#olympus volume 1
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haveyoureadthisbook-poll · 25 days ago
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crystalsandbubbletea · 11 months ago
Some posts on the r/UnpopularLoreOlympus subreddit really does have me shipping Persephone and Minthe, and also making me want to do my own Lore Olympus rewrite-
*Cough* This might actually be something I carry out *Cough*
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nicomrade · 1 year ago
i still dont know what the like vision is w this offshoot of the comics section like i kinda get the ground floor/4th floor divide cuz its by age range (shonens r quanrantined upstairs basically) but theres this lil nook also on the groundfloor w SOME comics n i very genuinely do not see what the criteria is. i SWEAR i borrowed one manga form that nook and then the site stated it shouldve been upstairs. i believe it was originally like a specific young adult section (is how it was explained when it was pointed out to me) but theres also non fiction there that i dont seeee how its young adult specifically compared to the OTHER non fiction comics that r elsewhere. oh battle royale was in that nook also which is awesome for me. if that helps. whats going on w the floor plan genuinely they are also hiding the books from me but thats a seperate issue (<- GENUINE i once claimed they were hiding the tsuge anthologies from me but i was just blind. this time they literally are hiding ashita no joe from me I ASKED THE DESK THEY TOLD ME THEY DIDNT WHERE THE FCUK IT WAS EITHER) im so scared this library is much too scary
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afabstract · 10 months ago
Lore Olympus Season 1 Review
Hades, the Greek God of the underworld, falls for Persephone, the Goddess of Spring, but doubts if someone as young, beautiful, and vibrant as her would want to be his queen. Rachel Smythe's "Lore Olympus" reinterprets their romance in a modern context.
⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 4 out of 5. Sneha Jaiswal (Twitter | Instagram) Greek Gods and legends are all about war, violence, love, hate, lust, curses, vengeance, incest, betrayal and a whole lot of not so pleasant themes. So, Rachel Smythe in her webtoon “Lore Olympus”, takes those larger-than-life tales about Gods, Goddesses, Nymphs, Monster and humans, wraps them up in colorful-cute dreamy…
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blurrypetals · 1 year ago
Lore Olympus: Volume 1 by Rachel Smythe - blurrypetals review
originally posted jan. 4, 2024 - ★★★★☆
So, we bought this and Volume 2 for my sister-in-law for her birthday and I couldn't help but just…try them out for her before giving them to her in a couple of weeks!
Full disclosure, I did read about 2/3ds to 3/4ths of this book on Webtoon wayyy back when, probably around 2018 or 2019, so teeechhnically this is a reread, and therefore my thoughts on this aren't as fresh and new as they would be for a brand new read.
That all said, the art is great, probably the best part about this even if it can be inconsistent at times (colors not lining up with Persephone, for example), though I'm sure that will improve some as I go on. The writing is quick and snappy, making it easy to blast through the whole book in a short amount of time, but it leaves a lot of room and desire for these characters to develop, so we'll see if that also improves over time.
I'm excited to continue on to stuff I don't remember reading before, so I'll catch you in the next one!
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beautifulmars · 9 months ago
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HiPOD: A Volcanic Fissure
Although Mars is known for having the largest volcano in our Solar System, Olympus Mons, we also find small-scale volcanic features on its surface.
This fissure, less than 500 meters across at its widest point, lies in the Tharsis region and is believed to be a vent from which lava flowed in ancient eruptions.
The total volume of lava released from this fissure is much less than what would erupt from nearby volcanoes, but the mark left on the landscape is dramatic nonetheless. (Enhanced color cutout is less than 1 km across.)
