#olvier queen
superfandomcorp · 2 years
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Green Arrow x Black Canary 💚🖤
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thelonghxnt · 3 years
I feel like when it comes to family Ollie’s love language is cooking for them.
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phynali · 7 years
7, 9, and 22 for the salty ask thing? any fandom
ilu anon
7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
I mean, in general, yes. that’s part of growing up, i think. like i was a Snape stan and now i recognize that although he’s a fantastic character, dude was The Worst. #progress
anyway i guess if I keep this to my general DC stuff, i’d say that i used to some of their shows but them killing off my faves and making my other faves into assholes has… made some of their shows Trying for me.
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
oh anon you’re trying to get me into a fight, aren’t you? :P
honestly though, this isn’t even contentious: i think i hate damien darhk the most? or malcolm merlyn? and i’m low-key pissed that Legends bent over backwards to make them funny and entertaining (even though it was, as designed, funny and entertaining to watch) because they are really gross and terrible characters who uphold completely deplorable ideals and any humanizing of them should be done through the lens of “even humans who love and laugh and bring you joy can be monsters and we must reject them when they are because making you laugh does not excuse evil” instead of “even evil people can be cute and fun”.
22. Popular character you hate?
hmmm. this is tough. i’m not one to Hate characters, or at least not the good guys. I have conflicted or “meh” feelings about a lot of them, but don’t hate a lot. 
i suppose for this one i’ll say… i need to rewatch Arrow, at least the seasons I can stand, because my opinions on Ollie are all in a jumble. I want to like him, but I couldn’t connect with the majority of the decisions he made in S3 and it left a really sour taste in my mouth, but i don’t want to hate him. i don’t hate him when i see edits of him in fandom, but then i accidentally built some very negative association with him that i think has more to do with men i know than with him as a character. but as far as Popular characters go, he’s the one i have the most auto,atically negative feelings toward (though the way Sara acted in legends s2 really fucked me up because she was a long-time extreme fave before that). 
anyway, my feelings for Olli are a huge part of why i never watched S4, but… i’m probably not giving him enough credit, and i know that.
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stethoscopesmoak · 5 years
Calm before the storm | SOA
Felicity: had just gotten off of work, a long fucking shit. She had been hands deep inside of so many patients trying to save their lives, which was great she loved her job but her mind had been far away from Star City and where her husband was at right now. It was nearly four weeks they had been gone and she was starting to get worried, an occasional text was sent but it didn't calm the beasts than ran around her mind on a loop. After she finished up her day she ordered some take out from her favorite Chinese place and drove back to the fortress that was Olvier's home and now had become hers too ever since they decided it would be much safer and hello.. they were married. "Evening, Mrs. Queen." One of the many guards greeted her and she smiled and returned pleasantries before getting back inside.Her phone was checked and nothing, she sighed and placed it on the counter near the take out as she went to shower to get the grime from the day off of her and just to relax. Just after she got out and slipped into her pajamas the blonde heard a noise at the door, she wasn't sure what it was so naturally she went on the defensive and quickly reached under the nightstand for the gun Oliver had given her to protect herself and she tucked it into her panties under the oversized shirt of his she was wearing that nearly looked like a dress and tip-toed out of the room until she saw the back of her husbands head and a sigh of relief passed her lips. "My god. I almost greeted you with a gun to the face." She smirked, taking it out and laying it on the counter before closing the gap between them. "I missed you." She says, arms wrapping around him and she smiled.
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pink-bird-30 · 5 years
The beginning of the End
I know tonight is the first episode of season 8 and not the last.  But part of me is already at a loss that after tonight we’ll only have 9 episodes left.  And then it’ll be 8 next week, 7 the next etc...
I’m not sure how to say goodbye to something that started when I was in high school.  I’m now 23 and have two college degrees.
When a season ends we always look forward to the new season coming, and I am excited for tonight.  But the other part of me is full of sorrow.
None of us know what to expect.  A lot of us are bitter.  Many of us are excited. But most of all, we’re here together ready to sit down after The Flash, and watch the last premier episode of Arrow...ever.
