#omori platonic x reader
pineappleciders · 1 year
Hello! Could I request a platonic Kel, Aubrey, Sunny and Basil headcanon of reader who is a older sister figure, as the reader is the oldest between Aubrey, Sunny, Kel and Basil, so the reader looks after them whenever Mari and Hero aren't around. Thank you!!
older sibling figure to KEL, AUBREY, SUNNY, and BASIL
A/N: hello!! i did more of a G/N version so it's more broad. i hope you don't mind :D
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KEL and AUBREY are always trying to get on your good side so you'll agree with them more
like, if you need help moving something, they both rush to help you and give each other dirty looks and start bickering (you ended up having SUNNY and BASIL help you..)
AUBREY always tells you about her day whenever MARI isn't around to listen. she'll start ranting about how annoying KEL is while you're brushing her hair
"and then he was like, 'no, HERO! i didn't do anything! it was all AUBREY!' grr! can you believe that?! and HERO watched him do it too!!!"
she's very glad to have you around as a older sibling figure. you never seem to judge her awkward social skills, and you're one of the few to entertain her girly interests.. even if you don't find much interest in them.
she forces you to play barbies with her btw.
SUNNY loves drawing himself and his friends, but he gets a little nervous when it comes to showing them the drawings. BASIL will be behind him as emotional support as he shoves a drawing of you in your face
he struggles a bit with communicating. he's very thankful to have always had you as someone to talk to. he loves MARI dearly, but he doesn't know how to confront her about how stressful the violin is for him
so you two have sort of a communication system? whenever he's non-verbal, you use a series of hand symbols and facial expressions to communicate. he understands it perfectly and is very glad you don't force him to talk
sometimes, KEL is a little scared of getting close to you because he thinks you prefer AUBREY and the others. but when you're the only one listening to him rant about his day with a smile on your face, he's like omg you're cool
from then on, he's always asking you to play catch with him or play basketball. of course, you always beat him because of your height advantage.
(KEL is quite the sore loser... you have to buy him ice cream every time you beat him.)
always begs you to help him with his homework... you usually end up doing the entire work sheet for him. he gets distracted quite easily.
you've found that BASIL seems to be the most mature out of the four. of course, you don't love the others any less... but you do admit, it's quite calming to garden with him after a long day.
he nervously asks you for art advice, and asks you to confirm his answers on his homework. you've noticed that he's definitely a smart kid, but he doubts himself too much.
as a result, you often reward him with something like a popsicle or even ice cream when he gets a good score on a quiz. although, if you give one of them something, you're well aware that the others have to have it too.
so, KEL, AUBREY, and SUNNY are always cheering BASIL on when he's studying so he gets a good grade and they can all get a treat. (ahem... you're a bit ashamed to say that there may have been a few incidences where they cheated for that sole reason only.)
they're quite a unique bunch, to say the least. but, they're family. a family that you wouldn't trade for the world.
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uhhhandskullanon · 1 year
───── ⋆⋅ ☆ ⋅⋆ ─────
You should’ve known that you never really could escape them, no matter how hard you tried. You wanted to scream, shout, sob, beg, whine, yell, anything at all, but the gag in your mouth prevented any sound whatsoever.
Not like if it wasn’t there it’d change anything. The basement is still sound-proof either way. You just wish Fyodor put a second thought in cleaning it up, because it smelled horrid in there.
Probably because of the pile of rotting body parts in the corner, or the bloody, moss-covered walls.
…he probably did this on purpose, actually. It’s only a part of your punishment, for leaving your loving fathers, is what he might say.
The gag was leaving a literal bad taste on your tongue, and if you could see the chains on your wrists, you’d bet they were already bruising and scarring. It was too dark for that though.
That was all in the start, however. It’s been nearly months since you’ve been ‘saved’ and ‘returned,’ in Nikolai’s terms. Everything had only been horrible, up until you were finally trusted enough to be let out of the basement. You would never say this, but it is partially thanks to Nikolai’s delusion and nagging of Fyodor that sped up that process.
…you missed the Agency. A lot, actually.
You missed Atsushi, and how he’d comfort you and you two just went out for chazuke on breaks.
You missed Yosano, and her headpats with the occasional need for healing. Despite her (kind of hidden) sadism, you never really were awake to feel her abilities… pre-measures.
You missed Dazai’s stupid antics, and the way he’d somehow drag you into them one way or another, but always made sure you never really got in trouble.
You missed Ranpo just rambling or being sleepy with you, occasionally sharing sweets and always calling for you to join him on cases whenever he could.
You missed Kunikida scolding you for joining Dazai’s shenanigans, but always doting over you like a real dad.
You missed listening to Kenji ramble about cows and farm animals.
You missed going out with Kyouka and eating crepes with her.
You missed just chatting with Fukuzawa, and even the cats at the shelter you two would visit.
You never voiced these though, because lord forbid you speak of anything or anyone on the outside while within the confines of Fyodor’s new base… you didn’t want to see that basement ever again, either.
“Oh [Y/N]! We’re baaaaaack!~” A (unfortunately and overly) familiar voice called out happily, before you were immediately tackled into a hug by none other than Nikolai. “Didya’ miss us?” He’d ask, and you already knew exactly what to say.
“Of course I did. I always miss you, Dad.” You smiled, hugging him back tightly. You knew how this went, and you knew that this would slowly but surely coax him into letting you out of the base… and after a few outings sticking by his side, surely you’d be freed.
Surely. Surely you kept telling yourself. Optimism and hope slowly blending into desperation and longing inside your mind. Surely you’ll find a way to run away. Patience is a virtue. Patient, patient, patient and good little [Y/N] before you leave them again.
“Waaha, how cute!” He’d exclaim soon after, hugging you even tighter before picking you up and spinning around, and you had to force out a fake chuckle and expression of joy. He only put you down (but still held you,) when Fyodor entered the room, brushing off his coat. It was then when you noted that they both had small splashes of blood splattered across certain spots, but you didn’t say anything on it. You knew how that went…
───── ⋆⋅ ?! ⋅⋆ ─────
"You can't- you can't keep doing this if you want me to stay!" You shouted at the two, blood-soaked males who in return just stared back at you.
"Are you saying you don't want to stay, my dear?"
"N-no, I just...-"
"Are you saying you'd leave us if we didn't stop?"