ID: ESP_019391_1960 date: 15 September 2010 altitude: 274 km
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the-french-fry · 9 months ago
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Welcome! It’s nice to have you here at Potato’s Chaos Show! I’m the host, Potato! Be sure to enjoy your stay and interact with me once in a while! Send asks please (I’m a bored lil shvt)
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scarareg · 1 year ago
Percy Jackson and The Olympians Season 1 Review (3/3)
Part 1 • Part 2
What I dislike:
Poseidon appearing when Sally called him. Actually, shout out to that scene because it made me realize a different side about the whole "Gods' worlds view" I had not considered before! The main conflict if this series is the demigods being angry at their godly parents for not being present in their lives, but what we do not see is the human parents' POV. The Gods do not respond to them either. For a human maybe the God was the love of their life, but we know for a fact that there are demigods who share same parent and are the same age. That says it all. Gods sees these "epic romances" as another affair more. Maybe they had a good time and they found you incredible, but what to a human was a few months (maybe years,if you are lucky) of magic,for an immortal God that must be like a week or something. Not everyone is a Hyacinthus or Ariadne or Psyche,sadly. So I don't think he will be answering out of nowhere just because
Percy and Annabeth being already teased about "having a crush" on each other. In my opinion,the first book is to develop their friendship, the next books have the job to do the romance. So it feels like too much,too rushed, too soon for me
There is a lack of urgency throughout the show. Partly, it was because all the monsters walk slowly and never attacked or felt threatening at all . Making the trio miss the time limit made it worst, especially because there was not consequences. The war was supposed to have started, but it didn't because it didn't happen in the books either, so all of that was pointless.
I do not love that Percy has a sassy attitude towards Zeus from the beginning. I feel that showing him being nervous while talking with Zeus in Book 1 is a great juxtaposition to the end of Book 5 when he is confident and being his sassy self in front of all the Gods, shows character growth
Minor complaint about Olympus: all the thrones look the same instead of being designed according to each God. Wish they at least make Hera's golden,that happened in myths, it is canon
In the books Luke tries to kill Percy with a scorpion showing how he really is joining the dark side, here that didn't happen and that is disappointing
Annabeth following Luke and Percy to the woods while she is invisible is weird,isn't it? It does not makes sense why she did that and just makes you question her intentions and if she has done stuff like that before. I genuinely hate it
We do not get to see Percy having to choose between staying at Camp all year or going back with his mom. It is important because it shows what kind of guy Percy is and what his priorities are. He is a mama's boy and he going back to Sally speaks volumes about his loyalty and love for her
This version of Gabe did not deserve to die. He was just some dude, maybe useless but he did not hurt anyone or anything so the punishment is no proportional to his actions. If they town down the aggressions, is only fair to do the same with the punishment. Also, the casting does not hel. Mr Timm Sharp has a wholesome vibe. He really reminds me of Paul Rudd. I can see him playing the role of a loving father just like Paul did with Scott in the first two Ant-Man movies easily
This is not about the show itself, so I didn't know where else to put it but I genuinely love to see the interviews. The cast is super fun, have better chemistry just being themselves than in the show , and overall I have a better time watching them than the show,sadly
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itsleroyposts · 1 year ago
today I woke up with the clear goal to make a rating of Olympus snorers (it will include the 7 male olympians and Hades cause I don’t have much thought about others yet)
so from top to bottom
#1 Poseidon
as I already mentioned he is the loudest snorer over here
in my imagination big men always snore and Poseidon is quite tall and muscular so he is like a bear
the loudest snores come out when he passes out because of tiredness ,,,
like when he sleeps soundly his body relaxes and he doesn’t control any muscles or processes
a few times he snored at the top of his voice and caused several earthquakes :///
Amphitrite was laughing hysterically and teased him when other olympians had been constantly asking what was wrong and why he was so mad???
