#on god i love isa but holy fuck isa
aluria-sevhex · 3 months
the power of friendship didn't work :(
[Hi, stardust! If you wanna read all of her posts as she plays through ISAT, they can all be accessed in this masterpost and are all tagged as #Aluria plays ISAT for the first time (please don't spoil)
This particular post starts in the middle of a play session and conversation directly following the last one, so it might be a good idea to have read that one first!]
-hm? the stars? yeah what *is* Sif's deal with them. so help me if the kid is right and they came from the sky-
-""how do you deal with it?" (you don't.)"
-hehe Sif is thinking of a loophole
-D: i messed up with Bonnie
-guess i'll talk to Loop
-Bonnie's favorites are rice and pineapples... and the third thing isn't palmiers... so the third thing has to be the samosas
-oh my god. Sif asked if Loop is jealous of his allies, and Loop was like "like what? like i'm your partner waiting for you to come home and then when you do all you can do is talk about hoe much fun you had with your friends?"
-"forget i said that. it was an awful metaphor." mmhmm. hmmmmmmmm
-oh? if they're not jealous of the party... are they jealous of Sif?
-gonna loop to help Bonnie
-huh. if i zone out the skill won't be as useful. i won't then
-"Isabeau looks nicer, you think" hehe
-:o the second time, Siffrin thinks the belief should change
-"but changing the script is scary" oof
-gonna have to find a craftonomy book
-"also, why am i thinking about candles right now?" strange. oh yeah it *was* in one of the dorm rooms
-i accidentally zoned out for Odile's thing this time ;_;
"Weak to: Cheese
Resists: Veggies"
-talking to Isa. "you will always make the joke. you have to keep some sort of routine to stay sane, and if always making the joke is how, so be it." funny but also D:
-??? Sif and Loop just had a thing about how quiet Sif is...
-time to loop forward to see what the samosas' deal is
-looped to Floor 3. gonna find a craftonomy book
-oh THAT'S where a chain for the pendant is!!!
-hm. apparently Body Craft is illegal in Ka Bue, but if you know where to look...
-in the bathroom again. eavesdropping.
-"in some countries we would be expected to talk about the men in our lives and nothing else. would you like to do that" "we've only got the one man, madame, and ew" LOL
-oh my god. they're talking about Isabeau confessing.
-love how Odile and Bonnie have figured out that Isa has a crush on Siffrin but Sif and Mira are oblivious. truly an aspec mood
-oh did i completely misinterpret that part of Bonnie's profile
-looping back
-time to help everybody again
-"(say the line, Siffrin)"
-"coming to a country she has no ties to, but wanting to create those ties herself. it feels almost revolutionary."
"you're jealous." oh?
-...what if Siffrin is from the country that disappeared. it makes sense with all the weird shit, and would also explain why they don't remember much of it
-time to help Bonnie!
-also i am once again wondering what the deal is with Siffrin and stars. 'stars' is in the game's title and they clearly have some sort of importance... fuck it speculation time. what if Loop and Siffrin are both from the same place (possibly the disappearing country) that had a lot of ties to the star or the sky or something, and Loop was in a time loop or something st some point for some reason, maybe to fulfill a purpose, failed, and is now trying to help Siffrin with whatever the purpose of Siffrin's time loop is
-anyway. Bonnie time!
-:0 Bonnie wants me to teach them how to fight
-awwwwwwww this is so fucking precious
-Sif. did you seriously fucking forget thst you don't like being touched? or are you that oblivious.
-...OH. awwww :( they do like it but he's not used to it...
-oh wow Nille is just like me fr fr (i don't like being unexpected touched, and there's been times where it ended in me screaming too)
i am not able to suplex people tho lol
-feel like Siffrin's memory issues are either magic bullshit or. trauma? or. magic bullshit AND trauma? idk but this bitch is not mentally healthy
-lol??? Bonnie poked Sif XD
-LMAO SIF FUCKING TRIPPED- wait. whh does that have ominous audio
-OH? Sif lost their eye protecting Bonnie?
-i don't think Bonnie's apparent guilt is JUST about Siffrin, it's gotta be at least a little about Nille
-time to help Isabeau!
-hold on gonna talk to Loop first
-lol Sif asked if Loop and the King are friends
-ok. listen Siffrin. what the FUCK do you mean by "it's complicated" how does one have a complicated relationship with the fucking stars???
-ok NOW i'm helping Isa
-...oh my god. Isabeau's name. is a pun. (-‸ლ)
-:0 they're staring at the sky together
-hmmmm why do you wanna change the subject, Sif?
-also it's so sweet that Isabeau noticed the little things :]
-shy nerd Isa does not compute
-hehe Bonnie, Odile, and Mirabelle arrived
-gonna go thru the entire House in one loop >:)
-"You have ENOUGH of all those STUPID SADNESSES standing in your BLINDING WAY." Sif is getting SICK of the loops.
-...uh-oh. everybody's scared? WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT LOOP(?)
-kinda like when Bonnie was shown to have been listening in and it culminated in them saying they hate Siffrin over and over before things rewound slightly
-"don't kill it in one strike, or they'll notice"
-...i can make it so Sadnesses run... shouldn't i buff my friends' levels tho? so they have all their skills.
-fuck. Sif almost forgot to stop Isabeau from running into the Tears
-Sif is now thinking about the difference between Tears and being frozen in battle and nearly panicking. i think this game should be renamed Anxiety Simulator 2023
-if i had a nickel for every RPG i liked where the main character is depicted in monochrome and has severe mental health issues and is in some sort of cycle, i'd have two nickels. which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice
-Frin once again said nya and is sick of it
-Siffrin's accumulated stats + the stat boosts from the hangout memories make the group *terrifyingly efficient*. i made it so the Sadnesses are scared of me but i hunt them down anyway just to get those levels for the skills. i am attaining godlike power by the standards of this place and it is horrifying
-every time i get a notification that Siffrin's leveled up i get kinda scared...
-tbf Sif's time loop abilities do have weird limits... like absorbing the memories of battles to go forward...
-time to call Loop!
-dang. that was not as helpful.
-hey i found the hand-drawn tarot deck and got a 2 of Swords this time
-Floor 1 boss time
-snack time!
-picking the onigiri this time
-going to log off for the night
-obligatory title screen music appreciation :D
-hehe talked to Bonnie after the snack time
-"which one am I?" "you're my cousin who i see once a year and we have a really really good time!"
-:0 one of the papers in Euphrasie's office is a love letter from Claude
-hm. a spreadsheet with two columns: "Save Vaugarde" and "Other"... the first one has a lot of names, the second doesn't
-:0 the person didn't give their partner the earring yet
-"(You're not sure how many deities you worship.)"
-uh-oh. i think Odile thinks it's sus that i knew about the familytale
-the book on shields "smells weird"
-"you pick up the key, and do not think about how bad you are at your job"
-ohhhhhhhh wait does Odile have two names because she's half-Vaugardian? either that or. a gender thing?
-hehe Bonnie is saying it's stupid to talk about what'll happen if we lose
-awwww everybody promised that we'd protect each other
-"the taste is familiar to you, somehow" yeah cuz i ate fish heads on a previous loop
-"Sif is MY Siffrin nickname, Mira." lol
-ok Odile definitely thinks i'm sus
-oh :< doesn't work
-oh fuck Sif u ok?
"(Nothing ever goes right in your life.)" (and the text is shaky :( )
-hehehe note earring
-hm. the pottery class has issue 87
-bathroom break!
-Sif feels... happy?
-"even though you're not friends, you're just allies" idk you guys seem like friends to me
-uh. Sif is calling themself stupid again.
-that weird ghost Sif again...
-i am definitely not the only person to compare the paper Tristesse to SOMETHING. but i'm doing it anyway
-hehe level 69 nice
-...did i need to sharpen the Keyknife before opening the door?
-hm where's the last of the bomb components located? the gizmo-gadget is in the room and the secret ingredient is in Claude's hand... but what about the thingy-thing?
