk was interesting too; where is that going? What happened in Dee's past and how is it going to affect the story in future?
[More clown speculation: Is it related to why Dee is so good with patients and passionate about ortho? Has he seen someone in his life become disabled due to physical injury?]
Speaking of, I really loved seeing Dee be good at his job and great with patients and their families. In addition to it being just nice to see and good for our understanding of his character, it sets him up to have a fighting chance in the contest too, since patients apparently get a vote.
I love love love the camaraderie and giggling between Dee and Yak around making Ter jealous and shoving their fake relationship in those gossiping nurses' faces. The way they are actually friends who like one another and enjoy spending time together is just really wonderful to watch.
My biggest question is: Will Dee get a chance in this narrative to show up for Yak the way Yak has been showing up for Dee? And how can that current imbalance be reconciled with this all leading towards Dee trying to get a placement to go abroad--and his self-stated toxic trait of always needing to win? [shoutout to @chicademartinica for laying that out succinctly in her post]
In the meantime, I'm having a blast.
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happypotato48 · 10 months ago
Wandee Goodday EP 3 Unhinged Tangent Thoughts
Another week, another naughty fun time with our beautiful doctor x boxer BL. accompanying my unhinged thoughts this week is this random musical number that popped up in my head while i was watching this ep.
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I would burn down the world for you Yak!
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Renaissance painting ass shit right here. also we know they're gay for each other can we tone down the purple now.
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One Eyebrows a day keeps the heteros aways.
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I love this unconventional family so much your honor. anyways, Buddy!
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Yes! calls out those bitches whoes watched too much romantic movies/shows. it's me i'm bitches 😔
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She seems nice.... Ugh i can't even hate her god damn it show! anyways hope this show would not put her through too much shits with paring her with Ai Phi Ter and all.
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That's how you do seduction Dee take some god dang notes!
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That eyes. these brothers and their forking beautiful soulful eyes. these ones feels like a gentle breeze in mid summer day before the rain fall. god damn these men making me be poetic and junk, ahhh. also here Yei tease Cher by calling him ซ้อ "Zor" which mean sister in law in teochew. it's commonly use now a days as a way to refer to a wife of a establishment owner.
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Finally he dressed like what he is on inside.
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Did i just turn on grey's anatomy by mistake?? joke aside i liked that they flesh out more of Dee motivations for the scholarship so it not just him being a petty bitch.
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Look at you two, being supportive fuck buddies and whatnot. aah a good and supportive dick. BL is indeed a fantasy.
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Is nobody in this dang hospital have works to do lol.
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Yeah i understand Yak here completely. cause like Boxing and Football are like two of the most sacred places for them straight men in thailand. it probably scarier to be out in these fields than a lot of other careers.
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อีดีนี่ จะตอแหลก็หัดให้เนียนหน่อย.
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Side boobs! ok slut, i know what's you're up to.
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Yak you know making that face is not going to stop Dee.
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I stan this unashamed whorish behavior.
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Oh, Dee is indeed come from school of grey's anatomy tragic doctor backstory.
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He got me. all of its.
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You dorks i love you two so much.
Holy shit this ep was great. i know that Dee gone a bit too far in this ep, but i can't be mad at him cause he said it himself early in the ep that he doesn't like to lose and he admited that its not a part of him that he think highly of. and after so many loses relentlessly pursuing Yak was probably the only thing he felt he in control with. and at the end he stopped and realized that its his own problems and it's not fair to drag Yak into it. what he did was not good but it's very human and it make me like him more as a character, flaws and all.
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multifandom-nerds-blog · 4 days ago
There's not much I have to say about 202 actually, mostly because it's wednesday already and most things have already been said. However here still my 5 unoriginal cents:
Ikari the creep is finally dead! Yey! (And was apparently a man and not a buff woman this whole time? Lmao)
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Sakamoto doing the wildest shit once again to save the day. I really wonder how tf he even gets those idead (as well as Suzuki themselve).
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Another Taro where his glasses got forgotten! And again in the water, lol. They're just such a part of his design that he always looks kinda of without them. But also sorta cat like (like Shin :)
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And of course the end of the chapter was absolutely devestating. The way that Andos instincts won in the end and he tried to stay alive as long as possible for Shin to talk to him. Or to at least know that Shin would make it of the cruise. (I still think Ando is a terrible guy. Being nice at the end doesn't change anything about that. He's not redeemed, only turned out to be more complex. I still think that the guy is probably mentally unstable in some way.)
Shin somehow thinking he's a terrible person, despite giving up his last chance to talk with his dad somehow? (And possibly get more answers about why he did, well, everything he did.) Giving up on the only thing he was trying to do for 4 years since he left the lab? (And probably before that already. But before getting his powers he still felt wanted in the lab so his desire to look for Ando wasn't as big.) And to safe someone's else child that he doesn't even know? Please Shin, a bad person wouldn't care about a strangers life like that.
Ando telling Shin to live? (The reason he sneaked Shin out of Al Kalmaar.) And Taro watching all that. He really does know what kind of person Shin is, after all he spend most of that flashback with Shin trying to get to his father. Taro saw him giving up his only wish at the time, and while they stayed together for a while after that until Shin quit, Taro probably had no idea how to help Shin cope with that whole situation. (Honestly, who would?) He really knows Shin in a way Shin doesn't even know himself, because Shin is so disconected from emotions in some ways. The ones from others and his own, even though he can read minds. Shin never had a normal childhood at any point, never had proper socialisaition. He never had any contact with other children to learn how to deal with his own emotions in a healthy way. (And why he's sometimes so childish as an adult. Sure, Lu meant it as an insult, but it's obviously some sort of coping mechanism. After reconecting with Sakamoto in chapter 1 he finally has a chance to catch up on many things. He gets to have fun with Hana, celebrate new years, go to an amusement park, go to school or simply be petty about Lu stealing his apron. The more we learn about Shin the more so many of his actions and mannerisms just lead back about finally having a family where his inner child can live out and wanting to protect that family. TT)
Now. I hope Taro can talk some sense into our boy when we get back to the prison arc. And take him home where Aoi can make him a hot chocolate before putting him under a weighted blanket so he can sleep for 3 days straight.
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So. Uhm. Yeah. My unorganized thoughts. If you read all that you're probably as crazy as I am.
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rapha-reads · 8 months ago
IWTV rewatch
Season 1 episode 2 [... After the Phantoms of Your Former Self] - part 2/3
- [Daniel] "White master, Black student, but equal in the quiet dark" - *spits out the water I just drunk* DANIEL MOLLOY THE QUEEN THAT YOU ARE. And Louis immediately answering the provocation with a slam down of his own. I am so here for the Louis/Daniel bromance, the way they can just spend hours snarking at each other. Saltmates, if you will.
