#omg hey first post in like 5 million years
deepslate · 1 year
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!! !
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wellthatwasaletdown · 2 years
I've read hilarious tags to a tweet (that was posted on tumblr): Don't think Harry Styles likes dressing like that. Looks miserable in pics. Probably is like hey man can I wear a suit or something. maybe a big t-shirt Pete Davidson gets to wear big stinky shirts. And his handler is like nah you're a fake gay guy gotta wear fake gay guy clothes
The tags (and some replies): -he exists so straight people can be allies without actually being allied to any queer people /hj -Hey yeah the issue is not that he isn't wearing ""man clothes"" the issue is that he looks like shit and it feels incredibly performative to everyone except you fans. -the issue is that his music is bad. if he was putting out bangers no one would gaf how he looks. You know who never got this kind of reaction for wearing a dress? kid cudi. cause man puts out bangers -its what happens when you only achieve level of solo fame by being part of a wattpad ship -I just saw you rb the diamond jumpsuit and he looks so uncomfortable it gave me sympathetic dysphoria. Like legitimately he looks like he's desperately closeted, but like for cishet people. He looks like want transphobes think we do to people. Like those shitty alt right political cartoons of like 'in 2030 everyone will be forced to be queer at gunpoint'. Lazer sniper sight glinting off his diamanté encrusted extra nipple -sure he's fighting gender norms but the gender norms are winning -he looks like a very boring conservative man's idea of a gay man. Like whatever he's made some good music and he seems like an alright person. But I cannot find it in me to be happy for him. He looks manufactured -Literally like you look at the photos of 70's glam rock stars and like. Not only are they rocking it but they seem to be beyond comfortable in it in that 'this is me' way. Styles looks as if he'd kill for a pair of khakis and a hoodie -Dude the logic around Harry has fully switched. First it's 'oh no management isn't allowing him to be gay' and now it's 'omg he's acting gay only because his pr team told him to -Why do Harry Style stans try to suck your eyes out of your skull if you criticize him? Celebrity culture makes me wanna self immolate lol I am saying that's just him trying to be more special than his designated bland pop singer for straight girls niche

Said in a server last night he looked like he just came in straight from a cke binge. Then said he looked like that hairy pink dancing creature with that silver look 😭 
He just always looks like sht man…you're rich. I know you can afford to challenge gender roles and dress well Wearing the ugliest rompers w his nips out just aint cutting it

LMAO he looks SO sad in the diamond jumpsuit people have been comparing it to their pre transition pics
-fake pretentious c*nt. *untalented -he really is just some guy being forced to be a gay icon mf showed up looking like a batman villain -Nah i was directioner and harry biased then and he always dresses like that. But yeah i agree his stylists and producers say for him to exaggerate and pretend he is the modern david bowie when in fact he is just a boyband soloist lmao hes in my top 5 on spotify for the past million years TWO THINGS CAN BE TRUE
-if 2021 target pride collection was personified.
-this is exactly how my 62 y/o mom talks abt him lmaoooo. Liike she HATES him she thinks he’s a total phony and finds him an insult to the lgbt community#best ally tbh gotta love her
-I've literally been saying this like he’s just doing this for the money but for how long 😭😭 -ite transtrender but for gay people
-ok. there was this huge ass paper thing full of his new cd in the middle of my favourite record shop. Making the already small store even more cramped. so fuck him#there you go i <3 being a hater
-he’s literally not gay. if he was i’d become homophobic
(Sorry if some of them are too rude, I have hard time discerning bc I don't speak to many people on the internet and don't know fully what's the proper etiquette)
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yostresswritinggirl · 4 years
Albedo. I just rolled him and finished his quest.
I would love to talk about travelling with him, or at least being someone who brings in the ingredients for alchemy. Someone who goes out of their way for him and gets the best. Maybe the only gardener in Mondstadt to grow alchemical roots and grasses.
I'm happy for you, rolling the cute alchemy boyo ywy I only rolled in his banner to get Bennett in five rolls I'm sorry Albedo, my primogems are for Xiao and Hu Tao- *shot*
Back to business! I really, really like this cute idea awww thank you for distracting from the angst fics in my head haha (TUMBLR DIDN’T SAVE IT PROPERLY AND SO THE POST IS HORRIBLY SHORT WAIT- FIXED IT WOOHOO)
Albedo's Personal Botanist
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Most ingredients in alchemy usually come from ores and liquid ingredients formed by chemistry methods. Stuff like Tuttia, Bismuth, all that shindigs-
So while plant life can be useful for alchemy, not everyone recognizes its utility straight away, and provide for the common plants for arrangements rather than scientific inventory
I can imagine that you'd be a normal gardener at first but very passionate of their properties.
Might be a Dendro vision wielder too, the Dendro archon loves those who wield the power of knowledge, more so when they use it on nature.
You carry with you a lil book about all the plants and shrubs that you've personally cared for, down to their finest detail and properties. But you're a gardener, not a master of Alchemy, so some parts of the notes you couldn't really figure out yourself.
The first time you met Albedo, he was around a year into staying in Mondstadt. He was forced to go out and take a breather because of his workaholic schedule, and instead of relaxing in a bath, he ended up drifting to the market area to get more ingredients local to Mond.
Unlike the other flower stalls, he was pulled into yours because of the wide variety of your wares. Roots, grasses, shoots, plants you couldn't just find outside of the walls.
You were tending to your mini greenhouse in the back and left your botania book on the shelf outside, and this LIL SHI- Albedo, having no proper training for social interactions, straight up just opened that shit and read it all.
"Oh, hello there, mister- HEY, THAT'S MY STUFF, WHAT THE HECK"
Flustered, confused and alarmed, Albedo tried his best to quickly reason with your garden-spade-wielding self. And with his pretty boy self, you managed to calm down and listen.
You may or may not had smacked him with a bouquet of horsetail for good measure.
"Such vast knowledge and detail orientation, why waste away your talents in selling productive fauna when you can wield them into something more?"
Master Phytologist of the Knights of Favonius acquired!
Working with Albedo!
Your greenhouse in the Knight of Favonius HQ is most definitely connected to Albedo's laboratory! And very spacious too.
More than one occasion, you've seen the Chief Alchemist casually sneaking around the area, plucking a Flaming Flower or scraping dandelion seeds from the pot while you were busy tending to other flowers on the other side of your area.
65% of the time you caught him red-handed and you will be met with the rare sight of a fumbling, queasy Albedo.
30% of the time you just find out something is missing after checking inventory for the day, usually ends up with you hunting and shouting for Albedo. Because the guy seem to have a sixth sense as to when you find out his thieving adventures.
5% of all of that, Kaeya would be the one stealing from your 'safer' floras to woo a random citizen in Mond. And as a master of botany, your precious babies are always in tip top shape. Top quality bouquets all day, all night.
Those moments are the ones Albedo hate more than getting smacked with your spade. Those are your flowers, and by association, his. Grown to their maximum potential by your calloused yet gentle hands FOR HIM-
Kaeya: *reaching out to pluck a perfectly healthy glaze lily*; Albedo: *his short ass of a shadow looming over him*
The atmosphere of your work area is significantly different from his own messy laboratory. The glass walls and roof that lets in just the right amount of sunlight, with a perfect view of the scenic landscape of Mondstadt and beyond.
When Albedo reaches a wall on his research, he picks up his sketchbook and just- waltz in to your workshop through the door connecting your workspaces.
The fresh air, the soft kiss of the sun, your humming, it was all a symphony of heaven concocted just for him.
He’ll find himself sketching your babies, dozen or more times you are included.
Your notebook’s illustrations are mostly courtesy of him, and he greatly basks in your pure admiration of his drawing.
To help him focus, you once took on the great task of organizing his laboratory, to no avail. Even if you manage to fix and align his inventory, it’s gonna go back to chaos after three days minimum.
It’s okay tho, it’s normal for him, more excuse to visit you-
Guilty, he wants your spacious and refreshing greenhouse and often asks for a redesign of his laboratory to share similar workspace with you.
Acting Grand Master Jean had to decline this idea just because it costs more than a million mora.
He’s definitely gonna sulk in your greenhouse after that, back leaning on the warm glass wall as he does nothing but sketch you and your plants the whole day.
Don’t stop him
Just admire the pout
Actually Working with Albedo! (Finally)
Whenever Albedo discovers/explores a new area, you’re always sure to tag along whether willingly or by force
I imagine that despite being his assistant/student, Sucrose and Timaeus are more focused on research and the application of Alchemy, so they’re not much of the resource gathering type. That said, Albedo is very thankful of your existence, it’s a breather to his already full schedule.
Albedo is both considerate and inconsiderate unconsciously : While he may run off to experiment on the traveler and leave you scouting the area yourself, he doesn’t willingly set you on fire from the inside.
Every time he comes back to camp after finishing the step by step experiment with/on the Traveler, he makes sure to check up on how you are doing.
TAKE NOTE: Our prince is very occupied and busy with his own work a lot, so he’s never really seen you in action when you go out to get the the materials he needs-
So he is purely horrified when he saw you hanging off the cliff with nothing but a rope around you to keep you safe, carefully investigating a petrified tree branch up close.
Suddenly, elevator.
Again, Imma bet, he’s gonna be accompanying you in all your expeditions after that. He’ll need to know where and how you acquire every ingredient outside of your greenhouse.
Does it require you to climb a mountain? Are there any Hilichurl camps nearby? Maybe mobs that are attracted to that type of flower?
He would be very attentive of your inventory reports and would recognize if a dangerous gathering journey is near. He’ll be right there with you.
Violetgrass x1000
He’s gathering more than a month’s worth just to make sure you don’t go back to make that dangerous trip. It’s very impractical, but let him rest his heart.
You and Albedo: Resource Gathering Expedition; Other Knights: Outdoor Dates Disguised as Work-Related Outings
Flower crowns are good and all but have you heard of flower bracelets?
Omg so cute hhh imagine a Flaming Flower Stamen bracelet for his Dragonspine expedition- it’s not gonna last forever but it’s so precious he’s definitely keeping that shit even when the heat already dissipated from it gah-
“Paimon wonders, what’s that thing around your wrist?”
“A flame bracelet, made to keep the cold away.”
“Woah! Sounds very useful! Sure would be handy for exploring, you think we can borrow it-”
Something angst-y: Albedo has yet to make a Dendro affinity potion and he’s really, really devastated about it and himself. You’ll have to forcibly pull him out of his self-deprecation, force him to get a breather.
Overall, Albedo greatly appreciates not only your utility but also your consistent company. He values your tenacity and comfort, sharing unadulterated curiousity as you both venture the great unknown. There’s a lot of stuff he can pray about to thank whichever archon has graced you. And despite his Vision lacking the function to actually help in the advancement of his research, he is now thankful for it, for he has found with it a greater purpose: Ensuring the safety of his precious Gardenia.
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lilolilyr · 3 years
Tagged by @ongreenergrasses, thank you!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Way over 300! Tho it feels like it's been at 300sth so long by now, it'll be weird to look at once it hits 400 :D
Btw, funny how this tag meme asks for so much stuff that can be looked up by just... looking at my Ao3... without asking for any commentary by me? Lol
Anyhow, rest under the readmore bc this is 20 questions and Long!
Personal post - do not reblog
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
995596 - just a few more ficlets or 1 longer fic, and I've got a Million! Hey, maybe I should try to write one with... 4404? (I'd need to ask a calculator xD) words exactly... not rly a hardship with how many drabble exercises (exact wordcounts, 100 is the most used, I also do 200, 500, longest was 10000 exactly lol) I've already done... we'll see!
Over 400k for this year alone, and over half of that is my actual writing (not translations etc), I'm so proud! Last year I only barely hit 200k and that included a lot of translating work
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?  
Again, one could look this up in my works filtered - sorted by kudos? But all three of my incubus!jaskier witcher series are in it, part 2 of the series is highest with 1091 kudos, then a Venom halloween oneshot, and 'Belonging', a fluffy snake-crowley piece from my ineffable spouses series (yes, sth with under 1k words - 666 to be exact - is in the top 5... my poor longfics lol)
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
...I try to? But atm I have 202 unanswered (and I always click 'mark read' on replies so these are all comments on my own fic) even tho I told myself I'd not let it get past 200, and now I'm doing a tag meme instead of replying to anything so ummmm
Edit: 203 unread now
But I do love love love all the comments I get! And while atm it's still semi-manageable, if it ever gets to the point where I really can't manage to reply to everyone cause it's too much, i'd rly take that as a compliment lol :D I'd still try to reply to the longer and/or more thought through comments tho :)
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
*thinks* I have an MCD fic? But not only is that very much a case of ~posting a draft version that's barely in complete sentences insgead of taking the time to turn it into a real longfic~, I also just killed off the mlm couple I only semi care about and left the wlw couple with a happy/hopeful (rly don't remember) ending, so... hm idk whether that counts for angsty ending
Apart from that... I dunno, I just prefer my babies to be happy and fluffy? *.* i remember a mirror milippa in the mirrorverse one where in the end Michael is worried about lying to Philippa about her identity... there are some angsty TOG and Gomens ones but I think they end happy-ish (my memory is. Bad. but looking through my 'angst' tag I just saw a lot of h/c and 'angst with a happy ending')
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
They're all happy???!?
7. Do you write crossovers? If so what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Check this out
I need you to know that all the works in that collection take part in the same universe (or rather, multiverse), and are alltogether just scratching the surface of my gigantic headcanon multiverse that I've been building in my mind since I was like 10
Actual crossovers other than that I don't remember writing
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yeh but I only remember clicking 'delete comment', as it should be
Recently I've just gotten a bunch of 'you Need to continue this' and 'omg why isn't there more' or 'this shouldn't end' type comments, not hate, probably not meant maliciously, but So Annoying (maybe espesh bc I don't want to just hit delete on these, but I also don't want to pretend it's fine, but I also don't have the energy for a fight, and trying to explain why that behaviour is entitled and annoying and that I write what I want to write and nice comments should praise what I actually have written, and hoping that they understand and don't get mad is... hard.)
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Check out my rated E and rated M in my works
Mostly femslash lately, but I did also write other smut in the past
Most is a bit dominant/submissive play, but I do also like good fluffy smut with feelings! Best in combo, really :D
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not in the sense of pretending someone else wrote it (that i know of), but posted to other sites without my permission - writing 'don't repost to other sites' etc did Not help, they even copied those tags lol, so I just let it be, choosing my battles wisely etcetc, I'd prefer for my fic not to be cross-posted by others bc then I can't edit or otherwise influence the fic anymore and don't see everyone's reactions to it, but as long as it's not someone pretending they wrote it, I only semi care, not enough to fight it tbh
PSA: I Only post fics to Ao3 (and WIPs/prompt fills to tumblr&discord at times), if you see them somewhere else that's Not Me and you'd do me a favour by checking them out on ao3 and kudosing&commenting there instead :)
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yup, one to Russian a while back, a floreleine (Gunpowder Milkshake) one to Korean just today actually, and I translated a bunch to German myself
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I made a TOG fic together with @cinnamonplums, well mostly I wrote and she made the art :D
Trying to remember whether I ever actually co-wrote anything... don't think so?
13. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Don't make me choose!!!
Atm Milippa is OTP bc I'm busy writing them for @discoveryfemslashfortnight (this is not a post to reblog for the fortnight), but I'm also still rly into Floreleine, Bering&Wells and Andromaquynh and Andronilynh, and I read a lot of Mirandy lately
All-time favs I'm not rly active in atm but will always be dear to me are the ineffable spouses, clintcoulson, heistwives, gosh so many more I'll stop here tho xD
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
A Heistwives Kinda Job immediately comes to mind
I also rly want to finish at least one cohesive original-ish storyline for the lverse that I already linked for the crossover question above, but I just have so much backstory (it's been over 10 years!!!) and it's... hard...
And everything else that's still WIP and untouched for more than a few months will probably have the same fate lol
Also have a few that haven't even seen the light of day at all, most recent a Mirandy ~what if Andy had been pregnant when Miranda hired her and how would it change the entire storyline~ bit - I wrote it in bulletpoints in one go as quickly as I could, I know I had the finished product in my mind, I don't remember anything now and don't feel like going through the bulletpoints painstakenly filling in the blanks
15. What are your writing strengths?
Writing one-shots quickly in one go
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Forgetting everything about a fic if I leave it in a draft for a second too long
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
There are many ways to go about it, and I think they all work (depending on the fic and the length and relevance of the dialogue)
I tend to leave single sentences as is, and for longer and important sequences use cursive and 'they said in xylanguage'.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
The Hobbit apparently? I remember thinking that fic was so long lol, it's 3k
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
Kat/Ana from Reef Break, they have Such Shippable Chemistry, and it would totally fit Kat's player personality to bang both siblings (she's canonically friends with benefits with Ana's half-brother)... but the ship has one (1!) fic on Ao3 *cries*
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
TOG Andromaquynh longfic In Your Stead has had the title since last year and probably for a while to come! I loved the story idea so much I really worked with several drafts and only! worked on that fic until it was finished so I wouldn't get distracted & forget about it, and the result was wonderful.
Tagging, if you want to do it, @sarah-fiers @purlturtle @cookie-sheet-toboggan @ussjellyfish @onaperduamedee @startrekgeorgiouery @rosalie-starfall @lonely-night @banashee @xvnot15 and everyone else who sees this
Questions to copy:
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?  4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? 5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? 6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? 7. Do you write crossovers? If so what’s the craziest one you’ve written? 8. Have you ever received hate on a fic? 9. Do you write smut? If so what kind? 10. Have you ever had a fic stolen? 11. Have you ever had a fic translated? 12. Have you ever co-written a fic before? 13. What’s your all time favorite ship? 14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? 15. What are your writing strengths? 16. What are your writing weaknesses? 17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? 18. What was the first fandom you wrote for? 19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to? 20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
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unholy-renee · 3 years
Hey guys here’s a draft I forgot I had started a while ago. So here’s my uhm first opinions on Outlast 2! Btw spoilers for anyone who hasn’t played also I’m annoying so I somewhat suggest not reading this all unless you want really wanna sorry :(
So I’m stuck at this one point in Whistleblower so I decided to check out the very beginning of Outlast 2 (story mode), so far:
I both love and hate that we get to hear Blake’s voice! I would’ve preferred if they stuck with the silent main character that we’ve had so far, but I also already feel connected to Blake having heard his voice. Sadly, he doesn’t say much, why add lines at all if there’s only screaming, swearing and “I need to find Lynn” or other Lynn related lines. He can say stuff other than “what the fuck?” And “holy shit”, you realize that right? Maybe he could’ve been trying to hype himself up more or you could’ve put more in about his life and family like him saying stuff about missing them and hoping to see them again (like Waylon). I hope as I progress stuff gets better with the script.
Him grabbing Lynn to save her from falling out of the chopper 🥺 go Blake go!
Those guys walking backwards while mumbling and not taking their eyes off me? Not scary but unsettling and made me stop playing the game! It made the atmosphere go from almost a worried “omg we gotta find this guys wife” to a scared “screw that lady I gotta get outta here” vibe
The controls??? Uhm no don’t give me two games worth of the same control then switch some buttons up on me. I was crouching Trying to look around and I didn’t even realize I was crouching I thought he genuinely like hurt his leg or something 🙄. Although I am happy we have some new mechanics! Smashing square (PlayStation) to get the door of the chopper off is very reminiscent of moving the thumbstick back-and-forth to get out of the chair of the Dr. Trager puts you in, in the first game.
The fact that it’s like recording without me having to press a button to make it is cool, happy it’s automatic but it doesn’t tell you where to point the camera, so sometimes I’m moving the camera around the whole area trying to figure out if I need to record anything, missed a couple recording because of it. :(
I’m not playing anymore till I finish Whistleblower though.
Now that I’ve played more of the game I have almost the same opinion! Rip :(
1. His lines didn’t get better! I still haven’t finished though so again we still have hope and I’m purposely not watching anyone play the game past where I’m at so I don’t get spoilers. The complaint about the overuse of Lynn related lines has now double because they have Jessica now! Let’s only ever talk about these two women who are dead and currently kidnapped. It’s not like there are most likely a million other people you’d be thinking about to in this situation. Parents, Siblings, grandparents, cousins, aunts/uncles? Lol no. I’m probably being nit picky but whatever. I’d have liked hearing more about other aspects of his life than just his wife and one past trauma. Now I understand that both of these women are main plot points in the game and it makes sense that he’d focus on them but like there are a lot of other things people also think about in these situations. Like lots of people think about their family and how their going to deal with their death or whatever is happening to them. Or long lost friends they haven’t seen in years and thinking about them maybe never finding out about their death.
