#Caitlin Snow x Ronnie Raymond
vexic929 · 3 months
10 for Barrisco for the angsty prompts? 👀
oooh yes~~~
#10 realizing someone no longer exists and no one else remembers they ever did from this prompt list
The timeline had seemed fine. Completely fine. Better than fine, actually. He and Iris were married - a year earlier - and they had Nora. Things were fine.
But it had only taken one off-hand comment to completely shatter that.
"Barry?" Iris was worried and Barry realized he'd been quiet for too long but his mind was still reeling.
"I- what do you mean 'who's Cisco'?"
Iris tilted her head, concern etching deeper into her features as she stepped closer, rubbing his arm comfortingly. "I'm sorry, I don't know anyone named Cisco."
Barry felt the air around him grow heavy, suffocating - he suddenly couldn't breathe. "Iris, he's...he's our friend. He's like family. He...he worked with us at S.T.A.R. Labs. He made the Flash suit and the cold gun and- you have to remember him." Barry's voice broke, his eyes burning as he moved restlessly.
Iris tried to calm him, her touch gentle but firm. "Barry, breathe-"
Barry was on his way to S.T.A.R. Labs before Iris could say anything else. Cisco had to be there, maybe Iris just...hadn't met him somehow.
Caitlin whirled around, looking startled as Barry zipped into the room faster than he ever had behind her. He didn't give her a chance to say anything.
"Where's Cisco?" Barry demanded and Caitlin furrowed her brow.
"Who?" She asked, jumping slightly when Barry yelled in response.
Barry searched through the lab from top to bottom and bottom to top again in seconds, streaks of yellow lightning illuminating the halls brightly until Barry skidded to a stop in the Cortex, his chest heaving, looking frantic. There was no sign of Cisco.
"Barry? Everything okay?" Ronnie's voice preceded his appearance in the doorway. He and Caitlin exchanged a worried glance as Barry tried to process that too.
"Ronnie, where's Cisco? Cisco Ramon. He works here, he worked with you on the particle accelerator, he's our friend. Please tell me you know who he is." Barry asked desperately.
Ronnie shook his head, his expression a mixture of confusion and concern, but it was Caitlin who spoke.
"Come here, you need to sit down. You look like you're going to faint," she said, gently but firmly pulling him by the arm to the nearest chair.
Barry sank into the chair, his mind racing as he buried his head in his hands. The room felt like it was closing in, the familiar walls of S.T.A.R. Labs suddenly alien. This was all wrong. Cisco was gone and it was his fault.
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arrow-v-flash-polls · 8 months
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They went though a lot together on the show until death seperated them permanently. Does this make you perfer to see the couple together romantically, more platonically or not at all?
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tvshowscouples · 25 days
If you love Ronnie&Caitlin (The Flash) and you want reblog or like,this is the link of my reblog couples :)
thank you!
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the-feral-gremlin · 1 year
The parallel in s1e3 where before Ronnie goes to the particle accelerator with Cisco he says “I have to go.” And then right Barry runs after the guy with the gas powers and says “Caitlin, I have to go.” Was a fucking STAB to the heart.
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vampcoffeegyrl23 · 1 year
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Pairing: Caitlin/HR
A Snowells movie! Two childhood friends reunite at their 15-year reunion, confronting bitter old wounds and missed opportunities that drove them apart – and fending off the drunken ex who won’t take no for an answer. Caitlin/HR
This is my finished Caitlin/HR screenplay from my script workshop class. For the class, I changed their names to Lucy and Seth. I want to transfer it to story form, but I figured I would post the script for now. It is definitely not easy to format a script on here, so here is a link to the pdf of the script if you would rather read it that way. Also, I threw together a movie poster for it as well. Hope you enjoy!
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kitkatt0430 · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Flash (TV 2014) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Barry Allen/Caitlin Snow, Ronnie Raymond/Caitlin Snow, Barry Allen/Ronnie Raymond/Caitlin Snow, Barry Allen/Ronnie Raymond, Barry Allen & Cisco Ramon & Caitlin Snow & Ronnie Raymond Characters: Barry Allen, Caitlin Snow, Cisco Ramon, Ronnie Raymond Additional Tags: season 1 AU, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, No General Eiling plot, Polyamory, Barry and Caitlin were dating before Ronnie came back, Background Hartley/Cisco, Cisco is having his own background drama, Past Hartley Rathaway/Eobard Thawne | Harrison Wells, Eobard being a bit skeevy in the background, Eddie gets a cameo Series: Part 3 of Multiamory March 2023 Summary:
Ronnie wakes from the year long nightmare of Firestorm to find his fiance has moved on with another man. But Caitlin still loves him too and Barry's willing to back off if it makes Caitlin happy to be with Ronnie...
Yet Ronnie can't help but wonder if maybe they're all missing a rather obvious third option.
