#omega asra
garden-of-omegas · 1 year
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characters: asra | nadia | julian | muriel | portia | lucio summary: the details of your first meeting with your future mate. warnings: none? i think. rating: sfw a/n: starting with the basics this time! don't worry about the missing writings, they're not completely gone and will be back sooner or later. i just realized i needed to revise a lot of stuff and i'd rather do that now rather than way later when they're half-lost under everything else.
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≿━━━━༺❀ asra ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were a wandering magician, looking for a place to settle down with your familiar, an european badger named ursula. you'd recently arrived at vesuvia, where you were planning to stay for only a few days.
✿ asra was eighteen at the time, and had yet to start his travelling lifestyle. you, on the other hand, claimed to be around the same age though you never mentioned your exact age. however, you were apparently already tired of your travels.
✿ you met asra during a masquerade, the first time you'd ever come to vesuvia. he had set up a little fortune telling booth near the market, and you were wandering around taking in the sights. you happened upon his booth during your wandering, and showed him a few tips to fortune telling after having your own fortune read. asra immediately asked you to teach him more. [☘]
✿ you agreed to teach him a few tricks if he showed you around vesuvia, as you had yet to figure your way fully around. his enthusiasm made you fall in love with vesuvia (and him) and eventually you went on to buy the shop he'd set his booth at.
✿ asra admired you instantly upon meeting you, you were so knowledgeable and wise about magic and the world. spending some time with you let him even see a glimpse behind the gruff look on your face, and he thinks some part of him fell in love with you then. you found asra to be cute, his eternally curious disposition quickly breaking through your usually tough facade. it didn't take long for you to decide that spending more time with the cute omega wouldn't be too bad.
≿━━━━༺❀ nadia ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were a magician looking for something shown to you in a vision you'd had. you'd been on the road with your familiar, a jackdaw named camma, for several years at that point. vesuvia was originally just a stopping point for you on your journey.
✿ nadia was twenty at the time, recently engaged to lucio (sort of, anyways...). you were apparently around the same age, though with apparent wisdow beyond your years.
✿ you happened upon nadia in the town square of vesuvia, both of you rather new to the city-nation. she was just leaving her carriage when you'd stopped by to ask her about her clothes and carriage, ever curious about anything new. nadia gladly answered you, drawing you both into a conversation about her home country.
✿ nadia had to eventually leave for her duties, but she invited you over for discussions several times afterwards while you were still in the city. you eventually decided to stay, feeling like vesuvia was where you were meant to be and went on to open your own shop.
✿ nadia thought of you as an interesting person, your curiosity apparent and rather cute. she especially admired your intelligence and talents, making your constant talking far more tolerable than most other people she has to listen to. to you nadia was the most curious thing in the entirety of vesuvia, something about her drawing you to her instantly. you weren't sure if it was her scent, so exotic, or something more magical. regardless, you couldn't wait to get to know more about her.
≿━━━━༺❀ julian ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were a magic shop owner in vesuvia, having already settled down some time ago, though you still dreamed about your past of travelling. at least your familiar, an irish wolfhound named calum, was content with it all.
✿ you were both in your mid-twenties, supposedly. it was shortly after the plague started, after you were forced to close your shop and were looking for someway else to help the community.
✿ you ended up at julian's clinic's doorstep unexpectedly, looking to make use of your medicinal magic skills with the help of a real doctor. or, as close to one as you could get. julian opened the door expecting a patient, and instead got a stern looking magician asking to become his assistant. a few flustered stammers later he let you inside.
✿ julian gladly took you in as an apprentice after seeing your work, even with his apprehension towards magic. the two of you got close rather quickly, given how much time you were spending together prior to julian's call to the palace.
✿ after the initial surprise of seeing you on his doorstep, julian couldn't help but think of how pretty you were. a perfect alpha, though he'd never admit that that's what he thought. that, and he couldn't help but admire your talents with medicine. you mostly thought of julian as cute. stammery, dramatic, and extremely cute. a bit odd with his mannerisms, but his dedication to his craft is what really caught your attention. who wouldn't admire such passion for helping people?
≿━━━━༺❀ muriel ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were running a shop in vesuvia, working as a magician and trying to keep your rather new life intact. your familiar, a fallow deer named aldwyn, was especially taking your new city life badly.
✿ you were young adults at the time. your meeting was only shortly after you'd settled in vesuvia and asra started staying with you. not that asra was home at the time.
✿ you were out in the forest looking for herbs with aldwyn, who was leading you to all the best spots. he lead you to a small hut, with all kinds of helpful herbs growing around the area. then you got a faceful of wolf and had to be saved by a large omega smelling like all those herbs.
✿ muriel of course did his best to herd you away from his hut, but being the stubborn idiot that you are you kept returning back. it was the best place for herbs you'd found, and the cute omega was a delightful bonus of course.
✿ muriel mostly thought of you as weird. oh so weird. you were stubborn, oddly cheerful, and despite his gruff personality kept calling him cute. he was sure that inanna had knocked something lose in your head. at least your deer companion was cute. you were enamored with muriel immediately, almost sensing his gentle giant heart. and his grumpy pouts were far too cute to pass up on. so you decided immediately that you'd make it your life mission to bother him at his little hut as much as possible.
≿━━━━༺❀ portia ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were a travelling magician at the time, having only recently started your journey with your newly minted familiar, a ferret named leda. though really, you were just an apprenticing magician at the time. [☘]
✿ you were both so young, portia only a little over a decade and you in your early teens. julian had just left nevivon, and portia was still waiting for the day to go after him.
✿ you'd just arrived in nevivon, having heard about their salts and being interested in their possible magical properties. you were looking for someone to show you around when a bushy-haired little girl stepped onto your bath and offered to show you around. you of course took her offer, she was too cute to resist.
✿ portia showed you all around town, and eventually lead you to a place where you could purchase their famed salts. after a few tests, you got them to spark with magic, and it was over for you. portia spent the rest of your visit following you around in hopes of more magic.
✿ you were the most incredible thing portia had ever seen. your grand stories and magic tricks, oh she could just spend all her time listening to them! she was so sad to see you go when you had to leave to continue your journey. you thought portia was just the cutest thing ever, with her wild hair, boundless excitement and little button-nose. and so eager to see more of your magic! you'd never had someone so excited about something that felt so natural to you. you loved that feeling.
≿━━━━༺❀ lucio ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ when you truly first met lucio, you were incomprehensible and unknowning, but that's a memory lucio couldn't have and you lost. so, at the time of your actual first meeting you were a magician masquerading as a doctor.
✿ it was the start of the plague in vesuvia, you were in your mid-twenties and you had just started working at the palace to find a cure for the plague, one of the first to be called upon.
✿ you stepped into the count's bedroom, a few magical books with you and your familiar, a sphynx cat named primavera, hanging off your back. lucio spots you from his pet and calls you a servant, ordering you to bring him some water. he gets a surprise when you start laughing, and conjure a pitcher of magic for him.
✿ you spent most of lucio's early illness with him, taking care of him and trying to find ways to stop the plague from advancing. up until your eventual death you spent most of your waking-time by his side, looking after him and entertaining him.
✿ lucio was at first certain you were a hallucination made up by his illness, no way someone could be so perfect and beautiful. the moment your pissed off face broke into a melodious laughter he fell in love just a little bit. your soul knew he was it, this was it, but you yourself thought of him as a spoiled little brat. but primavera liked him immensely, so you decided that he was fine, and it didn't take that long for you to worm your way under his facade.
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ikemenomegas · 2 years
anon: do you think any of the omegas could be pregnant without knowing they're pregnant?
a/n: I had to look up whether this was a thing, turns out there's something called "cryptic pregnancy" where you don't know you're pregnant for at least half of the pregnancy. And certainly anyone can be pregnant for shorter periods of time without knowing about it, but this is the route I went.
Which Omegas who are most likely to have a cryptic pregnancy:
The ones most likely are those who are least attentive to their bodies, and those who often ignore symptoms
Suguru Muriel Erwin
Asra Yuta Haku Alucard
c/w: mpreg, pregnancy talk, varying levels of anxiety from the parties involved, mentions of oral sex and painful sex
Even Monkeys Fall From Trees
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Suguru was standing in front of you with a turbulent expression in his eyes.
The pen in your hand was a baton you waved around, looking into your mate's eyes. "Yes?"
Normally you might tease him a little about the stubborn, pinched look about him, but you looked down at the things he was throwing on your desk.
Click clatter
Two more long sticks of plastic with a distinctive shape were tossed before your eyes. They hit one of the ones on the table already and flipped it over like a menko piece.
You looked back up at him, eyes wide. Two more sticks were clenched in his fist.
"How many of these did you take?"
Your chair scraped against the ground. With trembling fingers, you picked up one of the tests and then put it back down. You picked up another and then another.
How was this possible?
You came around the desk to Suguru's side and took the last two tests from his hand.
"This one isn't--"
"It's seven out of eight," Suguru said. "I've been doing them for a week. The evidence is pretty strong that it is."
"We've been so careful," you whispered, half to yourself.
Suguru's hand flexed as though he wanted to place it over his belly but couldn't bring himself to do so.
"What made you test it? You've been more tired lately, but you don't look very different."
He hesitated and then plucked one of the tests from the table. Two violet lines filled the result window.
"I felt something move."
You felt lightheaded. "Suguru, that's--"
He just looked at you from underneath his long dark lashes, golden gaze molten.
He'd missed his last heat, but they had become less regular as stress and curses piled up so neither of you had thought anything particular about it. There had been that brief bout of what you both had thought was stomach flu after he went to Kanagawa about four months ago.
"How far along are you?"
"I don't know."
Animal Instinct
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It was only exhaustion that kept you from running down the forest paths to Muriel's hut. Five months had been long enough, no need to start off your reunion with your omega by face-planting in the the dirt or breaking your ankle.