Louis is such a Bitch, the way he decides to eat that fox in front of Daniel to remind him that "vampires are killers", and the way he lets the blood drip, when canonically vampires never waste any blood (at least in the book, that's one of the thing Lestat repeats often, a vampire's feeding is clean, no trace of blood left anywhere, but in a visual media about vampires, of course it looks better to have the blood dripping on the chin after, sometimes you gotta privilege aesthetic over function).
[Louis] "Vampires are killers, apex predators whose all-seeing eyes were meant to give them detachment, the ability to see a human life in its entirety, not with any mawkish sorrow, but with the thrilling satisfaction of being the end of that life and having a hand in the divine plan."
Yeaaah, like Daniel says, "don't expect every reader to swallow that one". Because for one thing, you don't even fully believe it, Louis, you who's about to spend several years starving yourself feeding only on rats and cats, you who just had a fox for supper instead of going hunting, you who hates feeding on humans and doesn't let even your fellow vampires witness you feeding (book canon), you who also goes during the 20th century from crisis of faith to fully atheist and uncaring about religion... Pretty words. Empty words. I'm not buying it.
"Mawkish": lacking flavor or having an unpleasant taste / exaggeratedly or childishly emotional (Merriam-Webster). Well I didn't know that word. Collins Dictionary tells me that the best translation to French would be "mièvre", and now I am loving this even more. "Mièvre" is not a very used word in French, which is a shame because it's a very pretty and very evocative word, and "mawkish" definitely gives me the same impression. Yey, I learned something new today! New word to incorporate to my vocabulary.
- I swear I'm not trying to comment every single minute of this episode, but every single minute brings something interesting. I have to stop on Louis and Lestat's conversation about languages and killing being its own language, as a multilingual person myself (I could spend hours talking linguistics, sorry not sorry):
[Lestat] "'When I first started learning English, I abhorred it. Every word felt like a doorknob falling out of my mouth. Chapeau is a hat, étoile was a star...' [Louis] 'Killin' folks ain't a second language!' [Lestat] 'But when I started dreaming in English, that's when I embraced it. And now, I have English consonants to thank for this astonishing jawline.' [Louis] 'These are nightmares I'm having, Lestat, not dreams.'"
Firstly, yeah, Lestat's right, "hat" is weird. It's chapeau in French, cappello in Italian, kapela in Greek, even quba'a in Arabic, and Arabic is not even an Indo-European language... The heck does hat come from? *resists the urge to go linguistic deep dive* Secondly, yeah, he's right, he does have an amazing jawline - taking this opportunity to bring attention to the scar on the corner of his mouth, book readers know what's up. Where was I? Ah, yeah. No, Lestat's right about a foreign language sounding weird in your mouth until you start to understand its spirit instead of only its letter - words falling out of your mind versus dreaming in that language. Been talking English for long enough that I do dream in English, and been multilingual all my life so I adapt to languages fast enough, but it's still a struggle. I'm fluent in Spanish now, but I don't dream in Spanish yet, and I sometimes feel like the word sounds wrong when it actually sounds like it should.
What it means in regard to Louis is that he's a slow learner. Gotta sound the kill one by one, taking your time, before you get to be a consummate killer. Can't learn a language in a night. Can't learn a language if you don't practice. Can't get used to killing if you don't kill, and can't survive if you don't kill, and vicious circle, doesn't kill>doesn't survive>doesn't practice>doesn't learn>doesn't survive>doesn't kill... Extremely interesting to see that Lestat IS actually teaching Louis about vampire ways, but Louis is not ready to listen yet, or, to continue the metaphor, they're not speaking the same language and they haven't learned to understand each other's language (not talking about accents obviously, but once again taking the opportunity to praise both Sam and Jacob's vocal work, between Sam's French accented drawling English and Jacob's Creole slang in NOLA and flat "standard" English in Dubai, it's a feast for the ears).
Okay, while Lestat's teaching Louis how to read minds (the Mind Gift, that book!Louis actually doesn't get in the books until very, very late on, and isn't good at, and doesn't show), wanna just say: look how giddy they are! Look how soft they are with each other! Look how fondly Louis speaks to Lestat, how fondly Lestat looks at Louis! We forget, and Louis too, but in between the misunderstandings and the drama and the anguish, they DID love each other, they DID have good times, they DID build a life with each other. It wasn't complete (and no I'm not talking about darling Claudia, I'm talking about speaking the same language), but it was good enough for quite a few years.
Oh man, Louis reading his family's minds, I coulda told him that's a bad idea *points to every literature with a man reader*, but also that passage in Narnia (Dawn Trader) when Lucy spies on her school friends and hear things she didn't want to read and didn't have to know. Don't have time to go search for that passage now, but Aslan tells her something like "some things really do not need be done", or sum' like that.
- Oh, hey, look. More social commentary. That white guy's gonna get eaten if he keeps patronising Louis like that. "You truly are an exceptional Negro" - hey Lou baby, can I kill him please? Lemme kill him for you. "I had let them talk to me like that so long, I had stopped hearing it" - oh, and Louis' accent is slipping here, can you hear it. Really, REALLY love how that change from book canon adds so many layers to Louis' character. Hey, have I said lately that Louis' my favourite? 'Cause Louis is my favourite. "Yes, sir. Of course, sir. Subject, verb, agreement, sir. Smile, nod, yes sir." - AWARDS FOR JACOB, all the awards for Jacob please, and my gods how much do I adore Louis, that sassy, snarky, bitchy queen. I want to have a book club with him.
"But I wasn't a man anymore. I was something else. I had powers now, and decades of rage to process, and it was both random and unfortunate, the man picked that night to dabble in fuckery." - so first, Jacob keeps on flexing his vocal skills by letting Louis slip more and more back to his original accent, and then, YES KING, get his ass, DRAIN HIM. And in a more meta way, all hails liberation movements and the process of reclaiming one's identity. Maybe not through murder, we all ain't lucky enough to be vampires, but yeah, rage is a good tool actually. Rage can lead to enormous movements that change the fabric of society for the better. Never underestimate the power of repressed rage finally expressing itself when it's yielded by clever, resourceful, empathic beings. Sorry, that was the "segregated Southern States social commentary as a mirror for 21st century's current liberation movements social commentary" minute, back to the vampires.
[Lestat] "You are a library of confusion" - first of all, Sam's delivery, with the hand gestures and the head shake, MAGNIFICENT, but also, it's Lestat starting to realize that maaaaaaybe he bit more than he can chew. Maaaaaybe.
[Louis] "'There's some things you don't get about America, Lestat.' [Lestat] 'Yes, let's have this conversation again.' [Louis] 'Colored; white. Creole; French. Queer; half-queer, mostly queer, what is it?' [Lestat] 'Non-discriminating.' [Louis] 'Complicated situation we got here is what I'm saying.'"
ICONIC. And also, maaaaan do I love that that's the road RJ and Cie decided to go with, one of the only changes I've been having issues is the time skip (from 1797 to 1910, cf. episode 1 part 1 rewatch). But this little conversation here actually warms me to it! The layers, man, the layers. Also, love that Lestat self-identifies as non-discriminating, that's so totally him about basically everything: skin color and ethnicity, sexuality and gender, species, age... Drama Queen really said "everything goes, eeeeeeverything".
