kazoos-and-roses · 3 months
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kazoos-and-roses · 4 months
thinking about how i might use this blog now,, i think i'll mostly use it as an idv sideblog, and to talk about the aerialist because i have brainrot over my own source :3c
sometimes posts will probably be more "in character" than other times, due to the fact that i'm HORRIBLY connected to my memories and such and have my little moments BUT OTHERWISE it's just gonna be nonesense rambling and all that fun business <3
i'll make a proper tag list soon, but for now, "ramblings of a rose" will be my random bullshit, anything with just "🥀" will be more in character type things, anddd i'll figure the rest out as i go
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kazoos-and-roses · 4 months
i havent used this blog in AGES im changing it to be more than just a chara ask blog <3 the REAL kazuki here now! Fictive/introject of the chara, part of the @c4ndystarz system!
i'll probably just forget to ever post on here if i'm being totally honest, but whatever whatever we're ignoring that bit :]
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kazoos-and-roses · 10 months
What would you think if one of your friends was a Hunter?
Or became one?
Would you still trust them? Would you still trust your own judgement?
Could you be driven to harm them for your safety?
bl fnr sg sze g l nzp v zj fr p x slr x . [ yo umi ht hav t o mak e aq ui k c hoi c . ]
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It had been a while since the last note showed up under The Aerialist's door.
Worry flooded their mind as they carefully read the words, and then re-read them just to make sure they didn't misunderstand the first time. The ending phrase... it made no sense. They couldn't pick their way through the chaotic jumble of letters, opting instead to simply respond to what came before.
"If one of my friends became a hunter... I'm sure I could still trust them. Maybe I could help them come to their senses. Did something happen that you know, stranger? Something that I don't?
If it came to it, I would try to avoid hurting those dear to me as much as possible. I'd rather try to help, than harm. I know I could help them, with some time and work. I've been through plenty of pain to be able to handle it, I think. Besides, the hunters don't necessarily kill the survivors here, do they? We just get sent back to this manor. I'd be safe enough, in the end.
Though... Maybe I am wrong. Maybe I'd be unable to help them. Maybe I'd be killed. Those hunters, they don't seem very human, after all.
No. I'm sure there's something I could do. There's always hope somewhere. I'd just need to find it, even if it's the last thing I'd do.
Please, if something has happened to one of my friends, I need to know. I need to know how to help them, if I could at all."
They sign the note with a K.R., and slide it back under the door. Maybe they'll go on a walk later, try to calm their nerves. Everything's probably fine.
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kazoos-and-roses · 1 year
What are your favorite animals? I think birds would fit with you, in particular.
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"I love birds! They're definitely one of my favourites, but not my top favourite. I love snakes weirdly enough- no real reason why, I just think they're cool. I have a massive tattoo of a snake on my arm."
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kazoos-and-roses · 1 year
What are your favorite maps!
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"I think I like when we're sent to the carnival, maybe because of my old job. That one with the shipwreck is kind of cool too, even if it is terrifying."
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kazoos-and-roses · 1 year
Are there any game-modes you find yourself enjoying particularly more so than others? Ones that’s the opposite, you dislike?
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"I haven't gotten much of a chance to play anything that isn't the usual games, though I've heard about some in passing. I heard that there's a race, is that right? It sounds fun!"
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kazoos-and-roses · 1 year
[[A small letter is slipped underneath the door. The envelope is light blue- almost white- and it is sealed with a sticker of a flower. The text is written in blue ink, slightly smudged as if the writer was in a hurry, or anxious.]]
"I'm sorry to bother you so soon, but if you can find time soon to meet, I would appreciate it. I have reason to believe that an old 'acquaintance' of sorts is (or at least was) here, and I'm worried about what it might mean.
You know where to find me,
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The Exile stood from her seat in the interview room, walking over to pick up the envelope. Why it couldn't wait until she was finished being... 'imprisoned' in that room was beyond her, but she'd learned well enough to take chances as soon as they came for fear of letting important information slip through their fingers.
Fingers curling around the paper, she found herself almost reluctant to open it. At least the disconcerting area in which she was held was blocking her away from outside concerns. Eyes flickering around the floor near the letter, she spied no feathers lingering.
It was a personal matter, then, and not from Miss Nightingale...
Exhaling to prepare herself for what was written, she finally indulged her thoughts and opened the letter, only to be met with a distinct blue text. It was good to see that "K" had received her earlier correspondence, but the neutral expression the young woman wore only deepened into a concerned frown.
There was no time to mess around with letter-writing; she had to meet with them, and fast...