"That's not what I was saying! Don't put words into my mouth! I- ?!" You were cut off by a sudden cold knife to the throat, held by a gloved hand appearing out of a yellow portal.
"Watch your words wisely," Fyodor warned, "We are your fathers afterall."
'Never,' You wanted to shout, 'Never in a million years will you two ever be anything more than monsters to me.'
But even a fool knows when to bite their tongue.
───── ⋆⋅ ?! ⋅⋆ ─────
“Hey, Father?” You turned to Fyodor whilst still hugging Nikolai.
“Hm? What is it, doll?” He responded, taking off his cape and hanging it on a rack near the door before looking back at you.
You hated that nickname. “Doll.” Like you were some sort of item to show and control.
'Not for long,’ You’d think, ‘Not for very long at all.’ Though you were about to ask a risky question… you’d just hold on tight to Nikolai and hope for the best.
“...what happened to my kidnappers?” You hated referring to the Agency like that.
“Oh.. Well, not much. Merely a bit of… framing.” He said darkly, and eerie and small grin crossing his face.
"They won’t ever take your freedom away again, and you’ll never ever have to leave us again, isn’t that right dove?” Nikolai smiled evilly whale hugging you even tighter to the point that it hurt, and you had to muster up the ‘happiest’ smile you could.
"Yes, thank you Dad, and Father.” You said softly, looking at the two ‘gratefully.’
...You were going to get out of this hell hole, and you were going to save the Agency, one way or another.
───── ⋆⋅ ☆ ⋅⋆ ─────
'This might be a bit of a stretch,’ You thought to yourself as you stared down at the large drop ahead of you. Its been a long while, and you’ve finally been allowed to go outside with them… however, you’ve taken precautions. You know exactly what to do.
You’re on top of a large building with a barrier, and you’ve marked it just enough so that you’re only barely out of reach of Nikolai’s ability. It’s also only a matter of time before they find you…
…It’s a long way down. Do you want to jump?
— TAG : @kolyakisses
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gothicxreylover · 9 months
hello! I saw you accept requests for headcanons and omori so I have a request if you feel like writing!
can I request platonic yandere headcanons (could be anyone/everyone from main 6!) or oneshots for gender neutral reader? I'm sucker for platonic yanderes and sadly there's lack of them everywhere
you can freely dismiss this request, please take care!
Hello! And I would love to do your request I don't see much of OMORI so I would serve this to you. I hope you enjoy!
Sorry if this doesn't seem platonic but I hope it's still showing in there.
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Sunny- Sunny is a very calm person and isn't very social at all. Of course, just because he doesn't talk to you a lot he still enjoys your presence. Sitting there in silence makes Sunny happy (even if he doesn't show it). Quality time is how he shows his appreciation towards you he does love affection but not all the time. Maybe small hand-holding or a hug is what he likes. Cuddles or small kisses (It's shown as platonic) are something he was he be prepared for and doesn't like to be rushed with.
Mari- Mari is a very social butterfly and loves to talk to you. Telling you stories about her adventures with her friends or even made-up ones just to get your attention. She loves affection and often shows it towards you. Just like Sunny, he doesn't like to be rushed with affection so it would take her a small amount of time to warm up to you (it takes her about a week or so). She craves quality time and loves to have fun with you such as baking or having a small picnic with her friends.
Hero- Hero can be a dork around you he can't help but be all giddy or happy in your presence. Hero is the same as Mari he loves to tell you small stories and likes to have quality time with you. Sometimes the whole group goes on adventures to make memories or is just too goofy but Hero treasures it in his memories a lot. Hero is more like a brother since he's the oldest in the group but you saying that he's a brother to you makes him happy to know that you feel close it him.
Kel- Kel the massive goofball who just loves talking to you a lot. He loves quality time and affection and he's not afraid to show it to you. He shows you how to do tricks in basketball and sometimes shows off just to hear your praises. Affection is something that Kel lacks a lot so his receiving a hug makes him happy and he craves more of it. He sometimes gets you into trouble and you both get scolded by Hero, Mari, or an adult but that's okay since it creates a lot of inside jokes between the two of you.
Basil- Basil is kinda the same as Sunny. He's very shy and doesn't talk to you a lot but he warms up on how he gets used to your presence. He loves to talk about flowers and shows you his garden from time to time. He loves quality time and sometimes acts of service. Sometimes just being there with you makes him calm and collective. Acts of service are something he likes to do even if it's just bringing you something small.
Aubrey- Aubrey is a massive tunsudere and pretends that your not really worthy of her. But sometimes she does let her touch persona slip once in a while. She loves quality time and Acts of serves and affection. You being there makes her calm and she warms up to you. Acts of serves is her way of showing she cares for you and doesn't mind getting things for you even if she complains about doing them. Affection is something she doesn't receive a lot and something she lacks in life. You showing her affection makes her feel loves and worthy to be your friend.
Sunny- He gets pretty jealous a lot especially if your hanging out with someone he doesn't know. He overthinks a lot a thinks that the person your with would take you away from him and he doesn't like that at all. You can tell him that they're just a friend and he'll apologize to you and them but that doesn't mean he still can't hold a grudge against them.
Mari- Sometimes Mari can be a bit overbearing she loves to hang out with you and invites you over a lot. This makes you feel suffocated in her presence and you can help but think she's a tiny bit clingy. If you tell her about it she'll be hurt but fully understanding and apologize she would fix the problem but also goes back into her behavior again after a while.
Hero- He's overprotective of you and doesn't want you to get hurt. This causes a bit of an argument between you and him but does get settled down. You argue that you can take care of yourself and there's nothing he should be worried about at all. Hero claims that you shouldn't be walking around without any company due to how dangerous outside could be.
Kel- He's a bit oblivious towards everything and doesn't see a problem with what he's doing. Sure he can be clingy and slightly jealous sometimes but that's normal. If you bring it up he'll say it's normal for him to feel that way and does push on to you. His being oblivious to everything makes your friendship a bit complicated but you still have a strong bond.
Basil- Basil guilt trips you a lot if you want to hang out with someone he would say that it's okay and he'll be all alone with no one with him. He also obliviously brings up his trauma on how he doesn't want to be alone or you'll leave him like the others making you stay with him. He doesn't want you to leave too many people in his life left him already he doesn't need you too.