- "How can I say no to you?" - awwww, Lestat is so whipped for Louis.
[Louis] "From 1912 to 1917" - oooh thanks for the time stamps. So it's been two years since he's turned, and it's on for 5 years of stability. The famous "honeymoon era".
[Louis] "I made a mountain of money, enough to retire and be buried like a pharaoh" - uuuuuh *side-eyes cautiously Queen of the Damned* let's not talk about Egyptian monarchy yet, yeah, that'll come to burn us soon enough.
Oops, the baby scene. And Louis realising he can't hold on to his family, that they're about to slip between his fingers like sand... Ow. [Grace] "I'm sure Mama would love to see you" *rapid glance* *giggles* That's siblings for "yeaaaah no, lol, Mama would definitely NOT love to see me, you crazy".
[Louis] "I no longer kill. My last victim was in the year 2000." BUT DID YOU EAT THE BABY, LOUIS. "I sit here a master of my instincts." But did you eat the baby, Louis. Slight aside, but how is this dinner still on going?? WAIT, go back a second: [Daniel] "And you know this how, you guys have a thread on 8chan?" - BENJI MENTION? I sooo want to see Benji's radio. Though if we still follow book events but on show timeline, Armand hasn't met Benji and Sybelle yet, because they're turned a decade after Daniel. Repeating myself, but RJ did say he'd adapt Prince Lestat, and Benji's one of the main players of this book, so I'm sure we'll see him, but it's going to be a while, I think.
- Wait, I need to relisten to that conversation:
[Daniel] "'And what about the others out there? Have they mastered theirs?' [Louis] 'Just the opposite. Most of them are slaves to the blood, exhausted from decades, centuries of hiding, giddy to increase their numbers.' [...] [Daniel] 'Is the pandemic the opening they've been waiting for?' [Louis] 'Pandemic, the unravelling of geopolitical foundations. [...] One of them, a brute in Madagascar, called it 'the great conversion'.'"
Oh, lots to say here. Lots that will spoil the books too. Because hey, y'all know what happens in Queen of the Damned, after Lestat's concert? Yepppp. Pretty sure Rolin Jones just planted the seeds of seasons 3 and 4. And served on a silver platter with delicious 21st century social commentary. I'm having the time of my life.
[Daniel] "'Well most people I know like to play a little ball in the afternoon, or maybe go down to the beach, catching a few rays.' [Louis] 'Yes. What on earth would a meth-addicted son of a coal miner in West Virginia want with eternal life?' [Daniel] 'Did you eat the baby?' [Louis] 'Or the Arab youth whose whole family were wiped from existence...' [Daniel] 'Did you eat the baby?' [Louis] '... by a Western drone? No, I'm sure you're right.'"
SHOTS FIRED. And another Benji mention! And a personal attack. And Louis being his glorious catty self. And Daniel being his glorious one-minded self. We're heading for another "outburst", lmao.
The Damek scene is just so fucking weird, I'm wheezing. Nothing to say here, just: this show is a freaking comedy. Between Louis perfecting the Little Drink but his taste of the night just passing out, and Daniel going "you might have a drinking problem" and then going back to his idea of the night, "the goddamn baby, Louis, did you fucking eat the bloody baby", this is peak humor.
Aaaaaand we need a third part, still 15 minutes to go.
episode 1 | part 1 | part 3 | episode 3 | episode 4 | episode 5 | episode 6 | episode 7
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aihoshiino · 2 months ago
I noticed you’ve talked a lot about the Goro and Sarina chapter in Spica, but I was wondering what do you think about Ai’s chapter and how she was written there?
so even tho I am Spica's Biggest Hater, I actually kind of like Ai's chapter even though I do think it's ultimately less than the sum of its parts. I think a lot of the things that Tanaka does kind of seemingly just out of habit as a writer are things that coincidentally just work for Ai as a POV character in ways they don't for Sarina.
Like, for example, something I really hated about Sarina's chapter was the way Tanaka was just like... idk, it's hard to explain it exactly but it felt like every other paragraph there was some random aside inventing some Spica-original fact about Sarina's life seemingly for the sole purpose of making it even more bleak and miserable than it already was in the main story while also completely failing to have Sarina herself actually be characterized in relation to or really emotionally engage with it. Which, in the context of Sarina's story, just felt excessive and kind of hamfisted.
By contrast, not only does Tanaka do this less with Ai but when he does do it, I feel it works a lot better for her? Not only is it already established to be in character for Ai to be casual/understated about the cruelty other people subject her to in a way it is very much not for Sarina but the persistence of this cruelty and the broader systemic failures to champion her that it represents are some of the most important structural themes of Ai's arc and subsequent tragedy.
I also think it helps that while ch1 of Spica does fall into the same trap of softening and simplifying Ai & Saitou's relationship in the process of focusing on it as it does with Sarina and Gorou's, this is less of an issue just because their relationship isn't quite as loadbearing for the series. After a certain point... idk how else to say it other than the series was really getting diminishing returns on the Gorou & Sarina relationship because it wasn't really doing anything to expand it beyond "sarina is sad, gorou does a nice thing, yey sensei kekkon shite!" whenever we went back to it. So a whole novel that is basically just... more of that stuff over and over without any real expansion on it was just doomed to feel tired.
By contrast, not only do we have a lot less of Ai and Saitou's relationship in the manga, so any extra time with them feels like a bonus, but again it's not really as foundational a relationship to the whole series. So Spica's take on it being a little shallow isn't like a crushing blow or anything.
I guess my feeling at the end of the day is that Sarina's (& Gorou's lol) parts of the story feel a lot less than the sum of their parts bc of the general jank of Tanaka's prose, that jank kind of accidentally suits Ai as a POV character very well in a way I think genuinely enhances her chapter. The result is that her chapter is a lot more than the sum of its parts by comparison and works better in broad strokes even if the zoomed in details still have a lot of issues.
OH, something I will say I just think is straightforwardly good - it's a little on the nose at times but I think Spica's depiction of Ai as an undiagnosed and non-masking neurodivergent person and the struggles she has with understanding, communicating with and navigating other people and their feelings is genuinely really effective and aside from a few flubs here and there, it gets her characterization pretty on-point. One of my fave Ai moments in the series actually comes from Spica; that beat where, when she hits an emotional lowpoint while confronted by her bullies, she begins to cry and immediately freaks the fuck out internally that it's happening because she had "already decided" that she wasn't affected by their words and is stunned by her own inability to simply tell her own feelings what to do <3 THAT'S my little freak!!!