I’m already crying, not sure it’s because the Yankees are losing right now or because Arrow means so much to me.
I thought it was right to write a little something before tonight’s episode.
So here it is:
I have hope that this season will be great.
I have hope that we WILL see Felicity Smoak again.
I have hope that Oliver will survive the Crisis.
and I pray that Mia and William get to see their parents together again.
Most of all, I look forward to tweeting live with you all for the remaining episodes of season 8
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jbwebtv · 7 years
Arrow 5x19 & 5x20 Promo - Lo que vimos
Arrow 5×19 & 5×20 Promo – Lo que vimos
Hola Notigeekers el día de hoy vamos hablar sobre lo que pasó en el episodio 19 de Arrow y lo que podemos esperara para el episodio 20 de Arrow la quinta temporada.
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crazyintheeast · 6 years
Oliver Queen: Thank you for coming Sara. We could use allies against Diaz. He is very dangerous
Sara Lance: Always happy to help. This is my city as well after all. Let's hope we can kill him without suffering any casualties
Oliver Queen: No Sara we can't kill him. We need to prove that we are better at this
Sara lance: Oh right. No "killing". Of course
Oliver Queen: Sara I am serious. No killing
Sara Lance: Right right. No murder
Olvier Queen: Sara don't wink when you are saying this...why are you taking the bazooka!?
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xxxangelstormxxx · 7 years
New Story and Multiple Updates!
So I’ve just uploaded, and continuously been updating, a new story! (I’ve already got like 9 chapters and it‘s been less than two days I think.)
Title: Moments in the Multiverse
Overall Description: Events and moments accross the multiverse, So many universes, so many possibilites. (Have an idea? Requests and prompts are welcome! Drop me a message or comment and I'll try to write it!)
Includes Arrow and Flash, possibly Supergirl at some point but who knows for sure.
Chapter 1: Earth-X Warm Feeling (Caitlin X Ronnie)
Chapter 2: 1st Assignment (Killer Frost X Deathstorm)
Chapter 3: Caged (Black Siren)
Chapter 4: On First Dates (Caitlin X Ronnie)
Chapter 5: The Minivan (Thea X Roy)
Chapter 6: E1 Sara Meets E2 Black Siren
Chapter 7: The Dead Who Return (Black Siren X Earth-2 Olvier Queen)
Chapter 8: Protecting Her (Black Siren X Earth02 Oliver Queen)
Chapter 9: Who Are You? (Patty Spivot X Barry Allen)
Archive of our own : http://archiveofourown.org/works/12929916/chapters/29547135
Wattpad : https://www.wattpad.com/story/130949140-moments-in-the-multiverse
Fanfiction.net : https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12749771/1/Moments-in-the-Multiverse
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just-arrowolicity · 7 years
Let me Babble about Arrow 5x19
That episode was FUEGO!!!! Ihave a some thing to say:
1. Felicity Smoak
I’m so happy with what is happening with Felicity. If you had pay attention for the past season specially seaon 1 and 2 Felicity was the sunshine of this team, (I don’t know that she isn’t right now) but it will be so stupid to the writes to make an “always happy Felicity” what I mean is that now we are watchin a great charatect development.
Felicity had suffer a lot during the past years, and I believe know she is the one that seeing the “the other way” for get Chase is to get dirty as he had seen Oliver and Diggle doing it, she is ready to loose he soul for this mission. And you know why, well because she cares, she cares about her city and about the person that she loves.
I can say that what happened with Billy was just the tip of the iceberg, Felciity didn’t love him as she loves Oliver (we all know taht) but she care about him and he wants Chase to pay of what he did to Billy but most of all she wants justice for Oliver, she had seen what Chase did to Oliver, he made him killed Billy by accident and we all know that Oliver will carry that guilt forever. Also he turtured him and made him wants to give up the Green Arrow.
