#on one hand so many cool facts are on t here
valorxdrive · 1 year
each day I go on twitter for either kh or ff news in general and somehow I get hit with ship war bs and immediately log off.
I'm 1000% convinced by now these people have been robots set to perpetuate this all this time.
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can a guy look at his theory stuff in peace??
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swordsandholly · 3 months
Cherry Bomb - tattoo parlor anthology
MDNI | poly 141 x fem fat reader | masterlist
Part 3: Bubble Tea
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“Hey.” Kyle murmurs, hand lightly grazing over your shoulders to rest on the back of your neck. His palm feels warm on your skin and you unconsciously lean back into it.
“Hm?” You look up from where you were hunched over your phone - definitely not shopping for a new purse on company time.
“Gonna go pick up lunch f’the shop. Want t’ come with? I don’t think I can carry it all myself.” He asks. His eyes are always so soft when he looks at you. Relaxed and bright with that constant slight quirk in the corners of his lips.
“Oh! Yeah, sounds good.” You grin, standing quickly and grabbing your wallet out of your purse to shove into your back pocket. Might as well get something for yourself if you’re going out. “Where are we heading?”
“That poke place a couple blocks up.” Kyle nods in the intended direction.
You follow him out of the shop. The weather has begun to warm more. Still cool enough for long sleeves but the sun feels nice on your face as you trot up the street, speed walking to keep up with Kyle and his accursed long legs.
“Switch with me.” Kyle murmurs, hand flattening on your lower back as he steps to the road side of the sidewalk.
You snort, cheeks warming when his hand remains a few beats longer than necessary. “How chivalrous.”
He chuckles. “My grandad always said t’never let a lady walk by the street. Guess it stuck with me.”
As much as you want to tease him about playing into gender roles, you can’t lie and say you don’t like it. That it doesn’t make your heart patter and your stomach flutter. Growing up fat, you never really got the chance to be treated delicately. Femininely. Always expected to be tougher, louder, more masculine. It feels good. Healing, in a way, as stupid as it is.
God, your inner monologue is embarrassing.
The shop is smaller than you expected. Tucked away like many buildings in this downtown with a short, blue awning shading the teal colored door. It’s surprisingly crowded too, people packed in like sardines and filing in and out quickly. The inside is nicely decorated - a few tables off to the side that no one seems to stay at. They more so seem to act as a waiting spot until people get their food and head out. The menu board is shaped like a bright blue, wall-length fish.
“Ladies first.” Kyle grins, opening the door for you. You roll your eyes at him, earning a pinch to your side in return. It’s almost strange how easy things are with him - with all of them. You don’t think you’ve ever been this comfortable around a group of men before. That would probably make you sad if you thought about it for long enough.
Kyle passes you a little clipboard with a stack of papers to customize your poke bowl and a small pen. He begins filling out three for the others, seemingly from memory. You wonder how often they come down here - if it’s their favorite local spot or just convenient. You look over his shoulder, snooping for the others preferences. Apparent Simon likes a lot of spice. Johnny, not so much.
Your eyes widen as you reach the bottom of your menu. “They have boba!”
“You want some?” Kyle grins.
You nod excitedly. Like a kid discovering a new candy. It’s been so long since you got your hands on some bubble tea - if you’d known they had it sooner you would’ve been in here nearly everyday. Then again, maybe it’s good that you didn’t know.
Kyle holds out his hand. You look between it and his face dumbly for a few moments, clutching your order in your hands before putting the pieces together.
“I can get my own!” You insist. “I don’t-“
“Price’s treat, love.” He snags the paper from your hands. “He always pays when we come here.”
“Oh. Okay.” You chew your lip. “I can at least pay for my drink, since it’s extra-“
He just waves you off and marches up to the register. You don’t miss the fact that he pulls out a very shiny credit card. So it’s not Price’s treat. It’s a company treat, eh?
Not that you’re going to complain. Free poke and boba is a dream come true.
Kyle takes your little plastic number, ducking to snag a now freed up table to wait at. They’re tall, causing you to scramble unceremoniously to get up in the heightened chair. You think you see him laughing out of the corner of your eye, but as soon as you face him he’s just sitting with that usual, casual smile of his.
One of the workers brings over your drinks in a little carrier, saying the food will take a minute longer. You’ve never been patient, greedily grabbing your tea and aggressively stabbing through the cover.
“When do you think John’s gonna let you do your first real tattoo?” You ask, kicking your feet under the tall chair.
Kyle shrugs. “He said soon. I think he’s waitin’ for me to’ be less nervous about it. Plus I need to find someone to do it on-“
“You can do it on me.” You blurt without thinking.
He eyes you. “Really?”
You nod excitedly. “I really like your work - at least what I’ve seen of it. It doesn’t have to be anything big. I’m perfectly happy with one your black-only flashes. That way you can start small.”
“I don’t know…”
“Plus, John says I sit real good. I’m not gonna wriggle and fuck you up.” You chew your straw absentmindedly.
“And what do you get out of this?” Kyle cocks and eyebrow, that slight, constant smirk only growing across his face.
You tap your chin. “Bragging rights when you get famous someday. I got the first official Garrick tattoo ever!”
A surprised laugh forces it’s way out of him, sending him into a coughing fit around the drink he was sipping. “Don’t think I’m gonna be that good, love.”
You reach out, resting your hand over his as a strange wave of seriousness overtakes you. “I don’t think John would take you on as an apprentice if he didn’t think so. Plus, you should hear how much he brags about you. It’s almost insufferable.”
There’s something in his eyes as he gives you another once over. It’s slower this time, dragging up your arm and across your features and back down your other arm, coming to an end where your hand lays over his. Kyle turns his hand upward, brushing his two middle fingers over your pulse point. It steals your breath, strangely enough. He hold your hand so gently, barely cupping it in his.
You wish you could tell what he’s thinking. For all Kyle’s honest and kind nature, he’s hard to read. That perma-smirk hides a lot more than you think you or anyone else realizes.
“Alright. I’ll talk t’John about it.” He murmurs, withdrawing his hand.
“Yah. You better.” You grin, leaning back in your seat just as the food comes out.
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teamred · 17 days
sunday morning
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✩‌ logan howlett x reader x wade wilson | fluff | suggestive | 1.1k
SUMMARY | autumn weather begins to roll in one sunday morning. you greet your boyfriends in the living room, finding wade matching you in one of logan's signature plaid shirts. // part of the home sweet home series
WARNINGS | making out, touching, s*xual jokes, morning s*x on the couch implied
RATING | teen+
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Warm streams of sunlight pour through the slitted window shades and onto the bed, draping over your eyes and waking you from your beautiful slumber.
With a content smile, you savor the fact that it’s Sunday and that sunlight, rather than an obnoxious alarm, is your wake-up call. You prefer it this way over any day.
Despite the sun’s warmth, you find it chilly, more so than usual, especially in contrast to your t-shirt and shorts-clad body. Fall approaches and it’s one of your favourite times of the year. The beginning of cozy drinks, crisp air, and the city blanketed in vibrant orange leaves. 
But for now, you’re not quite ready to embrace autumn, tugging the blanket up and covering your shivering self up to your neck to ward off the chill. 
Reaching behind you in the king-sized bed, you hope to find one of your boyfriends for a little extra comfort and warmth, but your hand only meets empty space. Your ears catch the familiar hum of your more talkative partner, along with the TV and satisfying sounds of morning coffee being made. 
Blinking the sleep away, you spend a few more moments nestling in your blanket. When you finally decide to get up, you instinctively step towards Logan’s side of the closet and grab one of his brown plaid shirts to cover-up. Given his taller stature, the ends of his shirt easily cover your thighs. 
The bedroom door creaks open and Dogpool immediately welcomes you with a happy wag of her tail. Squatting down to her level, you pet her on the head and give her some loving scritches. 
Glancing up, you spot Logan sprawled on the sectional sofa, watching TV with his legs draped over the extended part. He’s wearing a simple white tee and plaid pajama pants and adorning a bit of messy hair.
Across the room, in the kitchen, Wade’s whistling as he makes drinks, decked out in one of his many Spider-man shirts, pink and white striped pajama bottoms, and another plaid shirt from Logan’s extensive collection. 
Your smile widens at the sight of him in Logan’s clothes, fawning how handsome he is, almost rocking it as much as Logan does.  
Standing up, you catch Logan eyeing you up and down, gaze lingering on how the oversized shirt fits you. There’s a glint in his eye, reminiscent of how he looked at you last night. 
“Mornin’, beautiful,” he says with a small smile, his voice still carrying the raspy edge of waking up early.
“Good morning, sweet cheeks!” Wade sing-songs. “How are the holes this fine—” 
His face lights up as he sees what you’re wearing. 
“Oh, my God! We’re totally matchy-matchy, babe,” Wade says, raising his eyebrows in exaggerated surprise.  
You stroll into the kitchen and touch his chest from behind. “We are, indeed, babe.” 
Initially, you plant a chaste kiss on his cheek, but he turns his head after, diving into a deep kiss. Post-kiss, he gently rubs his nose against yours, holding you by your waist. You giggle at the affectionate gesture. 
“Who pulls it off better, Logie Bear?” Wade asks, still tenderly holding you with locked eyes.
“You know the answer to that,” Logan deadpans from the living room. 
“It’s me,” Wade mouths, pointing to himself dramatically. Although you shake your head in disagreement, you beam in response. 
Reluctantly, you pull away from Wade’s body, but still keep contact in the form of hand-holding. You grab the cup of tea he made for you. 
“It’s cool this morning, huh?” you comment, blowing your tea before taking a sip. 
“Yeah, fall’s officially here to eat our ass out,” he mirrors you, drinking some of his coffee. “Not that I’m complaining—you know I love me some PSLs.” 
You glance at the color of his coffee. 
“Wade, I’m not sure pumpkin spice lattes can even compete with how sweet and creamy you take your coffee.” 
“What are you talking about? I add just a teeny, tiny pinch of cream and sugar,” he protests. 
“You drink coffee the worst way, bub,” Logan pipes up, surprisingly listening in on the pointless conversation. 
“Okay, Mr. I-Drink-Coffee-As-Dark-As-My-Empty-Soul,” Wade retorts with a roll of his eyes. He jerks a thumb toward the living room. “Get a load of this guy, am I right? Actually, on second thought, you did get a load of him last night. And me, of course.” 
He winks at you and all you can do is shake your head, indulging in Wade’s humor. You gather your tea and another cup, then walk towards the couch. Setting a cup of black coffee on a coaster in front of Logan and placing your tea beside it, you settle next to him. He drags his attention away from the TV and reaches out for you, touching the back of your bare thigh. 
“Thanks, baby,” he says, rubbing his thumb tenderly over your skin. You squeeze his hand in response, a silent “Of course” conveyed.
“Did Wade wake you up?” you ask. 
Logan shakes his head. “No, I was up before sunrise. Had a hard time fallin’ back asleep.” 
“Was it really bad last night?” you ask in concern, reaching out to stroke his face.
“No, it was fine,” he assures. “Sleep’s been better since we started this.” 
This obviously implying the unconventional relationship you three share, but it works, even if Logan’s not keen to admit how he has a soft spot for Wade. Logan leans into you for a kiss, his grin spreading as he does so. It’s hard not to mirror his smile. 
The kissing is innocent, but only for so long.
“You look so fuckin’ good in just my shirt, y’know that?” he murmurs, tugging you flush to his body. His calloused hands trail up your legs and underneath his shirt that you’re wearing. A low moan follows. 
“Hey, invite me if you’re gonna be fucking on my couch without me!” Wade exclaims, suddenly flopping across Logan’s lap and your body. You groan, trying to support the weight of your two muscle-bound boyfriends. 
“It’s Al’s couch!” you and Logan chorus, barely managing to keep your balance.
“And don’t you forget it!” Althea suddenly says, her voice muffled behind her bedroom door. 
Logan shifts to press closer against Wade while still holding onto you. Your other boyfriend dips his head, kissing you fervently. His coffee breath is unmistakable, but you couldn't care less, especially when you feel Wade pressing his rising hardness against you.
“Also, besides my usual warning about keeping it down, if you’re gonna fuck on the couch again, please wipe it down after,” Blind Al calls out, still behind the door.  
“Yes, Al,” all three of you respond in unison in your tangled harmony. 
Before long, plaid shirts are tossed aside, along with the rest of everyone’s bed wear. You keep your moans and whines to a minimum for Al’s sake (or at least you try to).