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canigetawaho · 11 months ago
It took me some time but I'm finally ready yey. Keep in mind that this is in no particular order, it's just easier to put it like that and if you have something you want to say about round 6 or anything else really I will gladly listen :)
1. I love the fact that they put that heartbeat like sound before their parts and that high sound. It makes me think that Till became more and more agitated and that sound (probably caused by the microfoane being turned on or something) is very similar to what you hear when you have high blood pressure (especially when you're very stressed out) while Ivan's heartbeat seems very calm, like he had accepted his fate (but the fact that the high pitch appears here too makes me think about Ivan being actually scared but trying to hide it). It might be a stretch but in my opinion, it makes things even more interesting :)
2. I find that camera effect interesting (the one that appears when Ivan collapses) because it's beautiful but also because the moment I saw it, I thought about round 3 (oh take me back to simpler times)
3. The fact that there is an alarm type of sounds makes me think that it comes from the rebels trying to save them only to be discovered. They were probably kept under control, that being the reason why they didn't stop the show and just kept the alarm going and observed the situation (so I wasn't that surprised to see the scene after the credits but the confirmation still hurts because there was hope)
4. I just couldn't bring myself to watch the clip a second time so there are a lot of things that could have gone over my head so I was quite surprised when a friend of mine pointed out the scene when the rain stoped but the applause came and how cruel the audience was because in my state I didn't even realise the switch I thought it was still raining :( (kinda like a period at the end of a sentence if it makes sense lol)
5. And last but not least, the animation. It's just getting better and better. They have created expectations and delivered them perfectly with everything in regards to this round
I am surprised that this round could take the spot of my favorite round (wich is round 5 by the way) . Personally, I believe that Ivan wanted to die alongside Till (I assume it never happened in the history of the show for both contestants to die so it would have been interesting, not to mention, bring a sense of peace to both boys). I am moved by how much Till trusted Ivan, regardless of his motives or how he interpreted Ivan's actions. Although it kinda gave me Hyuna with Luka toxic vibes at times, I think, deep down, Till really cares about Ivan even if he doesn't show it in the way Ivan wants him to (but he shows he cares, he always did and that's what matters)
And one last thing (I know it's long already, and maybe it doesn't say much sorry) but I was thinking about the reason why they made 2 versions of the song and I think that they tried to offer some closure to us, some happiness because the version were they sing together gives me hope in some way while the other one seems to have been cut short. Maybe it's also meant to give Ivan and Till a chance to say what they wanted to say (or maybe it's just the full song and they decided it would be more impactful if they cut it at the right time unlike with My Clematis were it seemed that Mizi kept singing even after Sua's death and they wanted us to have heard everything so we have now 2 versions)
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pb-s-corner · 6 months ago
Part 2 of this Journey through Yume 2kki session! Let's continue! Also, now the badges will show up, I forgot to Log In in the first part.
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Yey!! My friend is safe and sound now!
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Ha... Thanks game for giving me the badges now.
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Rifle wasteland reminds me so much of .flow
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I spent a good amount of minutes stuck in this map to finally found the other flag
All for it to be a trap
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Ok, I'll shut up now.
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 ENDING |
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shearlin · 2 months ago
Chapter 3: What is magical aura?
Word count: 4262
First || << Previous || Next >>
Hi! It me :D Early Happy New Year and late Happy Holiday Season! <3
You might have noticed that the chapter number went up. Once I finished writing "the intro" to what used to be the original chapter 3 and I got a nice 4k+ words, I decided I would split it in two. I'm posting the original body of that chapter - now chapter number 4 - immediately after this one, so there's no delay. I wanted to finish it before the year ended and post it together and I did it! Yey! :D
While writing this I had two month break when I didn't touch this fic at all, because of life that was happening. In the meantime, I lost some of the original brainrot that compelled me to write it in the first place and was not able to put myself back into that mood again. It didn't affect my want to finish this story - that was very much still there - but it did affect the academic tone I was trying to maintain. I did my best to blend it in with itself within the chapter and with the tone of the previous ones while editing, but if you notice that some part are repetitive or feel disjoined from the rest of the fic - that's why.
Enjoy! :D
He and Hyrule started to swap their knowledge, comparing terminology and experiences in an increasingly animated back and forth, where they were infecting each other with their enthusiasm. It wasn’t long, however, before they were interrupted by Wind with an unimpressed look on his face.
“Hey nerds!” he shouted, making them both flinch and turn to him like startled dears. “Could you two slow down for the newbies in the class? I got like five words from what you said.”
“That’s five more than me.” Twilight said, while Wild looked at him in mocked surprise, whispering “Those were words?”
Legend felt himself blush slightly in embarrassment as both he and Hyrule rubbed their necks bashfully.
“My bad,” the veteran mumbled, before clearing his throat and summoning back the confidence and excitement from moments before. “Alright! Let’s take it from the top.”
“Before talking about alignments, let’s talk magical aura. You already know about life energy and that it gets converted into magical energy when your body overflows. But when your soul fills up, there is no third state of energy that magic could take, nor do we have a third aspect of being to store such energy. So… what happens to it?
“Well. It leaks. Like heat radiating from your body, magic radiates from your soul in a steady but small trickle. Eventually, that energy will be picked up by the world around you and absorbed back into the cycle. But before that happens, there is a window of time when your magic is very distinctly you .
“Magic energy - your magical energy - is a culmination of your being, your entire lived and taught experience. Your magic is unique to you and only you . Magic-sensitive people can pick up on that energy residue in the air or on the objects you touched and track you, using the specific feeling they get from it, called magic signature. Of course, the better you know someone, the easier it gets. It’s a lot like looking for someone in a crowd. If it’s a stranger you’ve seen once in your life, they’re going to disappear in the sea of faces. But if it’s someone familiar, a friend for example, you would be more likely to spot them among others.
“So! What does it have to do with anything? Well, one’s aura, at its very core, is centred around one’s alignment. No matter if it’s warrior or scholar, old wizard or sniffling brat -  people with shared alignment will also share certain motifs in their aura that allow for estimation of what that alignment is . Key word though. Estimation.
Read the rest on Ao3!
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trashedump · 4 months ago
keep fighting blooper reel
so for context, while i was working on my fic keep fighting, i had a separate document where i would write things as shittily as possible whenever i got stuck. so some of these quotes are from that document, others are things i wrote in the actual fic document whenever i got bored.
enjoy this series of outtakes, ordered by the chapter they occurred in! also warning for spoilers for my fic in case you care about that
chapter 1:
“i got dis” he [sylvain] sed. dis waz his fite 2 mak up 4 being dum
“r u stupd????” fliz yielded. “i wana fite 2 :((((”
“get every1 ot od her” slyman sed. “itz only 2 il be fin”
“k” flix sed al sad n wroeid nd shit. “u betr nut do sumthin stupd”
SYLVer the hedgehogAIN kisd him on da hed. “i wont. now g0”
chapter 2:
dmiarko waz taking 2 ingird
“r u alrite ignatz:
“she mey b sumwher in abys” billie eyleth [misspelling of byleth] sed.
chapter 4:
flix knu he had 2 finf a way 2 nut fitr 2 (DUNBAAAAAAN (HA HA HA HA HA NUMBERS)) gise @ once so he retreted but nut bcoz he had ben defeted. he snt 3 da ofer sid of da rum nd glen cam @ him bcoz rodric waz stil realing. felix navidaf blikd hiz sord agen nd kickd hkn in da bals lol. den he wnt 2 rodrig
fergalicious definition [abhorrent misspelling of felix] mad him go loco den bc he did rath strik ns da crest fargmnt aktivated.
he [felix] slamd da puml of da sord in glands [glenn's] fac nd glue gun [glenn] fel so den he stabf thru rodricks [rodrigue's] chest. dorime [rodrigue???] fel nd puld da sowrd ot of felony [felix] wich hurt a lot agen but he stortd 2 die on da grond.
