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#I think they should get the chance of performing in something big#Just think that would be cool#fnaf daycare attendant#fnaf dca#dca fandom#my art#dca sun#fnaf sun
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About Parr 4:
There is a part four, but it's on A03 and not tumblr. Because tumblr wouldn't let me post it for some reason..
Here is the Link if you want to read it :3
On the other end P3
//note: This got so long... how... Tell me if you want me to continue this :)
You returned when the daycare was officially closed. Still in your work clothes. You hoped that people wouldn't ask questions when you went there still in your uniform.
The jingle blasting from the speakers greeted you as usual. You looked over the play-area from the entrance balcony. The attendant is pretty big but sometimes they just seem to vanish.
There was Sun scrubbing at something near the ballpit. You eyed the stairs to your far left then you looked at the slide next to you. You probably would be faster this way but there is a chance you could get stuck. You glance back to sun. Who is still scrubbing away at something, maybe you will be lucky and he wont notice your arrival. He seems to despise people coming in after closing. At least as far as you are aware. A coworker had left something in the daycare and asked you to get it for them. Which had led to a very weird encounter with sun. You keep your eyes on him and start heading for the stairs. He jolts, his faceplate turns towards you. He is completely still. You stop.
Both of you still unmoving. Then Sun turns his faceplate towards the door. Then back at you. You feel tense, the way you both hadn't said anything and how he looked at you. You make another step towards the stairs and Sun jolts. He drops the cleaning supplies and runs. You thought the attendant was fast in the dark but now he seemed even quicker.
You have a strong suspicion of what he wants to do. And turn back, dashing towards the slide as fast as you can. You hesitate only for a second looking back and seeing sun staring at you from the door. He was holding it shut. As you expected and he seems to have forgotten about the slide. You take a deep breath and throw yourself inside. It feels dangerously tight going through the bends and turns. But to your great relief you plunge into the colorful ballpit. You struggle your way to shore.
Sun stares at you silently. He left his spot on the door looking a bit defeated somehow.
"Friend you're back... why?", his tone seems strangely strained from the one you are used to. Tired even.
Can machines even get tired. You eye him curious.
"I wanted to talk with you about your voice.", you try to start of strong. Sun throws you a look.
"My voice." He echoes "whats wrong with it?"
"Nothing! In the dark it just-"
"So Moons voice?"
You stop.
"Not my voice.", Sun folds his arms in front of his chest.
"So your problem must sadly wait, he is currently unavailable.", Sun walks past you and resumes to clean the daycare floor.
"I just have few questions, please Sun i need to know."
"Do you now?", he sounds so uninterested it hurts. You take a deep breath. Stay calm. You deserve an explanation and maybe if you tell him the whole story he might help you. Or you are projecting way too hard onto a machine...
You walk up next to him and crouch down, he continues as if you aren't there.
"That voice. In the dark... i know that voice, but not from here..."
Sun remains unfazed. You sigh and look at your hands. Playing with your fingers in hopes to distract yourself from what comes next.
"There was this guy..."
Sun stops but does not look up.
"I ... i cant really explain how i got to know him. But he was just... this amazing guy. Funny, kind, caring a bit snarky but in a cute way... I really thought- hoped that he liked me. But after I suggested we should meet up he just said that he couldn't..." you hug your legs closer to you and swallow down the lump that starts to form in your throat "and thats alright... if he wouldn't want to see me i could live with that but he completely ghosted me from then on. And I... i just want to know why..."
You take a deep breath and look up. Suns blank eyes bore into your soul.
"And that voice, Moons voice is the same..."
Sun cuts you off, "As the voice from that person. And you are certain you didn't just mishear."
"Yes. I am certain."
Sun puts down the supplies and turns his full attention on you.
"What's your plan now? Now that you think that voice is Moons."
"I want to know if his voice was supplied by someone or..."
Sun laughs. It's cold and feels dangerous.