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polyamships · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Flash (TV 2014) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ronnie Raymond/Caitlin Snow, Killer Frost/Caitlin Snow, Killer Frost & Ronnie Raymond Characters: Ronnie Raymond, Killer Frost Additional Tags: Polyamory, Multiamory March, Multiamory March 2023, Prompt Fic, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Ronnie Raymond Lives, Getting to Know Each Other, Late Night Conversations, References to Canon, Trauma, Bad Jokes, I'm Bad At Tagging, Swearing, The Flash (TV 2014) Season 6, Sharing a Body, Multiplicity/Plurality Series: Part 54 of take me to your best friend’s house (I loved you then and I love you now) Summary:
Frost yawns. “Why are you up?” “Sleeping is weird. Something something, resurrection problems.” Ronnie takes a sharp inhale. “What about you? Trouble sleeping?” “... What did Caity tell you about me?”
Or, the one where Ronnie and Frost have some late-night small talk that turns into something not so small.
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avatarskywalker78 · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: The Flash (TV 2014)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationship: Ronnie Raymond/Caitlin Snow
Characters: Ronnie Raymond, Caitlin Snow
Additional Tags: Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Light Angst, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Ronnie Raymond Lives, Eddie Thawne Lives, Ronnie’s dealing with the aftermath of S1′s finale, And worried about everyone else as well, Caitlin listens, Brief mention of Martin via psychic link
Series: Part 15 of flufftober 2022
Summary: Ronnie's been overworking himself recently and trying to deal with the recent revelations, while also worried about the rest of his team, and even after being sent home to rest can't manage to achieve that - but a talk with Caitlin helps.
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simply-ellas-stuff · 5 years
I would pay millions for Ronnie to come back and him and Caitlin get Their fucking happy ending.
Also, Martin Stein needs to come back too!
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purpleyin · 5 years
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DCTV moodboards: Snowstorm - Double honeymoon
Created for the @flarrowverse-shipyard Rarepair week 2019 Day 4.
“We never did figure out where to honeymoon.”
“Why not both?”
“Tahiti and Italy? That's a bit... excessive.
This he remembers well, Caitlin the cautious voice of moderation.
“But completely doable,” he points out, “with the salaries we're getting from this place.”
He indicates to the labs surrounding them, just about tidied up these days. It's been a tough job cleaning up the mess the singularity had caused – both physically and in covering up certain aspects that need to be kept secret.
It feels like they have time to rest a little which is probably what made her think of actually taking that honeymoon, a break they clearly deserve. Cait doesn't say anything more about his idea though, hmming about it and biting her lip indecisively.
“Hey, I did almost die the other week.”
The sadness that crosses her face makes him wonder if he's said the wrong thing, despite the playful angle he'd gone for. Luckily she seems to catch his drift and plays off of him like he hoped.
“I guess we should live a little then?” she replies, much lighter in her expression now.
“How about living a lot?” Ronnie says as he closes the distance between them, bringing his arms around her waist. “All the pizza, wine, gelato. Mmm. And then lazing around on the beach, reading trashy books before we go explore the island. Plus, no forgetting the drinks with little umbrellas. One of every kind on the menu.”
She's staring up at him, her heart shining in her eyes and he's so grateful they get this after everything that's happened.
“Everything we want to do. Together.”
“That sounds good,” she agrees softly.
Of course, then Cait kisses him and he's plenty distracted from the practicalities, but he figures they can hash out the details later on. What's important is they get to do these things finally.
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tvshowscouples · 3 months
If you love Ronnie&Caitlin (The Flash) and you want reblog or like,this is the link of my reblog couples :)
thank you!
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Chapter 4: Relief
Часть 4: Облегчение
– Я не нашёл его, — шумно выдохнул Барри, буквально залетая в С.Т.А.Р. Лабс, опускаясь на стул и снимая маску, – как вообще я должен был его найти, если то, что вы соулмейты может быть понятно только при прикосновении друг к другу? — взмахнул рукой парень, который несколько часов носился по городу и всё оказалось без толку.
Только в этот момент он посмотрел на своих друзей и младшую Снарт. На них не было лиц, потому что они все были очень-очень бледны.
– Что? — мгновенно напрягся герой, — что случилось?
– Ему всё хуже, Барри, — всхлипнула Лиза, – если соулмейт действительно не найдётся, то Ленни может…
Она не договорила, потому что начала задыхаться, когда попыталась выдавить слово «умереть». Циско обнял девушку, поглаживая её по волосам, а потом тихонько шепнул:
– Всё будет хорошо, он обязательно найдётся…
Постепенно Глайдер притихла, только плечи ещё подрагивали.
– Он не пришёл в себя? — помрачнел Флэш.
– Нет, — покачала головой Кейтлин, пока все остальные наблюдали, как костюм супергероя появился на манекене, а Барри оказался переодет в серую футболку, толстовку с надписью «С.Т.А.Р. Лабс» и джинсы.
Команда прошла к койке Снарта, чтобы следить за его состоянием. Он то задыхался, то снова мог дышать нормально, но Сноу опасалась, что мужчина всё-таки задохнётся.
Внезапно Леонард опять начал метаться по кровати и шептать в бреду: «Не трогай Лизу… Нет… Нет… Пожалуйста…».
Его сестра тихо взвыла и уткнулась лицом в футболку Рамона.