"Sasuke— I mean Felix—"
"What the fuck did you just call me"
"Uhhhh nothing lol what are you talking about—"
"shurt the hell up I'm leaving you"
the bad ending
chapter 5:
“its alrite” dimi laffd  in a gofik way. dedu aslo noded behing him. “jst cum bak wen ur rechardgd. da rest of us wil kep tings runing wil ur away (hehe im forshadowing da mening of kep fiting her im so smrt im so intelelgint)”
insted of relying on demselvs evry2 had each oders bak. so dat wen dey had a momt of wekness dey cud stil surviv (an im so smart im so smart heheehehehheeheh).
“i hav a hrd tim beliving dats da cas” he refusd 2 bak don. “i cant help but fel im at falt, bcos i sed id talk 3 u mor aftr da war but den left u in da dust evry single day (the DUST? the DUST)”
"Wait, Didi."
"Yes?" He turned around. "What is it?"
"I should tell you...part of what I've been researching all this time." She started to hesitate, fidgeting with a string tied around her wrist. "It could be important, or...something."
Dimitri was listening intently. Hapi realized she actually wasn't sure why she thought this was important. It was almost as if the author was trying to foreshadow a future plot point.
"What was that?" the warlock called out. His voice was growing louder as he approached Felix's hiding place. "Is...is someone there? .....Must've been the wind."
"we're underground you dumb fuck"
"oh fuck you're right wait how do you know that"
"uhhhhhh shit"
*world explodes from fourth wall break*
i hate describing doors theres so many doors why are there so many doors why did i DO THIS
Felix looked. On the ceiling was a metal grate, most likely an air vent.
"Just like in among us"
flix nd sylvSONIC The Hedgehogain wr switchng it up a bit
chapter 6:
so day had escapd da untetical sience lab yey!!! but dey rwr in a cav. :(
fuor dase had pasd. dey wr stil stuk in da fuking cav.
On the fifth day, things changed. Shit hit fthe fuckign fan oh gsod
"There is," he [Felix] said.
The revelation hit Sylvain like a medieval truck.
"I was gonna propose to you," he [Sylvain] said.
The words hit Felix like a medieval train.
chapter 7:
“abt da searc?” dey [byleth] sed nd dimi noded. dey cod always tel watz on his mind or maby dey j chos da rite dialog opton
“but aslo speking as a mrecenari” buyleth sed “i kno how tings can torn arond in an instnat. batls u tink r a lost cas switch in ur favor in da blink-182 of an eye. ppl uve logn snic had 2 left 4 ded hold on despit it al. so itx nut ovr until we kno it si. wer so fuking back”
“rite” dimi sed whil sheding a singl ter “wer so fuking bak”
“oh shti dat is prmosing” dimi sed “any sine of da duck nd marmalade” [duke and margrave]
dimiarko [dimitri] torned 2 bananapeel [byleth]
They were almost out of food. Every so often, that realization hit Felix like a medieval airplane.
"Okay," Sylvain conceded damn we out here conceding in this bitch
Felix hadn't said anything in a while—and, to be fair, neither had Sylvain, but it was his distant expression that worried Sylvain. He looked lost in thoughts all alone yoooooou are the oooooceans gray waaaaves destined to seek life beyond the shoooore just out of reeaaach yeeeet the watereeeerrs ever chaaaange flowing like time the path is yours to cliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimb
"Clearly," Lysithea grumbled. "I didn't expect the same for you."
"Yes, well, I couldn't rest now," Linhardt said. "There are monsters nearby."
chapter 8:
ok so dery etin gdiner nd itz rtlly harty bef stew lik harty stew in botw i tink dats a recispe in dat gaem
syl stripd don 2 naked nd tok of AL his cloths nd he had a rely long no we’re not going there. he tornd on da watr nd thot abt fliz but nut lik dat u prev. he had a flashbak 2 post rodrick [rodrigue] deth but forst he dint tink abt it yet he gut da sop nd began 2 wash al his skin
But maybe he’ll never be ready, a thought tugged at the back of his mind. Maybe he wants nothing to do with me. After all…I’m the one who did this to him.
The memories hit Sylvain like a medieval blimp.
chapter 9:
dimi codnt hodl bak as he stepd in2 da dorfram nd hugd him as tight as he cud. and den da crest of blaiddyd aktivatd nd he snapd sylvens fuking spine in half. just kiding dat dint hapen lol can u imagin
chapter 10:
“But I promise—for the rest of our days, I’ll do everything in my power to be the man you see in me. To fight by your side, no matter what.”
"Wow that was sappy as fuck lmao"
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myreygn · 11 months ago
hey rey! i have a few different characters/ships for your ask game so feel free to choose which to do!
1. shin soukoku
2. dazai & odasaku
3. geto
4. kunikida
5. giyuu
hope you have a great day/night! (btw i’ll get cracking on your most recent request for lee geto and ler gojo 😉)
oh oh oh very interesting options! i'll see if i have something for these!
shin soukoku: Fever Dream (Palaye Royale)
can you see the words i'm up here trying to preach // no need to cry, you'll never find me trying to leave // i can see that you're in pain from your pale and lifeless face // so let go and float away
it just has this vibe of hey we're both tangled up in this net of lies that other people tell and wars that other people fight and maybe together we're gonna be strong enough to end all of this
dazai & odasaku: Savior II (Black Veil Brides)
and every word that came from you has carried me // so i'm trying my hardest to be what you made // like a court jester, my smile won't fade // giving it all, rising to fall to my grave // answer the call, living in thrall, you're the one born to save
is it not giving dazai right after oda's death?? just a little bit?? their relationship is so special to me actually i don't talk about them enough (also i was so close to taking loser baby from hazbin hotel i'm sorry 💀)
geto: Joan of Arc (In This Moment)
you can crucify, you can nail me to your cross (light me up, light me up) // you can find me guilty for everything you lost (light me up, light me up) // go ahead, blame me for your sins // go ahead and sacrifice me // i'll be your martyr, i'll be your joan of arc
is this a good time to tell you that i never actually watched jjk? 😭 idk if this fits i feel like it does from the little knowledge i have but you need to tell me if it makes sense i'm so sorry (also yey thank you for writing the request!!)