Aubrey- Her anger issues are something she needs to work on a lot. She gets jealous of people you talk to and sometimes yells at the scram off. Her presence is already intimidating enough so people do back away from you and her. You tell her that her anger is something she needs to work on and she knows that. Of course, she tries her best to work on it but it's just too much for her to actually fix.
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nervocat · 1 year
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★ 📝 — notes: first writing for flufftober, first Omori writing. don't think I'll do this specific top with hsr or genshin impact but if people rlly want me too than I will.
this is strictly platonic btw and reader (you) just come over to their house, you're not siblings with anyone and is hinted to being on the younger side.
       — word count: 857 , fandom: omori , cw: omori spoilers, sorry, it's like a bittersweet moment for this.. but it's still fluff and ig with the smallest hint of angst, idek if it's that, more so hurt/comfort ig — ✦
                     " Cooking Halloween Cookies with Them "
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★ — Sunny & Mari
     Mari does most of the work like the cooking of the cookies, but you and Sunny do the icing together and help mix the cookie batter (you two sneak a bite of the raw cookie dough, but Mari notices it and just lets it slide with a stifled giggle). Sunny's cookies probably turn out better than yours if you're not experienced with this stuff, the icing being relatively straight, maybe uneven. You and Sunny decided that you would do ghosts and he would do pumpkins, Mari doing other things like witch hats, candles, black cats, the usual, but she doesn't mind. You guys normally make a minimum of 30 cookies so you can share with the others every year since Mari was 9.
     When Halloween day comes around, you bring the cookies over to wherever a Halloween party is being held between the friend group and the cookies are always the best. Whenever it's your guy's turn to make the cookies for this year, it's always good.
     Even after the death of Mari and since Sunny shut himself away, you brought cookies to his door every Halloween with Kel to remind him that you're there for him and to remind him of the good times. ☆
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✦ — Hero & Kel
     Again, Hero does most if not all the work while you and Kell goof off. Hero's not mad at all, quite the opposite, and you two normally get only about 3 cookies decorated, which were a couple ghosts and a black cat and a pumpkin. You two eat a lot of the raw cookie dough and he has to scold you guys after your third bite.
     "Kel, [name], you've eaten six total raw cookies, you're lucky I made more batter than needed."
     "Sorry Hero.." You and Kel say in unison, looking away from Hero and each other while you fidgeted with your fingers with your heads down. Hero just sighed and let out a breath of laughter, patting both of your guy's heads while Hero and Kels mom watched on in the back with a smile.
     The friend group loves Hero's cookies. They're always just right and look very nice and people can always tell who decorated what cookie since your guy's is a little messy (especially Kels). You and Kels cookies taste the same though, and Aubery teases you two about your messy decorating job and it turns into a mini playful fight — like always, the others just laugh to themselves.. other than Sunny of course, who just watches on from his sisters side.
     After Maris death, you two made it your mission to get good at making cookies and with the help of Kel and Hero's mom, you succeed, and try to get Hero to have some when Halloween comes around. You two always notice how the couple of cookies you gave him are gone the next day. ✧
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★ — Aubrey
      She's actually a pretty good cook. Aubrey always comes over to your house to make them though and if you also don't have the best home life, you go to Mari and Sunny's house to make them. The group likes her cookies and she adds her own little flare to the cats, hats, ghosts and whatever else she decides to make by adding something pink to them. She really does love to cook with you and it always reminds her that her friends and you are there for her.
     She likes to have quality time with her friends and teases Kel for not being able to cook cookies or decorate them properly, which is just playful banter the two have and they still are good friends. Whenever Hero or Mari compliments her cooking, she always beams at the praise and hugs them, to which they reciprocate with gentle laughter.
      Even after Maris death and everyone kinda ditched her, you made sure to stick by her side throughout all her changes and even though her group tells her to ditch you, she can't get rid of her cookie cooking buddy, and still has the little flare to her cookies when it's Halloween. ✧
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★ — Basil
     Doesn't actually know how to cook very well. He focuses more on gardening and taking pictures so he doesn't really find much need to cook complex things like cookies. If you're good at cooking, you show him how to make it and if not, Polly helps you two. Basil's very good at decorating though, and he loves to decorate the cookies with you. He decided to make Halloween colored flowers while you made the typical Halloween stuff.
     The group likes how Basil does his cookies even if he didn't exactly cook them himself. When the group and you are just hanging out, like always, he takes pictures of you all and makes sure he gets the cookies in there as well.
     After Maris death, you notice he becomes more jumpy and skittish, but either way, he still makes the cookies with you every Halloween and thoroughly enjoys doing it. It's one of the things that kept him grounded when Mari died and helped him temporarily forget his involvement in the incident. ☆
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🌊 ★ — © nervocat || I appreciate any reblogs made, and pls don't repost or translate my works anywhere, ty — ✦ 📖
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lillythecoolest · 5 months
heya! can u do platonic aubrey headcanons? thanks!
Aubrey x Reader! (Platonic🩷)
Warnings: None
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•You must be pretty swag to be accepted into her friend group
•I feel like she does small gestures to show how much she cares about you.
•Like she’ll share a half a bag of chips or share her jacket if you get cold.
•She might even steal an extra bag of candy just for you!
•But she’d never say it was specifically for you. She’d say she accidentally grabbed two.
•And she would definitely kill people for you. (Get it?)
•Bad puns aside, she’s an amazing friend, even if she’s not the best at showing it.
•Not only is she an amazing friend, she thinks you’re pretty swag as well! Not everyone gets to be Aubrey’s friend.
•She swears she’s laughed harder than she ever has with you.
•You get her to be herself again, and that’s something she could never thank you enough for. You help her with everything, from stealing from gas stations to helping her bond with her old friends.
•Even if that means you guys fight over sharing earbuds.
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oxiohilolwator · 10 months
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- D R E A M S -
"Everything, was just your own dream."
-in here, I only do KNY/DS, which is only demon slayer/kimetsu no yaiba.
Here are some rules.
Any character that is a minor will be aged up when you request for romantic, but will not be aged up when you request for platonic.
Feel free to request any character!
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freeseez · 2 years
Uhh, can i get a yandere snuuy x reader?
platonic pls🥺🥺🥺
you need more followers tbh
Platonic yandere sunny x reader!