"Oh no dear. Our voices are our own, completely!"
You blink. The room feels colder all of a sudden. If their voices are unique as sun seems to think... why would...
You stare at his face lost in thought.
"Oh just look at the time. You should go." Sun takes your hand in a delicate but firm grip. And leads you to the door. Next to the light switch.
You try to hold onto sun a bit firmer and wait for your opportunity. Sun seems distracted enough.
The room goes dark as your fingers leave the light-switch to hold onto the attendants hand tighter.
The Sun turns to Moon with a startled noise.
Red eyes scan your face then your hands that hold onto the animatronic for dear life.
The whirr of his machinery is deafening in the darkness. You try to compose yourself.
"Hello Moon. I think we got off on the wrong foot before. I'm sorry if i scared you."
The Moon stayed silent he looks at the door then at you. These robots are really bad at hiding their plans. You shift your grip and hold the larger hand between yours.
"Please Moon I want to know what's going on. What happened earlier today... why sun is upset..."
The red eyes stare silently past you at the light-switch.
You can't do this. You wanted an answer anything... but now you get treated like a volatile creature that one has to run from or get rid of. The pain is like a tidal wave. You let go and step back.
Red eyes focus on you but it doesn't matter anymore...
You step around the animatronic and reach for the door. It seems so stupid now, desperate... but you are desperate...
Your hands touch the wood and something brushes your back.
It was so light and brief. Still you look back.
Moons hand hovers near you, then he pulls it back and holds it close as if burnt.
He sinks into a ball on the floor.
"What's wrong?", you throat feels raw from your inner turmoil but you cant ignore the clear signs of someone being hurt even if you are breaking yourself.
"Do you want me to stay?" You instantly feel stupid for asking this. Of course he wants you to leave the attendant had tried to get you to do so. You were imposing on them.
If it weren't for the red glowing eyes, you wouldn't have realized the brisk nod moon was giving you in this darkness.
He wants you to stay? why?
You move away from the door and sit down next to him.
"Sorry", it's small muffled by his ruffles and impossible body posture. But its him. The same voice, same cadence.
You stay silent. And just look at the only light in the room.
Moons eyes.
Your vision blurred by tears you try to blink away furiously.
"Can you please answer me something?", you whisper.
He nods again. "Why did you run from me?"
Moon goes completely still. Then abruptly he curls into himself even further then you thought possible. "sorry..."
This just sounds like sobbing now.
Can machines cry?-
You take that thought and throw it out of your mind as hard as you can. Who cares. They are apparently doing it. So who cares if they can or can't do something at this moment. Normal went out the door the second you threw your adult body thru a slide for children.
You pull your self closer to the attendant and slowly start petting his arm.
"Shhh. its alright. There is no need to cry. I was just surprised with you running away from me is all."
Moon looks up with a completely confused expression. Red eyes stare at you from under his nightcap. Squinting at you like a strange anomaly. You put on the most reassuring smile you can muster with your own inner turmoil.
"Are you not disappointed?", his voice sounds weak but it makes you weak as well for a whole different reason.
"By what? You running from me? or that Sun and you wanted to throw me out?" genuine question...
He shrinks back into his cocoon.
"By me..."
You hold your breath.
Your voice has lost all strength as your brain begins to draw more and more connections.
Why would you be disappointed in him or by him. You haven't met him before today. Unless.
"Was it you? Did I talk to you on the phone?", you try to stay calm but your hands are shaking.
He stays silent.
"Are you disappointed...?", he whispers.
The tension starts to build in your gut. You push your hands under your thighs taking comfort in the pressure.
"Was it you?"
"Sorry...", it sounds so broken.
"Moon... is that a yes?", you just want to be sure you just want to be sure you just want to be-
"yes", Red eyes glance over his legs at you.
You reach forward. The chaos inside your head is gone. Replaced by a small spark of relief and unbelievable happiness.
Everything makes sense in a way. The stress from the week slumps away and leaves you exhausted.