kunikida: Das Herz eines Drachen (Feuerschwanz)
du hast das herz eines drachen, glühend wie gold // flieg in die schlacht, so edel und stolz // du hast das herz eines drachen in deiner brust // kämpf bis zum schluss // und irgendwann wenn wir verglüh'n // halt ich es fest, weil ich es spür // dass dein starkes herz sein feuer nie verliert // denn dein drachenherz schlägt weiter, tief in mir
i feel like it's often overlooked how much the ada members admire kunikida and this feels like it fits his leader personality so well idk. i'm recommending this song a thousand times and here's a translation for you to make you consider listening to it lol:
you've got the heart of a dragon, glowing like gold // fly into battle, so noble and proud // you've got the heart of a dragon inside of your chest // fight 'til the end // and one day when we burn out // i'll hold onto it because i sense // that your strong heart will never lose its fire // and your dragon heart will keep on beating inside of me
giyuu: 99 Luftballons (Nena)
99 jahre krieg ließen keinen platz für sieger // kriegsminister gibt's nicht mehr und auch keine düsenflieger // heute zieh ich meine runden // seh die welt in trümmern liegen // hab 'n luftballon gefunden // denk an dich und lass ihn fliegen
yes it's german again my apologies and there's technically an official english version of this (99 red balloons) but honestly it's a pretty bad translation. it's a song about war being horrible and unnecessary and how we should strive for peace, the balloons being a metaphor for countries firing their weapons over every little thing, and honestly this part i put here reminds me of giyuu and sabito, or giyuu thinking about sabito post canon:
99 years of war left no room for winners // there are no more ministers of war and no more fighting jets // today i'm making my way around // i see the world lying in ruins // i have found a balloon // i think of you and let it fly
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weirdcat1213 · 2 years ago
trimax volume 4 thoughts here we go oh boi oh boi :D
chap 1:
-hospital yuri you are so important to me you have no idea
-....countdown to what
-I LOVE THAT SCENE LMAO, boyfriend taking care of his boyfriend
-...why are the tomorrows appearing this early
-yey :D earth here we go
-whos giving vash that stupid tie i love him
-also aw :3 they are both creppy as hell :3 bros
-"i cried all day" ME MEMEMEMEMEME
chap 2:
-yeah bro kill them with the power of music >:D
-pure evil you say....interesting...
-he has vash's smile what if jumped off the plane
-oh hes crazy i like it
-ok but...why does he have to be so cool....god damnit
-glad you have it clear
-knives wins again the idgaf war lmaoooo
-thats what you get for bringing musical instruments to a knife fight
-hey if you can keep secrets from vash i think its fair he keeps some stuff for himself too
-ah...yeah....i forgot about that.....why are you like this....
-i love the girls so much
chap 3:
-lmao they were just in the hospital
-hey arent those the gloves she uses in stampede-
-wolfwood what if you shut up. like yeah you're right but. shut up. pls
-"thats the tough part" yeah cuz they may not know everything but they KNOW YOU and that's everything for a lonely man such as yourself huh
-yooooo thats so interesting cuz imagine sealing your life like that and regretting all the killing and suffering you caused, sadly they have to pay for what they chose. nice karma if you ask me. and to make it even better nai (aka the mf with the god complex) is the one with the higher power to seal lives like that
-wait so like a swarm of bugs took meryl? this is one of the confusing volumes for me so help me here
chap 4:
-yeah exactly gauntlet, just kill the people responsible instead of by proxy, nice nice
-ah shit hes so mad
-and there he fucking goes out of the window, go get her my mna
-zazie pls dont say that...dont say that
-i love that the gun ho guns KNOW how to upset vash: by challenging him in a place full of people :D like this man has made his weakness so obvious yet he has survived so far
-"... no :]" i love her sm
-i like that she didnt have to prove herself (that's just sexist) BUT i would have liked my milly vs wolfwood combat
-oh that looks gorgeous actually
and....i remembered where are we going now :)
chap 5:
-you are a bullet you say? you mean it? (mcr reference I'm sorry)
-sadly, he kinda is
-i love him and his "coins? dont be silly I'm here for my friend" attitude
-hmmm i wonder why he gets the impression vash is enjoying the fight, is it because of his quick draw?
-yey context for meryl :D
chap 6:
-nooooo :c he looks so young and little
-hold up hes right whats with that face lmao
-:c aw here we go
-and heres with the tone changes and DEAR GOD I'm sad now
-...gates you say.....-
-wolfwood nooooooooooooooooooooo i remember i was so worried about this
chap 7:
-well that panel fucking hurts
-yeah you go babygirl >:3 get revenge
-also i deadass forgot vash wanted to kill him like holy fuck we should talk more about that. he really has more rage on him than any other version *so far*
-i get why but omg why, just why
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feuqueerfire · 9 months ago
Wandee Goodday Ep 6 Live Blogging
After failing terribly to keep up with 23.5 weekly, I'm happy that I'm catching the first episode that I'm watching as it airs on the day that it airs rather than 4 weeks down the line. I had to wait for 4 days since I finished ep 5 and it wasn't too bad of a wait but I'm also not disengaged. I think it helps that Oh No! Here Comes Trouble, the show I'm binging right now, is good but I can put it down for long enough to catch an episode of a different show without just wishing to watch Trouble instead.
Ep 6 (June 8)
domestic morning, as it tends to be with them
Yak sharing a past weakness with Dee. Also comes back to the fact that Yak hates to lose since he said he remembered his first boxing match loss for a long time
A bet? Among a pair who likes to win (Dee) vs hates to lose (Yak)? My bet would be that Dee will miss him more but since he's aware that he maybe likes Yak, he'll hold off on showing it whereas Yak will end up breaking first because he may not even realize just how much he's emotionally involved
So how are they supposed to figure out who misses the other more since they're calling and talking all the time
aw, Dee is alone at home and missing Yak and reminiscing about some conversations and wants to talk to Yak more
boxing elephant pants plug
toothpaste on mirror thing, pls you haven't seen Yak in like 3 days, you'll be fine!!
oh 3 days fr
at least Yak is also semi-aware that he kinda likes both Dee and Taem and even discusses it a bit with Yei
when Yak looked up from his phone and stared into the distance, I got afraid that Dee was gonna randomly open the doors lol
girl?! lmfao he showed up fr
I did think Dee was gonna lose his mind missing Yak but I wasn't actually expecting him to go meet him or to show it.