-malanga fritters :D
-"in this moment, you are loved"
-:o Mira is brushing Sif's hair
-hehehe Sif wants Isa to be emotionally vulnerable first
-the King fight music slaps
-no it was not always this easy to fight him
-...who helped the King harness Time Craft
-the universe? ...wishing on a star...?
-Isa can't remember... hm...
-why don't they know what the universe is???
-Mira saw an article that said the King is from elsewhere. maybe he's from the disappearing island? or wherever Sif is from. altho those two places might be the same
-what can he see?
-how is freezing Vaugarde the universe's will?
-...what if. what if the only way to break the time loop is to let the King win. just let him freeze everything and leave Vaugarde.
-"you know it's just a way to make you stop fighting, but..."
-i have once again killed the King
-..."I can never go back home." T_T
-i don't think friendship will fix the loops. currently talking to everybody
-*sighs* time to talk to Euphrasie
-Siffrin calling himself stupid counter just went up :(
-and again...
-Siffrin's friends are noticing that something's wrong
-...and. i looped again.
-i think Sif called themself stupid again... and again
-:0 memory of Family... a way they could catch up?
-:( Siffrin wants Isa to touch him. but it'll never happen.
-talking to Loop
-aw. when asking Loop how to help everyone and then selecting who to help, Siffrin refers to them as family members now :]
-RE: Isabeau trying to confess and Siffrin being oblivious, Loop is probably thinking "wow! this motherfucker is so dense!"
-logging off for now
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hrodvitnon · 6 months
Well, the Isa fic got sad, I got 100% achievements on Xbox, the Steam and Switch versions are tempting me like crazy... time for some Copium. Who wants a new fic preview!? This one's set after First and Only, so it's going to get spicy~
They're testing boundaries together, and no matter how addled their brains get with such honeymoon behavior they still summon the cognizance to ask each other, "Is this okay?" or enforce rules like, "Tell me to stop if you're uncomfortable."
And Ariane is never uncomfortable with Elster, but every now and then she needs to tap out because it veers dangerously close to overwhelming when she's pinned to a wall, their lips locked and tongues tentatively learning to dance, Elster's powerful body pressing into hers...
And that's before teeth get involved.  Ariane fucking loves it when her neck is marked by Elster's lips and tongue and teeth.  Every bite elicits an exhale that carries hints of a moan, and Ariane eggs her on in any way she can – clawing her fingers up and down Elster's strong back, grabbing her hair, even sliding her leg up an outer thigh. 
Elster's shell is hot under her fingers, and if Ariane were in her right mind she would find that unusual because the Replika's body temperature varies between cool and warm depending on how much work's been done, but she's never felt hot to the touch until now.  Ariane's clothes stick to her body and a thin sheen of sweat forms on her exposed skin; Elster's making noises, little huffs and grunts, flexing her body as if trying to shrug something off, and that just makes her abdomen rub against Ariane in a way that makes her mewl.
"Ariane... wait a minute," she husks with a roughness that nearly causes the Gestalt's knees to buckle.
Ariane's about to ask if she's alright when Elster pulls away enough for them to properly see one another, and the words die in her mouth with a whimper.  The hallway's dim lighting makes those eyes do that thing where the red pupils shine like the eyes of a dangerous creature, and not helping matters at all is the puffs of actual steam emanating from her mouth with each labored breath.  The musculature under that armor plating is tensed, bulging with effort.
It's the hottest thing Ariane has ever seen.
Elster pushes herself away and blows steam off to the side as if she'd taken a drag from a cigarette.  The unexpected arousal slips to the side of Ariane's mind and concern takes over.
"That's never happened before," she points out.
"Are you okay?  Did I touch something I'm not supposed to?  We can set up like a 'no touch zone' if you want!"
"No, no, I just... I need to cool down. Overheating."
"I didn't know Replikas could overheat."
"We can, same as Gestalts.  We need an internal temperature to function.  Think of it like, warming up an engine on a cold day so it doesn't stall.  I might need a cycle in the calibration pod just to be safe."
Ariane nods along.  "That makes sense.  But what caused it?  As far as I know, ship maintenance isn't exactly strenuous..."
Elster looks like she has an idea but doesn't feel her hypothesis is appropriate to say out loud, which is only giving Ariane ideas.  Instead she opts for rolling and flexing her body like before, maybe trying to discern some unknown itch, but it's terribly distracting for Ariane, whose legs turn to jelly and ends up sliding down the wall at the sight of those abdominal muscles at work.
Elster chuffs.  "Wow.  Are you okay?"
"You," Ariane points at her accusingly, "are too hot for your own good."
"I am steaming right now."
"Shut the fuck—!" Ariane laughs, long and loopy.  "Elster Five-One-Two, you absolute dork – I swear to multiple religions censored by the State, and I don't care if it's treason or heresy or whatever, but holy risen mother of god does the mere sight of you do things to me."
Elster ducks her head with a crooked smile.  "I hope those things are good."
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memoryoflooping · 4 months
chat i'm so scared. for how the rest of these are about to go tomorrow. but i might not see them tomorrow depending on how i decide to do things, new tanformer just dropped. we'll see.
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loop 30 - -i don't think i'm getting any more new dialogue for doing everyone's quests… maybe i should not do them all… like once like i did with a bonnie-only completed one… but i fucking love isa's skill fuck this gay earth. idk. -save vaugarde wishes: 3 (4? if the fashion one counts? or the saving certain people ones??) other: 11 -siffrin is so damn hungry. whats his issue -"you're all cowards" option for the beautiful one???? -i think intent must also matter for wishes bc the save vaugarde list is really long… so wishing to save one person must also be a "save vaugarde wish" -SIFFRIN FORGOT TO LAUGH AT BOTH JOKES. NOOOO FUCK -"why shouldn't you take up time travel?" "because there's no future in it!" FUCK. siffrin be normal you got this. you can clutch this -"oh so we're going to ignore the whole hysteric laughing and crying huh" helppp. -oooo "why stardust?" -"distracting people with puns and jokes is the best way to evade stupid questions" just like siffrin does. loop def noticed that LOL -YES!!!!! MY PERSISTENCE HAS PAID OFF! TAKE THE FUCKING FLOWER YOU BLINDING FUCK!!!!!! -WHAT JUST HAPPENED???? BONNIE'S PORTRAIT WENT ALL BLACK???? -oh my god i could totally set up siffrin to one shot these fucking bosses i just did 8k damage to big ball head -why DID the head housemaiden record who wished for what? -she knows about wish craft… -hmmm… that is interesting. why is it just siffrin looping if it was everyone in vaugarde wishing for the country to be saved. siffrin isn't the key to victory, because the party can get up to the king on their own as seen in the spending a loop with loop.. i would consider mirabelle the key part of the party and not siffrin -"you have to go talk to loop in person" siffrin i'm going to kill you dead. fine.