Sunny would probably see you as an older / younger sibling figure since he well lost the only sibling he had in an unfortunate incident
Sunny prefers if you stay indoors with him rather than outside since he doesn't wanna meet certain people but he wouldn't argue if you wanted to go outdoors, but he would be more protective of you when you two are outside
He doesn't like the idea of you giving affection to other people since you are his only family that cares for him and was there for him so Sunny feels like you would just forget about him for other people
if you had siblings he would probably try to bond with them so he can get an idea of what type of life you had and to know you a little better
Sunny would probably not like stab people just because of a little jealousy, especially if it's someone really special to you but if he feels like their trying to snatch his only sibling figure ( AKA you ) from him, they better think twice
If someone ever hurts you, they're gone now
Sunny would not stab someone in front of you especially if you were an easily panicked / scared person unless he was furious and very unhinged
he likes your cuddles and headpats a lot, it reminds him of Mari and it helps him calm his anger
{This is my first platonic req so i hope it's okay}
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heyo, can i get a platonic omori or toh matchup?
i am 175 cm tall (about 5'8, idk), i am 15 years old and i am agender (he/it pronouns).
i like drawing and i listen to music a lot, mainly artists like sewerslvt, utsu-p, destroy boys ect.
i am pretty quiet but i get like pretty loud around friends, also i am unintentionally funny sometimes.
i'm also fascinated by insects and kinda morbid things.
i hope this is enough to work with!
Omg bestie we be the same height that is a vibe. Anyways I decided to do both since my character limit is technically four so why not.
rest below the cut
warnings: none
For Omori I pair you with HEADSPACE AUBREY. You’re on the older side of the group with HERO and MARI, meaning you’re definitely part of the older sibling squad.
AUBREY is a little salty that you’re way taller than her but she takes in in her stride, likes hanging off your limbs like a monkey in a tree. The two of you are like brother and sister (something that’s probably reflected in the real world). Doesnt really understand your pronouns but still tries to use them correctly, she feels so bad if she ever slips up, please reassure her and play with her and Mr Plantegg.
I feel like HEADSPACE AUBREY would really like studying bugs with you (just keep them away from HERO) so shes all too happy to indulge you in your interests
runs to you crying if KEL ever does something to annoy her 💀💀. You wonder how MARI is able to deal with this so efficiently.
~ AUBREY: *sniff sniff* KEL PUT GUM IN MY HAIR-
KEL: well you were making fun of the mole on my-
you: mole on your…? What…?
AUBREY doesn’t mind that you’re quiet sometimes, in fact it kind of reminds her of OMORI!!
shes all too happy to just sit down on a picnic blanket while you draw and listen to music while she rants about OMORI. Constantly pesters you to draw her.
my second choice was CAPTAIN SPACEBOY but i didnt think about that until I finished writing all this so rip
your TOH matchup is Luz! the two of you were definitely friends before the demon realm and she managed to somehow drag you to the boiling isles.
the two of you collect bugs just to show them to each other, doesn’t mind that you like what other people call morbid, she likes it.
the two of you are weirdos together and before her and Amity were friends she’d sort of pick on you as well. You and Luz defend each other at all turns.
helping her with her glyphs is a must!! The two of you put your heads together listening to music while drawing out new combos (or just drawing in general)
tries to get you to talk more, but LOVES it when you let loose, appreciates the spouts of random humor as well.
you kind of act as her guardian at times because god knows she needs it
two of you are like the two excited cousins at the family gatherings that always cause chaos.
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justauthoring · 9 months
naturally [4b]
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you fit into their little family perfectly - naturally. -> in which yuji wants his mom (a two part snippet)
a/n: yall i just finished omori for the first time and i am an emotional wreck omg also imma try to get a little christmas snippet out for this series (hopefully lol no promises)!
pairing: nanami kento x f!reader, itadori yuji x f!reader (platonic)
“So, what did you want to do tonight, Yuji-kun?”
There’s a brief pause, no more than a second, then; “watch a movie.”
It causes a small laugh to bubble out of your throat. “Watch a movie? That’s all?” His brows furrow at your words, and kneeling to reach his height properly, you offer a smile. “We have the whole apartment to ourselves. We can do anything. Are you sure you only want to watch a movie?”
Yuji pouts, and instantly the smile fades from your lips in concern. “Yuji-kun?”
His little hands twist in front of him, eyes falling to his feet as his cheeks warm, obviously embarrassed. You’re just not sure at what.
Reaching forward, you lightly brush back his pink, unruly hair, pulling it out of his face so you can see him better. Your warm touch is enough to pull his eyes on you, head tilting back up, the apples of his cheeks still a cute, rosy red, as he hesitates.
“You can tell me, Yuji-kun. It’s okay.”
His lips part, and he struggles for a moment to get the words out. The whole situation is so unlike Yuji that you’re not sure what to say or act–the boy was usually boisterous and loud and confident in every little thing that he said or did. He was the type of kid that didn’t often let others bring him down and you’re not quite sure you’ve ever seen him act so shy before.
“Watching… watching movies with you is my favourite thing.”
The smile that curls onto your lips is hard to deny, and you feel yourself burst with warmth as his words register in your mind.
Yuji wasn’t a particularly hard kid to get along with. Despite only being five, he was easy to talk to and was nonchalant in a way that he’d usually just go with the flow without a fuss. Like every kid, he had his moments but ninety-nine percent of the time, he was easy-going in a way that made taking care of a kid you had realistically no idea how to take care of quite easy. 
Yuji was all that but you still struggled to wonder what more you could do.
You didn’t want it to just be easy because it was–you wanted to connect with him in some sort of way. A way that, perhaps, a mother naturally does when she has a child. But Yuji wasn’t your child and you’d never had one, so you didn’t have that natural instinct or that natural connection. You had to earn it, and you didn’t mind that at all but you weren’t sure how.
But hearing him say that?
Saying that he had something he loved doing with you? Only you… well it was enough to make you cry.
Moving your hand to cup Yuji’s cheek, you smile brightly at the point, forcing the tears (tears of happiness) that threaten to fall back–you didn’t want to worry the poor boy after all–and nod. “Okay, Yuji-kun,” you hum, “let’s watch a movie.”
And that’s what you do.
