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RAREPAIR WEEK 2019, HOSTED BY @flarrowverse-shipyard​
Day Three: Fandom AU
Pairing: Zaray
  Zari never wanted to hurt anyone, not in the slightest. She had spent most of her life avoiding others, trying to keep people at an arm’s length in order to prevent herself from dragging others into her mess. But she got herself in too deep when she fell for Ray. For years, she tried to hide it, keep her little...issue away from the man she loved. But then she went back again. For years, without any warning, any sort of knowledge of what was going on, Zari travelled through time at random, without any warning. She had no idea how it happened, but it did. It was as she had been born with this curse. She had been to the future, to the past, but had finally been stuck in one point for several years, was hoping that she had finally gotten her freedom from her hellish curse. But, three years into meeting Ray, falling for him, marrying him, and here she was, thrown back into the past, facing the younger face of the man she loved, and the fear that she may never be able to get back home.
not nate (clorkclark), is here with a time traveller’s wife au, because hey. 
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purpleyin · 5 years
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DCTV moodboards: Thallen - college (track and field) AU
Created for the @flarrowverse-shipyard Rarepair week 2019 Day 1.
“We should train together,” Eddie says casually, no sign of nerves. Because to him, it's just a favor for a teammate. “I could help you work out some of that frustration you're holding onto.”
Panic floods through him at the idea Eddie can tell what's up with his weird behavior. Barry rushes to reply and it comes out slightly squeaky, “What? I'm not frustrated. I'm chill, the chillest, totally chill.”  
Eddie raises an eyebrow at him. He knows he must be doing what Iris once described as the Barry OTT face of incredulity, his overzealous attempted reassurance there's nothing whatsoever wrong, no siree. He must look like an idiot. Which is fine, so long as he doesn't look like an idiot with a crush on a teammate. Anything but that.
“Okay... You seem tense whenever I see you around. Thought something must be bothering you. My mistake.”
The answer is of course you, you are bothering me. Distracting him. Barry had done pretty well to get through several years of college without any serious distractions, until Eddie. He doesn't know what it is about his teammate that makes him so tongue-tied. There's a general Eddie-ness that Barry can't seem to get over.
Every time they interact Barry spends ages later on, before he goes to sleep, agonizing over what he said to Eddie that day. Waking up from sleep there's often a lot more on his mind - a lot more of Eddie in his imagination than he has any right to picture - and that's even with him trying to keep to himself as much as possible in the locker room to avoid anything inappropriate. He's tried so hard to play it cool but Eddie is such a nice guy, who doesn't know that many people after transferring here this year, and for whatever reason, he keeps seeking Barry out. The problem is he can't really say no to Eddie.
He allows himself a small glance up at Eddie, who he finds is very intently packing his gear away in his bag. Now Eddie's the one who looks tense and Barry hates that he's made Eddie's day worse when all he ever wants to do is make it better.
“No, you're right. A couple of my projects aren't going so well. Probably could do with a little stress relief,” he says with a half-shrug. Barry makes his best effort to be nonchalant about the complete 180 he's doing simply because he can't stand to see Eddie disappointed.
It isn't even a lie since Barry's grades have been suffering lately with this hopeless preoccupation of his.
“I know just the thing,” Eddie says brightly, clapping Barry on the shoulder and making Barry blush at the unexpected contact.  
When Eddie grins at him, so happy to be helpful, Barry's heart skips a beat. The real problem is every time Eddie smiles at him like that he falls in love with him that bit more.
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Rare Pair week Day 5
Day Five
Mick Rory/ Amaya Jiwe
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Good guy was not a phrase that was synonymous with Mick Rory. Crazy, arsonist, psychotic and bastard were pretty much the normal for him. Then Len came along and he felt like he was no longer an outcast. Someone could understand him. Then Len went and got himself blown up and Mick was alone again. Mick saw what being a good guy did to Len and he decided that being the bad guy wasn't that bad . No rules, no restrictions, no one to disappoint and no one to loose. Amaya however made it her mission to see the best in him. He couldn't help but feel annoyed that she couldn't understand that there wasn't anything to see. But hey she could try all she wanted. And frankly if being the good guy made her smile like that, Mick would be as good as she wanted him to be.