loop 33 - -siffrin looping back based on his emotional state does check out actually -"you can't continue because somehow you know this is the end." -LOL HE TRIED IT ON LOOP -loop's eyes have diffrent shades? oh they do! i didn't notice -AWH he's drawing them! so cutes drawing! -siffrin's cloak and hat has backstitching, which means its durable. -made of wool, one thread up one thread down. -clothing that's here to keep you comfy and warm -awhhh someone wanted siffrin to me comfy and warm for a long time… -fucking KILLED that fucking tall as fuck saddness holy fuck i 9999'ed that thing. oh this just got so much more fun for me i'm doing this shit to the king after the paper jackpot -siffrin just automatically walked down the post boss hallway? -siffrin for the love of god you need to get out of the timeloop not embrace it rn -its too late for the loop to be fixed? but something went wrong… -"something goes wrong everytime" "it's because we did it wrong" -they didn't know the exact ritual. -the king might not have been defeated the right way… hmm -"i just hope that someday. you might learn to forgive us" loop 34 - -maybe siffrin does something wrong??? -going against the wish's will without realizing. hmm -ooooohhhh mirabelle always gets the last blow… hmm interesting. but why would a wish rot for just siffrin to do that? "save vaugarde" isn't something i think could be easily monkey's paw'ed into "trap this cunt in the timeloop until he personally kills that fucking king" -hmmm… i guess i could definately set up a situation in the king fight where siffrin kills the king before the scripted kill. but i already did something like that and it played anyway i think… -no yeah i'm with that train of thought. it's a lead but i'm not sure its right. -"these fictonal characters they've been replaced with." -defeat the king on your own. hm. boss i think you will fucking die -i need to do the friend events ? to get them as strong as they can be. well i would've done it anyway! yippeee! -oh shit act 5! that was pretty short! -uh oh. music slowdown. undertale. -the kid looks at you warily…. uh oh -i don't think wizard's make faces like yours -oh the statue is. glitched out? -UH OH the drawing of everyone! -SIFFRIN YOU CAN'T JUST SAY THAT -oh my god she slapped him -sif always teases mira. and she thought it was how he made friends. -always so mysterious -my god she's's pissed -well. i guess he's right about one thing. i'm only good at using the usual shield skill anyway. chat i'm so scared. -he was really squinty in that sprite i saw… like loop….. is he. acting like loop ? he's more like. aggressively using timeloop knowledge rn. -chat i'm so scared. he's about to start playing Doom on his personal relationships i think, seeing how this just went with mirabelle
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ravenadottir · 1 year
naming characters from s5
now listen, i never played the season and don't know their names, so i thought it would be fun if my partner saved the pictures and i would name them in the dark! feel free to add because honestly there's definitely culture shock when it comes to names since i'm not american or european, so a name that sounds good to me might not sound good for y'all lol
like gary, i didn't think it was a bad name and then found out people think it's an old guy name ??? anyway, here are my guesses/names for season 5 characters:
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so bland looking, jesus christ! why is he sleepy here? is this his standard self? anyway! he looks like a jordan to me, because honestly jordan is a bland ass name and it fits right in!
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she's anaís (anah-ees), look at those eyes! magical! she's gorgeous and deserves a name on the same level. also, is she an li? 'cause i would be so down for her!
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she's giving "i'm pretty and i know it, i'm also composed and my name starts with a D", so i'm naming her deena. she's really hot, love the blonde hair for her!
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oh... can we talk to the designers and ask what the thought process was with this one? why does he look like a dad in gossip girl?? anyway, generic guy asks for generic name, and i thought of eddie or tommy, but i know there's a tom in s4 (?) so... eddie is a good one. although, his face alone is giving nordic, so i'm naming him viggo.
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alright, much better, this is definitely more my style! i would name him flynn, because one, white, two, red hair, and three, flynn rider, and he also looks like a smug little shit (affectionate).
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the personification of my dream girl... but not quite because she's pixels, but still! oh my god, if she's not an li you should ask for a refund! i feel like she fits with a small but impactful name, like quinn, so that's what i would name her.
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wait, so minors can apply for the show now? it's giving kindergarten, i'm sorry! cody and noel made so much fun of bobby but look at this small little child! he's definitely an evan, because he looks 14 and the adolescent vibes are there.
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retro hair, probably vintage clothes, a bland of crochet and hemp... i actually have two names for her, because it's either mona or a name with a repeated syllable, like lala. the quirky vintage crochet girls are always a lala, or lulu, so i'm naming her lala.
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this girl is giving isabella, or isadora, something that starts with -isa, but i believe isabella would fit in with her face. she's absolutely stunning, holy shit!
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the designers did the boys dirty this season huh. i feel absolutely nothing for him, and it's kind of hard to find a name for someone that i feel so indifferent about, so like... gabriel, 'cause i feel nothing about the name either!
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THIS CANNOT BE A REAL CHARACTER ON A REAL SEASON, I REFUSE TO BELIEVE THIS ONE! they took the time and money to draw this??? he's the human version of a ransom note written with magazine cutouts! like, every part of his face belongs to a different design, i can't!! i'm naming him hugo because who the fuck is named hugo? the human ransom note!
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i know this one! his name is suresh, i've seen him on my dash a few times last year, and he was very popular (?), so... i actually like this name for him, but i think i have one that suits him better: devaj (born from the gods);
((now the reason why i have some favorite names from different ethnicites and cultures is because i did a lot of research for an upcoming project, so there's indian, korean, chinese, japonese, spanish, among others. so when you see my favorites in the other posts, that's why))
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truetealtears · 2 years
A dynamic I think would be kinda fun:
The Apprentices, Lea, Isa, Roxas, Xion and Namine: adjusting to being a somebody has been difficult but thank god we’re not nobodies anymore
Lauriam and Elrena: wow our memories are wild like we’re actually ancient keyblade weilders and so is Ventus! We escaped the war and lost track of everyone except each other and Ven who doesn’t remember us??? We have so much to process but ultimately being somebodies is a good thing because now we can go look for Lauriam’s sister and figure out what the hell happened and stuff
Luxord’s somebody: so as it turns out I’m sworn to protect this kid (Yk cuz he’s Cor to Yozora’s Noctis) who wants to ‘save’/kill/??? the kid who killed me like twice in what was apparently a different reality? I was kinda chill with being a nobody but back to work now ig. Does this automatically make me everyone else’s enemy since I’m technically fighting Sora???
Demyx’s somebody: Oh god. Oh fuck. I want to go back! I WANT TO GO BACK! No u don’t understand IT REALLY IS THAT BAD. My world is fucked, I don’t want my memories. I miss ignorant bliss. Take my heart out! TAKE IT (I’d love the irony of the others being like: ‘oh Demyx was so lazy and chill I’m sure his Somebody is having a great time somewhere doing nothing’ *camera cuts to his somebody* ‘holy shit wtf happened to him???’ like he has seen the horrors and would in fact like to go back to being just a fun little guy.)
Xigbar: lmao I’m still a nobody, sucks to be you guys!
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2-kamikou-1 · 5 months
okay where do i start um jesus fucking christ. siffrin fights the king by himself and he almost like. passes out dies idk??? he’s tired of fighting. and then he meets the shadow guy i was talking about earlier. mal du pays. and fuck it is MEAN it yells at siffrin in his friends voices and tells him he should have died that they all hate him that they will forget him that they can’t wait to never see them again. and then siffrin gets all stresses out and um. his friends come into save him from th eking and they’re still mad at him for what he said but they didn’t want to leave him behind and went after him AND THEY MET LOOP!!!!! THEY MET KIKI and they fight the king together and the king gets reflected time frozen but he remembers the missing country as he gets frozen at least and then siffrin is like practically on the verge of passing out so his friends help him walk to the house maiden and mal du pays also shows up and gives him a scare but its nothing big and also there is red. like in the sky. theres red. not good. and they talk to the house maiden and she starts glitching out like before and she has a mention of everyone going home and siffrin FLIPS THE FUCK OUT and. um. tells everyone he won’t let them go back home. that he can’t. and they have a battle and i personally refused to attack them so i just kept attacking myself and MIRA HEALED HIM and odile attacked him in self defense and bonnie went “friends don’t attack friends!!” and siffrin takes it as “oh she attacked me we were never friends” (sounds of me dying a painful agonizing death at the mention of that) and they keep trying to talk to siffrin bc they want to help so bad and he keeps saying he can’t let them go back home and how he’s done this so many times and they realize loop was right when they said siffrin had done this so many times bc he was time looping and oudghffsd they ask him what his wish was bc it might have caused it and they keep begging him to tell them and he doesn’t want to bc if they know what he wished for they’ll hate him and then they all like jump at him in a big kinda hug way asking him to tell them and they like. float in the sky together. and siffrin admits what he wished for wasn’t just to wear isa’s desingned clothes but to stay together with all of them and he knows it’s selfish and he shouldn’t bc they’re all okay with leaving but he dind’t want to be alone and THEY ALL WANTED TO STAY TOGETHER TOOOOOO THEY DIDNT WANT TO LEAVE EITHERHHHHFGFHSDBFBASYCTDYUAGYHFDSYUVFASJBHAFJDS SOBS ON THE FLOOR they all think it’s ridiculous that siffrin thought they’d forget about him and oudghdgfhdf hic sob the fucking group hug they agree they’ll keep traveling together EVEN ODILEEEE SHE WAS DIDNT HAVE THE COURAGE TO SAY ANYTHING YET AND WAS HOPING TO ASK SOMOENE TO KEEP TRAVELING WITH HERRRRR HDFNGHFDHNDFFH and they group hug and siff cries and im so fucking wrecked i can’t do this . um. they talk after. siffrin’s okay that they might not forgive him immediately for what he said before. and they joke about how if they dont ask bonnie’s sister for permission to travel it’d be kidnapping. and the housemaiden is okay. i went to save and interacted with the mirror photo and when siffrin sees it it was like “its fine its over its over its over its over” and he throws it far away and i think tats everything i’m gonna spam you with photos now
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thatpunkmaximoff · 7 months
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[Book One of...]