You welcome the oncoming weather of fall with your bodies pressed up against each other, exchanging warmth in the chill morning. 
And of course, besides sleeping in, you remember why Sunday mornings are your absolute favourite.
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s1llydr3amscape · 4 months
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Looks like someone failed the captcha test to many times!
Anyways I always wanted to doodle this specific pose from Toyless' animation why because I can :]
Extras under the cut :
This was the specific screenshot I based the pose off I love hands grabbing head!!! :
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The original video ^ (I'll be real with yall I was shocked the original song was poppy playtime because my only experience with it was that all my baby cousins loved that franchise. And they would show me vids off it at family gatherings because I was the babysitter. One of em even debated me abt fnaf like chill out bro you weren't even born when it came out!!!!!)
Glitchtrap rambling time woohoo let's go!!!!
-I redrew em again because I think I'm almost 100% happy with its design!!!! Like I don't wanna change their face so much because the way his face is shaped is my fave!!! Like they have the same style of muzzle as sonic characters!!!!!! I just made it rounder cuz its their early days before this au lore
-I just wanna achieve the unnaturalness with their design. Like they don't belong here. They want to get out. LET HIM OUT. type vibe basically like that's why it has like those kind off teeth instead off the rabbit ones. They get those later in the au.
-I fucking love Glitchtrap so much you don't understand they're so peak!!!!!! I jokingly hate him because I despise what it did to Vanny.
-I was a fan since day 1 bro is just so unique like woah a non animatronic for a change?!?!? STRAIGHT UP A FURSUIT!??!?! Color me impressed!!! I love zooming on it its model and seeing everyy little detail!!! Like omg bro is crying and drooling on the suit!!!!! There's also a patch of uneven stitching pattern on the top of their head compared to their mostly symmetrical design!!!
-I was so fixated on em like my level of obsession for him was bad bad!!!! Like yeah it was still there when Vanny came around during the curse of Dreadbear DLC but you don't understand it surpassed all my Foxy art!!! The first fnaf character I fixated on!?!?? Like what and yall can ask my IRLS bro had lots n lots of art!!!!! I have so much trad art of glitchy it's embarassing!!! Atleast I improved tbh!!
-I just really really loved the fan animations were bro got to time travel to the older fnaf animations and fuck em up!!!! Causing them all to glitch out like hello PEAK!?!?!?! No im not biased to rabbit characters with whiskers shhhhh... SHHH...
-Because I know all those animations already and it's like omg omg OMG Glitchtrap kinda expanded my music taste imma be fr... Fnaf autism is so bad I omfg I only listened to fnaf songs and the only time I listened to other franchises songs is because someone animated fnaf over it... like yeah I was an animation meme kid but even then I only remember the lyrics and titles to songs if I saw fnaf on them (cringe!!!!) So yeah thank u Glitchtrap <33333
-I think Malhare is the cooler name but the Glitchtrap name is cool too because when the names end in trap like this it makes me think they're like warrior cats adjacent. So in this one they just fluctuate between either Malhare or Glitchtrap
-Also another reason he's my super fave is because my brain predicted it's gloop form!!!!
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-Like no joke literally the same character I dreamt about during the early days before Princess Quest.
-Except mine was a shadow like the shadow animatronics. More wispy than gloopy. I think the reason I dreamt it was because Shadow Toy Chica and fan made shadow animatronics were getting popular!! But legit same character and colors!!!!!!!
-Just a big dark mass with purple eyes surrounding it like literally the same character my brain came up with and I'm just wow <3333 minus the fact my design had really big giant swirly white eyebrows
-However my Shadow Glitchtrap was kinda more wack to say the least. Like heheheh cuz Glitchtraps a fursuit there's no denying that I changed the dream design a bit. In my old Glitchtrap designs they'd have a zipper and so what would happen was they'd unzip and flip their insides into outsides to reveal the Shadow Glitchtrap thing which was hiding inside them.
-Like those plushies that you can unzip to reveal a different plushie design basically!!!!
-TBH I prefer Glooptrap because yeah!!!!! Amalgamation of hate let's go!!!!!! I think with how gloopy he is its just fun to draw I love the fact that the weird Glitchtrap blockers look like that it fits too much with my own preestablished AU lore.
-I feel like Glitchtrap turns into Glooptrap from like the seams of their suit. Like you see that each part the suit got stitched just turn black as black liquid pours out like ohhh that shit haunted!!!! Bursting outta the seams like oh this guy has no one inside they're all just black sludge!!!!
-In this AU specifically (The one with my millions of Vanny designs) is actually a spoof fnaf AU where everyone lives!!! Like I have 3 AUs technically one of them being the fnaf cast in my oc world where they become my ocs basically called Rabbit City. My other one which is my more serious canon adjacent fnaf AU where no silly stuff or shipping happens, and it's just more overall following my own formed understanding of the canonicity and the series of events with me trying to keep the animatronics more game accurate (I dont think ive posted any of that here due to me feeling like my style limits the nit and grit I wanna go with it). And this one I mainly post on here where everything is just silly and bends to my command and everyone lives because I love everyone <333333 Literally playing with my toys type AU where I do what I want which is why a million vanny designs are in this AU specifically. I usually tag it as this 🦭🩷🐇🐰🐇🐰🐇🐰🐯 because the original name of this au is self indulgent and I'm embarrassed but it's too iconic to change it.
-Glitchtrap in this AU is just much more goofy and silly infecting people like a zombie virus and possessing them for his own gain. Weird eldritch horror that came out of a fnaf fangame. Anything goes in this AU so if I wanna make Glitchtrap a mind controlling zombie warlock wizard so be it!!!! Sorry I love zombies soo much you will have to take this trope out of my cold dead hands!!!!! I love rot!!!
-That's why it's wrinkly because they too me are like a rotten banana (Even though his associated smell to me is lemongrass). Imagine squeezing a banana still with it's skin on. That's how I imagine bro turns into glooptrap if they didn't open the zipper in time. Also because I love the design trope of rotting and withering sue me. I love when the flesh sags across the body. Wrinkles are great bro theyre so real!!!!! Also because back then people kept drawing him as skinny as a twig??? Even though they have fat??? So I made them fatter mostly because like I love the gloop part of it hiding inside <3333
-They're more green pink and purple because imma be real my fave color combo ever <33333
-I wanna do an xray piece with them soon to show their insides but I'm still uncertain if I have the art prowess to concoct it exactly like how I envision it yet. Like I need to squash and scretch them more. They need to look more decrepit and horrible!!!!! something like the unknown from dbd!!!!
-They can't actually emote properly stuck in a permanent smile
-Glithctrap and Vanny’s dynamic is like Lord Hater and Commander Peepers in this one. There's more character adjacent to the dynamic between them concocted in my head but I wanna draw a comic abt it :]
-Like yeah one second they're besties and the next they're at each other's throats ready to strangle eachother. Vanny reluctantly trying to help him at first like how she was first called.
-Oh also in this specific AU Glitchtrap isn't connected to William in the slightest more just it's own thing!!!!
-He's like an AI that wants to be human. It believes it is human. They've mimicked people too much that they don't know what they are anymore. Or what it wants anymore. What do they want.
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carolmunson · 1 year
orange colored sky (older!modern!eddie)
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older!modern!eddie - setlist inspired by the fact that i fall in love with someone new every time i got to trader joe's and @loveshotzz new older!steve series. manip by my fave @eddiemunsons-missingnipple tw: nothing really, very much a meet cute at a grocery store. eddie is in his early 40s, reader is late-late 20s/early 30s. lemme know if you guys want this to be a whole thing.
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the automatic doors rush cool air into your face, a sweet reprieve from the sticky heat of this summer. a much muggier july than you remember having as a kid. but then again, you don't remember that much about being a kid these days. trader joe's is a little busier than usual, which makes sense with the holiday weekend coming up -- but you hate when it's busy. there's already too many sounds -- some summer 90s playlist and the squeaks of the carts, people in their hawaiian shirts milling around with boxes and box cutters. you just want some snap peas for god sakes. 
you grab a basket and adjust your canvas bags on your shoulder, tossing your headphones in them for later. you feel 'running errands ugly' but everyone seeing you in the bike shorts you threw on this morning doesn't think that view is ugly at all. your music drowned it out on the train ride over here. you're already sort of annoyed. people just don't know how to do anything anymore -- why are we just standing in front of produce. get what you need and go! you think hastily. but you wait for people to stop gawking at the produce and make their selection before you grab the romaine, snap peas, and shredded brussel sprouts you need. when you turn you almost walk entirely into someone's cart, eyes flitting up briefly and muttering a 'sorry, s'cuse me'.
can everyone just get off my fucking ass? you huff to yourself internally. you maneurver over to fruits, a few stands in a row -- citrus, apples, berries. all separated by category in large cargo looking boxes. you snag a big box of cherries, the three pound one, knowing you'll go through the small ones too fast. you frown over the lack of watermelon, continuing along while someone turns the corner into your aisle. you look up for a moment, just to scan your surroundings, to see who it is.
 you've never seen him before, but you've never seen anyone here before. it's not like there's regulars at the grocery store in a city like this. his hands hang over the handle to his cart by the wrists, knuckles tattooed in shapes you can't make out. you follow the leather banded watch up to a full sleeve of ink, only obscured by the start of a cuffed t-shirt sleeve, a crisp white that blinds against the black of the elvira pin up tattoo on his tricep. horror icons blending into each other seamlessly. you can see more black and color peeking out from the collar of his shirt --vintage judas priest, mint condition, tucked comfortably under a well perserved denim vest covered in patches of bands you've never heard of. you're surprised by the black chino shorts on his bottom half, not expecting someone who was clearly still stuck in their grunge phase to wear those over cut off jeans. the busted up reebok's on his feet make up for it though -- pairing nicely with the tattoos on his calves and thighs, not quite sleeves, but enough to make a statement. 
you grab a box of strawberries and pop them into your basket, surveying the mangos on the top shelf at your eye level while he maneuvers behind you. you think he's cute but you don't take too much stock in it -- it's so like you to have a 'train boyfriend' or 'trader joe's boyfriend' for a brief moment in time. someone cute that you spot outside and never speak to. it's one of those days.
he has brown eyes and thick lashes, hair dark wrapped in a bun on the top of his head with streaks of silver poking through, bangs in his face. some curls stick to the heated skin by his neck and jaw. not that you're looking. the scruff on his face is littered with salt and pepper -- maybe that part of him aging more than the rest. he grabs a heap of bananas to his nearly empty cart. he also has a big box of cherries in there. he wears a cologne with spice and suede in the notes, it's familiar, a little smoky. maybe an old boyfriend used to wear it. you shrug it off, grabbing a mango or two and popping it in a produce bag before hocking it in. more veggies for a greek salad. an onion. some pre-packaged turkey slices. 
you turn into the first frozen food section, weaving through more people who just stand there and you grit your teeth. you snag some frozen broccoli, the coolness bringing you a moment of calm so that you don't lose your mind inside the store. more like traitor joe's. you grab a few more things, a veggie medley for a tofu scramble, some scallion pancakes that you’ll use as meal replacement because no matter how many times you think you’ll food prep you never do. you see him at the end of the aisle, rifling through bags of frozen shrimp to find one he likes. you notice he has a ring on but it’s on his pointer finger, two more rings on the hand that holds his cart by his hip – a silver chain dangles from what you assume is his wallet in his back pocket. his keys jingle from a carabiner by his front belt loop. slut, you think to yourself. you grab a bag of small frozen salmon filets, not paying much mind to your grocery store boyfriend of the week when you turn the corner to the next frozen food aisle. he’s there not soon after you, grabbing frozen fruit medleys and a few bars of chocolate on the non-frozen shelving above. you aren’t sure if he sees you, but you see him. you can smell the suede and spice of his cologne as his moves past you to the other end. bread is on the back wall of the store, you want to get sourdough but you know you’ll just eat it plain and not make sandwiches so you opt for the tuscan loaf instead. you snag a bag of mini bagels, forgoing the small baguettes this time. you can’t afford the good burrata this week for any special girl dinner you come up with, so it’s best to not have it around if you can’t pair it with anything pretty. further down the back wall you get to snacks and don’t ignore the bag of yogurt covered pretzels – a basket must. seaweed snacks for salmon rice bowls. plantain chips. Your basket feels a little heavy but at least this errand is almost over. you turn down the pasta, beans, and rice aisle and there he is turning down the other end. you both catch each other this time, because this time feels like it’s not a coincidence. you both break eye contact as quickly as you make it, both of you looking down and smiling to yourselves. you feel the heat on your cheeks but you don’t see his blush, both of you too preoccupied with whatever you have to pick up to pay attention to the other. you smell the suede and smoke even after you lose him to the next couple of aisles. 