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sweeter-than · 5 years
fic: baby, don't give up on me now, LoT, Nate/Zari
baby, don't give up on me now a Legends of Tomorrow story by dirty diana Nate Heywood/Zari Tomaz rated explicit 8900 words
for Flarrowverse Shipyard Rarepair Week 2019 @flarrowverse-shipyard (belated) (Day 8 Free Day). beta by skripka.
The Legends go to space.
(Dubious consent for the alien interference in the situation, aka aliens made them do it.)
"You sure about this?" Zari asked him.
"Sure? It's just a power dampener, right? Without my powers, I'm still smart, great at research, and incredibly, incredibly handsome."
Zari smiled. "You are that."
 "And I give a mean pep talk."
read on AO3
read on DW
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angsty-violet · 5 years
Day 7 of the rare-pair week. For the prompt Alternate Earth/Doppelgangers. It is also the square Accidental Marriage on my @dctvbingo card.
“No, wait! You really do have the wrong person. I am not your Rip Hunter. I am from another universe. Really I am! I should not be getting married today.” The alternate Sara rolled her eyes and jabbed him with the knife again.
“Listen here, you are going down that aisle, you are going to marry the best thing to ever happen to you and you are going to like it. Do you understand me?” She punctuated her last few words with jabs with the knife. “Just because you have cold feet does not mean that you get to leave Len at the altar. Now walk down that aisle and look happy.”
 “You have the wrong guy, I know that I look like I am the right guy but I’m not. I’m from another universe. I shouldn’t be the one going down the aisle.” Mick gave a snort and vicious tied the tie a little tighter.
“Hell no. We have all spent weeks planning this stupid wedding you are going down the aisle and marrying your true love. Then you will spend the rest of your life happy together and glad that I forced you to do despite your cold feet. Besides, if you don’t go down the aisle then Sara will kill you.”
Len wanted to say that he wasn’t scared of Sara, especially one that wasn’t even his but he wasn’t willing to take the chance. The fact that he wasn’t her Len would probably make her even more inclined to stabbing.
He looked in the mirror and the beautifully cut black suit and almost didn’t recognize himself. It had been years since he had dressed in something like this. Mick grabbed a hold of his arm and gave him a shove towards the door. Len sighed but made his way out. He could always get in annulled later. All he had to do was not consummate it.
He knew this because of an ill-fated night of drinking that had ended with him and Mick married. That was a story for a different time though.
At the moment he was walking down the aisle and wondering how much he was screwing up his counterpart’s life. After all the other him was supposed to marry the love of his life. Where was the other him anyway? Who showed up to their own wedding late. Len didn’t even know who he was marrying, Mick not mentioning it while getting him into his suit at gunpoint. He went down the aisle and joined another man at the end of it. He turned to see it was Rip Hunter.
It was his Rip Hunter. He would always know that it was his. Always, because around his neck was a piece of the Oculus that Len had been rescued from. One that Len had given him on their 11th date.
Len figured that the same thing must have happened to him. Being pressed into a suit by a violent adversary determined to get them married. Rip looked just as confused and scared as Len did and subtly glanced back to where Sara was sitting in the front pew. Len took this to mean that she was the one in charge of making sure he was there. Len did the same leading his eyes to Mick. A moment passed between them where they figured that they were just going to have to grin and bear it.
As ceremonies went it was lovely. All of their friends were there. The whole place just spoke of how much they loved each other.
Once they had said their vows and kissed everyone stood up and clapped. The two of them made definitive eye contact and took off the minute people started filing out of the church. The started running in the direction of the Waverider praying that they would make it before they were found to be missing.
 Rip had been pushed to the end of the aisle by the alternate Sara at knifepoint. He had gone quietly figuring that as soon as it was done that he could just quietly slip away. He gave a mental apology to his counterpart that was supposed to be where he was but wasn’t for some reason. That was a hard thing to have happen.
He hoped that whoever came down that aisle wouldn’t be too disappointed at what happened. He glanced over to the man that he would be married to in a few minutes to see that it was Leonard Snart. His Len. He knew because of the hourglass pendant that he wore. One that Rip had given him on their 12th date.