He had sent Inanna with you and she also panted at your side. She would trot ahead and wait for you, or disappear only to slink back to your side and press her wet nose to your palm.
"I know, we're almost home."
Inanna gave an answering growl, low and friendly, and pressed against your leg before pulling away again.
The hut came into view all at once through a gap in the trees and your heart leapt at the thought of Muriel, of home.
Inanna gave a high pitched yelping back and the door was open, Muriel ducking through it, before you even made it past the protective charms.
Your omega caught you up in his arms, lifted you like you weighed nothing, drew you to him and buried his face in your neck. He kissed you and when he looked at you, his eyes were unguarded.
Despite your long absence, it did not take long to get settled back in. The shop was kept in its usual organized chaos, the hut in its close warmth. A few more trinkets went up on the carved shelves, and Muriel was shoving an awful lot of blankets to your side of the bed whenever you laid down to read or take a nap, but things were gradually descending into the ordered chaos of being back where you belonged.
Except Inanna wouldn't sit still.
Usually she sat by the fire or crept about in the brush, ears always angled towards Muriel or you. Content to be close, but comfortable to be far. Even though she was a familiar, she was still an animal, and you'd expected it to take a few days for her to be comfortable being much distance from Muriel.
It was much longer than days, and she's not comfortable with any distance at all.
She wines and paws at Muriel and she's giving you reproachful almost like she did when you first arrived at the clearing. She keeps bringing carefully killed game to the hut and won't leave you alone until you cook it up, and unless Muriel eats some, she won't touch it. When you trace the line of hair leading down Muriel's belly, she barks, high and sharp, and then sulks something terrible when you both start to fuss over her.
You're at the shop for tea and mention it to Asra when you're coaxing the fire salamander awake.
"It's very odd behavior for her, although Muriel's being a good sport about it. He never minds it, but it's making me worry if there's going to be an earthquake or something. Have Malak or Faust been acting oddly?"
Asra shook his head. "Nothing here. Although, Malak's not really the best indicator of danger."
That made you laugh, remembering the catastrophic squawking you'd briefly heard from him during Lucio's coup.
"It's not the hut. We checked for termites and patrolled the forest, and everything's as safe as it gets out there."
"Are either of you feeling under the weather?" Asra gathered the mugs onto a tray and shooed you up the stairs to the rooftop with the kettle in your hand.
"I don't think so? At least I feel fine and she wasn't like this when we were traveling. Maybe we should check Muriel though."
"Check what?" he asked, handing you and then Asra out of the steep staircase and into the garden. From this high across a good portion of the neighborhood was visible before buildings started to get tall again.
"Are you feeling okay? You hardly ever tell me if you're sick. Asra thought maybe Inanna could tell something we couldn't."
Muriel looked at where the familiar in question was laying her head on her paws, watching him closely.
"I'm feeling fine, I think," he said.
Muriel and Asra exchanged one of their silent looks over your head when you started to arrange the tea tray. Asra began tracing a sigil in the air, purple and white sparks falling into place and casting their light over your mate.
It was several long moments before the diagnostic spell was complete and several more as Asra's magic gently inquired into the state of Muriel's body.
You saw it, the moment Asra's eyes went wide.
"What is it?"
"Are you sure that you've been feeling alright? No nausea, dizziness? Heaviness, maybe?"
"Asra, what's going on?" The fading but ever present fear of the plague or something like it propelled you from your chair, a hand going to your mate's shoulder.
Muriel looked up at his old friend warily and reached up to place his warm hand on yours. "Nothing that seemed out of place. Is there something that worries you?"
Asra laughed, light and joyful. "No, Muriel. We're going to be very busy in the next few months, but I'm not worried. How could I be when I'm going to be a godfather?"
You and Muriel looked at one another with matching shock.
Whippoorwill (includes nsft)
*the world map of snk is apparently our world map turned upside down and backwards, which... makes Paradis island into Madacascar -_- but almost like England weather wise. I think it's a coward's move to assume Paradis is northern hemisphere, so I hc that just as things are "reversed" in the Arcana setting, the same is true here
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Spending a sabbatical in a 1500 year old villa was not what you had expected when you had sealed your bond with Erwin. It was, however, a very nice perk.
With a cup of something warm on the table, a stack of papers to read, a fragrant breeze, and your mate, shirtless and lightly glistening with the evidence of his morning exertions jogging in the direction of your balcony, it was perfect.
You put down your papers and leaned your head on the railing, shamelessly ogling. He'd left before you were properly awake when the morning was still dim so you hadn't seen him leave, which seemed a great oversight. Your mate was shirtless and wearing a pair of those fancy exercise pants he liked, which were thin enough to cling to every muscular contour of his shapely thighs.
He'd been somewhat sensitive to the warmer northern summers and taken to wearing linens or simply less whenever he could. Not that you were complaining.
Being at the villa also seemed to be doing something to his libido. You decided to worship your mate's strong shoulders and delectable behind the next time, which you did not expect to be long in coming.
"You're drooling," a voice said.
Erwin's friend dropped onto one of the deck chairs, rubbing the dome of his stomach. Levi and his Alpha had joined you two for a much needed break a few days ago, and you were a little concerned that they were going have the baby while on holiday.
You looked at him, amused. "Isn't that my right?"
Erwin was coming up the stairs, pulling the towel you'd set on the railing over his shoulders.
"Beautiful omega," you crooned in his direction, smirking at Levi's disgusted scoff.
Erwin bent to press his lips to yours, his hand on the back of your neck.
You hummed into it, smiling. His scent was thick around you, his skin radiating warmth. Forget waiting for him to initiate. You must just ask yourself if you could take him for a little tumble before he showered.
Levi's alpha emerged on the terrace with a pair of porcelain cups and just smirked knowingly as you tugged Erwin through the door with you. The sound of their conversation with Levi faded quickly into the background.
"Should we try for one?" you murmured, padding with your mate across the cool tile towards your room. You'd talked about it before, but the interaction with Levi had put the image of Erwin with his toned stomach rounding out with your child in your mind. You knew pregnancy came with hardships, but the image had you suddenly looking forward to it.
Erwin's hand radiated warmth in yours, keeping the chill away, and you were already imagining that shared heat in bed.
"Why not?" Erwin's ice blue eyes were entirely focused on you. It pulled shivers up and down your spine.
You pulled your fingers through his hair. Strands were already falling onto his forehead after his run. It never failed to entice you, seeing him undone.
He pulled you towards the bed falling back onto it when his knees hit the edge. You could smell his arousal as he spread his legs and leaned back, smiling at the ceiling. You tugged on the cuffs of his pants as he refused to help, dragging them down until you could pull them off entirely and throw them onto a nearby chair.
Erwin propped one leg up, exposing his hole, already glistening with slick, but you took your time, pressing your lips to his knee and the inside of his thigh until his burning gaze threatened to consume you.
Still you skipped over where he clearly wanted you, pinning his body below yours and making no effort to direct the prod of your cock.
"Ask me," you said the words low in your chest voice, rumbling and teasing, catching his lips in a kiss.
You leaned over him, pressing your palms on either side of him. His hands came up to your sides, fingers rubbing circles into your hips as you began sucking marks down his chest. He groaned as you hit a particularly sensitive spot below his left nipple and you sucked harder, intending for the mark to bruise, and feeling rewarded by the new wave of arousal that wafted up.
You slid back down until your knees were on the floor, fingers digging into Erwin's hips. He shivered beautifully when you licked from the lowest edge of his hole to the tip of his flushed cock. You teased the edges of him with your fingers, while you sucked the tip of him, pulling him ever so slowly into your mouth, eyes flickering up to see his head fall back against the mattress.
You fingers went in easily, two at once, sliding into him and stroking gently at his walls. You hollowed your cheeks and swallowed him in deeper and moved your fingers until you were pressing upwards in time with the movements of your mouth.
A long drawn-out moan was your reward, as well as your omega reaching for your hand, which you happily provided, twining your fingers together and groaning your name.
"Do it. Let's do it. Let's have a baby."
You'd been together for years now and you knew what he liked, what could make him pant with pleasure, as when you flexed your wrist and pressed your fingers more fully inside of him, or when you growled around his cock, the vibrations moving through him.
You also knew when the sound he made was not a gasp of pleasure but of pain. Immediately you eased off of his cock and stopped moving your fingers. He was clenching tight around you, but his teeth were gritted and your mate was breathing carefully through his nose.
"Sorry," you murmured, rubbing circles on his abdomen to try and ease the cramps. "You're okay."
He made another pained sound when you tried to pull out, "Wait."
"Of course." You made soothing noises low in your chest, crooning meant to calm an omega and massaged Erwin's lower belly.
The flush was quickly leaving his cheeks and soon you were able to pull your hand free of him.
Erwin gave a murmured assent when you asked if he was alright if you helped clean him up. You rinsed off your own hand and quickly brought a soft warm cloth to your mate. The cramping seemed to have passed as you carefully swiped the cloth over his hole and then his cock, but you still placed another warmed towel over his stomach while you finished cleaning up.
He was sitting at the headboard, propped up on the pillows there when you returned. He turned and pressed his forehead to your breastbone when you settled in beside him, fingers carding through his sweat-dampened hair.
"It's nothing for you to apologize for," you assured him.
"Let's try again some other time," he said quietly. "Maybe during my heat it won't be so bad."
"It shouldn't hurt at all," you reminded him.
"Hmm." He turned his body and drew his knees up so he was curled next to your body.
"When is your next heat? We should see someone before then."
There was a heavy pause. The cramps had been happening sporadically for a little more than a month now, and you'd been pushing Erwin to see a doctor. He'd wanted to wait until after the move to the villa, and then until things became less busy, and then until after his friends had visited, but it had been something you'd kept a worried eye on.
"I'm late," he finally admitted. "It was supposed to happen last week, before we had visitors."