You arms circle the attendant shaped pile next to you on the floor. There are arms around you. You are engulfed in a warm hug accompanied by the soft whirr of machinery. And you start to cry. You cry a lot.
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Made myself a refsheet for sun bc I always forget his colors. Still need one for moon thou...
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Puts you in there with 'em
Would buy them in an instant
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Would buy them in an instant
#fnaf dca#fnaf sun#dca sun#dca fandom#dca x y/n#my art#I love the stories where the reader just finds the traumatized bot#and now they're roommates
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Well tumblr seems to hate me right now and I can't post anything long... so I guess the last part of "on the other end" I wrote out will be on A03 if that works there will be a link in the comments
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last night (early morning?) posting yall remember this weird show hashtag lost media
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Made this to put in the bg of the blog but couldnt figure out how to do it
So I will just upload it like this here
#Love them :3#fnaf eclipse#my oc geist/Page#Honestly I suck at naming things unless it is a vampire then I pull up the most insane shit#that still somehow sounds good#to me atleast#my art#fnaf dca
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On the other end P3
//note: This got so long... how... Tell me if you want me to continue this :)
You returned when the daycare was officially closed. Still in your work clothes. You hoped that people wouldn't ask questions when you went there still in your uniform.
The jingle blasting from the speakers greeted you as usual. You looked over the play-area from the entrance balcony. The attendant is pretty big but sometimes they just seem to vanish.
There was Sun scrubbing at something near the ballpit. You eyed the stairs to your far left then you looked at the slide next to you. You probably would be faster this way but there is a chance you could get stuck. You glance back to sun. Who is still scrubbing away at something, maybe you will be lucky and he wont notice your arrival. He seems to despise people coming in after closing. At least as far as you are aware. A coworker had left something in the daycare and asked you to get it for them. Which had led to a very weird encounter with sun. You keep your eyes on him and start heading for the stairs. He jolts, his faceplate turns towards you. He is completely still. You stop.
Both of you still unmoving. Then Sun turns his faceplate towards the door. Then back at you. You feel tense, the way you both hadn't said anything and how he looked at you. You make another step towards the stairs and Sun jolts. He drops the cleaning supplies and runs. You thought the attendant was fast in the dark but now he seemed even quicker.
You have a strong suspicion of what he wants to do. And turn back, dashing towards the slide as fast as you can. You hesitate only for a second looking back and seeing sun staring at you from the door. He was holding it shut. As you expected and he seems to have forgotten about the slide. You take a deep breath and throw yourself inside. It feels dangerously tight going through the bends and turns. But to your great relief you plunge into the colorful ballpit. You struggle your way to shore.
Sun stares at you silently. He left his spot on the door looking a bit defeated somehow.
"Friend you're back... why?", his tone seems strangely strained from the one you are used to. Tired even.
Can machines even get tired. You eye him curious.
"I wanted to talk with you about your voice.", you try to start of strong. Sun throws you a look.
"My voice." He echoes "whats wrong with it?"
"Nothing! In the dark it just-"
"So Moons voice?"
You stop.
"Not my voice.", Sun folds his arms in front of his chest.
"So your problem must sadly wait, he is currently unavailable.", Sun walks past you and resumes to clean the daycare floor.
"I just have few questions, please Sun i need to know."
"Do you now?", he sounds so uninterested it hurts. You take a deep breath. Stay calm. You deserve an explanation and maybe if you tell him the whole story he might help you. Or you are projecting way too hard onto a machine...
You walk up next to him and crouch down, he continues as if you aren't there.
"That voice. In the dark... i know that voice, but not from here..."
Sun remains unfazed. You sigh and look at your hands. Playing with your fingers in hopes to distract yourself from what comes next.
"There was this guy..."
Sun stops but does not look up.