Poseidon made a pact with Amphitrite to never reveal the real reason
#2 Zeus
the only top he got the second place and not angry about
the main reason Zeus snores is because he is big
like Poseidon his snores are loud and kinda massive
I also like to think that during the Titanomachy he broke his nose and from that time he had some nose issues which he never solved because Hera never complained
Nevertheless Hera still loves to tease him because of loud snoring
She always says that just like kouretes made loud noises to hide baby Zeus the grown man is just hiding something from his wife
Zeus isn’t concerned about his loud snoring so surprisingly he usually laughs when other gods mention that
#3 Hephaestus and Ares
it seems to me that both Ares and Hephaestus snore from time to time
like their snores a medium volume and happen when their are really unconscious
Ares hates himself snoring mostly because Aphrodite can’t sleep in such noise right above her head (she is overreacting saying that Ares’ snores a FUCKING LOUD and poor man believes her)
Hephaestus only snores when he is lying on the back which happens not really often
but he is really ashamed of it because he count that as another “flaw” (Aphrodite was a reason of a such perpective) and still didn’t sorted this issue (both mentally and physically)
#4 Dionysus
it’s pretty obvious but when Dionysus is fucking drunk he snores
but in comparison with Zeus and Poseidon he has these kinda cute little snores and he even drooles
Ariadne sometimes founds it lovely but other time when Dionysus oversteps with vine it looks disgusting (other olympians think so)
Dionysus honestly can’t care less about snoring so he don’t even try to solve this
once he passed out completely wasted but somehow he didn’t snored and his Bacchantes and satyres were terrified
for a moment poor folks thought that he finally reached the edge
#5 Hermes
Hermes practically never snores at least other olympians do think so
but George and Martha (or just his snakes if you are not into pjo) caught him snoring a few times after extremely crazy party
yes he also snores when he is drunk
but he kinda snortes-snores if it make sense to you
so he accidentally snortes-snores once in 10-15 minutes and that makes sleepy Hermes fucking hilarious to others
#6 Apollo
poor boy is totally sure that he never snores
but the muses regularly catch him snoring like a little baby when he passes out after a long musical or poetry session
needless to say as soon as he finds out he is terrified
he desperately tries to solve this problem because he is the god of medicine and perfection (as he insists)
after his total loss and all 5 stages of grief he asks Asclepius for help
100% overdramatic about this
#7 Hades
lucky man who never got this problem
actually never cared about snoring unless Persephone said somethering like “thanks to the fates you are a quiet sleeper”
from now on he is a proud man
always chuckles when both Poseidon and Zeus mention their little issue and claims that he has the most perfect nose out of the family
his younger brothers not really jealous of it but they still like fake complaining
mostly they do that when Hades starts to annoy them like all elder siblings do
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seiya-starsniper · 1 year ago
So my brother bought me Annotated Sandman Volume 1 and I greatly underestimated just how LARGE this book was dhsjajajaksd
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(Lore Olympus for scale, I don't have bananas 😂)
This book could be used as a weapon. It's somehow only got 20 issues in it. It's absolutely delightful and I cannot wait to collect the rest of them.
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genericpuff · 2 years ago
Can’t wait for someone to make a copy of RS’s coveted “signature” stamp and just buy a few dozen books, stamp them, and sell them as “autographed” at a huge markup, and goofballs will buy them all.
I mean seriously, that stamp will be incredibly easy to copy if it’s not already been copied, it’s the polar opposite of exclusive or personal. Why anyone would pay $20 for that is beyond me but it proves that RS is a shrewd business person by any means necessary and will be richer than I ever will be. No wonder Hades is her idol.
No joke, there are pictures of Rachel using the stamp at SDCC and-
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That stamp is literally just a standard one that you could order through any custom manufacturer. It's not a roller in any way, there's no unique cut they're working off of, it's just a round press stamp.
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And it shows because this is the quality of the actual ink when it's on the paper-
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Basically low grade printer ink on glossy paper. It's not gonna last at all, and it turned out exactly how I was expecting - there's too much solid color with too thin empty areas so the ink is bleeding into what's supposed to be 'white' (we deal with the same concepts in tattooing so I knew this was gonna happen as soon as I saw the stamp design).
Anyways so that's my long-winded way of saying that I took the stamp that was on Rachel's IG from her promotional posts, desaturated it, added a tone curve layer to adjust the sharpness/clarity, and threw it into VistaPrint. Just for science, and because I'm an asshole trying to prove a point.
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Would literally only cost me $20-$30 for the stamp after shipping.
Now for obvious reasons I'm not saying anyone SHOULD do this, like... I'm showing you this for science but really, don't go making counterfeits because of this LOL This is really just to demonstrate how easy it would be for anyone to make a convincing replica, which is the unfortunate drawback to using stamps as your "signature" - and with a very low quality printer shop stamp to boot - because it makes it pretty easy to copy. Not to mention showing off the stamp design beforehand through social media means that people (like me, oop-) can rip it out of your image posts and reverse engineer it into something that can be uploaded and purchased. I get she wanted to make sure that people knew what they were getting, it would have been a HUGE piss off to go see her for a signature just to find out she was doing a stamp, but like... these are the risks that come with stamps.