The two of them made eye contact and both knew that the other was their own.
 The dashed desperately, trying to outpace Sara, Mick and Nate of all people to the Waverider. They came around the last corner and were glad to see that their Jax and Ray were standing outside having a conversation. The two of them turned at the commotion and their eyebrows went up. Rip and Len dashed up into the Waverider and desperately made motions to get it moving. Once they were in the air and away from the hostile counterparts the other Legend’s began demanding answers.
“What the hell happened,” “why were our counterparts chasing you,” “you didn’t screw up the timeline did you?” “Are you guys wearing wedding bands?” The last question came from Mick who was standing there with a beer.
“They thought that we were their versions and apparently their wedding was today.” The last bit trailed off quietly, Rip not wanting to admit what just happened. Mick let out a loud guffaw.
“So the two of you are now married! That means that we don’t have to worry about getting you hitched. I hope the ceremony was beautiful.” Rip really had no idea how he was going to respond to that. He didn’t really understand the situation, in general, all that well. Thankfully he was saved by his partner’s low drawl.
“It was lovely. All of you were there.”
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RAREPAIR WEEK 2019, HOSTED BY @flarrowverse-shipyard​
Day two: Forced to work together
Pairing: Mick/Zari
Forced to partner after his previous editor/publisher suddenly quit, popular sci-fi writer Mick Rory and newly fledged editor and publisher Zari Tomaz don’t get along at first. In fact, they absolutely detest each other, barely talk without getting into an argument. Both of their personalities clash, like two lions fighting for dominance, until suddenly they begin to talk, after a mutual friend forces them to do so. They’re forced to talk, to explain why they hate each other, and after the fact, they realize that they’re not so different. The two see similarities in each other, and then everything begins to change. Once a week, without work in mind, they get drinks, complain about the powers above them, and begin to grow closer, in more ways than one. Mick, who’s spent years burying his heart begins to dig it out of it’s tightly sealed prison, and Zari, who never wanted to love, decides to let herself be happy, do something for her own wants, just this once.
Brought to you by not nate (clorkclark), with a pairing that deserves more love.
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purpleyin · 5 years
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DCTV moodboards: Snowstorm - Double honeymoon
Created for the @flarrowverse-shipyard Rarepair week 2019 Day 4.
“We never did figure out where to honeymoon.”
“Why not both?”
“Tahiti and Italy? That's a bit... excessive.
This he remembers well, Caitlin the cautious voice of moderation.
“But completely doable,” he points out, “with the salaries we're getting from this place.”
He indicates to the labs surrounding them, just about tidied up these days. It's been a tough job cleaning up the mess the singularity had caused – both physically and in covering up certain aspects that need to be kept secret.
It feels like they have time to rest a little which is probably what made her think of actually taking that honeymoon, a break they clearly deserve. Cait doesn't say anything more about his idea though, hmming about it and biting her lip indecisively.
“Hey, I did almost die the other week.”
The sadness that crosses her face makes him wonder if he's said the wrong thing, despite the playful angle he'd gone for. Luckily she seems to catch his drift and plays off of him like he hoped.
“I guess we should live a little then?” she replies, much lighter in her expression now.
“How about living a lot?” Ronnie says as he closes the distance between them, bringing his arms around her waist. “All the pizza, wine, gelato. Mmm. And then lazing around on the beach, reading trashy books before we go explore the island. Plus, no forgetting the drinks with little umbrellas. One of every kind on the menu.”
She's staring up at him, her heart shining in her eyes and he's so grateful they get this after everything that's happened.
“Everything we want to do. Together.”
“That sounds good,” she agrees softly.
Of course, then Cait kisses him and he's plenty distracted from the practicalities, but he figures they can hash out the details later on. What's important is they get to do these things finally.