"Darling, why didn't you say anything?"
"It happens somtimes, with omegas" he said patiently. "It's not a big deal."
You nuzzled into the top of his head. All you could do was trust him.
"Do you think you could eat something?" you asked, after a moment. "I know not everything has entirely agreed with you, but you did go for a run this morning."
"In a bit," he said, pulling you closer.
You scented him gently, running your hands up and down over his shoulders and his side. He made an irritated sound and you felt the sudden tightness in his back as another cramp rippled through your mate.
You massaged it out the best you could, pressing the heel of your palm into his lower back and rubbing more gently over the hard planes of his stomach.
You didn't know what was going on, but it worried you.
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*unfortunately, like a lot of people i find reference photos on pinterest. disclaimer, i do not own these pictures, i also do not know who does or where they come from (with exception for Muriel's being an in-game postcard). If you need me to take down the photos because you own them or the style inconsistency is driving you as nuts as its driving me, please message me and I will do so.
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Sage’s Headcanon Event Day 13. Omegaverse Mogai/Liom: 
Oeta (Bi dynamic Beta + Omega) Asra Alnazar • Omega Julian Devorak • Domega (Dominant Omega) Nadia Satrinava • Transalpha Lucio Morgasson • Sulpha (Submissive Alpha) Namar Satrinava • Denning Beta Nasrin Satrinava • Transomega Valerius • Digamma Navra Satrinava • Transbeta Alador Blight • Nesting Alpha Darius Deamonne
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miguel-owhora · 10 months
APR. 2024
MAY. 2024
JUNE. 2024
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oracles-enclave · 2 months
Saturday Brunch With the Main 6 #1!
I am very tired, you will not be receiving much commentary or all of the questions answered... sorry........... promise more next week.
This Week on Annoying Count Lucio...
No one liked him this week, but he got called an omega a while back.
This Week on Getting Rowdy With Julian...
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Julian is bullied for liking pistachio ice cream, asked about his thoughts on cats and dogs, and is further bullied when asked to fix a broken nail.
This Week on Tea Time With Nadia...
Not many enjoyed our Countess this week either, but last week she was called beautiful!
This Week on Tarot Readings With Asra...
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Asra does NOT pay his rent and is keeping clones in his closet!
Last Week on Gardening With Portia...
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I know, I know, I didn't give anyone else last week posts.... but Julian getting in trouble was funny!
Today on Camping With Muriel...
No questions this week... 🦭
Come show our less popular main 6 some love in their question channels today!!! <3
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flaminhotleto · 7 months
talking omegaverse nonsense under the cut
julian is an omega, no question. leto is a beta i think, and i’m not actually sure what asra is. can’t pin his vibes down lol
muriel is an alpha and blue is an omega, they are Exactly what you’d think upon seeing them
elliott is probably a beta? leah is a chill alpha dyke. dove is an omega.
armand is an omega. lydia is an alpha but she’s kinda closeted about it in her day to day life. she’s much more alpha when she’s out doing goth slut shit at night. and also once she gets turned, because then like… who’s gonna stop her
tanjiro is a very nurturing (but also very protective and even territorial) alpha and ineko is an omega
the yangs are both alphas i think, liao xun is an omega, and chen yu is a beta
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fox-daddies · 9 months
Reading a certian smutty blog I've been thinking about my Mc's and A/B/O. Without any more banter;
Kyle; (mostly shipped with Nadia and Asra)
Omega, O-MEG-A
Has irregular and far spread heats but don't let that fool you when he goes into heat he GOES into heat.
The first sign is nesting as his uege to nest always comes a few hours before his scent spikes in intensity. It's his only warning to get somewhere private and to lock up shop.
Kyle nests either in the overstuffed bed or on the floor. Will not nest in Nadia's bed but will nest on the floor next to it, won't nest in the Nopal bed but will nest on the floor next to it, will not nest in Portia's bed but will nest next to it. The overstuffed bed is the exception not the rule.
Uses the cool floor to help with his rising heat as he moves between floor and nest and floor and nest and floor an-.
Plushies, blankets, pillows, give him anything with the right texture and he'll love them even more in that moment (Best texture is slightly rough and scratchy but not only scratchy. The worst texture he'll throw out immediately is silk. Too smooth too slippery.)
Give them a good item with their scent on it and he's burying his face into it. Or better yet sit on the floor and let him bury himself into them. (Especially if Asra or Nadia are wearing a scarf or something lose he will bury his face into with a loud purr.)
Closes the shop when in heat purely because they cannot function at all. Will spend the day rolling around on the floor making soft noises and lots of scenting. Cannot control his scent even when out of heat as the right amount of nuzzling and nipping from Nadia and Asra will force him to release a comforting scent. Forced scenting doesn't hurt at all and he doesn't mind it as it's just a subconscious reaction he hasn't learned to control.
Absolutely weak to mating bites and neck bites in general.
Lastly purring. Kyle purrs a lot. Gentle head rub? Purring. Picked up? Purring. Cuddling? You guessed it purring. Not even necessarily while in heat. However in heat purring is the most common noise out of his lips.
Hunter; (mostly shipped Muriel, Julian and Portia)
They are an alpha.
Has such a high control of their pheromones it's hard to tell what part of their cycle their in.
Unless their in rut but that's more due to how they act not their pheromones.
Will actually try and decrease pheromone production during their rut but will eventually lead to them releasing a bunch of it at once. As they give into their rut.
Has routine and short ruts but gets super agressive during this time.
Not physically of course but will growl and hiss at everyone even Muriel. Has to explain it's because of hormones and not because they'll actually attack or actually feels angry at them.
Because of their background has just learned to react to the feeling of rut with anger and aggression, hating the feeling more than being stabbed. (They have experienced both.)
Suprisingly needs to be talked into having sex. Not because they don't want it but because they'll bite and bite and BITE. The last thing they want is to accidentally hurt their Li.
Then again one of their Li is Julian though so biting might not be as bad as Hunter fears it is.
Needs lots of encouragement and positive reinforcement. Even if they deny it.
Bluebell; (mostly shipped with Lucio)
Enjoys not having to deal with ruts or heats but will do whatever they can to help their Li through if they have heats or ruts.
Is suprisingly boring with their sex life and likes that.
Enjoys being able to provide for their partner and help them through heats and ruts.
Will happily play the role of the helpless omega or the dominating alpha. Or even a helpess alpha and powerful omega.
The second most Mc to enjoy rping only losing to Kyle.
Has suprisingly low libido but enjoys watching their partner growing more and more needy.
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animeomegas · 3 years
Kinktober - Day 27
[Asra (The Arcana) + Emotional Sex]
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Summary: Having left your shop, fleeing from the plague, only two days ago, things were chaotic. You’d been working on doing up the little cabin in the woods you’d been living in, and you couldn’t deny that it was a bit stressful, well, for you at least. Asra seemed to still be in shock that you’d listened to his plea and run away with him. But as you laid together in bed for your second night under the thin blankets, Asra’s emotions were clearly starting to get the better of him. Dom!Alpha!GN!Reader
Warnings: I can’t think of any that wouldn’t be explicitly obvious :) It is pretty short though, I’m sorry :( 
NOTE: This is a follow on from a previous headcanon set, recommended but not required to read this before. (HERE)
The bed wasn’t too bad actually, considering it had been unused for about fifteen years. Sure, the blankets left much to be desired, but a couple of warming charms and the magic of body heat helped stave off the night’s chill.
You and Asra were holding each other in silence, too tired to move after the exhausting day you’d had trying to make this old cabin liveable again. Today you’d patched up the holes in the roof, washed the linen in the nearby lake, and unpacked your tinned food and medical supplies. Tomorrow’s agenda was similarly demanding, so you were eager to get some sleep while you could.
Unfortunately, sleep didn’t come as easily as you’d hoped, your thoughts turning over the possible problem with your mate. You couldn’t tell if he was acting off in a concerning way, or if he was simply a little overwhelmed, something which would be more than understandable given the drastic changes in the last few days, but he was a lot quieter than normal, and when he was engaging with you, he was doing it through his scent or by whining or chirping, not with words.
You were worried. Sure, maybe this was just his way of dealing with having to leave your home behind, but what if there was something else he was struggling with. You ran your fingers through his fluffy, white hair and Asra pushed his face closer to into your neck, inhaling your scent.
“Are you doing okay?” you asked quietly, pressing a kiss onto his head.
Asra nodded into your neck but didn’t say anything.
“That’s good, Asra, but can you speak to me? You’ve been awfully quiet since we left the shop and you’re worrying me. How are you holding up? I know it’s been a lot.”
Asra didn’t respond at first, just shuffled closer into you. He was warm and solid against you, and it did help calm your fraying instincts. He was here, he was safe, he was with you, you could fix whatever was wrong.
“Thank you,” he whispered finally, voice thick. “For coming with me, I-“
Asra pressed his eyes shut and put a hand over his mouth as his shaky voice cut off. He sounded like he was on the verge of tears. He took a deep breath before continuing.
“I didn’t know what to say about it, so I-“ another shaky breath interrupted him. “I just want to say thank you, for listening to me and-“ Asra couldn’t hold the flood back anymore, and he started to sob against you chest. You felt like your heart had been squeezed through a vice.
“Hey, come here,” you sat the both of you up so that you could hold him in your arms properly. “Don’t cry, please don’t cry, it makes me feel sad when you cry.”
Asra just continued to cry in your arms. The feeling of his tears on your neck made you purr instantly, your instincts trying automatically to calm him down and make him happy again.  You really couldn’t bare it when Asra cried.
“Oh Asra, you never have to thank me for looking after you, for trusting you,” you whispered into his hair, rocking him lightly. You lifted his face up, using your sleeve to dry some of his tears. Asra always looked hauntingly beautiful when he was crying. Clear, crystal tears sliding down his skin, making his eyes look even bigger than usual.