You let him pick the first one without a fuss, a light-hearted childrens movie of course, simply happy to just be there. And as you both settle into the couch for the first movie, a plate of Yuji’s favourite food (rice with some noodles) on a tray in front of you both, the two of you sit in comfortable silence, offering some light commentary on the movie to which he does the same. When the first movie is over, you take a brief pause to clean up the dishes and tidy up and of course, Yuji helps you.
Then, as you settle down for the second movie, the movement of Yuji sinking into your side is done without words. He’s silent as he shuffles over to you on the couch, moving your arm so he can rest his head on your shoulder. You watch him with parted lips and wide eyes, until that same beaming smile from before curls onto your lips and you let yourself ease, wrapping your arm around him in return.
You both stay like that for the entire movie.
Half way through the third one, you chance a glance at the clock, seeing how late it is. Nanami said he didn’t mind keeping Yuji up later for the evening if you wanted, given he didn’t have daycare the next day and you’d promised Yuji he could stay up as late as wanted. But Nanami should be home soon and a quick glance down at Yuji tells you he’s getting sleepy even if he tries to deny it.
His head keeps drooping, falling against your side before he quickly picks it up and his eyes look heavy, threatening to fall shut any moment.
With a quiet hum, you pull Yuji’s attention on you; “do you wanna go to bed?”
His eyes fall on you, panicked; “no, wanna finish the movie.”
And despite your better judgement, you nod, agreeing. But, of course, twenty minutes later, he’s fallen asleep against you and you let out a light laugh as you pause the movie once more. You should tuck him into bed if you don’t want him to wake up with a kink in his neck the next morning, so, shifting with effort not to disrupt the small boy, you scoop him into your arms, letting his head rest against your shoulder. He stays asleep because Yuji’s always been a heavy sleeper, and so you make the short walk over to his bedroom, keeping the lights off in favour of not startling him in any way.
You’re gentle as you set him on the bed, pulling the sheets back and then tucking them securely over his small body. You pull his blanket all the way to his chin, tucking the blanket around him to make sure he doesn’t get cold throughout the night.
Once you’re satisfied, you move to leave, before pausing. Your eyes fall on him once more, taking in the peaceful expression on his face as he sleeps away, and think back to the many times you’ve watched Nanami tuck him into bed at night.
Your body moves on its own, hating the thought of Yuji going to bed thinking he isn’t loved, letting your lips press against his forehead gently as you hum out a soft; “goodnight, Yuji…”
And then, as you’re pulling away, you hear, just faintly, Yuji let out a breathless whisper of; “goodnight, mum…”
Your eyes widen, body freezing. Your gaze flickers to him, thinking he must’ve said the words half asleep, probably thinking it was his actual mother tucking him to bed, but as your eyes meet his, you’re surprised to see his eyes, albeit still tired, staring back at you with a small smile on his face.
He reaches out, grabbing your hand with his small one before pushing himself up, enough so that he can press a kiss against your forehead. “I love you,” he mumbles, voice muffled with sleep, before he lets himself fall back, still smiling as his eyes fall shut once more, his chest rising and falling with even breaths.
You stay there, stunned, for a moment more before the distinctive sound of the front door opening catches your attention, snapping you out of your stupor. You chance a quick glance Yuji’s way again, making sure he’s settled comfortably in bed and still asleep, before you’re pushing yourself up completely, slipping out of his room and letting the door shut behind you quietly.
It’s all a blur as you quickly rush to the front kitchen, where Nanami now is, shoes and jacket off, obviously having been searching for you or Yuji. His eyes fall on you with a blink as you come bounding towards him, the gentle greeting on the tip of his tongue pausing when he sees the tears in your eyes.
Instantly, concern floods his gaze.
“Love?” He calls out, panicked, rushing towards you as he glances around, as if in search for what’s wrong, hands falling on your waist as he brushes back your hair. “What happened? Are you okay? Is Yuji–”
But then you’re smiling–a bright, beaming smile that fills your entire face and leaves Nanami breathless.
You grasp his hands in your own, tightly; “he called me mom!”
Nanami’s lips part, before his eyes widen, your words processing in his mind. “Yuji?”
You nod, eagerly. “I was tucking him into bed and I know you usually kiss his forehead goodnight, so I did the same not wanting him to feel unloved going to bed. And as I was pulling away, he whispered ‘goodnight, mom’ in return. At first I thought he might’ve been half asleep, not thinking, but then his eyes were open and he leaned forward and pressed a kiss against my own forehead,” you touch the stop with your hands, dazed. “And told me he loved me.”
You realize you’re rambling, your words tampering off towards the end as you turn to meet Nanami’s eyes.
He’s smiling in that soft, gentle way you love, moving to cup your cheeks.
“That’s wonderful, love,” he whispers, “I'm so happy for you.”
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br0-k3n-sch00lb01 · 5 months
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Oh- oh- I'm sorry- Sorry! It's not in my title, So I'm not quite sure what's in that vial- But that sickness that you have is vile!!
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O-Oh, I'm sorry, sorry! T-Terribly- so sorry, sorry! Just stay down a moment, I can tend to - tend to- tend to you—!!
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@n3hmof1sh + @cru3l-th3s1s (Husbandz!! ><)
@basilcatt143 < one of my best friends (ily jayyyyyy /p)
@the-worm-machine < another one of my best friends!! Ily omori!! /p ><
@amethiist143 < a newer mutual that i still really love… !!! /p of course!! ^^
@intothevoid125 (mother…)
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All of our headmates + tags:
host: 📻
Blurry: ⌛️
Unknown: ❓
Basil (the bitch one)- 🌿
Canon RW Basil- 🌸
HS Basil- 💐
Sunny- 🎻
Kel- 🛹
Aubrey- 💒
Hero- ❄️
Capt. Spaceboy - 🪐
Sweetheart- 🎀
Stranger- 🗝️
Mari - 💌
Omoriboy- ♠️
Wally Darling - 🏠
Link - 🟡
Kagamine Len - 🍌🎶
Aled Last - 🌀
Artemis (Sailor Moon) - 🌙
Marcille- 🪞
Kokichi- 🎲
Milo- 🎠
Mello/Mellohi- 🍈
Sol- 🎫
Opal- 🍰
Tryst- 🌻
Cosmo- 🐚
Zip- 🥀
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Fanfic info:
uhhh i’ll write short omori fics now?!