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RAREPAIR WEEK 2019, HOSTED BY @flarrowverse-shipyard​​
Day one: Timey-Wimey Stuff
Pairing: Flashvibe
Like the seeds from a dandelion, each second just floated by, forcing Cisco to acknowledge that he was closer to what he feared. For months, every night, he had the same dream, where everything seemed to flash in front of his eyes, collapse, fall apart, tear into itself. Why? Because of some visitor, someone who didn’t quite belong, someone with Barry’s face. He knew what the possibility was, as much as Barry had promised to them to stop travelling back in time, to stop messing with the timeline. Something must have gone wrong, or someone powerful had appeared out of the blue, threatening everything they knew and held close. Each night, every night, he had the same dream, over and over, like he was vibing it somehow, forcing himself to see it over and over without even knowing he was doing so. Either way, he knew what was due to come, from the constant images shown to him every time he closed his eyes. In less than 24 hours, there would be two Barry’s in this timeline, and one of them was destined to die, unless he found a way to stop it. The life of the man he loved was in his hands, and he was the only one who had any clue what was going to happen, what was to come.
Brought to you by not nate, (clorkclark), in the hopes of giving the flashvibe crowd some well deserved content.
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purpleyin · 5 years
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DCTV moodboards: Hartmon - Hartley joins Team Flash AU
Created for the @flarrowverse-shipyard Rarepair week 2019 Day 2.
The crisis is over. Finished by a neat 5 pm for once. He could actually go home and have an evening curled up with a good book or a new video game. It sounds nice.
He looks up to see Cisco hesitating to say something, which isn't very Cisco-like. Briefly, he worries, but Cisco comes out with it soon after, nothing bad.
“We should celebrate.”
“What precisely would we be celebrating?”
“Success. My Hail Mary technological development -”
“I think you mean my -”
“Fine, our genius. Plus, there's always celebrating the miracle of finishing early,” Cisco pauses again, growing more serious when he continues. “Or the not dying.”
That's when Hartley realizes this is the first mission he's been on since properly joining Team Flash where he hasn't been injured in some way. He's managed to not think about it for the most part but there have been quite a few near misses for him as he adjusts to working with the others. Too many. Contemplating that, he avoids looking at Cisco, trying to dismiss the notion rapidly in order to retain the cheer they'd had moments earlier.
“How do we celebrate?” he asks.
“Oh that one's easy. Team tradition: karaoke.”
As Cisco goes to round up the rest of the team - presuming anyone else is free to come along - Hartley sits and waits in one of the desk-chairs in the Cortex. The room is empty except for him but he feels content there. He's made amends and he's helping people and... Somehow being here, this time, it feels so much more like he belongs than he ever considered himself to before the explosion happened.  
It's probably foolish but he gets to hoping Cisco and him could sing a duet tonight.
When Cisco returns alone, telling him of the apparent tragedy that the others will miss out on his talents, Hartley isn't exactly heartbroken at it being just the two of them. They work well together. He enjoys it. He'd even hazard a guess Cisco does as well these days, though he wouldn't bet on it being as much as he does. On that particular point, he wouldn't mind being wrong. Only time will tell, he supposes. What they have now is good too though, and he intends to make the most of his second chance, in whatever form it takes.
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Rare Pair Week 2019
Day Six
Leonard Snart/ Ray Palmer
Warnings: Angsty Angst Angst. Have fun
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A timer for when the other dies
48 hours before the Oculus explodes
Ray really hated the numbers on his wrist. He had always thought they were redundant. What was the point of having the time your soulmate dies on your arm? When his wife died he couldn't help but look at his wrist. He didn't get it. There were still years left but she was gone. It only reminded him that the only time these numbers mattered was when they ran out and whoever's life they counted on was over and all that was left was mourning. Then we woke up at realized that he was running low on time. Whoever his soulmate was would be gone in 2 days and he would never get the chance to know who it was. He was in a bad mood the rest of the day.
12 hours before the explosion
Over the years Len had developed a habit of running his fingers across the numbers that graced his wrist. The countdown hadn't started until Len was a little over 10 so he knew that whoever was meant for him would be younger then him. But Len had years to figure out who it was. At just over 60 years left, Len was never really worried.
60 seconds until the explosion
The second Mick knocked out Ray Palmer, Len realized 2 things. The first being that Ray was his soulmate, and the next being that he was going to die. The timer on Ray's wrist confirmed both of these things as the seconds ticked down. His only comfort as he was engulfed in light was that Ray would live a long life. Then there was nothing.