"I ... i cant really explain how i got to know him. But he was just... this amazing guy. Funny, kind, caring a bit snarky but in a cute way... I really thought- hoped that he liked me. But after I suggested we should meet up he just said that he couldn't..." you hug your legs closer to you and swallow down the lump that starts to form in your throat "and thats alright... if he wouldn't want to see me i could live with that but he completely ghosted me from then on. And I... i just want to know why..."
You take a deep breath and look up. Suns blank eyes bore into your soul.
"And that voice, Moons voice is the same..."
Sun cuts you off, "As the voice from that person. And you are certain you didn't just mishear."
"Yes. I am certain."
Sun puts down the supplies and turns his full attention on you.
"What's your plan now? Now that you think that voice is Moons."
"I want to know if his voice was supplied by someone or..."
Sun laughs. It's cold and feels dangerous.
"Oh no dear. Our voices are our own, completely!"
You blink. The room feels colder all of a sudden. If their voices are unique as sun seems to think... why would...
You stare at his face lost in thought.
"Oh just look at the time. You should go." Sun takes your hand in a delicate but firm grip. And leads you to the door. Next to the light switch.
You try to hold onto sun a bit firmer and wait for your opportunity. Sun seems distracted enough.
The room goes dark as your fingers leave the light-switch to hold onto the attendants hand tighter.
The Sun turns to Moon with a startled noise.
Red eyes scan your face then your hands that hold onto the animatronic for dear life.
The whirr of his machinery is deafening in the darkness. You try to compose yourself.
"Hello Moon. I think we got off on the wrong foot before. I'm sorry if i scared you."
The Moon stayed silent he looks at the door then at you. These robots are really bad at hiding their plans. You shift your grip and hold the larger hand between yours.
"Please Moon I want to know what's going on. What happened earlier today... why sun is upset..."
The red eyes stare silently past you at the light-switch.
You can't do this. You wanted an answer anything... but now you get treated like a volatile creature that one has to run from or get rid of. The pain is like a tidal wave. You let go and step back.
Red eyes focus on you but it doesn't matter anymore...
You step around the animatronic and reach for the door. It seems so stupid now, desperate... but you are desperate...
Your hands touch the wood and something brushes your back.
It was so light and brief. Still you look back.
Moons hand hovers near you, then he pulls it back and holds it close as if burnt.
He sinks into a ball on the floor.
"What's wrong?", you throat feels raw from your inner turmoil but you cant ignore the clear signs of someone being hurt even if you are breaking yourself.
"Do you want me to stay?" You instantly feel stupid for asking this. Of course he wants you to leave the attendant had tried to get you to do so. You were imposing on them.
If it weren't for the red glowing eyes, you wouldn't have realized the brisk nod moon was giving you in this darkness.
He wants you to stay? why?
You move away from the door and sit down next to him.
"Sorry", it's small muffled by his ruffles and impossible body posture. But its him. The same voice, same cadence.
You stay silent. And just look at the only light in the room.
Moons eyes.
Your vision blurred by tears you try to blink away furiously.
"Can you please answer me something?", you whisper.
He nods again. "Why did you run from me?"
Moon goes completely still. Then abruptly he curls into himself even further then you thought possible. "sorry..."
This just sounds like sobbing now.
Can machines cry?-
You take that thought and throw it out of your mind as hard as you can. Who cares. They are apparently doing it. So who cares if they can or can't do something at this moment. Normal went out the door the second you threw your adult body thru a slide for children.
You pull your self closer to the attendant and slowly start petting his arm.
"Shhh. its alright. There is no need to cry. I was just surprised with you running away from me is all."
Moon looks up with a completely confused expression. Red eyes stare at you from under his nightcap. Squinting at you like a strange anomaly. You put on the most reassuring smile you can muster with your own inner turmoil.
"Are you not disappointed?", his voice sounds weak but it makes you weak as well for a whole different reason.
"By what? You running from me? or that Sun and you wanted to throw me out?" genuine question...
He shrinks back into his cocoon.
"By me..."
You hold your breath.