You readjusted him so that he was laying back on the old bed and smoothed your hand over his head.
“Let me help you relax,” you said, undoing his pyjama shirt. Asra was still crying, but as you rubbed soft circles onto the bare skin on his chest, his breathing started to slow down. His nipples were hard because of the cold, and your hands couldn’t help but catch on them, but you ignored it. You wouldn’t make a move unless Asra gave you a sign to. “Deep breaths, Asra, that’s it.”
Asra’s breath did slow down, but as you kept catching his nipples, it started to hitch in places. A small tent appeared in the crotch of his nightwear. That was your sign. Gently, you focused on his nipples a little more, rubbing your thumbs around the areolas and tweaking the peaks. Occasional tears did slip out, but Asra was definitely calmer now as you rubbed his chest.
“You’re such a beautiful person Asra,” you cooed. “Together we’re going to fix this place up properly, make it a home for how ever long we stay here, safe, just the two of us, I promise.”
Asra’s bottom lip wobbled but he remained relaxed against the bed, so you dipped your hand below the waistline of his pyjamas and settled your hand on his hard cock. As much as you wanted to make love to him properly, you hadn’t sorted out your plan for contraceptives yet and it would be dangerous for Asra to be pregnant right now when you had no access to medical care and every major city and town in the area was being ravaged by the plague, so this would have to do.
“Alpha, I-“ Asra said in a shaky voice. “Please, I need you.”
“I’m here,” you soothed him, wrapping your hand around his cock and languidly stroking him up and down. “Can you feel me, Asra? I’m right here.”
You still had no curtains on the bedroom windows, and the moonlight was striking against Asra’s skin. His skin was far too enticing to resist kissing him all over and sucking hickeys on his chest. Your tongue swirled around his hard nipples, periodically sucking dark hickeys onto the skin around his collar bones.
Asra was humming and sighing in time with your tongue, his tears finally gone, as he enjoyed your gentle attention.
“I love you,” Asra said, staring at you directly in the eyes, no trace of embarrassment or bashfulness. He was never afraid to love you and that was one of the things you loved most about him.
“And I, you, my love,” you replied, spreading his precum all over his shaft to aid your handjob. “Thank you for looking out for both of us, for knowing when we needed to focus on each other and our wellbeing.”
Asra bit his lip, but you could see the edges of his mouth twinging upwards.
“Are you close?”
“Mhmm,” Asra hummed in the affirmative. His voice sounded tired. He always got tired after he cried, rare as that was. You needed to get him off and then cuddle him up and keep him warm for the night. You quickly grabbed a piece of scrap cloth from one of the old shirts you’d cut up to supplement bandages for your first aid supplies and held it over the tip of Asra’s cock to catch his cum.
“Whenever you’re ready, my love,” you encouraged your mate, quickening your strokes. “Cum for me, all over my hand, that’s it.”
Asra let out a quiet but high-pitched whine as he did as you asked. His breathing was quick, but much more consistent than it had been when he was crying earlier, and his damp eyes blinked slowly as the exhaustion hit him.
“Rest, Asra, I’ll be right here when you wake up, I promise.”
“Thank you.”
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malaks-perch · 3 years
this alpha asra hc will get posted today, i'm so obsessed, i love this with my whole heart but don't flake on me, lovers, it's coming~
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Alters looking for sourcemates
feel free to interact even if youre not a sourcemate!
Luz (host)
Tracer (host)
Aoi Shimada (oc)
Jack/Soldier 76
Corpse Husband
Mystic Messanger
'mc' (host)
Hades the game
Meg/Styx (host)
Jinx/powder (host)
the arcana
apprentice (host)
critical role campaign 1
keyleth + cassandra (host)
CR campaign 2
beau (host)
apollo (dabi)
shoto (host)
valkyrie/wanda/layla (host)
poison ivy
black manta
harley/barbara/kori (host)
Jason todd
fire emblem
corrin (host)
double trouble
catra (host)
wrong hordak
stranger things
El (host)
Tales of arcadia
claire/douxie (host)
not Enrique
Korra (host)
Apple bloom
Sweetie Belle
bee/soundwave (host)
Tex/Maine/479er (host)
rhode island
Robin (host)
Yang (host)
Dragon Prince
Callum (host)
Carmen Sandiego
Agent Devineaux
Hiccup (host)
Sucker for love
Monster prom
James (host)
Res E
Jill (host)
Watch Dogs
aether (host)
hu tao
Monster high
draculaura (host)
canada (host)
Star wars
ahsoka (host)
Obi wan
The quarry
Jules (host)
Black Butler
klaus (host)
Murder drones
Vanessa (host)
Phineas and ferb
/ngels of death
rachel (host)
list may be updated in the future!! feel free to ask for someone specific or for other sources not listed! this isnt a full list of our introjects but its a huge chunk of our system
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garden-of-omegas · 1 year
┌── ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ••✎•• ──────────
characters: asra warnings: none? rating: sfw a/n: this took a surprisingly long time, and yet a surprisingly short time. anyways, first one-shot is here! asra and his alpha's first meeting is here, and oh how cute it is! enjoy~
└── ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ••✎•• ──────────
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the vesuvian masquerade was... something else. the sights and colors were intense and prevalent around every corner, to the point where ursula was driven into your arms and was refusing to leave. you weren't a big fan either, especially of the noise, but at least it was all pretty. and the market was incredible to boot.
you were browsing some exotic teas that you hadn't seen in years when quiet chatter reached your ears. a fortune telling booth at the edge of the market, now that was something you wanted to see.
you weaved through the crowd, until you set your sights on a fluffy head of hair at a little booth, shuffling cards. you stare at the sight for a long time, entranced by the pretty person running the booth. ursula's squirming eventually broke you out of stupor, though only once she managed to escape from your arms.
she quickly bolted over to the fortune teller, snuffling at his coat curiously. you run after her, already with an apology on your lips, but you stop as a little lavender snoot peers from the coat.
"friend?" a cute voice asks, the snake's head tilting curiously.
"friend!" ursula cheers. you sigh, letting your familiar get acquainted with her new friend. instead you focus on the fortune teller, who's looking back at you with curious and warm eyes. you feel your cheeks warmen.
"good evening. i heard you were a fortune teller?" you question, your gruff voice seemingly making the fortune teller flush.
"yes. are you interested in a reading?" he answers, lifting his cards just a little bit. you nod, sitting at the small rickety chair in front of his booth. his face lights up, getting back to shuffling his cards. "can i have your name?"
"[name]." he nods, spreading out his cards on the table, somewhat clumsily. he must still be a novice magician.
"pick three cards, any that may call to you." he advices, leaving you a bit confused. you tilt your head, observing him a bit. hmm... he must not have a master to teach him, or his master is absolutely garbage. regardless you pick out three of the surprisingly beautiful and powerful cards.
the high priestess. the fool. the lovers. all upright.
you smile, feeling the spirits of the cards near. the fortune teller examines the cards for a moment, nodding to himself.
"you've been led here by your intuition, for a reason unknown to you. all will be revealed soon. a new journey is soon starting for you, you should not fear it. a new important relationship is in your future." he prattles off, sounding quite sure of himself despite the book text content of his answer.
"interesting." you mutter, petting ursula who comes by to snuffle your hand for treats. after getting none, she trots over to the fortune teller to snuffle his pockets. you pull out your own tarot deck from your bag, setting it on the table to his confusion. "could i read your fortune in exchange?"
"uh, sure..." his magic-purple eyes swim with confusion, looking from you to your deck. you smile softly.
"may i have your name?"
"asra..." you nod, shuffling your deck with swift hands. asra tilts his head while observing, reminding you of a little fox.
"is there anything specific you'd like to know?" you ask, now in turn catching asra off guard.
"um... not really, can you just do a generic one?" he asks, looking more and more unsure of what's happening. you on the other hand, nod assuredly. you spread out the deck in your hands, offering it up to him.
"three cards, please." asra hesitantly picks out three cards, setting them down in front of you. you set the rest of the deck aside, and focus on the first card.
wheel of fortune, reversed. you listen to her voice, the words flowing through your mind.
"forces outside of your life have lead you down the path you are on right now. this is not a failure on your part, simply the way of the world. someday you will see why."
you turn over the second card, finding the magician immediately chattering to you. upright, how delightful.
"you have something you want, you should embrace any opportunities that come your way, they won't last forever. look for magic in your everyday life, it's everywhere."
the last card. the lovers, upright. you flush slightly, both of them teasing you about the cute omega sitting across from you.
"connections play an important part in your future, but you should watch how you let them affect you and your life. communication may prove to be difficult, but giving up is not the solution."
asra stares at you for a while, astonishment on his face. you blink, not having expected such a reaction.
"how did you... do that?" he eventually asks.
"do what?" you tilt your head.
"come up with all that." he clarifies, to which you snort out a slight laugh. ursula immediately responds by laughing herself.
"i don't 'come up with all that'." you explain. "they talk to me. i'm just the messenger for their words."
"please teach me how!" asra springs up from his seat, leaning down to look you directly into your eyes. you blink, and laugh a bit again.
"sure, if you show me around. i'm new to vesuvia you see, and i'd love to have someone who was born here show me around." you negotiate, causing asra's eyes to widen even more.
"how did you-?"
"i might teach you later." you wink, getting up from your seat. asra is left staring up at you, even as you wait up for him a few steps away. "coming?"
you smile as asra runs over, his excited energy infecting you. you can't wait to see what becomes of this new partnership.
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thunderheadfred · 5 years
Fred’s Fic Index
Sorted alphabetically by fandom, then from newest to oldest. See #fred writes for all writing posts, including WIP snippets.
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Ace Attorney
Proxy — AO3
The truth is simple: Phoenix Wright no longer wishes to associate with Miles Edgeworth. Or: This is how, two weeks too late to do anything about it, Edgeworth learns of Phoenix’s disbarment.