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kazoos-and-roses · 1 year
Dear Aerialist, are there any times in your time in the circus you’ve felt the most unsure or fearful when the audience’s eyes were upon you? Stage fright, I suppose? Or are you as free as a bird with your silks, far from the bounds of such reality?
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"The first couple times I performed in a show, I'll admit I was anxious. I had never done this in front of more than a handful of people who I knew and the people I worked with. What if I messed up in front of all these strangers? Forgot what I was going to do?
And then I was on, and I realized I could hardly see the crowd at all. I could hear the music play, and I followed my cue, and everything felt like second nature. I felt closer to the stars than ever before, climbing towards the sky and tumbling back towards the ground and following the choreography perfectly, with my own style and moves added in the moment as well, of course. It was almost magical, and I don't think there is anything quite like it in the world. I can remember feeling like I could do anything, like gravity itself didn't dare hold me back and instead was a tool to elevate my movements. All while strangers and friends alike cheered and clapped- for me. It was so new and amazing, and those first performances may well have been some of the best days of my life so far."
This note had drawings of stars and planets, little moons and meteors around the margins, and a small stick figure "aerialist" in the bottom right corner.
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(( ty to the owner of @oletus-carousel for the banners!!! im going to be adding these into most posts from now on as long as I don't forget :D ))
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kazoos-and-roses · 1 year
The Aerialist was writing another letter, a small note. They slip it into an envelope, and seal it with a small sticker. One deep breath and an a pause at the door, and they leave their room with the letter.
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kazoos-and-roses · 1 year
Meet The Aerialist.
When Kazuki Rosario was only a child when they lost their parents in a sudden car accident. The breaks failed, and the car went toppling over a cliff. When they were adopted by a strange couple, they were only in their new home for a few years until they were sent into a religious boarding school far away. As they grew up, they began to develop a fascination for the performing arts, and for the strange and unusual. And so, using money from their allowance and several part time jobs over the years, they began to learn the art of aerial dancing. Using silk ribbons and hoops to lift themselves into the air, drop back down to the ground. To spin and defy gravity itself. The closest they ever could to reaching the stars. It became their escape, their one solace in the lonely life they lived. And Kazuki was excellent. Years of teaching themselves led to having a unique style that was built with raw emotion and despair and hope and adventure. When Kaz noticed a flyer at the train station one day, advertising a circus looking for new performers and skilled athletes, they knew what they wanted to do. Thus, the beginnings of The Aerialist.
[Appearance Description Below The Cut]
Standing at 6'1, Kazuki has a tall muscular build, with brown skin and deep green eyes filled with the fires of their passion for life and adventure, and for what they do. Their hair is just long enough to reach their shoulders, dyed in pastel blues and pinks not unlike cotton candy. Two small braids sit in front of either of their ears, which have been pierced. One ear has an earring of a small star, while the other holds a crescent moon. Spiralling down their left arm was a detailed tattoo of a snake, the tip of it's tail reaching their collarbone while it's head and tongue seemed to look like it was resting on the back of their hand. Kazuki is often seen wearing a black jumpsuit with embroidery details of reds, blues and purples, mostly along the sides and hem of the pant legs. Over top of this was a soft forest green jacket, the sleeves rolled up to just above the elbow. They also wear a pair of simple black work boots, and two handmade bracelets on their left wrist.
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kazoos-and-roses · 1 year
Do you sleep well at night?
"Usually I go to bed late enough that it's technically the early morning, and wake up around eight or nine. While I definitely don't get enough sleep, I wouldn't say I sleep poorly. It's just what I'm used to doing."
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kazoos-and-roses · 1 year
What goals do you have in your life currently? Anything on your mind specifically?
"Well, I've always wanted to become one of the best aerialists there are, but I guess for now my main goal is to do my best to help my peers in those games of here."
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kazoos-and-roses · 1 year
Do you know who sent that hypnotic letter of yours… ?
This time, when The Aerialist read their latest note, they made a quick glance at the drawer where they tossed that letter, then returned their gaze to this new one. They pondered ignoring it, maybe pretending they never saw it, but...
If these strangers know about each others letters, without me saying a thing about it... What else do they know?
And so, they write:
"I'm curious how you know about that. And, how you know what it is. Maybe you sent it, and are pretending you are someone else? Seems like a weird thing to do, though... Either way, I have no idea who it's from. It felt familiar to me, though. And I don't care for it."
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kazoos-and-roses · 1 year
Can you cook well? Are there any specific meals significant to you?
Oh! I like this one, Kaz smiled, flipping the note over to begin their answer.