6 hours after the Explosion
The first thing Ray realized when he woke up was that death was a lot more painful then he imagined. He had a raging headache and had no idea why Sara Lance was there. She looked at him and he saw that her eyes were wet and red rimmed. Then Ray looked down and saw that his timer had reached 0, he realized he was, in fact, not dead but his soulmate was. And that his soulmate was the reason he was alive. He doesn't really remember much after that or how he ended up in Snart- in Len's room. He was sitting on the edge of the bed with a blue parka and the scent of sandlewood filling his nose. He barely registered when Mick walked in and sat beside him, or how long they sat there. Mick drank his beer and Ray held on to the memory of the man he'd lost and the dreams that would never come true.
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Rare Pair Week 2019
Day 2 @flarrowverse-shipyard Hartley Rathaway/Cisco Ramon calming each other down.
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      Cisco woke up with a start and quickly looked at the clock sitting on the nightstand. 3 AM, he looked down at the man sleeping next to him with concern. Hartley was tossing, turning and mumbling in his sleep as he had taken to doing since the particle accelerator exploded. Hartley had always had nightmares and the explosion that had so strongly affected his hearing had also left a mark on him in his mind. Cisco wrapped his arms around the other man’s sleeping form and pulled him close running his fingers through Hartley's hair. Cisco kissed his forehead and mumbled soothingly in Spanish until Hartley's brow unfurrowed and he slipped into a more peaceful sleep. Cisco smiled to himself, snuggled closer to Hartly and let himself drift off. 
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A huge thank you to everyone who participated
We couldn’t’ve made Rarepair Week without you. Whether you were a creator, reblogger, reader or cheerleader, y’all made it happen.
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Masterlist for Flarrowverse Shipyard Rarepair Week 2019
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Day 1
Doting Husband (Quiggle) by Book of Odym
Kissing (TimeCaptain) by @angsty-violet
Bump (Thallen) by @hiverforesteevee
Awkward Start (Thallen) by @smlash-64
Timey-Wimey (Flashvibe) by @icantchooseagoodname
Fake Relationship (Thallen) by @satan-ruler-of-hells
College Field and Track AU (Thallen) by @purpleyin
Day 2
It’s okay to grieve (Steelatom) by @smlash-64
Lightning bros (LightingFlash) by Book of Odym
Shades of Blue (Goldenvibe) by @areyouscarletcold​
The Bet (Hartmon) by @angsty-violet​
Making Music (Hartmon) by @hiverforesteevee​
Calming Each-other Down (Hartmon) by @satan-ruler-of-hells
Forced to Work Together (Zariwave) by @icantchooseagoodname​
Joining the Team AU (Hartmon) by @purpleyin​
Calming Each-other Down (Goldenvibe) by @areyouscarletcold​
Day 3
Merfolk AU (Citizenray) by @acesnek​
Warmth Support (John/Chas/Zed) by @smlash-64​
Freezing (Coldarrowave) by Book of Odym
The Freezer (TimeCaptain) by @angsty-violet​
Ray is Tired of Being the Sunshine at the Moment (Citizenray) by @hiverforesteevee​
Fandom AU (Zaray) by @icantchooseagoodname​
Citizenray by @satan-ruler-of-hells 
Day 4
Thank You and Goodbye (Westhawne) by @smlash-64​
Something New (TimeCaptain) by @angsty-violet​
Oliver and Diggle’s First Time (Quiggle) by @hiverforesteevee​
Snowstorm by @satan-ruler-of-hells
Double Honeymoon (Snowstorm) by @purpleyin​
Day 5
Colds aren’t that bad (Flashvibe) by @smlash-64​
Empath (FlashSingh) by Book of Odym 
Ice Ice Baby (TimeCaptain) by @angsty-violet​
You’ve Got Fine Written All Over You (Parkwesthawne) by @areyouscarletcold​
Cisco Versus Morning Sickness (Goldvibe) by @hiverforesteevee​
Mixen by @satan-ruler-of-hells
Day 6
Sight (TimeCaptain) by @angsty-violet​
Untimely (Toliver) by @smlash-64​
Prep (Westhallen) by @hiverforesteevee​
Bookshop AU (Parkwesthawne) by @areyouscarletcold​
Soulmates (Coldatom) by @satan-ruler-of-hells
Day 7
Mistaken (TimeCaptain) by @angsty-violet​
Private Celebration (Harrisco) by @hiverforesteevee​
Day 8
The Shoes (SpeedyWest) by @danflower623
Best Day Ever (Barry/Tommy) by @danflower623
Say Something (Flashatom) by @the-batty-beater​
baby, don’t give up on me now (Steelhacker) by @sweeter-than​
Rarepear Submissions / Award Winners
Distraction (TimeCaptain) by @angsty-violet​
Hero Picnic (Various) by @hiverforesteevee​
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To see the original prompts, go Here. Or view the AO3 collection.