Story: 5 out of 5 Smut: 0.5 out of 5
This short and spicy witchy novella is everything I didn’t know I needed!
The characters are fun, the bickering is highly amusing, and the teeny bit of angst makes your heart ache for the female lead.
If you want some fluff, with just a dash of angst, some heated chemistry, spice, and lots of magic… then this book is most definitely for you.
There were times when I was chuckling out loud at some of the scenes in this book. You will not regret reading about this witch and her gargoyle.
Now here are my rambling thoughts...
* Damn. Cast out of the coven by her own Tia? Harsh.
* Gotta love smart familiars.
* I love her friendship with Elizabeth and Andrew. They seem so protective of her.
* Wow. Her tia is a dick. How could she deny her access to the Ball with her friends?!
* I hate Ibis’s cousin Mona. What a bitch.
* Lmao. She wrote her initials into the wing. Ong is it gonna be a tattoo when he’s still human?
* I love how this is so modern- two witches talking about book boyfriends and annotating books lol.
* Oh to be able to bring forward a book boyfriend. The fun I would have with that spell lol.
* Now I wanna know what the gargoyle did with his tail lmao
* Aww. I was hopeful her spell would work right away. She was so excited.
* Ohhhh. “Oliver” is in exile? Just what did he do to become a gargoyle and who turned him into one? If it was the tia, all hell is about to break loose when he’s freed.
* “His little Ibis.” — omg I want a gargoyle lol.
* So the spell worked… and Elizabeth’s book boyfriend came alive..? How?!
* Oh fuck that. They cursed him to steal his strength for the Veil Force?! But now that he’s awake, what happens to the strength they were zapping from him?
* Can I slap Elton? Please!
* And Oliver swoops in for the save!
* Lmao. I can’t get over Andrew calling Oliver “Charlie”.
* Sooty for the win! Knocking out Elton with the watering can again lmao
* Oohhhh. Selma knows now 😬
* I love a possessive gargoyle and his name is Oliver lol
* So Oliver doesn’t want a mate from his birth colony, huh. He’s got Ibis now.
* Oliver arguing with an owl about not eating the butterflies is fucking adorable.
* Damn. He really told her to show him how to pleasure herself while there were still people in the library. Holy shit 🥵
* They banged! I swear to God, if they make him go away… I’m gonna be pissed!
* Tia Isa is a bitch.
* Oh no. Don’t tell me Isa is the one who cursed him 🤦🏻‍♀️
* “My little Ibis, I would rather stay here and be stoned for another century and listen to your voice in darkness than to be sent back to another world where I could never hear you again.” — omg 😭
* Oh no. He wasn’t summoned from another universe, he was summoned from a book so long ago. Poor Oliver.
* Another? Another what? Oliver! Use your words!
* Who the fuck is this new gargoyle?! And he better not hurt the familiars.
* Lol. Andrew named the new gargoyle Charlie 😂
* And poor Oliver is just done with Sooty the owl trying to eat the butterflies 😂😂
* “You’re my magical ever after.”
* Ugh. Tia Isa knows. And she brought along Elton and Mona… and UGH! Sooty needs to water can all three of them.
* Oh. Oh no. My heart hurts.
* HE’s BACK!
* Holy shit… the High Priestess is Ibis’s grandma?! And she had Tia Isa taken away! Yes!
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peantis · 1 year
Dream number ???: Prom
Holy fucking shit this one was long. I was trapped in this dream for what felt like weeks. First part, was that everyone was going to prom, and I didn’t have a dress. I find this sheer red dress that I could draw right now if I wanted to, and we go.
Prom is boring.
It cuts to us back at my moms house, with my dad there and alive. It changes from my current friends to a mix of a couple current ones and mostly middle school ones. We sit around and talk for EVER in our prom clothes, and discuss just like normal memories. The thing that gets me is that whenever I dream, my dreams give me memories inside of that dream world. I could so clearly remember things that happened in that life, and it felt so real.
We all go to sleep, and I have an IN DREAM dream sleep (about dinosaurs or something). I wake up on the floor of my mothers living room with some dude next to me (in dream he’s an old middle school friend, awake I don’t know him). There’s some sort of love triangle with me (who didn’t have any romantic feelings toward him in dream) him and this girl I used to know. He apparently wanted to go to prom with me, but asked the other girl?? Idk man.
Then, it takes a WEIRD TURN
We all sit around talking, enjoying breakfast, and it shifts to that god forsaken house I always dream about. It’s always a normal house, very large but nothing fancy. My mom says, “hey, remember when you guys built a giant goose to ride to prom last year?” (??????) and everyone is like omg yes!! And I remember the goddamn goose!
It’s this Jim Henson spooky fucker that was part boat so we could drive it. My mom sends a house keeper (never had one of those, her name was Isa in the dream) go down to the basement to look for parts of the goose.
While they’re doing that, my dad is chatting with some of the guys that stayed over after prom. He talks with this kid named Garrett that I used to know, and says, “aren’t you the kid that came back to life?” And I say, “I thought that was *other kid I knew*” and I get this wave of in dream memories about how multiple of my in dream friends have died and been brought back, or disappeared mysteriously and returned.
The in dream memories treat this as normal, as if we’re all part of some resurrection secret society or something.
We’re eating breakfast when isa comes upstairs holding some pieces of the Goose, like the legs and the wings, but where’s the head?
I explain that my real life friend, Sid, must still have the head at their parents house. I’m dating this era to be around Junior year, since me and sid were friends then but I have no idea why all of these middle school friends are included.
We still just sit around and talk like everything is normal. I remember the conversations, but they weren’t that interesting.
I wake up in the middle of talking with someone about the goose head.
The thing that gets me so badly in these types of dreams are the memories. You know how when you’re thinking, you can tell the difference between imagining something and a memory? Well in my dreams, I have memories of whatever life I am living in them. Memories that make sense.
Whenever I wake up from one of these they still feel like memories for about an hour, and then they fade away a bit. It’s genuinely mind fucking, imagine having like false memories implanted. Or imagine your very real memories that FEEL real slowly fading away. Idk man
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illuseyes-blog · 6 years
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on god, isa is dumb sometimes. @shethieved
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foxwell · 2 years
Let's just continue this fun game, A8E8! This time: I am unspoiled. Completely unspoiled. The episode dropped today while I was in an oral exam and I have not listened to the VC, I have not looked at anything in the Discord. I might cry. Who knows. Let's go.
Finally! Assassinate the Pinn! (I'm just a little bit sad that John won't be part of this I think that would have been fun)
Terrible thunderstorm? Quinn joins the angry commoners and goes to save Sybilla confirmed?
I want to draw a Penny Lovejoy tracksuit now, shit
Is Sir Up trying to switch his patron because it sure sounds like that
Hang on Sybilla! Hang on Sybilla!!! Queen of my heart!!!
Hang on Nephila!!!