Don't get me wrong, you can just as easily forge a signature, but it's a little harder to nail someone's personal signature vs. a stamp and you can usually find ways to make it more unique (like what Junji Ito did by giving out little doodles on each signature). It also doesn't help that that stamp is made so cheaply that a poorly done replica would probably be on the same level of quality as the authentic one. And of course she added insult to injury by deciding to sell ACTUAL HAND-SIGNED BOOKS WITH ONLY ONE BOOK THAT HAS ONE CRAPPY DOODLE INSIDE AT ONLY ONE SPECIFIC BOOKSTORE A WEEK AFTER SDCC WAS OVER THAT YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR EVEN IF IT MEANS YOU'RE GONNA HAVE AN EXTRA COPY OF A BOOK YOU ALREADY OWN-
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sigh This isn't an uncommon thing to do, it's not unique to Rachel, but it gives me grifting gacha vibes and it feels like such a fuck you to the people who travelled all the way out to SDCC and paid for the ticket prices just to get a shitty printer ink stamp and then find out a week later after they've undoubtedly gone home that one bookstore in San Diego actually has hand-signed copies. I've seen Youtubers pull this kind of shit with vinyl printings and Youtooz figures and it's equally tacky.
If she had done it either with handwritten signatures or at the VERY least a better quality stamp design and higher quality ink, then yeah, it would be harder to make it seem legit for anyone who's not privy to creating things like lino cuts or using roller ink and thus make it a much more valuable collector's item. But the books at SDCC were literally made with a stamp that anyone can replicate for $20 and then the hand-signed ones were offered at only one bookstore after Rachel had already flown home. It feels so impersonal and cold to the audience that has supported her through all the bullshit she's pulled in the last year.
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yourfavouritebookseller · 3 months ago
My Favourite 10 Books I Read in 2024
Out of 115:
1) Bury Your Gays by Chuck Tingle
2) Malice House by Megan Shepard
3) I Was A Teenage Slasher by Stephen Graham Jones
4) American Vampire Volume 5 and Volume 7 by Scott Snyder
5) Lore Olympus Vol 7 by Rachel Smythe
6) Best of Luck by Jason Mott
7) Classic Penguin: Cover to Cover
8) Sin City: The Hard Goodbye by Frank Miller
9) Woman Eating by Claire Kohda
10) BRAT: A Ghost Story by Gabriel Smith
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beauty-and-passion · 9 months ago
Plans for the summer (and the winter)
Hello, everyone.
I hope the weather in your place is nice, your days are long and you are healthy and relaxed.
I am here to give you an update on all the plans I had and the ones that came out in the meantime.
The reactions will still go on, don't worry. I started season 3 and I plan to keep them going until the end. Then I will start The Magnus Protocol too, of course.
I'm in no hurry with this series: I like to keep it going slowly and enjoy it ten episodes at a time until the end. So the updates will keep going during summer, winter and maybe up to the next year. Just keep expecting them, I definitely won't drop the series. I want to know how it will end.
This project got my attention and I want to talk more about it. In the last ask I got, I was proposing two ideas:
a very concise analysis of all the songs of Volume 1, made mostly of resumes of the obvious parts, a few considerations and me approving every time these characters show how badass they are.
a short post about how differently the embodiment of Heart and Mind are portrayed here and in Sanders Sides.
The survey is here, and you're still free to vote (if you haven't already). Honestly, I would love to write these posts alternating them with TMA/others, so you won't see just one topic, but some nice variety. Just vote and let me know which idea do you like the most - or if you want me to do them both! I'm open to do that too.
In my last post, I said I would write a new one for when the series is over.
Well, the series is over. And my post won't be kind, nor long: I already talked about all the mistakes of the series, so all that's left is me making fun of its stupid ideas and a finale that was the epitome of "how NOT to write a story".
It will be the first post to come out after this recap, so you'll have it very soon.
I just found out that The Thunder Saga will be released on July 4th, bless Jorge Rivera-Herrans for his incredible speed and his creativity. This man makes bops as if nothing, his vision is crystal clear and I respect him for that.