Sorry okay I’m done with that now please ignore my annoying ass.
2. Mechanics! Alright so then chasing you under the houses and shit? 😳. I like it :) it’s adventurous since the characters in the first two games couldn’t do anything even close to that, but I’m happy they decided to include it, it really feels like a mature step for the Outlast series and it wasn’t too out of left field that it didn’t fit. Warm welcome to these new antagonist moves!
3. Recording makes me even more mad now then before. JUST UGH tell me what to record! Am I the only one who is too stupid for this or something? “Record mutilated corpses” boom that easy! “Record Marta talking” aha bam! Again me being annoying!
4. Uhm I love Marta! She is the Chris of 2 in my opinion and some of my fellow Outlast playing friends. So far she just chases you saying religious stuff though which is kinda annoying because I’ve heard that she doesn’t like commuting the murders and is only doing it because she is close with Knoth? If that’s true I would like to hear about her doubting herself and doubting what Knoth is having her do, then maybe “snapping back” into going along with it because she trusts him. Not sure if that mad sense.
5. Nick and Laird needed more time. I loved them as antagonists and they were some of my favorite to “go up against”, I wish they had more game time and backstory but that’s okay.
6. Related to 4 and 5, there are too many characters in my opinion. No one really equal game time or backstory to me, although the length of the game is growing on me and the more I play the more the game proves itself to me as a somewhat acceptable “Outlast 2”!
As I slowly continue to finish the game I’ll probably keep making posts on it. Idk though
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theblackberrygirl · 3 years
I'm BACK Peter, Tony, Steve, and Natasha are all bookworms. Like they love reading. They all love fiction in general, but they all do have other preferences. Tony likes sci-fi, Natasha likes mystery, Steve likes romance, and Peter likes fantasy. And none of them like nonfiction all that much, though they will read it occasionally. The Avengers all get super emotional whenever they watch movies, especially with Inside Out and Onward. Except for Peter, who's just looking at them like ??? Natasha is Peter's celebrity crush, so when they first meet, he's just like freaking out Natasha is constantly helping Peter with his homework, she convinced him to join marching band again, ad it generally like an older sister (Pls I love them so much) If Peter was Tony's bio son (during the baby/toddler years):
-Natasha is go to babysitter, and though she finds it annoying, she loves Peter to death and is really good at it -Peter rarely throws tantrums, but when he does everyone is instantly trying to calm him down -He loves watching Steve draw and Nat do ballet -He also frequently gets into Tony's lab and wreaks havoc -Blueberry pancakes -He cries a lot on his first day of preschool and it takes Nat and Tony a million years to calm him down -He wanders around and gets lost a lot, which means constant worry for the Avengers -Natasha enjoys brushing his hair -She will take him out for walks and take him to the park
April Fools day at the Avengers Compound. Discuss
YES THEY DO the others mock them for being nerds fjdjjddj. Nat loves mystery because she can always figure it out before the end, and Peter introduces her to some fantasy novels
Ok but I GET SO EMOTIONAL AT INSIDE OUT SO SAME and just the idea of Nat trying to hide her tears bc the depression stuff just hit too close to home- ugh the angst I love it
I KEEP THINKING ABOUT THAT CLIP THATS LIKE “oH mY gOd iT’s rObErT dOwNeY jR” except it’s him with Nat fjdjjddj. Natasha isn’t normally in the spotlight, so this is like, a REALLY NEW EXPERIENCE FOR HER. She’s just like “...you know me? And you wanna talk to ME? I’m literally standing next to captain America” but Peter is just like “hoLY SHIT BLACK WIDOW I LOVE YOU”
I LOVE THEM TOOOOOOOOO OMG THEYRE SO CUTE and yeah I can just see Nat AND Peter being super sleep deprived during finals week and Tony’s just like “...Nat you don’t have finals why are you so tired” and she’s just like “I’m HELPING HIM.”
She pretends to hate it but really she loves it. She always has the best time with him and he’s always really good for her. She will NEVER ADMIT IT but she looks forward to doing it :) she wants him to have the childhood that she didn’t
Ugh I can just see him being so mesmerized by the creative arts. Just completely entranced by the music and the way that she glides across the stage or how the pencil moves across the paper. They totally encourage it too, and Nat will hold him and dance and Steve gets him a little pencil set
That’s like half of Nat’s babysitting job is just keeping him out and away from the lab haha. One time he got in there and blew out all the windows even tho he was onLY ALONE FOR 5 MINUTES
STEVE MAKES THE BEST PANCAKES HANDS DOWN. If anyone tries to make them Peter will refuse. “This is Steve’s recipe!” “I want the Steve ones” “THESE ARE THE STEVE ONES”
OH HE WOULD THO BC THAT BOY HAS SO MUCH SEPARATION ANXIETY. He does eventually calm down tho and he makes a bunch of friends on his first day bc he’s a little social butterfly
When he’s in the tower, it’s not a big deal, bc they can just ask JARVIS where he went. But it gets VERY BAD when they go out into the city. There is soooo many people there and it’s very hard to find him if he wanders off. Natasha is in charge of holding onto him and carrying him, especially in crowded areas, and Steve is in charge of making sure Natasha doesn’t get swept away in the crowds of taller people
He grows his hair out a little bit when he’s 4 and THAT MEANS BRAIDING. His favorite is French braids, and he wears them to preschool. All the other kids think that it’s SO COOL and Nat ends up braiding a lot of hair fjdjdjdjdjd
Nat’s the one who always takes him to the park bc she’s honestly the only one who likes it. Steve does too, and the three of them will go together sometimes. But Tony doesn’t really like forests that much, Bruce has really bad pollen allergies, and while Clint likes the trees, he’d much rather be in them than under them.
ok so do you know that one post where they play dodgeball and Clint hits Nat on accident and then hides in the roof for hours? “Clint she’s gone you can come down” “NO SHES NOT SHES JUST WAITING”
I imagine it would go something like that. Tony pulls a prank on Nat but makes it look like Clint did it. Clint finds out and FREAKS bc he’s spent many April fool’s days with Nat and she is a prank MASTER. He spends the whole day freaking out that something’s gonna happen, but nothing does. When he goes to his room that night, Nat’s waiting for him and they team up against Tony (please, you really think Nat would’ve fallen for Tony’s framing of Clint? She knows that Clint knows better)
Peter, Natasha, and Clint are the trio to fear on April Fool’s Day. Clint knows his way around the vents perfectly (and since him and Nat spend so much time together, she does too), Natasha is, well, Natasha, and Peter has super strength and can climb walls and basically get around to places the other two can’t. They always target Tony, Thor, and Steve the most (but never Bruce bc it makes him anxious :( but they did pull a very mild switch-the-salt-and-sugar prank on him)
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mikeyhatesit113 · 4 years
forever and never: Chapter 10
My car pulls up to the daycare entrance and Janie comes outside, the overnight bag slung loosely from her shoulder. Her face is blank, but her demeanor is defeated. She walks to my car and she gets in, shutting the door behind her. It’s just us two and a pregnant silence now.
A million questions swim through my mind.
Not to be outdone, she has a million excuses prepared.
“He drove you to work this morning?” I start by asking.
“Yeah,” she says quietly.
After the barrage of text messages from her and Bill, I am still unclear about what the truth is.
He said they met multiple times.
She said once.
He said they kissed several times.
She claimed once.
But whether it was a thousand times, or just once, I had a single question. This question did just pertain to the past 24 hour’s events, but it covered all the happenings over the past two years.
The hotel stays without receipts or bank records. The men who were just friends. The phone calls and text messages dripping with secrecy. The names under other names.
The nights where I watched her walk away.
“At any point throughout any of this, did you ever consider what you were doing to your sons’ home?” I asked.
My voice was not loud. My tone was not vicious.
It was a simple question that any mother should have been asking themselves. An anguished look comes across her face and she leans forward, putting her face in her hands.
Her muffled sobs fill the car and the atmosphere is devastating for both of us.
She had been caught, and another secret love story had been reduced to smoldering ash.
And for the third time in 2 years, I once again had been deceived.
Only this time, I had more answers than questions. I knew she was actually guilty.
Her lips had actually touched another man’s.
Proof beyond a reasonable doubt.
With this verdict, what would the jury decide?
They were lenient.
My heart wrenched at the thought of leaving her and the boys. After all we had been through, and all I believed we had overcome, I just couldn’t bring myself to throw in the towels.
I had watched those two little boys grow into walking, talking mini-adults.
James was no longer a curious Pre-K little boy. He was now 10, and he was funny. He had friends, and we had a great relationship. He loved Michael Myers just like I did, and he mimicked my wacky antics around the house. He was as close as a son could be.
Brock was no longer a tot in diapers. He was an animated kid who had started school now, and he loved to wrestle in the living room with his brother and I.
After 4 and a half years of being responsible for them, I was supposed to walk away without a second thought?
What if we could overcome this? One more thing to look back on as an old couple, decades later on that typical front porch swing moment. Saying with a smile as we are looking into eachother’s eyes, “We made it.”
“We got through it.”
“We proved our love was stronger than anything.”
“For better or for worse.”
Despite everything I knew, and how dirty I felt, I had decided to stay. I couldn’t pronounce it dead yet, despite what the vitals were telling me.
And as we moved on just days after the Bill scandal broke, I remained disturbed by a single, abstract thought.
I had trusted Bill, and he was a great friend.
He was my groomsman who saw us at our worst and our best.
But the fact that I was blindsided by his betrayal wasn’t because of those things, necessarily.
It was due to something else.
Like, the fact that, Bill wasn’t the one I had my eye on.
I was eyeing another person entirely, and we had already crossed paths.
Let me introduce you to, Steppenwolf.
“Mr. Steppenwolf is so funny,” Janie laughed in the kitchen as she was preparing dinner one day. We were telling eachother about our respective days, and she was telling me about how Mr. Steppenwolf, a fellow daycare teacher, had outsmarted an angry parent that day.
In fact, Mr. Steppenwolf was the director of the program at Janie’s center.
Sound familiar?
“And he has the craziest hats,” she giggled.
“Oh,” I responded. A balding man with gray hair in his 30’s with a wacky hat collection seemed interesting enough, but it quickly left my mind.
He was married with kids, anyway.
But then, Mr. Steppenwolf popped up on my radar again just days later.
I was scrolling through Instagram, and I noticed that Steppenwolf had been “liking” and commenting on almost every one of Janie’s pictures.
Despite the arena I was in, I wasn’t a terribly jealous guy. But for curiosity’s sake, I went to Steppenwolf’s profile and discovered that Janie was doing the exact same thing to his photos.
For instance, his picture of a stink bug had earned a “like” from Janie, and a bonus comment that said, “OMG Mr. Steppewolf, what a creepy bug!”
In addition, I noticed that their social networking relationship was barely a month old, and the commenting/liking had picked up in frequency.
But nevertheless, I wasn’t a jealous guy. However, I did casually tease Janie about the interactions with Mr. Steppenwolf on Instagram. She played it off and changed the subject.
Coincidentally, Mr. Steppenwolf’s profile went PRIVATE a day later.
But perhaps, Steppenwolf was deemed a true threat until one beautiful Summer day.
It was a sunny, July day, and I was going to a Fantasy Football draft at a friend’s house.
Janie, usually opposing my attendance to such events, was surprisingly supportive and cool with my plans to go. In fact, she whipped me up a batch of Buffalo Chicken Dip to take along as a party contribution.
“And I know when you guys get together, you like to stay out late. Just so you know, I won’t be mad if it goes to 2am or something. You deserve to have a good time with your friends,” she spoke.
“Are you sure you’re ok with me going?” I asked as I put tin foil over the top of the chicken dip pan.
“Yeah,” she insisted brightly. “I’ll just hang out around here, or maybe go see my parents at the campground,” she said.
“Cool,” I said, grabbing my keys. I was running a bit behind on time, and I had to get on the road. I had planned to leave 10 minutes earlier, and now I was probably going to be late.
Just then, Janie’s phone on the counter lit up.
Out of habit, I looked at the screen and saw a text.
From Steppenwolf.
“Hey bud, wasn’t sure if we were still on the for the movie? If not, just let me know, and I’ll kick back and hang around the house.”
I read the message, my jaw clenching and my mind beginning to race.
Movie? With Steppenwolf??
What the fuck?
Janie looked at the screen, and immediately after reading the message, she got frantically defensive.
“He’s texting the wrong Janie!” she insisted, her eyes quickly welling with tears. “He must have meant the other Janie in the other program,” she explained.
She picked up her phone and dialed Steppenwolf immediately. He answered, and once again, what she said next would determine everything.
“Hey Mr. Steppenwolf,” she greeted him. “I have a very upset husband standing next to me, and he thinks your message was actually meant for me,” she fake chuckled.
I’m not certain what he said, but Janie’s reaction did its best to make me believe that this was indeed just a big misunderstanding.
“That’s what I said!” she said on the phone, laughing.
She offered me the phone. “Did you want to talk to him?” she asked.
“No,” I said, scowling.
I wasn’t sure what the fuck was going on, but it didn’t look good. As I waited for her to end the call, I knew that I no longer wanted to go to the Fantasy Football draft.
I wanted to dump the buffalo chicken dip in the trash.
How could I go have a good time with these new suspicions?
In terms of timeline, the Bill scandal had not yet happened. That wouldn’t be happening for another two weeks yet.
So in truth, these were my first suspicions since a year earlier when she ran off into the night with Shawn.
But I thought we had moved past that? I thought I’d never feel that way again?
Janie hung up the phone and insisted that his message was meant from someone else. I did my best to believe her, but I was uneasy.
What if it wasn’t a mistake?
I reluctantly left the house and went to the Fantasy Football party, sitting amongst my friends and doing my best to act normal.
Janie, almost as if she knew that I was on alert, texted me frequently.
A few hours later, I left the Fantasy Football party and went to the campground her parents were at. Janie had went to visit them, and she invited me to swing by.
We sat around the fire, talking casually. Janie and I did our best to ignore the serpent between us that had just been resurrected, threatening to strike.
As the days that followed went on, I noticed other little changes in Janie.
She suddenly took a big interest into the sporty attire that the younger girls at her center wore. She suddenly bought several pairs of running shorts, and her behavior at home transformed into more of their demeanor as well.
She’d post pictures online of herself posing flirtatiously with them. Of course, these photos had a thumbs up from Mr. Steppenwolf, who was often lingering in the background and making goofy faces.
Then, she started staying out later at night. She’d cite after-work meetings at a nearby sports bar, but some nights, she wouldn’t come home till after midnight. I’d stay up and wait for her, knowing I’d have to be awake for work in less than 5 hours, but I couldn’t sleep.
I had to know she was safe, and I had to torture myself with secret suspicions.
I’d watch the Lancer pull into the driveway as relief washed over me. I’d run upstairs and crawl into bed quickly so that she wouldn’t know I had stayed up to wait. She’d come upstairs and get ready for bed quickly, and as she’d get under the covers, I’d smell the beer on her breath.
She’d fall out pretty quickly, but I often laid there in the dark as I stared at the ceiling, wondering where her night had taken her.
The weird occurrences continued one day when I saw a mixed CD in her car. It was titled “Daddy Mix”, and it contained nothing but songs with the word “Daddy” in their titles.
“Daddy Sang Bass”, by Johnny Cash.
“Hey Daddy (Daddy’s Home)”, by Usher.
“Daddy’s Eyes”, by The Killers.
“What’s this?” I asked, holding up the CD.
“Oh, that,” she laughed. “So, I call Mr. Steppenwolf ‘daddy’ at work, and everyone thinks that it’s funny,” she explained. “So they all got together and put this CD together for me, and slid it in my mailbox,” she said.
The explanation seemed off to me. I’ve found many things my co-workers have done to be hilarious, but creating a mixed CD for them as a result honestly never crossed my mind.
It was such a small occurrence that I quickly forgot about it.
Either that, or I was actively overlooking things as to not find a reason to worry about them.
All I wanted was peace as a husband. I never believed that I had accidentally signed up to be a 24/7 private investigator.
Then one night, I came face to face with Steppenwolf.
It was a night where another after-work meeting was taking place, and she invited me. I sat there amongst her co-workers, and I found myself having a pleasant time as I met people and their spouses for the first time.
Then, Steppenwolf showed up.
I noticed quickly how he presented himself. Though he was a smaller man, he carried himself with an upmost self-importance.
I watched him get out of his purple sports car, and as he walked up, I saw him tug at the bottom of the tight lime-green polo he had decided to wear.
He walked into the outdoor patio area we were all seated at, and his co-workers welcomed him as he took a seat at the far end of the two tables we had pushed together to accommodate our party size.
Steppenwolf did not look at me.
Janie was seated beside me, deep in conversation with a fellow co-worker. I decided to drink some beers, and soon I found myself lost in casual conversations of my own with other people.
It was then I noticed, Steppenwolf and Janie were gone. I looked around quickly, but I could not spot them. I got up from the table and walked inside the crowded bar. After some quick recon, I located my targets.
They were deep in a hushed conversation back by the bathrooms, which were hidden from plain view. I walked up to them and as I stood beside Janie, I crossed my arms and faced Steppenwolf.
Their conversation abruptly stopped, and Steppenwolf shot me a sideways glance as he leaned on the wall. He walked away without another word, and I asked Janie about what I had seemingly interrupted.
“He’s just having an issue with another co-worker, and he was talking to me about it,” she said.
Soon after that night, the Bill events happened.
It was August now, and as Summer was winding down, Janie and I found ourselves in a shattered state.
But were we beyond repair?
The night before Labor Day Sunday, Janie and I decided to go to Hersheypark. It had always been a nice spot for us and the boys, but on this night, it was just us two.
Night had fallen, and the park was clearing out. There weren’t too many people left, and as we walked side by side, I noticed the continued silence between us.
“You ok?” I asked.
“Yeah, I just want to know that you’re ok,” she replied.
“I am if you are.”
The sunset that night, and the emptiness around us, was too eerie for me to ignore. It was symbolic of our love story.
The next day, we had a Labor Day cookout planned at our home. Close to the start time, Janie and I walked over to her mom’s house to get some bug spray.
My sister had requested some, and Janie found this as a reason to angrily march off across the street to accomodate my family.
“What is your problem?” I asked her as I followed behind her.
“Nothing, Michael, nothing,” she said.
We both returned to our house and our guests arrived. The cookout got started, and things started off normally enough.
Janie guzzled down alcoholic beverages, and she kept asking her step-dad to admit that she was his princess.
I played corn hole with some of the other guests, but predictably, things took a turn for the worst as night fell.
My father had taken my nephews to a local carnival that night, and he dropped them off at our house because my sister was attending our cookout. However, my father wanted to make a quick job of dropping them off, as his dog had been at home for hours without a bathroom break.
I stood out front with my sister as we casually chatted with our father, and then he got back in his car and drove off.
Janie, however, took great offense to this gesture. He had not come back to the party in the back yard to say hello, and she decided that she had an issue with this.
I picked up on this when I returned to the back yard, and Janie stood amongst the party guests glaring at me.
When I watched her walk in the house, I seized my opportunity to follow her inside and find out what was wrong.
“Hey,” I said as I slid the door closed behind me. “What’s going on?”
“Nothing is ever good enough, is it?” she asked.
“What are you talking about?” I asked.
“Your dad, after all these years, still hates me,” she said. “What the fuck are we even doing?” she asked savagely.
Kelly came inside at that moment, and she saw our confrontation.
“Guys, don’t fight,” she said.
“I’m not fighting!” I said, my temper soaring. “She’s picking another fight with me!”
At those words, Janie scoffed and ran upstairs. When she came back down, she had another overnight bag slung from her shoulder.
The second one I had seen in a month. The third one I had seen in a year.
“And where are you going?” I asked.
“Janie, don’t leave,” Kelly begged.
Janie only wanted to talk to Kelly, but I barreled on, demanding to know where Janie was leaving to go this time.
Janie asked where the Lancer keys were, but I wasn’t about to let that happen.
“You aren’t taking the Lancer,” I said. “You’ve been drinking, and you’re not totaling my car.”
Janie didn’t scream back, though.
As our guests continued enjoying themselves in our back yard, Janie quietly left out the front door. I watched her from the door step as she disappeared into the night, one more time.
There was nothing for it. She was looking for a reason all along.