pre-packaged tortellini, lox, shredded cheese. chicken thighs. a six pack of some pretty sounding beer you’ve never tried. your basket overflows but it’s fine. the errand is over, at least here, before you need to run into target which for some reason is far less overstimulating. he’s a few people ahead of you on the opposite line, still leaning over the edge of his cart with his hands hanging, one thumbing a text to someone before he stands up fully to push the cart ahead. he looks over his shoulder and your eyes briefly meet for a moment – heat on your cheeks – before he moves ahead to turn down the long row of cashiers to pay. you don’t see him when it’s your turn and by the time you’re done paying you’ve already forgotten about him, lost in a flirty conversation with the guy ringing you up. target only has half of what you need and that’s fine because nothing else will fit in the big canvas bags you brought with you for your groceries and it’s at least an eight minute walk back to the train. you groan when you get back out into the heat, the boiler room of the subway cooking you as you make it down to the platform. a pleasant sigh passes your lips when you see it’s at least only a four minute wait until your train makes it to you – only a few more minutes of suffering before you’re on your way back to your air conditioned studio apartment. you look across the platform where some old lady’s push cart rattles as it makes it down the stairs on the other side. her little body walking ahead, a voice saying ‘i got it, ma’am don’t worry,’ echos down into the chamber of the subway.
there he is. a canvas bag on each arm filled to the brim and the push cart lifted in front of him. while you can’t see from this distance, you have a feeling you’d like how his arms looked at full capacity like this. the cart’s metallic jingle continues when he places it on the concrete ground, pushing it over to the woman who now sits pleasantly on the bench. you watch their conversation while they say quiet ‘thank yous’ and ‘your welcomes’ to each other and he checks his phone while he finds a spot to stand, waiting for his train on the opposite side.
you check your phone just the same and look up again as he puts his phone in the pocket of his vest. his attention catches on you from across the way.
he gives you a small wave and smiles. he has a nice smile, infectious.
you wave back with two fingers, a small salute, “hey.”
“i’m eddie,” he starts as the red glow of the light on your train starts to pull in. 
the chug, chug, chug starting to drown him out. he raises his voice with a boyish grin, you hear him just before the train obscures him from view – whooshing past you as it pulls into the station. “i normally go to trader’s on wednesdays!”
you get on the train when the doors open, seeing him still on the platform, searching for you in the windows. you put your hand up again in an awkward wave and he grins when he finds you. ‘stand clear of the closing doors, please!’ he puts a hand back up with two fingers, mouthing out a message. ‘wednesdays around two.’
you give him the okay symbol with your fingers and nod at him, chuckling at the ridiculousness of the situation, he chuckles too. his smile is pretty, lips are full. his two fingers point to his eyes and then at you – ‘see you then’. 
the train pulls away before you get a chance to reply. 
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“Are you Terry?  Good.  The pics you sent are a little…  outdated.  Still, you are honest when it comes to your size.  C’mere….
“You are the right size.  Five foot seven?...  Five six!  Now boy, I told you to address me as Boss.  I am not your Sir or your Master. 
“I see you followed orders with what you wore.  I know it’s a bit cool, but it’s very important that you wear a T-shirt and gym shorts that you don’t care if they are stained or torn.  See I can reach in and feel for your nipples.  I can tell you are smooth, which is good.  And I can reach into your shorts to feel no hair around your pecker.  Very good.  And your pecker…  It’s definitely a micro-penis. 
“Now your pussy…  Hairless.  Pre-lubed?  That’s a nice surprise.  And let’s see if you cleaned out.  Quit squirming.  It’s just my finger.  I don’t feel anything.  Now for the visual.  No brown streaks.  This would have ended right here if my finger found any mud.
“You get the weekend off?...  Good.  If I think you warrant more than this evening, then I’ll keep you around.
“Walk with me.  But first.  Bitch boys like you should dress like bitch boys….  I told you that your shirt could get torn, and with one yank, most of it is torn off.  Here, take the piece in my hand and throw it and what remains of your shirt in the garbage.
“It might be cold, but you look more appropriate like that.  And don’t worry about the cold, my van is up ahead.  And it’s Friday at six, the factory and loading dock workers are long gone.
“OK, we are past where this can be viewed from the street.  Hold still….  Well, those shorts came off way easier than your shirt.  They tore up much faster.  So, I guess when I’m done with you, you’ll have to find some new clothes.  If you do good—I mean really good—I’ll dump you by your house.
“Too bad some of my co-workers aren’t still working the loading dock to see a scrawny-assed pussy boy walking next to a real man.  They would have known that you were going to get used.  So many cat call whistles would have been made.  I miss those days when shit like that happened with regularity. 
“Many years ago, when I started working here, after the almost all the men have left, men and boys would come out as the dark set in.  I remember hitting the pub down the street for a few hours after getting off work along with some of my buds some of which were also waiting for the right time.  We all knew what we were up to; no one said anything. 
“I would come back here to the dark alleys and really plow some boy’s hole.  I loved it when I drew a crowd.  Sometimes a train would start, and I would just leave that boy get plowed by some other worker and go back to the pub.  Hours later after I left, I would see the same bitch boy still getting railed in the alley, only to join in and get my second or third nut.
“There was about a dozen of us guys—not all at the same time—who would frequent it as our way of blowing of the day’s stress.
“I miss those days.  The conservative police chief cracked down hard.  There’s no public anything.  So, my buds either go without or they spend their hard-earned money on motels for a five-minute fuck with a third-rate whore.
“The apps seem to make things easier, but shittier at the same time.  I’m glad you responded to me.
“Here’s my van.  I like to call it my Shaggin’ Wagon.  Blacked out windows and a curtain between the front and the cargo area, means it was made for fucking, anywhere I go.
“Come to the side door.  Look inside.  Everything you need for a good time.  Mattress, toolchest full of toys, restraints, rimseat… all the goodies.  The foam on the walls act as some soundproofing. 
“No, don’t get in yet.  Bend over first.  I need to bust my nut, and I want to stand for it.  Reach behind you and feel me.  No, no.  Don’t look.  In fact, I should do this….
“…Hold still.  Quit squirming…  That hood is not coming off for a long time.  I don’t want you to see anything.  Now grab a hold of my cock.  Hard isn’t it?  I was hard ever since I saw that clitty of yours.
“Feel it at your back door?  It’s coming in.  Open your mouth first.  This is a pair of my dirty underwear.  You are going to scream, and that should shut you up.
“Ready?  On the count of three.  One….  FUCK your pussy feels good.  Ha!  I never make it to three.  For a small boy like you, you have one deep puss.  It’s gonna go far. 
“…And you can take a power slam.  Bitch, I am loving your hole.  You are going to go far with me this weekend. 
“…My cock however is not going to last long.  It’s like silk in here and it fucking feels great.  Your puss is going to be put to the test this weekend.  I’m a multiple cummer, and you are going to be full.
“Do that again.  Clamp down.  Fuck!  I’m already close.  Boy, I’m going to flood your guts with a two-week load.  Here it cums.  Here it cums pussy boy!  Uhh, ahh, fuck, ahhhh!  Ahhhhhh.  Fuck yeah.
“Bitch.  You know how to work that hole.  I’m going to pull out.  Clamp down….
“Jesus!  I haven’t cum that fast in a long time.  I would love to say it was all your hole.  No, it’s that there are two on-lookers, I got two of my closest buds standing beside me. 
“Hey!  You guys are going to like this hole.  I haven’t tried out the boy’s mouth.  Why don’t you guys climb in, and we will be off.
“Boy, climb up.  These two men are managers on my shift.  We go way back to those after-work fuck days.  They get first crack at you.  Treat them with the utmost respect they deserve even though they are going to treat you like shit.  After they are done, I have a number of other guys lined up at another few spots.  You are going to perform for all of them as well as you did me.
“Gentlemen, while this is a new boy, the old rules still apply.  You can get as wild as you want, just no permanent or long-lasting damage, no shit, no blood.  I don’t need a bloody mess back here.
“Get your leg in bitch.  I need to close the door.  The Shaggin’ Wagon needs to move, and your pussy needs to be turned into one hell of a sloppy gaping cunt.  I’ll be up front drivin’ and chillin’ and smokin’ my cigar with the sounds of men using a cum dump bitch boy.  Let’s roll!”
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f10werfae · 2 years
Pregnancy On The Brain
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pairing: Lumberjack!Henry x Short!Shy!Wife!Reader
summary: Now that Henry’s successfully knocked up his precious darling wife, he has to keep an extra eye on her and their little miracle (Dom!Henry) (Emotional loving 🥹)
likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated🫶
Disclaimer: 18+ / Lumberjack!Henry Masterlist / Henry Masterlist / Full Masterlist
“Whas wrong sugar? What’s got my woman all teary” Henry frowned seeing his wife all upset in front of the mirror, her lips pouted and her face flustered. “I-I don’t f-fit into my d-dress anymore” Y/n whined seeing how the lemon printed dress barely made its way up her hips, stitches being ripped the harder she pulled on it. “Oi stop it, there’s nothin’ wrong, especially when there’s more of my bunbun to love on” Henry smirked groping the bits of skin Y/n was complaining about.
“B-but- well maybe I-I should e-exercise with you more?” She pondered looking up at him still visibly upset, in fact her chin was starting to wrinkle up from shaking so much, the new changes in her body clearly causing her distress. Henry could tell by the way her stutter started to make itself more visible. “No way. Precious things like you don’t belong on the heavy equipment sweetpea, you want exercise? Let me fuck your pretty pussy till ya sweat” He smirked bending down to nuzzle his nose with hers, his cock hardening once he saw her giggle n latch onto his bicep with both hands.
“T-That’s so naughty” She whispered cuddling the side of her face into his bicep, his other hand pulling back down the dress till it hit the floor, allowing him to play with her ass easily. “Listen while i’m out collecting log wood today, wan’ you to put on another pretty little dress that I bought ya last week, preferably the lilac one, n’ I want you to make somethin’ nice for us to eat when I get home. Can ya do that for me sugar bun?” He whispered running a finger up and down her cheek, his eyes having a dark glaze over them as he looked down at her.
“Mhm mhm! I can!” Y/n smiled happily, the ingredients for her cherry pie already listed out in her head, her cravings for it suddenly growing ten times in a mere few seconds. “Good n’ when I come home, i’ll have a surprise for ya” He grinned kissing her lips softly, before pulling away and grabbing his baseball cap, blowing kisses at her every two seconds as he walked towards his truck. Leaving his wife to her own special mission, the cherry pie.
“Oh I gotta get the cherries!” Y/n giggled slipping on her shoes, grabbing the wooden basket Henry had gotten her especially for her daily walks. Her face vibrant as she skipped down the secluded lane of their back yard, full of luscious fields, heading towards their cherry trees at the edge of the field. Her lilac dress flowing in the slightly cool breeze, her arms swinging the basket back and forth as she hummed a silly little tune she made up. Her eyes widening as she saw the amount of cherries on the tree, there were so many!
“Wow, y-you guys have all grown! Thank y-you so much” She said adorably picking a handful of sweet cherries from one branch, carefully grabbing her glass jar from the basket and plopping them in until it was full. “Well, I suppose it won’t hurt to taste one of ya” She whispered pulling out her blue blanket she always kept in her basket for emergency picnics, her several glass jars of cherries sitting snug inside the basket, while she lay down munching on her home grown fruits.
She still remembers the day she had complained to Henry about his poor eating habits and demanded he bought her seeds for her own plants; now here she was basically nurturing her own garden of babies, ranging from apples all the way to carrots.
‘That one looks like bonnie the rabbit’ Y/n thought looking up at the scarce white clouds flying overhead, her stuffed animal back home looking like one of them, then another looked like Henry’s axe and then one looked like a cherry. “Oh my phone, m-musta left it at home” She giggled realising, her hand reaching for the missing phone to try and take a picture to send to Henry. The warm sun gracing her face, distant sounds of birds providing a sweet lullaby, one which she slowly fell asleep to.