I didn't listen to any snippets and didn't look for any spoiler, because I want to be surprised by the songs themselves: so, once they're out, I will definitely write a post about them in a couple days.
Once it's out and I will get it (probably from August 2nd, since that's the delivery day on my Amazon), I will become a mess and talk about it endlessly, so I apologize in advance for who I will become.
Eons ago, I said there was a manga I wanted to talk about. Well, that manga is finished. But I have to read it from the beginning, before talking about it. And right now, I don't really feel like it.
For now, I will keep this in the back. Maybe this winter (or even next year), I will talk about it.
I am sorry to say that I do not have plans for SaSi for now - well, except for hte post in connection with CCCC. Mr. Sanders is giving us nothing, so there's nothing really new I can write.
But that doesn't mean we can't talk. On the contrary, you can still send me asks and/or tag me in some posts and we can have a nice chat about anything, from details of the series to criticism. Having nothing new doesn't mean we can't have fun our way.
Those are my plans for now, but who knows what else will come in a couple months? I wasn't expecting CCCC and it came, it saw and it conquered without expecting it. So... who knows? Maybe in a couple months, I will get another suggestion and my plans will change again. I'm open to possible new things to enjoy.
As always, thank you all for sticking with me, thank you for your asks, comments, reblogs, likes and suggestions. Every feedback is wonderful and I am extremely grateful for it.
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(How about a coffee? ☕)
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crystals-lo-rewrite · 11 months ago
Introduction post
Main blog: @crystalsandbubbletea
About the AU creator:
-My name is Rian, feel free to call me 'Crystals', 'Crystal', 'Bubble Tea', 'Bubble', 'Tea', or 'Mint' though!
-My pronouns are they/xe/ve/zir
-I'm a transmasc nonbinary
-I'm on the AroAce spectrum (Demisexual and Demiromantic)
-I have ADHD and Autism
-I am a senior in Highschool, so updates might be slow :'}
-While this blog is for my LO AU (Still coming up with a name, for now it's being called Lore Olympus: Retold), I will also make criticism posts about canon Lore Olympus
-I only read one volume of Lore Olympus, so most of my LO criticism will be based off on what I saw from spoilers
-This is technically the second comic series I'm working on
-My favorite Greek gods are Apollo, Hephaestus, and Ares, while my favorite goddess are Aphrodite, Artemis, Demeter, and Nyx
-I require tone tags for things like jokes and criticism
-I plan on renaming this blog someday
-I was mostly inspired by Lore: Rekindled by @/genericpuff
Pronouns page:
Chapter links
Chapter 1: TBA
Redesign links
Minthe Redesign: W.I.P
Info about my AU + Warnings are below the cut
Info about Lore Olympus: Retold (Minor spoilers[?]):
-Character redesigns (I'll definitely be posting my redesigns)
-Personality changes for characters (Apollo, Hera, Persephone, Hades, etc)
-Doing Nyx right because Rachel did her dirty 😤
-None of that wibbly wobbly timey wimey time travel ish
-Persephone isn't nineteen, instead she's ageless, like all the other gods
-Doing Demeter right because much like Nyx, Rachel did her dirty 😤
-None of that fertility goddess stuff, I saw things about it and it never made sense to me
-Persephone has an actual personality instead of being Pink Rachel Smith
-Minthe having a better storyline because Rachel also did her dirty
-Doing Apollo right because Rachel got everything wrong about him (He would never do the thing he did in Lore Olympus)
-Artemis canonically being AroAce
-Things won't be accurate to Greek mythology (Persephone being a Bisexual Demigirl who uses she/they and Minthe having ADHD + NPD + ASPD, for example)
-There will be the occasional Lore Olympus roasting
Lore Olympus: Retold is not meant to be accurate to actual Greek mythology and is not meant to be considered as a source of research. It also goes into some triggering themes (Ex: racism, substance abuse, panic attacks, and night terrors). Any chapters that contain triggering themes will have trigger warnings.
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ollies-headcanons · 6 months ago
AND YK WHAT? I LIKE YOU. Allow me to give you every single headcanon I have on Leo’s “genius and madness” whole thing.