Everything is so far away from everything in this castle, oh noooo
There comes the thunderstorm from my darling Isadora!!
Annie has murder in her heart and I am here for it
Pinn is going to take control, 100%
Yes Penny you are saying he's doing a great job but all your compliments are backhanded
Annie has other priorities than murdering a Lovejoy for the moment
"Yes Miss Wintersummer" I am so here for everyone respecting the shit out of Annie it's what she deserves!!! My darling girl!!
"She is two-armed. Also, quite small."
"I just want to ask a question. Sir Up Ton, do you have more than 150 hitpoints?" The shocked silence after that, SAME. SAME.
She appears right there and Annie has... no healing, does she? That's horrible. That's honestly horrifying.
Nephila!!! Nephila my love!!! You got this hell yeah!!!
Gus saying "Helga Hatebad" the same way Sam always does, adorable
Helga you had the best turn ever I love you
I still cannot believe that Sybilla is breathing
I mean there is still so much pod left to cast for this episode but oh my god
"It's my duty as a dungeon master to let you know that's possible" translates to "please kick Penny fucking Lovejoy" to me
Nephila you gay sweetheart
Yondo runs! You are running so good!
It may be stupid but honestly I respect Isadora for wanting to do the honourable thing. And I respect her even more for knowing that it's stupid and trying to find a balance.
I don't know why but the fact that Penny turned away feels like an important character moment, just like it felt important that Isadora did not, in Arc 3. Very different scenes, but still, both feel important in a similar way.
Sybilla do not touch that sword. Do not get within six inches of that sword I beg you.
I am not sure if it's better or worse that Annie has the sword. I guess her saves are better. But oh my god I have seen the Evil!Annie fanart and I am so scared
Annie my life my love my light my dearest (how many characters am I allowed to adore per arc)
It makes me very scared that there is still an hour left. How is there still an hour left. Please let it be just therapy or something.
Isa just knocked her father figure unconscious 🙂 this is fine
Penny is helping Helga???? A Hatebad and a Lovejoy working together???? "I hope my mother forgives me for this" is this the point where I mark the Bingo field for Hatebad and Lovejoy at least friends at the end??
How do these Nat 20s come at such convenient moments I cannot. Fucking. Believe it.
There he is, the man of the hour!
Penny I adore you. I want to study you.
Yondo is adorable oh dear, I am pretty sure he deserves better but I'm glad he got what he wanted
Amazing sibling energy, as always
A better tomorrow 😭😭 I am not sure if this is meant as a reference to what Helga said but it sure feels like it and I love it
Laz and Nephila 😭😭 they are adorable. Also. Great way to not just ignore what happened between them before. I am very glad.
The coronation while bodies are still lying around the castle. What a glorious metaphor for the mess Sybilla inherits from her father.
This kingdom needs to take some time to heal from a great many things I feel like
Yes my love, un-ban charity!
Mixed reaction is probably the best that could happen after that
Roadtrip with Penny, I am sure Isa could not think of anything more fun
Hnghhh three new recurring villains established in a single arc? Pinn, Loroy, Up Ton?
Where is Annie, someone get Annie, please
Sybillaaaaaa please do not let yourself be pushed into a corner by the evil wizard
What the fuck is happening
I am going to cry
How dare he
How fucking dare he
Prime Lich Wizard I am going to personally hunt you down
If there is one thing I cannot imagine then it's Gem Lovejoy in a standard prison uniform
Where are the Hatebads
Is this the summon Hatebad dice roll?
This feels like the summon Hatebad dice roll
I am so happy for Beryl, and at the same point I am honestly sorry for Penny and her siblings
Jesus fucking Christ
I am feeling so many emotions
Maevir darling you did your best, but oh dear
We were right, a fucking lich
Sybilla. My love. My darling.
Oh my god
This arc
My heart
I am a changed woman
I am a broken and changed woman
Phil and Helga are very much not fine I think
Gus. Gus. I forgive you for Arc 8 just as I forgave you for Arc 6. But oh my fucking god.
I knew things were going far too well far too early into the episode.
Wiki will get updated end of next week when my last exam is finally over, promise.
Also, I am excited for a guest DM, and so much love to Gus! Take your well-deserved break!
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nyikondlovu · 3 years
SOMEONE thought I wouldn’t give my opinion that no one asked for for Stargirl Summer School Chapter 6? You thought wrong
Okay so there is SO much to talk about in this episode ohmygod:
Opening scene with Isaac and Yolanda was so creepy and straight away said this isn’t a regular episode, it’s fucked up and you should be scared because holy fuck the intensity? The tension between Yolanda and Isaac? The way you can feel how completely snapped Isaac is? Even the title card was dark and the music bringing dread. I love how they didn’t forget about the weather thing because even the town is grey with no sunshine in sight.
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Beth and her father…sigh where to begin? I both hate and enjoy the very complicated dynamic with Beth and her parents because it seems like her father is the more sensitive between her mother and father and so when he stops for 5 seconds he can see just how upset she is and reminds her he loves her. Artemis is angry and chooses Beth to be her target because Beth’s family is ‘perfect’ and she won’t listen to Beth when she says otherwise, showing how much pain she’s in and looking for a scapegoat. Like baby your own parents told you they’re criminals but NOPE! it’s gotta be someone’s fault. The ‘perfect Beth Chapel’ really piqued my interest because yeah…from an outsiders perspective Beth is perfect. She’s super nice no matter what life has thrown, really intelligent based off of her gpa, pretty (because, anjelica is gorgeous c’mon now) and she now has a group of friends who she SEEMS close to who don’t make fun of her or ask her about her criminal parents so of course she’s ‘perfect’. Beth is being shown to be the ‘everything is fine and I’m absolutely happy no issues don’t ask me because there’s nothing wrong’ and that might have come from just being invisible for the longest of times at school. No one can bully you if there’s nothing to really bully you on.
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The Cindy Mike misdirect has me conflicted because yay! Mike isn’t being inhibited by a fucking demon but also really? all that build up for him to be bait? It’s a little disappointing I’m not gonna lie. But okay I guess?
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THE FIGHT SEQUENCE?! I DON’T HAVE THE WORDS IN ENGLISH AND I CAN’T USE VERNACULAR ON HERE BUT OHMYGOD GOD IT ATE DOWN. THE TRANSITIONS?! THE TENSION?! THE WAY YOU COULD SEE HOW DIFFERENT THE TEAMS WORK?! Baby JSA has months of experience working together and it shows in how when one falters the other steps up. When Rick saved Beth from the arrows, she helped him get an advantage over Artemis with her parents mugshots. When Yolanda was getting tired dodging Isaacs attacks, Courtney stepped up and knocked him off balance. Baby ISA has no experience working as a team and it’s very obvious, everyone is on their own and if Cindy didn’t have Eclipso they would have lost because they didn’t work as a team. They were each isolated and didn’t keep an eye on one another and that’s where the JSA has them beat.
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Now, Beth and Rick?! Those are my peoples. Rick protecting Beth, Beth helping Rick get the jump on Artemis. Beth calling Rick when she needed to talk. Beth checking if Rick is fine during his fight with Artemis. Beth scanning Rick for injuries. What can I say? If you can’t see that Hournite works great as a team, you’re lying to yourself.
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I wanted Beth to throw a punch as much as the next person but look at it like this; Courtney has her staff and gymnastics training, Yolanda has her suit and boxing experience, Rick has his hourglass. Everyone was using their strongest advantage. Imagine her punching Artemis, based off of how basically indestructible she seems, Beth would be in trouble. If she punched Isaac, how can she get close enough to do that without him blasting her? Let’s not even talk about her going against Cindy. Everyone used their greatest assets to the team in a fight that high stakes and her using her goggles and quick thinking is her best asset at this point. Mike got a lucky shot with Cindy, he couldn’t go head to head with her AND THATS FINE. Do I hope we get Beth physically fighting someone? Definitely. Would I call her useless for being the only person who knows how to work the goggles and using THAT to her advantage? Hell no. 