Meanwhile… Henry on the other hand was just about ready to head home, like clockwork he checked his babygirl’s location on life 360, smirking to himself to see that she had stayed at home like she said she would. Heading off back through the country in his pickup truck, he stopped off at a pharmacy by the gas station, picking up his surprise gift for his bunbun; one he knew would solidify their relationship forever. His body sweaty and hot, even though he was wearing baggy jeans a vest, his body painted with a light golden tan.
“Home sweet home” He whispered to himself, dusting off before going inside, remembering how much his precious wife despises their home being messy; Henry still smiles at the memory of her showing her domestic side, how she wouldn’t let him leave without breakfast and would always pack him lunches. Henry on the other hand wouldn’t let her go anywhere unless it was him driving her, after all what else was his purpose other than to look after his naive lover.
“Sugar pie, where are ya?” He shouted throwing his vest off to the side, his boots thundering against the creaky wooden floorboards, his steps leading him into the kitchen; the ingredients for her famous cherry pie laid out on the counter. But no Y/n. His nostrils flared seeing her iphone left beside the ingredients, who knows how long she’s been gone?
‘Did she really fuckin’ leave?’ Was Henry’s first thought, the veins on his neck popping out purely just from the thought, no wonder her tracker hadn’t moved once. Although the thought of her leaving dissipated once he saw Marly the cat coming inside from the fields, their backdoor was left wide open, the sunshine peeking in gratefully. “Ah the fields, the fuckin’ fields” Henry chuckled shaking his head, course she was out there, he knew how much his wife loved exploring the great outdoors; bringing him different coloured rocks and pebbles, watching giddily as he’d place them on the mantle as if they were to be treasured. And they were, because she got them for Him.
Walking out the backdoor he started off walking down the lane, the meadows further away shining green and healthily, but nothing deterred Henry from finding his little love.
Stopping at the start of the line of trees, he saw her, clearly snoring away on her soft picnic blanket; her basket full of jars of cherries beside her. Henry scoffed and smirked seeing just how silly she was, but he couldn’t blame her, not with her current condition. Looming over her figure, she whined and whimpered before opening her eyes fully, a sleepy smile gracing her lips when she realised it was none other than her husband.
“You fuckin’ scared me baby, didn’t know what ta do without ya, ya left your phone n’ everythin’” Henry whispered hunkering down onto his knees, watching as she slowly sat up, her face all puffy and sun-kissed from her nap. “m-m’ sorry I-I forgot it n’ I was too b-busy lookin’ at the clouds a-and”
“s’okay baby, your man knows, can’t blame ya for a little forgetfulness” He chuckled darkly, seeing how sleepy she still was, guiding her to hop onto his back while he gathered up her blanket and basket. “Missed you s-so much” She whispered kissing his back softly as he whistled a tune, “Ah was only gone for around three hours sugar” He chuckled walking down the smooth path, their large luxurious cabin coming into sight. “I-I know that, but I missed you a-anyway” She sighed rubbing her head against his warm back, her eyes threatening to close over once again.
“n’ I missed your pretty pussy-“
“My What!” Y/n’s eyes shot open at her husband’s vulgar words, his back vibrating from his chuckles travelling through, “n’ your tits and your-“
“Stop i-it that’s embarrassing and t-they ain’t pretty mister” She whined kicking her legs which were in his hands, his footsteps stopping abruptly with a deep sigh, “What do I gotta do to prove to you, that I think you’re fuckin’ sexy as hell, n’ I have to stop myself from whipping my cock out everytime I see ya smile” He grunted lifting her up a bit higher before continuing on down the trail, “W-whippin’ your wha out?!” She giggled loudly, her chin resting on his shoulder as she looked at his face from the side.
Henry smirked turning his head to the side, capturing her lips with his, his tongue reaching out for hers but quickly retracting once she wanted more. The tease. “You’re such a m-meanie, no more kissies for you” She grunted moving back to rest against his back, his hand leaving her leg to reach back and spank her ass with a pop; her body jerking up with an excited squeal.
“Try that again sweetheart n’ we’ll see what happens” He growled finally stepping into the cooler cabin, setting her down on top of their counters, beside his plastic bag from the pharmacy which had her small present. “I-is my present in here?!” She said excitedly picking up the bag, only to pout when Henry pulled it away from her grumpily.
“I dunno if you deserve it honey, ya worried me today, had me thinkin’ ya left your man up ‘ere in the mountains” He ‘tsk’ed and caged her in with an arm on each side of her, his nose rubbing up and down her cheek sensually, her hands fisting his shirt desperately as she pouted. “I-I dunno what happened H-hen, I swear! M-m jus’ forgetful nowadays” She whimpered nuzzling into his chest like a kitten, her legs caged around his waist, her face dipping down to place kisses onto his neck and up his chin.
“Alright alright fine, since you wan’ it so badly” He smirked cupping her face and kissing her nose, his hands reached into the bag and pulled out the small box, a clearblue box. “Ya know what this is bunny don’t ya?” Taking out the small stick and twirling it in his hands, he passed it to his wife, who was visibly shocked and shaken at what he’d just given her. “A-a pregnancy test?” She whispered looking at the foreign object, was this the condition Henry was talking about?
“I wan’ you to take it for me babybun, see if we have our present in there already” He smirked nipping her lip playfully, his hand rubbing over the bottom of her stomach affectionately, her small gasps filling his ears. “I-is this why my dresses d-don’t fit?”
“Find out n’ see baby” He smiled taking her hand in his, and pulling her into their large bathroom, with a bathtub big enough to fit four people at the most. “W-will you stay with me? M-m scared” She whimpered pulling up the skirt of her dress, her face flustered at the thought of him watching her pee, but then again this wouldn’t be the first time. There’d been multiple times where he’d simply barge into the toilet while she was in there, just for his routine goodbye kiss before work.
“Don’t worry sugar pie, m’not leavin’, not now and not ever” He smiled, almost sickly, his hands holding onto hers, quite comical because his wife was simply peeing yet needed all the support possible. “Alright pass it over ‘ere” He said watching her finish up, the test still in her shaky hands. “N-no way it’s full of my pee” She gasped horrified putting it down onto the counter herself, turning to distract herself by washing her hands.
Those three minutes felt like utter hell for them both, with Y/n ultimately sitting on Henry’s lap whilst he was on the toilet cover, his voice softly shushing her small whimpers and nervous hiccups as she looked at the test left on the table. “S’okay pretty girl, daddy will look after ya both” Kissing her neck wetly he could already feel her pussy throbbing at his words, even during a nerve wracking situation like this, a life altering moment.
“Ya promise?” Holding his deep blue eyes, her own looked glossy and scared, her hands fiddling with his fingers erratically. “I pinky promise” Linking their fingers together he kissed her lips softly, her head pushing forward wanting to deepen it, she missed three hours worth of his kisses today; she was not having it!
Although their little kiss session was interrupted by the beep of the timer on Henry’s phone, Y/n jumping up to her feet and leaning her head over to look at the plastic stick, her breath hitching in her throat. “what does a cross mean?” Her voice came out dry and hoarse, and for once not a stutter was in sight, she knew what it meant. “My gorgeous little wife is pregnant, with my baby” He smiled to himself still sitting on the toilet cover, he already knew the result, months of vitamins and unprotected sex would eventually have lead to this; all it took was some time.
“I-i’m gonna be a mommy?” Her hand softly slid down to cup the slight pouch on her stomach, her fingers grazing over her fabric slowly, a small smile finding its way onto her cace. “I-i’m gonna be a mommy!”
“mhm, so prouda ya babygirl” Henry smirked feeling up her thigh, his hand going up to grope her bare ass, his new baby momma still coming to terms with the fact she was carrying their little life; yet all he wanted to do was to fuck her good, and if he could he would knock her up again. The idea of his wife all round and big, full of him, got him so hot and bothered, her tits all swollen along with her belly, safely housing their own miracle.
“H-how do we know when i-it’s comin?”
“I’ll sort all that out baby, ya don’t need to worry your pretty self, after-all ya got pregnancy on the brain. Don’t want ya forgettin’ anythin” He cooed standing up to kiss her forehead, his arms enveloping her against him, feeling her nod and relax in his arms. All according to his plan.
After he was finally able to get her to come to bed with him, he found her hands naturally gravitating towards her stomach, her protective maternal instincts already kicking in so early. “I-if we have a g-girl can we name it a-after a flower?” She asked innocently looking up at him, her hands on top of his, on her stomach. “N’ what if it’s a boy babybun?” He chuckled kissing the tip of her nose, “I dunno haven’t t-thought of it yet! Stop stressin’ me out!” She whined almost inaudibly as Henry murmured sweet soft apologies, his lips coating the side of her face in gentle kissies, her favourite.
“T-thought you said you was sleepy” She whispered wrapping her arms around his neck, caressing his nape as he continued to plant little love bites on his lover, his kisses leaving her all hot and bothered. “I am, wasn’t lyin’” Henry pulled back quirking his eyebrow, “T-then tell it to calm down, o-or else ya won’t be able to sleep” Y/n said shyly pointing at the tent starting to grow in Henry’s trousers, ignoring the fact that Henry had basically bunched her dress up to her breasts, his fingers rubbing over her slick wet folds.
“Why don’t you tell my pussy to calm down” He grumbled rubbing her own slickness all over her, acting as if it was lube, his fingers greedily pinching her swollen jutted out clit. “Y-you started it! baby, tell your d-daddy to stop bein silly” She whined looking down and rubbing her still stomach, even though there was still no dramatic visible growth, the potential of it made her emotional and excited.
Licking into her mouth Henry held the back of her neck gently, both of her hands still on her stomach, while his other hand was busy messing with her second set of lips. Tugging, rubbing and spanking at her sensitive button, causing her body to jolt and shiver into the kiss, her tongue actively sucking on his passionately. Her chin slowly growing wet and slick, both of them not caring at how much filth there was. Kissing her sensually one more time he pushed her fully onto her back, his knees straddling her.
“Oh baby I hope they got your eyes, gon’ have me wrapped round their lil finger jus’ like their momma” He groaned seeing her just batting her eyelashes at him, a mischievous smile on her face as she felt up his torso, “I-I wan’ them to look l-like their daddy, s-so handsome” She whispered looking away from his eyes shyly. His hands now pulling the dress up fully over her head, giving her tits a bounce and grope; his voice chuckling deeply in her ear as he licked up her neck, “You’re so g’damn sexy, can’t wait to see ya all full of me, walkin’ around so everyone knows I pumped ya full of my cum”
“mhm s-so dirty” Whimpering and writhing, she felt his fingers go back down to her slick centre, the tip of his cock slapping against her clit roughly, almost imitating the spank of a hand. “Aw baby, we both know you’re the dirty one here, weren’t ya the one beggin’ me to kiss your pretty little pussy the other day?”
“Y-you said if I needed help w-with the tingles ya would help” She whined feeling the head of his shaft slip through her sensitive folds, his nestle of curls at the base of his dick softly scratching against her button, his heavy balls sitting against her swollen lips. His length slowly slipping in through her puffy pussy, both of them sighing out in relief and pleasure as he bottomed out inside of her; Y/n’s hands cupping his face to keep his forehead on hers, nuzzling their noses together for comfort like they always did.
“Gah hav’ knocked ya up and you’re still so tight, almost like when ya were a virgin honey” Henry growled pecking her pouty lips, her voice whining at his choice of words, her legs securely wrapped around his waist. “You take me so well honey, could fuck your pregnant pussy all day n’ night if a could”
“W-well you can, y-you jus’ don’t” She snarked back, clearly regretting her decision straight after when Henry quirked his brow at her, making her shut up in a mere few seconds. “Say that again n’ i’ll tie ya to the bed, won’t be leavin’ since ya want me to play with my pussy so much” He teased thrusting in and out at a slow pace, his one hand cupping her face, while the other toyed with her nipples. “Can’t wait to see these pretty tits fill up with milk, I already know it’ll taste as sweet as you do sugar pie, you’ll let me have a taste won’t ya?”
Small mewls left her slightly opened lips, her eyes widen open and already glimmering with tears as Henry slowly moved their position, where he was now spooning her, their hips smacking together to create a lewd sound. “Mhmhm” She moaned pushing her tits together just for him, knowing how much he adored just simply looking at them, sometimes he’d even hide her bras just so she’d walk about their home, her pebbles nipples poking through the fabric.