1. Unrelenting Creativity: Leo’s mind is a whirlwind of ideas, constantly creating and inventing without pause. He barely sleeps, staying awake for days at a time while working on multiple projects. His workshop is littered with half-finished inventions, a chaotic manifestation of his relentless drive to create. The madness comes when he can't stop—the need to solve problems or build something is insatiable, even when it’s unhealthy.
2. Isolation and Genius: While his friends see Leo as the heart of the group with his humor and charm, there's an underlying loneliness that stems from his intelligence. He often feels isolated because others can’t keep up with his thought processes, leading to moments of frustration where he retreats into his work. In these times, Leo’s genius crosses over into madness, as he speaks aloud to himself or his machines, (as I mentioned before) desperate for some form of understanding.
3. Obsessive Perfectionism: Leo can’t stand imperfection in his creations. A tiny flaw or a slight malfunction sends him spiraling into a cycle of obsessively fixing and rebuilding things, even when everyone else thinks the invention is perfect. This perfectionism pushes him toward the brink of madness, as he will forgo food, rest, or even safety to make something “just right.”
4. Flashes of Inspiration (and Breakdown): Leo experiences moments of sudden, blinding inspiration—epiphanies that hit him like lightning. These flashes give him the solutions he needs but leave him physically and emotionally drained afterward. After a particularly intense burst of creativity, Leo may break down, muttering incoherently or becoming jittery, overwhelmed by the sheer volume of ideas in his mind.
5. Playing with Fire—Literally and Figuratively: His control over fire is both a gift and a curse. When Leo is calm and focused, he can wield fire with ease, crafting with it in ways that no one else can. But in moments of intense emotion or mental strain, the fire becomes uncontrollable. His genius has given him mastery over fire, but his madness threatens to consume him in a literal blaze. Does he have burn marks from these breakdowns? Yes. Yes he does.
6. Disregard for His Own Safety: Leo's genius often leads him to take dangerous risks, throwing caution to the wind when working on new projects. He doesn’t care if an experiment could explode or if a prototype is volatile—his curiosity outweighs his self-preservation. His friends constantly worry about him getting hurt, but Leo shrugs it off, joking about how many times he’s already almost blown himself up.
7. Machines as Friends: Leo’s machines are more than just tools or creations to him; they are his companions, particularly when he feels disconnected from people. He talks to them, gives them personalities, and even argues with them. It’s both endearing and unsettling to his friends, as they wonder if his genius is driving him to madness, blurring the line between reality and imagination.
8. Haunted by Failure: Leo is plagued by the fear of failure, stemming from both his mother’s death and his perceived mistakes during the *Heroes of Olympus* journey. This fear drives him to obsess over his inventions, refusing to accept anything less than perfection. The madness comes in when he starts to second-guess every decision he’s made, worrying that one small error could lead to catastrophe.
9. Inventing as a Coping Mechanism: Whenever Leo is overwhelmed emotionally—whether it’s guilt, sadness, or anxiety—he turns to inventing as a way to cope. His mind races with blueprints and designs, blocking out the pain. The problem is that this only works temporarily; as soon as the invention is done, the emotions come crashing back, and he’s left even more exhausted and mentally strained.
10. Fear of Losing Control: Deep down, Leo is terrified that one day his genius will push him too far, and he’ll lose control—of his powers, his mind, or both. This fear sometimes manifests in his humor, as he jokes about being “crazy” or “unhinged,” but it’s a defense mechanism to mask his very real anxiety about losing himself to the madness that comes with his brilliance.
But yeah, that’s all :p
how about you just run the acc
how about we get married /j
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ireadyabooks · 1 year ago
Spring Releases to Look Forward to from I Read YA! 📖✨
The beginning of the year is the perfect time to get ahead on your 2024 reading goal! That’s why we have compiled a list of all the books you can look forward to from I Read YA this spring. We have everything you need this season, from heartfelt rom-coms and stunning graphic novels to bone-chilling dystopian horrors and stirring historical fiction. Check out our list below to find your next favorite read!  
Okay, Cupid by Mason Deaver
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As a cupid, Jude thinks they understand love a little bit more than the average human. Yes, they might currently be on probation for doing something that they absolutely, definitely shouldn't have done... but they're ready to prove they can make matches without ever getting involved. However, their next assignment might just show that maybe Jude hasn't learned the first lesson of humans and love . . . It’s complicated.