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Overall, it was a really fun episode and I was thoroughly entertained throughout the 40+ minutes. I hope Beth and Yolanda murk Eclipso. Like get him for me girls.
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gardenergulfie · 3 years
My friend @/yourcringybrother‘s opinions on balls smp characters but his only interaction with them is from my fanfic
Fluctra: “this is basically me when i was a teenager but add actual Danger bc she could probably kill me. the kind of teen who i’d see on the street and would accurately insult me on something i was insecure about. Probably doesnt pay taxes”
Taffie: “apparnetly he’s a wolf who does taxes and is kind of a little bitch. like if the main character of beastars was a politically insensitive prick but ppl were working on frog boiling him into respecting human rights”
Isa: “a vAmpire???? who runs a bakery and used to be an assassin and cares very much for their friends. i love them dearly and i want them to thrive i also want to know why apparently one of their wolves Should not be pet and if its ever come up that they Owns wolves and also Taffie exists. have they argued about this? i also think they’d kill me”
Emi: “OH KY FUCKING GOD hTe hate hate i am an Emi Anti apparently some sort of monochrome person with? void? eyes? and the father of this Drew child but does Not want to take any responsibility so Erin is out here workin their ass off as a single mother like damn. Apparnetly they like fucking up people’s days as her version of harmless fun and I despise. Despise. If she wasn’t so down with scaring people and having commitment issues i bet she’d be really fun to have at a birthday party”
Erin: “apparently not fluctra i thought they were the same person but they’re different. also a half. black bird something half demon which holy shit your parents. seems like theyre doing their best but probably make a lot of mistakes on a daily basis which, valid. they feel like the iconic 20 year old experience of oh jesus christ what the fuck am i doing what do you MEAN i have to do this what does that thing do jesus christ i need a fucking break. Yeah thats really all i think; they deserve a fuckin break.“
Drew: “possibly? demon child? half demon? demi god?? child??? can apparently wield a weapon VERY well and WILL USE IT. the vine of that kid where the parent asks “what do you have???” “a knife!!” “nO—“. Seems like he’s just Vibing which is really fair. I can’t really gauge how old he is but he’s a toddler-ish. maybe younger maybe older i get the feeling that being part GOD sort of fucks that up. he gets into trouble but i think thats just a toddler thing. i would fear him. 10/10″
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memoryoflooping · 4 months
anyway siffrin putme in the sscary world x2 this loop (the ghosts) and also,
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loop 20 -
-oh siffrin is not fine
-loop is not a star… uh huh…. "more like a mirror" huh
-loop in disbelief that we saw the change god?
-talking to the head housemaiden is something that keeps you from advancing somehow hmm…
-what goal is impossible though… everyone seems happy?
-I GET TO HANG OUT WITH LOOP? YES. "i'm lonely!"
-loop stop being so judgemental siffrin is literally bad memory georg of course he needs the coin to remember
-"do you think i'm supposed to be here?!" uh oh, oh loop is stuck here huh. lied just so siffrin wouldn't question it. no home to go back to.
-i think the only person who could understand is siffrin…
-ok so loop's event might take up the rest of the day like isa's? ig i can do the rest and skip him for now ?
-ahhhhh secret tutorial is just for the showing loop items thing i already know about bc i tried it instantly with the star leaf
-spend a loop with loop… lol
-loop knew siffrin before they even met… yeah checks out. they know so much. "kind of" ? i don't believe you, fucker.
-LOL i did think loop was trapping sif here. but i'm not sure anymore
-loop knows how it feels to be stuck somewhere with no hope of escape… were they in a timeloop too?
-both siffrin and loop said "i'd rather not" when asked to tell more about themself…. hmmmmmmm…
-HOLY SHIT. that's so bright… the king's attack????
-SIF just drew their weapon on loop? omg?
-wait that's true… sif just looped back… bc they realized their friends died… it's not losing… of course its not it would happen automatically when you're "softlocked"
-it must have something to do with their friends? but what? they all seemed happy in the end? it's just siffrin who's missing in that regard then, they don't have an "ending" i guess? i guess if it did actually end after the king, everyone goes home and siffrin will just like, keep traveling, without them, alone. huh. and the loop knows this somehow? someway?
-and we just established siffrin controls it somewhat… so then, it's siffrin? siffrin needs to not be sad? siffrin needs a happy ending?
-hmm i guess it was also established that it IS what siffrin wants, they did wish for it didn't they? i picked the mirabelle option at the start, but i don't remember exactly what it was, to keep traveling with them?
-ok so i need more info on the king, and i guess i just ? do the friend events again. and climb the whole house, again. the 20 hour runtime of isat is not looking good with my 27 hour file gang.
-hm i guess while i'm here i can figure out what's going on with the ghosts!
-sif purposefully tripped on a rock… to not seem really powerful
-bonbon you don't know what stars are?
-FUCK I HAVE TO GO INTO THE STAR ROOM ON PURPOSE…. its fine. its fine. i don't need the extra skills its fine. we're so fine . i guess i might as well figure out where the second ghost spawns, and i won't get to do the third again.
-odile won heads or tails again, i think this is a given i can stop writing it down
-odile thinking about time craft… looking at sif… did this happen last time it might have…? maybe i shouldn't skip interacting with the time craft book again.
-i KNEW it siffrin star infodump lmao
-siffrin says stars, the king says stars, loop… also says stars i think ?
-the king wants siffrin to remember something… hmmm
-ok lets see if siffrin is done being mad at loop ig
loop 23 -
-loop teasing them for the family members thing help
-"that sounds really cringe, stardust" "YOU"RE CRINGE"
-"are you jealous of my family members?" help
-loop does act weird whenever i show the drawing and stuff.. hmmm hmmm
-loop not jealous of the party… so they are jealous of something? or they're lying. 50/50 shot
-ok so me acting like a weirdo is in fact doing something. hm
-wait odile lost this time. after like ten million times of winning in a row
-someone siffrin knew loved fish head and thats why he likes them. OH. AWESOME. OK.
-oh! i think we got the third ghost! yesssss!
-oh everyone can see the ghosts. is that bad.
-oh my god the gang all look horrified. what????
-mirabelle crying over it??
-ghost sif looking straight ahead not moving, got suprised when isa called to him and then looked at them like he was so happy he was gonna cry, esp after he realized they were all there, smile getting bigger. "blissful" but wasn't nice or happy… just sad?
-"why would you look at us like that…."
-oh my god he looped back. to lie about seeing it.
-no peppers in those fritters, it seems "missing"
-the island…..? siffrin and the king should especially remember it…
-wait i can give the king the fucking flower? of all people…????? i fucking forgot to give it to someone
-as long as they're important you can give someone a flower… huh
-ok so find written proof of the island… hmmm
-uh oh they're smiling now… uh oh "in this moment she loves you. they all love you"
-you could do this forever! siffrin… oh my god…
loop 26 -
-isa looks stricken, sad? ohhh no :-( sif must have looked at him so sadly….
-ahhh the diary i see i see
-god its just gotta be siffrin. it's siffrin but how… he wanted it enough but. wishing at the trees isn't like… real? odile can still lose the coinflip…
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ihassheepquake · 4 years
Stargirl 1.05 "Hourman and Dr. Mid-Nite" has officially hit DCU, and as usual I am here to talk about it.
A quick little backstory for Rick right at the start. It's sad and feels very TASM2, and if I'm being honest I think it would hit a little harder if we had been with Rick more than once so far this season but it does a good job in setting him up nonetheless.
A quick namedrop for my favourite little magic twink, and (more importantly) he continues to be an influence. Now the one adult in this whole deal is getting suspicious of the ISA in Blue Valley.
Look at Beth being all sneaky. Easily getting confirmation that it was in fact Yo and Court she saw last week (which btw girls, maybe dont talk about your double life in the middle of you school hallway, just saying). And then using her airpods so she can continue to gather Intel, nice. Slightly related, Artemis better get her chance to be a hero at some point.