“So gorgeous, my pretty wife” He smirked leaning over and spitting right onto the valley between her breasts, hearing her squeak as he watched her massage his spit onto her globes, she was so dirty for him; only him. Before she had met Henry, Y/n L/n would never have even stepped a foot out of line, and now she was the one making the line. Hugging onto her, he kissed her shoulders and back so affectionately, he wanted to make her cum. “I-I love you so much pretty girl, ya make me so happy, you n’ our lil’ miracle” He moaned feeling her clench around him, his hand reaching over to momentarily slap her breasts together, before reaching down and drawing figure eights on her button.
Hearing no reply he looked over to see tears filing down her face continuously, her lip hidden between her teeth as she bit down harshly, her hands fisting the sheets tightly to keep her from squealing at how deep he was going. “What’s wrong bunny? Am I hurtin’ ya?” He said slowing down, concern lacing his voice as his rough calloused hands felt up her sides. “N-no, a-am jus’ really happy, love you too hubby” She smiled blinking away a few stray tears as she turned her head to face him, her tongue outstretched already waiting to tangle around his, muffled squeals leaving her lips as she felt him return back to his rhythm.
“I’m close babybun, ya wanna cum with me?” He asked breaking away from their kiss with a peck, their lips still touching as he spoke, her eyes staring up at his softly but intensely, her head nodding; her lips wanting nothing more than to his his soft ones. Thank God she had forced him to start wearing lip balm.
Y/n found herself clawing onto his arm that was wrapped around her waist, her teeth clenched, sobs wrecking through her body purely just because she felt so loved and so intimate. Henry’s warm cum flooding her almost instantly as she herself felt his fingers rub her button at the same time, her hole clenching around him for the last time, giving out once she let out a raspy breath.
“Did so good for me sugar plum, don’t worry I gotcha, ya can rely on me” He whispered kissing the shell of his ear, feeling her clench around him a few more times before pulling out slowly to not make her uncomfortable. After a few silent seconds of Henry combing her hair back with his fingers, his soft voice shushing her quiet sobs as he rocked her back and forth against his body.
Henry couldn’t help but worry, he’d never seen his precious give such an emotional reaction, had he pushed her too far? She hadn’t used her safe-word ‘cherry’ so he had assumed she was still okay during their intense love-making session. The tiny tattoo of a ‘H’ on the back of her neck receiving wet kisses while he waited for her to calm down.
“Hold on pretty, m’jus’ gonna run us a bath alright?” Receiving nothing but a shake of a head and a ‘don’t leave me a-alone’ He smiled picking her up against his still nude body, sitting her on top of the counter as he filled up the tub with warm water, making sure to put in some of lavender bubbles she adored so much to relax in.
“c’mere sugar, don’t worry i’m here too” He whispered helping her step into the purple coloured water, letting her sit sideways on his lap, her head laying on his shoulder; that’s how big their bath tub is.
“M-m sorry for bein’ a crybaby, I didn’t mean it” She whispered lifting her head up to kiss his beard covered cheek, her energy clearly spent and gone.
“Don’t you ever apologise for bein’ you, what’d I tell ya? If you’re cryin’, i’m here, if you’re angry then i’m here, you’re happy then i’m here. This is for life sweets, nothin’ is gonna put me off ya I promise. Well except sometimes ya stink but-“
“Stop it!” She said smiling a little, Henry’s heart lightening a little seeing her vibe jolt up a bit in comparison to earlier. “Now that i’ve seen that beautiful smile a’ yours, care to share what’s buggin’ my wife so much?”
“I-it really was nothin’ bad. Was jus’ thinkin’ about how- how happy I am w-with you. W-When I think back to when I was 17, I-I was always so worried i’d end up un-unloved because of my problems; but y-you’ve never made me feel like a burden, n’ now w-we’re havin’ a baby together” She smiled finishing her explanation, looking up at Henry with a blissful smile on her face, her hands bringing his to her stomach, “O-our baby” She giggled wiggling excitedly on his lap,
“There’s no other woman on this Earth i’d rather have a baby with-“
“So i-if an alien”
“Shut it you. Let me continue my speech to you now that you’ve done yours” He chuckled sprinkling water in her face playfully, “You’re the one for me, n’ you’d never be a burden because I want to bother with you, I want everything with ya. Gah, you’re just fuckin’ irresistible n’ I don’t think I can live without ya. I don’t know what piece a shit has said things to ya but, you’re my precious sugar plum princess. In our little world, right up ‘ere where no one can get us, I promise to keep ya n’ our little miracle safe. Cause you’re both mine n’ i’m not afraid to show it” He finished, twirling the wedding band round her finger, his eyes staring at her; simply smiling she leant forward connecting their lips together, “N’ y-you’re mine”
PSA: I really am proud of this piece, and hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it 🫶
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Hope you all have a lovely week🫶
Can’t wait to write more dad!lumberjack!Henry xoxo Fae
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speed-world · 1 month
Hi, I'm not sure if you'll see my request, but I want to ask. Whooh.. [worried and worried] So calm... can I ask you to write Cookie Run Kingdom Self-awareness Au with a human child y/n? And what does the ancients and the cookies of darkness have to do with the fact that their world is just a game? Well, when the ancients and the cookies of darkness found out about this, all the cookies would want to get to know child y/n and the Dark Enchantress changed her mind from leading the world and then a new dispute began about who would protect and take care of child y/n. [If possible, then let y/n get into the midst of the final battle of the Ancients against the Dark Enchantress cookie and if you don't mind, then let the character of little y/n be the most attractive and sweet in the world and his appearance charming so much that even the trading monsters and cake hounds did not want to cause any harm and even pomegranate cookies and Licorice cookies were kind to baby y/n] I would very much like you to tell me this sweet story about it. ^^
(Sorry this took so long, I really hope this is to your liking, as I wrote it with the idea of a school age child [6-12] and I didn’t do everything in the request)
Terrifying New Dawn
Everything was dark around you, so much so that you couldn’t see your own hand in front of your face. The last thing you remember clearly was playing on your phone before going to sleep, and now you were waking up here….in a deforested area with dark and red shadows clouding the sky. You had so many questions: Where are your parents? Where are you?? Why are…the large walls surrounding you so tasty looking?! As you stirred, you heard the muttering of smaller beings that surrounded you. Shock and confusion were written on all of their faces as they just stared at you lying down…
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“It seems like they’re waking up…how on Earthbread did this even happen?”
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“I…I have no idea. Why would a child of the Witches suddenly come down here, during a war of all things…?”
Your vision began to clear up more, and you quickly realized where you were. You were surrounded by Cookies…and you recognized all of them!! These were all recognizable faces from the game you were playing earlier: CookieRun: Kingdom! How exciting is this!! Granted, you also realized something more grim than exciting…you’re still you: a human child in a game world of Cookies. You were dang near a giant to them, and they looked scared of you…how can you convince them you aren’t a threat? Maybe…just say hello?
“Pure Vanilla, Dark Cacao, Hollyberry, Golden Cheese, White Lily, and even Dark Enchantress Cookie?! H-hello…it’s really cool to see you all-“
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“T-this child knows us?! They wouldn’t be…a baker or a witch, would they?!”
Okay…not the reaction you wanted…but how do you explain yourself to them? You most certainly aren’t a “child of the Witches,” nor are you a Witch at all!! Would telling the truth hurt? No…it couldn’t hurt!! It’s just the truth, and your parents always told you that lying wasn’t good for anyone, so telling the truth must be perfect!!
“No, no, I’m nothing like that! I’m just a kid that was playing your cool game! I don’t know what happened to my phone though…but I was playing as you guys in this exact moment, where you were fighting each other! Neat, right?”
Your childish innocence only made things worse. The Cookies around you froze in complete shock from the slow realization, a truth far more painful than the one Dark Enchantress Cookie was dead set on making others see. They were pixels on a screen,…predetermined script for you to mess around with, …fake…. If it wasn’t obvious, they weren’t happy with this realization at all, especially the one who’s apparently been forced to play the villain’s role…
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“What…what kind of perverse joke is this? You mean to tell me that my ambitions, everything I’ve worked tirelessly for, my life…has been worthless this entire time?! The truth I meant to share with all Cookiekind…is nothing more than wasted breath compared to this…”
Dark Enchantress Cookie stood utterly defeated, still trying to process what reality now means to her. The Ancients, ironically, were united with Dark Enchantress here. None of them knew what to properly make of their lives now. But, there was now a more pressing issue: you. You were a child, a lost one at that. You had no home to go to, no family to look after you, and you were rather…unfitted for the Cookie world as you were now. Oddly enough, the first one to address this was none other than Dark Enchantress herself!
“Ah, yes….despite everything, you, child, are our greatest concern of the moment. Seeing as how all I’ve strived for is now utterly meaningless, I’ve changed my mind. I no longer have any desire to continue this war with you Ancient heroes, or any other Cookies of the matter. From now on, this child is my concern, and I’ll watch over them as I see fit.”
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“W-what?! You can’t be the one to watch over them! You’d misguide and harm them, and no matter who they are, they don’t deserve that harsh life!”
“All you do is assume rather than listen…I’ve made it abundantly clear that I have no more interest in any of my former ideals, as they clearly have no substance anymore. If it makes you happy to satisfy your role as a ‘hero’, then we can all help this child adjust to this world properly. Surely if we come together with our magic and wits, we can at least ideally make them a body better suited to live amongst us, wouldn’t you agree~?”
The Ancients stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity to decide your fate, before one radiant Ancient approached you. She looked up at your towering stature with welcoming eyes.
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“Child, do know that this is ultimately your decision. The last thing either of us would want is to do anything to you that could harm you. Your safety and wellbeing is our shared priority, but you could pose a danger to us in the state you’re currently in. If you so wish, we can find a way to assist you to live in this world without issue until we find a way to bring you back to your home…what do you say?”
It felt like no matter what you chose, you’d be completely safe and cared for no matter what. You noticed that as you were pondering, a horde of cake hounds and other monsters of Dark Enchantress’s forces circled you and virtually showered you with affection, which you found so adorable!! The cake hounds would play around your large body and playfully puppy kiss you!
It’s clear as day that these Cookies care for you, first and foremost, and everything else around you did as well. They wouldn’t cause you harm, they wouldn’t even want you to cry or be afraid, they loved you like nothing else, and hoped that your new life here wouldn’t be anything to be afraid of!
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actualbird · 1 year
who in the nxx yells “THERE’S A BUG” and who removes the bug, and how?
those who yell "THERES A BUG": marius and mc
now im not saying both of them are particularly squeamish, no no, they can definitely keep it cool when the situation Calls For It. that being said, seeing a bug in the nxx meeting room on a slow day isnt exactly the most high stakes of situations, so the most High Stakes Element remains to be whatever bug they see
mc just doesnt like bugs, theyre creepy theyre crawly and she doesnt trust anything that can dart out of her line of vision in the blink of an eye
marius also doesnt like bugs and because of his upbringing, he did not get to see very many of them growing up. which means every time he Did see a Bug Intruder, it's like a Category 5 Drama Moment
the moment they see the bug, theyre announcing it LOUDLY to everybody else in the room while also getting up to stand on some chairs
those who dont yell "THERES A BUG" but does look at the bug and track its every movement while sitting still like a statue hoping the bug doesnt notice him, as if bugs operate on some kind of t-rex knowledge: artem
let's rewind a bit. before marius and mc saw the bug, artem saw it first. and he just
didnt say anything about it
artem.....Also Does Not Like Bugs. but he also also doesnt like being loud about things he doesnt like so he just Sits There, so still you'd think he fucking died, and he hopes the bug mistakes him for some kind of inanimate man-shaped furniture and avoids him due to sheer disinterest
it doesnt avoid him.
it probably crawls or flies very close to him a few times the only thing that stops him from screaming "THERES A BUG" is his self-control thats as hard as cast-iron skillet
it's fine though because marius and mc spot it and sound the alarm
(thank god)
those who remove the bug: luke and vyn
luke and vyn are the ones who will both 1) be completely unbothered by the bug and 2) have to bring it out
the reason for luke is obvious, he's had wilderness survival training and probably had to eat bugs like in an episode of Man VS Wild to survive on an uninhabited island, so hes REALLY past any squeamishness with bugs. in fact, if mc said the word, luke would grab the bug and crush it with his bare hands
and vyn is a gardener!!! bugs are APLENTY in the garden, so he sees them not as malevolent but as important creatures in a healthy ecosystem. the bug probably got in from vyn's garden, actually, since nxx hq is on his property
and thus
The Timeline Of Events When a Bug Appears In The NXX HQ Meeting Room
bug: //crawls in
artem: //sees it, soul leaves his body for a bit and he petrifies himself as a defense mechanism
mc: why did artem go so still
marius: i dont know, maybe hes rebooting?