Start reading Okay, Cupid now!
I Hope This Doesn’t Find You by Ann Liang
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Sadie Wen is perfect on paper: school captain, valedictorian, and a "pleasure to have in class." It’s not easy, but she has a trick to keep her model-student smile plastered on her face at all times: she channels all her frustrations into her email drafts. Sadie doesn't have to hold back in her emails, because nobody will ever read them . . . that is, until they're accidentally sent out. Overnight, Sadie’s carefully crafted, conflict-free life is turned completely upside down.
Start reading I Hope This Doesn’t Find You now!
Rainbow! Volume 1 by Gloom & Sunny
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Boo Meadows has a very vivid imagination so much so that she has trouble separating from the real world. Her daydreams are full of magic, but her reality is not so extraordinary. As she grows closer with Mimi, a new student at school, it may finally be time for Boo to face reality . . . Who is the real Mimi? The one in her dreams? Or the one in real life?
Rainbow! is perfect for fans of Heartstopper and Magical Boy, full of heart, adorable illustrations, and a storyline that any teenager can relate to!
Start reading Rainbow! Volume 1 now!
Your Blood, My Bones by Kelly Andrew
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A seductively twisted romance about loyalty, fate, the lengths we go to hide the darkest parts of ourselves . . . and the people who love those parts most of all.
Wyatt Westlock has one plan for the farmhouse she's just inherited -- to burn it to the ground. But she makes a shocking discovery in the basement -- Peter, the boy she once considered her best friend, strung up in chains and left for dead. Semi-immortal and bound to the farm, Peter has suffered hundreds of ritualistic deaths on the property. The only way for him to break free is to kill Wyatt. When the past turns up to haunt them in the most unexpected way, they are forced to rely on one another to survive, or else tear each other apart.
Start reading Your Blood, My Bones now!
The Kill Factor by Ben Oliver
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Critically acclaimed author Ben Oliver delivers an action-packed thrill ride with deadly high stakes that presents a captivating examination of the dark truths around the criminal justice system. A brand-new game show that offers young criminals the chance at freedom has been greenlit. Little do they know, winning is their only chance at survival.
Start reading The Kill Factor now!
The Immortal Games by Annaliese Avery
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The Blood Moon marks the start of the Immortal Games. The Gods of Olympus randomly select humans as their tokens and then gamble with their lives. The stakes are high and survival is unlikely.
16-year-old Ara is seeking revenge on the Gods for allowing her sister to die in the games. She's determined to be selected as a token, but when she is, she realizes that it isn’t just her life at stake, but also her heart. With the odds stacked against her, it will take an unlikely hero to twist her rage into something much more complicated. Ara is playing in the games of life and death . . . and love. What will she sacrifice?
Start reading The Immortal Games now!
I Will Follow by Eireann Corrigan
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The first time Nora saw one of Shea's videos on TikTok, something just clicked. You know how you can see someone and know you're supposed to be in each other’s lives? Well, that's how Nora felt. She knows Shea is a big star, with nearly a million followers, and Nora isn't. But, really, all Nora needs is her own viral moment. And who better to help her with that than Shea
If life isn't going to give Nora entry into Shea's world, Nora's going to have to take matters into her own hands. Meeting Shea. Kidnapping her. Holding her hostage until Shea finally understands . . . They are meant to be best, best friends.
Start reading I Will Follow now!
Trajectory by Cambria Gordan
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Seventeen-year-old Eleanor is nothing like her hero Eleanor Roosevelt. She is timid and all together uncertain that she has much to offer the world. And as World War II rages overseas, Eleanor is consumed with worry for her Jewish relatives in Europe. When a chance encounter proves her to be a one-in-a-generation math whiz--a fact she has worked hard all her life to hide--Eleanor gets recruited by the US Army and entrusted with the ultimate challenge: to fine-tune a top-secret weapon that will help America defeat its enemies in World War II and secure the world’s freedom. This could be her chance to help save her family in Poland. But before she can solve this complicated problem, she must learn to unlock a bigger mystery: herself.
Start reading Trajectory now!
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