Felcity is doing exactly what Oliver had done for more than 4 years, doing what it takes to bring “justice” to the bad guy, and she did it!!! she went agains her team but she got what she need. Also not everything is “Monkey see Monkeey do”, I thing when Felicity was with Helix on the field we could see a liitlle of the hacktivist with met on season 3, that part of her, that she put aside, came out and is the one that took over to do what she did with Helix. 
2. Oliver Queen
I agree with Oliver’s behavior, he knew what Felicity was doing, he knew that Helix was bad, but he wasn’t in a good spot with himself and he knows he may is not the right person to bring the moral topics with Felicity.
But for me that was more than that, did you remember what Olvier told to Diggle and Felicity at Russia he asked them to be better than him, because if they don’t do that Promethous won.
And this words are in Oliver’s head, he felt that Felicity cross the line, and it’s because she bring her to this crusade, the crusade that he nows believe that it’s a fake that he did everything he did in the past for nothing, a lost cause. And he just saw the woman she love selling his soul to something that maybe he doesn’t believe anymore, the Green Arrow crusade. 
3. Olicity
“You Don’t trust me” This is all about, this trust issue is one that didn’t make olicity to move forward, Felicity needs to know that Oliver can trust her about everyting not just arrow things, with his personal issues too. And for more important she needs to know that Oliver will had her back when she need it.
Both of them had been on the othere shoes, Felicity signed with Helix even though she knows that Helix wasn’t 100% good. And Oliver wann’t agree with her and try to stopped her. Now Felicity understand what Oliver did when he signed with Malcom when he defeat Ra´s and now Oliver knows how Felicity feels when he asked her to go with his play even if she doesn’t agree with him.
4. Dyla
I only have to say that we need more Lyla, that woman is beyond awesome, Hope we can see more of this issue with Argus the next season.
But this Dyla thing was more a parallel of what is happening with Oliver and Felicity, Lyla is becoming Waller, she is crossing some lines that she didn’t want to do it, but as she said to Diggle,sometime things change when you are on the other side,
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justgayafuknow · 7 years
Ava’s Secret - Theory
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I was talking with a girl and she asked me my theory about what is Ava’s secret.
It was at that moment when I realized I hadn’t told anyone about my theory until then.
So, here is what I said to her
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And please, just for a moment, think about it.
Rip knows Oliver and Sara had a romance so he wants to hide it from her.
We know literally nothing about Ava’s past. We don’t even know if Sharpe is her real last name. Maybe she changed it when she started working in the bureau or maybe her childhood memories were erased because that’s the way the DC’s Legends of Tomorrow show works.
We know Barry knows Rip because of the voicemail Barry sent him (the one Jax and Martin heard), so what about Oliver? Does he know Rip too? Would he give him her little child so she can work with him to save time?Is somehow the Queen’s family related to Mallus? Is Ava who is going to kill him because of that? Is Nyssa coming back to Arrow and going to the next crossover? Because I need Ava and Nyssa to meet. No, but really, is that crazy my theory?
All the Arrowverse shows started with the Queen’s Gambit, Oliver and Sara. Can this still be a thing? Can we see a dinner between this 4?
Here are some pics of Ava, Oliver and Felicity
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Oh, and her bone structure... GOD SHE GOT OLVIER'S BONE STRUCTURE
I just realized that Laurel and Ava look-a-like. I know Jes Macallan and Katie Cassidy are just actresses and stuff. But they kinda seem realated
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Thoses are just gifs, search for the actresses and you will see
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plzshutup · 6 years
Elsewords 1
This whole beginning is confusing but sure
Indeed why him
Oliver looks so confused I love him
In this rewrite can iris cook?