Phoenix/Miles - found family Mature  - explicit sexual content 37,000 words - Mar. 2020 ✓
reunion scene  //  Phoenix/Miles - E - 1,700 words
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The Arcana
riddles  //  G
cost  //  Asra+Muriel - T - 670 words
egg  //  Asra+Nadia - G - 970 words
aether  //  Asra/Julian - E - 3,750 words
stop that  //  Asra/Julian - T - 540 words
the cave  //  Asra/Apprentice - E - 1,420 words
memory  //  Asra/Apprentice - T - 530 words
first kiss  //  Asra/Apprentice - T - 790 words
letter  //  Julian/Apprentice - T - 370 words
stiff drink  //  Julian/Apprentice - T - 780 words
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Avatar: The Last Airbender
stealing Appa  //  Aang+Appa - G - 880 words
sneaking  //  Aang+Gyatso - G - 270 words
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Todoroki x Reader Headcanons
Aizawa x Reader Headcanons
Shigaraki x Reader  //  HC’s  -  The Second Worst
Bakugou x Reader Headcanons
Hawks x Reader Headcanons
Kirishima x Reader Headcanons
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Dragon Age
fraternizing  //  Zevran/Warden, T, 390 words
fireside  //  Zevran/Warden, T, 450 words
glad to have you  //  Zevran/Warden, T, 370 words
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Good Omens
Incense — AO3 / PODFIC
Not you. I know what You smell like.
Crowley/Aziraphale - gender, magical realism Mature - explicit sexual content 16,000 words - Sep. 2019 ✓
scent //  T - 500 words  //  [podfic]
sleep  //  Crowley/Aziraphale - T - 675 words
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Mass Effect
Double Blind — AO3
Professor Solus was curved the same way scalpels were: not rounded for safety, but precisely honed, so sharp that Shepard wouldn’t feel the edge until she was six pints lighter. The promise of so much gratuitous blood loss made her dizzy. Dizzy… and something else.
Femshep/Mordin - Omega, PWP Explicit - BDSM, violence, blatant disregard for canon 14,000 words - Sep. 2018 (WIP) #tagged  -  playlist
a new toy  //  E - perfect 100
werewolf girlfriend  //  M - 234 words
a kiss for luck  //  M - 485 words
smile  //  M - perfect 100
sharp  //  M - perfect 100
weakness  // M - perfect 100
cupcake  //  M - perfect 100
hair   //   M - perfect 100
In the Yellow Time of Pollen — AO3 / FFN
Velocity and time make for curious bedfellows, especially when Kallo Jath flies out to meet his biological imperative.
Sara/Kallo - unreliable narrator, non-chronological Mature -  sex pollen trope, awkwardness 15,000 words - Mar. 2017 (WIP) #tagged  -  playlist
height difference kisses  //  T - 725 words
a kiss to give up control  // T - 228 words
washing machine  //  T - perfect 100
another lifetime  //  M - perfect 100
a kiss meant to be gentle   //  M - 1.8k
A Pretty Taste for Paradox — AO3 / FFN
After being resurrected by Cerberus, Shepard is a raw nerve, a stranger in her own skin. Why else would the never-ending nattering of Professor Mordin Solus send a shiver down her spine?
Femshep/Mordin - asexual romance, vignettes Mature - angst, violence, suicidal ideation 10,000 words - Jan. 2017 (WIP) #tagged  -  playlist
casual, in joy  // T - 620 words
the end of the world  //  T - 420 words
jealousy  //  T - 370 words
a kiss to shut them up  //  T - 240 words
juggling  //  T - 370 words
balance  //  T - perfect 100
unable to open their eyes  //  T - 0.4k
topaz // G - perfect 100
date   //  G - 300 words
routine kisses   //  G - 0.7k
kisses meant to distract  //  G - 1.8k
mordin solus   //   G - perfect 100
Red Streak — AO3 / FFN
During the surrender of Shanxi, ex-Marine Hannah Shepard agrees to parley with the fleet captain of the invading turian Blackwatch. Two decades later, Hannah’s daughter Jane lives in the shadow of that infamous truce.
Shakarian- first contact, novelization, shifting POV Mature  - excplicit sexual content, violence 100,000+ words - Sept. 2016 (WIP) #tagged - Red Streak Index
passionately, in a rush of adrenaline  // T - 350 words
a kiss on a scar  // T - 330 words
drunk message  //  T - perfect 100
window  //  T - 200 words  
a gentle “I love you” whispered after a soft kiss //  M - 1.4k  
breaking the kiss to say something  //  M - 1.2k
synthetic insights  //  M - 800 words
a hoarse whisper  //  M - 875 words
lazy morning kisses  //   M - 320 words
throwing their arms around the other person  //  M - 1.2k
when one person’s face is scrunched up  //  G - 500 words
Jane + Albacus:
growing pains  /  T - 3k
Misc. ME Drabbles
Zombie AU   //  T - 380 words
Citadel NPCs   //  T - 730 words
Tattoo Parlor AU  //  Shakarian - M - 500 words
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Even More Bullshit
Rigor Mortis // Beetlejuice / 2010 / 4.9K / explicit Sex with a dead guy is hard… get it? AO3 / Tumblr
Shine On You Crazy Diamond // Cowboy Bebop / 2010 / 4K / mature Grown Ass Ed + Spike / post-series, and not as stupid as you think AO3 / Tumblr
Sublimation // Half-Life / 2011 / 8.4K / explicit It is his turn now, he realizes, his half of the conversation. AO3 / Tumblr
Lacuna // Historical Fiction / 2012 / 2.6K / mature A pornographic exploration of Austrian fin de siècle composer and conductor Gustav Mahler, which is probably not the sort of thing a person sees every day. Tumblr
Nebenstimme // Historical Fiction / 2013 / 3.7K / explicit Nebenstimme (Ger) under part; i.e., a secondary contrapuntal part, always occurring simultaneously with, and subsidiary to, the Hauptstimme. Tumblr
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ikemenomegas · 2 years
Character List + Masterlist Links
Bungou Stray Dogs (ongoing manga; beware of spoilers)
Dazai Osamu Tanizaki Junichirou Kunikida Doppa Nakajima Atsushi Edogawa Ranpo Yosano Akiko (Alpha Yosano requests only) Fukuzawa Yukichi Miyazawa Kenji Nakahara Chuya Akutagawa Ryunosuke Jono Saigiku
Jujutsu Kaisen (also an ongoing manga, beware of spoilers)
Gojo Satoru Getou Suguru Yaga Masamichi Kiyotaka Ijichi Ieri Shoko (Alpha or Beta Shoko requests only) Fushiguro Megumi Yuji Itadori Inumaki Toge Okkotsu Yuta Iori Utahime (Alpha Utahime requests only) Nanami Kento Mei Mei Choso
Naruto (no Boruto, the sequel is a mess. If you want to adopt one of the children that may be arranged)
Kakashi Hatake Gaara Itachi Uchiha Haku Sai Sasuke Uchiha Kankuro Obito Uchiha Nagato Sasori Iruka Umino Yamato Uchiha Shisui Izuna Uchiha Konan (Alpha Konan requests only) Temari (Alpha or Beta Temari requests only)
Mystic Messenger
Zen Jumin V (Jihyun)
Adrian Tepes (Alucard)
The Arcana
Asra Julian Muriel Nadia Lucio Portia (Alpha Portia requests only)
One Piece (an ongoing manga literally since I was a child. I am in and out with the manga, I only watch episodes I am interested in because it would take a whole year to catch up to even one arc… but still may be spoilers)
Shanks Trafalgar Law Portgas D Ace Sabo Zoro Sanji Pell
Shingeki no Kyojin
Levi Ackerman Erwin Smith Jean Kirstein
Thick thigh gang Which omegas might have a cryptic pregnancy (Suguru, Muriel, Erwin) Actor AU headcanons (Naruto, Mystic Messenger, The Arcana)
Prompt lists:
One word prompts
Make a Wish
Spice and nice event
Omegaverse world
Pup gifts (replies)
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vesuviannights · 5 years
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Lucio x Reader 🍋🍋
Gender neutral reader, no pronouns or body parts.
As an Omega, you’ve spent your life yearning for adventure and covering your symptoms with any range of spells and herbs you could find. And the world has been kind to you, keeping you hidden from any Alpha who would wish to have you - until a white wolf appears in your forest sanctuary, golden eyes and blood-stained maw, and your carefully crafted control begins to unravel.
5411 words.
Featuring: omegaverse lore, knotting, breeding kink, cum stuffing, biting/claiming, Alpha Lucio, Omega Reader, some Asra x Muriel, mentions of blood, mentions of starvation
If you’re familiar with Omegaverse lore, know that I’ve fiddled with some of it to merge it with what we know of the Arcana universe. If not - welcome, and I hope you enjoy your stay! Here’s an informative page if you want to learn about it before you read, but if not there’s just enough exposition woven throughout the fic to give you the basics. 
Also, the whole ‘consent what consent’ vibe in Omegaverse fics always throws me a bit, so there’s some vaguely political stuff in here to address that. 
This is the second fic (and third prompt) for my Terrifying Ten scorecard!
You had never wanted to be an Omega. Or a Beta. Or even an Alpha. You had only ever wanted to be you, and free to do whatever you pleased, and not weighed down by what each label meant, or how others looked at you because of it.
And so you had spent every year since your first heat, that horrifying moment you could no longer deny exactly what you were, trying to figure out new ways to stop or mask it.
Casting spells. Starving yourself. Hiding out in certain magical places to mask your scent. Carrying specific herbs or magical items with you to ward off the all-too-obvious symptoms until you could find sanctuary.
You knew it was dangerous. Illegal, in some parts. The right kind of Omega might be considered property by the wrong kind of Alpha, and the longer an Omega went through their heats without sating them by submitting to an Alpha, the more they risked one day being crippled by them.