If we’ve missed anyone, get in touch and we’ll get your works added.
Thank you, Shipyard, for sharing your pears with us.
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Rare Pair Week 2019
Day Three
Leo Snart/ Ray Terrill
Leo Snart had always run cold, even before the cold gun. No matter what he did there was always a constant chill that had settled into his bones for as long as he could remember. It didn't bother him in the slighest, he hardly even noticed how cold he was anymore. The discomfort that most people felt when using the cold gun wasn't something that bothered Leo, for it was like him. Cold. Then he met Ray.
Ray Terrill had always been hot. Even as a child he never slept with blankets and he couldn't sleep unless he had the fan on and his room at most 68 degrees farenheit. Then he got his powers and it was like he started running 10 degrees higher. Then he met Leo.
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RarePair Week 2019
Hosted by: @flarrowverse-shipyard
Day One: Fake/Pretend/Accidental Relationship
Barry Allen/Eddie Thawne
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Barry was in way over his head (as he usually was) and it was entirely his own fault (which is also pretty normal for him.) "So?" Eddie looked at him waiting for Barry to answer. This is the kind of thing that only happens in movies. "Let me get this straight, you want to pretend to go on a date, with me, so you can show Iris you've moved on? Even though you clearly haven't?" Barry raised his eyebrow. "Well when you say it, it sounds bad." Eddie scratched the back of his head awkwardly. Barry was so screwed. "Fine." What was he gonna tell Joe?
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angsty-violet · 5 years
Day 8 of @flarrowverse-shipyard rare-pair week. This is Rip Hunter/Leonard Snart. This is my attempt at the prompt from every day crammed into one story rare-pear award story. It includes Timey-Wimey Stuff, Calming Each Other Down, Keeping Each other warm, Nobody Expecting Them to Hook Up, Sick!fic, Soulmates, and thin walls.
HiddenViolet on the server. This is Distraction.
“This is the worst. I feel like I am going to keel over and die.” Rip gave an eyeroll as Len moved a little closer to him.
“You are not going to die. The two of us just happened to catch a nasty bout of the flu. Now quit moving closer to me, I am dying of heat and you are not helping. Besides, I am trying to keep an eye on the legends. I want to make sure that they aren’t messing things up.”
“I’m freezing though and you are so warm. You feel good against my skin.” Rip turned to him and raised an eyebrow. “Ugh, not like that. Although…”
“No.” Rip said firmly. “You are too sick for that right now. We are both too sick for that Besides, we need to be able to focus on the Legends.” Len leaned over and placed a tantalizing kiss on the snowflake that resided on Rip’s shoulder trying to tempt him into sex. The snowflake marked him as Len’s. Len had a revolver on top of an hourglass on his lower back. He had always quite liked it.
“Calm down babe. They know what they are doing. They will be okay, they always are. You just need to focus on getting better so that you can continue to lead them. You can’t do anything if you collapse.” Rip gave a little sigh.
“You are right.” Rip placed the tablet aside and turned to his lover. His hand came up to trace the dark blue scar that ran up Len’s face, left there from when the Oculus had exploded. It was only through a reversed black hole’s oblique event horizon altering time enough that he had been able to survive at all. And it was only through sheer luck and using a loop around method combined with a quantum reverser that he had been able to get him back.