mc: dont be mean!
marius: im not being mea---FUCK
mc: what?
marius: THERES A BUG
mc: theres a wha---THERES A BUG
marius and mc: //immediately moving to stand on the couch
artem: //still Not Moving, hoping that mc and marius' sudden movements attract it
bug: //flexes wings open and closed
vyn and luke, coming back in from where they were in the file room: ???
luke: oh. do you want me to kill it?
mc: NO!!
marius: YES!!!!!!
artem: i havent moved in 20 minutes
luke: dead or alive?
marius: DEAD
vyn, while they were all conversing: //gently coaxes the bug onto his palm and lets it out through the window
vyn's rationale here was that luke was doing a great job at handling (i.e. distracting) the People, so he went ahead and took care of the Bug. the bug will not be returning to the nxx meeting room because it was quite cold with no soil and also VERY loud
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Hello! It's me againn and guess what 😈😈 Yes! I got another idea for Tom Riddle and m!reader 😋😋
Ekhem- so basically Tom was assigned to tutor this boy who was known for his lack of effort in class, he would sleep nor just ditched out the classes. So, as a nice Headboy he was, Tom decided to accept the task to tutor the boy and behold! The boy just sleeping the whole time Tom explain smth to him. So yeah Tom's mad n reader was like "Huh why r u mad? I don't even need tutor in the 1st place..." So Tom's gotten more mad 😔 and reader would like 🧍‍♂️
AHAHAHA n then as an apology, reader shows up to Tom after the exam ended n gave him his exam papers and oh boy this mf got O (Outstanding) for all the subjects, turns out the reader is able to do the school works from the beginning but he just won't do it bc he's a lazy ass bitch. Then Tom's reaction would be "🧍‍♂️...Yeah, i need those genes for my kids 😍"
THIS IS SO MESSY LMAO im sorry here's sum oranges for ur wonderful writing 🍊🍊🍊
Tutoring - T. R. x male!Reader
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A/N: Thank you so much!! I love seeing you in my ask box! I hope this is what you were wanting 💛 Sorry about the ending lol. I couldn’t for the life of me figure out how to end it well.
I think I tagged everything, but let me know if I missed something! Fic is unedited with no use of Y/N
Anyway, have some hearts for sending me so many amazing requests! 💛💛💛💛
CW: Tom being fed up; anger; laziness; yelling; Tom gets fairly upset in this; somewhat mean words towards the reader; making up; brief compliment towards Tom; Abraxas and Tom are friends in this; Tom gets a little bit obsessed with reader; Tom’s evil plans
1144 words
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It was a little known fact that Tom loved tutoring. For more selfish reasons than he’d care to admit, but he loved it all the same.
It was the rush of power he felt when a teacher came to him on behalf of yet another student. It was the pride when a student finally understood the material.
It was even the knowledge that Tom was smarter than most of the students at Hogwarts.
And yet, for all his love of tutoring, he was seriously debating quitting.
The answer was simple. You.
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Tom had agreed to tutor you as a favor to Professor Slughorn. It wasn’t even for extra credit; a rare occasion of Tom being nice.
The professor was clearly fed up with you, and Tom was more than willing to take on a challenge.
And oh, what a challenge you were.
You were late to your first tutoring session, completely missed the second one, and slept through the third one.
You’d apologized, of course; but by the fourth tutoring session, it was clear you just didn’t have the motivation to study.
And it infuriated Tom.
He’d never failed as a tutor before, and he certainly wasn’t going to fail now.
When your eyes start to droop for the third time in ten minutes during your next study session, Tom’s patience runs out.
“Were you attending a party last night?” he demands, hands clenched. “What in Merlin’s name could have made you so tired?”
You startle, blearily lifting your head and rubbing at your eyes. “You think I’m cool enough to attend a party?”
It sounds like a genuine question, one Tom refuses to answer.
“What. Kept. You. Up?”
“My roommates.” You yawn and settle back into your seat. “They were having fun or something. Bein’ loud. Kept me up most of the night.”
Tom’s fists unclench. He takes a deep breath. “And do they do this every night?”
“Well… sort of…?” You fiddle with your quill. “Not every night, but…”
Tom pinches the bridge of his nose. “Talk to your Head of House about it. They’ll deal with your noisy roommates.”
“Alright.” You give him a small smile. Tom doesn’t return it.
“Now, for your potions essay…”
You slump in your seat.
But Tom counts it as a win when it takes you a few minutes longer than usual before your head starts drooping again.
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You’re falling asleep yet again, and Tom has had it with you.
He slams the potions guide down on the table, startling you awake.
“Merlin, what the—“
“What—“ Tom seethes, “—is wrong with you?”
You blink, clearly taken aback. “Uhhh…”
“I have done my absolute best to ensure you don’t fail your exams next week, and you have done nothing but laze about and sleep!”
“Look, Riddle, just chill out.” You hold up your hands placatingly, giving him a weak smile. “I don’t get why you’re so upset. Professor Slughorn said you wanted to tutor me.”
“Well, not anymore! I am through with you!” Tom stands, fists clenched. “You have driven me to my wit’s end! If you’re not going to bother even trying to focus, I’m not going to bother trying to help you!”
“I quit!” Tom snaps.
You stare at him, stunned. Then you cross your arms. “Well, fine! Merlin knows I never needed a tutor in the first place!”
Tom glares at you and angrily gathers his things.
It doesn’t feel good to quit. But he’s never felt so helpless before. You just simply seem to refuse to learn.
As he stalks away, though, there’s an odd pull at his heart. Maybe it was something about the unhappiness in your eyes. Or the way your fingers trembled as they gripped your quill.
Whatever it was, Tom squashes the feeling like a bug. He’s done with you. Not even a favor from Slughorn could tempt him to take you on again.
Of that, he is certain.
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Tom’s sitting with Abraxas in the main hall, celebrating his exam scores. All Outstandings and Exceeds Expectations, even for Divination and Herbology.
He’s particularly proud of his O in Potions, proof that he knows the material well.
He’s just about to bite into a pumpkin pastry when there’s a soft cough behind him.
He turns, raising an eyebrow. It’s you, looking quite sheepish.
“Hey, Riddle.”
Tom purses his lips together thinly and crosses his arms. “Hello.”
You shuffle your feet and rub the back of your neck. “I know you were really mad at me,” you mumble, “But I wanted to explain myself a bit…”
“Then explain.”
You take a deep breath and pull a piece of paper from your pocket. It’s your report card for the exams.
Tom takes it, expecting to see some sort of dismal grade requiring his assistance.
But instead, what greets him is the best set of scores he’s ever seen. All Outstandings, in every class.
Tom stares at the report card, utterly baffled. “What?”
You rub the back of your neck again, not meeting his gaze. “I told you, I didn’t need a tutor. I can do the work. I just don’t like it.”
Tom slowly looks up from the report card. “You… just don’t like it…?”
You shrug. “Schoolwork’s boring. I’d rather do something else instead.”
Tom’s brain is a whirl. You were capable of doing the coursework already. More so, you knew everything well enough to get Outstandings in every class, something even he failed to do.
Tom hands you back your report card. “I owe you an apology then.”
“Nah,” you laugh softly and shuffle your feet. “Don’t worry about it. ‘Sides, you’re kinda cute all angry ‘n’ stuff.”
Tom blinks. You shrug and give him an awkward smile. “See you around, Riddle.”
“Right…” He watches as you walk away.
Then he turns quickly to Abraxas. “Malfoy, he had all Outstandings.”
Abraxas glances at him once, then does a double take. “Oh, no. I know that look. What are you planning?”
Tom grins. “Surely you see it? A brain that smart, when paired with my cunning? We’d be unstoppable.”
Abraxas glances at where you’d been standing. “Tom, I don’t know about this…”
But Tom’s mind is already at work. You already thought he was cute once… With the right sort of manipulation, perhaps he could get you to think it again.
Perhaps he could get you to fall in love with him.
“Just think about it, Malfoy. Our children would be geniuses!”
Abraxas just sighs. He shakes his head, but Tom ignores him. His plan is forming in his mind; his perfect plan to get you to fall in love with him.
With only a little bit of persuasion, he’ll get you to fall in love with him. And then you’ll be his lover forever. The other half to his genius.
And then all his plans will be perfected.
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onlinesuzie · 28 days
♡ book exchange with hamzah ♡
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words: 1.5k
genre: fluff
summary: You accidentally leave a book with your address inside at a neighborhood book exchange. Hamzah finds it, and loves the story, and decides to return it.
notes: definitely definitely going to be a part 2 or even a part 3. i have more fics coming just been busy <33
You’d always loved the small, quaint book exchange box nestled at the corner of your street. It was a simple wooden structure, painted a cheerful shade of blue, with a glass door that allowed passersby to peek at the stories inside. The idea was straightforward: leave a book, take a book, and in doing so, share stories with your neighbors in an anonymous, yet oddly intimate, way.
One sunny afternoon, you decided to contribute a book that had been sitting on your shelf for a while. It was a well-loved history book, one that had you telling family and friends random facts that had intrigued you. As you slipped it into the box, you couldn’t help but feel a twinge of sadness at parting with it. There were memories attached to that book, revelations embedded in its pages, but you hoped someone else would find as much interest in it as you had.
What you didn’t realize was that inside the book, tucked between the pages, was a small note you’d written ages ago: ‘Please return to [Your Name].’ It had your address on it—a note meant for a friend who had borrowed the book back in April. You’d completely forgotten about it.
Later that day, Hamzah happened to walk by the book exchange. He was on a bit of a personal mission lately—trying to read more, to step away from the his online life of screens and immerse himself in the kind of stories that didn’t come with thumbnails and clickbait titles. The little book exchange caught his eye, and he found himself slowing down with curiosity.
He opened the box, scanning the titles until one in particular caught his attention. It was your book. The cover was worn, the pages slightly yellowed, but there was a certain charm to it that intrigued him. Without hesitating, he took it with him, eager to dive into something different, something that you could learn from.
Over the next few days, Hamzah found himself completely engrossed in the book. It was exactly what he needed—its knowledge resonated with him in ways he hadn’t expected, offering comfort for his spiralling mind. It was as if the book had been waiting for him, like it was meant to find its way into his hands.
But near the end, just as he was about to finish the final chapter, he discovered the note. ‘Please return to [Your Name]’—along with an address.
He stared at it for a moment, surprised. At first, he wasn’t sure what to do. It felt strange to have this piece of information, like he’d inadvertently stumbled upon something personal. Should he return the book? Or would that be crossing a line? Maybe the note was an accident, and you hadn’t meant for anyone to see it.
Conflicted, he decided to talk about it on his podcast.
“Hey guys, welcome back to the podcast. Wait, actually I’ve got a bit of a weird story for you today,” Hamzah began, leaning back in his chair, the mic positioned just right to catch every nuance of his voice. “Basically, I’ve been trying to read more lately and like, I found this little book box thing in my neighborhood like you know the exchange ones, and I picked up this really cool book. It was like so good like there was so many questions that like I didn’t even have, man like it was good good.”
He paused, gathering his thoughts. “Anyway, so I’m reading this book, really getting into it, and near the end, I find a note tucked inside, and it has someone’s name and address on it. Like, ‘please return to [Your Name].’”
Hamzah laughed, the sound with an edge of uncertainty. “I’ve been sitting here wondering what to do. I mean, part of me thinks I should just take the book back, put it in the box, and forget about it. But the other part of me is like, should I return it? What if this person’s a total freak? Or what if they’re actually cool and I’m missing out on meeting someone who is actually like quite interesting. But then again, maybe it’s just better to let it be.”
He sighed, as if weighing the options in his head. “I don’t know, man. It’s such a random situation. But the book was really good, and I kind of want to thank whoever left it there. It’s like they put something out into the world, and it ended up being exactly what I needed at that moment. But yeah, let me know what you guys think. Should I just drop it? Or should I go knock on their door? Because honestly, I’m kind of leaning towards the like second option, even though it could be super awkward.”