And I was tired of stopping her.
I was tired of trying.
But seeing her walk away never got easier.
I returned to the back yard, and though some people were aware what had happened, others didn't mind. Janie’s step-dad chatted merrily with our landlord, taking swigs of beer. I wasn’t about to spoil their time.
I walked up to my grandmother and uncle, and I quietly let them know what had happened. I walked them to their car, feeling bad at the failure I had become.
“Well,” my grandmother said. “You’ll have this. And remember what I said, you have a home with me.”
I thanked her and my uncle for coming, and after they drove away, I never felt more alone. Most of the guests had departed, but a few stayed. I walked around my empty home, wondering what to do. I decided to go to bed.
Of course, i didn't sleep at all.
Our Boston Terrier curled up next to me in bed as I listened to Linkin Park’s “Burn It Down” on my iPod.
The cycle repeated As explosions broke in the sky All that I needed Was the one thing I couldn’t find...
I got up several times that night, looking out the window and hoping to see her return. Instead, I remember seeing our landlord and a few of Janie’s family members sitting around our bonfire, still burning brightly.
After a brief stints of sleep and constant exhaustion, morning came.
The sky was full of clouds, and the air was humid and muggy. I walked around our house, seeing the mess in the back yard and the piles of dishes on the kitchen counter.
I was all alone.
I started cleaning up, trying to take my mind off of the situation at hand.
Had Bill re-entered the arena? Or was she with someone else?
I told myself I wouldn’t call, but we were past that point. Enough was enough. I picked up my phone and dialed her number, and it went right to voicemail. I said the only thing I could say;
“I’m not calling to find out where you are or who you’re with. I’m only asking you, out of respect for our time together and the home of those two little boys, to tell me what’s going on?”
I hung up and continued cleaning up the mess.
After a half hour, I called again.
“You don’t understand how serious this is, I need you to tell me what’s going on. Nothing else. Just tell me where things stand,” I spoke.
I hung up my phone.
Then, she called back.
I walked out into the back yard as I answered her call.
“Hey,” I said.
“I’m done,” she said softly. “We fight all the time. Things haven’t been right. We’re toxic,” she spoke. “I’m done.”
“Are you with Steppenwolf?” I asked.
“...yeah, but I slept on his couch,” she said.
Our conversation didn’t last long. What was there left to say?
I packed a few things in a hurry.
I was going home.
As I loaded some things into my car, I saw Janie’s mom sitting on her back porch. I shut my car door after putting my things inside the car and walked across the street.
“Hey,” I said.
“I’m sorry, Ekim,” her mom said. “I don’t know why she’s doing this. I didn’t raise her that way,” Janie’s mom spoke. “I can’t go against her, she’s all I have. She’s my baby,” her mom pleaded.
“I know. She’s with Steppenwolf,” I mumbled.
“Yeah, I heard. I don’t know why she’s doing this.”
Walking through my grandmother’s front door was less than ceremonious, but there are places throughout you’re life where you feel safe.
This was one of them.
My uncle had since moved in with her since I had moved out 5 years earlier, and he had my old room. But I didn’t care. I was eager to have any place to call home, and in turn, I moved whatever I had with me into a smaller upstairs bedroom.
It was my room when I was 14 years old before I moved to a bigger room. Since I had moved out of it, it had become a storage room for miscellaneous items and holiday decorations.
The bed mattress was gone, but the box spring was still there. I draped a few blankets on the top until I figured something else out in terms of a bed.
It would have to do for now, like everything else.
That day, I didn’t plan on staying idle and letting my imagination tear me to pieces.
There would be no sleep, no rest, and no peace.
So I might as well stay busy.
I decided to accompany some friends to a back yard cookout, and I needed to take several breaks away from the party to vent to my buddy’s girlfriend.
I was inconsolable. I couldn’t think of anything else.
Luckily, she was understanding and listened patiently while I spilled my guts several times that day.
My life was in pieces, and my marriage was over.
That night, they invited me back to their place to hang out.
I sat beside my one friend on their love seat as they watched the newest episode of the show, Breaking Bad.
I sat next to him and odd as it sounds, just not being alone made my eyes heavy.
36 hours of no sleep was catching up to me.
My head slumped over as I fell asleep, but I couldn’t fall into too deep of a sleep state.
Night was falling outside, and my vicious imagination was going to punish me for not giving it a chance to torture me all day.
I sat there, my head slumped on my buddy’s shoulder as I heard a song coming from the TV. It’s a song called “Crystal Blue Persuasion”, and it was playing on the episode of Breaking Bad. My imagination played a perverse slideshow for me as the melody filled my ears.
I missed her. I just wanted to be next to her.
And he had her.
The music from the TV played as the images in my head haunted me, my stomach turning...
“Look over yonder, what do you see?”
They start kissing in Steppenwolf’s living room, knowing they have the entire night together...
“The sun is a-risen, most definitely.”
They wander through Steppenwolf’s house toward his bedroom...
“A new day is coming, people are changing,”
They reach his bedroom and lay on his bed...
“Ain’t it beautiful? Crystal blue persuasion.”
The light goes out.
But for me, it was far from over.
Broken, but not beyond repair.
We weren’t finished yet.
“My secrets are buried now From my heart and my bones catch a fever When it cuts you up this deep It's hard to find a way to breathe
Your eyes are swallowing me Mirrors start to whisper Shadows start to see My skin's smothering me Help me find a way to breathe.”
Bring Me the Horizon “Sleepwalking”
NOTE: Though this is my side of the story, including my own personal recollections and opinions, the reader should not consider this note anything other than a work of literature. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
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logicalstansadvice · 4 years
I was really happy to see the new video at first too, until i realized it’s not new and that it was pre BS. Now I’m sad about it. He still looks amazing & I miss that old Seb. But it is just that OLD. This isn’t who he’s been for the past 5+ months and I’d bet you a million dollars (if I had it) that Ale knew he was going to post it and that’s why she posted her photo and tagged him so people would know he’s WITH HER. Now I’m just sad again and wanna cry.
Sometimes it takes moments like this to realize how overinvested some of us are in his life events. Process the feelings and reevaluate whether or not you think it’s worth it to cry over him.
(Not a Dr.) Lady Danger
True story. Lady Danger and I met up many years back at a Seb event.
While fans were lined up screaming (and crying) for him, we paused for a second to acknowledge him, then just kept on walking to get some drinks. Figured we'd catch him inside later.
Trust me, sooner or later you'll get to the point where he goes from being "OMG SEBASTIAN STAN!!!" to "oh hey there's Seb". 😂
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wolfhuntsmoon · 5 years
Sarah Rogers pt 2: or, how baby!Steve imbibed a fuck-you attitude with his mother’s milk
Okay, so after looking at Sarah’s backstory, how she met Joseph and had Steve and decided to go to America, I couldn’t stop thinking about: what next? The MCU wiki is VERY thin on the ground with detail, and she’s so interesting! Plus, this is, like, one of the most criminally underdeveloped sources for Steve Rogers’ character, as I mentioned in pt 1. So, what can we reasonably source from the time to fill in the gaps?
So: I said in my previous post Sarah likely arrives in January/February of 1918. This is because in those days, travel times were long, conditions were VERY poor and you did not want to be heavily pregnant on a cheap ship to America with the conditions on board. Plus, in those days there was no guarantee a ship company would even sell you a ticket if you were visibly pregnant. It did happen, but was risky for the company, so you could never be sure. Sarah would have left asap once she made a decision. 
The journey itself would have taken about 3-4 weeks. First she would have had to travel to London, because nothing would have been leaving to America from the French or Belgian coastline, as a) most of it was too close to the war and b) the bits that weren’t wouldn’t have been profitable. Travel to London from Passchendaele would have taken a few days to a week, given the mud and absolute priority troops and military materials were given on all journeys. This map here shows it took between 7-10 days to arrive in New York from London (by ship, no flights until the late 1920s/1930s) in 1914 before the outbreak of the war. I mentioned how at this point the German U-boats were basically sinking anything they found not flying a German flag, which made this journey pretty hazardous, even with the newly introduced (and very effective) protection of the convoy system. If Sarah was travelling on a fast convoy (less likely as they were primarily for troop ships) it would have taken about a week. Slower moving convoys carrying mostly cargo might have taken 2 weeks, even 2 and a half weeks if the weather was bad. Convoys, by the way, were where groups of ships were clustered together and escorted across the Atlantic by a combination of naval ships bristling with every explosive known to man, and navy ships disguised to look like harmless merchant cargo ships but ALSO bristling with every explosive known to man, to prevent U-boats sinking them. And also attack U-boats when they turned up. Not if. When. As you may be imagining, these journeys often contained lots of Things Going Boom and people Dying in Unpleasant Ways. Sarah would have been told by literally everyone she knew that this was a stupid, near-lethal decision, and that she should just NOT. But Sarah being Sarah, ignored this in the pursuit of what she felt was right and best for her and her baby... that doesn’t sound familiar at all, does it?
Okay, so she’s made it through the journey to the iconic Ellis Island. The next problem was that Immigration to the USA was incredibly curtailed by 1918, compared to the levels of immigration to the US prior to WWI beginning. In this, Sarah was lucky. Prior to WWI, on average between 1900-1914 about 1 million immigrants arrived into the US each year. In 1918, roughly 110,000 did - Sarah being one of them. I’ve said before that she would have had an easier time getting passage on a ship in the first place because she was comparatively better off on a nurse’s wage and was a middle class professional. More than that, most travel was reserved for the military - and Sarah likely had connections, being the wife of an American soldier, which made it easier for her to gain passage on a ship. (More on this later.)
Her status and profession is also very important for explaining how Sarah gained entry to the US, because by the end of WWI, the open door policy of the 19th and early 20th century had been solidly shut. The open-door policy had essentially allowed anyone who could pass a very basic medical and legal check free entry to reside in the USA, and the Ellis Island museum has a very good description of just how cursory these checks were - they were nicknamed the ‘six second physicals’. 98% of immigrants passed straight away, and a only a very small percentage of the remainder were put on a ship back to their country of origin. But by the outbreak of WWI, politicians and the public had become uneasy about this. Mostly due to racial concerns - Chinese immigration was the first to be restricted in 1882 with the Chinese Exclusion Act. Japanese immigrants were targeted in 1907 and all Asian immigrants in 1917. (I see a lot of posts on tumblr talking about how immigration restrictions in the US began by denying Jewish refugees entry in the 1930s, which... is wrong. So, so wrong. But anyway.) Here is a contemporary cartoon showing a pretty good summary of attitudes to immigration by the time Sarah would have been travelling:
Tumblr media
(The 3% refers to immigration restrictions put in place by Congress AFTER the war, btw.)
But the US wasn’t just worried about one continent’s people! Or even ‘just’ non-whites! Oh no... they were also VERY worried about the ‘wrong sort’ of white immigrant too. Namely, anyone from southern and eastern Europe, and the Irish. 
The discrimination against the Irish is an interesting one, because on the face of it, the Irish were the kind of immigrants the US wanted - north and western Europeans. But here’s where eugenics and pseudoscience come along and fuck things up for a lot of people. Part of the reason why the US was suspicious of southern and eastern Europeans was political - that they harboured a tendency towards violent revolutions, communism and anarchy. The Irish, after the violence of the 1916 Easter Rising and the fact that a not-insignificant number of violent revolutionaries tried to facilitate a German invasion of Ireland (and then unionists ran guns during the war through Kriegsmarine U-boat dropoffs on the Irish coast in... defence???? Idk either.), came to be included in this politically radical group. That’s the first strike.
The second strike came from the fact Irish had the British working against them. In those days, British media and culture really set the tone for the rest of the world. Remember, the US was not a world superpower yet - this is when Britain is at the height of its power, ruling 20% of the world’s people and 25% of its land surface by 1924. Britannia really did rule the waves, and much of the world’s culture, at this point. Hollywood, and American ‘soft power’ had yet to develop into the behemoth it is now. British culture persistently depicted the Irish as subhuman, ape-like, feckless, uncivilised and dangerous, as you can clearly see here:
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The top one is from 1866, and the second one from 1849. Both were cartoons published in Punch Magazine, which was the pre-eminent social and political publication that EVERYONE read in the Victorian and Edwardian eras. It also played a huge role in shaping social attitudes, and you can see more of its, and others, views on the Irish in these excellent galleries. The rest of the British media was the same - almost universally negative views of the Irish, which filtered across the Atlantic over time. And seemed to be vindicated by events like the 1916 Easter Rising, and before that a long running number of secret societies the British kept discovering, plotting revolution against their rule. The whole ‘kiss me I’m Irish’, dying the Hudson green on St Patrick’s day, ‘omg I love an Irish accent’ thing? Didn’t happen until the latter half, or really the last quarter, of the twentieth century. The Irish were pretty much persona non grata when Sarah was alive. Part of the explanation for this came from the idea that the Irish were a part of a lesser race, their Celtic origins leading to a lack of judgement, predisposition to alcoholism and hotheadedness, and passionate outbursts which meant you needed to treat them more like children. Conveniently enough for the British, this explanation meant you didn’t need to treat your subjects like equals, deserving of the vote, or indeed with anything except violence and condescension. Ha. Funny that.
But anyway, back to America.
Third strike: the Irish were Catholic, as Sarah would have been. Only the very richest in society were Protestant, because they were descended from British settlers. Both the British and the US governments of the time viewed Catholicism with deep suspicion, partly for historical reasons (Martin Luther, 1517 and all that jazz) but ALSO because the Catholic Church remained a vastly powerful institution which could and did command the loyalties of people more than the national government, and this represented a dangerous fifth column within the nation state. Most of north and western Europe was Protestant, unlike the south and east which was predominantly Catholic (with the exception of France. But hey, they’re the French. No big.) so the Irish being 99% Catholic was yet another reason they got lumped in with the other ‘undesireables’. 
Not a small part of this was caused by the fact that the Irish had been immigrating to America in vast numbers ever since the Great Famine (aka the Potato Famine/Blight) to the tune of and average of c450,000 Irish per decade between 1850-1900. That is... a LOT. Like, New York’s population in 1890 had only just hit 2.5 million! Ireland’s population TODAY is 5 million! So by the end of WWI, there was already a sense that Too Many Irish were here, particularly since the Irish tended, like most immigrant communities, to move into certain areas in large numbers via family groups and connections. Sarah would have been no exception to this, which I’ll explore more in pt 3 later. It was a very common practice in this period for a man to go to America and work, then bring his family and extended family over. Or for young relations to go and live with family already in America if there was no work in Ireland - which there wasn’t, the Irish economy being subsistence agriculture and not a lot else. 
All of this together means that when Sarah arrives in Jan/Feb of 1918? She’d get a pretty rough welcome at Ellis Island (still used for incoming immigrants until new legislation establishing a visa system in 1924 went through and basically made it redundant.) and beyond.
Below is a pic of an Ellis Island arrival card, just because it’s cool:
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These tightened restrictions resulted in not just health checks, but intelligence tests and ‘mental fitness’ tests, which if failed, could result in the immigrant being sent back to their country of origin. However, Sarah would have made it through okay, because she had good English, her profession and likely her marriage cert and references from Joseph Rogers’ commanding officer to speed her passage. She may even have had family connections already in New York or America, but for the reasons outlined in my previous post, probably wasn’t in contact with them. Or if she did contact them, was likely to be ignored and ostracised. Because patriarchy, yay.
But ironically? Getting into America was the easy part. I know, I know, unbelievable, especially when you consider she was PREGNANT during this. I mean, can you imagine enduring morning sickness and all the other joys of pregnancy on a boat in the middle of the Atlantic in WINTER, in danger of sinking from a U-Boat torpedo at any moment? Can you? Can you??? Sarah Rogers came up against an immense set of obstacles just to get into America and just fucking ploughed through them like they were tissue paper. Which explains a LOT about Steve Rogers, that’s for sure.
Join me next time for pt 3, where I explore Sarah’s living and working situation after she arrives and we all learn to be even more in awe of how fucking metal she was.
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bridgertonlife · 5 years
Tony Stark’s Goodbye Speeches in “Avengers Endgame” an opinionated analysis of Tony’s last goodbye, scripted and directed by M&M and the Russo bros.
In this, my own analysis, I am gonna put on bold letters those sentences that, in my opinion, were constantly repeated and had a double meaning directed to the audience. And I’ll talk a little about them under every piece of speech.
- Trailer 1 (Teaser)
“This thing on? Hey, Miss Potts... Pep. If you find this recording don’t feel bad about this. Part of the journey is the end. Just for the record, being adrift in space with zero promise of rescue is more fun than it sounds. Food and water ran out four days ago. Oxygen should run out tomorrow morning and that’ll be it. When I drift off, I will dream about you. It’s always you.”
(Here is where we first find the “don’t feel bad about this” line and the “part of the journey is the end” which belongs to a totally different speech inside the movie. But the meaning is clear here. They were foreshadowing Tony’s death since the first trailer and asking audiences to not feel bad about it, to understand. YEAH, SADLY EASIER SAID THAN DONE, my friends. But yeah, the meaning is so clear now. The other repeated line, totally adressed to Pepper this time, my beloved “it’s always you” kinda tries to asure Pepper and US too that Tony he’ll be okay when he closes his eyes forever and dies. He say’s he’ll drift off dreaming about the love of his life. Whatever, I hope he’s in heaven now, watching Pepper and Morgan from there. OMG this autotherapy is killing me... Ugh.)
Trailer 2 (Official Trailer)
“God, it feels like a thousand years ago. I fought my way out of that cave, became Iron Man, realized I loved you... I know I said no more surprises, but I was really hoping to pull off one last one.”
(The most romantic one of all of them, and sadly almost all scrapped from the real movie. Anyway, first mention of a sentence which did make the final cut. We all wanted him to pull off one last surprise with the gauntlet, but he couldn’t movie’s script wise. It would have been so in character and so awesome that he did put one last surprise and survived the snap. It could have been done in a lot of ways: using the stones with all the avengers end of GOFTG like, healing him in Wakanda, time travel... You name it, fandom has come up with a million ways of Tony Stark pulling off that last surprise and surviving the snap, but the movie script already sold here that he wasn’t gonna BE ABLE of doing it. Such shame, Russo bros. M&M I hate you so much).
Goodbye Speech for Pepper in the Benatar (In movie)
“This thing on? Hey, Miss Potts... Pep. If you find this recording don’t post it on social media, it’s gonna be a real tearjerker. I don’t know if you’re ever gonna see this... Or even if you are still... Oh God, I hope so. Today’s day 21... No 22... You know, if it wasn’t for the existential terror of staring into the literal void of space, I’d say I’m feeling a lot better today. The infection ran it’s course thanks to the blue meanie back there. Oh, you would love her, very practical. Only a tiny bit sadistic. So, a few fuel cells cracked back during the battle, but we found a way to reverse the ion charge, that bought us 48 hours of play time. Oh, but it’s now dead in the water, somewhere one thousand light years far from the nearest 7 eleven. Oxygen will run out tomorrow morning. And that’ll be it. And Pep, I know I said no more surprises but, I gotta say, I was really hoping to pull off one last one. But it looks like... Well, you know what it looks like... Don’t feel bad about this. I mean, actually if you grovel for a couple weeks, and then move on with enormous guilt... I should probably lie down for a minute. Rest my eyes. Please know: when I drift off, it’ll be like every night likely. I’m fine, totally fine. I’ll dream about you. It’s always you.”
(Yeah, thank you for the fair warning that this movie was gonna be a real ugly tearjerker... ¿? UGH so much hate. 22 movies. 11 years that feel like so wasted with this ending now. Bougth us 48h of play, yeah just like Strange bought Tony 5 years. We get it, he was doomed since Infinity War, you assholes. Here’s again the warning: no surprise surviving this time. We know what it looks like, it looks like very bad, very burned like a crisp after using the gauntlet. And then, there is my favourite one: don’t feel bad about this, only grieve for two weeks and move on. Well, it’s been two months, assholes and I’m trying. I assure you I’m trying to move on. But I still miss him everyday and nothing he says will make me stop hurting and grieving for him, but I will keep trying to move on... UGH. He remembers Pepper and us that he’ll be fine in heaven. Poor Pepper missing him everyday too, more than anyone, including us, would. My heart breaks for her and Morgan everyday too.)