Почти не раздумывая, Барри коснулся руки Снарта, чтобы хоть как-то показать ему, что тот не один, что рядом кто-то есть и поддерживает его, а затем в изумлении уставился на светящиеся ладони. На их светящиеся ладони, чёрт побери!
Парень услышал, как друг шепнул возлюбленной «посмотри…», поэтому перевёл взгляд на таких же шокированных друзей и Лизу, ошарашенную, но счастливую.
– Барри… — выдохнула она, – ты можешь его спасти… пожалуйста, помоги ему… — умоляюще глядя на парня протянула девушка, складывая руки в молитвенном жесте.
Аллен взглянул на Кейтлин, которая закивала, улыбаясь. Обнимающий её сзади Ронни вопросительно приподнял бровь, мол, «чего ты медлишь?». Джо просто пожал плечами, Айрис с лукавой улыбкой кивнула головой, а Эдди склонил голову к плечу, соглашаясь со своей невестой.
Действительно, почему же он медлил? Они оказались соулмейтами — это решительно не желало укладываться в голове, — он мог помочь Снарту очнуться.
Барри даже подумать не мог, что это будет именно так, что они окажутся родственными душами и вселенная подшутит над ними таким образом, но всё же снова взял своего соулмейта за руку и сосредоточился, закрывая глаза.
Сначала по венам парня распространился лютый холод, а затем Флэш почувствовал приятное покалывающее тепло где-то в кончиках пальцев. Он отдал самому себе чёткую команду: «помочь Леонарду Снарту моему соулмейту очнуться от кошмара и забрать его боль».
Кейтлин решила, что Аллену нужен стул, чтобы он сидел, а не стоял, Ронни принёс его и поставил рядом с койкой, на которой лежал Снарт.
Благодарно кивнув Огненному Шторму, Барри присел на стул, не отпуская руки Леонарда.
Прошло уже несколько часов, команда Флэша уже разошлась по домам, потому что на дворе был поздний вечер, а Снарт так и не пришёл в себя, хотя дышать стал равномерно и уже не задыхался почти. «Почти» — потому что Барри приходилось отходить от него ненадолго по естественным нуждам, и всегда, когда Аллен приходил обратно, он первым делом слышал глухие хрипы. Барри очень переживал по поводу того, что старший Снарт до сих пор не очнулся, но старался не отчаиваться, до последнего верил в лучшее, ведь если они соулмейты, то он сможет ему помочь, он должен ему помочь.
Флэш не спал почти всю ночь, но ближе к рассвету парень задремал, не выпуская руки мужчины из своей. В полудрёме ему показалось, что Капитан Холод напрягся и зашевел��лся, а затем Бартоломью проснулся.
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xswestallen · 7 years
Why does the CW hate marriage?
First Ronnie dies moments after marrying Cait
Now Barry is being framed for murder during his first Christmas with Iris as husband and wife
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xxxangelstormxxx · 7 years
New Story and Multiple Updates!
So I’ve just uploaded, and continuously been updating, a new story! (I’ve already got like 9 chapters and it‘s been less than two days I think.)
Title: Moments in the Multiverse
Overall Description: Events and moments accross the multiverse, So many universes, so many possibilites. (Have an idea? Requests and prompts are welcome! Drop me a message or comment and I'll try to write it!)
Includes Arrow and Flash, possibly Supergirl at some point but who knows for sure.
Chapter 1: Earth-X Warm Feeling (Caitlin X Ronnie)
Chapter 2: 1st Assignment (Killer Frost X Deathstorm)
Chapter 3: Caged (Black Siren)
Chapter 4: On First Dates (Caitlin X Ronnie)
Chapter 5: The Minivan (Thea X Roy)
Chapter 6: E1 Sara Meets E2 Black Siren
Chapter 7: The Dead Who Return (Black Siren X Earth-2 Olvier Queen)
Chapter 8: Protecting Her (Black Siren X Earth02 Oliver Queen)
Chapter 9: Who Are You? (Patty Spivot X Barry Allen)
Archive of our own : http://archiveofourown.org/works/12929916/chapters/29547135
Wattpad : https://www.wattpad.com/story/130949140-moments-in-the-multiverse
Fanfiction.net : https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12749771/1/Moments-in-the-Multiverse
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kitkatt0430 · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Flash (TV 2014) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ronnie Raymond/Caitlin Snow Characters: Ronnie Raymond, Caitlin Snow, Hartley Rathaway Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Blind Date, Meet-Cute, Ronnie is just trying to cram for finals, Caitlin is not on a blind date with Ronnie, but she definitely wishes she was Summary:
Caitlin is on a blind date. Sort of. She's never actually met Craig Anderson before, but they've chatted a lot on eHarmony and exchanged pictures. Admittedly... Caitlin's picture was over a year old when her hair was still fairly short. And thank goodness for that because, well... what she seeing of Craig in person is less than flattering. But as long as he doesn't recognize her then she can pretend she's stood him up.
(Ronnie's just trying to study when the most beautiful woman he's ever seen sits down at his table and asks him to pretend to be her boyfriend. Of course he says yes.)
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