Pat, Rick, and Court all meeting for the first time. Pat expertly figures out exactly who Rick is and the little hourglass goes crazy when Rick shows up, which leads to making Court look crazy to Rick. Fun times.
I cannot believe Beth gets the goggles because of the dog. Iconic. And the goggles are an AI, that's cool (they have a fucking Twitter mood holy shit). Looks like the original Dr. Midnight (Ryan McNider) was blind, which I thought was Beth's thing? I know the lore is that one of three people to take the name was blind during the day but I'm not 100% sure who so if any comic fans know and wanna share feel free.
Classic Halloween party scene, I'm into it. I wonder how much the Lizzo song cost. Gods I hate Cindy so much. And look at Henry Jr starting to develop his powers. How Rick gets the hourglass and discovers his powers is fun, live that the first thing he does is go fuck with his piece of shit Uncle. Glad to se the predictions on how Beth and Rick join the squad were correct.
Poor Beth. It seems like she was a really sheltered kid and her parents have left her with very little social skills to fall back on now that's been thrown back to the wolves. Yay for her coming in and getting Rick to join up though.
Show has a real thing for school buses around drama. I wonder if it happens to be the same one from 1.03? The Fiddler is officially revealed, or (more accurately) confirmed. The Lantern is acting up, foreshadowing. And Pat now knows something is up with Courtney.
Courtney is really good at the hero speech thing. And I love the emphasis she always puts on things being their (her and the other kids) choice. It's not the typical "great power great responsibility" thing. It's refreshing and I really love getting to see these characters make use of their agency. I think that aspect of her character is going to play a big role in the eventual redemption arcs we'll get the ISA's kids.
Next week is 1.06 "The Justice Society" so get ready for the teams first official mission together. Looks like they're facing off with Sportsmaster and Tigress. How well will they be able to work together? The formula for this kinda show dictates that something needs to cause the team to fall apart and then bring them back together (we're already at the midseason in two more episodes so this mission could very well be it, and Joey inspired Courtney to form the group so he might be what brings back together somehow, idk I just want him to live). That's all I have for this episode and I cant wait to see where we'll go next.
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ash-etherwood · 3 years
Top 5: writing memories, songs, characters that are not blank rune, runes, food
Linda I love you but are you trying to kill me … that’s so many Top 5’s! But alright, I’ll do my best! (Answers will probably switch between German and English RIP to every non-German-speaker who follows me and wants to read this for some reason I swear I’m normal)
5.) The entire time I spent finishing my first (second?) longer writing project It was the year 2012 and it was a cyberpunk story about my friends’ and my edgy self inserts riding dinosaurs, fighting aliens and being badass. The plot twist in the end was that my character was secretly evil and wanted to kill everyone. (Things to show your therapist) The final boss fight made zero sense and also everything was incredibly weird and stupid. But sometimes I still think about those times when I sat in my grandma’s living room at night, eating chips and listening to Vocaloid covers while thinking this story was the coolest shit ever. Truly simpler times.
4.) Researching something about universities in Texas for OvF on a rainy Saturday afternoon I have no idea why this memory is still sticking with me to this day (I think it was around 2016 or something?), but I remember that it was just a really nice day and I felt really at peace at that moment?
3.) The entire writing process of Bathroom Blues It was such a spontaneous project and I still have no idea how I managed to power though it in just a little under two months! Also it was just incredibly fun seeing you getting excited over new drafts and I loved coming up with new plot points and Halloween costumes for everyone with you. :-D Truly a summer worth remembering.
2.) FINALLY uploading the prologue and intro chapter of WWBL Not really a writing memory, but that moment was … so sexy and magical. Seriously, you have no idea how long I had been waiting to finally start that story, waiting for the Steckbriefe to roll in and see people react to the prologue and generally the idea … I even made one of those countdown graphic thingies for the designated upload date! 8D At that point I had planned that story for about six months and just … yeah, that felt powerful to me.
1.) Writing the prologue for WWBL When I first started the draft for that prologue I was sitting at the window in my favourite hotel in Winterberg, Sauerland, wore my dark green flannel, had the window wide open breathing in the cool mountain air and allowed myself to listen to my WWBL playlist for the very first time. God, that felt so amazing. I even have a photo of it (which somehow makes it look like I have the biggest football shoulders in the universe) my sister took that night. God I miss Sauerland. )’:
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My apologies to every favourite song of mine that I forgot about, I have a whole playlist of them, but I think these are some of my oldest faves … (Honorable mentions for Don’t Mess With Me and Not That Big by Temposhark, Goodbye by Apparat, Me And The Devil by Soap&Skin, Heart Heart Head by Meg Myers, Pain and Animal I Have Become by Three Days Grace, Beautiful Crime by Tamer, Gravity Of Love by Enigma, In Flames by Digital Daggers [thanks Phi u_u] and Murder Cries by Snow Ghosts AHHH FUCK IT I could’ve just made a playlist,,,)
5.) Vater Unser by E Nomine Starting off with some weird shit, won’t we? I’ve been in love with this song since fifth or sixth grade, when I was just starting to develop an actual music taste and although I have many favourite songs by E Nomine, this one has to be my absolute fave. Every time I can relate it to a character it makes me love said character even more. (Also I think about it every time my mom forces me to go to church for Christmas so … yay? I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t even be able to remember the Vater Unser if it wasn’t for this song. 8D)
4.) Wires by The Neighbourhood I think this is the newest all-time fave on this list, I found it in … 2015? Thank you, Youtube AMVs. Yeah man, this one is just … on so many playlists it’s not even funny anymore.
3.) Heathens by Twenty One Pilots An edgelord classic but like … it’s on EVERY playlist of mine. Every single one. It’s just so good. The first time I heard it was on the radio tho, when I was having breakfast with Jessie and I forced her to shazam it because it immediately stuck with me,,,
2.) Imaginary by Evanescence My first Evanescence song ever and the first step towards becoming who I am today I think. This song has like … such a big history for me, man. It single-handedly turned me goth in 2008 and I have never really thanked it for that.
1.) Eternal by Evanescence Might be my favourite song of all time. The number of dramatic RP scenes I have written with this in the background … man. Oh, also this song is the reason for one of my oldest internet nicknames, ‘eternala’, which subsequently shortened into Etschuh and then Tschuh, my main nickname until 2017, when I came out as trans and finally found an actual name for myself I was comfortable with!
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I know this was probably supposed to be about fandom characters but I can literally not come up with a single character right now that I love with a special burning passion and that is not my or one of my friends’ OCs so you’re getting OCs now. u_u And boy do I have a lot of those.
5.) Jackson Tracey from atroCITY (mine) This little piece of shit kept me company for a pretty long time and is still very close to my heart for some reason, although I haven’t drawn him or really thought about him in detail for a while now. My favourite thing is how I only realized what a horrible person he was after I stopped regularly working with him but honestly good for me. 8D His storyline and personality is kinda convoluted and tbh I’m not really sure how much of it is canon anyway (atrc was always a little weird about canon rip) but yeah. He’s an obsessive stalker piece of shit who pities himself way too much and he is also a semi-immortal demigod who likes knives. I hate him but he also helped me a lot with some gender and sexuality stuff so thanks I guess.
4.) Mayoko Imai from Century Riders DXPrototype (Maus’ and mine) Mayoko is a magical girl protagonist with a cool cyborg arm prosthetic and her main character trait was that she was basically a reverse weeaboo, a Japanese girl who was obsessed with American media, culture and comic book heroes! I actually love her concept a lot and she also had a pretty cool character arc in her story (which Maus and I wrote together and actually finished btw!), although it could use a lot more … polishing from today’s point of view. But I love her anyway. She always wanted to do the right thing and be a hero and got broken pretty cruelly and her ending is kinda bittersweet I guess? Ahh there’s just so much nuance to it … anyways, CR3 also stuck with me for a very long time and I enjoyed the time with her a lot. :3 (Her name had a cameo in Another Incident btw heehee)
3.) Tessa *insert extremely long chain of unnecessary first names here* von Lean from Nobody Is Perfect and Infernal Temptation (belongs to one of my old school friends) Tessa is just … a hand full. I love to hate her. She is badly written and developed and just OOZES mentally ill teenage girl’s idealized self-insert power fantasy, but she just … man, she was a big part of one of my most drama-filled high school friendships which I love looking back at so much. Tessa has fucked so many of my characters … good for her tbh! There are actually two versions of her, one is just a ‘normal’ teenage girl and one can shapeshift into a cheetah, but both of them are very close to my heart. I should really adopt and redesign her some day.