Dee drove 2 hours and is planning on driving back 2 hours because he has an early morning tomorrow? my guy
Great/Yak really just looks so Nong in this outfit and this night with both Yei and Dee, cutee
a chin kiss is so funny sorry
Ter constantly speaking over Dee again, aghhhhhh >:(
How often do we get to cheer for 2 beds rather than 1?
pushed the flights back by two days?! bro, Ter's audacity knows no bounds
let's kill this guy
non-binary genders mentioned
the kiss attack when Yak drags Dee out to the staircase is so cute
Kao don't tell Dee to get back to Ter!
all this discussion at the hospital, I'm always worried that Ter or one of the gossipy nurses are gonna overhear
spoke to soon. Ter watching Dee watch Yak
Taem being in the hospital makes everything chaotic because YakDee are supposed to pretend they're boyfriends while they're here but Taem should think Yak's still single and likes her. hard to juggle such contradictions
Cher's naughty hand hehe
is Cher insinuating they had (video) call sex? how fun
I wish they wouldn't do the 2 pairs' makeout scenes spliced together like this lol feels awkward
Yakdee on a double date with YeiCher ahh just confess guys
Second time Yak's helping Dee cross the road, I wonder when they'll get into his trauma with the road crossing and his parents' deaths
ah, debt collectors
Dee being part of the family being brought up twice in like 2 minutes
YeiCher are literally sooooo cute, I'm afraid of the debt collectors and how that'll affect their relationship
had to pause at the "If you hadn't passed by when I was assaulted" because what?!
Though I guess the follow up makes sense that Cher then wants to learn how to defend himself and so became a customer
You like him, Dee!
Very short episode, less than 45 minutes long including credits and the preview. Also feels like not much actually happened and there wasn't much progress emotionally or plot-wise beyond Ter making a move again, Dee kind of seriously considering how he feels about Yak, and we the audience see the debt collectors but Cher doesn't.
I knew Ter was gonna pull some shit but I was still so mad seeing him speak over Dee again! and then delaying their flights without discussion with Dee? let's just kill him wtf
I'm keen to see YakDee kiss or realize feelings or confess or anything and for Cher to discover all the debt Yei's in and have a discussion or falling out or whatever's coming. I want some progress on at least one of these fronts next episode.
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kid-of-chaos · 1 year ago
Since I haven’t got the chance to already I might as well knock out Gizmo’s Lore in one clean swoop! SOOOOOO..
Gizmo/Circuit Lore!
Part 1: Before the Starfall
Circuit was cranked from the Kirby Printer before it broke down for good by a curious pair of Waddle Dees. Oddly, he was able to keep his form even after the Printer’s deactivation, so they dee-cided (I’m sorry) to bring him to castle Dedede due to how fragile he was. This was also the time Kirby was off on that Soul Melter EX final fight. Keep this in mind, this will be important. Circuit wakes up, and upon hearing about Kirby, began to think that they were Kirby. (I mean, he ain’t wrong, he technically is.) So he got outside! Learned a lot, gained his name from Susie, and even made some friends, those being Bandana Dee, Adeline, Magolor and Flamberge. He also managed to score Meta Knight as a mentor! Everything was going peachy keen, but when things were looking up..
It begun to get worse.
Susie analyzed him, and announced he was a defect copy, in front of the King himself. This made him doubt himself, but he thought it was a minor convenience. His first training session with Meta Knight made other things clear: although he was tough, smart and adaptable, he lacked strength, stamina, and the one thing every Matterborn had: The ability to inhale and copy. This made everyone look down on him a LOT harder. Even though his friends tried to cheer him up, it wasn’t really doing much. But he saw Susie’s business suit.. and got a idea.
Technology! Of course! What he lacks in strength, he makes up for in knowledge! He began making gadgets to make up for his weaknesses. Lacked in speed? Use the Boost Attachment! Lacked in strength? The Holo-Cuffs can fix that! Reaction time a bit sluggish? Have a Visor warn you beforehand! This made him feel better, that even with his weaknesses, the Great Star Warrior will never back down! Everyone else despised him, but it’s their fault, not his.
And then, he heard of something revolutionary. (Unbeknownst to Circuit, Hyness foretold a prophecy.
“The last one made from machine, harbinger of dangers never before seen.
Allies lost in their own logic, while he of the stars feels nostalgic.
The king will be faced with the Wish of a Star, and shatter it quickly, wide and far.
If the darkness is that they did not bury, face the Wrath of the Five Star Fury.”)
Part 2: Star of Wishes, Fountain of Dreams
The Wishing Star was coming to Dreamland! He couldn’t wait! And at the Fountain of Dreams, no less! He prepared his home in a underground bunker, and used that to craft a Air Ride of his own, one he can control with his visor. The air ride would be dubbed the Mecha Star! After that, he set out, with visor, Air Ride, and Boost Attachments set! (He also brought a raygun with him just in case.)
[Ok for the journey imagine Kirby’s adventure but without killing and without copy abilities as a Any% run. Oh, and he didn’t fight Meta Knight because Sword Knight was there and he just.. walked past. Also, no Nightmare! Yey!]
At long last, he made it. He made two selfless wishes out of the goodness of his heart, but when he was about to make the third one, King Dedede, who he thought was defeated, destroyed the Wishing Star, shattering it across Popstar in the process! Circuit was about to speak, but the King was already fed up. He told Circuit the cold, hard truth, and told him to get out of his sight.
A month passed. Circuit was exiled to his bunker. And yet… his story didn’t end here.
Part 3: The Five Star Fury
A blue Wishing Star Fragment, out of all places, crashed next to his bunker entrance. Fueled by hope and vengeance, he wore his upgraded attire, and chose the name.. GIZMO.. as his new name. After creating the Star Compass, he set out to find the Star Fragments, 5 in total, and make the wish the dreaded king robbed him of.
(In order: Beginning (Spirit Star, Ghost-Based Powers) - Wave 1 Dream Friends (Chrono Star, Time-Based Powers) - Wave 2 Friends (Element Star, Elemental Powers), Wave 3 Friends excluded Mage sisters (Psycho Star, Psychokinesis Powers) - Revenge of Meta Knight (Fake 5th star), Jailbreak from Castle Dedede. He lost his mind here and went full Five Star Fury. Then it’s Flamberge, Francisca, Zan Partizanne, Dark Meta Knight, and (Masked) King Dedede (Dream Star, Imaginative Powers) Kirby comes back with the Space-time Milk after Dedede gets Dededethroned.)
Even near his journey’s end, there was still one Major Roadblock: KIRBY. His so-called brother. Gizmo decided to show him the wrath of the Five Star Fury, while Kirby tried to console his Mentally broken brother. In the end, the Star Allies caught up. Kirby was close to saving his Printed kin, but with one wish remaining, Dedede wished Gizmo and the stars away, much to everyone’s surprise and terror. Though it was a wish, it was not from the one who called the stars in the first place, making the energy unstable and sending Gizmo and the Star Fragments seemingly into a void.
The last thing they saw from Gizmo was a betrayed expression. The Prophecy was averted.. but at what cost?
Kirby’s been keep his Star Compass close to him ever since. It’s been 3 months now. The Star Compass, after a while of inactivity, went off again. Kirby went off to see what was up.. and to set things right for good.