Goodbye Speech to his family (In movie)
“Everybody wants a happy ending. Right? But it doesn't always roll that way. Maybe this time. I’m hoping if you play this back, it's in celebration. I hope families are reunited, I hope we get it back and something like a normal version of the planet has been restored, if there ever was such a thing. God, what a world. Universe, now. If you told me ten years ago that we weren't alone, let alone, you know, to this extent, I mean, I wouldn't have been surprised, but come on, the epic forces of dark and light that have come in to play. And for better or worse, that's the reality Morgan's gonna have to find a way to grow up in. So I thought I better record a little greeting, in the case of an untimely death, on my part. I mean, not that death at any time isn't untimely. This time travel thing we're gonna try and pull off tomorrow, it's got me scratching my head about the survivability of it all. Then again that's the hero gig. Part of the journey is the end. What am I even tripping for? Everything's gonna workout exactly the way it's supposed to. I love you 3000.”
(Fucking assholes, remembering all of us that we didn’t get the happy ending Tony deserved because they didn’t want to deliver a happy ending... WE DESERVED THAT HAPPY ENDING!!!!! and nothing you say will change mi mind. I’m not going to go into detail about the unashamed invitation to keep supporting the MCU once Tony’s dead that this entire speech implies. Well for me not gonna happen, Kevin Feige, sorry. Some things doesn’t always roll the way you want. LOL xD Bye, Marvel. There’s again “part of the journey is the end” yeah all good things come to and end. But this could have had the hopeful ending not the tearjerker ending. You all chose wrong, Marvel.)
So sorry all, but I had to go through this, because it’s been kinda cathartic to me, to re-read and analize this and think about all the double meanings and try to make my peace with it. With this awful end. It’s not the end I WANTED but it’s the end WE GOT. So yeah. I have to make my peace with it existing and letting it go and start healing. And of course, I’m dropping Marvel Studios and keeping Pepper, Tony and Morgan only and all characters and worlds related to Iron Man Trilogy, everything else, doesn’t interest me anymore. 
Sorry if there are mistakes in all of this long ass post. English is not my native language and I transcribed the speeches from audio of the movie and trailers.
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fortheheavenssake · 5 years
Allegedly Anon 2
Allegedly Anon 2
Oct. 3
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ALLEGEDLY ANON, Tell me , why was himself attracted to such a spindly legged bint like nutmeg. It’s like watching a Popeye cartoon with Olive Oil telling him what to do. ( comparison photos please anyone) and now has involved himself in litigation on her behalf, as if this wilting violet is such a crushed petal …… really ‘REALLY!! ‘ she’s got a skin thicker than a Rhinoceros. It’s bad timing because of the exposure of the forthcoming vid. “ OMG it’s her”. Allegedly. Speculation of course.
Oct 4
ALLEGEDLY ANON, The question is’ how far will the MOS go up the litigation hill before they settle OOC, or will they enjoy the Kabuki pantomime it will descend into? I don’t think the BRF wants a public circus in the high court of litigation ,then again I can imagine LG rubbing his hands together at the image of nutmeg swanning into court wearing a denim onesie, and reading a word salad statement prepared by SS describing her alleged trauma 😱😱😱🤣🤣🤣🤣Allegedly,speculation of course.
Oct. 5
ALLEGEDLY ANON … is it all about archificial?????? O my ‘ a paternity suit. This is going to get quite interesting ‘ so will DNA be produced? Is archificial “ of the body ? I think their both pissed off with the truth. The SA nutmeg show was a disaster …… and for gods sake, what is Harry doing …… it’s now super Kabuki!!!! Allegedly, speculation of course.
Oct. 6
ALLEGEDLY ANON, The creature from the BLUE lagoon and a few hundred itinerant yachts has set up Her father in a fait accompli regarding the leaked letter ‘ its perfectly ok for a gaggle of chums to blab about said letter , but when her own father claims misrepresentation he’s castigated on the world stage ……… vile women!!! I think LG will string her up by her pneumatic mammaries. Allegedly, speculation of course.
Oct. 7
ALLEGEDLY ANON, once upon a time , on a yacht in an ocean far far away’ as MM ANON said its opinions ‘ if you install face recognition and then fast forward after reconstruction surgery then you can make an inspirational assumption its nutmeg, after all we have a lot of missing years and information. It’s funny how the media are V. quiet?? but then they have their own dossier on the dubious provenance of the DOS. ALLEGEDLY, SPECULATION OF COURSE.
Oct. 8
ALLEGEDLY ANON, What’s with the coy 15 year old routine with nutmeg, this from a woman whose sucked more d*** than I’ve had popsicles , she’s got a past that would challenge Caligula, unless you’ve lived in a cave for the last 2 years everyone in the country knows what a POS this grifter is. Let’s hope the BRF gives her the big E. Allegedly, speculation of course.
Oct. 9
ALLEGEDLY ANON, Canada ‘ move to CANADA!!! What’s she going to do, go back to suits as a Parailegal? I don’t think she will go anywhere near the commonwealth. She hates the RF. She’s disliked and despised. She’s at home more in Calipornia , return to the industry she knows best. This trash has alienated herself from everything she married into. Go home stay home. She’s a classless tramp. Allegedly speculation of course.
Oct. 10
ALLEGEDLY ANON … kartrashian said “ nutmeg is changing the world ‘ Ummmm ‘ ok , how is that then , O’ I know, by lying about your father bankrolling you upbringing, abortions , having a child, yachting, escorting, tossing salads, golf girl , hockey girl , every ones girl, black and white movies, blue movies,THAT WEDDING ‘ THAT FAKENCY, THAT BIRTH, ARCHIFICIAL, SA. BABY, ……sue the MOS. good luck!!! Allegedly, speculation of course. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Oct. 11
ALLEGEDLY ANON,SS PR writes her word salad, a vacuous, empty, meaningless diatribe that’s supposed to encourage the audience that are in the unfortunate position of having to listen. PR key words written to trigger an emotional response. ENVIRONMENTAL, FEMINIST, DRIVEN, INSPIRATIONAL, SOLUTIONS , POSITION ,SPIRITUALLY POSITIVE, CONCLUSIONS, I could go on all day with her babbling bull$h!t. We see through you nutmeg!!!! Allegedly,speculation of course.
Oct. 12
ALLEGEDLY ANON, hey skippy ‘ is nutmeg on public appearance anytime soon ‘ I’m looking forward to her facing the British MOS readers …… and the fortuitous anticipation of being booed. Unless the pubic are unlikely gracious she’s going to get a hammering. One can only hope , she’s an obnoxious toss-pot who thinks her $h!t don’t stink. Treated the BRF with utter contempt. A return to porn awaits,allegedly, speculation of course. 💩💩💩💩💩
Pakistan Tour 14-18
October. 14
ALLEGEDLY ANON, HC’ 30.000 destroyed emails, never indicted …… Benghazi, and she’s got the gall to stick that yachting hooker on a pedestal!! Then slag off the BRF. YEAH RIGHT!!!! Thank goodness we have a REAL ROYAL COUPLE on an official visit with dignity and protocol at the fore- front. I’m a little pissed with colonial trash telling the British how to conduct their lives. F#@ck -em. Allegedly,speculation of course. 😤😤😤
Oct. 15
ALLEGEDLY ANON , Hoping that nutmeg gets verbal distain from the British public today. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 can’t wait for anons to post.
October. 15
ALLEGEDLY ANON, The escort in green , himself looks so pleased to be in the company of a (what) ‘I don’t know? What’s wrong with you Harry???????????? … this is becoming beyond Kabuki. Harry plays the game for the sake of HMTQ ……… ok ‘ all roads lead to the So- Hoe. Thank god for W&K ……… a borrowed archificial on SA …… see the photos, allegedly,speculation of course.
Oct. 15
Oct. 15
Oct. 15
ALLEGEDLY ANON …… BLIND ITEM #8 Oct 2nd. Read this and connect the dots. It’s not Ross ………rhymes with “late”(first name).
Oct. 16
ALLEGEDLY ANON, Creech St Michael , has seen tinted Discovery’s heading towards the M5. In convoys. ( didn’t someone say she was hiding In Somerset. ) I’m sure there’s a nice soho sponsored hideaway deep in the rural sticks that she’s holed up in. Trouble is , there’s curiosity amongst the well heeled local pop. Allegedly, speculation of course. 👀👀 👀 👀 🕶 🕶 🕶
Oct. 18
ALLEGEDLY ANON, “WHY DO THEY ALL HATE ME, IM AN HONEST DECEIVING BITCH, I HAVE AN ENGAGINGLY WARM SMILE 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. “ IM HAVING A HARD TIME HERE PEOPLE, I DEMAND A LITTLE SYMPATHY!!!! “Well sympathy comes in the dictionary darling, it’s betwee $h!t and Syphilis. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 O’ please post this skippy, 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
October. 19
ALLEGEDLY ANON, a focus group of 52 million British subjects would find that 78% dislike or have negative opinions about the colonial carpetbagger, 20% undecided and 2% don’t give a $h!t. Survey undertaken by the Sisters of Perpetual Retribution found that middle England and the upper classes have obnoxious contempt for the grifting bint while the working class seek the return of a happy go lucky Harry without the whining wife. All concluded that the BRF should get rid!! Speculation Allegedly.
October. 20
ALLEGEDLY ANON, “ She’s just existing “ !!!!!! WT(F) existence on a life funded by taxpayers supporting your multi million pound lifestyle ( one million on posh frocks) 4 million on frogcott, private helicopter , private jets , itinerant jollies to see Elton, breaks in £10.000 a night S of France villas weddings in Rome , a gruelling existence in a luxury lodge at soho estate in Somerset, RPO continually, nannies, cooks , shags on tap, ……… Allegedly, speculation of course.
Oct 21
ALLEGEDLY ANON, HMTQ and TBRF have collectively now ostracised the house of Sussex from their social calendar regarding functions and family events , the only contact will probably be official gatherings like Christmas and public appearance such as the Remembrance Day service which I doubt nutmeg will attend due to her being snubbed to another balcony last year. Harry has now gone public on his feud with William. Their socially screwd. Allegedly,speculation of course.
Oct 21
IN PRAISE OF SKIPPYS BLOG , this amazing forum is the most tolerant I’ve had the privilege to post on. Thank you dear skippy for posting comments that perhaps sometimes go against ones beliefs. My utmost respect and acceptance. ‘ Your servant and respectful comrade ,ALLEGEDLY ANON.
I can’t say thank you enough…..or tell you how appreciated you all are! Thank YOU!😊❤️❤️❤️❤️
Oct 22
ALLEGEDLY ANON:- There comes the time when one runs out of superlatives, descriptives, whatever ‘ then you want to tell everyone what you think and a silent hand goes up and you say “ no!! I can’t call her that. Well ‘ fuck it!!!! I’m going to. She is , and has always been a “Manipulative Whore.” Whore ‘ in its most blatant sense. In future Just use the acronym MW. I’ll know what you mean. Allegedly, speculation of course. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Oct 23
ALLEGEDLY ANON, …… purple PURPLE!!! really REALLY!!! The colour of royalty, not a one bit tramp with allusions of grandeur and a sideline in self pity. One little tit-bit that crossed my mind, the use of pharmaceutical enhanced performance. This conduct induces paranoias, believe me I’v been in recovery for 35 years , it’s a hard habit to hide from , and I bet it’s prevalent, uppers, downers , twisters , benders. Mmmmmm’ interesting!! Allegedly, speculation of course.
Oct 23
ALLEGEDLY ANON … So !! She single handedly saved the monarchy ……… a yachting comforter who is a quid pro Quo whore saved a 1200 year institution from stagnation and decay. Some colonial carpetbagger with loose elastic grifted her a$$ into the BRF and manipulated a Prince who’s a founder member of the easily led club. EPIC !!!! and insults HMTQ last night by disgracing the colour purple.
Oct 24
ALLEGEDLY ANON, After a year of PR disasters and faux pas nutmeg still doesn’t understand the secret of royal protocol success , simply put ,you “ quietly attract” rather than obnoxiously promote yourselves. W&K quietly grew into the hearts of The British psyche over a period of hard working years,three gorgeous children and a working royal marriage. Unlike the train wreck of this colonial whore dragged into England’s green and pleasant land. Allegedly, speculation of course. ( O’ Harry). 😔😔😢😢
Oct 26
ALLEGEDLY ANON, So the bitch in Burgundy deciding to vacate her street corner and attend a kitchen meeting with a few collapsible tables and a portable screen. EPIC !!! got out of the electric Audi after a screaming row with himself and went all”power girl” in leather skirt no draws and plunging tits. WOW……… single handedly changing the monarchy 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Oct 26
ALLEGEDLY ANON, So…… ‘ what next a black top with plunging tits ,a black leather jacket and leather slacks and Harry rides her in on the back of a Bonniville 120 to attend a “ save the children “ lunch at the Savoy Hotel , I can imagine her being intimately acquainted with the Oakley chapter……… word salad and tossed salad in equal quantities. ……… YEP!!! modernising the monarchy, that’s our nutmeg. 🏍🏍🏍🏍🤣🤣🤣
Oct. 26
Oct 27
ALLEGEDLY ANON, on reflection ‘ Skippy is right, I assume the old damaged wig will be in Calipornia during RD. Our Prince will be attending in his official capacity. Maybe K and C will be on the balcony with ST. GBHMTQAOGC
Oct 27
ALLEGEDLY ANON ‘ it’s still an anathema to English subjects like myself who grew up remembering the The crowning of HMTQ IN 1952. at WA. That now you have an appendage yachting escort who a few years ago slept with anyone who would give her a leg over her social mobility. Hockey players , chicken chefs , golf pros any suckem and fuckums that crossed her akimbos. It’s a sad time for Britain. Ashley Cole ‘ you dodged a bullet. Allegedly,speculation of course.
Oct 28
ALLEGEDLY ANON … Dear skippy, the audacity of this obnoxious creature,thinking she will be given the opportunity to speak,spout more of her vacuous word salad and send the audience into a premature coma. The royal family is in quite distain of her infantile manipulations effecting her blinkered husband. The colonial carpetbagger will soon return from whence she came to the rapturous delight of all Britain. Allegedly. Speculation of course.
Oct 29
ALLEGEDLY ANON, the obnoxious colonial carpetbagger tells porkies!! Outrageous ,narcissistic ,self promotional, hang me out the window and beat me with the National Enquirer porkies !! Its endemic in her DNA , it’s like listening to cnn , she’s a psychopathic extolling conveyer of mendacious verbiage. I sincerely hope that this appendage that is constantly clawing at our once loved Prince retires to her origins … SOON. allegedly, speculation of course.
Oct 30
ALLEGEDLY ANON ……… That letter had one , and only one project in mind ‘ via that carpetbaggers agenda!!! THE DESTRUCTION OF THE MONARCHY. That trashollop doesn’t want to modernise the monarchy ‘SHE WANTS TO DESTROY IT !!!!!!!!! Why do you think mostly LABOUR FEMALE MPs SIGNED IT. Duuuuuuuuur!!! Allegedly speculation of course
Oct 31
ALLEGEDLY ANON, Since when did a colonial interloper and wife of a royal have the constitutional gall to write a letter of thanks to a sitting MP? Politics off limits!! The rumour mill is grinding away with innuendo and gossip stirring the “ royal sources” into a frenzy. I think there’s going to be quite a Sunday surprise imminent. The protocol illiteracy of nutmegs PR is embarrassing and sad ,where’s Henry 8th !! Allegedly speculation of course.
Nov. 1
ALLEGEDLY ANON, are we supposed to be enthralled by this trash bag visiting a soho sponsored bakery with suspect hygiene. No hygiene gloves, no hand/ hair hygiene, the touching of the matted greasy wig the touching the cake, this video should be shown to the Westminster health inspectorate. No hair covering. There WORKING WITH FOOD PEOPLE ARE GOING TO EAT!!!! another PR pratfall.
Nov. 1
ALLEGEDLY ANON,… some hacks have their tongue so far up nutmegs @rse that rational communication just becomes a sycophantic Dickensian “ ever so ‘umble, mam”. exercise in dickie licking. Such is the passion of their wanting to be associated with the great unwashed one. ( Fame by association )… example ‘ The Telegraph puff piece. I hope Harry is going to adhere to HM. script this weekend.
Nov. 2
ALLEGEDLY ANON, ‘MORNING NUTMEG, “ I never wanted the media spotlight “🤣🤣🤣🤣, how’s all your contradictions going about media exposure? Media executives say you BEGGED them for exposure ( begging.?………thats another word for it.) how’s our oracle on instant gratification this morning, all those trips on yachts must have had lots of moments of “ instant gratification” and let’s not forget SH and MA. …a tad wounded nutmeg? Allegedly, speculation of course 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤥🤥🤥🤥
Nov. 2
ALLEGEDLY ANON,……… THE MOST DISRESPECTFUL INSULTING APPEARANCE SO FAR , MILLIONS GAVE THEIR LIVES FROM AMERICA,GREAT BRITAIN AND CANADA IN BOTH WORLD WARS. …… ‘ this disrespectful tramp turned up to be recorded on film without the world wide symbol of respect for the fallen ‘ the Poppy. HMTQ must have duly noted. social ineptitude on purpose. The final insulting straw.
Nov 3
ALLEGEDLY ANON, Ostracised, financially bereft, ignored and despised. An outed grifter gone rogue. This notary of Babylonian reputation and suspect sexual indulgences will allegedly grace one of the hallowed balconies of Whitehall on Remembrance Sunday. She will contaminate the great and the good patrons of the monarchy of the British public. Please feel free to booooooooo !!
Nov 4
ALLEGEDLY ANON, WAS NUTMEG SCARED TO APPEAR?? This question is at the top of everyone’s agenda after reports that the colonial carpetbagger has fled her unoccupied cottage in Windsor and jumped on a private jet to LAX. The no.1 priority of slutchess disaster is to avoid being verbally castigated by the public at the RAH Saturday night tribute remembrance service. Also it saves her isolating appearance on The hallowed balcony the next day. A joyous departure for Brits. 👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋
Nov 5
ALLEGEDLY ANON, RE-REMEMBRANCE FIELDS. Expect nutmeg to push ahead of H. Expect it to wear a rainbow poppy, expect her to look for the cameras, expect her stupid rictus grin, as Skippy comments,expect the unexpected. The public once again are dismayed that Camilla will accompany the colonial carpetbagger on this memorable occasion honouring the fallen. I thought it was illegal to drop trash in the hallowed fields. Expect a complete lack of protocol. Allegedly, speculation of course.
Nov 6
ALLEGEDLY ANON, Dear Skippy The British public are a reserved but unforgiving lot when one tries deception which nutmeg has indulged in. Sooo , if the slutchess and himself appeared together without a minder they would be open to verbal ridicule …… enter stage left Camilla ‘ decorum and protocol would stifle any and all booing from the public,even though they would probably love a good Booo. We wait. Allegedly, speculation of course.
Nov 6
ALLEGEDLY ANON, NUTMEG to have 2nd child in USA’ FFS, well there’s already a child around according to the Golf organiser where you were a caddy escort, O’ when did you have a child in the U.K.?you mean archificial?? The surrogate dump? Surrogates in the US are ten a penny in Calipornia so a 43 year old grifting yachter won’t have a problem giving “birth” there. You can pay a Surrogate out of the 5mill. Docudrama you’re making in LA. ALLEGEDLY, SPECULATION OF COURSE.
Nov 6
ALLEGEDLY ANON … THE ROYAL PREROGATIVE. HMTQ. is the head of our 1200 year Monarchy. There was a time in antiquity when only the head of the monarchy could wear the colour PURPLE!! This is so relevant to today’s protocol and practice. Sooooo !! let’s not dilute this ageless and respectful practice. “ are you listening slutchess!! “ ONLY HMTQ …… OK’ good!! now carry on doing what you do best at Soho ho ho ho. Allegedly ,speculation of course
Nov 7
ALLEGEDLY ANON, Alleged conversation between nutmeg and MA “yeah’ $h!t, tell me about it, stroking his bald f**** head, pretending to be having the best orgasm, haven’t had a decent screw since Madrid. When I come over we’ll hook with George in Malibu, get rat-@ssed , make a weekend of it, NO!! don’t call me, there f*** monitoring my phone, OK sweetie , can’t wait, bye”……… “ yes LG the conversation was recorded by one of our team in the RPO.” … “OK Tony , file under “Your Fu****d.”🤣🤣🤣
Nov 9
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Nov 11
ALLEGEDLY ANON …… remarks about nutmegs upper lip, all I can surmise is herpes , an old affliction resurfaced. God knows, knowing what we know about her colourful history it wouldn’t surprise me that any number of maladies would have infected her, escorting ,Yachting, So-hoing, auditioning, golf-caddying, friends of porn-stars, hockey players,……… social diseases are an occupational hazard. Allegedly, speculation of course 😷😷😷😷😷
Nov 11
ALLEGEDLY ANON, “ you wanted to see me Gran, “ Yes Harry, about you both slipping into the royal box , protocol depicts placement Harry!! You both sit at the back for a reason, she’s not a royal, and Harry’ her dress was inappropriate for the occasion, one exposes ones cleavage on reality shows , not honouring the fallen. Now pop off to America and try to be a Little understated, remind your wife to return those earrings. They belonged to Queen Mary, remember Harry, discretion not obsession.