"While I'm not the best cook out there, I can make some pretty decent dumplings, and loaded potato soup. I also enjoy baking, but I don't think baking likes me much. I always seem to mess it up. I've always loved creme brulee though! It's what I always get on my birthday, instead of a normal cake. When I was younger, it was the only time I could get any from where I grew up, so I guess it's pretty significant to me."
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kazoos-and-roses · 1 year
[[ A haunting hum rings out across the space where Kazuki sits, almost grating as it rises until a fever pitch is reached, and is only broken by the comparatively soft 'click' of a lock sliding into place. If they were to try, they'd find it was their own room's - but everything is otherwise still, silent.
A letter is slid underneath the doorframe almost in perfect synchrony with the lock's click, and sits on the wooden floor of the room expectantly. This envelope boasts ragged corners, not nearly as neat as the one previously sent, but the seal is the same, instead stamped in crimson red wax that bleeds through the envelope beneath it.
The text is the same.
Its message, jagged and commanding, is simple enough. ]]
[[ Though it isn't signed, the scent emanating from it is familiar - drowsy, alluring, almost hypnotic. There's no telling what the sender will do. ]]
The humming shook The Aerialist to their core. And then the lock. And the letter.
Slowly, Kazuki stood up. They took a few careful steps towards the door. They tried to open it, to discover that yes- it was indeed locked. Shit.
Kaz crouched down, picking up the new letter and returning to their desk without looking up.
They sat down, and began to open it. As they did, they caught a waft of that smell. They couldn't put their finger on why it was so familiar. Letting out a quiet yawn, they pulled the paper out of the envelope and read those three simple words. You Can't Run. It was strange enough how the letter effected The Aerialist, but this note, it was... scary to them. Like, genuinely scary. Maybe if they weren't so tired all of a sudden, it would be terrifying. Maybe-
Kaz shook their head, quick and sudden. Shoving the paper back into its envelope and stuffing the letter into a drawer, Kazuki opted to try and ignore it, for now. Something was wrong with it, and something told them that whoever sent it wouldn't be the type to make an empty promise. For now, however, it would have to wait until they could shake off the lingering scent.
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kazoos-and-roses · 1 year
[[ A letter, penned in distinct pink ink, is slid under the door of the Aerialist's room. The letter itself is pearly, off-white on the envelope, but the distinct golden wax seal tells them all they need to know of who's sending it. They'd know that symbol anywhere, as it lingered on some of their own equipment. ]]
"Kaz, you never told me you were coming here. I would've warned you sooner, you silly thing. This place is terrifying, and I don't want you to get hurt. Even though you're an aerialist, there are more people here that can reach you than you'd think.
It was certainly the case for me.
I sought refuge, and all I got was hell. I won't deny that it's good hearing that you're alive, after I left the troupe years ago. Consider this letter an apology and a peace offering. I'm too cowardly to deliver it myself, but I'd love to see you again if you'd make the time.
I understand if you think I've abandoned you.
I'd understand not getting a response.
~ Yours, Ever-Faithfully, C.A."
When The Aerialist received this letter, they had to pause for a minute. That familiar seal was something Kaz had seen so many times already, and a welcome sight. They traced the symbol with their finger before carefully opening the envelope. The pink handwriting was one they hadn't seen in such a long time, and so they read every word carefully before they grabbed their own pen, and a fresh sheet of paper for their response.
And then Kaz paused, hovering over the parchment.
They returned their pen to its original spot, and grabbed a different one. This time, light blue, not unlike the shades of blue in their hair. There was simply no other answer, of course. What other colour would match well enough?
"My oldest friend! It's nice to know that you're alright- at least enough to contact me in this place. If I had known you were here before, I would have tried to write to you beforehand.
I wish I could say I had any other option, to be completely honest. I had very little left before I received my invitation, and I was desperate. I'll be okay though, I'm clever enough, and have plenty of strength and energy. If I run into these people you warn me about, I'll outsmart them eventually. I always do, right?
I never thought that you abandoned me. You were my dearest friend for a long time, and I always continued to think of you as such. Thank you for reaching out to me anyways, it means much more than you might realize. Try not to go disappearing again though, for my sanity?
I hope you've been well enough at least, despite all the troubles that seem to have landed at your doorstop. I hope to see you and speak to you again soon, C.
Your friend for all time, K.R."
And with that last dot of their initials, Kazuki carefully folded their letter, drew a small and simple flower on the front, and left their small room to find the door of their old friend and lightly placed it through the crack underneath the door before escaping back to their own abode.
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