But you…you risked it all. All for freedom. All for the world. For wanting to see and explore and live how you wanted and not for someone else.
And all because of what your Aunt had told you one day, when you had been walking past the Count’s palace. Her eyes had glazed over, her voice had become fickle and husky, like it always did whenever she was possessed by the spirits.
And then she had turned to you and whispered the six words you knew you could never escape:
One day he will have you.
The air is crisp around you as you push your fingers through the damp soil, seeking the mushrooms and roots you need for your evening meal.
Beside you, a basket is already near-filled with them, all sorts and varieties and colours, ready to be washed and made into stew. You would usually never pick so many for yourself, especially not during your heat when you were too nauseous to eat, but you always enjoyed leaving some for Muriel as a thanks for letting you kick him out of his hut for a week.
You didn’t think you could ever thank him enough, really, but you tried to every moment you could. The sanctuary it allowed for you to have was priceless, and no gift would ever suffice in return.
You drop a few more roots into your basket before dusting the dirt from your hands. A little is still there when you move your hair from your face, and flecks of it catch in the strands and on your cheeks.
You huff quietly under your breath.
—and just barely hear a second, more distance huff join it.
You freeze at the sound, an almost low growl that reverberates through the clearing and straight into your chest.
And that’s when you feel it.
Watching, waiting, curious.
Ready to devour.
You stand on shaking legs, your eyes darting around the edges of the clearing. Three rapid beats of your heart pass before you see it, hidden in the shadows of the trees just beyond reach.
It’s a wolf. White as snow, with two golden eyes and a bloodstained maw that curls back over its glistening teeth.
Your knees nearly buckle at the sight of it, the world stilling around you as its eyes pin you in place. There is a burn at the base of your throat, a thickness you can’t quite dislodge. A soft wind pulls at your clothes, rustles the trees around you, and when the wolf takes a single step forward, you’re hit with the faintest scent of honey.
It’s this that snaps you from your daze, that awakens you enough to release a short gasp as you take a single step back. The wolf’s ears perk, its pupils blow out, but it doesn’t take another step, and you manage to clamber your way back into the hut and slam the back door shut.
You pull every lock but it still doesn’t feel like enough.
You wait out the night in the bedroom upstairs in darkness, all curtains pulled, alone with your thoughts and fears until the sun peaks over the frosted forest trees and you are safe once more.
There are no more signs of the wolf, a mere figment of your imagination when you set foot back in the city a week later. Asra sends word that same day of his own return—without Muriel, but with fresh fish from the northern rivers.
And so you venture into the markets that evening with your satchel and coins, determined to have at least something in the house other than dried fruits and stale bread. Perhaps some root vegetables and spices for the fish. Some wine to pair with it.
The city is bustling at the evening hour, and you pick your way through it via a series of back streets and alleys you know well. Already in your bag is a fresh pick of swedes, and your mind is set on the mulled wine from the vendor by Salasi.
As you side step a cart and duck into an alley, you let out a quiet sigh—and are immediately hit with a swoop of heat that nearly crushes you.
It moves from head to toe with brutal force, one clean swoop before it settles in your gut. Your knees give from beneath you, and you barely notice the sting of you palms as you catch yourself on the ground.
Your vision is pinpricks of black, a foggy midnight. Racing heart. Short, shallow gasps.
And when you look up, you see it.
The wolf.
The sounds of the city are so distant, cut off by a fog you barely have the clarity to try and push your way through.
There, in the airless alley, there is nothing in the universe except for you and the white wolf as he paws forward, sharp claws clicking on the cobble.
His eyes are searing into your soul, and with each step he takes closer you find yourself keening, little whines and huffs from somewhere deep in your chest as your fingernails curl into the ground, near snapping from the force.
The wolf comes to a stop before you. As you wait on shaking hands and knees, it presses its nose to your face, your jaw, your neck. It inhales, and with it comes an oh-so-soft growl before it begins to circle.
And there you kneel, barely a day after your heat had already passed, brought down by the Alpha who circles and inhales you like its last meal.
When it steps behind you, you feel quiet noises of protest bubble in your chest, little whispers of no no no no no as he presses his maw between your legs—and with that singular action comes the wolf’s deepest growl yet, one that makes your arms give out from under you.
You fall and curl in on yourself, shaking and shivering even though it feels like a baby sun has found its home in your body, flaring and stretching itself out to every nerve and muscle it can find.
You’re barely aware of the wolf shifting, of its human scent hitting you.
A dying campfire. Honeysuckle.
You gasp out and try to shift out of his arms when he scoops you up.
“No, no,” you moan. “Please—please, I don’t—”
His voice is so soothing, right against your ear. Gentle. Safe.
You relax, the world slipping for a few moments as you press your face into his chest. His hands—one soft, one hard—curl into your body to keep you close. You sway as he walks, a soft oceanic movement that lulls you, lashes fluttering against your cheekbones.
And then the world goes black.
You blink and push yourself up on a shaking hand, the room slowly clearing as you brush the sleep from your eyes.
Every part of you is a little sore, as though you had run for too long without water. It’s daylight. The smell of fresh bread lingers in the room, and a moment later—
Asra appears in the door, soft smile and dazzling eyes as he leans against the frame.
The shop. You’re back in the shop.
“I was wondering when you would wake.”
He has that look about him. That freshly-fucked glow, the kind he always has when he comes back from being railed by a rutting Muriel’s fourteen inch cock for six days straight.
You stand, stretch, rub your face. “Is there food?”
“Plenty. You know I always need to replenish when I’m back.”
Downstairs, there is a ridiculous spread. Dried figs, small chunks of cheese, breads and olive oils, cold cured meats from your favourite market vendor. There is even a small selection of sweets in the corner, placed closest to Asra for ease of access.
The sight of so much food should be overwhelming, but you’re used to it. Asra never puts his money where his mouth is, or rather the food—always says he wants to eat and eat and eat after returning home, when really all he wants is to pick at things like a spoiled concubine.
He lounges on his side by the low table, supported by plush silk cushions while you lower yourself to sit cross-legged opposite him.
The two of you immediately begin working through the food while he talks about his plans for the week, how the weather will turn just enough for the two of you to spend a night out in the fields stargazing.
You murmur and agree to each thing, though you don’t really remember them once he moves on to the next one. Your concentration isn’t normally so poor, and if he notices you thinking on it, he doesn’t say a thing.
The spread of food slowly clears, until about half remains, and Asra has stopped picking.
You have a piece of toast halfway to your mouth when it hits you. Hazy and not entirely there and curious.
The alley. The wolf. The…the scent.
“Are you alright, love?” Asra asks, his voice coming to you as though through a thick fog.
You’re frowning, eyes unfocused. You don’t know if you’re alright. You can’t quite recall how you got home, or what happened after the scent.
Asra’s face shifts. He reaches out for your knee, squeezes. Your hazy memories become a little more so, and then you blink, and they are gone.
You exhale softly, and accept a small circle of cheese Asra pushes toward you. Your cheeks bloom in your happiness: it’s your favourite, a kind only available in a far-off city on the continent.
Grabbing it up with unapologetic greed, you take your first bite and release a soft moan. Asra beams at your pleasure, and the final sliver of uncertainty eases itself from the room.
“How did your week go?” He asks.
You nod, and you tell him it went well. You got a lot of reading done. You tried to paint. Muriel has a new row of herbs in his garden, though you couldn’t say what—identifying seeds has never been your specialty.
Asra’s eyes light up, and he laughs. “Muri will adore them, I’m sure.”
And you smile back, and bite into your toast.
“Last time I changed something in his hut,” you remind him, a mischievous glint in your eye. “He pouted for a week. Remember? He hated those carvings. Said he wanted to move out, they were so hideous.”
Asra’s lips twitch up, but something seems to fall, too. You tilt your head and watch as his gaze lingers for a second longer, then loses the fight and drops away.
“He’s…not leaving the hut, is he?” You ask slowly, a little more alert. And then, with a slightly tighter chest, “You’re not leaving, are you?”
He shakes his head, no, and then shrugs.
“Maybe. Muri is getting restless anyway,” he says. His gaze drops to his hands, where he’s picking at his nail beds. “He wants pups.”
“Do you?”
And then, so quietly you almost don’t hear it, a resigned, “Yeah.”
But. There’s a ‘but’ there, one you know not to push.
With the remains of your meal scattered and a new weight settled over the shop, you stand and begin to collect whatever you can save for the next day. Asra remains in his spot, staring at his nail beds, until you crouch by him and kiss his head, nodding toward your shared room.
The day melts into the afternoon, until the sun begins to disappear beneath the skyline and you’re stirred from your dozing by the sounds of rapping at the shop door.
Asra murmurs and stretches out beside you, then slowly unfurls each of his limbs from each of yours and moves for the door. Faust slithers out from the sheets at the foot of the bed and curls into the curve of your neck, and the two of you are very nearly back to sleep when Asra returns with a small piece of paper bearing the palace seal on the back.
He holds it up to you between two fingers, nose crinkled in mild distaste.
“It’s—” You pause to yawn, murmuring quietly as you sit up and rub at your eyes. “It’s from the Countess?”
Asra nods.
“The Count’s ruts have been getting longer and longer,” he sighs. The paper vanishes in a puff of magic, and he begins to gather his scarf and coat as he speaks. “And she can only be alone with the insufferable twat for so long herself.”
Your lips twitch a little at the comment, and he slings his bag over his shoulder before offering out a hand for Faust to slither up.
“Muriel isn’t back in the city yet,” he says, looking a little worried. “Will you be okay?”
“Perfectly fine,” you assure. You lean forward to kiss Faust on her nose, and then flop back down into the sheets, ready to settle in for another nap. “Wake me when you get back.”