Your voice has lost all strength as your brain begins to draw more and more connections.
Why would you be disappointed in him or by him. You haven't met him before today. Unless.
"Was it you? Did I talk to you on the phone?", you try to stay calm but your hands are shaking.
He stays silent.
"Are you disappointed...?", he whispers.
The tension starts to build in your gut. You push your hands under your thighs taking comfort in the pressure.
"Was it you?"
"Sorry...", it sounds so broken.
"Moon... is that a yes?", you just want to be sure you just want to be sure you just want to be-
"yes", Red eyes glance over his legs at you.
You reach forward. The chaos inside your head is gone. Replaced by a small spark of relief and unbelievable happiness.
Everything makes sense in a way. The stress from the week slumps away and leaves you exhausted.
You arms circle the attendant shaped pile next to you on the floor. There are arms around you. You are engulfed in a warm hug accompanied by the soft whirr of machinery. And you start to cry. You cry a lot.
#on the other end part 3 yey#fnaf dca#fnaf moon#fnaf sun#dca sun#dca moon#dca x reader#fnaf dca au#dca x y/n#dca au#I hope this will be a good end for all of this#If you want me to write something like a part four right after this one ended or just fluff for this au let me know :3#Because as it turns out I seem to be able to write in english at least to some degree#Thanks for sticking around this really gives me confidence to maybe share more of my au ideas and do something with them
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Pipe duking in a nutshell:
Hey look I did a funny
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On the other end continued (P1, P3)
Moon stared unmoving. His systems went into shock and his joints locked in an instant. He saw their mouth move but his audio just kept on buzzing louder and louder
"Moon!!!" Suns consciousness ripped him out of his control deeper into their mind.
"They shouldn't be here." Moon couldn't think straight this was not a scenario he was programmed for or had any experience in.
This was impossible to solve for him in every way
They are a machine and you aren't... why would you even come to the conclusion that an animatronic was the person you had talked to all that time.
"You are panicking Moon stop it!" Suns grip on him was harsh "They probably mean something else! You two never officially meet remember!"
Moon began to calm down.
"You can do this! Just throw them out for their break, because they need to take it!" Sun shoved Moon back into control. The whole exchange between them only lasting a fraction of a second.
Moon once again had to stare into your eyes from up close. He never saw you like this. To be honest he never had the chance to see you in person at all. He had only ever heard your voice. You sound so different up close with out the static from their hacked phone connection.
You seem nervous. A normal thing to be around Moon. Sun must have been right you are here for something else. You would never guess that you spoke to a machine instead of a human.
"Your voice-"
Oh no.
Moon felt his systems spike again.
"This will probably sound a bit strange, but I have to ask you-"
You didn't get to ask. Moon jumped to his feet and started running.
He knew it was stupid. He knew this was so much more suspicious. But he wasn't the actor sun was. And even if he had tried to persuade you into leaving. He would have had to say something right?! Then you would have known... but you already know...
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Suns voice shrieked into moons control "YOU WILL RUIN EVERYTHING!!!"
"I can't do this."
"What?" Sun was taken aback by moons tone
He sounded weak nearly breaking of
Oh the irony... sun wanted to say a lot about Moons hypocrisy in all this
But he didn't.
"I just can't." Moons consciousness seemed to glitch around sun and he felt the body over heat.
/so much for 'i don't care about them sun, but I will support you in this anyway' and now look who is worse for wear because they somehow have feelings for them/ Sun steeled himself for what would come next.
Moon reached the light switch.
You flinched as the whole daycare turned bright.
Sun did a few mock breathing exercises and turned around. Smile unwavering as ever.
"Friend you shouldn't be here right now!"
The animatronic made his way back over to you and towered before your small form still kneeling in front of the spot moon had sat at just a few seconds ago.
You felt even more confused by all this. What did even just happen?
Sun's faceplate ticked from right to left in an uneven rhythm like the animatronic was eyeing you.