Finale: Where Stars Go to be Reborn
Kirby alone ventured into the Void of Stars, where Gizmo has complete power at the cost of his soul. By facing his perceptions of the group themselves, he gathered the Star Fragments, which have shattered into even smaller Wishing Shards. At the end of it all, Gizmo stood, fed up. He used everything he had, even went as far as to let himself be consumed by his own Rage in the form of a dark being, but in the end, his defeat would ironically be from the very Star Fragments he sought to collect long ago. Now nothing more than just a copy once more, he’s unable to control the Portion of the Void he ruled. In a act of selflessness, he wished Kirby out of the Void of Stars and back to Popstar, using his own life-force as the energy the Fragments needed for such a great wish..
The Star Warrior made it out, yet at the cost of his brother’s life. Kirby made one last wish on the Fragments, for him to live. With this last wish granted, the Fragments ceased to exist, their power becoming Gizmo’s. After all this time, he finally got what he always wanted.. to be loved.
… And power, too.
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red-moon-shine · 2 years ago
The great failure and the mutations
another long post yey!
Lets beggin by the start.
All this mayor disaster happened way long ago in fact it started during the rullership of two tallest before miyuki.
Tho the first one was just known as tallest grey one of the tallest that kept the longer rullership on all irken history,the important one here is aqua the tallest before miyuki and the one right afther tallest grey died.
Tallest aqua was on her born part of the first mutated irkens of all history having ant like wings on her back,at first they were cut but they always grew back stronger than before till the point they couldn't be removed from her.
Unfortunely this werent her last disgrace's since she also was a defective,still she somehow managed to survive in an era were they were purged and pursued till no defectives were lefth.
Aswell she somehow manged to become an elite scientist that turned into a tallest,tho at some point she was discovered and later on killed in judementia by the control brain.
Afther her death more requisites were filled so no other defective could become tallest again.
Aqua's empire
She was a very careful tallest that prefered to center anything arround exploration and science thing that made her a pacific ruller that prefered making alliances.
While this goes on she was in charge of figuring out what exactly was the cause of the mutations,but lamely in her at the end desparate attempts of fixing it she made it even worse.
In fact she caused the first great failure infecting and mutating tons of smeets with other creatures genes,this was also the reason she was killed aside the fact she was a defective.
Tho she made a good thing by previous to her judement knowing she was doomed once she was discovered.
She made a law in wich the mutants will be treated as the average irken and not persued like defectives since they weren't defectives tecnically,not to mention she made illegal kill defectives without any prof this including mutant defectives.
So in resume she's the sole reason why the majory of my oc's are alive in the first place.
The great failure
The great failure was a gigantic wave of mutant irkens there have been arround 5 great failures two of them hapening along the great blackouts given as a result somehow mutant smets that were able to shine in the dark and other older mutants developing this ability.
Each great failure is usually acompained by two minor waves know as the second coming an wave almost as strong as the first one and the third wave a weaker sucesd that bring a low count of mutants.
This sucess are usually random and unpredictable so they cannot be truly stoped and in fact triying to stop the process only makes it worse hence why theres so many variants on mutants.
The kinds of mutations
So as mentioned the irken DNA got mixed with other beings DNA's,but wich are exactly the variants to said mutations?
1-common mutations
As the name suggest this mutations can appear in most if not all the other variations like the horns and marks.
But others like the fluff only present on the variants draco,linea,aranea and alis,or the outer skin fangs only absent on the variant amphiobiorum.
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2-variant linea
The variant linea is characterized by irkens in posesion of a tail being the og ramification linea linea that can grow fluff on the tail since the tail is known to be a 5th limb only covered by normal skin.
The sub variant linea squamae is characterized by having an armoured tail and an almost full body covered in scales hence why the name of this variant.
This variant can be poisonous via bitting since some irkens grow fangs that can inject poison and the other way is via spiting said poison.
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3-variant alis
This variant is characterized by irkens that only have wings of various lenght,shape and size,its sub variant alis vellus is recognized by the soft and puffy coat of fluff in wich the irken is covered even in the antenae.
This variant can aswell be poisonous but the way of poisoning is via spiting like variant linea or in weird cases variant draco,or via powder that can be sprinkled when bating the wings with enough force.
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4-variant draco
Variant known for irkens with both tail and wings,this variant has two sub variants being its own vellus one and a second called arma in wich the second pair of arms are subtitued by isectoid arms.
This variant can have poison that can be injected by a stinger like with the variant scorpious or via bitting like many other variants and a third weird way via spiting.
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5-variant aqua
The strangest but not that unusual variant characterized for a more marine kind of more fish or more crustecean kind of mutation.
The crustecean variant or also called as armis variant is characterized for having a hardened kinda bio armor skin in big portions of their body,the 2nd pair of arms is also replaced by more crab like limbs pincers or not,and by having and armoured tail.
The more fish like one suspected was named afther the tallest,is way more rarer characterized for the particular more tear drop shape at the end of the antenae,fins,scales and a long scaly tail that can vary in form.
The variant aqua aqua can have creative forms of being lethal by having poisonous spikes,poisonous bites or in the weirder case being able to produce electricity.
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6-variant amphiobiorum
Variant more common than variant aqua,and with three diferent sub variants.
The first and quite rare mutation amphiobiorum amphiobiorum is characterized by round spot like markings and a lil tail almost invisible theorized to have some kind of relation to frogs.
The second more common amphiobiorum pinnulas without particular paterns commonly,characterized by having notorious fleshy like fins and gills.
The third and even less common is the sub variant spinae that is characterized by having spikes on their body that can serve as a defense mechanism and can have poison,they also have tails and lil spots all around the body.
The last and way more common its the variant amphiobiorum linea that is characterized for longer tails and big marks spots all around the body.
Almost all this variants can be poisonous exept that in diferenxe to the sub variant spinae that have spines and variant pinnulas that is poisonless the other two can have a poisonous skin.
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7-variant scorpious
In between the 3 rarer variants characterized by being poisonus and having 3 upper limps of wich the lowest are a pair of pincers,covered in a thick exoesqueleton in almost all the body.
The long armored tail has a big stinger with a strong poison that can vary on strength in irken to irken,they also have always present outer skin fangs.
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8-variant aranea
Part of the 3 weirder mutations chracterized with irkens with 3 upper arms,4 eyes,short or long fluff and a big half hollow abdomen that is tecnically a tail more than anything.
They also have the abillity to create strong and resistent silk threads that can even be used to create clothes in the proper looms.
They also always have strong poisons that need to be injected through bite,but the strength varies depending on the irken.
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9-variant scolopendra
The weirdest among the 3 weirder variants,characterized by having in betwen 2 two 4 eyes,outer skin fangs an two mouth apendaces that go out of the mouth,3 pair of uper limbs and a "tail" of various lenght covered in multiple functional limps.
They are covered in a thick and resistent exo exqueleton of various colors,the tail lims are completly funtional and can twist and turn depending on convenience.
They are sometimes venomous of usual semi lethal strenghts,said poison has to be transmited via biting similar to variants like draco,agua,aranea and linea
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The venenum insignia
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This badge is usually given to the mutant irkens that have any form of producing any kind of venom or poison naturally dangerous or not.
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