And here is why I don’t believe you. Harry is NOT leaving, I hardly doubt HM would be so calm…..and second…MM NEVER borrowed any jewelry from HM! That is fake! Those earrings were cheap…..only HM wears Queen Mary’s pearl earrings….MM has NEVER worn them…..this conversation NEVER happened! And another thing…….Harry would not have moved seats without permission…not that close to HM!
Nov 11
ALLEGEDLY ANON, ALL HAIL THE DOC. O dear sweet Kate, elegance personified!! On the balcony with HMTQ and Camilla, dressing as You always do , class and dignity. That Cossack style coat with matching (fascinator) or hat. The most photographed woman on the planet. This is protocol and the Royal Family in all its mystique. Long may it live Thank you dear Skippy for posting so many tributes to the mother of our most loved George,Charlotte and Louie. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🦄🦎🧸
Nov 11
ALLEGEDLY ANON … IMAGES OF A DESPERATE ESCORT … of all the slutty images we have seen over the last two years( too many to mention) there are thousands that her PR destroyed that would compromise her position as a wife of a member of the royal family. Is this the dossier that the DM paid a million pounds for, and the intel. that LG has onmegatramp, that face of a thousand smirks says it all “ I’m untouchable”. Where have those lips been Harry??Ughhhh !! Allegedly , speculation of course.
Nov 13
ALLEGEDLY ANON, Expect nutmeg to hook up with HRC during the next few days , mutual hugging and @ss kissing. Dorito will appear in a out of focus photo with Harry and nutmeg, a PR statement will announce another pivotal ploy that she will go to the states but may return to be at Sandringham for Christmas, or may not. All smoking mirror Kabuki for the tabloids to drool over and lay false trails. Actually nutmegs in the Caribbean soaking up the men. Allegedly. Speculation of course.
Nov 13
ALLEGEDLY ANON, “ were going to LA , NOooooo were staying here!! O’ going to Sandringham then , Noooo, were gonna feed the ‘omless at shelter nr Windsor, feed them what , you know Turkey and stuffing,an Brussel sprouts an stuff!!! I’ll take archificial for the sympathy vote , look all humanitarian like’ Haz can f***off to see his gran and I’ll dump archificial on Dorito,then I’ll shlep off to So-Ho house for a quick shag with MA.… 🎼jingle bell,jingle bell,jingle bell c**k. 🎼 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Nov 14
ALLEGEDLY ANON, dear skippy, I know this great blog is not political but KAC just Blitzed ,Wolf Blitzer on CNN , EPIC!! …… The Queen is reported by the DE That she “drops in” on our dynamic duo because nutmeg needs “ cheering up”, and so she has a cuppa with the depression prone actress drawing on her years of experience to inject some positivity, yeah right!! 🤣🤣🤣 we all swallow that bull$h!t. Sunshine Sucks in disaster mode again!! HMTQ DROPS IN ON NUTMEG!! … WTF!!
Nov 14
ALLEGEDLY ANON, She was pregnant? A shotgun marriage of unhappy people, a WTF wedding cake, a very hurried guest list, no pomp no carpet, only a narc would walk alone down the aisle alone with the knowledge you’ve got him by the b***. A very strange fakency, no record of actual birth date, FFS birth certificate, “ he’s changed over two weeks” , “ can we see his face.” WE ALL WITNESSED HER LIES, WE ALL SUSPECTED SOMETHING ODD. WE ALL KNEW. IF SHES HONEST , WHY THE AGGRESSIVE PR?? 🤔🤔🤔
Nov 14
ALLEGEDLY ANON, THIS VIDEO OF THE BUMP POPPING WHEN SHE STANDS UP. nutmeg looks very self conscious and embarrassed. ( build-up of air within the prosthetic and a rapid exhalation of compressed air. ) sounds like a “pop”. She compresses the prosthetic when she bends down and air is rapidly expelled as she stands up. POP!! Anyone still think she was REALLY pregnant??? Didn’t think so.
Nov 14
ALLEGEDLY ANON, Rebecca English , HRC visits nutmeg and archificial Hold up , hold up, didn’t I mention this earlier this week ……… the old hack has stolen my scoop !!!!! Can’t give out good information without it getting nicked by the DM and there desperate scribes. Remember …… YOU SAW IT FIRST ON SKIPPY!!!!
nov 13
ALLEGEDLY ANON, Expect nutmeg to hook up with HRC during the next few days , mutual hugging and @ss kissing. Dorito will appear in a out of focus photo with Harry and nutmeg, a PR statement will announce another pivotal ploy that she will go to the states but may return to be at Sandringham for Christmas, or may not. All smoking mirror Kabuki for the tabloids to drool over and lay false trails. Actually nutmegs in the Caribbean soaking up the men. Allegedly. Speculation of course.
Nov 14
ALLEGEDLY ANON, So, Rebecca English writes today “EXCLUSIVE” HRC visits nutmeg, ON THE 13th , two days ago Allegedly anon writes , HRC WILL VISIT NUTMEG!! , all we can conclude is that RE gets her information on SKIPPY!!! like so many informants proclaiming scoops they see IT FIRST ON SKIPPY!!! And we all know nutmeg visits here. And HMTQ god bless her. Nutmeg reads the blog and then goes up to her bedroom and cries😭😭😭😭😭😭
Nov 15
ALLEGEDLY ANON, HRC was reported to visit nutmeg and archificial ……… but NOT APPEARING ON COURT CIRCULAR “ Sooooo BS !! It’s all a PR push with the tabloids trying to put some lipstick on this propaganda pig. Rebecca English trying for a try, whooooops , tabloid tosh. Where are your receipts , “ well actually I haven’t any” “ I just printed the gossip” sources darling, sources !! It’s suggested that you’re a good journalist, but that’s gossip, allegedly, speculation of course.
Nov 15
ALLEGEDLY ANON, THE DEADLY DIARIES, O, yes the Machiavellian manipulator has a diary, ( actually she’s on her third) an intimate record of conversations, events and observations that has “ affected” the “ I’m not OK” Woke scribe over the , leading up to, wedding and disasters afterwards. And don’t let us forget all the “ pillow-talk” she’s chronicled. She’s gathered more $h!t on the royal family over the past year that defies comprehension. speculation of course. Publication imminent allegedly.
Nov 18
ALLEGEDLY ANON, WELL, here’s a thing, nutmegs coercion of Harry to skip Christmas with the family seems selfish and petty, both PP&HM in their nineties need the love and support of the royal extended family, nutmeg has a younger mother and plenty of years to indulge her self-centredness. She’s not helping the damage limitation by swanning off to Malibu in her poo hat. 💩💩💩… allegedly,speculation of course.
Nov 19
ALLEGEDLY ANON, The “ court of public opinion” and “trail by media” is a popular hysterical pastime, the peeps need drama , what would we do without the constant daily shower of innuendo and hearsay, gossip and third hand “quotes” from the ever sensational “Tabloids”. Headlines are contagious, insidious deformation of character is the rule of day wether true or false. I’m guilty of jumping on the bandwagon of conjecture. BUT … I suggest we all wait and see. IUPG. allegedly speculation of course.
Nov 20
ALLEGEDLY ANON, BC logged 26 recorded trips on Epstein’s private jet. “ my friend Bill Clinton sat on that seat”,Epstein said to a pubescent jet traveller as she flew to an assignation with the paedophile Billionaire. MSM seems to have air brushed this out of the public conscience, while castigating PA , BC seems to have very powerful press Associations. S’pose nobody wants to be suicided. Allegedly, speculation of course 💀💀💀🤣🤣🤣
Nov 20
ALLEGEDLY ANON, PA has fallen on his sword, for whom?? Wellllllllllllll! …… BC and his Arkansas cabal has all the tapes, the FBI , has tapes. but, BC has “THE” tapes. Allegedly there were over 15 cctv cameras in his NY mansion. Hypothetically these tapes would hold very incriminating evidence on most guests visiting the Machiavellian mansion. Teflon bubba has complete immunity from association with young girls to murder. Unfuckingtouchable!! Allegedly speculation of course. 💰💰💰💰👯‍♀️👯‍♀️
Nov 21
ALLEGEDLY ANON, Nutmeg courted by Marvel Pictures, Sony, and Disney on arrival in LA. This opens to conjecture her ambitions while in negotiations with said production giants. Courting future ambitions for a return to her former occupation she is using her celebrity to get a foothold into Hollywood ?………… will PH follow??🤣🤣🤣🤣
Nov 22
ALLEGEDLY ANON … SO… Nutmeg takes down her Wikipedia post on being a “deal or no deal” hostess!!!! Trying to airbrush her dubious past. There’s an interview with a golf tournament organiser about hiring “deal or no deal girls” as “caddy’s”. She said nutmeg as married, and had a “KID” and was very popular girl with the golf pros. Mmmmm ‘ someone let the “KID” out of the bag. Allegedly, speculation of course.
Nov 22
ALLEGEDLY ANON, I wonder if the cancellation of “ Breakfast in America “ has anything to do with the Epstein forthcoming revelations. Nutmegs been banging on about America’ America, for ages,suddenly it’s all off. I believe she has “history” with PA ( yachting) And with JE&GM procuring?? ( hidden years). She’s gone all incommunicado since PAs disaster interview. PA should suggest,turn up at Hamley’s with archificial buying Christmas presents. Allegedly,speculation of course.
Nov 23
ALLEGEDLY ANON, WHERE IS NUTMEG, not at frog cottage, she’s still smarting from being fobbed off with a “cottage” instead of a palace that she spends her time at itinerant different crash-pads in and around the Capital. Secrecy is paramount when protecting nutmeg and archificial, ………… but wait!!! Nobody has ever seen archificial, is he real???? Was he EVER REAL?? nobody knows,nobody cares anymore. Maybe Harry will shed light. Allegedly, speculation of course 🤫🤫🤫
Nov 23
ALLEGEDLY ANON, with respect, the monarchy is a dignified elder statesman ruling with ageing concepts that haven’t changed for over 50 years. With it come the problems of cosseted contempt. There is redemption, W&K have the professional ability to change and add a new reality of “ we the people” to the monarchy as a young “Family”. Everywhere they go they trailblaze fresh and new examples of a monarchy for the 22nd century. LETS LET THEM!!
Nov 24
ALLEGEDLY ANON , One thing my little birdies tell me that’s a consensus among the royal family and it’s this. Nutmegs atrocious taste in clothes. The colonial carpetbag has never sought advice from the younger well dressed royal women on he wardrobe, hence she remains the worst dressed offender in Windsor. And no amount of PR spin can correct that. So she’ll remain an assault on the visual senses for The distant future, poor us. Allegedly, speculation of course.
Nov 25
ALLEGEDLY ANON, POTUS /Melania will stay with the ambassador to the court of St. James and the siblings will probably stay in the same hotel as last year while in London, expect Ivanka to contact nutmeg. The banquet will be a very formal and stiff, Trump will give an address but drift off script, HMTQ will remind all of the importance of NATO. Kate will steal the show and William will endorse his king in waiting credentials. A cool evening. Allegedly, speculation of course.
Nov 25
ALLEGEDLY ANON, Nutmeg is going to choreograph her Christmas card photo because she’s jealous of Kate’s talent in photography. The Green eyed monster is alive and flourishing at frog cott. or wherever she’s sleeping these days,expect a horrifying snap of ginge&cringe with archificial at a suitably obscure location. We wait with baited indifference. 🧣🧣🧣🧣
Nov 25
ALLEGEDLY ANON, MM said she’s being pitted against the DOC. ………… Ehhhhh , Nutmeg ‘ QUEENS don’t compete with hoes. The Monarchy is the privilege of few , a hoe is a hoe is a hoe. …………… yacht sluts are ten a penny, no matter hoe they married. Allegedly, speculation of course. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Nov 27
ALLEGEDLY ANON, back in LA and attempted the most difficult of tasks, cooking a dinner? yep’ nutmeg has decided to roast the turkey. OMG, how will she cope ‘ frantic phone calls to Cory, are the roast potatoes crispy, do I put the pigs in a blanket on an hour before the turkey has finished? are The Brussels Firm or soft ? WHAT ABOUT THE GRAVY?? yes nutmeg it’s a nightmare, and your skills are only good in one domain. Not the kitchen!! Allegedly speculation of course. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🦃🦃🦃🦃
Nov 27
ALLEGEDLY ANON, THE AGE ISSUE !!!! how old is nutmeg?? my sister is 53 and thanks to PGs wrinkle cream she looks 33. But nutmeg is “ supposedly is 38 but looks 48, her actual age is 43. Another fakency,yehhhh, good luck with that one ‘🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 wants to find another surrogate for a birth in LA. How does Harry live with this fantasising bint. , O yes ,that’s right ‘ he doesn’t !!! Hey nutmeg how’s the Turkey doing?i smell burning. 🦃🔥🔥…… Allegedly ,speculation of course.
Nov 29
ALLEGEDLY ANON, we now have video footage of a brave member of the public tackling a terrorist with a s/vest strapped to him , the police pull him clear then shoot him. Sanity is restored, don’t fuck about, just shoot the POS. BRAVA MET POLICE. lot of isis returned from Syria recently and more released from jail. They have contaminated our once beautiful city , GSTQAOBC.
Nov 30
ALLEGEDLY ANON, WHERE’S THE BABY ?? The most disturbing appearance was at the polo match when she wore the green tent. Nobody acknowledged her or the doll she carried around “RE-WATCH THE VIDEO” that was a seriously disturbed individual. ITS TIME THE PRESS RELEASES ALL THE EVIDENCE THEY HAVE IN CAMERA. How many of the public haven’t seen her barbecue ad? or the undressed maid. Better still , sex on the Jamaican balcony?? ALLEGEDLY SPECULATION OF COURSE. 🤣🤣🤣
Nov 30
ALLEGEDLY ANON, DEAR SKIPPY, OUR PRIMARY PURPOSE IS THE CONVICTION OF THE COLONIAL CARPETBAGGER, I shan’t loose focus on this procedure, to expose her grifting, lies and entrapment of a Prince. The fakency, illusion of a birth, the doll months , the non appearance of Archificial, the “ soup kitchen “ thanksgiving lie, the ‘ I’m hiding in America,Canada, Calipornia lies. Actually she’s holding up with her minders in SOHOE. trying to arrange her next faux headline.
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ryncorrect · 6 years
university!au: day6 jae
following my uni!au with young k (idk how to link my own post asbajdnskmd im Dumb) so here another one with jae lol i think im gonna make one for each one of them buttttttt no promise bc my brain works in a very mysterious way LOL
anyway leggo
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warning: this is lame lmaooooo
name: park jaehyung / jae
major: politic science
other activities: guitarist (and sometimes vocalist) of university band, member of music club, founder and leader of LOL SQUAD
everyone knows that tall skinny guitarist of the band i mean he’s hard to ignore tbh
he always wears loose T-shirt, ripped jeans, a cap that he puts backward, and round big specs to campus
professors hate his ripped jeans but can’t really say anything because oh well style doesn’t define someone’s grades and boy, does this kid actually get some braincells in him
well i mean at least he never fails his classes
he has this giant LOLSQUAD badge on his backpack because he’s proud af of his title as the club founder and leader
he actually started that club so he could to brag about his gaming skill to everyone who wanted to listen but he ends up getting his ass handed to him every single time they play together smh
if he’s not in class or hanging out with his game buddies, he can be seen following that Popular Student™ kang younghyun or as jae prefers to call him, “brian” or “brIBRI” because they both joined music club and are in the band
yes yes he’s well known and easy to spot
“jae? park jaehyung?? who???”
everyone refers to him as “that foreigner student”, “the American guy” or “the gamer guy”, or my favorite: “chicken little”
i will never let that joke die im sorry but seriously he looks like chicken when he plays his guitar on the stage don’t @ me
there are only like 5 students in the whole university who know his actual name
anyways in this scenario you’ve always been interested in playing guitar but haven’t gotten a chance to learn and your friend kim wonpil invites you to join music club so you’ll have friends to practice with
“you know our jaehyungie, right? he’s really chill, you’ll get along well with him!!”
deep inside you’re like
who the heck is jaehyung
but wonpil is so excited to have you there so the next week you come to the club meeting
you introduce yourself to everyone and finally you meet him
“ohmygod the chicken little!!”
“sorry- i mean the chicken guitarist- wait no-”
he glares at you, you laugh instead
scaring the new member challenge: failed
but yeah you’d seen him performing before and honestly you almost decided to become his fan
a l m o s t
at first he (jokingly) refuses to teach you guitar because you called him chicken little
and since then you keep calling him that just to mess with him
“hi chicken little”
“what’s poppin chicken little”
“why do you look so flustered, chicken little? do i make you nervous??”
he turns red chicken little is now an angry bird “gO AWAY NEWBIE YOU’RE SO ANNOYING”
jae’s a foreigner but he speaks fluent korean
he tells you that even though he was born and grew up in america he always speaks the language with his parents
but of course since he lives abroad there are lots of words or slang he doesn’t know, so you gotta be an ass and slip some difficult words when you speak to him
he gets his revenge by replying to you in english
whenever you two are having an argument (usually over stupid things) everyone in the club suddenly gets headache
wtf they’re not even making any sense
besides music, jae is the most excited when talking about LOL or social topics because well his major
honestly idk much about politic science so cmiimw
one time someone asks for his opinion about social welfare and he ends up starting a sudden debate session with the said person about social welfare programs in south korea and america and the difference between both countries
you mention human rights and he sNAPS
i mean he gives a full 15 mins speech about it
“yknow what im sayin?”
“dude… i honestly don’t get it at all”
because he be speaking in full english like wat
he’s just so passionate about everything it’s almost adorable
a l m o s t
and it’s not only his passion but also his small eyes, his laugh, his voice, or the way he occasionally lifts his head to look at you while playing guitar and you smile and he smiles because you smile first shnshsbshs soft
even the corners of his lips are so cute wow
oh fuck im emo i love him
but you adore him just as a good friend
he’s always been bubbly and friendly with everyone, not just you, so yeah it’s really easy to fall for him but you assure yourself that you’re nOT
are we having “in denial” shit again omg im so uncreative
anyway fast forward it’s ur birthday!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYYY
you decide to throw a small party at your place and invite 5 or 6 of your closest friends but damn on the d-day it rains so hard
if ur bday falls on winter then change it to snowing hard, if it’s spring then maybe there’s strong wind or something, whatever suits you fam lol
so no one comes to your party lol you are Sad
no you didn’t invite him because idk
are we really that close??? ehhhh he probably won’t come anyway haha why bother
he’s carrying an umbrella but it didn’t really help apparently because he’s soaking wet
imagine that view i mean nvm
“i happened to be near here and i remember it’s your birthday today so i think i’m gonna drop by to say hi and suddenly it’s raining too hard on the way but anyway happy birthday can you let me in first i’m cold”
ofc you let jae in i mean we can’t let the chicken catch the flu amirite
but you warn him that he’ll have to leave before 11 or your RA will kick you both out the dorm lol
after a towel, two cups of hot tea, and one shared piece of chocolate cake, you told him you were supposed to have a small party tonight but no one could make it because of the rain and he’s like “hOW DARE YOU HAVING A PARTY BUT NOT INVITING ME I THOUGHT WHAT WE HAD WAS SPECIAL” and you’re just like “lol shut up chicken here eat more cake”
anyways you two spend time joking and talking about random stuff and it’s probably not the best birthday ever but at least you don’t have to spend it alone and to be honest you’re happy that he’s here
then jae pulls out his ultimate weapon
i mean his guitar
he was soaking wet but the guitar is clean and dry and all fine like hoW EVEN
“priorities” -park jaehyung
he said he gonna play a song of your choice because he came empty handed and he feels bad about it
you blush and pick whatever song comes to your mind because you can’t really think of any, and he starts strumming his guitar and sings
and while he keeps looking at you, you find yourself too can’t take your eyes off him
the song ends and you’re about to clap your hands when he suddenly starts another one
wait you’ve never heard this song before
it’s a slow song and the lyrics are all like, the sky turns dark on the birthday of the brightest star so that it’ll be the only light in his world, how he feels regretful that he has nothing to give but his small heart, and he hopes that this lovely person will hold his hand as they listen to this song together, that this lovely person will feel warm beside him
guys just imagine the song okay i can’t Romance
it’s dead silent until you whisper, “is that… a song for me?”
jae’s face turns red and he starts panicking™ like “i made up the lyrics just now okay i know it’s fricking sappy and cheesy as hell okay i just uhhh want to cheer you up!!!! because you seem kinda down!!!!! let’s not talk about this again uGh WhatEvER leT Me LIvE!!!!!”
but you chuckle and thank him, it was the best present you can get from anyone
you two stare at each other for a second that feels like years and he finally breaks the silence, “you know,,, maybe i came here on purpose,,, maybe actually i want to see you,,,”
“and why is it?”