2.) Judy Khayat from Original vs. Final (mine) Look, I love all my OvF-characters and every single one of them is special to me in their own way, but Judy is just … the most complex of them all I think? Man, she went through so much … she is actually one of my oldest (semi)-active characters (I created her in 2009) and her latest version is from 2016 but I should really, REALLY revise her again tbh. She has a very complicated backstory that I didn’t handle as carefully as I should have, and anger issues and religious conflict and depression and PTSD and then Vance of all people becomes obsessed with her for no reason and decides to traumatize her even more … yeah. God I really love her but I seriously need to work on her. A LOT. I should also finally rename her tbh … let’s just see where she takes me next.
1.) Okami (I don’t even remember if she has a proper last name rn lol) from Split Realm (mine) Yeah, that bitch is just my favourite OC. She’s also very old, probably from around 2009, and initially was a magical girl with fire powers who I played in an RP with my friend Flauch but boy did she grow up! Holy fuck. Okami is a horrible person but I love her so much. She is so violent and full of anger and pain and sadness and treats everyone around her like shit and she is in love and she is a demon but also apparently the personification of the concept of Chaos but she just wants to be a teenager again and run away with the love of her life and ahhh it’s all so hopeless for her … also she turned out gnc af with time passing and pretty much went through a gender/sexuality crisis in real time with me, her creator, which is always fun. :^D I haven’t drawn her in a while tbh. Should really do that.
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I’m just gonna go with the arcs here, okay? Also this entire answer might look completely different if you asked me again tomorrow, you know how indecisive I am with Blank Rune shit ahha,,,
5.) Jera Look. I know I’m boring and stupid. But I just love Tave and Liam having their disgusting little foreshadowing talk, okay? I can read it over and over. I just love my horrible little shit crime boys. Also Rhy and Phillip are there. (’:
4.) Isa This one is here because it was the first arc I witnessed in real time which gives it a very special place in my heart and it also … hit pretty hard at the time. But having read Fehu it’s become even better now! It’s just such a wonderful, tragic romance between two horrible, ruthless boys and I … I’m not immune to Rhy, sadly. :-/ Just like Phillip.
3.) Wunjo We still haven’t seen everything that leads up to Wunjo yet, but we DO know more than we did initially (wow shocker) and it’s just always a fucking blast. Also, it has the first mention of Ash’s real name … the first Rhy POV (which what the fuck!! I always feel like we had one before but we didn’t!! Wild) and it has crazy blood-soaked murder Tave, my beloved. :///3
2.) Eiwaz You guys have heard me fanboy about Eiwaz so many times already. Eiwaz-OT3 (and Kain) my beloved!!! It’s just SUCH an amazing starting point and there are so, so many things that tie back to it and every time we find out about a new one my heart makes a little jump … und es beginnt von Neuem indeed.
1.) Gebo One of the most painful but also the most beautiful arcs yet in my opinion. It’s been hyped up for so long and boy did it deliver. God, my heart still hurts when I think about that last scene. Also all the dialogue … the golden lines we got … and it’s an arc without Rhy! Crazy!! :-D I just love the relationship between Ash, Astrid and Jakob so much. God fuck I want what they have. Just maybe without the murder suicide,,,
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5.) Diese Sonntagsbrötchen wo die Verpackung so plopp macht, wenn man die Folie abzieht Better than normale Brötchen for some reason. Most of the time. See 2.) Look man, I just really love a good breakfast …
4.) Chocolate cupcakes with cream cheese topping One of the first things from a certain baking book I tried when I was getting into baking back in 2019. God they are so tasty. I don’t make them often so I don’t get used to them too much and eating them still feels special but ahhhh I love them so much!
3.) Grünkohl mit Kartoffelbrei und Mettendchen One of my favourite things about autumn/winter and one of my biggest comfort foods. God I love this shit so much. I just put … mountains of Grünkohl and Kartoffelbrei on my plate every time and I will just warm it up for four days straight until there’s no more left. It turns me into a fucking caveman. I’m not even big on eating meat but … yeah. Everything is different when there’s Grünkohl.
2.) Normales Brötchen mit Butter und Scheibenkäse aber ich bin beim Frühstücksbuffet im Hotel Oddly specific but that’s just how it is. Sorry. Nichts geht über Brötchen mit Käse.
1.) Chilli-Knoblauch-Nudelauflauf My beloved. My comfort food. I eat it literally every second day. At least one hour in the kitchen every time. Fresh ingredients. My only vegetable intake. And I’ve been doing that for three years. I just love it so much, man. I cook it for everyone who visits me. Chilli-Knoblauch-Auflauf cured my depression.
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hoidn · 4 years
i made the first version of these gifs back in january, but could never quite work out how to visually capture the symbolism of vic's positioning the way i wanted to. i still want to talk about it, though, hence this word dump.
A NOTE: when you study literature, it's an occupational hazard to find patterns of meaning everywhere. one of the things i love about longmire is that it explicitly deals with visual and narrative metaphors and parallels, which makes it a rich source for more abstract interrogation via symbolism and mythology (cf mythopoesis). if you have difficulty with contemporary systems of religion being regarded as mythology and used as lenses through which to interpret a text then you're probably gonna hate this, so maybe don't read any farther.
And who are the Officers? We learned that there are three. Strength (Gevurah) is the Officer of all the Holy Forms to the left of the Blessed Holy One. He is Gabriel.
               — The Bahir
on gabriel:
Gabriel is fire
Gabriel is gold (the color of fire)
Gabriel is the messenger of God, who executes God's will on earth
Gabriel frequently acts as God's instrument
               — source
In the Midrash, Michael is called the “prince of kindness (chessed) and water” and Gabriel “the prince of severity (gevurah) and fire.” Thus, Angel Michael is dispatched on missions that are expressions of G‑d's kindness, and Gabriel on those that are expressions of G‑d's severity and judgment.
               — source
on gevurah:
Literally, and in its biblical usage, the word gevurah refers to that which makes the hero (gibbor) a hero.
In some cases, gevurah is also associated with the angel of salvation (Isa 63:9) or with the time or figure of messianic redemption (Isa 33:13, Isa 28:5-6, Isa. 11:2).
               — source
Gevurah is "the essence of judgment (DIN) and limitation", and corresponds to awe and the element of fire.
Gevurah is understood as God's mode of punishing the wicked and judging humanity in general. It is the foundation of stringency, absolute adherence to the letter of the law, and strict meting out of justice.
               — source
so, i mean, i could write a damn good paper discussing the parallel elements and functions of gabriel ⟺ god / vic ⟺ walt (/ valkyrie ⟺ odin), but i could not figure out how to communicate it within the confines of these images. very frustratung.
(slightly tangential, but there's also an interesting section in chapter 7 of Mirror of His Beauty: Feminine Images of God from the Bible to the Early Kabbalah by Peter Schäfer that talks about how the principles of love/mercy (michael) and judgement/justice (gabriel) fight with each other and have to be mediated by truth (uriel). additionally, gabriel, fire, and evil are all identified with the left side of god, indicating that evil itself originates in god from the same source as judgement/justice/strength. if you extend the metaphor out, you can see walt's descent into vengeful fury (evil) flowing from the pathways of his more honourable principles (justice/strength), which then swings us back around to vic (gabriel) and salvation/redemption. fuck yeah this is my jam.)
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