Asra murmurs his goodbye, and you’re already slipping when he closes the shop door behind him.
Until another rapping comes, this time much firmer and a little more impatient.
Near blind, you push yourself up and stumble toward the door, still rubbing sleep from your eyes with the heel of your palm as you open the door.
And before you stands your white wolf.
Count Lucio.
You know it without thought, without consideration, as though every nerve in your body knew the exact feel of the flames that licked at them whenever he came close, in whichever form he chose.
You wait for it to hit you, that crippling heat, that burning need, but as you stare up at him through your lashes and his canines glint in the torchlight, you find nothing inside of yourself except your own racing heart.
You pause before you speak, body still as your eyes flicker over his face. “How—how did you know Asra would leave?”
He peers into the shop and steps inside, not waiting for an invitation as he looks around.
“I was a particularly insufferable twat today,” he tells you. “So that Noddy would request your master’s company.”
You exhale hard to cover the shake in your chest as you close the door, and against your better judgement you lock it.
“He’s…not my master,” you murmur to him.
He turns to you, canines glinting in the torchlight. “No. He’s not.”
With long, sure strides he stalks toward you, and of your own accord your eyes drop down and you walk yourself back until you hit the wall. He gives a low growl of approval, and—
There it is again, that scent, honeysuckle and a dying fire. Your eyes flutter shut; you can already feel the promise of what comes next.
“You’ll find I’m not a patient Alpha, my sweet,” he murmurs to you.
His alchemical arm reaches down, you feel it brush against the fabric of your clothes before he pulls something out. Your eyes catch on it, but you still can’t look up, still can’t raise your voice above a whisper.
“What is that?” You ask.
But of course, you know what it is.
“You know what it is,” he answers, an impatient lilt there. “Though perhaps you haven’t been knowledgeable in the ways you’ve been using it.”
He holds it out, and you take it in trembling fingers.
Myrrh. You knew it well, despite your attempt at ignorance. Muriel used it so people forgot him, and you used it to ignore what you were.
Asra had introduced it to you as something he himself had used in his battle to fight off his own heat and find true love instead—something that had clearly worked, and knowing that Muriel and Asra were as much in love as they were mated kept you religious about carrying it with you wherever you went.
With a clever combination of other herbs and spells, it kept the worst of it at bay. The pain was still there, but not the crippling heat, not the burning desire to be fucked and pupped without conscious choice.
You had never submitted to an Alpha, and you had never attracted any.
Until now.
Lucio tuts, pushes the hair from your face, laughs with an almost condescending edge.
“You’ve never submitted to an Alpha before now because you were waiting for me. This—“ He snatches it back to brandish it, then crushes it in his alchemical hand with a scoff. “This means nothing. That day in the forest I could have had you, could have pinned you and pupped you while you screamed.”
You shiver at his words. “Then why didn’t you?”
“Because you said ‘no’. Then, and last night when you collapsed in the alley. I’m an Alpha, but I’m not a monster.”
He traces your bottom lip, and it trembles then parts as your tongue darts out, hesitantly lapping at the tip of his thumb. You dare a glance up and see the approval in his eyes, the darkening of his irises, and your stomach leaps at the look. You turn your head and close your lips over his thumb, whimpering and whining as you suckle.
“You won’t last forever, pet,” he says. “You will have to submit. Your body demands it. Even now I can see the sweat of your brow, the tremble in your thighs…the myrrh and spells hide the symptoms but they don’t erase them forever.”
And at his words, your entire body shudders and you drop against him. It’s the alley all over again, a heat licking up your spine and every nerve, clawing at your veins, you’re whimpering and whining and the only thing you know is honeysuckle and dying woodfire.
He is growling, muscles rolling, pressing you against the wall as he nuzzles into your neck, as he paws at your clothes.
Say it say it say it say it—
You don’t know what he’s asking for, your eyes are rolling into the back of your head, your chest heaving, you need it now, you need to be rewarded, filled, fucked, pupped—
The thought slams into you without elegance and without warning, and you gasp out and shove him away, but he comes right back. He smashes his lips to yours, teeth clashing as he ruts his hips into your thigh.
“Say it!” He growls; it’s deeper, it echoes in your mind, demands. An Alpha’s voice.
You whimper, and the word tumbles from your lips in a pathetic cry.
And then he’s on you. He’s shredding your clothes, his teeth are at your neck, grazing and threatening to mark. You can feel the heat of his cock as he throws you down onto the table, you part your legs whining and clawing at the wood.
He snorts at the sight of you, a cold sneer as he looks you over. “What am I supposed to do with you like this? Present yourself.”
You scramble to roll over onto your stomach and push your hips into the air. You can feel your sudden heat lashing at your body, causing arousal to drip down your thighs, lubricating you for everything to come. You push your hips back, panting and whimpering, trying so desperately to find the heat of his cock.
His cock, his seed, to be filled, to be swelled, to be knotted and held there and bred and pupped and fucked over and over and over again—
“Please!” You whine and look over your shoulder, but he growls and pushes your head back down.
“Behave yourself.”
You feel his cock press into your inner thigh, and you know he must have shifted into his mating form, because no human cock could be so large, so thick. You shudder, your eyes sting from desperation.
He just laughs. An Alpha in control, desperate to fuck you and pup you, but he won’t make it easy for you to get what you want.
“Please!” You gasp out again. “I’ll—I’ll be good, I promise—”
“Oh, my dear little Omega,” he purrs into your shoulder blade. He pauses to graze his teeth there, and you go near-feral from the sting. “You will be good no matter what, my cock will see to that. Have you ever taken a cock this big before?”
You shake your head.
“Have you ever taken cock at all?”
You swallow, and when you don’t answer, his grip on your hips tightens.
“AH!” You yelp and jerk away from the bruising, but he drags you right back with a warning growl. 
The action causes the head of his cock to slip into you, and you sob at the stretch of it, as the ache in your body burns even deeper at the knowledge that he’s inside of you, but not enough to sate you.
“Do you want my cock, little Omega?” He purrs. “Do you want me to fill you?” You give a pathetic whine. “Oh, you do? Well, then perhaps you should ask for it.”
Your words begin bubbling out before you can stop them.
“Please, please please—”
He scoffs. “Better than that, my dearest.” 
His alchemical fingertips trace the curve of your spine. You clench and shudder around the head of his cock, but he remains perfectly still. 
“Tell me exactly how you want me to take you.”
Your eyes roll as you gather your next words.
“I—I want—” You attempt to turn your face into the table to hide yourself, the drooling mess of your mouth, the crossing of your eyes, but he twists you back with an impatient growl. “PLEASE! Please, f-fuck me, please fuck me, fill me with your cock, breed me and pup me and fuck me please—”
Your words snap his final ounce of control, and he slams into you in one go with a howl, one that seems to shake the walls of the shop and every object on the shelves.
An Alpha’s howl.
A claiming howl.
The Count of Vesuvia, finally having found his Omega.
He begins fucking you without warning, long and thick strokes you know couldn’t possibly fit inside you. But they do, your body has shifted along with his own and every inch of him can fit inside of your dripping hole.
The room echoes with wet squelching noises as he moves at a brutal pace, his growing knot and balls slamming against you as he buries himself as deep as possible each time.
“Ohhh, does that feel better, pet?” He croons to you. “Does it feel good having my cock inside of you, fucking you like the submissive little bitch you are after you spent so long denying it?”
You nod and gasp, nails dragging along the oak of the table as you try to gain purchase to push back. You want his knot. You need it so bad, you need to be filled—
You sob. “P-please!”
“’Please’?” He laughs, and the barely-hidden edge makes that final hold on you snap.
“I WANT YOUR KNOT!” You scream. “I need your cum—I need it please—”
He reaches forward and closes a hand around your neck, yanking you up and back against his chest. His movements don’t still as both arms close around your waist, caging you in.
“I’ll knot you,” he murmurs into the back of your neck. “I’ll fill you with my cum and then my pups and watch you swell with them over and over again—” You whine as he speaks, and the deep growl from his chest is his approval. “But first, you must give me something in return.”
And then you feel it—the scrape of his too-sharp canines against your neck.
He wants to mark you.
Claim you.
Make you his, and only his, for everyone to see.
“Yes!” You gasp it out without even thinking, without needing to. “Mark me, I’m yours, I’m your mate—”
He lets out a feral growl at the word. “Say it again.”
“M-mate, I’m—” You feel your grip on reality slip, just for a moment, only to be brought back by his hand at your throat, shaking you as he rattles your body with his brutal pace.
“Louder, again—scream it for the city to hear!”
His hand tightens just that little bit more.
His teeth sink in, right as his knot does, and it’s the most exquisite pain you have ever felt in your life.
While his teeth cut into your neck and mark you with his scent, claiming you forever as his, his knot stretches you to its impossible size, locking you to him as his cum spills inside of you, copious and hot and thick.
You groan and whine and whimper at the feel, the world blacking out for a few moments as your body strains to take it all in. No world, no words, no time; just the warmth of his cum as it swells your stomach, the sweat that trickles down your collar bone along with the blood that stains your skin and his teeth.
When you return to consciousness a moment later, your own orgasm is rocking through you. It’s burning you from the inside out, leaving you dazed and aching, squeezing around his swollen cock and knot, greedily draining him and everything he is offering you.
As you start to come down, panting and gasping, you can feel something at your thighs. You realise, with heavy eyes and barely-there mewls, that there is so much of his cum inside of you, flooding you, that it has leaked out past his knot. It’s dribbling down your heated skin, following the curve of your thigh, the back of your knee, to the floor with soft little pats.
You let out a soft cry as he pulls his canines from your neck, then laves at the marks with his tongue to seal them. Your hand goes to your stomach, still so impossibly swollen with his cum—and one day, if he had his way, with more than his cum.
His hand joins yours at your stomach, pressing gently. You groan in protest at the ache, and he shushes you with a kiss behind your ear as more of his cum leaks out and runs down each of your legs.