"Friend, unscheduled overtime is not covered by fazcos policies, which you know means you're not allowed in the working area at this time. And are advised to either leave the premises, go to an employee break-room or contact your supervisor for a change in your work hours. Please leave so that you can still get your break. And we can continue our work unhindered by such rulebreakings."
Sun shifts under your gaze. The turmoil Moon was currently going through would probably mean that he would have to take over for the rest of the day.
You looked at him. And it felt to him like you saw him for the first time. Not those short looks you threw at them from the security desk or the courtesy greetings and goodbyes. No you looked at him. Like he was there. Real.
Sun fought with himself hard to point you to the door. To get you to leave.
Oh he wanted you to stay so badly. Wanted to rant and vent about everything that had happened to him and moon since they had stopped themselves from talking to you.
You walked out. You never were the confronting type. Sun knew that.
But what he didn't know was that you only left because you didn't want to cry infront of the children. And when you would talk to the attendant again. you already know that you will cry a lot.
#fnaf dca#fnaf moon#fnaf sun#dca x y/n#dca x reader#dca sun#moon dca#this took me a while had a lot of stuff on my plate
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On the other end (my version)
The background ramble and other stuff tldr at the end
My version => because if you like the concept I introduced in that post you are free to use it! In anyway you like, because everyone has their own way to tell a story and if you have your own ideas now and my little prof of concept helped you find it, I feel more than honored for it. And maybe send me a link if you ever do sth with it and want to share it.
I myself will do a few posts about this idea. Most likely in the same style that the first one was. Illustration just is more my thing and writing a fully fledged out fanfiction.
I just love to explore to many ideas. And I have two more I want to share with all of you.
But thats for a later date. Back to this idea.
First I want to explain how Sun and Moon operate in this story.
Sun is the instigator. He really just wanted a friend and had the strong believe that Y/N and them would get along great.
So after getting the idea from one of the kids that a friendship does not require ever meeting in person (The kid was talking about a pen-pal), Sun sets out on his quest to become your secret friend.
But he needs Moons help for that. Altering their living-conditions (their code) needs both of them to work together. Moon who is bored with his daily routine obliges and helps sun out. But not without whining and teasing the sun constantly along the way.
>>here I should explain that Sun and Moon in most of my interpretations are more like unwilling roommates, that start to act like an old married couple because they are stuck with each other forever<<
And then Y/N calls them. Which puts both attendants on the spot.
Sun really wants to talk to you. But after a long debate with Moon they decide he should be the one to call you. Because you don't work during nap-time and never stayed long enough to meet Moon in person. So you had no chance to know how he sounds like.
>>What a great plan right? Would be a shame if it went wrong wouldn't it<<
Well after Sun started talking to Y/N through Moon. Moon himself started to warm up to you. He is not as used to human contact as Sun is. So he really says things without a filter sometimes and makes Suns life harder. And the fear of giving themselves away getting worse everyday.
On the other side is Y/N that just meets this mysterious person that does not turn out to be a complete weirdo but someone that really just wants to get to know them and is considerate and caring. And like anyone else in this situation they want to at least try to make it more then a phone friendship.
And The DCA is so well versed in excuses that they totally not just freak out about the fact that Y/N wants to meet them in person. Moon stays strong with his believe that a human would not want to be friends with a machine. Sun just starts to overthink everything and they both agree on the that they have to stop talking to Y/N.
To protect themself form hurt and Y/N from being disappointed.
>>How noble of them<<
Moon dislikes the whole thing at the start and then gets addicted to attention
Sun is desperately lonely and wants someone to appreciate him for who he is and would go way to far for that
Y/N is desperately lonely and meets an amazing person through mere chance over a wrong number that they want to be together with more than anything. But which out of nowhere starts to ghost them.
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Hollowknight × Bloodborne AU
① ②
I planned to update this AU after I draw more content, but I don't have time to draw more and it's been a long time since I posted anything about this.
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