“because i think,,, i miss you,,, kinda”
and you don’t say this out loud but maybe you do know that
even if you say you’ll never
in fact you’ve already fallen for him a bit
or perhaps a lot
like a lot
then he leans in to kiss your lips and you kiss back and it’s almost not awkward at all, it just feels right as if you’ve kissed him million times before
a l m o s t
you two still blush real hard after
but yeah that’s how you two start dating
none of you two tell anyone about it but it’s pretty obvious, i mean jae always picks you up at your dorm, he walks with you to your class or vice versa (if your classes don’t overlap tho), you two keep stealing glances at each others, also—
jae with you: “hey,,,, come here sit with me u3u,,,,, did you have lunch??? oh i wrote a song last night check this out,,,, what are you gonna do this saturday? oml you’re so cute”
welp actually he’s not always sweet with you, sometimes you two still argue about silly things using mixed languages but now everyone in the club knows better to just run away once it begins
because it’ll end up with you two fighting or you two kissing
yes im nasty and a disappointment bye
btw wonpil is excited af it’s almost like he’s dating you both
“it’s really nice seeing you two finally together!!!!!!! especially because jaehyung really couldn’t shut up about you ever since the first day you joined our music club”
“wait wha-”
I’m so in love with park jaehyung y'all hsnshsbsh aNYWAYS!!! 100 blocks limit has lifted from tumblr app AYEEEEE
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Stream of Consciousness Lover Album Reaction
I wrote out my first thoughts while listening to the album and put them in one big post. I hope you find them as funny as I do lmao
1. I Forget That You Existed
LOL so that’s what the drake Easter egg was about!
Who is this about????
This track is somehow savage and adorable at the same time
2. Cruel Summer
This is giving me Katy perry vibes
The devils roll their dice line is from this?? Didn’t expect that
This is maybe the catchiest song I’ve ever heard
Why is this not a single??????
This also kind of gives me Jonas brothers vibes, why???
Again.....what is this about???
OooOOoooOooWhoooooAAAAhh i loveeee this
OOOH no you know what this gives me GETAWAY CAR vibes
Wait...do we think that at the beginning joe wanted to keep their relationship private and Taylor agreed but then changed her mind? WAIT NO.....is this about her having to keep her love for joe secret at first the summer they met because she was with someone else/it was too soon??
3. Lover
Ok SUPER WEIRD transition into lover but OK
As much as I love albums with a clear narrative like rep I also like being all over the place so this is fine
I wonder what inspired her to use the term lover? Does she not know that normal people don’t speak like that?
WAIT IS THE REASON LOVER COMES AFTER CRUEL SUMMER because of the 3 summers line?? Like look how we started...now were here
Does the album begin with i forgot you existed because its like ok this Kanye situation happened...but now were gonna forget about that and talk about the realer real story of the past couple years of my life rather than seeing it through the lens of that story like on rep
4. The Man
Honestly though i actually thought this one would be more savage, i thi
Never mind this is as savage as i wanted
I should know better than to judge a Taylor song before the bridge
Again why isn’t this a single.....it better be
5. The Archer
The emotional whiplash this album is giving me is insane.
It’s like RED but with synths
Is the archer placed here because part of her lack of self confidence comes from the things the media says about her (because she’s a woman not a man?) INTERESTING THOUGHT
Don’t have much else to say about this, we already know
Wow the cake i bought for tonight is somehow way too sweet
6. I Think He Knows
Definitely didn’t think i think he knows was about being horny af
But this is so catchy
Why is everything so catchy?? Literally every song should be a single
BOY I UNDERSTAND the confidence!! After the archer!! I love that he makes her feel that way1!!
This gives me teenage dream vibes and i fucking love that song
7. Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince
Ok time for the one with the weird title
I love how she keeps comparing her current feelings to how she felt as a teenager!! How its the same and different....very good.
More dice!
Is she imagining what it would be like if she was in this relationship in high school? Because I DO THAT ALL THE TIIIIME GIRL SAME
I really like this one. I didn’t expect I would.
This should be a single.
8. Paper Rings
She’s singing so fast on these songs!!!! I CANT KEEP UPP
This is so retro and i loooooooooooooooooooooove it
Ok baby boy that’s kinda weird but you know what..
Ok its still weird but maybe it will grow on me
This should be a single.
9. Cornelia Street
The storytelling!
Wait......is this about before they ran away together in CIWYW?? Like she thought he didn’t really want her so she was gonna run away alone...but then he was like no i really do lets go
I totally thought that this was the one with the staring out the window like I’m not your favorite town line was from
She ended it with the line she started with (i think)? Ike she used to!
Kinda feel like people hyped this one up too much but i do like it
10. Death by a Thousand Cuts
The piano!!!!
Like a thousand notes a thousand cuts
Look through the windows of this love - like the heart on her eye! I get it I GET IT lmaoooo
If this song was on red it would have the saddest production but on this album its a bop
11. London Boy
I don’t know if this song is supposed to be as hilarious as i think it is but i really do think its hilarious
What does like a Tennessee Stella McCartney even mean????
I kinda feel like this song is too specific to her life to be relatable so maybe that’s why i feel that way about it?
12. Soon You’ll Get Better
Ok great... so we went from that to the sad one
I have to prepare
I didn’t tell you i was scared....
Cause you have to...
The fact that this is the country song...
I cant
That was the only song so far i had to actually stop typing for. God....I’m so sad for her and her family.
13. False God
I can barely take this song in because of what just came before.
But i really like it. And i really like the theme of religion on this album
14. You Need to Calm Down
This album is literally all over the place, i keep trying to assign a narrative to it and its not working out so I’m just gonna give up
Sometimes albums are just collections of songs and not a coherent, linear story and that is ok! Even if its not what i prefer
It certainly didn’t bother me on her first few albums.
The one thing i take away from this is like...no wonder she’s so determined to be so overly positive, i think for her its that or break down crying in the face of what’s happening in her family
15. Afterglow
I really love this song!!! Hashtag relatable
Man..you can really tell even just from my typing that my heart isn’t in this anymore after that song
I think I’m just sad for me too, because i know that i will go through that too sooner rather than later and I already have friends dealing with losing a parent.
16. ME!
My only thought on this is god bless brendon Urie for injecting so much additional joy and energy into this song and making Taylor happy, i just get the vibe that she really needed that
We’ll see if its on my physical cd copies when they arrive...if not then maybe it was always planned to be a line only in the single version
17. It’s Nice to Have a Friend
Ok I don’t really like this song that much but i really like the messages she’s trying to send like...real love feels like hanging out with a childhood bestie, so comfortable
18. Daylight
Also something about the chorus reminds me of the chorus of starlight
My feelings are everywhere. Some songs disappointed me but some blew me away - soon you’ll get better is basically the new Never Grow Up for me which is saying a lot. Everything is catchy a hell though even the songs I didn’t like as much. Ultimately i would have liked more songs about varying subject matter esp. self love but as it is, it is still somehow so all over the place. It really just shows how many emotions and phases can be contained within one relationship (i mean I’m assuming every song about a relationship is about joe). I really think that the song about her mom maybe should have been placed somewhere else...I don’t know where I would have put it but that shit is HEAVY. I am so honored that she and her family would share that with us though. I have a million question about how Andrea is doing and if my theory on why tour hasn’t been announced is correct...maybe she will explain more in the interviews/secret session audio we’re getting in the next couple days. I think my favorite song is Lover but that may change. I don’t think any song on here tops my current all time favorite Taylor song though which is CIWYW. That’s a little disappointing but not every song or album has to be my fave! And this album will probably grow on me esp as i hear Taylor’s explanations of it. Rep did. I really did nooott feel good about most of rep at first, it took a few days.
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tear-her-aus · 6 years
Karma’s a Bitch - pt 7
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Part 1    Part 2     Part 3     Part 4    Part 5    Part 6    Part 7    Part 8
Summary: Closure. That’s what you needed to finally forget that memory of your past. A memory that shaped you into becoming the person you are today. Perhaps you wouldn’t find closure, but instead closure in the form of a boy would find you.
Pairing: Jimin x female reader x Jungkook (?)
WC: 5.1k
Warnings: Low self esteem, past trauma
A/N: Well hello! This is one of my favorite parts so far, so I really hope you like it as well. From this part on, the story finds its real course, so I hope you stick to find out what all of this is really about :) 
* - * - * - * - *
Part 7
It was probably 9 am. You could tell by the light entering through your curtains. Despite being so early to wake up for a weekend, you started to stretch your arms as far as they were capable of. Wondering if it was better just to stay a little more and sleep a few more minutes, you turned the other way around to find a comfortable position. While you were turning, you felt something, or perhaps someone, beside you. Panic overcame your senses, and you started thinking of how you could end up in this type of situation. You didn’t drink last night or go to a club, so why this felt like a one-night stand? You tried to remember what was the last thing that happened the previous day, but only memories of your attacker would cloud your judgement. You were about to scream when once again a certain smell stopped you from losing your mind (or perhaps it was just the opposite?) In just a few seconds your brain made the connection between that smell and its owner.
More awake than ever, you slowly turned around to confirm your suspicion. Indeed, the owner of such a smell was as good as his cologne, or perhaps it was his natural smell? You could believe someone as perfect as this boy would have such a good natural odor. In fact, it wasn’t just his smell that was such a good combination with the boy, but everything from what he wears to the way he breathes is perfection. That was a word you didn’t like to associate with people (or maybe just with yourself), but he did made favor to the noun. Thinking in the opposite of perfection, you thought of yourself. You probably looked like a scarecrow:  knowing all too well how you looked at mornings, it wasn’t a good picture to show to your… What was he? A million thoughts were flying over your mind, but the most prominent one screamed “You must look presentable before he wakes up!” And so, you started arranging a plan of how to get to the bathroom without waking Jimin up.
Once again, you turned to face the window, and slowly took the blanket off your body. Step 1: achieved. Now, step 2 was a little harder since you had to place your feet on the floor, and having such a noisy wooden floor, your attempt would be louder than a BTS concert. You didn’t know how, but you managed to place your feet lightly on the floor. Knowing perfectly well which spots creaked the most, you started avoiding those spots at all costs. If you could see yourself from a third person point of view, you would find yourself looking like a spy entering a place full of laser alarms: you looked ridiculous. But as ridiculous as it looked, you somehow managed to get to your bathroom without waking Jimin up. Looking at your reflection, you sighed. How were you going to fix yourself before Jimin woke up? This was a total disaster. Scolding at your past self for inviting Jimin to stay, you started by brushing your teeth since no one wants to be faced with morning breath. That would be the worst thing one could do to their crush. Crush, is it? Was he just that? (or were you lying to yourself in order to not admit your true feelings?) Anyways, you made yourself at least presentable, and once again became a spy whose mission was not to wake the angel up. Step 3: In process. You were about to get in bed once again, but damn… The way the sun made way to his face added to how angelic he looked sleeping. Admiring his beauty, you stayed like that for a few minutes until you saw him stir. Blowing all your effort away, you threw yourself in the bed and placed your blanket over your body as if you were a little girl hiding her mischief from her parents.
You hoped he didn’t wake up, and the minutes of silence proved you right, so you took the blanket off your face to confirm what you expected. He was still asleep, phew! Mission completed! Now you had to fake being asleep until he too wakes up. That or you could try to sleep again, but you knew it would be impossible because your heart felt like a drumroll. Finally, you decided on the first option since the second one seemed improbable. This time you laid facing Jimin, who seemed unbothered by your breath hitting his face. You could see the view in front of you for ages and never get bored. There was something about how when he had his eyes closed, it looked like he was smiling. And a smiling Jimin was all you needed to feel happy. It was that simple: his happiness brought you happiness somehow, or at least, made you smile. Then there was the perfect blend of Jimin’s ivory hair with his pale skin. It was a contrast that made him look younger yet mature, something also out of this world. He was a complete mystery to your eyes, like a Pandora box that looked so beautiful in the outside that anyone would want to know what marvelous things could be found on the inside.
* - * - * - * - *
Slowly, Jimin opened his eyes, and his vision landed on an unfamiliar wall. He blinked several times to gain consciousness and to figure out where he was. Focusing his vision, he noticed the wall had a calendar stuck to it, and notes were written on each day. Soon enough he realized he wasn’t in his room, so he turned around to figure out whose room this was. Upon turning to the other side, his eyes immediately landed on a figure that was sleeping peacefully. That was the only thing he needed to gain consciousness in a second. Unconsciously, he smiled upon seeing how beautiful this girl looked by only breathing and dreaming. Being too greedy, he wished she was dreaming about him or at least about their time together. Some part of Jimin wanted to hold her tight and kiss her forehead, but at the same time he didn’t want to wake her since he remembered what she went through the day before. So not wanting to ruin her peacefulness, he tried getting off the bed as quietly as he could manage. This wasn’t a one-night stand, so he didn’t have the need to run away before his companion would wake up. Instead he was trying to leave the room for other reasons.
Silently, he exited the room and headed for the kitchen. Jimin wanted to do something to lift Y/N’s spirits, so he decided on cooking some breakfast for the both of them. To prepare a delicious meal, he checked several recipes from the internet and lastly decided on some French toast and coffee. It wasn’t such a special thing to prepare, but it was something he would manage to do quickly before Y/N woke up. It was about 10 am when he finished arranging the table, and he wondered how to wake up Y/N to eat. He didn’t want to pry in her room again, so he decided on waiting for her to come out by herself. While waiting for her to come, he started washing the dishes to leave everything as clean as it was before he started cooking. It was probably due to the running water that he didn’t hear a pair of footsteps approach him from behind, but as soon as he finished cleaning the last dish, he turned around only to be surprised by a woken beauty.
“Woah!”  he half screamed.
“What? OMG I look ugly, don’t I?”
“What? No, no. It’s just that I didn’t hear you coming”
“Oh… I see,” she nodded with curious eyes, “What were you doing?”
“Oh…umm. I was cooking some breakfast for us,” Jimin scratched the back of his head wondering if he was out of place by doing so.
“Really?” Y/N asked amazed.
“Yeah. I made some French toast hoping you would like it…”
“I love French toast!” her eyes lit up from excitement, “Let's eat! I’m starving.”
Without warning, she took his hand and guided him towards the table. Jimin couldn't help but feel butterflies at the contact. Then, both sat down and stared at the food as if it would be eaten by itself. The situation they both were in wouldn’t be described as awkward, but it was unusual. They were acting as if they were a two-year couple, and none of them were questioning it. Instead they went with the flow and ate their French toast while having some casual conversation.
 Jimin and you spent the most delightful morning together, but soon enough, Jimin had to leave to do some chores. You couldn’t read his mind, but some part of you thought he was probably leaving to not make you feel uncomfortable. And for that you were grateful. You couldn’t deny you adored Jimin’s company, but it was likely both of you had things to do, well… at least Jimin. On the other hand, you were lost as to what to do with your free time, and nothing seemed to quench your thirst for entertainment.  At last, you decided on the basics and laying on your bed, you started scrolling through social media. Being a dork, you avoided all content related to your family and friend's posts and focused on looking for good memes. Laughing out loud to the twentieth meme, you got a text. Hoping it would be a possible plan to go out, you immediately checked it. Once you opened it, you realized it was from an unknown number which made you feel apprehensive. Reading through the text, you assumed someone probably got a wrong number, or perhaps… flashbacks of the day before immediately came to your mind. You thought of that disgusting creep and got scared he might be a stalker. Has he gotten your phone number? But how? Without giving it the benefit of the doubt, you blocked the phone number, and with it, the text reading Hey! I´ve got a surprise for you, look out of your window’ was forgotten.  You couldn’t help your curiosity (or was it fear?), and with some courage, you peeked out of the window to find an empty street. Sighing in relief, you continued procrastinating until nightfall came.
* - * - * - * - *
Once again, Monday rolled by with the same routine. Getting up, having breakfast, taking a shower, and preparing to train. However, there was a different feeling to it all. Everything felt way more colorful and exciting, yet you couldn’t place your finger on what was the reason of your euphoria. Deep down, you knew the reason behind this emotion but wouldn’t admit it to yourself. Perhaps it was your mind stopping you from falling too deeply into your feelings, which was probably for the best. Even if Jimin seemed sincere with his intentions towards you, you didn’t want to fall for it yet, being too afraid of being the only one playing that game. Jimin was so beautiful inside and out, yet you still couldn’t understand his reasons for wanting anything with you. You were the opposite to him, a total mess. Even if you wanted him to love you, you were too afraid he would realize what a disaster you were and would run away, leaving behind your heart in pieces. Being pessimistic wasn’t what these thoughts represented, it was just your fear taking over you mind and constricting your feelings inside of your heart.
The mind is a dangerous place, bringing up hurtful thoughts that made you believe you aren’t enough. That you were never enough. You had loved before, and you were loved in return, but some part of you believed that you were the reason for that love to fade. Thinking back on the memories of your past love, the one you still hold deeply in your heart, made you think once again if you were the reason he left. It was stupid and pretentious to think that way, but what if he left you not because he wanted to make his dreams come true, but because you weren't part of them. Back then, you let him go with a smile on your face, but what nobody knew was that your heart broke the moment his hand left yours, the moment his smile turned away from you as a new one appeared on his face in the expectation of doing great things. In that moment you knew you'd lost him, not because he had to leave, but because you weren’t enough for him to come back. The number of nights you cried for him were lost along the years, and soon enough you accepted that he wasn’t coming back. Even if he told you day after day for 360 days he would come back to you with his dream achieved, it wasn’t enough. Wanting to set him free, to be who he wanted to be, to be with whom he wanted to be with, you decided to end things with him with the promise of coming back together once he returned. Yet, you knew that promise was empty. Why would he want to come back to you when he could have so much better? Why would he, when he deserved so much better? Once again, a nostalgic tear left your eye, but you pushed it aside along with the rest of your thoughts. You couldn’t close you heart forever, and you knew it would be impossible with the way you were feeling for a boy you barely knew but to whom you were already giving so much. Smiling once again at the thought of Jimin, your nostalgia was soon replaced by euphoria. It was time to let go. Jimin was your present and perhaps your future, and if he wanted you as much as you wanted him then you were prepared to give the best of you.
Leaving those thoughts wander through your head, you checked your phone to notice you had several unread texts. You first checked Jin’s to see if something new came up, but realizing it was just one of his lame jokes, you rolled your eyes and checked the others. Surprised to see a text from Jungkook, you decided to check that one next. You surely were close enough to have exchanged phone numbers, but he rarely sent you any text (you were the one who usually started a conversation.) Opening the text, he was asking if you wanted to train with him once again. Thinking back on the last few days, you realized you haven’t talked to Jungkook that much. In fact, he hadn’t approach you at all. Frowning slightly, you accepted his offer with the plan to figure out what was up with him. He answered right away with a Cool! See you. You nodded to yourself and kept on checking the other messages which were basically class group chats talking about projects. You decided on checking them after training as you didn’t want to get all stressed just yet. Throwing your gym bag over your shoulder, you exited the apartment with phone in hand.