They could’ve done a lot better with those photoshop skills
LOL OLIVER AFTER SHE KISSES HIM what if barry walks in what if he saw that. Pure boy
He’s dying inside
His little whOA when he uses the speed
The suit looks even dumber on him
His reflex to go for his bow how cute this is everything and then the deep voice wow wow
Cisco’s hug and little touch of Ollie’s head I’m gonna be saying cute a whole lot
I’m guess team arrow isn’t as open with emotions
Sweaty Barry sweaty Barry sweaty Barry 🤤
Let’s try this again I wanna see some hot™️ Barry Allen
Okay but could you imagine Oliver queen asking you to help out his suit on? Like what must digs be thinking
He’s such a little kid I love Barry so much
Barry’s complete turn around adorable
“If you touch her-“ “I didn’t touch her” “you thought about it 😡”
Saying shes your lightning rod works every time omg
Oof reality checks for everyone
I’m behind on everything except flash so I really don’t know what’s going on
Do the classic ask me anything trope ya dumbs
Barry’s face when Oliver says man up me too baby
Oliver’s laugh god bless
Idk what’s happening is this a continuation of last episode or messed up reality
Oooo call out that wage gap
Oh shit she left the deo
We come in peace lol
Killer frost is back? Ok cool not completely caught up on flash either then
Is he finally gonna get revenge cuz it’s been like four years and he needs that rn
Lol me too Lois
What the fuck Oliver projecting much?
Lol they have to change emotions that’s hilarious
Oliver saying I should smile more is my knee kink
Winn would be freaking out ugh I miss him
They’re acting as each other really well lol
His symbol became the crossover symbol good job
Ok but like Barry as green arrow is giving me life
Awww Oliver smiling while running is the best
Amazo is such a dumb name and Barry saying it in the Oliver Queen voice was hilarious
Cisco is so cute
They’re so cheesy I can’t it’s too cute
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lawycr · 7 years
olvier queen swipe right or swipe left
          “are we talking about shirtless oliver queen here? if so, i’ve never swiped right so damn fast before. what a man.”
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haruka89 · 7 years
Just for fun I’m going to make a list of all the Arrow metas I’m planning to write at some point. (The list is liable to be added to. Also, I apparently need to look through my meta file for things that I haven’t posted yet.)
why the hood isn’t that bad of a disguise
why Oliver isn’t as bad of a liar as everyone makes him out to be
Oliver the Jack of all Trades
which parts of himself Oliver is really locking away when he puts on the Hood
something about Oliver working with Merlyn (partly written)
something in response to opinions after 5x01 (partly written)
Oliver the Survivor (partly written)
rumors about Oliver Queen = Arrow and why they don’t make much sense (partly written)
5-6 metas from s4 (partly written)
Oliver Queen as CEO
the decrease in shirtless Oliver (partly written)
how disturbing it is, that so many things are made to be about Oliver/Felicity
which parts of himself Olvier locks away with the Hood
why the confession hit Oliver so hard/thing that might have been detrimental to Oliver’s recovery
wanting/liking killing = bad person?
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culturaserie-blog · 8 years
Arrow : Trailer extendido
#Arrow : Trailer extendido ¡¡¡ MIRA QUE TREMENDO ESTÁ !!! @CW_Arrow @Arrowverso
Olvier Queen está de vuelta, avence extendido (more…)
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nodecaff4me · 6 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Arrow (TV 2012) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Oliver Queen/Felicity Smoak Characters: Felicity Smoak, Oliver Queen, John Diggle, Lyla Michaels, Curtis Holt, Tommy Merlyn, Laurel Lance Additional Tags: olicity - Freeform, Alternate Universe, Fluff and Humor, Attempt at Humor, Revenge, Enemies to Lovers, Light Angst, Eventual Smut Summary:
The lives of Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak could not be more different.
He was an infamous billionaire playboy and heir to a fortune 500 company who did everything he could to reform himself into everything his family wanted him to be. She was a struggling single mother of two girls, doing her best she could do get her family through after her whole life in Boston had fallen apart in the aftermath of her ex-husband’s criminal mischiefs.
Both their worlds collide after his yacht’s Wifi-network collapses somewhere along the Oregon coast and he is forced to harbor in a small sleepy town called Elk Cove and hire an IT specialist to fix it only to refuse to pay her for her work in the end.
All bets are off when she learns that he was laying in the county hospital with amnesia after an accident and she could finally get her revenge...
An #Olicity Overboard AU
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