I mean no proshipping and typical stuff.
but yeah ships stuff like Heromari, Kelbrey, Sunflower, Spaceheart, Suntan, Cactiflower, Photobomb etc is welcome!! Just send me an ask and i’ll try to answer as soon as possible!! Character X Reader is also allowed! I love doing those heheh… um.
So yeah!!
also u can send prompts and NSFW reqs too (including gore)!! I like prompts and they can be as custom as u want! So go ahead and shoot ur shot guys!! I can also do non-ship/ platonic!! Anything really!!
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yandollies · 7 months
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Hello, pretty things <3 My name is Naaji and I'm a hypersexual writer, writing to get some of my thoughts and feelings out instead of letting them sit. My pronouns are he/him and I'm a gay trans man, so most of my writings will either be male reader or gn reader. That being said, anybody regardless of gender or sexual orientation is welcome to interact :3
I don't take requests, but you're free to leave thirsts / brainrots anytime! If I find the concept interesting I might write a little drabble or some hcs about it ^_^
WARNING : This account will contain smut and possibly disturbing topics written by a minor. I don't care who interacts with me, but if you're uncomfortable with this please leave for your own sake <3
Moving on to more of what I'll write...
I will be writing smut and dark content such as: yanderes, underage sex (between two minors), large age gaps (18 & late 30s / 40s ?), threesomes, character x reader, character x character
(PS: I might also add some of my own hcs to the writing just because I love my hcs and I want everyone to know)
However, I will also write fluff or familial relationships (platonic) every once and a while! (And maybe angst if I'm feeling it)
Some fandoms that I'm into and may write about are: Bungou Stray Dogs, Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail, Reverse 1999, Final Fantasy, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Heaven Official's Blessing, Pokemon, Omori, The Legend Of Zelda, Devilman Crybaby, Fairy Tail, The Summer Hikaru Died, Project Sekai, and Alien Stage
Some of my favorite characters to write for are: Kaedehara Kazuha, Shikanoin Heizou, Scaramouche / Wanderer, Freminet, Neuvillette, Wriothesley - Fukuzawa Fukichi, Oda Sakunosuke, Nakahara Chuuya, Atsushi Nakajima, Akutagawa Ryuunosuke, Osamu Dazai, Edgar Allan Poe - Blade, Dan Heng, Aventurine, Gepard - Pavia, Зима, Shamane, Horropedia, Forget Me Not - Adaman, Volo, Bede, Gladion, N, Kieran, Guzma - Till, Ivan (The boyfriends..,.,..) - alot more I can't list all of them
Some of my favorite ships: Kawoshin, Ivantill, Soukoku (specifically 15!skk), Kazuhei, Wriolette, Kazuxiao, Suntan, Sunflower, Cactiflower, Sunturine, Sunhill, Akiryo
I will also likely write about some ocs of mine or just unnamed character concepts.
Some things that I will NOT be writing: minor x adult, smut containing young children (1 - 12 yrs old), r-pe, SA, noncon, stepcest / incest, kinks containing bodily fluids or anything like that (piss, scat, vomit, sweat, etc. Sorry.. just not into that)
Masterlist coming soon !!!!
Reminder that I am a minor and I do have school and other things going on in my life, so posts might not be that frequent .. Sorry lovelies </3 Goodbye for now !! ^_< ♡
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pineappleciders · 2 years
hihi!! could i ask an omori headcannon with an gn reader that loves videogames?? if you already do, could ya do with an reader that loves the stars?? SORRY IF I'M BROTHRJRGTIGN YOU SKDLVJSKL
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RW OMORI gang with a reader who loves video games
A/N: i have not done this so!!i also might do the stars request sometime :3 and you aren't bothering anyone i promise🫶 it has come to my attention after writing this that i mentioned wii's and controllers a lot. i grew up a console gamer and since omori kinda takes place in like the 2000's there isn't much pc stuff oops🤫
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☆ ☆ ☆
i just KNOW he loves video games. he locks himself in his room and plays games on his puter for like 8 hours straight
his favorite games are RPGs and shooters!!! he really likes the old-school super mario bros games, and he likes smash bros sometimes but rages too hard at it
he can coach you in shooters so you absolutely DESTROY the competition. like he has a little mic in ur ear telling you what to do like you're playing sports
he also LOVES when you teach him game tactics, like his eyes are sparkling when you show him a sick combo in smash bros or an animation cancel. he thinks you're so cool for knowing that
he is always daydreaming about games and games actually affect a lot of stuff in headspace for him!!!! like a bunch of boss fights are based off of bosses in his fav childhood games
as a kid he always took his gameboy everywhere, and you always watch him play and cheer him on. and he lets you play with it too!!
video games are more of a nostalgic thing for her, like for her they're childhood memories of playing mario on kel's wii and getting super competitive with him
she likes to watch you play!! like if you're stuck in a certain part of a game she'll brainstorm and try to help you out. she's also very impressed that your brain can comprehend it all, for her it all just melts together
honestly i think she'd kinda suck at a lot of games but give her a controller on a FPS shooter and she's like. laughing maniacally and going on a killing spree
she definitely has some. errrr . rage issues. you might wanna take your controller back before she can throw it at the wall. she doesn't say ez or anything but if her teammates are trash-talking her she gets BRUTAL and bullies the shit out of them
she likes RPGs for awhile but when she gets stuck or lost she gets angry and gives up LMFAO. huffs and thanks you if you help her out but still might not play the game out of spite
he played more games in his childhood, but he's always been a tryhard!!!!
he doesn't rage, but he gets really competitive and tries REALLY hard. esp if he's against aubrey. he was more of a sore loser as a kid, now he's a better sport. still super sweaty though
lots of playing mario kart!!! the only other big game lover in the group is sunny so you three end up playing games on kel's wii together. kel prefers to play it himself but if you wanna take a turn he's all for watching you play!