“Oh little Omega, look at the mess you’ve made,” he murmurs.
His voice is quiet now, the Alpha sated, though it’s only temporary. Within half an hour, his knot will have receded, and he will be ready to fuck you again, and knot you again, and fill you with his cum again, over and over throughout the night and well into the next few days, until his rut is over and he has had his fill.
You let out a soft cry as he shifts the two of you to stretch out along the table, his body curved along your spine.
“You’ve been coupling thistle with the myrrh, have you not?” He asks.
You nod. Even though you were so careful to never be exposed to an Alpha until now, you still took the precautions to prevent pregnancy.
“That will have to stop immediately,” he murmurs into the back of your neck. He nuzzles with his nose, and then presses a single, slow, open-mouthed kiss there. “I want you swollen with my pups.”
You swallow thickly, and when you don’t nod or make a noise to agree, he reaches forward and roughly takes hold of your chin. Your eyes go to his lips, feeling the Alpha roll through him again, you can’t meet his gaze.
“Do you not want my pups?” You shake your head. “’No’, you don’t want them, or ‘no’, I’m wrong?”
You swallow. His grip tightens. You whimper, and in response you feel his cock twitch inside of you, setting off a new round of heat that begins to curl around your abdomen and the base of your spine.
You’re already panting a little when you answer. “I want your pups. I want to be your—your breeding bitch.”
“Good mate,” he murmurs. His hand goes back to your stomach, pressing against the swell of it once more.
As if pulled by strings, you whine and twitch against him, and his body rolls with a growl as he nuzzles into your neck.
“B-but—” You gasp it out, and feel him freeze behind you. But he waits. “I…I want to wait. Please. I don’t think I can handle…pups, right now.” You swallow, and when he still hasn’t said a word, you add in a whisper, “I want to see the world.”
It seems like an eternity before he speaks, or moves, or gives you any indication of what he feels. His lips remain at the back of your neck, and his hand against your stomach, the pressure there just enough to be a constant reminder of how full you are of him.
“I would never dream of taking your autonomy from you,” he murmurs, breaking the silence. “If you wish to be swathed in silks, then I will find the best out there. If you wish to spend your days lounging in my palace without lifting a finger, then I shall assign you a thousand hands to help. And if you wish to see the world…”
Your breath catches in your throat. You can hear the shake on his voice, the barely-contained Alpha—and beneath it all, the terrified Count Lucio, afraid that affection will not remain forever. That you will not remain forever.
“…then you will see the world.”
You nod, but you can’t bring yourself to thank him. Instead, you lift a hand to his wrist, holding it against your throat for the comfort and security it offers.
It doesn’t take more than a few moments before you feel him tensing behind you, the Alpha’s growl building in his chest.
“I will fuck you on every surface in this shop until sunrise,” he says, voice deathly still. “Until you can no longer walk, until you can no longer swallow my cum or fit any more of it inside your aching hole, and even then. And if your master returns, I’ll make him watch—maybe I will even make him join, no matter who his Alpha is. How does that sound, pet?”
You’re shivering from the heat again; without the myrrh and with your Alpha so close by, with your new mark burning at your neck, there is little to do.
Everything he says sounds so wonderful. So delicious. You want to be fucked and bred and swollen and held down while he does whatever he needs to you, while he coos to you about how much of his cum is inside of you, how swollen and aching you are, how pretty it looks dribbling down your thighs and leaving drops on the wooden floor of the shop.
All too soon, before you have even managed to answer, you feel him beginning to pull out of you. Along with it, some of his seed spills out onto the table, and you feel tears sting your eyes at the loss.
Until he rights you, hips in the air, and rakes his claws down your spine as he leans in to whisper.
“Spread yourself apart for me like a good little breeding slut.”
And then he slams himself into you once more.
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thearcanafan · 4 years
AU omega Mc x Alpha Asra
⚠️Warning: a bit smut⚠️
Your POV
I have been standing in the café door for almost 2 hours waiting for Asra but there isn't any sign of him. It's wired because he has never been late every time we hangout. I tried texting, and calling his phone but there has been no response. I'm getting worried. Am sure he would never stand me up, we are close friends we do everything together, but we're only friends we had never taken it that far, but sometimes I wish we did Asra is sweet and charming any beta or omega will fall on their knees just to be with him, but I think we're better as friends.
3rd person POV
He was laying down on his bed fully naked trying his best to forget about his rut and the urge to just grab someone, sink his teeth in them and fuck them till they're left unconscious he's mind kept wondering off to a certain someone, making him reach down to his twitching cock but just the image of them underneath him the moans and whimper will escape from their soft lips as he pounds fast into them. He can't. He needs them, and he needs them now he started rubbing up and down his dick. But then he heard his apartment door knock. He stood up fast erasing the dirty thought in his head he walked to the door the closer he got the stronger amazing scent of an omega hit his nose urging him to open the door but as he unlocked it he realized that the scent belongs to them. He slowly opens the door to reveal soaking wet Mc.
Your POV
Why did it have to rain today when I didn't bring a jacket with me? I started walking faster when I saw his apartment come to my sight I ran into the huge building running from the rain I got into the elevator touching the button to his apartment floor I walked out of the elevator walking through the halls searching for his room number as I stood in front of his door a strong pheromone of his hit me way to hard making me feel a bit dizzy I ignored the scent and knocked on his door he opened the door slowly and see him standing in front of me fully naked with his cock fully erected when the realization hit me so hard as a brick falling on my head that he was on his rut.
“MC.” He said, looking straight into my eyes, “why are you here?” He asked as he rubbed his neck I was trying my hardest not to look down, but it was a little too hard “um... we planned o-on meeting... today.” I said not sure of it myself as an anymore,“shit sorry I thought I told you that I couldn't” he said never looking away from my eyes. An awful silent was there in the space between us as I finally braked the uncomfortable situation, “I-I think it's better if I leave” I said, turning around to escape from his haunting eye's “No don't" he said, holding my wrist, “b-but” I tried to oppose, but he pulled me into his warm embrace his whole body pressed up against mine, and his member rubbing on my back as I felt his hot breath on my ear as he whispered, “please stay."
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kn0xley · 4 years
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Introducing  Omega! Another one of my Arcana ocs.
<Whole name>
+ Omega Skiyy Uclya
< First name meaning>
+the end
+ N/A
+April 8th
+ Straight
<Love interest>
+ Consul Valerius
+ Mutism-inability to speak, due to brain damage. She was dropped down several flights of the stairs as baby. Due to this she communicates with enchanted floating signs and sign language.
+ Omega is wise, innovative and curious, she knows how and when to use her soft and hard powers. Now Omega is very kind and patient, but not a push over. She doesn't get upset to easily unless you do or say something that is ignorant or really pushes her buttons. She was taught to be proper and such. But rebelled certain ideas and took what SHE deemed proper. All and all she is quite a joy to know.
<Her Tarot: X. Wheel of Fortune >
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”The Wheel turns endlessly with the passage of time, changing fortunes as if by whim. Forces outside your control may conspire to bring you down. Embrace this: it is the way of the world.”
Relationships & Backstory
+Maderame Uclya (Farther)
+Kym Uclya (Mother)
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[credit to ???]
+ Xuplio [ZuH-LeO]
+Nadia, Asra, and  Arcane-Biar.
+Omega was born a Princess of a country called Trous. As she grew up was taught to be proper and such by her mother and father. But rebelled and took what SHE deemed proper.This was due to her Grandmother’s influence on her at a young age, as her Grandmother was queen up until Omega turned 13. Her grandmother  opened her eyes to the problems with Tours and how only how her grandfather's advancements only benefited the royal family, nobles, and upper class. Though her grandmothers made a few advancements to change things, they were uprooted and disparaged when her Mother and Father came to power. Her mother and father deemed the former queen disgraceful for her changes and how she influenced Omega and brandished her.Her Grandmother settled in Vesuvia, as she had close ties with the Starvnia family due to being war allies. 
As Omega got older and was coming of age, she kept on rebelling against her parents and trying to change trying to change things. It was actually becoming quite a problem for her parents to keep her silent (even though she was mute) as she was able to influence a few courtiers and even some suitors to stand for change. At the age of 28 she was officially not being allowed to leave the castle due to this, and forced to live in the dark depressing basement bellow the castle for 3 years. The room did have a bed and a place to wash up and a window, but was very dusty and just straight up filthy. She end up cleaning it the best she could. For the most part she didn’t have much luxury, which was fine with her. But the lack of human communication did cause her to start losing her mind a little bit. But this also gave her a lot of time to read books on the history of different kingdoms, as she could request any book without restrictions. Thus becoming quite knowledgeable. She also figured out how to a teleportation spell, while and how to change her eyes from the identifiable white to a green. The teleportation spell was quite risky,as she knew she could collapse from exhaustion, due to how far away where she wanted to go was. But, she had to risk this. This wasn't just for her sake, but for her kingdoms sake.  So with a pretty full proof plan she ran away, teleporting to Vesuvia right in front of  the place. Even though she was tired, she identified herself to the guards and  let the guards know her situation. She was  straight to Nadia. When the two of them saw each other they hugged each other. Cause goodness they missed each other. After the little reunion.  They Omega got to business signing to her the situation. Nadia, understanding the situation, decided to help keep her here in Vesuvia. And put her under as a Lady in waiting.
<Height >
+ 5’11ft (without heels)
<Weight >
+ 145lbs
+ Honey
<Eye color>
+ White
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[credit to theangelmakeup]
(Better Idea of what her eyes look like)
<Hair Color>
+Midnight black
<Hair Texture>
+Curly (She is bald but carries the genetics)
<Body Type>
+Hourglass, Very top heavy
<Marks and other things>
+3 beauty marks, magical markings on her head, shoulders, arms, and thighs
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