Len shivered and Rip gave in. He pulled Len closer to him gently and Len went willingly. The two of them pressed close and tried to forget about the fact that they weren’t able to help the other Legends with the mission. Rip couldn’t seem to help that his eyes just kept drifting back to the display that Gideon had put up for them.
Len gave a weary sigh and then kissed him on the lips. Rip was taken by surprise, to begin with, but then he really got into the kiss. The two of them languidly kissed for a few minutes and Rip slipped his hands underneath Len’s shirt. He yanked it up over Len’s head breaking apart for a second.
“Ah! It’s cold.” Rip shook his head.
“No, it's not, you’re sick is all. Your fever makes you more sensitive to the cold.”
“Well, then you better warm me up.” Len and Rip began kissing again their hand’s wandering all over each other’s body. They were interrupted by the sound of Gideon sending an alert about the mission. Rip pulled back and check the alert to see that the Legend’s were making progress. Len gave an aggrieved sigh and then pulled him onto one of the infirmary beds.
“They will be fine. And to keep your mind off of it I think you and I should take this time to reconnect a bit. Our soulbond has felt a little weak after everything that has happened and we need it to be strong. Besides, we don’t have to worry about being overheard. There is no one here but us.” The two of them desperately kissed every inch of flesh they could find and then began to divest the other of their clothes. In a few minutes, they were both completely naked and not bothering to keep the noise down.
 “I didn’t realize how thin the infirmary walls were,” Nate said a little horrified at what they were hearing. They had finished the mission a lot faster than they had thought they would and then had headed back to the ship. Time had been most helpful in healing the aberration so they hadn’t needed more than a little time to get it finished.  Only to hear that Len and Rip had decided to distract themselves in the meantime.
“Why are they going at it when they are sick? Shouldn’t they be resting?” These words came from Ray and held a note of concern and Gideon was the one to answer him.
“They were trying to keep warm, distract themselves from the fact that they weren’t able to help you and keep their mind off of being sick. Neither of them has any fondness for being sick and benched.”
“But they are sick. I can’t believe that they would do it while ill. It can’t be completely comfortable.” They were interrupted by the couple’s noises.
“Oh God yes Rip right there! I want to have trouble sitting and be able to hear your thoughts tomorrow.” Each of the Legend’s winced at the volume. Sara decided to take a vote.
“Who expected them to hook up while they were sick? Show of hands.” Nobody’s hand went up.  “Not even you Mick? Really? You always think that they are having sex. They can’t leave without you claiming that they are having sex.” Mick shrugged.
“I didn’t think that they would be stupid enough while both of them are so sick. I also thought that Gideon would stop them from doing anything strenuous.”
“I found that it was a good distraction for both of them. They were both so miserable that I thought it might be a good idea to let them just do it. I am watching their vitals. They are perfectly safe like that.”
“Alright, let’s take a vote, who thinks that we should soundproof the infirmary?” Everyone raised their hands this time.
“Soundproofing it is. Now, how about we all go back to our bedrooms and pretend this never happened.” There were a number of nods from each of the Legends and they dispersed trying to not think about the moans that were coming from the infirmary. Although they then discovered that the walls, in general, were a lot thinner then they remembered.
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Rare Pair Week 2019
Day Four
Caitlin Snow/ Ronnie Raymond
Finding out Ronnie was one half of Firestorm didn't really surprise Caitlin too much. Ronnie had always been a warm person, physically and in his personality. He always made the people around him laugh and generally made people feel better about themselves. He was a people person, something Caitlin was not. That's part of what made her fall in love him in the first place. He was the fire, inviting, passionate, energetic and warm. Caitlin was the opposite in almost every way. She was guarded, cynical, cautious and cold. Where Ronnie was the sun she was the moon. Where he an optimist, she was pessimistic. She kept him from burning out and he kept her from icing herself in. Caitlin struggled to connect to people and tended to follow the rules to the letter. So finding out that she had a frozen alter ego didn't really surprise her either. After all the opposite of ice is fire. And they both need each other to thrive.
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