he cheers you on and tells you to absolutely demolish the enemy team. like he's hovering over you and shouting like "HE's RIGHT THERE HE'S RIGHT THERE"
hero ends up telling u all to get outside and play when u end up sitting on the couch for hours. you groan but reluctantly comply
he appreciates it if you coach him in a game,, he's really great at fighting games like mortal kombat but he kinda sucks ass at FPS shooters. RPGs he just doesn't find entertaining and usually gets distracted
i can see him liking GTA but never being allowed to play it, so if you have it he'd play it at your house (u two giggle together when he enters the strip club) (and hero yells at you both for it)
hero never really played many games, only as a small child on his gameboy. sometimes he'd watch kel play games but other than that he isn't experienced
honestly. he goes into a game saying he doesn't know how to play and is gonna get his shit rocked and he sucks sooo bad and then he is GODLY at the game.
like he picks up the controller and his thumbs just start moving even if he has no idea what's going on. it kinda pisses u off LMFAO
he's great at gaming but doesn't find much interest in it, he'd love to watch you play though!! he thinks it's so cool how you understand everything that's going on on the screen
probably gets you an old-school gaming device like a gameboy or nintendo DS as a gift,, he thinks you'd appreciate it because it's 'vintage', and buys cartridges of games from his childhood so you can experience it with him!!
she doesn't game often (at all) but when she does she's AMAZING AT IT. like you introduce her to a game expecting to absolutely roll her and so ur about to go easy on her and you get DESTROYED
and she'll get all smug and act innocent about it too. like "oh haha i haven't played this in so long i'm surprised i'm still good at it!😊😊" all while literally wiping the floor with you
she claps for you and tells you she's proud of you if you beat a certain level or level up or something. she'll like make you a special treat too even if it's something small (she's very proud!!)
always insisting that you and sunny 1v1 or play together. she thinks it'd be so cute to have you to share something you both love!!!!
she never rages or anything, but i can see her getting really dirty sometimes with trash-talk. like if someones being mean to you in vc or match chat she's angrily typing the worst things imaginable and telling you not to look
like aubrey, games are more nostalgic childhood things for him. like he remembers always watching sunny play on his gameboy and cheering on sunny and kel when they played games on saturdays
he's okay at gaming, like he's not bad but he's not good. he's okay at FPS games and shooters but he prefers RPGs and cute games like minecraft and stardew valley. indie games and games like OMORI r stuff i think he'd like too
loves to watch you play, and if you ask him if he wants to try he might hesitate but agrees and starts SHREDDING. idk i feel like he'd he really good at cod zombies even if he thinks he sucks. like he literally is so good at it it's annoying
very encouraging. he is your #1 cheerleader when playing
when he's in the store and sees like merch of games or figurines he always thinks of you like 'oh Y/N would like that!!' and if he can afford it then he gives it to you all casually
"yeah i saw this $300 figurine at the store, it made me think of you! ... do you not like it? i can bring it back !!!!"
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greenandsorrow · 7 days
As a non-native speaker of English, the spelling of the word 'queue' often makes me cringe.
If something is on this list, it will eventually be done. The butterfly emoji stands for 'requested'.
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⭐My priorities in September⭐
HEAL - Sunny (Omori) x fem!caretaker!reader/ platonic (ch1+ch2)
If the monster under your bed never hurt you, maybe it was there to protect you. - Pennywise x teen!reader/ platonic (parts 1, 2, 3, 4)
the price for misbehaving - rut!Alastor x gn!reader/ smutty, nsfw (iii, iv)
Lovely stuff - Alastor x gn!bunny!reader/ sfw mostly (🦋)
AN OBSCENE FAITH - nun!Alastor x fem!reader/ smut (🦋)
the fox - Alastor x fem!fox!reader/ platonic (part 3)
After Dark - Officer K x fem!human!reader/ nsfw (ch2+ch3+ch4)
The thunderstorm. - Sierra Six x implied!fem!reader/ (n)sfw
Poison tree - Thorin Oakenshield x fem!faerie!reader/ nsfw
Pomegranate seeds. - Aemond Targaryen x fem!wildling!reader/ smut, nsfw (🦋)
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What once was. - Henry Winter (tsh) x fem!oc/ nsfw, multichap
HELLO MY OLD HEART - Thorin Oakenshield x fem!faerie!reader/ nsfw, multichap
"I can fix him." - William Afton x fem!reader/ (n)sfw, multichap (🦋)
Like a real girl... - Officer K x Joi/ smut, oneshot
"You should learn to knock first..." - Colt Seavers x curvy!fem!reader/ smut, oneshot
"Cola" - Joel Miller x fem!reader/ smutty, nsfw, multi chap
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my masterlist
*weekly updated
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milkcookiekin · 7 months
(look before requesting!) DNI if you are: anti-lgbt, anti-semitic, pro-Israel, racist, ableist, pro-shipper, sexist, etc. you should know the drill by now.
ask boundaries: no nsfw asks for minors (this includes if their ages are not confirmed by any official media, but they are still clearly minors), no bathroom kinks, no noncon/cnc, incest/stepcest, pedophilia, age gaps, etc., if you ask for anything of the sort, you will be blocked.
(requests are currently open, it’s first come first serve!)
(I will only be taking 75 requests at a time, so I have time to work on all of them, so check the list to see if any slots are open! only request when requests are open.)
(the ones in the “currently working on” section are in order of which I want to finish first, the rest are not, so I can’t guarantee your requests will be done in order of when you gave me your request.)
(PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, do not request if requests are closed, especially if I’m not working as often!)
main fandoms:
phighting! (taking a break from these so please don’t ask, you will be informed if you weren’t aware, but don’t push further)
splatoon (just the manga)
boboiboy galaxy
brawl stars
the promised neverland
the bfdi series (minus idfb)
encanto (will only take romantic requests for isabela, luisa, dolores, mirabel, camilo, bruno and i’ll throw in carlos just for fun. i will only take familial/platonic requests for everyone else)
currently working on:
1. zuka nsfw hcs
2. unrequited love with subspace!
3. biograft and reader fighting together!
will work on soon:
4. dom nsfw hcs!
5. shuriken and illumina w/ feminine!male!reader (separate)
6. yandere subspace x human!gn!reader
7. katana relationship hcs!