You looked for Jungkook but didn’t seem to find him which gave you the impression he might be in the third floor, so climbing the stairs, you looked for him once again. Indeed, he was there, in a treadmill, running as if his life depended on it.  You approached him from behind and climbed on the one next to him without saying a word. He wouldn’t have listened to you anyways since he was wearing his earphones. Turning the treadmill on, you started running at a similar pace as his while looking straight front. Soon enough, you felt his stare on you and a small smile crossed your face as you acted as if you hadn’t seen him. With your peripheral vision, you saw him take one of his earphones and say something to you. Wanting to play with him a bit, you continued ignoring him. From the frown forming on his face, you knew you got to him, but before you could do anything, he pushed the emergency button from your treadmill making it stop at once. “HEY!” you gasped, surprised by his action and trying to stop just in time. Looking up at him questioningly, you saw a shit-ass-smirk on his face, making you want to be mad at him. “That was dangerous, you know?!” you managed to say exasperated. “I’m satisfied knowing you understand how dangerous ignoring Jeon Jungkook can be,” he winked. “What? I wasn’t even…” a smile broke unto your face, giving away your fake anger. “I could report you, you know,” you continued, wanting to get another reaction from him. “I bet you could,” was all he said, making you disappointed on your failure at getting to him. Rolling your eyes, you got off the treadmill in an attempt to walk away from him in “anger,” yet he stopped you in your tracks with his hand on your wrist. “I know you’re not mad, come on.” Cursing under your breath, you turned around to meet his eyes once again. “Fine! I’m not mad,” you pouted, “but you could’ve made me fall!” you stated. “If falling for me is what you mean, then certainly I could’ve caused serious damage,” his smirk never leaving his face. Despite knowing his personality well enough, you flushed at his cocky pick up line, yet simply answered with “shut up,” and soon after, “are we going to train or what?” He let a small laugh escape his lips as he guided you to the second floor, his hand never leaving your wrist. You two arranged one of the unoccupied rooms to start with a functional before heading to the third floor once again to do more cardio. Today it seemed you two would engage with an aerobic routine, which you were thankful for as your routine was starting to become boring to you. Both of you gave ideas as to what to include in your functional before arranging it. As everything was in perfect position, you two let the exercise consume you as everything else was ignored. Thirty minutes later, you two were gasping for air but still continued with the abdominal part. Wanting for it to be more entertaining, you proposed on doing abdominals in pairs. Basically, you two acted as a team, doing a mirror exercise of what the other was doing. Feeling destroyed at last, you both took a minute to recover before heading upstairs, you two just breathing in and out. That was the moment you decided to ask Jungkook about his past behavior.
“Kook,” you said softly. Surprised by the way you called him, he lifted his head to look at you, expecting your next words. “Why haven’t you talked to me in the past few days?”  
You noticed a glint of sadness clouding his vision as he just stared at you and shrugged. “I guess you were so concentrated in your routine that I didn’t want to interrupt you.”
“Bullshit,” you smiled even if your heart constricted at the thought of him hiding something from you. Jungkook, however, simply stared at you, probably saying a million words with his eyes, but you were incapable of understanding them.
“I…I´m leaving,” he whispered looking down at his hands that were over his flexed legs. Your eyes widened as a knot started constricting your stomach. Those were the words you hated the most. Two simple words could lead to several unspoken thoughts. He was your friend, and he was leaving you. He probably became too bored about you and finally realized that getting away from you would be the best, and you couldn't blame him.
Despite all the thoughts that clouded your mind, you managed to ask: “Why?”
He kept looking at his hands as he said, “I got a scholarship to finish my major in Spain.” You finally understood.  Off course it was because of an opportunity to fulfil a dream. It was funny how destiny tend to take people away from you with the same excuse, one that no one could be against.
Slowly, you nodded and with the most hurtful smile you said, “That’s amazing, Jungkook.” Once again, the mention of his name, made him look up, but this time it wasn’t a surprised look he gave you, but a regretful one.
Not wanting to seem pitiful, you continued “When are you leaving?”
His eyes searched yours as if waiting for another reaction, but you simply stared waiting for an answer. So, he answered. “Next week…”
You couldn’t help the knot getting upper in your throat, threatening to choke your next words. “Well I’m going to miss the hell out of you.”
He smiled at that and replied, “I’m going to miss you too,” before pulling you into his arms.
At first you were taken aback, but soon enough all your feelings crashed into his arms as small tears escaped your eyes, and your arms traveled down his back clutching his shirt with force between your fists. You didn’t want him to see you cry, so you hid your face in his shoulder, trying to clean the tears as they escaped your eyes.
* - * - * - * - *
           Jimin couldn’t train today.  He had a lot of projects to catch on, so he decided to stay home and focus on his responsibilities first. He couldn’t go to the gym and, therefore, couldn’t see Y/N which made him disappointed. He had an internal battle of whether to text her or not. As much as he wanted any sort of communication with her, he wanted her to text him first, not wanting to seem too eager. Because of that, he had his cellphone full volume on right beside his paperwork as he proceeded with his academic duties. To say he couldn’t concentrate at all because of the constant ringing of his phone was an understatement. He grabbed his hair in frustration as he saw the notifications of mostly all his social media but none from texts. Just as he decided to mute his phone, he received a text from Taehyung. Curious as what he had to say, he checked the text that read: Where are you? followed by, Aren’t you coming?
Jimin sighed and quickly replied Can’t. Have so much to do :/. He decided to leave it at that, but his friend was fast to reply:
Well… you should’ve come. Y/N is certainly enjoying her training.
Jimin frowned at that. What do you mean? Seconds passed but he felt like they were hours before Taehyung replied.
Jungkook… Jimin’s frown only deepened at reading that name. He was getting impatient with his friend and his lack of ability to communicate, so he questioned. Jungkook what? Talk now!
Tae: Jungkook and Y/N are quite close, aren’t they?
You: I wouldn’t know since I’m not there! You tell me.
Tae: No, no… but I mean like close as in a relationship.
Taehyung was starting to get the worst of Jimin’s impatience with his teasing, so Jimin snapped. Just tell me all ready what you came to say!
Tae: Yeah, okay. They are hugging in the second floor.
Jimin’s heart sank at that statement. He knew well enough that Y/N was close with Jungkook, but he didn’t think it would go as far as hugging.  He tried to cool down and think in his past encounters with her. She wouldn’t play with him… would she? Sometimes Jimin’s insecurities could lead him to believe he wasn’t good enough and right now they were clouding his thoughts as he slowly started to believe them.  He needed some reassurance that his thoughts were wrong, that he was enough for her, but at the moment what he could do was use his friend as a spy.
Me: What do you mean by hugging? I swear that if you are making this up, I’m going to kick your ass.
Tae: I’m not making this up! Look, see it for yourself.
Taehyung attached a picture to the text that left Jimin with a knot in his stomach. He could see Jungkook’s strong arms holding Y/N, as his eyes were closed. Yet, what hurt the most was seeing Y/N holding him as well with her head buried in his shoulder and her hands strongly clasped in his back.  Even if it hurt, Jimin couldn’t take his eyes off the picture. He swallowed the lump in his throat and texted.
Me: What were they doing before they hugged?
Tae: I don’t know. I just came by and saw them.
Me: What are they doing now?
Tae: They seem to be heading upstairs.
Jimin didn’t want to be like a jealous boyfriend since he wasn’t even Y/N’s boyfriend, but on the other side, he couldn’t help the jealousy burning through his body. However, he tried to calm down and trust her. Perhaps they weren’t together just yet, but he knew her well enough to know she wasn’t a player. He had dated many of them before, so he knew the behaviors they usually show. He could tell Y/N was the opposite of it, so he just exhaled his jealousy and sent a text. But this time not to Taehyung, but to Y/N.
Me: Hey
Keep it simple, he thought. In the future complications will probably arise, but right now just keep it simple.  
* - * - * - * - *
You usually didn’t check your phone during training, so you read your unread texts once you were in the comfort of your home. Even though you were a bit down because of Jungkook’s news, you couldn’t help feeling happy when you saw a text from Jimin.
Hey, it read. You decided on replying as simply as he did: Hi, but added at the end Didn’t see you today.
You waited a few minutes before another text came by.
Jimin: Yeah… had lot of papers to finish :(
You: Ah, I get you. Were you able to finish them?
Jimin: Thank god, yeah! I’ll be able to train again tomorrow. Want to train together?
You: Sure! I always enjoy the company. No reply came for a while, but then another message popped up.
Jimin: I’m glad. So, see you tomorrow?
You: Yeah! See you
Tuesday came by in a blink of an eye. You hadn’t spotted Jimin when you arrived, so as usual, you did some cardio before starting your routine. Descending the stairs, you spotted him talking to one of the trainers. He seemed to have seen you as well, so he excused himself out of the conversation and waited for you at the end of the stairs. He greeted you, and soon after, kissed you lightly on the cheek. You were glad your face was already red from the previous exercise you did, so you could conceal the hotness on you face. He suggested to do your routine and you complied by stating that you had to do deadlift. When you two were loading a bar to start, a boy with silvery-brown hair approached the both of you.
“Hey Tae, what’s up? I haven’t seen you in a while,” Jimin palmed he boy’s shoulder.
“Hey,” he replied mimicking Jimin’s gesture, “Well, I’ve had a tight schedule since I had to switch a class…but that’s not important right now. What are you up to?”
“We are loading for deadlift” Jimin said while motioning with his eyes towards your direction. The boy, which Jimin called Tae, looked surprised upon seeing you and didn’t miss a second to introduce himself.
“Hi! I’m Kim Taehyung!” he waved swiftly. You stilled for a moment at hearing his name, but dismissed your thoughts, and awkwardly waved back while replying. “I’m Y/N. Nice to meet you.”
“Yeah you too! Umm… I guess I’m going to continue doing some bench press. See you around!” He said and left to the other side of the room.
“He seems nice,” you said to Jimin.
“Yeah. He’s my best friend. We’ve known each other since kindergarten, you know” he said without waiting for a reply, and you were glad he didn’t want one because all the pieces started to fall in place. Park Jimin and Kim Taehyung being two names you would never forget. Two inseparable best friends, one a leader and the other the gullible friend. One the main reason of your low self-confidence and the other the cause of your trust issues. This couldn’t be a coincidence, and with the last thing that Jimin mentioned, it certainly wasn’t. You looked at Jimin who was looking at you with a concerned look. Feeling like you would have a crying attack, you excused yourself by telling him you would go to the restroom. Once there, you dialed Jin’s number.
“Hey Y-”
“Jin! It’s him” you interrupted him, tears falling down your cheeks.
“What? What are you ta-”
“Park Jimin”
“Yeah you told us about him, what about it?”
“It wasn’t just a common name. It’s him!”
From the gasp you heard, Jin must have understood you now. “WHAT? So, you are telling me the Jimin you are dating is the same one from kindergarten?”
“Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m saying!” you said exasperated.
“Wow, okay…but how did you figure it out?”
“He just introduced me to his best friend, Kim Taehyung. That just couldn’t be a coincidence, right?” you said while sobbing louder this time.
“Okay, Y/N, I need you to calm down. Stay away from them, do you hear me? Do you want me to pick you up?”
“No… no I think I’m feeling better. I just… panicked for a second. I need to think this clearly before doing something stupid. Maybe later we could hang up?”
“Are you sure? I mean if that’s what you want then okay.”
“Yeah.  Maybe this is what I needed for closure.”
“Yeah it may be… Call me if anything happens okay?”
“Okay… I’ll leave now, bye”
You hang up and exited the cubicle in which you had called Jin. Once you went to the main bathroom, you couldn’t help but look at yourself in the mirror that stood at the end of the wall. Looking down at your shorts you scoffed. It was an irony really. That the same person that made you not wanting to use shorts was the same person who made you want to use them again. You locked eyes with your reflection and whispered “He won’t hurt you again! Not this time.” A trail of thoughts came into your mind, while one main feeling grew in your heart. Resentment was the reflection of your eyes.
A/N: From here on, everything will go downhill, prepare for the angst. 
Ps: Tell me what you think so far :)
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putschki1969 · 6 years
Japan Travel Diary 🎌
Okay, here it is, a more or less thorough report of my Japan trip in January (which mostly consisted of doing Kalafina-related stuff so I thought it might be interesting for some of you XD). Sorry, this is like 5 million years overdue. @mello-chi‘s comment about looking forward to my upcoming Japan trip reports actually reminded me that I still had this post in my drafts so I thought I better finish this now before I have to write another one XD
Without further ado, let’s get to it 〈(•ˇ‿ˇ•)-→
January 14 (Sunday) This was my first ever non-direct flight to Japan so I was not looking forward to it. I boarded my plane at around 10 am (Austrian time), I arrived in Paris at around noon and I landed at Narita Airport at around 9 am the next day (January 15 - Monday). Here’s a rare selfie of little me waiting to board the plance wearing my beloved Cakey bomber jacket by Lily Brown (it kept me warm during the flight ^_^). PS: Excuse the excessive use of filters in this pic. I was wearing no make-up.
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You know what I find annoying, they have all these Japanese artists like LiSA and Nana Mizuki in the plane music library but absolutely NO Kalafina. Why?? And no, you don’t need to answer that, it was more of a rhetorical question anyways. I know of course that for some weird reason Kalafina aren’t as popular as those other artists….but still, so frustrating… I ended up watching a ton of movies :P I really envy people who can sleep during a flight.
January 15 (Monday) I didn’t do much that day tbh. I was too exhausted from my flight. I am glad they let me check in early at my hotel (which was in Kanda btw – very convenient location for tourists if you ask me) After I had freshened up a little at the hotel I did make a short trip to Akihabara to check if I could find any second hand Kala goods. That day I found a Blue Day wristband, a KNGNN postcard and a cheap Consolation Pamphlet (something I had always wanted but I never felt like paying the full price on CDJapan). Throughout my stay I managed to find quite a lot of stuff actually but more on that later. Here’s a sneak peek tho XD
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January 16 (Tuesday) This day was dedicated to shopping. I think I spent almost an entire day in the Shinjuku/Harajuku/Shibuya area. I bought a bunch of Disney stuff and Pikachu merch for my sister and nephew respectively and then I searched through all the Kala-clothing stores trying to find some WaKei outfits. I am super happy because I got my hands on this cute patchwork skirt by Redyazel, the one that Keiko wore quite recently for the Songful Days promo video. I also bought a matching top because they had a special “buy 2 pieces and get 30% off” deal. I can never resist deals like that even though they actually make you spend even more money in the end XD (sadly, they didn’t have the turtleneck sweater that Keiko is wearing here)
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After looking through each and every Lily Brown store in Tokyo I finally found this =>The long cardigan Keiko wore in Nikko (it’s so cute and warm!).
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Aside from that, I didn’t really find anything else. I came across the Fig&Viper pullover Keiko recently wore but meh, that’s not really my style and it was still quite expensive. I also saw the Mila Owen dress that Wakana wore a while back but it just wasn’t worth the money (and now I regret not buying it T_T).
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January 17 (Wednesday) In the morning I went to visit the lesser known Shinagawa Aquarium which – sorry Wakana – was VERY underwhelming and I can totally understand why it’s not as popular as the other one. The only cool thing was the free shuttle bus, it had a cute design. The aquarium itself looked quite run-down and it was much smaller than I expected. But hey, I met Shirowani-san and I got to touch a dolphin which was pretty epic. Of course I had to eat the parfait that Keiko ordered when she was at the aquarium together with Wakana back in the summer time. It was really yummy but it definitely wasn’t the best day to eat it because afterwards, I was freezing my butt off. Oh well, the things I do for Cakey XD
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I really wanted to buy the cute shark backpack but it was just way too expensive T_T Forever sad...Now I regret not buying it. Then again, it’s not really my style.
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In the afternoon I met up with my friend Pae and I finally received my goods from the Harmony events and the Acoustic Tour. BANZAI! As for the Harmony event merch, I got the black t-shirt, the blue parka and the keyholder. From the Acoustic Live goods, I got the pamphlet, the clearfile and the postcard set. (I love the black t-shirt SO MUCH! I have worn it a lot since I have gotten back)
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Together Pae and I went on a quest to find more Kala-goodies and I got lucky once again. I found two old singles, a limited edition of Magia and a regular edition of Hikari no Senritsu (one of these days my singles collection will be complete XD But I have to be patient because I just don’t wanna pay full price for singles >_>). Aside from that I also bought the limited edition of the Seventh Heaven album which includes the live DVD. They also had a BEST Red Day cup for sale at Radio Kaikan (one of the many tokutens from back in the day) but meh, I didn’t feel like getting it. I wonder if any of you bought it? They also had a FOTW and 9+ONE pamphlet and a few other CDs (but I already own all of those so I ignored them). After my meet-up with Pae, I made a trip to Roppongi to eat at my first out of many Kalafina-restaurants/cafés. That’s when it started raining heavily (so annoying) but at least I found the place rather quickly (thanks to google maps!) I went to the very popular Tsurutontan where they serve huge bowls of udon!! I ordered Katsu Curry Udon (my favourite) and some yummy fried dumplings on the side (OMG, they were SO FREAKING GOOD!!)
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The food was delicious but it was a little too much for me. XD Curry soup is much more filling than regular soup. And I underestimated the dumplings quite a bit, they were also super filling. I had intended to go to the Manon Mimie store afterwards but I wasn’t feeling like getting drenched in the rain so I headed back to my hotel. I guess it’s a good thing I didn’t end up going because I messaged the store that night and asked them if they still had the Cakey clothes in stock and turns out they don’t *forever sad* I should have tried to find a way to order it back then when the pretty skirt and sweater were still in stock.
January 18 (Thursday) The first half of this day was dedicated to visiting the Imperial Palace. If you arrive early enough you can make a same-day reservation for a tour so that’s what I did. It was an interesting tour for sure and the weather was amazing!!! After the tour was over I decided to walk to Budokan since I was already in the area. I wanted to check out the venue to make sure I wouldn’t get lost on the day of the concert. At that point I was getting quite tired (and super hungry) so it was time for yet another Kala-food-experience. I took the subway to the Akasaka area and paid a visit to the gorgeous café/restaurant/bar La Maison Kioi (the place where the girls had their special SPICE off-day interview). It was so fancy and pretty. I ordered a crazy expensive Afternoon Tea Set but it was totally worth the money, it was incredibly yummy!!! Once I had eaten each and every single piece of food on that tray, I made my way to Shibuya/Harajuku to do some more shopping. This time I came across this gorgeous red skirt that Wakana has been wearing quite frequently. I think I never actually made a post about this skirt o.O A fellow fan on twitter discovered it right before my trip to Japan and when I saw it in the store I obviously couldn’t resist. On my way home I made another stopover in Akihabara and I found the limited edition of the 5th Anniversary Live Selection album. Had to get it of course XD
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January 19 (Friday) On Friday I bought my 3-Day-JR-Tokyo-Wide Pass to do some traveling outside of Tokyo. It was another gorgeous sunny day, perfect for touristy stuff ^_^ The first place on my list was Kamakura. There’s lots of nice stuff to see but I mainly wanted to go there because it was the destination of Keiko’s 60 km walk on New Year’s Day back in 2014 (OMG, has it already been four years!!??) One of these days I wanna do that kind of thing as well. I went to see the big buddha of course and I also checked out some of the surrounding shrines and temples. At first I wanted to go to Enoshima as well but then I decided against it, didn’t really feel like going there. Not a fan of beaches anyways. I took the train back to Tokyo but got off in Yokohama (the second place on my list) where I also did some sightseeing. But first I needed to restore my energy so I had some late lunch in Yokohama Chinatown at Jogenro (the restaurant where Wakana ate her shark fin course – she went to the place in Tokyo tho). I really wanted to try the shark fin lunch menu but they wouldn’t let me order it since it is meant for two people T_T Such a shame! The only downside to traveling alone, getting food is troublesome. Then again, if you have company it’s even more of a hassle because it’s hard to find something that everyone likes. Also, tbh, I probably wouldn’t have been a huge fan of the shark stuff anyways so maybe it was for the best. Either way, since I couldn’t have my shark lunch, I decided on one of their regular lunch menus. Wahhh! So tasty!! I love Chinese food! It was too much tho, so many different things to eat, I almost exploded towards the end but I really wanted to finish everything. I hate wasting good food. In dire need to walk off all the calories I had just put into my body, I explored the rest of Yokohama. I walked to Mirai Minato to check out the two Red Brick Warehouses. Back in 2011 and then once again in 2014 Kalafina performed their Christmas Lives at the Red Brick Warehouse. They have mentioned on multiple occasions that this is a very special place for them. Of course I also had to ring the bell of happiness. ^_^ I couldn’t leave Yokohama without riding the Ferris-wheel so I did that in the evening when the sun was setting. I had a great view of the city up there. Later on I managed to take some nice pictures of the colourful and sparkling Ferris-wheel at dusk. And that’s a wrap for my first day-trip outside of Tokyo.