After recording the episode, Hamzah mulled over the decision for a few days. He kept thinking about the book, the connection he felt to it, and, by extension, to you—the person who had unknowingly shared it with him. The more he thought about it, the more he felt compelled to reach out. Not just to return the book, but to express his gratitude and maybe even make a new friend.
Finally, one evening, he decided to go for it. He found himself standing outside your door, book in hand, and his own to share in the other, nerves jangling as he tried to convince himself that this wasn’t a terrible idea. After a deep breath, he swapped the books to under his arm and knocked.
When you opened the door, you were met with the sight of a young man standing there with a book in his hand. You blinked in confusion, wondering why a guy your age would be at your doorstep, especially one who looked a bit nervous and, oddly enough, familiar.
“Hi,” Hamzah began, offering a hesitant smile. As he looked at you, his words caught in his throat for a moment. He hadn’t expected you to be young—or so beautiful. The way you looked at him, with curiosity and a hint of confusion, made him feel a little more self-conscious, but he pushed through. “I, uh, hope this isn’t too strange, but I picked up this book from the exchange box down the street, and I found a note inside with your address. I don’t mean to be creepy or anything, but I just really liked the book, and I wanted to thank you.”
You stared at him for a moment, processing his words, before glancing down at the book in his hand. Recognition flashed across your face as you realized what had happened. “Oh! The note... I totally forgot that was in there,” you said, a small, relieved laugh escaping your lips. “I’m glad you liked the book. It’s one of my favorites.”
Hamzah felt a wave of relief wash over him, your friendly response easing his earlier nerves. “Yeah, it really hit home for me,” he admitted. “I’ve been trying to read more, and this one just... it was exactly what I needed. I guess I also wanted to meet more people in the neighborhood, and this seemed like a good excuse.”
You nodded, still slightly surprised by the whole situation. As much as you would’ve loved to invite him in, you were just about to head out. “I’m actually on my way out right now, but I’d love to talk more sometime,” you said, reaching into your bag and pulling out your phone. “Here, let me give you my number.”
Hamzah’s eyes lit up as he handed you his phone. “That sounds great,” he replied, trying to hide his excitement. You quickly typed in your number, handing the phone back to him with a smile.
"Actually," he added, handing over his own book to you, "I thought I should bring a book to exchange too. This one's a favorite of mine."
You took the book from him, your fingers brushing slightly against his as you did. The cover looked interesting, and you couldn't help but smile at the gesture. "Thanks. I'll definitely check it out, and keep the book if you want, I’m glad it’s made you happy" you said, slipping the book into your bag alongside your phone.
“Feel free to text me, and maybe we can meet up some time,” you offered, still a bit surprised at how quickly things had unfolded.
“Definitely,” Hamzah agreed, his smile widening as he glanced at the contact you’d saved. “I’m really glad I knocked.”
“So am I,” you said, stepping out and locking the door behind you. “I’ll see you soon?”
“Yeah, for sure,” he nodded, still holding the book as he watched you walk away.
As you headed down the street, you couldn’t help but be confused at how insane the whole situation was. And as Hamzah walked back home, your book now tucked under his arm, he couldn’t stop smiling—excited for a message to come through when you were free.
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steddieas-shegoes · 2 months
wrong date
for @corrodedcoffinfest prompt 'wrong date'
rated t | 890 words | cw: mild language | tags: famous corroded coffin, jeff's dad finally accepts he has a rockstar son
It was supposed to be a special show, not even part of the regular tour. A stop in Indianapolis in a small venue, only 250 tickets sold, a shortened set with a new song list just for this crowd. They'd have merch available specific to this show.
It was a bit of an anniversary show, marking the ten year anniversary of their first time playing in Indy, which is the show that led them to signing their first deal.
It wasn't even a real tour date.
But when their merch arrived for it, they went into panic mode.
"How did they mess up the back?" Jeff was yelling through the phone on the bus, something he never did. "We were clear that this would have the art submitted with the date and location of this one show. It can't have the same back as our tour shirt!"
Frankie and Eddie watched Jeff from the couch as Gareth sat on the counter by the fridge. Normally, Jeff was incredibly calm when faced with a problem, especially one that could definitely be fixed. This could be fixed, though it would be cutting it extremely close to the show date.
"No. Fix it. Get them overnighted. I don't care if it costs you more money. Not having the merch we told fans we would is gonna cost a lot more." Jeff hung up, immediately banging his head against the cabinet in front of him. "It's so simple. They fuck up the simplest thing."
"You good?" Gareth dares to ask while Jeff is having a breakdown.
"How many times do I have to fix shit they fuck up? Why do they even get to be in charge of things if they can't handle it?" Jeff continues, ignoring Gareth's question. "We need a better manager."
"You mean like the last guy we had?" Frankie snorted. "Maybe we could call him in prison and ask him for help while he serves time for tax evasion and embezzlement."
"At least he got us the right fucking shirts!" Jeff argued, but quickly deflated. "I just want this to be perfect."
Gareth made eye contact with Eddie and Frankie before hopping off the counter and standing in front of Jeff. He placed a comforting hand on Jeff's shoulder.
"This wouldn't normally bother you this much. What's goin' on?" He asked.
"My dad's gonna be there."
It all made sense now.
Jeff's relationship with his dad had been...rocky. Not always. In fact, as a child, he was incredibly close to him, and they spend countless hours playing together, taking fishing trips, going to concerts.
But when Jeff started taking music more seriously than school, planning for a future on stage instead of in a college dorm, his dad had a lot of things to say, and none of them were positive. It broke Jeff's heart to lose his support, but it got easier to deal with the more successful they became.
When their recent album debuted at number one, Jeff's dad reached out to let him know he was proud of him. He didn't apologize, or even admit he was wrong, but he was trying a little. It was enough for Jeff from a distance.
But apparently it wouldn't be at a distance anymore.
"He's your VIP ticket?" Eddie asked.
Jeff nodded. "Him and my mom. They heard about it and insisted on coming to see what all the fuss is about."
"Who said there's fuss?" Eddie joked. "No fuss here. Just a lot of people who wanna sleep with us or be us."
"Yeah, I guess they wanted to get the experience without going to a regular show."
"We'll have the best show ever, then. Gotta show them how fuckin' cool you are, right?" Frankie said as he pulled Jeff into a hug.
Jeff's parents were the first ones backstage after the show, somehow beating Gareth's parents, Wayne, and Frankie's mom by minutes.
He gave his mom a hug, but hesitated before holding a hand out towards his dad.
Everyone watched as his dad looked down at it, then back up at Jeff.
Jeff dropped his hand, and only his closest friends in the world could see the disappointment on his face.
But his dad's arms wrapped around his shoulders, and the entire room breathed a sigh of relief.
"Proud of you, son. I'm glad you didn't listen to me."
"Really?" Jeff asked against his shoulder, voice wet and rough like he was holding back a sob.
"You're a true rock star. Can't say I ever thought it was possible, but seeing you up there, I know that's where you were meant to be."
When Jeff pulled away, he noticed both of his parents were wearing the shirts that had only arrived at the venue the day before.
Everything was correct this time.
When Jeff's dad turned around to say hi to Frankie's mom, Jeff looked at the date on the back.
"You're fuckin' kidding me," he groaned.
"What?" Eddie asked, watching the door for Wayne.
"They got the date wrong!"
Eddie laughed. "I guess our encore technically played on June 20th, so that's gotta be at least a little right."
"We have to fire our manager," Jeff shook his head. "Today. I'll hire someone off the street. Only qualification is knowing what a calendar looks like."
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gibsongirled · 1 month
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description: can't sleep? sit by the pool with your friend !!
a/n: what i would do to sit by the pool and chat with him tbh
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Sleep didn’t come to you easily.
In fact, you could count how many times you tried to sleep and thought you had gotten an hour of sleep, only to find out that it had just been a few minutes since you set out on your ill attempt at a sensible sleep schedule on one hand. Maybe that’s why you spent your nights editing and how you managed to tweet out weird stuff at three am- most of your followers just think that you’re sleep texting and you try to tweet out the most out of pocket shit you could think of.
You could barely sleep in your own bed - you swear you keep hearing that humming sound on some nights - so your non-existent sleep schedule went haywire when you decided to travel to LA and stay at an airbnb with a few content creators for a video they were shooting. The room was nice, you didn’t have anything bad to say about it and you got to see a cat outside sometimes. It was alright.
A loud honk from a car jolted you awake and you kicked the blanket off, huffing as you can’t seem to will yourself back to sleep. You were envious of those who could sleep the moment they closed their eyes. You turned on your phone and immediately winced at the sudden exposure of light, hissing like you were a vampire reacting to light. Two am, your phone said, causing you to groan and slap a hand to your face. Begrudgingly getting up as you knew you weren’t going to be able to sleep at this point, you padded out of your room and navigated blindly through the dark hallways, almost tripping on something or managed to narrowly avoid stubbing your toe. Though you wouldn’t be surprised if it did- serves you right for wandering through a dark hallway, acting like you had night vision.
You sat at the edge of the pool, your legs dangling in the water as you absentmindedly scrolled through social media. It was a quiet night out, stars were barely seen and covered by clouds, crickets chirped in the distance, and the LA traffic seemed to crawl to a stop. Granted it was two in the morning, but LA wasn’t the city to calm or quiet down. The pool glows with light, shimmering beneath your legs and you kick one foot out, splashing water. A cool breeze of wind passed by you, lightly grazing your skin and you sighed.
“Didn’t expect you t’ be out here,” Schlatt lets out a slight chuckle, pushing on the sliding screen door. You turned to look at him. He was dressed in an old t-shirt with pajama shorts, his hair tousled back like he had just woken up. You waved a hand over and patted to the empty space next to you, gesturing for him to come and sit. He grumbled something under his breath and sauntered towards you, plopping down beside you and dipped his legs in the pool, mirroring you.
“Couldn’t sleep,” you mumbled, chewing on your words a bit as you kicked your legs. The water made a loud splash and you rolled your shoulders slightly as you turned your head to face him, cocking your head to the side, “and why are you still awake?”
Schlatt shrugged, looking down at the glowing pool before leaning back and planted his hands behind him. “Heard your door open, thought I’d check up on you before you ended up being lost or something.”
You snorted, rolling your eyes. “As if I’d get lost by wandering around the house.”
“Stranger things have happened,” Schlatt grinned and you bumped his shoulder playfully.
“It’s such a pretty night- I mean you can’t see the stars or anything, but it is a pretty night.” You sigh out, tilting your head up to look at the dark sky. Schlatt huffed beside you, mirroring your movements.
“Yeah, but you’re prettier so,” Schlatt hummed out, causing you to turn your head so quickly that you could’ve sworn you got whiplash.
“Shut up,” you mumbled, flushing slightly at his sudden comment. It wasn’t unusual for the two of you to engage in banter that somehow ended up on the flirtier side. It wasn’t, and yet it still made you blush like a goddamn schoolgirl everytime. Schlatt gave a toothy grin to your flustered words and you looked down at water, avoiding his gaze.
“Mmm, don’t be like that, toots,” he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and sat back to his previous position. You looked up at the dark sky once more.
The two of you stayed like that. Sounds of crickets and the occasional splashes of water filled the silence that stretched on between you two. But it wasn’t awkward silence, but more so a comfortable one. You liked that he checked up on you. You liked that he sat beside you when he could have just ignored you and went back to bed.
You liked being with him, and you hoped that he did too.
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thrashyraccoon · 8 months
Jealous Guy (Jealous!Eddie Munson x Reader)
Summary: Another guy starts hanging around you at work and Eddie is concerned about it.
You and Eddie have been together for a year and have known each other for two years since you moved to Hawkins. You met in high school, but you've already graduated and work at one of the few grocery stores in town, which Eddie is struggling to finish his senior year. Your relationship is still going very well, as it was at the beginning, but now the boy had reasons to be jealous. A nondescript Harry started hanging around your workplace, or more precisely you. A guy five years older with short blonde hair who wears leather almost 24/7. Of course, Eddie had never seen him. He heard that description from you because you told him about Harry, that he was nice and loved metal as much as Eddie. Then the boy thought to himself "it's cool, I won't forbid my partner from talking to customers in the store. Until he met one of your shift colleagues while picking you up from shift." Be careful, young, a certain guy comes up too often during your girlfriend's shifts. " He heard from a middle-aged woman in a work T-shirt, blond, medium curly hair, currently smoking a cigarette during her five-minute break, which usually lasted forever. And that's when fear and jealousy appeared in the boy. If he says she's a woman who ignores everything that's going on around her (including angry customers), so there must be something to it. A week has passed since the previous information and Eddie couldn't be bothered about it. He really hated being jealous of you and didn't want to be with you to argue about this guy. Eddie knew you loved him, but what if you realized he wasn't a good match for you after all and started dating Harry. After all, you were young, you had just finished school, many dreams were still ahead of you. And he? He couldn't even pass school, twice. So, not wanting to start a misunderstanding, he decided to drive over to your workplace after school, when you still had a few hours before your shift started, to meet the employee he talked to last week.