8. self aware scythe hcs
9. sub sword hcs
10. self aware darkheart hcs
11. phighters fighting and breaking up with their s/o (no I will not make a pun, fight me)
12. banhammer x wife!reader sfw and nsfw
13. army x reader
14. aloha x reader x mask
15. aviators x reader
16. ocho x octoling!reader
17. the broker smut hcs
18. edgar x isekai’d!reader
19. illumina x artist! reader
20. hyperlaser x traitor!reader
21. colt x rival!male!reader
22. colette x fem!reader who’s interested in her works
23. bottom darkheart hcs
24. husband medkit x reader hcs
25. self-aware firebrand hcs
26. scythe smut hcs (part 2)
27. illumina smut hcs
28. fluffy scythe hcs
29. kel x reader who likes writing, especially romance stories
30. broker general relationship hcs
31. platonic headcanons w/ icedagger
32. medkit hanahaki hcs
33. scythe flirting with her easily flustered s/o
34. boombox x autistic musician reader (platonic)
35. biograft w/ sibling reader
36. vine staff nsfw hcs
37. ray and emma (separate) x entp reader
38. illumina x reader angst
39. broker x medkit’s distant cousin!reader
40. young zuka relationship hcs!
41. ghostwalker x reader angst
42. windforce unrequited love hcs
43. traffic relationship hcs
44. pwnatious relationship hcs
45. rocket dating reader who’s affiliated with blackrock
46. dom and boombox (separate) w/ a bunny girl smut hcs
47. buster x reader nsfw hcs
48. bottom!pwnatious hcs
49. jesterspace x reader hcs
50. lawrie nsfw hcs
51. hyperlaser x fish-like!reader hcs
52. mortis x reader x colt hcs
53. traffic x feminine!reader
54. valk relationship hcs
55. follower!sword angst hcs
56. reader trying to be there for the main friend group after Mari’s death
57. fullscore trio x reader (separate) fluff hcs!
58. larry and lawrie (separate) dating hcs (no not with each other)
59. berry romantic headcanons
60. draco romantic headcanons
61. ray introducing reader to his family (modern au)
62. jealous fang and chester hcs (separate)
63. draco smut headcanons
64. werewolf!luisa x fem!reader (modern au)
65. platonic headcanons for tara and sandy (separate)
66. bibi x reader friends to lovers hcs!
67. boboiboy ais x reader fluff
68. adu du hcs!
69. real world aubrey x reader hcs!
70. bobble hat trying to help with reader’s awful sleep schedule!
71. four x reader relationship hcs!
72. two x reader relationship hcs!
73. tree x reader relationship hcs!
74. hachi x reader hcs!
75. sandy x reader hcs
76. emz x reader hcs!
77. fanny x reader hcs!
78. fullscore trio x reader human world hcs!
79. loser x reader hcs
80. teardrop x reader hcs
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l0vergirlatheart · 11 months
yes you may ^^ ignore my consistent formatting guys................... can be seen as romantic or platonic, short
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"YOU REALLY ARE LEAVING," you sighed, looking inside SUNNY'S house, filled with boxes as you walked beside him towards his room. "..'m sorry i didn't tell you earlier," he mumbled back, causing you to feel a bit guilty for being disappointed. "at least i know now. we can stay together until you really are gone, okay?" you gave him a weak smile. he nodded in silence before slowly creaking open the door to his room. the two of you entered together before he sat on his bed, and you sat on the floor beside it. a long silence followed suit. "hey sunny?" you whispered. he looked at you. "you mean a lot to me." "...?" "a lot more than the normal person. just know, i'll always be here for you, okay?" "..." he nodded before looking away. you leaned your head against his cold knee. he shivered for a moment. "...you.." he whispered, slowly turning back to look at you with a small flush on his cheeks, as if he were nervous and embarrassed. "you mean... a lot to me.. too.." you smiled. his face flushed again and he turned away. "thank you. you promise to call me?" "..mhm.." "thanks. you should sleep now." he nodded. "YOU HAVE A LONG DAY TOMORROW. SLEEP WELL, SUNNY."
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piplup335 · 6 months
hi guys! I’m kinda new to this, but i wanna try writing for roblox stuff!
you can call me Pip, Piplup, or just, well- “Inpherno’s Chef” because I gotta feed you all LMAOOOOO-
if you like my stuff be sure to drop a follow, gotta feed as many people as possible :D
ask me anything…EXCEPT anything related to art, I can’t draw 😭
I run @blackrockbiograft, @flipsidedom, @jpatel-dtt and @piplupcannotart :D
requests currently closed!
more info below! [games, stuff I can/can’t write, random info, tags I use & the request queue which I even have a lil counter for :D]
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games I write for!
Defend The Train (underrated af, go check it out!)
Doomspire Defense
I can write anything except:
NSFW stuff (Phighting)
NSFW stuff and romance, unless there’s demand (defend the train)
NSFW stuff (Doomspire Defense)
Side note: pls specify if it’s platonic or romantic ;-;
yes, I can do reader inserts (or xreaders) and possibly OCs. emphasis on possibly ;-;
random info!
foot pics are unnerving…please do NOT send them-
I write short stories, you can find them on AO3 and wattpad, under piplup335 on AO3 and da_galaxy_cat on wattpad :D
…pls request lol
requests take ~1 week because of schoolwork, sorry!
this means I’ll post max. 2 times a week ;-; but I’ll try to speed it up for you guys though :D
tags I use:
#marinated seasoned and grilled to perfection!
-> literally any bit of writing lmao
#piplup reblogs
-> I go by Pip(lup). I’m reblogging stuff. yeaaaaaa-
total request count: 16 (…fml)
working on:
-subspace x reader enemies to lovers…soon, I guess
-broker x reader…for a malnourished human being 😭
-hyperlaser x katana bar date!
-“GET THAT ROBBER OUTTA MY LAB, DEAD. OR. ALIVE!!” Subspace after reader steals a child (Biograft lol)
-medic and psycho drawing
-S&J bonding, they figure it out
-Valerie and Vanessa shopping trip!
-medkit comfort…my dumbass didn’t read the bottom line LMAOOOO
-scythe n broker comfort fluff
-boombox x depressed/suicidal reader, angst to fluff
-father figure katana with a depressed teenage reader
-subspace x stranger/basil!reader
note to self: stranger and basil are from omori
-shuriken and player reader who got MVP!
-subspace and a tryhard player reader who's good at the game!
-psycho x reader!
-scythe x reader, with…let’s see…southern rizz, pet names and fella getting flustered. simple enough but I’M DUMB AS SH-
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