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January 20 (Saturday) On Saturday I took the train to Nikkō. One of the main reasons I purchased the JR Wide Pass was because I wanted to take the Shinkansen to Utsunomiya. It’s much more convenient than the other options. And then I got to ride the Nikkō Line which looks really cool. I think you all know why I traveled to Nikkō XD I wanted to see the venue of Kalafina’s World Heritage Special Live. During my last Japan trips I already got the chance to visit Nara and see Kōfuku-ji but I had never been to Nikkō before. And hey, even if Kalafina hadn’t performed there I still would have liked to see Tōshōgū, it’s absolutely gorgeous. And *weeee* I got to witness a traditional wedding. Everyone was all dressed up and the bride looked stunning!! Afterwards I explored the area for a while and walked around a lot. (I walked so much during my Japan trip) I was considering going to see the waterfalls as well but I thought it might not be the best season to experience it in all its beauty and glory. I’ll come back some day soon, I promise! In the afternoon I returned to Tokyo and I once again found myself in the Roppongi area to eat some Kala-food :P Literally the only reason I went to these fancy schmancy areas was to eat at Kalafina restaurants/cafés. This time I ate at “The Counter Roppongi”, the place where Keiko had her YOLO burger meal this winter. I wanted to order the same burger that she had gotten but turns out it had all kinds of weird ingredients (like mushrooms >_>) so I ended up ordering a chicken burger XD I think that might have been the best burger and some of the most delicious fries I have ever eaten. Really impressed! The only thing I could have lived without was the overly sweet brioche bun. It just doesn’t go well with savoury food. I don’t understand why you would use a brioche bun for a burger, doesn’t make sense to me at all o.O Is it a Japanese thing? Or maybe an American thing?
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January 21 (Sunday) I took the special Holiday train to Kawaguchiko because I wanted to get a clear view of Mount Fuji. The mountain was still visible while I was on the train but slowly but surely clouds started gathering around it and by the time I had arrived at my destination, Mount Fuji was hidden completely T_T It’s a real shame. The sun was shining and the sky was blue, it was literally perfect weather but each and every cloud in the area had decided to cuddle up to Mount Fuji. I think I made the mistake of taking the later train. I should have taken the train at like 7am or something. Apparently chances of seeing Mount Fuji are highest before 9 am and I think that’s true, I am sure I would have gotten a good view if I had been there earlier. I was there at like 9:30-10:00 and that’s just too late. Oh well, we all learn from our mistakes. In two week’s time I will be closer to Mount Fuji than I have ever been XD I didn’t want my trip to be wasted so I still took the ferry across the lake and of course I took the Kachi Kachi Ropeway which ascends to an observation point near the summit of Mount Tenjo, from where Lake Kawaguchiko and Mount Fuji can be seen. Riding that cablecar was rather unpleasant because it was jam-packed. I wasn’t aware you could even squeeze that many people into a cablecar. I got some nice views despite there being no sign of Mount Fuji. Afterwards I bought a bunch of souvenirs for my coworkers and took the train back home again. I really love all the train designs! So cute! Since I still had my JR Pass I thought I’d use it for a few trips along the Yamanote Line. I was trying to avoid using my Suica as much as possible as long as I had the JR Pass XD One of my stops was Ikebukuro. I am not a huge fan of the area but I still wanted to see if I could find anything interesting. Bought some more Pikachu merch for my nephew at the Pokemon Center and then I did some window shopping. A girl-group was performing at Sunshine City while I was there but I didn’t stay long enough to figure out who they were. People were going crazy about them tho so I guess they might have been popular. Who knows. Either way, with all these people occupied the shops were pretty empty so that’s definitely a good thing (especially on a Sunday where it’s usually busy as hell). For dinner I had yummy Coco Curry (for once not Kalafina related :P).
January 22 (Monday) a.k.a. Crazy Snow Day This was the day of our tumblr fan meetup. Probably the worst day we could have chosen but hey, what can you do? And it’s not like any of us could have known that it would snow so heavily. It’s almost funny because I am always in Tokyo when crazy snow storms happen. I was there in 2014 as well. XD Thank God I am more or less used to snow (which is something that can’t be said about most of my fellow-fans that were at the meetup). I took things slowly that day since I was already stressing out about the meetup. I went to Akihabara again and this time I found a FOTW wristband in one of the second hand stores. BANZAI. Back in 2016 when I went to see the FOTW Special Finals I actually forgot to buy a wristband. This has annoyed me for the longest time but I didn’t feel like buying it online so yeah, this was definitely a lucky find. Yippie!! Then I went to Don Quijote to buy some more souvenirs (mostly chocolates). I’ll be eating all this stuff foe the next few weeks. :P So far my favourite purchase is Hokkaido Melon Kit Kat. The BEST Kit Kat I have ever had! It’s so DAMN amazing, I regret not buying more T_T When I got back to my hotel I had to figure out a way to squeeze all the chocolates into my luggage without everything getting crumbled on the flight back home. I think I managed pretty well. I had some sandwiches for late lunch and then I headed to Shinjuku to do some more (window) shopping and to wait for everyone to arrive at the Karaoke place. Sorry again @okeuphemia, we totally kept missing each other at Lumine Est. And sorry to everyone else who had a hard time finding Karaoke Kan. I know it must have been quite the hassle for some of you, especially in this horrible weather. But thankfully, almost everyone managed to get there (eventually). My apologies to Jimmy who didn’t make it! Maybe next time (if there ever is a next time :P) I hope you all had a good time at the meetup. There were way more people than I originally expected and we had some hardcore karaoke singers amongst us (you all rocked btw!!) so we weren’t really able to talk properly but I think it was still nice for most of you. Sorry if I seemed a bit awkward, I am just not very comfortable being among such a big crowd of people. I am glad a few of us decided to leave early and grab a cup of coffee, it gave me the chance to get to know some of you a little bit better. It’s really nice to finally know who is hiding behind those tumblr nicknames (shout out to @audiojapanstyle for just being a super nice and comforting presence!) And hey, such a funny coincidende, that day I found out that @theraspberrybushes  and I stayed at the same hotel. We ended up going back together in the heavy snow.Sorry for always rushing ahead. >_<
January 23 I pretty much covered the entire day in my live report but I haven’t talked about my after live activities yet so I guess I will do it here. Originally I had just planned to go back to the hotel to get some sleep. After all I was supposed to fly back home the next morning so I wanted to get some much needed rest. However, my friend Pae convinced me to go have dinner with a few Japanese Kala-fans. I am glad she did because it was actually very nice. But once again, there were way more people than expected (slightly overwhelming – even Hachimaki was there; it felt like I had been invited to an elite Kalafina fan meet-up XD). We went to a Chinese restaurant and had some yummy gyoza. Literally the entire place was filled with Kala-fans XD We didn’t stay there for long so thankfully I didn’t get home too late. Right before we left I managed to REALLY embarrass myself when one of the Japanese Kala-fans approached me. I wasn’t aware he wanted to talk to me, I thought he was trying to get past me or something so when he started talking I turned away from him. Pae had to literally drag me back to him and then I realised he had wanted to start a conversation. Major fail. That’s why I keep telling people that I suck at social interactions. Oh well, we ended up talking about Vienna, seems like he travels there quite frequently for work. Having dinner with all these fellow Kala-fans was a really nice end to an already amazing day. I even have a couple of pictures to remind me of that little meet-up.
Okay, this is officially the end of my travel report. Congratulations to everyone who read the whole thing. I hope it wasn’t too boring. I have lots of Kalafina activities planned for my next trip so I am super hyped ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ♪
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hyungkyun · 6 years
HENLO!!! this is ur actual bday present, not that Gross thing i sent earlier lol. again, do whatever u want with it!! u dont have to post it or anything. it’s just easier to submit stuff like this than to, idk, send u an email like a señora lol.
ok so im doing this in bullet point format bc the last time I wrote a coherent, well-written paragraph was like 5 years ago or smth. anyway!! since u hated soooo much my beautiful, amazing, unique goths au im going with the loser couple au… which was also a college au of sorts?? dskjhksjdf this isn’t even an au, since y’all are already losers tbh (^: this also got out of hand…. this shit is eight pages long. idk enjoy bithc.
first of all, ck the kind of dude everyone’s lowkey scared of bc he’s silent and serious af. also he does seem kind of a weirdo, tbh?
youve seen him around, maybe you’re in the same dorms but u have absolutely no idea what he’s majoring in :o and u ask around but no one has any idea either!! oh wow a mystery~~
BUT he’s kinda cute hmmm (^: and u probably find the weirdo vibe interesting
however it’s so hard to get to talk to him. u always run into him when you’re out with friends or in a hurry to get to class so :///
but destiny works in mysterious ways~~~ and once u meet it’s rly. so unexpected.
actually, it’s awful since u get locked out of ur dorm sound familiar?? during winter break, rly late at night after a long study session at the library yes, the library, fight me. so u kinda just. sit down miserably outside ur room, since ur roommates are gone, cursing everything and everyone. u will eventually go looking for someone to help u out or smth but right now u need to Whine.
but oh my!! enter mister im changkyun!!! that weirdo who actually lives a couple of doors away from u (how come you never found out wtf???)
he sees u basking in ur misery and actually. finds u rly cute??? bc you’re pouting, cursing a little under ur breath, fumbling with ur phone. but u also look angry as fuck, ready to kill a man??? and yet you’re really fucking cute what the hell!!!!
so he comes up to u and asks u what’s wrong, to which u answer not so nicely without even looking up from ur phone, bc you’re rly so done with this situation ://
but then u look up and u See who it is fuck fuck fuck fuckfucbicvufkhkcfj
but since ck’s Nice and he understands that u must be having an awful time (and also bc he thinks youre cute) he offers to help u. you’re kind of skeptical since he’s just another student, what could he do???
until he tells u he knows how to pick locks lmaoaoaoaoa. that lil weirdo (‘:
anyway he saves ur night. but since he’s an annoying lil shit he’ll tease u abt it every time he runs into u for the rest of winter break.
since that day y'all basiclly become an old, bickering, married couple fnsdjdj
u never stop annoying each other…. you’re wearing a hoodie? he’ll probably pull the hood all the way down until it covers ur eyes, and u get him back by messing up his hair which, by the way,is so soft….. hmmmm
u call each other nerd and loser and dumbass all the time lmao. he’ll constantly bring up the way u met just to jokingly say that you’d be lost without him :/// he rly is a lil shit.
it’s funny bc everyone figures out u are falling for each other… except u two. and i rly do mean everyone. ur friends. his friends. ur roommates. ur cat. the janitor, too, probably. it’s so obvious it hurts.
one time someone implies u would be a cute couple and y'all literally go all ‘no???? haha me??? liking that loser??? pfft not in a million years’
it’s the biggest lie, of course (: and ever since that person suggested u would look good together, both of u kind of realize it’d be… nice. more than nice. actually, super nice.
but since both of u are dumb tsunderes,  as ive said before, u will literally be the embodiment of this scene… except it goes both ways. honestly u are so gone for each other it’s GROSS.
but we need some angst up in here so y'all dont get together for a reaaaaaaally long time :/ smh. the pining is Real. ppl come and go in ur lives, and each person u go out with sees that u already fell for someone else—and that’s why all potential relationships don’t last much–, but sdjkfhksjdhk!!! neither of u want to openly admit it.
it’s A Mess bc u are actually good friends and u tell each other abt ur dates and stuff—secretly hoping the other will do something—but y'all looove being dumb so u act like it’s all cool and be like ‘o rly!! good for u, i hope it works out’. right. :/
y’all keep dancing around each other for several months until one Merciful Soul gets tired of ur shit and forces u to sort things out. im talking abt locking u up in some room and not letting u out until u stop pretending u aren’t disgustingly in love with each other. or smthequally cheesy (: u know ilove cheese
((obviously everyone eavesdrops through the door bc cmon, theyve been waiting for this for sooooo long))
at first u two are just annoyed at the Merciful Soul betchait was minhyuk, and u spend ur time yelling and cursing them for doing this (all while claiming that this is pointless, since u have NO feelings for each other. none. nada!)
after a very long time, it’s ck the one that confesses first lmao. youve been whining and being grumpy the whole time youve been locked up together and it kinda reminded him of the way u met… damn. here come The Feelings.
he’s tired, and there’s nothing left to lose. so he tells u The Truth.
[suspenseful pause….. what’s going to happen next?? :OOOOO]……… tune in next year to find out, in the continuation of Cristina’s Cheesy Birthday Present!!!
jk, proceed to the next bullet point pls.
obviously u tell him u feel the same way [insert ppl crying in the background] and he’s actually shocked when u say u like him back…. and gosh, he does look cute when he’s surprised…
so yeah!!! it’s until then that u FINALLY go on a date during the weekend!!. hallelujah. thanks minhyuk,u beautiful soul.
so!!! ok!! first date!!! a rly cute fairground in the evening!!!
u try to be fake mean to each other like u used to but everything feels different~~~ (^:
so instead y’all act bashful as hell, and blush at everything jjdfghjfhd. hands brushing accidentally?? BLUSH. eyes meeting? BLUSH. BLUSH BLUSH BLUSH!!! u also laugh at everything bc both of u are so nervous oh gmhg fdknjjkdsfjoidf this is gross.
he’ll tell bad jokes to make u laugh and they’re rly so so so bad that he actually keeps u in stitches. if u look rly closely you’ll see his huge ass heart eyes bc !!!! he made u laugh!!!! and u look so pretty when u laugh omg!!!! dis-gos-tinnnnn
it’d be such a cute date tbh im crying just thinking abt it (‘’’’: obviously he’s a gentleman and he lets u choose what to eat, which ride to go to first, etc. u could literally tell him ‘hey let’s just sit down and do nothing’ and he’d say yes. he’s so gONe, ifmgfjdmf.
he’s kinda quiet and a lot shier than u wouldve expected but youre literally melting bc that’s a new side to him that you’d never thought you’d see.
u end up having so much fun (‘: u gross lil idiots, u.
oh and he’s def the type to ask if he can kiss u at the end of the night EYYYYYY
even if u find that incredibly endearing you’ll probably roll ur eyes with a huge ass smile on urlips lmaoaoaoao and call him a dummy for even asking when you’ve literally be in cloud nine since ur date started kjkhwjeqdkwjlk  
[hello, brief break to clarify that from this point i forgot this was actually a college au lmao, so the rest of the bullet points are literally just. random facts abt u two dating hhhhhh. We dont even know what ck’s major is odjfngnfdj]  
at first things are a lil awkward in ur relationship tbh
catch ck googling ‘how to relationship’ on a daily basis dnfndkfjdncn he is sort of clueless abt how to handle The Feelings. mostly bc this is Important and the last thing he wants is to mess it up )^:
that goes away eventually, tho!! he’ll start being his weird little self real fucking soon, so Get Ready
u still call each other nerd and all that stuff, but ur voices are dripping with fondness when u say it… literally everyone around u gets cavities from it, ew.
he’s not that big on planning dates but from time to time he’ll take u to rly cool, unexpected, interesting places :o  and eventually he’ll show u his favorite secret spots ((’:
study dates are a thing. i bet he’s that type of person that enjoys reading in weird ass positions… his legs are like, halfway off the couch and his arm is bent in a way that looks almost painful… what the hell….?? but it’s fine (: it goes so well with ur study methods, those that are Too Weird for the library, yeah?? (:
he will also stare at u a lot bc u look cute when you’re rly focused on smth that is, when u stop  whining abtstudying…
every time u catch him doing that you’ll go all ‘stop staring at me!!! wtf are u looking at u weirdo’ and he’ll answer ‘you’re so pretty~~~ ♥️♥️♥️’. you’ll blush like a lil idiot, naturally (^: hmmmm
and yea, yea. nap dates are a thing too :/// with sleepy forehead kisses and raspy voices and tangled limbs. all that sappy stuff. he’s a lil shit tho, so he’ll sometimes poke ur ribs to tickle u lmao.
buuuut he’ll also take a lot of pics of u sleeping bc he thinks youre cute )))): his faves always end up being his wallpaper for months.
he’ll get strange gifts for u, like rly bizarre plushies and rare books on topics he thinks u will like,  tacky anime memorabilia, etc. he’ll always give them to u at random times bc he just saw them and reminded him of u ♥️  
he makes a lot of playlists for u too!!! pls listen closely, he puts a lot more thought into them than he lets on.
u like his selfies??? well he’ll send u a lot of those. unfortunately, bc he’s a lil shit, he’ll mostly send double chins and weird ass faces from equally weird angles  
from time to time he’ll send u a Nice One tho ((((^: and u know, tongue selfies since youreSO fond of his(and I quote) “5ft tongue”. and oh gosh! is that a tongue piercing…??? eyyyyyy
if u want to take couple selfies then you’re gonna have a real hard time bc he’ll always be making weird faces and poses just to be annoying. eventually u will make dumb faces too tho (’: what a couple of losers
expect weird random texts: he loves telling u abt whatever is on his mind—probably aliens. he thinks a lot abt aliens and the universe. throw some conspiracy theories in there, too—. he’ll also send obscure memes. and a lot of russian cats!!
he’ll love ur cosplay hobbie. he thinks it’s super cool. he’ll call u a nerd but don’t be fooled! he totally brags abt it with his friends (^:
oh! and this is unrelated but at some point y'all will look like an emo goth couple. u won’t even realize that you’re both wearing black and looking Edgy, it’ll just happen spontaneously. tragic 😔
there are a lot of comfortable silences when u hang out, but late night deep convos are also fundamental :o!!! bc y'all are Smort.
he’ll act like f*cboi from time to time tbh?? he’ll tell lots of dirty jokes LMAO. u roll ur eyes at him a lot bc they’re rly. so bad.
if he winks or does Eyebrow Things then u can’t rly roll ur eyes and act like you’re annoyed bc (: u like it (: and u think it suits him (: and he knows it (: (: (:
u get back at him by telling him he’s cute tho, and he’ll get all shy and he’ll stutter and saying “noooooo” while also fighting back a smile
he will also howl or bark at u to annoy u jdfhkjdf. damn f*rry ://
on that note, he loves to embarrass u in front of ur friends bc he’s a lil shit :DD
But he’s also the sweetest??? whenever he sees you’re feeling down he’ll start doing weird shit to make u laugh. if that doesn’t work then he’ll hug u real tight without saying anything else, bc that’s Enough, u know?? (’:
ok time to get Domestic lads!!!
Idk who the hell is going to cook bc y'all are a damn mess in the kitchen. u two try to cook Nice Meals sometimes. seven times out of ten u end up ordering takeout lmao.
be prepared: he sings in the shower, and he does so terribly. (he might do it a little louder and a little more off-key sometimes bc he knows it makes u laugh)
random kisses are a thing!!! he kisses ur cheek or ur shoulder or ur nape or literally. any body part he can get his lips on when u two are just hanging out, watching movies or smth. it’s so soft and cute )^: wtf im crying
but also stolen kisses!! he’ll kiss u at the most unexpected of times and it alwaysleaves u breathless
he’ll constantly put his head on ur shoulder and make this face at u (^:  
can’t sleep??? don’t worry!!! he’ll sing to u with that pretty, soothing voice of his
anyway. what I meant is that y’all would be such cute little idiots together this was long af. wow. im so sorry. happy birthday??? lmao
icb u rly did the fairground first date i rly fucking hate u why did i even tell u these things i knew it was gonna fire back im fjjgjkknknnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn ur ‘tragic 😔’ when we become a goth couple :/ u dont understand goth love
why the fuck did u make him howl. i wanna fucking die rn. what the fuck. he fucking would. fuck off.
i dont wanna talk abt all that domestic shit how did u even write all of that without dying i literally wanna rip all my limbs off i wont make any comment. i didnt need to know what that would be like but u looooove ruining my life so :)
i rly hate u ksdjfhskdjhfksjh icb u did this thank u i wanna die??????????? wtf nat !!!!! no but rly thank u :( u took the time to write this long ass college au (is it????? whats cks major tho rly :/ ) and just skdfjsjk u remembered all the weird shit i told u thats cute and also Really Bad what else do u know that i forgot i told u skdfksjh im literally always screaming at u abt this shit how did u !!! remember all of this!!!!! dldskfjshljhlakjsh this is so cute and horrible nat wtf how could u :( now im gonna cry :(
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