Boy got deya vu. Just like that time, a bored blonde was standing in front of the store door, smoking her cigarette. "Hey, can we talk? I have a case." said Eddie, who was glared at by the woman in response. After a second, however, she returned to her previous activity. “It's about the guy who hangs around y/n.”
This time, without even looking at the metalworker, the employee extended her hand towards him, gesturing for him to give her the cash.
"I have 5 dollars on me," he took out a bill, which she took literally in less than a second and put it in her cleavage.
"He often comes for a Marlboro and they reheat the pizza, it's usually when your partner is there. They always talks eachother" She said, taking another puff of the cigarette
"I know that he's coming. Do you know what they're talking about?" The blonde once again made the payment gesture. The boy took out cash and gave the woman "I have $3 more."
"He hangs around and that I've heard him compliment twice, but y/n seems unfazed by it. You don't have to worry about it."
On the one hand, the metalhead breathed a sigh of relief after this statement because he knew that his partner was not going to leave him for someone else, but on the other hand, he lost $8 irretrievably because of this information. However, he didn't feel confident about the fact that his lover was surrounded by a other guy. For peace of mind, he decided to talk to you about it without any secondary conclusions."
"Thanks so much for the information."
"No problem. Now get out of here or you're disrupting my shift, shaggy."
A day has passed since the conversation with your supervisor. Eddie was sitting on the bed in his room planning the next d&d campaign for next Friday since we had nothing to do until you got back from your noon shift. Just then, the boy heard the front door open and Uncle Wayne's voice announcing that "Eddie's in his room." The bedroom door opened, but the metal man didn't bother to look who came in because he knew full well it was you.
“Hi Eds,” you said, giving the boy a kiss on his full head of hair. After a while, you placed a few patches on the bed your boyfriend occupied, and the boy immediately looked at them out of curiosity.
"Thank you babe." He said, reaching for the first one on the bank, caressing it between his fingers. "Oh cool, Black Sabbath. Where are you from?"
"I got it from Harry, he said he didn't need it."
After that sentence, a confused Eddie fell silent and threw away the patch. The feeling of jealousy came to the fore again. He had to be sure now.
"Hey, what's going on?" You said, looking worriedly at your boyfriend as you sat on the edge of his bed.
"Honey, will you be honest with me?"
"Always with you, Eds."
"Do…do you like Harry?" In response, he heard quite loud laughter, but not loud enough to wake up the neighbors around him. "Babe, I'm serious!"
You decided to keep a straight face and answer him with complete honesty "Eds, honey, for me he's just a friend with whom I talk when he comes over. In fact, he tries to flirt with me, but to no avail. Anyway, first of all, I told him that I have a boyfriend, and secondly, Harry isn't even my type, he looks like the lead singer of Judas Priest-"
"Good, now I have no chance at all with him!!!" The metal man shouted, cutting you off by dramatically slamming his weight onto the bed.
Watching with amusement, you decided to continue your statement, moving closer to Eddie, "Eds, I prefer guys with Van Halen looks…"
"There's still some Eddie Van Ha-" hanging around! He continued to dramatize until he felt a tap on his shoulder, "Ouh, baby, for what?"
"You're the guy with the Van Halen look, idiot!"
After Eddie analyzed the statement for a moment, the only thing he managed to choke out was a sound of understanding.
"Besides, even if Van Halen came in here, I wouldn't leave you for him, stupid," you said, giggling slightly, then brought your hands closer to Eddie's face and gave him a quick kiss on the lips and hugged him. "I think you and Harry should get to know each other."
"You know, honey, this is actually a good idea." He replied, hugging you closer to him. “It's time to explain that you don't flirt with other people-ouh,” he stopped after you smacked him lightly on the forehead a second time, this time.
"No fighting in the store, Eds!"
"I know, I know," Eddie said, laughing, "Just kidding, sweetheart."
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muekyn · 2 years
obsessive!eren headcanons
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a/n: i love obsessive!eren so i had to write some blurbs <3 just to be safe minors dni !! t/w: maybe potential yandere/weird behavior ? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
literally head over heels for you. this man will do anything, and i mean anything, to make sure you're his.
though you two aren't "officially" dating, eren decided a long time ago that you're going to be with him. of course, he would never force it. he genuinely believes that with time, you'll be just as into him as he is into you.
he steals small things here and there from you. nothing big, nothing you would miss. just little trinkets of you, like lip balm or hair ties. anything that reminds him of you. for eren, it's like you're sharing a part of him with you.
constantly staring at you or making eye contact with you. even if you're on opposite sides of a room, that boy will be eyeing you down like his life depends on it. he wants to capture your beauty each and every second he gets.
lies awake at night just thinking about you, needing to be with you. it keeps him up most days. he's stepped out his front door a few times, determined to meet with you in the late hours of the night, though he always decides against it. he doesn't want to do anything that might make you afraid or uncomfortable with him. (at least not anything you would be aware of)
texts you 24/7. if eren's in a social setting that he wants to get out of, expect to hear your phone dinging with notifications. sometimes it's just complete gibberish, like keyboard smashes or random memes on his phone. but the fact that you spend your time talking to him makes him all giddy. he has the goofiest smile plastered on his face whenever he reads a text from you.
has threatened jean a few times for teasing him about you. one time jean had made an offhand comment about you (something flirtatious or insulting, eren can't even remember) that sent eren into a rage. the only reason eren didn't maul jean to shreds was due to armin taking him to another room and calming him down. eren didn't talk to jean for a few weeks afterwards.
is very stoic and emotionless around others. however, the second you walk into the room, he's all smiles. everyone has noticed by now and exclaims, "eren's sunshine is here!!" whenever you come to group gatherings. eren's all red in the face but you always just laugh it off, chalking it up to nothing.
this boy doesn't even try to hide his feelings. will actively sulk in the corner if he finds out you're going on a date or texting another guy. you tell yourself he acts this way since he's your friend and is just looking out for you. maybe the guy you're texting actually is an asshole?
will literally find anything in order to convince you not to go on dates. he will insult your date's appearance, make up lies about them, say they're already dating someone, you name it. sometimes he will literally greet the guy that you're supposed to go on a date with, which throws of them off alot. though you won't admit it, eren has ruined alot of dates for you. (if only you could see you should be going out with him)
gives you way too many gifts. it's to the point where you feel bad every time he gets you something, simply because you don't know how to make it up to him. (you could totally just kiss him and that would be enough) if you mentioned something that would be cool to have, expect eren to find a way to get his hands on it in the next week or so. he just can't help himself when he sees your cute excited smile!
super touchy, though he never outright just touches you. he does it in super inconspicuous ways. if you're sitting down, he insists on sitting next to you so that his legs can be touching yours. if you're walking by him, he'll intentionally get a little bit closer so he can feel you graze against him.
one time he got very drunk and cuddled you for hours. he refused to let anyone move him away from you. he was rambling on and on about something involving the two of you, though you couldn't quite understand what exactly he was saying. when you told him you didn't understand, he simply smiled and graced your forehead with a light peck. you could feel yourself tingle with embarrassment, but before you could say anything to him, he passed out. you think about that night still.
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lulublack90 · 3 months
Prompt 14 - Wilted
@wolfstarmicrofic June 14, word count 889
Previous part First part
By the time they’d all gotten showered and dressed, they were running late for dinner. Remus looked in disgust, as the only vegetables left were wilted spinach, which he hated, and steamed beetroot, which he hated even more. Reluctantly, he scooped some of the spinach onto his plate. 
He was exhausted from the long day of painting. He needed to ask Sirius for the cream he’d promised for his sunburn, but he’d wait until they were back in the cabin. 
His rough t-shirt was rubbing something awful on the inflamed skin. He kept rearranging it and twitching at the abrasion. 
“What’s up?” Sirius grunted when Remus accidentally knocked his arm after tugging his t-shirt away from his skin for the umpteenth time. 
“It’s scratching,” he whimpered quietly as he shuffled his shoulders again. Sirius reached out and touched the material. 
“Of course, it’s itching. Remus, what’s this made of? It feels like potato sacking.” He dropped it and rubbed his fingers together to get rid of the feeling of the t-shirt. Remus flushed with embarrassment. It was the best his parents could afford. Sirius seemed to realise he’d said the wrong thing. “Sorry, didn’t mean it like that. Come on, eat up. I’ll get that cream for you, it’ll help.” Remus sighed with relief and finished up his meal. 
Sirius took his hand when they got outside and walked him back to their cabin. “Do you have anything softer than that?” Sirius asked hesitantly, gesturing at Remus’s t-shirt. Remus shook his head, not looking at him.
Sirius headed straight for his drawers when they got back to the cabin. He pulled countless items of clothing out of the drawers until he found what he wanted. “Here, he said, throwing a plain black t-shirt at him. Remus caught it. It was the softest cotton he’d ever felt. “Put it on,” Sirius said as he darted into the bathroom and came back with a bottle of aftersun. 
“Sirius, I can’t, it’s yours.” He couldn’t wear Sirius’s clothes, surely he needed them. Sirius, guessing the problem straight away, tutted at him. 
“Remus, have you seen how many clothes I brought with me? One t-shirt’s hardly going to leave me without anything to wear. In fact,” He said as he dug through his clothes again and tossed a few more t-shirts onto Remus’s bed. “Here, for the rest of the week,” He folded his arms and Remus realised he wouldn't win this one. He stepped into the bathroom, not ready to strip half-naked in front of anyone, especially Sirius. 
The t-shirt was even softer than he’d thought it was. It didn’t upset his sunburn at all. He sighed happily and went back out into the main cabin. 
“Thank you,” He said a bit dreamily. Sirius grinned at him. 
“Get on the bed,” He ordered, pointing at it, “Lie on your front.” Remus couldn’t find the energy to complain, so he did as he was told and sunk into his soft pillow. He could have fallen asleep right then if Sirius hadn't hopped up and straddled him.
He tensed at the unfamiliar feeling of having someone sitting on him. 
“Sirius, what are you doing?” He stuttered nervously. 
“Don’t worry, nothing bad. I want to rub this into your sunburn. Can I push your t-shirt up?” No! Remus thought. The worst scars were on his stomach, but his back still had plenty for Sirius to see. But Sirius had shown him his scars. Sirius hadn’t cared that Remus had scars or was scared to show them to anyone. He swallowed loudly and tried to be brave. 
“Okay,” He whispered into his pillow. He gritted his teeth as Sirius gently pushed the t-shirt up until he could see Remus’s whole back. He let out a low whistle, making Remus want to cry. He was hideous and Sirius would never want anything more to do with him.
“Damn, Remus, your sunburn’s so much worse than I thought it was.” That wasn’t what Remus had been expecting. He didn’t have time to think about it before the cooling liquid was drizzled over his back and Sirius’s slender fingers began to delicately work it into his skin. 
He didn’t stop at the sunburn either. Sirius worked the liquid all over Remus’s back. Pressing his fingers into Remus’s sore muscles, making him moan into his pillow. It felt so good. He could feel his eyes drooping as Sirius continued to massage his back. 
The door banged open as James and Peter came back from dinner. 
“Oi, oi, what’s goin’ on here then?” James trilled at them. Remus froze, but Sirius acted quickly, and before the other two could get any closer, he’d pulled Remus’s t-shirt back into place, hiding his scared back. 
Remus tried to lift his head, but it was so heavy and he was so tired. He let Sirius explain, hearing him blow kissy noises at James while teasing him about rubbing lotion into his sore parts for him if he was that bothered. Sleep overcame him before he could hear what James’s reply was. 
That night he was stirred from sleep by Sirius, sneaking into his bed. Sirius wrapped an arm around him carefully and Remus snuggled closer. He’d never shared a bed with anyone before, and especially not someone he had feelings for. It was wonderful. 
Next part
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